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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/23/23)

Round 9, part 1, FIGHT!




A Block gets the top of the ninth!

Best of the Super Juniors enters the ninth, and A Block gets today all to themselves! Who will be A Block’s top two going through to the semifinals?


  • TJP & Great-O-Khan VS Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima; TJP & Khan win.
  • El Desperado & Ryohei Oiwa VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita; Desperado & Oiwa win.
  • Francesco Akira & Dan Moloney VS Clark Connors & Gedo; Akira & Moloney win.
  • Six Man Tag: Kevin Knight, Master Wato & YOH VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Taichi & Taka Michinoku; Knight, Wato & Yoh win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Ryusuke Taguchi; Taguchi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: DOUKI VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS Mike Bailey; Bailey wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Titán; Titan wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

Mike Bailey: 6-2, 12 points
Lio Rush: 6-2, 12 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 6-2, 12 points
Titán: 5-3, 10 points
Taiji Ishimori: 5-3, 10 points [INJURED]
TJP: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
DOUKI: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
SHO: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
KUSHIDA: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-8, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Ryusuke Taguchi!

This match may not matter to the standings and who heads for the semifinals, but dammit, the Timesplitter and Funky Weapon have pride on the line! Will Taguchi finally score at the last possible moment? Or will he be the very bottom of the block?

Kushida offers a handshake and fans cheer as Taguchi takes it. The bell rings and the two tie up. They go around, Kushida powers Taguchi to ropes but Taguchi turns it around. The ref counts the break, Taguchi lets off and fans cheer. Kushida hurries after a leg, trips Taguchi and floats to a cover but Taguchi keeps a shoulder up. Kushida floats to a headlock, Taguchi rolls it to a cover, ONE! Kushida holds on, goes after an arm, but Taguchi goes to headscissors. Kushida fights those off to float and wrench the arm. Taguchi gets a leg, Kushida hops around, and Kushida slips free. Fans applaud as the two reset.

Taguchi and Kushida feel things out, knuckle lock, and then Kushida spins and wrenches to trip Taguchi again. Taguchi fights off the cover but Kushida shifts to go after an arm. Taguchi moves around, he ties up the legs, and Taguchi pulls back on the deathlock. Kushida reaches back, floats to a headlock and takeover, but Taguchi headscissors. Kushida kips free, Taguchi turns things around with a headlock takeover of his own. Kushida headscissors but Taguchi kips free, and the fans cheer the new standoff. Kushida and Taguchi reset again as fans rally up. They tie up, and Taguchi headlocks.

Kushida powers out but Taguchi RAMS him. They stay up, so Taguchi goes again. Kushida goes the other way, they crisscross as they run the ropes, and then Kushida drops. Taguchi hops over and comes back, they RAM shoulders. They both run, both drop, and then both dropkick! Fans fire up as both men stand. Taguchi and Kushida reset again and circle. They feel things out, Kushida drop toeholds then wrenches an arm. Kushida grinds the elbow, Taguchi rolls but Kushida CLUBS the arm! Kushida CHOPS then whips, but Taguchi holds ropes. Kushida runs in but Taguchi puts him on the apron.

Taguchi rams Kushida, then triangle jump DROPKICKS! Fans fire up and Taguchi builds speed! But Kushida avoids the sliding dropkick. Taguchi pursues as Kushida goes around the way. They both jog around, fans rally up as they keep going, and then Kushida slides in. Taguchi follows, avoids the Penalty Kick, and then drags Kushida out for OH MY GAH ANKLE! The ref reprimands, Kushida holds ropes and kicks at Taguchi. Kushida then stands, and Taguchi stops in frustration. Fans rally, Taguchi gets up and shoulders in, but into a HOVERBOARD! The ref counts, Kushida lets off at 4, and then PENALTY KICKS the arm!

