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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/6/23)

Pulling into the Fastlane like…



Reluctantly crouched at the starting line…

Before battling for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships, Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso confront The Judgment Day here on SmackDown!


  • Charlotte Flair & Asuka VS Bayley & Iyo Sky w/ Dakota Kai; Charlotte & Asuka win.
  • Rey Mysterio w/ Latino World Order VS Bobby Lashley w/ The Street Profits; Lashley wins.
  • Austin Theory VS Dragon Lee; Dragon wins.
  • LA Knight VS Jimmy Uso w/ Paul Heyman; Knight wins, by disqualification.


LA Knight is here!

St. Louis fires up for the Mega Star as he heads to the ring, 24 hours ahead of his big tag match at Fastlane! Knight gets the mic while fans are chanting his name, and he says, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” But then ladies and gentlemen, Paul Heyman has to interrupt. The Wise Man walks out with Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa. This is becoming a weekly thing, isn’t it? He isn’t “BOO,” he is Paul Heyman. And he has a reputation for decade after decade of always spotting the next big thing in this industry. He sees ’em coming from a mile away, knows who the next mega star is going to be, and ladies and gentlemen, with all candor, the next big mega star is… L A Knight. “YEAH!”

Heyman hates when they do that. But that is to Knight’s credit. He is on a roll, he has all the momentum in the world, and has earned Heyman’s respect and admiration. The fans chant “L A KNIGHT!” which annoys Heyman and Jimmy. Heyman says it’s a good thing Solo doesn’t care. But with all the respect and admiration that Knight has earned, that’s to his credit. Heyman’s compliments to Knight. But unfortunately, also his condolences. Because now that Knight has earned their attention, The Bloodline will have to do something about it. Fans boo but Jimmy grins as he points finger guns at Knight.

Knight asks if Heyman is done running his fat jowls. Heyman’s said everything great about Knight, which he appreciates. It is a wise move for the Wise Man to put respect on Knight’s name. But uh, let’s just check the receipts. Knight didn’t buy any of that BS. Here Heyman is- Jimmy tells Knight to shut his mouth. Oh, Knight knows Jimmy ain’t talking to him. Oh, Jimmy IS talking to him. They haven’t been properly introduced, Uce. This is HIM, Jim Uso, along with The Enforcer of the Island and OG Heyman. They’re here to tell you to your ugly face, “you ain’t making it to Fastlane!” Jimmy shoves the mic into Heyman and then storms up with Solo by his side.

Fans boo as The Bloodline closes in but Knight ain’t backing down. And wait! Here comes JOHN CENA!! Cena slides right in and now he has Knight’s back! Fans fire up, Solo glares at Cena and Jimmy throws off his jacket, but Heyman wants them to stand down! They have to wait for the match! Jimmy listens to reason and reluctantly backs away. Solo follows but Knight tells ’em, they were all excited but he gets it. They didn’t have permission from the Chief to come out here, did they? Tell ya what. Here’s how they do this. Everyone’s talking about Knight, Cena, The Bloodline at Fastlane but… Knight is thinking about tonight!

And what Knight wants for tonight is Jimmy Uso The Wannabe, he’s talking so tough, Jimmy VS Knight 1v1 so Knight can punt his ass to the moon! And then we can learn whose game it is, with everybody saying, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Jimmy says yeah, sure! Heyman asks what Jimmy means by yeah, but Jimmy says everyone knows what! Jimmy wants to handle business, even without Roman Reigns giving permission. Will Jimmy make sure this Fastlane tag match doesn’t happen? Or will it just be a sample of what’s coming for him and Solo on Saturday?


The Judgment Day arrives backstage.

Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio roll in, and then JD McDonagh is there to say hey. Priest gets upset already but the others tell him to relax. It was Mami’s idea for McDonagh to be here. And he’s going to serve a purpose, too. The Irish Ace nods, will the five of them be rolling into Fastlane?


Charlotte Flair & Asuka VS Bayley & Iyo Sky w/ Dakota Kai!

The Queen and the Empress are no strangers to working together, they were WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions once upon a time. But with the WWE Women’s Championship match at Fastlane being a Triple Threat, will Charlotte & Asuka still be able to work together? Or will the Role Model & Evil Genius use them against each other to get a big win tonight?

