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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/17/23)

Who’s heading for Halloween Havoc?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Bada bing, bada boom, a battle royal and triple threat, too!

NXT prepares for Halloween Havoc by holding huge #1 contenders matches! Who will be facing Ilja Dragunov and The D’Angelo Family next?


  • Bada Bing Bada Boom Tag Team Battle Royal: Chase U wins and will challenge Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo for the NXT Tag Team Championships at Halloween Havoc, Night 1.
  • NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Karmen Petrovic VS Jaida Parker; Karmen wins and advances to the next round.
  • Lyra Valkyria VS Tegan Nox w/ Natalya; Lyra wins.
  • Kiana James VS Shotzi Blackheart; Shotzi wins.
  • NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Arianna Grace VS Brinley Reece; Arianna wins and advances to the next round.
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: DIJAK VS Baron Corbin VS Carmelo Hayes; changed to…
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4 Way: Dijak VS Baron Corbin VS Carmelo Hayes VS Trick Williams; changed back to…
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: DIJAK VS Baron Corbin VS Carmelo Hayes; Melo wins and will challenge Ilja Dragunov for the title at Halloween Havoc, Night 2.


Bada Bing Bada Boom Tag Team Battle Royal!

Cody Rhodes said bookin’ ain’t easy, and this one is a bit complex. Ten teams enter, they throw each other over and out until there’s only two, and then they go 2v2 in a standard match, the winners facing The Don & Stacks next week for Halloween Havoc. Who will be the last team standing to go trick or treatin’ with The D’Angelos?

Speaking of, Tony, Stacks and many of Tony’s cousins are watching from the perch while enjoying some spaghetti. The bell rings and the brawling is on! And right away, Briggs & Jensen DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE Kemp up and out to ELIMINATE Kemp & Gulak! Kemp is in shock, but he has to exit. But then OTM throws Tank over and a ref gets clipped! Tank stays on the apron, Hank helps out, but Nima DECKS Tank to ELIMINATE Hank ‘n’ Tank! Two teams down, still a lot of teams to go! Julius whips Briggs to a corner, Gallus goes after Garza, but then Nima fires off on Mark. Dunne fights off Price, and fans rally up for Chase U.

Briggs tosses Wolfgang up and out but Wolfgang holds on! Wolfgang drags Briggs out while Ridge Holland brawls with Price. Wolfgang and Briggs throw hands on the apron, they both ROCK each other! Jensen whips Mark, Mark reverses, and Wolfgang DUMPS Jensen, Gallus ELIMINATES the Country Boys! And then Mark BLASTS Briggs for good measure! Gallus then go after Julius and Nima. Fans rally for “Malik, Da Freak!” as he and Edris rally on Ridge! They double whip but Ridge slams on the brakes to lift them both! DOUBLE BACK DROP, Ridge ELIMINATES Malik & Edris! Fans boo but the Brawling Brutes move on to other targets.

Gallus brawls with the Brutes given their Pub Brawl last week, but Dunne then has to fight off OTM. Duke stops Garza & Humberto from throwing Chase out, and then Wolfgang slips under the ropes to save Mark. But then BRUTUS SMASH and the Creeds ELIMINATE Gallus! Fans fire up there and Tony is liking what he’s seeing. Dunne has Nima’s fingers and bends them! And SNAPS them! Ridge scoops Nima to dump him to the apron! Price tries to save Nima but Dunne’s on him! SCRYPTS runs in to BLAST them all, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! The Brutes brawl with OTM but the refs say to go to the back already!

Los Lotharios have Julius, Brutus fights off Chase U, only one team needs to be eliminated before we move to the 2v2. The fans rally for the Creeds but Garza CLUBS Julius. Julius ROCKS Garza but then Carrillo runs up. But Julius DUMPS Carrillo to ELIMINATE Los Lotharios! Fans fire up as now Diamond Mine and Chase U- NO wait, Los Lotharios runs in to TOSS Diamond Mine!? And because the refs weren’t watching, this is the elimination that counts!! Fans boo but then rally behind Chase U as we now have our tag match!

Chase U w/ Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

Chase and Garza fire off hands, Chase gets the edge! Fans fire up as Chase tags Duke and they whip, body shot and DOUBLE SLEDGE! Duke wrenches to RAM Garza, wrenches again and tags Chase. Duke whips Garza, Chase drop toeholds, Duke drops a BIG elbow! Chase covers, TWO! Fans fire up while NXT goes picture in picture.

Chase headlocks, Garza powers up but can’t get out as Chase holds tight. Chase grinds the headlock, Garza fights up and powers out this time, to then reel Chase in for a KNEE! Tag to Carrillo and he runs in, but Chase arm-drags him around! And DORPKICKS him down! But Garza sneaks a tag back in, Carrillo drop toeholds Chase into Garza’s GAMANGIRI! Chase sputters, Tony & Stacks enjoy what they see as Garza basement dropkicks Chase to the corner. Garza puts Chase up top, CLUBS hi over and over and over again, then soaks up the heat. Garza then puts Chase in a Tree of Woe to stomp a mudhole into him.

Tag to Carrillo and he stomps Chase. The ref counts, Carrillo lets off at 4, then tags Garza. They both stomp a mudhole in! The ref reprimands, they let off and drag Chase from the Tree. Cover, ONE!! Chase is hanging in there but Garza drags him up to put back int he corner. But Chase fights back with boots and elbows! But Garza SUPERKICKS Chase down! Garza stands on Chase, tags Carrillo, and they drag Chase up so Carrillo can mule kick! Carrillo pushes Chase to a cover, TWO! Chase scrambles but Carrillo anchors a leg. Carrillo drags Chase back, stomps on that leg, then grinds the leg with a toehold.