Taguchi writhes out to the apron but Kushida drags him back in. Kushida wrenches the arm, for an ELBOW BREAKER! Kushida drags Taguchi around, ties up the arms and traps them in that crisscross, to then SNAP LOCK them! Taguchi endures, Kushida gets his legs, HOG TIE CRADLE! TWO!! Kushida SNAP LOCKS the arms again! Taguchi writhes, Kushida paces, and then Kushida brings Taguchi up. Kushida snapmares to scrape his soles off Taguchi’s face! Kushida cartwheels to basement dropkick! Fans fire up while Kushida covers, TWO! Kushida brings Taguchi up and has the straitjacket stretch!

Taguchi endures and fans rally up with chants of “TA-GU-CHI!” Taguchi fights up, turns the jacket onto Kushida, but Kushida turns it right back onto Taguchi! Fans continue to rally, Taguchi fights up, and Taguchi swivels and wiggles the jacket down! Taguchi steps over to put it on Kushida! But Kushida arm-drags free! Kushida runs in but into a BOOT! Taguchi runs, but into a knee! Kushida runs, but into the SOMERSAULT HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up as Kushida flops to ropes. Taguchi runs to HIP ATTACK Kushida against ropes, then goes side to side for another HIP ATTACK! And then a basement dropkick!

Kushida falls out of the ring, Taguchi triangle jump PLANCHAS! Direct hit and down goes Kushida! Fans fire up while both men are down. The ref checks, Kushida stirs and Taguchi shakes out his arms. Taguchi brings Kushida up and into the ring, and then aims from the apron. Kushida stands, Taguchi springboards, MISSILE- ARMBAR!! Kushida catches Taguchi into the armbar!! Fans fire up, Taguchi fights the hold, rolls and turns Kushida over, to LA MA- NO, Kushida rolls Taguchi up! TWO, Kushida steps through, LA MA- NO, Taguchi blocks to a cover, TWO!! Taguchi and Kushida get right up to DOUBLE LARIATS!

Fans fire up, both men get up again, and DOUBLE LARIAT again! And they’re up again! Another DOUBLE LARIAT! They want a fourth, but they both fall down first! Fans fire up again and Kushida rises. Taguchi shakes his arms, both men sit up, and they crawl for each other. Taguchi throws a forearm, but Kushida gives it back. Taguchi throws a flurry but Kushida KICKS the arm! Kushida whips, Taguchi reverses, Kushida handsprings to BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up and Kushida says it’s time! Taguchi rises, Kushida runs in, HOVERBOARD!! Taguchi stays on his feet but Kushida’s got the body scissors!

Taguchi steps, reaches, but Kushida switches sides! Taguchi tries the other way, Kushida double underhooks! But Taguchi fights out and ROCKS Kushida with a forearm! But Kushida DROPKICKS the arm! Fans fire up, Kushida runs, but into a mule kick! But Kushida PELES! Taguchi ENZIGURIS Kushida! But Kushida winds up, only for Taguchi to “homer” the fastball! And then he BODY BLOWS back! Taguchi reels Kushida in, chicken wings, DODON BUSTER!! No throne?! Fans fire up and Taguchi crawls to the cover, TWO!! Kushida survives, but OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Taguchi has the ankle!

Kushida endures, fans are thunderous, and Taguchi’s butt is partially exposed!? When did that happen!? Kushida crawls, rolls, but Taguchi holds on! Then drops an elbow on the leg! The rope censors the shot but Taguchi goes booty up to lean as much as he can onto the hold! KUSHIDA TAPS!! TAGUCHI WINS!!!

Winner: Ryusuke Taguchi, by submission (gains 2 points; Kushida earns 0)

Incredible! At the last possible moment, Taguchi finally gets a win in this year’s BOSJ! Though, was that only because he returned to his Strange Style? As for Kushida, he has an uncharacteristically 2-7 finish! Will he be able to keep up in the Junior Heavyweight singles division like this?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: DOUKI VS SHO!

Another match that won’t affect the standings, but will establish a personal best! Will Japones Del Mal get to eight points? Or will the House of Torture stack the deck again?

