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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/12/23)

The United Empire mobilizes!



New Japan Cup 2023

Will the United Empire continue to conquer the Cup?

In the opening round, Aaron Henare slayed the Rampaging Dragon and Kyle Fletcher hit a bull’s eye on Yoshi-Hashi. But will the Ultimate Weapon and Aussie Arrow hit the mark again this round?


  • Tomoaki Honma & Oskar Leube VS Ren Narita & Ryohei Oiwa; Narita & Oiwa win.
  • Shota Umino & Yuto Nakashima VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita; Shota & Nakashima win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Just4Guys VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: The United Empire VS The House of Torture; The United Empire wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • New Japan Cup 2023, Second Round: Tama Tonga VS Aaron Henare; Tama wins and advances.
  • New Japan Cup 2023, Second Round: Hirooki Goto VS Kyle Fletcher; Goto wins and advances.


10 Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon!

Forces assemble in a massive battle! Toru Yano, Tomohiro Ishii, Yoshi-Hashi and Yoh support Lio Rush as he prepares to take on Hiromu Takahashi for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. Meanwhile, Tetsuya Naito and Sanada are going to collide in the Cup next round! Will Chaos win the day? Or can Bushi, Sanada, Hiromu, Takagi y Naito stay tranquilo?

Fans rally while Naito takes his time with his entrance attire. Yano grows impatient but Naito still takes it slow. Fans laugh as Yano grows more impatient but Naito doesn’t hurry for anyone. Naito finally puts the pants aside, but he still takes things slowly to annoy Yano. Fans cheer as LIJ fist bumps. The teams then sort out, and fans cheer as Ishii starts against Takagi. The two tie up, are in a deadlock, but Takagi headlocks. Ishii powers out, they RAM shoulders, and fans fire up. Takagi dares Ishii to run so Ishii does, and they RAM shoulders again! Fans fire up more and now they both run! They RAM shoulders again and again, and Ishii wobbles!

Takagi runs to RAM Ishii but Ishii rebounds to RAM Takagi! Takagi rebounds, they RAM shoulders again, but neither man falls! Fans fire up more as the RAMMING continues! Takagi wobbles, Ishii runs and RAMS Takagi, but Takagi rebounds to run Ishii over! Fans cheer and Takagi brings Ishii up. Tag to Sanada but Ishii ROCKS Takagi! Ishii talks some smack but Hashi tags in. Head Hunter circles with Cold Skull and fans rally up. They approach but Hashi kicks low. Hashi headlocks, Sanada powers up but Hashi holds tight! Sanada endures as Hashi grinds the headlock, and Sanada throws body shots.

Sanada powers out, but Hashi runs him over! Fans rally, Hashi runs but Sanada drops to then hip toss, only for Hashi to arm-drag! Hashi runs to sunset flip but Sanada rolls through to get Hashi into the Paradise Lock! Fans fire up for how fast Sanada did that! Sanada then dropkicks Hashi out of Paradise! Tag to Bushi and fans rally up again. Sanada and Bushi drag Hashi up to whip him corner to corner, then Bushi runs in corner to corner. Hashi dodges Bushi to dropkick Sanada’s legs out! Fans fire up but Bushi stomps Hashi. Bushi brings Hashi up, but Hashi SPIN BACK KICKS Bushi down!

