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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (11/23/23)

ROH gets Rowdy!



ROH Wrestling 2023

The one and only RONDA ROUSEY is here!

From the UFC to WWE to now ROH, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey is here to throw down alongside her friend, Marina Shafir! Will they become a problem for ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena?


  • ROH Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata VS Trent Beretta; Shibata wins and retains the title.
  • Fatal 4 Way: Willow Nightingale VS Diamante VS Trish Adora VS Kiera Hogan; Willow wins.
  • Ethan Page VS Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling; Ethan wins.
  • Tag Team Fatal 4 Way: The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS The Workhorsemen VS The Infantry VS The West Coast Wrecking Crew; The Workhorsemen win.
  • Pure Rules Match: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; Yuta wins.
  • Fatal 4 Way: Jack Cartwheel VS Fred Rosser VS Willie Mack VS Lee Johnson; Johnson wins.
  • Athena & Billie Starkz VS Ronda Rousey & Marina Shafir; Ronda & Marina win.


Athena & Billie Starkz speak.

The Fallen Goddess says, “Hello~ minions! It is your Forever ROH Women’s World Champion, and Minion In Training #1. And we are here to issue a special open challenge to any porcelain hussy that thinks they can handle us in the ring. So if you’re brave enough, step up, or we’re gonna stomp you out. Roll out, Minion.” Athena & Billie head out, but in steps Marina Shafir. And she calls a friend. Consider the challenge accepted!


ROH Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata VS Trent Beretta!

The Wrestler is coming off a big win alongside good friend, Orange Cassidy, and the FTW Champion, Hook. However, he now faces a friend of his friend with this title on the line! Will Shibata be able to stay friends with the Best Friends? Or will he have a hard time handling #JustTrent?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who epitomizes the grit and grind of Pure pro-wrestling!

Tonight’s judges are Jerry Lynn, Jimmy Jacobs & Madison Rayne, and they will be scoring this in case of a time limit draw. The bell rings and the clock starts ticking. The two circle, feel things out, and then Trent shoots in. Shibata avoids a takedown to get a takedown, and Shibata has a toehold. Shibata pulls on the leg, floats to a cover, ONE! Trent is up and fans applaud that opening exchange. Trent and Shibata feel things out, tie up, and Trent headlocks for a takeover. Shibata headscissors, Trent kips free, but now Shibata hits a headlock takeover! Trent headscissors, Shibata kips free but Trent Alabama Lifts!

Shibata sunset flips free, Trent rolls free and then avoids a Penalty Kick! Fans cheer this fast and furious first minute, and the two reset. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and fans rally. Shibata rolls, wrangles Trent and top wristlocks. Trent fights but Shibata shifts to a short arm scissor. Trent powers back to stack Shibata, TWO! Shibata keeps the hold, Trent fights around again and has the ROPEBREAK! Shibata lets go, that is Trent’s first of three. Trent and Shibata reset, feel things out again, and Shibata waistlocks. Shibata spins Trent, snapmares, and clamps onto an arm. The fans rally, Shibata top wristlocks, and then STOMPS the arm!

Trent goes to a corner, the fans rally as Shibata waits on him. Trent shakes out the bad arm and stands up, but Shibata kicks him down! Shibata stomps the arm again and again and again! Shibata drags Trent to center and he drops knees on the arm! And then he KICKS the arm! Trent stands to CHOP! Shibata kicks low, then KICKS Trent down! Fans fire up while Trent goes to the apron. Shibata runs, into a SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Fans fire up again as Shibata goes to a corner. Trent runs up to clothesline! Trent then hits a TORNADO DDT! Shibata flounders, Trent runs in, BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, TWO!

Shibata is still in this, even preserving his ropebreaks. Trent frowns and shakes out the bad arm. Trent storms up on Shibata to CHOP! Shibata sits bac up, so Trent CHOPS him again! Shibata stays put! Trent CHOPS, but Shibata stands up now! Trent CHOPS, Shibata eggs him on, so Trent CHOPS! And CHOPS! Shibata leans into them, then he ROCKS Trent! Shibata fires off in the corner, runs corner to corner, but Trent RAMS Shibata! Shibata stays up but Trent JUMP KNEES him! Shibata bails out, Trent aims and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and down goes Shibata! Fans fire up and Trent stands back up.

Trent drags Shibata up and into the ring and then goes to a corner. Trent climbs and MISSILE DROPKICKS! But Shibata’s right up! Shibata BOOTS Trent, and the fans fire up as both men are down! A standing count climbs, Shibata stands first, and he drags Trent up. Shibata whips and BOOTS Trent in a corner, then fires off forearms! The ref counts, Shibata lets off to run corner to corner and back again, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Shibata stands Trent up. HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Trent is still in this, and Shibata paces around. The fans rally, Shibata drags Trent up and reels him in, but Trent switches!

