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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/21/23)

Round 8, FIGHT!




Bubbles are gonna pop!

As Best of the Super Juniors enters the homestretch, more and more entrants are going to drop out! Who survives another round and who falls down?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: DOUKI VS Titán; Titán wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Clark Connors; Connors wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS SHO; Kushida wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS BUSHI; Wato wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS Mike Bailey; Bailey wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Dan Moloney; Moloney wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS TJP; Lio wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Kevin Knight; Yoh wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Taiji Ishimori; Hiromu wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Francesco Akira; Desperado wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

Taiji Ishimori: 5-2, 10 points
Mike Bailey: 5-2, 10 points
Lio Rush: 5-2, 10 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 5-2, 10 points
Titán: 4-3, 8 points
TJP: 4-3, 8 points
DOUKI: 3-4, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
SHO: 3-4, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
KUSHIDA: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-7, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the current B Block standings.

Master Wato: 5-2, 10 points
Robbie Eagles: 5-2, 10 points
YOH: 5-2, 10 points
El Desperado: 5-2, 10 points
Francesco Akira: 4-3, 8 points
Kevin Knight: 3-4, 6 points
Clark Connors: 3-4, 6 points
Dan Moloney: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: DOUKI VS Titán!

When it comes to the block, Japones Del Mal is out, but El Inmofrtal is still alive! Will Titan be great in round eight? Or will Douki be his spoiler?

Fans rally and duel already, “TITAN! TITAN!” “DOUKI! DOUKI!” The bell rings and Douki knocks Titan down! Douki stomps Titan at the ropes, digs his boots in, but the ref counts. Douki lets off, drags Titan up, and whips him to a corner. Titan goes up and over and handsprings away. Fans fire up as Titan gets around Douki, ripcords and knuckle locks to CHOP! Titan goes up and up and tightrope walks to FLYING RANA! Fans fire up as Douki bails out, and Titan DIVES! Direct hit and the fans are fired up for “TITAN! TITAN!” Titan puts Douki back in, covers, ONE! Titan drags Douki and stomps the leg,

Titan hooks the legs up, turns Douki over, TRAILER HITCH! But Douki scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Fans rally up as Titan lets Douki go. Douki stands, Tttan fires off kicks to the legs, then palm strikes, kicks and a SOBAT! Titan runs, into an ENZIGURI! Douki whips Titan, Titan reverses and TORNADO- NO! Douki denies the DDT and gets the ITALIAN STRETCH #32! But Titan scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Douki lets go at 4. Fans rally, Douki drags Titan up and scoops, SAHARAWI! Cover, TWO! Titan escapes and fans rally up but Douki keeps cool. Douki goes to the apron and watches Titan rise.

Fans rally up, Douki slingshots, DAY- NO, Titan denies that DDT to then suplex Douki and hang him out to dry! Titan swings but Douki blocks! Douki throws Titan down by the mask, but Titan kips up to PELE! Fans fire up and Titan builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit again and fans are thunderous for “TITAN! TITAN!” Titan roars and he drags Douki up. Titan puts Douki in, goes to a corner and climbs up. Fans rally, Titan DIVING- NO, Douki avoids the stomps, pops Titan up but Titan RANAS, only for Douki to sunset flip that! TWO and Douki gets the wrists, ITALIAN STRETCH! Titan scrambles around again but Douki pulls tight!

Fans rally as Titan endures and moves back. Titan reaches but Douki drags him away from ropes! Titan falls over, but then gets back up. Douki rolls Titan away, ITALIAN- NO, Titan pushes through for a jackknife, TWO! Titan swings, Douki spins him and drags Titan down, around, and DRAGON’S LAIR, but Titan slips free. Douki ghost pins, TWO!! Titan escapes, but then Douki drags him into the ITALIAN STRETCH!! Fans fire up, Titan scoots around, but Douki drags him down! Douki pulls and Titan is fading! Fans rally as hard as they can and Titan gets a second wind! Titan powers up, but Douki YANKS him back down!!

The ref checks with Titan as he kicks around, but Titan is fading again! Titan gets a third wind, and the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Douki lets go in frustration. Douki huffs and puffs and goes to the apron. Titan rises, Douki slingshots, DAYBREAK!! Cover, TWO!! Titan survives and fans are thunderous again! Douki roars, his fans come through for him and he wheelbarrows Titan. Full nelson, but Titan victory rolls! Douki rolls it through to his own cover, TWO! Titan rolls it back, TWO! Titan hooks a leg, rolls, JAVE INMORTAL!! Douki flails, but he taps! Titan wins!

Winner: Titán, by submission (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

El Inmortal survives, and he is now at 10 points! Will he make it to the semifinals after all? As for Douki, he’s running out of chances, can he outdo his personal best in the final round?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Clark Connors w/ Gedo!

The Heel Master is also out, but the Wild Rhino is holding onto a hope! Will the whiskey loving Kanemaru handle 100 Proof? Or will Connors drink him under the table with No Chaser?

The bell rings and Connors rushes in! Kanemaru gets around him to roll him up, TWO! Kanemaru cradles, TWO! Kanemaru kicks low, runs, but Connors runs him over! Fans fire up while Connors looms over Kanemaru. Connors then throws Connors out, goes out after him, and stomps him right in front of commentary. Connors CLUBS Kanemaru, mocks the fans cheering Kanemaru on, and then he SMACKS Kanemaru off the apron. Connors CLUBS Kanemaru, whips him and POSTS him! The ring count starts as Connors glares at Shingo Takagi on commentary. The count reaches 10 of 20 and Connors slides in.

Connors lets things climb, Kanemaru rises at 14. Kanemaru slides in at 16 and fans cheer, but Connors drags Kanemaru up for a snap suplex! Gedo likes what he sees as Kanemaru writhes. Connors kicks Kanemaru to a corner, stomps him, and fans rally up. Kanemaru throws elbows and body shots but Connors CLUBS him back down! Fans boo as Connors talks more trash, and he goes back to Kanemaru for a CHOP! Connors whips corner to corner hard, then runs in, but into a boot! Kanemaru runs in, but into an elbow! Connors runs, but Kanemaru dropkicks the legs out! Fans fire up while both men are down.

Kanemaru gets a leg, and he SMASHES it on the mat! Kanemaru then whips Connors to ropes. Connors reverses, but Kanemaru tilt-o-whirls. Connors denies that, knees low, and runs, but into another low dropkick! Kanemaru grabs that leg, SHIN BREAKER! Takedown and FIGURE FOUR! Fans fire up and Kanemaru thrashes around! Connors endures, reaches out, and crawls to the ROPEBREAK! They go to the apron, and Kanemaru rolls it to the floor! Kanemaru keeps on the Figure Four! Gedo protests, the ring count starts, and Kanemaru keeps holding as we hit 10 of 20! Gedo complains, Connors endures, but the count keeps going!

Kanemaru lets go at 15 of 20 and jumps in at 16! Connors hobbles up, scrambles in at 19! Kanemaru covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Connors is still in this but Kanemaru is still on him! Kanemaru scoops for BRITISH FALL! Connors is in the drop zone, Kanemaru goes up, MOONSAULT, but Kanemaru has to land on his feet as Connors moves! Connors storms up, avoids the low dropkick, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES Kanemaru away! Fans fire up while Connors snarls. Gedo says to finish this, and Connors whips. Kanemaru holds ropes to stop himself and avoid the powerslam!

