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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (8/28/23)

Where will this one end?



A Big Time Raw before Payback!

Raw prepares for Payback’s Steel Cage Match this Saturday by having Becky Lynch face Trish Stratus’ protégé, Zoey Stark, in FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE!


  • Sami Zayn VS Damian Priest; Sami wins.
  • The New Day VS The Viking Raiders w/ Sarah Logan; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Imperium; Gable wins, by disqualification.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Bronson Reed; Ciampa wins.
  • Falls Count Anywhere: Becky Lynch VS Zoey Stark w/ Trish Stratus; Becky wins.


WWE mourns the losses of Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt.


Sami Zayn VS Damian Priest!

The Great Liberator “owes” Mr. Money in the Bank for the back and forth between them and the Judgment Day at large. Will Sami add on to the loss from last week? Or will Sami suffer the Punishment?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Priest powers Sami to ropes. The ref counts as the two keep hand fighting, and Priest lets off slowly. But then Priest knees low! Fans boo but Priest headlocks. Sami powers up and out, but Priest runs him over! Priest looms over Sami, then KICKS him in the chest! And again! Priest ROCKS Sami, headlocks, but Sami fights the hold again. Priest grinds the headlock but Sami powers out, ducks down and hurdles over, to then arm-drag into an armlock! Fans fire up but Priest fights up and pushes Sami to a corner. The ref counts again, Priest lets off, but Sami avoids the cheap shot!

Sami CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS and fans rally up! Priest TOSSES Sami to the corner, UPPERCUTS him and stomps a mudhole! The ref counts, Priest lets off and he whips Sami corner to corner. Priest runs in, but Sami ELBOWS him away! Sami goes up, to FLYING ELBOW! Fans fire up, Sami covers, ONE!! Priest bails out but Sami WRECKS him with a dropkick! Sami kicks from the apron, then ARABIAN PRESS SAULTS! Fans fire up with Sami and he put Priest in the ring. Sami storms up in the corner, climbs up and throws down fists! Fans count along but Priest carries Sami out at 5!

Priest throws Sami away, but Sami ducks the rolling elbow! Knuckle lock and CHOP, then Sami goes up and up and jumps, but Priest dodges to LARIAT Sami down! Fans boo but Priest stomps away on him! Priest drags Sami up, ROCKS him with a right, then has him in a corner. Priest ROCKS Sami again! Priest stands on Sami’s head but fans boo. Priest steps away, runs corner to corner and STAGE DIVE ELBOWS! Then he hits a BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Priest clamps onto Sami’s arms and pulls him back in a motorcycle stretch! Sami endures, fans rally, and Sami fights up to his feet.

Sami flips, KANGAROO KICKS, then sends Priest out! Fans fire up as Sami builds speed, but Priest catches Sami first! Sami throws hands to get free of the choke grip, and then he POSTS Priest! Sami resets to PLANCHA, but Priest catches him again! COMPLETE SHOT to the desk! Fans boo while Sami flops to the floor and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Priest has Sami up top! Sami resists and fans fire up! Sami throws body shots, then CLUBS away on Priest’s back! Fans fire up more, and Sami goes up to SUPER SUNSET POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives but Sami is too tired to be shocked. Priest and Sami rise, and Priest goes to ropes. Sami staggers over but Priest swings! Sami blocks to counter punch! And again! And again! Sami whips, Priest reverses but Sami goes up and over to then clothesline Priest up and out! Fans fire up again as Sami builds speed! Sami FLIES and takes Priest out at the ramp! Fans are all fired up with Sami!

Sami drags Priest up and into the ring, then he goes up a corner. Fans rally, Sami leaps, but Priest caches him! SOUTH OF- NO, Sami slips free! Sami dodges and Priest hits buckles! BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives and Sami grows a bit frustrated. Priest goes to the apron, fans rally up, and Sami hurries over. Sami drags Priest up but Priest HOTSHOTS Sami! Priest hurries back up and avoids a shoulder to KICK Sami away! Priest hurries in, he mule kicks a leg out, then reels Sami in! Fans boo as Priest gets Sami up, RAZOR’S- NO, Sami kicks free! Sami baits Priest into a CORNER EXPLODER!

Fans fire up again as Sami goes to the far side! Sami aims, but JD McDonagh trips him up!! Fans boo as the Irish Ace tells Sami to turn around. SOUTH OF HEAVEN SLAM!! Cover, Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

The Necessary Evil that is JD McDonagh helps Priest win this one! JD wants to celebrate with Priest, but Priest says no way! He SHOVES McDonagh down! Priest says to stay out of Judgment Day business. McDonagh asks what Priest’s problem is, but then he turns around and Kevin Owens is there! Kevin & Sami beat up on McDonagh! STUNNER! Priest just smirks as Sami runs in on McDonagh for a HELLUVA KICK! The Undisputed Tag Team Championships are on the line at Payback, will Priest & Finn look to win that without McDonagh? How will Finn respond to what one friend did to another?


Drew McIntyre is backstage.

He’s looking at a picture of himself. Akira Tozawa is there, and with a nervous smile, he tells McIntyre that McIntyre looks great. Tozawa then slips away and Matt Riddle walks over. What does McIntyre think? The picture is of McIntyre in green tights to match Riddle’s! Every great team has matching gear, bro! But McIntyre says they should wait and see if this all works out before making any big changes. Oh, right, okay. Matching kilts! McIntyre chuckles and turns to go but Riddle wants to talk to him about some ringside seats for New Day VS Vikings Raiders tonight.

Why? Why? Because every great tag team scouts the opposition! Maybe even get some hot dogs and haggis so that next time they’re in the ring with the Vikings and New Day, McIntyre & Riddle will have the upper hand! McIntyre says Riddle’s on to something. McIntyre wants a front row seat to see those idiots get beat. Riddle says yeah, that darn New Day. What? No! The Viking Raiders! Oh right, right! McIntyre says he’ll see Riddle out there, and Riddle says he knew McIntyre would dig the haggis idea. Well, the Bro might be a little off target, but will he and McIntyre be more than ready for another shot at Erik & Ivar?


Raquel Rodriguez speaks.

