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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/20/23)

NXT strikes gold!



NXT Gold Rush 2023

Will Seth Rollins make it to tonight?

Finn Balor kept Seth Rollins from defending his title last night on Raw, but the Visionary won’t let that stop him from making his return to NXT! Will he #BurnItDown? Or will Bron Breakker become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion?


  • NXT North American Championship, Special Referee Mustafa Ali: Wes Lee VS Tyler Bate; Wes wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS Hank Walker & Tank Ledger VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; Malik & Edris win and will challenge Gallus for the titles next week.
  • Dana Brooke VS Cora Jade; Cora wins.
  • Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson w/ The Meta Four; Lash & Jakara win.
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Bron Breakker; Rollins wins and retains the title.


Seth Rollins arrives!

The Visionary is in the building, meaning he IS going to defend his title in tonight’s main event!


The journey to become champion begins with a rush of desire.

And that desire is for gold! For the first time ever, in a two week event, every title in NXT will be on the line! Carmelo Hayes will take on the Lone Wolf next week, will Baron Corbin get shut up by… HIM? Will “The Beacon,” Mustafa Ali call the North American title match down the line as the guest referee? Will Tiffany Stratton still be the Center of the Universe? Or will Thea Hail make this into the Chase U-niverse? And since we just saw him walk in, we know Seth Freakin’ Rollins returns to where it all began! The first-ever NXT Gold Rush starts now!


NXT North American Championship, Special Referee Mustafa Ali: Wes Lee VS Tyler Bate!

The Cardiac Kid and Big Strong Boi held onto their friendship as Wes held onto this title through Battleground. But now, at Ali’s suggestion, they’re having a friendly 1v1 match to truly see who is worthy. Who strikes gold to open this big two week event?

The introductions are raised, the belt is raised (by Ali), and we see if a friendship remains after the smoke clears.

The bell rings, Wes and Bate circle and fans rally up. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and Bate powers Wes back. Wes arm-drags Bate away and fans rally up again. The two reset and tie up, then Bate gets around to a waistlock. Bate SLAMS Wes down but Wes fights up. Fans rally, Wes pries free and rolls back to waistlock Bate! Wes brings Bate up, Bate breaks the hold to switch. Bate trips Wes to get a standing toehold. Wes fights back, rolls and throws Bate, but Bate cartwheels through! Fans cheer and the two reset again. Wes RAMS Bate, then headlocks. Bate powers out and things speed up as fans duel.

Bate hurdles. Wes front flips and fans fire up! The two go again, Wes slides under, rolls back, but Bate blocks the headscissors. Bate arm-drags Wes, headlocks for a takeover, and Wes’ shoulders are down! Ali counts fast, TWO!! Everyone, even Bate, looks at Ali with surprise. Wes rolls Bate, ONE!! Ali smirks and again everyone is confused. Wes rolls, he and Bate stand up, and Bate thrashes the headlock. Bate shifts grip again and again and grinds Wes, but Wes throws body shots. Wes powers out, Bate goes up and under and baits Wes into knuckle locks, to then wrench, headlock, bait, leapfrog, but Wes blocks the slide!

Wes body scissors for a Gedo Clutch, but Ali counts slowly now! TWO, but even Bate is upset by this bias. Wes gets in Ali’s face and Ali says he’s counting! Bate rolls Wes up, but now Ali goes slow for Bate! TWO, and Bate can’t believe the gall of Ali. Ali says he’s being fair now! Wes shoves Bate and accuses him of putting in the fix with Ali but Bate shoves back. Bate says Ali is doing himself, so they should do the same. They tie up, go around, and then on the mat. They get up, into a corner, and all around. They tumble out of the ring! Ali tells them to get in but the two tie up again! Bate pushes Wes against the desk, and the fans count!

Ali says no, that’s not real! Bate UPPERCUTS Wes, Wes KICKS Bate! Ali starts now at one, and so on. Wes staggers, Bate is after him, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Bate puts Wes in at what would be Ali’s 4 count, and he brings Wes up. Wes SHORYUKENS in return! Bate flops into the ring and Ali checks him. Bate is okay to continue so Wes drags Bate up. Bate shoves Wes, but Wes facelocks. Bate fights up and wrenches out, but Wes breaks free to CHOP! And haymaker! Wes gets an arm, STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER! Cover, Ali goes normal, TWO! Ali says he was doing a fair count, so Wes can’t complain there. Wes drags Bate up, RAMS his shoulder, and RAMS him again! Wes wrenches, RAMS Bate and knocks him down! Wes chinbars Bate and grinds him down.

Ali checks with Bate as he endures. Bate fights up, pries at the hold, but Wes shifts to a facelock. Bate lifts Wes, Wes kicks to get back to his feet. Bate keeps trying, Wes keeps keeping him down, but Bate powers up again! Bate SLAMS Wes, then HIP DROPS him! Cover, Ali counts normal, TWO! Bate keeps cool and he stalks Wes to a corner. Bate brings Wes up, UPPERCUTS, and Wes staggers. Bate brings Wes up to shove, RAM, and then reel him in for a snap suplex! Cover, Ali counts normal, TWO! Bate keeps on Wes with a facelock and grinds him down. Bate thrashes Wes but Wes endures and fans rally up.

Wes fights to his feet, but Bate UPPERCUTS! Bate shoves Wes, Wes kicks back! Bate flounders, but he comes back to tackle Wes! Wes kicks Bate away but runs into a kick! Bate underhooks, but Wes fights to back drop free! Bate gets up fast, Wes dodges his haymaker and NXT returns to single picture as Bate now dodges. Both men run, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans fire up while Ali checks both men. Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Ali starts a standing count. This is a rather fair count, and both men rise at 5 of 10. They both stand at 7, and Bate UPPERCUTS! Wes ROCKS Bate! Bate UPPERCUTS again!

Wes ROCKS Bate! Ali reprimands about closed fists but Bate comes back with UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! Wes ROCKS Bate again and again, then throws body shots and forearms! Bate UPPERCUTS, and uses his foot to bop him! And then another uppercut! Wes goes to backslide, but Bate rolls through! Wes fires off fast strikes, snapmares and basement dropkicks! Fans fire up and Wes aims from a corner. Wes runs in but blocks a boot, only for the KNEE to hit! Bate goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT! Wes tumbles away to a corner, Bate UPPERCUTS him again! And EXPLODERS! Bate kips up and fans fire up!

