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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (7/18/23)

Will Dom do Wes Lee dirty?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Will Dirty Dom run the Wes Side?

Dominik Mysterio challenged and Wes Lee accepted, and now they battle for the NXT North American Championship! Will Judgment Day grab more gold?


  • Nathan Frazer & Dragon Lee VS Los Lotharios; Frazer & Dragon win.
  • Gigi Dolin VS Kiana James; Kiana wins.
  • Lucien Price & Bronco Nima VS Axiom & SCRYPTS; Price & Nima win.
  • Thea Hail w/ Duke Hudson VS Elektra Lopez w/ Lola Vice; Thea wins.
  • Eddy Thorpe VS Oro Mensah w/ The Meta Four; Oro wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley; Dom wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams are here!

The fans cheer HIM as he and Trick head to the ring. Trick gets the mics and has them cut the music so he can say that we’re less than two weeks from the Great American Bash, so they’ll get right to business. Introducing your NXT Champion, “the man who don’t miss, the man who will hit the Texas Two Step all over that spitting dragon, Carmelo Hayes!” Fans cheer, and Melo says that he wants to do the whole “I AM” thing, but truth is, there was a miss. But Trick Melo Gang did their thang! Rhea threw in the briefcase, Dom distracted the ref, Trick Melo Gang should’ve won that match!

Melo knows that, and he’ll get to his reasons in a second. Judgment Day VS Trick Melo, it was 4v2, whole building was up. There were “MEL~O!” and “Whoop Dat Trick” chants, and they were seconds away from beating the most dominant team in all the WWE. But then the new #1 contender decided he wanted to “help.” Melo calls out Ilja Dragunov, but here comes Dragunov already! Dragunov tells Melo that last week, he did not mean to put his nose into Melo’s business. But there is something Melo doesn’t seem to understand. If Damian Priest had used his Money in the Bank briefcase, Melo wouldn’t have just lost a match, but maybe, the NXT Championship, as well.

Priest could’ve taken that belt to he main roster, and Dragunov wanted to prevent that. Dragunov wants to face MELO at the Great American Bash! But Melo let Dragunov down in the end. Funny for Dragunov to say this, but Melo lost control. Oh, Melo lost control? No, no, Melo had everything under control, cuz Melo stays mellow. There’s no one as ready for Dragunov as Melo is, just as Dragunov is ready. Melo saw the match, Dragunov and Bron beat the hell out of each other, so Melo knows what Dragunov is capable of. And to be honest, Melo is trying to understand how Dragunov keeps up this maniac pace.

Dragunov says exactly, Melo can’t understand. Because there is one thing that Dragunov does more than anyone else: he always gives everything! When he steps into the ring, it means something! Fans cheer that! Dragunov says the people FEEL something! The fans cheer more! And what Dragunov will make Melo feel at the Great American Bash is defeat. Oh, you don’t think Melo doesn’t feel? He doesn’t feel the weight of this title and what it means to represent NXT? You don’t think he feels the animosity of his peers in the back? You don’t think he feels the criticism of the world just because he holds this title?! Melo feels everything!

And the two of them, it will be a fight. Melo knows that, everyone knows that. But there is no one more qualified to face Melo at GAB than Dragunov. So understand, Melo plans on having a long, long title reign. And when it reigns, it pours. And by the end of it, Melo will be swimming in W’s. Melo will make Dragunov feel HIM. Because Melo is Mr. P L E, and he will hit different. Fans cheer and Dragunov says Melo will have to hit different, and harder than ever! Because if he doesn’t, then the Melo Dynasty will fall apart. And no disrespect, it takes a lot of strength and passion to hold the NXT Championship.

But it doesn’t matter how much of a great champion Melo thinks he is, because the most intense man in NXT, THIS dragon will blow fire that Melo cannot control! Fans fire up, and Melo says then on July 30th, he blows the fire out. For one, it’ll be champagne, and the other will have just pain. The fans are ready, will not even UNBESIEGBAR be able to stop HIM?


Mustafa Ali finds Wes Lee backstage.

Wes sighs and Ali says, “What were you thinking?” Well, hello to you, too. Ali hopes Wes isn’t actually defending his title against Dominik Mysterio. Wes says Dom stepped to him, so he accepted the challenge. It is what it is. Ali sighs, and says the ink on their contract for GAB hasn’t even dried yet! And Ali doesn’t want Dom, he wants Wes! Dom is a sleazebag, he’s dirty, and- Wait, wait. Ali doesn’t think Wes will beat Dom? That’s not what Ali meant to say. It sure sounded like it, though. All Ali is saying is there’s a reason why he’s “Dirty Dom.” Plus, he’ll have Rhea ringside! Wes says he’s ready for whatever is coming.

Ali wants Wes to understand, Ali wants to face the greatest North American Champion of all time at the GAB. Then Wes will be there. Ali says he will be there. Wes still has to get there. Wes says he has to finish taping up. He’ll see Ali in Texas. Will Wes prove Ali is worried for nothing tonight?


Tony D’Angelo is released from prison.

He’s given back his personal belongings, gets dressed in his nice suit, and Channing Lorenzo is outside waiting for him. Tony walks up and Stacks is happy to give him his hat back. The Don’s back, baby! A little scruffy but they can fix that. They get on the road, how will Tony’s return to NXT be received?


Nathan Frazer & Dragon Lee VS Los Lotharios!