Hashi drags Bushi over and tags in Yoh. They double whip Bushi to ropes, double elbow him down, then Yoh drags Bushi up to HALF HATCH BRIDGE! Cover, TWO! Yoh stomps Bushi, brings him up and kicks low. Yoh wrenches and whips, but Bushi reverses. Naito runs in to kick Yoh! Bushi sunset flips and rewinds, for Naito’s basement dropkick! The rest of LIJ BLASTS the rest of Chaos, and fans fire up. Bushi tags Hiromu and fans fire up again. Hiromu CHOPS Yoh to a corner, CHOPS him again, then whips corner to corner. Hiromu runs in to clothesline, snapmare and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Hiromu brings Yoh up. Yoh kicks back and fires forearms, but Bushi CLUBS Yoh! Bushi and Hiromu double whip, but Yoh KICKS Hiromu away! Yoh blocks Bushi’s kick to DRAGON SCREW! Yoh blocks Hiromu’s superkick to DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Yoh hot tags Lio! The Bad Child BOOTS Hiromu, gets around him, bobs ‘n’ weaves then fires off fast hands! Lio whips, Hiromu reverses but Lio slides to a stop. Lio baits Hiromu in, and Hiromu almost runs into Naito! Lio comes back, Hiromu dodges but the handspring kick hits Naito! Hiromu back suplexes Lio but he lands on his feet!

Lio speeds things up, redirects, dodges the superkick then rolls Hiromu! Lio kips up, spins and BASEMENT ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up with Lio while Hiromu bails out. Lio builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Hiromu hits railing! Lio puts Hiromu in the ring while Chaos gets back at LIJ on the outside! Lio kicks Hiromu, runs, and SCISSOR KICKS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Lio says it’s almost time. Lio runs, springboards, but Hiromu blocks Rush Hour! Hiromu shoves, runs, Lio dodges but the HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER finds him after all! Both men are down and the fans rally back up!

Lio and Hiromu crawl, hot tags to Yano and Naito! Naito dodges Yano but Yano dodges Naito. Yano whips but Naito reverses, only for Yano to hold ropes. Yano then goes to untie a buckle pad! Naito CLUBS Yano but the work is done. Naito whips Yano to the other corner, runs in, JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! COMBINACION- NO, Yano dodges! But then he runs into BOOTS! Naito whips Yano back the other way, but Yano stops himself from hitting bare buckles. Naito waits for Yano, drop toehold and then Sanada basement dropkicks! Ishii runs in, gets around Sanada and shoves him into Hashi’s SUPERKICK!

Takagi runs in, Hashi sends him into Ishii’s forearm! Hashi CHOPS, then Ishii and Hashi double whip. DOUBLE LARIATS from Takagi! Sanada and Bushi get Ishii and Hashi out of the ring, then they DOUBLE PLANCHA to take out Chaos! Fans fire up and Naito has Yano. Yano avoids the heavy elbows, M U!! TWO!! Naito blocks the low blow to throw an elbow! Naito runs, into an atomic drop! Yano trips and CATAPULTS, but Naito stops from hitting buckles! Naito mocks Yano, then dodges him to send him into the bare steel! Hiromu runs in to add a clothesline! Takagi runs in to add another clothesline!

Takagi feeds Yano to Naito’s atomic drop! Naito then feeds Yano to Hiromu’s SUPERKICK! And Takagi’s PUMPING BOMBER!! Naito adds the jackknife bridge, LIJ wins!

Winner: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

But then Naito sends Yano into the bare buckles again! The ref reprimands but LIJ keeps having their fun, they double whip Yano into the buckles! Yano cries as he bails out to regroup with Chaos. But will Chaos have the last laugh when Lio Rush faces the Ticking Timebomb 1v1? And what of Naito VS Sanada in the next round? Who will prove to be stronger between Uncontrollable Charisma and Cold Skull?


New Japan Cup 2023, Second Round: Tama Tonga w/ Jado VS Aaron Henare w/ The United Empire!

The Good Bad Guy is once again NEVER Openweight Champion after WrestleKingdom, but the Cup only cares about what you’ve done lately. And for the Ultimate Weapon, he slayed the KOPW Champion, Shingo Takagi! Will Henare add another champion to the list? Or will his hot streak come to an abrupt end?

