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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (9/28/23)

Will Billie Starkz make Athena proud?



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the “Minion in Training” freeze during this test?

Billie Starkz has been under the guidance of ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena, but it is time to see if she’s learned anything from the Fallen Goddess!


  • Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Brayden Erving; Woods wins.
  • Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS Scorpio Sky; Scorpio wins.
  • Lee Johnson VS Gravity; Gravity wins.
  • Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Lady Frost; Billie wins.
  • Action Andretti & Darius Martin VS The Outrunners; Action & Darius win.
  • Leyla Hirsch VS Laynie Luck; Leyla wins.
  • Shane Taylor w/ Lee Moriarty VS Jimmy Jacobs; Shane wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Ren Jones, Trenton Tormenta & Xavier Walker; Castle & The Boys win.
  • Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora; Garrison & Karter win.
  • Allysin Kay VS Mercedes Martinez w/ Diamante; Mercedes wins.
  • The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; The Gates win.
  • Ethan Page VS Rohit Raju; Ethan wins.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Metalik; Cage wins.


Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Brayden Erving!

The Technical Beast continues his comeback with Smart Mark lining ’em up so they can be knocked down. Will it be another easy night for Woods? Or will Brayden make a name for himself at the expense of the Sterling Stable?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. The two tie up, go around, and Woods clinches to put Brayden in a corner. Woods fires off knee after knee after knee, but lets off as the ref counts. Fans fire up as Woods hits a swinging KNEE! And then another swinging knee! Woods hauls Brayden up, whips him to the corner, but Brayden stops to elbow back! And boot, and DROPKICK! Woods stays up, ducks the enziguri, and deadlift GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fans fire up as Woods BOOTS Brayden, then KNEES him in the face! Woods hauls Brayden up to suplex, for the TILT-O-WOODS! Cover, Woods wins!

Winner: Josh Woods, by pinfall

Not one ropebreak, not one haymaker, but ALL brutal! Is Woods going to be primed and ready for The Wrestler, Katsuyori Shibata, after WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with The Mogul Embassy.

Lexi Nair is with Prince Nana, and the former ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions, and brings up that tonight, the Gates of Agony in a tag match while Brian Cage is in a singles match. But um, is there a reason Nana is so agitated? Oh, Lexi, you are asking these “spicy” questions! Trying to be funny, huh? No, she’s just doing her job… Nana says she’s talking to the Mogul Embassy. Of course they’re ready for tonight! “You’re looking at two of the most unbelievable tag teams in the history of this stinking company, ROH, and they also happen to be the former Six Man Champions, alright?

“And then you’re talking about a Machine. A Machine that cannot be broken, Mr. Brian Cage. So when you come to me and you ask me these questions, these lollygagging type questions about why I feel a certain way… It’s because the Mogul Embassy is back on track. And it’s gonna start tonight.” Cage adds that Six Man titles or not, they’ve still got the wildest Samoan, two of the most legit African princes, and the largest arms in wrestling! And what they’re sick and tired of is seeing all these smelly, stinkin’ Sloppy Joes go out there week after week while they take a backseat! Not no more, not tonight! That all changes, just like Nana said.

And Nana adds that in the end, everyone knows that the Mogul Embassy IS in the money. Liona roars and the team heads out, will they go from dominating the Trios Division into dominating the Tag AND Singles Divisions?


Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS Scorpio Sky!

We just saw Smart Mark’s other client go all Technical Beast Mode, and now he and the Premier Athlete make their way out. But of course, Mark has Bobby Cruz stop so he can introduce Nese himself, and he hands the mic over. Nese knows Grand Rapids, Michigan knows that he is sure they know he is a world-travelling athlete. But if you were to ask Nese to point out Grand Rapids on a map, he for the life of him would not find it. So here’s a map right here, as he holds up his hand. Point to where it is on the hand map. Some people flip Nese off! Nese ignores that to point to the bottom of the hand, where the thumb connects to the rest.

Nese now understands. He understands that Grand Rapids is the fattest part of Michigan! Yes, boo, we don’t want that. But good news for all of them! We found the root of the problem! Now we’ll do something about it. Instead of a wrestling match, Nese treats us to GROUP TRAINING~! Stand up, you lazy SOBs! Start with stretching! He’s just trying to help! You all talk to- Wait! Here comes Scorpio Sky! After all, Nese said reach for the sky. But will Scorpio have Nese reaching for some oxygen after this in-ring workout?

NO Code of Honor as Nese CLBOBERS Scorpio and fires off in the corner! The fans boo, the ref reprimands but Nese bumps Scorpio off buckles. Nese talks trash, but Scorpio CLOBBERS him in return! Fans fire up, Scorpio whips and back drops Nese high and hard! Fans fire up more as Scorpio finally gets his vest off. Nese bails out and storms around while Sterling calms him. Nese rushes up but then stays back. Fans rally for Scorpio and he chases Nese around the outside. They slide in and Nese stomps away! Nese mocks the fans, brings Scorpio up and ROCKS him with a right. Nese whips but Scorpio reverses to hurdle, drop and trip Nese!

Scorpio Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Scorpio CHOPS! Nese staggers away but fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Scorpio obliges and CHOPS again! Nese is stinging and Sterling is upset, but Scorpio whips. Nese holds ropes, bails out again and fans boo. Nese & Sterling wanna bail on this match? No such luck as Scorpio gets Nese back in! Sterling gets in Scorpio’s face but then backs off. Nese uses the apron skirt to blind Scorpio and then DROPKICK him down! Fans boo but Sterling talks trash. Nese mockingly applauds, then he drags Scorpio up. Nese SMACKS Scorpio off the apron, then whips him at steel steps!

Scorpio writhes and Nese slides back into the ring. Nese distracts the ref so that Sterling can stomp Scorpio! Fans boo but Sterling slithers away. Nese drags Scorpio up as fans chant “YOU SUCK!” Nese knees Scorpio, knees him again, then pretends he doesn’t understand. Nese drags Scorpio up to hoist him up top backwards. Then Nese puts Scorpio in the Tree of Woe, and runs corner to corner, for the ab crunch kicks! Fans boo but Nese soaks up the heat. Scorpio gets out of the Tree, drags himself up with ropes, but Nese stands him up. Fans still say “YOU SUCK!” but Scorpio CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again!

Nese THROAT CHOPS! Fans boo but Sterling applauds. Nese headlocks to BULLDOG HOTSHOT! Fans boo more but Nese covers, TWO! Nese drops a leg, brother! And then another, brother! Cover, TWO! Scorpio stays in this but Nese stays on Scorpio with the body scissor squeeze! Fans rally up as Scorpio endures, and he pries at the hold. Scorpio powers the legs open but Nese shifts to a waistlock. BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! And back to the body scissors! Scorpio endures again and the fans rally back up. Scorpio fights up, Nese tries to chinbar but Scorpio pushes him back, and throws down forearms!

