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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/12/23)

The mat is sacred!



Will Gunther MAKE Kevin & Sami respect him?

Imperium is looking to take over Raw, but Der Ring General barely defeated Kevin Owens! Will he and Ludwig Kaiser be able to conquer Kevin AND Sami?


  • Cody Rhodes VS The Miz; Cody wins.
  • Becky Lynch VS Chelsea Green w/ Sonya Deville; Becky wins.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier: Matt Riddle VS Damian Priest; Priest wins and advances to MITB.
  • Ricochet VS Bronson Reed; Bronson wins, by disqualification.
  • Raquel Rodriguez VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey; Shayna wins.
  • Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Erik w/ The Viking Raiders; Gable wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS GUNTHER & Ludwig Kaiser; Kevin & Sami win and retain the titles.


Rhea Ripley is here!

The fans go wild for Mami as she brings her SmackDown Women’s Championship with her to the ring and Adam Pearce gives her introductions. And much like on SmackDown when Asuka was presented a new belt, there’s a podium with something covered. And Pearce says on behalf of the WWE, it is his pleasure to recognize Rhea’s status as champion with the brand new Women’s World Championship! And yes, it is the men’s belt with a white strap. Fans cheer for “MAMI! MAMI!” as Pearce hands the belt over and Rhea raises it up. But then the fans boo when Dominik Mysterio rushes in to help her put it on.

Rhea and her Dom-Dom celebrate, and Rhea gets the mic. “Dom-Dom, tell ’em how amazing I am.” She hands over the mic and fans boo even louder than before. Dom says that is disrespectful to Mami AND to him! Everyone knows that behind a great woman is a great man, and he is glad to be that for Rhea. He will always be there to support her. But wait! Here comes Cody! Fans sing along with the song, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody gets his pyro, then high-fives fans and even hugs a few. Then Cody gets a mic and steps into the ring with Dommy & Mami. Fans chant for “CODY! CODY!” and asks Kansas, “What do you guys wanna talk about?”

They could talk about Rhea and her beautiful new belt and the legacy she is starting. It is all well-earned and deserved, all the respect in the world to Rhea. And we could also talk about Cody’s match with The Miz later tonight. But… Let’s try this out. Let’s take a look at what Cody wants to talk about. Footage replays of Dom talking trash on Cody for being a bad father on MizTV last week, and Cody giving it back, and then Dom getting away with a cheap shot on Cody. Back in live, Cody says it would be nice to come out here, hear Brock Lesnar’s music as a sign he finally accepts Cody’s challenge for the tiebreaker. But we all know Brock doesn’t have the balls to do it.

But Dom! Dom just slaps Cody and thinks he can get away with it? Why not try this on for size, Dom? Dom VS Cody, at Money in the Bank! Fans like that idea, but what does Dom say? Dom says, “As you all saw…” The fans boo again. Dom says he’s NOT afraid of anyone! And he took Cody Rhodes “and embarrassed him in the middle of this ring,” just like Dom would anyone else! Rhea smiles, Dom smirks, but Cody seems to expect more. Fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at Dom, and Cody says he’ll make it a bit more clear. The fans were saying something, though. What was it? “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Ah, okay.

Cody says it is a yes or no answer. Fans say “YES! YES! YES!” but Rhea says that her Latino Heat is more of a man than anyone in this arena, or watching at home, and certainly more than Cody! Then again, he asks- Rhea says Dom accepts! And then Miz runs in from the crowd side! Cody DECKS Miz, and he STOPS Dom from getting a cheap shot! Miz gets up, Cody clotheslines Miz out of the ring! And then Dom still gets his cheap shot!! Rhea says the match is on for MITB, but will Dom see The Miz become an example of what to expect from The American Nightmare?


Cody Rhodes VS The Miz!

Raw returns and this match begins! The two rush in, Miz gets around, Cody fights the waistlock and ROCKS Miz! Fans taunt Miz about his “TINY BALLS! TINY BALLS!” as Cody whips and DROPKICKS Miz down! Miz gets up, swings, misses, and Cody kicks low to drop down, Rhodes Uppercut! Cody then hits a back suplex, but Miz lands on his feet! Miz waistlocks but Cody RAMS him into buckles, arm-drags him away, and then tosses him out of the ring! Fans fire up as Cody springboards, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Miz falls to the floor and Cody goes up top, but Miz hurries away. Fans boo but Cody hops down, to then DIVE!

Fans fire up as Miz hits barriers! Cody puts Miz in, storms up on him, but Miz wants mercy! The ref has Cody stay back but Cody blocks the cheap shot! DRAGON SCREW! Cody stomps Miz’s leg, drags him around, and then YANKS the leg! Miz hobbles, Cody stalks him, and fans rally up behind him. Cody brings Miz up to CLUB him, then whips him to the corner. But Miz’s leg gives up! Cody keeps on Miz with an armlock, and puts him in the corner to CHOP! Cody runs Miz corner to corner to bump him off buckles, and then he stomps a mudhole in him! Fans rally, Cody goes corner to corner, but Miz puts him on the apron.

Miz slides under and trips Cody to SMACK him off the steps! Miz then hobbles up to SMACK Cody off the desk! Miz stalks Cody around the way, CLUBS him into the ring, and follows. Fans rally, Miz kicks Cody around, and he stomps Cody more. Miz ROCKS Cody with a haymaker, then ROCKS him again! Miz wraps Cody’s bad arm around ropes! Cody throws hands with the good arm but Miz CHOPS him! And CHOPS again! Miz kicks Cody, reels him in, and glares at the fans. But Cody wrenches out to reel Miz in, and Cody suplexes! Fans fire up as Cody holds Miz in the air, before the GOURD BUSTER!

Miz goes to a corner, Cody runs in, but Miz moves to POST Cody! Cody flops out of the ring, Miz goes out after him to RAM him into the other steel steps! The American Nightmare is down while fans boo the Hollywood A-Lister, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Miz runs in to A-LIST LARIAT Cody in the corner! Miz pushes Cody down, climbs up the corner, but Cody is right up after him! But Miz shoves Cody away! Miz leaps, Cody gets under, Miz comes back, but into a SIDE EFFECT! Both men are down and fans rally up. Miz swings, Cody dodges and runs to CLOBBER Miz! Miz gets up, Cody goes up and over to then POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Cody and he keeps moving, another BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Cover, TWO! Miz survives and Cody is frustrated but the fans still rally. Cody slowly stands, and he brings Miz back up.