Bate aims, runs, SHOOTING STAR onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Wes ENZIGURIS Bate to a corner! Fans rally, Wes pounds the mat and stands up. Wes runs in to FOREARM SMASH! Bate shoves Wes back but Wes SUPERKICKS! Wes snapmares Bate, aims from the corner, CARDIAC- NO, Bate dodges to REBOUNDER! Cover, TWO!! Wes escapes and fans fire up again! Bate goes to a corner, “This is Awesome!” as he climbs. Bate reaches the top but Wes GAMANGIRIS! Fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this is just the start of the night! Wes brings Bate up, and aims for the outside!

Bate fights, the fans freak out, and Bate throws body shots! Bate HEADBUTTS Wes, but Wes ROCKS Bate! Bate Bop up, but DOUBLE BANG hit! Both men fall, Bate inside and Wes outside! Ali starts a ring count, watches both men, but this count seems rather quick. Ali doesn’t want it to end this way, so he gets Wes up! Ali SLAPS Wes and tells him that HE is the champion so he needs to get in and fight! But then Ali fires Bate up, too! This is a fight, so get up and fight! Wes jumps in, CARDIAC KICK!! Cover, Wes wins!!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Wes is victorious, but he’s still confused as to what Ali was up to this entire match. Ali raises both men’s hands in celebration, because he says this is what NXT is all about. If so, then who will be next to challenge Wes for the North American title?


Gigi Dolin speaks.

“I’ve always been drawn to art and self-expression. I see it as living creativity. My dreary upbringing was brightened by escaping reality and diving into the images generated in my mind. It is reflected in the gear that I wear. I’ve been rejected by friends, by family, by life. That’s what makes me unique. That’s what sets me apart from everyone else. But no matter where I walk, I have the freedom to create whatever enters my mind.” Will Gigi soon express herself with the mat as her canvas?


Backstage interview with Kiana James.

McKenzie Mitchell asks her about Gigi’s vignette. Kiana says that isn’t art, that’s a waste of real estate. Kiana doesn’t talk about her feelings, or why colors motivate her. She is motivated by results, especially in that ring. But the irony is, they’re not so different. Believe it or not, when Kiana was young, she was reckless. She broke rules, got into trouble, but unlike Gigi, she grew up. Kiana took the path towards success, and it’s called ambition. Kiana has it, embraces it, and Gigi can’t even spell it! But hey, good for Gigi being happy in the pool of mediocrity. Will the Calculator soon find emotions defy the data?


It’s time for the Chase U Pep Rally!

Duke Hudson is in the ring and says as the MVP of Chase U, it is his honor and 6’5″ privilege to welcome us here to celebrate the star pupil, Thea Hail! Fans cheer, and Duke says we have seen Thea in the agony of defeat, but also in the thrill of victory. And victory is the name of the game, as next week, Thea will defeat Tiffany to become the youngest NXT champion, male or female, in history! So rise to your feet and welcome your future NXT Women’s Champion, the one and only Thea Hail! Fans cheer as Thea breaks through the banner! Thea goes to the ring and everyone cheers her on.

Thea joins Duke in the ring, as do some Chase U cheerleaders, and even Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey. Thea says this is the awesomest day of her whole life! Her heart is beating so fast, because next week’s match is the biggest match of her whole life. But you look up and down the roster now, and everyone has these insane accomplishments from their time in college. Honors, championships. The biggest thing Thea’s done so far is graduate high school. She didn’t even wanna go to college. She didn’t wanna be a doctor, lawyer or even Olympian, because she’s been too busy training to become what she’s always wanted to be: a WWE SUPERSTAR!!

Fans cheer that, and Thea says she doesn’t need national championships or a Master’s Degree, because next week, SHE’S GOING TO BECOME NXT WOMEN’S CHAMPION!! Gulak gets a mic to ask if Thea said she just graduated high school. Dempsey asks what they’ve gotten themselves into. Alright, Statler and Waldorf, c’mon. This is a pep rally! Thea doesn’t know who Statler and Waldorf are. But anyway, when she got into Chase U, she was finally accepted for who she is! Mr. Chase pushed her, and she pushed herself all the way to winning that battle royal! So first and foremost, she wants to thank Mr. Chase, sitting at home watching right now. Hi, Mr. Chase! Hi!

Yes, hooray for Mr. Chase. Okay, okay, of course she has to thank the MVP of Chase U, Duke Hudson! Duke smiles and he starts an “MVP! MVP!” chant. Thea thanks him for helping her gain the confidence she needed. But of course, she also wouldn’t be anywhere without her two favorite pains in the- butt… Dempsey & Gulak! Dempsey may not smile a lot but she’s sure he’s happy she’s #1 contender! And they taught her so many amazing moves that she’ll use against Tiffany to give her a Chase U sized… Can she say it? Yeah, go ahead. ASS WHOOPING!! Duke gets a “Hail Yeah!” from the fans, but here comes Tiffany.

Tiffany says yes, hi, uh, this is all so amazingly horrible. Duke, pretty tacky if you ask her. And for who? Thea? To be real for a second, Thea was literally NO ONE’s pick to win the battle royal, and definitely not Tiff’s. But kudos, she got lucky. Congrats. And that whole celebration is so cute. But if you think that for one second that it’ll happen again, but no offense, Thea would have to be the dumbest person in the entire BUILDING! Thea says her grades are fine! Tiff says she’s not one of Chase U’s poorly educated professors, but according to her calculations, Thea’s got a ZERO PERCENT chance of winning next week. Thea says she has a zero for Tiff!

But Tiff continues to say that this is so cringe. Duke tells Tiff that like, sounds “cringe.” That that like, is fetch and all, but next week, Thea’s taking that title. And at just 19! So much heart and determination, Thea leaves it in the ring every single week. And Tiff finds that out in seven days. Now, Duke understands that Tiff does not believe in Thea, but guess what? Duke believes! Chase U believes! EVERYONE IN THE AUDIENCE BELIEVES!! Tiff says, “Don’t make me gag.” Next week, not only will Thea NOT beat Tiff, but Thea will not tap her out! But Thea gets that arm! KIMURA!!! Tiff TAPS NOW!! Even Dempsey & Gulak like that!

