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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (8/1/23)

And still… HIM!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Carmelo Hayes continues his era!

The Great American Bash was quite the party, and Carmelo Hayes still reigns as NXT Champion! But then, who will be next to step up… to HIM?


  • Lyra Valkyria VS Jacy Jayne; Lyra wins.
  • Eddy Thorpe VS DIJAK; Dijak wins.
  • Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz VS Elektra Lopez & Loa Vice; Lopez & Vice win.
  • Carmelo Hayes & Wes Lee VS Noam Dar & Oro Mensah w/ Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson; Noam & Oro win.
  • Andre Chase w/ Chase U VS Baron Corbin; Corbin wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Gallus VS Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & ???; Tony, Stacks & Santos Escobar win.


WWE mourns the loss of Adrian Street.


The D’Angelo Family pulls into the parking lot.

But then GALLUS jumps them!! Wolfgang chokes Stacks, Tony fights the Coffey Brothers, and the 3v2 is becoming too much for the new tag team champions! Stacks is thrown into the door, then Gallus mugs Tony! Joe tells Tony that it is ALWAYS AND FOREVER, Gallus Boys On Top! Gallus heads out, is celebration going to turn right into planning revenge


Jacy Jayne storms onto commentary.

She tells Vic Joseph to stop talking, because tonight, she finishes what she started at the Bash! But Lyra won’t have anyone to pull Jacy off her! With that, tonight starts off with a grudge match! Will the Toxic Traitor rip off The Morrigan’s wings?

Lyra Valkyria VS Jacy Jayne!

Jacy doesn’t even wait, she goes after Lyra at the ramp! They brawl, Lyra throws knees but Jacy RAMS Lyra into the apron! Fans boo and Jacy goes to the apron. Jacy wants Lyra to stand, and then she CANNONBALLS Lyra down! Jacy howls but fans boo as she puts Lyra in the ring. Jacy wants the bell but the ref checks Lyra. Lyra says she wants this, too, so the bell rings! Jacy goes after Lyra with fast hands in the corner! Jacy stomps a mudhole, the ref counts, but Jacy lets off. Lyra dodges the boot, fires off ridge hands, and she ROCKS Jacy again and again! Lyra whips, Jacy reverses but Lyra CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!

Lyra keeps on Jacy with a fireman’s carry, but Jacy flails free. Jacy shoves Lyra, runs in and back body checks! Jacy snapmares to KICK Lyra in the back, then mule kick her down! Cover, TWO! Jacy says, “This is who you want?” and fans cheer! Jacy RAMS Lyra into the corner, and again, and digs her shoulder in! The ref counts, Jacy lets off at 4, but then Lyra goes up and over and handsprings to SHOTGUN Jacy down! Fans fire up with Lyra while Jacy bails out. Lyra aims to PLANCHA! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Lyra drags Jacy up, to RAM her into the apron! And again! Jacy falls over and Lyra tells her this is what she gets. Lyra drags Jacy up, puts her in the ring, then storms over to bring her up. Lyra snapmares Jacy to then SLAM DUNK her head off the mat! Lyra drags Jacy up, UPPERCUTS, and Jacy staggers. Lyra whips, Jacy reverses and runs in, but into a BOOT! Lyra goes up but Jacy YANKS her down! Lyra hits buckles, and then Jacy hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Jacy is frustrated and she rains down fists on Lyra! Lyra crawls to a corner, Jacy swaggers, then she storms up to CHOKE Lyra on the ropes!

The ref counts, Jacy lets off at 4, and she stalks Lyra. Lyra mule kicks but Jacy ROCKS Lyra with a forearm! Jacy has Lyra on the ropes and CHOPS her! Lyra staggers to a corner, and Jacy CHOPS her again! Jacy keeps after Lyra with another CHOP! Jacy soaks up the heat then stalks Lyra to a corner. Lyra RAMS into Jacy, whips, but Jacy reverses to CLOBBER Lyra! Jacy paces around, drags her up, and whips Lyra into a corner! Jacy whips Lyra the other way and Lyra hits buckles hard! Lyra sits down, Jacy howls and then CANNONBALLS! Jacy pushes Lyra out to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Lyra is hanging tough but Jacy drags her back up.

Jacy KICKS Lyra’s arm but Lyra fires haymakers! Jacy kicks low again, snapmares and CLUBS Lyra in the neck! Jacy then clamps on a top wristlock half nelson combo, and even adds a chinbar. NXT returns to single picture as fans rally up for Lyra. Lyra fights up, arm-drags Jacy away, then she runs in. Jacy dodges, comes back, but Lyra BOOTS her! And ELBOWS her! Lyra runs, slips around, and O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Jacy rolls Lyra up, TWO! Jacy ELBOWS Lyra back down! Jacy grins and she SENTONS again! Cover, TWO! Jacy slaps herself to keep her focus. Fans rally up and Jacy scuffs Lyra. Jacy pie faces Lyra and eggs her on.

Lyra glares, grabs Jacy’s foot, and she spins Jacy to SOBAT! Front kick! HEADBUTT! Lyra runs, ducks and ROUNDHOUSES! And ROUNDHOUSES! Fans fire up as Lyra clinches, but Jacy fights the suplex! Jacy knees low, runs in, but Lyra sidesteps! Jacy tumbles out and Lyra WRECKS her with a dropkick! Lyra roars and fans fire up! Lyra puts Jacy in, climbs the corner, and CROSSBODIES! Lyra then reels Jacy in, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Jacy is still in this but Lyra smiles. Lyra looms over Jacy as fans rally up. Lyra KICKS Jacy, and KICKS her again! Fans fire up as Jacy flounders around.

