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Mitchell’s WWE Night of Champions Results & Report! (5/27/23)

So much GOLD!



Will the landscape of the WWE completely change in one day?

WWE returns to Saudi Arabia for a Night of Champions! And a NEW World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned after Seth Rollins takes on AJ Styles!


  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles; Rollins wins and is the inaugural WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
  • Becky Lynch VS Trish Stratus; Trish wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Mustafa Ali; Gunther wins and retains the title.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Asuka; Asuka wins and becomes the new Raw Women’s Championship.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Natalya; Rhea wins and retains the title.
  • Cody Rhodes VS Brock Lesnar; Lesnar wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa; Kevin & Sami win and retain the titles.


It’s the Night of Champions Kickoff Show!

Join Kayla Braxton, Matt Camp and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action here tonight/today!


Backstage interview with Cody Rhodes.

Byron Saxton catches The American Nightmare as he arrives, and he asks about the condition of his arm, and about any last thoughts before the match with Brock Lesnar. Cody says cat’s out of the bag via the press conference the other day. There is a stress fracture, but that doesn’t change his spirits. Cody beat Brock Lesnar in under ten minutes last time. So this doesn’t change his spirits, this only changes the game plan. Cody is still going to have a broken arm tomorrow, but Lesnar is gonna wake up tomorrow being 0-2. Cody can live with this broken arm. Can Lesnar live with another loss? Cody puts it concisely himself, but will his spirit be what suffers next?


On this global stage…

“In a triple main event… Who will be victorious? Who will leave as a champion?” HHH says, “A champion is always on. It is a 24/7, 365 state of mind. Being a champion is more than a way of life. It is your life. And man, can it change your life. With the eyes of the world watching, history calls. And the answer will be deafening. In this kingdom, this is what it’s all about. Are you ready? I said, ARE, YOU, READY!? This… is a Night of Champions!”


WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles!

The 60 diamonds represent the 60 years of this company. The eagle harkens back to the days of eagles on the top title. The crown harkens back to the days of THE Bruno Sammartino. Only one man can be the first to hold a title that means so much about the then, now and forever of the WWE. Will that man be a Visionary? Or will he be Phenomenal?

The introductions are made, the belt is on display, and one way or another, a new champion will be crowned!

The bell rings and the fans are thunderous already! They rally and duel, “AJ STYLES!” “SETH ROLLINS!” The two circle, Rollins avoids Styles, and fans sing for him. “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” The two reset and feel things out. They knuckle lock, then Rollins shoots past Styles and the fans sing again. But Styles DROPKICKS Rollins! And clotheslines him up and out of the ring! Then he slingshots, but Rollins avoids Styles! Styles lands on the apron and Rollins grins. Styles steps back in and fans rally up again. They tie up, Rollins headlocks, but Styles powers up and out. Styles hurdles, Rollins rolls, and the two stand off again.

Fans fire up, Styles swings but misses. Rollins comes back to SLINGBLADE! Styles bails out, Rollins goes to the apron and FLYING KNEES Styles down! Rollins puts Styles in, takes aim from the corner, but Styles ducks the Shining Wizard, only for Rollins to BOOMERANG! Cover, TWO! Rollins keeps cool and he brings Styles up. Rollins goes to suplex but Styles blocks. Rollins CLUBS away but Styles RAMS him into the corner! And again, and again! The ref counts, Styles lets off, and Styles snapmares Rollins to then run and KNEE DROP! Rollins clutches his face but Styles brings him around to KICK in the back!

Rollins grits his teeth, but Styles snapmares him into a chinlock. Fans rally, Rollins endures, and Rollins fights up to throw body shots. Rollins whips, Styles goes up and over and Rollins hits buckles! Styles CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Rollins goes to another corner, Styles whips him corner to corner but Rollins reverses. Styles goes up and over but gets caught, BUCKLE SHOT! Rollins keeps going, he RAMS Styles into the opposite corner! Fans sing for Rollins again while he catches his breath. Styles sits up in the corner, Rollins puts him on the top rope. Rollins CHOPS Styles and Styles flops to the apron.

Rollins climbs the corner, drags Styles up to join him, and fans rally as the two fight for control. Styles slips under, trips Rollins up and Rollins hits buckles! Styles ROCKS Rollins with a right, but Rollins hits back! They go back and forth, fans fire up with each haymaker, and then Styles snap suplexes Rollins into the corner! Rollins is folded up and fans chant “This is Awesome!” Styles drags Rollins up to CHOP! Rollins ROCKS and CHOPS in return, and on repeat! Rollins then fires hands from all sides, but Styles comes back with the Phenomenal Blitz! SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up as Rollins goes to a corner.

Styles runs in to clothesline! Styles fireman’s carries, Rollins slips off but Styles ducks the rolling elbow to wheelbarrow FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! That was so close and Styles can’t believe it! Styles brings Rollins up, but Rollins RAMS him into a corner! Rollins gets space, but runs into an ELBOW! Styles goes up, QUEBRADA DDT! Cover, TWO! Rollins survives again and Styles is again surprised! Styles puts Rollins in a corner then up on the top rope. But Rollins throws hands! Styles comes back, but into a BOOT! FLYING SUNSET, TWO, but Rollins deadlifts Styles, for a BUCKLE BOMB!

Styles staggers, Rollins hurries to another corner and climbs up! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Now Styles survives and surprises Rollins! Both men rise, Rollins ROLLING ELBOWS! Then he turns styles, but Styles ducks the Dream Smasher to fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and fans fire up while both men are down. Both men rise and the fans duel. Styles reels Rollins in, brings him up, but Rollins slips free to reel Styles in! Styles fights out to CHOP and PELE! Rollins falls and flounders to a corner while Styles stands up again. Fans rally, Styles storms over and then goes to the apron.

Styles climbs the corner and he brings Rollins up! Fans fire up as Styles has Rollins hooked, but Rollins RANAS free! Rollins then gets Styles up onto the top rope, climbs up behind him, and CLUBS away on Styles’ neck! Fans count and Rollins goes all the way to eight. Rollins dragon sleepers but Styles fights free! Rollins falls back, Styles works to adjust his position, but Rollins is right back up there! INVERTED SUPERPLEX!! Roll through, into SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO!! Rollins is beside himself as Styles survives! Fans are thunderous as Rollins stands. Rollins stomps Styles, then goes back to the corner.