The British Rocket and Wonder Boy of Mexico didn’t appreciate Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo thinking they can  just talk to ladies like Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz. Will Frazer & Dragon show the Lethal Lovers that smooth talk only gets you so far?

NXT returns and Frazer makes his entrance, remixed theme to mark his new stage as Heritage Cup Champion. Dragon then makes his entrance, also remixed. The two look to each other and nod, then storm up to the ring, only for Los Lotharios to DOUBLE WRECKING BALL DROPKICK! Angel fires off on Dragon and Humberto stomps Frazer! Angel sends Dragon into steps, and Humberto puts Frazer in the ring. The bell rings, and Humberto GAMANGIRIS Frazer in the corner! Humberto goes corner to corner to clothesline, and he tags in Garza. Garza whips Humberto in for Humberto to DROPKICK Dragon!

Fans boo but Frazer dodges Garza and Garza POSTS himself! Frazer fires off fists, whips, but Garza reverses, only for Frazer to sunset flip! Garza rolls through, but Frazer avoids the Penalty Kick to spin and enziguri, but Garza ducks! Things keep moving super fast, Frazer shoves and redirects, then ducks ‘n’ dodges and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up with Frazer and he drags Garza to a cover, ONE! Frazer keeps on an arm, tags Dragon, and they mug Garza before they double whip and DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Them they run to DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Dragon keeps on Garza with a chinlock.

Dragon fishhooks then CLUBS Garza, then stomps him around. Garza throws Dragon down by his mask! Tag to Humberto, they stomp Dragon, and then Humberto fishhooks the mask! The ref reprimands, fans boo, but Humberto lets off. Humberto brings Dragon up to snap suplex! Cover, ONE! Fans rally but Humberto brings Dragon around. But Dragon fires forearms! And CHOPS! Humberto CHOPS and Dragon falls back! Humberto drags Dragon up, whips him to ropes, but Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Fans fire up as Leon & Feroz appear, and they cheer Dragon on! Tag to Frazer, Humberto is on the ropes for the RAILGUN DROPKICK!

Los Lotharios regroup, Frazer runs to FLY! But he’s caught, and BOMBED into Dragon! Leon & Feroz coach Frazer and fans boo Los Lotharios as we go picture in picture.

Los Lotharios taunt Frazer, then drag him up. Humberto puts Frazer in, brings him around and CHOPS him down! Humberto drags Frazer up again, tags Garza, and they double whip Frazer to ropes. They double leap frog then TU LO SABE! To DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! Garza is annoyed but he drags Frazer up and onto ropes. Garza UPPERCUTS Frazer, then tags Humberto. Garza brings Frazer up for Humberto to LEAP FROG ATTACK! And then feed to a HAYMAKER from Garza! Humberto covers, TWO! Frazer is still in this but Humberto keeps his focus. Humberto drags Frazer up but Frazer hits back!

Humberto CHOPS Frazer, CLUBS him, but Frazer fires forearm sand elbows on both Lotharios! But Humberto turns an uppercut into arm-hooks! Frazer kicks off ropes to get up and over! And then he reels Humberto into a cradle! TWO!! Humberto escapes and he DECKS Dragon! Then he DROPKICKS Frazer! Cover, TWO! Humberto is annoyed but he drags Frazer up. Humberto pushes him to a corner, KICKS him, then tags in Garza. They stomp away for double mudholes! The ref counts, Los Lotharios let off, and Garza snapmares into a motorcycle stretch. Frazer endures, fans rally, and Frazer fights up.

Frazer knees low and is free, but Garza LARIATS him down! Garza grabs a leg and turns Frazer for a modified HALF CRAB! Almost a Three-Fourths Crab, really, but Frazer turns and BOOTS Garza away! Garza returns to clinch as NXT returns to single picture. Frazer JAWBREAKERS free! But Garza catches Frazer as he leaps for his corner! Frazer CLUBS Garza but Garza TOSSES Frazer and SUPERKICKS him down! And OFF COME THE PANTS! Fans are torn but Feroz says that’s gross. Garza aims at Frazer, throws his pants at him, but Frazer dodges! Hot tag to Dragon! Dragon rallies with big elbows!

Dragon whips, runs in, blocks the boot and puts Garza in ropes for a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Humberto runs in, Dragon pops him up in the corner, and Humberto does a headstand! Only to get a SUPERKICK!! Dragon drags Garza up, and kicks Humberto to hit the TORNADO DDT! Humberto runs in but Dragon dumps him out! V-TRIGGER to Garza! Cover, Humberto breaks it in time! Frazer runs in but Humberto sends him to the corner. Frazer goes up and headscissors to throw Humberto out! Frazer builds speed to slide, but Humberto gets under to fireman’s carry! SNAKE EYES off the desk!

Fans boo but Dragon is up top! Garza trips Dragon up! Tag to Humberto and fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” Garza CHOPS Dragon, then Humberto CHOPS Dragon! And repeat! Los Lotharios climb up together, bring Dragon up, SUPER DOUBLE PRESS SLAM! And then Garza ARIHARA MOONSAULTS Frazer! Humberto MOUNTAINTOP MOONSAULTS Dragon! Cover, TWO?!?! No one can believe that Dragon survives! Dragon goes to a corner, Humberto storms up and GAMANGIRIS! Humberto then brings Dragon around, puts him up top, and climbs up, only for Dragon to trip him!