Sho rushes back up the ramp as Doukie makes his entrance? Sho goes after him behind the curtain! And he drags… Wait, that’s not Douki, that’s Ryohei Oiwa with a Douki mask! Sho used a very Douki-pipe looking pipe to choke Oiwa, but then Sho makes the formal introductions and rings the bell himself! Sho stomps Oiwa, the ref wants him to stop because this isn’t Douki! SNAKE BITE!! Sho chokes Oiwa out, but here comes the REAL Douki! He is covered in tape just like Hiromu was a few days ago! Douki stomps away on Sho and tells Sho this is what he gets for messing around! Douki then drags Sho up as the bell officially rings!

Douki CHOKES Sho against ropes, lets off as the ref counts, and whips. Sho reverses but Douki RANAS back! Fans fire up, Douki runs in to clothesline in the corner! Douki keeps moving and he FLYING HEADBUTTS! Fans fire up with Douki while Sho bails out. Douki builds speed but Sho uses Kosei Fujita as a shield! Douki slides out, Sho slides in, and Sho comes back, but into a shoulder! Douki aims but Sho uses the ref as a shield! Douki stops the slingshot, and Sho dropkicks the legs out! Sho goes out after Douki, CHOKES him, but the ref reprimands. Sho drags Douki up, brings him around the way, and to the back part of the arena.

Sho throws Douki into the wall! And then Sho brings Douki along the backside of the bleachers, and all the way to the other corner, to CLUB Douki, and bring him into a backstage area! Douki fights back, Sho claws his eyes! Sho throws Douki in a trash bin! The ref reprimands but Sho leaves Douki in the dumpster to go back to ringside. The ref and a Young Lion help Douki out of the trash. Sho grins as he slides in the ring, and he says Douki really is trash! Fans boo and the ref reprimands, but the ring count still starts. Douki’s so far away, though! Douki crawls at 5 of 20, stands at 10, and Sho starts celebrating already.

Douki is back down the aisle at 14, reaches ringside at 16 and slides in at 17! Fans cheer but Sho stands on Douki’s hand! Sho bends the fingers! The ref reprimands and count, and Sho stops at 4. Sho then stomps Douki down, stands on his face, and makes it a cover. TWO as Douki still has fight in him! Sho taunts Douki, and Douki throws forearms! Sho rakes the eyes! The ref reprimands, but Sho wrenches an arm, brings Douki down, and kicks, KICKS and SUPER- NO, Douki blocks! But Sho rakes eyes! The ref counts, Sho whips Douki to a corner. Sho runs in but Douki BOOTS him! Douki goes up and FLYING HEADBUTTS!

Fans fire up and Sho crawls to a corner. Fans rally, Douki runs in, and he clotheslines! Douki keeps running, springboards and back elbows! Fans fire up more and Douki runs, DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Douki keeps cool and he drags Sho back up. Douki hooks the arms, Gory Especial, but Sho fights that off and bends fingers! Then Sho spins Douki, but Douki fights the lift. Douki runs, Sho brings him in, but Douki breaks free to ENZIGURI! Fans fire up again and Douki runs, but Sho uses the ref as a shield again! Douki pushes the ref aside but Sho blocks the kick! And rakes the eyes!

Sho then pretends Douki gave him a low blow! Douki defends his innocence, but Sho KNEES Douki into the ref! Fans boo as Douki and the ref are down, and Sho gets his ‘”torture tool!” Sho aims at Douki, but Douki has his pipe!! Fans fire up and cheer on Douki as he winds up! Sho says fine, swings, but Douki dodges! Douki swings, Sho dodges, but then Douki blocks the wrench attack! Sho’s hands hurt and he drops the wrench, then Douki JAMS Sho with the pipe! Fans fire up, Douki puts Sho in a drop zone and he climbs up top. Fans rally, Douki DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! But into the ITALIAN STRETCH #32!

