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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/1/23)

THREE titles, one night!



ROH Wrestling 2023

A golden start to the Summer!

Athena, Zack Sabre Jr. and Katsuyori Shibata all defend their titles on this Double or Nothing aftermath ROH! Will the landscape look very different for Summer?


  • The Kingdom w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS The Infantry; The Kingdom wins.
  • Skye Blue VS Trish Adora; Skye wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Stu Grayson & The Righteous VS The Dark Order; Stu & The Righteous win.
  • Diamante VS Promise Braxton; Diamante wins.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Willie Mack; Cage wins.
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Rocky Romero; ZSJ wins and retains the title.
  • Action Andretti & Darius Martin VS The WorkHorsemen; Action & Darius win.
  • Six Man Tag: The Superbad Squad w/ Penelope Ford VS Bryce Saturn, Jakob Austin Young & Shogun Jones; The Superbad Squad wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Bandido, El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander VS Spanish Announce Project & Jack Cartwheel; Bandido, Vikingo & Komander win.
  • ROH Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata VS Alex Coughlin; Shibata wins and retains the title.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Kiera Hogan; Athena wins and retains the title.


The Kingdom w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS The Infantry!

The #OGK has been rebuilding, and they continue to face younger stars in the process. Will Matt Taven & Mike Bennett continue to defend their territory? Or will Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo march in and win?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then the Kingdom tries a cheap shot! The Infantry block those kicks, the bell rings, and then the Infantry trade legs and DECK the Kingdom! Fans fire up and the Infantry get the legs again. DOUBLE WISHBONES! Dean clotheslines Mike out, runs in at Taven in the corner, BIG back elbow! Tag to Carlie, he RAMS in, then jukes Taven to DECK him! Tag to Dean, feed to the SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Taven survives but Dean brings him around. Dean wrenches, tags Carlie and he goes up to AX HANDLE the arm! Taven goes to an open corner, Carlie storms up and ROCKS him with a right!

Carlie then runs corner to corner but Taven puts him on the apron. Carlie still ROCKS Taven, Mike runs in but Carlie ELBOWS him! Carlie ROCKS Taven again, ROCKS Mike, but Taven springboards, KICK OF THE KING! Carlie falls to the floor, Mike rebounds off ropes to ROCK Carlie! Taven BLASTS Dean, Mike puts Carlie in and he tells the fans to shut up. The ref stops Dean from storming up, The Kingdom tags. GOURD BUSTER and DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Carlie survives, fans rally up but Mike drags him up. Mike puts Carlie in the corner, and he CHOPS! Carlie CHOPS back!

Carlie CHOPS Taven, CHOPS Mike, throws elbows, but Mike whips him into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Tag to Taven, BRAINBUSTER and FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Dean runs in but Mike knees and kicks him out! The Kingdom focus on Carlie but he fires off forearms and CHOPS! Carlie fires up, runs, but into a fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, but Carlie ducks the knee! Roll up on Taven, TWO! Carlie dodges to hot tag Dean! Dean rallies on The Kingdom! BIG back drop for Mike! Spin and float, DDT for Taven! Dean kips up and fans fire up! Dean sees his target, he runs, but Mike distracts so Maria can trip Dean up!

Fans boo but Maria gets away with it. Taven HEEL KICKS Dean, Mike SUPERKICKS Carlie! The Kingdom put Dean up top, coordinate, PROTON PACK! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Kingdom, by pinfall

The OGK do it again, not having left the old tactics behind. They do uphold the Code of Honor, though. But will “the best damn tag team in professional wrestling” prove it by getting the ROH World Tag Team Championships back?


Skye Blue VS Trish Adora!

Chicago Skye may not have the gold, but the silver lining is that there’s always another chance. Will she fight her way to another opportunity? Or will the Afropunk be the one waiting on the other side of tonight’s main event?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. They circle, approach, and Skye waistlocks. Adora switches, Skye headlocks but Adora picks her up. Skye thrashes the hold, but Adora picks her up again. Skye uses that for a flying headlock takeover, but Adora fights up to her feet. Adora pries free, wrenches to a top wristlock, then wrenches to WRING Skye out! Adora KICKS Skye, runs, and BOOTS her down! Cover, ONE! Skye hangs tough but Adora drags her up. Adora suplexes but Skye blocks. Skye wrenches, swings, but into a waistlock! Skye throws elbows to fight the lift, bucks the O’Conner and covers Adora, TWO!

Skye mule kicks a leg, Adora blocks the superkick, but not the BASEMENT KICK! Adora goes to a corner, Skye goes corner to corner, but Adora dodges! Skye hits buckles, Adora comes back but she stops Skye from slipping out, into a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Adora CLUBS Skye, drags her to HIP DROP the arm, and then LA MAGISTROL, TWO! Skye escapes but Adora is after her to wrench. Adora reels Skye in, snap suplexes and bridges, TWO! Skye escapes again but Adora stalks her to ropes. Fans rally for Skye and she throws body shots. But Adora CLUBS her back down! Adora brings Skye up but Skye cradles! TWO!!

Skye gets up but Adora BOOTS her back down! Adora drags Skye up, Alabama Lifts, and tucks Skye into Air Raid STRETCH! Skye endures while upside-down, and she fights out! Adora wrenches but Skye fires forearms! Adora ROCKS Skye back! Adora whips, Skye ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl and headscissor! Adora is at the ropes, Skye runs to SHINING WIZARD! Skye keeps moving, SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO! Adora is still in this but is also a bit dazed. Skye keeps focus and she runs back in, springboards and wheelbarrows, but Adora blocks! Adora brings Skye up, WHEELBARROW GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Skye survives and the fans fire up! Adora grits her teeth and she glares at Skye. Adora drags Skye up, ROCKS her with a forearm, but Skye gives it back! Adora ROCKS Skye, Skye ROCKS Adora, Adora gets the edge! Skye flounders, Adora drags her to center to cover, TWO! Skye still has fight but Adora brings her up. Adora suplexes, Skye slips free, fans rally and duel as Skye SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS! Skye runs again, hops on, CODE BLUE!! Cover, TWO!?! Skye can’t believe it, but she ghost pins, TWO! Adora has the cover, TWO! They both get up, Skye gets around, SKYE FALL!! Cover, Skye wins!