Fans fire up as Scorpio gets free! Nese grabs at Scorpio, waistlocks, but Scorpio switches to hit a BIG back suplex of his own! Both men are down and fans fire up again. A standing count begins but both men stir. Nese goes to ropes, Scorpio stands at 4 and Nese follows. Scorpio ROCKS Nese, ROCKS him again, then whips. Nese reverses but Scorpio kicks and runs, to knee lift and LARIAT! Fans fire up even more and Scorpio is feeling it! Nese flounders to a corner, Scorpio runs in but Nese dodges. Nese returns but Scorpio dodges, SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives but Scorpio keeps his cool.

Scorpio fireman’s carries but Nese fights it! Fans rally as Scorpio keeps trying to lift, but Nese powers to a waistlock. They go to a corner, Scorpio bucks the O’Conner to BOOT! Scorpio goes up, Nese SHORYUKENS! Nese fireman’s carries, but Scorpio holds ropes! Scorpio CLUBS away on Nese, then leaps up and over to sunset flip! Nese rolls through to SOBAT! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up while Sterling is furious about the count! Nese throws a forearm, Scorpio hits back! Nese, Scorpio, repeat! Fans rally up, Scorpio gets the edge, but Nese blocks the boot! Nese slips around to waistlock, Scorpio switches to GERMAN SUPLEX, but Nese lands on his feet to DOUBLE STOMP!

Nese hauls Scorpio up, reels him in, but Scorpio FISHERMAN BUSTERS first! Scorpio dusts off, fireman’s carries, and T K O!! Cover, Scorpio wins!

Winner: Scorpio Sky, by pinfall

Sterling’s Stable goes 1-1 as Nese’s eight pack abs could not survive that drop outta the sky! Will Scorpio’s return to ROH bring him a return to prominence?


Lee Johnson VS Gravity!

Big Shotty’s had some misfires lately, but it’s not his fault #TAIGASTYLE joined Shane Taylor Promotions to get the upper hand. Will Lee Johnson get back on target? Or will he not be able to shoot down the Astronaut of Lucha?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up for “GRA-VI-TY!” The two circle some more, feel things out, and then tie up. Gravity waistlocks, Lee switches, but Gravity trips him and rolls back, ONE! The two reset and fans applaud. Gravity and Lee tie up again, are in a deadlock, and Gravity goes for an arm. Gravity wrenches, Lee chinbars and spins Gravity to a facelock. Lee grinds Gravity down but Gravity fights up to wrench and wristlock. Gravity kicks and kicks and keeps on the wristlock, but Lee rolls, kips up and wrenches back. Fans rally and Gravity trips Lee to then tie up the legs!

Gravity has a modified Indian Deathlock, then he knuckle locks. Lee gets his legs free, fights up to his feet and they go shoulder to shoulder. They turn around, turn again, and keep up the Test of Strength. Fans rally, Gravity headlocks but Lee powers up and out. Gravity runs Lee over, and fans fire up! Gravity runs, things speed up and Lee hurdles to arm-drag! And arm-drag again! Then he avoids Gravity’s arm-drag to Oklahoma Roll! TWO and fans are torn as Lee mocks the space walk. The two circle, feel things out again, and they tie up. Lee powers Gravity to a corner, the ref counts, and Lee lets off slowly.

Lee whips corner to corner, runs in but Gravity dodges! Gravity runs in and Arabian Press ARM-DRAGS! Then a wheelbarrow, for the victory roll! TWO! Lee rushes back in, Gravity dodges, Lee hurdles. They keep going, Lee DROPKICKS Gravity down! Fans fire up as Lee flexes. Lee stalks Gravity to ropes as fans rally. Lee brings Gravity up to bump him off buckles, then turns him around to CHOP! Fans “WOO~!” and Lee whips corner to corner. Gravity hits buckles hard then sits down in the corner, and Lee does push-ups to show off. Fans count along and Lee goes all the way to TEN! Lee gets his pumps in, then storms up on Gravity.

Lee drags Gravity up to stomp a mudhole in, the ref counts, and Lee snapmares to chinlock. Lee grinds Gravity down, fans rally up, and Gravity fights his way up. Gravity JAWBREAKERS free! Lee wobbles, Gravity goes to a corner, and then Lee runs in. Gravity BOOTS Lee back! Lee returns but Gravity puts him on the apron and DECKS him! Gravity then goes up and up and up, to SUPER CROSSBODY! Fans fire up after that hangtime, and Gravity drags Lee up. Gravity puts Lee in, goes up another corner, and then FLYING ARM-DRAGS into a cover, TWO!! Lee escapes that one but the fans fire up behind Gravity!

Gravity pounds the mat to feed off that energy, and then runs in. Lee gets around, waistlocks, O’Conner but Gravity stands up! Gravity elbows free, switches, but Lee bucks the O’Conner! Lee runs into a POWERSLAM! Then STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives the double impact but the fans fire up more! Lee flounders and Gravity watches him closely. Gravity hurries to a corner but Lee sneaks up to anchor a foot. Gravity kicks Lee away, runs up, but Lee ROCKS him with a forearm! Lee whips, shoots around, then BLUE- NO, Gravity fights the bomb! But Lee keeps Gravity from running!

Gravity elbows, but Lee ducks the roundhouse to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Gravity survives but Lee won’t let up! Lee suplexes, but Gravity slips free and ripcords, but Lee SUPERKICKS! Lee runs, slides under then SUPERKICKS again! Lee reels Gravity back in, to suplex, but Gravity cradle counters! TWO!! Lee escapes but Gravity SUPERKICKS! Gravity suplexes high and hard! Then he goes right up the corner and fans fire up for the PLANKING SPLASH! Cover, Gravity wins!

Winner: Gravity, by pinfall

Big Shotty can’t blame anyone else for this one, he just could not defy Gravity! What will it take for Lee Johnson to be firing on all cylinders? As for Gravity, he is already a star in ROH, but can he make himself into a champion?


Backstage interview with The Outrunners.

Lexi is with Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum and says we have been seeing a lot of them lately. Tonight, they face the dynamic duo of Darius Martin & Action Andretti, how’re they feeling? Truth says that there’s a lot of talking going around in AEW and ROH about “Who is the best tag team in the world?” Well, they couldn’t care less, cuz what you’re looking at is the best tag team in the UNIVERSE! Tell ’em, Turb! Turbo says Darius & Action think they’re the newest, hottest, biggest and baddest team on the block, but guess what, buds? You’re not! It’s the Outrunners! They’ve got the looks and the guns! And if you ain’t seen the Outrunners, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

They flex as hard as they can, but can they get the win? Or will Top Flight MK II stay on course for another shot at gold?


Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Lady Frost!

The “Minion in Training” completed the To Do List, survived the physical training, and has even had her mentor’s back against her opponents. But will she clear the final hurdle that is winning a match of her own? Or will she be left out in the cold upon failing her Fallen Goddess?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Frost knees Billie low! Fans boo but Frost dusts herself off. Frost runs but Billie CHOPS! And KNEES! And- NO, Frost ducks the lariat, but Billie tosses her out! Fans rally up and Athena takes notes. She blows her whistle to startle Frost, and Billie builds speed! Billie DIVES to take Frost down at the ramp! Fans cheer and Athena suggests using the steps. The people want it! Fans do cheer, and Billie says okay. Billie brings Frost up, lines up the shot, spins Frost around and around, but then puts Frost in the ring. Fans boo and Billie says she got dizzy. Athena says fine, just stay on the opponent.