Fans fire up as Douki pulls on Sho’s arms! Sho fights over, reaches out, but Douki drags him away, ITALIAN STRETCH!! Fans fire up as Sho starts fading! But EVIL is here! Evil claims he wants to throw in the towel, but the ref doesn’t trust that. Douki lets Sho go to shout at Evil. Evil says okay, okay, he’ll leave. But Sho is untying a buckle pad! A remix on the Bullet Club Special, and Douki runs in to hit bare buckles! Sho clotheslines Douki in, then tucks the arms! STRAITJACKET PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Douki survives and fans fire up! Sho is furious but then he aims his bow. Sho drags Douki up and reels him in.

Sho tucks the arms and brings Douki up again, but Douki slips free to trip and jackknife stack! TWO!! Sho escapes, runs, but Douki BOOTS him! Douki goes to the apron, HELL STABS, and even mule kicks Evil! DAYBREAK!! Fans are thunderous for Douki and he powers up! Douki wheelbarrows Sho in for SUPLEX DE LA LUNA!! Bridging cover, but YUJIRO TAKAHASHI drags the ref out! Evil fakes the count, and he makes Douki think he’s won! Douki turns arounds to see Evil! Fans boo and tell Evil & Yujiro to go home. Douki rushes in but into EVERYTHING- NO, Douki slips around to waistlock!

But Yujiro CLUBS Douki! Douki ROCKS Yujiro! And ROCKS Evil! But Yujiro LOW BLOWS Douki! EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Fans boo as Evil drags Sho over to the cover. The Tokyo Pimp fetches the ref, he counts, Sho wins!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

Sho wins but he needed even more members of the House to do it! Is this how Evil & Yujiro are going to get the IWGP Heavyweight & NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS Mike Bailey!

The Bad Child and Speedball both stand at 6-2 and 12 points. No matter what, the winner here moves on to the semifinals! Will Lio make this Mike’s Final Hour? Or is there no stopping Mike’s momentum?

The bell rings and fans rally up. Lio and Mike circle, then approach. Mike offers a handshake, Lio takes it, and fans cheer the sportsmanship. Mike and Lio talk a bit, perhaps about respect but each still being the one to win. The two take fighting stances, then things speed up! Mike follows Lio to drop but Lio hops over. Lio avoids the boot, redirects before the chop and then again before another boot! Mike keeps pursuing, triangle jumps but Lio avoids the kick! Mike dodges Lio now, handsprings over, and then hurdles! Lio leaps over and Mike kips up to arm-drag! Lio bails out, Mike goes up and out, and the two stand off on the apron!

Fans fire up and the ref wants this in the ring. Mike and Lio strike stances again! Mike blocks, Lio blocks, Lio ducks the kicks, then shoves Mike back. Lio runs to swing around the post?! Mike pursues as best he can, they get in the ring, but then Lio slides out! Mike follows, they go around the outside, Lio makes Mike think he’s going back in, then goes back up as Mike hops down! Lio mule kicks Mike and then ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and fans fire up for “LIO! LIO!” Lio has them get louder, then he drags Mike into the ring. Mike scrambles to the far side, Lio runs in, and he blocks a kick to SLAP Mike!

Lio eggs Mike on, so Mike comes back. Mike blocks a kick, flips Lio, and Lio bobs ‘n’ weaves to avoid strikes! Lio whips, Mike reverses, Lio reverses back but so does Mike! Lio goes up the ropes to springboard and arm-drags Mike away! Mike comes back and KICKS Lio down! Fans fire up and Mike goes to a corner. Lio rises, Mike storms up on him and wrenches an arm. Mike UPPERCUTS the arm, CLUBS the arm, wrenches the arm, and KICKS Lio back down! Fans fire up again and Mike covers, TWO! DOUBLE KNEE DROP! Fans continue to fire up, Lio goes to a corner, and Mike CHOPS him!