Henare rushes Tama at the corner, but Tama BOOTS him away! Tama then goes up and CROSSBODIES! The bell rings and fans fire up as the vest comes off! Tama throws the vest at Henare, then he throws down fists! Henare turns it over but Tama turns it back over to rain down more fists! The ref reprimands, Henare gets away, but Tama PLANCHAS! Direct hit at ringside and fans fire up! Tama paces, fans rally up, and Tama CLUBS Henare. Henare fires off forearms, CLUBS Henare, then brings him around. Tama whips Henare into railing! Tama then runs in, but Henare catches him! Henare RAMS Tama into a post, then CLOBBERS him!

Fans fire up while Henare snarls. Henare looms over Tama, drags him up, and throws body shots. Henare throws more shots, DECKS Tama, then whips Tama hard into railing! Tama tumbles up and over into No Man’s Land and fans fire up. Ospreay high-fives with Henare, then Henare fetches Tama. The ring count climbs, Henare brings Tama around to ringside at 10 of 20. Henare SMACKS Tama off the apron, puts him in the ring at 14, then storms in to rain down forearms! Henare roars, fans applaud, and Henare talks trash to Jado. Henare drags Tama up, throws body shots, then fires off hands in the corner!

The ref counts, Henare stomps a mudhole in, but the ref gets him to back off. Henare snarls and drags Tama back up. Tama throws body shots, but Henare knees him low! And again! Henare snapmares to KICK Tama in the back! Tama writhes, Henare drops a SENTON! Cover, ONE!! Tama grits his teeth but Henare looms over him. Henare brings Tama up, HEADBUTTS him, then stalks him to a corner. Henare fires off forearms but Tama shoves him away. Henare comes back with even more forearms! Henare whips corner to corner, but Tama comes back to CLOBBER Henare! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Fans rally, Ospreay coaches Henare but Tama stands first. Tama fires off hands, UPPERCUTS, and UPPERCUTS! Henare swings, Tama dodges and back drops him! Fans fire up more and Tama aims from a corner. Tama runs in to STINGER SPLASH! And then EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Tama keeps his cool, stomps Henare, then drags him up. Tama UPPERCUTS Henare and Henare goes to a corner. Tama throws uppercut after uppercut, then runs, but into an ELBOW! FLYING CHUCK! Fans fire up while both men are down. Henare snarls and stands up, and the fans rally again. Henare aims as Tama sits up, and he KICKS Tama in the chest!

Tama sputters but he sits up again. Henare KICKS Tama again, fans rally up, and Tama eggs Henare on. Henare KICKS, Tama kicks but Henare blocks! Step-over WHEEL KICK! Henare runs, to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Tama survives and fans rally up again. Henare drags Tama up but Tama is dead weight, so Henare drops him. The ref checks but Tama is still in this as he grabs at Henare. Henare CLUBS Tama down, stomps him, but Tama throws body shots. Henare BOOTS Tama, runs in to the corner and clotheslines! Henare fireman’s carries but Tama slips out to dragon sleeper! Tama CLUBS away on Henare’s chest before the TONGAN TWIST!

Both men are down again and the fans fire back up. Tama and Henare slowly rise. Tama goes forehead to forehead with Henare, eggs him on, and Henare throws a BIG forearm! Tama throws it right back! Henare throws another BIG forearm, but Tama throws it back! Fans fire up as the forearms fly, and Tama gets the edge! But Henare fires forearms right back! Tama ducks the elbow to fireman’s carry! SRC! Tama hurries up top and fans fire up! SUPREME FLOW! Cover, TWO!?! Henare survives but Jado and Tama pound the mat! Fans clap along, Henare slowly rises, and Tama takes aim.

GUN- NO, Henare blocks it! Henare shoves Tama away, dodges Tama on the rebound, and hits a BERSERKER BOBM! Both men are down again and the fans fire up. Henare goes to a corner, Khan fans him off, and Henare drags Tama up to a SHIN BREAKER! Tama staggers, and Henare KICKS his leg! And KICKS it again! And then KICKS out out from under him! Tama writhes and Henare snarls. Henare grabs the leg, steps through, HEEL HOOK!! Tama endures, flails, grabs at Henare’s face, but Henare pulls on the foot! Tama drags Henare along but Henare rolls him away from ropes! Henare puts even MORE pressure on!

