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Mitchell’s NXT Great American Bash Results & Report! (7/30/23)

NXT is bigger in Texas!



Will the Unbreakable Dragunov break… HIM?

As NXT is in Houston, Texas for the Great American Bash, Ilja Dragunov challenges Carmelo Hayes for THE NXT Championship!


  • Kickoff Show – Mixed 8 Tag: The Meta-Four VS Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz;  Frazer, Dragon, Leon & Feroz win.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Gallus VS Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo; Tony & Stacks win and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • Weapons Wild: Blair Davenport VS Roxanne Perez; Roxie wins.
  • Gable Steveson VS Baron Corbin; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • NXT North American Championship Triple Threat: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley VS Wes Lee VS Mustafa Ali; Dom wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Submission Match: Tiffany Stratton VS Thea Hail w/ Chase U; Tiffany wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Ilja Dragunov; Melo wins and retains the title.


It’s the Great American Bash Kickoff Show!

Join Megan Morant, Matt Camp & Sam Roberts as they discuss, analyze and predict all the Texas sized action here tonight!


Backstage interview with Rhea Ripley.

McKenzie Mitchell is with the WWE Women’s World Champion and brings up the Triple Threat for the North American Championship. What can she tell us about Dominik Mysterio’s mindset going into this? Rhea says Dom is actually cool, calm and collected. He’s sitting there, brushing his mullet to make sure he looks nice for his title match. But yeah, Triple Threats have a lot going into them. “One idiot could pin the other idiot, and we could have an idiot as champion.” But she assures us that the Judgment Day always has a plan. But for now, McKenzie can go, because Rhea is going to help Dom stretch. Will Dirty Dom be able to do Wes Lee AND Mustafa Ali dirty at the same time?


Roxanne Perez was at DreamCon when Blair Davenport found her!

And it of course turned into a scrap! Other superstars who were there had to pull these two apart, but it is clear tensions are higher than ever! Just how brutal will their Weapons Wild match get?


Backstage interview with Baron Corbin.

McKenzie is with the No More BS Corbin and says we’ve seen this change in him. Why return and pick a fight with an Olympic Gold Medalist like Gable Steveson? Corbin says it is because Gable represents everything he is against. Gable walks in and thinks he understands this world, but he doesn’t. Yes, Gable’s an NCAA Champion, and yes, he’s an Olympic Gold Medalist. Corbin can’t take those from Gable. But what he can’ take is Gable’s will to succeed, his ambition to become a WWE superstar. So many fans think this is going to be an easy debut for Gable, a successful first match. Then he’ll go on to be the next Chosen One.

But tonight, Corbin says that won’t happen. This part of Corbin’s career is about Corbin. He’ll be selfish, take what he’s owed, and not apologize. All eyes will be on Gable, and when it is done, all those eyes will be on Corbin. Because Corbin will have dominated and BURIED a second Olympic Gold Medalist. Then Gable can go on and do whatever he wants, whether that’s the Olympics or the NCAA. Corbin doesn’t care. Just as long as it isn’t here. McKenzie wishes Corbin luck but he says he has something better. Will the REAL Corbin shine through here tonight?


Kickoff Show – Mixed 8 Tag: The Meta-Four VS Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz!

Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson & Oro Mensah got Noam Dar out of his funk by presenting him with “evidence” that he is the “real” Heritage Cup Champion! But the British Rocket and his friends say that’s just plain false. But before getting to Dar and Frazer settling things directly, we have this huge battle of friend groups! Will the Scottish Supernova and his squad get one up on Frazer’s faction? Or will another loss at Frazer’s hand be a Hard Hitting Home Truth?

The teams sort out and Dar starts against Frazer. They tie up, Dar wrenches, Frazer rolls, handsprings and wrenches. Dar spins, wrenches, fireman’s carries for a takeover, but Frazer kips up. Frazer wrenches, Dar slips through and arm-drags! Frazer avoids a stomp, shoves Dar to ropes, then hurdles over. Dar waistlocks to pop-up into an ARMBAR! Frazer stacks Dar, TWO! Frazer headlocks, Dar powers out but Frazer goes up and out and slides under to then dodge and QUEBRADA! Dar gets under but Frazer DROPKICKS! Fans fire up and Dar flounders around! Tag out to Lash and she says bye as one of the ladies has to come in.

So Leon goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Leon runs to SLIDING KENE! Tag to Feroz and she runs to then get a boost from Leon into the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Feroz keeps moving but Lash scoops! Lash pops Feroz up but Feroz sunset flips! But Lash goes Matrix, drags Feroz up and SLAMS her down! Fans fire up as Lash handsprings and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Lash is annoyed but she keeps on Feroz by dribbling her off the mat. Tag to Jakara, Lash wheelbarrows Feroz up to feed her to Jakara’s NECKBREAKER DROP! Cover, TWO! Jakara is annoyed now but she keeps Feroz from her corner.

Feroz fireman’s carries for a takeover! Jakara grabs a leg, but Feroz rolls her into buckles! Tag to Leon and Feroz gets another boost, SENTON! Leon covers, TWO! Leon runs in at the corner, but Jakara sends her into buckles! Jakara fires off body shots, then swaggers and CHOPS! Jakara talks more trash, but Leon CHOPS back! Leon blocks a punch to counter punch! And CHOP again! Jakara falls and Leon fires off forearms! Tag to Oro and now one of the boys has to come in! So Wonder Boy Dragon Lee steps up! He and Oro brawl, forearm for forearm, but Dragon gets the edge! Dragon whips, Oro reverses but Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA!

Oro goes to a corner, Dragon runs in, JUMP KICK! Leg sweep, and COMBINACION CABRON! Fans fire up and Dragon covers, TWO! Dragon keeps on Oro and he pushes him to the center. Fans rally behind Dragon but Lash distracts him! Oro runs in, Dragon dodges once but not the BLINDSIDER! Oro whips Dragon to the corner, runs in to SMASH, then tag to Dar. Dar brings Dragon around to rain down elbows from above! The ref counts but Dar flexes. Fans boo but Dar mocks the Latinas. They shout at him, he runs away, and now all of Meta Four mugs Dragon while the ref is busy with Leon y Feroz! Dar lets off, covers, TWO!

Dar tags Oro, Oro CHOPS Dragon then snapmares to KICK Dragon down! Oro wraps on a chinlock, fans rally up, and Dragon fights to his feet. Dragon throws body shots, but Oro pulls the mask! The ref reprimands, but Dragon ROCKS Oro! And again, and again! Oro throws hands, but Dragon blocks the kick, flips Oro and SUPERKICKS him down! Fans rally up for “NXT! NXT!” as both men crawl for their corners. Jakara just drags Oro the rest of the way, hot tags to Dar and Frazer! And Frazer rallies on Dar! Fans fire up with Frazer as he fires off fists! Frazer whips, Dar reverses but Frazer goes up, delays, leaps, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to DROPKICK!