Lyra sits Jacy up, and says this is payback! KICK! Lyra clamps onto Jacy’s chin, lines her up, but Jacy ducks the enziguri! Jacy shoves, BOOTS, but Lyra comes back! Into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO!! Fans fire up but Jacy has a crazy smile on her face. Jacy drags Lyra up, RAMS her into a corner, and RAMS her again and again! The ref counts, Jacy lets off at 4, and she runs back in. Lyra goes up and over, but Jacy SUPERKICKS! Jacy spins, Lyra ducks, HEEL KICK! Fans fire up, Lyra goes back up, FLYING SPLASH!! Cover, Lyra wins!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall

Lyra finishes things with Jacy and comes out on top, just as Mami Rhea wanted. Will this win establish Lyra as next in line for the NXT Women’s Championship?


Trick Melo Gang talks backstage.

The Great American Bash was crazy! That was Melo’s toughest challenge and his greatest performance. It could’ve gone either way, and Trick says that’s why he used that belt as motivation. Melo appreciates it, and apologizes for Trick taking that headbutt from Ilja. That was somewhere between bad luck and instincts. Trick says to forget that, as long as Melo got the W. That’s what it is, and that’s all it’s gonna be. But uh, check this. Now that Dragunov is in the rearview, Trick means what he said. Well, he said a lot last week. Trick says he’s gotta start doing things for himself. Melo says go ahead, get your bag.

No, Melo doesn’t understand what Trick means. Trick says they’re always gonna be friends, ride or die. But Trick ain’t a sidekick. Melo never said he was! He doesn’t see Trick like that! Trick says Melo may not, but “they” do! Melo is Melo, he’s on top and doing his thing, rightfully so. Maybe one of the best ever. But Trick isn’t a champion. Melo is. Melo beat the Mad Dragon, but Trick needs to get one for himself. Trick needs to show Dragunov that Trick can slay dragons, too. Melo says damn. He respects that. Trick says this ain’t a break-up, he just has to be his own man. Well, Melo has Trick’s back. Shoot for the stars and don’t miss. They shake on it, and Trick heads out. Will Trick bring gold of his own to Trick Melo Gang?


Tony & Stacks are getting checked out in the medical wing.

Stacks says that was some bull. McKenzie Mitchell walks over and brings up the attack. Not exactly what they expected for tonight. Does the doctor have a medical update for them? Tony speaks up first, saying the update is that Gallus are dead men walking. That was an act of desperation. They lost the titles at GAB, and now- And NOW, they can just turn their car right back around and get in the building. Tony wants Gallus, and he means ALL of Gallus. Stacks brings up how that’s 3v2! Then Tony will make a call. To who? Stacks knows who. Tony just hopes he’ll pick up. Tony & Stacks head out, despite the doctor’s wishes. Just who will be the third man for the Family?


Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley are here!

Fans boo as “Dirty” Dom and Mami walk to the ring, Dom still holding onto the North American Championship only because of Mami. Rhea gets the mics to say, “AND STILL your NXT North American Champion… DIRTY DOMINIK MYSTERIO~!” Fans boo as Dom says, “Mami’s always right.” Rhea agrees, and says at the GAB, Dom proved he’s more of a man than Wes Lee and Mustafa Ali, and certainly more of a man than every single man in the crowd. And that makes Dom the greatest luchador that’s ever lived! Rhea says that’s facts. Dom continues to prove every- OH! Here comes Dragon Lee!

Fans fire up as the Wonder Boy has his own mic. Dragon tells Dom, “I won’t let you disrespect the NXT Universe or your heritage any longer.” Rhea laughs and tells Dom it’s Rey Mysterio Jr. Jr. Dragon says he doesn’t like Rhea. And Dom, if Dragon has this right, Dom says he’s the greatest luchador of all time? Dragon does not believe that, the fans do not believe that, and even Dom doesn’t believe that! Because the greatest luchador of all time is TU PADRE, REY Mysterio! Dom says HE makes the Mysterio name relevant! HE is the champion! Ah ah ah ah ah! Dragon knows Dom is only champion because his Mami was there.

Dragon can’t even understand it! How is it Rhea has Dom’s… cajones in her purse. Rhea looks Dragon up and down, and then says Dom’s are still bigger than Dragon’s. Then prove it! Next week, for the title! Rhea says okay and Dom says he is a fighting champion. We’ll see what happens next week. Rhea will of course be in Dom’s corner, she is all he needs. And wherever her Latino Heat goes, she goes. Perfect! Cuz next week, Dragon won’t be alone, either. Dragon looks to the tron, and REY has a message for Dom! Fans go nuts as Rey tells little Dominik that guess what? Rey is proud to say that he is coming to NXT to be in the corner of someone he truly respects! The future of lucha libre, Dragon Lee!

And hate to break it to you, but Rey will have the best seat in the house, and he can’t wait as Dragon just totally… Well, you know. Dragon’s gonna take that North American Championship! See you then. Dom and Rhea are upset, but will they still find a way to do this title dirty?


Melo is on the phone.

But then Wes storms in and throws some stuff around. Melo asks what’s up, what’s wrong? Wes says it’s not Melo’s concern, he should worry about recovering from his match with Dragunov. Melo still asks what’s bugging Wes. Does Melo care? Man, save the self-pity! Self pity?! Wes throws a chair aside as he shouts he has lost THREE WEEKS IN A ROW! Melo is on top of the world as NXT Champion after tearing the house down in Texas, and Wes is scraping by and fighting for his life. Don’t dare act like you know what Wes is going through!