Billie hurries in after Frost but Athena shouting keeps distracting her. Frost bails out, Billie goes out the side, but Frost avoids the sweep! And cartwheels over another! PENALTY KICK knocks Billie down! Frost soaks up the heat while Athena coaches Billie up. Frost taunts Athena to help her minion. Frost SMACKS Billie off the apron, CHOPS her, then says that was ice cold. Frost puts Billie in the ring, swaggers around, and she bumps Billie off buckles. Frost CHOPS and Billie sputters. Frost says, “One more?” Fans say sure, but Frost says nope! She pie faces Billie! Athena coaches Billie but Frost mocks her.

Frost laughs at Athena and bumps Billie off buckles. Frost stomps a mudhole in, then stands on Billie to stomp away! The ref reprimands, Frost lets off, and Billie drags herself up. Billie pushes Frost, but Frost GAMANGIRIS! Fans rally and Athena tells Billie to fight back. Billie throws hands and a BOOT and Athena likes that! But Frost ROCKS Billie back! Frost runs in to RAM into Billie, then rolls back to RAM into her again! Frost brings Billie out to fisherman, but Billie cradle counters! TWO! Frost DECKS Billie! Billie flounders to a corner, Frost runs up and blocks boots, but Billie KICKS back! Fans rally for Billie as she fireman’s carries.

Frost fights free, shoves, and then goes to a corner. Billie runs in but into BOOTS! Frost then handsprings over Billie to BLINDSIDE SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Athena coaches Billie but Frost is on her again. Fans rally, Frost pie faces Billie some more, then Frost whips and ROCKS Billie! Frost whips Billie but Billie blocks! And blocks again! Athena coaches Billie, Frost whips but Billie reverses and ROCKS Frost! Athena likes that! Billie runs, but Frost reels her in to CLUB her down! Billie staggers, but she spins Frost to KNEE SMASH, and HOOK KICK! Then a fireman’s carry, for a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Billie puts Frost in a drop zone. Billie climbs, Athena coaches her on, but Billie has to leap over Frost. Frost comes back, handspring to an Alabama, AIR RAID CRASH! Frost then goes up the corner, TEMPERATURE DROP!! Cover, Athena sneaks in to help!? Fans are torn as Athena blows her whistle. The player-coach with a sneaky assist and Frost is furious, but Billie waistlocks! Frost elbows Billie, standing switches, but Billie slips free and tucks the arms, C R 2!!! Cover, BILLIE WINS!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall

The Fallen Goddess helps her Minion, and then Billie finishes it herself with Caprice Coleman wants to call “The Starkz Clash.” Wait, Athena goes after Frost for herself now! We all know the Fallen Goddess has a mean streak, and she wants Billie to get on hers! Athena TOSSES Frost out, then invites Billie to hit her, too. Billie says no, the win is enough! Athena says no, the people want violence. So she scoops and SWINGS Frost into railing! The ref says no more, Billie says no more, but fans say “ONE MORE TIME!” So Athena whips Frost hard into more railing! Billie tells Athena stop but Athena puts Frost back in the ring!

Athena sets Frost up with the ROH Women’s World Championship belt, but Billie tells her no! Athena sits Frost up, but Billie moves the belt! Athena sighs and fans boo, but Billie says enough is enough. Athena stares Billie down but Billie doesn’t back off. Athena tells Billie that if this is gonna work, Athena leads and the minion follows! You want the title? Athena is trying to show you what it takes!! Athena lets off and Billie is clearly conflicted. What other lessons will Athena try to teach Billie? Or does Billie simply need to learn how to stand up for herself?


Backstage interview with Allysin Kay.

Lexi is with AK and says tonight she will face Mercedes Martinez, an old rival. How is she feeling going into this match? Allysin says, “How am I feeling, Lexi? How am I feeling!?” Allysin apologizes for yelling, she knows Lexi is a nice person. But Allysin admits that she loves talking trash, it might be what she does best. If you need someone cussed out, she is your girl. But she is also not delusional, and she knows she’s on a losing streak. She hates to admit it but the facts don’t lie. And Allysin also knows Mercedes is a much more experienced veteran than her. But the thing is, win, lose or draw, AK ain’t going down without a fight.

In the end, AK Still Don’t Play! She has put her old rival on notice, will Allysin prove she’s more badass than the OG Badass?


Action Andretti & Darius Martin VS The Outrunners!

We heard from Turbo & Truth, but while their retro style and attitude is a lot of fun, will they be all business here tonight? Or will the Sight to See and Air Wolf prove throwbacks aren’t enough against a team that knows how to #StayReady?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Truth & Turbo would rather Mega Powers handshake with each other. The teams sort out and Truth starts against Action. They circle at the bell, Truth avoids Action shooting in for a leg, and then the two feel out a knuckle lock. Turbo snags Action, but he gets away and dodges Truth. Truth swings again but Action blocks to wrench and wristlock. Action then ripcords, wrenches, and wrangles Truth to a top wristlock! Fans rally, Truth fights up but Darius tags in. Darius wrenches to arm-drag Truth, then rolls to clinch and ghost pin, ONE! Truth rushes in but into an arm-drag!

Darius wrenches then tags in Action. Action goes up to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Truth scrambles away and throws a fit, but Turbo wants in to knock Action’s block off! Truth tags Turbo in and Grand Rapids fires up. Turbo flexes and he circles with Action. Action blocks a kick and Turbo apologizes. Action spins Turbo to headlock. Turbo powers up, and pulls hair! The ref reprimands but Turbo headlocks now. Action powers up and out but Turbo runs him over! Turbo hits a homer, then he goes back for Action. Turbo headlocks, but Action powers up and out to step over, La Magistrol, TWO! But Action keeps the arm!

Action wrenches, headlocks, but Turbo powers up to back suplex! But Action lands on his feet to headlock Turbo. Truth runs in but Action back drops him up and over them both! Turbo powers up, Action goes up the corner and he gets Truth, too, HEADSCISSOR HEADLOCK TAKEOVER COMBO! The Outrunners tumble and regroup while Darius hops in, and Team Stay Ready DOUBLE DROPKICK them out! Fans fire up while Darius & Action secret handshake, then DOUBLE PLAN- NO, Truth drags Darius out! Darius is sent into steps! Action kicks Turbo away but Truth trips Action up mid-springboard!

Fans are torn as Outrunners put Action in. Turbo spins to soak up the cheers and jeers, then he rains down fists! Turbo flexes, poses while sitting on the cover, ONE! Fans taunt the Outrunners but Truth tells ’em to shut up! Turbo tags Truth in, and they DOUBLE SCOOP SLAM! The Outrunners flex more, then Turbo sucker punches Darius! The ref keeps Darius back while Truth drags Action up, but Action cradle counters! The ref is too busy with Darius, he’s missing all of this! Turbo pushes the cradle over into Outrunner favor, ONE!! Action stands but Truth DECKS him! Truth drags Action around, runs, and drops a knee! Cover, TWO!