“Rhea Ripley thinks she runs Monday Night Raw. Rhea is the strongest and most dominant female in all the WWE. Except for me.” Raquel says if Rhea wants her to stay out of Rhea’s business, then Rhea needs to stop taking advantage of her strength and size. Raquel is not going to let Rhea run through the division. Not after what she’s done to Raquel. And especially not after what she did to Liv! Raquel has been waiting for weeks to show Rhea what it is like to be at the mercy of someone bigger and stronger.

“Every bully has a weakness, an insecurity. And Rhea? She’s just not going to be able to measure up to me. So now, I’m going to take her title. At Payback, I am going to cut her down to size!” Will Mami Rhea be in trouble going up against Big Mami Cool?


LA Knight is here!

The fans go nuts as The Mega Star is back on- Wait. That’s THE MIZ! He’s just mocking LA Knight ahead of their first-ever 1v1 showdown at Payback. Miz gets a mic and says, “Lemme talk to ya. YEAH! I got my wannabe tough guy big bass voice up, so you know I mean business! YEAH! Cuz Papa don’t play that! YEAH! NAH NAH! YEAH! I’m a dangerous man! YEAH! So dangerous, YEAH. That when I walk into the ring with The Miz, I start flubbin’ my words. YEAH! I mean what! I mean YEAH! I mean what! I mean YEAH! I mean YEAH! I mean YEAH!

“Now lemme talk to ya straight. YEAH. YEAH? Lemme talk to ya straight. I know it takes more than a catchphrase to gain your support. YEAH. You are not sheep, Y EAH. You are smart. You are sophisticated. You’re discerning fans. And you need to earn your cheers. That is why I brought this bag out here.” Miz grabs a bag, brings it into the ring, and says this bag is full of free LA Knight shirts. Fans cheer that! Miz says if they want a free shirt, gimme a HELL YEA- Well, just say YEAH. Fans chant “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” and Miz teases throwing the shirt, to then throw it on the ground! And he PUNTS the bag out of the ring!

Miz takes off the glasses, vest, chain necklace and merch shirt he was wearing to then tell the fans they are all so pathetic! They will cheer for anything, meaning their support means nothing! This was easy! Anyone can be LA Knight, it is generic and vanilla and pander and come up with a phony name that you can find on late night Cinemax in 1997! Miz doesn’t do catchphrases. When he says he’s awesome, it’s not cuz he wants applause. It’s the truth! It’s reality! And the reality is, when Miz beats Knight and exposes him and leaves him battered, party’s over! Everything is done!

Because the fans will cheer free shirts and catchphrases, but they don’t cheer losers. And that is what Knight will be at Payback! So when the dust settles, and everyone not only saying but immortalizing whose game this really is: M I Z! YEAH! Shots fired by the A-Lister, how will LA Knight respond?


Seth Rollins sits backstage.

Ricochet passes by, nods to him, and heads out. What will the Visionary do tonight in response to what Shinsuke Nakamura has said and done?


The New Day VS The Viking Raiders w/ Sarah Logan!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods have their own beef with Erik & Ivar dating back to when they were all on SmackDown. The chase for the Undisputed Tag Team Championships is never ending, so who gets a leg up in the next part of the race?

Raw returns as Riddle makes his entrance, ready to watch ringside in his Patrick Star shorts. McIntyre makes his entrance, he fist bumps the Bro, and they go to ringside together. Then the Viking Raiders make their entrance, “Valhalla” by their side. The teams sort out, Riddle takes notes as Erik and Woods start. They circle, tie up, and Erik powers Woods to a corner. Woods turns things around, fires off hands, but Erik TOSSES Woods! Woods dodges and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Woods headlocks, Erik powers up but Woods holds on tight. Erik powers out the second time but Woods runs him over!

Woods stands Erik up to fire CHOPS and haymakers, then he wrenches an arm. Woods CLUBS the arm, wrenches again, but Erik ROCKS Woods! Woods ROCKS Erik back! Erik whips Woods to a corner, Woods goes up and over and keeps moving, to tilt-o-whirl, but Erik blocks the rest! SIDEWALK SLAM! Erik looms over Woods, tags Ivar, and they drag Woods up to mug him! The ref counts, Sarah roars triumphantly and Ivar drags Woods up. Woods throws body shots but Ivar CLUBS him and ROCKS him and DECKS him! Tag to Erik and he feeds Woods to Ivar’s KNEE! Ivar feeds Woods to Erik’s KNEE!

Erik looms over Woods, Riddle takes more notes. Erik covers, TWO! Erik drags Woods up, puts him in the corner, and Ivar tags in. The Vikings mug Woods again, fans rally, and Woods fights back! Woods throws forearms again and again and again, but Ivar knees low! Woods falls over and fans boo. Ivar drags Woods up but Woods fires more shots! Woods ELBOWS Erik,. ELBOWS Ivar, repeat! Woods reaches out but Ivar keeps him from Kofi! Ivar scoops, Woods slips free and hot tags Kofi! Kofi FLYING AX HANDLES Ivar, DECKS Erik, and fires off CHOPS on Ivar! SUPERKICK! Ivar goes to a corner, dodges the splash, but Kofi dodges Ivar!

Kofi GAMANGIRIS then goes up, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Kofi keeps his focus on Ivar and PENALTY KICKS! Then the “NEW~ DAY~” BOOM DROP! Fans fire up with Kofi and he goes to a corner. Kofi claps, fans join in, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” But Erik gets Ivar out of the ring, so Woods WERCKS them both with a dropkick! And Kofi FLIES to take them down! Fans fire up with The New Day as they’re all over the desk! McIntyre smiles and applauds, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Ivar covers Kofi, TWO! Kofi survives whatever happened during break, and Ivar stalks him to the corner. Ivar snapmares, clamps onto Kofi and thrashes him with a chinbar! Kofi endures, fans rally, and Kofi throws body shots! But Ivar throws Kofi down! Ivar drags Kofi up and throws elbows in the corner! The ref counts, Ivar stops at 4 to argue with the ref, but then he goes back to Kofi. Ivar whips Kofi corner to corner, Kofi goes up and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Both men are down, but Sarah is creeping up on Woods! Woods tells her to stop that, but Ivar BLASTS him! And then he RAMS Kofi into the corner!