Melo tells Wes to calm the hell down because Wes doesn’t understand what it is to BE NXT Champion. Melo went through a war on Sunday. Melo can barely even breathe, but you don’t see him complaining and whining. Another man will step up to the plate, Dragunov will want a rematch. Nobody gets it, since y’all ain’t ever lived it. Now Melo gets why Breakker snapped. Oh, Wes knows what it is to be a champion. But in steps Noam Dar with Oro Mensah. Look at this mad, sad little boys. Well life ain’t sweet if you ain’t Meta Four. And life IS sweet! Dar has something neither of them will ever have, and that’s the Heritage Cup Championship.

Uh, Dar, you’re not the Cup Champion. It’s Frazer. Oh, Wes wants to get real? Well, Wes never beat Dar, but Dom beat Wes twice! Wes step sup, Oro pushes him, and a brawl breaks out! Other superstars step in between these four, will the Scottish Supernova and his main man end up humbled but Wes and HIM?


Backstage interview with Chase U.

McKenzie is with Andre Chase, Duke Hudson and Thea Hail as she brings up the second loss to Tiffany. It was an incredible fight, but Thea was rather emotional after. How is she feeling now? Thea says she gave it everything she had, left it all in the ring, and Chase threw in the towel. She didn’t give up! She swears she didn’t! Chase says that’s true, she did not give up. But he had to do that! NO HE DIDN’T! Baron Corbin walks over and says seriously, this is over, there’s the exit. No it’s not, this is their allotted time. Then get through it already! Just say sorry for crushing Thea’s hopes and dreams and go.

Oh, sorry, did Corbin even see the match while being thrown around by an Olympic Gold Medalist? Corbin laughs and says if Gable shows his face again, Corbin will finish that fight. And since Chase won’t say it, Corbin will. Corbin leans in to tell Thea, “Excuse me, little girl. This job, it’s not for everybody. You tried, and you failed. And you peaked on Sunday. So you should pack your things and find something else to do.” Chase tells Corbin that’s enough. He’s a POS and Chase won’t let him talk to Thea like that! Well, tighten your dress pants and do something about it. Oh, Chase will. Chase won’t let people talk to Thea like that, but Thea doesn’t want to talk to Chase.

What can Chase do to make it up to her? Will humbling Corbin be a good start?


Eddy Thorpe VS DIJAK!

The Alpha Wolf has been racking up wins, including in an NXT Underground match, but none of that matters to #HardJustice! Will Dijak make Eddy prove to him that he’s legit? Or will Eddy’s momentum be put in lockdown?

NXT returns as Dijak makes his entrance. The bell rings and Eddy dodges a boot to fire off forearms! Eddy bobs ‘n’ weaves, UPPERCUTS and CHOPS! Eddy whips, Dijak reverses but Eddy comes back to SHOTGUN! Eddy CLUBS Dijak, fires off body shots, but Dijak shoves him away. Dijak kicks low, headlocks, but Eddy powers out. Eddy hurdles then CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up with Eddy and he drags Dijak up to snapmare. Eddy KICKS Dijak, but Dijak choke grips! Eddy breaks free and CHOPS, but Dijak CHOPS! Eddy CHOPS, Dijak LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Eddy hangs tough and fans rally up.

Dijak waits on Eddy to rise, choke grips again, but Eddy throws elbows! Eddy puts Dijak in the corner, RAMS into him again and again, but Dijak boots him away! Eddy returns but Dijak moves, and Eddy POSTS himself! Eddy staggers into the choke grip! HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, TWO!??! Eddy survives and shocks Dijak! Dijak seethes and he aims from a corner. Eddy stands, Dijak spins, but into a SOBAT! And ENZIGURI! Eddy runs in to HELLUVA KICK! And SAIDO! Fans fire up as Eddy hurries to cover, TWO!! Dijak survives and Eddy shakes out his arms. Fans rally, Eddy crawls back and wraps on a rear bearhug.

Fans rally, Dijak fights up, and he fights the lift! Dijak pries the hold open, wrenches and WRINGS Eddy out! Eddy writhes, Dijak drags him up and POSTS him again! Dijak grins now and he drags Eddy up, to torture rack! FEAST YOUR- NO, Eddy slips out to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up with Eddy and he runs to JUMP ELBOW! But that was the bad arm! Dijak flops out of the ring and fans boo. Eddy hurries over to drag Dijak up, but Dijak YANKS Eddy into the post! Then he SUPERKICKS Eddy back in! Dijak slides in, grits his teeth and CYCLONE BOOTS!! Cover, Dijak wins!

Winner: Dijak, by pinfall

The Alpha Wolf fought hard but he could only do so much with one arm. Will Dijak use this win to establish himself as the top dog in NXT?


Tony D’Angelo is on the phone.

He says they’ll never believe it! Gallus got them right outside the car! Stacks walks over and asks what he’s saying. Tony says if anyone understands this, it’s him. Business is business. Look, do this for him and they’re even stevens. Good? Good! Yeah, see you then. So he’s in? He’s on the way. The Underboss & The Don are ready, but just who is this ringer they’re calling it?


Dana Brooke & Kelani Jordan watch back film.

Kelani can’t believe how Dana just kept hitting Cora Jade again and again with that kendo stick. Cora didn’t stand a chance! “Good for you, girl! Cora should’ve never got on your bad side.” Dana says Cora brought out something in Dana. A dark side. It just kinda came out. But that’s the side that maybe we needed to see. Yeah! After all the different directions her career has gone, after seeing all those negative comments, as soon as Dana had that kendo stick in hand, she saw red. But y’know what? Dana kinda liked it. Kelani says Dana is kinda badass. Yeah? Yeah. Maybe that’s something Kelani should try to tap into.

