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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (9/12/23)

The Man comes around!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The Center of the NXT Universe hits the Big Time!

Tiffany Stratton has run her mouth, now it’s time to put up or shut up! Will the NXT Women’s Championship still be on Tiffy? Or hit the Big Time with Becks?


  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Wes Lee VS Ilja Dragunov; Dragunov wins and will challenge Carmelo Hayes for the title at No Mercy.
  • Six Man Tag: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Myles Borne w/ Fallon Henley VS Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp; Gulak, Dempsey & Kemp win.
  • Dana Brooke w/ Kelani Jordan VS Lyra Valkyria; Lyra wins.
  • NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group A: Tyler Bate VS Axiom; Bate wins.
  • The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; The Creed Brothers win.
  • NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group B: Nathan Frazer VS Akira Tozawa; Frazer wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Tiffany Stratton VS Becky Lynch; Becky wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.


NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Wes Lee VS Ilja Dragunov!

Both men came so close to winning the top title, if not for miscalculations. Wes went flying into the barriers while Dragunov went flying into Trick Williams. But now, the only obstacle left in the way is the other man! Who wins here to show Carmelo Hayes No Mercy?

The bell rings and the two rush in! Wes ROCKS Dragunov then fires off in the corner! Dragunov powers past him but Wes BOOTS him to a corner! Wes fires more hands, the fans duel, but Dragunov knees low! Dragunov swings, misses, and Wes fires off more hands! Dragunov ROCKS Wes this time, but Wes GAMANGIRIS! Dragunov flops and flounders while Wes lines up a shot. Dragunov blocks the kick! Dragunov throws Wes away, storms up to clinch in the corner, and Dragunov fires off shots! The ref counts, Dragunov brings Wes out to scoop but Wes slips free! Wes fires off fast hands, a kick, but Dragunov blocks to DECK Wes!

Fans fire up while Dragunov storms up on Wes. Dragunov UPPERCUTs, Wes ducks the Pele to basement dropkick! Fans fire up and Wes waistlocks! Wes drags Dragunov up but Dragunov switches. Wes fights the lift, arm-drags free, then ducks ‘n’ dodges and slides, but Dragunov CHOPS Wes inside-out! Fans fire up again as Wes sputters and Dragunov storms up on him again. Dragunov deadlifts and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Dragunov drags Wes up again, Wes reaches out, but the GERMAN SUPLEX hits first! Fans rally and duel, Dragunov GERMAN SUPLEXES but Wes lands on his feet! Wes snarls and Dragunov is a bit surprised!

Wes runs in to ROLLING KICK! Dragunov tumbles out of the ring, Wes builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp, but Dragunov gets up and staggers away. Wes just slides in the ring, and DIVES again! Another direct hit but Dragunov still stumbles along the barriers. Dragunov goes to the desk now, Wes DIVES into a PELE! Dragunov then hauls WEs up, GERMAN SUPLEX onto the desk! Fans are all fired up while NXT goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Wes while Dragunov seethes. Dragunov drags Wes off the desk to dump him onto the floor, then he drags Wes up to CHOP against the apron! Wes sputters but Dragunov pushes him into the ring. Dragunov CLUBS Wes down! Dragunov chinlocks and bends Wes back but Wes endures. Fans rally, Wes fights up, and Wes throws elbows! And body shots! And then he ROCKS Dragunov, but Dragunov PELES! And then rolls Wes up deep, TWO!! Wes escapes and Dragunov grows frustrated. Dragunov KNEES Wes in the side! And then KNEES him in the chest! Dragunov stomps away in the corner but the ref backs him off.

Wes sputters again but Dragunov stands him up. Dragunov whips corner to corner hard and Wes bounces back off the buckles. Dragunov storms up on Wes again to stand him up and whip corner to corner. Wes hits buckles hard again and falls over! Dragunov paces while Wes writhes, and then Dragunov stomps Wes at the ropes. And KICKS him in the back! Wes slowly rises up, Dragunov stomps him! Wes throws body shots, Dragunov CHOPS him down! Then stomps him more! Wes grits his teeth while clutching ribs but Dragunov stands him up in a corner. Dragunov CHOPS again, and NXT returns to single picture.

Dragunov MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Fans fire up while the ref counts, so Dragunov lets off, to then SPIN- NO, Wes blocks the backhand! But Dragunov keeps Wes from getting away to CHOP him in the stomach! Wes coughs and sputters, Dragunov reels him in, but Wes fights the bomb! RANA! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov escapes and fans fire up again. Dragunov rises first and he stalks Wes. Dragunov kicks Wes around, fans declare “This is Awesome!” as Dragunov throws hands and eggs Wes on. Wes hits back, the two fire forearms back and forth! The fans duel as the shots keep going, and Wes gets the edge!

Dragunov ROCKS Wes, Wes UPPERCUTS! Dragunov BOOTS, blocks a kick, and he spins Wes but Wes HEEL KICKS! Dragunov rebounds, into a BOOT! Wes DOUBLE STOMPS!! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as both men are down. Dragunov rolls his way to a corner, then drags himself up with the ropes. Wes runs in to CHOP! Fans cheer “Both These Guys!” as Wes fires forearms and CHOPS over and over! The ref counts, Wes lets off at 4, and fans fire up again. Wes runs in, but Dragunov blocks the chop! Dragunov CHOPS Wes right down! Dragunov roars, runs in, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!!

The fans cannot believe it and neither can Wes! Dragunov escapes but Wes brings him up. Dragunov fights the fireman’s carry with elbows and he just HAMMERS away on Wes! Dragunov waistlocks, but Wes fights the German Suplex! Wes kips up to headscissor, but Dragunov blocks to KNEE Wes low! Wes coughs, Dragunov hauls him back up to fire forearms and elbows, then he winds back to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Wes survives and Dragunov is stunned! Fans are loving this as both men rise! Wes crawls to a corner, Dragunov stalks him and reels him in! But Wes throws more elbows as Dragunov tries to lift.