Fans boo but Erik tags in, and Erik whips Ivar in to SPLASH! Feed to a BIG forearm! Cover, TWO! Erik pulls Kofi back with a chinlock stretch but Kofi endures. Fans rally, Kofi fights up, and he throws body shots. Kofi slips under Erik but Erik gets a leg! Erik drags Kofi back, Ivar tags in and CLUBS Kofi down! Then Ivar grinds his forearm into Kofi’s face! Kofi goes to ropes, Ivar pulls him back against the ropes, and then CLUBS him down! Tag to Erik and he BOOTS Kofi down! Erik looms over Kofi as fans rally up. Erik then sucker punches Woods! The ref keeps Woods back, and that allows the Vikings to mug Kofi!

Riddle protests but Ivar tags in. Ivar pounds his chest, he taunts #McRiddle, but Kofi CHOPS Ivar! And CHOPS him again! And then he ROCKS Erik! Ivar BOOTS Kofi down! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives but Ivar clamps on with another chinbar. Fans rally up as Kofi endures, Kofi fights up, and Kofi throws body shots! Kofi reaches around, Ivar whips him away, and Ivar runs in to clothesline! Ivar drags Kofi up just to CLUB him down! And CLUB him again! But Kofi throws body shots in return! And hits a JAWBREAKER !Kofi leaps but Ivar catches him! Kofi sunset flips, but Ivar stays up! Kofi avoids the hip drop!

Fans fire up as Kofi crawls and Ivar clutches his tailbone! Hot tag to Woods! Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges and slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Woods dodges Erik to mule kick, front kick and tilt-o-whirl to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Woods kips up, runs in at Ivar, and forearm smashes! Woods whips, Ivar reverses but Woods BOOTS back! HONOR ROLL! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Riddle is getting into this. McIntyre is stoic and Woods brings Ivar up. Fans chant “Whoop Dat Trick!” but Ivar ELBOWS Woods! Erik tags in before Woods ENZIGURIS Ivar down! Erik storms up to FULL NELSON KNEE SMASH! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up as Woods survives! Tag back to Ivar and the Vikings get Woods up. They double back suplex but Woods slips free! Kofi tags in, Woods dumps Erik out and drop toeholds Ivar onto ropes! Kofi BOOTS Ivar, Woods hits a SLIDING COMPLETE SHOT! BACK SPLASH from Kofi! Cover, Erik breaks it! Woods throws Erik back out, then PLANCHAS Erik down! Kofi and Ivar rise, Kofi spins but Ivar ducks! Ivar picks Kofi up to put him on ropes! But Kofi drags Ivar out with him to the floor! Kofi hurries after Ivar, whips, but Ivar reverses! Kofi leaps over the steps, leaps back in, but Ivar catches him!

Ivar gives Kofi SNAKE EYES off the steel steps! Kofi wobbles, Ivar brings him up again, and RAMS him into McIntyre & Riddle!! Fans boo as Ivar leaves them all behind, but McIntyre CHUCKS his armchair! And then he takes Riddle’s chair to CHUCK it, into Erik & Woods!! McIntyre then goes after Erik, but Ivar CANNONBALLS McIntyre! Ivar puts Kofi in the ring, he tags Erik, but Kofi CHOPS! Ivar LEG LARIATS Kofi! RAGNAROK!!! Cover, Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

McIntyre is furious as he storms into the ring, but the Vikings get away! The Scottish Warrior inadvertently costs Kofi & Woods, but he checks on Woods. McIntyre apologizes, and then chucks the other chair! Will McIntyre’s rage get the better of him at this rate?


Finn Balor talks with Priest backstage.

The Prince says that week after week, it’s the same stuff! They’re arguing all the time! They gotta get on the same page, cuz on Saturday, they have a tag title match! They need to get it together! Priest agrees, they need to focus on Judgment Day business, not people who don’t matter, like JD McDonagh. Oh, yeah? Well McDonagh is why Priest won and then Priest just left him! Yeah, he left him hanging! Cuz he doesn’t care about Finn’s friend, he cares about this family! Right here is what matters! And since Finn is so worried about McDonagh, go walk- Rhea tells them both to shut up already!

Every single week, we talk about being the most dominant faction, and yet every single week, they fall apart without fail cuz these two can’t get along! The only ones handling business right now are her and Dirty Dom. Apart from that, nothing! But they can’t keep doing this, cuz now Rhea’s getting targeted! People are thinking she’s weak and distracted and can’t beat Raquel! So, Finn, Priest, make it right at Payback. Remind everyone that Judgment Day is a force to be reckoned with, and they win when it matters! Cuz if they don’t, then there will be some changes around here. Rhea has Dom grab their titles and they head out.

Priest and Finn glare at each other, and Priest holds up his MITB briefcase as he says he has no problems winning gold. Will the Punisher and the Prince be able to be champions together? Or is someone getting left behind?


WWE remembers the life of Bray Wyatt.

Much like on SmackDown, the rocking chair sits on stage under the spotlight, fans bringing out the fireflies. #ThankYouBray.


Matt Riddle checks with Kofi backstage.

Riddle asks how Woods is doing, and Kofi says not well. He’ll be alright, though, don’t worry. McIntyre apologizes for the accident but Kofi says it’s all good. He wouldn’t take cheap shots like that. Woods gets that, too. They all fist bump, and McIntyre tells Riddle that next week, they take care of the Vikings. And McIntyre will even tell Pearce that he doesn’t even wanna tag in to get his hands on their arses. Kofi wonders what that means and Riddle has no idea. But McIntyre said “we” so that means they’re a team! Riddle hurries after McIntyre, are they going to bring a tornado to the raid?


Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Imperium!

Gunther’s first loss on the main roster happened just last week as Master Gable was able to pull off a count out win! Now, Gable wishes he had a win in the ring because it would’ve meant winning the title, but clearly things aren’t over between them. Will Gable SHOOOOSH the Impeccable German to head for another title opportunity?