Shibata fights the half nelson, rolls to GRAPEVINE a leg! Then Shibata ANKLE LOCKS! Trent endures, reaches out, but Shibata GRAPEVINES again! Trent drags Shibata along with him, to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Shibata lets go, that is the second for Trent! Shibata then ties Trent’s legs up and pulls him into a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Trent pops free to cover, TWO! Trent ROCKS Shibata! And ROLLING ELBOWS! Shibata wobbles and Trent LARIATS! Shibata stays up and he roars! Trent runs, but right into an STO! Cover, TWO! Shibata holds onto a wrist and he drags Trent up. Trent swings, Shibata gets under to ripcord and SLAP!

Shibata runs to PENALTY KICK!! Cover, Shibata wins!

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall (still ROH Pure Champion)

In just 8 minutes and 25 seconds, Shibata retains this title! He is now 8-0 as the champion, but he also shows Trent respect. They shake hands and Shibata raises Trent’s hand. Shibata continues on, but who will step up to him for a match at Final Battle?


Fatal 4 Way: Willow Nightingale VS Diamante VS Trish Adora VS Kiera Hogan!

As things heat up in the ROH Women’s Division again, this Fatal 4 could go a long way to establishing a #1 contender. Will the Babe with the Power, the Cuban Diamond, the Afropunk or the Hottest Flame take the lead in the title chase?

The Code of Honor is upheld by everyone but Diamante, and the bell rings. Then Diamante bails out? Adora rolls Kiera up in the distraction, but Willow drags Adora up and turns her, backslide! TWO, and then Kiera Oklahoma Rolls Willow! ONE, but Kiera whips. Willow reverses, Diamante trips Kiera and drags her out! Diamante DECKS Kiera, and Adora RAMS shoulders with Willow! Willow runs, Adora drops but Willow breaks the clothesline to run Adora over! Cover, Diamante breaks it! Diamante TOSSES Adora out, ROCKS Willow, then CHOPS Willow! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Diamante fires more forearms, then an UPPERCUT!

Diamante mocks Willow, the fans boo, and Diamante runs back in. Willow slips out to the apron but Diamante ROCKS her first! Diamante has Willow in the ropes, to NECKBREAKER! Kiera gets back in, stares down with Diamante, but they skip each other to DIVE out onto Willow and Adora! Fans fire up and Kiera puts Willow in the ring. Diamante puts Adora in the ring, they both cover, TWO! Kiera and Diamante argue, shove, and then Kiera ROCKS and SUPERKICKS Diamante! Kiera goes to a corner and she climbs up. Willow rises up to ROCK Kiera first! Willow then climbs up after Kiera and CLUBS her!

Willow brings Kiera to the to rope, but Adora CLUBS her! Diamante joins in, she and Adora have Willow for a DOUBLE POWERBOMB! But Kiera adjusts up top to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Fans fire up while all four women are down! Everyone has a corner, Kiera runs up to ROCK Diamante! Diamante DECKS Kiera! Adora runs up, she and Diamante ROCK each other with forearms! And ROCK each other again! Adora staggers away, Willow ROCKS Diamante! Diamante ROCKS Willow! And CHOPS! Then Diamante CHOPS Adora, and CHOPS Kiera, but that only gets her mugged 3v1! The fans fire up as they stomp Diamante down!

Willow drags Diamante up to bump off buckles, Kiera swings on Adora but Adora dodges to LARIAT Kiera! Then she BOOTS Kiera! Diamante turns things around on Willow, but Adora hits a BUBBA BOMB! And a cover, Diamante breaks it! Diamante dragon sleepers, for the CROSS RHODES! Willow runs in, she wrenches and fireman’s carries Diamante, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Kiera BOOTS then ROUNDHOUSES then SUPERKICKS Willow! Cover, Diamante breaks it! Willow ROCKS Diamante, fireman’s carries her, then BOOTS Kiera! Willow scoops Kiera but Diamante slips free to DROPKICK them down! Keira covers, Diamante drags her away!

Diamante TOSSES Kiera out, but Adora BOOTS Diamante! Willow rolls Adora, Adora rolls through but into the BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

Kiera seethes at Diamante, but they each cost each other this one. Willow gains more momentum here in ROH, could she get herself another shot at Athena and the ROH Women’s World Championship?


Ethan Page VS Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling!

All Ego got fed up with the Sterling stable cheating him at every turn, so he got some payback when he helped Serpentico out a few weeks ago. The Premier Athlete can dish it out but can’t take it, so will he dish out extra helpings for Thanksgiving? Or will Ethan simply make him eat defeat?

Sterling again has to tell Bobby Cruise to stop before he starts, because his client wants him to tell us that we’re all gonna have to stay fat for one more week. They’ve canceled group training until they deal with Ethan Page! Fans are actually okay with that. But Sterling says Ethan thinks he outsmarted them with that Serpentico crap? He gives Aubrey a prepaid Visa gift card and tells her to call this one down the middle. Sterling continues to say that the loss to Serpentico is being appealed so they can throw it out, and more importantly, Nese is 1-0 against Ethan. After tonight, after they put this whole mess behind them, Nese will be 2-0!

