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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/6/23)

John Cena returns to Raw!



The Champ! Is! HEEEERE!

Raw is in Boston, so Boston’s own JOHN CENA returns! And Austin Theory is surely wanting to talk with him. Will The Now see Cena in the ring?


  • Kevin Owens VS Solo Sikoa w/ Jimmy Uso; Kevin wins.
  • Bianca Belair VS Carmella w/ Chelsea Green; Bianca wins.
  • Omos w/ MVP VS Dolph Ziggler; Omos wins.
  • Johnny Gargano w/ Dexter Lumis VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day; Gargano wins.
  • Nikki Cross VS Piper Niven; Piper wins.
  • Baron Corbin VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Gable wins.
  • Sami Zayn VS Jimmy Uso w/ Solo Sikoa; Sami wins.


The Bloodline arrives backstage.

The Wise Man, Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso are in town, they’ve got some problems to take cdare of. And Paul Heyman tells them that one more time from the top. Jimmy heard Roman Reigns last Friday. He was very explicit. Solve the Sami Zayn problem. And you know what happened? Sami Zayn escaped! Which means Sami survived, which means Sami is here live in Boston tonight. This means opportunity for the Bloodline. So Solo, he will solve the Kevin Owens problem tonight while Jimmy, whether Jey comes to his senses or not, will solve the Sami Zayn problem once and for all. Yeet. But as they head out, Heyman puts in the call to the Tribal Chief.


Kevin Owens VS Solo Sikoa!

The Prizefighter knows what’s coming, because you never face just one member of the Bloodline. The Enforcer of the Island will still have back-up, but will Kevin #JustKeepFighting until he’s beaten down The Bloodline?

The moment Solo’s through the ropes, Kevin goes after him! They spill out to the ramp and Kevin whips Solo into barriers! Kevin fires off more hands, then whips Solo, only for Solo to reverse and POST Kevin! Solo snarls, storms up on Kevin, and he throws haymakers! Solo POSTS Kevin again, Kevin gets in the ring, and Solo pursues. The bell rings, but Kevin TACKLES Solo! Kevin rains down fists, fires forearms, whips, but Solo reverses to CLOBBER Kevin! S0lo stomps Kevin, HEADBUTTS him, then stalks him to ropes. Solo CHOKES Kevin, the ref counts, and Solo lets off with a CLUBBING forearm!

Fans rally for Kevin and Kevin CHOPS! Kevin fires off hands, runs, but into a WHEEL KICK from Solo! Fans boo but Solo snarls. Solo sits Kevin up to HEADBUTT him again. Solo DECKS Kevin, then KICKS him in the back. Fans boo but Kevin throws hands! Solo DECKS Kevin again! Cover, ONE!! Kevin SLAPS Solo! Solo BOOTS Kevin down! Solo stomps away on Kevin in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Solo drags Kevin but Kevin grabs the ropes. The ref counts, Solo stomps Kevin in the stomach! Solo snarls and fans boo, but Solo grinds his fingers into Kevin’s face in the corner. The ref counts and Solo lets off again.

Solo stomps Kevin but Kevin kicks back! And CHOPS! And ROCKS Solo with forearm after forearm! Kevin runs, but Solo kitchen sink knees him down! It gets Kevin rather low, and Solo adds a FALLING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! Solo looms over Kevin, drags him up by his beard and clamps on a chinlock. Fans rally as Kevin endures and reaches out. Kevin fights up, throws body shots, then ROCKS Solo! Kevin whips, Solo reverses but Kevin KCIKS him! And LARIATS! Solo stays up! Kevin LARIATS again, then stomps Solo’s foot! Kevin kicks Solo, then LARIATS! Solo drops, and Kevin drops a SENTON!

Fans fire up as Kevin goes corner to corner! But Solo bails out before the cannonball hits. Kevin goes out, to CLOBBER Solo! Boston is thunderous as Kevin looms over Solo. Kevin puts Solo back in, but here comes Jimmy! Jimmy gets on the apron to distract, and Solo UPPERCUTS Kevin! Solo ROCKET LAUNCHES Kevin off the corner! Solo runs in to HIP ATTACK!! Kevin flounders out of the ring but Solo goes out after him. Solo runs in, HIP ATTACK into the barriers! Fans boo but Solo soaks it up as Raw goes picture in picture.

Solo stares down the fans as they rally for Kevin. Solo drags Kevin up and into the ring, steps back in, and he paces around Kevin. Kevin crawls to ropes, and Solo CHOKES him again! The ref counts, Solo lets off, and now Jimmy gets a cheap shot in! Solo looms over Kevin while Jimmy talks trash with fans. Solo springboard stomps Kevin down! Solo and Jimmy taunt the fans, but the fans rally up for Kevin. Solo swings on Kevin but Kevin counter punches! Kevin fires forearms, Solo DECKS him! Jimmy applauds while Solo stomps Kevin again. Kevin grabs ropes but Solo stomps him again. Solo CHOKES Kevin on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts.

Kevin goes to a corner, then gets up to SUPERKICK! Solo staggers after Kevin as he goes outside. Kevin trips Solo on the apron! Solo rolls into the ring, Kevin hurries to SENTON, but gets knees! Kevin crawls to a corner, Raw returns to single picture, and Solo throws down hands! The ref counts, Solo throws headbutts but lets off at 4. Solo hoists Kevin up top, climbs up after him, and fans boo as Solo brings Kevin up. But Kevin resists! Kevin throws body shots, and a HEADBUTT! Solo wobbles, Kevin ELBOWS him down! Kevin then hurries, but runs into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Kevin is still in this but Solo keeps his focus.

Solo goes to the opposite corner, he runs in, but Kevin avoids the splash! Then hits a DDT! Both men are down and fans fire back up! Jimmy looks around, watching for both Sami and Jey. Kevin fires off forearms on Solo! Solo UPPERCUTS back! Solo runs in at the corner, Kevin dodges and Solo POSTS himself! Kevin kicks but Solo denies the stunner! Kevin BLASTS Jimmy off the apron! Kevin blocks Solo’s boot to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! Solo is in the corner, Kevin CANNONBALLS! Fans fire up as Kevin climbs up! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, JIMMY BREAKS IT!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by disqualification

The fans boo as Jimmy stomps away, but this isn’t about wins or losses! Just like on Friday, the Bloodline wants to put Kevin away for good! They RAM Kevin into steel steps, then Solo clears the announce desk! Jimmy drags Kevin over, SMACKS him off the desk, then pushes him onto it. The Bloodline mugs Kevin, and Solo sets up on the barriers. But SAMI ZAYN flies in! He CLOBBERS Jimmy, then fires off hands on Solo! Sami POSTS Solo! And CLOBBERS Jimmy! Sami fires off on Jimmy, SMACKS him off the desk, then gets a chair! Fans are thunderous as Sami swings at Solo! Solo dodges and runs through the crowd!