Rollins climbs up top, fans fire up, and Rollins PHOENIX- NO, he rolls through as Styles moves! Styles BOOTS Rollins, reels him back in at the corner, TORNADO HOT- NO, Rollins blocks that to HEADBUTT! Both men wobble, but Rollins brings Styles up again. But Styles fights the suplex! Styles tries to suplex but Rollins blocks now. They fight for control, Styles drags Rollins out to join him, and then APRON BRAINBUSTERS!! Fans go nuts as Rollins flops to the floor! Styles drags Rollins into the ring, then goes to the apron. Styles springboards, but Rollins trips him up! Styles now hits the floor!

Rollins builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp! Rollins clutches his leg, he may have done more harm than good. Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~” for him and Rollins rises. Rollins goes to the steel steps, he and Styles get in the ring at 9 of 10! Rollins goes after Styles but Styles goes after the leg! CALF CRUSHER!! Rollins endures, reaches out, crawls around, but Styles rolls him from the ropes! CALF CRUSHER!! Styles pulls back on the leg while Rollins endures! Rollins reaches, and grabs Styles in a SLEEPER! Styles lets Rollins go and Rollins lets Styles go. Styles KICKS the leg, but Rollins LARIATS Styles!

Both men are down and fans fire up again! “This is Awesome!” as both men crawl to each other. Rollins and Styles stand, and they start throwing hands! Fans fire up with each haymaker, but Rollins gets the edge with forearms! But then Styles fires off palm strikes from all sides! And he KICKS the bad leg! But Rollins mule kicks! And Kawada Kicks! Fans fire up and Rollins swings big, but misses! Styles CHOPS, ROCKS and HEADBUTTS Rollins! Styles runs, Rollins ducks and PELES! Styles wobbles, but Rollins avoids his Pele! SUPERKICK! Styles falls over, Rollins runs in, and Rollins stomps the hand!

Rollins underhooks the arms, but Styles trips him! Styles hooks Rollins up but Rollins kicks free! Styles dodges a haymaker now and PELES! Styles steals the PEDIGREE!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Styles and Saudi Arabia are all shocked that Rollins survives! Styles crawls back to a corner as he thinks of what he has to do to finish this. Fans fire up again and Styles goes back to the apron. Styles aims but Rollins crawls over to that side. Rollins stands and glares at Styles. But Styles ROCKS Rollins first! Springboard, PHENOMENAL- SUPERKICK!! Rollins gets his bad leg working as he aims from the corner, Rollins runs in, but the leg gives up!

Rollins drags Styles up, Styles rolls him! Rollins rolls through, to get the PEDIGREE!! But the bad leg hurts from hitting it! Rollins grits his teeth, aims again, runs in, CURB STOMP!!! Cover, ROLLINS WINS!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall (INAUGURAL WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

The Visionary has done it! He has made history once again! And Triple H is here in person to present the title directly to him! Will Rollins follow through on his promises to push the industry forward and to do it “the right way?”


Becky Lynch VS Trish Stratus!

The Man wanted The Chick to help her against Damage CTRL, and that she did do. But Trish could not handle being second, could not handle sharing the spotlight, and could not handle being the past and not the present. But will Trish tear down the current generation all in the pursuit of praise and gratitude? Or will she regret ever entering The Big Time?

The bell rings and fans sing Becky’s song now. Trish says okay, Becky, let’s go. And Becky DECKS Trish! Becky fires hands on Trish, Trish gest to ropes but Becky bumps her off buckles! Becky stomps a mudhole in, lets off as the ref counts, and then she brings Trish around to bump her off buckles again! And again! And then Becky gives her more stomps! The fans fire up but the ref counts, and Becky lets off again. Trish bails out but Becky slides! Trish dodges the dropkick to RAM Becky into steel steps! And then brings her around to RAM her face first into the steps! Fans cheer and jeer but Trish soaks it all up.

Trish SMACKS Becky off the Arabian announce table, then the American announce table! Trish puts Becky back in the ring, lines up the shot and PUNTS Becky in the side! Trish looks for the kick, it’s good! Then Trish CHOKES Becky on ropes! The ref counts, Trish lets off and she goes up top. But Becky ROCKS her first! Trish ROCKS Becky back, and Becky staggers away. Trish goes after Becky and gives her a mudhole stomp. Trish then goes up the corner and brings Becky up, HANGING SLEEPER! The ref counts, Trish lets Becky go and “apologizes.” Trish then brings Becky back in, for another HANGING SLEEPER!

Trish lets go, soaks up the cheers and jeers and then takes a bow. But Becky ROCKS her for it! Trish kicks back, reels Becky in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Trish is frustrated and she storms up on Becky. Trish stomps Becky in the corner, digs her boot in, but lets off as the ref counts. Becky sputters and crawls but Trish is on her. Trish SMACKS Becky off the apron! There are fans who chant “Thank You, Trish!” and she enjoys that. Becky hits back but Trish CLUBS her down! And again! And again! Trish digs Becky’s face into the mat! The ref reprimands, Trish lets off and soaks up more cheers and jeers.

Trish shows off “Thank You Trish” on the back of her suit, and then she brings Becky into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Becky endures as fans rally up. Trish makes Becky smile with fishhooks in her mouth! The ref reprimands, Trish throws Becky down and wipes her hands off. Trish then YANKS Becky around by her hair! Trish picks the strands out of her hair, then grabs at Becky again. Becky KICKS from below! Becky fires off on Trish and fans fire up. Becky whips, Trish reverses and hits a THESZ PRESS! Fast hands but Becky gets free! Trish gets around Becky to hit a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up but Trish swaggers around. Trish stalks Becky to ropes, then CHOPS her! Becky goes to a corner, Trish riles up the fans, and Trish CHOPS Becky again. Becky goes to another corner, Trish CHOPS her again! Becky goes to the fourth corner, then past that to the ropes. Trish CHOPS but Becky blocks! Becky ROCKS Trish with forearm after forearm! Trish hits back, the fans fire up with every haymaker! Becky gets the edge, whips to ropes, but Trish reverses. Becky comes back with FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up and Becky runs at the corner to FIRE-ARM! And ROCKET KICK! And then BECKSPLODER!