Chase endures, Carrillo stands and turns Chase, but Chase resists! Chase kicks with his free leg and Carrillo lets go. Chase hurries, but Carrillo drags him back again. Chase ROCKS Carrillo! And ROCKS him again! And again! Carrillo swings back, NXT returns to single picture as Carrillo whips, trips and then drags Chase out so Garza can KNEE Chase down! Garza says Chase ain’t going anywhere! Fans still rally and Duke is seething as Garza puts Chase in. Cover, TWO! Garza rains down fists, even as fans boo! Garza throws down headbutts now! Fans still rally for Chase U as Garza stands Chase against ropes.

Tag to Carrillo, he runs and they LEAP FROG ATTACK! Garza ROLLING ELBOWS! Carrillo pushes Chase to a cover, TWO!! Chase is tough but Carrillo kicks him around. Carrillo CHOKES Chase on the ropes, the ref counts, and Carrillo lets off at 4. Carrillo argues with the ref and Garza gets a cheap shot in! Carrillo digs his boot in as Jacy & Thea protest. Carrillo brings Chase up, shoves him back in and SPLASHES! Tag to Garza, and Garza whips Carrillo at Duke to DROPKICK! Garza runs in but Chase dodges, Garza POSTS himself! Carrillo runs in but Chase dumps him out! But Chase has no one to tag! And then Garza GAMANGIRIS Chase down!

Garza stays between Chase and Duke, talks a lot of trash, then stands Chase up. But Chase throws haymakers! Again and again, and then he leaps! Garza catches Chase, keeps him just out of reach, but then Chase dodges! Hot tag to the MVP! Duke rallies on Carrillo, CLOBBERS Garza, then hits an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly on Carrillo! JAB, JAB, JAB! Garza runs in, he gets JAB after JAB! Flip, flop and “U~!” ELBOW for Garza! Carrillo kicks but Duke blocks, to FLIP Carrillo onto Garza! Then Duke runs up to SENTON Garza and whip Carrillo. Carrillo reverses, but runs into an U-RENAGE! Cover, Garza dropkicks it apart!

Fans fire up and Thea has all her energy in cheering. Duke TOSSES Garza, tags Chase, and Chase FLYING RANAS Garza! Fans fire up and even Thea is surprised Chase can do that! Duke ELBOWS Carrillo, Chase CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally up as Chase keeps his focus. But then Garza YANKS Duke down and RAMS him into steps! DDT to the floor! Roll up on Chase, TWO!! Carrillo sunset flips, ONE but LIGER BOMB from Carrillo! Cover, TWO?!? Chase survives and the student section is on fire! Even Tony’s impressed. Jacy & Thea check on Duke while Garza tags in. Los Lotharios coordinate, but Brutus distracts!

Julius YANKS Carrillo out, Chase has Garza! Brutus tells the ref to watch the match!! The ref sees the pin and counts, CHASE U WINS!!!

Winners: Chase U, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Champions)

Diamond Mine makes sure justice is served, and you can’t spell justice without U! Will Chase & Duke finally be champions? Or will The Don & Stacks be more than ready for the professor and his star pupil?


Blair Davenport speaks.

“Now that things are back to normal around here, Gigi Dolin, if you thought that your fleeting victory was the end of our rivalry, you are sorely mistaken, my dear. Due to an incompetent referee, you escaped like a thief in the night with the biggest win of your career. But Gigi, after everything we’ve been through, do you think that makes me weak? Or more dangerous than I was before? I don’t want to erase your victory, I want to derail your career. But I understand if you want to take the cheap victory and run. But if you want to prove that you’re as tenacious and resilient as you claim, surprise me. Face me at Halloween Havoc.”

Will the Toxic Avenger accept the challenge of the Ichiban Gaijin? And how will the stakes be raised to give us a definitive winner?


Lexis King watches more film.

More people talk about his father, Brian Pillman. Dusty Rhodes himself said he knew Pillman was going to be a star. King says superstars of the past would share such stories with him, all the good times and all the good things. How much they loved him. Stone Cole saw him as his best friend. And all King did was lie through his teeth and say he loved him, too. But you don’t know what love is at four years old. Brian spent more nights in a hotel than he ever did at home. And you expect King to “love” that man? He is in no one’s shadow. And Halloween Havoc will be the start of King’s career, not the continuation of someone else’s.

King vows to be bigger than his father ever was! And that all starts next week! Who will the King look to dethrone upon his NXT debut?


Carmelo Hayes heads to the ring.

Though he has a part to play in tonight’s Triple Threat main event, Melo walks out now so he can speak to the fans. “Ey yo! It’s good to be Melo, am I right? Hey, last week, I stood in this very ring with the Greatest of All Time, John Cena, let’s talk about it! Not to mention, I stood right there on that aisleway, shoulder to shoulder with the Phenom, the Hall of Famer, The Undertaker!” Fans cheer that. Melo says life is crazy, he feels like this is Universe Mode in the video game, for real. But wait, here comes Baron Corbin. Corbin tells Melo to listen. Corbin’s listening to Melo be a fanboy, and he isn’t gonna let that happen for ten minutes.

Corbin thought Melo was different than the rest, but Corbin was wrong. Y’know where fans should be? In the stands, not the ring. Corbin went by HBK’s office, and Melo went on about Cena for over an hour! An HOUR. Then he asked for a picture and autograph, and then he did the same with Cody, and then he shared that image of him and Taker on social media. Melo might even have it framed on his wall! But maybe, Melo should concentrate more on being a superstar than a fan and he might still have his title. But then here comes Dijak!

Dijak tells Corbin and Melo if they’re talking about what they can do and wanna do, but focus on what Dijak WILL do, and that is beat them both and take that NXT Championship from Dragunov after he beats him! Dijak tells Melo that believe it or not, Corbin’s right! All the showboating, the pandering, it won’t make a difference standing across the ring from Dijak and looking him in the eyes. Corbin says no one’s looking Dijak in the eyes, he has sunglasses on indoors. Dijak asks Corbin what he said. Corbin says the sunglasses. Oh, real cute.