Ethan makes his entrance and Bobby goes back to doing his job. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally up for Ethan, and the two approach. Nese backs off and goes up a corner to flex so everyone can see what they came here for. Ethan says fine, and so he gets on the corner and fans cheer! Nese says Ethan is just pandering. Ethan says shut up and wrestle! They tie up, go around, Ethan puts Nese in a corner but Nese turns it around. Nese says he is the Premier Athlete, and then he fires off shots! Aubrey reprimands, counts, and backs Nese off. Sterling says to call this down the middle, and Aubrey says she IS!

Nese storms back up on Ethan, whips him corner to corner, but Ethan comes back to CLOBBER Nese! Ethan DECKS Nese, has him in a corner, and throws body shots and haymakers! Ethan climbs up and rains down fists! Fans count along and Ethan goes past ten to go to TWENTY! Fans are thunderous and Ethan brings Nese out to whip corner to corner. Ethan then scoops and SIDEWALK SLAMS! Cover, ONE!! Nese hangs in there but Ethan drags Nese up. Nese pushes Ethan and gets away to ropes. Nese uses the ropes as defense, Aubrey has Ethan stay back, and then Nese throat chops Ethan! Fans boo but then Nese runs with Ethan to HOTSHOT BULLDOG!

Ethan sputters, Nese drags Ethan out and whips him into steel steps! Aubrey reprimands, the fans boo, but Sterling throws out another prepaid Visa. Nese drags Ethan up, the fans boo more, but Nese RAMS Ethan into the apron! Aubrey has the ring count climbing, so Nese puts Ethan in. Nese storms up on Ethan, taunts the fans, but Ethan throws a body shot. Nese stomps Ethan, Ethan throws more body shots! Ethan stands but Nese puts him on the apron. Nese storms back up but Ethan rams him! And then bumps him off buckles! Ethan steps in to HEAD- NO, Nese stops the cutter to PUNT! Cover, TWO!

Nese stays on Ethan and wraps Ethan up in a body scissors. Sterling tells Aubrey to do her job, Aubrey tells Sterling to shut up! Fans cheer and Nese gets upset. Ethan throws an elbow! Nese CLUBS Ethan in return! The fans chant “YOU SHUT UP!” at Sterling now, and Nese frowns. Ethan fights back up, pries at the feet, and he pulls the hold open! The fans rally up and Ethan throws hands! They stand, Ethan ELBOWS Nese, but Nese swings. Ethan counter punches, ROCKS Nese, then whips. Nese reverses but Ethan CLOBBERS him! Ethan clothesline in the corner, runs, but Nese dodges. Nese runs but into a scoop!

Nese fights free, shoves Ethan to ropes but Ethan runs him over! Fans fire up and Ethan reloads on the apron. HEADSHOT! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives but Ethan aims again. But Sterling anchors a foot! Fans boo, but Ethan drags Sterling up by his tie! Sterling begs for mercy, Aubrey has Ethan stop. And then she takes the prepaid Visa and SNAPS it! She EJECTS Sterling!! Fans are thunderous, Nese is furious, and Ethan runs up to BOOT!! Cover, Ethan wins!!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

And vengeance is sweet! Ethan still offers the Code of Honor, but Nese TACKLES him! Fans boo, Aubrey reprimands, and these two scrap! Sterling calls security out and they hurry down to drag Ethan away from Nese! Sterling has Nese stand down, but Ethan gets loose to CLOBBER him! Nese & Sterling bail out while security swarms Ethan again! Sterling threatens to sue, but will this only be settled in the tiebreaker now that Ethan and Nese are 1-1?


Tag Team Fatal 4 Way: The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS The Workhorsemen VS The Infantry VS The West Coast Wrecking Crew!

With MJF retaining the ROH World Tag Team Championships at Full Gear, with help from Samoa Joe, that means #BetterThanYouBaybay still hold the gold! So now Bronson & Boulder, JD Drake & Anthony Henry, Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo and Team Filthy’s Royce Isaacs & Jorel Nelson all battle for pole position! Who will rise up to go after MJF & Adam Cole?

In this form of Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at a time, so Scrap Metal steps up against #BadNews&Tattoos. They shake hands for the Code of Honor, the bell rings, and Carlie wants to do some two step with JD. JD dares Carlie to take a shot. Well, okay, here goes. Carlie CHOPS, then fires up! JD CHOPS and Carlie falls over! The fans fire up, Carlie stands but JD CHOPS him back down! JD stalks Carlie to the ropes, whips him, but Dean tags in. Carlie ducks ‘n’ dodges, jukes and ROCKS JD with that crossover, and Dean ENZIGURIS! Henry jumps in but the Infantry DOUBLE ELBOW him down! Bronson runs in, Infantry dodges to DOUBLE HIP TOSS!

