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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/21/23)

B Block begins their run!



Day two belongs to B Block!

NJPW World Tag League rolls on, and after A Block set the tone, B Block looks to raise the bar as tag team champions face tag team champions! Will Bishamon take down The Headbanga & Young Guerrilla?


  • Kickoff Match – Katsuya Murashima VS Yuto Nakashima; Nakashima wins.
  • The Gates of Agony VS Tomoaki Honma & Oskar Leube; The Gates of Agony win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Kaito Kiyomiya, Ryohei Oiwa & Boltin Oleg; Kaito, Oiwa & Oleg win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Tiger Mask, Master Wato, Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Bullet Club; Tiger Mask, Wato, Shota & Narita win.
  • Six Man Tag: TMDK VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Atlantis & Soberano win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Alex Zayne & Lance Archer VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza; Zayne & Archer win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr; Taichi & Yuya win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo; ELP & Hikuleo win.


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr!

What in the world? Blue Justice and the Meanest Man in the World, fighting together? Well then, will this unlikeliest of pairings prove to be the most powerful of pairings? Or will the second generation luchadores be able to survive the murder grandpas?

The teams sort out, but that means Suzuki and Nagata argue about who starts. Suzuki shoves Nagata! The luchadores take the initiative and DOUBLE DROPKICK them down! The bell rings, fans fire up and the luchadores DOUBLE PLANCHA! Direct hits on both Nagata and Suzuki, and Atlantis puts Nagata in. Atlantis knees, snapmare and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Atlantis stands Nagata up, wrenches and wristlocks, then tags in Soberano. The luchadores mug Nagata, then Soberano wrenches and wristlocks, then wrenches the other way to KICK a leg! Nagata fires body shots and KICKS a leg out!

Nagata stomps Soberano, CLUBS him on the neck, then whips him to the corner. Nagata storms up, tags Suzuki, and Suzuki sneers as he stomps away on Soberano. Suzuki snapmares Soberano, shifts from chinlock to motorcycle stretch, then steps over to hammerlock with his legs. Suzuki pulls on Soberano’s other arm, then has a modified Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Soberano endures, fights to get an arm free, but Suzuki focuses on the legs! DEATHLOCK, then shift to a CROSSFACE! Soberano endures, Suzuki drags him up and whips him to the corner. Hard tag to Nagata, but he still stomps Soberano. Nagata wrenches Soberano to an ELBOW BREAKER!

Nagata drags Soberano into the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Soberano fights around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Nagata lets off fast to then wrench Soberano’s arm again and whip him to the corner. Suzuki backs up a bit, but Nagata still tags him in. Suzuki stomps Soberano, DECKS him with a forearm, then taunts Atlantis. The ref keeps Atlantis back, and Suzuki DECKS Soberano again. Suzuki stalks Soberano to ropes, drags him up and wrenches to a hammerlock. Nagata tags in and the old men mug Soberano. Nagata wrenches, throws forearms, then whips corner to corner. Soberano reverses goes up the ropes and ENZIGURIS Nagata!

Fans fire up as Soberano crawls, hot tag to Atlantis! Atlantis runs to BLAST Suzuki, then he dodges Nagata to SUPERKICK! Atlantis whips and SPINEBUSTERS Nagata, to then KNEE Nagata down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up, Atlantis stands Nagata up, and he clamps on a facelock. Nagata throws body shots, CLUBS him and KICKS him, then KICKS again! Atlantis flounders but Nagata KICKS him down! Nagata puts Atlantis in a corner to whip him corner to corner, and then BOOT! Nagata clinches for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Nagata keeps on Atlantis with a wrench, but Atlantis reaches out. Nagata still hits the ELBOW BREAKER!