But as Imperium reaches ringside, Gunther gets on the desk with a mic. Fans boo but Gunther says, “Last week, Chad Gable made history. Last week, Chad Gable became the first man to beat Der Ring General in more than 500 days.” Fans cheer that. But Gunther says it was by count-out, in a championship match! So technically, Gable gained victory, but he has won NOTHING! Because Gunther is still your Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion! Fans boo and chant “YOU SUCK!” but Gunther says Gable has achieved one thing: HE PISSED GUNTHER OFF!

Gunther rants in German and then says in English, NOW Gable has his attention! NOW Gable has Gunther’s focus! And if Gable is the last thing between Gunther and his rightful legacy, then so be it! Because next week, Chad Gable will challenge Der Ring General for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship on Monday Night Raw! Fans like the sound of that! But Gunther says that just like Gable will not beat him next week, Gable is definitely not- “SHOOOOSH!” The Alpha Academy makes their entrance and Gable has a mic to say, “Um, Gunther. Now, I’m sitting back there listening, and normally I’d come out here and give ya a nice big SHOOOOOSH~!

“But I’m not gonna do that tonight, because you were actually making some pretty good points, my friend. Not least of which that you’ve been on the main roster almost two years, and nobody has managed to defeat you. That is, until last week, my friend! Because last week, Chad Gable handed you your first loss, and I found a way to do it in only ten seconds, baby! But next week, Gunther, title’s on the line, and it ain’t gonna take me ten seconds to take your Intercontinental title! I’m gonna take it away in 1-2-3, baby~!”

Fans cheer and Gable says that is all next week. As for tonight, Captain Kaiser, Lieutenant Ludwig, he can get his carcass in the ring to get cooked Memphis style! A THANK YEW~! Ludwig storms into the ring, will he be able to slow down the roll?

The fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” as the bell rings. Gable and Ludwig circle, Gable gets a leg and trips Ludwig, floats around, has a waistlock, and he rolls to a bridge. TWO, Gable facelocks but Ludwig wrenches out to have an armlock. Gable powers up but Ludwig whips him away. Gable and Ludwig each counter a hip toss, go around and around, and then Gable TOSSES Ludwig up and out! Gable goes to the apron, runs in and CANNONBALLS! Direct hit and Gable fires up! “A THANK YEW~!” Gable throws his shirt at Gunther and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Ludwig rushes into the ring again. Gable gets around him to waistlock but Ludwig switches, They go to ropes and Gable throws Ludwig out again! OH, rough landing on his head! Ludwig staggers up, Gable waits, and Ludwig rushes in yet again! Gable arm-drags Ludwig around, has the armlock, and fans cheer. Gunther has disappeared from ringside, he must be too frustrated to watch this in person. Gable wristlocks but Ludwig puts him in a corner. The ref counts, Ludwig throws a hand but Gable gets around! Ludwig clings to ropes, then he ELBOWS Gable away! Ludwig storms up on Gable and wrenches again.

Ludwig clamps onto the arm and grinds the shoulder. Fans rally for Gable, Otis & Maxxine coach him, but Ludwig throws Gable down! Ludwig keeps on the arm, knee digging into Gable’s head. Gable endures, fights up, and he powers Ludwig back to roll, bridge, handspring, and spin to headlock, spin and drop toehold! Fans fire up for the technical ability as Gable steps over on the armlock. Ludwig fights up, powers Gable to ropes but Gable keeps on the arm with a cording hold! Ludwig tries a facelock, Gable cranks the arm! Ludwig pushes Gable to ropes, but Gable arm-drags again! Gable grins as he keeps on the arm.

Ludwig fights up, but Gable wrenches and wristlocks. Ludwig kicks low and CLUBS Gable down! And again! Ludwig ROCKS Gable, but Gable whips him away. Ludwig runs Gable over, smirks, then runs, but Gable gets a leg! Gable stands to CHOP! Gable then dodges Ludwig, rolls Ludwig and has the ANKLE LOCK! Ludwig gets the ROPEBREAK, then he KICKS Gable back! DISCUS LARIAT! Both men are down but Ludwig spins up to his feet. Ludwig dusts himself off, and he puts Gable in a corner. Ludwig whips corner to corner, Gable goes up and over and runs in, to MONKEY FLIP! Fans fire up as Ludwig goes flying!

Gable runs in now, but Ludwig puts Gable up top! GAMANG- NO, Gable blocks! And then he gets Ludwig’s arm for a HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, Gable lets go and sits up, but Ludwig DECKS him to the floor! Gable stands, Ludwig goes out to UPPERCUT him down! Fans boo and the Academy looks worried as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and fans boo as Ludwig looms over Gable. Ludwig runs, but Gable ducks the kick to roll him up! TWO, and Gable wrenches and clinches to the BELLY2BELLY! Gable holds on to BELLY2BELLY again! And then Gable stands back up, but Ludwig HEADBUTTS! Ludwig ROCKS Gable, ROCKS him again, and has Gable on ropes. Ludwig POSTS Gable! Ludwig runs side to side to DROPKICK Gable to the floor! Ludwig goes out, taunts Otis and storms over to Gable. The ring count climbs, Ludwig puts Gable into the ring. Ludwig storms up on Gable and CHOPS him! And GAMANGIRIS!

Fans rally for Gable but Ludwig snapmares him down. Ludwig smirks as he kicks Gable around. Gable stands to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Gable runs, dodges, tilt-o-whirl SLAM from Ludwig! Cover, TWO! Gable is still in this and Maxxine is relieved. Ludwig snarls, he stalks Gable to a corner and he throws haymakers! Ludwig throws stomps and punches, Gable hits back, and fans rally as they brawl! Haymakers and CHOPS back and forth, and then Gable just fires off shot after shot! Throat chop and ROLLING ELBOW! Gable snatches a leg for a DRAGON SCREW! Gable waistlocks, deadlift GERMAN- NO, Ludwig fights it!