Sami aims at Jimmy, but Jimmy also bails out! Boston is thunderous for The Great Liberator, but he locks eyes with Kevin. Sami puts the chair aside, and walks up to his best frenemy. Fans cheer as Sami offers a hand. Kevin slides out, refusing to take it. These two may have the same goal, but Kevin is not willing to forgive Sami. Will these two #JustKeepFighting the same fight until the end?


Bobby Lashley speaks.

“I’m tired of playing these kid games, Bray Wyatt. I came to SmackDown to confront you man to man. But you’re not a man, are you? I thought coming to your home would provoke you enough to do something and face me. But instead, you sent a guy wearing a mask to do your dirty work. Bray Wyatt, what is it going to take to face me like a man?” The screens glitch, that might be a sign… But will the All Mighty get his meeting with the Eater of Worlds?


Backstage interview with Carmella.

Byron Saxton is with The Princess of Staten Island, and tonight, she faces the Raw Women’s Champion, Bianca Belair,. what would a win mean to her? To be real, the only reason Mella got this match was to get her out of Adam Pearce’s non-existent hair. But what he’s done is set up his precious little champion to be humiliated before WrestleMania. If Pearce was any good at his job, he’d make this match a #1 Contender’s Match, and a win would give Mella a part in the Raw Women’s Championship match. But again, Pearce ruins everything. Chelsea Green walks in and says amen! Someone else finally sees Pearce is a Grade A Dumpster Fire.

Pearce can be seen walking up, and when he spots these two, he turns the other direction! Chelsea says that tonight, after Mella wipes the floor with Bianca, they go above Pearce’s shiny head and talk to his manager to get that Mania moment. Mella loves that! Where has Chelsea been all Mella’s life? In fact, Chelsea should be out there in Mella’s corner! That’d be great! Oh, sorry, Byron is still here? Is he really listening to this private conversation? Where is his journalistic integrity? Get outta here, you mouth breather! Go! Byron leaves, but Chelsea and Mella are excited. Will this be the most FABULOUS Raw?

Bianca Belair VS Carmella w/ Chelsea Green!

Raw returns and Mella makes her entrance, the Hot Mess with her after all. The bell rings and Bianca eggs Mella on. They circle, tie up, and Bianca headlocks for a takeover. Mella fights up, but Bianca throws her for another takeover. Mella headscissors but Bianca kips free. Chelsea says Mella’s still got this, and the two tie up. Mella headlocks, Bianca wrenches out and headlocks back. Mella powers out but Bianca runs her over! Bianca dusts herself off, runs, then handsprings over Mella’s dropdown. Bianca eggs Mella on., things speed up, Bianca hurdles but Mella stops herslf. Bianca runs in but Mella dumps her out!

Bianca grabs Mella’s legs but Mella boots her into the desk! Bianca comes back, chases Mella into the ring, but Mella goes back to the apron. Mella HOTSHOTS Bianca, hurries in and throws her down by her hair! Chelsea applauds but fans boo. Mella soaks it all up, brings Bianca up but Bianca blocks the whip! Bianca whips, Mella reverses but Bianca goes up and over and handsprings, then says kiss hits! Mella runs in, Bianca goes up and over and dropkicks Mella down! Bianca kips up, fans fire up, and Bianca runs at Mella in the corner. Mella gets around, Bianca switches, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Bianca goes up again, but Mella BOOTS her!

Mella YANKS Bianca off the ropes! Mella says SHE is the EST, and Raw goes picture in picture.

Mella soaks up the heat while Bianca checks her face. Mella bows and Chelsea cheers, but Bianca goes to a corner. Mella says for Bianca to kiss this and runs in, but Bianca slips out to the apron. Bianca bumps Mella off buckles, and again and again and again! Bianca slingshots, but Mella moves and Bianca only gets buckles! Mella throws back elbows over and over, then lets off to taunt the fans. Mella drags Bianca up, bumps her off her boot, and then moonwalks away. “Mella! Is! Money!” Mella runs in, FABULOUS BRONCO BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Chelsea complains on Mella’s behalf but Mella wraps on a chinlock.

Bianca endures as Mella leans on the hold. Bianca fights up, has Mella as a backpack, and she RAMS Mella into buckles! And again! And then she throws Mella away! Bianca runs in, Mella tilt-o-whirls, but Bianca swings Mella to whip her to the corner. Mella BOOTS back! Mella pushes Bianca to a cover, TWO! Chelsea says Mella still has this, she’s smarter. Mella hip drops Bianca and mocks her braid! Mella pushes Bianca but Bianca rolls Mella up! TWO, and Mella CLOBBERS Bianca! Chelsea applauds while Mella stalks Bianca. Mella mocks the fans but Bianca throws body shots. Mella CLUBS Bianca down!

Mella snapmares Bianca back into the chinlock as Raw returns to single picture. Bianca endures, Mella mocks the “E S T!” chants, then says SHE is the best. Fans rally, Bianca fights up, and Bianca scoops Mella! Mella slips free and throws Bianca down by her hair! Mella goes to the apron, climbs up the corner, and leaps! CROSSBODY, but Bianca rolls through! Fans fire up as Bianca scoops Mella but Mella pulls the braid! They tug-o-war, Bianca whips Mella, Mella ducks ‘n’ dodges. Mella tilt-o-whirls, but Bianca blocks again! Bianca has Mella for a BACKBREAKER! Mella writhes, Bianca handsprings, to MOONSAULT! Chelsea distracts! Bianca would’ve won by now!