Dar tumbles out, Frazer builds speed, but Lash stands in the way! Fans boo Lash as she says nope! But then Feroz is up top, she FLYING RANAS Lash away! Fans fire up with Feroz, she and Leon dump Jakara out! Feroz runs, Leon gives her another boost, TOPE to take out Lash! Frazer helps Leon go Escalara CROSSBODY onto Dar! Oro dodges Frazer, ROCKS him, but Dragon FLYING RANAS Oro off the apron!! Fans are thunderous, and Frazer DIVES to take out Dar himself! But Lash BOOTS Frazer! And she CLOBBERS Leon y Feroz! Lash puts Frazer and Dar in so Dar can SPIN ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Dar can’t believe it!

Dar goes to a corner, he takes aim, runs in, into a SUPERKICK! Frazer runs, springboards, QUEBRADA to REVERSE DDT! Frazer hurries up top but Jakara shields Dar! Frazer sees it and has to bail out of his Phoenix Splash! And then Oro drags Frazer out! Dar tags Lash, Leon rushes in to rally on her and Jakara! But Lash catches Leon, back suplex! Leon lands out, runs in to A-LIST LARIAT Lash down! Leon climbs, fans fire up, and Leon MISSILE DROPKICKS! Feroz tags in, she runs up, SATELLITE DDT! Cover, Dar breaks it!! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Feroz is furious!

Dar roars, but Feroz fires off fists! Fans are loving it, but then Lash goes after Feroz! She tags Dragon before she SHOTGUNS Lash! Dragon gets Dar for a DRAGON SCREW! Dar staggers, Dragon SUPERKICKS! Dragon facelocks, Dar wrenches out but Dragon BOOTS! Dragon runs, into a SUPERMAN FOREARM! Dar knees low, tags Oro, and Oro springboards to RIDER KICK! WHEEL KICK for Frazer! Hook and lift, ALLEY-OOP BOMB for Dragon! Cover, TWO!!! Dragon survives and Oro is shocked! Oro clinches, Dragon fights him off! Oro shoves Dragon to a corner, Dragon pops him up to SUPERKICK him down!

Dar returns, Dragon catches him and uses Oro to TORNADO DDT! Dragon tags Frazer and Frazer springboards in! Oro gets under, Dar ELBOWS! Oro rolls Frazer up! TWO!!! Frazer kicks, Oro blocks but the DRAGON WHIP comes around! SUPERKICK for Dar! Oro mule kicks, runs, but Frazer catches him! INVERTED SPANISH FLY! Maybe call that a Jersey Fly for Frazer’s home of Jersey Islands! Then Frazer tags Dragon so he can DIVE onto Dar! Dragon sees Oro stagger up, runs in, DESTINO!!! Cover, Dragon’s team wins!

Winners: Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz, by pinfall

Meta Four just met four that are betta! Will this be how things work out when Frazer and Dar fight to clear up this Heritage Cup controversy?


A tradition continues.

Dusty Rhodes invented the Great American Bash, “and it’s hot, hot, hot in public, if you will.” Cody Rhodes says, “The Great American Bash is the realization of a dream. From the creation of this very event, to the foundation of NXT, the influence of Dusty Rhodes is palpable. In a city where the American Dream was born, NXT has returned to the Lone Star State. And it’s time for this generation of NXT Superstars to show the world that their desire, their will, and their ambition is Texas sized. Championships are on the line. History is within reach. Careers will be defined. And destiny is on the doorstep. My advice: hold onto it and shoot for the stars.

“Welcome to NXT’s midsummer classic. Welcome to the Great American Bash!”


NXT Tag Team Championships: Gallus VS Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo!

Wolfgang & The Coffey Brothers thought they had the rats cornered, but they were the ones who fell for a trap! Now Wolfie & Markus must defend these titles against the D’Angelo Family’s Don and Underboss! Will Tony & Stacks be living it up like the ol’ Rat Pack? Or will Gallus Boys still be on top?

Joe Coffey says the Gallus boys are expects in revenge. They will leave their mark, it is ALWAYS #GBOT. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who has the last laugh.

The teams sort out and Wolfgang RAMS Stacks into Tony! Wolfgang fires off fast hands, then TOSSES Stacks across the way! Wolfgang fires off, tags Mark, and they mug Stacks! Mark ROCKS Stacks, whips him to ropes, and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Mark stomps Stacks, SLAPS him, and then whips him again. Stacks ducks ‘n ‘dodges to ELBOW! And DROPKICK! Stacks bumps Mark off buckles, tags Tony, and the fans fire up as the Family mugs Mark! Tony wrenches to short arm LARIAT! Tony talks trash on Wolfie, throws hands on Mark, but Wolfie runs in! Tony DECKS Wolfie to then stomp away on Mark!

Fans rally for Tony and he kicks Mark around. Tag to Stacks, they mug Mark some more! The ref counts, Stacks lets off to run in, Tony HIP TOSS SENTONS Stacks into Mark! Cover, TWO! Stacks throws knees into Mark, but Mark whips Stacks away. Joe trips Stacks up! The ref has Stacks stay back, but Mark throws Stacks down! But Stacks has a headlock out of it! Tony and Joe get at each other, but Wolfie CLOBBERS Tony! That distracts Stacks but Stacks still stands out of the back suplex! Stacks headlocks, Mark tags Wolfie as he powers out, and Wolfie HOTSHOT FLAPJACKS Stacks down!

Joe says that is what “the rat” gets! Wolfgang UPPERCUTS Stacks, stomps away in the corner, but fans rally up for Stacks. Wolfgang CHOKES Stacks, tags Markus, and they mug Stacks. Mark and Stacks throw hands, and Mark CLUBS Stacks down! Mark kicks Stacks, ROCKS him again, then storms up. Stacks fires off hands, but Mark drop toeholds Stacks into ropes! Mark argues with the ref, Joe gets a sucker punch! Wolfgang tags in to cover, TWO! Fans boo but Wolfgang throws down hands on Stacks! Wolfgang then clamps on a cobra clutch and he cranks Stacks around! Fans rally up as Stacks endures, but Mark tags in.

Wolfgang ripcords to RMA Stacks, then Mark FLYING SHOULDERS! Cover, TWO! Stacks hangs tough but Mark stays on him with a facelock. Mark grinds Stacks down, fans rally again, and Stacks fights up! Stacks powers his way forward, Tony reaches out, but Mark KNEES Low! Mark DECKS Stacks into the Gallus corner, and Mark talks some trash. Mark SLAPS Stacks, tags Wolfgang, and Wolfgang cobra clutches Stacks. Tag back to Mark, ripcord, but Stacks DECKS Wolfgang and dodges Mark! Fans fire up as Stacks dodges Mark again, hops over Wolfie, hot tag to Tony! Fans fire up as The Don rallies on the Gallus boys!