Mike whips corner to corner, Lio slides to a stop, but Mike blocks his boot to CHOP him again! Fans stay fired up and Mike whips corner to corner. Lio reverses, Mike stops himself, but Lio goes Matrix to duck a kick! Lio comes back into a SOBAT! AX KICK! And ROUNDHOUSE! Fans are still fired up, and Mike SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Lio is still in this and fans continue to rally. Mike keeps his focus as Lio goes to ropes. Lio stands, Mike KICKS his leg out! Mike stalks Lio, KICKS his leg again, then waits on Lio to sit up. Lio ducks the buzzsaw, and the other buzzsaw, but the lightning kicks and ENZIGURI hit!

Fans fire up and Lio sits back up. Mike aims, but Lio blocks the buzzsaw to fisherman, SPINNING BUSTER! Mike bails out, Lio builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and the Young Lions keep fans safe! Lio gets going again, to DIVE again! Another direct hit! Fans fire up and Lio goes back in. Lio builds speed but Mike gets up, so Lio HANDSPRING KICKS him! Lio keeps moving, builds more speed, and DIVES!! Direct hit for a hat trick! Lio drags Mike up, puts him in, and fans rally up. Lio climbs a corner, but Mike rises up! Mike climbs but Lio throws hands! Mike staggers away, but he comes back!

Lio gets away to another corner! Mike rushes over, but Lio goes back to the first corner. Mike rushes over again but Lio hops down to yank Mike down! Lio then jumps in, but Mike avoids the lariat! Mike goes to the apron, ROUNDHOUSES Lio down, and Lio flops to the floor! Fans rally up, Mike goes up the corner, DOUBLE JUMP TORNILLO! Direct hit and fans fire up again! Fans rally for “BAILEY! BAILEY!” now and a ring count starts. Mike rises at 5 of 20, drags Lio up at 10 and puts him in at 11. Fans cheer, Mike stalks Lio, and Mike brings Lio up. Mike suplexes, puts Lio on the ropes, and KICKS him!

Fans fire up as Mike KICKS Lio more! Mike then goes to the corner, climbs, and GUILLOTINE KNEE DROPS!! Fans are thunderous while Lio crashes down! Mike brings Lio up, puts him on the top rope, and tucks him in! FLAMINGO- NO, Lio sunset flips it! TWO!! Mike pushes Lio through, steps over, ARMBAR!! Lio endures, clasps hands, but Mike clubs away! Lio fights around, stacks Mike, TWO! Mike stands to MOONSAULT KNEE DROP!! And back to the ARMBAR!! Lio flails, reaches out, and scrambles over to the ROPEBREAK! Mike lets go quickly but Lio clutches his shoulder.

Fans rally, Mike waits on Lio to rise, and he KICKS Lio right back down! Fans continue to rally and Mike waits on Lio. Lio stands, staggers around, and Mike KICKS him back down! Fans fire up more as Mike waits on Lio again. Lio rises, Mike KICKS him down again! But Lio roars as he sits up! But Mike KICKS him, and MOONSAULT KNEE- NO, Lio dodges! Mike clutches his knees and fans rally up. Lio throws forearms on Mike, but Mike hits back! Lio throws another, and they go forehead to forehead. Mike throws forearm after forearm, and fans rally up. Lio jumps up! But Mike ducks the heel kick!

Mike SOBATS! AX KICKS! But Lio LARIATS!! Fans are thunderous again as Lio goes to a corner. Lio tunes up a la Yoh, but Mike blocks the kick with a kick! Mike BOOTS, HEEL KICKS, but Lio HEEL KICKS back! Both men are down and the fans stay fired up! Lio goes back to a corner, waits on Mike to rise, and Mike goes to the far corner. Lio runs in, but into a BOOT! THRUST KICK! Lio staggers, Mike takes aim now, TATSUMAKI- SPEAR!! Lio shouts out The All Mighty but it was double-edged given his bad shoulder. Mike bails out, fans rally, and Lio goes out, too. They stare down from across the ring, and go around the side.