How so? All the gymnastics training is great, but Kelani needs to call someone out! Find that killer instinct! Hmm… Kelani thinks about it. Will she and Dana sharpen their edge and climb the ranks of NXT?


Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz VS Elektra Lopez & Loa Vice!

Leon & Feroz helped Nathan Frazer & Dragon Lee defeat Meta Four in the Great American Bash Kickoff Show, but if you asked La Madrina and her MMA amiga, it was more the other way around. Will Lopez & Lola prove they have the fire and desire? Or will there be plenty of Latina Heat from Leon & Feroz?

The teams sort out, Leon starts against Lopez and the two tie up. They go around, Leon waistlocks, Lopez switches and SLAMS Leon down! Lopez wraps on a SLEEPER but Leon arm-drags free! Feroz tells Leon to get fired up, and Leon gets around to waistlock and SLAM Lopez! Then she gator rolls, bearhug rolls, and brings Lopez up to wrench. Lopez ROCKS Leon, whips her away, but Leon springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! And then regular arm-drag! Tag to Feroz, fans fire up as Leon snapmares and Feroz gets a boost, LIONSAULT! Cover, ONE!! Feroz runs but Lola stands in the way! They argue, and Lopez sucker punches Feroz!

Lopez kicks and CLUBS Feroz, talks a lot of trash, and then SMACKS Feroz off the mat! Tag to Lola and they double LARIAT, and DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Lola whips Feroz to a corner, runs in, and SPINNING SOBATS! Lola tosses her hair, fires up and hits a HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Lola clamps onto Feroz with a facelock, tags in Lopez, and Lopez runs in to ELBOW! And ENZIGURI! Cover, TWO! Lopez wraps on body scissors and a SLEEPER! Feroz endures, pries the hold open, but Lopez clamps it back on! Feroz pushes back to a cover, TWO!! Lopez keeps Feroz from Leon but Feroz ENZIGUFRIS!

Lola tags in, intercepts Feroz and back suplexes, but Feroz lands on her feet! Feroz slips under, hot tag to Leon! Leon rallies on Lola with forearms and elbows! And a GUT WRENCH PLEX! And then another! And then a scoop to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, Lopez breaks it! Feroz fires off on Lopez! Lopez shoves her then THROAT CHOPS! Lopez TOSSES Feroz, but Leon LARIATS Lopez! But Lola runs up to HEEL KICK!! Cover, Lola & Lopez win!

Winners: Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez, by pinfall

It was a lot of chaos, but in the end, Lopez & Lola proved their point! Their fire was hotter, will they blaze a trail up to the top?


Tiffany Stratton posted a TikTok.

It was a #GRWM, a “Get Ready With Me.” She recorded herself doing her make-up as she reminded us all that she faced “a little girl full of energy, Thea Hail.” But she won’t lie, Thea pushed her. There were so many moments where Tiff wanted to give up. Her arm was hurting so bad, she literally could’ve passed out from the pain. But after weeks of torture, it is finally over. And she will be back next week to grace us with her presence. Maybe she’ll choose her next opponent, throw a #Tiffybration, or whatever else she wants. But whatever it’ll be, you can believe it’ll be fabulous. What will be next for Wrestling Barbie in NXT?


Carmelo Hayes & Wes Lee VS Noam Dar & Oro Mensah w/ Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson!

Holla holla, player, Teddy Long would be proud of this impromptu tag match! But will the NXT Champion and the former North American Champion be feeling much better after shutting up the supposed Heritage Cup Champion and his sidekick?

Wes doesn’t wait, he DIVES onto Dar & Oro during their entrance! Wes DECKS Oro, fires off hands, and fans fire up! Dar CLOBBERS Wes, he and Oro mug Wes, but then Melo FLIES in to take them out! Melo helps Wes up and they brawl with Meta Four more. Wes SMACKS Dar off the apron, brings him around and SMACKS him off more apron, then fires off hands! Oro kicks Melo, Wes wrenches Dark, and Wes APRON BACK SUPLEXES! Melo gets in with Dar, the match begins! Dar bails out but Melo storms up to ROCK him! And then REBOUND PLEX! Fans fire up and Melo goes up, but Dar gets under the three pointer!

Dar runs in but into an arm-drag! And a DROPKICK! Wes wants in, but Melo says he’s got this. But then Melo figures alright, since Wes wants in. But Dar wrenches and sweeps the leg! Dar drags Melo up, tags in Oro, and Meta Four mugs him. Oro ROCKS Melo, snapmares and then brings him up again to UPPERCUT! Oro back suplexes but Melo lands out! Melo shoves, dodges, SPRINGBOARD LARIAT! Tag to Wes and Wes jumps in. Wes SENTONS, covers, TWO! Wes drags Oro up, throws knees, then whips him to the corner. Wes runs in, UPPERCUTS, and he tags Melo in. Wes holds Oro for Melo to fire hands!

Melo snapmares, KICKS, and then tags Wes back in. Melo drags Oro up, Wes jumps in again to UPPERCUT! Wes fires off hands, the ref counts, Oro slaps Wes so Wes BOOTS Oro! Wes brings Oro around, keeps Melo from tagging in, and Oro CLUBS Wes! Wes RAMS into Oro, and TACKLES him! Jackknife cover, TWO! Melo tags in now, and he helps Wes get Oro up. They double whip and DOUBLE DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Melo covers, TWO! Tag back to Wes and he goes up a corner. But Lash drags Oro out to safety! Fans boo and Wes glares. Dar also hurries over, to protect the Cup. Melo has everyone just settle down, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Dark has Wes’s arm. Wes endures, fights up and throws body shots, but Dar CLUBS him! Dar facelocks, tags Oro, and Meta Four mugs Wes! Oro holds Wes in the ropes so Dar can KICK him! Oro lets go at 4, then he drags Wes back up. Oro hits an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Oro KICKS Wes in the back, and Oro drags Wes up. Wes throws body shots, but Oro CLUBS him! And kicks! But Wes blocks, avoids the flip kick, and basement dropkicks! Fans fire up as both men are down! Wes and Oro crawl, hot tags to Dar and Melo! Fans rally as Melo rallies on Dar!

