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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/18/23)

Grudge matches are Raw!



Will Main Event Jey Uso survive the Scottish Warrior?

The Raw roster is mostly Anti-Jey Uso, with Drew McIntyre stepping up as number one on the list! Will McIntyre’s Claymore blast Jey into pieces?


  • Cody Rhodes VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgment Day; Cody wins.
  • Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: The New Day VS The Viking Raiders w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan; changed to…
  • Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan; Kofi wins.
  • Shinsuke Nakamura VS Ricochet; Nakamura wins, by disqualification.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven; Chelsea & Piper win, by disqualification.
  • Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Bronson Reed; Bronson wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Becky Lynch VS Natalya; Becky wins and retains the title.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Giovanni Vinci w/ Ludwig Kaiser; Ciampa wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso; McIntyre wins.


Cody Rhodes heads to the ring!

Salt Lake City fires up for the American Nightmare as he prepares to humble Dirty Dom once and for all, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody gets the pyro and high-fives fans at the ramp. Cody stands on the corner, gets another round of “WHOA~ OH~!” and pyro, then picks up the mic. Fans chant Cody’s name, and he asks them, “Whaddya wanna talk about?” He was interrupted last week so he really wants to talk about Main Event Jey Uso. Wait, Cody gets interrupted again, and it’s once again Dominik Mysterio! Fans boo Dom as he has the mic already, and he tells Cody, “The only thing that they need to know about Jey Uso… CALLETE!”

Fans keep booing but Dom keeps talking. “Once Main Event Jey Uso joins The Judgment Day, we will continue to be the most dominant faction in all of WWE!” Dom storms into the ring and says, “Speaking of dominating… Mami isn’t here because she was injured last week by Nia Jax. But she will be back better, and soon. But tonight, after I beat you, Cody… I will be dedicating my victory to Mami.” Cody asks if the fans heard Dom. “NO!” Well, then go ahead, Dom, say that again. Fans start booing again and Dom shakes his head. Cody says this is a big night for Dom, huh? Cody lets everyone know Dom is dedicating this “victory” to Mami.

But maybe that will be what does it. This will be the thing that impresses Rhea enough that she finally defines their relationship. Maybe a little bit before Dom’s time, but this is a very Urkel & Laura vibe. Dom is way more into Rhea than Rhea is in to Dom. And all this dedication to her, what’s the deal? It also seems that Mami has eyes for Jey Uso. No no no! It’s NOT like that! They’re a family! And once Jey joins, he’ll know what it is like to have a family! Because family always has each other’s back! And Dom smiles as the rest of the Judgment Day walks out! Finn Balor & Damian Priest swagger to the ring, will they be a factor as always? Or can Cody defy the odds stacked against him?

Cody Rhodes VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgment Day!

Raw returns and we Dragon Lee is in the crowd watching, because he gets his shot at the North American Championship next week on Raw, just days before NXT No Mercy on the 30th! The bell rings, the two circle, fans boo Dom but Dom shoves Cody. Cody kick slow then drops for the RHODES UPPERCUT! Then Cody suplexes Dom and holds him up, for a count of TEN before the GROUD BUSTER! Then Cody ties up the legs! FIGURE FOUR! Dom flails, reaches out, scrambles over, ROPEBREAK! Cody lets go quickly and glares at Finn & Priest. Cody bumps Dom off buckles, CHOPS him, then ROCKS him!

Cody whips corner to corner, Dom reverses but Cody tumbles up and out to ROCK Dom! But Dom distracts the ref so Finn can YANK Cody down! Dom goes out while fans boo and Dom puts Cody in the ring. The Judgment Day fist bumps while Dom stomps away on Cody in the corner. The ref counts, Dom lets off and soaks up the heat. Dom then suplexes, Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom hits Dos Amigos! Dom looses his grip for a moment, tries one more, but Cody slips free to springboard, CODY CUTTER! Fans fire up with Cody as Dom staggers up! Dragon sleeper, CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Cody wins!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall

The Judgment Day is furious that Dom is now 0-2 against the American Nightmare! Will this really bring Dom down as he faces Carmelo Hayes tomorrow night on NXT?

But wait, Finn & Priest get on the apron, and Cody sees he’s 3v1. But wait! Here comes Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn! The former tag team champions back Cody up again, and they dare Judgment Day to do something! Judgment Day says yeah, okay! Just not now. Dom, Finn & Priest fall back while fans boo, but will all these enemies soon close in around them?

But wait, as Cody starts to leave, Kevin has them cut the music. Kevin says before Cody leaves, he wants to talk about something. Cody says okay, but what about? Cody goes back towards the ring, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Kevin sits on the corner with a mic. He says now that we’re back and everyone can hear this, from what Kevin understands, and correct him if he’s wrong… But Jey is back on Raw because of Cody. Cody says that is correct. Then Kevin doesn’t need to go into detail about what Jey did ot a lot of people on Raw when he was Bloodline and all that. Kevin just wants Cody to tell him why Cody thought it was a good idea to bring Jey over to Raw. That’s all he wants. And not just for Kevin, but for everyone else in the locker room. Cody says there are surely a lot of people in the back who need to know.

But Cody’s pretty sure there’s a lot of people out in the crowd who already know why. Cody’s had a lot of roles, a lot of tasks, a lot of duties, but his job is to make the people happy. The fans cheer that, and Cody says he’ll get to the answer. But the fans like Jey, right? The fans fire up for that, and then Cody says Cody himself is someone who has received a large amount of second chances. Jey is one of the very best, he deserves a second chance, and they should be the ones to give him the time to show he has changed. Not to mention, the Bloodline, who we are all very familiar with, are now down a member! What’s bad about that?