Wes makes Dragunov stagger back, then he backflips, CARDIAC- CAUGHT!? Dragunov spins Wes around, but Wes makes it a DDT!! Only for Dragunov to fall out of the ring! Wes goes to a corner, runs and FLIES! Direct hit over the corner!! Fans lose their minds, Wes hauls Dragunov up and puts him in! Wes climbs up the corner, but Dragunov SLAPS him first! Dragunov then goes up to join Wes, and goes to the very top! SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Roll through, and Dragunov roars from the corner! “SMASH!!” HAMMER FOREARM!! Cover, TWO?!?! Wes survives?! No one can believe this, but Dragunov won’t stop there!

“UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO- KNEE!!! Wes catches Dragunov but Dragunov stays up, to BLINDSIDE FOREARM!! Cover, DRAGUNOV WINS!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Championship)

A top level battle worthy of the title itself, but the Mad Dragon had more fire in his heart! But wait! Here comes… HIM! Carmelo Hayes tells Dragunov that it is time to settle this once and for all! Who survives when these two show No Mercy?


NXT shares footage of what happened at the end of last week’s episode.

Though the main feed cut to black, it was clear Bron Breakker tried to crush Von Wagner’s head with steel steps. Social media lit up with reactions, hoping Von was alright, and HBK even admonishing Bron. The locker room and fans were speechless as refs and medics checked Von. He was badly busted open, and needed a stretcher to get him out of there. He was taken to the hospital to be evaluated, Robert Stone by his side as his manager and friend. What is the status of Von Wagner? The statement reads that Von has a minor skull fracture, but given his history of surgeries, a timetable has yet to be determined for his recovery.

As for Bron Breakker, what repercussions will there be for the man who proved he’s #MeanerThanEvil?


Baron Corbin is here.

Fans are torn about #NoMoreBS Corbin making his way to the ring, but he seems torn about being here after being among the eyewitnesses to Bron’s brutality. Corbin gets a mic and he has the music die down. “Look, normally, I’d come out here, and you guys don’t like me, and I don’t like you. But we get that, we get it, we get it. Tonight is different, however. Seven days ago, I sat right there, and I watched something so vicious that the TV trucks had to cut the feed to black. I watched Bron Breakker literally crush Von Wagner’s skull between those steel stairs. I don’t like Von Wagner, and I’m not gonna stand out here and act like I do.

“Von Wagner’s entire story, everything with his head, his skull and the brain surgeries, it’s all very, very real. Bron knew that, and he took advantage of that. Look, I am no doctor by any means, but I can assure you, Von Wagner will never be the same again. Now Bron, I know you’re back there, and you’re watching this, I’ve got something to say to you so you need to come out here right now.” And so Bron does make his way out. And unlike Corbin, Bron is very happy with what he did, and Corbin says that is far enough. Corbin tells Bron that what he did last week to Von… Fans chant “You Got Tabled!” to rub in that Bron still lost to Von.

Corbin wants Bron to understand that what he did last week… Corbin isn’t sure how to put it into words. Fans have some words but Corbin says what Bron did… WAS FREAKIN’ AWESOME! Corbin and Bron celebrate together! The steps over Bron’s head, Corbin wasn’t sure if he was gonna do it, and then he did! HOLY CRAP! Bron and Corbin talk about the ambulances and the sirens. It was so cool! IDIOT!! Bron can’t believe Corbin really thinks he did that for Corbin’s approval. Bron did what he did because Von put him through a table, so he figured he’d end Von’s career! Fans boo but Bron says he can just see it. He closes his eyes, and he can just feel it.

Bron remembers the moment he smashed Von’s head. The chaos, the turmoil, the fear that it created in this room. Born didn’t just like it, he loved it! Corbin tells Bron that he appreciates Bron isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. That’ll take him far in this business. But Corbin was gonna be nice and pay the fines. But clearly Bron doesn’t want that. Bron is so angry and #MeanerThanEvil, he ended Von’s career! Wow. Congrats. Try ending an Olympic Gold Medalist’s career at WrestleMania. Then take another gold medalist and end his career before it ever even starts! You wanna talk about evil? Corbin’s stood toe to toe with Taker in Madison Square Garden! And Roman Reigns all over-

Yeah, okay, Bron doesn’t care about Corbin’s accomplishments! Corbin is trying to say there are levels, and Corbin is on a higher level. Bron should want Corbin’s respect, and instead spits on it! Bron says he still doesn’t care! He doesn’t need that, he doesn’t want that! There is only one thing left for these two to do: Bron VS Corbin at NO MERCY!! Fans do like that idea, and Bron tells Corbin to do himself a favor. These next few weeks, call your family, your friends, your loved ones. Because Corbin is gonna leave the building the same way Von did last week! Corbin says Bron needs to learn that Corbin ain’t Von! Corbin then SLAPS Bron!!

Fans tell Corbin he messed up, but then Bron SLAPS back! Corbin SLAPS, Bron SLAPS, they throw hands, and security rushes in to stop this! These two wanna fight and fans wanna “LET THEM FIGHT!” But we have 18 days until No Mercy, who proves they’re the baddest of the bad in the WWE?


Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Myles Borne do chin-ups backstage.

Fallon says it’s time, and it’s time to roll. The good ol’ boys and their new friend team up, will they be able to bring down Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp? Or will Gulak and his goons bully Myles even in the ring?

Six Man Tag: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Myles Borne w/ Fallon Henley VS Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp!

NXT returns as the Country Boys make their entrance. The teams sort out and Briggs starts with Kemp. The bell rings, Kemp takes a swing but Briggs blocks to scoop and SLAM! And then tag to Jensen, for a DOUBLE SCOOP SLAM! Then Briggs drops an ELBOW, followed by Jensen dropping an ELBOW! Dempsey runs in but Briggs trips him to stomp him! Jensen drops another elbow! Gulak runs in, into a DOUBLE BACK DROP! Fans fire up as the boys clear Gulak & Dempsey out, then Jensen runs to CHOP LARIAT Kemp in the corner! Jensen whips corner to corner, CHOP LARIATS, and repeat!