Fans fire up as the two run in! Lio ducks the Rider Kick! Mike comes back, but into a SPANISH FLY to the floor! Lio puts Mike in, hurries up the corner, and he drags Mike up to join him. Lio positions himself to have Mike up, for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Mike survives and fans are thunderous again! Lio and Mike stir, and Lio kips up! Lio goes to a corner, tunes up fast, and Mike rises into the SUPERKICK!! Lio hurries back to the corner, goes up top again, for the FINAL HOUR into a boot! Mike drags Lio into a cradle, TWO!! Lio escapes but Mike goes to a corner! Lio runs in, blocks a boot but not the ENZIGURI!

Mike goes up, ULTIMA- NO, Lio moves! More damage to knees! Lio steps over but Mike rolls him up! TWO!! BASEMENT ENZIGURI! Lio runs, springboards, RUSH HOUR!! Lio hurries up top while Mike is down! Fans are thunderous for the FINAL HOUR, but he FLOPS as Mike moves!! Mike goes forehead to forehead with Lio, they stand up, and they both fire up! Lio avoids one spin but the TATSUMAKI SENPUKKU still hits!! Mike then puts Lio up, tucks and lifts! Lio fights with fists, but Mike still hits the FLAMINGO DRIVER!!! Cover, Mike wins!!

Winner: Mike Bailey, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lio earns 0)

The Speedball makes it through, this is NOT his Final Hour! Who joins him in representing the A Block? We find out in the main event!


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Titán!

For just a moment in this tournament, it looked as if the Ticking Timebomb wasn’t going to make the cut. But just as expected from the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, he’s fought his way back up! But just as with Lio VS Mike, the winner will be the one moving on! Will Hiromu keep his four-peat dream alive? Or will El Inmortal never say die?

Because this is an LIJ VS LIJ match, Tetsuya Naito appears! He lets Red Shoes check him before he joins commentary. Hiromu’s picture diary entry for Titan is something about being the new kid in LIJ. Hiromu is surprised to see Naito, though. As such, he presents Naito the diary! And then Naito drops it! Hiromu asks what the heck. Naito picks it up and apologizes. Titan looks at the entry now, is he surprised by it? Titan offers the LIJ fist bump, Hiromu accepts it, and fans applaud. The bell rings and fans rally up for “HI-RO-MU! HI-RO-MU!” as they circle. The two tie up, break, then tie up again.

Hiromu waistlocks, Titan spins through to facelock, but Hiromu wrenches out. Titan spins, headlocks, but Hiromu powers him down to a headlock on the mat. Titan rolls, slips free, wristlocks, and then brings Hiromu up to wrench. Hiromu spins through, loops and kicks low. Hiromu whips, Titan reverses, but Hiromu denies the tornado DDT! Hiromu rushes in but Titan sweeps the legs! Cover, ONE! Hiromu sweeps, covers, ONE! Titan kips up and fans fire up! Hiromu and Titan reset and fans rally. The two circle, Hiromu offers a handshake, so Titan takes it. Then Hiromu CHOPS! Titan CHOPS back!

Hiromu CHOPS, Titan CHOPS, and they go back and forth! Titan SOBATS! Titan wrenches and whips, Hiromu reverses but Titan goes up and over and rolls back! Titan blocks a chop, knuckle locks and CHOPS, then he goes up the ropes, tightrope walks, jumps and FLYING RANAS! Fans fire up, Titan gets moving, but Hiromu puts him on the apron. Titan GAMANGIRIS, but Hiromu shoulders in! Hiromu runs, but Titan catches him with a body scissors! Fans fire up as Titan brings Hiromu out to the floor! Titan then goes up, but Hiromu gets under! Titan holds on, but Hiromu brings him off the apron!

Titan goes to rana, but Hiromu blocks! Hiromu brings Titan up, to APRON POWERBOMB! Not the sunset flip but it may’ve done just as much damage! Fans rally and Hiromu gets up. Hiromu fetches Titan, puts him in the ring at 9 of 20, then covers. ONE!! Titan still has a lot of fight in him, but Hiromu drags Titan up. Hiromu CHOPS Titan to a corner, CHOPS again, then whips corner to corner. Hiromu runs in to clothesline, snapmare and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Hiromu brings Titan around and wraps on the headscissors squeeze! Titan kicks around, reaches out, and fans rally as he scoots forward, to the ROPEBREAK!