Tony clotheslines Wolfgang outta the ring! Then he dodges Mark, to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And then another! Fans fire up with Tony more, and he drags Mark up to whip. Tony SPINEBUSTERS and covers, TWO, and then Tony moves! Wolfgang’s SENTON hits Mark! Stacks & Tony get a man each, for some hockey scrum shots! Fans fire up and count, all the way to TEN! Tony then hoists Mark up, Stacks dumps Wolfgang, and Stacks tags in! Stacks goes to the other corner as Tony climbs! SUPERPLEX for the BADA BING! Stacks DIVING HEADBUTTS for the BADA BOOM! Cover, WOLFGANG BREAKS IT!

Fans boo but Tony runs back in! Tony dodges Wolfgang, but DOUBLE LARIATS take them both out! Fans fire up and Wolfgang crawls for his corner. Joe coaches Wolfgang on, Mark and Stacks stir. Wolfgang tags in as Stacks runs in, and then Wolfgang takes the hit for Mark! Stacks drags Mark up, still thinking he’s the legal one! Mark BOOTS Tony and elbows Stacks! Wolfgang RAMPAGE SPEARS Stacks! Then Wolfgang gives Mark a boost to FLY and take out Tony! MOONSAULT from Wolfgang to Stacks, TWO!! That shocks Gallus! But Gallus then calls in Joe, and he has a Billy club! He gest that to Wolfie but the ref stops him!

Mark runs in to SUCKER PUNCH Stacks! Wolfgang gets Stacks up, RUNNING KNEE TKO COMBO!! Cover, TONY BREAKS IT!! Fans fire up as The Family stays in this! Joe is furious as Tony dumps Wolfie out! And then Mark runs in, but into a BOOT from Tony! Tony gets Mark up, to POWERBOMB at Wolfgang, into the steel steps! Fans fire up again and Tony goes to his favorite corner. The ref is watching Mark & Wolfgang as Joe gets in, but Tony CRACKS him with the crowbar!! Turnabout is fair play, Iron King! Tony & Stacks fire up and so does Houston! Stacks gets a boost and he FLIES to take out the Gallus Boys!

Stacks puts Wolfgang in, tags Tony, and they get Wolfgang up, FOGEDABOUTIT!! Cover, THE FAMILY WINS!!

Winners: Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

Finally, the crowning achievement for The Don & Underboss! Crime doesn’t pay, but justice was served! Will this be the beginning of big things in NXT’s Tag Division?


Weapons Wild: Blair Davenport VS Roxanne Perez!

The enemies of Blair beware, is what the Top Gaijin has been saying. But uh, maybe Blair should’ve been more careful about who she bullied, because now The Prodigy wants to unleash everything she’s kept inside! Will Roxie pop off and prove she’s a prodigy of pain and punishment? Or will Blair declare herself the true heir to the top spot in the NXT Women’s Division?

But wait, Blair attacks from the crowd! Just like she’s been doing to superstars all summer! The bell rings and this is on record as the two brawl outside! Roxie ROCKS Blair, Blair ROCKS Roxie, repeat! They keep going, Roxie knees low but Blair SMACKS Roxie off the apron! Blair runs in but Roxie dodges the boot! Roxie ROCKS and UPPERCUTS Blair, UPPERCUTS again, then whips, but Blair reverses! Roxie stops herself, ELBOWS Blair away, and then goes up the barriers to CROSSBODY! Roxie rains down fists and fans fire up! Blair hits Roxie low, puts her in the ring, and she grabs a chair!

Blair gets on the apron while fans boo, but Roxie DECKS Blair! And Roxie DIVES to take Blair down again! Roxie puts Blair in the ring, then clotheslines her up and out the other end! Fans fire up more for the hometown hero, and she builds speed to DIVE into a trash can! Blair counters hard, and then tosses the can into the ring. Blair gets another chair to SMACK Roxie on the back! That chair goes into the ring, and Blair SMACKS Roxie with another! Blair shouts at Booker about what she’s doing to his little student! Then Blair SMACKS Roxie off the steel steps! Blair spits at the “Rok-C” signs, then gets the CATTLE BRANDER?!

Blair JAMS Roxie with the brander, puts that and a bunch of other stuff in the ring, then she SLAM DUNKS a chair on Roxie! Blair puts more chairs in, and she tells fans to shut up about tables. Blair mocks Roxie’s mom, then SMACKS Roxie again! All the chairs are in the ring and Blair puts Roxie in. Blair organizes a chair pile, then puts the can over Roxie! Blair then grabs the brander, to SMACK the can! Roxie flounders around, Blair SMACKS the can again! And again! And again! And again! Roxie’s mom and younger sister are worried as Blair wedges a chair into a corner. Fans boo as Blair JAMS Roxie with another chair!

Blair goes out and she grabs the other trash can. She dumps everything out of it, then tosses that can in! The ref has to watch out, he was almost a casualty of this match! Blair wedges another chair in another corner but the fans rally for Roxie. Blair CHOKES Roxie on ropes, then takes a third chair to put in a third corner. Blair drags Roxie up, and she RAMS Roxie into the first chair! Blair then whips but Roxie reverses! Blair avoids the second chair, pops it free, but then Roxie JAMS Blair with a chair! And SHOTGUNS the chair into Blair’s face!! Fans fire up as Blair bails out and Roxie kips up! Roxie roars and the fans are with her!

Roxie goes out, but Blair LASHES Roxie with her studded belt! And again! And then Blair CHOKES Roxie in front of the Perez family! Mom and sister shout for Blair to stop, and Blair throws Roxie down. But then Blair uses the belt to cuff Roxie and drag her up! To SWING her into barriers! Fans boo but Blair undoes the strap so she can taunt mom and sister with it. Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Blair looks around and sees Roxie’s under the ring. Blair drags her out by a leg, and Roxie SMACKS her with a COW BELL! Roxie has a bull rope with a bell on it, and she CLOBBERS Blair with it! Dusty would be proud, baby!

Roxie fires off on Blair with Blair’s own studded belt!! Fans fire up as Roxie just lashes Blair all over! Roxie then cuffs Blair with her belt, drags her up, and swings her into barriers! And again! Then Roxie goes looking, and she brings out a TABLE! Houston loves Roxie even more now! Roxie says she’s gonna go loca! Roxie sets the table up as fans cheer her on, and Roxie makes sure it is close to ringside. Roxie goes back for Blair but Blair LASHES Roxie! Blair then hoists Roxie up but Roxie RAMS her into the apron! And again! And again! Roxie puts Blair in the ring, goes up a corner, but Blair trips her up! Roxie falls into the ring!

Blair gathers chairs again, then drags Roxie over. Roxie fights the waistlock and sends Blair into one of those corner chairs! Blair staggers, Roxie brings her around and hops on! POP- NO, Blair SWINGS Roxie off for an almost Alabama Slam! Blair positions a trash can, drags Roxie up, FALCON ARROW on the can! Cover, TWO!! Roxie survives and Blair is shocked! Roxie writhes but she isn’t giving up yet! Blair drags Roxie up, brings her back to the chair pile, but Roxie slips free of the suplex! Roxie drop toeholds Blair into ropes, hops on, but Blair pops her off! Blair then goes up and up, but Roxie avoids the knee!