Connors runs in, Kanemaru dodges, and Kanemaru rolls Connors for the “Samson Clutch!” TWO, and Kanemaru keeps the legs for the FIGURE- NO, Connors drags Kanemaru into a cradle, but then deadlifts for a suplex! Kanemaru slips free, gets a bit caught up in Connors’ tights, and runs, for Connors to POWERSLAM! Connors goes to a corner and fans rally up. Kanemaru rises, Connors runs in, SPEAR!! And then Connors takes a swig, NO CHASER!! Cover, Connors wins!

Winner: Clark Connors, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru earns 0)

Kanemaru gave Connors shot after shot but 100 Proof stands tall! But will his 4-4 hold out as the rest take their shots?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS SHO!

In the real shocker of the tournament, the Timesplitter has been out of the running for some time now. As for the Murder Machine, he’s also out of the running. But he only got as far as he did thanks to cheating! Will Sho keep on cheating for the points? Or will he be trumped by the Ace of the Junior Heavyweight Division?

Evil accompanies Sho upfront again, what influence will he have on the match? But as Kushida makes his entrance, Sho gets the mic. “Yosh, yosh, yosh yosh yosh. <Alright alright alright.> I was looking forward to wrestling Kushida fairly in this match. But… Whatever happens, whoever wins, whoever loses, we’re both out of this tournament. So in that case, there’s really no point in us wrestling, right? Nobody wants to see it, right?” Fans are torn on that. Sho is pretty sure Korakuen deserves better, but fans chant, “We Want It! We Want It!” Sho says, “Well, if Kushida has the guts, then how about we go 1v1, fair and square?”

Fans like the sound of that, so Sho says, “Very well. Korakuen, I will wrestle honestly.” A fan shouts, “Thanks!” Sho says this one time, in Korakuen, against “Kushida-sensei,” for the people, he will wrestle fairly. Thank you very much! Sho has Evil be his legit corner man and he puts in his mouthguard. He takes a drink of water and has the ref check him. All’s good, he and Evil hug for luck, and fans fire up. The bell rings, fans rally for “KU-SHI-DA!” but Kushida bails out. Fans boo, Kushida is taking his time with this one. Sho says it’s all okay! Please come back. Kushida steps in and circles with Sho.

Fans rally up, the two feel things out, and they fight for control in the clinch. Sho gets on Kushida’s back but Kushida tries to throw him off. Sho keeps on with body scissors but Kushida moves around. Sho is on the mat but with a leg guard. Kushida gets over the guard to top mount but Sho moves around. Sho avoids the facelock, has the legs, and fans applaud this technical exchange. Sho shoots around to a rear mount but Kushida moves around. Kushida ties up legs but Sho is after an arm. Sho goes for a cover but Kushida shifts and rolls free. Fans applaud this opening back and forth and the two reset.

Sho and Kushida circle, Sho avoids the drop toehold and the takedown. Sho jumps on for a guillotine but Kushida powers out. Kushida waistlocks, lifts, and GERMAN SUPLEXES, to a bridge! ONE as Sho goes after an arm! Kushida shifts around, he wants the arm! Sho clasps hands but Kushida kicks at him. Kushida tries to power the hands apart but Sho moves around, and deadlifts Kushida up! Kushida shifts to sunset but Sho sits down! Sho has the top mount but Kushida bucks him to grapevine a leg! Kushida drags Sho down, HEEL HOOK! Sho scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Kushida lets go and fans cheer.

Sho goes to the apron, complaining about his leg. The ref has Kushida back off and cornerman Evil checks Sho. Wait, he’s slipping Sho the metal panel! Sho is putting that panel in his kick pad! So much for fair! Evil is hiding this by using cold spray on Sho’s back. Sho” hobbles” before he slides into the ring. Sho runs in but Kushida kicks low! And KICKS the arm! And again! And again! But Sho avoids the Penalty Kick to KICK Kushida with the loaded boot! Kushida tries to say something’s up but he can barely breathe! Then Sho PENALTY KICKS the arm! Kushida writhes from another loaded shot!

Sho waits on Kushida as he writhes, and wait! Kevin Knight appears! Kushida’s tag partner is bringing up the cheating but Sho hurries to give the metal panel back to Evil! Sho grabs Kushida’s arm and wants the double wristlock! Sho is stealing the HOVERBOARD! Fans rally for “KU-SHI-DA!” as hard as they can! Kushida fights, reaches out, but Sho rolls him! Kushida rolls through to have the HOVERBOARD! But he can really only hold it with one arm! Wait, Evil throws Knight into the ring! The ref argues with Knight but Evil slides in to attack Kushida! Fans boo as Evil RAMS Kushida into the ref and Knight!

Fans boo and tell Evil to go away but Evil clotheslines Knight down! The House of Torture stomps away on Kushida, then they put one out. Evil gives Sho the “torture tool!” Sho takes hold of the wrench, Evil brings Kushida up, but Knight returns! Knight stops Sho and DECKS him! Knight fires off on Evil, and on Sho! But Evil kicks Knight low! The House double whip Knight, but he leaps the double clothesline to DOUBLE DROPKICK them out! Fans fire up as Knight gets Evil out! Knight puts Evil in the HOVERBOARD! Kushida scrambles up, Sho runs in, but into a BOOT! Somersault and HOVERBOARD!! The ref wakes up, and Sho taps! Kushida wins!!

Winner: Kushida, by submission (gains 2 points; Sho earns 0)

Justice is served! The Intergalactic Jet Setters make sure Sho pays for his crimes, and then they put one out! Will Kushida be able to finish strong in this tournament?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS BUSHI!

The Way of the Grandmaster is running strong at 5-2, and has certainly left The Black Mask in the dust. Will Wato lap Bushi as the leader of the pack? Or will Bushi make round eight tranquilo?

The bell rings and fans rally and duel, “WATO! WATO!” “BUSHI! BUSHI!” They tie up, Bushi powers Wato to ropes, and the ref counts. Wato turns it around, Bushi turns it back, and repeat. Bushi keeps Wato on the ropes, then CHOPS! Wato CHOPS back, but Bushi CHOPS again! They go CHOP for CHOP, again and again, then Bushi rakes the eyes. Bushi whips, Wato reverses and dropkicks Bushi down! Bushi bails out, Wato builds speed, but Bushi moves. Wato slides out, chases Bushi and Bushi gets back in the ring. Wato gets on the apron and Bushi DECKS him! Bushi builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit!

Fans fire up and Bushi fires up, too! Bushi drags Wato up, puts him in the ring, and stomps Wato around. Bushi drags Wato up and bumps him off buckles. Bushi DOUBLE CHOPS, and DOUBLE CHOPS, and DOUBLE CHOPS! Bushi snapmares, covers, TWO! Fans rally up and Bushi sits Wato up to KICK him in the back! Bushi gives Wato some toying kicks, and then drags Wato up. Wato throws forearms in return but Bushi knees low. Bushi whips, Wato holds ropes to stop, and then Wato BOOTS Bushi, and BULLDOGS! Fans fire up again and Wato goes to ropes. Bushi stands, Wato runs in to ELBOW! And BOOT!