Melo DECKS Dar, CHOPS Dar, LARIATS Dar, and fires up! Melo whips, Dar reveres but Melo dodges to KNEE SMASH, and atomic drop! Whip to the corner, forearm smash! Melo snapmares then SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! Mell is annoyed but Dar bails out. Melo PLANCHAS but Dar moves! Dar comes back but Melo ROCKS him! Melo puts Dar in, but Oro runs in! Melo ELBOWS Dar, and Lash runs in!? Melo dodges her, gets in the ring, ducks the roundhouse but not the BACKHAND! Melo still ROCKS Dar in return! Dar wrenches, Melo whips, but Dar reverses! Melo LA MYSTICA! Fans fire up and Melo tags Wes!

Wes goes up, he aims, but Jakara gets in the ring?! Wes has had it, he just JUMPS! Jakara runs away, Dar takes the SKY TWISTER!! Cover, ORO BREAKS IT! Melo rushes Oro, whips, but Oro comes back to ROCK him! Melo BOOTS Oro! Wes drags Dar up, but Dar wrenches out to kick the leg! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Dar runs up but into an elbow! Wes goes up to FLYING CHUCK! Wes goes to the corner, Melo finishes with Oro and rushes Dar, but the CARDIAC KICK hits HIM! Fans can’t believe it, and then Oro SUPERKICKS Wes!! Dar aims, to NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, Meta Four wins!!

Winners: Noam Dar & Oro Mensah, by pinfall

Fans boo, but Dar’s team doesn’t care, they pinned a former North American Champion and the current NXT Champion! Will this change the power dynamic in NXT four-ever? As for Wes and Melo, they argue about their miscommunication. But while Melo is willing to let it slide, Wes isn’t! He asks what was going on! Melo says this isn’t something to worry about. But Wes says it IS! Will Wes’s anger lead him to go after HIM next?


Bron Breakker speaks.

“Von Wagner. How you holding up after that Spear last week?” Bron’s had the chance to watch Von’s story unfold, and he has to say… It’s touching stuff. Really is. (That’s sarcasm) Bron will shot straight, though. Von’s a nobody, just like his father! Von’s soft, that’s it! Telling it like it is! If Von doesn’t like what Brno’s saying, then come find him! But if you do, that picture from when Von was a kid with the scar on his head, if you think that was bad. wait until Bron’s done with you. One badass second generation star calls out the other, who will come out of it as the baddest?


Rhea & Dom are taking their leave.

Dom is upset that Dragon and Rey are trying to steal his spotlight. But then Axiom walks over! And Axiom says Dom is a parasite! Leeching off his father’s blood, sweat and tears. But Axiom can’t wait for next week when Dragon takes him on. Wait, didn’t this guy already say how much he loves Rey? No, that was Dragon Lee! Oh, then who the hell is this? But Mustafa Ali gets in Dom’s face. He wants to talk. Axiom was just talking to him! Right, but hold on. Ali wants to talk about Sunday. Rhea says Ali lost. Ali isn’t the one who got pinned. Axiom asks what’s going on here, but then Rhea 7 Dom leave.

Ali is upset, Axiom says Ali was the one disrespecting him. Oh, right, sorry, Axiom got disrespected! Hey, everybody, Axiom got disrespected! Try being disrespected for EIGHT YEARS!! Go worry about the Heritage Cup or Scrypts. That NAC is Ali’s! Ali isn’t doing himself any favors, will he have to worry about the Undeniable Truth on top of Dirty Dom?


Andre Chase w/ Chase U VS Baron Corbin!

The Professor looks to defend his student’s honor, but he’s going up against the new “No BS, burn the ships” Baron Corbin. Will this be a #TeachableMoment for Corbin about respect? Or for Chase that not everyone can succeed?

NXT returns as Chase U makes their entrance. Thea is not her usual hyper self, but Duke encourages her to still be here for Mr. Chase. The bell rings and Chase circles with Corbin. They tie up, Corbin powers Chase to the corner, and fans rally up. Corbin knees low, CLUBS Chase, and some fans even chant, “Throw The Towel!” Corbin short arm LARIATS Chase! Corbin paces, he tells Thea to watch her mentor. But Chase swings around! Corbin powers out of the crucifix but Chase sunset flips! Corbin drags Chase up to knee low again! Corbin scoops, Chase slips off and rolls Corbin up! TWO, and Chase dodges to go up and over and sunset flip again! TWO!

Corbin is flustered, and Chase says that was a TEACHABLE MOMENT! Then Chase DROPKICKS! Corbin bails out, Chase pursues, but Corbin fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY BOMB to the floor! Fans boo and Corbin stares at Thea. Duke stands in the way, and Corbin goes back to the apron. Chase drags himself up, so Corbin goes after him, to POST him! Fans chant “WE WANT THEA!” as Corbin goes in to drop elbow after elbow on Chase’s back! Corbin HAMMERS away on Chase, then drags him up. Corbin puts Chase in the corner, whips him corner to corner hard, and Chase bounces off buckles!