Ludwig fireman’s carries, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Gable survives and Ludwig cannot believe it! Ludwig glare at Gable as he stands up, and Ludwig TOSSES Gable out! But Gable holds on, skins the cat, and he headscissors Ludwig out of the ring! Fans fire up again, Ludwig hurries in but Gable fires off forearms, knees and another throat chop! Ludwig swings, misses, and Gable mule kicks! Gable runs, ROLLING NECKBREAKER! “A THANK YEW~!” Gable goes up a corner, MOONSAULT but has to land out as Ludwig moves! Ludwig runs, but Gable catches him toa Gory Especial! DOMINATOR!! Cover, TWO!?!

Gable cannot believe Ludwig survives, but Gable getting that move off was wild in itself! Ludwig sputters on the ropes, Maxxine & Otis back up as Gable storms up. Ludwig bucks the O’Conner, swings, but Gable catches him for an EXPLODER! Gable runs to CROSSBODY Ludwig and himself out of the ring! Vinci checks Ludwig as Gable goes up the corner! SUPER MOONSAULT takes Imperium out! Gable gets up and puts Ludwig in the ring! Gable climbs the corner again, takes aim, DIVING- NO, Gable sees those boots come up, so he catches those! ANKLE LOCK!! Ludwig flails, reaches out, but Gable drags him back!

Ludwig rolls over but Gable stays with him! Ludwig rolls again, and he BOOTS Gable away! Gable comes back but into an UPPERCUT! Ludwig runs up to UPPERCUT in the corner! Scoop to a fireman’s carry, but Gable slips off! O’Conner Roll, CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, VINCI BREAKS IT!!

Winner: Chad Gable, by disqualification

Fans boo but Otis gets in to fight with Vinci! Otis TOSSES Vinci, and he rips off the shirt! Memphis is thunderous as Otis SPLASHES then HAMMERS Vinci! Ludwig attacks Otis now! Imperium mugs Otis, and the POST him! Otis tumbles out but Gable fires off on Vinci and Ludwig! That’s 2v1, though! And now Gunther is back! Der Ring General storms in and has his men stand down. Gunther looms over Gable now, drags him up, and reels him in! Fans boo but Gunther still hits- NO, Gable slips free! ANKLE LOCK!!!! Imperium goes after Gable again! They stomp away on Gable, but then Gunther pushes them aside!

Gunther hauls Gable up and hits a GENERAL BOMB!! Fans boo as Gunther holds up his title over Gable, will this be what we see next week on Raw? Or will Gable snatch this title just days before Gunther crosses the historic goal line?


WWE mourns the loss of beloved celebrity and former guest host, Bob Barker.

His “The Price is Raw” episode was certainly one to remember. #ThankYouBob, may you rest in peace.


Seth Rollins heads to the ring!

No longer brooding backstage, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion now makes his way out so Memphis can sing his song! “WHOA~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins revels in it under the spotlight in the ring, belt around the waist of his teal satin suit. Rollins takes a bow and fans cheer. Rollins then takes the mic to say, “MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE! YOWIE WOWIE! Welcome to Monday Night Rollins!” He is your host for the evening! He happens to be a Visionary, he happens to be a Revolutionary, he is SETH! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS! Fans sing again, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!”

Rollins says that he’s gonna level with us, it has been a long week. Let’s keep this short and sweet. “Shinsuke Nakamura! This Saturday at Payback, I give you what you want: a crack at my World Heavyweight Championship! So how about right here, right now, you give me what I want. You got more mind games to play, you got more mean things to say, why don’t you Shinsuke your way down this aisle and say them to my face!” The fans cheer and Rollins waits. No Shinsuke? Rollins says he doesn’t wanna deprive the people, the fans wanna sing Nakamura’s song. Oh wait, the fans don’t sing his song no more, do they? HAHAHAHAHA!

Well if Shinsuke’s not gonna show his face, there’s only one thing left to do. Let’s head on down to Beale Street, pour some tall, stiff drinks, and we all sing Rollins’ song all night long! “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Wait. Video plays on the tron, and it’s Nakamura in his dojo. “I do not want to simply defeat Seth Rollins the champion. I want to dismantle Seth Rollins the man! I want his wife to know, I’m the reason she has to help him out of bed. That I’m the reason he won’t be able to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. I will break him, because he can be broken. His body has betrayed him. He knows this. So I’m going to destroy his back and put him out of his misery.

“He has no honor. He has no code. He has no future.” The King of Strong Style played his next move and fans boo. Rollins takes his sunglasses off to get serious. “That’s it, huh? That’s it from the legendary Shinsuke Nakamura. We get a video package, huh? Y’know what I wanna know? I wanna know what happened to the Shinsuke Nakamura that headline the Tokyo Dome! I wanna know what happened to the Shinsuke Nakamura that lit the world on fire when he came to NXT! A month ago, Shinsuke, I would’ve given you the shirt off my back. Yeah, that’s right, the same back that’s broken in two places.

“But my broken back didn’t stand in the way of me becoming World Heavyweight Champion! And it’s not gonna stand in the way of beating your ass this Saturday at Payback!” Fans fire up with Rollins as he says that when the bell rings, Rollins will get a hold of Shinsuke, pummel him, maul him, and not stop until someone pulls him off Shinsuke! And then in that moment, when Shinsuke is lying there defend, he will know he will never take anything from Rollins! Not his title! Not his future! And not his family! Fans fire up but Nakamura runs in outta nowhere! KINSHASA TO THE BACK!!

Nakamura sits Rollins up and tells him, “I told you, Seth, to watch your back.” Fans boo as Nakamura then KICKS Rollins in the face! Rollins is down and out, will this be how the King of Strong Style leaves him in Pittsburgh?


Sami & Kevin regroup backstage.

Sami says he is so tired of this. Of doing this week after week, month after month, with The Judgment Day. Because no matter how many times they lose, they always come back, they always play with the rules and the numbers games, and get little victories. Look what happened tonight! And last week! They get the briefcase involved! There’s disqualifications, cheap wins, and now they have a tag title match this Saturday. Guess what? You wanna do this one more time? Fine! They’ll do this one more time, and guess what? Kevin, you wanna explain to them? Sure.