Wato whips and CALF KICKS Bushi down! Bushi bails out and fans rally as Wato builds speed. Wato FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Bushi! Fans fire up more and Wato walks off the impact. Wato goes back to Bushi, drags him up, and puts him in the ring. Wato aims from the apron, springboards, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for “WATO! WATO!” and he fires up. Wato drags Bushi up, waistlocks, but Bushi throws elbows. Bushi blocks the haymaker to spin and DDT Wato down! Fans rally and Bushi stomps Wato. Bushi drags Wato up, but Wato fights the fisherman! Wato throws body shots and kicks!

Wato runs, but ducks the enziguri! Body scissors and roll, VENDAVAL! Bushi endures, fans rally, and Bushi teeter-totters the hold around. Wato pulls on the hold but Bushi reaches out with a foot. Fans rally and duel, and Bushi gets the ROPEBREAK! Wato lets off quickly and he brings Bushi up. Wato half nelsons but Bushi slips free of the suplex to BACKSTABBER! Fans fire up while both men are down. Bushi crawls over to Wato, sits him up, and throws a forearm. Wato throws a forearm, Bushi throws it back, and they stand. The forearms keep going, the fans rally up, and Bushi gets the edge with a flurry!

Bushi runs, but Wato UPPERCUTS! Wato runs, but Bushi DROPKICKS! Bushi then brings Wato around, FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Wato is still in this and the fans rally, but Bushi goes to a corner. Bushi watches Wato rise, and CODE BREAKER! Fans fire up with Bushi and he goes up another corner! Wato rises again, Bushi leaps, but Wato DROPKICKS! Wato hurries to SCREW HIGH KICK! And then waistlock, TSUTENKAKU!! Bridging cover, Wato wins!!

Winner: Master Wato, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi earns 0)

The Way of the Grandmaster defeats Bushi, and crosses off both Kevin Knight and Clark Connors at the same time! Will Wato be all but guaranteed a semifinal spot?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS Mike Bailey!

The Funky Weapon has been serious this entire tournament, yet he’s also been winless this entire tournament! Will he be unable to stop Speedball this close to the end? Or will his greatest win be Bailey’s hardest loss?

The bell rings and fans rally up for “TA-GU-CHI!” Taguchi and Mike circle, and the “BAILEY! BAILEY!” chants come in. Mike encourages those chants, but then Taguchi rushes in! Mike sees him coming has him stop, and Taguchi apologizes. Taguchi kneels and offers a handshake, and Mike accepts it. Fans applaud and the two circle. They tie up, Taguchi powers Mike to ropes and the ref calls break. Taguchi shows chop, but then he stops to offer another handshake. Mike accepts it again, and then Taguchi drags him to a cradle! TWO!! Mike and Taguchi speed things up. Mike hurdles, drops and KICKS Taguchi down!

Taguchi gets right back up! But Mike dodges him and fires off the lightning kicks! ENZIGURI! Taguchi goes to the corner and fans rally up. Mike runs in to CHOP! Mike wrenches, whips corner to corner, and then runs in to BOOT! Fans fire up and Mike SLAMS Taguchi down! Fans rally as Mike goes up and up and DOUBLE KNEE FLOP as Taguchi moves! Taguchi gets OH MY GAH ANKLE! Mike gets to the ROPEBREAK and Taguchi lets go. Mike bails out, Taguchi goes after Mike and stomps the leg. Then Taguchi SMASHES the knee on the floormats! Taguchi drags Mike around, to OH MY GAH ANKLE!

Mike endures but he’s on the outside. The ref reprimands, Taguchi lets off, and Taguchi checks his nose from that boot earlier. Taguchi says it’s fine, and he puts Mike in the ring. Taguchi drags Mike up, wrenches and reels him in, SHIN BREAKER! Mike writhes, stands, but Taguchi dropkicks the legs out! Taguchi then ties Mike’s legs up and adds a seated cobra twist! Mike endures and moves around. Mike gets his legs free and gets the ROPEBREAK! Taguchi lets go and Mike goes to a corner. Taguchi stomp the legs but lets off as the ref counts. Taguchi stands on a foot but Mike kicks with the other. Taguchi stomps toes!

Taguchi whips, Mike reverses, but Taguchi ducks the kick! Mike ducks the lariat and goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Mike aims at Taguchi, to SOBAT! AX KICK! And ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up again, and Mike SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Taguchi is still in this and the fans rally back up. Mike aims, but Taguchi ducks the buzzsaw! And then ducks the other buzzsaw! Mike feints Taguchi on the third, waits for Taguchi to sit back up, then BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO! Taguchi survives and fans fire up again. Taguchi goes to a corner but Mike goes to the opposite.

Mike powers up, runs and spins, but Taguchi SOMERSAULT HIP ATTACKS! Fans fire up again while Mike checks his teeth. He has a mouthguard so that probably helps. Taguchi brings Mike up but Mike throws a forearm. Taguchi throws one back! Mike throws another forearm! Taguchi throws another! Mike KICKS! And KICKS! And KICK, but Taguchi blocks it! OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Taguchi keeps Mike from ropes but Mike rolls! Taguchi is thrown out, and then Mike builds speed! Taguchi slides in, Mike stops himself but that jams up the leg! Taguchi slides, Mike goes up to TOP ROPE QUEBRADA! Direct hit!

Fans are thunderous for “BAILEY! BAILEY!” while Taguchi flounders. Mike hobbles after Taguchi, waits for him to stand, and then Taguchi turns around, into a KICK! And another KICK! And another, but Taguchi blocks it! Taguchi has OH MY GAH ANKLE! But Mike rolls and sends Taguchi at the post! Taguchi stops himself, but then he smacks the post with his hands! Taguchi pretends he collided with steel to trick Mike! Mike aims, but Taguchi ducks! Mike kicks post!! Fans are thunderous for Taguchi’s wily ways and he puts Mike in. Taguchi goes up, to DIVING KNEE DROP the bad leg! OH MY GAH AKNLE!!

Mike endures, Taguchi leans on the hold, and fans rally as hard as they can! Mike moves around, ROPEBREAK! Taguchi lets go but he CLUBS Mike! Taguchi chicken wings, DODON- NO, Mike arm-drags free! Taguchi comes back, into a RANA! Cover, TWO!! Taguchi sits up, into a PENALTY KICK! MOONSAULT KNEE DROP onto knees! Taguchi saves himself but it was rather double-edged! Fans are thunderous again as Taguchi goes to the corner! “ORYA~!” BUM-A-YE! Cover, but Mike turns it into a ghost pin! TWO!! Taguchi escapes, goes for a schoolboy, but Mike spins and sits down to cover! TWO!!!

Taguchi escapes again and he ENZIGURIS! Mike staggers around, Taguchi runs, but into a BOOT! Taguchi blocks the roundhouse! But Mike gets Taguchi with the CRANE KICK! And the THRUST KICK! Taguchi goes to a corner, fans fire up and Mike powers up. TATSUMAKI SENPUKKU! Then he pushes Taguchi down and goes up! ULTIMA- NO, Taguchi moves! More damage to the knees, and OH MY GAH ANKLE!!! Mike crawls, Taguchi drags him back, LA MAGISTROL, but Mike blocks it! TWO and Taguchi finishes Magistrol, TWO!! Mike has it, MIKE WINS!