Thea lets off Tiff to grab that belt and run around with it! But will Thea be doing victory laps next week at the end of Gold Rush? Or will #TiffyTime deny us history?


The Schism talks backstage.

Joe Gacy doesn’t understand. Why? What is it that they’re missing? Why is it Gacy that’s losing?! Is it somehow HIS fault? Are HIS misfortunes dragging everyone down?! HUH!? ARE THEY!? Jagger Reed is the one who says yes, they are! Look, did they win? No. So yeah, Gacy’s misfortunes are dragging them down. Ava Raine can’t believe Jagger! Jagger says Gacy preaches that ruthlessness strengthens connection, and that lies- Gacy shouts at Jagger. Because… He’s right. That’s why The Dyad is hitting harder than ever. Gacy will look inside, reevaluate, but togetherness is what is important, and NOBODY can afford to forget that!

Ava says enough. The tree will not fall from one single chop. They can’t change what happened. Four roots, one tree. There is tension building in the group, will The Schism be what ends up divided?


Diamond Mine sees this.

Ivy Nile wonders about that look. Julius Creed agrees, this isn’t good. Brutus Creed walks in and asks what they’re watching. Ivy shows him Schism and asks what is even going on with them. Brutus doesn’t know, but the leaves are gonna be falling off that tree. Ivy agrees. The only reason they won the Mixed Tag is cuz Ava hit Ivy with that mask! Julius says no more excuses or bad metaphors. The Schism is still a serious threat, and always have been. They’re a legit cancer to NXT. Brutus agrees there. If Schism doesn’t wanna stay, that’s fine, Diamond Mine can send ’em packing. Ivy likes where his head is at.

Brutus agrees, though Julius’ head is pretty big. Ha ha. Brutus, can you even see his head from down there? And don’t get him started on Ivy’s dent. Hey, what about Julius’ ears? What? The three joke around, but will they have the last laugh when taking on The Schism?


NXT Anonymous is watching.

Jacy Jayne enters backstage while talking on the phone, and complains that it should’ve been her, but then someone interrupts. Jacy hangs up and it’s Lyra Valkyria. She tells Jacy that she saw what Jacy had to say about her. If she’s got a problem with her, just say it to her face. Jacy says there’s no problem. Just locker room chit chat. Lyra says she doesn’t play games. Lyra heads out and Jacy says she should’ve just kicked Lyra in the face. Well, will Lyra hear this, too?


NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS Hank Walker & Tank Ledger VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

The Tag Division is heating up for the Summer, and best friends take on best friends take on best friends! Who will prove themselves the closer and stronger tag team to then go after Gallus?

NXT returns and Hank ‘n’ Tank make their entrance, followed by Malik & Edris. In this Triple Threat, every team has one man in, so Briggs, Hank and Malik step up. The bell rings, but Jensen BLASTS Tank off the apron! Hank sees that, and then Briggs BOOTS Hank! Brigs swings, Malik fires back, and Briggs wrenches to trip. Malik dodges the stomp, then the clothesline, and Briggs ends up knocking Hank off the apron! Malik keeps moving, leaps to sunset flip, but Briggs drags him up! Malik kicks low, DROPKICKS, and Briggs wobbles. Jensen grabs at Malik but Malik DECKS Jensen! Malik tags Edris and they coordinate.

Malik runs, BOOTS Briggs, and Edris SLING-DOGS! Edris whips but Briggs blocks. Edris kicks, whips, but Briggs CLUBS him! Tag to Jensen and then feed to a KNEE! Cover, ONE!! Jensen drags Edris up, tags Briggs back in, and they double scoop to double SLAM! Hank gets in but he gets mugged! He also gets DOUBLE SLAMMED! Jensen drops an elbow, Briggs drops an elbow! They’re fired up, but we see Gallus backstage watching this. Briggs drags Edris up, whips, but Edris reverses. Hank ‘n’ Tank trip Brigs, drag him out, and FLAPJACK him off the apron! Hank gets in, Edris dodges but Hank BLASTS him!

Tag to Tank, and Hank traps Edris so Tank can SPLASH! Hank SPLASHES, then Tank facelocks. Tank suplexes, Jensen CLUBS him on the back! Jensen, Tank and Edris brawl. Jensen headlocks, Edris powers out, and then Edris dodges so the SHOTGUN hits Tank! Edris facelocks, Jensen powers out but Malik tags in. Malik & Edris stand off with the Country Boys, but then Hank ‘n’ Tank get in! The brawl is on, Briggs & Jensen taking on everyone else! Fans fire up as Briggs & Jensen whip Hank ‘n’ Tank onto ropes! They both run, slide, and DOUBLE- TOPE from Malik & Edris!! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up!

Edris & Malik get Briggs & Jensen up, but then Hank ‘n’ Tank go to the apron! They get on the ropes to DOUBLE VADER BOMB!! Fans are thunderous as Hank ‘n’ Tank put Malik in the ring. Wheelbarrow SIT OUT! Cover, Briggs breaks it in time!! Hank is furious and fans thought that was it as NXT goes picture in picture.

Hank and Briggs stare down, and they fire up! Hank RAMS Briggs to a corner, RAMS him again and again and then UPPERCUTS! Hank brings Briggs around to scoop, but Briggs slips free to shove him to ropes. Tank tags in, Hank ‘n’ Tank DOUBLE SHOULDER Briggs down! And then DOUBLE FALLING HEADBUTT! Tank covers, but Malik breaks it! In a way, Malik returns the favor. Malik brings Tank up and headlocks but Tank powers up. Tank wrenches free, headlocks back, but Malik throws body shots. Malik powers out, Tank runs him over! Tank runs, but Malik drops, hurdles, then CALF KICKS!

Fans fire up as Malik tags Edris. They drag Tank up, to double suplex! Edris covers, TWO! Hank was ready, but Edris stares him down. Edris drags Tank up to throw hands, but Tank gives them back! They brawl, Tank headlocks, but Edris powers up. Briggs adds on, he and Edris double whip to run Tank over! Briggs CHOPS Edris, puts him in a corner, then TOSSES him across the way! Edris ends up in a corner, Briggs BOOTS Tank, and Briggs drags Tank up. Gallus is amused as Briggs & Jensen tag. They double scoop Tank to SLAM him! Jensen covers, Edris breaks it! Edris and Jensen throw hands, and Jensen UPPERCUTS!