Infantry DOUBLE FIST DROP, and “OORAH!” The fans don’t echo it, Carlie’s a little disappointed. Dean whips, Bronson reverses but Dean ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Bronson to hit a FLAPJACK! Bronson brings Dean up, and says it is time for #TiddyCity! Fans fire up as Boulder’s straps come down! Dean gets a face full of that BEEF! Dean gets away and Isaacs tags in! Bronson stares down the sculpted body, and they RAM into each other! And RAM again! Fans fire up as the forearms go back and forth! “This is Meaty!” Bronson gets the edge, he BACK ELBOWS Isaacs, and shouts “I’M GONNA BUST!”

Bronson swings, but Isaacs fires off boxing elbows! And a ROUNDHOUSE! Fireman’s carry, and Isaacs RAMS Bronson into the WCWC corner. Nelson tags in, he runs in and SPLASHES! Then Isaacs sets up to UPPERCUT! Feed to Nelson’s BOOT, and Isaacs adds an ELBOW DROP! Carlie runs in, into an arm-drag! WCWC double wrench and double atomic drop! Then dropkick to the legs, and a SLIDING KNEE! WCWC pose, but the Workhorsemen CLOBBER them from behind! Henry & JD stomp WCWC, double whip, but WCWC KICK back! And they TOSS the Workhorsemen! But now Beefcake Boulder is in!

Fans fire up as Boulder runs, blasts through the clotheslines, and then DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! Boulder stands and fans fires up for “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” The Infantry run in, they double Boulder’s lariats and DOUBLE TOPE out onto everyone else! Bronson is back, and he has the bottle! He sips the Savage Sauce!! Bronson builds speed, gets a boost from Boulder and he FLIES out onto everyone else!! The fans fire up with “Dirty Bulk” and he puts Nelson back in. Boulder has Nelson for a SPINNING SIDEWALK SLAM! Fans fire up again, and down come the straps! Tag to Bronson and he goes up a corner!

Fans fire up as Boulder Electric Chair Lifts Bronson! But Henry sneaks a tag before the SAVAGE FLOP as Isaacs saves Nelson! Henry DOUBLE STOMPS Bronson!! Boulder CLOBBERS Henry, but JD is back. JD ELBOWS Boulder, goes up and leaps, but Boulder catches him! Isaacs storms up, and he waistlocks Boulder! GERMAN SUPLEX FALL AWAY SLAM COMBO!! Fans are thunderous, that was over 700 pounds! WCWC gets Henry up, pop-up, but Henry RANAS Nelson into Isaacs! But Carlie is back, he clinches Henry and feeds him to Dean’s SUPERKICK! Then SIDEWINDER!

“OORAH!” but Nelson DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! WCWC regroup, they have Dean, POP-UP POWERBOMB! CATAPULT into a fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY BACKBREAKER!! But Dean flops out of the ring! Nelson runs up on Henry but Henry ELBOWS him! Henry BOOTS Isaacs, JD clinches Isaacs for a BELLY2BELLY! Nelson runs in again, Henry sidesteps to SNAP GERMAN! BUZZSAW! JD DIVES onto the Savages!! Henry runs to METEORA Nelson! JD CANNONBALLS Nelson! Henry yanks Nelson up, feed to JD, END-ZIGURI OF DAYS!! Cover, Workhorsemen win!!

Winners: The Workhorsemen, by pinfall

Henry & JD just got their biggest win since coming to ROH! Will they be the ones meeting MJF & Cole in Garland, Texas for Final Battle?


Backstage interview with Nese & Sterling.

Lexi Nair is with the Premier Athlete & Smart Mark, and she asks them how they’re feeling after things “got out of hand” after the loss to Ethan. Can they explain their actions? Explain their actions? How about Ethan Page explains his actions, huh? They see the mind games, getting Sterling ejected from ringside in the middle of the match, right in front of Nese, all to distract him so Ethan could hit Nese outta nowhere! Nese knows Ethan had that planned from the start because Ethan can’t beat Nese fair and square! So Nese had to do what he had to do to prove why he IS the Premier Athlete and is better than All Ego!

Sterling says that’s very smart. And here’s some facts! One: that loss to Serpentico is thrown out, did not happen! This match with Ethan, according to the record books, as far as Sterling is concerned, didn’t happen! Why? Because Sterling got thrown out! Sterling has a manager’s license! He is licensed to be there ringside for his clients to make sure everything goes smoothly! And what happens the very second Sterling leaves? That referee, Audrey, Aubrey, whatever, she is NOT paying attention! Who runs this place?! Jerry Flynn? Stokely Hathaway? Who knows! Sterling needs answers! Because here in Ontario, California, as far as they’re concerned, that match didn’t happen!

So Ethan Page, they said they were done but now they’re not! Even though Nese proved he’s a better athlete. So see you soon! Well, regardless of what Sterling & Nese think, the match did happen, and the series is tied. Will the tiebreaker happen on the road to Final Battle?


Pure Rules Match: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty!

We saw Shibata retain the Pure Championship to open the show, but The Decoder told him just last night to keep an eye on this one. Yuta wants to take back “his” title, will he make the Blackpool Combat Club proud? Or will #TAIGASTYLE represent Shane Taylor Promotions with a win of his own?