Winner: Mike Bailey, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taguchi earns 0)

That was fast and furious for sure, but Taguchi could not pull out the spoiler! Can he get his first win this year in the bottom of the ninth? As for The Speedball, he’s hurting, but will he be able to solidify a spot in the semifinals?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Robbie Eagles w/ Kosei Fujita VS Dan Moloney!

The newest recruits of TMDK and The United Empire face off as The Sniper aims for the semifinals! Will Eagles fly high going into the ninth? Or will #DaDrilla bring him crashing down?

Dan attacks during Eagles’ introduction! And he hits “Ichiban Sweet Boy” Fujita, too! Fans boo as Dan throws up the crown, and Dan goes out after Eagles. The bell rings as Dan stomps Eagles, then brings him up to UPPERCUT! Eagles staggers, Dan HEADBUTTS Eagles, stomps Fujita, then stalks Eagles around the way. Eagles finally gets his jacket off but Dan CLAWS his back! Dan follows Eagles around another corner, scoops, but Eagles slips free! Eagles then hurdles over to RANA Dan to the floor! Fans rally for Eagles, Eagles puts Dan in, and fans rally up. Dan sits up into Eagles’ PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!

Eagles goes for legs but Dan brings Eagles in for a monkey flip! Dan bails to the apron, but Eagles storms up. Dan CHOPS Eagles, Eagles comes back but Dan jumps to Low 619! Dan shoulders into Eagles, drags him to the apron, but Eagles CHOPS! Dan CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Eagles kicks low, kicks the leg, but Dan CHOPS again! Eagles KICKS, Dan CHOPS! Eagles sputters, Dan eggs him on, and Eagles KICKS the leg! Eagles then blocks a chop, blocks a kick, and hooks Dan up! But Dan fights the backpack to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans fire up while Eagles writhes on the floor.

Fans rally for Eagles while Dan leaves him behind. Eagles sits up as the ring count starts, and he rolls his way to the ring. Fans start up the “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” on their own. Eagles stands at 13 and slides in at 14! Dan whips and DROPKICKS Eagles right down! Cover, TWO! Dan glares at Fujita and the fans get “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” going again. Dan flips them off for it then throws up the crown. Dan stalks Eagles to a corner, digs his boots in, and the ref counts. Dan lets off at 4, Eagles sputters, and Dan mocks Fujita before he CHOPS Eagles. Eagles flops against ropes and Dan stomps him down.

Dan stands on Eagles’ face at the ropes but the ref counts. Dan steps off at 4 and the “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” starts again. Dan throws up the crown then flips everyone off to “OI OI OI!” But Eagles CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Dan snapmares, KICKS Eagles in the back, then covers, TWO! Fans rally up as Eagles goes to ropes. Dan whips but Eagles blocks, so Dan CHOPS him down! Eagles goes to a corner, Dan whips him corner to corner, but Eagles goes up and over. Dan fights the back suplex with elbows! Dan then gets around to back suplex, but Eagles lands on his feet to ROLLING CHOP BLOCK!

Eagles gets moving, to hit the BLINDSIDER! Both men are down, fans rally up again, and the “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” starts yet again. Eagles feeds off that energy and he KICKS Dan! And KICKS! And KICKS! Eagles runs, but Dan blocks the Penalty Kick! Dan lifts Eagles, for a LAST- NO, Eagles slips free! Dan kicks him low and whips, but Eagles reverses, kicks and WHEEL KICKS! Fans rally up as Eagles pounds the mat. Eagles goes to the opposite corner, he runs in, and he DOUBLE KNEES! Dan sits down, Eagles comes back, but only gets buckles! Dan CHOPS again! And KICKS the leg! And CHOPS again!

Dan KICKS Eagles, CHOPS him, but Eagles blocks the kick for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Turnover into the stepover, and the EAGLE LOCK! Dan endures the Ron Miller Special as Eagles thrashes! Dan claws at mat, crawls for the ropes, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go quickly and brings Dan around to a spinning toehold! Dan writhes, fans rally and Eagles goes up the corner. But Dan gets away from the 450! Eagles BOOTS him, runs, and Dan follows! Eagles BOOTS Dan again, fires off KICKS, but Dan shoves Eagles down! Eagles dropkicks the leg out! Eagles runs, but Dan still follows! Dan blasts through the kick to GORE!!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Eagles sputters, but Dan also catches his breath. Dan rises, he brings Eagles up and fisherman’s, but Eagles fights the buster to a cradle! TWO! Dan SUPERKICKS! Eagles wobbles, Dan reels him in, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while both men are down again! Dan pounds the mat in frustration but vows to finish this. “ABUNAI GAIJIN DESU!” Dan drags Eagles up to the Canadian Rack, but Eagles fights free! Dan ripcords and CHOPS Eagles off his feet! Dan pounds the mat again and fans rally up. Dan brings Eagles back up, Canadian Rack, but Eagles arm-drags free!

Eagles runs in but into another SUPERKICK! But Eagles LOW 619s the legs, and METEORAS! Cover, TWO!! Dan survives but Eagles goes out. The fans rally and Eagles springboards in, MISSILE DRPOKICK to the leg! Fans fire up with Eagles and he takes aim again. But Dan blocks the Trigger to fireman’s carry! But Eagles fights free to CLUB the leg out! Eagles reloads and takes aim again. Fans rally, Dan stands, ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! PELE!! Eagles roars and he brings Dan up. Fans rally, for the ASAI- NO, Dan blocks, then pops Eagles around into DRILLA KILLA!!! Cover, Dan wins!!

Winner: Dan Moloney, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

The Sniper got taken down! He isn’t out of the running, though, but will the semifinals slip through Eagles’ fingers?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS TJP!

The Bad Child is another of A Block’s 10 point men, and there’s still time to get to 12. Will Lio make this the Public Enemy’s Final Hour? Or TJP dunk on Lio and take his spot?

The bell rings and fans rally for “LIO! LIO!” But then the “TJP! TJP!” chants come through as the two circle. The two feel things out, knuckle lock, and TJP drops back to break, roll and wrench. Lio tries to spin through but TJP wrenches again. Lio rolls, rolls, handsprings and wrenches TJP to a wristlock, but TJP feels out an escape. He slips around, drops down and twisting headscissors, but Lio handsprings through! Lio spins back but TJP narrowly avoids the heel kick! Fans cheer the standoff and the two reset. They circle, feel things out, and then Lio runs the ropes. Lio redirects, but so does TJP.

TJP Spider-Mans in the ropes, Lio runs in and TJP slides under, but Lio clings to the ropes now! TJP realizes where Lio went, drags him off but Lio slips under and rolls TJP up! TJP rolls through, blocks Lio’s spin to throw him down, but Lio avoids the stomp! Lio also avoids the buzzsaw, and the heel kick! But TJP DROPKICKS and that hits the mark! Fans fire up as Lio goes to a corner. TJP stomps Lio, wraps an arm around the ropes and pulls, but lets off as the ref counts. TJP goes after Lio’s arm but Lio whips him away. TJP comes back, turns dropdown into trapped hammerlock, and the SNAP ARMBAR!