Roxie fires off, wrenches, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Blair flops to the apron, but Roxie goes out after her! Fans rally as the two stand and fire forearms! Roxie brings Blair around, hooks her, but Blair fights the sweep! Blair ELBOWS Roxie, BOOTS her down, and Roxie hits steps on the way to the floor! But then Roxie trips Blair! And runs in, KNEE AGAINST STEEL STEPS! Blair is dazed, Roxie drags her up and onto the table! Fans fire up again as Roxie climbs! Roxie is ready to go muy loca! SUPER SPLASH through the table!!! Fans fire up and Roxie grins as she gets up! Roxie puts Blair in, aims, runs in, SOBAT!

Roxie hops on, POP ROX ONTO CHAIRS!! Cover, ROXIE WINS!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall

Mom and sister are proud and relieved, Roxie proves she can go extreme like the best of ’em! But will Roxie get herself another shot at the NXT Women’s Championship?


Gable Steveson VS Baron Corbin!

NCAA Champion, Olympic Gold Medalist, future NXT icon? Not if this new Corbin has anything to say about it. Corbin says #BurnTheShips, but will he burn down Gable’s pro-wrestling career before it begins? Or will Corbin’s ship be sunk?

The bell rings and the two circle. Gable shoots in and he trips Corbin! Corbin gets away and Gable smiles at how easy that takedown was. Fans are actually dueling over “Let’s Go, Corbin!” “CORBIN SUCKS!” Maybe there are fans that agree with Corbin’s opinion? Gable still gets a waistlock, but Corbin elbows him away. Corbin storms up, but Gable ROCKS Corbin with a forearm! Corbin complains, but then he sucker punches Gable! Corbin fires off hands, stomps Gable, then he whips corner to corner. Gable goes up and over! And then fires off more shots! Corbin shoves Gable away and bails out! Gable eggs Corbin on and fans duel.

Corbin paces to cool off, then runs in. Gable dodges, hurdles, and trips Corbin to have the leg! ANKLE LOCK! Corbin referenced his win on Kurt Angle, so here’s some Angle for him! Corbin scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, and Gable lets off quickly. Gable goes out to waistlock, and GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans are torn as Gable stalks Corbin. Gable CLUBS Corbin, waistlocks again, but Corbin fights the suplex! Corbin POSTS Gable, the ring count is 5 of 10, but Corbin POSTS him again! Fans chant “You’re Not Angle!” Corbin puts Gable in, drags him up, and POSTS him again! Fans are torn but Corbin rains down forearms from above!

The ref counts, Corbin lets off, and he goes out to then SWING Gable into the post again! Fans are torn but Corbin doesn’t bother acknowledging either the boos or the cheers. Corbin steps in, ROCKS Gable, and then CLUBS him! Corbin CHOKES Gable on the ropes, the ref counts, and Corbin lets off at 4. Corbin drags Gable up, throws hands but Gable throws counter punches! Gable backs Corbin down, Corbin shoves and fireman’s carries! Fans fire up as Corbin hits a DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Cover, TWO! Corbin is annoyed that his Attitude Adjustment didn’t do it, but he storms after Gable to stand him up.

Corbin throws Gable into ropes! Then LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Corbin argues with the ref, that is something he still doe sin this new form. Fans fire up for Corbin though as he looms over Gable. Corbin drags Gable up, but Gable clinches and throws Corbin into ropes as payback! Corbin staggers around, but he still stomps Gable down! Corbin stomps a mudhole in but the ref counts. Corbin lets off to pie face Gable! And again! Gable is getting mad now and fans continue to duel. Gable throws body shots and he backs Corbin down again! Gable fires forearms and haymakers, then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! And again! And again!

Corbin staggers up, fans are torn as Gable clotheslines Corbin up and out of the ring! Gable pursues, puts Corbin back in, and then waits on Corbin. Corbin stands, Gable clotheslines him out that side now! Fans are still torn, but Corbin knees Gable low! And RAMS him into buckles! The ref has the ring count climbing as Corbin fires off forearms on Gable! But Gable TOSSES Corbin over the announce desk! Fans boo, the ring count is 7! Corbin FLYING CLOHTESLINES to wipe Gable out! And he fires off more shots, but the count hits TEN!

Double Count-Out Draw

Gable TACKLES Corbin over the desk!! Fans boo, mostly for the draw now, but refs rush in to stop the brawling! Fans call BS, and Gable gets int he ring. Gable brings the straps down, and Corbin rushes in! Gable TACKLES Corbin, throws hands, and refs call in reinforcements! Gable and Corbin brawl, security rushes in, but fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” Gable DECKS guards and THROWS one! It’s like NXT Underground again! And then he SPLASHES Corbin! But Corbin throws Gable down! They keep brawling, more security rushes out but Corbin still POSTS Gable! And then he fires off on the guards!

Corbin runs in at Gable, but Gable THROWS Corbin through barriers! Fans lose their minds, and Gable stands up in the ring. Fans are still torn on Gable, but will this be just the start of his (in)famous NXT run?


Backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria.

McKenzie is with The Morrigan after her great showing against Rhea Ripley. How is she feeling after it? Honestly, she’s thirsty for more. That match lit a fire in her, and now Lyra knows she can go toe to toe with the very best. So Lyra is very curious about tonight’s NXT Women’s Championship match. But then JACY JAYNE attacks!! Jacy doesn’t want Lyra running her mouth, but now she gets Lyra’s fists and knees! Jacy RAMS Lyra into a garage door! Lyra dodges the boot, refs rush in, and it’s another pull-apart brawl! Rhea & Dom walk by, and Rhea says this is what she was waiting to see. But will Rhea see something upsetting in the upcoming Triple Threat?

NXT North American Championship Triple Threat: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley VS Wes Lee VS Mustafa Ali!

Dirty Dom had literally all of Judgment Day help him win this belt, and he had Mami help him keep the belt this whole week through SmackDown and Raw. But with the odds not in his favor, will numbers spell disaster for the Prodigal Son at the Great American Bash? Or will Judgment Day continue to rule over all of the WWE?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see which star tonight shines big and bright *clap clap clap* here in the heart of Texas!

The bell rings and fans cheer for “MAMI! MAMI!” more than they do Dom. Wes and Ali argue, and Dom says they can handle this. But then they both look at him. Dom runs out of the ring and fans boo. Rhea wants to get the belt already? But then Ali goes out to back Dom down. Rhea steps in between him and Dom, but even she forgets Wes is here! Wes storms up from the other side, and Rhea can’t protect Dom from everything! Dom runs into the ring, but Wes & Ali get him! They drag Dom in to stomp him down! Fans fire up as Dom gets what he should’ve gotten all along! Ali fires hands, but Wes pushes him aside. Wes says this is his corner!