The judges now are Jimmy Jacobs, Madison Rayne and Pat Buck. The Code of Honor is upheld. The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Yuta wrenches but Moriarty makes it a waistlock. Moriarty spins Yuta to a cravat, but Yuta spins free and the two stand off. The fans chant “YUTA SUCKS!” but he just soaks it up and takes a bow. The two circle again, knuckle lock, and Moriarty steps in and wraps Yuta up in a straitjacket. Yuta endures, frees his leg and he bridges to then turn the straitjacket onto Moriarty. Moriarty moves around, wriggles the jacket down and steps out of it to put it on Yuta.

Yuta endures, fights up, and he arm-drags Moriarty, but they keep the knuckle locks. They go forehead to forehead in their test of strength, but Yuta MONKEY FLIPS! Yuta rolls back, but into body scissors! They keep the knuckle locks, Yuta powers Moriarty down for a cover, TWO! Yuta powers Moriarty down again, TWO! Moriarty shifts to double wristlock! Yuta resists the Kimura, shifts around, but Moriarty rolls to trap and TWEAK the arm! Then Moriarty shoves Yuta to a corner. Yuta stops himself, but Moriarty KICKS an arm! And then runs to BOOT Yuta down! Fans fire up and Moriarty stomps away on Yuta.

Moriarty drags Yuta up, wrenches an arm, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Then a snapmare, and he hooks the arm to TWEAK it again! Moriarty has Yuta trapped in a hammerlock, and fans rally as Moriarty has the other arm, for a RECLINER! Yuta endures, it ends up a cover, TWO! Yuta escapes, shakes out the arm, but Moriarty BOOTS him! Yuta stands to CHOP! Moriarty CHOPS, UPPERCUTS, and he has Yuta in a corner. Moriarty brings Yuta up to wrench the arm again, and he hammerlocks. Yuta resists the half nelson, spins things around, and has an IRON OCTOPUS! Moriarty endures even though fans chant “YUTA SUCKS!”

Moriarty powers out, Yuta sunset flips but Moriarty sits on it! TWO, and Yuta finishes the sunset! TWO!! Moriarty swings, into the PAIN THRILLER! Cover, TWO! Yuta is furious, he throws down forearms, then he kicks Moriarty around. Yuta waistlocks, Moriarty fights the lift! Moriarty arm-drags free, then runs in, but Yuta goes up and over, scoops and SLAMS, then goes right up the corner! FLYING SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Moriarty survives and we reach the five minute mark, one-third of the time limit! Yuta shakes his arms out, clamps onto Moriarty, and rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! But Moriarty uses his leges to catch that arm!

Moriarty drags Yuta down into the BORDER CITY STRETCH!! The fans rally up w3hile Yuta endures, and Yuta reaches out. Yuta rolls to a cradle, TWO!! Moriarty is free, but Yuta CHOPS! Moriarty wrenches an arm, and has the fingers! Moriarty SNAPS them! Yuta goes to a corner, Moriarty runs in to JUMP KICK! Moriarty puts Yuta up top, UPPERCUTS him, and then climbs. But Yuta BITES Moriarty’s forehead! The ref reprimands, but then Moriarty BITES Yuta’s forehead! Fans fire up and the ref reprimands again. Moriarty brings Yuta up to the very top, SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Fans fire up while both men are down!

A standing count starts but Moriarty is stirring. Moriarty crawls towards Yuta but Yuta sits up. They both stand at 5 of 10, and Yuta ROCKS Moriarty! But that was a closed fist, that’s his one warning! Yuta storms up, but Moriarty ROCKS Yuta right back! Now that’s Moriarty’s one warning! Yuta ROCKS Moriarty with a forearm, so Moriarty throws a forearm! They go back and forth, fans fire up as they go faster and faster! Moriarty shoves, BOOTS, Yuta rewinds and shoots around, SNAP GERMAN! Moriarty rises up to SNAP GERMAN in return! Both men rise, Moriarty waistlocks but Yuta switches! GERMAN SUPLEX with a bridge! TWO!!

Moriarty has the arm! Wrench and clinch, but Yuta BITES the hand! The ref reprimands but Yuta drags Moriarty down! Turn and hook, but Moriarty slips out to the seatbelt, into HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! Yuta then drags Moriarty around into the SEATBELT!! Yuta wins!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by pinfall

In 8 minutes and 35 seconds, The Decoder solves Taiga Style! Yuta is keeping pace with the man he says holds “his” Pure Championship, but will he be ready for his rematch with The Wrestler?


Fatal 4 Way: Jack Cartwheel VS Fred Rosser VS Willie Mack VS Lee Johnson!

While Eddie Kingston is willingly putting up the ROH World and NJPW Strong Championships as part of the inaugural Continental Classic, the forces of ROH and NJPW Strong converge in this match! Who puts their name in the conversation for challenging the future Continental Triple Crown Champion?