Corbin stalks Chase as he writhes, and he pulls Chase back in a camel clutch! The fans chant “THROW THE TOWEL!” as Corbin CLUBS away on Chase! Corbin TOSSES Chase out, goes out after him, and drags him up. Corbin RAMS Chase into barriers! Chase staggers, Corbin taunts the Chase U Student Section! Corbin puts Chase in, grins at Thea, and goes back in. Chase dodges, blocks a boot, KNEE JAMMER! Chase KICKS and CHOPS, but Corbin shoves him away! Chase ducks ‘n’ dodges to dropkick the legs out! Fans rally up as Chase whips Corbin. Corbin reverses but Chase reverses to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

Fans are torn as Chase hobbles up. Time to spell it out! C! H! A! S! E! What’s that spell!? CHASE U~! Fans fire up as Chase goes up the corner. Corbin runs in, Chase leaps over! Chase comes back, into a SPINEBUSTER! Corbin gets a leg, and he has a HALF CRAB! A direct reference to Great American Bash! And THEA THROWS THE TOWEL!! But Corbin catches it!? And throws it back?! Thea says fine and just leaves! But then Chase cradles Corbin! TWO!! Chase CHOPS, but Corbin CLUBS Chase! END OF DAYS!! Cover, Corbin wins!

Winner: Baron Corbin, by pinfall

Duke is disappointed, but what is it Chase U can do to get back on track after Sunday? As for Corbin, will he take what he feels he’s owed?


Roxanne Perez shares her homecoming with NXT.

Coming home to Texas, she felt so good to be back. She missed Texas so much. Coming into the WWE, she had to find herself. And now, she knows who Roxie Perez is, and what she won’t take. Roxie reunites with her family, they are so proud of her and her hard work. Mom says it’s all Roxie, and Raquel was worried she might have to close her eyes with the Weapons Wild Match.

And of course, Roxie went to WonderCon, only for Blair to try and ruin the fun. They had their pull-apart scrap, and Roxie vowed to make Blair regret everything she’s ever done to her. Booker T taught Roxie that she can’t focus on the past, she has to push forward and focus on what’s next. This match was for every victim of Blair’s “reign of terror.” And we know how that match went down! Roxie give as good as she got, and she came out on top! Sorry not sorry for what she had to do. And honestly, no more apologies to anyone that forgot this is Roxie Perez. “And you can’t break me.” Will Roxie be unstoppable on her road back to the top?


Tony’s mystery man appears!

Great muscle car, great shoes, but we don’t get to see his face! Who is this walking in to back up The Don?


The Meta Four celebrates backstage.

Dar says they are untouchable! Lash wants them to hold up, wait a minute! Does he realize what happened? “Y’all  just beat the NXT Champion, and the most successful North American Champion of all time!” More applause! It feels good to be great. But Tyler Bate walks in! Don’t tell Bate that Dar only just got that cup back. C’mon, man, have you been living under a rock? Well, if you think about it, many people live their lives under metaphorical rocks. Meta Four? But Bate says he was on a meditation retreat to destress and reconnect with himself and his roots. Ever been to Tibet?

Jakara doesn’t care about anything that Bate just said. But clearly, Dar never actually lost the cup. Um, so then he is the champ? Yes! And he’s beaten everyone else? Yes! There’s that meditation kicking in. Well then, as Bate sees it, Dar could do with a fresh challenger. Um… Bate says challenge accepted! Next week, Dar VS Bate, for the Cup! Bye-bye! What? NO! That’s not…! Did Dar and Meta Four put all of their feet in their mouths? Will the Big Strong Boi’s return to NXT bring him a return to former glory?


The Schism and their followers are in the ring.

Ava Raine, Joe Gacy & The Dyad stand with their masked-and-hooded henchmen, and Gacy says they gather tonight under The Schism’s tree from “unfortunate circumstances.” Conflict with new members is not uncommon, but in their experience, can be resolved and explored with an open heart. However… Insubordination and disobedience are toxic to their roots, and must be eradicated! There are two among them who have abandoned their values and pose a direct threat to the sanctity and future of The Schism! TIME’S UP! Jagger & Rip can’t wait! These boys are gonna get theirs. No more Diamond Mine, lads!

Gacy has the Dyad back down. They will do their due diligence. Ava says that week after week, the NXT Universe have been “adorned with these golden masks” (that are bright yellow). And it is a butterfly effect that will have impact for years to come. But two put their hands on the Dyad and that is unacceptable. They will be found out and punished. Step forward one by one and remove the masks! First up, not a Creed. Second, not a Creed. Third, is IKEMEN JIRO~! But he’s not Schism or a Creed! Jiro has a good time on his way out and The Dyad is furious! This is serious business! The fourth is not the Creeds, either, go away! Quincy shrugs and walks away.

That leaves the last two! And the Dyad is convinced! How can these two be here so calmly? The Creeds won’t get one over on them! The Dyad pounces, but reveals NOT Creeds!? The Creeds are on the tron! They’re up here, dummies! The Creeds are at a beach somewhere! To think the Dyad would think those two were the Creeds! You really thought they were in masks? But the surround sound at the hotel did make it feel like the Creeds were right there for that match. But Gacy, the UFOs might’ve fried your brain~! The paranoia is off. They lost the Losers Leave NXT and aren’t in NXT. But they are having the time of their lives!

In fact, they were at the pyramids last week! Wait, the background changes! That’s a green screen! And then Easter Island! Those heads look like Schism masks. Not that they would know, wink wink. But they go back to the beach in Fiji-Hawaii. Well, uh, they went to both. But don’t worry, they are NOT in Orlando. Not even close. They’re just calling in, checking in, and enjoying vacation. They drink it up and head out. The Dyad are furious but Ava & Gacy stop them! “Not like this!” Gacy tells the Creeds that he knows they ARE here! So followers of The Schism worldwide, FIND the Creeds and bring them here!