Bianca grabs at Chelsea, but Mella FABULOUS KICKS!! Cover, TWO!! Chelsea and the ref argue, but Mella talks more trash. Bianca RAMS Mella into the corner! The ref counts, Bianca lets off to SLAP Mella! Bianca climbs up, and she rains down fists! Fans count along, and Bianca goes all the way to TEN! Bianca then backflips, but Chelsea runs in! Bianca TOSSES Chelsea, then goes out after her! Bianca TOSSES Mella up and out! Fans cheer, Bianca tells her to mind her business, but Mella rolls Bianca up! FEET ON ROPES! TWO!! Bianca torture racks, to KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

But Chelsea CLOBBERS Bianca! Fans boo as she and Mella mug Bianca! They sit Bianca up, but HERE COMES ASUKA!! The Empress of Tomorrow scares Mella and Chelsea, and she BLUE MISTS Chelsea!! Talk about a hot mess! Mella freaks out and gets Chelsea outta there! Asuka’s wild eyes then lock onto Bianca. Bianca smiles back, and she stands up with the title. The fans fire up seeing these two, will these two soon have the wildEST match for the title at WrestleMania?


Sami finds Kevin backstage.

Sami says he isn’t sure what to say. He isn’t sure what else to do. But can Kevin see what Sami’s been trying to tell him? Does Kevin see what he is trying to say? The Bloodline is too much for him, Sami or any one person. This isn’t a ploy to make everything okay again. Sami knows it’s complicated. They don’t need to be best friends again. They don’t need to ride together, or even team together. But they have the same objective, and neither can do it alone. They need to do this together. For once, just listen to Sami on this. When it comes to The Bloodline, Sami knows, because he was in it.

Yeah, Kevin knows that part. He remembers Sami staking his claim in this very city right here. At Kevin’s expense, too. Kevin remembers it all. But yeah, Sami is right, it is too much for one man, and Kevin knows because he’s been doing it alone for eight months! EIGHT. MONTHS. But yeah, maybe together, they could take the Bloodline down. But Kevin doesn’t want to do this with Sami. Maybe Kevin was wrong, that maybe Sami can go back, apologize, stroke the ego, and Roman will probably embrace Sami the way he’s always wanted. Kevin is done with Sami. Just leave him out of this. Does Sami understand that?

Sami walks away, but surely this isn’t over between them. What will it take for them to return to the way things were?


Rhea Ripley speaks.

“It’s time for complete and utter eradication. I’ve been in the ring with every single woman who thought they could take me out, and I have brutalized every single one of them. At WrestleMania, Rhea Ripley is walking out the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.” Will the Judgment Day’s Eradicator dethrone the Queen, Charlotte Flair?


The Miz is in the ring.

The Hollywood A-Lister and the host of WrestleMania 39 is here, and he says he knows what we’re thinking. Why would he ever set foot int he same right with Seth Rollins after what he did to Miz last week? Because Miz is going to moderate the face-to-face as preparations for his WrestleMania hosting duties. And as the host, Miz knows that he can’t have any biased towards any superstar. He will set that aside and let the show go on, moderating with the utmost professionalism. If anyone has an issue with that, then that someone shouldn’t have used Miz’s phone to set this up!

“So without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome social media sensation, Logan Paul!” Fans boo as the ImPAULsive Influencer walks out to the ring. But he leaves Miz hanging on the handshake. And then without introductions, here comes Seth Rollins! Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins enters the ring and gets himself a mic. Miz raises his hand. Do you know what this means? “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” “When my hand goes up, your mouths go shut!” “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Miz is the moderator, and he will keep things moving on! Miz says Boston is living up to its stereotypes!

But Rollins has Miz be quiet so we can hear the singing echo out. Logan says this segment has a time limit so shut up. Fans boo but Miz thanks Logan for saying it. The fans still sing anyway. Rollins says, “BOSTOOON~! Well, well, well, would ya look what the cat dragged in? Live in the flesh! He is gracing us with his presence! Social media superstar, Logan Paul…!” Boston chants “LOGAN SUCKS!” but Logan soaks it all up. Rollins says it sounds like Boston knows about Logan Paul. And even though they’ve had their run-ins, Rollins and Logan haven’t been formally introduced. So if you don’t know, he is a Visionary, he is a revolutionary, he is… SETH! FREAKIN! ROLLINS!

Logan says he knows who Rollins is. And fans sing again. Logan says Rollins is the clown he dumped at Royal Rumble, and the guy who’s head he stomped at Elimination Chamber. But Logan doesn’t know Rollins’ problem with him, other than that he’s embarrassed Rollins twice. And that Logan accomplished in one year what Rollins did in twenty. And that Logan is better at Rollins’ job than Rollins is. Logan is coming in, Rollins is on his way out. Logan works smarter, not harder, and he’s just naturally good at this. In fact, if Logan were Rollins, he wouldn’t like him either. Miz says not to take a side, but Logan made some good points.

Fans chant, “F YOU, LOGAN!” Logan revels in that, but Rollins says, “Here’s the thing. He does make some good points. But what you’re missing is none of that is the reason we don’t like you. So let me put this to you as simply as I can. We don’t like you because you are the SCUM OF THE EARTH! You’re a coward! You’re a troll! You’re a fraud! You’re, what do they call it? A human dumpster fire! And we don’t want you in our house!!” Fans fire up for that! Rollins knows Boston isn’t here to see them mince words. They are here to see Rollins get his pound of flesh! “So the time for talk is over! It’s time to FIGHT!”

Rollins throws off his jacket, Logan sets his feet, but Miz has them both stand down! It is his job to make sure that these two do NOT fight! Logan says Miz doesn’t speak for him. If Logan wants to fight Rollins in Boston, he’s gonna do that! Because if Logan wants something, he’s gonna do it! That’s just how he do. But guess what? He won’t. Fans boo but Logan says one thing he doesn’t do is fight for free. He is a premium act, and he isn’t fighting for free… in Boston. Get real! However, if the stage was bigger, the money was better, and they were somewhere with more star power, Logan would consider it.

Miz says he is the host of WrestleMania, and he could make Rollins VS Logan for Mania happen! He just- Wait, he can make that happen? All he has to do is go to the back and pull some strings? Yeah, absolutely! Right here and now? Yes! Then what’re we waiting for! Rollins throws Miz out of the ring! Logan kicks low! But Rollins avoids the stomp! Rollins goes after Logan, Miz pulls Rollins off him, but Rollins SUPERKICKS Miz down! ONE LUCKY PUNCH!! Logan takes Rollins out!! Logan tells Rollins, “When you wake up, let me know about WrestleMania. Oh, oh, and one more thing. Buy-bye, b*tch.”

Logan drops the mic and heads out, but will he regret sucker punching the Visionary?