Kevin says the rules won’t be in The Judgment Day’s favor anymore. Because Kevin & Sami are sick of this. So they went to Pearce and got it official. What is Pittsburgh again? The Steel City? Yes! And that is exactly what’s happening. On Saturday, Payback won’t be just any ordinary tag match. It will be a STEEL CITY STREET FIGHT! No rules! Anything goes! And guess what? A lot of crazy things have happened in the WWE while in Pittsburgh! Kevin himself was thrown off the top of a cage through a table! And as crazy as that was, it won’t be anything compared to what’s coming for Judgment Day at Payback! Because Kevin & Sami end this once and for all!


Tommaso Ciampa VS Bronson Reed!

The Psycho Killer is looking to get back on top of things, and he’s starting by settling things with Auszilla, who cost him against The Miz months ago. But will he have his violent Fairytale Ending? Or will he be washed away by a Tsunami?

Wait, Bronson is storming up behind Ciampa on the ramp! Bronson CLOBBERS Ciampa!! Fans boo but #BigBronson grins as he leaves Ciampa behind. Ciampa gets up, throws his jacket off, and he storms up on Bronson at the apron! They fire hands, fans fire up, and Ciampa ROCKS Bronson! Bronson whips Ciampa, Ciampa holds ropes to stop himself! Bronson runs in, Ciampa sidesteps and sends Bronson out! Bronson gets on the apron, Ciampa KNEES him back down! Ciampa then FLYING KNEES Bronson from the apron! Ciampa goes back into the ring and he eggs Bronson on! Bronson is furious, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and the match is underway as Ciampa CHOPS and CHOPS and ROCKS and CHOPS! Bronson shoves him back, but Ciampa BOOTS him! Ciampa then hits a THESZ PRESS and fast hands! Bronson shoves Ciampa away, Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges, but the BODY CHECK gets him! Bronson looms over Ciampa, then drops a BIG elbow! Fans rally up but Bronson looms over Ciampa. Bronson drags Ciampa up, Bronson suplexes, but Ciampa fights with knees! Ciampa slips free, and has a SLEEPER! But Bronson RAMS Ciampa in to buckles! Bronson runs in but the splash hits buckles! Ciampa dropkicks the legs out and Bronson falls into buckles!

Ciampa fires up, fans rally, and Ciampa fireman’s carries Bronson!? And tucks him for an AIR RAID CRASH!! Cover, TWO!! Bronson survives but Ciampa goes to a corner. Ciampa brings his kneepad down, runs back in, but into another BODY CHECK! Bronson drags Ciampa up, reels him in and says thumbs down. Bronson hauls Ciampa up, to BATISTA BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives but Bronson doesn’t lose focus. Bronson drags Ciampa to a drop zone, and he heads up the corner! Fans rally but Ciampa rises, too! Ciampa RAMS into Bronson, goes out to the apron and they brawl! Ciampa CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

Bronson TOSSES Ciampa at the steel steps! Ciampa staggers away, Bronson smirks as he FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES Ciampa down! Bronson then brings Ciampa up and aims for the desk! Gut wrench, but Ciampa slips free! Ciampa slides into the ring, Bronson pursues, but ends up in WILLOW’S BELL!! Ciampa hurries to the corner, takes aim again, PSYCHO KNEE!! Cover, TWO!??! Bronson survives that shot to the head and Ciampa is furious! Ciampa reloads, runs in again, btu Bronson catches him! And pops him around, but Ciampa slips free! Ciampa ROCKS and CHOPS Bronson, but Bronson gives those all back!

Bronson runs, into a BOOT! Ciampa ROCKS Bronson, Bronson wobbles, and Ciampa LARIATS! Bronson is still up! Ciampa tilt-o-whirls, CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! Cover, Ciampa wins!!!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

Bronson got caught and Ciampa has a colossal victory! Will Ciampa finally be the guy to get the opportunities around here?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Jackie Redmond is with The Man and brings up that this Saturday, she has a match with Trish Stratus inside a Steel Cage? Does Becky have any second thoughts about this Falls Count Anywhere match tonight just days ahead of Payback? Becky says she has had second thoughts. Third, fourth, fifth, etc. And all those thoughts have been about whooping Zoey Stark all up and down this arena! But for the last few months, Stark & Stratus have backed Becky into a corner. Is this the easy way out? No! But would she want the easy way? HELL NO! So The Man has come around to Memphis, and is bringing a lot of chaos with her! Will Becky take Stark all the way to Beale Street if she has to?


Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio head to the ring.

Mami and her Latino Heat both have gold around their waists, but the enemies are lining up both here on Raw and in NXT. What will the Eradicator have to say about Ricky Desperado? We’ll see, after the break.

Raw returns and Rhea has the mic to say, “Raquel Rodriguez claims that she’s gonna cut me down to size? That’s real cute coming from someone who had to play up an injury to pull one over on me.” Dom mocks Raquel’s crutch act. Rhea says it was smart, but that is the first and last time it’ll ever happen. But Rhea doesn’t blame her, no. Rhea’s resume speaks for itself. But Rhea wont’ come out here and tell us all about it, cuz it’d just take too damn long. This championship around her waist proves absolutely everything. But Raquel thinks she’s gonna take the title at Payback? That’s just another reason why she is an idiot.

But Rhea won’t take anything away from Raquel. She’s got her own accomplishments. Like that she’s big! And tough. And strong. But she’s not Rhea Bloody Ripley! Fans cheer, and Rhea says that Raquel can talk, talk, talk, but when it comes to Payback, Mami’s walking out champion. Raquel doesn’t learn her lessons, does she? But wait, here comes Raquel! And she storms right down to the ring! The brawl is on and fans fire up! Raquel TOSSES Rhea to a corner, stomps and punches away, then whips corner to corner! Raquel runs in to SPLASH! And then she scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Rhea flounders out of the ring and Raquel dares he to get back in!

Wait, Dom sneaks up on Raquel? Dom then apologizes when he gets caught. Raquel backs him down, but Rhea gets back in and HEADBUTTS Raquel! Pump handle, and RIP- NO, Raquel powers out and hip tosses Rhea away! Then she swings, Rhea ducks, but the SOUTHPAW hits! Rhea flops out of the ring again, did she just get put in her place? Or will she make Raquel pay for stepping to her?