Jado coaches Tama on! Tama endures, reaches out, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! Henare lets go in frustration, and he goes to a corner. Henare stomps the mat, Tama stands, and Henare runs in, RAMPAGE- SUNSET FLIP! TWO!! Henare hurries up and kicks, but Tama blocks! DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down again, and fans rally up. Henare goes back to the corner, Tama hobbles up, and Tama runs in, but Henare catches the splash! But Tama makes it a DDT! And then Tama suplexes, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Henare survives but Tama goes to the corner now. Fans rally as Tama waits on Henare to rise.

Tama rushes in, but Henare blocks the Gun Stun again! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Henare pounds the mat and fans rally again. Henare goes to the corner, he runs in, but Tama KNEES him first! Dragon sleeper, but Henare snapmares free! Tama comes back, ducks the haymaker, GUN- NO! Henare back drops Tama away! Then runs in, RAMPAGE!! Cover, TWO!?!? Tama survives and fans are thunderous! Henare grits his teeth and stands up again. Fans rally, Henare stalks him, and Henare drags Tama up into a half nelson. But Tama fights the full nelson! Fans rally, Henare powers up, but Tama powers up, too!

Tama brings Henare’s arms down, BACK HEADBUTTS, then PELES! GUN- NO!! ULTIMA NELSON!!! Tama flails, reaches out, fans are thunderous, but Henare drags Tama away! Tama is fading! Tama’s hand drops once! Twice! But Tama gets a second wind!! Only for Henare to fisherman! STREETS OF- NO! Tama slips off! SUPERMAN- HEADBUTT!!! Fans are thunderous again as Henare fisherman’s and torture racks, STREETS OF- GUN STUN!?! Tama hits it outta nowhere, then hits GUN STUN AGAIN!!! Cover, TAMA WINS!!

Winner: Tama Tonga, by pinfall (advances to the third round)

The NEVER Openweight Champion is never out of ammo! He manages to take down the Ultimate Weapon, will Tama be the one taking the cup?


New Japan Cup 2023, Second Round: Hirooki Goto w/ Yoshi-Hashi VS Kyle Fletcher w/ The United Empire!

The Fierce Warrior got a bye thanks to the wild card draw, but the Aussie Arrow shot down the Head Hunter. Will Fletcher sweep the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions? Or will Goto avenge Yoshi-Hashi to head for the quarterfinals?

The bell rings and the two rush in! They RAM shoulders again and again, then fire off forearms back and forth! Fletcher gets the edge, ROCKS Goto, then whips. Goto holds ropes to block but Fletcher CHOPS! Fletcher whips, Goto reverses, Fletcher RAMS Goto but Goto returns to run him over! Things speed up, Goto turns hip toss into a hip toss, and then runs to clothesline Fletcher up and out! Fans fire up and Goto waits on Fletcher. Khan and Davis coach Fletcher but Goto storms out after him. Goto fires forearms, but Fletcher knees low. Fletcher whips Goto into the railing, but Goto comes back to CLOBBER Fletcher!

Fans fire up and Goto brings Fletcher up. Goto punches Fletcher down, stomps him, then CLUBS him on the neck. Goto chinlocks Fletcher, CLUBS him again, then puts Fletcher in the ring. Fans applaud but Fletcher runs to SHOTGUN Goto off the apron! Hashi keeps his eyes on Davis and Khan and the ring count starts. Fletcher slides out quickly to drag Goto up. Fletcher brings Goto around and whips him into railing! Goto falls in a heap and fans applaud. Fletcher taunts Hashi, then fetches Goto. Fletcher drags Goto up and has Hashi move aside, so he can RAM Goto into more railing! Goto falls over into No Man’s Land!