The cracks are forming in the foundation of this already unstable stable, will Julius & Brutus have their revenge one way or another?


Cora Jade barges into the women’s locker room.

The Punk Rock Mean Girl says, “Move move move! I can’t even believe this! I just loss to Dana Brooke of all people! Y’know, the one who comes to Raw and tries to steal my spotlight? That one! Y’know what? Forget it. I’m done. I’m leaving. I’m sick of this place. Why am I even here?” Cora is packing her things, but then looks at her stack of supposed fan mail. She says the fans are all up in her business, so they can know that she’s LEAVING. She tosses the mail, and then tells everyone good luck without her. They’re gonna need it. No one seems to care… Will the Generation of Jade be the one out of luck without NXT?


Six Man Tag: Gallus VS Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & ???

Joseph, Markus & Wolfie jumped The Don & Underboss the moment they pulled into the parking lot, being the sorest of sore losers from The Great American Bash. But now, Tony vows they’re gonna pay! So who is the third man, brother? It’s… SANTOS ESCOBAR!! Fans fire up as the Emperor of Lucha and the #1 contender to the WWE United States Championship is back in NXT! This is what Tony meant about finally being even with him. Will Escobar help Tony & Stacks finally settle things with Gallus?

Speaking of which, all three throw off their jackets and rush the ring! The brawl is on! Fans fire up as Escobar is after Joe. Tony & Stacks are after Mark and Wolfgang! Escobar, Tony & Stacks TOSS Gallus out, and fans are fired up again! The teams finally sort out, and Stacks starts with Wolfgang at the bell. Stacks throws hands, whips, but Wolfgang reverses, only for Stacks to UPPERCUT! Tag to Tony, the Family mugs Wolfgang, Tony hits a big knee lift and some haymakers! Tony wrenches Wolfgang, tags Stacks, and then bumps Wolfgang off Stacks’ knees! Stacks brings Wolfgang around to ROCK with a haymaker!

Wolfgang shoves Stacks but Stacks drop toeholds! Stacks HAMMERS away, throws knees, then fires fists! Tag to Tony, Tony HIP TOSS SENTONS Stacks into Wolfgang! Tony drags Wolfgang up but Wolfgang ELBOWS free! Tag to Joe, but Tony ROCKS him! Tony TACKLES Escobar, drags him up and reels him in! Mark runs in but Stacks intercepts! Wolfgang runs in, Escobar intercepts! Fans fire up for TRIPLE HOCKEY SCRUMS! The Family shoves Gallus, Tony and Stacks clothesline Mark and Wolfgang! Then Escobar TOSSES Joe! Fans fire up as the Emperor, the Don and the Underboss stand tall, “This is Awesome!”

NXT goes picture in picture and the ref gets Stacks and Escobar to stand down. Gallus fires up, Joe runs in, but into haymakers! Tony DECKS Joe, brings him up, and whips him into the corner! Tag to Stacks, the Family mugs The Iron King! Then tag to Escobar! He gets in on the mugging! Tag to Tony, he drags Joe up, but Joe throws body shots! Tony ROCKS Joe again, then short arm LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Joe hangs in there but Tony drags him up. Tony clinches to BELLY2BELLY! Tony gets the legs, and he stomps away on Joe’s stomach! Tony KICKS Joe in the side, tags in Stacks, and Stacks keeps Joe from Gallus. Cover, TWO!

Stacks drags Joe up, throws knees, but Mark runs in! Stacks DECKS Mark, but Joe CLOBBERS Stacks! Tag to Wolfgang and he drags Stacks up to SNAKE EYES off the apron! Wolfgang puts Stacks in, covers, TWO! Wolfgang keeps on Stacks with a cobra clutch, and he leans on the hold. Stacks kicks and flails as NXT returns to single picture. Fans fire up as Stack stands, but Wolfgang KNEES him low! Fans rally, Stacks fights up, but Mark tags in. Wolfgang ripcords and RAMS Stacks, then feeds Stacks to Mark’s FLYING SHOULDER! Cover, TWO! Mark CLUBS Stacks, tags Joe, and the Coffey Brothers mug Stacks.

Joe whips Stacks into the corner, scoops him and hits a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Tag to Wolfgang and they mug Stacks. Wolfgang DECKS Stacks, then CHOKES him on the ropes! The ref counts and the fans boo but Mark tags in. Mark SMACKS Stacks off the ropes, storms back in and drops knees! Cover, TWO! Mark facelocks to grind Stacks down. Fans rally, Stacks fights up, and Stacks powers his way forward a step at a time! Fans fire up, Stacks reaches out, but Mark KNEES low! Then sucker punch to Escobar! Fans boo but Stacks back drops Mark away! But Joe is creeping! He trips Tony off the apron!

Fans boo but Joe RAMS Tony into barriers! Wolfgang tags in, he runs in at Stacks and scoops to SLAM! Then he goes up to MOONSAULT, but Stacks moves! Hot tags to Mark and Escobar! Escobar rallies on the Coffey Brothers, then ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Mark! And again! Escobar runs in at the corner, but Mark puts him on the apron! Escobar GAMANGIRIS! Escobar climbs up to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Escobar keeps moving, to wheelbarrow and victory roll, HIP DROP on top! Cover, Gallus breaks it! Tony & Stacks DECK Joe and Wolfgang! Fans fire up as the trios regroup! Gallus and the Family brawl it out again!