Wes fires off but Ali pushes Wes away. Ali fires off, but then Wes gets in Ali’s face. Wes and Ali shove each other, then Wes runs in, only for Ali to dodge, and the CHOP hits Dom! Ali runs back in, Wes dodges, so the CHOP hits Dom again! Wes and Ali shove each other more, Dom leans on them, so they DOUBLE CHOP! Dom sputters and falls out of the ring! Rhea is worried, Wes RANAS Ali! Ali goes to a corner, he goes up and over, then rolls to arm-drag Wes! Wes arm-drags back! Ali ducks ‘n’ dodges and counters the arm-drag, but Wes blocks the hip toss! Wes swings on Ali, Ali ducks and sunset flips around! TWO!

Wes runs to sunset flip, TWO! Ali kicks but Wes ducks and stands up! Ali avoids the screw high kick to CHOP! Wes is stinging, but Wes CHOPS back! Ali ROCKS Wes, Wes ROCKS Ali! They go back and forth and fans rally up! Ali knees low, whips Wes to a corner and bumps him off buckles! Ali whips corner to corner, Wes reverses and runs in, but Ali puts on him on the apron! Ali ELBOWS Wes, goes out the other side, and he brings Wes up. But Wes UPPERCUTS! Wes climbs up, he and Ali braw, and then Dom BLASTS them both off the corner! Fans boo as Wes & Ali are down, and Dom soaks up the heat with a double gun show!

Mami cheers Dommy, and Dom puts Ali in. Dom hits a SLINGSHOT SENTON! Cover, TWO! Dom drags Ali up, suplexes, and that’s Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom gets up to hit Dos Amigos! And then again, but Wes joins in! Dom shoves Ali at Wes, Wes throws Ali aside, and Dom kicks Wes low! Dom hits Wes with Uno Amigo! And then Dos Amigos! And then Dom kicks Ali! But that’s one too many amigos, and they DOUBLE SUPLEX Dom! For UNO AMIGO!? DOUBLE DOS AMIGOS! And then… DOUBLE THREE AMIGOS! Fans fire up and Rhea freaks out! Ali covers, Wes breaks it! Wes covers, Ali breaks it!

Fans rally for “EDDIE! EDDIE!” Ali stomps Dom, runs up on Wes but Wes dodges to SUPERKICK Dom! ELBOW for Ali! BOOT for Dom! Rolling RANA sends Ali into Dom! SUPERKICK DDT COMBO! Dom staggers up into fast hands from Wes! Wes cravats but Dom shoves him away. Wes gets around, kicks legs and then chest, to then RUNNING METEORA! Cover, Ali BOOTS Wes from the apron! Ali whips Dom over and out, then he goes back for Wes. Ali runs in, and he CLOBBERS Wes! And again! Ali bumps Wes off buckles, then CHOPS! Ali whips, Wes reverses but Ali SHOTGUNS Dom from the apron!

Ali BOOTS Wes, goes up, TORNADO DDT!! Cover, Dom runs in but Ali moves, elbow drop lands on Wes! Ali fires off on Dom now, whips him to a corner, but Dom reverses. Dom runs in but Ali slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Ali slingshots in, to somersault and NECKBREAKER! Wes runs up but Ali trips him! Ali shows off his creativity as he turns Wes over onto Dom! BOSTON CRAB CAMEL CLUTCH CHIMERA!! Fans fire up as Wes and Dom both endure! Rhea freaks out, but then Dom BITES Ali’s hands!! The ref reprimands but that’s all he can do, and Dom DROPKICKS Ali!

Dom drop toeholds Wes onto ropes! Dom mocks Rey, dials it up, but Ali SUPERKICKS him! Dom ends upon ropes, Ali SUPERKICKS Wes back onto ropes! Dom and Wes dangle over the apron, and Ali goes to the corner! Fans are thunderous as Ali climbs! Ali peels off the crossbar cover so he can have better footing. APRON 450 SPLASH gets no one as Dom and Wes both get back in! Ali crashes and burns and fans rally up! Wes and Dom drag themselves up the ropes, they see Ali is down and out, this might just be 1v1 now. Dom rolls Wes up! TWO!! Wes is still down but he KANGAROO KICKS Dom outta the ring!

Fans fire up as Wes takes aim! And he DIVES out onto Dom! Wes glares at Rhea, she rushes in, and Wes dodges! Rhea warns Wes not to try that again. Wes thinks about it, though… Fans fire up, Wes builds speed, but Rhea gets on the apron! Rhea tells him to stop right there! Wes says okay, okay, he’ll wait for Dom to get up. But then Wes FLIES over Rhea and takes out Dom!! And even lands on his feet!! Fans are thunderous and Wes waves hi to Mami. Rhea runs in, Wes dodges her again, and he puts Dom in! But Rhea drags Wes down, and pump handles! RIPTIDE through the desk!! Fans lose their minds!

Rhea feeds Wes to Dom! Dom crawls to a cover, TWO!??! Wes survives and Rhea is losing HER mind! Rhea wants the NAC belt again, she snatches it, but the ref snatches it back! “This is Awesome!” as the ref lays down the law! The ref has the timekeeper keep the belt, but Rhea lets Dom use HER belt to CLOBBER Wes!!! Cover, TWO!??!?! Wes survives again and everyone is shocked!! Rhea tells Dom to go up, and Dom does as he’s told. Dom climbs, but Ali SHOTGUNS Dom down! Dom is stuck in a Tree of Woe! Ali has his choice of targets as he climbs back up! Ali decides to 450 SPLASH Wes!! Cover, RHEA DRAGS ALI AWAY!

Dom sits up, he’s back in position, FROG SPLASH!!! Cover, DOM WINS!!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

This should really say Dom AND Rhea won, because she did all the heavy lifting! Ali rushes back in but Dom & Rhea run away. Will anyone ever get through Mami to finally give Dom what he deserves?


Backstage interview with Trick Williams.

McKenzie brings up how Dragunov said he respects the friendship of Trick Melo Gang, but is still going to take the NXT Championship. Trick calls cap on that. “Dragunov, you may respect our friendship, but you will never understand it. I mean, Trick & Melo go way back. Like Vince Young putting a whoopin’ on USC and winning the National Championship. Trick & Melo go way back, like Kevin Durant coming in and flippin’ that Longhorn program and turning it upside-down. Trick & Melo came into NXT and flipped the program upside-down! But as for tonight, Melo’s gonna show the world, Melo’s gonna show the Mad Dragon why… He is Him. We good on that, Kenzie?” Yep.

Trick tips his cowboy hat to her, and takes his leave. But will he and Melo be leaving Texas still golden?


NXT Women’s Championship Submission Match: Tiffany Stratton VS Thea Hail w/ Chase U!

The self-proclaimed Center of the Universe claims she doesn’t just have the It Factor, she IS “It.” But it is also clear to the rest of us that SHE TAPPED OUT at Gold Rush! Will Daddy’s Little Rich Girl find a way to survive a match where pins aren’t an option? Or will we all be shouting #HAILYEAH when history is made?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if this underdog sports story finally has its happy ending!