Kevin mulls it over and Sami speaks up. He doesn’t wanna pile on, he has had Kevin’s back since day one, but he has known Kevin since day one, this is how Kevin’s always been. He takes more time to warm up and trust people. Or maybe Sami just trusts too quickly. But hey, Sami knows Jey. They went through a lot. The situation Jey had to dig himself out of… Kevin doesn’t have to give Jey a second chance, but Sami feels he should. Because guess what? Kevin’s given Sami second chances, Sami’s given Kevin second chances, and because of that, they won the Undisputed Tag Team Championships in the main event of WrestleMania!

So Kevin doesn’t have to do it right away, just- Kevin stops him there and sees where this is going. He hears them. He has to pretend Jey isn’t a big part of why Sami didn’t win the Universal Championship at Elimination Chamber? Fine, he’ll do that. He has to pretend Jey wasn’t a huge reason why Cody didn’t walk of WrestleMania as champion? Fine, he’ll do that. He has to pretend like Jey didn’t cost Kevin FIVE title matches against Roman Reigns? Fine, he’ll do that. He’ll even pretend like Jey isn’t one shade of eyeliner away from joining The Judgment Day now. Kevin is to trust Jey? He can’t do that. But he trusts Sami and Cody, so he hopes they’re right.

Kevin leaves, but will it really just take time? Or is Kevin’s mind made up beyond a point of changing?


Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan!

When Erik was found not medically cleared to compete tonight, the tag team match was downgraded to a singles match, and Kofi won the right to face the Warbeard through… rock-paper-scissors? Well, will Kofi be able to cut through Ivar like scissors to paper? Or will Ivar crush him like rock to scissors?

Raw returns and Ivar makes his entrance, Sarah Logan by his side. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rlaly, Kofi gets around Ivar to headlock but Ivar blocks the takeover. Kofi tries again, but Ivar still blocks. Ivar powers out, Kofi slips out of the back drop to waistlock but Ivar bucks the O’Conner away. Ivar then runs Kofi over! Fans boo but Ivar fires up as he runs, only for Kofi to move, hurdle, hurdle and UPPERCUT! Ivar goes to a corner, Kofi runs in to SPLASH! Ivar staggers but Kofi runs in, into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar snarls while the ref checks Kofi. Ivar drags Kofi up, UPPERCUTS him, then follows Kofi to a corner.

Ivar throws back elbows, but fans rally up for Kofi. Ivar whips corner to corner hard and Kofi bounces off buckles! Ivar storms up but Kofi throws elbows and backhands! Kofi fires off haymakers, he backs Ivar down to whip, but Ivar reverses. Ivar runs in but gets a SWING KICK for it! Kofi goes up top to FLYING AX HANDLE! Fans rally, Kofi fires CHOPS, then a DROPKICK! Ivar comes back, Kofi dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up more as Kofi runs, but Ivar gets away. Kofi storms up but into an elbow! So Kofi SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!! Ivar survives and scrambles away. Sarah snarls but Ivar TOSSES Kofi out!

Ivar then goes to the apron, leaps, VIKING SPLASH to the floor! Sarah and Ivar roar while Kofi sputters and coughs, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Kofi throws body shots! Kofi stands to throw haymakers, but runs into a SIDEWALK SLAM! Ivar runs to BASEMENT CROSSBODY! Fans boo but Ivar goes to the corner. Ivar climbs up to the top, to VIKING FLOP as Kofi moves! Fans fire up and Sarah freaks out! Kofi drags himself to the corner, he goes up now, and he leaps to SPLASH Ivar on the back! Cover, TWO! Ivar holds in there but Sarah is still frustrated. Kofi hurries to whip but Ivar reverses. Kofi goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Kofi grows frustrated but he and Ivar rise again. Ivar goes to a corner, Kofi runs in, but Ivar BOOTS him down!

Ivar snarls and he storms up on Kofi. Kofi stands to catch the haymaker into SOS! Cover, TWO!! Ivar escapes and Sarah is beside herself. Kofi runs to PENALTY KICK! And then “NEW~ DAY~!” BOOM DROP Kofi goes to a corner, and fans fire up! Kofi claps and the fans join in, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi spins, but Ivar ducks Trouble! Kofi ducks the heel kick! Kofi clinches but Ivar spins him around to underhook! TIGER DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Kofi survives and Sarah cannot believe it! Fans rally for Kofi even harder but Ivar scowls. Ivar runs up but into an elbow! But the HEEL KICK OF DOOM connects! Cover, TWO!??!

Kofi survives and Sarah is seething! “This is Awesome!” but Ivar takes aim from the corner. Kofi stands, Ivar runs in, BRONCO BUSTER! Kofi flops into the drop zone and Ivar goes up! Ivar takes aim, Sarah says to spin it around. Ivar nods and he goes up to the very top, facing outside! VIKING MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Sarah is freaking out and Salt Lake City cannot believe it! Ivar is pulling at his beard, he is that upset! Ivar drags Kofi up, hoists him to the top rope, but Kofi fights with body shots! Kofi CLUBS away on Ivar’s back, and fans fire up with him! SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!!

Fans fire up again as Kofi stands and takes aim! TROUBLE IN PARADISE!! Cover, Kofi wins!!

Winner: Kofi Kingston, by pinfall

Sarah is enraged, but this was a throwback to #Kofimania right here! But will this help The New Day put things to bed with the Viking Raiders?


Backstage interview with Ricochet.

Jackie Redmon is with #TheHighlightoftheNight, and notes his rematch with Shinsuke Nakamura is in just a few moments. Any final comments before heading out there? Ricochet says he feels Nakamura sees this as just another mind game he’s setting out for Seth Rollins. But Ricochet will show Nakamura that he is nobody’s pawn. To be honest, Ricochet had moved on from Nakamura, passed over, but the only reason he’s getting involved again is both that Nakamura hit him with a chair, and that he chose to attack Ricochet last week. That made things personal. Nakamura can throw flames but it will only fire Ricochet up.

Ricochet tells Nakamura that if it is games he wants to play, let’s play. Ricochet has the cheat codes, and tonight will be game over. Will the King of Flight have his revenge on the King of Strong Style? Or will nothing stop Nakamura on his mission to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion?