Winner: Skye Blue, by pinfall

Adora falls and Skye is rising! They keep the Code of Honor, but will Skye keep on climbing back to the title scene?


Six Man Tag: Stu Grayson & The Righteous VS The Dark Order!

As shocking as it may seem, Player Two is still teaming with Dutch & Vincent! Is this the beginning of a new trio? Or can Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver get through to their friend before it’s too late?

The Code of Honor is upheld by Vinnie making Uno shake his hand, so that might not be genuine at all. The trios sort out, Vincent starts with Uno and Uno DECKS him! Vincent is surprised, he tags out to Stu! He’s forcing the Smash Brothers to face off! Uno tries to reason with Stu but Stu tells him to hit him. Uno refuses so Stu DECKS Uno! Stu dares someone to hit him as Uno scrambles back. Uno reaches up to grab the ropes, and Silver tags in! Fans fire up as The Meat Man rushes in, dodges Stu, and then KICKS! And KICKS! And blocks a kick to spin Stu and UPPERCUT!

Silver whips, Stu KICKS back! Stu then hoists Silver up to RAM him into the Righteous corner. Stu CHOPS Silver, tags Vinnie, and Vinnie CHOPS Silver. Vinnie whips but Silver reverses to KICK back! Silver bumps Vinnie off buckles, tags Reynolds, and the Beaver Boys double whip to drop toehold, roll and DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Reynolds covers, ONE! Reynolds BLASTS Dutch but Vinnie ROCKS him! Vinnie whips, Reynolds reverses, Vinnie ducks ‘n’ dodges but runs into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Reynolds runs in but is put on the apron. But Reynolds counter punches Vinnie!

Reynolds bump Vinnie off buckles, and he ELBOWS Stu down! Vinnie THROWS Reynolds at Dutch for a SCRAPBUSTER to the floor! The ref starts a ring count but Dutch drags Reynolds up and puts him in. Vinnie stands on Reynolds, tags Stu, and Vinnie stands on Reynolds. Stu rains down fists on Reynolds, the ref reprimands about closed fists, and Stu lets off to shout at his old friends. Stu CHOPS Reynolds, tags Vinnie, and they double whip Reynolds to ropes for a KNEE, KICK, SWEEP and BASEMENT FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Vinnie drags Reynolds up, puts him in the corner, and tags Dutch.

The Righteous double whip Reynolds into the corner, and then again! And then scoop to a BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Reynolds hangs tough but Dutch stares Uno down. Fans rally, Uno reaches out, so Dutch DECKS Uno! Reynolds throws body shots on Dutch but Dutch CLUBS him down. Dutch bumps Reynolds off buckles, tags Stu, and Stu stomps Reynolds down. Stu drags Reynolds up, shoves him, and CLOBBERS him! Fans rally for Uno but Stu drags Reynolds up. Stu whips Reynolds back to the corner, tags Dutch back in, and Dutch runs in, but into a BOOT!

Reynolds DECKS Vinnie, DECKS Stu, but Dutch back drops him! Dutch BLASTS Silver, then he drags Reynolds over. Stu tags in, Dutch stands on Reynolds while Stu glares at Uno. Stu eggs Reynolds on while pacing around. Stu drags Reynolds up, clinches, and he stares Uno down before the URE- NO! Arm-drag! And a pop-up KNEE! Stu staggers, Vinnie tags in! Uno tags in, too! Uno rallies on The Righteous! Fans fire up as Player One fires forearms and CHOPS! But Dutch shoves, only for Uno to dodge and clothesline Dutch out! Vinnie ROCKS Uno, runs in at the corner, but Uno dodges! Uno returns, but Vinnie dodges!

Vinnie runs back in but Uno BOOTS him! Uno then hurries to suplex, for the BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Vinnie survives but Uno STOMPS a hand! Tag to Silver and fans fire up. Uno & Silver double whip, but Vinnie gets around to shove Uno into Silver! Vinnie CLOBBERS Silver, tags Dutch, and Dutch runs in. Uno dropkicks the legs out! Silver runs in to KNEE Dutch in the back! And then GERMAN SUPLEX!! The Meat Man has power! Cover, but Stu breaks it! Fans boo, but Stu and Uno stare down. They go to their corners, and they both tag in! Fans fire up as these two step to each other!

But Vinnie runs in to BLAST Uno! Silver BOOTS Vinnie! Stu runs in but Silver sends him into the corner! Silver & Reynolds unleash the WOMBO COMBO, but Stu counters the stunner into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Silver still PENALTY KICKS! Vinnie runs in, tilt-o-whirl RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Vinnie calls to Dutch and he builds speed!? Dutch FLIES to take out Reynolds & Silver!! Dutch grins and flickers his tongue. But Uno BLASTS Vinnie! And now he’s all alone with Stu! Player One and Player Two go face to face. Stu asks, “Wath do I have to do to make you hit me?!” Uno is conflicted, but then he CLOBBERS Stu!!

Fans fire up, Uno runs to CHOP! Uno fires off forearms and the ref counts. Stu shoves back but Uno BOOTS him down! Fans fire up even more, but then Uno thinks. Uno is conflicted again, but he brings Stu up. Stu shoves Uno and shouts at him, “FINISH IT!” Uno ROCKS Stu, reels him in, but Vinnie saves Stu! Uno kicks Vinnie out, Stu KNEES Uno at the ropes! Stu torture racks Uno! Even Stu is conflicted now, but he has no choice! NIGHT FALL!! Vinnie tags in so he can cover, The Righteous win!

Winners: Stu Grayson & The Righteous, by pinfall

Vinnie tells Stu that he did what he had to. Uno and the Dark Order did this to Stu, so they deserved this. Has Player Two been lost to the other side?


Backstage interview with Zack Sabre Jr. & Samoa Joe.