Omos w/ MVP VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Nigerian Giant will get his battle with The Beast, Brock Lesnar, but that means he’ll need to be in the best shape possible. Will he get more than a tune-up with the Show-Off? Or will Omos stand tall on the Road to WrestleMania?

Raw returns and Ziggler makes his entrance. Wait, is that Mustafa Ali in the front row being a Ziggler fan? The bell rings, Ziggler tells Ali to shut up and go away. Ziggler and Omos circle, but Omos corners Ziggler. Ziggler slips away, jumps on for a SLEEPER, but Omos stays standing. Omos throws Ziggler off, runs in, but into an ELBOW! Ziggler BOOTS Omos, then runs, but into a BOOT from Omos! Ali says it’s okay, Ziggler can shake that off. But then Omos hits the MOUNTAINTOP SLAM!! Cover, Omos wins!!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Ali is surprised, though he did have a hand in making this match happen… Is Ali genuine in his support? Or is this his way of trolling Ziggler and getting even for before?

As for Omos and MVP, MVP gets the mic. “Brock Lesnar! You wanted me to hype up a match? This is all the hype I need right here! You should’ve NEVER put your hands on me, Brock! Because I give you my word, the 7’3″, 416 pound Nigerian Giant, Omos, tames the Beast at WrestleMania!” Omos is all fired up and could probably fight again. Will he get far more than a fight against Lesnar?


Maximum Male Models talks backstage.

That physique is so rotund. He does have that je ne sais quoi. It’s French. But Maxxine Dupri knows, he has “IT!” Really? Baron Corbin walks over and says all that means so much to him. All those compliments, it really helps. Things haven’t been going Corbin’s way. He lost money in poker, he has been losing matches, and he lost his mentor, JBL. EW! EW EW EW! NO! Corbin, they were NOT talking about you! They were talking about him. Otis! The width! The girth! Okay, what? What does Otis have that Corbin doesn’t? Charisma, uniqueness, and the “it factor.” HAIR! Hey, Bruce Willis is bald.

But you are NOT Bruce Willis, Corbin! You are a troglodyte! Maxxine calms Mansoor down, and says she sees some potential in Corbin. That is, if he can solve a problem for them. See over there, next to the “stunningly attractive beefcake,” the short ugly one. Gable? Yes. Handle him, and Maxxine will consider adding Corbin as a client. Then consider it done. Maxxine is plotting, but is she taking out two birds with one stone?


The Bloodline talks backstage.

Jimmy is preparing for his match with Sami, and Paul Heyman says that Jimmy is the man. Jimmy is the one who will take out Sami Zayn, the one who will solve the problem, and the one who will make sure that The Tribal Chief never has to hear the name “Sami” again. And to do that, with all the pressure that Jimmy must be feeling, and not be distracted by the fact that the Tribal Chief has given Jimmy until this Friday to bring Jey back into the fold… Wow. Because if that doesn’t happen, The Tribal Chief won’t blame Solo, nor will he blame Heyman. If Jimmy doesn’t get Jey back in the Bloodline by Friday, Roman Reigns will blame Jimmy.

Heyman leaves and Jimmy is surely feeling the weight now. Will he crumble under that pressure? Or will Jey return to spare Jimmy from Roman’s wrath?


Johnny Gargano w/ Dexter Lumis VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day!

Speaking of Otis, Johnny Wrestling survived fighting the human tree trunk, but the Prince promised to finish things himself. Will this be Gargano’s Judgment Day? Or will Gargano be a speedbump on Finn’s Road to WrestleMania?

Raw returns and Gargano makes his entrance, accompanied by the Tortured Artist. The bell rings and the two circle. Finn and Gargano tie up, Finn knees low then CLUBS Gargano down. Lumis stares at the rest of Judgment Day while Finn headlocks. Gargano powers out, but Finn runs him over! Finn flexes, then he snapmares Gargano to elbow him in the shoulder. Finn chinlocks but Gargano slips out to hammerlock. Finn gets the ropebreak, Judgment Day protests, but Finn elbows Gargano away. Finn grabs Gargano’s arm and grinds it with an armlock. Gargano endures and Boston rallies up.

Gargano fights up, arm-drags free, then arm-drags to an armlock! Finn tries to headscissor but Gargano digs a knee into Finn’s face. Finn fights up, Gargano wrenches, but Finn fishhooks Gargano! Finn CLUBS Gargano and has the armlock again. Gargano endures and fights his way up. Finn wrenches the arm again but Gargano flips, kips up and ENZIGURIS! Finn rebounds to CLOBBER Gargano! Gargano goes to ropes but Finn is after him. Finn bumps Gargano off buckles, RAMS into him, then whips him corner to corner. Finn runs in but into BOOTS! Gargano runs to RANA! And then he DROPKICKS Finn out!

Fans fire up, Lumis is there! Finn doesn’t want any trouble, but Gargano DIVES! Direct hit and Raw goes to picture in picture.

Judgment Day is upset but Lumis is stone faced as always. Gargano brings Finn up and over, CHOPS him against barriers, then headlocks him. Gargano storms up to Judgment Day, and CHOPS Finn right in front of them! Fans rally for Gargano while Finn goes to the ring. Gargano hurries after, rolls Finn to SCHOOLBOY KICK! Cover, TWO! Rhea taunts Lumis but Gargano focuses on Finn. Finn wants timeout, and offers a handshake. Gargano considers it, and he shakes Finn’s hand. To kick him low! Gargano CHOPS Finn, whips him to ropes, but Finn reverses. Gargano sunset flips but Finn rolls through to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Judgment Day cheers while Gargano goes to ropes. Finn stalks Gargano, chinbars and puts him in a corner, then CHOPS! Gargano staggers away but Finn is on him again. Finn CHOKES Gargano on the ropes! He lets off at 4, the ref argues with him, and Rhea sucker punches Gargano! Finn covers, TWO! Rhea and Priest still high five while Finn grinds Gargano down with a headlock. Gargano endures, fights his way up, and Judgment Day freaks out. But Finn hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Finn is frustrated but he kicks Gargano down at the ropes. Finn taunts the fans, kicks Gargano more, and Raw returns to single picture.