Shinsuke Nakamura VS Ricochet!

But wait! After Nakamura makes his entrance, Seth Rollins appears! Salt Lake fires up as The Visionary storms out, only for Adam Pearce to storm out and stop him! Security and producers are called in, they can’t let even the world champion ruin this match. Rollins says okay, he’ll leave. But then he bolts right past them all! Rollins slides in, but Nakamura slides out! Rollins chases after Nakamura but is intercepted by the security guards! Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” and Rollins goes around the other side. Security is still there to stop him, and Nakamura slides back into the ring. “C’MON~!” Nakamura eggs Rollins on but he has Ricochet to worry about, after the break.

Raw returns and Ricochet makes his entrance. Rollins has since been ushered from ringside, and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and Ricochet powers Nakamura to a corner. The ref counts, Nakamura uses ropes, and Ricochet backs off. Ricochet eggs Nakamura on, they tie up again, and Ricochet again puts Nakamura on ropes. They go along the ropes, into a corner, the ref works to separate them, but Nakamura gets a cheap shot in! The ref reprimands but Nakamura RAMS Ricochet into another corner! Nakamura stomps away but lets off at 4. Nakamura gives a few more stomps, then kicks Ricochet around.

Nakamura paces around Ricochet, drags him up, and slaps him around. Ricochet is annoyed but Nakamura KICKS him down! Fans rally and Nakamura smirks, then he KICKS Ricochet again! Ricochet gets frustrated, and he blocks a kick! Ricochet fires haymakers and UPPERCUTS, then whips. Nakamura reverses, Ricochet dodges to roll and RANA! Then DROPKICK! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Ricochet stomps Nakamura now, has him in a corner and keeps up the stomps! Fans fire up but the ref counts, and Ricochet lets off at 4. Ricochet storms back up on Nakamura, fireman’s carries, but Nakamura slips free!

Ricochet throws elbows, runs, but Nakamura rushes up! Ricochet dodges and handsprings but Nakamura SLIDING KICKS! Ricochet flounders, Nakamura gets him up to put him on the top rope. Nakamura throws body shots, goes corner to corner, and hits the TOP SHELF KNEE! Cover, TWO! Ricochet is hanging tough but Nakamura drops a knee! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Ricochet but Nakamura pretends he can’t hear them. Nakamura wraps on a GUILLOTINE! Ricochet endures the facelock, fights with body shots, and ROCKS Nakamura! Ricochet UPPERCUTS, runs, but into a kitchen sink knee!

Nakamura stomps Ricochet down, sits him up, and wraps him up in an abdominal stretch! Nakamura CLUBS Ricochet in the ribs! Ricochet claws at Nakamura, but Nakamura keeps on the stretch. Fans rally as Ricochet endures, and Ricochet pries at a leg. Ricochet gets up to his feet to JAWBREAKER, then snapmare! Then KICK! And STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ricochet grows frustrated but he goes to ropes. Fans rally up, and Ricochet AX HANDLES Nakamura down! And again! Ricochet stands Nakamura up but Nakamura fires off fast hands! Nakamura CHOPS Ricochet in the corner!

Ricochet sits down in the corner, Nakamura stands him back up, and he CHOPS Ricochet again! Nakamura CHOPS again, fires a forearm, and repeat! The ref counts, Nakamura lets off, and then he gives Ricochet BAD VIBRATIONS! The ref counts, Nakamura lets off and he whips corner to corner. Nakamura runs, but blocks boots to put Ricochet in ropes! KICK and SLIDING- NO, Ricochet avoids the German Suplex to go up and up and MOONSAULT! Direct hit and fans fire up with Ricochet as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Nakamura has Ricochet in the corner, for more BAD VIBRATIONS! The ref counts, Nakamura lets off and he swaggers across the ring. Fans rally up, Nakamura runs back in, but into a JUMP KNEE from Ricochet! Both men are down and fans rally up. Ricochet sits up first, and Nakamura goes to ropes. Nakamura stands, he swings but Ricochet counter punches and fires off a strike fest! Ricochet whips, Nakamura reverses but Ricochet handsprings, BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up with Ricochet again and he runs in, SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO! Ricochet keeps his cool as Nakamura goes to a corner.

Ricochet runs corner to corner, but Nakamura KNEES him low! Nakamura puts Ricochet on the top rope again, but Ricochet avoids the knee! Buckle bump and a KICK! Ricochet springboards, FLYING CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura just gets that arm up! Ricochet and the fans can’t believe it, but Ricochet pumps himself back up. Ricochet runs in at the corner, but Nakamura puts him right up! And BOOTS him right down! Ricochet falls to the apron but Nakamura goes out after him! LEG SWEEP! Ricochet hits the apron then tumbles down! Nakamura sits Ricochet up, takes aim, but runs into a Tiger Wall Kick! And ENZIGURI!

Nakamura leans against the barriers, but grabs a chair! Ricochet dodges, to SUPERKICK Nakamura! Ricochet grabs the chair, fans fire up, and he SMACKS Nakamura!!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by disqualification

Ricochet argues that he shouldn’t have been disqualified, Nakamura introduced the chair! But the ref says that doesn’t matter, a chair shot is a chair shot! But then Nakamura SLIDING KICKS Ricochet’s ankle out! Ricochet flounders and writhes, but Nakamura isn’t done there! KINSHASA!! Nakamura then hits a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Nakamura doesn’t care about anything other than hurting Ricochet now! Nakamura brings Ricochet to the corner to SLAM the leg into the post! And then he grabs the chair! CHAIR SHOT against the post! And again! And again!!