Dasha is with #ZSJOE, the NJPW World and ROH World Television Champions, they teamed up to face Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal, how did it feel? Joe starts by admitting he didn’t give ZSJ the warmest of welcomes. But after being in the ring together, Joe sees ZSJ is a very accomplished grappler and tremendous athlete. It was very fun to be in there with ZSJ. And thanks to Joe’s superior skill and prowess, they secured victory, and in dominant fashion. ZSJ tells “Joseph” that maybe they’re not too different. They’re both the top TV champions in all of pro-wrestling. They’re both island boys, Joe of the Samoan Islands, and ZSJ a “Sheppey boy.” Perhaps they are the Island Bois!

Joe says after being in the ring together, they both have a clear idea who the better champion is. Um, do we? Yes, we do. It’s very clear who the better champion is. ZSJ asks if it really is that crystal clear, and Joe says it is, unless ZSJ needs him to make it clear. Well, it is a bit foggy to ZSJ. It isn’t quite that clear. Then maybe they’ll find out. Yes, maybe they will. When and where are we going to see this epic battle of TV Champions?


Diamante VS Promise Braxton!

The Cuban Diamond continues to shine, but she wants to shine with gold. Will she climb up the ranks to head for the ROH Women’s World Championship? Or will this be one Promise you cannot break?

The bell rings, Diamante offers the handshake, and Promise upholds the Code of Honor. They circle, tie up, and go around. Diamante headlocks, Promise wrenches out to wristlock then hammerlock. Diamante reaches around, powers Promise to a corner, then elbows free. The ref reprimands them both, Diamante says he should’ve done that sooner, but then Promise dodges Diamante’s haymaker to CHOP! And CHOP! Promise whips corner to corner, Diamante reverses but Promise goes up and over and rolls Diamante up, TWO! Diamante KNEES Promise back into the corner, and fans rally behind her.

Diamante stomps away on Promise, the ref counts, and Diamante lets off. Diamante goes corner to corner to HYRDRAULIC DROPKICK! Shoutout to Shibata who’s in the building, then Diamante drags Promise to the cover, ONE!! Promise is tough, but Diamante CLUBS her. Diamante whips, Promise holds ropes and BOOTS back! Promise catches Diamante’s haymaker and spins her, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Lateral press, TWO! Fans rally and Promise has her on the ropes. The ref gets in between but Diamante rakes eyes! Diamante CLOBBERS Promise! Diamante flexes, fans fire up, and she stalks Promise to a corner.

Diamante puts Promise on ropes to CHOKE, the ref counts and Diamante lets off. Diamante CHOPS, UPPERCUTS, then CHOPS again! Diamante UPPERCUTS again, fans rally up, and Diamante runs in to RAM Promise! And RAM her again! Fans rally, Diamante feeds off that, runs in but Promise POSTS her! Promise fires off forearms, Diamante swings but misses, and Promise gives more forearms! Promise rallies with big clotheslines! Spin and gut wrench, GUTBUSTER! Fans fire up with Promise and she runs, runs and BLINDSIDE METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Diamante survives but Promise fires up again.

Fans rally behind Promise, she brings Diamante to a fireman’s carry, but Diamante fights free! Diamante waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Diamante slashes her throat, wraps one arm around Promise, CUBAN STRAITJACKET! Promise taps, Diamante wins!

Winner: Diamante, by submission

The Cuban Diamond’s pressure crushes another one, she’s building momentum. Will she soon be aiming at a champion for the summer?


Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Willie Mack!

These two are no strangers to each other, and they meet again here tonight! Will the Machine bring down the Mack Daddy once and for all? Or will Mack continue to be the answer to “Who betta than Cage?”

The bell rings, the Code of Honor is skipped, and the two tie up. Fans rally, Cage waistlocks then ripcords to ROCK, SOBAT and KICK! Cage whips, Mack ducks ‘n’ dodges and GAMANGIRIS! Cage staggers, Mack clinches but Cage throws elbows. Cage wrenches to hit a BIG back suplex! Fans rally for Mack but Cage says he’s got this. Cage drags Mack up, ROCKS him in a corner, then CHOPS him! Cage whips corner to corner, runs in, but Mack BOOTS him! Fans rally, Mack goes up but Cage YANKS him down! Nana cheers while Mack writhes. Cage soaks up the heat then stalks Mack to ropes.

Cage brings Mack up to bump him off buckles. Cage stomps away on Mack but the ref counts. Cage ROCKS Mack, runs in and UPPERCUTS! LARIAT! And wrench to a SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Mack is hanging tough, Nana complains but the ref says the count is fair. Cage kicks Mack around, scuffs him, then brings him up. Fans rally and Mack CHOPS! And CHOPS! And then CHOPS! But Cage JUMP KNEES back! Mack staggers to ropes, Cage brings him up and snap suplexes! Cage flexes and says, “Who betta than Cage?” Cage stalks Mack, Nana applauds, and Cage fireman’s carries. But Mack slips free!

Mack waistlocks, Cage switches, but Mack elbows free! Mack runs and clinches to T-BONE SUPLEX! Cage flounders to ropes now and fans rally up for Mack. Mack slaps some sense into himself, he runs in and he ROCKS Cage! Mack goes side to side to BOOT Cage! Cage sits down, Mack goes to the far corner, and fans fire up as Mack runs back in, CANNONBALL! Nana is worried but the fans fire up as Mack waits on Cage. Cage stands, Mack fireman’s carries, SAMOAN DROP! Fans rally, and Mack stirs. A standing count starts, Mack kips up at 5 of 10! Fans fire up and Mack STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!

Mack is shocked that Cage survives! Mack kicks Cage, but Cage denies the stunner to BOOT! Cage reels Mack in, Nana wants Cage to finish this, and Cage suplexes. But Mack fights free to waistlock. Cage throws elbows, wrenches out and fireman’s carries, F- NO! Mack slips free, but Cage blocks a kick to KNEE back! And SUPERKICK! DISCUS- ROUNDHOUSE from Mack!! Both men wobble and stagger, Mack runs, but Cage gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX! But Mack is right up! Fans fire up and he waistlocks Cage! GERMAN SUPLEX! But CAGE is right up! They both run in, Mack dodges but then Cage dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS collide!