Cody reels Miz in, but Miz trips him! Miz steps through, Cody kicks him away, and Cody springboards again! But into a full nelson! Cody drops, victory rolls, TWO! Miz kicks legs out to fire off IT KICKS! Miz powers up, but Cody ducks the buzzsaw to roll Miz! Miz rolls through, he BOOTS the bad arm and BUZZSAWS, tot he BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO!! Cody survives and now Miz is frustrated! Fans rally for Cody but Miz shakes his head. Miz stalks Cody and shouts, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” But Cody fights the full nelson and arm-drags free! Springboard, CODY CUTTER! Fans fire up with Cody as his rage boils up!

Cody dragon sleepers Miz, to CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Cody wins!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall

Cody has cuts and bruises and even a bit of blood on the back of his head, all adding to the broken arm in the brace. But even so, Cody wants to keep on fighting! Will The American Nightmare stand tall in the UK? Or will the Prodigal Son show us he’s the better second generation star?


Becky Lynch talks with Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens backstage.

They’re all old pals, and it seems the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions are encouraging The Man. Becky heads out, sees the Alpha Academy showing Maxxine Dupri some basic holds, then keeps moving to go to gorilla. Becky’s head to the ring! Fans cheer, but will Kansas enter the Big Time? Or will the Hot Mess avenge Sonya Deville missing out on MITB?

Becky Lynch VS Chelsea Green w/ Sonya Deville!

Raw returns and fans cheer Becky on as she has the mic. “The Man has come around to Wichita! And the Man is going to Money in the Bank! I have been lucky enough to do a lot of things in my career, but there is one thing that has always eluded me, and that is winning the Money in the Bank Ladder match. But this year, this year, oh, I got a good feeling about this year!” Fans like the sound of that! Becky knows we’ve all been conditioned to think that the #1 person in this company is the person who holds the championships. And on the women’s side, we’ve got a brand new, shiny championship.

But Becky is thinking, the reality is, that the person that is #1 in this company is the person that holds the power! And who holds more power than the person holding that briefcase? Because they have the power to make the champion scared. They have the power to take the champion of their game! And all this talk about power is getting Becky all tongue tied cuz she loves power! So when Becky has the power to make the champions scared, and when people get scared, they do crazy, stupid, dangerous things! And Becky likes it when people do dangerous things because it makes HER better!

But when you think about people being scared, look no further than Trish Stratus. Because Trish Stratus was so scared that she was about to be exposed at Night of Champions, she got herself an insurance policy in Zoey Stark. In Trish’s mind, she’d already lost the match before it even began, and now Zoey-” is here! Becky sighs as The Hunter struts her way out with her own mic to say, “Okay, alright, I heard about enough.” Zoey knows Becky has a list of accomplishments, and good for her. But does Becky know the one accomplishment she’ll never get? That’s beat Trish Stratus! And at MITB, add on “not beating Zoey Stark” on her list of failures.

Becky tells Zoey that yes, she has so many failures, but she learned from every single one of ’em, and that is what makes Becky great. But speaking of learning, we haven’t learned much about Zoey, have we? But there are some things Becky knows already. Becky knows Zoey is special in this ring. That Zoey has finesse, agility and strength in this ring, she is built like a Pitbull! And the one thing Zoey lacks is a personality! Oh, wow, of all the people to talk about personality, it’s Becky? Does she not own a damn mirror?! Becky didn’t become relevant off personality, no! She became relevant off someone breaking her face!

And now, Becky is scratching, clawing, desperately holding onto that fame, and onto Trish. Fans “What?” and she tells ’em to shut up. Zoey will tell Becky this much: at MITB, Zoey will break Becky’s face and make her famous! Oh, Zoey, you ain’t gotta wait until then. They can do this here in Wichita! But wait, here comes the Complaint Department. Sonya wants everyone to hold on. Music down please. Thank you. Chelsea is “sorry” to interrupt. Zoey, was it? Zoey steps to Chelsea and Sonya tells her to relax. They must address the elephant in the room, and that is the BLATANT disrespect from Becky last week!

Becky attacked Chelsea unprovoked, and the only reason Chelsea didn’t retaliate is because she didn’t want to cost Sonya her rightful place at MITB. The only reason Becky won is cuz Sonya cares about her friends and was tending to Chelsea- Becky cuts them off there, and tells Chelsea to get in the ring to have this match already. Zoey, you can even sit ringside to see just why Becky is so famous. The fans fire up with The Man as she throws down the mic and her jacket. Will Becky clean up the Hot Mess?

The bell rings, Chelsea runs in, Becky dodges and CLOBBERS her! Becky gets the arm, Chelsea whips her away, but Becky comes back with a DROPKICK! Becky runs in, Chelsea BOOTS her away and goes up top. Becky SHOVES Chelsea to the floor! Fans fire up, Becky is ready to fight all three of them, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Chelsea throws Becky down by her hair! Chelsea then clamps on with a chinlock and she thrashes Becky around. The fans rally, Becky endures, and Becky fights up. Zoey watches from atop a ladder on stage as Becky arm-drags Chelsea away. Becky fires forearm son Chelsea, then a SOBAT, but Chelsea blocks to trip her up! Chelsea sits Becky up to surfboard STOMP Becky into buckles! Fans boo as Chelsea takes a bow. Chelsea drags Becky up, slaps her around, and talks trash. But Becky fires forearms again! And uppercuts! Chelsea kicks low, whips, but Becky reverses. Becky runs in but is put on the apron!

Chelsea swings but Becky counter punches! Becky climbs but Chelsea SLAPS her! Chelsea climbs, CLUBS away on Becky, and Sonya cheers Chelsea on. But Becky throws hands! And a HEADBUTT! Chelsea falls away, Becky gets up and leaps, MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up for Becky as Chelsea bails out, but Becky WRECKS her with a dropkick! And then AX HANDLES from the apron! And then RAMS her into barriers! And again! And again! Fans fire up, Becky puts Chelsea in the ring and then hurries after her. But Chelsea YHANKS her into buckles! Chelsea runs back in, btu Becky blocks a boot, only to get an ENZIGURI!