Nagata wrenches again but Atlantis fights to ropes. Suzuki tags in to kick Atlantis low and throw forearms. Suzuki runs, but Atlantis hits a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up while both men are down! Atlantis crawls, hot tag to Soberano! Soberano goes up to CROSSBODY! He keeps moving to SOBAT, KICK and ENZIGURI! Soberano runs but Suzuki avoids the dropkick to then grab the leg! HEEL HOOK! Soberano endures, flails, crawls his way over and has the ROPEBREAK! Suzuki lets go to whip Soberano to a corner. Suzuki runs in to BOOT and snapmare, then he keeps moving to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally up while Suzuki drags Soberano up by his mask. Suzuki taunts Soberano, and Soberano CHOPS! Suzuki just smiles! Soberano is unsettled and Suzuki eggs him on. Soberano CHOPS, but Suzuki ROCKS him with a forearm! Suzuki eggs Soberano on more, so Soberano CHOPS! Suzuki forearms, Soberano CHOPS, repeat! Soberano CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, but Suzuki just laughs! Suzuki then DECKS Soberano! Fans fire up and Suzuki looms over Soberano. Suzuki stands Soberano up to fire off forearms, then he whips to ropes. Soberano reverses to DROPKICK Suzuki down! Fans rally and Soberano goes to a corner.

Soberano climbs, leaps, CROSSBODY into a FUJIWARA! Nagata intercepts Atlantis with a GUILLOTINE! The luchadores endure stereo submissions, but then Suzuki rolls Soberano to a SLEEPER! Nagata has a CROSSFACE on Atlantis! The ref checks on Soberano and the fans rally up. Soberano is fading, but then Suzuki covers, TWO!! Soberano survives and fans fire up! Suzuki drags Soberano up to fire forearms, and Nagata sends Atlantis into railing! Suzuki whips, Soberano springboards up and over! Soberano kicks, runs, Suzuki follows to get around, SLEEPER! Soberano flails, Suzuki spins him around, GOTCH-

NO, Soberano back drops free! And dropkicks a leg out! Then a roll and cradle, Soberano & Atlantis win!!

Winners: Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Nagata & Suzuki earn 0)

Suzuki is stunned but he got caught off guard! Suzuki storms off in frustration, will he and his age old rival just have to be sharper next time? As for the second generation luchadores, is this the beginning of big things for them in NJPW?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Alex Zayne & Lance Archer VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza!

#MonsterSauce reunites in hopes they finally feast on some gold, but they’re up against the Bullet Club Rogue Army! Will the Rogue General and the Red Commando represent not just Bullet Club but NJPW Tamashii? Or will Zayne & Archer be so hot, #EverybodyDies?

Archer walks to the ring with Zayne, but then has to go backstage for some reason? Did he forget to victimize a Young Lion or something? Anyway, Archer comes back, the teams sort out, and Archer steps up. Fale wants to meet him, but Bonza says he’ll take on Archer. Archer wants to make sure Bonza’s sure, and Bonza says hell yeah. The bell rings, Bonza shoves Archer, but Archer shoves back. Bonza runs to RAM Archer, but Archer doesn’t budge. Archer dares Bonza to try that again, and Bonza runs to RAM Archer! That doesn’t do it, so Bonza says one more. The fans fire up, but Bonza fakes Archer out to poke him in the eye!

Bonza kicks a leg, CLUBS away on Archer, and fires up as he strikes a pose. But then Archer just stands back up! Fale warns Bonza, Bonza backs up into Archer and knows he’s in trouble. Archer SPITS at Bonza, then DECKS him! Archer bumps Bonza off buckles, then off more buckles, then he tags in Zayne. Fans fire up as Archer sends Zayne in to back elbow! Archer back elbows, then Zayne runs in, HIP TOSS CANNONBALL! Zayne then slingshots to RANA Bonza away! Bonza ends up in the opposite corner, Zayne runs in, but Bonza FLAPJACKS Zayne off buckles! And he feeds Zayne to Fale’s LARIAT! The ref reprimands, but he also has to keep Archer back.

Bonza stomps Zayne out of the ring, and Fale whips Zayne into railing! Bonza goes out to fetch Zayne into the ring, then he drags Zayne around. LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Bonza stays between Zayne and Archer, then bumps Zayne off buckles. Tag to Fale and the Rogue Army mugs Zayne. Fale then BLASTS Archer! Archer comes right back, runs the ref over, and he fires hands with Fale! Fale ROCKS Archer, TOSSES him, then tells the ref to do his job! Fale tags Bonza and Bonza storms up on Zayne. Bonza trips Zayne, steps through, and turns Zayne over. Sharpshooter becomes Deathlock, and Deathlock becomes Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch!