Edris DROPKICKS! Edris then gets Tank up but Tank whips Edris! Tank runs in to back body block! Tag to Hank and a feed to the scoop, and SLAM! Hank covers, Jensen breaks it! Hank throws hands but Jensen gives them back! Jensen then ENZIGURIS! Edris returns but Jensen ROCKS him! And again! And UPPERCUTS! Jensen runs in to HEADBUTT! Jensen snapmares Edris, CLUBS him, then brings him around to put in the corner. Jensen stomps Hank while NXT returns to single picture. Jensen runs in to ELBOW Edris, then he tags Briggs. Briggs runs corner to corner to clothesline Edris! Feed to the WHEEL KICK! BOOT for Hank!

Hank ends up on ropes, Briggs & Jensen both run and slide to DOUBLE SHOT! They have Edris on the other side, another DOUBLE SHOT! But Malik PLANCHAS, into Briggs’ arms! Briggs tosses Malik up to CLOBBER him! Briggs runs at Edris, but into a BOOT! Edris then box jumps Briggs so he can MISSILE DROPKICK Hank! Fans fire up for Edris but Briggs short arm LARIATS! Briggs gets Edris up, gives him to Hank, and CHOPS him! Briggs runs, BOOT DDT COMBO! Fans rally up as Briggs fires up. Briggs runs in, Hank dodges, but then Edris dodges Hank! Briggs dodges Edris but Hank CLOBBERS Briggs!

Malik tags in, Edris KNEES Hank! Malik fires off on Briggs and Hank, and fans rally for “MALIK! DA FREAK!” Malik whips, Briggs reverses but Malik CLOBBERS Hank! And then BLOCKBUSTERS Briggs! Malik fires up but Tank tags in! And he CLOBBERS Malik! And he CLOBBERS Briggs! Jensen tags in as Tank whips and FALL AWAY SLAMS Malik in one fluid motion! Jensen runs in to CLOBBER Tank! And SUPERKICK! And then NECKBREAKER! Cover, but Malik kicks Jensen! Jensen throws Malik down to haul him up, GUT WRENCH BOMB onto Tank! Tag to Briggs before the KNEE DROPS!

Briggs & Jensen get Tank up, for a HART ATTACK!! Jensen WHEEL KICKS Hank, but Edris MACHO ELBOWS the cover!! Malik FROG SPLASHES Tank!! Cover, MALIK & EDRIS WIN!!

Winners: Malik Blade & Edris Enofe, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Champions)

The song says it clearly, they’re far from rookies! Will these two finally taste some gold to end the Gold Rush?

Gallus says Malik & Edris are tooled off, but time to hit the pub. But wait, wait, Los Lotharios walk in. Gallus is so lucky that Angel & Humberto weren’t in that contenders match. Because otherwise, they’d be losing to Los Lotharios next week. Yeah, but they weren’t in the match. Hasta luego. Yeah, sure, Joe, nice hair. But will they all be taken for a ride by Malik & Edris?


Damon Kemp finds Eddy Thorpe backstage.

The Golden Gopher tells the Alpha Wolf to take the headphones off so they can talk. Wow, it took all week for Kemp to come up with what match he wanted. Uh, he had a lot of options, and Kemp knows Thorpe uses every advantage to get past him. The ring skirt, the ropebreak, hell, Thorpe probably paid the ref off, too. Yeah, yeah, excuses. But then in two weeks time, Raw Underground comes to NXT. The what? Y’know, just them and the 20-by-20. No ropes, no pins, just knockouts, TKOs or submissions. Sweet. Let’s go, then. Yeah, well, Kemp trained in the trenches of his parents’ garage. Thorpe has no idea what he just signed up for. Fine, see you then.

Wait, something just happened off screen! Roxanne Perez just attacked Blair Davenport! The refs back Roxie off but Blair actually smiles. She says if Roxie wants to play, then it’s game on. But who will be the winner when it’s game over?


Seth Rollins prepares in the locker room.

And he sees his old trainee, Nathan Frazer! Congrats on winning that giant cup thing that you have to carry now. Yeah, it’s super heavy, but it’s also the coolest thing. And congrats to Rollins on being World Heavyweight Champion. How’s he feeling after all that on Raw? Eh, not quite 100%, but that’s on him. He wanted the very best version of Finn Balor and he got it. But let that be a lesson to Frazer. And speaking of, Rollins is proud of Frazer and the performer he’s become. Pass that along. Will do. Frazer did learn from the best. And then in walks Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

Trick Melo Gang introduce themselves, and they ask what’s good. Rollins spaces out, but then laughs. That got them, too! But c’mon, guys, he knows who they are! He was waiting for them to say hey. As champ to champ, what can Rollins do for Melo? Melo wants to pay respects, champ to champ. Rollins appreciates that. But hey, hey, eyes up here, not on the belt. If you wanna really respect the champ, worry about your title. Is Melo gonna beat Corbin? Oh, yes. Is Rollins ready for Bron tonight? HAHAHA… You know he don’t miss. Melo wears it well, by the way. Thanks. Welcome back, Rollins. Melo heads out, will both champs still be champs after tonight?


Dana Brooke VS Cora Jade!

After confrontations in the ring and backstage, The Flex Appeal is looking to put the entitled and selfish Generation of Jade in its place. Will Dana make it look easy? Or will nothing stop the Punk Rock Mean Girl from getting her way?

NXT returns and Dana makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two talk some trash. Cora shoves Dana, but Dana RAMS her into a corner! Dana RAMS into Cora again and again, then digs her shoulder in. Dana lets off as the ref counts, and the two tie up. Cora puts Dana in a corner, the ref counts, and fans duel. Cora SLAPS Dana, laughs, but then runs away! Dana drags Cora back in, throws her down, and dribbles her off the mat! Dana CLUBS away on Cora, then cools off. Dana whips Cora, hip tosses her, and cartwheels to BOOT her down! Cover, TWO! Dana drags Cora up, scoops her, and SLAMS her!

Dana handstands, to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Dana stalks Cora, brings her up, and wrenches, but Cora knees low! Cora talks trash, CLUBS Dana, and says you can’t do this to her. Cora dribbles Dana off the mat, then tells fans to shut up! Cora drags Dana up, bumps her off buckles, then storms up to stomp away! The ref counts, Cora digs her boot in but Cora lets off at 4. Cora dusts herself off, then kicks Dana at the ropes. Cora smacks Dana off the mat, then soaks up the heat from the fans. Cora kicks Dana to a corner, stomps her some more, but lets off as the ref counts. Cora says she could do this all day.