Kemp BOOTS Jensen, scrambles away, tag to Gulak! Gulak BOOTS Jensen, fires hands, then whips. Jensen ducks ‘n’ dodges and hits a RUNNING FACEBUSTER! Jensen has Gulak but Gulak headlocks! Tag to Dempsey, Gulak headlock punches Jensen and then runs in. Jensen TOSES Gulak, UPPERCUTS Dempsey, Briggs FLYING SHOULDERS Gulak down! Tag to Myles and Jensen hits an atomic drop, for Myles to follow up with a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up with Myles and he brings Dempsey around. Dempsey throws hand, then GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Myles hurries, hot tags to Kemp and Jensen!

Jensen fires hands on Kemp, whips him to ropes, but Kemp holds ropes and KNEE SMASHES Jensen! Kemp whips, but Jensen WHEEL KICKS! Cover, Dempsey & Gulak break it! Borne & Briggs go after them, throw them out, and then Kemp and Jensen scrap! Jensen TOSSES Kemp, sees his boys are in trouble, and he hurries out to ROCK Gulak! Kemp runs in, Myles gets Fallon out of harm’s way and Kemp misses wide on Jensen! Myles and Fallon linger, but then he lets her back up. Jensen pushes Kemp into the ring, but Myles stops Jensen? And then SWINGS him into the post!? Is Myles a mole?!?

Kemp hits a URENAGE NECKBREAKER!! Cover, Kemp’s team wins!

Winners: Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp, by pinfall

The Golden Gopher gets the win thanks to Myles the mole, and Myles stands with the enemy! Fallon is beside herself for trusting Myles, but is this Myles giving in to the bullying? Or has this all been an act from the very start?


NXT checks in with Chase U.

The class bell rings and that ends lessons for today. Professor Chase wants everyone to watch Becky Lynch VS Tiffany Stratton in tonight’s main event and to take notes. Duke Hudson says he’s going to the Global Heritage Invitational Watch Party but Chase wants him to hold on. Did Duke see Thea last week? Chase is worried. Yeah, she’s entering those “Terrible Twenties.” Chase hasn’t even heard from her. Can Duke reach out? Say no more, sir! Duke is apparently Thea’s “bestie,” aka best friend, so they’ve been sharing- Oh. She’s turned off her location. Well, surely she’s alright, but Duke and Chase just don’t know what’s happening with her.

Speaking of, Thea and Jacy Jayne are hanging out again. Is Thea okay? Yeah. Well good, cuz those guys over there might be eyeing them. Isn’t that what eyes do? Yeah, no, she meant like they wanna talk with the two of them. Oh, like, right now? Really? Yeah, just hold on. Five, four, three… Hey, Jacy! How as the weekend? Good, she and Thea hung out. Cool, so what did they do? It was Thea’s birthday, so they went around town. Oh wow, did she stay up past her bedtime? Or did she have to get permission from Mr. Chase? They didn’t realize Jacy hung out with little kids. Jacy mocks their laughter and tells them to not talk to her like that!

Then Jacy SLAPS the tall one! Thea says yeah, she a grown ass woman, she don’t need no permission! And then she DECKS the other guy! And has the KIMURA! He taps, but she LOW BLOWS him! The bros run for it, and Jacy says well done. Thea says she doesn’t wanna look like some college kid. She wants to go shopping. Jacy’s got her. The two head out, is Thea continuing to transform into a different person?


Dana Brooke w/ Kelani Jordan VS Lyra Valkyria!

The Flex Appeal’s new edge seems to have her more on edge than anything. She was even paranoid that The Morrigan was trying to mentor-snipe her with Kelani! Will Dana establish herself as the alpha? Or will Lyra teach her a thing or two tonight?

NXT returns as Lyra makes her entrance. The bell rings and Dana tries to tune out the fans chanting for Lyra. The two circle, tie up, and Dana shoves Lyra away. Lyra says okay, storms up, but Dana waistlocks. Lyra switches, Dana fights the lift and throws elbows! Dana whips Lyra to a corner, but Lyra goes up and over and keeps moving. Lyra rolls over Dana’s drop down, Dana runs to get around the elbow, and tilt-o-whirls, but Lyra handsprings through the headscissors! Lyra ENZIGURIS Dana right down and Dana flops out of the ring! Fans rally, Lyra builds speed and she WRECKS Dana with a dropkick!

Fans fire up with Lyra and she puts Dana back in the ring. Lyra goes up but Dana YANKS her down! Lyra crashes down, clutches her head, but Dana stomps her! Dana handstands then drops knees! Cover, TWO! Dana grows frustrated but she drags Lyra up to whip her to a corner. Dana runs in to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Dana snarls, she drags Lyra up and cravats, but fans rally as Lyra endures. Lyra rolls, Dana holds on, but Lyra fights up again. Lyra rolls but Dana still holds on. Fans rally and duel, “Let’s Go, Dana!” “DANA SUCKS!” Lyra RAMS Dana into buckles, throws her away, and then counter punches!

Lyra fires off on Dana with haymakers and KICKS and a LARIAT! Lyra rallies, scoops, and she carries Dana around before the SLAM! Lyra staggers back but she comes back to kick, KICK and RAM into Dana! Lyra runs to SCISSOR KICK! Dana is down and fans fire up as Lyra storms around. Lyra stands Dana up, reels her in, NORTHERN- NO, Dana fights it to wrench and CLUB Lyra down! Dana tells Lyra to kiss this, then she whips her to a corner. Dana runs and handsprings but Lyra dodges! LEG LARIAT! Lyra hurries up top, fans fire up for the FLYING SPLASH! Cover, Lyra wins!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall

Dana’s change of attitude has not changed her fortunes, she suffers another loss! Lyra wants to show Dana respect for the match, and Kelani wants her mentor to accept it, so Dana does. But then Kelani has to keep Dana from going after Lyra?! Lyra sees that, and Dana “apologizes.” Just what is going on with Dana?


The NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament returns!

The very event that helped launch the careers of stars like Roxanne Perez, Kiana James and Fallon Henley will make it’s return! What stars of the future will show up and breakout?


Backstage interview with Eddie Thorpe.