Chelsea drags Becky up, underhooks, but Becky turns it around! Clinch, but Chelsea slips free to roll up, TWO! Into the DISARM-HER! Chelsea taps, Becky wins again!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by submission

Sonya AND Zoey are furious that The Man is still on a roll! Will Becky take down Zoey and all the rest in that Women’s MITB Ladder match?


The Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Rhea shows off the new belt, and Damian Priest says she should be given a new one every week. And MITB, Dom VS Cody, that’s gonna be awesome! Her Dom-Dom knows how to handle a ladder. Priest asks Dom a question in Spanish but Rhea seems to understand and she smacks Priest on the shoulder. Hey, just asking. But Dom winks. Rhea says Cody’s gonna get smacked, and Priest says Dom’s gonna wipe the floor with that boy. Wait, Finn, are you okay? He’s been rather quiet. Yeah, he just has a lot on his mind. Priest says what he has on his mind is making sure Riddle faces a reckoning and Priest goes on to MITB, too.

The only thing Priest asks is that everyone else stays in the back. He wants to go out there alone. Priest gives Finn a look before moving past him, will The Prince obey his friend’s request this time?


Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier: Matt Riddle VS Damian Priest!

The Original Bro wants after Gunther, and Der Ring General dared him to go win the MITB briefcase and use that on him. Will Riddle do just that? Or will the Punisher make sure no one but himself has that final spot?

Raw returns as Priest makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They approach, Priest kicks low and CLUBS Riddle down. And then he CLUBS Riddle again! Priest brings Riddle up to KICK in the leg, but then Riddle blocks the kick to an ANKLE LOCK! Priest goes to the ropes, Riddle lets off, but Riddle eggs Priest on. Priest shoves Riddle, but then Riddle avoids the boot. Riddle jumps up to get the KIMURA! Priest stays on his feet but Riddle has the body scissors. Priest powers up to suplex but Riddle shifts to a SLEEPER! Priest RAMS Riddle into buckles, but lets off slowly. To then cheap shot with an elbow!

Fans boo as Priest stalks Riddle. Priest TOSSES Riddle to a corner, but Riddle fires off forearms and palm strikes! Riddle whips but Priest blocks it to whip Riddle away! Riddle ducks ‘n; dodges to FLYING FOREARM! And kip up! Fans fire up with Riddle, he runs in to forearm Priest in the corner, then goes side to side. Riddle ducks Priest’s spin kick to forearm again! Priest swings, but into more forearms! Priest gets mad now, but Riddle just eggs him on! Fans rally for the Bro, Priest runs in but Riddle dumps him out! Riddle goes up and out and PENALTY- NO, Priest blocks to trip Riddle! Riddle hits apron on the way down!

Priest goes into the ring, lets the ring count climb, and Riddle crawls. Fans boo but Priest goes out the side, to run in, and leap! Only for Riddle to dodge! Priest wipes out on the desk! Riddle brings Priest up, calls him stupid, and puts him into the ring! Riddle gets in, runs in, and SPLASHES in the corner! Riddle fires off more forearms, then runs side to side to forearm smash! Riddle kicks but Priest blocks! Riddle swings, Priest gest around, clinch and FLATLINER! Fans fire up again as Priest aims from a corner. Priest drags Riddle up, TOSSES him to a corner and he fires off! The ref counts, backs Priest off, and Priest soaks up the heat.

Priest storms back over to Riddle, brings him up, but Riddle throws body shots,. Priest KNEES low, whips and SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Priest keeps Riddle down with a motorcycle stretch. Riddle endures the knee in his back and fans rally up. Riddle fights up, rolls, and MONKEY FLIPS Priest to a EuroClutch! TWO!! Priest escapes in time, and he boots, but Riddle blocks! Riddle dodges the haymakers to KICK Priest again and again! Riddle fires off palm strikes, a BOOT, and then a spin for the PELE! Priest staggers, Riddle kips up and he clinches, BROSPLODER! BROTON!

Fans fire up while Priest bails out, and Riddle goes up and out again! PENALTY KICK! It’s a hit! And then Riddle SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BROS! Fans fire up with Riddle and he gets Priest back into the ring! Riddle stalks up behind Priest, scoops and gut wrenches, but Priest turns that around! But Riddle slips free, to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Priest escapes again and both men are down! Fans rally, Riddle rises first, but Priest throws a forearm! Riddle gives it back! Riddle fires those palm strikes again, then blocks a punch, but Priest blocks the Pele to roll and KICK! KICK! KICK! ROLLING ELBOW!

Priest powers up but runs into the FINAL FLASH! Priest’s legs are noodles, Riddle reels him in! But Priest suplexes first! BROKEN ARROW! Both men are down and Wichita fires up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Riddle KICKS and KICKS, but then Priest blocks! But Riddle drops to get a takedown, to the ANKLE LOCK!! Priest flails, turns, kicks at Riddle with the free leg, but Riddle just gets that leg to turn Priest over! SLEEPER!! Priest fights up, has Riddle as a backpack, for a BACKPACK SENTON! Priest is free, but Riddle sits up! SLEEPER! Priest rolls back, gets free, and LARIATS Riddle down! Riddle sputters, flounders, and goes to a corner. Priest runs in to back elbow! Priest keeps moving, but into BODY SCISSORS! HANGING TRIANGLE!! The ref counts, Riddle lets off, and Priest staggers away.

Riddle hurries up, slingshots, but into a HAYMAKER! Priest then drags Riddle off the ropes for a DRAPING DIRTY DEEDS!! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives that elevated headlock driver and Priest is furious! Priest waits on Riddle to stand, then choke grips. SOUTH OF- NO, Riddle slips free! Riddle BOOTS Priest, goes up the corner, but Priest trips him up! Riddle lands on his little bro, and Priest goes up to get Riddle! Crucifix lift, but Riddle slips free! Priest BOOTS Riddle, but Riddle goes right up after him! SUPER FISHERMAN SUPLEX!! Both men are down but Riddle crawls to the cover, TWO!?!?