Hiromu lets go quickly, brings Titan up and whips, but Titan reverses. Hiromu holds ropes, BOOTS Titan back, then BOOTS again! Hiromu brings Titan around to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Hiromu eggs Titan on. Titan stands to throw a forearm but Hiromu keeps egging him on. Titan throws more forearms, but Hiromu CHOPS! Hiromu whips, Titan holds ropes, and Titan BOOTS Hiromu! Titan runs but into an elbow! Hiromu whips, Titan reveres, Hiromu swings but Titan goes Matrix! And then CALF KICKS! Fans fire up again and both men rise. Titan roars, runs, but Hiromu puts him on the apron.

Hiromu swings, Titan counter punches and then springboards to CROSSBODY! Titan DROPKICKS Hiromu out! Titan runs to DIVE! Direct hit and the Young Lions protect fans! Both Hiromu and Titan are down but the fans rally up. Titan rises and he stands over Hiromu. Titan brings Hiromu up and into the ring, then drags him around by a leg. Titan stomps the leg, hooks it, and rolls into the TRAILER HITCH! Fans rally as Hiromu endures! Hiromu crawls, reaches out, claws his way over, and gets the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Titan lets off quickly. Titan storms up on Hiromu, but Hiromu throws a forearm!

Titan brings Hiromu up, Hiromu throws another forearm! Titan tries again but Hiromu throws another forearm! The forearms go back and forth, Titan hitting a bit harder than Hiromu. Hiromu still throws another forearm, but Titan fires off fast palm strikes, kicks and a SOBAT! Titan runs, but Hiromu follows to ELBOW him! Hiromu runs, but then fakes Titan to ELBOW again! Hiromu whips, but Titan reverses, only for Hiromu to block the DDT! FALCON ARROW! But Hiromu’s too tired to make the cover! Fans rally up, Hiromu hobbles over, and he brings Titan up. Fireman’s carry, CORNER DEATH VALLEY!

Fans fire up with Hiromu and he brings Titan up again. But Titan fireman’s carries! Titan throws Hiromu to the apron! Hiromu stands, ducks the haymaker and throws Titan by his mask! Titan kips up to PELE! Hiromu falls to the floor and fans fire up as Titan builds speed! Titan FLIES! Direct hit and the Young Lions get wiped out, too! Fans fire up more while Red Shoes checks them both. Hiromu and Titan stir so the ring count starts. Titan rises at 6 of 20, brings Hiromu up at 13 and puts him in at 15. Fans rally, Titan powers up, and Titan springboards! Hiromu moves, Titan rolls out of the stomps, but runs into a fireman’s carry! DYNAMITE PLUNGER! Cover, TWO!

Titan sputters and Hiromu is frustrated, but Hiromu brings Titan up to a fireman’s carry. Titan fights it, throws some elbows, but Hiromu throws him to a dragon sleeper! Titan spins around but Hiromu suplexes! Titan throws knees, gets free, but Hiromu kicks low. Hiromu runs but into the TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up, Titan gets the legs and hooks Hiromu up, JAVE INMORTAL!! Hiromu flails, fights the chinlock, but Titan keeps fighting for it! Titan has to bridge back up, and he pulls at hair! Hiromu keeps fighting Titan’s grip, fans rally up, and Titan knuckle locks an arm to chinbar! Hiromu breaks that to get the ROPEBREAK!