Fans fire up while Fletcher poses in the ring. Hashi and Red Shoes check on Goto and he’s still in this. The ring count starts, Fletcher waits in a corner, and Goto sits up at 6 of 20. Goto crawls his way around at 10 of 20 and makes it to ringside by 14. Fans rally but Goto is still crawling at 17! Goto springs up and in at 19! Fletcher storms up, whips Goto to ropes and then CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Fletcher sits Goto up, and ELBOWS him in the head! Fletcher taunts Goto, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Fletcher paces around Goto while he writhes, and then warps on a chinlock.

Goto endures and pulls at Fletcher’s hair, but Red Shoes reprimands. Goto sits up, reaches out and gets a ROPEBREAK! Fletcher lets off slowly, to then stomp Goto! Goto throws body shots in return but Fletcher snapmares and runs, to KNEE Goto down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Fletcher sits Goto up again. Fletcher PENALTY KICKS! Goto writhes, clutching his chest, but Fletcher shakes his head. Fans rally, Goto grits his teeth and sits back up, but Fletcher brings Goto up. Goto CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Fletcher knees low! Fletcher whips, Goto reverses then runs in, but into a BOOT!

Fletcher runs, Goto follows, Fletcher dodges but Goto deflects the boot to LARIAT! Both men are down but the fans rally back up. Fletcher crawls to a corner but Goto runs up to fire off forearms! Goto whips corner to corner, runs in again and MURAMASA! Then BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally again, Goto brings Fletcher up, and Fletcher kicks low. Fletcher runs, but Goto runs him over! Fletcher bails out but Goto PLANCHAS! Fans fire up as the Fierce Warrior shows he can fly! Goto drags Fletcher back up, puts him in the ring, and fans fire up as he climbs the corner. Goto hits a DIVING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Goto brings Fletcher up. Goto fireman’s carries, Fletcher fights free, but Goto elbows him away. Goto runs in at the corner but Fletcher puts him up top! Goto BOOTS Fletcher, Fletcher comes back to GAMANGIRI! Goto falls to the floor! Fans fire up, Fletcher shakes out the cobwebs, and Fletcher waits on Goto. Goto stands up, Fletcher runs in to BLAST him off the apron! Fans fire up as Fletcher builds speed, but he has to bail on the dive as Goto ducks! Fletcher hurries back, but Goto kicks him low. Goto drapes Fletcher on the railing, but Fletcher fights free to RAM Goto into the apron! And then APRON BACK SUPLEXES!

Fans rally up more and Fletcher considers his options. Fans fire up as Fletcher climbs the corner! ARIHARA MOONSAULT!! Direct hit and fans fire up even more! Red Shoes checks on both men and they’re both okay to continue. Fletcher checks his face but he seems to be fine there, too. Fans fire up as Fletcher stands. The ring count climbs, Fletcher drags Goto up at 8 and puts him in at 9 of 20. Fletcher then aims from a corner, runs in and GAMANGIRIS again! And then suplexes for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Goto survives! Fletcher slaps sense into himself and drags Goto up.

Fletcher scoops but Goto fights the lift! Goto fires body shots, but Fletcher CLUBS him down! Fletcher drags Goto up, scoops but Goto slips free! Goto shoves, fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Fans fire up as both men are down again! Then the fans rally up as Goto grits his teeth and brings Fletcher up. Goto dragon sleepers, but Fletcher fights with fists! Goto blocks and brings Fletcher around, but Fletcher LARIATS first! Both men are back down and fans fire back up! Fletcher pushes up as fans rally and Goto crawls to ropes. Fletcher takes aim, runs in and CALF KICKS! Then he hammerlocks and dragon sleepers, into the gut wrench!