SmackDown returns and DMG CTRL makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Charlotte starts against Iyo. The fans “WOO~!” as the two circle. Bayley tells the fans to shush but Charlotte rushes in. Iyo dodges, wheelbarrows, victory roll, TWO! Iyo keeps moving, she tilt-o-whirls and RANAS Charlotte to ropes! Fans fire up and Iyo runs in, tilt-o-whirls again but Charlotte blocks and throws her down! Charlotte brings Iyo up to back suplex but Iyo lands out of it! Iyo kicks and runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Charlotte offers a tag and Asuka tags in. Asuka CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS!

Asuka fires up with more CHOPS! Fans fire up and Asuka is fired up, too! Asuka whips, Iyo reverses but Asuka goes up and FLYING SUNSET FLIPS! TWO and Iyo avoids the roundhouse to roll Asuka! TWO, but Iyo throws Asuka down by her hair! Bayley applauds while Iyo headlocks. Iyo reaches out but Bayley’s too busy talking trash! Asuka slips around to chicken wing! Iyo drops, Asuka rolls through the victory roll to SLIDING KICK! Fans fire up as Asuka runs in, but Bayley takes the dropkick for Iyo! Bayley leads by example but then Asuka ROUNDHOUSES Iyo down! Asuka goes up and fans fire up, as she DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICKS!

The Empress is fired up, The Queen joins in, and St. Louis is loving it as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Bayley has Asuka down with a chinlock. Fans rally up and Asuka fights to her feet to hip bump out! Bayley CLUBS Asuka down, but Asuka kicks from below! Bayley drags Asuka around in another chinlock, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Asuka hangs tough but Bayley talks trash on her. Bayley smudges the face paint then drags Asuka up. Tag to Iyo, Iyo AX KICKS Asuka down, and then Iyo clamps on with a chinlock and armlock combo. Asuka endures, fights up and pushes back to a cover, TWO! But Iyo has the body scissor squeeze! Asuka pushes back to another cover, TWO!

Iyo adds a chinlock, and she BITES Asuka’s ear! Fans boo but Iyo lets off. Iyo steps on Asuka while Bayley talks trash, and the ref counts. Iyo lets off at 4, tags Bayley, and Bayley stomps Asuka! Asuka throws body shots in return! Fans fire up as Asuka backs Bayley down, but Bayley picks her up! Bayley RAMS Asuka into the corner! Iyo pulls Asuka’s hair to keep her down, but Asuka still kicks from below. Bayley blocks to stomp Asuka down, and Bayley tautns Asuka. Asuka gets up, but then Bayley sucker punches Charlotte! Asuka fires off on Bayley but Bayley bumps Asuka off buckles! Tag to Iyo and DMG CTRL DOUBLE FLAPJACK!

But Charlotte gets in to stop the cover! Fans cheer while DMG CTRL protests. Iyo wrenches Asuka’s arm but Asuka fires forearms! The fans fire up, Asuka reaches out but Iyo keeps her back! Asuka throws more shots but Iyo kicks and whips. Asuka uses that to BLAST Bayley! Asuka ELBOWS Iyo, DECKS Bayley and DECKS Iyo! Cover, but Iyo keeps her arms up. Asuka drags Iyo up but Iyo SHOTEIS! Iyo runs, but into a KICK! Both women are down and fans fire up! Asuka and Iyo crawl, hot tags to Bayley and Charlotte! Fans fire up as Charlotte ROCKS Bayley, then climbs up! CROSSBODY! Charlotte is roaring and the fans are with her!

Charlotte CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! “WOO~!” echoes out as Bayley falls! Iyo gets in but Charlotte ROCKS her, scoops her, and EXPLODER! Charlotte kips up, dodges Bayley and spins her, NECKBREAKER! Then handspring, but into a forearm from Bayley! Bayley runs in but Charlotte catches her for a BACKBREAKER and BUCKLE SHOT! Charlotte pushes Bayley from the corner, to HANDSPRING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! The Queen keeps her cool as she whips Bayley. Bayley reverses, Asuka tags in as Charlotte goes up and out! Asuka BOOTS Bayley, then hoists her up top!