Fans are thunderous as both men are down! Nana shouts to Cage, a standing count begins again, and “This is Awesome!” We’re at 5 of 10 but Cage rises first. Mack follows at 6, and Cage swings, into a STUNNER!! Mack hurries to the corner and climbs up! Nana freaks out but the fans are fired up for the FROG SPLASH!! But Mack’s own gut hurts! Mack falls onto the cover, TWO!! Cage survives because of that delay! Fans keep rallying and Mack says he’ll finish this. Mack fireman’s carries, but Cage fights free to POST him! And then pump handle and FACEBUSTER! Cage aims, DISCUS LARIAT!! Cover, Cage wins!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall

That was another epic chapter in this storied rivalry, but The Machine is the one who stands tall! Will nothing stop The Mogul Embassy from dominating AEW and ROH?


NJPW World Television Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS Rocky Romero!

TMDK’s Frontman is setting the standard for this title as its inaugural champion, but we did see him argue it out with Samoa Joe about who is the better. Will ZSJ show Joe who is the better? Or will Azucar snatch this title to add to his collection?

The introductions are made, the NJPW title is raised, and we see if this becomes The Rocky Romero Show!

The fans sing for “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~!” The Code of Honor is upheld, but ZSJ also pats Rocky on the cheek. The bell rings and we have 15 minutes on the clock. ZSJ and Rocky circle, tie up, and ZSJ chinbars to wrangle Rocky. Rocky gets up, rolls, wrenches, but ZSJ rolls to get away. ZSJ says this is big tekkers, and they circle again. They knuckle lock, ZSJ bridges and rolls to top wristlock. Then ZSJ wrenches to a wristlock but Rocky cording holds. Rocky wrenches, wristlocks, but ZSJ spins, slips through, wrenches and wrangles Rocky to the mat. Fans cheer that exchange but Rocky fights back up.

ZSJ bends fingers but Rocky trips ZSJ to have a standing toehold. ZSJ turns over, reels Rocky in and headlocks to a takeover. Rocky keeps his shoulders up, headscissors, but ZSJ moves to pop free and get the toehold back. Rocky copies ZSJ by turning over, reels ZSJ in, but ZSJ blocks that to put Rocky in a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! But Rocky pops out to cover, TWO! Rocky rushes up but ZSJ blocks the arm-drag! ZSJ brings Rocky up but Rocky arm-drags from the other side! Things speed up, Rocky ducks ‘n’ dodges, then RANAS! Fans fire up for Rocky as ZSJ goes to a corner. Rocky runs in but only gets buckles!

ZSJ runs in but Rocky puts him on the apron. Rocky swings, but into a SLEEPER! The ref counts, Rocky pries the hold open to ELBOW BREAKER! Fans fire up, Rocky KICKS ZSJ in the ropes! Rocky goes to a corner, gives us Latino Heat, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS ZSJ to the floor! Fans fire up again as Rocky builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and Rocky slides in. Rocky builds speed again to DIVE again! Another direct hit, but Rocky isn’t done! Rocky builds speed to DIVE into a cravat! ZSJ then throws Rocky onto the apron, goes up and NECK TWISTS! Rocky writhes and the ref reprimands.

ZSJ goes back in, fans rally and duel, “ROCKY!” “SABRE!” ZSJ drags Rocky up, wrenches the arm and has the double wristlock! Takedown into headscissors, and ZSJ puts on the pressure! Rocky endures, even as ZSJ goes around to twist him! ZSJ gets the leg to add a Half Crab Toehold combo! Rocky gets the ROPEBREAK, and ZSJ lets go. Fans rally and duel, ZSJ snapmares but Rocky bridges up to snapmare! ZSJ bridges to snapmare but then blocks Rocky’s bridge to NECK TWIST again! ZSJ grins and tells the fans they’re the ones who suck. ZSJ drags Rocky up, UPPERCUTS, and this is only the five minute point!

ZSJ UPPERCUTS again but Rocky CHOPS! Fans “WOO~!” while ZSJ is stinging, and Rocky CHOPS again! ZSJ blocks a chop to UPPERCUT the arm! ZSJ drags Rocky back up, cravats, and then cranks on the neck. Rocky throws body shots, clubs free but ZSJ gets the cravat again. ZSJ taunts Rocky but Rocky throws more body shots. Rocky breaks free again, only for ZSJ to cravat again! Rocky spins though, snap suplexes, and fans fire up! Rocky and ZSJ both stand up, and Rocky CHOPS! Rocky whips ZSJ to ropes, but ZSJ reverses. Rocky blows past the boot to RAN- NO! ANKLE LOCK! ZSJ has Rocky caught!

Rocky reaches out, fans fire up, and ZSJ leans on the hold. Rocky fights up, ZSJ ducks the enziguri but not the REWIND HEEL! Fans fire up and ZSJ goes to a corner. Rocky storms up to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Rocky brings ZSJ up, winds up, but pokes ZSJ in the eyes! Fans cheer but the ref reprimands. Rocky whips, ZSJ reverses but Rocky holds ropes. Rocky UPPERCUTS then springboards, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! ZSJ is still in this but Rocky has evened things up. Rocky brings ZSJ up, cravats, but ZSJ shoves him away. Rocky goes up and out to ROCK ZSJ, and then catches ZSJ to a HANGING ARMBAR!

The ref counts, ZSJ digs his boots into Rocky’s back, and he gets Rocky in a HANGING TRIANGLE HOLD! The ref reprimands, Rocky flails, and ZSJ lets go at 4. Rocky sputters as he crawls back into the ring. ZSJ tells the fans to shut up again, and then he GUILLOTINES Rocky, before a snap suplex! And a basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Rocky is still in this and ZSJ mockingly applauds. ZSJ gives toying kicks to Rocky but Rocky grimaces. ZSJ stands Rocky up, UPPERCUTS him, then pie faces him. ZSJ UPPERCUTS again, pie faces more, and repeat! Rocky leans into the uppercuts, catches ZSJ and wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER!