Zayne endures as Bonza bends him back. The fans rally, but Bonza stands to let Zayne go and sit him up. Bonza KICKS Zayne, flips off Archer, then tags in Fale. The Rogue Army mugs Zayne, but Zayne throws hands on Fale! Archer coaches Zayne but Fale throat chops him! Fale whips corner to corner to SPLASH Zayne! Cover, TWO! Zayne survives and the fans fire up. Fale drags Zayne around, and then stands on Zayne! Archer shoves Fale off of Zayne, but Fale tags Bonza. The Rogue Army drags Zayne away from Archer and Bonza CLUBS him down! And stomps him! Bonza grinds Zayne’s arm but the fans rally up.

Zayne throws body shots, and forearms, and reaches out for Archer, but Bonza holds on! Zayne throws more forearms, still reaches out, but then dodges Bonza’s lariat to schoolboy, only for Bonza to avoid the Eddy Gordo kick! Bonza waistlocks, lifts Zayne up, GERMAN SUPLEX! Zayne lands on his feet! And ROLLING AX KICKS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Zayne and Bonza crawl, hot tags to Fale and Archer! The big men RAM shoulders, and RAM again! And again! Archer ROCKS Fale, Fale ROCKS Archer, repeat! The behemoths go back and forth, the fans fire up, and Fale gets the edge!

Fale puts Archer in the corner, Zayne sneaks a tag. Fale whips, Archer reverses, and then sets up so Zayne can LEAP FROG SHOTGUN! The fans fire up with Monster Sauce as Archer CHOKE SLAM SAULTS Zayne on Fale! Cover, TWO!! Fale survives but Zayne senses they’re close. Zayne CLUBS away on Fale, then throws forearms. Fale wobbles but stays up, so Zayne throws forearms, an ELBOW, and a SOBAT! Zayne runs, but Fale SAMOAN DROPS him! Tag to Bonza and he hurries to get Zayne for a cover, TWO! Bonza is frustrated but the fans rally up. Bonza kicks Zayne around, but Zayne rises up. Bonza ROCKS Zayne!

Zayne ROCKS Bonza in return! Bonza ROCKS Zayne, but Zayne ROCKS Bonza! Bonza ROCKS Zayne, but Zayne winds up to ROCK Bonza! Zayne fires off a flurry but Bonza knees low! Bonza runs but Zayne ELBOWS! Zayne runs but Bonza ELBOWS! Bonza whips, Zayne gets under the lariat to hook the arms! Bonza fights the backslide, steps back, and he deadlifts to a SITDOWN POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Fale runs in to BLAST Archer! Bonza hits a BACKBREAKER, Fale hits the ELBOW DROP! Cover, Archer breaks it! The fans fire up, Fale whips but Archer reverses to TOSS Fale! Archer then goes to the apron to CANBONBALL!!

Archer roars and the fans fire up with him! Bonza CHOPS Archer on the back, but that just upsets Archer. Archer swings, misses, and Bonza HOTSHOTS him down! Zayne runs in at Bonza but Bonza drop toeholds him into buckles! Gator roll and- NO, Zayne fights the DDT to put Bonza up top! Zayne SLAPS Bonza, goes up after him, and the fans rally up. Bonza throws hands on Zayne, shoves him, but Zayne backflips away! Archer runs in, step-up KNEE! Archer lifts Bonza in the reverse crucifix, BLACKOUT BOMB!! Zayne says “ITADAKIMASU~!” Zayne goes up top, to CINNAMON TWIST!! Cover, Monster Sauce wins!

Winners: Alex Zayne & Lance Archer, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Bullet Club earns 0)

Zayne & Archer were too hot to handle and they have a tasty two points! Will they keep turning up the heat until they’re at the head of the table? Will the Rogue Army be able to regroup and redeem themselves next round?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr!