Fans fire up again while Riddle is beside himself. Riddle drags priest to a drop zone, “This is Awesome!” as Riddle climbs! FLOATING- NO, Priest moves and Riddle lands on his feet. Priest shoves Riddle to ropes, Riddle goes up, but Priest catches him! RAZOR’S EDGE!! Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

The Punisher is heading to the UK! And most of all, the Judgment Day listened and didn’t get involved. Will Priest also ascend the ladder and bring down the prize all by himself?

As for Riddle, Gunther & Ludwig are on their way out here. Giovanni Vinci is not here after Riddle messed up his ankle in that backstage brawl. Priest looks the WWE Intercontinental Champion in the eye, and then tells him, “Pick the bones.” Priest heads to the back, Gunther & Ludwig go tot he ring! Riddle fires off on Gunther but Gunther throws knees into him! Gunther SLAPS Riddle around, and Ludwig simply watches and mocks Riddle. Ludwig then stands Riddle up so Gunther can CHOP him back down! The Bro sputters, and Ludwig hands Gunther his title. Fans boo as Ludwig dares Riddle to say something now.

Riddle writhes from the damage done by both Priest and by Gunther. Will Riddle have to be more careful around Raw these days?


Backstage interview with Cody Rhodes.

Cathy Kelley is with Cody and says that it is official, we’re getting Cody VS Dom at MITB. His thoughts? Well, made official by Mami cuz Dom probably wouldn’t have the guts to accept it himself, so she had to do it for him. And that’s a reoccurring thing, isn’t it? Judgment Day, from Finn to Damian to Rhea, protecting Dom after every cheap shot. What’s going to happen is that Dom is going to get hurt. The problem Cody has is that Brock won’t show up while Dom won’t go away. And Cody isn’t naïve. April 2nd, ref’s hand hits the mat, 1-2-3, everyone in the sports world who watches the WWE, all eyes on him.

They all wanted to know what would happen next. Cody facing adversity, will he quit and run away? No, he runs out there. That is why Cody smiles, hands off his weight belt, and loses his mind when the fans lose their minds singing his song. Because every second on this path to finish the story, Cody is clinging to it. He really is. So Brock, Dom, you name ’em. They are NOT going to knock Cody off the path. London, MITB, good luck to Dom-Dom. Cody is more fired up than the logo on his shirt, will he use that to blaze his trail back to a title match?


Backstage interview with Natalya.

Byron Saxton asks the Queen of Harts that ever since losing to Rhea Ripley, there are those saying she hasn’t been the sane. Natty says maybe never being the same is a good thing. Because being Natty has gotten her nowhere. And maybe she isn’t sure how to be herself anymore. Natty heads out, but then Byron spots Sami & Kevin. He asks then that last week, tough loss to Gunther, how is Kevin feeling tonight? Yeah, that was tough, cuz Kevin felt he was this close to beating the seemingly unbeatable. But it’s fine, because tonight, Kevin & Sami get payback. But then Imperium walk over.

Ludwig says, “Payback is exactly what happened to Matt Riddle out there. And speaking of it, if I remember correctly, you, my friend, lost against Der Ring General already.” Sami keeps Kevin calm, and says to them, they have no place to brag since it took all three of them to steal that victory. And speaking of, didn’t Riddle take out one of you? There’s usually three, where’s Baldy at? Where’s Baldy? Oh, speaking of, Adam Pearce walks over. Sami says there’s no problem, he and Kevin are just letting these boys know what’s in store for them tonight. Oh, how confident. Then why not put the tag titles on the line?

Kevin says if that’s supposed to intimidate them, FINE! They’ll put the belts on the line! If it means they get to kick some Imperium ass this week, next week, every week! He’s gonna get his gear on, cuz he can’t wrestle in regular shorts and a T-shirt! He needs his different shorts and shirt! Let’s go! Kevin storms off, Ludwig & Gunther laugh. Oh, that’s funny? Well, get a good look. Because you’re lookin gat the UNDISPUTED Tag Team Champions, got that? Sami heads out, and Gunther says Pearce heard all that. So make it official. Pearce says he’ll consider it. But will it really happen? Will Kevin & Sami regret raising the stakes on themselves?


Indus Sher speaks.

Jinder Mahal says their opponents last week became prey before the bell ever rang. But they are not satisfied. If their opponents are still walking, the job is not done. “Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexander. You’ve shown us respect with the fear in your eyes. We offer you a proper match, a proper chance at survival. Just know, every single one of your fears will be justified.” So says the Modern Day Maharaja.


Ricochet VS Bronson Reed!

The One and Only is in the Men’s MITB, and that really annoys Auszilla. Will Bronson wash Ricochet out of that match with a Tsunami? Or will even The Colossal One fail to ground the King of Flight?

Raw returns as Bronson makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two rush in! Ricochet DROPKICKS, but Bronson stays up! Ricochet fires off hands, Bronson pushes him back, but Ricochet comes back for more! Bronson pushes Ricochet away again, but Ricochet KICKS away on a leg. Bronson grabs Ricochet by the neck! Ricochet fights free, throws more forearms, but Bronson just glares at him. Bronson TOSSES Ricochet to a corner, then DECKS him! The ref checks on Ricochet but he’s still in this. But then Shinsuke Nakamura swaggers down the ramp. Fans cheer but Bronson tells him to stay back.

Bronson runs in, Ricochet dodges and ROCKS Bronson with a forearm! Bronson stays up so Ricochet runs again. Bronson swings, Ricochet ducks ‘n dodges then tilt-o-whirls, but Bronson blocks the DDT! Bronson suplexes Ricochet to hang him out to dry! Then he YANKS the rope to send Ricochet flying! Ricochet flounders to the other side, Bronson runs in to BODY CHECK Ricochet! Nakamura seems mildly impressed but Bronson still warns him to stay away, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Bronson has Ricochet up in an Electric Chair Lift! Ricochet throws down hands on Bronson, slips around but Bronson blocks the huricanrana! Bronson brings Ricochet back up but Ricochet escapes the bomb! Ricochet ducks, runs, handsprings and back elbows! But Bronson stays up! Ricochet fires forearms, Bronson shoves him, but Ricochet BOOTS back! Ricochet Tiger Wall Kicks then ENZIGURIS! Bronson wobbles and fans fire up with Ricochet! Nakamura watches as Ricochet runs in, but is put on the apron. Bronson swings, misses, and Ricochet GAMANGIRIS! Then Ricochet springboards to MISSILE DORPKICK!