Trish scrambles away but Becky is after her! Becky has Trish in the ropes to fire off forearms and UPPERCUTS! Becky windmills hands on Trish and fans are thunderous! Becky goes up, GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!! Trish scrambles away again while Becky cools off. Becky runs and WRECKS Trish with a dropkick! Becky goes to the apron, and she FLYING FOREARMS Trish down! The fans are all fired up and Becky drags Trish up. Becky puts Trish in, but Trish skins the cat to RANA Becky into the POST! Trish soaks up the cheers and jeers, showing she can still do her old tricks.

Trish puts Becky in the, and hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and duel, but Becky hits back! Trish rains down fists in frustration, then runs corner to corner. Trish SPLASHES Becky, puts her up top, then climbs up after her. Trish throws hands but Becky throws them back! Trish CLUBS Becky, but Becky throws body shots! Becky sends Trish back, but Trish returns! STRATUSPHERE! Cover, TWO! Trish throws a fit but fans rally up again. Trish drags Becky up, reels her in, and she points to the sky! STRATUS- NO, Becky powers out! Becky ELBOWS Trish, reels her in at the corner, and hits DIAMOND DUST!

Trish flops and Becky hurries back up! Becky drops the MAN’S LEG! Cover, TWO! Trish survives, both women are down, and the fans rally up again. Becky nods, she’s feeling the energy. Trish rises, Becky brings her in, but Trish wheelbarrows and victory rolls to get the legs! But Becky kicks her away! Trish goes to a corner, Becky runs in, but is put on the apron. Becky ROCKS Trish first, climbs up the corner, but Trish trips her up! Trish then goes back, STRATUS- NO, Becky catches those legs, and steps over into the BOSTON CRAB! Trish endures as Becky bends her back! Trish crawls, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Becky lets Trish go and then goes out the side. Fans rally as Becky runs in and leaps off the steps, into a KICK! Fans boo but Trish grits her teeth and gets in the ring. Trish lets the ring count climb, because a win is a win, after all! Becky stirs at 7, and springs in at 9! CHICK KICK!! Cover, TWO!?! Becky survives and Trish can’t believe it! “This is Awesome!” as Trish drags Becky around. Trish sits Becky up to tell her she should be thanking her! Trish throws Becky down, sits her up, and throws her down again! Trish says Becky is not better than her! Trish SLAPS Becky, Becky drags Trish into the DISARM-HER!!

Trish endures, flails, reaches, and pulls Becky’s hair! Becky lets the hold go to pull Trish’s hair! The ref reprimands, the two throw hands! The ref counts, tries to separate them, Becky ducks a Chick Kick! Roll up, TWO!! MANHANDLE SLAM!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Trish survives by a literal foot and Becky can’t believe it! Trish flops out of the ring, Becky storms out after her. Trish goes under the ring, Becky drags her back out. Becky puts Trish in, but ZOEY STARK is here?!? Zoey Stark appears from under the ring to hit a Z 360!!! Zoey puts Becky in for Trish to hit STRATUSFACTION!!! Cover, TRISH WINS!!!

Winner: Trish Stratus, by pinfall

What in the world!? Zoey Stark is on Team Trish!? Trish says Becky lost because Trish is smarter than her. Becky has a bloody nose and anger in her eyes, will The Man have to turn Trish & The Hunter into the hunted?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Mustafa Ali!

Der Ring General has been absolutely dominant as champion, setting the longest reign of the last 23 YEARS! And while The Beacon has shed his “Positive Ali” façade, he still has the confidence to stand up to this challenge. Will Ali win his first title ever in WWE? Or will nothing stop Gunther from becoming the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time?

Ludwig Kaiser has the mic to demand all our gratitude for our “WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Derrrrrr RIIING GENERAL…! GUUUUNTHERRR!” The formal introductions are made, the belt is raised, and on an already historic night, we see which path history takes!

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up for Ali but Gunther doesn’t react. The two tie up, Gunther headlocks, and he TOSSES Ali away! Fans boo but Gunther eggs Ali on. Ali gets up, the two circle again, and they tie up again. Gunther powers Ali to a corner, smothers him, but lets off, only for Ali to dodge the chop! Ali CHOPS, but Gunther just storms up on him. They circle, Ali gets around to KICK the leg! And again! And again! Gunther blocks a kick, and reels Ali into a SLEEPER! Ali arm-drags free, then goes up and over in the corner! Ali keeps moving to DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Gunther wobbles!

Ali runs to DORPKICK again! Ali runs, but into a scoop and SLAM! Ali writhes and fans boo but Gunther stomps him down! Gunther paces while fans rally for Ali. Gunther drags Ali up but Ali throws body shots. Gunther CHOPS Ali down! Ali sputters, but Gunther brings him up, to CHOP him down again! Gunther talks trash and fans boo, but Gunther goes back to Ali. Gunther drags Ali up, but Ali throws haymakers! Fans fire up but Gunther shoves Ali to a corner. Ali BOOTS back! Ali swings, but into a scoop and SLAM! Gunther gets the legs, BOSTON CRAB! Fans rally, Ali crawls and reaches out, but Gunther drags him away!

Gunther shifts into an STF! Fans rally as Ali endures, and Ali fights up to throw body shots. Gunther knees low! Gunther TOSSES Ali out but Ali holds onto ropes. Ali gets up to shoulder into Gunther! Ali slingshots, into a BOOT! Ali falls to the floor, and Gunther drags him up to POST him! Ali goes flying then lands hard, and Gunther goes into the ring to simply let the count handle this. Ali drags himself up at 7 of 10 but falls over! The count is 9, Ali springs in at 9.99!! Gunther is annoyed but fans fire up! Gunther drags Ali up, wrenches the arm, and CHOPS Ali down! Gunther drags Ali up again, just to CHOP him back down!

Fans boo but Gunther soaks it all up. Gunther stands Ali up again but Ali breaks free, CHOPS and ROCKS and then dodges to ROCK Gunther again! Ali CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, then fires off windmill haymakers! Fans fire up, but Gunther shoves Ali away. Gunther runs in at the corner, Ali slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Ali slingshots, somersaults, and NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Ali hurries back to the corner! Ali climbs, but Gunther CHOPS! Gunther ROCKS Ali, climbs up after him, and double underhooks. Ali fights those off and he HEADBUTTS Gunther! And again! And then SMACKS Gunther off the buckles!