Truth is annoyed, he slaps Action around, then sucker punches- NO, Darius counter punches! But the ref is still distracted with Darius! Turbo fakes a tag and stomps Action. Turbo slashes his throat, drags Action up to CLUB him, then suplexes, for the NECKBREAKER! Fans boo but Turbo points to Truth. Truth calls for Total Recall, probably the original Arnold Schwarzenegger and not the Colin Farrell one. Tag to Truth and Turbo scoops Action. Truth runs but Action slips free to shove Turbo at him! The Outrunners stop themselves and then hurry to get Action’s legs! Action stands to ENZIGURI Truth away, hot tag to Darius!

Darius rallies on the Outrunners! He DECKS Turbo, fires off haymakers on Truth then whips. Truth reverses but Darius hits an atomic drop! Then a BULLDOG HOTSHOT, to a GAMANGIRI! Truth tumbles and fans fire up as Darius goes up, to CROSSBODY! Cover, Turbo breaks it! Fans rally, Turbo whips but Darius TOSSES Turbo out! Action anchors Turbo, Darius DECK Shim! Action goes up to QUEBRADA! Down goes Turbo and Action tags in! Darius has Truth up, atomic drop into a shove, GAMANGIRI, and then SHOTGUN GERMAN SUPLEX!! Truth staggers, Action tags in!

They kick, KICK and BUZZSAW, to then half nelson and a spin. Both men pick Truth up, for the DOUBLE STO!! Cover, Stay Ready wins!

Winners: Action Andretti & Darius Martin, by pinfall

The Outrunners probably won’t want to recall this match. But Action & Darius are on track, will they look to go after whoever are ROH World Tag Team Champions after WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with Griff Garrison.

Lexi is with the Ivy League MVP and says we saw him team with Cole Karter for the very first time. Didn’t go the way they wanted to, but will tonight be any different? But speaking of, Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Cole Karter walk in. Maria asks, “Will it be any different? What was that?” Karter adds, “Yeah, Griff, what was that? You cost me my victory!” Griff tells Karter to shut up. Just do it. And he knows he’s said that the last couple weeks, he felt like he had lost a step. But turns out that’s not true. Griff’s 100%. He just didn’t know how well this was going to go.

But this can work, they all understand that. When Griff first got here, he was just given a partner. And it was going so well, until it wasn’t. And now that guy’s not even here! (He’s talking about Brian Pillman Jr. leaving AEW/ROH) But that could be Griff next, or it could be Karter. They have to make this work, but do it the right way. Maria says okay, they will do it the right way. Karter agrees since Maria agrees, and Lexi says this is a good start. Will Griff be able to go all in on The Kingdom’s Army now that it’s all out in the air?


Leyla Hirsch VS Laynie Luck!

Speaking of The Kingdom’s Army, this is one person who is not giving in to Maria’s recruitment speech. Will Leyla continue to be LEGIT all by herself? Or will Laynie show her that sometimes, all you need is luck?

The Code of Honor is offered by Laynie, and she waits, but then Leyla sees Maria on stage. Maria says go ahead, do it. Leyla KICKS the hand away, and fans boo but Maria likes that. The bell rings, Leyla says go ahead, free shot. Laynie grabs that leg, but Leyla stays up! Leyla then pushes Laynie away, but Laynie fireman’s carries! Leyla slips free, waistlocks, but Laynie elbows and switches. Leyla switches back, Laynie bucks the O’Conner, but Leyla avoids the boot! Laynie mule kicks then runs to BOOT! Laynie suplexes, then kips up! Fans fire up with Laynie and she does a dance, but Leyla is up! Leyla hits a SAIDO!

Laynie staggers up into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Leyla drags Laynie around by her arm, blows a kiss to Maria, and puts on the LEGIT ARMBREAKER! Laynie taps, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Now that was legit! Maria is still impressed, and it would seem the offer still stands. But Leyla says she’s 11-0, she wants Athena! Will Leyla get the title opportunity she wants without The First Lady of Wrestling helping her?


Backstage interview with Mercedes Martinez & Diamante.

Lexi is with the former ROH Women’s World Champion as well as the Cuban Diamond, and brings up the match with Allysin Kay, someone the OG Badass is very familiar with. How is she feeling ahead of that match? Uh, first off, Lil’ Miss Lex, what’s with bringing up her being a former Women’s World Champion? That’s disrespectful! Do you not know who she is? Let’s get back to business. Yes, Mercedes is facing AK. Yes, they’ve faced off before. Blah blah blah blah. But AK, in ROH, you have been losing! Match after match after match after match. Isn’t she tired of losing yet? But tonight won’t be any different. Pinkies up? Nah, pinkies down!


Shane Taylor w/ Lee Moriarty VS Jimmy Jacobs!

Big Bad Shaney T. wants to be back on top of the company he carried through its darkest days, but he’s also calling out names of ROH’s past! Will the in-ring return of the Big Bully Zombie Princess just be a stepping stone to the top of the mountain for Shane Taylor Promotions?

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as Shane says Grand Rapids can cheer Jimmy all they want, it ain’t gonna help. Then Shane SHOVES Jimmy down! Fans boo, the bell rings, but Shane says he’s put everyone on notice. But Jimmy SLAPS Shane, throws his coat over Shane’s head, and then fires off haymakers! Shane shoves Jimmy away, runs in but Jimmy sends him into buckles! Jimmy CHOPS, but Shane just snarls. Shane puts Jimmy in a corner to CHOP! And CHOP! Fans rally for Jimmy but Shane whips corner to corner. Jimmy stops himself, comes back to LARIAT! Shane stays up but Jimmy BITES Shane’s forehead!

Moriarty protests but gets away as Jimmy swipes. Shane runs in, Jimmy tosses him out and then DIVES! But Shane catches Jimmy! Only for Jimmy to GUILLOTINE! Fans fire up but Shane stays up, and he RAMS Jimmy into the post! Then Shane SUPLEXES Jimmy away! Jimmy writhes, the ring count is climbing, but Moriarty smiles as Shane puts Jimmy in the ring. Shane stalks Jimmy to a corner, says the fans are just lying to themselves, and then he throws hands on Jimmy. Shane TOSSES Jimmy across the way! Shane talks trash to the fans, runs corner to corner, and he SPLASHES Jimmy! Jimmy leans against Shane but Shane pushes him down.

Shane taunts Jimmy, but Jimmy CHOPS! And CHOPS! And LARIATS! Shane stays up, blocks a kick and HEADBUTTS! Then the URENAGE! Shane runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Jimmy survives and Moriarty is confused. Shane snarls and he tells Jimmy not to listen to his people. But Jimmy stands to fire haymakers! Shane DECKS Jimmy! Jimmy rises, and he fires more haymakers! Shane DECKS Jimmy again and tells him to stay down! Jimmy sits back up and fans fire up behind him! Jimmy fires haymakers but Shane knees low. Shane runs, KICKS Jimmy’s back drop away, but then Jimmy LARIATS Shane down!!