BUT HERE COMES ROLLINS! From the crowd side, The Visionary jumps on Nakamura and fires off hands! Rollins puts Nakamura in to fire off more shots! And then a PEDI- NO, Nakamura back drops Rollins onto the chair! Rollins writhes, security gets him out of there, but Nakamura has done the damage! Rollins says who cares, an d he drags Nakamura out of the ring! Only for Nakamura to RAM him into the desk! And then BACK SUPLEX ONTO THE DESK!! Rollins writhes and Nakamura soaks up the heat from all the fans. Their booing is like music to his ears, and he grabs a fan’s Seth Rollins cutout to mock conducting the choir! Will Nakamura be the one composing Rollins’ final movement?


Rollins hobbles backstage.

But he angrily tells referees that he does NOT need their help, he is FINE! Except he drops to his knees! The refs offer help and Rollins takes their help to get into the trainer’s room. Rollins sits and gets checked out, is he going to fall apart before ever getting that rematch with Nakamura?


Backstage interview with Chelsea Green & Piper Niven.

Byron Saxton is with the Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, and he asks their thoughts on this new yet formidable tag team of Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark. “Formidable? Bryan, Shayna & Zoey aren’t even a real team. They fought each other, they like each other, they respect each other, oh blah blah blah. That’s not what makes a real team, does it, Bryan? No, what makes a real team is friendship. Piper and I are friends.” Not by the look on Piper’s face… Piper stops Chelsea there. Does she really think they’re friends? Of course, bestie! Then if they’re such friends, what country is Piper from?

Um… Eng- Ire- Florida? Piper rolls her eyes and storms off. Byron says Piper is Scottish. OMG Bryan, of course she knew that! You think Chelsea doesn’t know where her own tag partner is from? Tonight, they will show Shayna & Zoey what a REAL team looks like. Chelsea hurries after Piper to apologize, but will this “team” break down real fast?

Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven!

The teams sort out, and Stark starts against Chelsea. They tie up, but Chelsea kicks low! Chelsea CLUBS Stark around but Stark counter punches right back! Stark whips then ELBOWS Chelsea, runs and UPPERCUTS, then snapmares and points to Piper. SLIDING LARIAT! Stark goes out, slingshots up, ARABIAN PRESS SENTON! Cover, TWO! Shayna reaches out and Stark says okay, she brings Chelsea over to tag. The Queen of Spades wrenches Chelsea into a BACKBREAKER! Shayna keeps Chelsea from Piper, Chelsea SLAPS Shayna, but that just upsets Shayna! Chelsea reaches out, Shayna reels her in, NECKBREAKER!

Shayna runs to SLIDING KNEE Chelsea down! Stark likes that and reaches out. Shayna tags her in and Stark stomps Chelsea. Stark whips Chelsea to a corner, runs in but into an ELBOW! Piper reaches out, saves Chelsea from thne SPLASH, and then Chelsea goes up top! Chelsea MISSILE DROPKICKS! Chelsea hurries to cover, TWO! Chelsea is frustrated already but she drags Stark over, bumps her off buckles, and tags in Piper. Piper throws elbows, then runs to SPLASH! Stark drops to her knees but Piper scoops. SHOULDER BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Stark toughs it out and Piper scowls. Piper then CLUBS away on Stark!

Piper bumps Stark off buckles, tags in Chelsea and Chelsea CHOPS! But Stark CHOPS back! Chelsea CHOPS, whips, but Stark reverses. Chelsea kicks back, ENZIGURIS, and laughs. Chelsea runs, into a SUPERKICK! Stark falls on the cover, but Piper drags her away! Shayna storms in and KNEES Piper down! Piper falls out of the ring and fans fire up! Shayna goes out but Piper HEADBUTTS! Piper scoops, to SLAM Shayna on the floor! Fans fire up, but here comes NIA!? Nia POSTS Piper!!

Winners: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven, by disqualification

Nia whips Piper into steel steps! Fans boo as The Irresistible Force then hauls Stark up to SAMOAN DROP! Nia runs to SENTON Stark! Nia grins as Chelsea stands back up. Chelsea freaks out but she can’t get away! Nia TOSSES her to a corner! And then HIP ATTACKS! Chelsea sputters, Nia runs in and SPLASHES her old tag partner, Shayna! Nia steps on Shayna to go up the corner! Nia’s gonna do Shayna like she did Rhea! BANZAI DROP!! AKA the A-NIA-LATOR! Fans boo as Nia wipes out the tag champs and the dangerous duo of Shayna & Stark. She says it is open season, consider the Women’s Division on notice.


Adam Pearce is on the phone.

He says he will talk with Nia about her behavior, and he knows Rollins has been evaluated. But he has to call back. Chad Gable walks over and asks about Rollins. He’s hurting. But Rollins is also angry. And now we have Nia doing what she wants, he has to go handle that. Gable knows Pearce is busy, he just needs one second. He beat Ludwig last week to keep his momentum up, what does he need to do to get one more chance at Gunther? To shoot straight, that title match was a career-making moment. No one discredits what Gable did. But Gunther won, so he can’t just slide back into the picture.

That’s right! Bronson Reed tells Gable back of the line. SHOOSH! Big Bronson, huh? Gable made a name for himself suplexing the big boys, so if he wants to be next, it will be Gable’s pleasure. Bronson says there’s no way he can even wrap his arms around Bronson. They argue but Pearce has them stop. Pearce has had enough madness tonight, so if they want to fight it out, head for the ring. It’s official! Bronson and Gable are ready, will Gable use the Colossal Aussie as a springboard back to Der Ring General? Or will he be washed away by the Tsunami?


Backstage interview with Jey Uso.

Jackie is now with #MainEventJey and says earlier tonight, Kevin Owens had some rather stinging comments about Jey’s return to Mondays. Drew McIntyre doesn’t seem to appreciate Jey’s presence, either. How is he handling this not-so-warm welcome? Jey says it’s all good. He knows he has a lot of eyes on him, big target on his back. As far as him and Drew go, they’re gonna go out there and get real physical. There’s history there, so Jey knows- Damian Priest walks over and asks Jackie to give them a second. She moves aside and Priest tells Jey that he doesn’t know how Jey views him, but uh, maybe Jey could do Priest a favor.