Bronson tumbles out of the ring, Ricochet builds speed and DIVES! Bronson hits the desk! Fans fire up and Nakamura likes that. Ricochet puts Bronson back in the ring, springboards back in, CROSSBODY! Down goes Bronson, but then Ricochet LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Bronson is still in this but Ricochet keeps his cool. Bronson goes to the apron, Ricochet storms up, but Bronson ELBOWS Ricochet back! Ricochet triangle jumps to ENZIGURI again! Bronson flops to the floor, and Ricochet goes up to ASAI MOONSAULT! But Bronson catches him, to TOSS him into Nakamura! Fans fire up while both men fall!

Bronson drags Ricochet up, puts him in the ring, and Bronson grins as he pounds his chest. Bronson then goes up the corner, but Nakamura GAMANGIRIS!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by disqualification

The King of Strong Style is pissed and he fires off on Bronson! But that just gives Bronson the win! Ricochet is upset with Nakamura now, they argue, but then Bronson CLOBBERS them both!! Bronson reels Nakamura in, short arm LARIAT! Bronson is gonna repeat last week as he climbs up the corner again! But Ricochet GAMANGIRIS first! Ricochet fires off hands but Bronson shoves him away. Nakamura GAMANGIRIS again, climbs up after Bronson, and Ricochet helps out! Fans fire up as the two kings hit a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX! A rough landing for all, but especially for Bronson!

Fans lose their minds, Ricochet and Nakamura look to each other, and they nod. They have a common enemy and they just took care of him! But who will truly be the king after Money in the Bank?


Sami and Kevin talk backstage.

Sami says that now with the titles on the line, they have to be careful. Kevin knows that. But Sami does want to know, what was that with Imperium? What was what? Uh, Kevin exploding on them. He’s doing that a lot lately. He’s like always at a ten. Kevin is not! He’s at a six. Kevin does his best to calm down, but he says it is the months of stress and frustration with The Bloodline, all the way up to WrestleMania, and then even after WrestleMania, he thought they were done and now that they are, it’s just all problems! There’s the two tall guys with the long neck and the big ears, and they’re speakin’ European. Kevin should know but he’s French, they’re not French.

Sami calms Kevin down again. He just wants to know that when they go out there, is Kevin good? Yes. He’s great, even. Okay, okay, that’s all that matters. Good. Kevin’s gonna get water. Good, yes, hydrate. Does Sami want one? Yes, yes, thank you. Kevin heads out, but Sami still has to convince himself Kevin is good. Will things be good when the two of them face Gunther & Ludwig later tonight?


Adam Pearce is on the phone.

He’s glad they see it the same way. Yes, it is official, the tag titles are on the line tonight! And yes, he’ll let everyone know that. But then Ricochet walks over. Ricochet asks Pearce what he has to do, but he needs a rematch with Bronson Reed. Pearce says he understands the frustrations, but Bronson already has a match for next week. Oh, of course. Against who? Shinsuke Nakamura. And he walks up now with a smile. Then please, Nakamura, explain what the problem is. Because that was Ricochet’s fight! What Nakamura did is not cool. Ricochet didn’t ask for help and he doesn’t need it.

Nakamura, if you do that again, they are gonna finish what they started before MITB. Nakamura tells Ricochet it was nothing personal. It is his turn to succeed where Ricochet failed. Oh, failed? But don’t worry! You can have what’s left after Nakamura’s done. Will the King of Strong Style be the one to tear down Auszilla?


Finn Balor heads to the ring!

The Prince has been in a sour mood all night, and it looks like he wants to share what’s been on his mind. He gets the mic while fans are torn between jeers and cheers, and he says, “Seth Rollins! The Workhorse Champion! I know you’re here. And I’m here. And we need to talk. No jokes, no zingers, no singalongs! Just facts. So get out here now.” Finn waits, and Seth Rollins makes his entrance! Fans sing “WHOA~ OH~ OHHH~!” as the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out, belt around his waist as he wears another wild gold ‘n’ black suit. Rollins joins Finn in the ring, mic in hand, but also enjoys the fans singing his song.

Finn asks if they’re done. They keep going, so no. Finn says he’s been waiting seven years to say this and he’s not waiting another second, so everyone better shut up! Rollins patiently waits with a smirk on his face, and Finn paces. Finn says if they wanna sing about something, sing about this! Seven years ago, Finn was a first rounds draft pick to Monday Night Raw! He beat Roman Reigns on his first night! And three weeks later, he beat Rollins to become the FIRST-EVER Universal Champion! Sing all night, because Finn has a lot more to say. Fans keep singing, and Rollins’ smile grows bigger.

Finn says this isn’t funny! This is serious! And y’know what else is serious!? The singing continues but Rollins finally says, “Kansas, are you having fun tonight?” The fans cheer because they are. Finn says he’s not having fun! This is serious! He’s been waiting seven YEARS! Rollins says, “You’ve been waiting seven years to say what? What do you want to say? If it’s that damn important that you’re gonna ruin their party, then get it off your chest and do it right now!” Fans cheer, and Finn says he will! He’ll do it right now! What should’ve been the highest of highest for Finn became the lowest of lows in an instant, all because of Rollins.

A torn bicep, a torn pec, a torn labrum, and a fractured socket. Now, Finn ain’t complaining about the injury. This is a hard business, this is a tough business. Injuries happen. But what really bothered Finn, other than that these idiots won’t stop singing…! They’re still going. Finn says Rollins loves it when they sing, huh? Just cuz he has a catchy song, that means everyone likes him? They don’t like Rollins! They don’t even know Rollins! Rollins asks what Finn’s getting at. Finn says that Rollins took EVERYTHING from Finn! Rollins took Finn’s momentum, his title, and a year off his career! Rollins took EVERYTHING!