Rocky KICKS that arm, KICKS it again, but ZSJ blocks one! Rocky fires off fast palm strikes and he ROCKS ZSJ with the last one! ZSJ wobbles, runs back in, but into the JUMP KNEE! Rocky wobbles but he’s standing tall. Rocky runs, SHIRANUI!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and Rocky can’t believe it! The clock is ticking as we hit the ten minute mark, so Rocky cravats ZSJ again. Rocky goes up the corner, but ZSJ blocks the Shiranui to body scissor and SLEEPER!! Rocky endures, powers back to roll ZSJ up, TWO! ZSJ has it, TWO! Rocky has it back, TWO! ZSJ tries again, TWO! Rocky has it again, TWO!?!?

Even ZSJ has to check with the ref, but he did escape! Rocky KICKS the bad arm! And KICKS, but ZSJ blocks to CHOP! ZSJ runs in, into an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!! Rocky stomps ZSJ, ZSJ gets the legs and pries free! ZSJ has the legs now, CALF KILLER! Rocky endures, rolls it, and has the ARMBAR! ZSJ gets another leg, and he has a toehold! Rocky reaches back, but into the GROUND OCTOPUS!! Rocky taps, ZSJ wins!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by submission (still NJPW World Television Champion)

With four minutes to spare, ZSJ snatches Rocky into the right position and finishes him off! Will “Samoan Joseph” still question who is the top TV champion in wrestling today? Or will ZSJ gladly give him the answer?


Action Andretti & Darius Martin VS The WorkHorsemen!

The Sight to See and the Air Wolf have been climbing the ranks, but so have JD Drake & Anthony Henry. Will Action & Darius continue to reach new heights in ROH? Or will they be grounded by Scrap Metal & The Saint of Augusta?

The Code of Honor is upheld though flippantly by the WorkHorsemen. The teams sort out, Henry shakes hands with Darius again, but that’s to reel him into a hammerlock then wristlock! Henry wrangles Darius, but Darius rolls, kips up, waistlocks and spins to snapmare. Fans cheer, but Henry fires off big hands! Darius arm-drags, SOBATS, then whips. Henry reverses, throws Darius down but Darius catches himself! Henry avoids the body shots, feints a kick to then KICK Darius! Then tag to JD and he storms up, and he blocks an arm-drag! JD brings Darius up but Darius gets around to headlock.

JD pries free but then Darius slips around to headlock again. JD powers out, Darius RAMS JD but JD rebounds. JD powers through the chop to run Darius over! Darius stagger sup, ducks a chop but JD blocks a whip. Darius dropkicks the leg! Then DROPKICKS JD away! JD storms up but Darius hurries away. Action tags in to GAMANGIRI JD! Then Darius bumps JD off buckles, Action MISSILE DROPKICKS! JD tags Henry but Action spins Henry to CHOP and knuckle lock. Action goes up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Henry staggers up into a DROPKICK! Action keeps going, IMPLODER TORNILLO! Cover, TWO!

Action headlocks for a takeover and fans rally. Henry powers up to back suplex but Action lands on his feet to waistlock. Henry powers Action back into the corner, but Darius tags in! Darius jumps in to intercept Henry and RAM him into Action’s knees! Darius snapmares Henry, Action runs to BLAST JD, and then Darius sits Henry up for Action’s basement dropkick, right into Darius’ ghost pin! TWO!! Henry escapes but Darius CHOPS! Henry staggers, Darius headlocks, but Henry shoves him away. Darius slips out to the floor, he dodges JD and comes back, but JD pops him up, only for Darius to BOOT JD away!

Henry rushes over but Darius elbows him away! Darius BOOTS JD again, Henry returns to DROPKICK Henry into the FOREARM from JD! Henry BOOTS Action for good measure! The ref reprimands but Henry soaks up the heat. JD puts Darius in, Henry brings him up and whips him to the corner. Henry ROCKS Darius in the corner, tags JD, and then feeds Darius to JD’s LARIAT! Darius is down, Henry NECK TWISTS and JD slingshot sentons! JD mocks the Top Flight poses, then he drags Darius up. Darius CHOPS JD, but JD CHOPS Darius! Fans “WOO~” for those as Darius CHOPS again! JD CHOPS Darius off his feet!

Darius gets up to CHOP, but JD headlocks. Henry tags in as Darius powers out, and JD reverses. Darius comes back but he atomic drops Henry! Darius sends Henry into JD, then reaches out. Henry whips Darius away, runs in at the corner, but Darius goes up and over to handspring and jump, hot tag to Action! Action ducks a kick, rallies with big forearms and uppercuts! Action whips, Henry reverses, but Action handsprings, only for Henry to catch him! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Action lands on his feet! Action stares Henry down, things speed up again, Action ducks ‘n’ dodges to DIVE and hit JD!

Action goes up to ROCK Henry, mule kick JD, and repeat! Action fakes Henry out to ARABIAN PRESS JD! Action gets in, handsprings again, but into the GERMAN SUPLEX! This one hits, and JD runs in to LEG LARIAT! Henry runs corner to corner, METEORA!! And then feed to JD, ENZIGURI END OF DAYS COMBO!! Cover, Darius dodges JD to break it up!! JD is furious, he CHOPS Darius! JD runs in but only gets buckles! Henry waistlocks Action elbows free. Darius mule kicks, they both KICK Henry, then Darius whips Action to handspring KICK JD down! Darius & Action get Henry up, DOUBLE POWERSLAM! Cover, Action & Darius win!

Winners: Action Andretti & Darius Martin, by pinfall

The WorkHorsemen could not bring these two high flyers down, and they don’t even show respect with the Code of Honor. Will nothing get Action & Darius down as they continue to soar?


Six Man Tag: The Superbad Squad w/ Penelope Ford VS Bryce Saturn, Jakob Austin Young & Shogun Jones!

Kip Sabian, The Butcher & The Blade could not take the International Championship from Orange Cassidy in the Blackjack Battle Royal, but they aren’t going to stop hunting for gold. Will they use their opponents to whet their appetites until their next title shot?