Cora runs, Dana avoids the stomps! Dana dodges, handsprings, and headscissors! Fans fire up as Dana DROPKICKS Cora outta the ring! Cora goes around the way but Dana is on the apron. Cora swings, Dana handsprings over! Cora scurries into the ring, comes back as Dana is on the apron, SHINING WIZARD! Cora drags Dana outta the ropes, covers, TWO! Cora is frustrated but she SLAMS Dana’s leg on the mat. And again! Cora underhooks, but Dana wrenches out to run her over! And again! Fans rally, Dana hobbles but she runs corner to corner to handspring, only for the leg to give out!

The ref checks Dana and has Cora stay back. The ref calls in medics, they check Dana, and Cora says Dana’s totally faking. NXT goes picture in picture while medics verify this. Dana doesn’t want this to end the match but a brace is brought out. Cora taunts Dana, Dana tells her to shut up, but the medics still put the brace on Dana’s leg. Cora paces around, eggs Dana on, and Dana can’t even walk, despite the brace. Cora gets up in Dana’s face about it but Dana tells her to back off. The ref also has Cora back off, and replay shows the knee had to have been hyper extended during that shot in the ropes.

A stretcher is brought out, Dana still doesn’t wanna go, but what choice does she have if her leg is that messed up? Cora taunts Dana the entire time she’s helped to the stretcher. Cora lounges and laughs, and Dana tells Cora to get back already. More refs come out to get Cora back, and Cora just squawks at Dana more as they go up the ramp with the stretcher. Cora gets up in Dana’s face, and Dana SLAPS her! NXT returns to single picture, and Dana gets off the stretcher to fire off on Cora! Even if it means hopping on one good leg! Dana ROCKS Cora, smacks her off the apron, and CLUBS away on her!

Cora scurries away into the ring, but the ref tells Dana she shouldn’t do this with a bad leg. Dana doesn’t care, she wants after Cora! Cora rushes in, Dana rolls her up! TWO!! Dana keeps the bad leg elevated while she glares at Cora. They both rise and fans rally. Dana ROCKS Cora, scoops her, but Cora slips out to CHOP BLOCK the bad leg! Cora SLAMS the bad leg, SLAMS it again, and then steps through. Dana kicks Cora to a corner, then dodges her on the return! Dana clotheslines, and clotheslines again! And then FLAPJACKS! Cover, TWO! Dana grits her teeth, both in pain and in frustration.

Dana drags Cora up, but Cora kicks the bad leg! Cora brings Dana up, whips her to a corner, and then runs in, but Dana elbows her down! Dana hops up the corner with her good leg, and VADER- FLOPS as Cora moves! Cora SLAMS the bad leg again, then turns Dana over for a HALF CRAB! Cora sits deep, but Dana claws her way forward! But Cora drags her back! And pulls back even further!! Dana claws at her own hair, but the REF calls it! Cora wins!

Winner: Cora Jade, by referee stoppage

Cora laughs at Dana, but her win is because Dana’s spirit was tougher than her leg. Will Cora continue to inflate that ego until she’s once again a champion in NXT?


Von Wagner and Robert Stone talk.

This was before the show started tonight and no one was around. Stone asks Von why he wanted to talk with him now. Because this is where it all started. Even when all the fans were here and didn’t care, Stone did. So then what’s this picture about? Von looks at Baby Von with the surgical scar on his head. Von had Trigonocephaly. That’s something he was born with. Baby skulls are meant to stretch and grow, but Von’s had fused into place early. That limits brain growth, and there was only one way to fix it.

Von takes a breath. He was only 15 months old in that picture, and it was a surgery that lasted over 14 hours. Neuro and plastic surgeons worked on him to fix it. They didn’t even know if Von would survive. They cut him ear to ear, pulled his face down and fixed his skull. That gave him his life. Stone can’t even imagine such a traumatic experience. Von was in intensive care for a week, lucky to be alive. His dad was working to pay for the bills, and his mom never left his side. It’s just as hard for them to talk about, even today. They sound like great parents. They are. This scarring was bad, he did look different.

Four and five year old kids used to call him a monster. And all he could do was take it. Because when he looked in the mirror, he did look different. Mom would drop him off, other parents would stare and tell their kids not to stare. It was hard. Von was just a kid. Stone has kids of his own, he can’t imagine how angry he’d be as a father. Von says this is good enough for today. Thanks, Stone. Stone takes a deep breath of his own. This journey has only just begun, can Stone stick it out with Von until the end?


Eddy Thorpe reviews Raw Underground footage.

Axiom & Scrypts are there, too. Raw Underground was a wild time. Guys throwing hands, knockouts and submissions. You could get messed up if you’re not ready. Well, Thorpe has two weeks to put together his fight camp to make sure he’s as ready as possible. Axiom says it’ll be hard to find someone to copy Kemp. Kemp’s a Division I Freestyle National Champion. But then GABLE STEVESON appears! Gable heard he needs a training partner. And if anyone knows Damon, it’s him. Let Thorpe know if he needs someone. Okay, then. They shake hands, will Gable help Thorpe against the Golden Gopher?


Baron Corbin is here.

He’s in the ring, and he waits as Trick Melo Gang makes their entrance for this face-to-face. Melo tells Trick it’s all good, and Trick stays back as Melo continues to the ring. Melo has a mic and so does Corbin. Corbin says enough with the music, he doesn’t have time for all that. And he doesn’t wanna wait for the posing and whatever else. Okay, okay, let’s start off hot then. Corbin says exactly. That posing and showmanship isn’t gonna keep the title on Melo’s waist. Melo walks around as champ, but take it from someone who walked the halls here for a long time. “Having that doesn’t mean you’ve made it.”

Melo may look cool, and have the swagger, but there’s nothing Melo can say Corbin hasn’t heard, and there’s nothing Melo can do in the ring that Corbin hasn’t seen. Melo says okay, okay. Something Corbin’s never seen, huh? Like an NXT title reign of his own? Like the respect of the fans? Melo could go on and on, but he’s already accepted the challenge. Corbin says this isn’t Melo’s hometown. He’s not talking to some guy who cares if the internet thinks he’s cool. Corbin does and says what he wants, because he doesn’t care what any of the fans think, nor does he care what Melo thinks.