Fans fire up as Dragon WOE STOMPS Humberto down!! And then brings him up, but Garza SUPERKICKS Dragon! Frazer STEP-IN COMPLETE SHOTS Garza! Humberto FLYING CHUCKS Frazer! Dragon runs in and rolls through the lariat to LIGER BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?! Now Humberto shocks everyone!! Dragon goes to a corner, fans are thunderous, “This is Awesome!” Dragon runs in but Humberto LARIATS him down! Humberto staggers up, flops along the ropes and tags in Garza. Los Lotharios regroup, drag Dragon up, and they taunt Leon & Feroz. But Frazer springboards to DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK!

Fans fire up as Frazer goes up, to SUPER CROSSBODY! Direct hit on both Lotharios and he puts Garza in for Dragon! Dragon runs in to tilt-o-whirl REVERSE DDT!! Cover, Dragon & Frazer win!!

Winners: Nathan Frazer & Dragon Lee, by pinfall

Leon & Feroz celebrate along with the fans as their guys win! Will Frazer & Dragon look to become a two man power trip here in NXT?

As for Los Lotharios, they argue, and Humberto SHOVES Garza! And he blames Garza for the loss! Humberto storms off and Garza hurries after, is this duo going to fall apart?


Baron Corbin is in the woods.

As we left off with him last week, he has found a hooded man standing amidst tiki torches. He wonders what he’s gotten himself into, but he still walks the path lit by the firelight. He wonders why he couldn’t just be satisfied with the path he was walking. It was easy, comfortable and safe. So why? But screw that! He took his past and “burned all the ships.” You must evolve or die. But into what? He won’t be someone he’s not. He must be feared to be respected to be champion. He will face his future, and the rest of his career, love him or hate hm, save your damn opinions, because he is doing this as himself.

The man in the hood IS Corbin! Corbin comes face to face with his true form, but what will that look like in the ring?


NXT Anonymous is still watching.

And they spotted Roxanne Perez talking with Booker T before the show. He told Roxie that he is always going to be honest with her. And he wants her to understand, Blair Davenport is different. Blair is cold, calculating, vicious and will take her out if given the chance. Roxie may have lost, but she can’t think about yesterday. Think about today! When you get on that plane, go home to Texas, if you’re still thinking about what did happen, it’ll just happen again! Roxie has to have attitude, has to be aggressive, and has to dog it! Because trust him on this, Roxie, if you give Blair one inch, she’ll take a mile. One chance and she takes you out.

So Roxie better bring the noise. She got that? She does. Then will Booker’s coaching help The Prodigy bring down the Dangerous Gaijin?


Gigi Dolin VS Kiana James!

Speaking of self-discovery, the Toxic Avenger may be an outsider, but she’d rather be that and true to herself than change herself just to “fit in.” Will she show Kiana how to truly accept yourself? Or will Kiana continue to lie to herself just so she can get ahead?

NXT returns as Kiana makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two rush in! They fire off forearms, fans fire up, but Kiana gets around to CLUB Gigi! Kiana bumps Gigi off buckles and talks trash before she stomps a mudhole and RAMS a shoulder in! The ref counts, Kiana lets off, but Gigi avoids the splash! Gigi ROCKS Kiana, kicks her leg, and fires off fast hands and UPPERCUTS! Gigi snapmares and kicks but Kiana ducks it to roll Gigi up! TWO, and Gigi dodges to waistlock. Kiana fights, Gigi shoves her, and then follows her to RANA her down! Fans fire up while Kiana flounders about. Gigi runs in to DROPKICK Kiana out of the ring!

Fans fire up as Gigi goes to the apron. And PENALTY KICKS Kiana! Fans rally as Gigi brings Kiana up. Kiana fights the suplex, throws knees, and then POSTS Gigi! Kiana grins while the ring count climbs, and she storms up on Gigi to put her in the ring. Kiana slides in at 7 of 10, and she stomps Gigi while talking more trash. Gigi goes to ropes, Kiana throws down hands! Kiana brings Gigi around, scoops her, and SLAMS her down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Kiana clamps on a chinlock. Gigi fights up, arm-drags free, and she throws body shots! Kiana kicks legs out, swings, but Gigi BOOTS her, ROCKS her, and kicks away!

Gigi KNEES Kiana, then LARIATS! Fans rally as Gigi rallies! And BOOTS Kiana down! Gigi roars, fans fire up, and Gigi spins Kiana for a ROUNDHOUSE! Gigi runs but Kiana avoids the STO to throw Gigi down by her hair! Fans boo but Kiana crawls to her handbag! Gigi drags Kiana, Kiana kicks her away! They fight over the bag, the ref reprimands, but Gigi kicks low! And swings! Kiana dodges, but Gigi wants more! The ref stops Gigi, gets the bag from her, but then Gigi gets it back! But Kiana hits 401K!! Cover, Kiana wins!

Winner: Kiana James, by pinfall

The Calculator used that bag more as a distraction than a weapon, and it still pays off! She and Gigi are now 1-1, what will happen if there’s a tiebreaker?


NXT shares footage from after last week’s episode.

Axiom & SCRYPTS confronted the new kids, Lucien Price & Bronco Nima. Axiom told them that he doesn’t appreciate how they’re interrupting interviews. There are levels of respect here in NXT. Respect? Respect ain’t got them nowhere, bruh! What do they do when they got a problem with somebody? Nima says these guys ain’t ready for that. Scrypts says that they can all take it easy, that’s his tag partner they’re talking to. Axiom never said- But it seems like the new guys want their first tag match in NXT. So they’ll do it right here, next week. Deal.