The Judgment Day is looking for an Uso. The crew is pushing for Jimmy, but Priest is here, looking at Jey, and wants Main Event Jey in the group. But Priest can’t just make the decision. This isn’t a dictatorship, this is a family. Jey chuckles and tells Priest that he knows all about family, Uce. With all due respect, Jey knows about his Bloodline. But blood only makes you relatives. They have something special. If Jey is willing, if he wants, The Judgment Day can be the family Jey’s always been looking for. The only thing Priest is asking is Jey can’t make him look bad in front of the family. So one way or another, give them an answer by the end of tonight.


Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy VS Bronson Reed!

Raw returns and Big Bronson makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, and Bronson shoves Gable down. Gable comes back, ties up with Bronson again but Bronson throws Gable down! Fans rally and Gable gets around but Bronson throws him off the waistlock. Gable goes for a leg, but Bronson hauls him up! Gable slips free, whips, but Bronson blocks! Bronson whips, Gable goes up and over, keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges and FOREARMS! Bronson stays up so Gable runs to FOREARM again! Gable runs in at the corner but is put on the apron. Gable ROCKS Bronson and goes up!

Gable MISSILE DROPKICKS and Bronson staggers around! Gable waistlocks! Fans fire up but Bronson elbows free! Gable goes to a corner, Bronson SPLASHES, then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Bronson dusts his hands off while fans boo, and Bronson stands Gable up. Bronson HEADBUTTS Gable down, then drags him back up. Bronson ELBOWS Gable to a corner, Otis & Maxxine coach Gable up, but Bronson CHOPS! Bronson whips corner to corner hard and Gable bounces off the buckles! Fans boo but Bronson says he is just too big. Bronson eggs Gable on, CLUBS him down, and then CLUBS him again!

Bronson drags Gable up but Gable throws body shots! Fans rally, but Bronson ROCKS Gable! Bronson back suplexes, Gable lands out of it! Gable throats chops, kicks, UPPERCUTS and CHOPS! But Bronson TOSSES Gable to a corner! Gable BOOTS back, goes up, but Bronson choke grips! Trophy lift, to MAT SLAM him on the corner! And then BLASTS him down! Gable is down and fans boo as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bronson grinds Gable into the mat with a chilnocki. Fans rally, Gable fights, and Otis pounds the mat to coach Gable up. Gable fires body shots, CHOPS, then runs to CHOP BLOCK! Bronson hobbles, but he still LARIATS Gable! Bronson drags Gable up to bump him off buckles, then he hoists Gable up top. Bronson ROCKS Gable with haymaker after haymaker, but Gable catches Bronson to a HANGING ARMBAR! Gable lets off at 4, then dodges to send Bronson into buckles! Bronson drops to a knee, Gable fires off forearms! Gable ROLLING KICKS and Bronson is down! Gable goes up, for the DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO!!

Gable keeps his focus on Bronson as he stands up! Waistlock, then the corner, but Bronson bucks free to CLOBBER Gable! And then SENTON onto knees! Otis & Maxxine fire up, Gable waistlocks, but the legs are sore! Bronson picks Gable up for a BACKPACK SENTON! Bronson drags Gable to the drop zone, goes up the corner, TSUNAMI!!! Cover, Bronson wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

Gable tried and he tried, but maybe there is a limit to how much The Little Engine That Could can do. Bronson says he is next in line, will he prove to even GUNTHER that #BiggerISBetter!


Tommaso Ciampa speaks.

“I like to think that I’m a patient man. An observer at times. So when I came to Monday Night Raw, I made an internal agreement with myself. Play the long game, be patient. Eventually, my number will be called. So I waited. And I waited. And I waited. And y’know what I found out? That in this universe, patience is not a virtue, it is a crutch! In this universe, if you want something down, you gotta make your own opportunities. So if you didn’t learn last week, then tonight, Giovanni taps again. And then, you think, ‘And then what?’ Imperium, you did not choose me, I chose you, and we don’t gotta play the long game of mystery to find out why.

“Gunther! You have what I want.” Ciampa storms off, will the Psycho Killer make sure like the song says, no one will survive?


Becky Lynch is headed to gorilla.

She crosses paths with Akira Tozawa, and he nervously smiles and offers a fist bump. Becky gives him the fist bump, and then continues on. The Grand Slam Man, the N-BEX-T Women’s Champion, is coming around for a title match! Who will step up to her Open Challenge? We find out, after the break.


Kevin & Sami talk backstage.

Sami wants Kevin to know, he isn’t saying Kevin is wrong. Sami just thinks Kevin needs to give Jey the benefit of the doubt. Kevin says he did do that, and it got him a superkick to the face! But Sami says Kevin saw it for himself, it was an accident. But now Jey is talking with Damian! Sami says it’s the other way around, but here comes Jey. Jey says if KO has something to say, say it to his face! Kevin says okay, sure! He thinks Jey’s gonna be with Judgment Day! And if not, then he will eventually. Jey says it was an accident, Uce! Well alright, but what about all that time with Bloodline? Months of not doing anything on his own, it’ll just happen again here!

Sami wants them to calm things down, take a breath, and bring the energy down. Kevin says fine, he’ll take a breath. But he just doesn’t care what Jey does, Judgment Day or no Judgment Day, because Kevin still won’t trust him. Do whatever you gotta do. Kevin & Sami don’t have a match so he’s getting outta here. Sami says Kevin can go on ahead, he’ll be there in a minute. Sami wants Jey to understand, Kevin just needs time. Just keep it cool. And this stuff with Judgment Day, Sami doesn’t know what’s going on. But Jey does have a decision to make, and a big one. Good luck, okay? Jey thanks Sami for that. But will Jey prove he can be trusted?


NXT Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Becky Lynch VS ???