Fans sing “CARMELO HAYES~!” but Dijak says Corbin stands and cries in the back because people don’t shake his hand, because they don’t respect him and his experience. Corbin wants people to be afraid of him? Well, newsflash: Melo’s never put Dijak’s name on a jersey, and Dijak ain’t afraid of no man, especially not Corbin! Corbin asks what Dijak’s even yelling about. If he’s not afraid, then it’s for one of two reasons: either Dijak doesn’t now Corbin, or he’s just stupid. Oh is that so? Melo says it’s both. And sure, he isn’t on a jersey, but Melo can definitely custom make one for his big ass any day of the week. Dijak wants to beat Melo, he’ll get put on a jersey.

Dijak shouts that HE is the man that dropped Dragunov, and will drop Corbin and Melo tonight! There’s nothing- Dragunov speaks up via the tron. Gentlemen, please. Well, “gentleman” doesn’t fit Dijak after what he did last week. But instead of talking, why don’t they concentrate on the fierce battle that awaits them? Dragunov will be watching to see who emerges as a contender to Dragunov’s title, who he will face on Night 2 of Halloween Havoc. But for now, he leaves them with this: Last week was historic. But before Cody left his duties as General Manager, he made one last decision. The Triple Threat is now a FATAL 4 WAY! And the fourth man is… TRICK WILLIAMS~!

Melo is the most shocked of all as his best friend is now one of his opponents! Trick has the music cut, and he ain’t gonna lie, IT IS WHAT IT IS~! The match is now a Fatal 4! Trick steps into the ring, and fellas, let’s talk about it. Yeah, Dijak wants to point out Trick stabbing his best friend in the back! Corbin agrees but Trick says, “Hold on there, 12, let’s talk about how you keep sticking that crooked ass finger in everybody’s business!” Corbin says how about them ugly pants. Oh, Corbin, c’mon, Trick likes you. But Corbin’s the last man to be talking about “ugly.” Trick ain’t here to talk about ugly, but about the match. HIs moment!

If Trick wins, he’ll be NXT Champion! But Melo, Trick knows Melo is good with this, right? This doesn’t change anything. Corbin says it changes everything! Look at how shook ya boi is! You stabbed him in the back! Last week, Melo was being a fan with Cena, Cody, and Taker, but Trick went into business for himself. Trick got himself put in a match he doesn’t even belong in. But Melo, listen to Corbin. The worst part of this… is that Trick did it all behind Melo’s back and never even told you. Melo says no no no, he won’t let anyone throw him off. Melo knows who he is and he knows who Trick is!

And Melo knows what it takes to win the NXT Championship, and he’s gonna put anyone down to end up back on top. Dijak says what if it’s Trick? Trick Melo Gang look each other in the eyes, but then they get jumped! Melo DUMPS Dijak, Trick ROCKS Corbin! Melo SUPERKICKS Dijak, and now Melo sees it’s just him and Trick. Melo takes off the jacket, but then stands side to side with Trick. Trick Melo Gang stands together now, but will they have to take each other down in the main event?


Fallon Henley speaks with the Women’s Breakout Tournament field.

She knows this tournament is the launchpad of their careers, and while some of them are in and some are out, they’re all on their way to stardom. Fallon was in last year’s tournament, and while she didn’t win, it wasn’t long before she was a champion. It can be nerve wracking, but- Tiffany Stratton walks in and asks if this is story time. Who wants to hear about that tournament from someone who made it to the finals? Fallon says of course Tiffany has to take over. Tiff says of course she made it to the finals, Fallon Huntley. Uh, it’s Henley and you know it. Is it? Well, Huntley sounds better. But right, she beat Fallon!

See, this is the perfect example of who these girls shouldn’t become: A self-absorbed, egotistical b- So what Fallon is saying is they shouldn’t be a main eventer? A former champion? They should be someone like Fallon, spending time in a horse barn with dirt under their nails. Gross. It’s getting poor in here. Tiffany leaves, but another Breakout match is next! Will Karmen or Jaida join Kelani and Lola in the semifinals?


NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Karmen Petrovic VS Jaida Parker!

Anyone else getting Beatrix Kiddo vibes? Karmen is a third-degree blackbelt and has 23 YEARS of combat experience. Will she be unforgettable after tonight? Or will Jaida glide all the way to the top?

The bell rings, the two tie up, and they go around. Karmen has Jaida on the ropes, the ref counts and Karmen lets off, for Jaida to DECK her! Jaida scoops, Karmen slips free but Jaida switches the waistlock. Karmen headlocks, hammerlocks, then ducks the elbow. Jaida avoids the sweep once but not twice! Things speed up, and Karmen CLOBBERS Jaida! Karmen storms up on Jaida, whips, but Jaida blocks! Karmen KNEES low, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Jaida gets up, but Karmen PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Karmen goes to the corner, she swings, but Jaida blocks to HOTSHOT an arm!

Jaida drags Karmen to stomp her, then she drags Karmen up to wrench and RAM her down! Jaida steps over, drags Karmen back up and RAMS her down again! Jaida then WRINGS the arm, clamps on, and HIP DROPS the shoulder! Karmen clutches the arm but Jaida HIP- NO, Karmen rolls her up! TWO, and Karmen blocks, wrenches and HOOK KICKS! Karmen whips, Jaida blocks to wrench and whip. Karmen hits buckles hard, Jaida scoops her and puts her in the ropes! The ref reprimands but Jaida CHOPS Karmen, then jumps up to ELEVATED HIP DROP! Jaida grins and covers, TWO! Karmen survives but Jaida clamps on with a chinbar.