Fans are thunderous as Tony has Wolfgang, Joe throws hands with Stacks, and Escobar CALF KICKS Mark! Gallus falls out of the ring, Escobar puts Mark up top. Escobar GAMANGIRIS, then he goes up after him! They go tot he very top, SUPER DUPER STEINER!! Escobar then spells it out! “L! W! O!” DOUBLE KNEES in the corner! Tag to Stacks, tag to Tony! “This is Awesome” as BADA BING, BADA BOOM!! Cover, The Family wins!

Winners: Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & Santos Escobar, by pinfall

Rivals became allies and they took down the Gallus Boys! Escobar even joins in on the “EY~!” Will the Family do big things in NXT now? Will Escobar have gold of his own in a few weeks after facing Austin Theory?


Ilja Dragunov speaks.

“Trick Williams. You are the sole reason I am NOT NXT Champion. And you’re saying you’re not done with me? Good. Because I’ not finished with you, either. Trick, look into my eyes. Now you will feel my wrath and my fury. Next week, my retribution begins, and I won’t stop until you are entirely… terminated.” The Mad Dragon is seeing red, will Trick wish he’d stayed home on Sunday?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT to follow Great American Bash, and with some great development into this next phase already. Lyra VS Jacy as the opening match was good stuff, Lyra winning I assume finishes off that story, though maybe not as powerfully as I expected. And along with Tiff’s little make-up video promo, we’re definitely getting a fresh title feud on the road to No Mercy at the end of September. Lyra has felt ready to challenge a champion, her and Tiff faced off before, this could be a great rematch. And plus, we still need Gigi VS Kiana to wrap up before either (Gigi, I assume) gets their own shot at the title.

Really good little video from Roxie to suggest we’ll truly see a more aggressive Roxie from now on. Good promo from Bron to call out Von, they’ll have a really good match. Nice promo from Dana and Kelani to respond to Dana’s win in the Kendo Stick Match. But for talking about her career going here and there, it seems rather random for Dana to suddenly say she and Kelani need to sharpen their own edge in NXT. I feel like this could be a make or break point for this duo, which also seems sudden as they really only just teamed up. But Cora had a rather fitting promo where she basically ranted and decided to rage quite NXT. It definitely won’t last, Cora’s not ready for RawDown just yet. But nice cameo from Stevie Turner and Cavinder Twins during that promo.

Good match from Eddy and Dijak, and Dijak winning was only a little surprising. Dijak’s needed something to get going, and he and Eddy might build this into a feud. Really good tag match from Leon & Feroz VS Lopez & Lola, they’re definitely being rivals and not allies. And good promo from Chase U and Corbin that then led to Andre Chase VS Corbin. I like how the fans wanted Thea to throw in the towel, that was definitely the way Thea could get back at Chase. Corbin snatching the towel to stop the forfeit was whatever, he was going to win either way. Not sure where things go from here, but I hope no Thea Heel turn. Maybe a Thea gimmick change where she goes into like her own punk/emo rock character?

Great promo from Dom & Rhea with Dragon Lee, and I love that not only are we getting a North American Championship match, Rey is gonna show up and we can get some great stuff out of those classic interactions. Personally hoping Dragon wins the title so someone else can be defending it come No Mercy. Also, as soon as Dom said what he said to Axiom, I knew he was jokingly mixing Axiom up with Dragon. Ali joining in on that promo was good, and we’re definitely getting Ali VS Axiom to more or less determine who is next after Dom VS Dragon. And as Ali mentioned, Axiom still has stuff with Scrypts, I expect Scrypts to ruin things for Axiom, Ali will face Dragon/Dom.

Great stuff from the larger Trick Melo Gang story that branched off to other stuff tonight. For one, Trick Melo Gang having a mature conversation about both parts of a duo wanting to be something and no animosity is great stuff, you don’t get that enough in pro-wrestling. And then great interaction between Melo, Wes and Meta Four to give us a great match. Of course Lash & Jakara get involved to help Dar & Oro win, but I like Tyler Bate suddenly returning and challenging Dar for Dar’s Heritage Cup. There’s a chance Meta Four helps Dar retain against Tyler, too, but that’ll just help set up things for Dar VS Frazer, Undisputed Heritage Cup Championship match.

A major detail in this is Wes Lee starting to seem more Heel like. He was more aggressive in the match, he was wearing new gear that was mostly black, and he’s aiming a lot of his anger at Melo. Heel Wes VS Face Melo to truly flip things from their North American Championship feud is good stuff. And also, great menacing promo from Dragunov to call out Trick, that is going to be awesome stuff. Depending on what happens there, Dragunov could go for his rematch like Melo is anticipating, and Trick could somehow come out of this ready for either the North American or Heritage Cup title. I would love to see a Heritage Cup Contender Tournament that Trick gets in on, and Trick could use his boxing background to win at least one match by knockout.

The Schism interrogation promo was pretty good, and went a direction I didn’t anticipate. Lining up the masked followers and revealing them, I figured there had to be a swerve about the guys with the Creed Brothers’ body types not being the Creeds. But I love that Ikemen Jiro finally made a TV return, and then Quincy Elliot was basically denied his officially speaking. The green screen vacation gag from the Creeds was pretty clever, these guys have been getting to have more fun showing off some character. And I’m thinking Ivy has to be in on this, who else would be running the green screen for them?

And great bookending of the night with Gallus and D’Angelo Family, though this might’ve been to help delay moving to another tag team just yet. Escobar being the third man was a great surprise, and great use of continuity. Great win for Escobar, Tony & Stacks, Tony & Stacks will definitely get to call the shots for their tag title story now. Though as I just said, can’t be sure who is next, but I’m sure we’ll see good build over the next eight weeks.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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