Fans boo that but Melo says okay. But Melo thinks that Corbin thinks he’s gonna come into Melo’s home, and bull him over and take his title. On top of all that, Corbin is somehow gonna make himself relevant again. It’s possible, but it ain’t probable. But to be honest, Melo ain’t new to this. he’s had dudes from main try and challenge him. They’ve tried to pull his card. He’s defended his territory. And where’d those guys all end up? On a T-shirt in the rafters! Fans cheer that! Melo sent them all packing, and the only difference between them and Corbin, is not a DAMN THING! Fans cheer that, too!

Melo continues to say, “So Baron, if you think beating me is gonna be the big jackpot and you’re gonna be Happy Corbin again-” Corbin stops him there. If Melo wants to bring Happy Corbin into this, do you know what Happy Corbin did for him? It got him a $1.8 MILLION house! That’s what it did. That is why Corbin is back. So that Melo and all the 20-somethings with their surface level insults, they just don’t land. Corbin’s had an 8 year career already, that most of them can only dream of. So if you wanna talk about Happy, compare things, let’s compare that. Bank accounts, lifestyles, Mania Moments.

Corbin will let Melo pick the category, cuz Melo will take that L. Corbin got all of that being a main event player for nearly a decade! Fans aren’t so sure, but Melo says okay. Corbin used to be that, so what happened? What happened to Corbin? What Corbin has is a decade on him, sure. But if you wanna talk numbers, let’s talk numbers. At 26 years old, Melo won the NXT Breakout Tournament and cashed in successfully for a title. Corbin at 26 years old, he got cut from the Arizona Cardinals. Corbin grimaces and Melo said he didn’t wanna do that, but he had to. Fans chant “CUT! CUT! CUT!”

Melo puts it like this. After awhile, this whole Us VS You, Black ‘n’ Gold VS 2.0 and beyond, Melo is over it. He gives every single star of the Black ‘n’ Gold Era their credit. They set the bar high, really high. But one thing Melo refuses to do is live his life day to day, coming in to meet Corbin’s expectations. Melo won’t meet those, he’ll create expectations of his own! Because Corbin might say this is his house, and he hasn’t been back in awhile, but go and check the deed. The name on it is MELO’S! And since Corbin left, Melo built some more rooms in the house, put in some windows, and even put a new roof up cuz he tore that b*tch down so many times!

Fans are all fired up and Corbin is beside himself. Melo says it doesn’t matter how you flip it. Money, accolades, it don’t matter. At the end of the day, Melo is still HIM! Corbin stares Melo down and says he’ll teach Melo a lesson. “If you have to come out here and tell these people every week that you are Him, if you have to come out here every week and convince yourself that you are Him, you’re not. You’re a nobody. That’s why I barely noticed you sitting behind the barricade on SmackDown. You’re insignificant. Now normally, this is the part where I crack you in your teeth and leave you laying… But I don’t need to do that.

“When I’m done with you, I’m taking that title, I’m getting in my Porsche, and I’m driving back to my big ass house. I’m putting it on my mantle, I’m sitting in my chair, and my hot ass wife is gonna pour me a drink from a bottle you can’t afford. And I’m gonna say to myself, ‘Today was a good day.’ Melo, the lesson is over.” Corbin drops the mic and heads out. A lot has been said, but who backs it all up when the Gold Rush finishes?


Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz prepare backstage.

Feroz says that finally, they’re together again! And Leon says she missed Feroz. She is so proud of Feroz for standing up for herself and putting in the work. And tonight, they get it done. Dragon Lee walks over and fist bumps Feroz & Leon. He says that last week, Leon & Feroz showed everyone that they are badass. Now go show Lash & Jakara. Frazer walks over and they all high-five. He wanted to catch them before their match, and say that for last week, gracias. Seriously, last week was the coolest night of his life. Without them, he doesn’t know if it’d happen. Feroz says any time, amigo. Leon agrees. Now, vaminos!

Dragon says the NEW Heritage Cup Champion, congrats! Cheers, amigo! And Frazer was talking with his mentor, Rollins, earlier. He said to take care of those who helped you, so it is only fitting that Frazer gives Dragon the first shot at this cup. Really? Then okay! They’ll do it next week! The Gold Rush just gets bigger, who will be the Heritage Cup Champion after this battle of amigos?


NXT Media catches up with Gallus.

They ask the NXT Tag Team Champions how they feel about Malik & Edris winning tonight, but Gallus ignores them. But then someone calls Joe, and he hears that there are rats at the bar. Seriously? What rats? But then Channing Lorenzo rolls up and smacks Joe with the door! Stacks goes after Joe, and shoves him in the trunk! Time to go for a ride! Where is Stacks gonna take the Iron King?!


Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson w/ The Meta Four!

NXT returns as The Meta Four make their entrance. Noam Dar still feels awful over his loss, especially now that there’s nothing to put on the pedestal. But then Feroz & Leon go after Lash & Jakara! Lash scoops Feroz for that, and SNAKE EYES off the steps! Jakara throws Leon in the ring, storms up, and the bell rings. Leon SOBATS, runs, and springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Jakara gets up, dodges Leon, and Lash drags Leon out! Oro talks some trash, as does Lash, and Jakara adds on. The ref has them stop and he checks Leon. Leon is dizzy but okay to continue, so Jakara puts her back in.

Jakara drags Leon up, tags Lash, and they mug Leon. The ref counts, Jakara SLAPS Leon and Lash SLAMS her! Lash hits a SPLASH, cover, TWO! Lash dribbles Leon, but who is this strutting out? Elektra Lopez y Lola Vice! Fans fire up while Lash tags in Jakara, They get Leon up, WHEELBARROW CUTTER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Jakara wraps a chinlock on Leon but Leon endures and fans rally up. Jakara shifts into a seated cobra twist and she stretches Leon! Leon endures, Jakara talks trash, but Leon fights up! Leon hip tosses free! Fans fire up, hot tags to Feroz and Lash! Feroz dodges Lash to KICK and KICK and KICK!