Karmen endures, fights up, and the rest of the field watches from the watch party room. Fans rally, Karmen stands, pries the hold and throws body shots! Jaida KNEES low and fans are torn. Jaida runs, into another leg sweep! Karmen fires up, to SUPER PUNCH! And DISCUS LARIAT! Karmen fires up more and the fans are with her! Karmen handsprings and somersaults, to ROUNDHOUSE! Karmen pushes Jaida down to RIDER KICK! And then, she hits the KANTANA KICK!! HEADSCISSOR CLUTCH, Jaida TAPS! Karmen wins!

Winner: Karmen Petrovic, by submission (advances to the semifinals)

Mama Petrovic applauds, and now we have Karmen VS Lola in the next round! Who of these vicious strikers will kill it in the next round?


Natalya visits Tegan Nox backstage.

Tegan asks Natty what she’s doing here but Natty says she believes in Nox and sees big things for her. Last night, Nox was there for Natty against Piper & Chelsea, so this is her returning the favor. The Welsh Firecracker is about to battle the Morrigan, will having the Queen of Harts by her side help her come out on top? Or will Lyra be soaring into her NXT Women’s Championship match against Becky Lynch?

Lyra Valkyria VS Tegan Nox w/ Natalya!

NXT returns as Lyra makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and go around. Lyra headlocks, Nox moves around, but Lyra wrenches to have the armlock. Nox slips around, hooks the arms and then wrenches to wristlock. Lyra rolls, spins, drop toeholds, and then floats to a facelock. Nox rolls out to hammerlock back, and then she goes to hook the other arm. Nox digs knuckles into ribs but Lyra fights up and around. Lyra wrenches, wristlocks, then facelocks. Cradle takedown, TWO! The two stand off and fans rally. They tie up again, and Lyra headlocks.

Nox powers up and out, but Lyra goes up in the corner. Nox still snapmares her down then runs her over! Nox shakes out her arms, Natty and the fans applaud, and things speed up. Lyra hurdles, Nox leaps, then Nox ducks the heel kick! Lyra runs up but Nox DECKS her! Lyra goes to ropes, Nox storms up and brings her around. Nox whips Lyra to a corner, Lyra goes up and over, then handsprings away! Fnas fire up as Nox runs in and Lyra sunset flips, TWO! Nox goes after an arm and grinds it down, but Lyra fights up. Fans rally, Nox wrenches, but Lyra spins and spins and spins to then headlock for teh takeover!

Lyra then shifts to have arm, cradle, TWO! Nox has the cover, TWO! Lyra ghost pins! ONE, and the two stand up, Nox UPPERCUTS Lyra down! Fans fire up and Nox hurries to a corner. Nox climbs, Lyra runs up and TOSSES her down! Lyra builds speed to then WRECK Nox with a dropkick! Fans fire up and Lyra hurries to fetch Nox. Lyra puts Nox in the ring as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and Lyra has an arm. Nox throws a body shot, Lyra knees and whips, but Nox ducks ‘n’ dodges. Both women get moving, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Fans fire up and Natty is stunned as both women are down! Nox and Lyra stir, Natty and the fans rally up, and Lyra fires a forearm! Nox fires one back! They go back and forth, then they throw SLAP shots! They SLAP and SLAP and fans fire up! Lyra blocks to backslide, TWO!! Nox escapes, but Lyra SOBATS, KICKS and RAMS Nox, to then NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Nox is free and Lyra is frustrated but the fans rally up more.

Lyra sits Nox up to KICK her in the chest! And KICK her again! Nox eggs Lyra on and Lyra KICKS! And KICKS! Nox ducked but into the kick! Lyra covers, TWO!! Fans rally and duel, “TEGAN!” “LYRA!” Lyra kicks, Tegan ducks this one clean, and then catches Lyra to a FALL AWAY BRIDGE!! TWO!! Fans fire up but Nox CLUBS away on Lyra! Nox suplexes, to GOURD BUSTER! Lyra flounders to a corner and Nox runs in, CANNON-BOAR! Nox drags Lyra to a cover, TWO!! Lyra survives again and fans continue to rally. Nox suplexes but Lyra fights free to whip. Nox reverses, Lyra goes up and over again, to ENZIGURI!

Nox leans against the corner, Lyra hoists her up top! Lyra climbs, Nox fights back with body shots! Lyra CLUBS, Nox HEADBUTTS, and now Nox has Lyra! SUPER GOURD BUSTER! Nox stands, MOLLY-GO-ROUND! Cover, TWO!! PENALTY KICK! Lyra flops out of the ring and Nox goes to the apron, CANNONBALL to the floor! Fans fire up and Nox puts Lyra in. But wait, Chelsea & Piper are here? Nox covers, TWO! And now Nox & Natty notice the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Natty stares them down as they mock Nox, but Nox goes out to join Natty. Fans rally for all these ladies, but Nox returns to the ring.

Nox gets around Lyra, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Lyra HEEL KICKS! Cover, Lyra wins!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall

Chelsea laughs at Nox, but then Nox & Natty go after the champs! They all brawl towards the back and fans fire up! Lyra gets the mic to say that she wasn’t gotta let ANYOEN get between her and her title match! Not Tegan, not Indi, nobody! Every drop of sweat, every decision she’s ever made, good or bad, has been leading to this match with Becky. And when Becky came home to her old wrestling school, she saw something in Lyra. And it lit a fire under Lyra that took her all the way here! But all these years, Lyra was working towards becoming the first Irish Born NXT Women’s Champion, and Becky took that from her.

But if there’s one thing Lyra’s learned, if someone closes the door in your face, you kick down another one! Lyra may not have beaten Becky to the NXT Women’s Championship. But she sure as hell will beat Becky for it! Speaking of Becky, she’s on the tron! She congratulates Lyra on the win! She’s been gaining momentum for months! But Becky’s been watching her for years. And Becky remembers, right before Lyra got to NXT, their late friend Dean would send Becky videos of Lyra and saying watch out for her. And he was right. Becky saw Lyra as number one on her list to face her.