McKenzie Mitchell is with the Alpha Wolf and brings up how fired  up he was in calling out Dijak. Has Thorpe had a chance to cool down? Eddie says that’s hard to do with a snake like Dijak. If it’s not the ring post, it’s the belt around the fist. Eddie is getting sick and tired of Dijak needing something extra. But then Dijak is on the tron! He says he’s out in nature looking for Eddie, but what happened? Did the spirts stop guiding Eddie after he lost two straight? Maybe the rituals, ceremonies and fairytales don’t work in the first place. Dijak tells Eddie to embrace his vicious, wild side, because right now, Dijak is marking his territory!

Dijak takes off his belt, to LASH the trees! Dijak laughs, but Eddie says they’ll pick this up another time. Will the Alpha Wolf finally tear Hard Justice down once and for all?


Dominik Mysterio is backstage.

And he comes across Carmelo Hayes. Dom jokes that the two of them can’t keep meeting like this. Melo says agreed. But Dom says what a “creative” solution to solving his challenger problem. What? Well, Dom had Dragon Lee and Mustafa Ali going after him, and he made them fight it out. Melo did the same with Wes and Dragunov! Way to be original, wink wink. Melo tells Dom that original is something Dom knows nothing about. But didn’t Dom finish that match screwing over Dragon Lee, the one man who’s beaten him? Let’s talk about it. Dom says they’ll be talking about Melo fighting Dragunov in Cali, a man Melo can’t beat.

Uh, check the stats, bro. Melo’s 1-0 against Dragunov. And after No Mercy, we’ll see who is still champ. Because to be honest, Dom ain’t cut like that. Dom brings up how Melo once said the North American Championship was The A Championship. And Melo was The A Champion. But now Dom IS the A Champion. Oh, okay. Well when Melo used to say that, it meant something way different than when Dom says it. But that’s cool. Next week, let’s put it to the test. Dom says he’ll talk to Mami about it. Yeah, you do that. Dom leaves, will he and Melo go Champion VS Champion next week?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

McKenzie welcomes The Man back and Becky says it feels good to be home! Over the years, Becky has racked up astonishing accolades, but will tonight be the night Becky adds the NXT title to the list? That’s the plan! The last few weeks, Becky was reflecting on her time in NXT. Back then, it was just about surviving, about working harder than anyone else, just so she could have a seat at the table to get some scraps. And not a single person thought she was championship material, and yet here she stands, ten years later, and nobody can doubt her now. She’s still as passionate, maybe more so. Still as hungry, maybe more so.

And so here, The Man is ready to right some wrongs and walk out the NEW NXT Women’s Champion! But in walks Kiana James. Becky asks if she’s lost. No, she’s not. Just here to tell Becky that she doesn’t want Becky here! Especially not as champion! And Becky is just lucky it isn’t Kiana she’s facing or she’d send her home empty handed. Becky will take this as an application for the first ass kicking after Becky becomes champ. Kiana, the Man is gonna come around to NXT a whole lot more. Becky heads out, will she end Tiffy Time to bring all of NXT into the Big Time?


NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group A: Tyler Bate VS Axiom!

The Big Strong Boi finally begins his journey through this round robin tournament, but he’s got some ground to cover already. Will he make it through the Undeniable Truth? Or will Axiom keep his own No Mercy hopes alive?

NXT returns as Axiom makes his entrance. Oh, and Meta Four is watching from their lounge. Last week’s theme was Frozen, so this week must be Jungle Cruise. The bell rings and we’re on the clock. The two circle, tie up, Axiom waistlocks but Bate wrenches free and wristlocks. Axiom rolls and rolls to get free, and the two reset. They tie up, Axiom spins and snapmares Bate, covers, ONE as Bate bridges up! Bate snapmares to cover, Axiom bridges up but Bate backslides, ONE! Axiom has the legs, then pulls Bate into a Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Bate pops free to cover, ONE! Axiom kips up and Bate handsprings, and the fans cheer. Dar says that was so-so but the two reset.

They tie up, knuckle lock, and Axiom rolls, trips and has Bate for a headlock. Bate kicks around, fans rally up for “POWER RANGER!” Axiom. Axiom whips, but Bate goes up and under and then ties up with Axiom again. Bate spins around, baits Axiom, and then he hops over. We get a glimpse of the viewing party guests, which of course is Duke Hudson, but also Dempsey and his friends, as well as Gallus with some pints. Bate then slides under, baits Axiom again, and then steps over to roll up, but Axioms its on it! But Bate sunset flips it! Axiom rolls through, Bate avoids his kicks, then UPPERCUTS! Axiom tumbles out hard and fans fire up!

Axiom gets back in and he shoves Bate! Bate shoves back, Bop up but Axiom avoids Bang to CROSS COUNTER! Bate is stinging from that one, but he swings on Axiom! Axiom dodges to DROPKICK Bate out of the ring! Axiom goes up and up and ARIHARA MOONSAULTS! Direct hit but they both hit the desk! Meta Four is a bit surprised by that and Axiom puts Bate back in. Axiom climbs the corner, leaps again, CROSSBODY! But he bounces off the cover! Axiom hurries to ghost pin, ONE! Bate fireman’s carries! Fans fire up as the AIRPLANE SPIN starts! Bate goes around and around and around, about TEN times before he SLAMS Axiom down!

Fans fire up as Bate hurries after Axiom but Axiom bails out! Axiom is dizzy, but he’s still in this as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Axiom has Bate up top! SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Axiom drags himself up, Bate goes to the far side, and Axiom runs in, into a clinch! Bate hits an EXPLODER! And then kips up! Fans fire up for the SHOOTING STAR, into a TRIANGLE HOLD!! Bate fights, deadlifts, but Axiom lets go to ROUNDHOUSE! Bate wobbles, Axiom runs, but Bate ducks under the kick to ROLLING KICK! Axiom PENALTY KICKS on the rebound! Axiom waistlocks, Bate bucks the O’Conner, Axiom somersaults, into BANG! Bate runs, REBOUNDER into SPANISH FLY!! Both men are down and fans fire up!