Salt Lake City fires up as The Man returns, finally the NXT Women’s Champion! But she isn’t just gonna rest on her laurels, Becky is going to be a fighting champion! But before the Open Challenge truly begins, Becky gets the mic to say, “And The Man is the NEW NXT Women’s Champion! And while I will admit winning the NXT Women’s title wasn’t exactly on my Bingo card this year, if I have learned anything over the last few weeks, it is that you have to take the chances and the opportunities while you can.” Fans cheer that. And so, Becky didn’t wanna just win this title and put it on the mantle, so that she can say she IS a Grand Slam Champion. Though, that’s pretty nice.

Becky wants to defend this title! To elevate this title to heights it has never seen before! Because NXT quite literally represents the future of this business. It represents hope, hunger, passion, and progress! She wants to test herself against the very best the future has to offer! Which is why Becky will also be on NXT tomorrow night! But right now, she’s in Utah! Fans cheer that, and Becky says she knows there are a whole lot of women who have worked their asses off that haven’t gotten an opportunity that want to step up to the plate! Tonight is the night for somebody new, because here comes the open challenge!

And she can’t think of a better place than now, or a better time- Oh, wait, got that wrong. But here comes NATALYA! The Queen of Harts tells Becky, “With all due respect, I’d like to tell me another woman who has worked their ass off more than me for an opportunity! After all, it was eight weeks ago that I took the Raw Women’s Champion, Rhea Ripley, to her limits. And I have been sitting backstage ever since, patiently, for my chance. So yes, Becky, yes, I do accept!” Oh, okay. Becky wants Natty to know she has nothing but respect for her, they go way back to wrestling in Japan as teenagers!

But uh, when she issued this challenge, this was more for someone new. For someone who has never had a title match. And Natty’s been here for 15 years- YES, 15 YEARS of dedicating her life to this! And Becky wants to say Natty’s taking an opportunity away from someone else? Becky went down to NXT and stepped all over every single one of those women there that was patiently waiting for their chance! Becky is nothing but a hypocritical Ginger witch! Becky says c’mon now, but then Natty shoves her! Becky says okay, okay, if Natty wants to go, then Becky accepts! Ring the bell!

The ref does as told, Becky puts the belt and her coat aside, and then Natty ROCKS her with a right! Natty fires off, then POSTS Becky! Becky flops to the floor, Natty glares at her and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Becky SOBATS! Becky runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then CLOBBERS Natty! Natty goes to a corner, fans fire up as Becky runs in to forearm! And then BECKSPLODER! Cover, TWO! Becky frowns but she keeps her cool. Becky feels the energy from the fans and she paces around. Becky drags Natty up, but N atty whips her away. Becky clinches, but Natty elbows free! Natty GERMAN SUPLEXES and Becky flounders. Natty gets the legs, steps through, but Becky fights to get a cradle! TWO, and Becky knees low! Becky whips, Natty reverses, but Becky goes to the apron. Natty rushes in but gets a KICK, and a ROUNDHOUSE!

Becky goes up but Natty ROCKS her first! Natty fires off hands, goes up after her, then throws hands! Fans rally and Natty hits a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Natty grits her teeth as Becky is still in this. Fans rally, Natty gets the legs, but Becky flounders and kicks. Becky schoolgirls Natty into buckles! Becky drags Natty up, snapmares her, then goes up the corner. Natty stands, Becky MISSILE DROPKICKS her down! Natty bails out but Becky keeps moving, she WRECKS Natty with a dropkick! Becky puts Natty in, goes up another corner, but Natty avoids the attack! DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Natty grows further frustrated, but she steps through the legs again! Becky fights and drags Natty down, DISARM-HER!! Natty flails, tucks, rolls Becky up, TWO! Becky stands to clinch, but Natty elbows free! Becky switches, shoves, O’Conner Roll, TWO and Natty has the O’Conner! TWO and Becky stacks Natty up, BECKY WINS!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Natty is distraught, having put all her eggs in this basket. Will Natty ever return to her former glory? As for Becky, who will look to take on The Man next?


Pearce talks with Dragon Lee.

It’s going to be a big match next week. Dragon agrees, but Dom storms in and complains about his loss to Cody Rhodes. And does Pearce know why Dom lost? Because was distracted by how Mami isn’t here, at home hurt, and wasn’t by Dom’s side. And do you know why Rhea’s not by his side? Because Pearce isn’t doing his job punishing Nia Jax! Instead, he’s talking to this guy! Dom doesn’t like guys with masks. They remind him of his deadbeat dad. And next week, Dom will remain NXT North American Champion! Dragon tells Dom he has no idea what is going on with Dom and Rhea.

But whenever Rhea returns, she will see her boy without that title. Because Dragon will leave Raw the NEW North American Champion. Dragon thanks Pearce for his time, Dom grumbles that he always be champion. Will Dirty Dom be able to make it through these next seven days with such strong competition after him?


Tommaso Ciampa VS Giovanni Vinci w/ Ludwig Kaiser!

The Sicilian Psycho is looking to fire the first salvo in his fight towards the Intercontinental Championship! Will he bring down The Pride of Italy to weaken Imperium’s defenses? Or will it be #VeniVidiVinci in Salt Lake City?

Raw returns and Ciampa makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Vinci waistlocks. Ciampa pries at the hold, Vinci puts him on ropes, and the ref has Vinci back down. Ludwig hooks Ciampa in the distraction! Vinci CLOBBERS Ciampa, then fires off shots! Vinci RAMS Ciampa, UPPERCUTS him, then lets off as the ref counts. Ludwig grins and talks trash while Vinci kicks Ciampa around. Vinci stands Ciampa up but Ciampa fires back with forearms and CHOPS! Fans rally, Ciampa backs Vinci down but Vinci shoves. Vinci blocks the kick to short arm LARIAT Ciampa down!