Scrypts is confident but Axiom says they’re not a team. And he’s happy to team up but Scrypts can’t keep doing this to him. Scrypts needs to understand that Axiom has a lot of individual goals here in NXT. The dysfunction aside, can the Undeniable Truth and the warrior of the written word show Price & Nima how things are done in NXT?


Ivy Nile is in the Diamond Mine Dojo.

Or at least, what was the Diamond Mine Dojo. No Malcolm Bivens, no Tyler Rust, no Hideki Suzuki, no Roderick Strong, and we all know why Damon Kemp and Tatum Paxley are out. With The Creed Brothers being banished from NXT, it’s only her now. And so, with a heavy heart, she takes down the Diamond Mine banner. Guess it’s true that nothing lasts forever.


Noam Dar again tweets.

He apologizes for cancelling Supernova Sessions last week, especially since he was going to have Eddy Thorpe as his guest. He is still “a glass case of emotion” without the Heritage Cup, but he will “try to be big and brave to host SNS again on Tuesday.”

Backstage interview with Eddy Thorpe.

McKenzie Mitchell is with the Alpha Wolf and is still stunned at how brutal NXT Underground was. Does he feel that win puts him on the map? Absolutely! That was the fight of his life, that win should put him in title contention. McKenzie notes Eddy was supposedly going to be Dar’s guest on Supernova Sessions, and- Wait, in comes The Meta Four. Lash Legend is joined by Oro Mensah & Jakara Jackson while she wheels Noam Dar around in a wheelchair, and she says they were looking all over for Eddy. On behalf of Noam, they apologize to Eddy for cancelling SNS tonight. Again?!

Hey, he tried his best! But you all have eyes. Look at Dar! He’s in no shape to host anything. Oro says they know, this was gonna be the biggest moment of Eddy’s life. So as a consolation prize, they are happy to present to him this: an autographed photo of Noam Dar, from back when he was Heritage Cup Champion. Oh wow, a signed picture of Dar. EDDY RIPS IT! Meta Four is upset, do not disrespect the (former) Heritage Cup Champion! You won one match, good for you. But check that ego, brother. There’s no ego from him. And he’s not a talker but a fighter. Well then they just need a ring, right? Yeah!

Lash wants the boys to hold on but Oro and Eddy are ready. Refs step in, will Eddy and Oro settle this in the ring, ropes or no ropes?


Lucien Price & Bronco Nima VS Axiom & SCRYPTS!

This street wise duo of giants is ready to make a big impact on NXT’s Tag Division! Will they sack Axiom and Scrypts like on the gridiron? Or will there be a fumble returned for a touchdown by the underdog duo?

The teams sort out and Nima starts against Axiom. Nima rushes in, Axiom dodges him, but Nima picks him up! Axiom sunset flips but Nima drags him up! Axiom CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Nima knees low! Nima whips but Axiom gets around to get an arm! But Nima deadlifts! Axiom CLUBS Nima’s leg and he drops, but into a stack cover! TWO and Axiom slips under to CHOP and CHOP again! Nima powers Axiom to a corner but Axiom slips free to CHOP! Nima TOSSES Axiom to the corner! But Axiom BOOTS back! Axiom goes up, leaps, and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Then DROPKICKS! Fans fire up while Nima checks his chin.

Axiom wrenches, tags Scrypts, but Nima gets away. Nima rushes in, Scrypts handsprings to dodge one lariat, then handsprings to dodge another! Scrypts wrenches an arm, reaches out, and Axiom tags back in. They hand off the wrench, though Scrypts maybe wanted a combo move. Axiom says he’s got this, so Scrypts DECKS Axiom!! Scrypts grins, has he been setting Axiom up all along!? Nima CLOBBERS Axiom and rains down fists! Tag to Price, and he rains down fists! Nima says back off, and he gets Axiom up. TOSS to the corner, and BIG lariat from Price! Then feed to Nima’s FLYING BOOT! Cover, Price & Nima win!

Winners: Lucien Price & Bronco Nima, by pinfall

Scrypts wanted to be on the same page but Axiom didn’t even wanna be in the same book, so Scrypts had to rewrite the plot. Will Axiom get his payback on Scrypts soon enough?


The D’Angelos are here for the homecoming!

Stacks is with cousin Maria and everyone else, and he gets the mic to say, “On May 25th, 2023, everything changed for the D’Angelo family. The Don got pinched and locked up because of that stool pigeon rat, Joe Coffey and his Gallus brothers. They trumped up some charges and thought they were taking over the streets of NXT? Well last week, that didn’t happen. Am I right?” The family and fans applaud. So please welcome back TONY D’ANGELO~! Everyone cheers as Tony makes his way out in a fresh suit. The fans chant “WELCOME BACK!” as Tony hugs and high-fives everyone, but especially Stackis.

Stacks hands off the mic to Tony, and Tony says, “I’m back, baybay!” Fans chant ‘TONY D! TONY D!” Tony appreciates that, but listen, listen. Shoutout to his guy, Stacks! Tony wouldn’t be here if not for him. Stacks came up with the master plan! He’s a genius! Gallus had no clue! Hollywood, once you got that all figured out, here’s your next leading man! “But in all seriousness, most of you, and definitely Gallus, that though this man was the rat once here. But a wise man once told me, things aren’t always what it seems. Right, Joe Coffey? HAHAHA!” So here’s what Tony means.