But guess what? Now it’s Finn’s turn to take everything back, and take it all form Rollins! What Finn is gonna take is Rollins’ momentum! He’ll take Rollins’ momentum, and a year off Rollins’ career! And it’ll all happen at Money in the Bank! Rollins isn’t affected by that challenge as the fans keep singing. Rollins then laughs, and laughs, and laughs! Fans cheer and Rollins says, “Kansas, you’re too kind. But I’m not laughing cuz you sang his promo outta the building, no no. I’m laughing because this is the Finn Balor I’ve been waiting to see for the past seven years!

To paint a picture, inaugural Universal Championship match, SummerSlam in Brooklyn, that match sent them both on career trajectories that were completely different. And why? Because one got bitter, and the other got better. The singing returns, and Rollins grins. Rollins won’t lie, he’s done some bad things over those past seven years. But y’know what else he’s done? Rollins has made memories, made history, and made moments that the fans will never forget! Fans cheer that! And Rollins did that because he changed! He adapted! He rolled with the punches! Rollins got better every single day, and now he is the greatest version of Seth Freakin’ Rollins!

You want the proof? It’s the World Heavyweight Championship! Finn wants a crack at it? “YOU! ARE! ON!” Rollins then asks Finn, “Which version of you is gonna come to London and fight for this title? Because this bitter shell of a champion, he don’t stand a chance. But… The Finn Balor that beat me to become the first-ever Universal Champion with his arm hanging off his body, HE’S got a shot! So here’s my question to you: Are you gonna bring that Finn Balor to Money in the Bank? Or are you gonna bring the guy who’s been walking for the past seven years acting like a little b*tch?” Rollins throws down the challenge to Finn’s challenge, just what happens at MITB in the UK?


Raquel Rodriguez VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey!

Big Mami Cool still owes the Baddest Women on the Planet a little something from that Women’s Tag Fatal 4. Will she give the Queen of Spades a parting shot before the tag title unification match in a few weeks? Or will Shayna break Raquel as an example to Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn?

Raw returns as Shayna & Ronda make their entrance. Shayna shows off her tag title and her black belt, then the bell rings. They tie up, Raquel doesn’t budge, and she shoves Shayna way. They go again, Shayna wrenches an arm to a wristlock and then a double wristlock, but Raquel scoops with one arm! FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel then SPLASHES int he corner, scoops again, and FALL AWAY SLAMS again! Then she runs corner to corner, but Shayna bails out! Raquel goes out after her but Ronda’s in the way. Raquel tells Ronda to back off, and she puts Shayna in the ring. Raquel runs, Shayna dodges the boot and sweeps the leg!

Ronda smiles as Shayna grabs a leg and pulls on it. Raquel kicks with her other leg but Shayna pulls on the one she has! Shayna then turns Ronda over, isolates the foot and STOMPS the ankle! Ronda grins while Raquel clutches her foot. Raquel shoves Shayna away but Shayna’s after the leg again. Shayna ducks a lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Shayna gets back up but Raquel blocks her kick to then KICK Shayna’s leg! Raquel kicks away on the thigh, and Shayna hobbles away, only for Raquel to KICK the leg out! Shayna ends up in the drop zone, Raquel steps on her to go up, TWISTING VADER!

Raquel hauls Shayna up but Ronda distracts. Raquel grabs Ronda, but Shayna rolls her up! With Ronda helping! Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by pinfall

This should’ve been put down as a handicap match since it took them both to win! But if it took both of them to stop Ricky Desperado, do Ronda & Shayna stand a chance against the Wicked Witches of NXT?


WWE mourns the loss of The Iron Sheik.

Growing up in Iran, The Iron Sheik was as tough as they came. Sheik himself said that his country was known for two things: oil and wrestling. He was a wrestling champion in the Iranian National Army, then made the jump to sports entertainment. He used the political tension to become “one of the most despised villains” of his era. The flag, the clothes, the boots even. An impressive physique and strength, and his Camel Clutch was devastating. And in 1983, Sheik would shock the world by becoming a world champion. Sheik’s ability to get a strong reaction from fans was instrumental to bringing the WWE up in the 1980s.

Sheik’s impact and notoriety are undeniable, and he joined the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005. From captivating persona to unparalleled charisma, the Iron Sheik’s legendary career puts him in a special place in the hearts of fans worldwide. Gone but never forgotten!


Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Erik w/ The Viking Raiders!

“Master” Gable has been coaching Maxxine Dupri in the ways of Alpha style wrestling, and now he looks to teach by showing. Will he give a master class? Or will Erik be the one to say “A Thank Yew?”

The bell rings and the two circle. Erik roars but Gable says, “SHOOOOSH!” Erik runs in, Gable dodges, then arm-drags! Gable has the armlock, he drags Erik around, and Gable makes sure Maxxine was watching closely. Gable wrenches, whips, but Erik reverses to CLOBBER Gable! Sarah Logan and Ivar cheer while Erik fires off forearms. Erik puts Gable up top, climbs up after him, but Gable fires forearms and chops! Erik falls back, Gable adjusts, and Gable DIVING HEADBUTTS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Otis says that’s using your head! Logan glares at Maxxine from across the way, and starts running that way!

Maxxine hits an arm-drag?! Fans cheer as Maxxine gets the better of Valhalla! Ivar keeps Logan back, but Erik whips Gable to a corner. Gable goes up and over, sunset flip, GABLE WINS!

Winner: Chad Gable, by pinfall

Big wins for everyone in Alpha Academy! Maxxine hit her first arm-drag ever, and Gable got a huge win over Erik! Will this trio take over Raw this Summer break? Or will the raid only come back angrier and more violent?


Finn Balor talks with JD McDonagh backstage.

The Prince talks to his former student that Raw isn’t about friends, but making impacts. McDonagh points out Priest walking up, and then says thanks for the advice. They’ll catch up later. And when it comes to “that other problem,” maybe Finn should take his own advice. The Irish Ace heads out and Finn says hey, congrats on qualifying, Priest. Yeah, thanks. Finn is in a better mood. Must have to do with that title match he has now. Congrats on that, too. Yeah, yeah. When Priest wins the MITB contract, he wouldn’t cash in on Finn, would he? Dawg, are you really asking that? Of course Priest wouldn’t. Finn has his word on that.