Trish Stratus speaks.

“Let’s just be clear, Lynch, you’re the idiot who asked for this Falls Count Anywhere match, so you’re basically giving WWE’s fastest rising star, Zoey Stark, free range to do anything to you tonight. Well Lemony Snicket, you only got yourself to blame for this one. You are gonna leave something for me on Saturday, aren’t you?” Stark chuckles and says Trish doesn’t even have to worry about it. When she’s done with Becky, there will still be plenty for Trish inside that Steel Cage this Saturday. The Chick and the Hunter are confident they’ll end The Man this week, but will they be in for a big time surprise?


WWE remembers the career of Terry Funk.

Terry didn’t wanna be president or anything but one thing: a wrestler. He was born into a wrestling family, and burst onto the scene with his brother, Dory Funk Jr, as part of their father’s company in Amarillo, Texas. Stone Cold says he’s always looked up to Terry Funk, both his ability and his unpredictability. Ric Flair admired Terry’s work ethic and learned a lot from him. Terry’s no-nonsense style gripped the NWA audience and catapulted him to the top. Terry Funk won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and proved himself the finest champion the world had ever seen.

His popularity even got him on Hollywood’s radar, appearing in classic 80s films like Over The Top and Roadhouse. Terry would captivate even around the world, and he’d make impacts in WCW, ECW and WWE. He and Mick Foley pioneered the “hardcore” style. Bret Hart says Terry was ahead of his time and thought of things no one ever had before. Funk & Foley would even be a team together, winning together at WrestleMania 14. Foley says that Funk was one of the nicest, kindest guys outside the ring, and brought out the best in Foley.

In 2009, alongside Dory Jr, Terry would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, Dusty Rhodes being there for his friend and rival. Jerry Lawler says Terry is the greatest, and his 50 years in wrestling will never be replicated. The WWE Family will remember Terry as a family man, a fearless entertainer, and an unforgettable pioneer. We will love him… FOREVER!


Falls Count Anywhere: Becky Lynch VS Zoey Stark w/ Trish Stratus!

Memphis enters the Big Time, and this fight might go all over Memphis for all we know! Will The Man bring down The Hunter so that she can focus on The Chick inside that Steel Cage on Saturday? Or will Becky even make it to Pittsburgh after tonight?

Raw returns and Stark makes her entrance, Trish by her side and kendo stick already in hand! But Becky gets her own! The bell rings and Becky strikes first! And again! And again! Becky makes sure Trish is watching as she SMACKS Stark again! Fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” and Becky says hell yeah she’s gonna whoop Stark! Becky gets Stark up, KENDO STICK RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! So Becky has a KENDO STICK CROSSFACE! Stark endures, reaches out, but the ropes won’t help her! Stark crawls out of the ring, Becky lets her go to then dropkick her! Becky storms up to CLUB Stark!

But Trish SMACKS Becky now! No disqualifications so this is now a 2v1 match! Stark gets Becky up but Becky grabs ropes! Becky kicks free then kicks Stark! Then she goes up, DECKS Trish, and adjusts course! SUPER CROSSBODY takes out Trish AND Stark! Cover on Stark, TWO! Stark is still in this but Becky keeps on her. Becky SMACKS Stark off barriers, goes looking for stuff, but Stark SMACKS her with the stick! And SMACKS her off the steps! Cover, TWO! Stark drags Becky up, puts her in the ring, but Becky gets her in the ropes! KICK, FOREARM, UPPERCUT, SOBAT! But Stark trips Becky up!

Stark springboards and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Stark grows frustrated and she calls to Trish. Trish goes looking for stuff, and throws the chair in, but hits Stark! Stark doesn’t budge, and asks what the heck. Trish apologizes, and Becky rolls Stark up! TWO! Stark LARIATS Becky, and Trish keeps sending in more chairs! Is she trying to recreate the Terry Funk “Anyone got a chair” incident? Stark sets up chairs in a pile, brings Becky around and stomps her. Then Stark makes sure the chairs are placed just right before she drags Becky up. Fans want tables but Becky and Stark throw hands.

Stark puts Becky in a corner, puts her up top, and says the fans ain’t gettin’ no table! Stark goes up after Becky but Becky throws body shots and forearms! Stark tumbles to the outside, but Trish hurries up after Becky! Trish anchors Becky, Stark ROCKS Becky, and again! Becky hits back! Stark is on the ropes, Becky adjusts, GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!! Stark survives but Becky has the arm! Stark fights, flails, reaches out, and trips Becky onto the chairs! Stark shakes out her arm and she drags Becky up. Z 3- NO, Becky blocks, clinches, MANHANDLE SLAM! Cover, TRISH breaks it!

Fans boo as Trish scurries away! Becky storms up, chases Trish around the ring, they do a full lap, and Trish gets a kendo stick! Trish laughs, swings, but Becky blocks! Becky BOOTS Trish, then has the stick! And she SMACKS Trish! And again! And again! And again! Trish goes running but Becky pursues, to SMACK her up the ramp! And then SMACKS her on the stage! And then in the butt! Becky just fires off and Trish crawls away! But Stark JAMS Becky with a chair! And SMACKS her on the back! SUPERKICK and Becky goes down! Cover, TWO!! The Man is still in the fight and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Becky brawls with Stark in the crowd! Fans high-five Becky and she TOSSES Stark back to ringside! Becky hops up onto the barriers, to then FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up as Stark falls over! Becky drags Stark up, and BECKSPLODERS Stark into the barrier! Cover, TWO! Stark is still in this but Becky says okay. Becky puts Stark in the ring where all the chairs are, and she hears the fans. She brings out a TABLE! Fans fire up as Becky sets it up, but Stark WRECKS Becky! Stark says the fans don’t deserve a table! Stark folds the table back up, pushes it aside, and then stomps Becky.