The bell rings and Rosser runs up to BOOT Mack! Rosser eggs on the others, then runs up, but Jack & Lee dodge to double kick, double KICK and DOUBLE DROPKICK! Rosser bails out, Jack and Lee see Mack and they kick him. They double whip but Mack blocks. Jack & Lee try again, Mack breaks the double lariats to RANA Big Shotty! Then he DROPKICKS Cartwheel! Mack sees the group gathers, builds speed, but Cartwheel runs in to RANA! Fans fire up and Mack bails out! Jack builds speed, and cartwheels to FOSBURY FLOP! He takes out the whole field! The fans fire up and Jack puts Rosser back in the ring.

Jack hurries to get Rosser up, asks the fans if they wanna see a cartwheel, and the fans fire up! But Rosser CLUBS away on Jack to stop him! Rosser whips, but Jack spins, handsprings, cartwheels, but gets caught into the OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Fans fire up while Jack writhes, and Rosser throws him to a corner. Rosser CHOPS, LARIATS, and repeat! Rosser fires off clotheslines, then he BOOTS! Rosser whips corner to corner, Lee TOSSES Jack out, and then Lee dodges Rosser to CHOP LARIAT! Lee whips corner to corner, CHOP LARIAT! Lee whips again, Rosser reverses but Lee goes up and over, gets around, shoves and drops to then- POWERSLAM from Rosser!

Fans fire up and Rosser eggs Mack on! Mack returns and the fans fire up! Rosser ROCKS Mack, Mack ROCKS Rosser! They go back and forth, but then Rosser fires boxing elbows! Rosser RAMS Mack, but Mack runs to RAM Rosser! The two egg each other on, but then Rosser fakes Mack out to kick low. Rosser runs but Mack follows, GAMANGIRI! Jack is back and he stalks Mack! Mack swings, Jack handsprings to then NECKBREAKER! Lee is back to fireman’s carry, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! SHINING WIZARD! STANDING MOONSAULT! But then Rosser ROLLING ELBOWS Lee down! Fans fire up as Rosser covers, TWO!

Rosser covers Mack, TWO! Rosser covers Jack, TWO! Rosser grows frustrated but he storms over to the ropes. Rosser drags Jack up on the apron but Jack GAMANGIRIS! Jack then cartwheels, flag pole planking into the leg sweep! And then a slingshot and rebounding SPLASH! Fans fire up as Jack hurries to a corner! Jack climbs, the fans are thunderous, and Jack SHOOTING STARS! But he has to land out as Rosser moves! Mack gets Jack for a SKY HIGH! Mack goes up, but Rosser CLOBBERS him! Mack falls right to the floor! But Lee rolls Rosser up, TWO! Lee goes up, fakes Rosser out then sunset flips! LEE WINS!!!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall

Blink and you missed it, this was fast and furious! But Rosser cools off, and he shakes Lee’s hand for the Code of Honor. Big Shotty just pinned a former NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, will he get his shot at the next NJPW Strong Openweight Champion?


Backstage interview with Ethan Page.

Lexi congratulates him on his win over Nese, and brings up what a very angry Nese and very angry Sterling had to say. They say this is not over, so how is Ethan feeling? Ethan asks, “What’s not over?” Um, this back and forth rivalry. Oh, and they decide that, right? Not Ethan, not management, not ROH, not the rules that they are to abide by? Like when Ethan shook Nese’s hand like a man even after he lost? Like when Ethan looked Nese in the eyes after everyone in the crowd knew Nese he cheated, after Ethan knew Nese cheated, after Nese knew Nese cheated, after Nese’s “stupid ass manager who pretends like a freakin’ lawyer” knew Nese cheated! EVERYONE knows Nese cheated!

And Ethan still stood in the ring, abided by the freakin’ rules made by this freakin’ company and shook Nese’s hand like a man! And yet Nese doesn’t have the BALLS to tell Ethan himself that this isn’t finished! NO, Nese rushed back here to get his interview in first so he could change the narrative to benefit Nese. Nese can spill his lies not only to Lexi but to anyone who’ll listen, especially the fans! Nese & Sterling wanna say they’re not done? FINE! Ethan doesn’t need to be told, because he KNOWS they’re not freakin’ done! Ethan gets to say when they’re done! And Ethan will make sure that when they’re done, the last thing Nese does is shake Ethan’s freakin’ hand!!

All Ego is all fired up, will he make sure the Premier Athlete regrets ever bending the freakin’ rules?


Athena & Billie Starkz VS Ronda Rousey & Marina Shafir!

The Fallen Goddess put out the challenge, and wouldn’t you know? It was answered by the two MMA Horsewomen they just fought in Wrestling Revolver! Athena gave “Rowdy” Ronda that win via disqualification, but will she and her Minion In Training look to win this one? Or will Ronda & Marina be too much of a problem for them?

The fans are already losing their minds, not expecting this at all! The teams sort out, Athena makes Billie start against Ronda! Athena gets fans cheering Billie on, but Ronda smirks. Billie fires herself up, but runs into a SAYANAGI! SAYANAGI! SAYANAGI! Ronda BOOTS Billie to the corner, jumps to forearm her down, then tags Marina. Marina fires off body shots, then sweeps the leg! Marina KICKS and KICKS and covers, ONE!! Billie flounders but Marina hauls her up. Billie fights the lift, wrenches to KNEE SMASH, tag to Athena! But Marina tags Ronda, so Athena hurries to tag Billie back in!