Feroz roars, Lash ducks the buzzsaw but not the HEEL KICK! Feroz runs, and she METEORAS in the corner! Feroz goes up the corner, leaps, and FLYING RANAS! Fans fire up with the Brazilian as she runs to METEORA again! Feroz rolls, avoids Oro’s sweep and stomps his hand! Then CROSSBODIES Oro! Oro stays up, but Leon runs in to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Oro! Dar is upset again, and Feroz gets back in. Lash BOOTS Feroz down!! Cover, Lash & Jakara win!

Winners: Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson, by pinfall

Well, it wasn’t how Dar wanted it to go, but Oro did distract Feroz & Leon enough for their team to win. Will Lash & Jakara be watching the Women’s Tag Team Championship unification on SmackDown with full attention?


WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Bron Breakker!

The Visionary isn’t letting what Finn Balor did to him be an excuse to go back on his word! He is here, and he is as ready as he can be in this title fight. Will Rollins still be the one meeting The Prince at Money in the Bank in London? Or will the Big Bad Booty Nephew use this as a springboard onto Monday Night Raw?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Rollins can still burn it down!

After the fans sing “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~,” they chant “WELCOME HOME! WELCOME HOME!” The bell rings, Rollins and Bron circle, and then Bron shoots in. Rollins hurdles, runs back in, but Bron avoids the stomp! Rollins avoids the grapple, kicks low, but Bron turns underhook to fireman’s carry. Rollins slips free and gives some Scott Hall fingers. Bron runs in but Rollins dumps him out! Rollins goes to the apron, aims and FLYING KNEES! Fans fire up and Rollins revels in it as NXT goes picture in picture.

Rollins smiles and he stalks Bron. Rollisn brings Bron up to CHOP him against the apron! Bron staggers, Rollins brings him around and smacks him off the apron! Rollins brings Bron around, CHOPS him against barriers, and fans fire up! Rollins is fired up, too, and that fires the fans up more. Rollins stalks Bron into the ring, but Bron CLOBBERS Rollins as soon as he’s in! Bron kicks Rollins in the bad ribs! Bron says he’s smarter than they think, and he stands Rollins up. Bron kicks the bad ribs and Rollins sputters to ropes. Bron mocks the fans, then brings Rollins up to whip. Rollins ducks ‘n’ dodges, and SLINGBLADES!

Rollins aims, kicks, underhooks, but Bron powers out with a back drop! Rollins writhes and goes to a corner, but Bron storms up. Bron RAMS a shoulder in again and again and again! The ref counts, Bron lets off at 4, and then he brings Rollins around. Bron throws a hard body shot and Rollins staggers away. Rollins kicks back, throws haymakers, then runs, but into a fireman’s carry! GUTBUSTER DROP! Rollins writhes, Bron covers, TWO! Bron smirks as Rollins bails out. Rollins sputters and catches his breath, but Bron goes out to fetch him. Bron RAMS Rollins into the apron!

Rollins hobbles away but Bron follows after. Bron wraps on a BEARHUG! Rollins endures, fights with elbows, and fans rally up. NXT returns to single picture as Rollins pries at the hold. Rollins CLUBS Bron, CLUBS him again, then CHOPS! Rollins whips, Bron reverses and RANAS! Fans still sing Rollins’ song but Bron covers, TWO! Fans rally for Rollins but Bron stalks Rollins to ropes. Bron puts Rollins in the corner, clinches and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Rollins writhes and fans boo but Bron just smirks as he stalks Rollins. Bron brings Rollins up, clinches again, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes again! Cover, TWO!

Rollins sits up but Bron looms over him. Bron drags Rollins up, but Rollins CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Bron is stinging, and Rollins CHOPS him again! Rollins whips, Bron reverses but Rollins sends Bron away to ELBOW him! Bron goes to a corner, Rollins runs in but Bron dodges! Rollins hits buckles and staggers back into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” but Bron drags Rollins to a cover. TWO, but Bron does push-ups just to show off. Fans boo more but Bron goes to a corner. Bron aims as Rollins rises, and Bron runs in, but Rollins dodges to POST Bron! Bron clutches his arm as he gets out of the corner.

Fans rally up while both men are down. Rollins stands, runs in, and LARIATS! Bron stays up, so Rollins runs to LARIAT again! Rollins goes again, dodges Bron’s lariat to mule kick, front kick, and DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up with Rollins while Bron goes to a corner. Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins runs in. BIG forearm smash, and then a suplex, but Bron blocks it! The ribs hurt, and then Bron suplexes Rollins. Rollins knees free, then knees Bron outta the ring! Fans fire up and Rollins builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Bron! But Rollins keeps going, he DIVES again!

Fans are thunderous as Rollins goes again! Another DIVE and the hattrick is complete! Fans fire up and sing again as Rollins brings Bron up. Rollins puts Bron in, aims from the corner, and he runs in, but Bron bails out! Fans boo but Rollins just goes outside. Rollins runs in around the way, to LARIAT Bron down! Fans fire up again as Rollins catches his breath. Rollins looks at the desk, and fans like where he’s going with this. Rollins clears the desk off! Vic & Booker get back, but Bron grabs Rollins! Trophy lift, but Rollins slips off! SUPERKICK and Bron ends up on the desk! Fans fire up as Rollins goes up the corner!

Rollins aims, Booker says SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK for the FROG SPLASH through the desk!! Both men are down in the wreckage as NXT goes picture in picture again!

Rollins sits up, grits his teeth and clutches his ribs. Rollins and Bron are still down as the ring count starts. Both men start to crawl at about 7 of 10! And then stand and spring in at 9! Fans fire up as this continues! Rollins grits his teeth as he stands up, and he brings Bron up, only for Bron to throw body shots! Rollins throws a forearm! Bron comes back with a haymaker! Rollins comes back with a SLAP! Bron ROCKS Rollins, Rollins ROCKS Bron, and Bron throws another body shot! Rollins throws one in return! And another! And another! And then forearm after forearm! Bron knees low! Bron runs, into a BOOT!

Rollins runs, but into a THESZ- NO, Rollins catches Bron to BUCKLE BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Bron is still in this as NXT returns to single picture! Fans rally up, Rollins rises, and he waits on Bron. Bron stands, and Rollins ROLLING ELBOWS! And then the turn, but Bron powers out to waistlock! Rollins victory rolls, TWO! Both men stand, Rollins gets around to roll Bron up, TWO! SUPERKICK! Bron flops over and Rollins goes up top! FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Bron moves! Double-edged even if he were to hit it, Rollins takes even more damage from that crash landing! Bron brings down the straps and roars!