The bell rings and the fans already remind Tiffany “YOU TAPPED OUT!” The two circle, tie up, and Thea goes for an arm! Tiff rolls away, rolls Thea up but uh, remember, no pins! So Tiff goes for a leglock! Thea kicks Tiff away and the two reset. The two tie up, Thea cravats for a neck wrench! Fans fire up, Tiff rolls but Thea holds on! Thea cranks the neck more but Tiff RAMS Thea into buckles! And again! And then snapmares free to run Thea over! Tiff runs, Thea drops, hurdles, but Tiff catches her! Tiff hooks legs and pulls hair! The ref reprimands but Tiff gets the arms! Up, up and away into the ROMERO SPECIAL! Who knew Tiff knew that?

But Thea powers out, rolls and turns Tiff over, and goes for an arm! Tiff fights the Fujiwara and reaches out! Thea pushes against the arm but Tiff rolls her away. Tiff kicks low, snapmares, and she runs, but Thea avoids the double stomp! Thea sunset flips but Tiff rolls through to get legs! Thea fights the turn, throws Tiff but Tiff cartwheels! Things speed up, Thea OVERHEAD ARM-DRAGS! And regular arm-drags! And dropkick! Fans fire up as Tiff bails out, and Thea DIVES, but Tiff FLAPJACKS it! Tiff picks Thea up to POST her! Fans boo but Wrestling Barbie soaks it up. Tiff RAMS Thea into the apron!

Tiff puts Thea in at the corner, and bends her back against the post! Fans boo, the ref reprimands but Tiff shoves Thea in. Tiff stalks Thea as fans mockingly chant “Let’s Go, Barbie!” Tiff CLUBS Thea, and snap suplexes her! Tiff drags Thea around, digs her knees in, and ties up the legs to bring Thea into a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Again, who knew she knew this? Thea endures, pries at the hold, and fans rally up! Thea pops free to fall on Tiff, then she gets up to ROCK Tiff with forearms! Fans rally, they both run, and Tiff scoops to BACKBREAKER! Then she puts Thea in the ropes! Fans boo as Tiff swaggers to the far side.

Tiff runs in, handsprings, and back elbows Thea down! Duke coaches Thea but Tiff kicks her around. Tiff drags Thea up and reels her in, gut wrench and Canadian Rack, for a Canadian Torture Rack! Thea endures, fans rally, and The kicks around! ROPEBREAK! But then Thea kicks up and over to back drop Tiff! Rough landing for the champ, and Thea clinches! But the back gives up! Tiff whips, Thea tilt-o-whirls to arm-drag! Thea CLOBBERS Tiff! And again! Thea runs in to back body block at the corner, and she clinches for an EXPLODER! Fans fire up, Thea ROLLING THUNDERS! Thea springboards, but into body scissors!

Tiff squeezes Thea tight! Fans rally, Thea is fading, but Tiff thrashes her around! Fans rally for “CHASE U! WOOP WOOP!” and Thea hangs in there! Tiff squeezes tighter, but Thea reaches out! Thea moves around, she has Tiff as a backpack now, but she stands up! So Tiff CLUBS her on the back! Tiff lifts Thea, but Thea kicks buckles to hit a BULLDOG! And then she ENZIGURIS! Tiff bails out but Thea DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up and Thea is feeling it! She CLOBBERS Tiff again! Tiff ducks the next forearm to fireman’s carry! But Thea slips off to POST Tiff! Thea pushes Tiff in and hurries around the way!

Thea climbs up a corner, Tiff stands, and Thea CROSSBODIES! But Tiff rolls through it! Tiff lifts Thea, but Thea has the arm! KIMURA!! Tiff endures, and turns around, to CORNER EXPLODER Thea! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as both women are down. Tiff rises, she drags Thea back up, and fireman’s carries! ROLLING SENTON! PRETTIEST MOONSAULT- NO, Thea anchors her! Tiff CLUBS Thea, Thea staggers away, but she comes right back! Thea goes up after Tiff, they fight for control way up top, and Thea throws hands! Thea gets Tiff up, SUPER EXPLODER!!! And then a roll into a TRIANGLE KIMURA COMBO!!!

Tiff endures, fights around, fans fire up as Tiff catches! Tiff claws at the mat and grabs the ROPEBREAK!! Thea lets go, Tiff goes out, and Thea LEAPS onto Tiff! HOVERBOARD KIMURA!! But Tiff RAMS Thea into barriers! And then into steel steps! Tiff drags Thea up, puts her in, and stalks Thea. Fans rally and duel about if Tiff tapped! “NO, SHE DIDN’T!” “YES SHE DID!” Tiff goes up, and up, PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER onto Thea’s back! Tiff then gets the legs, flips Thea over, BOSTON CRAB!! Tiff uses the classic hold but Thea endures! Chase coaches her, she moves around, but Tiff sits deep!

Fans rally, Thea fights forward, reaches out, but Tiff drags her away! Tiff sits deeper! Thea still endures, still fights her way forward, but Chase & Duke tell her she can keep going! Tiff drags Thea way, loses the Crab, and has to reset! Thea fights, but the BOSTON CRAB is back!! Thea endures, Tiff drags her so far away, and sits so deep on the hold! Chase & Duke keep cheering her on, Tiff has to adjust her grip again! Thea gives it one last effort, but Tiff digs a knee into Thea’s back!! HALF CRAB!! But Chase throws in the towel?!?

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by forfeit (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Duke is stunned, but Chase did it to spare Thea from suffering career ending damage. Tiffany gets to still be the Center of the Universe, but what will Thea’s future be now that she’s gone 0-2?


Frazer and friends celebrate backstage.

They had a great time in that Mixed 8 and a great win, too. They all say gracias to each other before parting ways, and Dragon comes across Dom & Rhea. Rhea says, “Dom, look! It’s a wannabe Rey Mysterio.” Dragon says it’d be his honor to be anything like the living legend, Rey Mysterio. Pero (but)… He has his OWN story to tell. And they know who he is. Well like Dom said last week, HE makes the Mysterio name relevant. And his dad is just some deadbeat hypocrite who only likes to help others that are like him, not an original like Dom. Dom & Mami head out, but Dragon says Dom’s nothing like his papa. Will Dragon prove to everyone what a real legacy luchador looks like?


NXT’s next Premium Live Event is already decided!

Saturday, September 30th, live from Bakersfield, California, it will be… NO MERCY! Tickets available this Friday, August 4th, so get ready to see NXT strike gold in the Golden State!


The Schism argues with each other.

Rip Fowler wants to know who those two were that interfered in the Six Man Tag! Jagger Reed said no one else was to get involved! Ava Raine says those two went rogue! Then who is in control here? There must be a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Ava says no, it’s just two followers who made a mistake. Oh, c’mon, Ava, you know it was them. It can’t be themthey were banished! Gacy says they can’t let one loss ruin their harmony. But if Gacy wasn’t shoved into Melo by someone, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened. Is Gacy suggesting it was one of The Dyad? Well someone is starting something!