The Holy Emperor is once again KOPW Champion, and he teams up with Heat Storm to bring more gold to Just5Guys! But Gene Blast brings in “The King of the World” from CMLL to go sailing towards the trophies! Will Yota & Zandokan drop anchor on Taichi & Yuya? Or will their ship be sunk right out the gate?

The teams sort out and Yuya starts against Tsuji. The fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, tie up, and Tsuji kicks low. Things speed up, Yuya drops then hurdles, but Tsuji stops himself to tag in Zandokan. Fans rally as Zandokan eggs Yuya on, but then Yuya drops back to tag Taichi. And then Yuya BLASTS Tsuji, and goes out to RAM him into railing! And then whip into more railing! Tsuji tumbles out into No Man’s Land and Yuya goes after him with haymakers. They go around behind commentary while Taichi and Zandokan stand off. Yuya stomps Tsuji, throws haymakers, but Tsuji hits back with forearms!

Tsuji SMACKS Yuya off commentary! Tsuji then storms his way around the railing, but Taichi backs him off. Tsuji grins and Taichi helps Yuya up. Red Shoes has everyone stand down, and Zandokan returns to the ring. Taichi follows, and Zandokan attacks! Zandokan whips Taichi to ropes, but Taichi BOOTS back! Zandokan comes back to BOOT! Taichi KICKS, Zandokan throws a forearm! Taichi kicks again, so Zandokan throws another forearm! Taichi KICKS and KICKS and KICKS, but Zandokan ROCKS him with a forearm! Zandokan waistlocks but Taichi breaks free to ENZIGURI! Fans rally up while Taichi and Zandokan go to ropes.

Taichi stands, Zandokan runs in to run him over! Zandokan fires up and the fans cheer with him. Zandokan then offers a handshake? Taichi stands, paces, and the fans rally up. Taichi says no to the handshake but Zandokan spits on his own hand to offer the handshake again! Now Taichi definitely doesn’t want it! Taichi kicks low, swings, but Zandokan dodges to shake Taichi’s hand! Taichi wants to wipe it off on Red Shoes! Red Shoes runs around and Taichi chases him, Tsuji & Zandokan mug Taichi! They double whip and DOUBLE ELBOW Taichi, then run to DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK!

Tsuji BLASTS Yuya off the apron, goes out after him, and whips him into railing hard! Zandokan brings Taichi out to the crowd to SMACK off the bleachers! Tsuji has Yuya in another section of the crowd to snapmare and KICK! Red Shoes reprimands them all as Zandokan SMACKS Taichi’s leg with a chair! Zandokan drags Taichi up while Tsuji leaves Yuya behind in No Man’s Land. Zandokan fireman’s carries Taichi, and brings him along to SNAKE EYES off railing! Tsuji & Zandokan then regroup and they get Taichi in the ring. Zandokan stomps Taichi’s leg, tags in Tsuji, and Tsuji stomps Taichi’s leg.

Tsuji drags Taichi around, puts some stank on his hand, but Taichi blocks! So Tsuji stomps Taichi, YANKS the bad leg, then scoops Taichi to SLAM him! Tsuji runs to SPLASH the legs! Fans rally while Taichi endures, and Tsuji tags in Zandokan. Zandokan suplexes but Taichi blocks. Zandokan keeps trying, and he gets Taichi up and over! Cover, TWO! Zandokan argues with Red Shoes, but Red Shoes says his count was fair. Taichi kicks Zandokan from below but Zandokan stomps Taichi’s legs. Tag to Tsuji and he storms up on Taichi. Tsuji stomps the bad leg, drags Taichi around, and then puts the legs on ropes!