It was two months ago, when Tony was first put away, he and Stacks talked about the plan. Gallus was never gonna give them a title match, so Stacks said to get the charges drops and get them a shot, he has to make it like HE betrayed Tony. Tony played along, “How could you?” Exactly! Stacks has to convince everyone that he wants to be The Don, but how can he? Unless Tony’s in here. Tony says to give that cheap SOB a couple of envelopes, too. They have to make the bait nice and good. But they’ll really have to sell this. They need to play Gallus by making it look like he’s playing Tony.

And so Stacks explained that abduction double fake. Joe’s ego will brag about it, and he did. Tony played upset and that would make Joe comfortable enough to hear the stipulations. The match was made, and all Stacks had to do was win. And he would! Tony had faith in Stacks the whole time, and it paid off! But wait, here comes Gallus! Joe is furious! He has to put a filter on what he’s seeing! “Yous twos are the lowest form of life I’ve ever met! You’re scum! Subhuman scub!” Tony might be a free man, but he’s gonna wish that he was back in the cell! Joe promises them, that it is a lot safer in prison than on the outside!

Tony says that face Joe has right now is a face of a man who had control, but just lost it! Just like Mark & Wolfie are gonna lose the tag titles to the D’Angelos at the Great American Bash! Fans like the sound of that! Tony tells Glalus to go home, get their shine box, and shine up the belts real nice. Cuz the D’Angelos will take what they should’ve won at Stand & Deliver in the NXT Tag Team Championships! Mark laughs sarcastically and mocks Tony. Do they really think they can pull off another scam at The Bash? Gallus are dead serious! In fact, for screwing them over, they won’t even make it to the Bash!

Gallus steps up tot he ring, but Tony dares them to do something. Gallus gets in the ring, and they pull out the Billy clubs! But the family brings out crowbar after crowbar! Even Maria! Gallus is all fired up, and the brawl is on! But Tony & Stacks dodge, SMACK Mark & Wolfie, then DOUBLE SMACK Joe! Mark gets back up, into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK through the table! Seems like a waste of provolone. But Tony & Stacks hold up the gold, will they own those after the Bash?


Trick Melo Gang walks ‘n’ talks backstage.

They know the Bash will be tough, but Melo’s ready for that weirdo. Oh, speaking of weirdos, The Schism walks up. Joe Gacy, other weirdos. Trick says he’d wear a mask if he was drinking the Kool-Aid they’re all sharing. Gacy says there is no need to target the flourishing flock with negativity. Ava Raine says the Schism is a collective that works together for each other, not for selfish gains. Pfffft! But Gacy says this union will dissolve as soon as Melo loses the belt. Melo says that’s funny, because he ain’t losing. But then in steps Dragunov! Gacy says hello to the “future” NXT Champion.

Melo says this is the third time Dragunov’s stepped in when not needed. What’s wrong with him? Nothing. Gacy says we can all sense the tension, and that is alarming. Dragunov says his fight with Melo is inevitable. But Gacy is insufferable. He is not weak enough to hang onto his words. Says the man who crossed the bridge they built. No no no, hold on. Two weeks now, Dragunov’s gotten in Melo’s business. He expects that from The Schism but not from Dragunov. But then Gacy sucker punches Melo! The brawl is on and refs rush in to stop this! Will Trick Melo Gang and Dragunov end up unlikely allies after this?


Thea Hail w/ Duke Hudson VS Elektra Lopez w/ Lola Vice!

The Uncrowned NXT Women’s Champion is looking to prove herself worth of another shot, but La Madrina wants her turn first. Will Thea shock Elektra with a win? Or will Elektra show Thea has no business being a contender?

NXT returns and Elektra makes her entrance, Lola by her side. The bell rings, they tie up, and Lopez knees low! And throws Thea by her hair! Thea gets up but Lopez scoops to SLAM her! Lopez talks trash, fans boo, but Lopez scoops and SLAMS again! And then whips Thea to a corner! Lopez RAMS into Thea again and again, but tells the ref to leave her alone. Lopez whips Thea back in but Thea dodges to roll Lopez up! TWO, and Thea runs up, dodges a haymaker and rallies with FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up with Thea and she back body blocks in a corner! And hits an EXPLODER! And then SENTONS!

Lola talks trash, Thea talks trash back, but Lopez CLOBBERS Thea! Lopez brings Thea up, but Thea gets the KIMURA!! Lopez falls, Thea pulls back on the arm! Lola panics but Lopez TAPS! Thea wins!!

Winner: Thea Hail, by submission

Duke Hudson celebrates with the star student, and fans chant “YOU TAPPED OUT!” at Lopez! Will Thea prove she isn’t just a wannabe but a legit threat to the champ? Duke gets a mic to ask for a #HailYeah! “HAIL YEAH!” Thea says thank you, Duke, and she feels unstoppable right now! She just tapped out Elektra Lopez, torqued that arm, and make her tap the same way Tiffany Stratton tapped out! So on that note, Theta wants her second chance at the NXT Women’s Championship!! Fans like the sound of that! Thea knows she can tap that bi- Whoa whoa whoa. Right, sorry.

But if that’s how she feels, then there’s one thing left to say. “REMATCH! REMATCH! REMATCH!” Fans chant along, and Thea tells “Big blondie, get out here so I can kick your ass!” Here comes Tiff, and fans boo. Tiff rolls her eyes and says first off, Thea doesn’t get to call out the champion. For one, it’s rude. And also, she’s totally superior than Thea. But it’s so cute how Thea learned one new move and thinks she can conquer the world. Fans chant ‘YOU TAPPED OUT!” but Tiff ignores it as she says they can save having another pep rally. Thea wants a rematch? Then she accepts! Fans cheer that!