Fans rally while Lio writhes and bails out of the ring. TJP goes out after Lio, brings him up, and he RAMS Lio into the apron! The ref wants this to get in the ring so TJP puts Lio in. Cover, ONE, but TJP steps on Lio’s face! Lio crawls to a corner, TJP is on him, but Lio kicks first. TJP snapmares, pushes Lio down, then drops knees on the bad shoulder! And then JAMS a knee into Lio’s back! TJP drags Lio up but Lio deadweights. TJP wrenches, hooks Lio up, and has the COBRA TWIST! Lio endures, fans rally up, and Lio fights free with elbows! Lio ROCKS TJP with a haymaker, then ROCKS him with a forearm!

Lio whips, TJP reverses but Lio goes up and around to whip again. Lio rolls TJP, and hits the SPIN KICK! TJP goes to the apron, Lio runs in and HANDSPRING KICKS! TJP falls, Lio builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and fans fire up! Lio roars as he gets back up. Lio puts TJP in the ring, shakes out the bad arm, and he hauls TJP up. RUNNING BACK SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Lio pounds the mat and the fans rally up. Lio climbs, FINAL- NO, Lio has to bail out! TJP ROLLING SOBATS Lio away! TJP then runs in to back body block! Lio sits down, and fans rally up as TJP scrapes laces off Lio’s face!

TJP hypes the fans up more, but Lio throws him into the corner! And now Lio scrapes his laces off TJP’s face! Fans fire up all the same and Lio goes side to side, but TJP BOOTS him! TJP makes Lio sit down in that corner, for more scrapes of the laces! TJP runs, but Lio dodges! Lio comes back but TJP dodges! DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES stagger both men! They then DOUBLE BOOT! Both fall down and fans fire up again! Lio crawls, TJP sits up, and TJP brings Lio around. TJP ROCKS Lio with a forearm, but Lio ROCKS TJP back! TJP ROCKS Lio with another forearm, but Lio ROCKS TJP again!

TJP gets the edge, but then Lio fires off a strike fest! TJP goes to a corner, Lio runs in, but TJP dodges! TORNADO DDT! Lio is down and TJP goes up a corner fast! Fans fire up but Lio trips TJP up! Lio ROCKS TJP with a haymaker, then a GAMANGIRI! TJP wobbles, Lio climbs up, and fans rally as Lio brings TJP into a clinch. TJP fights with elbows, then shoves Lio away! Lio is in the drop zone, TJP lines up the shot, MAMBA SPLASH onto knees! Lio runs, but TJP DROPKICKS Rush Hour down! TJP goes back up, Lio stands, MAMBA ATTACK! And then TJP goes to a corner, but takes aim instead of climbing!

NOVA- NO, Lio ducks the shoutout to Akira! Lio runs in but TJP dodges the tackle! TJP keeps moving and he BUSAIKU KNEES! Cover, TWO!! Lio survives and fans fire up again! TJP is frustrated, but he puts Lio back in a drop zone. Fans rally as TJP climbs up the corner. TJP aims again, MAMBA- NO, Lio dodges! Lio runs in, but TJP sends him into buckles! Dragon sleeper, but Lio drops to the SAMSON, TWO!! Lio runs, TJP follows, but Lio dodges and redirects, RUSH- NO, TJP stays back out of Lio’s range! ARMBAR! Lio scrambles, TJP shifts to get a leg! Stepover, into PINOY STRETCH!!

Lio endures, reaches out, and fans duel as TJP pulls on the hold! Lio crawls with one arm and one leg, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up and TJP lets go in frustration. TJP and Lio rise, Lio leaning against the ropes. TJP brings Lio around, wrenches to arm to an ELBOW BREAKER, and then brings Lio up again. Lio throws body shots, but TJP wrenches to another ELBOW BREAKER! TJP drags Lio up and Lio HEADBUTTS! But TJP fireman’s carries! But Lio slips out, FINAL CUT! Lio uses a move from TJP’s playbook, and then runs to SPEAR! Shoutout to the All Mighty!

TJP is down, Lio hurries up top! Fans rally, Lio aims, FINAL HOUR onto boots! TJP saves himself, and then SUPERKICKS Lio down! TJP roars, the fans are thunderous, and TJP runs to- NO, Lio avoids the double knees! Lio then fakes the spin kick, to then hit on delay! Lio runs, springboards, RUSH HOUR! Lio hurries up top again, for the FINAL HOUR!! Cover, Lio wins!!

Winner: Lio Rush, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TJP earns 0)

Another fast and furious battle on the night, and that was truly TJP’s Final Hour in this block! Lio keeps rolling strong, will he truly be the Man of the Hour in the semifinals?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Kevin Knight!

Direct Drive has been revving his engine and getting hot at the right time, and because of Wato’s win earlier, The Jet’s flight is done. But can Kevin still ground Yoh? Or will Yoh continue to #StunTheWorld?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Knight tries a Kushida style drop toehold but Yoh stays back. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, and Yoh powers his way to a waistlock. Knight pries free to wrench and wristlock, but Yoh rolls, kips and wrenches to then headlock. Knight powers out, but Yoh holds ropes to avoid the speed-up. Knight runs in, but Yoh dodges him and eggs him on. Knight runs in, things speed up now as Yoh bypasses and drop toeholds. Knight avoids the basement dropkick but Yoh avoids the splash! Yoh runs again, Knight dodges the dropkick to scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up as Knight SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Knight looms over Yoh. Knight drags Yoh up, UPPERCUTS him, and he says, “Tsuyoi! <I’m strong!>” Then Knight UPPERCUTS again! Knight puts Yoh up top but Yoh CLUBS him away. Knight comes back, springs right up, but Yoh slips under! Yoh drags Knight down but Knight ROCKS Yoh! Knight whips, Yoh reverses and dropkicks the legs out! Fans rally while both men are down. Yoh then dropkicks the leg while Knight is down! Yoh grabs that leg, SMASHES it on the mat, then SMASHES the other leg! Knight writhes, Yoh covers, ONE! Fans rally and Yoh keeps his cool.

Yoh stomps Knight to a corner, stomps away on the legs, but lets off as the ref counts. Knight throws body shots and a CHOP! Knight ROCKS Yoh but Yoh kicks the leg out! Yoh trips Knight, steps over for a toehold, and then spinning toeholds the other leg! Yoh eggs Knight on but Knight swings on him. Yoh avoids the shots and he pulls on the leg! Knight endures, Yoh steps through again, but Knight drags him to a cradle! TWO!! Yoh escapes, he knees low, then he whips Knight to a corner. Yoh runs in but Knight dodges! Knight comes back, but into a BOOT! Knight tries again but Yoh kicks the legs out!

Yoh goes up, but Knight roars to JUMPING STEINER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Knight roars again, and he sees Yoh in the other corner. Knight runs corner to corner, and STINGER SPLASHES! Yoh staggers about, Knight whips but Yoh reverses. Knight holds ropes, Yoh runs in but Knight dumps him out! Knight then PLANCHAS, but Yoh dodges! Yoh kicks Knight, and whips him at the stands! But Knight box jumps right up! Fans fire up for that agility, and then Knight CANNONBALLS onto Yoh! Fans are thunderous for Knight and he hobbles his way back to Yoh. Knight puts Yoh in the ring and climbs the corner.