Tsuji springboards to HIP DROP the legs! Taichi writhes and Tsuji gets in Yuya’s face, and Zandokan BITES Taichi’s foot! Red Shoes reprimands and Zandokan lets off. Tsuji gives Taichi some toying kicks and even a pie face. Taichi stands to CHOP! And kick! And KICK! Tsuji fires a flurry of forearms, then whips, but Taichi reverses to wrench and HOOK KICK! Fans fire up while both men are down. The fans rally up, Taichi and Tsuji crawl, hot tag to Yuya! Yuya fires off haymakers and CHOPS, then he DOUBLE CHOPS! Yuya throws haymaker after haymaker in the corner, but lets off as Red Shoes counts. Yuya runs corner to corner to clothesline and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Yuya drags Tsuji up. Yuya scoops, holds, and SLAMS Tsuji! Yuya runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Yuya is frustrated but he paces around Tsuji. Yuya drags Tsuji up to reel him in, but Tsuji fights the back suplex with elbows! Tsuji clinches, BACKBREAKER, COMPLETE SHOT, but Yuya avoids the stomp to waistlock! Tsuji switches but Yuya sends Tsuji into Taichi’s mule kick! Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS, Taichi BOOTS, and Yuya hits the BIG back suplex! Cover, Zandokan breaks it! Taichi throws Zandokan out, and Yuya fires up! The fans rally behind him as he climbs a corner. Yuya leaps, but has to roll through as Tsuji dodges!

Yuya runs back in but Tsuji catches him, BACKBREAKER, COMPLETE SHOT and STOMP! Fans fire up and Tsuji whips but Yuya reverses to DROPKICK! Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Hot tag to Taichi! Taichi storms up on Tsuji, gives him some toying kicks, then some Kawada Kicks! Tsuji goes to a corner, Taichi runs in and BOOTS! Tsuji BOOTS but Taichi blocks! Tsuji brings Taichi down to STOMP him! Fans fire up and Tsuji hobbles over, tag to Zandokan! Zandokan stomps away on Taichi, then whips him corner to corner. Taichi reverses, Zandokan goes up and over then around to ENZIGURI!

Fans fire up and Zandokan drags Taichi up. Zandokan reels Taichi in, underhooks and lifts, but Taichi fights it! Taichi back drops Zandokan away, and goes to a corner. Zandokan rises up, runs in, but into a BOOT! Zandokan roars but Taichi AX BOMBERS! Zandokan stays up, roars again, but Taichi GAMANGIRIS him down! The fans rally and Taichi stands, OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi BUZZ- NO, Zandokan blocks and CHOPS! Taichi sputters, rises up, and Zandokan eggs him on. Taichi KICKS Zandokan in the chest! Zandokan stays up to CHOP again! Taichi grits his teeth while his chest is stinging, and Zandokan eggs him on again.

Taichi KICKS Zandokan, and eggs him on in return, even those his chest is bleeding from those chops! Zandokan spits on his hand again so Taichi dodges! Only to run into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Cover, Yuya breaks it! Fans rally up, Yuya drags Zandokan up, but Zandokan CHOPS! Yuya is stinging, but he DOUBLE CHOPS in return! Yuya runs, into a fireman’s carry, SNAP DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Tsuji drags Yuya out of the ring and has him on the railing. Fans rally as Tsuji calls to Zandokan, and Zandokan builds speed, to DIVE and SPLASH Yuya on the railing!! Zandokan then goes after Taichi, kick and Canadian Rack, DOMINATOR!! Cover, TWO!!!

Taichi survives and the fans fire up again! Zandokan roars and he drags Taichi back up. Zandokan reels Taichi in, hooks the arms, but Taichi again fights the lift. Zandokan still gets Taichi up but Taichi fights free. Taichi wrenches, Zandokan avoids the Ax Bomber and Taichi keeps going. Zandokan pops Taichi up for Tsuji to KNEE! And then they get Taichi up, underhook the arms, for the ANCHOR!! The fans fire up again as Tsuji climbs and Zandokan gives him the boost! Yuya runs in to DROPKICK Zandokan! Tsuji rolls through the crash landing to JUMP KNEE! Yuya ROCKS Tsuji! Tsuji rebounds, but into an arm-drag!

Yuya spins Tsuji up to hook the arms, OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Zandokan dodges Yuya to spin him and HEADBUTT! Yuya flounders, Zandokan runs in at Taichi but only gets buckles! And then the GAMANGIRI! Yuya runs to DROPKICK Zandokan in the corner! Taichi aims, TENSHO JUJIHO! Yuya PLANCHAS Tsuji! Taichi gets Zandokan up, BLACK MEPHISTO!! Cover, J5G wins!