In fact, why wouldn’t Tiff want that? It’d be the easiest defense ever since she already now. Remember? It was 1-2-3. Tootles. Hold on there! Thea has just one little thing to add to the match at Great American Bash. Thea wants to make it… A SUBMISSION MATCH! Absolutely freakin’ not! Did she not hear anything Tiff said? Thea can’t just do what she wants with matches! Tiffany can! And Thea can’t make her! Thea snatches that arm! And has the KIMURA!!! Tiffany taps! She shouts! She says okay, it’ll be a submission match at GAB!! Just let her go!! Fans chant “YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT!”

Tiffany almost cries as Thea lets her go. And now Thea has what she wants! But will she get what she should’ve had all along in that NXT Women’s Championship?


Dom & Rhea talk backstage.

She’s confident he’ll beat Wes and get that North American Championship. But the D’Angelo Family walks by. Tony tells Dom that “Benny from the yard” says hello. Aw, that Benny. What a guy. Yeah. Good luck tonight. Tony heads out, and Dom points out Lyra Valkyria. Rhea talks with her about how she’s told pretty much everyone else that Lyra is badass. But then Lyra lets Jacy beat her and get a win. Was Rhea wrong? No. Then show her. Lyra says next time she’s in there with Jacy, she will. The Morrigan heads out, and Dom says Lyra better. You don’t wanna disappoint Mami.


Gable Steveson speaks.

The Olympic Gold Medalist has a big decision to make. What’s next for him? He could go back to school and win another NCAA Division 1 title. He could prepare for Paris and represent the USA in the Olympics again, and go for a second gold medal. Or he could stay in the WWE and NXT. Next week, he will make his decision.


Eddy Thorpe VS Oro Mensah w/ The Meta Four!

The Alpha Wolf may have a vested interest in Gable Steveson’s wrestling future, but in his immediate future is the golden party boy of the Meta Four. Will his decision be easy enough in humbling Dar’s sidekick? Or will a win by Oro help cheer Dar up?

The bell rings and the two rush in. Eddy gets around to waistlock and SLAM! Then he floats to a facelock and he brings Oro up to a headlock. Oro powers up but Eddy holds on tight. Oro pulls on an ear, powers out, but Eddy gets around to hit a headlock takeover! Fans rally, Oro fights up, and he throws body shots. Oro CHOPS, whips, but Eddy reverses to SPINNING CROSSBODY! Fans rally and Eddy brings Oro up. Oro SLAPS Eddy, and tells him not to disrespect them! But Eddy SLAPS, then CHOPS back! Oro sputters, Eddy storms up but Oro kicks the legs out! Eddy hotshots off ropes, and Oro stomps away!

Oro CLUBS away on Eddy, hammers and KICKS him, then snarls. Oro drags Eddy up to short arm LARIAT! Oro then clinches to EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Eddy hangs tough but Oro covers again, ONE!! Anther cover, ONE!! Oro smothers Eddy, fans rally up for Eddy, but Oro scowls. Oro runs in but Eddy blocks the Penalty Kick! Eddy throws Oro but Oro FLIP KICKS! Cover, TWO! Oro drags Eddy around to a neck wrench, but the fans rally up. Eddy fights up, throws body shots, and he arm-drags free! Oro swings but Eddy body shots! And then counter punches! And then ducks a chop to give a CHOP!

Eddy whips, CLOBBERS Oro, then rallies on him! SOBAT! ENZIGURI! Oro staggers around, Eddy waistlocks but Oro throws elbows. Eddy still GERMAN SUPLEXES! Oro flops out of the ring! Eddy builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit into the desk! Fans fire up while both men are down, but Jakara distracts the ref. Lash puts Dar in the ring?! Dar barely even moves but the ref wants him to get out of the ring. The ref pushes Dar to ropes while Eddy puts Oro in the ring. DIJAK BOOTS Eddy! Dijak says Eddy isn’t the baddest in NXT, DIJAK is! Dijak leaves Eddy behind, the ring count starts, and fans boo as Lash drags Dar out of the ring.

Eddy stands at 8 of 10 bot flounders around! He gets in at 9.9!! But Oro aims, to WHEEL KICK in the corner! Cover, Oro wins!

Winner: Oro Mensah, by pinfall

The Meta Four celebrates that they got another win! Except Dar, who still seems strangely comatose. Will anything snap Dar out of his funk? Will the Alpha Wolf look to hunt down #HardJustice?


Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan work out together.

But coach Dana can tell something is bugging Kelani. Kelani is upset at herself for losing to Cora Jade. Dana understands that. But Kelani just started. Let’s do something they can only do. The gymnasts chalk up and get to the handsprings and backflips. Kelani sticks the landing and Dana says she’s gonna break out! Cora wishes she could do what Kelani does. That’s why Cora has that kendo stick wherever she goes. Kelani says that was a lot of fun and she’s learning a lot from Dana. Dana says right back at her! Will Kelani get right back up and on the right track in NXT?

Cora Jade watches this.

And she is not impressed. Gymnastics? That’s supposed to help Kelani next week? Cora smacks the lockers with her kendo stick, but will her bad attitude be trumped by Kelani’s positive one?


NXT video interviews Roxanne Perez and Blair Davenport.