Fans rally, Yoh rises, and Knight CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Knight is a little frustrated, but he refocuses as the fans rally up. Knight aims from the corner, Yoh stands, and Yoh blocks the boot! Yoh dropkicks the left leg out! Knight crawls to ropes, Yoh grabs the right leg to DRAGON SCREW! Yoh suplexes to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Knight survives but Yoh fires back up. Yoh drags Knight up, underhooks, but Knight fights the lift! Knight wrenches out, swings, but into a spin! Yoh suplexes, Knight fights it, but the legs jam! Yoh dropkicks the legs out! Yoh runs, but Knight DROPKICKS!!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Knight rolls his way to a corner and he waits on Yoh. Yoh stirs and Knight pounds the mat. Fans rally up, Yoh stands, and Knight runs in, SPIKE- NO, Yoh throws Knight away, but then Knight blocks the superkick! Knight spins Yoh to SUPERKICK first! Knight ripcords Yoh, to SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!!! Yoh survives and Knight is shocked! Fans fire up and Knight roars as he goes back to a corner. Yoh rises again and Knight runs back in, but Yoh SUPERKICKS! Knight wobbles on his feet, Yoh fires himself back up, and Yoh tunes up the band!

Knight staggers up, into another SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives but Yoh roars again. Fans rally, Yoh brings Knight up and underhooks, DIRECT DRIVE!! Cover, Yoh wins!!

Winner: Yoh, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Knight earns 0)

Knight falls, but Yoh shows him the respect he earned. As for Yoh, Knight tells him to go win this thing. Will Direct Drive be unstoppable going into the semifinals?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Taiji Ishimori!

Rivals meet again at a very crucial point in the tournament! Both men are 5-2, but this is about more than just getting to 12 points! Will the Ticking Timebomb blow up the Bone Soldier’s chances? Or will Taiji guarantee #ItsReborn?

Hiromu’s picture dairy for Taiji is he’s a “Muscle Chihuahua.” Has he used that joke before? Hiromu considers handing the diary to Takagi, but still goes with Milano Collection AT. Takagi does get this on video via his camera phone, though. The bell rings and fans rally for “HI-RO-MU! HI-RO-MU!” Hiromu and Taiji circle, feel things out, and then back away. They circle and then tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. Taiji puts Hiromu in the corner but Hiromu turns it around. Red Shoes calls the break, Hiromu lets off slowly, but Taiji avoids the chop! Taiji RAMS Hiromu, whips him corner to corner, but Hiromu slides out!

Taiji slides out in pursuit of Hiromu, but then Hiromu slides back in. Taiji keeps pursuing Hiromu but Hiromu comes back to SUNSET, only for Taiji flip free! Hiromu pops Taiji up, trips him up, then goes up the apron to JOHN WOO! Direct hit and fans fire up as the Young Lions keep Taiji from falling on the front row! Hiromu brings Taiji up, looks to the ring, but throws him into the railing at the stands! Fans fire up as Hiromu opens the gate and he brings Taiji up the bleachers! The fans cheer Hiromu on as they go to the second segment, and Hiromu suplexes. Taiji blocks, to suplex Hiromu to the floor!

Fans rally and Taiji roars as he gets space. And a lot of space. Taiji runs back at Hiromu, to JOHN WOO in return! Hiromu tumbles to the wall and Taiji leaves him behind. Fans rally for “ISHI-MORI!” as he returns to ringside. Taiji waits on Red Shoes to start the count, and then Taiji unties the blue buckle pad. The Bullet Club Special is in play as Hiromu starts crawling his way back. The count is 10 of 20 before Hiromu is even down the bleachers. Hiromu reaches ground level at 15 of 20, makes it through the gate, and then hurries to the ring to slide in at 19! Taiji smirks and he storms up to Hiromu.

Taiji drags Hiromu up, wrenches, and CLUBS the arm. Taiji then hammerlocks the arm, to RAM it into bare buckles! Fans rally, Red Shoes reprimands, but Taiji grins as he brings Hiromu up. Taiji wrenches and whips to YANK and WRING the arm! Hiromu writhes but Taiji grabs the arm again. Taiji has Hiromu in a cobra clutch and leans on the hold. Hiromu endures, fights up, but Taiji ripcords to RAM the shoulder! Taiji brings Hiromu to a knee for a keylock! Hiromu endures as Taiji stands over him, and he claws his way forward. Taiji pulls on the arm, Hiromu still fights, and the fans rally. Hiromu gets the ROPEBREAK!

Taiji lets go in annoyance but Hiromu sits up to CHOP him! And CHOP! And CHOP! Taiji BOOTS Hiromu, whips him, but Hiromu reverses. Hiromu avoids the boot to run and RANA! Fans fire up for “HI-RO-MU!” while both men are down! Taiji crawls to a corner but Hiromu brings him up. Hiromu whips corner to corner but Taiji reverses! Hiromu reverses back, and Taiji is sent into the bare buckles! Hiromu then clotheslines him into them, snapmares and basement dropkicks! Hiromu keeps going, suplex for FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Taiji hangs tough and the fans rally for “HI-RO-MU!” again.

Hiromu shakes out his arms, he drags Taiji up, and he fireman’s carries. Taiji fights free and shoves Hiromu to a corner. Hiromu comes back, Taiji scoops him and aims for the corner, but Hiromu slips off! Taiji avoids hitting buckles, he elbows Hiromu back, and then whips Hiromu into the bare buckles! Taiji runs in, blocks the boots, and puts Hiromu in the ropes. ENZIGURI, and SLIDING GERMAN! Fans fire up and Taiji goes back to the ring. Taiji climbs, but Hiromu avoids the 450! Hiromu elbows Taiji but Taiji blocks the lariat! Taiji ducks the superkick but Hiromu blocks the knee!

Hiromu fireman’s carries, Taiji fights free but Hiromu switches. GERMAN SUPLEX, but Taiji lands on his feet! DOUBLE LARIATS collide but both men stay up! Hiromu SUPERKICKS, Taiji JUMP KNEES! Taiji hops on but Hiromu shrugs him off! Taiji comes back to LA MYSTIC- NO, Hiromu blocks, pops Taiji around, but Taiji pops back up! POISON-RANA!! Hiromu staggers to ropes, and Taiji roars! Taiji runs, but into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Hiromu grits his teeth as he fights to sit up, but Taiji clutches a shoulder as he rolls away. Fans rally more while both men catch their breath.

Hiromu sits up again, and Taiji crawls over to him. They go forehead to forehead as they stand, and then Hiromu ROLLING ELBOWS! Taiji staggers, and HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER! Fans fire up and Hiromu says that’s not all! Hiromu runs, but Taiji catches him! Hiromu and Taiji now fight for control in the clinch, and Hiromu pushes Taiji. DOUBLE LARIATS collide point-blank! Red Shoes checks both men while the fans rally back up. Red Shoes calls it, Taiji is DONE!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by referee stoppage (gains 2 points; Taiji earns 0)

Taiji got knocked for a loop at some point in this match, and the medic comes in to check him. Hiromu survives what was becoming another classic war, will he get back to the semifinals after all? As for Taiji, between his arm and his head, will be able to come back for the last round?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Francesco Akira!