But Goto fights free! Goto catches Fletcher to a dragon sleeper, but Fletcher spins it around on Goto! But Goto drops into a victory roll! TWO!!! Fletcher escapes, but Goto runs! Fletcher scoops Goto for GRIMSTONE!! Cover, TWO!?! The jumping tombstone didn’t finish it and Fletcher is in disbelief! Fans are thunderous as both men slowly rise. Fletcher throws off his elbow pad and slashes his throat. Fletcher roars, drags Goto up, wrenches and hammerlocks, but Goto fights with his free arm! Fletcher waistlocks, RAMS Goto into the corner, then rolls back to GAMANGIRI again! Both men are down again and fans rally up!

Fletcher stands, he hobbles over to Goto, and he brings Goto up. Fletcher hoists Goto to the top rope, CHOPS Goto, then climbs up after him. Fans fire up as Goto throws body shots! Fletcher ROCKS Goto with forearm after forearm! But Goto throws forearms in return! Fletcher throws more forearms, steadies himself, but Goto fires forearms again! And HEADBUTTS! Goto stands and he reels Fletcher in! SUPER SUNSET FLIP BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fletcher survives and fans are thunderous! Davis and Ospreay shout at Fletcher to get up but Hashi coaches Goto. Goto growls as he sits Fletcher up to throw a forearm!

Goto eggs Fletcher on, sits him up again and throws more forearms. Fletcher ROCKS Goto in return! Goto ROCKS Fletcher! Fletcher ROCKS Goto! They both stand, and Goto ROCKS Fletcher! Fletcher wobbles, but he ROCKS Goto in return! Goto wobbles now but he comes back! The forearms go back and forth, faster and faster! Fletcher gets the edge, and he DECKS Goto with a right hand! Red Shoes reprimands but Fletcher drags Goto back up. Goth HEADBUTTS!! Fletcher sits down and the fans fire up again! Fletcher staggers up, Goto runs, into a SUPERKICK! Goto staggers about, Fletcher runs and LARIATS Goto down!!

Fans are electric as Fletcher shouts for Goto to stand. Fletcher runs in, but Goto dodges the boot! Goto has Fletcher in the ropes, for the DRAPING SHOUTO!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Goto rises up, powers up, and he waits on Fletcher, to BUZZSAW! And then fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! And then, dragon sleeper, to the G T R!!! Cover, Goto wins!!

Winner: Hirooki Goto, by pinfall (advances to the third round)

The Aussie Arrow could not take down both halves of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, and now he is out of the tournament! But Aussie Open can still regroup later, will they win those titles off of Bishamon in the Spring?

As for Goto, he gets the mic to say, “Hirooki Goto’s 20th anniversary Spring is off to a big start!” Fans cheer that, and Goto says that since cheering is back, he wants to ask a question. “Who do you think will win the New Japan Cup?” The fans shout, “GOTO~!” Goto thanks them for that. “Whatever anyone says, I will return to the top of the heavyweight ranks!” Fans cheer that, too. Goto has one last thing he’d like to ask. He wants everyone to join in on saying, “SE~NO! SHOUTO!” Fans applaud, and Goto admits he had “many sleepless nights” coming up with that. So are they up for it? The fans cheer, they’re ready!

“Here we go! SE~NO! SHOUTOOO~!” The lights go out, and then a spotlight shines on Goto! Will the spotlight shine on him all the way to the finals?

My Thoughts:

Another really good night for the New Japan Cup, and the United Empire’s run surprisingly hits a roadblock. Tama VS Henare and Goto VS Fletcher were both great matches, and both Fletcher and Henare looked strong even in defeat. I was more surprised about Henare losing than Fletcher, as Henare was on quite the roll going into this. But Henare already got a win on one champion, he wasn’t going to have another golden ticket so soon. Henare and Takagi can now build on a KOPW Championship match and that should be a lot of fun. Goto beating Fletcher also makes sense, as Fletcher alone wasn’t going to sweep the tag champs. Aussie Open definitely has a chance of beating Bishamon for the tag titles, but I’m not sure who wins between Tama and Goto in the next round.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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