The two of them are in separate locations, and Vic Joseph brings up what we all saw: NXT Anonymous was watching Roxie talk with Booker T. Roxie says she saw that, too. She doesn’t know who Anonymous is- Blair says it’s not her. Oh, okay… That doesn’t matter anyway. Booker was just giving her advice, because it is them one more time at the Great American Bash, in Roxie’s home state of Texas! Blair says she thought Booker liked Roxie. Wasn’t it bad enough how Blair left Roxie lifeless in the ring on the Fourth of July? Now Blair will have to do that all again, but in front of Roxie’s friends and family.

Roxie says she won’t, but Blair says Roxie had one of the best years in NXT. Except, that was last year. Now Blair’s back, and the division is for grown women, not little girls. Roxie no longer belongs. Vic asks Roxie what it’ll take for her to beat Blair on July 30th? Roxie says she’s sick and tired of everyone thinking she’s some easy target! She is never gonna be 6 feet tall or overpower her opponents. But since the day she lost her NXT Women’s Championship, there has been a rage building inside, and Blair is only adding to it. Roxie says she’ll walk into The Bash in front of friends and family, all while controlling her anxiety.

But if it means beating Blair, she will show a side of her that the WWE Universe has never seen before! Roxie tells Blair that Blair doesn’t know what’s coming for her. Blair laughs that off, and asks how can you fit such big dreams into such a small body. Roxie, it all sounds so great, but Blair doesn’t believe it. And neither does Roxie. Either Roxie has the killer instinct or she doesn’t. And we both know Blair does, because Roxie’s seen it. And she will again at The Bash, only worse. Because Blair vows to hurt Roxie. But the good news is, Austin’s only a short drive from Laredo. So then Roxie can just go home and not even bother coming back to Orlando, since she no longer belongs her.

Roxie takes off the mic, storms off and Blair plays like she feels bad. Wave bye to the toddler. See you at the Bash. “Stupid girl.” But will Blair look like the fool when Roxie pops off?


NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley!

The Cardiac Kid has been on an incredible streak, and he doesn’t look to slow down any time soon! Will he blow right through “Dirty Dom” to take on Mustafa Ali? Or will the Judgment Day add to their growing collection with some NXT gold?

NXT returns as Wes makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if this title stays home or goes on the road!

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Wes and Dom approach, back off, and Dom eggs Wes on. They tie up, Wes headlocks, but Dom pries it open. Wes power sit back on but Dom tries again. Wes keeps the headlock on tight, but Dom powers up and pries free. Wes spins it around to headlock Dom again! Dom throws body shots, powers up to a back suplex, but Wes lands on his feet to headlock again! Rhea gets annoyed but Dom rolls free, only for Wes to ELBOW him back! Fans duel, “DOM’S NOT READY!” “YES HE IS!” Wes dodges Dom to DROPKICK him out! Wes goes out, but Rhea shields Dom!

Fans boo but Rhea says Wes ain’t doing anything, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Wes cools off, goes back into the ring, and holds the ropes open for Mami’s little boy. Dom backs off, but the ring count puts on the pressure with Champion’s Advantage in play. Dom slides in but then slides out, refreshing the count. Dom smirks and Rhea applauds but Wes still waits. Dom slides in again, but Wes slides out after him! Wes ROCKS Dom, ROCKS him again, and again! Rhea stays back and Wes chases Dom back into the ring. Wes fires off and BOOTS Dom to a corner! And then CHOPS him! Dom staggers away to another corner, but Wes runs in to CHOP again! Dom staggers to yet another corner while Rhea gets mad.

Wes runs in to CHOP again! Dom staggers and flops to the fourth corner, and he YANKS Wes into buckles! Dom stomps a mudhole into Wes but the ref counts. Dom lets off at 4 and the ref warns him. Dom digs his boots in, springboard stomps Wes again and again, a la Finn, and Rhea lounges on the apron. Dom digs his knee into Wes, then sits Wes up into a chinlock. Wes endures as Dom squeezes tight, and Rhea is all smiles. Wes fights up, throws elbows, and NXT returns to single picture as Dom throws Wes by his hair! Fans boo but Dom drags Wes up. Dom gives us some Latino Heat and then suplexes! Uni Amigo!

Dom gets up, brings Wes around, DOS AMIGOS! Fans boo more, and Dom gives some more Latino Heat. THREE- NO, Wes slips free but Dom dodges to DROPKICK! Wes staggers around, fans chant “YOU’RE NOT EDDIE!” and “LET HIM COOK!” Wes is on ropes, Dom dials it up, 619! Dom gets Wes up to scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up while Rhea is furious! Dom frowns and he drags Wes around to stomp. Fans chant chant “WHAT SIDE?” “WES SIDE!” Dom goes up a corner, tells fans to shut up, and gives more Latino Heat. Fans boo but Dom FROG SPLASHES and FLOPS as Wes moves!

Rhea worries and coaches Dom but fans again chant “YOU’RE NOT EDDIE!” Dom and Wes rise, and Wes throws a haymaker! Dom gives it back, so Wes UPPERCUTS! Dom staggers but he forearms back! Wes ROCKS Dom, but Dom throws a body shot! Wes headlocks, but Dom hits a BIG back suplex! Dom dumps Wes hard and then pushes him to a cover, TWO! Dom stomps and rains down fists on Wes as the fans go back to “YOU’RE NOT READY!” Dom paces around and blows snot at the fans. Now that’s dirty! Dom stalks Wes, drags him up, and whips him to a corner hard! Wes bounces off buckles and falls to the mat!