Asuka climbs up to join Bayley, Charlotte tags back in so she can join in! The Queen & Empress bring the Role Model up, but Dakota distracts so Iyo can CLUB Charlotte & Asuka! The Evil Genius then adds herself to the equation, TOWER OF DOOM!! Fans are thunderous for the Double Powerbomb Superplex combo! All four women are down and Dakota cheers her team on. The fans rally up, “This is Awesome!” as Bayley stands up in a corner, Charlotte runs in, but into a BOOT! But then Charlotte BOOTS back! Cover, Iyo METEORAS it apart!! Bayley & Iyo drag Charlotte up, double whip, but Charlotte KICKS Bayley and ROCKS Iyo!

Asuka catches Bayley into a SLEEPER! Charlotte TOSSES Iyo, runs back in, but Bayley slips free and the BOOT hits Asuka! Bayley rolls Charlotte up, TWO! Bayley KNEES Charlotte down! Bayley drags Charlotte around, “WOO~!” and step through, but Charlotte boots Bayley into Iyo! NATURAL SELECTION on Bayley!! Cover, Charlotte & Asuka win!!

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Asuka, by pinfall

DMG CTRL lost control and lost this match! Charlotte and Asuka smile at each other, knowing now it is every woman for herself. Will one of them become the NEW WWE Women’s Champion at Fastlane? Or will Iyo come up with a counter strategy in time?


The Bloodline walks around backstage.

Heyman still argues with Jimmy about making a match with LA Knight without The Tribal Chief’s blessing, to which Jimmy says The Tribal Chief has to be here to authorize something! But since he ain’t ever here and Jimmy IS, Jimmy authorized it! But then they enter the private suite, and it would seem someone has already made themselves at home. It’s the Judgment Day! Jimmy says they’re in the wrong room. Uh, no, they’re right where they’re supposed to be. Is that a challenge to The Bloodline? Or an offer?


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s SmackDown!

As part of the “season premiere,” The Tribal Chief is back! What will Roman Reigns have to say about what we just heard Jimmy say?


SmackDown returns as Judgment Day and Bloodline stare down.

Rhea says everyone else can get out while she and Heyman have a little chat. The others listen to Mami, though Solo and Priest stare down a little longer. Rhea tells Priest she’ll be fine, so Senor MITB steps back. Heyman smiles and tells The Enforcer it is also okay. Solo steps away, and Rhea tells Heyman, “Let’s talk.” What deal is going to be struck between two of WWE’s most dominant factions today?


Rey Mysterio w/ Latino World Order VS Bobby Lashley w/ The Street Profits!

The King of Lucha is still United States Champion after his epic match with Santos Escobar, but then the All Mighty’s new henchmen went and ruined the whole night! We’re getting a Six Man Tag of the two factions at Fastlane, so can Rey move the LWO into pole position? Or will he get wrecked by the Rocky Mountain Machine?

SmackDown returns and Lashley makes his entrance, Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins right behind him. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up, plenty of fans on Bobby’s side as he corners Rey. Lashley steps right up to Rey, showing how much bigger and taller he is than Rey. Rey doesn’t care and the two tie up. Lashley puts Rey in a corner, lets off slowly, and Dawkins says this is easy work. Rey and Lashley reset, tie up, and Rey waistlocks. But Lashley elbows free, then he runs Rey over! The Profits cheer Lashley on and Lashley stalks Rey to a corner. Lashley RAMS into Rey, RAMS in again, then RAMS in again!

Lashley storms around, he whips Rey corner to corner, then he RAMS in again! Rey sputters and falls while the Profits get the fans fired up. Lashley drags Rey around, smothers him into the mat, then puts him on ropes to CLUB away! The ref counts, Lashley lets off, and he “apologizes.” Lashley looms over Rey in a corner, then digs his boot in! The ref counts, Lashley lets off to whip Rey to ropes, but Rey kicks back! Rey ducks ‘n’ dodges, slides under but Lashley kicks low! Lashley reels Rey in, gut wrenches, and hits the AK- NO, Rey lands out of it to BUZZSAW! Fans fire up as Rey LIONSAULTS! Cover, ONE!!