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as Saturn, Young & Shogun attack! That’s usually a Superbad Squad move, so they didn’t see it coming! The fans fire up, the bell rings, and while Kip brawls with Shogun and Blade brawls with Young, Butcher hits Saturn with an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Blade CHOPS Shogun, Kip clotheslines Young out, and then Kip runs in to CANNONBALL on Young! Kip stands Young up for Butcher to run in and KNEE! Blade runs in to CHOP, and then Blade drags Young right up. Saturn gets in to CHOP Kip, but Kip ROCKS Saturn! Kip reels Saturn in, DEATHLY HOLLOWS!

Butcher & Blade get Young up, to DRAG THE LAKE!! Cover, the Superbad Squad wins!

Winners: The Superbad Squad, by pinfall

And that’s it! You bring the fight to the Superbad Squad, they end the fight! But will they be fighting their way up towards trios titles for the Summer?


Six Man Tag: Bandido, El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander VS Spanish Announce Project & Jack Cartwheel w/ Luther!

This is quite the assembly of luchadores! Tomorrow night is a Championship Friday edition of Rampage, where the AAA Mega Championship is on the line in a Triple Threat, with Komander being one of Vikingo’s challengers! Will they be able to stay focused on winning together tonight? Or can Angelico, Serpentico & The Rocketwheel take advantage of some dysfunction?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Angelico starts against Komander. They circle, tie up, and Angelico waistlocks to SLAM Komander down. Angelico flips Komander over but Komander kips and kips and spins, but Angelico arm-drags him down. Angelico has the armlock, but Komander kips up to arm-drag free! They keep moving, Komander KICKS then runs, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors! Angelico flops out to the apron but hurries back in. Komander and Angelico back off to tag in Bandido and Serpentico. Fans rally behind Bandido and he fires forearms with Serpentico!

Bandido sobats, whips, Serpentico reverses and things speed up. Bandido handsprings but Serpentico dodges to BOOT! Bandido goes to a corner, Serpentico runs in but Bandido dodges! Serpentico ELBOWS back, RANAS, but Bandido handsprings through! Bandido sweeps and covers, ONE! Serpentico sweeps and covers, ONE! Both men handspring up and fans fire up! Bandido and Serpentico circle, nod the proverbial caps, and then tag out to Vikingo and Cartwheel! Fans cheer as both men circle. They speed up, Jack cartwheels over Vikingo but Viking dodges the clothesline. Jack ducks the heel kick to run, but Vikingo follows.

Jack drops down, Vikingo handsprings and jumps over him, then comes back. Jack hurdles then cartwheels, then goes up, leaps, but into Vikingo’s arms! Vikingo swings Jack but Jack slips free and reels Vikingo in, but Vikingo fights free. Jack kicks low, whips but Vikingo reverses. Jack goes up and out slowly using his incredible core strength, then he sweeps the legs! Jack rises up, slingshots and SPLASHES! Jack covers, TWO! Fans fire up but Luther is upset. Jack swings, Vikingo blocks, wrenches, traps the arms and has the legs, FLOATING BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Serpentico gets in to ROCK Vikingo!

Bandido gets in to BOOT Serpentico! Angelico gets in to kick Bandido and CLUB away on him! Angelico throws knees, has Bandido down, but Komander SUPERKICKS him! Vikingo SUPERKICKS Jack! Jack and SAP bail out, the luchadores build speed and fans fire up, but Luther trips Komander! Angelico & Serpentico ROCK Vikingo and Bandido! Jack gets back in to build speed, then FOSBURY FLOP! Down goes Komander and Luther is cheering! Angelico sends Bandido into the steps! Serpentico hits a COMPLETE SHOT on Komander, then Angelico adds a BIG back suplex! Jack goes up top and fans fire up.

Jack SHOOTING STAR STOMPS but Komander moves! Jack keeps moving, he cartwheels over Komander to come back and HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Komander survives and shocks Jack! Jack drags Komander up, fans rally, and Jack puts Komander in the corner. Tag to Angelico, he and Jack mug Komander, and Angelico stomps away. The ref counts, Angelico digs his boots in but lets off at 4. Serpentico CHOKES Komander as the ref is busy with Angelico! Angelico tags Jack, Jack keeps Komander from his corner, and he RAMS Komander back into the SAP corner. Fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” and Komander fights back!

Komander dodges jack but Jack waistlocks and ripcords, cartwheel and lift, to a POWER- NO, Komander slips free, DESTROYER!! Both men crawl, hot tag to Bandido! Bandido LARIATRS Jack, ELBOWS Serpentico, and KNEES Angelico! Bandido whips, pops Angelico up to a trophy lift, but Serpentico kicks low! SAP mugs Bandido, double whip him, but Vikingo tags in. Bandido BOOTS Serpentico, Vikingo FLYING RANAS Angelico! Fans fire up as they double whip Serpentico, then TOSS him out! Komander gets in and fans rally up. The lucadores try again, they TRIPLE TOPE!! SAP and Jack go down!

Fans are thunderous and the luchadores get Jack up and in. Bandido brings Jack around, he and Vikingo whip him to a corner. Bandido runs in to UPPERCUT! Komander runs in to clothesline! Feed to a POP-UP MISSILE DROPKKICK COMBO!!! Cover, but the SAP break it up! They throw Vikingo out, bump Komander off buckles, and Serpentico puts Komander up top. Komander shoves Serpentico away, but then Luther takes a swipe! Komander gets him to back off but Serpentico GAMANGIRIS! Serpentico climbs, but Bandido rushes up. Komander resists the superplex, then feeds Serpentico tot he trophy lift!

Bandido TOSSES Serpentico onto Luther! Bandido then builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on Luther & Serpentico! Komander tightrope walks and jumps to ARIHARA MOONSAULT Angelico! Jack gets in, he kicks Vikingo, they both cartwheel, but Vikingo goes up top. Jack runs in but into a BOOT! Vikingo then jumps up but Jack trips him up! Jack climbs up behind Vikingo, “This is Awesome!” as Jack Electric Chair Lifts. But Vikingo uses that for a SUPER POISON-RANA!! Jack staggers all the way to the other corner, METEORA from Vikingo! Vikingo puts Jack in the drop zone, goes up top, and 630 SENTONS!! Cover, Vikingo’s team wins!