Finn stomps Gargano at the ropes, stomps him again, then springboard- BOOTS from Gargano! Finn staggers, swings but into counter punches! Gargano whips, Finn reverses, but Gargano ducks ‘n’ dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! Gargano rallies, Finn dodges and CHOPS! Gargano rebounds to DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up but Lumis is still stoic. Gargano ENZIGURIS Finn out of the ring. Finn avoids the plancha, but he sees Gargano on the apron, SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Cover, TWO!! Finn is still in this and Judgment Day calms down. Gargano runs corner to corner to DOUBLE KNEE, then he snapmares Finn.

Fans fire up as Gargano aims, but Finn SLINGBLADES first! Finn aims now, runs in, but into a SUPERKICK! Gargano resets, to SUPERKICK again! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives but Gargano runs to tilt-o-whirl, but Finn blocks! ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! Finn snarls but Gargano is still down. Finn rains down fists, but Gargano turns that to a sunset! TWO!! Finn staggers up, into a GAMANGIRI! Gargano aims but Rhea distracts! Gargano jumps Priest’s swipe, and then CANNONBALLS onto Dom! Fans fire up but Gargano has to hurry away from Priest. Gargano gets in the ring, Finn trips and DOUBLE STOMPS him!

Finn aims from the corner, runs in, SHOTGUN! Gargano hits buckles and he ends up in the drop zone! Finn goes up, but EDGE IS HERE! The Judgment Day go tot he ramp, but the Rated R Superstar sneaks in from the crowd! He SHOVES Finn down! Finn hotshots off ropes! Gargano goes to the apron, for ONE FINAL BEAT!! Cover, Gargano wins!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

And then Lumis CLOBBERS Priest! Edge has Finn all alone now, and Boston is thunderous! Finn staggers up, into a SPEAR!! Edge says this isn’t over! Finn wanted a final fight with Edge, and he’s getting it! Will Judgment Day regret ever turning on their founder?


Backstage interview with Edge.

Byron catches up with the Rated R Superstar and wants to know, what does he have to say about costing Finn his match against Gargano tonight? Edge says that Finn cost Edge a match he never should’ve lost, so with no disrespect to Gargano, Edge just returned the favor and cost Finn a match he never should’ve lost. They’re affecting each other’s careers and neither man has time for that. They both wanna settle this, so Edge tells Finn that next week, Edge will be in the ring by himself to settle this. Let’s see if Finn has the same stones. Will the Prince do things 1v1 with Edge to finally end this?


Nikki Cross VS Piper Niven!

Anarchy incarnate is ready to take on a former teammate in the defense of Candice LeRae, her “new friend.” One way or another, we’re gonna see some serious lass kicking, but who comes out on top?

Raw returns and Piper makes her entrance. While Piper stands on the apron, Nikki JUMPS on her! Nikki thrashes Piper around with fingers in her face! The ref reprimands but this isn’t a match yet. Nikki drags Piper in, HAMMERS away, then jumps on for more thrashing! Piper’s own hair is being used to smother her! Nikki lets Piper go, climbs up the corner, the bell rings! Piper turns around, into a CROSSBODY! Nikki chases after but Piper bails out. Nikki swings her jacket around, Piper fumes and storms up to the apron. Nikki rushes in, but Piper HEADBUTTS her down! Piper gets in but Nikki DRPOPKICKS back!

Nikki throat chops, RAMS into Piper, then reels her in. But Piper wrenches out to whip and SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, Piper wins!

Winner: Piper Niven, by pinfall

Nikki came out of the gate fast, but she ran right into a wall named Piper! Will no one stop Piper from pulverizing everyone on her path towards the title?


Rick Boogs tries to deadlift a truck.

But he just can’t! He swears he can but Elias walks over. Boogs says what’s up, but Elias asks about his notes. Boogs realizes he doesn’t have them! Elias says it isn’t about the notes, though. What does Boogs remember? Uh, Bobby Lashley putting Elias in the Hurt Lock, and… Those massive pecs. Boogs, you’re missing the point of everything! Elias took the fight to Lashley! Everyone wants to Walk With Elias! Elias’ star power has raised. But the only way Boogs can learn is if he gets out there and does it himself. Look, there’s Bronson Reed. Boogs, go over there and challenge him. Is Elias sure? Elias tells Boogs to tell Bronson, “I want to fight you.”

Boogs goes over to Bronson, talks to him, and then Bronson walks up to Elias. Elias wants to fight Bronson, huh? Then it’s your funeral. See you next week. Wait, what? Boogs is proud he did it, but what did he say? That Elias wanted to fight him. That’s what Elias said, right? NO! He meant… Well, Boogs has a lot to learn. But, lips! Will the Drifter survive running into the Colossal Aussie?


John Cena heads to the ring!

The SIXTEEN TIME world champion and Boston’s own is back on Raw, and clearly the reaction he just heard got him a bit. Cena slides into the ring and fans fire up even more! Cena gets the mic, but then Austin Theory makes his way out. Theory goes to the ring, gets himself a mic, but the fans chant for Cena. Theory encourages them to keep going, so they do. “And just like them, John, I’ve got all the respect in the world for you. Hey, hey, all of you might not know this, but I only became a WWE superstar because of you. I remember watching you on TV with my mom, you inspired me, John. You did! The hustle, the loyalty, the respect, I thank you for that.

“Hey, no need to disrespect me, because I came out here with a gift for you, John. Yeah, a gift. A gift that is from the bottom of my heart. A gift that is bigger than any movie role that you’re gonna do. It’s a gift! Of me and you, one-on-one…” Fans chant for Cena even harder, and Theory likes it! “Cena it up,” because that gift is them on the Grandest Stage of Them All for the United States Championship! Theory VS Cena! Fans like the sound of that! Cena says, “No.” The fans and Theory are surprised. Cena says he thought about it, and the answer is no. He is not interested in Theory’s “gift,” because he hasn’t earned the right to give it.

Cena says he has been watching, and listening, and he doesn’t care. Just like every single person in here, they don’t care about Theory! Why? We don’t care about Theory because we don’t believe Theory. We don’t believe because Theory doesn’t believe. Theory is a generic kid in fancy sneakers and sunglasses indoors, but there’s nothing inside. And Cena isn’t talking from a high place. Cena’s walked in Theory’s shoes. There’s a sign right out in the crowd that says “Theory is a John Cena wannabe.” Fans cheer that they’re getting the shoutout.