Fans fire up and Jimmy is feeling it! But Shane shoves Jimmy to a corner. Jimmy BOOTS back, goes up, and reels Shane in to TORNADO SNAP SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Jimmy covers, TWO! Shane is in this but fans rally behind Jimmy. Jimmy storms up but Shane JABS him! Shane swings, Jimmy ducks but the SOUTHPAW comes back! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy is still in this but Shane shakes his head. Shane drags Jimmy up and Moriarty says this is what Grand Rapids gets. Shane says this is about O H I O! Shane shoves Jimmy but Jimmy dodges, rolls and SWINGING HEADSCISSORS! Fans fire up as Shane goes tumbling away!

Jimmy runs corner to corner, ducks the lariat, and goes up to FLYING- NO, Shane stops the cutter! But then Jimmy goes up and up, only for Shane to counter the Sliced Bread! WELCOME TO THE LAND! Cover, Shane wins!

Winner: Shane Taylor, by pinfall

Ohio wins as the visiting team as Shane drops Jimmy in his hometown. Will Shane Taylor Promotions be unstoppable until they run ROH?


Backstage interview with Maria Kanellis-Bennett.

Lexi is with the First Lady and brings up Maria bringing Cole Karter and Griff Garrison together as a team, is she excited for this new duo? But then Leyla interrupts, and asks Maria that at this point, doesn’t she feel she needs to be managing “her boys,” since they need her the most? Does Leyla think that? Yeah, she does! She doesn’t get why Maria keeps coming out week after week after week, scouting her. For Leyla, things get messy when others get involved. Like last week, she was just put in a random Six Woman Tag with the Renegades, and look what happens! She does great on her own, and she proved that again.

She is 11-0! Do the people hear her? 11-0! And all without Maria’s help. And throughout the weeks, Maria’s been saying she’s gonna get Leyla more competitive matches, and that Leyla would need Maria to get her title match with Athena. And for some reason in Maria’s deranged mind, she thinks Leyla doesn’t deserve it otherwise. Well good thing the Board of Directors think the opposite. Next week, Leyla has her match with Athena for THE ROH Women’s World Championship. And that is legit. Leyla heads out and Maria sarcastically wishes her luck. Will Leyla become the LEGIT ROH Women’s World Champion even without Maria’s guidance?


Six Man Tag: Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Ren Jones, Trenton Tormenta & Xavier Walker!

Surely, just as we all are, The Peacock & The Tate Twins are aware that we have NEW ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions in Hangman Adam Page & The Young Bucks. Hangman & The Bucks were the trio that dethroned Castle & The Boys way back in 2017, will Castle & The Boys fight their way to a rematch six years in the making? Or will they be caught off guard by three young bucks right here?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though Walker doesn’t let go of Brandon without some force. Castle gets fired up already and the ref has to keep everything sorted out. Castle starts against Michigan’s own #SwagChamp and the fans rally up. The two tie up, break, feel things out, then go again. Castle waistlocks and he SLAMS Ren down! Fans fire up and Castle tags in Brandon. Brandon runs up, ducks under and ENZIGURIS! Brandon tags to Brent, they whip Ren, then leap frog to DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Brent covers, TWO! Brent drags Ren up but Ren RAMS him into the corner! Brent fights back but Walker and Tormenta mug him!

Ren tags Walker and they beat Brent down while the ref is busy with Castle and Tormenta! Walker then CLOBBERS Castle and goes back to Brent, Brandon checks on Castle. Fans boo but Walker drags Brent up. Walker throws a hard body shot and Brent falls! Walker stands Brent up to ROCK him with a right! Castle rallies the fans up behind Brent while Walker puts him on the ropes. Walker CLUBS Brent, stalks him to a corner, then brings him around. Walker taunts Castle to back suplex but Brent lands out! Brent dodges, hot tag to Castle! Castle CLOBBERS Walker, CLOBBERS Tormenta and DECKS Ren!

Castle CLOBBERS Tormenta again to then waistlock and SLAM Walker! Fans fire up with Castle, and he SPLASHES down! Cover, Ren & Tormenta break it! They TOSS Castle out, then help Walker up. But the Boys go after them! Ren & Tormenta hit back, double whip, but the Boys both hold ropes. Tormenta runs in but the Boys DUMP him out! Then Brandon gets around Ren to waistlock, Brent runs up, but Ren DECKS Brent! Ren switches with Brandon but Brent makes the save to then CUTTER! Fans fire up, Walker gets up and The Boys egg him on. Walker runs in, misses, the Boys egg him on again!

Walker runs back in, but then Castle gets him with an Alabama Lift! BANGARANG!! Castle then drops a KNEE on Walker’s back! Cover, Castle & The Boys win!

Winners: Dalton Castle & The Boys, by pinfall

Castle says he means this with all his heart! Keep putting people in front of him and he will keep on surprising you! He’s on a roll here, and he’s gonna make ROH the greatest company wrestling has ever seen! Will The Peacock get his shot at the ROH World Television Championship? Will he and his Boys get their shot at the ROH World Six Man Tag Championships? Will they soon rule ROH?


Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora!

The First Lady of Wrestling is building The Kingdom’s Army, and the Ivy League MVP is just trying to make sure they do things the right way. Will the Diamond in the Rough be willing to follow Griff’s lead? Or will Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo be the only army marching up the ranks in ROH?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and Griff starts against Carlie. They circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up. Griff wrenches, wristlocks, but Carlie rolls, handsprings and pop ‘n’ lock to headlock! Carlie then wrenches to a hammerlock but Griff switches that onto Carlie. Griff ducks an elbow, back suplexes, but Carlie lands on his feet to waistlock. Griff bucks the O’Conner, then he runs Carlie over! Fans cheer as Griff flexes, and things speed up. Carlie hurdles, but Griff turns hip toss into hip toss! Then a BOOT knocks Carlie down! Fans rally while Dean coaches Carlie. Griff drags Carlie up to bump him off buckles.

Karter tags in, he stomps a mudhole in, and then the ref counts. Karter lets off at 4, whips Carlie to ropes, but Carlie ducks and rolls, redirects and UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up and Carlie drags Karter up. Wrench and tag to Dean, scoop and SLAM leads to Dean with the PENALTY KICK, Carlie with the juke and SENTON, then Dean with the JUMPING ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Karter hangs tough but Dean drags Karter up to wrench. Tag to Carlie and he climbs, to AX HANDLE! Carlie wrenches, tags back to Dean, and Dean goes up to AX HANDLE! Dean keeps Karter from Griff, wrenches again, and then Carlie tags in.

Karter claws Dean’s eyes to get free! Carlie still goes for the leap but Karter body shots him! Karter keeps moving and he LARIATS Carlie down! Karter soaks up the heat but Maria applauds. Karter bumps Carlie off buckles, tags in Griff, and they work together to double suplex! Cover, TWO! Griff clamps a chinlock on and he grinds Carlie down. Fans rally as Carlie fights up, and Carlie throws body shots. Griff shoves Carlie to then ELBOW him down! Tag to Karter, they double whip to drop and CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Karter is annoyed but Maria cheers them on. Karter bumps Carlie off buckles, then throws body shots.