But in the future, Finn should really keep his word with Priest. Priest is happy about the opportunities they both have coming up, but really, Rollins has Finn up and down and all over the place, causing tension between them. Make it worth it. At MITB, Finn must end this. Priest heads out, and Finn has something new on his mind. Will the Prince and the Punisher be able to put this behind them once the Judgment Day is truly on top of the world?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Cathy talks with the World Heavyweight Champion now and brings up his match against Finn at MITB. This is seven years in the making, is Rollins prepared for a “bitter” Balor? Ooooh~, HAHAHAHA! He is as prepared and confident as one man can be. The real question is: is Finn Balor prepared for Rollins? After Rollins beats Finn at MITB, Finn won’t just lose his mind. He might lose his friend, Priest, too! And something is missing. Rollins is feeling frisky, spry, like… Yeah, yeah! Let’s blow this up and throw a monkey wrench into it! Next week, live on Raw, let’s do an OPEN CHALLENGE for the WORLD! HEAVYWEIGHT! CHAMPIONSHIP!

He IS a Visionary, he IS a Revolutionary, he IS Seth Freakin’ Rollins! HAHAHAHA! Rollins heads out, but between Finn on Raw, Bron Breakker over in NXT, and whoever else is out there, is he going to end up losing this belt already?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS GUNTHER & Ludwig Kaiser!

What was going to be a rematch of The Prizefighter & Great Liberator against Imperium’s soldiers turned into Kevin & Sami VS Der Ring General and Ludwig, given Vinci’s run-in with Riddle. But then that went from a match about respect to a match about titles! Will Kevin & Sami defend the prizes they fought so hard to get in the first place? Or will Gunther soon be holding three belts instead of just the one?

Raw returns and Imperium makes their entrance. The introductions are made, the tag belts are raised, and we see if the mat is truly sacred!

The teams sort out and fans cheer for Sami as he steps to Gunther! The two circle, feel things out, and then tie up. Gunther doesn’t budge, and he shoves Sami down! Sami goes to a corner, gets back up, and he shakes it off. The two circle again, feel things out, and tie up again. Gunther powers Sami to a corner, lets off slowly as the ref counts, but Sami avoids the chop to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Gunther pie faces Sami down, then kicks him low! Gunther UPPERCUTS Sami, then hits a headlock takeover! Fans rally and duel, Sami fights up, but Gunther knees low! Gunther UPPERCUTS Sami to ropes!

Gunther whips, Sami holds ropes and then dumps Gunther out! Sami builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp and down goes the Intercontinental Champion! Fans fire up for Sami while fans go to break.

Raw returns again and Sami fires off on Ludwig in the corner. Sami brings Ludwig out to throw hands, but Ludwig kicks low. Ludwig headlocks, Sami powers out, but Ludwig runs him over. Things speed up, Sami hurdles then arm-drags Ludwig to an armlock! Ludwig fights up, pulls hair, and he puts Sami in a corner. Ludwig throws hands, but the fans rally up. Ludwig whips, Sami reverses but then Ludwig puts Sami on the top rope. Sami blocks Ludwig’s gamangiri! Ludwig hobbles, Sami AX HANDLES! Cover, ONE!! Ludwig hangs tough and Gunther coaches him, but Sami brings Ludwig up and around.

Sami bumps Ludwig off buckles, tags in Kevin, and they whip Ludwig to then drop toehold and SENTON! Kevin stares Gunther down, then brings Ludwig around to stomp him. Kevin goes up, MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ludwig is still in this but Kevin brings Ludwig up. But Ludwig throws hands! Kevin gives them back, they go back and forth and fans fire up! Kevin gets the edge, but Ludwig kicks low! Ludwig whips, Kevin reveres, but Ludwig UPEPRCUTS! And ROCKS Kevin with a right! But Ludwig runs into a LARIAT! Kevin SENTONS again! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Kevin brings Ludwig up and over.

Sami tags in, he and Kevin mug Ludwig, then Sami brings Ludwig out. But Ludwig powers him to the Imperium corner! Ludwig swings, but Sami counter punches! Sami even hits Gunther some! Sami whips but Gunther tags in as Ludwig reverses. Kevin tries to warn Sami but Sami clotheslines Ludwig up and out! Gunther runs in to BOOT Sami down! And then he BOOTS Kevin for good measure! SPLASH on Sami! Cover, TWO! Sami survives but Gunther looms over him. Gunther kicks Sami to a corner, brings him up, and CHOPS him down! Fans rally for Sami but Gunther CHOPS him down again!

Tag to Ludwig and he taunts Sami. Ludwig clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Sami down. Fans rally, Sami fights up, and Sami throws body shots! Ludwig ROCKS Sami with a right hand! Ludwig puts Sami in the ropes, Gunther holds him, and Ludwig runs side to side to DROPKICK Sami out to the floor! Ludwig then distracts the ref so Gunther can hit Sami with an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans boo but Imperium soaks up the heat as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Sami brawls with Ludwig up top! Sami fires off, the fans fire up, and Sami gets up to SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!! Fans are thunderous as Sami reaches out to his corner! Ludwig and Sami both crawl, hot tags to Gunther and Kevin! Fans fire up as Kevin dodges to CHOP and fire off on Gunther! A revisit to last week’s main event as Kevin roars and runs! LARIAT, but Gunther stays up! So Kevin LARIATS again! Gunther is still up, and he BOOTS back! But Kevin LARIATS on the return! And SENTON! Gunther stagger sup, into a clinch, EXPLODER sends Gunther to a corner!

Kevin goes to the opposite corner, Ludwig runs up but Kevin DECKS him! Gunther runs up but into a SUPERKICK! Gunther’s back in the corner, Kevin runs in, CANNONBALL! Kevin pushes Gunther to the drop zone then goes up top! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives, this is why he’s the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of the 2000s! Fans chant “ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME!” Kevin waits on Gunther, but Ludwig slithers in! Kevin runs Ludwig off, but Gunther rolls Kevin up! TWO!! Kevin escapes, he kicks low, but Gunther shoves Kevin away! Kevin comes back, DOUBLE BOOTS take both men down!

