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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (11/30/23)

Who grabs golden tickets to Final Battle?



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will The Peacock once again be the star of ROH?

With Final Battle on the horizon, ROH’s best battle to be in the World Television Championship match! Who will qualify and head to Garland, Texas?


  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Eddie Kingston VS Lee Johnson; Eddie wins and denies Lee a title match.
  • The Infantry VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate; The Infantry wins.
  • Trish Adora VS Emi Sakura; Sakura wins.
  • Leyla Hirsch w/ Rachael Ellering & Marina Kanellis-Bennett VS Heather Reckless; Leyla wins.
  • Willie Mack VS Robert Anthony; Mack wins.
  • Billie Starkz VS Marina Shafir; Billie wins.
  • ROH World TV Championship Survival of the Fittest Qualifier: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Evil Uno; Castle wins and advances to Final Battle.
  • Brandon Cutler & Colt Cabana VS GPA & Trevor Outlaw; Cutler & Cabana win.
  • ROH World TV Championship Survival of the Fittest Qualifier: Gringo Loco VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes; Komander wins and advances to Final Battle.
  • La Faccion Ingobernable VS Spanish Announce Project; LFI wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS Zoey Lynn; Nyla wins.
  • The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS The Butcher & The Blade; Butcher & Blade win.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Action Andretti; Cage wins.


Backstage interview with Athena & Billie Starkz.

Well, it would be, but Lexi Nair and Billie are both afraid. The Fallen Goddess doesn’t understand. How can Billie be so good in singles matches, but every time they team up, they lose?! But Athena promised herself she wouldn’t get mad. She expected Billie to be the weak link, and she can’t get upset time and time again when Billie fails her. But tonight, Billie can fix it! She’ll go 1v1 with Marina Shafir, beat the brakes off her, and make an example out of her after Marina and her “little buddy,” Ronda, embarrassed them last week. Understand? Understood. Good, now go get ready.

Billie heads out, and Athena asks if Lexi is ready to back her up on this. Oh yes. Athena then looks to the camera to tell Eddie Kingston, “I know that you don’t come to my show very often and you haven’t been here for awhile, but the next time I hear you talk about my show, and me, ROH Women’s World Champion, not carrying my weight, oh, I’m gonna backfist you to the future.” Lexi echoes, “Backfist to the future.” Athena says her bag is so heavy from carrying not just every porcelain hussy, not just this ROH Women’s Division, but the entire damn show! Tell ’em! Athena IS the standard, the workhorse! She is her! Put some respect on the Fallen Goddess, the Alpha, the Gatekeeper!

But most of all, the FOREVER ROH Women’s World Champion! Lexi echoes that and Athena blows a kiss bye. Surely The Mad King didn’t mean to offend Athena, but will the top champions of ROH hold this brand up? Speaking of…


ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Eddie Kingston VS Lee Johnson!

While The Mad King has the AEW Continental Classic tournament to think about, he is NOT going to shirk his responsibilities to this brand! Will Eddie lead by example and get a win between rounds? Or will Big Shotty earn himself a shot?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. The fans rally for Eddie as he and Lee tie up, and Eddie headlocks for a takeover. Lee headscissors, Eddie kips free, and fans continue to rally. Lee and Eddie feel things out, tie up, and Eddie waistlocks. Lee switches, Eddie switches, but Lee switches again. They keep going, Lee snapmares, then headlocks. Eddie slips out to wrench and wristlock, but Lee rolls, kips and trips to cover, ONE!! Lee goes to a corner and the fans rally up again. Eddie shakes out his hand and nods as he resets with Lee. They tie up, Lee headlocks, but Eddie powers out.

Lee dodges the clothesline, Eddie runs, but Lee DROPKICKS him down! Cover, ONE!! Lee hurries to facelock Eddie, Eddie has the ROPEBREAK! Lee lets off and fans rally up for Eddie again. Eddie and Lee reset, feel things out, and the two tie up. They break, Lee dodges a chop but runs into a BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Eddie stomps Lee, stomps him again, then stands Lee up to CHOP! Lee falls, Eddie covers, TWO! Eddie keeps cool and he brings Lee up. Lee CHOPS! And CHOPS! Eddie HEADBUTTS Lee back down! Fans cheer while Eddie shakes out the stars. Eddie shakes his hand out, stalks Lee, and YANKS Lee up!