Fans boo as Bron gets the arms! STEINER RECLINER!! Rollins endures, fans rally behind him, and Rollins reaches out! Rollins powers the arms free and crawls forward to the ROPEBREAK! Bron lets go in frustration, and Rollins goes to a corner. Bron runs in but Rollins BOOTS him! Rollins goes up again, but Bron springs up after him! SUPER STEINER! Bron scoops Rollins to the trophy lift, BREAKKER SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!? Rollins survives and Bron can’t believe it! Bron goes to a corner as fans rally up, and he runs in to- A KNEE!! Rollins knows the Spear too well, and he hits a PEDIGREE!! Cover, TWO!??!

Now Rollins is shocked! But Rollins also fires up and he drags Bron back up for a forearm, the turn, and the DREAM SMASHER! Fans chant “BURN IT DOWN!” as Rollins runs, but into a SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!!! Rollins also knows how to survive a Spear! Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Bron rises again. Bron goes back to a corner, takes aim, but then decides to go up the corner. Fans boo as Bron leaps, into a SUPERKICK! CURB STOMP!! Rollins goes to another corner and the fans are thunderous! “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” CURB STOMP AGAIN!!! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

And the singing continues! The Visionary holds on to the title, and is still heading to London. But he seems to nod some respect to Bron. Will Bron simply have to wait until it’s his time? Or will the mountaintop always belong to Seth Freakin’ Rollins?

WAIT! FINN ATTACKS AGAIN!!! Raw wasn’t enough, Finn followed Rollins back to NXT just to add damage to those ribs!! Security drags Finn off but Finn attacks them now! Finn RAMS Rollins into the apron, puts him back in the ring, and gets a chair!! Finn JAMS Rollins’ ribs, then SMACKS him on the back! Fans boo as Finn throws off his jacket and goes up a corner. Finn again says he’s waited seven years. But wait! Trick Melo Gang rushes out! Finn gets away, eyeing the World Heavyweight title as he goes. Will nothing stop The Prince from taking Rollins’ throne?

My Thoughts:

For a seemingly random time to do themed episodes, Gold Rush Part 1 was an awesome night for NXT. For one, awesome opener out of the North American Championship. I just had a feeling Ali would be up to something, and he basically tried to cheat it so Bate would become the new champion. A very unique dynamic where the Heel in the match isn’t even really in the match. But in the end, Ali costs Bate for all his trying to make this a heated match, and I’m sure this leads to Wes VS Ali, possibly at Great American Bash. It is rather frustrating that Ali, as great as he is in the ring and as a character, hasn’t been given any title reigns, so maybe a two-faced Heel Ali cheats the title off Wes, ending Wes’ record-setting reign.

Good promo from Gigi and Kiana to further their feud, and good NXT Anonymous promo to add to Jacy’s feud with Lyra. Both of those matches will be very good, and help each of the Faces build some momentum in the title race. Really fun pep rally promo from Chase U, and I like that even Dempsey & Gulak were happy for Thea when she put Tiff in her place with that armlock. At the same time, all this puts the go-home math in Tiff’s favor, this will definitely be her win next week. But even so, Thea will look great in her defeat, though I bet Dempsey & Gulak will go right back to being upset with her. And as they bully her, Andre Chase will make a triumphant return!

Really good Schism promo and good response promo from Diamond Mine. I’m honestly not sure what The Schism is to do if Gacy has yet to get any gold. There could be a Losers Leave NXT match out of Schism and Diamond Mine, or even just a match that determines if Schism stays Schism. And while Kemp could’ve chosen anything, I’m actually rather surprised he went with a “Raw Underground” match. That will be a really good technical match, since there won’t be ropebreaks to save anyone. Also, nice little wink wink, nudge nudge type deal bringing in Gable Steveson, who is Damon’s real-life brother. There’s a chance Gable is Face, but there’s also a chance he’s just setting Thorpe up to fail so that Gable and Damon can be a team.

Awesome Triple Threat Tag, and I’m again thankful for being able to pause with the DVR. As good as all the teams in the match are, I am very happy to see Malik & Edris win. They’ve been putting in the work, progressing as characters as well as wrestlers, and now they have their opportunity. Granted, after Stacks kidnapped Joe Coffey, the titles are still only changing hands should Stacks & Tony D’Angelo get another shot. But much like Thea Hail against Tiffany Stratton, Malik & Edris will have a great showing against Gallus.

Dana VS Cora was really good, though I feel like the drama about the bad leg was a couple minutes too long. Though, I guess those were the exact two minutes the had to cover during picture in picture commercial break. But anyway, of course Cora wins for that, and she’ll just have a bigger ego. Really good women’s tag match, too, though of course Meta-Four’s distractions help Lash & Jakara win. The real interesting part of that was seeing Elektra & Lola show up. I don’t know if they were scouting Leon & Feroz to recruit or to set up a feud, but it would all make sense given the short feud between Elektra and Feroz while Leon was injured.

Very good promo stuff from Rollins, Frazer and more, and I like that Frazer VS Dragon was made through friendly terms. They’re going to have a killer match, but who knows who, if anyone, will be in either man’s corner. Melo and Corbin had a really good promo, and I really thought Melo was gonna dig at Corbin not making the cash-in, but I suppose that was kayfabe while Corbin getting cut from the NFL was shoot and that hits harder. Corbin does a good job shaking it off to use his real-life standard of living against Melo, but it also doesn’t really land for me because who cares? That money is just money but the title is the title, and Melo’s definitely retaining.

The most powerful promo of the night was Von’s with Stone, because he shared a legit life story that’s really heart-wrenching. Von’s been the big bad wolf this whole time, but now you see why he sharpened those fangs. There’s half a chance that, as soon as a Heel takes a title, Von will be right there to go after them as a new Face. And then, what an awesome main event from Rollins VS Bron. Bron can hang, no question, and #MeanerThanEvil seems to work for him better than Mr. 2.0 brightly colored badass. But naturally, Rollins wins, and then to great surprise, Finn shows up to just keep beating Rollins up. Rollins will still go to MITB, of course, but he’s really going to be backed into a corner with this much damage to his ribs.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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