Ciampa flounders and the ref checks him. Vinci stomps Ciampa, Gunther watches backstage as Vinci CLUBS Ciampa down. Vinci stands Ciampa up and RAMS him into a corner! Then Vinci hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Vinci kicks Ciampa around, taunts him, then gives him more kicks. Vinci pie faces Ciampa, so Ciampa SLAPS! And CHOPS! And forearms! Vinci knees low, whips Ciampa to a corner, but Ciampa goes up. But Vinci catches Ciampa as he goes over! Ciampa slips free, shoves, and THESZ PRESS! Ciampa fires fast hands, then things speed up! Ciampa LARIATS Vinci down! The fans fire up as Vinci goes to a corner.

Ciampa runs in to clothesline, then keeps moving, but Vinci fireman’s carries! Ciampa slips free, REVERSE DDT! Fans fire up and Ciampa feels it! Ludwig panics, shouts to Vinci, but Ciampa brings the kneepad down! Ludwig slides into the ring! The ref and Ciampa both see him, Ludwig bails out, but Vinci rolls Ciampa up! With tights! TWO!! Ciampa ripcords to ROCK Vinci! Then BOOT! Then ROLLING- NO, Vinci blocks to CHOP! Vinci whips, Ciampa reverses but Vinci springboards, into a JUMP KNEE! SICILIAN STRETCH!! Vinci reaches out, but he’s caught! Vinci taps, Ciampa wins!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by submission

Gunther is not happy seeing that. Ciampa takes down one pawn, will he clear the Impeccable German off the board before going after Der Ring General?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

Byron walks over as Rollins hobbles down the hall. Byron says we all saw Rollins try to bring the fight to Nakamura earlier tonight, but that didn’t go how he wanted. Right now, how is Rollins feeling? Rollins says he is tired, in a lot of pain, and he’s trying to keep it together. But he is losing his mind! Rollins is sick of Nakamura’s games! Rollins will do whatever it takes to get that SOB in the ring!! Rollins cools off, and says that he doesn’t wanna go to that place but he has to. If Nakamura wants to do things on his terms, then Rollins has been going about this all wrong. Maybe Rollins just needs to take his hands off the wheel.

Rollins tells Nakamura that the ball is in his court. Name the time, name the place, and even name the stipulation. But Nakamura needs to remember… Their destinies are intertwined at this point. “So ask yourself, will you be the one to define your legacy? Or will it be me?” Rollins grins and heads out, but is this only playing into Nakamura’s hands?


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s Raw!

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn get a rematch for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships! Will they get payback on The Prince & Punisher for what they did at Payback?


Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso!

The Scottish Warrior told Main Event Jey eye to eye and man to man just last week that this is payback for everything The Bloodline did to keep him from becoming Universal Champion. And Jey simply said he understood. Will there be a Claymore with Jey’s name on it? Or will Jey strike first?

Raw returns and Jey has the fans bouncing to the beat. But then McIntyre makes his entrance, and the bell rings. Fans rally up as Jey and McIntyre stare down. The two step up and Jey says McIntyre’s about to get this work! They tie up, are in a deadlock, but McIntyre shoves Jey away! McIntyre says if that’s all Jey’s got, this will be quick. Jey shakes that off, they circle, and tie up. They’re in another deadlock but the fans rally for Jey. McIntyre puts Jey in a corner, lets off slowly, but Jey avoids the haymaker! Jey fires body shots, then haymakers! Jey runs up to GAMANGIRI! Then he whips corner to corner, only for McIntyre to reverse.

Jey stops himself, but comes back into a LARIAT from McIntyre! Fans fire up while McIntyre seethes and looms over Jey. McIntyre drags Cody up, bumps him off buckles, and then ROCKS him with a right! And CHOPS him! And then rips the shirt off to CHOP Jey right on the skin! McIntyre stomps and ROCKS and repeat, but the ref counts. McIntyre lets off, he storms up on Jey, and then he drags Jey up. Jey ROCKS McIntyre with an uppercut! And another! And another! McIntyre goes to a corner, Jey storms up and whips, but McIntyre reverses again. McIntyre kicks Jey low, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally while Jey crawls away. McIntyre storms up on Jey, drags him up, then CHOPS! Jey UPPERCUTS! McIntyre CHOPS and Jey falls! McIntyre stomps Jey right on the face! Jey crawls, but McIntyre drags him up, only for Jey to HEADBUTT! And again! And then Jey climbs up in the corner to rain down fists! McIntyres shoves Jey away at five, but Jey comes back to whip. McIntyre reverses again, runs in and ROCKS Jey! Then CHOPS Jey! McIntyre whips, Jey ducks ‘n’ dodges to then hold ropes. McIntyre runs in, Jey dumps him out! Jey builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes McIntyre!

Fans fire up with Jey and he hurries back into the ring. Jey builds speed again, to DIVE! Another direct hit and McIntyre falls again! But wait, here comes the Judgment Day. Priest, Finn & Dom are cheering Jey on, mostly because they want him to join up. Jey isn’t sure what to make of this, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more, and McIntyre has Jey up top. McIntyre climbs up to join Jey, and he throws hands! Jey wobbles, the Judgment Day cheer him on along with the fans. Jey throws body shots! Jey ROCKS McIntyre but McIntyre hits back! Jey HEADBUTTS and McIntyre drops back, only for McIntyre to come back and ROCK Jey with a forearm! McIntyre goes up, stands on the very top, and hits a SUPER DUPER PLEX! Fans fire up and the Judgment Day cheer Jey on. Jey and McIntyre stir, McIntyre sits up, and he glares at Jey. Jey rises, grits his teeth, and McIntyre eggs him on !

McIntyre throws a haymaker, Jey throws a forearm! McIntyre and Jey go back and forth, then Jey counter punches! And again! And again! McIntyre wobbles, but he GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTTS! Both men wobble, and Jey ENZIGURIS! McIntyre swings, misses, and runs into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Judgment Day coaches Jey, and Jey sees McIntyre go outside. Jey builds speed again, and he DIVES into a forearm! Jey is down, and McIntyre hurries up the corner?! But Jey avoids the flying ax handle! Only to run into a SPINBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Jey is in this and Judgment Day cheers him on!