Cena says he’s Theory’s Ghost of Christmas Future! And right now, Theory is in that phase of “Ruthless Aggression.” That phase almost got Cena fired! What a great opportunity it was, but we all saw Cena didn’t believe in himself, and the opportunity just wasn’t enough. Theory has been given opportunity after opportunity and he doesn’t believe in himself and the fans know it. Theory has no heart or soul. The fans are here out of respect because for 20 years, we’ve been yelling back and forth at each other, but they BELIEVE in Cena. They don’t believe in Theory. Theory is a pair of trunks away from being a jabroni.

Wait, wait, wait. No. Here’s a feedback sandwich, here’s something good. Theory has the best name in WWE history. Think about it! Stone Cold Steve Austin! The Rock! The Undertaker! There is no name better than Austin Theory. Fans boo but Theory likes where Cena is going. But Cena says that is exactly what Austin is: A Theory. In theory, Theory should be great! In theory, Theory is what every WWE executive looks for. He looks great, moves great, runs fast, etc. In theory, everyone should be here to see Theory. “But no one cares. And you’re wasting our time. So on behalf of Boston, we would like to give you a gift!”

Cena tells Theory to shut up, turn around, get out of this ring, and “we” will let him walk out of here in one piece. Fans fire up for Cena while Theory considers his options. Theory turns around, but then says he’s not going anywhere! Just like that bald spot on Cena’s head! Cena takes off his hat to show the combover. He’s proud of the senior circuit! Oh, he is? Cena’s got a comeback for everything, huh? But what’s funny is, Theory looks around at all the shirts. The same one Cena has right here: Never Give Up. But, wait. Is John Cena saying no? Is he saying that he’s giving up?

And the hat! The hat says “respect” but where’s the respect for all the fans? Cena has a golden ticket against the greatest US Champion at WrestleMania, and he’s gonna give it up? Where’s the hustle? The loyalty? The respect?! Doesn’t everyone wanna see Cena at Mania? Then shut up because Cena said no! Theory says what he’s realized, Cena being Theory’s childhood hero and all that. Boston, pay close attention. Because the saying may be said a lot but it’s right. NEVER meet your heroes. Because when you do, you just get disappointed. Fans boo, and some chant, “BEAT HIS ASS!”

Cena would rather be bald then have the company pipe in fake crowd noise because nobody cares. Theory can change the subject, he still sucks. Theory really is a dumb SOB. Cena didn’t say “no” because he was giving up. He said “no” to save Theory’s ass. Theory is not ready. Theory’s putting Cena against the wall but he doesn’t understand. If Cena and Theory have a match at Mania, and Cena wins, then Theory loses everything. He’s done! And if they have a match and Theory somehow wins, he still loses everything! Sure, sure, you win the day, but then you gotta go out the Monday after, all by yourself, and explain.

Theory won’t have Cena to lean on, it’ll be all on him against “the most harsh, vocal, ruthless, critical audience in the WWE, and they will eat you alive!!” They will see what Cena sees, and that is that Theory is full of crap! But Theory has left Cena no choice since he brought the fans into it. So Cena will ask Boston what they think. “Boston… Before we get all WrestleMania rowdy, I wanna thank my family for being here because it really means a lot to me. And I’m asking for help. I need your help way up there, I need your help right here, I need your help. We’re going to make a decision right here and now. Do you Wanna see Austin Theory VS John Cena at WrestleMania?”

“YES!!!” Fans continue to chant “YES! YES! YES!” Cena says to pardon the senioritis. It isn’t just his hair, it’s his hearing. Do they wanna see Theory VS Cena at Mania? “YES!!!” Cena may not care about Theory, but he’ll never give up on the fans. Theory will remember this moment as the biggest mistake of his life. At Mania, for the US Championship, it’ll be THEORY VS CENA!! Cena wishes Theory luck. “We all know you don’t have it here,” Cena says as he points to Theory’s head. “We all know you don’t have it here,” he says as he points to Theory’s heart. “And we all know you don’t have it here.” CUP CHECK! Work on that last one.

Cena leaves and Theory is furious, but Theory literally asked for this. And Cena stops at the stage. “in no way, shape or form are you ready for the WrestleMania stage. But Boston deserves to see somebody that is. Boston, Massachusetts, I introduce to you the American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes!” Cody walks out on stage and fans cheer as he shakes hands with Cena and hugs it out. Will Theory regret asking for the legend?


Backstage interview with Sami Zayn.

Cathy Kelley tentatively walks up to Sami and says that so far, his attempts to reconcile with Kevin Owens have failed. How is he feeling going into tonight’s main event against Jimmy Uso? Sami wishes he could say Kevin is just being stubborn and angry and doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but Kevin’s right about what happened here just last November at WarGames. But everything has changed now! Everything’s different! The one guy who had Sami’s back through thick and thin in Jimmy Uso now has the responsibility of putting an end to Sami. This match is about survival, you understand?

Jimmy wants to end the Sami Zayn problem, but if he fails, it is the end of Jimmy! And Sami is not going anywhere until he sees the end of Roman Reigns and The Bloodline. So sorry, Jimmy, “my dawg,” but tonight is NOT gonna be your night. Sami heads out, but will he be able to survive a desperate and angry Jimmy Uso?


Baron Corbin VS Chad Gable w/ Otis!

The Lone Wolf is feeling down, but things could be looking up. Will he be able to clear “Master Gable” out of the way so MMM can make Otis into “Otīs? Or will this be another failing in Corbin’s career?

Raw returns as Corbin makes his entrance. The bell rings and Corbin ties up with Gable. Corbin throws Gable to a corner, SPLASHES him, then whips him corner to corner hard! Gable bounces off buckles and falls to the mat. Corbin stomps away as MMM watches backstage. Maxxine likes what she sees as Corbin drops an elbow on Gable’s back. Corbin drives elbows into Gable’s shoulders, but fans chant, “WE WANT OTIS!” Corbin Canadian Racks Gable, thrashes him around with the Canadian Backbreaker, but fans rally up. Gable fights free, and he back drops Corbin away! Fans rally as Gable goes to a corner.

Corbin runs in, misses, and Gable fires off forearms and uppercuts! Gable knees, UPPERCUTS, runs, dodges and tilt-o-whirls to waistlock. O’Conner, CHAOS THEORY! Fans fire up while Corbin writhes. Gable goes up the corner and Otis cheers him on. MOONSAULT, but Corbin dodges! CHOKE SLAM BACKBREAKER! Corbin roars, says Gable is nothing, but Gable picks an ankle! ANKLE LOCK!! Corbin flails, reaches out, but Gable GRAPEVINES! Corbin TAPS, Gable wins!