Winners: Bandido, El Hijo Del Vikingo & Komander, by pinfall

The AAA Mega Champion finishes things off, and his team of luchadores is victorious! But will Vikingo be able to hold onto that title when he faces Komander and LFI’s Dralistico? Or will there be a new champion after Rampage?


ROH Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata VS Alex Coughlin!

Speaking of that Championship Friday Rampage, this title will be part of that golden night. But will it be The Wrestler or The Android that moves on to face #TAIGASTYLE, Lee Moriarty?

For this match, the judges are BJ Whitmer, Madison Rayne & Jerry Lynn, their scores only needed should this go to the sixty minute time limit. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the student can defeat the sensei!

The Code of Honor is upheld and fans chant for “SHI-BA-TA!” The bell rings, the two circle and feel things out. They knuckle lock, then shoot in. Shibata blocks Coughlin going for a leg to facelock, then keeps on Coughlin as he moves around. Shibata chinlocks, Coughlin fights up and moves around but Shibata keeps on him with a waistlock. Fans cheer as the two keep moving around on the mat. Shibata floats to a top mount and grabs an arm, but Coughlin quickly clasps hands to fight the armbar. Shibata breaks the grip but Coughlin gets the ROPEBREAK! Shibata lets off, but that is the first of three used up for Coughlin.

The two reset while fans applaud. They feel things out again, clinch, Shibata waistlocks, but Coughlin pries things open. But Shibata rolls Coughlin to have the top mount again. Coughlin tries to push him away but Shibata goes for the arm again! Coughlin rolls to stack Shibata but Shibata just uses that to get a TRIANGLE HOLD! Coughlin scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! That’s the second already! Coughlin is already at a huge disadvantage, but he and Shibata reset again. They feel things out, knuckle lock and then go shoulder to shoulder. They clinch, fight for control, and Shibata wants an arm.

Coughlin moves around but Shibata gets behind Coughlin and sits him down. Shibata goes for a chinlock but Coughlin blocks it. Shibata traps an arm, has the chinlock, and fans rally up. Shibata has both arms now for a motorcycle stretch. Coughlin fights up, stomps around, and fans rally. Coughlin turns the hold but Shibata turns it back! Coughlin still fights, using his size and strength, and he has the hold on Shibata now! Shibata now endures, but he rolls, kips up and shoots around to hook a leg! Coughlin fights the Cobra Twist but Shibata climbs up to have an elevated armlock!

Coughlin stays up but Shibata wants the other arm! Now it’s a true Motorcycle Stretch and fans cheer this technical display! Coughlin fights goes forward, and with his teeth, gets the ROPEBREAK! But that’s his last one! Shibata KICKS Coughlin from the ropes! Coughlin goes to a corner, Shibata fires off forearms and he can just keep going now! Shibata hammers Coughlin into sitting down, then he goes corner to corner and back again, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK!! Shibata drags Coughlin up, HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO!! Coughlin survives but Shibata keeps his cool. Shibata stomps Coughlin’s arm, then kicks him in the side!

Shibata grabs a leg, sits down on the toehold, and then he ties up the other leg! BUTTERFLY DEATHLOCK! Coughlin endures, keeps his shoulders up and he sits up to get in Shibata’s face. But Shibata ROCKS him! Coughlin sits up again, so Shibata fires off forearm after forearm! Fans fire up as Shibata finally stops to put pressure on the leg lock. Coughlin sits up again but Shibata knocks him back down! Coughlin sits up again, so Shibata adds a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Fans rally as Coughlin endures two holds, and powers through to get a facelock! Coughlin powers the deathlock open, to suplex Shibata and then stand up!

Fans fire up for the Android’s show of strength, and then he SLAMS Shibata down! “This is Awesome!” as Coughlin’s power evens things up with Shibata. Coughlin CHOPS Shibata, CHOPS him in the corner, then fires off more CHOPS! Shibata just gets in Coughlin’s face! Coughlin CHOPS Shibata down! Coughlin whips corner to corner, runs in and CHOPS! Shibata sits and Coughlin roars! Coughlin calls his shot, drags Shibata up and scoops, FALL AWAY BRIDGE! Cover, TWO!! Shibata gets free but Coughlin CHOPS him back down! Coughlin deadlift gut wrenches, to SLAM Shibata down! Cover, TWO!

Shibata shows his own toughness, but Coughlin deadlifts again! Gut wrench drop and Coughlin wants the arm! But Shibata shifts around to get Coughlin’s arm! Coughlin clasps hands, Shibata pries at the hold, but Coughlin stacks him. But that puts him back in the TRIANGLE! Coughlin fights to deadlift and POWERBOMB!! Fans fire up while both men are down! Fans rally and the two rise. Coughlin CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Coughlin runs, LARIATS, but Shibata stays up!? Shibata runs to BOOT! Coughlin stays up! Shibata knees low, runs, but Coughlin dodges to SHOULDER TACKLE!

Fans fire up as Coughlin slaps the mat! Fans fire up, Coughlin drags Shibata up and reels him in to suplex. Shibata slips free, to get the SLEEPER!! Coughlin pries at the hold but he’s fading! Shibata sits him down, runs in and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, Shibata wins!!

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall (still ROH Pure Champion)

The Android gave The Wrestler one hell of a match, but Shibata is the master for a reason. Shibata shows Coughlin respect and it is mutual, but will Shibata get the same from Lee Moriarty tomorrow night?


ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Kiera Hogan!

The Fallen Goddess continues to tear into opponents both during and after her matches, but she might have picked on the wrong target. Athena lit a fire in Kiera, will she be the one burned? Or will she be able to stomp out Kiera’s flames and crush her dreams?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Kiera can put an end to Athena’s win streak!

The Code of Honor is upheld, though with tension, and then Athena DECKS Kiera at the bell! Athena stomps away on Kiera, shouts at the ref to back off, and then drags Kiera up to snapmare and KICK her in the back! Athena shouts, “This is MY show!” Then she drags Kiera up to ROCK her with another forearm! Athena brings Kiera up, whips her to the corner and ELBOWS her! Athena then whips Kiera to ropes to BOOT her down! Athena scowls, then soaks up the cheers and jeers from the fans. Athena grins, drags Kiera up, reels her in, and Canadian Racks, but Kiera fights free! Kiera rolls Athean up, TWO!