Billie can’t believe it but Athena says she has to do her cardio. Billie runs back in, but Ronda blocks a kick to SAIDO! Ronda runs in to KNEE Billie, and put on the HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, Ronda lets off at 4 and tags Marina. Marina drags Billie up, and hits a BIG back suplex! High stack, TWO! Billie is still in this but Marina dusts herself off. Marina KICKS Billie, whips her to ropes, but Billie reverses. Athena gets a cheap shot! Athena laughs, but Marina BOOTS her down! Marina fires off on Billie, kicks the legs out, but Billie blocks the knee! Billie shoves Marina, Athena trips her up, and Billie runs to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Billie grows frustrated, Ronda taunts her, but Billie tags Athena. They mug Marina, Athena puts Marina in the ropes, and then Athena CHOKES Marina! The ref counts, Athena lets off to get in his face, and then Billie KICKS Marina! Athena cheers herself on, and she brings Marina up. Athena CLUBS Marina, taunts Ronda, but Marina throws body shots. Athena KNEES Marina down, drags her up again, and Athena whips Marina to a corner. Athena runs in to UPPERCUT, then goes side to side to FOREARM SMASH! Fans duel, “We Want Ronda!” “No We Don’t!” Athena mocks Ronda’s shadowboxing, then storms up on Marina.

Athena swings but Marina bobs ‘n’ weaves to then DECK Athena! But Billie gets a cheap shot in! Marina staggers up, Athena SPEARS! Cover, TWO! Athena snarls, drags Marina up, and she bumps her off buckles. Tag to Billie and they mug Marina with stomps. The ref counts, Billie tags Athena back in, and they dig their boots in. The ref counts, but Marina fights up! Athena & Billie BOOT, then KNEE SMASH! Cover, TWO! Athena drags Marina back, tags Billie in and they drag Marina up. Billie suplexes but Marina blocks! The fans duel again, but Marina wrenches out. Billie ROCKS Marina, Marina ROCKS Billie, repeat!

Marina ROCKS and CHOPS and KICKS, but Billie blocks a kick! They both BOOT each other down! Fans fire up as they both crawl, hot tags to Athena and Ronda! Athena hesitates, wants to run, but Ronda CLOBBERS her! Ronda kicks Billie off the apron, then BOOTS Athena! And hip tosses! STEP-UP KNEE! Athena kicks but Ronda blocks, POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Ronda taunts Athena. Ronda stalks Athena, CHOKES her on ropes, but the ref counts. Billie tags, Ronda BOOTS her and CHOKES her! The ref counts, Athena CLOBBERS Ronda up and out of the ring! Then Billie builds speed, Athena holds the ropes open, and Billie DIVES!

Billie and Ronda go down but Marina TOSSES Athena out! Marina goes out to the apron, but Athena blocks the Penalty Kick to trip Marina up! Billie RAMS Ronda into railing! Fans fire up and Athena fireman’s carries Marina. Billie sends Ronda in, Athena scoops her! Fans fire up for the FALL AWAY SAMOAN DROP COMBO!! Athena kips up and the fans are thunderous! Athena steps over Marina to drag Ronda up. Athena puts Ronda in, the fans are on her side as she covers, TWO!! Ronda is still in this and Athena grows frustrated. Athena goes up a corner, she takes aim, and Ronda stands, into the O- NO!! STO!! Ronda has the ARMBAR!!!

Athena endures, flails, fights around, ends up in a TRIANGLE HOLD, but she stacks Ronda! Ronda squeezes tight but Athena deadlifts Ronda! POWERBOMB!! But Ronda still has the arm!! Billie goes up top, to SWANTON BOMB Ronda!! Marina has Billie, pump handle EXPLODER! Fans are thunderous while all four women are down! “This is Awesome!” as Marina and Ronda regroup. They stand together, Billie run sin but Marina ROCKS her! Athena runs in but Ronda ROCKS her! Athena fires shots on Ronda but Ronda ROCKS her! Billie runs up, Ronda ducks, the HEEL KICK takes down Marina! Ronda aims at Athena but she ducks, the ROUNDHOUSE takes down Billie!

Athena swings, Ronda SWATS it! Ronda runs up, STANDING ARMBAR?! Athena endures, shifts Ronda around, and BITES the hands! Electric Chair, COYT’S WRATH!! Roll back and cover, TWO!!! Ronda survives and the fans are thunderous again! Athena tags Billie, and Billie storms up on Ronda. But Ronda ROCKS Billie, tags in Marina, and Marina runs in! Marina blocks Billie’s boot but Billie rebounds to ENZIGURI! Marina falls, Billie climbs, but Marina rises up to ROCK her first! And ROCKS her again! Marina climbs, stands Billie up, but Billie shoves Marina away. Billie hops down to ROCK Marina, throw her down, and goes up that corner.