Winner: Chad Gable, by submission

Otis celebrates with Gable, “A THANK YEW~!” Corbin fails, will MMM never be able to add the round mound of manliness to their stable?


Becky Lynch is here!

The Man is in Boston, but she also has the legend, Lita! They’re the NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions after defeating Damage CTRL just last week, so they’re here to celebrate! Becky has a mic to say The Man and Lita have come around to Boston, here as the new tag team champions of the world~! “Because when a couple of legends like us step in the ring side by side, you better believe we’re not gonna miss.” Lita says when Becky gave her the opportunity to become a tag team champion, you either let that opportunity pass you by, or you make history like they did. Fans cheer that.

Lita knows Kai & Sky didn’t make it easy on them, but they made it worth it. Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” and Lita gives the belt a little kiss. Lita says that as Becky’s friend and tag partner, she sincerely wants to thank her. But there is a very, very special equalizer they have yet to thank tonight. Here she come! It’s TRISH STRATUS! Trish joins Lita and Becky in the ring, and Trish gets a mic to say, “First of all, Lita. You know I’ll always have your back. And to see you team up with The Man and capture gold, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. And to be fair, a couple months back in Toronto, I did tell Bayley that if she didn’t shut her mouth-”

Wait, here comes Bayley! The Role Model leads DMG CTRL out and says, “Um, a ding dong! You idiots love to show up when it’s convenient for you, doncha? You love to steal someone else’s spotlight if it means you can add something else to your damn trophy case.” DMG CTRL steps right in the ring and Bayley says that while the dumdums cheer them on, Bayley sees right through them! They’re selfish. Trish, Lita, you two are legitimately the reasons why they’re in this ring now. But DMG CTRL will be the reason they never come back! Trish tells Bayley she is good at interrupting, but not at listening.

Trish warned her that she could go from “I am to retired,” to “I was retired.” And y’know what? What better place to do it and shut Bayley up than on the Grandest Stage of Them All? So how about a Six Woman Tag at Mania? Bayley asks if that’s what they want, then they accept! Kai & Sky look at Bayley with confusion, a bit like when she accepted the title match for them. Kai & Sky then swing on the legends, but Trish & Lita both dodge! And they fire off forearms! They throw Kai & Sky out, and Becky gets in Bayley’s face. Fans fire up and Bayley dares Becky to do something. Bayley smirks, but then realizes she’s surrounded.

Fans fire up as Trish and Bayley talk some trash. Bayley swings on Becky! But Becky counter punches! Lita ROCKS Bayley, Trish DECKS Bayley! And then CHICK- NO, DMG CTRL gets Bayley outta there! Fans are ready for this star-studded Six Woman Tag, will Hollywood be the perfect place for this generational showdown?


Sami Zayn VS Jimmy Uso w/ Solo Sikoa!

Just like when Kevin fought Solo, we all know that The Bloodline always has back-up. Sami is walking into what is less a match and more a trap, just like it was on Friday. But even so, will Sami survive to see the mission through? Or is this the night the Bloodline solves its Sami Zayn problem?

The bell rings, and Sami hits a THESZ PRESS! Sami rains down fast hands, but lets off to clothesline Jimmy up and out! Fans fire up, Sami goes out after Jimmy, but Jimmy UPPERCUTS! Jimmy whips Sami into barriers while fans sing “OLE~! OLE OLE OLE~!” Jimmy runs in, but Sami tosses him into the timekeeper’s area! Sami watches Solo while Raw goes picture in picture.

Sami fetches Jimmy and throws haymakers. Sami brings Jimmy around, bumps him off the desk, then climbs up onto the desk! Sami leaps to AX HANDLE Jimmy down! Solo stays back but he watches Sami. Sami puts Jimmy in the ring, goes to the corner and hops up, to leap, into an UPPERCUT! Jimmy snarls while Sami writhes, and Jimmy stomps away on Sami at the ropes. They go to the apron, Jimmy brings Sami up, to APRON SNAP SUPLEX! Sami writhes even more but Jimmy seethes. Jimmy drags Sami up, brings him around, and POSTS him! Jimmy slides in the ring and lets the ring count handle this.

Fans rally for Sami while Solo stares at Sami. The count is 5 of 10, Sami staggers up at 7 and slides in at 8! Jimmy rains down fists right away! Jimmy lets off to throw up the finger, #WeTheOnes. Sami crawls to a corner, Jimmy says, “UCE! SO! UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in to HIP ATTACK! Jimmy makes everyone ready the shirt, #WeTheOnes. Sami crawls to another corner, Jimmy rains down fists. The ref counts, Jimmy lets off, and he watches Sami sit up. “UCE! OH! UCE! OH!” Jimmy runs to HIP ATTACK again! Sami flounders, Jimmy taunts him, and Raw returns to single picture. “I’m supposed to take you out!”

Jimmy swings, but Sami counter punches! And again! And again! And again! Sami whips, Jimmy reverses but Sami BOOTS back! Sami hops up, kicks away on Jimmy’s face, then reels him in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Jimmy is still in this but fans fire up for Sami as he goes to the apron. Sami goes up a corner, leaps, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Jimmy escapes but clutches a shoulder as he sits up. Sami brings Jimmy up and reels him in, but Jimmy throws elbows to fight he lift. Jimmy whips and UPPERCUTS Sami! Sami stays up against ropes, runs back in, but Jimmy throws him out!

Jimmy distracts the ref and Solo creeps up. But the ref sees Solo! The ref EJECTS Solo! Fans fire up and Jimmy is furious! Jimmy’s back-up is gone, and Sami reels him in! BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Jimmy survives and Sami is beside himself, but Raw goes back to picture in picture.

Sami thinks of what he has to do to finish this. Jimmy stirs, Sami drags him up, and suplexes. Jimmy fights it, UPPERCUTS, but Sami stays on his feet. Jimmy CHOPS! And whips, but Sami goes up and over! Jimmy dodges Sami, Sami runs, into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Sami is still in this and Jimmy is frustrated. Jimmy glares at Sami, drags him up, but again Sami throws counter punches! They go back and forth with haymakers, Sami gets the edge, but Jimmy shoves him away! Sami blocks the kick but the DRAGON WHIP connects! Jimmy is fuming but he drags Sami back up.