Rey keeps his focus as he baits Lashley in, and then dumps him out! Rey gives Lashley a sample of the 619 and fans fire up! Lashley scowls while the LWO fires up, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Lashley has Rey in a bearhug! Rey endures the squeeze while fans rally up. Rey reaches out, throws elbows, and he is free! Rey throws haymakers, the LWO fires up, but Lashley whips Rey to a corner hard! Rey bounces off buckles, and back into the bearhug! Fans rally as Rey endures. Rey grabs at Lashley’s face! Rey HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS and is free! But Lashley KNEES low, CLUBS Rey, then whips him hard into another corner! And back to the bearhug! Fans boo but Rey still endures. The LWO rally the fans up, Rey fights free with more shots, then he goes to the apron.

Lashley storms over but Rey RAMS into him! And again! And then GAMANGIRIS! Rey goes up a corner, but Lashley trips him up! Lashley brings Rey into a Tree of Woe, and he rains down fists! Fans duel as Lashley stomps Rey! The ref counts, Lashley lets off, to RAM into Rey again and again! Lashley runs to RAM into Rey again! And then runs in again, but Rey sits up! Lashley hits buckles and staggers away! Rey FLYING SEATED SENTONS! Rey keeps moving, he dropkicks the legs, then dropkicks them again! Rey keeps moving, but Lashley scoops him! But Rey swings through to DDT! Cover, TWO!!

The Profits are relieved but Rey is after Lashley in the corner. Rey climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to eight but Lashley dumps Rey out! Rey ROCKS Lashley, shoulders in, but Lashley catches him! Lashley suplexes, but Rey throws knees! Rey gets free, then drop toeholds Lashley onto ropes! The Profits freak out as Rey dials it up! But Lashley blocks the 619!! Rey holds onto ropes, Lashley dumps him over, but Rey RAMS into him! Rey slingshots up but Lashley ROCKS Rey! Rey goes to the floor and Lashley tells fans to hush. The LWO hurry over to check Rey and keep the Profits back.

The ref tells everyone to back off, and Lashley goes out to whip Rey into barriers! Lashley glares at the LWO, then brings Rey around to put him in the ring. The Profits and LWO argue, and then Lashley just TOSSES Escobar! Rey DIVES onto Lashley! But Lashley catches Rey! But then Rey slips free to POST Lashley! Fans fire up as Lashley slides in and Rey pursues. Rey 619s Lashley in the gut!! Then dropkicks him onto ropes! Rey redials to 619!! Lashley is down, Rey goes up and the Profits are freaking out again! Ford distracts Rey, but Cruz YANKS Ford down! The brawl is on, and Dawkins RAMS Cruz into steps!

Wilde fires off on Dawkins and Ford, but ends up getting the POUNCE PLEX!! Rey is furious so he SEATED SENTONS Ford & Dawkins! Rey runs back into the ring, into a SPEAR from Lashley!! Cover, Lashley wins!

Winners: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

The Profits pay off for Lashley, but Escobar has a chair! Escobar runs Lashley & The Profits off but Zelina is still in shock after all the carnage! Will Rey, Wilde or Cruz even be able to fight for Fastlane?


SmackDown checks back in with Heyman and Rhea.

Heyman seems conflicted, but he then nods. Mami says Heyman’s a wise man, so make the wise decision. They’re all stronger together. The Bloodline and the Judgment Day can work together. Heyman likes it. It is brilliant! A bit upset with himself he didn’t think of it. Though he hasn’t been himself lately. But this is good. Really, really good! So, if you’ll excuse him for a moment, he’s going to make a phone call and get it authorized. Rhea stops him from going to his phone. Authorized. Miserably, Rhea doesn’t understand. Heyman needs to run this past Roman Reigns. Rhea says she does understand, and she has authorized this.

Well, that’s good for the Judgment Day. But for the Bloodline, it can only be authorized by one human being, and that is the Tribal Chief. Rhea tells Paul to acknowledge her. Heyman is flustered, but a word from the wise… Rhea is in the wrong locker room to say something like that. Is she? Well, Heyman’s gonna acknowledge her, just like Jey did on Raw. Otherwise, we’re gonna find out who is truly stronger between the two groups. Now, he’s authorized to make his phone call. Rhea leaves, and Heyman calls Roman. Is Mami going to be the one running the WWE?


Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn speak.

“A deed without a name, the curse will spread until we get what we want. What we deserve! You will all writhe beneath our feet. We shall live deliciously.” These wicked witches are on their way back, who will suffer their wrath?