Winners: Taichi & Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Tsuji & Zandokan earn 0)

The KOPW Champion finishes this one off, keeping that momentum from when he dethroned Sho. But will Taichi & Yuya be able to keep this momentum going until they have the World Tag League trophies? Tsuji manages to smile even in defeat, will he and Zandokan be better prepared for their next opponents?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado!

Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi are IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, and after Lonestar Shootout, the Headbanga & Young Guerrilla are still NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions! This battle is for more than just two points, this is for golden tickets to cash in later! Who establishes tag team superiority in B Block’s first round main event?

The fans already rally for “E L P! E L P!” but then they also cheer on “BI-SHA-MON! BI-SHA-MON!” ELP and Leo want to shake hands, but Goto & Hashi are hesitant. They do accept, and the fans applaud the sportsmanship. The teams then sort out and Leo starts against Goto. Fans rally and the two circle. They tie up, and Leo powers Goto to ropes. Goto turns things around, Red Shoes counts the ropebreak, and Goto lets off. Leo gives a shove, but Goto avoids the elbow to kick low. Goto headlocks, Leo powers up and out, and they RAM shoulders! Leo doesn’t budge, so Goto runs again. Goto RAMS Leo, but still nothing.

Goto runs again, ducks ‘n’ dodges to RAM Leo! Leo rebounds to run Goto over! Leo runs but Goto avoids the elbow drop! Leo avoids the Penalty Kick, and the fans cheer. Goto and Leo stare down, then back away, to tag in ELP and Hashi. Fans rally as Headbanga and Headhunter stare down, the fans chanting and dueling. ELP gets a “YO-SHI HA-SHI!” chant going, so Hashi revels in it. Hashi and ELP tie up, ELP waistlocks but Hashi wrenches out. Hashi wristlocks, but ELP rolls, handsprings, and wrenches back to waistlock, half nelson, headlock, snapmare, but Hashi headscissors. ELP kips free and the fans cheer.

ELP talks strategy with Leo, and ELP wants Hashi to start a chant for him. So Hashi does! “E L P! E L P!” ELP thanks Hashi and Hashi gets the fans even louder. ELP and Hashi shake hands again, but Hashi kicks low! Hashi headlocks, ELP throws body shots, but Hashi grinds the hold. ELP powers up and out, but Hashi runs him over! Fans rally, things speed up, but Hashi stops himself to avoid the hurdle. But then ELP cartwheels away to avoid the dropkick! They keep moving, Hashi hurdles but ELP shoves to DROPKICK! ELP handsprings up and fans cheer the exchange. ELP then stands Hashi up to CHOP!

Hashi goes to ropes and ELP gets fans to “WOO~!” ELP whips, Hashi reverses to mule kick and BLOCKBUSTER! Fans fire up, Hashi aims from a corner, and Hashi runs in to CHOP ELP! ELP sits down in the corner, Hashi drags him up, and Hahsi whips. ELP blocks, but Hashi sends him back to the corner. ELP goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and ELP CROSSBODIES! Then he somersaults to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer and ELP drags Hashi up. ELP hits a BIG atomic drop! Hashi hobbles around, but then so does ELP because of his knee taking some damage. ELP whips, Goto tags in and Hashi reverses, they run ELP over!

Hashi runs, ZANMAI! Hashi then BLASTS Leo, he and Goto drag ELP up, and se no, they HAMMER away on ELP’s back! Fans cheer, Leo protests, but Hashi stalks ELP to a corner. Hashi keeps ELP from Leo, and CHOPS him! Goto drags ELP up, Red Shoes counts, but Hashi CHOPS again! Hashi tags Goto, but ELP kicks back. ELP fires forearms, Goto ROCKS ELP, and Goto stomps ELP to a corner. Goto CLUBS ELP, ELP throws forearms and the two brawl. Goto KICKS ELP down! Goto whips corner to corner, runs in, MURAMASA! And SAIDO! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up behind “E L P!” as he endures a chinlock.