The Watch Party is rather intrigued but Meta Four seems to keep clowning on this match. Doesn’t help that Dar’s costume is him riding a baby elephant… Bate and Axiom stir, Bate crawls to a corner and fans rally up. Axiom runs in, blocks a kick but not the KNEE! Bate goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT into a REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Axiom has Bate again and fans rally up! Bate fights, pries at the hold, sits up but Axiom is a backpack! But then Bate shifts him to a fireman’s carry! AIRPLANE SPIN AGAIN! But Axiom fights with elbows! And pops up to POISON-RANA!! Axiom fires up, brings Bate up, but Bate suplexes! BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!

Axiom survives and fans fire up again! Bate goes back to a corner, goes up top, but Axiom GAMANGIRIS! Axiom climbs up after Bate, brings him to his feet, SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!?!? Bate survives, but into an ARMBAR!! Bate flails, moves around, ends up in another TRIANGLE HOLD! Bate deadlifts, but Axiom RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Bate has Axiom in the underhooks! TYLER DR- RANA!! Bate hits the REBOUNDER!! Fans are thunderous as Bate underhooks to TYLER DRIVER 97!! Cover, BATE WINS!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Axiom earns o)

Dar doesn’t look happy, perhaps he’s worried The Big Strong Boi is gonna run the table? Bate has another match this Friday on Level Up, against Charlie Dempsey! Will Bate go 2-0 fast? Or will Dempsey find a way to get on the board?


Here are the NEW Group A standings!

Pete Dunne: 1-0-1, 3 points
Tyler Bate: 1-0, 2 points
Axiom: 0-1-1, 1 point
Charlie Dempsey: 0-1, 0 points


Backstage interview with Pete Dunne.

Kelly Kincaid asks Butch how he feels taking on Bate next Tuesday in a match that could decide the entire block. Dunne says everyone knows that he and Bate go way back. The finals of the WWE UK Championship Tournament, and the 2017 Match of the Year at TakeOver: Chicago. They even had their tryout match together, but to go even further back, Dunne was Bate’s first opponent ever when he was just 15 years old. But Dunne isn’t here to reminisce. HE’s here to prove he’s the baddest man in all of the WWE! And nobody brings out the Bruiserweight in Dunne than Bate. Bate, good luck next week, but you already know it’s FIGHT NIGHT!


The Schism meets.

Joe Gacy sighs, and says while Ava Raine’s loyalty is comforting, it is clear that their tree is dying. Ava says four roots may have turned to two, but there’s- NO! The tree is rotting. It is withered away and now they stand all alone. They are more isolated than ever before. Gacy touches the tree, and Ava touches it, too. What will become of The Schism after losing The Dyad?


Carmelo finds Trick Williams in the locker room.

What’s Trick watching? Gacy and Ava are talking about being alone. Strange cats, but Trick can relate. What? Trick ain’t alone. Melo always has his back. Yeah, yeah, sure. But Trick saw Melo has Dom next week, right? Yeah, Trick saw that. Champ on champ, talk about it! Judgment Day always on the funny stuff so maybe, Trick can be some extra hands out there, just like the good ol’ days. Melo says that’s cool, but he’s all set. But hey, Trick wants to do his own thing, so Melo’s letting him do it. Yeah, Trick did say that, but he didn’t mean like that. But hey, outside these walls, they’re boys. Yeah, Trick Melo Gang!

Wes is packing up in the background, but Melo and Trick say they always gonna be here. Trick and Melo shake hands, Melo heads out, is… Is Wes throwing away his locker label? Is Wes leaving NXT?!


The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

Julius & Brutus get back into action after winning back their spots in NXT! However, they think they can just get back to the tag titles, and the young ‘n’ hungry duo of Malik & Edris won’t let them jump the line. Will Malik & Edris prove they’re #MoreThanARookie? Or will the Diamond Mine show they’re stronger than ever before?

NXT returns as Malik & Edris make their entrance. The teams sort out, Malik and Julius start. The bell rings and Malik SHOTGUNS Julius into Brutus! Tag to Edris, then Malik hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Edris goes up top fast, Malik FLIES out onto Brutus! MACHO ELBOW from Edris! Cover, TWO!! Julius survives the fast opening salvo, and then we see Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo up in the perch. Edris fires hands on Julius, whips but Julius reverses to CLOBBER him! Tag to Brutus, they get Edris up to fireman’s carry, and then JUMP KNEE SLAM COMBO! Cover, TWO! Edris survives but Brutus drags him up!

Brutus torture racks to SLAM Edris, then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Then SENTONS! Cover, Malik breaks it! Fans rally, Tony D’Angelo & Stacks are watching backstage. Malik drags Edris to the corner, tags himself in, but Brutus CLOBBERS Malik! Brutus SMASHES Edris, whips Malik, but Malik goes up and out and Edris DROPKICKS Brutus into the CROSSBODY! Fans rally as Malik tags Edris, and they hoist Brutus up for a BLOCKBUSTER HART ATTACK! Cover, TWO!! Brutus survives and Edris grows frustrated. Malik goes to his corner, Edris CLUBS Brutus and CLUBS him again!

Fans rally as Edris CLUBS Brutus more and more! Edris runs to FAMOUSER! Edris talks smack on Julius, but Brutus is hulking up! Edris CLUBS Brutus, tells him to stay down or he’ll hurt him! Edris runs, but Brutus POUNCES! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Brutus shoves Edris aside, hot tags to Malik and Julius! Julius clinches to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Then an OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY for Edris! Another for Malik! Edris ROCKS Julius, but runs into the ROLLING SPINEBUSTER! But Malik is up top, he CROSBSODIES again! Julius rolls through with him!?

Fans are thunderous as Brutus tags in! Julius pops Malik up, BRUTUS BALL DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Creeds win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

Edris is beside himself, but then the Creeds notice the former Los Lotharios. The Creeds egg them on, but then they see Hank ‘n’ Tank at the ramp. Only for Lucien Price & Bronco Nima to CLOBBER them! Those big boys all brawl their way out of the arena, everyone in the NXT Tag Division is ready for a fight! But who fights their way to getting their shot at The D’Angelo Family?


Becky Lynch prepares in the locker room.

Lyra walks in and Becky’s on guard, but then hugs Lyra. They’re both happy to see each other, and Becky congratulates Lyra on the win tonight. Thanks, thanks! Becky says Lyra is making everyone home in Ireland proud. Lyra tells Becky to do the world a favor and win that title off Tiffany. Oh she’ll do her best. They fist bump and Becky heads out. Will there be some major lass kicking here tonight?