Jagger insists it is “them!” Ava has had it, she is not letting this divide them. They will put an end to this because there will be an interrogation. Gacy likes that. They line up each masked member, and they make them take off the masks until they find out who these two sheep are. Will these four like what they find when they pull back the masks?


NXT Championship: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Ilja Dragunov!

There’s quite a collection of names “in the rafters” in the HIM Era already, and the champ doesn’t look to stop now. But while there is respect here between the two, that only means they’re going to hit each other harder and give it everything they have! Will Dragunov prove he is UNBESIEGBAR? Or will Melo prove that when he shoots, he don’t miss?

As part of Melo’s intro, he has Dusty’s catchphrase as individual banners. “Get a dream, hold onto it, and shoot for the sky!” The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who makes the American Dream proud as they close out his Great American Bash!

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, approach and tie up. They go around but Dragunov waistlocks. Melo wrenches out, wristlocks, and he flips Dragunov over! Melo digs his knee in, Dragunov fights up, and Dragunov works on the wristlock but Melo wrangles him back down! Dragunov kips up, tires to wrench, but Melo chinbars. Dragunov wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! And another! And another! Dragunov swings, Melo ducks and arm-drags to a cording hold! Fans cheer this technical opening, and Dragunov fights up. Dragunov wrenches, wristlocks, and clamps onto Melo.

Melo rolls, Dragunov drags him up and wrenches again, but Melo clinches back. Melo fights his way to a headlock, but Dragunov hits a judo hip lock! Cover, ONE, but Dragunov chinlocks! Melo endures, fights up, but Dragunov headlocks. Dragunov thrashes but Melo brings Dragunov to a knee. Melo chinbars and pops free of the headlock to headlock back. Dragunov powers out, they RAM shoulders, and Dragunov comes back to BOOT! Melo dodges the jump kick to arm-drag! Melo has the cording hold and he digs his knee into Dragunov again! Fans cheer on “MEL~O! MEL~O!” but Dragunov fights up.

Dragunov and Melo go around in the clinch, Dragunov arm-drags but Melo holds on to drag Dragunov back down! Melo chinbars with the cording hold, and he even grinds his forearm in. Dragunov endures, fights up, and he whips Melo away. Melo runs Dragunov over, things speed up, and Dragunov shoots around to waistlock! Melo fights the lift, arm-drags free, and mule kicks! Melo CHOPS, but Dragunov just scowls at Melo. Dragunov RAMS Melo into a corner, and CHOPS! Dragunov bumps Melo off buckles, to CHOP again! Fans fire up and Melo fires forearms! Melo ROCKS Dragunov, whips, but Dragunov reverse! Melo springboards to FLYING LARIAT!

Fans fire up as Dragunov bails out, and Melo BOOTS him off the apron! Fans cheer and Melo waits on Dragunov. Melo motions he is the champ, and Champion’s Advantage puts pressure on Dragunov. Fans rally up, Dragunov shakes his head and he rushes in! Melo rushes Dragunov, whips him, but Dragunov holds ropes! Dragunov kicks low, whips Melo, but Melo reverses. Melo LARIATS but Dragunov stays up. Melo snapmares but Dragunov blocks the boot! Melo fires forearms but Dragunov leans into them! Melo ROCKS Dragunov but Dragunov PELES Melo! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Melo shakes out the cobwebs and Dragunov waistlocks! Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Melo fights the lift. Melo throws elbows but Dragunov CLUBS him on the back! Melo still springboards, but into a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! Melo gets up, but Dragunov LARIATS him back down! Fans fire up while Dragunov checks his chin. Dragunov storms over to Melo, BOOTS him down, and Trick coaches Melo up. Dragunov drags Melo up to CLUB him, but Melo ROCKS Dragunov! They trade forearms, Melo gets the edge, but Dragunov DECK him with a palm strike! Fans fire up again as both men are down!

Trick coaches Melo up, but Dragunov is up first! “This is Awesome!” as Dragunov stalks Melo. Dragunov KICKS Melo, drags him up, GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on, to GERMAN SUPLEX again! Dragunov drags Melo up a third time, fans rally, “SUPLEX CITY!” but Melo arm-drags free! Dragunov JUMP KICKS, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Melo survives that hattrick but Dragunov is on him again. Dragunov CLUBS Melo on the back and Melo collapses! Dragunov roars and fans fire up with him! Dragunov drags Melo up to CLUB him again! And CHOPS him! Even Trick felt that!

Dragunov SENTONS, covers, TWO! Dragunov clamps onto Melo but Melo fights the hold. Dragunov still gets a form of the Cobra Clutch, and fans rally as Melo endures! Melo fights around, fights to his feet, stands up but Dragunov ripcords to ROCK him with a forearm! Melo leans on the ropes, Dragunov BLINDSIDE LARIATS him against them! Melo is down, Trick is worried, but Dragunov keeps going! Dragunov stands Melo up to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Melo sputters, Dragunov stands him up to CHOP again! Dragunov stands Melo up but Melo SLAPS Dragunov!! Fans fire up and Dragunov glares at Melo again!

Dragunov MACHINE GUN CHOPS in the corner! Fans fire up as Dragunov sits Melo down! Dragunov stands Melo up, SPINNING CHOP!! Cover, TWO!! Melo is writhing but Trick says he can tough it out! Fans rally, Melo fights to his feet, and Dragunov stalks him. Dragunov ROCKS Melo with a forearm, eggs him on, and Melo throws body shots! Dragunov UPPERCUTS, Melo ROCKS Dragunov back! Fans duel, and Dragunov CLUBS Melo on the back! Dragunov eggs Melo on, Melo fires more forearms! But Dragunov SPINNING CHOPS! And then CHOPS a leg out! And then SPINNING CHOPS again!

Melo sputters, but even Dragunov’s own hand is hurting! Melo then kips up to SUPERKICK! Dragunov uses the ropes, CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up again as both men are down. Melo crawls to a corner, Dragunov storms over to him. Dragunov stands Melo up, turns him around, goes for arms but Melo resists. Dragunov CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS Melo down! Then just full body tackles! Dragunov slips on the COBRA CLUTCH, and rolls Melo into body scissors! Melo endures, reaches out, but the ropes feel so far away! Dragunov drags Melo away and squeezes tight!

Melo fights up, reaches, but Dragunov drops back! But Melo rolls it back, TWO!! Melo PENALTY KICKS! Dragunov ROUNDHOUSES! Dragunov covers, TWO!! Two close calls back to back and fans rally up again! “This is Awesome!” as Dragunov looms over Melo. Dragunov has the arms, he drags Melo up, and he short arm LARIATS! Dragunov nods right at Trick as Trick shakes his head. Melo grabs at Dragunov but Dragunov drags him up, short arm LARIAT! Dragunov isn’t done, he drags Melo up, but Melo BOOTS! And BOOTS! And BOOTS! And then KICKS, KICKS and snarls, to stomp and stomp and stomp!