Goto digs his elbow into ELP’s face, then JAMS him! Goto whips ELP to the corner, tags Hashi, and Hashi brings ELP up. ELP throws forearms, but Hashi CHOPS him down! Cover, ONE!! Hashi BLASTS Leo, then he brings ELP up again. Red Shoes keeps Leo back but ELP throws hands. Hashi throws a body shot, then a CHOP! Fans fire up as ELP stays put. ELP CHOPS back, but Hashi comes back to CHOP! ELP staggers around, Hashi reels him in and then hangs him out to dry! Goto holds ELP in place so Hashi can run and DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! ELP crawls but Hashi keeps him away from Leo, then drags him all the way back.

Tag to Goto, he stomps ELP, and then Bishamon drags ELP up. DOUBLE back suplex, but ELP lands out of it! ELP goes up and over, then under, but Goto grabs legs! ELP BOOTS Goto into Hashi, hot tag to Leo! Leo UPPERCUTS Goto, scoops Hashi, but Hashi slips free. Hashi dodges a lariat but not the BOOT! Leo scoops Goto to SNAKE EYES! Leo keeps moving and he LARIATS Goto down! The fans fire up and Leo waits on Hashi. Choke grip, but then Goto gets up. So Leo grabs him, too! But Bishamon breaks free, kick and whip, but Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up with Leo as he aims again.

Leo waits on Goto to rise, then choke grips. GOD- NO, Goto slips free to fire off forearms! Goto runs, LARIATS, but Leo stays up! Leo swings, Goto blocks the lariat to spin Leo around, but Leo suplexes first! Fans fire up with Leo and he tags in ELP! ELP BLASTS Hashi before he hauls Goto up. Straitjacket torture rack, and Leo runs, BOOT into the UFO NECKBREAKER!! Cover, Hashi breaks it! Leo grabs Hashi but Hashi ROCKS Leo! And CHOPS ELP! And ROCKS Leo! And repeat! But Leo UPPERCUTS Hashi, CHOPS him down, and then ELP goes up a corner! ARIHARA MOONSAULT onto Hashi! Fans fire up and Leo hauls Goto up!

Leo calls to ELP, and ELP climbs. Leo has Goto up, POWERBOMB to SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Goto survives and ELP can’t believe it! Fans rally up, though, and ELP slashes his throat. ELP drags Goto up, reels him in, but Goto CHOPS! And CHOPS! ELP BUZZSAWS, and then he tucks the arms! Goto fights the lift, slips free and ROCKS ELP! ELP boots but Goto deflects it to LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Goto and ELP crawl, hot tags to Leo and Hashi! Fans fire up as Hashi runs in, dodges Leo and fires forearms and CHOPS! Hashi whips, Leo blocks! Leo whips Hashi to a corner, runs in but Hashi dodges!

Hashi returns to CHOP! Hashi whips Leo, Leo reverses but Hashi sunset flips! Leo stays up, but Hashi avoids the leg drop! Hashi BASEMENT DROPKICKS! Fans fire up with Hashi and he watches Leo go to a corner. Hashi runs in, to clothesline! Hashi then pushes Leo out and goes up top. BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Leo survives and the fans rally again. Hashi has the fans fire up more, and he waits on Leo to stand. Hashi then runs, LARIATS, but Leo shakes his head no! Hashi runs again, LARIATS, but it’s still not enough! Hashi runs, dodges the boot, but Leo blocks the superkick to ROUNDHOUSE! Both men are down and fans fire back up!

Hashi and Leo stir, and Leo rises up first! Leo fires himself up, whips Hashi to ropes, but Hashi DROPKICKS the powerslam down! And then BUTTERFLY LOCK! ELP DROPKICKS Hashi, and BLASTS Goto! ELP helps Leo up, and they whip Hashi to a corner. ELP DROPKICKS, then feeds Hashi to the POWERSLAM! The fans fire up again and #ELeoP aim from opposite corners. Hashi rises, SUDDEN- NO, Hashi blocks that, only for Leo to grab him! But Hashi slips free, shoves Leo at ELP, but ELP moves Leo aside, HIDDEN GAP! Goto clotheslines ELP out of the ring! Hashi dodges a lariat, shoves Leo but Leo ROCKS Goto!