Austin Theory VS Dragon Lee!

The Now claims to be the reason his segment with The Rock got 150 MILLION views, and he won’t be told anything else. Will his ego only grow bigger with every view? Or will the Boy Wonder prove that Theory is just plain wrong?

SmackDown returns as Dragon Lee makes his entrance. Theory has the mic to tell us we are all in the presence of greatness, because of THEORY! But don’t boo him like that! He’s beaten icons! He’s beaten his role models! Theory’s such a nice guy, he even let “Dwayne” share the ring with him. And speaking of Theory, he is the 150 Million Hit Man! And as soon as the bell rings, Dragon’s only gonna have a 150 second career here after he experiences Austin Theory Live. Theory puts the mic away, the bell rings, and fans boo as Theory and Dragon circle. They tie up, Theory puts Dragon in a corner, but he lest off as the ref counts.

Theory pushes Dragon but Dragon CHOPS! And ROCKS Theory! Theory kicks low, whips, but Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Fans fire up as Theory goes to a corner! Dragon JUMP KICKS! Leg sweep! SWINGING DROPKICK! Cover off Combinacion Dragon, TWO! And here comes Grayson Waller! Theory’s buddy is here, and Theory CLOBBERS Dragon! Fans boo as Theory stomps Dragon but the ref counts. Theory lets off, drags Dragon up and whips him corner to corner. Dragon goes up and over and DROPKICKS Theory! Cover, TWO! Dragon keeps on Theory but Theory stomps a foot!

Theory back suplexes, Dragon lands out of it and then dodges Theory to SNAP GERMAN! Theory bails out and Dragon builds speed, but Waller is in the way! Fans boo as Waller talks trash. Theory somersaults to SHOTGUN DROPKICK Dragon down! A-Town Down Under high-five while fans boo, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Theory talks trash as he aims from the apron. Theory somersaults again, but into a SUPERKICK! Waller is upset but the fans rally up while both men are down! Dragon and Theory rise and Dragon fires hands. Dragon whips, Theory reverses but Dragon CLOBBERS Theory! Dragon keeps on rallying, but Theory whips him to a corner. Theory runs in but Dragon pops him up to SUPERKICK him while he’s upside-down! Dragon runs in again to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Dragon grits his teeth. Dragon drags Theory up and reels him in but Theory powers out.

Dragon ducks the haymaker but not the ELBOW! Theory reels Dragon in to fisherman, AOI SHODOU! Cover, TWO! Dragon survives and Waller coaches Theory. “He ain’t on your level!” Theory is motivated by the mention of 150 million views, and he drags Dragon up. Theory throws hands, talks trash, then throws down more hands! Theory stands Dragon up, swings, but Dragon slips through to get Theory up, LIGER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Theory survives and Waller says to calm down. Is he talking to the fans or himself? Dragon drags Theory to a drop zone, then goes up a corner. Fans fire up but Waller distracts Dragon!

Theory hits ropes to trip Dragon up! Theory brings Dragon in to PUMP HANDLE COMPLETE SHOT!! Cover, TWO!!! Dragon survives and shocks Theory! Theory drags Dragon up and puts him on the top rope. Theory climbs up, but Dragon throws hands! Dragon trips Theory, has him in the Tree of Woe, and gives him WOE STOMPS!! But Waller gets Theory to safety! Fans boo but Dragon builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and he lands on his feet!! St. Louis is thunderous as Dragon puts Theory in the ring. But Waller SMACKS Dragon off the apron! Waller puts Dragon in, and he calls the shot as Theory gets Dragon up.

But wait! Cameron Grimes POSTS Waller!! Theory is shocked, and Dragon rolls him up! DRAGON WINS!!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall

The Carolina Caveman helps the Boy Wonder get even with A-Town Down Under! Will Grimes help Dragon go TO~ THE~ MOON~?


Rhea talks with Jimmy.

Mami seems to be spreading the word, and Jimmy is okay with it. Will the Bloodline and Judgment Day stack the deck and completely crush LA Knight?


The LWO regroups backstage.

Rey walks out of the trainer’s room and says Wilde & Cruz are not gonna be able to compete tomorrow night. Then what’re they gonna do? As much as Zelina wants to slap Lashley herself, this is a Six Man Tag but they’re in a 3v2! Rey has an idea. He’ll make a phone call. Escobar is frustrated, and still a bit sore himself, but just who will the King of Lucha call in as their third man?