Roxanne Perez is in the locker room.

She talks with the prospects about the return of the Breakout Tournament. It is a huge opportunity, and she should know. She won it and it changed her life. It all took off, from Iron Survivor to NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion and THE NXT Women’s Championship. Dani Palmer says it was a competitive field, too. Nikkita Lyons, Fallon Henley, even Tiffany Stratton was in it. Oh and Kiana. Roxie remembers eliminating her in the first round, and Kiana’s never been nice to her after that. Oh, they couldn’t tell. But Roxie just called her out is all. But then in walk Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice walk in.

What’s this about Roxie causing issues in the locker room? Uh, what? Roxie isn’t causing problems. Sounds like it to them. Well, Lola, you’re new here, but since your mom didn’t give you the memo, chaos is inevitable in NXT. So if you two want to come at her- Back off, Roxie. If you’re looking for trouble, she’s found it. Oh is that so? Lola has Elektra stand down, and tells Roxie’s new attitude is gonna get her in trouble real quick. Roxie’s not sure about that. Lola says after she’s done with Roxie, she’s done. And then Lola will win the Breakout Tournament. Lola & Lopez head out, but will the other prospects have something to say about that?


NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group B: Nathan Frazer VS Akira Tozawa!

Time is running out on this round robin and this is the make-or-break match for the Rocket from the Jersey Islands! Can he make a case for being the Group B finalist? Or will the Stamina Monster become the Spoiler Monster here tonight?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Tozawa wristlocks, wrenches then wristlocks again. Frazer rolls, handsprings and WRINGS Tozawa! Tozawa BOOTS Frazer away and the two stand off. The Watch Party is still going on and Gallus is sure into this seeing the guy Joe Coffey just beat back in action. Tozawa and Frazer go again, Frazer wrenches to headlock and hits a takeover. Tozawa headscissors, squeezes tight, and fans rally. Frazer kips free, things speed up, and Frazer blows past Tozawa again and again to then DROPKICK him down! Fans fire up for that, and Frazer aims from a corner. Frazer runs in but is put on the apron.

Frazer ROCKS Tozawa first, then springboards, but Tozawa gets under. Frazer ducks the spin kick and he catches Tozawa as he slips under! Tozawa victory rolls, TWO! Tozawa blocks a kick, ducks another, and then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fans fire up with Tozawa and he runs to SHINING WIZARD! Oro Mensah likes that as Tozawa goes up a corner. Fans rally, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Frazer flops out of the ring, so Tozawa builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp with the Tozawa Torpedo! Tozawa puts Frazer in and goes up! Fans bring back the “AH! AH! AH!” But Frazer springs up to get Tozawa!

Tozawa fires body shots first, and he shoves Frazer away! Frazer flips back to land on his feet, and he’s right back up! SUPER DUPER PLEX, and roll through to ANARCHY! Cover, Frazer wins!!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Tozawa earns 0)

Firstly, this ends Tozawa’s run, he is 0-3 in Group B! As for Frazer, he has kept himself alive for one more week! Can Duke Hudson beat Joe Coffey and force a three-way-tie? Or will the Iron King make this his kingdom?


Here are the NEW Group B standings!

Nathan Frazer: 2-1, 4 points
Joe Coffey: 2-0, 4 points
Duke Hudson: 1-1, 2 points
Akira Tozawa: 0-3, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Backstage interview with Joe Coffey.

Kelly is with the Gallus Boys, and says that now, Coffey’s match with Duke is even more crucial. Joe says he’s been the odds on favorite since this started. The only person left is Duke? Joe will slap Duke about, and then he’ll finish Group B undefeated with SIX points, #GallusBoysOnTop! And then Coffey will go to No Mercy and snatch away the Heritage Cup from Dar. But uh, Duke is in the room and he walks over to say he isn’t good with numbers, so one of the Chase U students crunched them for him. And according to that math, Frazer’s win tonight means that if Duke beats Coffey next week, that’s a three way tie for Group B.

So underestimate the MVP all you like, but when Duke wins, he’ll have a new nickname: The Spoiler, Duke Hudson! Ya like that, ya flogs?! Duke heads out, fired up for the final round. Will Duke come through in the clutch? Or will this still be Gallus’ Kingdom?


Backstage interview with Mustafa Ali.

McKenzie is with The Beacon and says he is now the #1 Contender to the North American Championship, under “questionable” circumstances. Aw, Miss Mitchell, do not undermine Ali’s huge victory over the incredible Dragon Lee. Did Ali like how Dom officiated? No, but there’s nothing Ali can do about that, it is out of his hands. So then, what about after the match? She noticed Ali looked around and didn’t like the fans’ reaction. Ali says well they weren’t booing him, they were booing Dom! Did Ali get caught up in the moment? Sure. But when he realized his hand was being raised by “that outsider, that convicted criminal,” Ali took action!

Ali DECKED Dom, and wants us to know that he will be the one to reclaim that North American title for ALL of NXT! But then Dragon Lee walks in. Ali says hey, it’s him! Yes, yes, but uh, did Ali watch the match back? Of course! Like ten times! Absolutely amazing! Well, Dom’s count was too fast. Doesn’t Ali agree? Ali agreeing or disagreeing now is irrelevant. They can’t change it. However, at No Mercy, when Ali defeats Dom for Dragon, for McKenzie, for himself and for ALL of NXT, then Dragon will be the very first challenger. That’s only fair, right? Ali heads out and Dragon says that one thing’s true: Dragon ain’t done with Ali. But then will Dragon let this go as scheduled for the greater good?


NXT Media catches up with Wes Lee.

They know it was a heartbreaking loss to Dragunov tonight, but what’s next for him? Wes says Dragunov was the better man tonight, plain and simple. Wes said if he’s not going to No Mercy, then he’s going home. His wife is there to greet him with a kiss, and Wes explains that he did clear his locker out. Wes and Mrs. Lee leave, but is Wes ever coming back?