Karter lets off as the ref counts, but Carlie CHOPS! Carlie DECKS Griff but Karter KNEES and CLUBS Carlie! Carlie is down on the ropes and Maria says Griff has to do something here! Griff says no, that’s underhanded stuff! Maria tells him to do it but Griff reminds her, they’re doing this the right way. Karter is annoyed with Griff but Griff reminds him this is playing fair and square. Karter drags Carlie up but Carlie JAWBREAKERS, then DISCUS HAYMAKERS! Both men are down! Fans fire up as they crawl, hot tag to Dean! The Captain dodges Karter, BLASTS Griff, then rallies on Karter!

Dean back drops Karter high and hard! Griff runs in, but Dean ducks the elbow to DISCUS LARIAT! Dean then float-over and salute, DDT! Dean kips up and fans fire up! Maria coaches Karter but Dean takes aim. Dean runs in to LARIAT up and over to the apron! Karter staggers and Dean climbs, CROSSBODY! Cover, Griff breaks it! Maria is thankful that he did that much! Griff runs up on Dean to whip, but Dean holds ropes. Dean dumps Griff to the apron. Carlie runs in to juke and HAYMAKER! Griff goes down after the #CarlieCrossover, and The Infantry focuses on Karter! Fans fire up with them, they double wrench and DOUBLE FOREARM!

Karter falls over but Carlie says to get him up! Dean fireman’s carries, Carlie runs, they send Karter to BOOT CAMP!! Then Carlie PLANCHAS Griff for good measure! Dean covers but Maria distracts! Fans boo but Dean tells the ref to pay attention! Dean calls in Trish! Hit her with the deal! Maria says no, no deals! No deals, please! Adora storms up on Maria, but Karter rolls Dean! Griff keeps Carlie out, and Karter puts his feet on the ropes!! The ref misses it, The Kingdom’s Army wins!!

Winners: Cole Karter & Griff Garrison, by pinfall

The Infantry can’t believe it, but they just got caught! Griff only knows that they won, he doesn’t realize Karter cheated! Is Maria going to get her boys on the same page no matter what? Or will the truth be revealed and ruin the fun?


Backstage with Ethan Page.

Lexi is with All Ego (or is it All Honor now?) and notes he will be in action tonight against Rohit Raju. Lexi says Ethan’s been on a hot streak in ROH, and he likes that. Just last week, she said he got his groove back, and she was right. He feels rejuvenated, a little more All Ego than just Ethan Page. And if he gets this win here tonight, that would be 3-0! Is Lexi okay to say that is a streak? Yes, it is! Then Ethan on a streak will be fantastic, because he has big plans in ROH. Oh did someone say ROH? In walks Rohit Raju, who reminds us you can’t spell his name without R O H. And Lex Express, long time no see!

Rohit hasn’t gotten a call from this place in quite some time, but he saw the door open so he just kinda moseyed on in and made himself at home. Oh hey, Ethan, how you been? Well, thanks for asking the person who was scheduled for an interview how they’re doing. And he’s fantastic. Much better before the interruption. But hey, good for Rohit getting as much screentime as possible. Because Rohit kinda just pissed Ethan off. Tonight, Rohit won’t get any more screentime, because Ethan is gonna kick Rohit’s ass as quickly as possible. Enjoy this moment, close this interview while Ethan goes warm-up for the ass kicking.

Ethan storms off and Rohit asks if Lexi thinks Ethan’s mad. Yeah, a little. Good. Rohit wants to make this his show, but will he go from star to supporting character in the All Ego redemption story?


Allysin Kay VS Mercedes Martinez w/ Diamante!

We’ve heard both these rivals put the other on notice, but the time for talk is over. Actions speak louder than words anyhow, so who is the loudest badass in ROH?

The Code of Honor is barely upheld and the bell rings. Mercedes mocks the pinkies up and such, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Mercedes backs Allysin to ropes. The ref counts, Mercedes lets off slowly, and then Diamante swipes at Allysin! The ref tells Diamante to back off but Allysin rushes out after her! Allysin dodges Mercedes’ cheap shot, to then FLAPJACK her off the apron! “Not today, Satan!” Allysin then DECKS Mercedes, and she puts her in the ring. Allysin tells Diamante to back off, then runs in. She avoids the boot to hit a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Mercedes is tougher than that but Allysin keeps on her.

Allysin whips Mercedes to a corner hard, then runs in to SPLASH! Allysin sits Mercedes down, pinkies up and Around the World for- NO, Diamante helps Mercedes bail out. Allysin protests, the ref has her hold on, and he tells Diamante to knock it off, final warning. Diamante helps Mercedes get in the ring, then she taunts Allysin. Allysin gets on the apron, but Diamante anchors her foot! Allysin can’t kick free before Mercedes BLASTS her down! Fans boo as Diamante gets away with another one. Mercedes takes a bow, soaks up the heat, and then waits on the ring count. Allysin crawls and Diamante taunts her.

Mercedes goes out to kick Allysin, UPPERCUT her, and follow her to the barriers. Mercedes UPPERCUTS again, shakes out her hand from hitting that hard, and then taunts the fans. Another UPPERCUT, “just for you!” Mercedes puts Allysin back in the ring, stalks her to a corner, and stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Mercedes lets off at 4, and she argues with the ref so Diamante can sucker punch Allysin! Mercedes drags Allysin up but Allysin throws body shots! Mercedes UPPERCUTS again! Diamante taunts Allysin, Mercedes puts Allysin in the corner and UPPERCUTS again! Mercedes then runs to forearm smash!

Mercedes goes side to side to BOOT! Mercedes swaggers, runs side to side again, and DROPKICKS! Fans boo but Mercedes just soaks up the heat. Diamante says that’s it right there! Mercedes drags Allysin as fans rally for “PINKIE’S UP!” Mercedes fireman’s carries but Allysin slips free to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Allysin pounds the mat. Allysin sees Mercedes stand, then runs in to LARIAT! And ELBOW! Allysin then spins Mercedes to a wristlock and NECKBREAKER! Diamante gets on the apron to talk trash but Allysin BOOTS her down! Allysin puts Mercedes in the corner, runs in but only gets buckles!

Mercedes CLUBS Allysin, Electric Chair Lifts to tuck her in, CHEEKY NANDOS! Allysin tumbles to the apron and then the floor while fans boo. Mercedes distracts the ref talking about sore this and that, and Diamante hits a WHEELBARROW STUNNER! Diamante puts Allysin in for Mercedes, and she KNEES Allysin down! But Mercedes isn’t done, she fisherman’s for the BUSTER! Cover, Mercedes wins!

Winner: Mercedes Martinez, by pinfall

An unofficial handicap match brings Allysin down for another loss, and Mercedes continues to mock the pinkies up. Is the former ROH Women’s World Champion going to go right for that gold after we see Athena VS Leyla?


Backstage interview with Billie Starkz.