Fans fire up as Melo walks that mudhole dry! Then he runs in, but Dragunov blocks the superkick! Melo ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov PELES again! But Melo rebounds to LA MYSTICA! And with some extra torque, too! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as both men are down! Trick coaches Melo up and he ROCKS Dragunov! Melo fires off hands in the corner but Dragunov knees low! Dragunov CHOPS, Melo BOOTS! Melo fires off fast hands, bumps Dragunov off buckles then fires off hands! Melo CHOPS, but Dragunov turns things around to CLUB Melo! And CHOP Melo! But Melo knees low again!

Melo CLUBS Dragunov, follows him to a corner, and CHOPS! Dragunov CHOPS! CHOPS! And CHOPS! Melo ducks the chop to cravat, KNEE SMASH, and LARIAT! Fans fire up again as both men are down! Melo and Dragunov stir, fans rally up, and Melo wants Dragunov to get up. Both men stand, and Melo leaps! Dragunov blocks the Code Breaker, FLAPJACK and then HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! Dragunov waistlocks, drags Melo up, but Melo fights the lift! Melo throws down elbows of his own! Fans fire up, Melo whips but Dragunov CONSTANTINE- NO, Melo springboards to FADE AWAY DDT!! Cover, TWO!!

Dragunov survives and no one can believe it, let alone Trick Melo Gang! “This is Awesome!” as Melo thinks about what he has to do to end this. Melo goes to the corner, he wants his three pointer! But Dragunov anchors Melo’s foot! So Melo throws down fists! The ref reprimands, Melo lets off, and then he goes to the corner! Melo is aiming, but Dragunov PELES! Dragunov dumps Melo down to the mat, and now Dragunov goes up!? To SUPER SENTON!! Cover, TWO!!! Melo survives and again no one can believe it! Dragunov crawls his way to the far side while Melo is in the corner. Dragunov climbs the corner, blows a kiss, COAST2COASET- CODE BREAKER!!!

Fans are electric as even Melo can’t believe he made that “First 48!” Melo hurries up top and aims again! NOTHING BUT- POWERBOMB!?!? Fans can’t believe that Dragunov blocked the shot! And now Dragunov powers up as he DROPS THE HAMMER!! Cover, TWO!?!??! No one can believe Melo survives, but he did! Fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this has to end somehow! Dragunov drags Melo up, puts him in a corner, and puts him up top. Dragunov CHOPS, Melo SLAPS, they brawl as Dragunov climbs! CHOP and SLAP and then Dragunov CLUBS away on Melo’s back! Dragunov brings Melo up to the very top! SUPER DUPER CUTTER?!?

Melo turned things around into his own move, and he covers! TWO!!!! Dragunov is proving to be as close to unbreakable as we’ve ever seen! Trick is beside himself but he tells Melo that he can do this! But then Trick grabs the belt?! Trick says this is what he’s doing this for, so is Melo a fraud or is he the champion!? Melo nods, he is champion! Melo and Dragunov kick each other from the mat, and Dragunov gets the better of that. But then Melo sits up to throw a forearm! Dragunov CHOPS! Melo flops against ropes, and Dragunov CLUBS him! Melo has ropes, he kicks back, but Dragunov rises again to CLUB Melo!

Melo CHOPS! Both men are on wobbly legs but Dragunov fires a forearm! Melo ROCKS Dragunov! Dragunov BOOTS Melo! Melo KICKS Dragunov! They both throw forearms, they go back and froth, and fans fire up as this gets another wind! SUPERKICK AND ROUNDHOUSE COLLIDE!! Fans are electric as both men fall outta the ring! “This is Awesome!” as Trick coaches Melo up again. But Dragunov runs in! TORPEDO MOSCOW hits Trick!! Trick takes the shot for Melo! Melo puts Dragunov in the ring, climbs up the corner, NOTHING BUT NET!!! Cover, MELO WINS!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

The friendship that Dragunov respects is the thing that kept him from victory! Another name is in the rafters, but then who will be next to step up to HIM?

My Thoughts:

An awesome event for NXT, though some rather surprising results. The status quo wasn’t completely kept, and I was happily surprised on the title that did change hands. Tony & Stacks have been great as their characters since day one, even if their characters are kinda goofy, so them winning the tag titles is a great moment for them. Also I loved them wearing prison orange in their gear. Not sure if Gallus moves on to RawDown from this, because what else would they do? Get a rematch with Tony & Stacks and then lose again? Also great Mixed 8 Tag, that was awesome for just a kickoff match. The Faces winning was great, and Dragon Lee interacting with Dom & Rhea, I would love if that is how Dragon wins the North American title and finally gets going in NXT.

Speaking of which, great Triple Threat from Dom, Wes & Ali, but duh, Rhea gets involved so Dom can win. I don’t know how but there has to be a way where Dragon has back-up to counter Rhea. Leon & Feroz may not be as powerful as her, but they just need to distract Rhea or help get her ejected from ringside so that Dom and Dragon would be 1v1. And then Frazer can even do his best to watch out for Finn & Damian. Good promos during the kickoff to help hype up stuff, but in some cases, not really needed. Such as in the Weapons Wild, because they’ve already given us plenty with the bodega fight. Roxie winning over Blair was great stuff, especially with Roxie’s family ringside. And now, Roxie probably can go after the Women’s title again.

And I say that because Tiffany retained. It was an awesome match with Thea, both looked great and I like that without any promos showing us Tiffany learning these moves, she just busts out these different moves. Chase throwing in the towel rather than Thea having a Stone Cole passing out moment was the real surprise in that match. This could divide Duke and Chase all over again, with Thea caught in the middle. As for Thea herself, she is young and can always come back around to this title even by WrestleMania season, just as long as fans still love her.

But surprisingly (not really when you think about it, though) fans don’t love Gable Steveson. Corbin was getting cheered for once, that’s perhaps the biggest surprise of the whole night. A double count-out draw is disappointing, but it also makes sense. Corbin’s got a new gimmick even though he says it’s not a gimmick, which is kinda the gimmick in itself. And then Gable is having his first match, WWE wants him to be a thing. So the only way both guys are protected is a draw of some kind. But hey, the post match brawl was a lot of fun, and we can always get a rematch. But I still feel Damon Kemp should’ve been Gable’s first match.

And what an AMAZING main event! Certainly the best NXT main event this year, and among the best in WWE overall. Both guys are top tier wrestlers, great characters, but a part of me still wishes Dragunov won here. But at the same time, Trick getting involved is a great little asterisk that can cause a rematch between Melo and Dragunov, but the problem is, the next NXT PLE isn’t until the end of September. This rematch would have to happen on a special themed episode of NXT, like Heatwave 2023 in August or something. But then, Dragunov winning the title on TV doesn’t feel as cool as if it were here tonight. But at the same time, such a big moment being on NXT TV would make more people watch NXT TV, maybe.

My Score: 9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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