Becky felt that way not because it’d be historic for two Irish girls going head to head in a WWE ring. No, it is because Lyra is good. Really, really good. But Becky’s still better. Becky respects Lyra, but when you come for the title, you come for the reason Becky leaves her house every week. The reason she leaves her child so that her child can be proud of her mother. And so Becky now has to fight like her life depends on it. So Lyra, you can say Becky is her hero, this is a dream match, all that.

But in the ring, you’ll have to despise Becky. You’ll have to put the same chip on your shoulder that got you here back on. Because that is the only way that you’re gonna stand a chance. Welcome to the Big Time. The Man has spoken, will the Morrigan make history by bringing her down?


Trick Melo Gang regroup backstage.

Melo asks Trick what the hell! Trick blindsides him! They talked about how Trick was gonna get his North American title back and how Melo was gonna get THE title back. What happened? No, MELO said that. “We” never agreed on it. We? What, we speakin’ French now? Trick said he talked with Cena, he gave them both advice. Time is important, and Trick beat Dom for the title. And it felt so good, Trick wants more of it. But Melo should know how that feels, because Trick’s at the same spot Melo was last year! But yeah, Trick is sorry for not telling him first. But understand, Trick was nervous.

About what? Melo is Trick’s biggest fan! Melo’s been with Trick every step of the way! Trick could’ve told Melo, they could’ve come up with a game plan. Trick Melo Gang against the world, just like old times. But now… They’re going against each other. And Trick knows Melo better than anyone, Melo’s gonna do what he’s gotta do. Same energy, dog. But hey, no matter what, they still Trick Melo Gang. And they always gonna be here. Trick heads out, but is Melo really on board with that last part?


NXT Media catches up with Gigi Dolin.

What’s her reaction to Blair’s challenge? Gigi says Halloween is her favorite time of year, and Halloween Havoc is her favorite time of the year. And in the spirit of spooky season, Gigi doesn’t think Shotzi & Scarlett would mind if she does this. She reveals the wheel! Blair wants a match, let’s SPIN THE WHEEL, MAKE THE DEAL! The wheel goes ’round and ’round, and it lands on… LIGHTS OUT! Blair, next week, Gigi will turn your lights out, B*TCH!


BREAKING NEWS on Von Wagner’s medical condition.

It was almost a month ago that Bron Breakker tried to absolutely CRUSH Von’s head with the steel steps. Von was at TriOpt earlier this week to do physical rehab, learning how to walk and use his arms again. Robert Stone was with him every step of the way, literally and figuratively, even as Von felt like giving up. Stone encouraged Von to keep at it, but Von felt weak not being able to pull the resistance band. The physical therapist said it’s fine, it takes time. Stone says Von just needs to focus. Von? Focus? Stone, you risked your own health at No Mercy. Bron Breakker could’ve hurt you even worse than he did Von.

Yeah, but Stone did that because of what Bron did to Von. Stone hates seeing Von like this. Stone started this, but he knows that when Von is 100% healthy and ready, he will finish it. Then hand him the damn band. Von pulls and pulls, will he be even stronger than he was before?


Kiana James VS Shotzi Blackheart!

The Calculator didn’t account on the Wild Child helping out The Prodigy last week, so now Kiana has to handle business herself. But will Shotzi be the one to #TCB instead?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up as the two tie up and Kiana kicks low! Kiana SMACKS Shotzi off the mat, pushes her around, talks a lot of trash, then SMACKS Shotzi off the mat again! Shotzi just laughs and that upsets Kiana. Kiana SLAPS Shotzi, so Shotzi SLAPS Kiana! Shotzi arm-drags Kiana to a corner, fires off forearms, then goes up, only for Kiana to get under. So Shotzi CROSSBODIES! Shotzi swings, Kian ducks and shoves but Shotzi slides under and howls! Then Shotzi ducks the buzzsaw, roll up, TWO! Kiana swings, misses, and Shotzi hops on for a SLEEPER! Kiana scrambles and RAMS Shotzi into a corner!

Kiana is free, she runs in but Shotzi BOOTS her! Shotzi headscissors for a HANGING HEADSCISSOR! The ref counts, Shotzi lets off at 4, and she hurries back up. Kiana KICKS Shotzi, POSTS her, then BOOTS her down! Fans boo but Kiana says no one embarrasses her as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Shotzi fires forearms! Kiana shoves and RAMS Shotzi into a corner, then RAMS her more and more! Kiana handsprings, runs in, but Shotzi BOOTS her! Fans fire up, and Shotzi goes up and wheelbarrows to send Kiana into ropes! Shotzi dials it up but Kiana LARIATS first! Cover, TWO! Kiana snarls, drags Shotzi into a chinlock and she squeezes tight. Shotzi endures, fans rally, and Shotzi fights around. Shotzi fights up to her feet but Kiana wrangles Shotzi to then ELBOWS her in the shoulder again and again! Kiana clamps back on with the chinlock but Shotzi fights back up as fans rally.

Shotzi arm-drags free, and then goes to a corner. Kiana runs in, Shotzi goes up and over then rallies with clotheslines! ROUNDHOUSE! ROLLING ELBOW! QUESTION MARK KICK! Shotzi runs in but Kiana puts her on the apron. Shotzi ROUNDHOUSES back, reels Kiana in, and APRON DDTS! Fans fire up as Kiana staggers away. Shotzi goes into the ring, builds speed, and she DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Shotzi puts Kiana in the ring, goes up a corner, but Kiana shoves Shotzi down! Shotzi hits the floor and Kiana looks to her bag. But Roxie has the bag! Fans cheer as Roxie takes the BRICK away!

Kiana is furious, but then the ref sees Roxie and Kiana! Roxie distracts, Shotzi ROCKS Kiana with the bag, then plays a little Eddie Guerrero trick! The ref argues with Kiana, takes the bag, and then Kiana runs in. Shotzi dodges and Kiana POSTS herself! Shotzi goes up, to BALLPIT SENTON! Cover, Shotzi wins!