Round eight closes with another crucial battle! The Rogue Luchador stands at 5-2 while the Nova Fireball is on the bubble at 4-3. Will Strong Style see Desperado through to the next round? Or will Akira conquer him in the name of the United Empire?

Akira gets in Desperado’s face, shoves him, but Red Shoes has the two stay back. The bell rings and fans rally for “A! KI-RA! A! KI-RA!” Desperado applauds Akira for having the fans, and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Desperado uses his height as leverage. They end up on the ropes, Akira tells Desperado to back off and Red Shoes counts, but Desperado lets off cleanly. Fans applaud and the two reset. Desperado talks a bit of smack, he and Akira tie up again, and Akira powers Desperado back to the ropes! Red Shoes calls the break, Akira lets off slowly, but he pats Desperado hard on the shoulders.

Akira eggs Desperado on, they tie up again and Desperado headlocks for the takeover. Akira kicks, reaches up but Desperado avoids the headscissors. Desperado traps an arm, uses that to turn Akira over, and then he shifts into a CROSSFACE! Akira scrambles but Desperado turns him around to a chinlock, and then a double chicken wing. Akira fights, Desperado wrenches him and headlocks, but Akira powers out. Desperado runs Akira over! Fans rally, things speed up, and Akira hurdles! Desperado waistlocks, Akira elbows free, and things speed up again. Akira ducks ‘n’ dodges and CALF KICKS Desperado down!

Fans fire up and Akira brings Desperado outside. Akira brings Desperado up and POSTS him! Akira storms back over, talks trash as he digs his knee into Desperado’s head, but he steps off as Red Shoes tells him to get this in the ring. Akira stands Desperado up to CHOP him! And then CLUB him! They’re at commentary, Great-O-Khan is there and apparently talks smack of his own. Desperado kicks the desk but then Akira DECKS him! Akira fist bumps with Khan and then borrows his chair. Akira makes Desperado take a seat, and CHOPS him! Akira goes to the far side and fans rally up. Akira runs in, to SHOTGUN Desperado out of the chair!

Fans fire up with “A! KI-RA! A! KI-RA!” Also, a Young Lion gets Khan his chair back. Akira drags Desperado up, puts him in the ring, and covers, ONE! Another cover, ONE! Another cover, ONE!! Akira grows annoyed with Desperado, but he drags Desperado up. Akira digs his foot into Desperado’s face, taunts him and dares him to talk trash now. Akira gives “Despy” toying kicks, egging him on the whole time. Desperado frowns but Akira kicks him back down. Akira throws down forearms and says “Show me something!” Desperado stands up and Akira throws forearms! Desperado doesn’t budge!

Akira keeps throwing shots, then he DOUBLE CHOPS! Akira runs, but Desperado ROCKS him in return! Akira falls right out of the ring, and Desperado builds speed. Desperado DIVES! Direct hit and Young Lions keep them from hitting bleachers! Fans rally for “DE-SU-PE!” as he stands tall. Desperado has fans move aside, and he fetches Akira. Desperado brings Akira around, to BOWL him into chairs! STRIKE right to the back! Fans cheer with Desperado and he fetches Akira. Desperado brings Akira around to CLUB him on the neck, and then tells him this is what he gets for acting tough. Desperado looks deep under the ring for something…

Desperado brings chairs out, brings them to Akira, and then scoops him to SLAM him on the floor! Desperado then places a chair on top of a leg, and CON-CHAIR-TOS it!! Akira writhes and Red Shoes reprimands, but Desperado says this is what happens when you play around. Desperado leaves Akira behind and the ring count starts. Akira crawls around at 5 of 20, hobbles up but falls at 10. Akira manages to hop back up, and he slides in at 12! Desperado looms over Akira, drags him up, but Akira throws a forearm! And another! Desperado doesn’t budge, and he kicks the bad leg. Then he knees Akira low!

Desperado has Akira in the corner, and wraps the bad leg around ropes! Red Shoes reprimands, Desperado lets go, and he kicks the ropes to jam the leg! Akira winces as he clutches the knee, and Desperado brings him out. Desperado snapmares, steps on the bad leg, then digs his heel in. Desperado stomps the bad leg, then has the STRETCH MUFFLER! Akira scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Desperado applauds, but then Desperado stomps the leg! Desperado dares Akira to talk trash, then drags him out to HIP DROP the knee! Desperado ties up the legs in a deathlock!

Akira sits up to CHOP! Desperado eggs him on and Akira CHOPS, and then DOUBLE CHOPS! Desperado “falls” back and that puts on the pressure! Akira flails and endures, and he reaches out for ropes. Desperado lounges while he keeps the hold on tight! Akira crawls forward, reaches out again, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado thrashes the hold, lets off, but “Oops!” Knee drop on the knee! Fans rally for “A! KI-RA!” and Desperado mockingly echoes it. Desperado brings Akira up, Akira throws a forearm but Desperado kicks the bad leg. Akira goes to a corner, Desperado runs in, but Akira elbows him away!

Desperado comes back, but Akira catches him to a TARANTULA! Desperado isn’t really bothered, though, and he easily gets free to have a KNEEBAR on Akira! Red Shoes counts, Desperado lets go and Akira falls to the mat. Desperado grins and he drags Akira up. Desperado has the leg, for a SHIN- NO, Akira fights with elbows! Desperado waistlocks, Akira victory rolls to STOMP 182! Fans fire up while both men are down! Akira and Desperado go to opposite corners, and Akira manages to run in to clothesline! Akira keeps moving, and he UPPERCUTS! Akira brings Desperado around and shouts, “Korakuen! IKU ZO!!”

Fans fire up and Akira runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS Desperado out! Fans fire up more and Akira builds speed! Akira slides but Desperado gets under, to then shove Akira into Young Lions and the front row! Fans fire up as Akira falls over, and Desperado stalks him. Desperado drags Akira back up, points to another segment of the stands, and he CLUBS Akira. Fans in the upper deck move, and Desperado brings Akira over. Desperado whips Akira at the upper deck, but Akira stops himself, only to jam his leg! Desperado whips again but Akira reverses and Desperado hits the deck! Akira then runs in, but Desperado pops him up!

Akira lands safe on the upper deck and he mule kicks Desperado away! And then QUEBRADAS! Direct hit but maybe a little double-edged given the damage to Akira’s legs. Fans rally, Akira gets in the ring, and he pounds the mat. “A! KI-RA!” builds speed, and DIVES! Direct hit and Desperado ends up sitting in the front row! Khan fans Akira off with the United Empire towel, and Akira drags Desperado back into the ring. Cover, TWO!! Desperado is still in this but the fans rally for Akira. Akira brings Desperado up, talking trash in Italian, and Desperado asks in Japanese, “What’re you saying?”