Lexi the Minion Bestie congratulates her minion buddy about her epic return to action. Thanks so much, Lexi! Billie is so happy to do this all on her own! Um, actually, Athena kinda pulled her out of that pin near the end there. W-What? Athena being ringside, she reached in and- Athena walks up and Lexi stops talking. Athena asks if Minion Number 2 has something to say. No… Oh, okay, because it looked like she didn’t like how Athena handled business after that match. Nope. So then what does Billie have to say for herself? Billie won! Oh no no no, that is not what they do. They win at all costs, then deter any porcelain hussy who thinks they can step to them in the future!

If Billie doesn’t understand that, then maybe she needs more training! Billie is young and stupid, and everyone will step all over her. Athena and Bestie are just trying to bring Billie outta the gutter. But y’know what, maybe Billie needs a firsthand example. She’ll get a front row seat. Next week, Athena VS Leyla, Athena will set an example for the family. Athena storms off, Lexi apologizes but Billie is almost in tears as she leaves in the other direction. Will the Fallen Goddess prove who is truly LEGIT? Or is this all going to fall apart around her?


The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson!

Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun are enraged, wanting to take out their anger from that loss to the Hung Bucks on anyone that steps to them! And they already know they can beat Dirty Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder from their Six Man Tag showdown. Will the Mogul Embassy slam the gates shut on the Savage Sanctuary? Or will this be when the beefy and bulky, jacked and juicy giants get that signature win?

The Code of Honor is offered, but Kaun just SHOTGUNS Bronson! The bell rings, Bronson stays up but Kaun hits a POWERSLAM! And a SPLASH! Kaun fires off hands, the ref reprimands, but Kaun stomps Bronson! Fans fire up as Kaun CLUBS Bronson! Kaun whips, drops, then swings but Bronson dodges to run Kaun over! Bronson clinches to EXPLODER! Kaun tumbles, Bronson fires up and he brings Kaun up. Kaun gets away, Liona storms in but Boulder backs Bronson up. The ref has things calm down, and everyone falls back. Bronson and Kaun tag out, fans fire up for “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” as he meets Liona.

Liona runs in to RAM shoulders with Boulder but neither falls! They RAM again, and again, and again! This is big men slappin’ meat and fans fire up! Liona LARIATS but Boulder LARIATS! They go shot for shot, Liona gets the edge and then fires up, but Boulder dodges to BLAST Kaun! Liona roars, so does Boulder, and they RAM shoulders again! Liona grabs the beard, but Boulder CLUBS the arms! Liona CLUBS the fireman’s carry, whips, but Boulder reverses to TOSS Liona out! Fans fire up and Boulder throws off the headband! Tag to Bronson as he builds speed!? Boulder DIVES but has to bail out as Kaun saves Liona!

Kaun whips Liona in and Liona CLOBBERS Boulder! But wait, Bronson builds speed!? Bronson DIVES, but the Gates catch him! DOUBLE SCOOP SLAM to the ramp! And then they run Boulder over! How are there no craters at ringside!? Liona goes back into the ring and fans rally up. The ring count climbs but Liona tags Kaun. Kaun fetches Bronson, throws down fists, and then runs to SENTON! Bronson sputters but Kaun pushes him to a cover, TWO! Kaun looms over Bronson, drags him up, and he tags in Liona. They RAM Bronson in the corner, then Kaun goes up so they can mug Bronson!

The ref counts, the Gates let off at 4, but Kaun still CHOKES Bronson against ropes! The ref reprimands, Kaun lets off, and Jameson rallies the fans for Bronson. Liona drags Bronson up, but Bronson throws hands! Liona HEADBUTTS Bronson down! Tag to Kaun, fans continue to rally, but the Gates double whip. Kaun runs in but into BOOTS! Bronson goes up to CROSSBODY! Both men are down and fans fire up! Bronson and Kaun crawl, Kaun anchors Bronson’s foot! Bronson kicks Kaun away, hot tag to Boulder! Boulder runs Kaun over, BLASTS Liona, then runs Kaun over again!

Boulder scoops Kaun, Kaun slips free, tag to Liona. Boulder still hits a SIDEWALK SLAM on Kaun! Liona gets in to throat chop! Fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Boulder whips. Liona ducks ‘n’ dodges, but leaps into a scoop! Nana freaks out and Liona fights, but Boulder still POWERSLAMS! The straps come down and fans fire up for all that raw beef! Tag to Boulder and Boulder goes up! Time to motorboat! Wait what? SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Bronson BOOTS Liona down, and the Savages say it’s time to go up! Boulder climbs, Kaun runs in to SHOVE him down!! Bronson SPLASHES Kaun, and he’s gonna sip that Savage Sauce!

But Nana steals the sauce from Jameson! Nana says that’s HIS sauce now! Nana opens the cap and takes a sip, but then Jameson chases him! Liona POUNCES Jameson! Kaun storms on Bronson to fireman’s carry and GUT BUSTER DROP! Liona storms in, he and Kaun drag Bronson up, and Nana says do it! OPEN THE GATES!! Cover, the Gates win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

Nana’s promise is halfway fulfilled as Kaun & Liona keep their ROH 2v2 streak going! These behemoths will be waiting to see if MJF survives The Righteous on Sunday, will the Gates get winners?


Ethan Page VS Rohit Raju!

All Ego is slowly getting back to himself, and he’s looking to take one more step towards title opportunities! Will the Mad Dragon of Michigan wish he hadn’t fired Ethan up? Or will he use Ethan’s own aspirations against him?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Rohit kicks low! Fans boo but Rohit ROCKS Ethan, then kicks him again. Rohit whips, Ethan blocks, so Rohit tries again. Ethan still blocks, reels Rohit in to scoop, but Rohit slips out. Ethan bucks the O’Conner and he runs Rohit right over! Fans fire up and Ethan drags Rohit up. Ethan ROCKS Rohit and then whips, to then run Rohit over again! Ethan suplexes as fans fire up, and he holds Rohit up and even marches around! After a count of TEN, it’s the SLAM! Ethan grins and fans cheer. Ethan brings Rohit up but Rohit fires off fast hands! Ethan ducks the buzzsaw to clinch! COBRA CLUTCH SLAM!

Ethan says now he’s done with Rohit! Canadian Rack, but Rohit fights free! Rohit BOOTS Ethan, runs in, but into a scoop! Rohit tilt-o-whirls free to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Rohit then runs to forearm smash! And then BOOT! Rohit fires up and he runs back in, but into a BOOT!! Ethan doesn’t stop there, he goes out to step back in, “GOOD NIGHT, ROHIT!” HEADSHOT CUTTER! Cover, Ethan wins!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

It was maybe a longer match than Ethan promised, but it was still pretty quick. Ethan shakes Rohit’s hand to keep the Code of Honor, will Ethan keep up this momentum until he is a champion in ROH?


Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Metalik!

Time for part two of the Nana’s promise! Will The Machine prove he cannot be stopped? Or will the King of Ropes finally answer, “Who betta?”

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally as Cage and Metalik tie up. They go around, Cage throws Metalik to a corner, and he asks, “Who betta than Cage?” Nana says nobody, and then Cage runs in, only for Metalik to dodge. Metalik comes back, Cage puts him on the apron, but Metalik GAMANGIRIS! Cage staggers, Metalik goes up and tightrope walks to CROSSBODY! But Cage catches him, pop shim up, but Metalik slips free. Cage elbows Metalik, whips, but Metalik handsprings! Cage dodges, Metalik dodges, and Metalik tilt-o-whirls Cage outta the ring!