Ali gets up, SUPER SUNSET- Wait, Gunther holds onto the ropes! Ali gets him loose and POWERBOMBS Gunther down! Ali skins the cat to the top rope, so that he can 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! “This is Awesome!” as Ali is getting closer and closer! Ali goes up another corner, leaps, but Gunther blocks the tornado! Gunther throws Ali away to then LARIAT!! Gunther shouts at the fans, he drags Ali up, and LARIATS again!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ali survives and Gunther is furious! Fans are thunderous for Ali but Gunther eggs him on. Ali crawls over to Gunther, Gunther kicks him around and taunts him.

Ali rises up and the fans are with him. Gunther tells Ali to listen. “You don’t belong-” Ali SLAPS! Gunther SLAPS! Gunther POWER- NO, Ali slips out of the bomb to SUPERKICK!! And Ali goes up, FLYING TORNADO DDT!! Ali hurries up top again! 450- NO, Gunther moves and Ali rolls through! Gunther SHOTGUNS Ali! More like a cannon! Gunther GENERAL BOMBS Ali, high stacks, and Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Fans boo but Ali still put up one hell of a fight. But will Gunther continue to dominate the world, no matter who is put in front of him?


Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn talk backstage.

They’re feeling good. Being here is crazy. Everything since WrestleMania! Even WrestleMania was so much more than they ever expected. Winning these tag titles together, what a run. Even if it ended tonight- Wait, whoa, why would it end? It won’t, but Sami wants to “acknowledge” the fact Roman Reigns is celebrating 1000 days as Universal Champion and he wants these titles. Somehow, he finds a way. Roman’s screwed them both over before. Kevin sees that. But that’s the only thing he “acknowledges.” Here is something for Roman to “acknowledge”: Kevin & Sami won these off The Usos, a greater tag team than Roman & Solo will ever be.

But here’s another thing: Kevin is sick of hearing about Roman’s 1000 days! Roman’s had his day, he has had 1000 of them! Today is THEIR day! Kevin didn’t come all this wat just to lose! No, today is THEIR day! Today, Solo loses! Today, Roman loses! Yeah? Yeah?! YEAH! Sami & Kevin are ready, will they make sure Roman’s 1000 days with his two titles is all he gets?


Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Asuka!

The EST has beat the Empress of Tomorrow before, but this isn’t that Asuka. This Asuka is something more sinister, more ruthless, and more chaotic. Will Bianca not be ready for this Asuka? Or will Bianca continue the longEST women’s title reign of the last 23 years?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the B E S T!

The bell rings and the two rush in! Asuka waistlocks, headlocks, hits the takeover, but Bianca headscissors. Asuka kips free, gets around and throws Bianca down by her hair! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Asuka is having fun,. Bianca ducks the Penalty Kick, kips up, and trips Asuka to rain down fists! Asuka turns it around, but then Bianca turns it back. They go back and forth, Bianca kicks Asuka way, and then she RAMS Asuka, rebounds, and runs her over! Bianca says if Asuka wants to mess around, then come on. Things speed up, Bianca handsprings over Asuka, then hurdles, but Asuka dropkicks the roll!

Asuka swaggers around, gets Bianca’s arms, and stands on her to give her DRAGON STOMPS! Fans fire up and Asuka lets off to swagger some more. Asuka gets an arm, she wrenches it, but Bianca ROCKS her with the other arm! Bianca RAMS Asuka into the corner, then tells her this is what she gets. Bianca TOSSES Asuka across the way, runs in and RAMS her into the other corner! Bianca brings Asuka out to whip her corner to corner, but Asuka reverses. Bianca goes up and over, and DROPKICKS Asuka down! Bianca kips up again and fans fire up. Bianca drags Asuka up, scoops her, and SLAMS her!

Fans rally, Bianca runs to handspring, but Asuka avoids the moonsault! Asuka goes to the apron, Bianca runs in to handspring kick her down! Fans rally as Bianca eggs Asuka on. Bianca then goes out after Asuka, but Asuka drags her down by the hair! Asuka whips Bianca into steel steps! Asuka grins while fans boo and the ref reprimands. Asuka puts Bianca in the ring at 5 of 10, then swaggers around more. Asuka runs in to HIP ATTACK Bianca in a corner, then GERMAN SUPLEX her away! SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Bianca is still in this but Asuka gets an ARMBAR! Bianca flails, stacks, TWO!

Asuka lets Bianca go to BUZZSAW the arm! Asuka stands on Bianca at the ropes, the ref counts, and Asuka steps off. Bianca shoves Asuka away but Asuka comes back, into a JAWBREAKER! Roll up, TWO! Both women hurry up, Bianca spins Asuka around and suplexes, but Asuka cradle counters! TWO, and Bianca runs in, into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Asuka is still having fun as fans start to rally for her now. Asuka wants an arm but Bianca fights her off. Asuka stomps away on that arm! Asuka grinds the shoulder, drags Bianca around, but Bianca fights up. Fans rally again but Asuka keeps Bianca down.

Bianca powers up again and she throws body shots. Bianca scoops but Asuka slips free to YANK Bianca down by her hair! The ref reprimands but Asuka just grins. Asuka kicks Bianca around, toys with her, and then smiles. Bianca blocks the boot, ROCKS Asuka, and then ROCKS her again! Fans rally up as Bianca fires off forearm after forearm! Asuka shoves Bianca away but Bianca BLOCKBUSTERS on the return! Fans fire up while both women are down! Bianca goes to ropes, drags herself up, and Asuka runs in, but into an ELBOW! Bianca BOOTS Asuka, goes up the corner, then goes up and over!

Bianca then runs in to rally with big shoulder tackles! And a DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Asuka swings but into a spin and suplex! A bit of a stall before a BIG SLAM, and Bianca kips up! Bianca runs to RAM into Asuka at the corner! Bianca climbs up and fans fire up as she rains down fists! Bianca goes all the way to TEN, but then Asuka slips under to grab the hair! The ref reprimands, Bianca yanks Asuka in to scoop and BACKBREAKER! Bianca handsprings to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Asuka is still in this but Bianca says okay. Fans rally and duel, Bianca has Asuka in a corner, but Asuka drop toeholds her into a buckle!