Titan undoes the hold and the fans fire up. Titan pounds the mat and the fans rally up behind him. Titan goes to the apron, springboards, but Hiromu catches him to a fireman’s carry! TIMEBOMB 1.5!! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu fires up and he demands Titan to get up. Titan rises, Hiromu runs, HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER!! And then dragon sleeper, inverted suplex, but Titan victory rolls it! TWO, and Titan steps through! Hiromu cradles, TWO!! Fans fire up as both men get to opposite corners. Hiromu runs in, into a SUPERKICK!! Fans are thunderous as Titan pounds the mat and goes to the corner.

Hiromu is in another corner, Titan roars and runs in, LOCO LARIAT! Hiromu staggers, Titan goes up a corner! Titan leaps to DIVING NDOUBLE STOMPS!! Hiromu sputters, flounders and writhes as he clutches his chest! Titan roars again and he gets the legs! JAVE INMORTAL!!! Hiromu is caught!! Fans are thunderous, Hiromu reaches but Titan keeps pulling him backward! Titan thrashes, Hiromu claws at the mat, but HIROMU TAPS! TITAN WINS!!!

Winner: Titán, by submission (gains 2 points; Hiromu earns 0)

El Inmortal just defeated the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion!! Everyone is shocked as Hiromu WON’T make the semifinals, meaning he WON’T have a chance at a four-peat! Hiromu’s larger dream of having a decade of BOSJ trophies dies already! But he shows Titan respect for the win here with a fist bump.

As for Titan, he gets the mic, and in Espanol, he says, “Firstly, all thanks to the Almighty God.” Naito tries to trick Japanese commentary into thinking Titan thanked him, but they known well enough that wasn’t the case. Titan then says, “Buenos noches, fans of NJPW! Beunos noches. To those who supported me tonight and all league long, good evening to all the fans of Los Ingobernables de Japon!” Fans cheer that, but Naito keeps trying to take credit for all this. Titan says he’s been working hard in both Japan and Mexico, “But I’m ready for what’s next, thanks to God’s grace. And also thanks to the support from all of you.

“This victory and league aren’t just for me. It’s for the Lord and for all of you!” Fans cheer that, and Naito stays quiet to let Titan have his moment here. Titan then says in Japanese, “Thank you very much!” Fans cheer that best of all, and Titan takes a bow. Will Titan soon have the spotlight all to himself in the semifinals and then become THE Best of the Super Juniors?


Here are the FINAL A Block standings!

Mike Bailey: 7-2, 14 points [SEMIFINALIST]
Titán: 6-3, 12 points [SEMIFINALIST]
Hiromu Takahashi: 6-3, 12 points [ELIMINATED]
Lio Rush: 6-3, 12 points [ELIMINATED]
Taiji Ishimori: 5-4, 10 points [INJURED]
TJP: 5-4, 10 points [ELIMINATED]
SHO: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
DOUKI: 3-6, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
KUSHIDA: 2-7, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 1-8, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

A great ninth round for A Block here, with a handful of matches from B Block just to fill time. I of course skipped those, but I’m sure they were all really good. On paper, I could’ve skipped the first two A Block matches because all those guys were out, but it was still great fun seeing those matches. I should’ve figured Taguchi finally gets a win, and he ends up using a hybrid fighting style because while his serious style kept up with Kushida, it was butt-cheek-showing Taguchi that finished it. Douki VS Sho was also pretty good for more of the clever House of Torture cheating. I was wondering where Yujiro was, and here he is! This cheat helps Sho win but also gives a touch of momentum to Evil & Yujiro going into Dominion and the vacated double tag title match.

And of course, awesome stuff from the top four guys to get into the semifinals. I am grateful to modern technology for allowing us to pause videos and go back, because Lio VS Mike were just so, so fast. And the main event, Hiromu VS Titan, was equally awesome, and what a great shocker that Titan wins out! This is an awesome moment for both Mike and Titan, and Titan had a great closing promo, especially as I think this was his first time closing out the show. I believe this is also the first time a Mexican wrestler advances in the Best of the Super Juniors since Dr. Wagner Jr. in 1998, another great detail about this choice. I really hope Titan gets in to the finals, but we’ll have to wait and see who is coming in from B Block to know his chances.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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