Fans boo but Rhea likes what she sees as Dom storms up on Wes. Dom drags Wes up by his hair, and ROCKS him with a right! Dom whips corner to corner, runs in but Wes BOOTS! Wes snarls and swings body shots and haymakers! Wes fires off from all sides on Dom and has him on the ropes! Wes whips, Dom reverses but Wes CLOBBERS Dom! And again! Wes fires off more fast hands, kicks, but Dom powers out of the snapmare! Wes comes back to kick and kick and DOUBLE STOMP! Fans rally but Rhea stares Wes down. Wes runs in but Dom dodges. Wes goes back and HEEL KICKS!

Wes goes up now, and he FLYING CHUCKS! Wes goes back up to FLYING DDT!! Dom flounders and Rhea gest him out of the ring! Dom staggers but Wes fires up! Wes builds speed, but Dom gets away. Dom grabs the belt? Fans boo, Dom says it’s his now! The ref reprimands, but Wes DIVES and hits Dom at the ramp! Wes puts Dom in the ring, goes up the corner, and he SKY TWISTERS! But FINN IS HERE! AND DAMIAN! But Wes avoids Damian’s cheap shot to CARDIAC KICK!! Wes aims, but Rhea CLOBBERS him with HER belt!! Fans freak out as Dom crawls to the cover!! DOM WINS!!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)

The Judgment Day does it again! They pull out the numbers game trump card, and Dom just stole the gold! Dom has his first singles gold in WWE, and Ali’s concern is justified. Will Wes find a way to correct this before The Great American Bash? Or will the Judgment Day truly take over the WWE by any means necessary?

My Thoughts:

What a wild episode of NXT with just 12 days before Great American Bash. And the wildest was that main event! I did not think they’d pull this move with Dom beating Wes for the title, but this is the Judgment Day, a faction that WWE is really getting behind. Ali had a good promo with Wes but great tie-in that Ali was worried something would happen because he knows how sneaky the Judgment Day can be. Wes’ streak ends suddenly, so great shock value that might actually make NXT feel must-see to those only watching RawDown. Dom is definitely bringing that belt to Raw next week just to rub it in, and I wonder/hope if Wes shows up to demand his rematch.

Also nice tie-in from Tony D’Angelo playing along with “Dom really was in a real prison, honest,” good stuff. Tony’s homecoming promo segment was of course interrupted by Gallus, and great little brawl. Bringing out the sticks and crowbars makes me wonder if they’ll escalate things to a No Disqualification tag match. I kinda like that, it’d make it so there’s no Champion’s Advantage, and if Tony & Stacks did lose, at least they’d be strong because perhaps Joe gets involved. And great win from Thea over Elektra and really good promo with Tiffany. I knew as soon as Tiff said “and you can’t make me,” she was gonna get tapped out by Thea. A Submission match is going to be great stuff, and this might be why and how Tiffany joins forces with Gulak & Dempsey.

Great combo of NXT Anonymous spying on Roxie and Booker T and then Roxie and Blair having their video interviews. But also an interesting move for Blair to brush off Roxie’s anger. I guess, in kayfabe, Blair didn’t watch NXT while she was away because she would’ve seen Roxie go off on Gigi & Jacy when they were still Toxic Attraction. I almost hope that Roxie will beat down Blair and get herself disqualified just so she gets the (sorta) moral victory by showing Blair that Roxie can be dangerous. And then we got a decent rematch from Kiana and Gigi and of course Kiana wins. I’m still hoping on a stipulation based blowoff between the two, with paint and office supplies as the weapons.

Really surprised by Scrypts setting Axiom up like that. Very similar to how Shayna did Ronda at Money in the Bank, but I would think Scrypts stays the Heel in this whereas Shayna became the Face. But either way, it was natural for Price & Nima to win as the new team. It did seem weird Scrypts was trying to be Axiom’s pal anyway, so now they can really go to another level as enemies. And I loved Dar the entire time Meta Four was on screen tonight. It’s almost like Weekend at Bernie’s where Dar is dead and Lash is puppeting him around. But clever way to use him as a distraction so Dijak can attack Eddy and they all give Oro the win.

I still think someone needs to point out that Dar didn’t lose the cup to Frazer, Oro did, and that will revive Dar and he goes for a rematch against Frazer. Great tag match from Frazer & Dragon VS Los Lotharios, and of course the Faces win. But I did not expect Humberto to get so mad at Garza. I hope those two don’t break up NXT is such a stacked tag division and there doesn’t seem to be a good opening in the RawDown divisions, so maybe them splitting up is the best thing for both of them right now. As for Frazer & Dragon, I do hope we see them stick together, Frazer defending the Heritage Cup and Dragon going after either the North American or even top title.

And great stuff in the top title’s story. Great promo with Trick Melo Gang and Dragunov, and then interaction with them against The Schism. I am definitely looking forward to the Six Man Tag of The Schism VS Dragunov, Melo & Trick. Dragunov and Melo of course are the “Can they coexist?” element on their team, but between Ivy Nile having no one around and wanting payback on Ava, or even The Creeds revealing themselves from among the masked followers, there could still be something that causes The Schism to lose.

Also, Ivy taking down the banner was a really sad moment in a way, because it makes you think of how promising the faction was when it started in the last days of Black ‘n’ Gold NXT, but then got changed up a bit during 2.0. Maybe Ivy is taking down the banner as a fake out, and after the Creeds get one last revenge on The Schism, Ivy also leaves with Julius & Brutus to RawDown (probably more SmackDown) so the dojo can’t stay in one place, the Diamond Mine is going to be traveling around the world now.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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