Asuka BUZZSAWS Bianca, YANKS her down with the hair, and grins while the ref reprimands her. Asuka aims, KICKS Bianca in the chest again and again and again, but Bianca ducks the buzzsaw! Bianca shoves Asuka, Asuka mule kicks back! Asuka goes up but Bianca ROCKS her first! Bianca climbs, she brings Asuka up and fans rally. Asuka resists the suplex, throws body shots then shoves Bianca away. Asuka leaps, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Bianca is still in this, as she is the tougheEST, y’know. Asuka is still amused, though, and she brings Bianca up. But Bianca resists the scoop!

Bianca suplexes, but Asuka fights that to get the arm! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Bianca flails, kicks around, shifts to the other side, and she gut wrenches Asuka! But Asuka fights the bomb! Asuka runs back in, but into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack cover, TWO!! Asuka is still in this and Bianca is beside herself. Bianca runs, handsprings, but into a takedown! ASUKA LOCK!!! Bianca pushes back to a cover, TWO! Asuka runs in, into chicken wings! GlamEST- NO, Victory Roll! TWO and Bianca has the cover, TWO! Asuka catches Bianca to a backslide, TWO! BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!!!

Bianca survives again, but nothing is ruining Asuka’s mood! She still grins and fans say “This is Awesome!” as she drags Bianca by her hair. The ref reprimands, Asuka lets go, then whips Bianca, only for Bianca to reverse! Asuka tumbles out, but then drags Bianca out by her hair! Asuka whips but Bianca stops from hitting steps, and she elbows Asuka back! Bianca sends Asuka into the steps! The ref reprimands them both, the ring count starts, and Bianca slides in at 2, only for Asuka to drag her out. Bianca returns the favor, the count rises, and they start shoving. Then they start throwing forearms!

Bianca CLUBS Asuka, puts Asuka in at 7, and hurries in after her. Asuka has the hair again! Asuka CLUBS away on Bianca, but Bianca RAMS her into ropes! Bianca CLUBS away on Asuka now, fans fire up and Asuka shoves Bianca away. The ref wants them to listen to her, and Bianca nods. Bianca goes to Asuka, RAMS her in a corner, fires off again, but the ref counts. The ref gets between them, Asuka MISTS! But Bianca narrowly avoids it! That was Asuka’s one shot, and now she’s mad! They run, Bianca gets around, torture rack! But Asuka arm-drags free! And catches Bianca to an ARMBAR!!

Bianca kicks, flails, fights around, stacks Asuka and covers, TWO! But Bianca deadlifts Asuka, for a POWERBOMB! That took all Bianca had there and she falls over! Fans fire up as Bianca shakes her arm out. Asuka goes tot he apron, Bianca storms over and grabs at her. The ref has Bianca back off, and then Asuka spits more mist, but on her own hand!? Bianca storms back over, torture racks again, but gets MIST FINGERS in the eyes!! ROUNDHOUSE!! BUZZSAW!! Cover, ASUKA WINS!!!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall (NEW Raw Women’s Champion)

Asuka found a way around the rules, and now SHE rules over all! The EST’s great reign comes to an end, will no one be ready for this wicked Empress?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley w/ Dominik Mysterio VS Natalya!

The Eradicator may have the blue brand’s belt, but she and The Judgment Day still run Monday Night Raw. However, the Queen of Harts says Rhea doesn’t show respect to anyone. Rhea disagrees, she does respect Natalya, which is why she’s going to do Natty the honor of ending her career! Will the world see Rhea’s brutality? Or will Natty win herself the greatest birthday present ever?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if we get another new champion tonight!

The bell rings and Dom talks trash on Natty. The ref reprimands, but Rhea CLOBBERS Natty from behind! Rhea stomps Natty out of the ring, goes out after her and BOOTS her at the desk! Then Rhea drags Natty up to SMACK her off the desk! “You ain’t nothing, Natty!” Rhea SMACKS Natty off the desk again, and again! Rhea RAMS Natty into the steel steps! Fans are torn but Dom is loving this. Rhea brings Natty around, and RAMS her into the other steel steps! Rhea drags Natty up, puts her in the ring, and then storms up to HEADBUTT Natty down! Rhea drags Natty up, pump handles and lifts, RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea wins!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Brutality and agility, because that was fast and furious! Dom celebrates with Mami, and Rhea mockingly tells Natty happy birthday. Will nothing stop Rhea from eradicating every woman put in her way?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Byron Saxton is with the NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and Rollins wants Byron to do better than that. Say it with some oomph, some stank. The NEW~ World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Yes, sounds so good! It has been a long, long time, nearly four YEARS, since Rollins held world championship gold. And tonight, on the night of nights, the starts are bright, and Rollins walks out our new WHC. That feels good! Feels right! Doesn’t it? Yes, right now. But what about going forward? What does the future of Raw look like with Rollins on top?

Oh, Sax Man, the more things change, the more they stay the same! Rollins will be live on Raw, and every Monday night moving forward, but the only difference will be that Rollins has world championship things on his mind! He is the Visionary, he is a revolutionary, and finally, he is world champion, Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins! HAHAHA!


Cody Rhodes VS Brock Lesnar!

The American Nightmare thought he finished this story at Backlash, but The Beast said nothing is over until he says it’s over! Lesnar has already broken Cody’s arm, but will he break Cody’s body, mind and spirit? Or can Cody pull off another miraculous victory to keep his own story going?

Fans sing Cody’s song, and we can see Cody has a titanium “Exos cast” to keep his arm together. Cody fires the fans up and has his pyro, but Lesnar grins because he sees that cast as a target. The bell rings and the two circle. Cody keeps the bad arm back but Lesnar approaches. Cody avoids being cornered and Lesnar nods. They circle again, Lesnar approaches again, but Cody again avoids being cornered. Cody bails out of the ring but Lesnar grins again. Cody says Lesnar wanted to fight, so let’s fight! Lesnar goes out after Cody, chases him around, they get back in the ring and Cody fires off hands!