Jimmy brings Sami around to a corner, hoists him up top, and then GAMANGIRIS! Sami wobbles, Jimmy climbs up, but Sami blocks the superplex! Sami CLUBS away on Jimmy, hitting him again and again! Then SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Jimmy survives again and Sami can’t believe it! Sami drags himself up with the ropes, then goes back to the corner. Sami climbs again, Raw returns to single picture and Jimmy UPPERCUTS! And GAMANGIRIS! Jimmy goes back up after Sami, but Sami throws haymakers! Sami throws elbows, then he shoves Jimmy away. Sami leaps, into a SUPERKICK!

Both men are down and fans rally up. Wait! JEY IS HERE! Jey goes to ringside, and he gets on the desk, too! Jimmy smiles seeing his brother is back, but then he dodges Sami’s kick! Jimmy mule kicks, uppercuts and SAMOAN- NO, SUNSET FLIP! SAMI WINS!!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

The Sami Zayn problem is NOT solved! Jimmy is completely at a loss for words! Jey returned, but what of Roman’s ultimatum? Jey goes to the ring to join his brother, the two stare down, and fans are torn. Jey steps closer, puts his hands on Jimmy’s shoulders, and Jimmy asks where Jey stands. Jey grabs at the shirt, but he looks so conflicted. Jimmy asks him what’s wrong, and Jey walks past Jimmy. Jey looks at Sami, they both look at Jimmy, then back at each other. Sami is tentative but Jey says he trusts Sami!? Jey brings Sami in for a hug!!! Fans explode with excitement! Sami says he and Jey can take the Bloodline down now!

Jimmy looks crushed as he drops to a knee. Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” and Jey raises his finger. Sami raises his, too, they the ones! Sami says Jimmy can join them. It’s not too late. Fans lose their minds over this development, but then Jey SUPERKICKS SAMI!!! Jimmy grins as Jey shouts in Sami’s face! “Did you really think I would choose you?!” This is FAMILY, fool! Jey drags Sami up, throws him into the ring, and the Usos mug Sami! The cheers are now boos as Solo joins in, but here comes Cody!! The American Nightmare slides in and stands between them and Sami! Will the Bloodline only be stronger now that Jey is back?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw to mark us being just a month out from WrestleMania. The Bloodline story is again the best part of the night, and it was a great move to bookend the night with it. Jimmy giving Kevin the win with the beatdown, Sami showing up to fight the Bloodline off, and then Sami trying to get Kevin to see reason, all good stuff. And Jey showing up at the end of Sami VS Jimmy, that double swerve, that was genius. Cody making the save also works, not just because Cody’s building feud with Roman, but because it wasn’t Kevin. Kevin is understandably being stubborn about forgiving Sami, and this could drag out for a couple more weeks before the moment Kevin finally forgives Sami and is his partner against the reunited Usos.

We also got great promo segments throughout the night to set up big matches. The women’s segment comes off as the weaker one, but only because it was shorter and simpler. DMG CTRL want payback, but Bayley sticks her foot in her mouth, now she, Kai & Sky will face Becky and two legends, and there’s a very good chance Becky and the legends win, really straining DMG CTRL’s partnership. At this point, Kai & Sky can stick together but ditch Bayley, as they haven’t really benefited from being her cronies. They lost their belts, they look like they can’t do anything, they can prove they’re truly capable if they strike out on their own.

The Miz, Seth Rollins and Logan Paul had a really good promo, and of course Miz inserts himself as the moderator. It’s the only way Rollins didn’t just beat Logan up right here and now and have it be done. But Miz being the host, him making the match is a good detail, and of course Logan stands tall to put things on Rollins. And of course, promo segment of the night was Cena and Theory. Theory got a good jab about the bald spot, but Cena just tore into Theory otherwise. That line about Theory’s name being perfect for him was great, and pretty much everything Cena said was so good. Their match is going to be great stuff, too, but somehow, Theory surely wins because Cena can’t be a champion while being part-time and busy in Hollywood.

I like that Elias trying to mentor Boogs is backfiring on him, like when the two-faced cartoon character tries to get the innocent one in trouble but they end up in trouble instead. Bronson Reed is gonna squash Elias like Lashley did, and it’s odd but also clever that this is how Bronson is building his momentum. He isn’t in a story of his own, but he gets to help all these other stories move along. Lashley had a good promo, and Bray didn’t fully respond, but the White Rabbit tron hacking stuff is kinda his response. Bray heard it, that was like a twitch of his eye, and surely Bray will double down on the “games” just to get on Lashley’s nerves.

And of course the matches were all good, too. Well, Omos squashes Ziggler but that was to be expected. And though MVP had a good promo to call out Lesnar, that was really more for Ali introducing this Ziggler superfan angle that is of course all ironic and for the trolling. Ziggler will challenge Ali to a rematch, maybe Ziggler wins to get even, and we see where it goes from there. A quick match from Piper and Nikki with Candice apparently hurt by a backstage attack during Raw Talk. Piper VS Nikki should’ve been a thing when their team wasn’t working out and Nikki ditched being Almost a Super Hero. There was a point commentary used the phrase “unfamiliar foe” but they were a team, Piper would of course know Nikki. But perhaps it’s because “this” Nikki is different.

Baron Corbin getting in on the MMM and Otis story was pretty good. It adds to his own story, which is either the second coming of Bum Ass Corbin, or the rise of Bummed Out Corbin. He and Gable could’ve had a bigger match than that, as we’ve seen them feud before, but it does add to Corbin’s newest downward spiral. MMM are gonna have to wrestle Gable themselves if they wanna get “Otīs” to join them. Mella and Chelsea had a really good promo together, especially Adam Pearce’s cameo of him seeing them and running the other way. Mella VS Bianca went about as expected, in that Bianca wins. Asuka showing up to defend Bianca from Mella & Chelsea was great, too, but in those high heel boots she was wearing, Asuka was rly only gonna be able to blue mist.

And great stuff with Gargano VS Finn. Of course the Judgment Day interfere, but likewise, of course Edge shows up to turn that around. Edge doesn’t make a Mania match, but he does wanna fight Finn, maybe that brawl turns into a match for Mania. As cool as a purple paint Demon Balor could look, I feel like Finn’s moved on from that (mostly because Vince killed the Demon a couple Extreme Rules ago). But whatever they do, I feel like there needs to be a stipulation where it really is only Edge and Finn. No Judgment Day allowed ringside, no one Edge knows allowed ringside, we just get Edge VS Finn for an epic, possibly show-stealing match.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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