Damian Priest watches the Seth Rollins VS Shinsuke Nakamura recap package.

And then he looks to his MITB briefcase. Will that Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship be the perfect place for him to finally cash in?


LA Knight VS Jimmy Uso w/ Paul Heyman!

The Mega Star put out the challenge, Jimmy Uso accepted, and even with Heyman hemming and hawing, the match is here! Will we see whose game it is? Or will Jimmy come through on keeping this Fastlane tag match from happening?

SmackDown returns and St. Louis goes wild as Knight makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Jimmy tells Knight it ain’t going down like that. This is the Bloodline! This is their ring! Knight and Jimmy tie up, go around, and Knight puts Jimmy in a corner, only for Jimmy to turn it around. The ref counts, Jimmy lets off, and then Jimmy spins, but Knight dodges! Knight kicks and headlocks, grinds the hold, and he wrangles Jimmy down. Jimmy fights up, throws body shots, and then powers out. Knight runs Jimmy over and fans fire up! “YEAH!” Jimmy is annoyed, and he resets with Knight.

Jimmy talks with Heyman real quick, then ties up with Knight. Jimmy kicks low, headlocks, but Knight powers up and out. Jimmy runs Knight over, then raises the finger. Fans boo, Jimmy ain’t the one. Things speed up, and Knight ELBOWS Jimmy down! Knight whips Jimmy to a corner, but Jimmy BOOTS back! Jimmy runs, into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Knight keeps cool and he brings Jimmy up. Knight whips, Jimmy holds ropes and KICKS back! But Knight avoids the superkick, only for Jimmy to narrowly escape the BFT! Jimmy bails out to catch his breath, but Knight runs to WRECK him with a dropkick!

Fans fire up as Knight brings Jimmy up and puts him in the ring. Heyman backs up way up the ramp, then Knight runs in. Knight blocks a kick, he stares Jimmy down, then spins Jimmy around, but the DRAGON WHIP still hits! Knight tumbles out and Jimmy pursues while the ring count starts. Jimmy SUPERKICKS Knight back down! Fans boo while “Shot Caller” Jimmy says there it is. Jimmy stands tall while fans boo and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jimmy throws hands, and Knight counter punches! Knight whips, Jimmy reverses and sends Knight up and out! Knight lands on the apron, he RAMS into Jimmy, then he slingshots up and over to sunset flip BACKBREAKER! Jimmy writhes and both men are down. Fans rally as Knight and Jimmy rise, and Heyman even pounds the apron. Things speed up and Knight LARIATS! And RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! And then kicks to DDT! Fans fire up as Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” The ref counts, Knight runs corner to corner to CLOBBER Jimmy! Cover, TWO!

Heyman is relieved but Knight brings Jimmy up. Knight suplexes but Jimmy fights free to mule kick! And UPPERCUT! Jimmy runs up but into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Fans fire up and they spell it out with him, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” ELBOW DROP! Knight stalks Jimmy, but here comes Solo! Solo CLOBBERS Knight!

Winner: LA Knight, by disqualification

Solo gives Knight the win but he also throws down hands! So here comes Cena! Repeat of the show’s opening, but this time Cena TOSSES Solo out! Heyman keeps Solo from rushing right back in, but wait! Here comes the Judgment Day! Now things are really bad, it is 7v2! Priest, Finn, Rhea, Dom and even McDonagh go to stand with Heyman, Jimmy & Solo. Heyman shakes hands with Rhea and says it is authorized. Fans boo but Cena and Knight aren’t baking down. Fans chant for “CODY! CODY! CODY!” as The Bloodline & Judgment Day stand on the apron, but here comes JEY USO! Fans are thunderous as Main Event Jey returns!

Jimmy is wary as Jey gets in the ring to stand beside Knight and Cena! But that’s still 6v3, so Jimmy and the Judgment Day stay on the apron. But then yes, here comes The American Nightmare! Cody Rhodes is here, and he makes things 6v4! Fans sing the song but the numbers are still on the alliance’s side. Wait, Heyman says Solo is to back off? The brawl is on, it ends up 5v4! Jimmy and Priest are knocked onto the floor and Knight pursues while Cody stomps Dom, Cena brawls with Finn and Jey has McDonagh! Jey clotheslines McDonagh right outta the ring! Cody builds speed and he DIVES onto the Judgment Day!!