But Lesnar RAMS Cody int a corner! And RAMS him again, and again! Lesnar clinches to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Cody flounders and goes to the ropes while Lesnar grins. Fans chant “SUPLEX CITY!” and Lesnar hits another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Cody flounders to ropes again, clutching the bad arm. Lesnar puts Cody in a corner to RAM him in again! And then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly again! Fans fire up as this makes three suplexes already. Lesnar stalks Cody, brings him up, but Cody ROCKS Lesnar with the cast hand! And again! And again! And again! Cody is going Cowboy Bob Orton on Lesnar!

Lesnar clinches Cody but Cody ROCKS him with the cast! Cody runs to RAM Lesnar out of the ring! Cody then builds speed, to DIVE! Cast first, too! Lesnar leans on the desk, Cody goes up to leap, AX HANDLE! Lesnar flounders into the ring, Cody climbs up, and he AX HANDLES again! Cover, TWO!! Lesnar survives taking titanium to the head again and again but fans fire up for Cody. Cody runs, springboards, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER KICK! Cody springboards again, CODY CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Lesnar is still hanging tough, but Cody is stalking him now. Cody roars and waits on Lesnar to rise!

Lesnar stands, Cody dragon sleepers, CROSS RHODES!! But Cody’s arm bothers him, he can’t make the cover! Lesnar rises again, those stitches popping open. Cody dragon sleepers, for another CROSS RHODES!! Fans are thunderous and Cody grits his teeth. Lesnar sits up in a daze, Cody shouts for him to get up again! Lesnar staggers up, Cody dragon sleepers again, but Lesnar spins around! KIMURA!!! Lesnar has the already busted arm, can Cody turn this around like he did at Backlash?! Cody moves around, reaches out, but Lesnar has the body scissors, too! Cody reaches out, fights up, but Lesnar drags him back down!

Fans are thunderously rallying for Cody as he keeps fighting, and he pushes forward again! TWO and Lesnar still has the arm! Lesnar shouts at Cody to give up but the fans rally! Cody pushes, Lesnar rolls it through and he is sitting up with the KIMURA!! Cody reaches out, he’s so close to the ropes! Cody claws at Lesnar’s back, fans rally behind him, but Cody is fading out! The pain is overwhelming him! The ref checks, but Cody comes back to life!! Lesnar is shocked but he keeps pulling on the bad arm! Cody scoots and crawls, he claws at Lesnar’s back more, and fans are thunderous! Cody starts to fade again, but he gets the ROPEBREAK!!

Lesnar lets go in frustration and the ref checks Cody. The cast is made of titanium but what is Cody made of!? Lesnar snarls, he storms back over to Cody and brings him up. Fireman’s carry, but Cody slips free! CROSS RHODES!!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Lesnar survives again, what is HE made of?! Both men sit up, Cody grabs Lesnar’s arm and ROCKS him with the cast! And again! And again! And again! But Lesnar fireman’s carries again!! F5!!! But Lesnar can’t make the cover, he’s too tired! Lesnar crawls over, pushes Cody to a cover, TWO!!?? Fans say “This is Awesome!”, but just what is it gonna take to end this?

Lesnar drags Cody into the KIMURA!! Lesnar makes Cody suffer again, and he sits back up with the hold! Cody is fading, the ref checks, and Cody is OUT!! Lesnar wins!!

Winner: Brock Lesnar, by referee stoppage

But Lesnar isn’t letting go! The ref shouts, the bell rings more, and Lesnar finally lets go! Cody sputters back awake, will he learn later that he could not win a fight with The Beast? As for Lesnar, is he finally going to let this chapter of the story end?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa w/ Paul Heyman!

Speaking of stories, it seems one story that has yet to end is the drama of the Prizefighter, the Great Liberator and The Bloodline. Kevin & Sami have all but broken up the Tribal Chief’s table, will this be the last straw? Or will Roman celebrate 1000 years as Universal Champion by becoming THE Undisputed Champion of WWE?

As always, Roman raises the belts for the pyro. The Bloodline continues down the ramp and into the ring, for Roman to raise the belts again for more pyro. Then Kevin and Sami make their entrances, Sami in a formal white robe. The fans sing Sami’s song as he and Kevin go down to the ring, and the champs are fired up! The introductions are made, Heyman interrupting to make his introduction for himself and the “soon to be NEW tag team champions. First, from the Island of Relevancy, the Sultan of the Spike, ladies and gentlemen, this is… SOLO! Ladies and gentlemen, on his 1000th day of a historic championship reign, the reigning! Defending! Undisputed! WWE! Universal! Heavyweight! Champion! ROMAN! REIGNS!!”

Heyman gives the mic back and says that’s how it is done. But Sami takes the mic now, and he says in Arabian that we should all hold on a second. Sami says that tonight, in this ring, it is the WWE Tag Team Champions, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn! The fans are thunderous, the tag belts are raised, and we see what it truly takes to be tag team champions!

The teams sort out and as fans sing “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~” for Sami, Kevin starts against Roman. Fans fire up as the bell rings and the fans sing “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~” again. Roman gets annoyed, and Kevin realizes who should really start this match. Sami offers the hand, and Kevin tags him in! Roman smirks and nods as fans are thunderous for “SAMI! SAMI!” Roman gets annoyed as it keeps going, and he circles with Sami. Roman says no one would know who Sami is without him! Sami begs to differ, given the “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~!” returns. Roman gets annoyed and tags out to Solo, which fans boo.

Solo and Roman circle now while Roman cools off outside. Roman says he should’ve never let Sami into the Bloodline! The fans keep chanting for Sami, Roman yells at them, and the fans boo. Roman then tells Solo to take Sami out. Solo and Sami tie up, are in a deadlock, but Solo throws Sami away! Solo eggs Sami on, fans boo, and Sami comes back. They circle again, the fans are still thunderous, and the tension builds. The two tie up, Solo powers Sami to a corner, and the ref counts. Solo lets off, swings, but Sami dodges to CHOP! Sami backs away and eggs Solo on. Solo wipes it off, but Kevin fires the fans up more.