Leo runs back at Hashi, he gets around and holds Leo against ropes for Goto to LARIAT! Hashi SUPERKICKS, Goto HEADBUTTS, and fans fire up with Bishamon as they call their shot! Dragon sleeper and the leg hold, but Leo BOOTS Hashi away! Goto tries to suplex but Leo is too big! Leo suplexes, but Hashi dropkicks the legs! Goto gets Leo up, and Hashi has the legs again, but for G Y R!! Cover, TWO!!! Leo survives and fans fire up again! Goto drags Leo up, dragon sleepers, and Hashi has the legs once more. SHOTO!!! Cover, ELP barrels into Goto to break it!! Fans are thunderous as ELP saves Leo and the match!

ELP drags Goto up to CHOP, and he also ROCKS Hashi! CHOP, ROCK, BOOT, but Goto blocks one! Hashi SUPERKICKS, Goto fireman’s carries! FIERCE FLASH into SHO- NO! ELP BOOTS Hashi away, goes up and around Goto and then shoves him into Hashi! ELP uses Goto as a step to SATELLITE DDT Hashi!! Then he dodges Goto to SUDDEN DEATH! ELP and Leo reset, they aim from the corners, and Hashi stands into SUDDEN DEATH! Choke grip, ELP DIVES onto Goto! GODSEND for Hashi!! And then the boosted THUNDERKISS 86!!! Cover, E-LEO-P WINS!!!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Bishamon earns 0)

Incredible! The NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions just pinned THE IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! Will Goto & Hashi be able to #GetBackUp and #TurnItAllAround from this shocking opening round upset?

As for those NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions, Leo gets the mic first to tell Bishamon, “You are the IWGP Tag Champions. Big respect. Big respect to you, Goto-san, Yoshi-Hashi, Bishamon. But… This is just the beginning. World Tag League belongs to G O D!” The fans cheer that, and Leo continues to say, “Tag League, GoD, Tokyo Dome! Tokyo Dome, GoD, Bishamon, one more time!” Fans love the sound of that! Leo vows that he and ELP become not just Strong Tag Champions but also IWGP Tag Team Champions! Leo hands the mic to ELP, and the fans rally up for “E L P! E L P!”

ELP says, “Louder so Kodani-san can hear that! E L P!” The fans get louder for ELP and “old man” Kodani. ELP then shouts, “DAISUKI, KORAKUEN HALL! I LOVE YOU!” The fans cheer, and ELP says that in their first WTL, they enter as NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions, and at Kumamoto, they will finish WTL as champions! Then, like Leo just said, they’ll go to WrestleKingdom 18, inside Tokyo Dome, with all you fans, and become the NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions!! And ELP doesn’t care if you believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, or Jesus Christ. Everyone can believe in G O D!!

The fans cheer as “The Big Blue Sexy Boys” are off to a strong start. But will they truly be NJPW Strong through the entire tournament and into the New Year?


Here are the current B Block standings.

ELP & Hikuleo: 1-0, 2 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 1-0, 2 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 1-0, 2 points
Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 1-0, 2 points
Bishamon: 0-1, 0 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 0-1, 0 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-1, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great second day for WTL and first night for Block B. Great surprise that Atlantis & Soberano beat the murder grandpas but it feels like Nagata & Suzuki are going to parallel #DespeWato where they don’t pull it together until a few rounds in. Good match from Monster Sauce VS Rogue Army, and a good showing for Bonza on NJPW prime programming, but great win for Archer & Zayne. Similarly, Zandokan looks great, but Taichi just won back the KOPW Championship so he isn’t losing so soon. It’ll probably be on Yuya when the team loses so that there’s nothing more owed to the other team.

And what an awesome move for the opening round’s main event to be Champions VS Champions. That was definitely a tag title level match, and I didn’t expect ELP & Leo to win that. Great win for them to start WTL, and that really could end up the WrestleKingdom match. And even if not, this whole tournament is going to be good stuff, and they’re getting ready to stuff Thanksgiving Weekend with it.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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