McIntyre scowls as he sits back up. McIntyre drags Jey up to ROCK him and whip him. Jey BOOTS McIntyre away, runs, but McIntyre dodges to NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as McIntyre kips up! McIntyre glares at Jey as he goes to the corner, he starts the countdown, but of course Dom distracts! Priest swipes at McIntyre but McIntyre kicks at him! McIntyre runs, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Jey is frustrated, and he goes to a corner. The Judgment Day is there to coach him on, telling Jey this is what The Judgment Day is about. It’s your time, Uce! Jey aims at McIntyre, Priest talks to him more, and Jey says alright.

Jey fist bumps with Priest? But then he SUPERKICKS him down! And SUPERKICK for Finn! SUPERKICK for Dom! Jey just said no, but then McIntyre says CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Well, Jey turned the Judgment Day down, proving the doubters wrong! But then McIntyre still took advantage and takes the victory! Will the Scottish Warrior finally be able to move on? As for Jey, he’s down as the Judgment Day gets in the ring! They’re furious with Jey, so they start stomping him down! Fans boo, but Finn gets in Jey’s face that you do not do this to the Judgment Day! Finn fires off hands as Priest holds Jey up! McIntyre watches, conflicted between his grudge and his sense of justice. McIntyre turns to go, but then turns back. But here comes Cody Rhodes! Cody rushes past McIntyre to DUMP Priest out!

Cody fires off on Finn, Jey SUPERKICKS Finn! Cody dodges Dom, Jey SUPERKICKS Dom! Cody gives Dom a CROSS RHODES! Just like earlier tonight! Fans are thunderous as The Judgment Day retreats again! McIntyre almost made a decision, but will he just stay out of this battle? As for Jey, does he have an ally against the Judgment Day in the American Nightmare?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw that moved rather smoothly and quickly from start to finish. Great bookending of the show with the Jey Uso story. Cody wants to speak to why he brought Jey over, Dom gets in his way again, but then Dom gets beat surprisingly quickly. I did like that his excuse is that he needs Mami Rhea to be back, which is basically true since she’s helped him win so often. Dom VS Dragon Lee happening next week on Raw is very surprising, but with Dom facing Melo on NXT, can’t do it there. And then next week is the go-home to No Mercy so can’t really change things last minute, but changing things at the penultimate (second to last) minute. I don’t know if Dragon wins that but it’d be amazing if he did so that we get Dragon VS Mustafa Ali fair and square for No Mercy.

Kevin & Sami supporting Cody against Judgment Day was of course going to happen, it has already happened multiple times. But at least we didn’t get yet another Six Man Tag between them all. Good promo from Cody, Sami & Kevin to talk things out, and all the interactions Jey had throughout the night was good stuff. Jey VS McIntyre was great stuff, and of course The Judgment Day had to show up. Of course Jey rejected the offer, but it was also fair that he lost the match then. Judgment Day are now set to feud with Jey, and Cody is definitely on Jey’s team. Sami might join in, despite Kevin’s objections, but I liked McIntyre having that moment of conflict. He doesn’t like Jey but he really doesn’t like Judgment Day, and he’s been walking the Tweener line, good stuff.

Next week is a big night for Judgment Day with Dom defending his title and then Finn & Priest defending their tag titles. Maybe Dom really will lose his title on Raw if Finn & Priest are retaining theirs. And I’m pretty sure Finn & Priest are retaining those so they can keep going back and forth between Raw and SmackDown. Rhea is still kayfabe hurt from Nia Jax crushing her, and apparently Nia is gonna keep doing that to every woman until she gets a title match. The tag match of Shayna & Stark VS Chelsea & Piper was getting good right as Nia “ruined” it. Really good promo from Becky, and quite the surprise for Natty to be the one.

But at the same time, it’s two birds with one title match. Becky gets her first defense in and Natty’s story progresses as she continues to run into setbacks and losses. I also did appreciate Natty apparently voicing what some fans (at least, I think it’s “some,” could be more than it seems) feel about Becky taking the title off Tiffany. But Becky will also be on NXT tomorrow night, so surely she’ll celebrate her win there, maybe even be confronted by Tiffany to set up a rematch at No Mercy. And with as great as the first match was, Becky VS Tiffany Round 2 could be epic. And maybe Tiff cheats to win in order to get her belt back, given she didn’t cheat to keep it.

A shame about Erik not being able to compete tonight, a 2 outta 3 falls tag match of New Day VS Viking Raiders would’ve been great stuff. They can still bring that back around, maybe even for the Fastlane go-home episode on October 2nd. But Kofi VS Ivar was still great stuff, and great win for Kofi tonight. Great stuff from Bronson and Gable tonight, but I figured Bronson would win. If Gable’s story of returning to the Intercontinental Championship is to draw us in and stay interesting, Gable can’t win everything, so this was a good move. Plus, Bronson himself deserves to get at something, maybe he challenges for the IC title before Gable makes his return.

Speaking of that, Ciampa is clearly next, as he has a really good match and win off Vinci. Vinci is really getting the pressure and the blame heaped on him by Gunther & Ludwig, maybe he splits off from the group like he did back when he first changed from Fabian Aichner to Giovanni Vinci. As for Ciampa, he’d give Gunther one hell of a match if it’s at like Fastlane or along the way to Survivor Series. And clearly, Rollins VS Nakamura Round 2 is being set up for Fastlane. Good promo from Ricochet, great match from Ricochet VS Nakamura, and I did like commentary pointing out Nakamura wasn’t fighting to win but to hurt Ricochet and send a message. Nakamura surely did both those things, and now Rollins is letting him set the stage. I can’t wait!

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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