Stark puts Becky in the ring, but Becky swings on her! Stark blocks to HOTSHOT her away! Stark storms in, gets a chair, and she SMACKS Becky on the back! And again! And again! Stark then pushes Becky around, puts her by the ropes and sets a chair on top of her. Stark goes out to FULL METAL ARABIAN SENTON! Stark clutches her back but covers Becky, TWO! Becky is still in this but Stark piles the chairs up again. Stark puts Becky among the pile, puts a chair on top of her again, and goes up a corner! Fans boo but Becky CHUCKS the chair at Stark! That one hurt this time! Becky goes up after Stark and fans fire up!

Becky brings Stark up, to SUPERPLEX onto the chairs! Cover, TWO!! Stark survives and writhes her way out of the ring. Becky hurries out after Stark, and she clears off the desk! Fans fire up as Becky drags Stark up and over, SMACKS her off the desk, then puts her on it. Becky climbs up to join Stark, clinches, but Stark fights the lift! And Trish returns to trip Becky up! Stark pushes Becky around, and BOOTS her down! Trish soaks up the heat as Stark covers, TWO! Becky is still in this and Stark tells Michael Cole & Wade Barrett that they’re worthless! Stark CLUBS Becky, stomps her, then coordinates with Trish.

Stark goes up the barrier, but Becky SHOVES her away! Becky ROCKS Trish then TOSSES her over the desk! Becky SMACKS Stark off the timekeeper’s table! She drags Stark up onto some spare material, but Trish attacks again! Trish takes Stark’s place, to BULLDOG through a table!! Trish calls to Stark and Stark finds her way over. Trish helps her get to Becky for the cover, TWO!??! Becky survives and shocks Stark & Stratus! Fans fire up as Becky fights them both now, but they SMACK her into trunks! They drag her onto those cases, and the fans right there freak out as they bring Becky up.

Becky fights back! She SHOVES Stark, ducks a Chick Kick and fires off! But Stark CLUBS Becky! Becky ducks and the haymaker DECKS Trish! Trish falls through a table! Stark freaks out and even Becky’s shocked! Becky then clinches Stark, to MANDHANDLE SLAM through another table!! Cover, Becky wins!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall

Now that was a Big Time fight! It may have stayed indoors, but it had plenty of heat from the Summer night! But now, will Becky get to do even more to Trish inside that Steel Cage?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw, even with the same great tribute videos for Bray and Terry from Friday. Sami VS Priest was a great opening match, and McDonagh getting involved and Priest actually winning was a great story detail. The tension is rising between Finn and Priest, even with a tag title opportunity coming this Saturday, but honestly, I’m with Finn on this. Maybe McDonagh could just be part of the team since he knows Finn. Why is everyone else getting so mad at someone wanting to basically join up? The tag title match now being a Street Fight, you can bet McDonagh gets involved even more so. And that last bit from Finn and Priest where Priest points out he doesn’t even need this tag match for titles cuz he has the MITB briefcase could be the last straw before someone gets kicked out of the group.

Rhea and Dom had a good segment with Raquel, but Raquel standing tall makes me think Rhea finds a way to retain the title. As good as Raquel is, it just fits the overall Judgment Day story that, as Rhea pointed out herself, she leads the way having a top title in her division while the guys struggle to catch up. Nothing from the women’s tag division tonight outside of the highlights in Raquel’s promo, but maybe things get going again after Payback. For that matter, I’m a little disappointed that Payback won’t have the Intercontinental Championship on the card. But next week’s Raw is a little closer to the Honky Tonk Man’s record so there is technically more drama in that scenario.

Good stuff out of tonight’s segment with Alpha Academy and Imperium, great match out of Gable VS Ludwig, and a disqualification win was fine to give Gable some momentum right before getting beat down. By go-home math, you would think Gable is gonna win next week, but it’s hard to say. Gunther probably still wins so he takes the record from Honky Tonk Man, adds to the new record and losses at the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania. Who knows it’ll be by then but WWE will have plenty of time to build up that superstar. Maybe it’ll be Ciampa, because he got a great win off Bronson Reed tonight. Reed himself should get at a title in the future, but I guess we’ll have to wait a minute.

Honestly, it is hard to say who wins between Rollins and Nakamura. Great promos from both men tonight, and great ambush attack by Nakamura here. Going by go-home math, Rollins wins. But given this back problem is partially real, I would think Nakamura wins so Rollins can take time off and actually fix his back. And then Nakamura can face a lot of Faces who want title opportunities. We saw a cameo from Ricochet tonight, who had his own feud with Nakamura, so that’d be a fun title feud. Or again, Ciampa gets himself a title opportunity like he said he would, and we see more of Ciampa and Nakamura feuding.

The Miz tricking us into thinking Knight was here was very clever, and honestly, Miz was pretty funny here. He basically did a great The Rock impersonation because that’s what the haters say Knight is doing this whole time. I hope Knight returns the favor on SmackDown and cosplays as Miz. Their match will be really good and a lot of fun, but I would think Knight wins that one so that he can move on towards a championship. Like the US Championship, which IS on the line at Payback. And no Cody tonight but that’s because he was on SmackDown and he’ll have a moment on the PPV with the Grayson Waller Effect talk show segment.

Really good stuff out of this Triple Threat tag feud tonight, with great promos and a great tag match of New Day VS Viking Raiders. McIntyre chucking those armchairs around was awesome, and clever to have Woods be an inadvertent target. And good on them for not doing the usual “mistake becomes grudge” kinda stuff you always see in pro-wrestling. We’re going to get an awesome Tornado Tag next week, but I still see this turning into a Triple Threat Tag to determine #1 contenders in time for Fastlane in October. #McRiddle falling apart is still falling into the RKBRO formula, so it’s kinda stuck. If McRiddle goes on to be a team, then yes, RKBRO 2.0. If the team falls apart, that’s also predictable cuz fans kinda expect McIntyre to explode on Riddle.

And then just great stuff with Becky’s story. Good promo from Becky, good promo from Trish & Zoey, and what an awesome match. Also, kudos to Stark for being able to brush off the accidental chair to her head. Gotta be more careful with timing there. And they didn’t go as far around the arena as expected. But they saved the best stuff for the end, and Stark knocking Trish down was great. Becky winning would say Trish wins at Payback, but who knows. Becky also got emotional at the end as she held up her Bray Wyatt armband, a very touching moment to close the show on.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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