Fans are thunderous as Sami returns to his corner! Kevin and Gunther crawl, hot tags to Ludwig and Sami! Ludwig runs into an EXPLODER into the corner! Sami then goes to the far side, but Gunther drags him out! But Sami ducks, the CHOP hits POST! Gunther clutches his hand, Sami gets back in and he catches Ludwig for a BLUE THUNDER- NO, Ludwig slips out to ENZIGURI! Ludwig shoves, fireman’s carry, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Tag to Gunther, PENALTY KCIK! Ludwig GAMANGIRIS Kevin off the corner, then Gunther gets Sami up! Toss into the UPPERCUT! And then Ludwig DIVES to take out Kevin!!

Gunther LARIATS Sami inside-out!! Cover, TWO!?!? Sami survives and shocks everyone!! Gunther drags Sami up again to CHOP! And then POINT-BLANK LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!!!! Sami is alive and Gunther is furious! Tag to Ludwig, and he climbs up top. Gunther Electric Chair Lifts Sami, to IMPERIAL DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Kevin barrels into Gunther to break it!! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous! Gunther and Kevin flop out of the ring, Ludwig crawls to Sami, and “This is Awesome!” as Kevin and Gunther brawl outside! The ref reprimands, but Gunther POSTS Kevin!

Kevin and Gunther stagger around, but HERE COMES RIDDLE!! The other refs and some producers are trying to stop him, but Riddle jukes ’em! But Gunther BOOTS Riddle first! Kevin goes after Gunther, DDT to the ramp!! Sami has Ludwig all alone and catches him for BLUE THUNDER BOMB!!! Cover, Sami & Kevin win!!

Winners: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

Gunther & Ludwig came within reach, but they could not take these titles from Kevin & Sami! We know that SmackDown will hold a #1 contenders gauntlet, who comes out of the blue brand ready to battle this battletested team?

My Thoughts:

A great episode here, with a lot more set up towards MITB. One thing I figured would happen was Rhea would be given her own new belt, the Women’s World Championship. And no surprise, it parallels the World Heavyweight Championship. There’s nothing wrong using the same molds for these belts, it’s what they literally did the first time around with the WWE World Championship and the WWE Women’s Championship that then became the Raw Women’s Championship that was copied in the SmackDown Women’s Championship. And perhaps it’s just really hard to come up with completely new designs that can be agreed upon as good looking belts.

I also like that Cody confronts Dominik over last week, as he should. Granted, Dominik still got the better of Cody for that Heel heat, but Cody got to take his anger out on Miz in a great opening match. Cody VS Dom is gonna be really good stuff just for how Dom can play off the fans booing him to death. And with how much Cody is egging Brock on, I bet Brock shows up to screw Cody out of that match so Dom can have another win over someone really accomplished to further inflate that ego. And Cody’s promo later on has a point: Dom’s gonna get so high on himself that he’ll pick a fight with the wrong guy and get “hurt.” Hell, it might be Brock…

Good promo from Seth and Finn, though the fans constantly singing kinda made it go longer than it needed to go. But at the same time, it speaks to how much the fans like Rollins, and how much they like his song. Seth VS Finn is going to be great stuff at MITB, and I like that it is feeding into the tension within Judgment Day. Riddle VS Priest was an awesome MITB qualifying match, and I figured Priest would win that given Riddle’s story with Gunther. But Priest and Finn are at odds as to who is going to be the real leading man in Judgment Day. Finn talking to McDonagh is a big tell as to what could happen here. JD replacing Priest in Judgment Day just makes sense, given the history with Finn, and how he’s already “JD.”

Becky had a good promo with Zoey Stark that also led into her match with Chelsea Green. Of course Becky won but her role in MITB is more about fighting Zoey Stark than actually winning the thing, I feel. A bit disappointing there was no Women’s MITB qualifier tonight even though Raw is to have the last spot there. I thought Raquel was gonna have such a match but she was just helping Shayna & Ronda build momentum. To that end, a little disappointed there were now supernatural shenanigans from Alba & Isla given we’ve only got so much time before that match happens. How are RawDown only viewers supposed to see Alba & Isla as real threats if they don’t do anything past that brawl on SmackDown?

Not sure how they’re gonna work out things between the Men’s MITB entrants on Raw, though. Ricochet VS Bronson getting “ruined” by Nakamura, and then Nakamura VS Bronson for next week, I thought this was how Bronson was getting in but then we got Riddle VS Priest tonight. I don’t see them making a special exception made for Bronson if they’re also not going to do the same for the women on the other side. I’m still not really sure what the plan is for Bronson Reed, I thought he was gonna get a midcard title before the Draft but then the Draft itself kinda screwed up how that would’ve worked.

Pretty hilarious stuff out of Alpha Academy and Viking Raiders. I thought they were going to give us Maxxine VS Sarah already, but I suppose Maxxine getting the moral victory of hitting Sarah with one good move was enough for now. Though the Viking Raiders continuing to be chumped out is a bit disappointing, too. I mean, they could’ve been in the WWE Triple Crown Tag Team club but they missed out on the SmackDown titles because of the Bloodline building things and having those titles on The Usos. And as great as The Alpha Academy are in the ring and as characters, it’s a shame Sarah, Erik & Ivar are probably gonna lose to them in a Mixed Six or something.

Great stuff out of the tag title story with Imperium, though. Gunther & Ludwig of course went after Riddle after he lost to Priest, and I did like that Sami did talk with Kevin about his apparent new temper. Kevin’s logic was sound, he’s still dealing with the frustrations from the Bloodline story. They had an awesome main event with Gunther & Ludwig, and I do appreciate that they kept Vinci away to sell the power of Riddle’s ankle lock. Riddle was also a natural choice for distraction to keep Imperium from winning, though I’m sure Kevin & Sami would’ve found a way. Now Kevin & Sami can watch SmackDown’s gauntlet match, will more than likely be won by Pretty Deadly, and that build will be hilarious.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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