Jey wants to do that, too! He runs and FLIES to take out the Judgment Day!! Fans are thunderous and Cena says let’s do it! But then Solo gets in the ring! The Enforcer and The GOAT stare down and the fans are definitely on Cena’s side. Cena fires off haymakers on Solo! Then he runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Knight gets in, and now fans really fire up! Solo roars, swings, misses, and Knight clotheslines him out! McDonagh gets in but Knight gives him B F T!! Jey SUPERKICKS JD! Cena SPIN OUT BOMBS JD! And then raises the hand! St. Louis joins in for “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE!! And then, the ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!!

Cody tops it off by taking off his weight belt, putting it aside, and giving McDonagh a CROSS RHODES!!! This all-star formation of four men stand tall ahead of their high stakes tag matches! Will Cody & Jey become Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions together? Will Cena & Knight bring down what is left of The Bloodline? Or will the authorized alliance find a way to survive living in the Fastlane?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown, especially with it being a go-home. Good use of the recap packages to actually progress some story beats rather than just remind us of stuff. Priest watching the Nakamura VS Rollins video is a great way to put in the back of our minds the possibility that he will cash-in tomorrow. And honestly, win or lose in the tag title match, Priest should do it, but especially if they lose. The way he keeps getting mad at McDonagh hanging around, something could happen during the tag title match and Priest will want to prove he can actually get things done around here, thereby taking Raw’s top title for Judgment Day.

Great stuff from Judgment Day and Bloodline tonight, too. Jimmy clearly thinks he’s in charge when Roman isn’t around, forgetting Heyman has a phone and that this is all on live television. Word’s gonna get back to Roman, and Roman is going to be back next week for the big “season premiere” episode, you can bet something is gonna go down. Jimmy loses the main event match tonight, ends up uniting more of The Bloodline’s enemies, and there’s a very good chance he and Solo lose tomorrow night. Roman is gonna have a lot of reasons to pile on Jimmy like he used to do to Jey, and we could end up seeing Roman VS Jimmy at some point. But also, this feels like it’s leading to Roman VS LA Knight, for the Universal Championship, maybe at Crown Jewel.

I also liked that Rhea is moving into the authority position in Judgment Day. She told Priest to chill over McDonagh being here, she told McDonagh to even be here, and she told Heyman how this was gonna play. She might even be the one to decide if Priest is still Judgment Day material as he continues to be against McDonagh hanging around. The numbers alone won’t be on Priest’s side: Finn backs McDonagh, and Dom will go with whatever Rhea says, so if Rhea backs McDonagh, that’s it for Priest. Assuming they lose the tag titles but Priest takes the top title, he’s gonna be all on his own having to fight off the “family” that turned on him. Also side note, McDonagh definitely took all those finishers just so those in action tomorrow don’t lose any momentum.

Really good stuff from Dragon Lee VS Austin Theory, and of course Waller got involved. But also, great surprise seeing Grimes get involved. That is definitely a tag team match in the making for next week’s “season premiere.” And great stuff from LWO and the All Mighty Profits tonight, with a great match from Rey VS Lashley. But I definitely felt they were gonna kayfabe injury Cruz & Wilde so that they couldn’t help Rey and Escobar in the Six Man Tag. However, why does Rey need to put in a call? To me, bring in Dragon Lee. Rey and Dragon worked together already, why not do it again? Though, that was also an NXT story with Dom & Judgment Day, maybe they aren’t going to assume all SmackDown viewers know that. But still, just make it Dragon Lee.

Great tag match from the women’s division, and nice little swerve where the Faces had the team miscue, only for the same thing to happen to the Heels. But Charlotte and Asuka winning, making them both stand tall technically speaking, that has to mean Iyo finds a way to win. Though, Iyo is also losing faith in Bayley, so there has to come a point where Iyo tells Bayley enough. And at that point, DMG CTRL as a trio will break because Bayley isn’t gonna let Charlotte be right about her being a lackey, and she will want to put Iyo in her place, as it were. Plus, Bayley VS Iyo would make a great title match, we definitely need to see that.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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