Athena gets up, but Kiera drop toeholds her onto ropes! Kiera runs to HIP ATTACK! Athena staggers, but she blocks a boot, only for Kiera to ENZIGURI! Kiera runs to step up, but Athena avoid the leg drop! Kiera ducks the Penalty Kick and rolls Athena up, but Athena rolls through and gets an arm to WRING Kiera out! Kiera writhes and clutches her shoulder, but she refuses to give up here. Athena drags Kiera up, throws her out of the ring, then shouts at the ref that she can do what she wants! Athena goes out to drag Kiera up and CLUB the arm! The ref starts a ring count, Athena drags Kiera up and RAMS her into railing!

Kiera slumps over, still clutching the arm. Athena tells the ref to count, and the count continues. Athena paces, the count is 4 of 10 while Athena lounges on the top rope. Kiera sits up at 6, crawls at 7, drags herself up at 8 and in at 9. Athena storms over, drags Kiera up but Kiera rolls her up! TWO, and Athena BOOTS Kiera down! “You think this is a game?!” Athena drags Kiera up, reels her in and hammerlocks the arm, to then snap suplex! Cover, TWO!! Kiera is still in this but Athena stomps away on the bad arm! Kiera throws body shots with the good arm, and she CHOPS! Athena CLUBS and SLAPS away on Kiera in return!

Athena drags Kiera up, CLUBS her, then shouts at the fans who rally for Kiera. Athena pushes Kiera, tucks her in and has a mounted armlock! Kiera endures being bent around and the fans rally. Athena grins, taunts the fans, but Kiera sits up! Kiera CLUBS Athena’s leg, trips her, then SUPERKICKS her! Fans rally up as Kiera runs, STEP-UP LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!! Athena survives but Kiera grits her teeth. Kiera drags Athena up, reels her in and turns her, but Athena powers out. Kiera comes back, but Athena catches the crossbody, SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Wrench and CODE BRAKER to the arm! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!!!

Kiera endures, reaches out, but Athena thrashes! Athena bridges as far back as she can, but Kiera refuses to give up! Kiera turns Athena to a cover, TWO!! Athena gets up to mule kick! Athena reels Kiera in, suplexes, and she carries Kiera to the corner. Athena puts Kiera up top but Kiera ROCKS Athena back! And BOOTS her! And leaps to FLYING RANA! Athena flounders, Kiera runs in, HIP ATTACK in the corner! Kiera keeps moving, but Athena avoids the boot wash! Kiera BOOTS Athena anyway! And ROUNDHOUSES! Athena staggers, Kiera runs, tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cover, TWO!! Athena is still in this and Kiera can’t believe it!

Kiera slaps her bad arm into working and the fans rally up. Kiera grits her teeth, drags Athena up, and reels her in. Kiera has a single leg hold, but the bad arm won’t let her lift! Athena waistlocks, Kiera switches, but Athena blocks the O’Conner to smother it! With tights! Athena wins!!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Champion)

The Fallen Goddess definitely got into a fight with Kiera, but Kiera isn’t done with Athena now! Kiera ROCKS Athena, giving her a taste of her own medicine! Kiera RAMS Athena into the railing! Fans fire up and Kiera RAMS Athena into steel steps! Kiera is furious and she gets a chair! The ref and security tell her not to, but Kiera aims at Athena! The ref takes the chair, the fans boo, and Kiera says this ain’t over! Kiera storms up on the security, they tell her to calm down. Kiera’s Spider-Sense helps her dodge Athena, the SHOTGUN DROPKICK takes out the guard! Kiera CLUBS away on Athena!

Athena RAMS Kiera into railing, the brawl is on! Security pulls them apart, Kiera SUPERKICKS but it hits the guard! The ref stops Kiera but she stalks Athena. Athena is grinning but Kiera shouts at her that she cheated! Kiera storms up but Athena DECKS her!! Athena puts Kiera back in the ring, fans fire up and Athena cheers herself on. Athena slide sin, but Kiera SLIDING BOOTS Athena! And she rains down fists! More refs rush out, as well as more security. They separate the two, but fans wanna “Let Them Fight!” Athena gest free to BLAST Kiera and the cluster around her! The security backs Athena off again, and Kiera is in bad shape.

Medics rush in, did Athena do more damage than just a bad arm to Kiera? She DECKS security guards now!! The Fallen Goddess is one of war and fury, but will Kiera rise from the ashes like a phoenix to go another round?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH, and thankfully under two hours. Again, really good matches, good wins for The Kingdom, Skye, Diamante, Action & Darius, The Superbad Squad and the lucha trio. Stu & The Righteous VS Dark Order was also really good, especially for the story beat. Uno and Stu played being conflicted very well, and it’s a bit telling that Silver & Reynolds were not hesitant to fight Stu. Stu & The Righteous of course win for that, and I can’t wait to see where this goes next. And I really like that we got Cage VS Mack to add to their rivalry throughout their careers. But I figured Cage would win, Mack Attack’s gonna need a third Mack if they wanna get at the ROH World Six Man Tag titles.

Great promo from ZSJ and Joe, though it felt rather awkward as they argued about how clear or not clear things were. Maybe some of that was on purpose. But obviously they’re just waiting for an opportunity to give us ZSJ VS Joe for at least one TV title. ZSJ VS Rocky was a great match, as all these NJPW World TV Championship matches have been. But given ZSJ has to defend this belt on Sunday at Dominion, he wasn’t gonna lose here, and he won’t lose it on Rampage, either. For that matter, same goes for Shibata. He had a really good match with Coughlin here, and he’ll have a great match with Moriarty on Rampage, but I doubt Shibata loses just yet.

And we got great stuff out of the main event with Athena VS Kiera. Kiera got a great showing, even in a loss, and I really like that she went after Athena afterward. Great brawl, especially with the guards taking some big hits, too. I hope that last bit wasn’t legit, it’d be a shame if this brawl did real damage when it’s just meant to further the story. Assuming Kiera is okay, she and Athena will surely have a rematch, perhaps as part of an ROH special/PPV.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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