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall

The Halloween Havoc host is rolling into the party! Roxie gets her own revenge on Kiana, will things get even wilder now?


Backstage interview with Meta Four.

McKenzie Mitchell is with Oro Mensah and Lash Legend while Lash is on the phone. As McKenzie notes, Jakara Jackson was meant to be in the Women’s Breakout Tournament but is not medically cleared and must now withdraw. McKenzie wants to ask where Jakara is now but Lash slams on the brakes. Noam Dar is on the phone. He’s at the hospital right now with Jakara. He begs Jakara not to go towards the light! Lash wants Dar to tell Jakara she and Oro love her and miss her. Is she going to make it? Dar asks the doc what the chances are, and then says she might lose the whole arm!? McKenzie says the report said it wasn’t even that severe.

Lash & Oro don’t care what the report says, and Dar mocks the “big brain” on Dr. McKenzie. But then Tozawa walks in? He wants to know where Dar is. Oro asks if Tozawa’s eyes are working. He’s obviously not here, so go away. Well okay, but tell Dar that Tozawa’s looking for him. Dar asks who that was? Lash says don’t worry, just take care of Jakara. McKenzie says sold on, something else is happening right now. We cut to TRICK down and out by road cases! Melo asks what the hell happened and refs shout for medical! Who just jumped Trick? Is the Fatal 4 back down to a Triple Threat?


NXT returns with Kelly Kincaid in the parking lot.

NXT Medical Staff has just sent Trick to a local hospital for further evaluation, ruling him OUT of tonight’s main event. It is back to being a Triple Threat, but no one knows who attacked Trick or why. But clearly, they didn’t want Trick to have a chance to challenge for NXT Championship. Kelly sends it over to McKenzie, who is in the NXT lounge area, and she asks Dominik Mysterio about his run ins with Nathan Frazer. Dom says he doesn’t even know “who that kid was” until last week. Dom is done with him. But then Frazer runs up to SHOVE Dom! No refs around here! But the other superstars are watching as Frazer fires off!

Frazer throws so many hands, then he runs Dom off! The NXT locker room is behind Frazer as he and Dom now brawl into the hall! Refs are here now to try and stop this but this brawl keeps going past gorilla and to ringside! Fans fire up as Frazer and Dom scrap down to ringside, and Dom puts Frazer int eh ring! Dom hurries in, but Frazer TRACKLES Dom! Frazer throws down hands, Dom kicks Frazer back! Dom blocks a kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Frazer then spins Dom to ANARCHY! Dom flounders, Frazer goes up! PHOENIX SPLASH, but Frazer has to roll through as Mami saves her baby!

The Jersey Island Rocket has just put Dirty Dom on notice. Will Dom be careful the next time he talks trash on NXT?


Shotzi and Roxie regroup backstage.

Shotzi tells Roxie that this ain’t the same little Roxie that teamed with her against Damage CTRL on SmackDown. This one is sure of herself, ballsy, and Shotzi likes it. Roxie says it’s not that hard when dealing with Kiana. What’s her obsession with Roxie anyway? Roxie gets it, they crossed paths before, but Kiana doesn’t get it that she’s just in her own way. Shotzi hears that. But hey! Speaking o Kiana, the wheel is here. Roxie knows Shotzi is the host, but she’s not gonna play Kiana’s games no more. Mind if she takes this for a spin? Of course! Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal! Roxie and Kiana are going to have… A DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND MATCH!!

Roxie says she’s already shown thee world just how far she’s willing to go, so this Devil’s Playground is gonna be Kiana’s hell! Shotzi loves it!


NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Arianna Grace VS ???

The Beauty Queen is already in the ring, waving to the fans with a big smile and a mic in hand. “It’s always devastating to see someone get injured. My heart goes out to Jakara Jackson, it truly does. I understand the pain of being sidelined with an injury. I, too, was sidelined with an injury. An injury far worse than Jakara’s. And look at me! I came back better than ever!” Fans cheer that, and Arianna hopes Jakara comes back better, too. And though it pains Arianna that she has to say this, but she gracefully accepts her bye into this tournament’s- WAIT. Who is that? It’s BRINLEY REECE!

Arianna is furious that someone else stepped up to have a match! But will Reece pump it up and show the world why she was always a contender?

The bell rings and the two circle. Arianna offers a handshake, fans are wary of it, but Reece wristlocks! Fans fire up, Reece whips, and then Arianna bumps off buckles into a scoop! Reece SLAMS Arianna, fires up, and then whips her to another corner. Reece runs in, Arianna dodges the splash to CLUB Reece! Arianna SAYANAGIS, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Arianna stomps Reece, lets off, and she blows kisses. Arianna covers, TWO! Arianna is annoyed, she drags Reece up and snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Reece hangs tough but Arianna clamps onto the arm. The watch party is still having fun as Reece endures.

Reece fights up, fans rally, but Arianna says Reece won’t ruin her moment! Reece fights up, but Arianna knees low! Arianna whips but Reece sunset flips, TWO! Arianna runs up but into a roll-up, TWO! Arianna kicks low, but Reece blocks the suplex! Reece snap suplexes! And then she snap suplexes again! Fans fire up with Reece but Arianna doesn’t want anymore! Well she gets one more snap suplex! Reece whips, handsprings and LARIATS! Fans fire up with Reece and she pumps up! Fireman’s carry, but Arianna claws the face! Arianna shoves Reece into buckles, hits a SAYANAGI, and covers! Arianna wins!!

Winner: Arianna Grace, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

The self-proclaimed “Miss NXT” moves on, and she will face Kelani Jordan next week! Halloween Havoc is gonna be scary good, but who makes it through to the finals?


Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.