Solo and Sami tie up and Solo puts Sami in another corner. Solo CHOPS and ROCKS and rains down fists! The ref counts, Solo lets off and roars, but the fans boo. Roman soaks up the heat, Solo brings Sami up and whips him corner to corner. Solo runs in but into an elbow! Sami goes up, leaps, AX HANDLE! Fans fire up and Sami brings Solo up for more haymakers. Sami whips, Solo reverses and CLOBBERS Sami! Roman nods and tells Solo to keep going. Sami sits up, he looks to Kevin, and Kevin says sure, why not. Kevin tags in and fans fire up as Kevin fires haymakers on Solo! Kevin knees, ROCKS Solo and runs, but into an UPPERCUT!

Solo stalks Kevin to a corner, HEADBUTTS him, but Kevin COHPS! Solo SLAPS Kevin, Kevin kicks low, and the forearms go back and forth. Solo HEADBUTTS Kevin, but Kevin BOOTS back! Roman avoids the back elbow, but Kevin avoids Solo to CHOP and fire forearms. Kevin whips, Solo reverses but Sami tags in! Kevin KNEES Solo, Sami drop toeholds, and Kevin SENTONS! Fans are thunderous but Roman runs in to CLOBBER Kevin! Sami chases Roman off but Roman taunts him and the fans. And then Solo CLOBBERS Sami! Fans rally for Sami and that upsets Roman. Solo CHOKES Sami on the ropes!

The ref counts, Solo lets off, and then Roman CHOKES Sami behind the ref’s back! Fans boo but Roman gets away with it. Solo drags Sami from the ropes, scoops him and SLAMS him, then runs to FALLING HEADBUTT! Solo yells at Sami, then he drags Sami around. Solo stomps Sami in the stomach but the fans rally up. Roman is almost confused by this, but Solo keeps Sami from Kevin. Solo HEADBUTTS Sami down, and he tags Roman in. Fans boo as The Tribal Chief steps in, but he talks trash on them. Roman goes to Sami, stomps him and throws hands. Sami flounders against ropes and Roman stomps him down.

The ref reprimands, fans chant “ROMAN SUCKS!” but Roman CHOKES Sami on the ropes! The ref counts and Roman lets off at 4. Roman taunts the ref but the ref says respect his authority. Roman snap suplexes Sami and covers, TWO! Roman is upset but the ref says that count was fair. Fans boo Roman being a brat but he goes back to Sami. Sami stands to CHOP! Roman smirks, but Sami CHOPS again! Roman UPPERCUTS Sami off his feet. Roman brushes himself off, and says, “What? You think you’re the Nature Boy now?” Roman throws Sami out of the ring, distracts the ref, and Solo goes after Sami!

Solo throws hands, then he SMACKS Sami off the desk! But Kevin attacks back! The ref sees all this, Kevin points out what Solo was doing, and Sami gets to the apron. Roman goes out to put Sami in the ring, then he goes to a corner. Fans boo but Roman tells them to hush. Roman taunts Kevin, the ref keeps Kevin back, and Roman throws hands on Sami. Roman stomps Sami, but fans chant “ROMAN SUCKS!” Roman is annoyed by that, but then Sami throws body shots! And haymakers! Roman UPPERCUTS Sami back down! Roman winces, fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Roman frowns. Roman tags Solo and they drag Sami up.

The Bloodline mugs Sami, CLUBS him down, and the ref reprimands. Roman says okay, okay, and he exits. Sami crawls but Solo stomps him down. Solo drags Sami up, whips him, and SAMOAN DROPS him! Solo talks trash in Samoan and Roman says they’re the future tag team champions. Fans rally with “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~” but Solo drags Sami up. Solo clamps a claw into the shoulder but Sami endures. Sami fights up, fans fire up, and Sami throws body shots. Solo ROCKS Sami, TOSSES him out, and now Roman gets to go after Sami, but Sami ROCKS Roman first! Sami fires off hands and fans fire up!

Solo sees this, hurries out, but Sami sends Solo into the desk! Sami hurries into the ring and crawls, but Solo runs in to stomp him down! Solo brings Sami up, bumps him off buckles, then SUPERKICKS Kevin! Fans boo but Solo goes to Sami. Solo puts Sami up, SLAPS him, and talks trash. Fans rally, Sami gets mad, and he ROCKS Solo in return! And again, and then fires off rapid kicks! And then TORNADO DDTS! Both men are down, but fans rally as Kevin rises! Sami and Solo crawl, hot tags to Roman and Kevin! The Prizefighter dodges Roman to CHOP, and fire off haymakers! Fans fire up as Kevin stomps away!

The ref counts, Roman bails out, but Kevin goes out after him! Kevin LARIATS Roman down, then SENTONS on the floor! Fans fire up and Kevin puts Roman in the ring. Roman staggers up, swings, but misses! Kevin SUPERKICKS Roman down! Kevin goes to a corner, “SUCK IT!” but Solo is back! Kevin DECKS Solo, but Roman CLOBBERS Kevin! Fans boo and that annoys Roman again. Roman raises the finger, #HeTheOne. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, runs in, but Kevin avoids the Superman Punch! Roman avoids the lariat, returns, but into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! But Kevin just goes right up the corner!

Kevin aims to FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Roman survives but Heyman looks very worried! “This is Awesome!” while both men are down. Kevin rises first, he goes to another corner, and he waits on Roman to rise. Roman sits up, Kevin runs in and kicks! But Roman shoves Kevin away, Solo HOTSHOTS! Kevin staggers into the SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO! Kevin survives and Roman is in disbelief. Roman says, “I’M the champion! I’m gonna be the tag team champions now, you understand? I’m gonna have all the championships!” Fans boo Roman, which again upsets him. But Roman just goes to a corner and reloads.

Roman lets out the battle cry, he runs in, but into a KNEE! And a kick! And a STUNNER!! Roman rebounds to SPEAR!!! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Heyman holds up the lei and tells the Tribal Chief to rise up. Roman raises his finger, crawls to the corner, but Sami is back! Kevin also crawls, hot tags to Solo and Sami! Sami rallies on the Enforcer of the island with haymakers from all sides! Sami whips, Solo reverses, but Sami goes up and over to then clothesline Solo out of the ring! Sami then builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up as Sami powers back up!

Sami pushes Solo into the ring, fans sing again, and Sami gets around to a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Solo is still in this and Heyman is still a bit worried. Fans rally up for Sami as he sits back up. Sami goes to a corner, he waits on Solo in the other. Fans are thunderous again, Solo stands up, and Sami runs in! HELLUVA- SUPERKICK!! Solo hits first, then roars and grabs Sami by the hair! SAMOAN- BOOT from Sami! And then a CORNER EXPLODER! Fans fire up as Sami reloads fast! HELLUVA KICK!!! Cover, Roman breaks it in time!! Fans can’t believe it but this isn’t over yet!