Akira tries to chicken wing, but Desperado reaches for ropes. They struggle, Akira brings Desperado back, but Desperado mule kicks the bad leg! Desperado storms up but into an ELBOW! And a CHOP! Akira brings Desperado around but Desperado ROCKS Akira! Desperado runs in, into a SNAP GERMAN! Fans fire up with Akira and he runs, SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Desperado survives but the fans still rally for “A! KI-RA!” Akira drags Desperado up, brings him in again, but Desperado blocks Speedfire! Desperado powers out, swings, but into another SNAP GERMAN! Akira roars and runs, into a SPINEBUSTER!

High stack, TWO! STRETCH MUFFLER!! Desperado thrashes Akira around, but Akira crawls and reaches out! Fans rally as hard as they can, and Akira gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado still thrashes the leg, but lets off as Red Shoes counts. TJP appears ringside and he coaches Akira on. Akira’s the only United Empire man still alive in the tournament, TJP wants him to keep going! Desperado stands up first, though, and he brings Akira in. Fans rally, Desperado goes to gut wrench, but Akira fights it! Desperado stomps the bad leg! Akira growls and stands up, but Desperado gets that leg. SHIN- NO, Akira KICKS free! Akira then ENZIGURIS Desperado!

Desperado wobbles, Akira fires up and brings him in, SPEED- NO, Desperado slips out to gut wrench! GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Akira survives and fans are thunderous! Desperado roars and fans fire up with him! Desperado brings Akira back up, underhooks, but Akira fights the Pinche! Akira wrenches to SPEEDFIRE!! Cover, TWO!! Desperado survives but Akira steps over! PINOY STRETCH!!! Shoutout to TJP and fans fire up again! Desperado crawls, Akira pulls back on the hold, and TJP cheers Akira on! Desperado claws around, drags Akira along with him, and gets the ROPEBREAK!!

Fans are thunderous again though Akira is frustrated. The fans rally and duel, “A! KI-RA!” “DE! SU-PE!” Akira rises, watches Desperado at the ropes, and then brings him back! Akira waistlocks, but Desperado fights the lift! Desperado reaches for the ropes but Akira chicken wings! But Desperado kicks away on the legs! But Akira ROCKS Desperado! Chicken wings, to the FIRE PLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Akira can’t believe it but Desperado survives! The fans are thunderous again and Akira goes to a corner. Akira aims as Desperado rises, and he pounds the mat. Akira runs in, NOVA- NO, Desperado ducks!

STRETCH MUFFLER!!! And a lift even!! NUMERO DOS, right into NUMERO DOS PLUS!!! Akira endures, even as Desperado thrashes him all around! Akira fights to get an arm free, but Desperado claws at him! NUMERO DOS PLUS AGAIN!!! Akira is caught, TJP thinks about the towel, but Akira is refusing to give in! Desperado THRASHES all of Akira’s limbs, and he LIFTS Akira again! Akira is turning red, but then Desperado drops him? And SMASHES the bad leg! Desperado GROUND DRAGON SCREWS, into the STRETCH MUFFLER!!! Akira endures all over again, and Desperado leans all his weight into getting NUMERO DOS!!

TJP is conflicted, but the fans are rallying as hard as they can for Akira! Red Shoes checks again, Akira refuses, but then TJP shouts that that’s enough! Desperado lets Akira go, and he argues with TJP. TJP throws the towel, only for Desperado to catch it! Desperado says TJP can’t give up for Akira, Akira has to give up for Akira. Akira crawls over, grabs the towel, and throws it away! Akira isn’t giving up, and he rises up, to throw a forearm! But there wasn’t a lot behind that. Akira wants to keep going, but his forearms are just nothing. Desperado ROCKS Akira with one back! Akira still refuses to give up!

Akira throws more shots, and Desperado eggs him on. Desperado ROCKS Akira again, kicks the bad leg, but Akira SUPERKICKS! Roll up, TWO!!! Akira SUPERKICKS again! But LOCO MONO knocks him down! Desperado drags Akira around, STRETCH MUFFLER!!! NUMERO DOS PLUS ULTRA!!!! Akira finally quits, Desperado wins!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Akira earns 0)

At just past 25 minutes, the Nova Fireball was finally extinguished! TJP hurries to his tag partner’s side, hoping his friend wasn’t just completely removed from the BOSJ right here. If Akira can compete in the ninth round, will he be able to get those final two points?

As for Desperado, he doesn’t even mind The United Empire’s still present as he gets the mic. “The first time I mentioned you, it was two years ago, you were a champion in another company. And you were doing some pretty cool stuff. And when I was champion, I was seeing a lot of guys do cool stuff with you, like Chris Brooks. But that was two years ago. And this is Best of the Super Juniors, and only you and I remember talking about any of that. So you were thinking about this for the last two years. Now that you’ve had your shot, what do you think about it? Fans applaud, they certainly thought it was worth the wait.

Desperado is really surprised that Akira didn’t give up to a move Desperado’s used thousands of times to submit people. Desperado knows Akira was thinking he’d rather die than give up, but he didn’t. Akira’s friends wanted him to give up but he didn’t. In this match, Akira was pretty damn cool. Desperado also says that this BOSJ has been something, and Desperado is in a must-win situation in the end. Things are changing, the positions are changing, but what Desperado is driven by and what his goals are will never change. He will be the strongest. Desperado leaves it at that, but will he truly become the Best of the Super Juniors?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Mike Bailey: 6-2, 12 points
Lio Rush: 6-2, 12 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 6-2, 12 points
Titán: 5-3, 10 points
Taiji Ishimori: 5-3, 10 points [INJURED]
TJP: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
DOUKI: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
SHO: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
KUSHIDA: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-8, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

YOH: 6-2, 12 points
Master Wato: 6-2, 12 points
El Desperado: 6-2, 12 points
Robbie Eagles: 5-3, 10 points
Francesco Akira: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Clark Connors: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Kevin Knight: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Dan Moloney: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

An awesome round here as BOSJ is almost at the end. Almost every match was important to the standings, but all matches were worth watching. Sho keeps cheating, but I appreciate how clever he and Evil are being in pretending to be honest, only to turn things back around and be underhanded again. But Kushida coming out with the win in the end was also great, he really needed that. A damn shame about Taiji getting legitimately hurt, now he really is out of the running. This changes things so that A Block has only four left when they could’ve had five, but it keeps them even with B Block.

Moloney bringing Eagles down was a touch of a surprise, and Eagles is the one in the worst spot of B Block’s final four. For one, he needs to beat Desperado. Then, he needs Yoh and Wato to lose. Yoh is against Kanemaru and Wato is against Knight, and either Kanemaru or Knight could get a spoiler in the end. But the way things are going, I feel like Yoh is the shoe-in. Wato needs to win and Eagles to beat Desperado since Desperado beat Wato. If Desperado wins, he’s the one joining Yoh in the semifinals.

Also I keep forgetting that it is actually a crisscross semifinals. A Block’s 1st place VS B Block’s 2nd Place, and then B Block’s 1st Place VS A Block’s 2nd. In A Block, Titan at 5-3 needs to win and for Mike Bailey to lose to get in. But he’s against LIJ teammate and IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Hiromu, so I’m not sure that’s likely. As such, if Hiromu wins, he’s in no matter what, since he’ll have a better score than the loser of Mike VS Lio, while the winner of Mike VS Lio is of course in. This is big stuff befitting of the 30th anniversary, can’t wait to see it.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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