McKenzie is with #MeanerThanEvil and brings up how buzzworthy the return of American Badass- Bron stops her there. Yes, last week was the most talked about NXT ever, because of Bron. He’s the biggest attraction this brand has ever seen! But then in walks Stone. Bron asks the “little guy” how their buddy, Von, is doing. Stone says not great, but improving. Yeah, Bron doesn’t really care. So why not run back to that idiot to teach him how to put one foot in front of the other? Stone says Bron really doesn’t care, does he? He just goes on living life, buddies with Heyman, moment with Taker. Time has STOPPED for Von.

But y’know what? Stone’s kids ask him almost ever day if Von is gonna be okay. And Stone has to look them in their eyes, tell them he doesn’t know, because he doesn’t! He can’t get that image out of his head of Bron SMASHING Von with the steel steps! And Bron thinks this is funny? Stone should slap that look off Bron’s face and make him pay for it! Then do something about it. Oh Stone will! Them, 1v1, Halloween Havoc! Whoa! Bron thinks that is a great idea. Because then Bron will do to Stone what he did to Von. Call the hospital now. Bron heads out, will he completely destroy the Robert Stone Brand?


We get a card break down of for Halloween Havoc, Night 1!

It’ll be stacked already as we get: the NXT Women’s Championship, Becky VS Lyra; Gigi VS Blair in Lights Out; BOTH matches of the Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals; Roxie VS Kiana on the Devil’s Playground; the in-ring debut of Lexis King; and the NXT Tag Team Championships, Tony & Stacks VS Chase U!


NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: DIJAK VS Baron Corbin VS Carmelo Hayes!

What was going to be a Fatal 4 got brought back down to the original Triple Threat after the whodunnit of Trick Williams being taken out. All three men in this match are suspects, even #HIM, but only one can go on to face The Mad Dragon on Halloween Havoc, Night 2! Who proves they’re the most dangerous and determined in NXT today?

The bell rings, fans chant “We Want Trick!” but then Dijak and Corbin storm up on Melo. But then they each JAB the other! Melo takes the opening to fire off on them! Dijak choke grips but Melo fights free! Corbin choke grips but Melo fights free! Back to Dijak, then Corbin join in, but Melo breaks free of the double choke slam! Dijak still blocks Melo’s kick, and he ELBOWS Corbin away! Melo ENZIGURIS Corbin, kicks Dijak, but Corbin ROCKS Melo Dijak hits a CHOKE SLAM BACKBREAKER! Both bigger men want the cover but they stare down now. And then Dijak fires off! Dijak runs, but Corbin CLOBBERS him!

Fans rally, Corbin turns around into the FLYING LARIAT from Melo! Melo whips, Corbin blocks, and Corbin sends Melo up and out. Melo GAMANGIRIS back, then ROCKS Dijak. Melo goes up, he leaps, CROSSBODY but Dijak catches him! Dijak KNEES Melo, then SLINGS him away! Corbin staggers while Dijak stomps Melo. Corbin shoves Dijak, the big men brawl with forearms, and fans rally up. Dijak ROCKS Corbin, ROCKS him again and again, but Corbin comes back with shots! Both men wobble, and Melo springboards, DOUBLE- NO, the jumper gets blocked! Both big men lift Melo, but he uses that to DOUBLE DDT after all!

Fans fire up as Melo covers Corbin, TWO! Melo covers Dijak, TWO! Fans rally as Melo drags Corbin to another cover, ONE!! Melo is frustrated but NXT goes picture in picture.

Fans rally and Melo waits for Dijak. Dijak BLOCKS the First 48, to DEATH VALLEYD RIVER! Cover, TWO! Dijak is frustrated, and he snarls as he WRECKS Corbin with a dropkick! Dijak goes out to RAM Corbin into steel steps! Dijak goes back to the ring but Melo WRECKS him with a dropkick! Melo goes out to whip but Dijak reverses, and he POSTS Melo! Dijak puts Melo back in, covers, TWO! Melo is tough but Dijak KICKS him in the side! Melo throws body shots but Dijak shoves and ROCKS him! Melo CHOPS, Dijak CHOPS back! Melo ROCKS Dijak, CHOPS Dijak, and repeat! Melo runs, but Dijak CLOBBERS Melo! Cover, TWO!

Dijak goes out after Corbin and brings him around, but Corbin knees low! Corbin sends Dijak into steel steps, knocking them over! Corbin drags Dijak up and into the ring, but he rains fists down on Melo! Corbin RAMS Melo into buckles, then runs in. Melo dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! NXT returns to single picture as Melo sees both big men in corners. Melo runs in to ROCK Corbin, then he runs to ROCK Dijak! Corbin dodges to CLOBBER Dijak! And SPLASH Melo! But then Dijak dodges to ELBOW Melo! Corbin BOOTS Dijak, but Dijak SUPERKICKS Corbin! Fans fire up as Dijak storms up on Melo but into a SUPERKICK!

Melo runs up, reels Dijak in, but Dijak says TIME TO FLY and he THROWS Melo into Corbin! All three men are down and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Melo stirs, Dijak rises, and Corbin drags himself up with ropes. Dijak fireman’s carries Corbin, but Corbin slips off to SAIDO! But Melo springboards, Corbina voids the Fade Away and BOOTS Melo away! Corbin then goes up!? FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives as Corbin busts out something new! Corbin and Dijak brawl, Dijak knees low and clotheslines Corbin up and out! Dijak grabs Melo, to CHOKE- NO, CODE BREAKER!!

Fans fire up as Melo now sets up on the top rope! But Corbin YANKS Melo right down, and fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY to the floor! The fans boo but Corbin rises. “This is Awesome!” after all, even as Corbin puts Melo in the ring. But Dijak BOOTS Corbin first! Dijak then SUPERKICKS Corbin to the floor! Dijak runs up on Melo, but Melo blocks the cyclone kick to trip him! Corbin is back, he scoops but Melo uses the Deep Six to send Corbin into Dijak! HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, Melo SUPERKICKS it apart! Cover on Dijak, TWO!! Fans fire up again as all three men are down!