Billie aims, Marina stands, and Marina BOOTS Billie! And ROCKS her! Marina climbs back up, tries again, but Athena sneaks the tag! Athena DROPKICKS Marina in the back, and brings her out! Billie adjusts, but Ronda trips her! Ronda kicks Athena down! Marina sits on the cover, TWO, and Athena sunset flips, but Ronda BOOTS her down! Ronda ROCKET LAUNCHES Billie onto Athena! Marina TOSSES Billie out, tags in Ronda, and they get Athena up. Athena bypasses Marina, sends Ronda away, but then Marina trips Athena! CATAPULT into the PIPER’S PIT!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Athena survives and shocks everyone!!

Ronda grits her teeth and she glares at Athena. Ronda fires herself up, stalks Athena, then grabs the legs. Athena grabs the ropes but Ronda YANKS her up, only for Athena to DECK Ronda!! The fans are fired up again, Athena and Ronda crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Billie and Marina! Billie BOOTS, but Marina catches it! STRETCH MUFFLER, then facelock! Billie fights that to cradle, TWO!! Marina stands, into a leg sweep! Billie calls to Athena, then she drags Marina up. Tag back to Athena, Gory Especial, GORY CODE BREAKER!!! Cover, Ronda CLOBBERS Billie to break the pin!!

Fans rally as hard as they can as Ronda reaches out! Marina crawls, Athena stops her and drags her back. But Marina sweeps the legs, BOOTS Athena, tag to Ronda! Ronda runs up, body scissor capture and ANKLE LOCK!! Billie runs in but Marina catches her! ANKLE LOCK!! Billie & Athena endure stereo holds, but they both roll! Billie sends Marina out, Athena sends Ronda into a POST! Athena shoves Ronda and says, “It’s over, b*tch!!” Athena climbs, aims, Billie tags in before the O-FACE!!! Athena wants to cover but Billie is legal! Athena is confused, but then Marina grabs at Billie! Billie BOOTS Marina, then CROSSBODIES her down!

Athena asks what the hell Billie is doing! Focus on Ronda! Billie hurries up top, to SWANTON BOMB!! INTO THE KIMURA!!! Marina has Athena’s legs to keep her out!! Billie endures, reaches out, but Ronda shifts to the ARMBAR!! Billie taps, Ronda & Marina win!!!

Winners: Ronda Rousey & Marina Shafir, by submission

Billie tried to capitalize but she ended up costing her team! Ronda has her successful debut in ROH, will she and Marina look to turn this into their show? But then Athena runs in with the belt! Marina KICKS Athena down! Ronda picks up the belt! Fans fire up as Marina sits back and watches Ronda stalk Athena. Athena runs away before getting a belt shot! Ronda then taunts Athena with the belt! Is this a preview of what’s coming at Final Battle?

My Thoughts:

Now this was a great episode of ROH! 90 minutes but it was all worth watching. Great ROH Pure Championship match to open, and really good Pure Rules match from Yuta VS Moriarty. Shibata and Yuta of course each won, which sets them up for a Pure Championship match and probably at Final Battle. And great stuff in the story of Ethan Page and Tony Nese. Great match and great promos, and Ethan is definitely winning the tiebreaker. I almost wanted Ethan to demand a stipulation there, but maybe that comes next time we hear from him.

Awesome Fatal 4 Ways for all the divisions. Great interactions from Diamante and Kiera given their real-life relationship, and great win for Willow to keep her strong in ROH. Honestly, very confusing as to why, after winning the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, she hasn’t won anything else in AEW/ROH. Yeah, she got to be NJPW Strong Women’s Champion but that was more because Mercedes Mone got hurt and Willow had to win by default. And she didn’t even get to be in the title match at Full Gear for the TBS Championship even though she was part of that story.

Great Fatal 4 from the tag teams, and while I wanted Iron Savages to win, good win for The Workhorsemen, who have also deserved some shine lately. It’d be quite the honor if they got to go to Final Battle to face… Well, probably not MJF & Cole but possibly MJF & Samoa Joe. Joe did just say on Dynamite that he’s gonna have MJF’s back to keep him as healthy as possible going into Worlds End and their AEW World Championship. And then that men’s Fatal 4 was wild because it ended a lot faster than I expected. But that was a great win for Big Shotty, and I’m sure this will add to his story with Shane Taylor Promotions.

And while I’m very surprised that Ronda Rousey showed up here in ROH, that’s definitely cool for ROH. And really, the best move for her. Being in AEW isn’t going to help anything, AEW still doesn’t book more than one woman’s match a show, Toni Storm is already building a title story with Skye Blue, Julia Hart just won the TBS Championship, so what would Ronda even get to do that helps her and her opponents? The tag match was an awesome main event, all four women looked great, even Billie, but of course Billie also took the loss because she’s the youngest and is just Athena’s sidekick. But clearly they want Athena VS Ronda for the women’s title at Final Battle, and that is going to be an epic match.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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