Wait, what’s going on now? GIGI DOLIN is THROWING Blair Davenport around and throwing hands! Gigi is giving the “NXT Prowler” a taste of her own medicine! Security and producers pull Gigi away but she’s not done with Blair! Blair is just as furious, what will it take for these two to settle things once and for all?


NXT Women’s Championship: Tiffany Stratton VS Becky Lynch!

The Wrestling Barbie misspoke and created a whole mess of problems for herself with it! She “apologized” but The Man wasn’t having it, and so here we are! Will the Center of the NXT Universe still be Tiffany? Or will she be knocked off the #TiffyTop when The Man comes around?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Big Time trumps Tiffy Time!

The bell rings and fans fire up for Becky with “Welcome Home! Welcome Home!” The two circle, they tie up, and Tiff powers Becky to a corner. The ref counts, Tiff grins as she lets off and says she knows the rules. Tiff tells Becky to go back where she came from, NXT belongs to her! The two circle again, knuckle lock, and then Tiff kicks low. Tiff headlocks but Becky powers out. Tiff runs Becky over, blows her a kiss, and things speed up. Tiff handsprings over but Becky just sighs. Fans fire up, Tiff goes Matrix to dodge, then Tiff trips to cover, but Becky goes Matrix to slip free! Becky wags her fingers, she did it first, y’know.

Things speed up again, Becky shows she can cartwheel, too! Fans fire up, Tiff is mad, and things speed up. Becky catches the hurdle for a FLAPJACK, then she gets Tiff’s arm! Tiff scrambles to avoid the Disarm-Her, and she shoves Becky away. Becky smiles as she has Tiff all flustered. The two reset, tie up, and Tiff knees low. Tiff CLUBS Becky down, brings her up and bumps her off buckles. Tiff bumps Becky off more buckles, and then whips her to ROCK her in the back! Fans duel, “Tiffy Time!” “NO!” as Tiff whips gain. Becky ROCKS Tiff first! Tiff and Becky go forearm for forearm, Becky whips but Tiff reverses to kick low!

Tiff suplexes to hang Becky out to dry! Tiff then runs to HIP ATTACK Becky off the apron! Fans boo as Tiff flexes, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Tiff kisses her biceps but shrugs at the fans booing her. Becky hurries back over but Tiff is on her. Becky throws body shots, but Tiff hits back! Tiff SMACKS Becky off the apron, then taunts her as she stalks her. Becky body shots back, but Tiff throws another forearm! Tiff SMACKS Becky off apron again, then follows her along the way to CLUB her down! And SMACK her off the apron again! Tiff puts Becky in the ring, stalks her to a corner and stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Tiff lets off, and Tiff brings Becky around to bump off buckles. Tiff RAMS into Becky, RAMS her again, and again! The ref counts and Tiff again lets off.

Tiff soaks up the heat, goes to the far corner, then paces around as Becky flounders. Tiff stomps Becky, but Becky throws body shots! And forearms! And UPPERCUTS! Becky runs, Tiff blocks but Becky throws more forearms! Becky runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Tiff clamps onto Becky with a seated abdominal stretch! Becky endures, fans rally, and Becky fights up to her feet. Becky arm-drags Tiff away, then rolls her up! ONE!! Tiff runs up but into an ELBOW! Tiff tries again, but Becky BOOTS her! Becky LARIATS, then LARIATS again! Becky CALF KICKS and NXT returns to single picture!

Fans fire up as Tiff staggers away to a corner. Becky fires up with the fans and she runs in to forearm smash! Then a clinch, BECKSPLODER! Becky brings Tiff around but Tiff throws Becky out. Becky ROCKS Tiff from the apron, smacks her off buckles, then she climbs up! Fans fire up as Becky MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Becky keeps her cool as Tiff hangs in there. The fans rally up as Becky paces around, then steps over! Tiff rolls Becky up, TWO! Becky gets around, gets the arm, but Tiff whips her away, SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Becky is still in this, she’s tougher than that!

Fans rally, Tiff drags Becky to a drop zone, PRETTIEST- NO, Becky drags Tiff down! Tiff kicks Becky away but Becky comes back to ROCK Tiff! Becky runs in, only gets buckles, but she tosses Tiff out! Tiff HOTSHOTS Becky back! Tiff goes up top, but Becky ROCKS her! Becky climbs up after Tiff, and fans fire up as Tiff fires hands! Becky goes all the way to TEN! Then she brings Tiff up, but Tiff fights with body shots! Tiff SUPER GOURD BUSTERS! Fans boo as Tiff adjusts, to SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Becky survives and Tiff is beside herself! Charismatic Enigma she is not, but Tiff drags Becky up to fireman’s carry.

Becky slips free, shoves Tiff and kicks low! Underhooks, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX, to the ARMBAR!! Fans are thunderous as Tiff flails and reaches out! Becky pulls on that arm, Tiff kicks with her long legs! Tiff reaches out, ROPEBREAK! But Becky drags her away to a TRIANGLE HOLD! Tiff stacks it, TWO and Tiff deadlifts, but Becky RANAS! Becky stays on top for a cover, TWO! Tiff staggers up, she YANKS Becky into ropes! Then Tiffy runs to HIP ATTACK! Becky flops, Tiff runs to DOUBLE STOMP!! Cover, TWO!?? Becky survives the #TiffyToes and fans rally up! Tiff is frustrated and she dares Becky to get up!

Tiff runs in, clinches Becky but Becky slips around to shove her away! Tiff BOOTS Becky back, then PRETTIEST- Becky follows her?! SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!! Cover, TWO!!! Tiff survives and fans can’t believe it! Fans cheer on “NXT! NXT!” for giving us this match! Becky reaches out but Tiff bails out. Becky goes to the apron, but Tiff TRIPS her! Becky hits apron, then Tiff RAMS her into steel steps! Tiff takes the hood off the desk!? Tiff wants to finish this one way or another as she drags Becky up! But Becky fights the bomb and gets to the barriers! Fans fire up as Becky throws hands in the front row!