Roman scowls and talks trash on Sami. Roman tells the ref to get back and he rains down fists! The ref reprimands, fans boo, and Roman lets off to glare at the ref. Roman drags Sami up, fireman’s carries, but Sami fights free! Sami fires hands on Roman now! Roman shoves Sami back, Sami dodges but almost runs into the ref! Roan runs in, but Sami sends the SPEAR into the ref!!! Roman is furious, but then he realizes this is an opening. But Sami is locked ‘n’ loaded! He mocks Roman, and SUPERMAN PUNCHES him!! Fans fire up as Sami gets Roman with his own move! Sami then goes to the corner and mocks the “OOAH~!”

Sami runs in, but into a SUPERMAN PUNCH! Roman brings that outta nowhere, and he says Sami can’t be him. But then Kevin SPEARS Roman!! Kevin rains down fists on Roman, he and Roman bail out, and Kevin SMACKS Roman off the desk! Again and again, dribbling him like a basketball! Then Kevin RAMS Roman into steel steps! Fans fire up as Kevin clears off the Arabian announce desk! And then he clears off the American desk, too! Kevin drags Roman up and over, puts him on the American desk, but the USOS are here!?! They attack Kevin! And DOUBLE SUPERKICK him down!

The Usos get Roman out of the way, they beat down Kevin and then tip the desk onto him! The Usos then aim at Sami, SUPERKICK from Jey! SUPERKICK from Jimmy! Solo stands, but Sami ducks, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS hit Solo!!! Roman sees that and is furious! The Usos realize they messed up hitting their own brother, but Roman misunderstands! Roman asks them what the hell they’re even doing here anyway! They were told to stay home! The Usos try to explain, but Roman pie faces Jimmy! Jey says they’re just trying to help! Roman says they’re not helping! They’re disobeying him! He pie faces Jey now!

Roman tells Jey there ain’t no more Day One, but then JIMMY SUPERKICKS ROMAN!!! Even JIMMY is in disbelief!! Jey asks what the heck, Jimmy?! This is ROMAN! Why’d he do that?! Fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” and then Jimmy tells Jey to listen for once! This is what they shoulda done years ago! SUPERKICK for Roman again!!! Jimmy is all fired up, Heyman is in disbelief! Jimmy says this is THEIR time now! Jimmy would never treat Jey like Roman’s treated them! They are BROTHERS! Jey goes to Roman’s side but Jimmy says no, the Usos are for the Usos, not for Roman!

The Usos leave, and fans fire up! Jey is still reluctant, but he still goes. Solo stands, he’s furious, but Kevin gives him a STUNNER!! Sami is back, he gives Solo a HELLUVA KICK!!!! Cover, but there’s no ref! Wait, a new one slides in! Cover, SAMI & KEVIN WINS!!

Winners: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

Jey can’t believe what Jimmy’s done, but Jimmy says that’s what Roman gets! Roman himself is in disbelief over what just happened. Is this the last day The Bloodline is a faction? As for Kevin & Sami, could this be just the beginning of their own historic reign?

My Thoughts:

What an awesome Night of Champions! I can only nitpick using the phrasing of “triple main event” when, for one, only a match that closes the show is the main event. And even then, they didn’t have all three matches at the end to try and say they all closed the show. But WWE is gonna use phrasing however they want because they can. But given that, the World Heavyweight Championship opening was a surprise. I already said in the build to this that it was a given Rollins was going to win since it was Styles going against him and Styles is anchored to SmackDown with the OC. But I also said it was going to be an awesome match, which it was. Rollins has any number of possibilities for a first challenger, even with MITB coming and grabbing up a few people into the ladder match.

And great move to have Becky VS Trish follow, too, that was great stuff. Zoey Stark getting involved was a surprise I could not have called, but what a great spot for her to get in on. The feud with Candice LeRae and Nikki Cross just wasn’t working right, so Stark moving up into a big time story like this is great. I already sense a tag match of Trish & Zoey VS Becky and a returning Lita for an even bigger battle of generations. It also is a way to keep Becky out of the MITB picture, she’s above titles now.

And speaking of, great women’s title matches. I did not see either finish coming, and they were both rather creative. Rhea getting the jump on Natty thanks to Dom should’ve been a given, and Rhea beating Natty was itself a given, but I didn’t think it’d end up a squash. And then Bianca VS Asuka was great stuff, and it was also clear that the mist was gonna come into play. But great creativity for Asuka to miss with the spit attack to then go with mist soaked hands. Asuka winning was a surprise in itself, so this was a great way to do it that keeps Bianca strong and adds to Asuka’s Heel power. As I theorized on last night’s SmackDown, I’m thinking the Women’s MITB will factor into putting the right titles on the right shows, and I’d love for interactions between Rhea and this new sinister Asuka.

Gunther VS Ali was great stuff, and naturally the fans were on Ali’s side. But given the teasing of Riddle VS Gunther even with Ali being the winner of the battle royal, Ali was not going to get this title off Gunther. But it was a great match from Ali, so I hope this leads to something good for him, perhaps the MITB ladder match. Great stuff out of Cody VS Lesnar, and very clever that Cody would use his cast as a legal weapon in the match. But at the same time, Cody can’t be so overpowered, so passing out to the Kimura was the logical finish. Cody VS Lesnar Round 3 could easily be at MITB, but given Cody’s “broken” arm and Lesnar preferring the biggest paychecks possible, perhaps they save this for SummerSlam in Detroit, not MITB in London.

And of course, the one true main event was the tag title match because it also has the Bloodline story involved. I loved everything about that segment, but especially The Usos’ part to play. They took things into their own hands again even though Roman didn’t want them to, and then Jimmy finally snapped, Superkick’d Roman and we all cheered! Jimmy saying this is what they should’ve done all along was also a great detail, because it calls back to almost three years ago when Roman used Jimmy against Jey to make them both fall in line. This Bloodline Civil War stuff is going to be great, SmackDown next Friday is going to be huge.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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