Melo rises and he brings Dijak up. Melo fires forearms but Dijak hits back! They go back and forth, then Melo SUPERKICKS! Melo runs, into the CYCLONE KICK!! Cover, TWO!!! Melo survives and no one can believe it! Fans cheer for “NXT! NXT!” as Dijak and Melo rise. Dijak puts Melo in a corner then ELBOWS him! And ELBOWS again! And CLUBS him! But Melo ROCKS Dijak! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Dijak BOOTS Melo right down! Fans boo as Dijak drags Melo up and to the top rope. Dijak ROCKS Melo but Melo BOOTS Dijak! Dijak ROCKS Melo again, CLUBS him, but Melo hits back! They brawl and Dijak climbs!

Fans rally for Melo as he resists the superplex! Melo throws body shots, slips under, but Corbin BOOTS Melo down before he can bomb Dijak! Then Corbin goes up after Dijak and waistlocks?! Fans fire up as Dijak resists, and then Melo rises! Melo adds back on, TOWER OF DOOM!! Fans are thunderous for the Powerbomb German Suplex combo! All there men are down, but they’re all somehow still in this! Fans rally for Melo as he rises. Dijak is in the far corner so Melo fires hands on Corbin. Melo runs up, Corbin puts him on the apron, but Melo RAMS into Corbin! Melo slingshots, into a HAYAMKER!

Corbin storms up on Dijak, choke grips, CHOKE SLAM- NO, Dijak flips through! SUPERKICK! Torture rack! FEAST YOUR EYES- ON END OF DAYS!!! Corbin turns it around, but into NOTHING BUT NET!!! Cover on Dijak, MELO WINS!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Championship)

The three pointer outta nowhere to win the game, we now know Dragunov will have one more match with #HIM. Will Melo put Dragunov back on a jersey in the rafters? Or will he fail to break the unbreakable?


Lyra is watching backstage.

She nods as Melo wins to be #1 contender, and then looks to a picture of her and Becky from a few years ago. Lyra says in one week, that title is hers. Lyra RIPS UP the picture, doing just as Becky said. Will the Morrigan be able to rage her way into a reign? Or will she not be ready for the Big Time? Wait, speaking of time, Jade Cargill is now on screen! And she’s tapping her watch! Does that mean it is almost time for the storm to hit NXT?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT, especially as the go-home to the big Halloween Havoc two week extravaganza. For one, great stuff with having the wheel spins tonight to save time on the broadcast next week. Gigi and Blair have good promos, but having their blowoff be Lights Out is awesome stuff, they’re going to go wild with that one. Likewise, really good match from Kiana and Shotzi with Roxie helping Shotzi win, and Roxie VS Kiana in Devil’s Playground is going to be even wilder. And both of those are on Night 1 so that’s pretty wild, too.

Speaking of, the Women’s Breakout Tournament being big for Night 1 is good, too. For one, a good promo from Fallon and Tiffany as they give the new field two different examples of former competitors that didn’t win. A shame about Jakara Jackson not being able to compete, but hilarious promo from Meta Four to help announce it. And great opportunity for Brinley, though only so much since she lost to Arianna rather easily. And great match from Karmen and Jaida, with a big win for Karmen. Arianna VS Kelani and Lola VS Karmen are going to be really good semifinals, but a part of me feels like Kelani is a shoe-in given she’s already had TV time and story even before this.

Great match from Lyra VS Nox, and nice little surprise that Chelsea & Piper showed up to ruin things for Nox. Clearly, Nox & Natty are getting tag title opportunities. Lyra has momentum going against Becky, and we got a good promo from Becky to fire Lyra up more. Great closing moment from Lyra, as well as Jade. As I said last night for Raw, they’re doing a great job teasing Jade for each brand because she (in kayfabe) has her pick of the litter. But for the sake of her eventual legacy, it would make sense if she started with NXT so she could get that NXT Women’s Championship to then have on her resume before getting the other titles, paralleling Charlotte, Asuka and Rhea.

Good promo from Lexis King/Brian Pillman Jr. before his in-ring debut next week. He’ll have a good start, but given what we saw of him in AEW, I’m not sure the “I hate my dad” thing actually lasts that long with so many of those names who knew Pillman in the WWE. Great promo from Von and Stone, and great follow-up with Stone and Bron. Pretty sure Bron wins his match against Stone, but it’d be great if it brought about the comeback of Von to go after Bron on the road to… whatever will be next after Halloween Havoc and what not. And I like that Tozawa got in on the Meta Four promo, I am very confident Tozawa will want his shot at the Heritage Cup for Halloween Havoc.

Great tag team battle royal to open the night, and very clever way to distract refs from seeing eliminations. Clearly, they’re setting up Brawling Brutes VS Out The Mud as well as Creed Brothers VS Garza & Carrillo, and I was pleasantly surprised that Chase U won the whole thing. Tony & Stacks VS Chase & Duke is going to be great, I just hope Jacy & Thea don’t do the “throw in the towel” revenge now after all this time. Let Chase & Duke stand or fall on their own merits, not on some passive aggressiveness when Duke & Chase can’t even fight Thea & Jacy.

And what awesome stuff in this title contender story. Trick is in, gets taken out for a brand new NXT whodunnit, which is a shame for Trick but is definitely setting up a big feud for him and the culprit. There are parallels to HHH betraying HBK back in the day, but I would hope they go away from the obvious. It should be Joe Gacy, who has been lost without Schism ever since he lost to Trick quick. Gacy won’t allow Trick to get the top title before he does, which is why he attacked and has let everyone think it’s Melo. Melo winning the Triple Threat was still the right move, as we get one final match between him and Dragunov, and that’ll be awesome stuff.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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