Becky KICKS Tiff and she’s on the desk! Fans are thunderous as Becky aims, and Booker T clears some space! SUPER LEG DROP onto the desk! The desk doesn’t give, and Becky puts Tiff in the ring! Becky goes up top, to drop the MAN’S LEG!! Cover, TWO?!?!? But Becky has the DISARM-HER!!! Tiff endures, reaches out, but Becky pulls that arm!! Tiff fights around to the ROPEBREAK! But Becky drags her away! But Tiffy powers up to lift Becky! but Becky gets to the apron! Tiff runs in, into a KICK! And a ROUNDHOUSE! Becky goes up, aims again, and leaps, but Tiff gets under! Tiff kicks low and reels Becky in! POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!!!

Becky survives, kicking out by nanoseconds, and “This is Awesome!” Fans rally up as hard as they can as Tiffy pushes Becky to a corner. Tiff is frustrated, clutching her neck, but she tells Becky to go away! Becky ROCKS Tiff! Tiff ROCKS Becky! Tiff swings, into the clinch! She slips free, roll up, TWO!! Becky runs into a fireman’s carry! ROLLING SENTON!! PRETTIEST MOONSAULT- NO, Becky dodges! MANHANDLE SLAM!!!! Cover, BECKY WINS!!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

INCREDIBLE! For the first time ever, Big Time Becks is NXT Women’s Champion!! Tiffany put up a fight worthy of a champion, but she still has a way to go, when and where will she come back for this belt? As for Becky, what new heights will she bring this title to now that she finally has it?

My Thoughts:

This was a really good episode of NXT that was sandwiched between awesome matches. For one, the flat out adrenaline rush of that main event finish! As powerful as her Heel Heat is, there is no denying Tiff is already a great pro-wrestler. I said it felt like things were booked into a corner, so what a great surprise that Becky wins and has that belt. Becky’s promo earlier said this was righting the wrongs, maybe HHHBK felt the same, because now Becky’s resumé is even stronger, she is now Grand Slam Becks! She also won the Royal Rumble, that’s Five Star Becks! And surely, this program was a nod that Tiff is going to be set up for a very similar career in the end.

The other awesome match was Dragunov VS Wes at the start, and that wasn’t just opening strong, that was opening with an instant classic. Dragunov beating Wes makes sense given where they were going with Dragunov and Melo, but what a wild development having Wes basically quit NXT! This could be his version of a call-up, but I don’t know, maybe Wes returns closer to Survivor Series and the big NXT event set for that time. Good promo from Melo and Dom to set up a Champion VS Champion match next week, that is going to be really good stuff, and Trick Williams probably does get involved despite the conversation he and Melo had because someone has to (try to) stop Mami!

A lot of other great stuff tonight. I just felt that as soon as Corbin started looking sad, he was gonna switch and be all excited about what Bron did to Corbin. At the same time, I figured Bron wasn’t gonna let Corbin be all chummy with him, and now we’re going to get a great match between those two. And while Von’s “recovery” is undeterminable, I would think Von shows up at No Mercy to confront Bron after he beats Corbin. Good promo from Mustafa Ali and Dragon Lee to keep Dragon in mind should Ali beat Dom. And yes, he should beat Dom. Ali is more of an actual NXT Callback than Becky and Dom are, Ali really should finally get a title, and this is a great time to do all that.

A part of me just knew Myles was gonna betray Briggs & Jensen in that Six Man Tag, it’s the more “dramatic” move. And I should’ve known there’d also be a wrinkle of Myles starting to have feelings for Fallon, that’s why he got her out of the way there. Not sure how that plays out in the end, other than Briggs & Jensen facing like Myles & Gulak as a team to try and get payback. But then what? How does Myles redeem himself? This is gonna be redneck Romeo & Juliet if Myles stays Heel but he likes Fallon and courts her while she’s Face. And then really good match between Lyra and Dana, but of course Lyra wins. Dana almost snapping on Lyra was a nice touch, she is all but Heel at this point.

Great news that the Women’s Breakout Tournament is on its way back, and I liked Roxie talking with the newer superstars about it. Can’t wait to see who is in that tournament and what will come of it. Roxie getting into it with Lola & Lopez is an interesting move, too, but it could be a good feud to hold Roxie over until she’s either ready for another title shot or just a straight call-up to RawDown. Also great just random Gigi and Blair brawl backstage, that needs to be a grudge match for at least the go-home episode. And fun little moment from Chase U to show Thea and Jacy hanging out and fighting off dude-bros. Feels like they could become an official women’s tag team, so let’s just hope the Women’s Tag Team Champions visit NXT for once.

Good little bit from Gacy and Ava, but it makes me wonder what the plan is for Rip Fowler & Jagger Reed, or perhaps, for Zack Gibson & James Drake. Could the Grizzled Young Veterans make a big return? The tag division is already stacked, with a really good match from Creeds VS Malik & Edris while all the other tag teams were watching. I hope we get to see what the new and improved Garza & Carrillo soon, and they could possibly set up a tag title match with Tony & Stacks for either No Mercy or the go-home episode. And if not the former Los Lotharios, then maybe a revived GYV could be the team to dethrone the D’Angelo Family.

And great stuff in the Global Heritage Invitational. For one, I like the watch party aspect, and we got good promos from the guys in there to hype up the many “must win” scenarios. And much like Tiffany, for all the Heel heat Meta Four accumulates, I do appreciate them having themes that go with Disney related stuff since they’re gonna be in Bakersfield for No Mercy. So far we’ve had Frozen and Jungle Cruise, can’t wait to see what next week will be. And of course, the matches themselves were great. Bate VS Axiom/A-Kid was really good but of course Bate won, he only just started. I have a feeling Bate runs the table, beating Dempsey this Friday, and at least draws with Dunne so that he wins the group by one point.

As for Group B, I am betting on that three way tie for first, and then we can have a Triple Threat match to settle things between Frazer, Duke and Coffey. That way, Frazer can snatch the win away from Coffey and Duke to then face Bate. Frazer VS Bate connects back to when they each held a Heritage Cup, and then either way, we get someone with a lot of history with Dar facing him for THE Heritage Cup. And no offense to Frazer, but he’s already had his time with Dar, this could be his chance to move on to the North American or even top title while Bate holds it down in the Heritage Cup Division.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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