Fans rally up and Metalik aims to PLANCHA, but has to land out as Cage moves. Metalik kicks, Cage blocks and YANKS Metalik into a POST BOMB! “Who betta than Cage?!” Fans are torn while Cage flexes, and Nana wants Cage to use this anger. Cage drags Metalik up to put him against railing, and CHOPS! Cage puts Metalik in the ring, stomps him down, then stomps him more. Cage drags Metalik by his legs to stomp a stomach! Cage storms up on Metalik, ROCKS him and RAMS him in the corner, then RAMS him again! The ref counts, Cage lets off to whip corner to corner, then he starts up a Terminator clap.

Cage runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT! GAMANGIRI! And GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Metalik is hanging tough and Nana is upset, but Cage kicks Metalik around. Cage stands Metalik up but Metalik CHOPS! And CHOPS! And forearms! But Cage knees low! Cage ROCKS Metalik, UPPERCUTS him down, then paces around. Metalik rises, Cage runs in, but Metalik dropkicks the legs out! Cage is on ropes and fans fire up as Metalik dials it up! But Cage LARIATS first! Nana wants Cage to finish this, and Cage puts Metalik on the ropes. Cage dials it up to 619!! Metalik falls and fans fire up as Cage again asks, “Who betta than Cage?”

Metalik flounders to a corner, Cage storms up on him, and Cage whips corner to corner. Cage runs in, but a drop toehold sends him into buckles! Cage staggers back, Metalik RAMS into him, then goes up. Cage GAMANGIRIS Metalik first! Then Cage climbs, to deadlift- NO, Metalik trips Cage up! Metalik springboards FLYING RANAS! Metalik clotheslines in the corner, fires CHOPS and forearms, then fires up! Fans fire up with Metalik and he whips. Cage reverses, runs in but into a BOOT! Metalik runs up to SLING-DOG! Fans fire up more as Metalik keeps moving, goes up and around the ropes to MISSILE DROPKICK!

Cage bails out and Nana freaks out. Metalik goes corner to corner, goes up and up and up, to ESCALARA CROSSBODY! Direct hit and both men are down at the ramp! Fans fire up while Nana shouts to Cage to get up. Metalik hurries after Cage, puts him in the ring, and then Metalik goes up another corner. Metalik springboards again to FLYING SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Metalik is frustrated but the fans continue to rally. Metalik roars, brings Cage up and fireman’s carries, but that’s too much muscle to lift! Cage CLUBS away on Metalik, whips him to a corner, but Metalik reverses to SUPERKICK!

Cage goes to a corner, Metalik runs in, but Cage puts Metalik up top to ROCK him first! But Metalik BOOTS Cage, adjusts, and then goes around Cage as Cage runs in! Cage hits buckles, Metalik stands on Cage’s big back, and drops into a CODE RED!! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Metalik pounds the mat. Nana coaches Cage, Metalik drags Cage to a drop zone and goes back up top. Metalik tightrope walks, to SWANTON FLOP as Cage moves! Cage gets Metalik up, SIT OUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Nana is pissed but Cage starts the Terminator clap again. Cage then drags Metalik up, reels him in, and puts one out!

Cage lifts Metalik, but Metalik slips free to CHOP! Metalik ducks lariat after lariat, rolls back but Cage scoops to a DRILL CLAW!! Cover, Cage wins!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall

Nana is very, very relieved that he doesn’t look foolish in the end. The Machine continues to be unstoppable in 1v1 action here in ROH, will that earn him a shot at any title he chooses after WrestleDream?

My Thoughts:

A solid episode for ROH, but it was two hours this time because of how AEW has a PPV this weekend. Which makes sense this week since WrestleDream is featuring quite a few ROH titles. Eddie Kingston VS Katsuyori Shibata is for both the NJPW Strong Openweight and ROH World Championship, and is a match of ROH World Champ VS ROH Pure Champ. As I’ve said before, I don’t see Eddie losing, he just got the ROH World title, and after another win from Josh Woods, it would seem we’ve got Shibata VS Woods one more time on the schedule. And at the same time, Eddie still has to even show up on ROH TV as world champ, he has any number of possible feuds going towards like Final Battle in December.

MJF VS The Righteous may be 2v1 because of Adam Cole’s injury, but with the larger story of MJF, Cole, Roddy and The Kingdom, I could see MJF still retaining. He could even use Champions Advantage if he has to. But we got great tag matches tonight to build up more contenders from within ROH. Speaking of which, great matches out of The Mogul Embassy, all members being obvious choices to challenge the top champions of ROH. Now, Cage VS Eddie would be great stuff, but I don’t know where Kaun & Liona fit into the tag title scene with MJF still attached to them.

Great stuff from Ethan Page in a match that came outta nowhere, but that’s how a lot of these longer ROH episodes end up, and it is starting to wear thin for me. Also interesting to see Scorpio here in ROH after AEW was seemingly getting him going again. Really good stuff out of the technically filler match of Gravity VS Johnson, and I like Ian Riccaboni’s questioning if Gravity and Bandido are rly brothers. one is from space, the other is a cowboy. and then Caprice brings in the genius idea to make them the tag team known as Space Cowboys. Great return match for Jimmy Jacobs, but of course he loses to Shane Taylor, who is busy building himself up for the eventual match with Keith Lee.

Very good promo from The Outrunners, but I figured they’d lose to Action & Darius. Another fun Six Man match and win from Castle & The Boys, but I’m a little confused as to why Castle dropped a knee on Walker after hitting Bangarang. And I feel like Castle needs the blowoff with Samoa Joe here as Joe approaches the ROH World TV Championship single-reign record. Y’know, make it the parallel to WWE’s Gunther VS Chad Gable, where Castle gets one last chance to stop Joe from making history, puts on a top level match, but just falls short. And while outta nowhere, Mercedes VS Allysin had really good promos and a really good match to keep their rivalry going while Mercedes builds herself back up towards the title.

Speaking of which, really good stuff from Athena and Billie tonight. Billie has a really good match with Frost, Athena helps her get a win, and Billie is impressive with her character work though she’s just 18. And on the side, Leyla of course wins her match, and she of course puts Maria in her place while getting her shot at Athena. These stories intersecting is going to make for a very good title match, because I feel like Maria and Billie could both get involved in their own ways. I’m still going to lean towards Athena retaining so that she and Billie can have a title match as master VS apprentice or something like that.

And speaking of Maria’s little Kingdom Junior project, really good stuff out of them, too. I like Griff standing up for himself in the backstage promo, but it was also clever for the team to still cheat and win in a way that Griff completely misses. In the same way Lexi told Billie what really happened, I bet Griff sees what really happened by watching this episode back, and he confronts them. Just as Billie could/should stand up to Athena and has a match with her, Griff should stand up to Maria and Karter and they have a match. And this is probably just me, but I still like the idea of Griff outshining Karter and Maria dumps Karter to keep the winner.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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