Lee lands on his feet, slides under, and SATELLITE DDTS! Fans rally up while both men are down, and a standing count starts. Eddie and Lee stir, fans rally behind Eddie but Lee slaps some sense into himself. Lee runs up but Eddie ELBOWS him! Eddie runs, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Lee is a little frustrated but he drags Eddie up. Eddie fights the back suplex with elbows! Eddie then SAIDOS! Lee flounders, Eddie fires up and he drags Lee up again. EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Lee is still in this and fans rally up. Eddie powers up the hand and fans fire up. Lee stands, ducks the uraken and ELBOWS Eddie!

Lee QUEBRADAS for the NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Lee climbs, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Eddie survives and Lee is stunned! Fans rally, Lee fires himself back up, and Lee stands Eddie up. Eddie CHOPS! Lee SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS! Lee reels Eddie in, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Eddie survives again and fans fire up! Lee is beside himself, wondering what he must do. But the clock is on his side as we’re approaching the limit. Lee stands Eddie up, but Eddie fights the suplex to wrench, waistlock and HALF ‘N’ HALF! Straps come down, URAKEN!! Cover, Eddie wins!

Winner: Eddie Kingston, by pinfall (denies Lee Johnson a title opportunity)

Big Shotty tried but could not take Eddie down! However, Eddie still shows Lee respect with the Code of Honor handshake. What will it take for Lee to make it into that next level of competition? Was this just what Eddie needed to be ready for Bryan Danielson this Saturday on Collision?


Backstage interview with Rachael Ellering.

Lexi is with the Queen of Strong Smile and says last time we saw her, she teamed with Leyla Hirsch against the Renegade Sisters. Robyn & Charlette really went after Leyla’s leg, does Rachael have any injury updates? Yes, Leyla is doing better these last few days, but…. In walks Maria Kanellis. Maybe she can give us an update. Yes, Leyla is doing just fine, in great spirits, and Maria has been in touch with Leyla, not sure if Rachael has, though. Rachael asks Maria a question: Any idea what Maria’s conversation with the Renegades was about? The Renegades? Maria pretends not to remember.

Leyla walks in, she thanks Maria for checking on her and walking to the back with her. And yeah, that thing with the Renegades. What was that about? Maria says she was just introducing herself to them. Oh, is that so? Well, Leyla has a match, so Leyla wants to make sure she’ll be there for her. Both Maria and Rachael say yes. Leyla sighs and heads out, and Maria follows. Rachael gives a sarcastic smile, but will Leyla have to decide between business and friendship?


Leyla Hirsch w/ Rachael Ellering & Marina Kanellis-Bennett VS Heather Reckless!

Just as they said, the Queen of Strong Smile and the First Lady of Wrestling are accompanying LEGIT Leyla out to ringside. They both want to show their support, will it help Leyla get back on track? Or will having these distractions prove to be reckless?

The Code of Honor is skipped, and the bell rings. Leyla mocks Heather’s height, even though she’s maybe an inch taller. Fans rally up while Heather and Leyla stare down. They tie up, Leyla headlocks, but Heather powers out. Leyla runs Heather over, flexes, then things speed up. Leyla drops, waistlocks and rolls, but Heather arm-drags free! Heather kicks but right into Leyla’s clinch and BACKBREAKER! Then a GUT WRENCH SUPLEX throws Heather away! Fans rally up, Maria applauds, and Leyla kicks Heather around. Leyla CHOKES Heather on the ropes, the ref counts but Leyla lets off. Leyla CLUBS away on Heather in the corner!

The ref counts, Leyla lets off, and she snap suplexes Heather away. Fans cheer, Leyla brings Heather up, and Leyla suplexes again. Leyla holds Heather up this time, to then SLAM her down! Fans fire up, Leyla drags Heather around, then runs, but into an UPPERCUT! Heather then jumps up, but Leyla blocks the cutter to make it a SLAM! LEGIT ARMBAR!! Heather taps, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Maria and Rachael both applaud as Leyla gets a fast win. But Rachael side eyes Maria. Leyla avoids them both, no handshakes needed. Will Leyla make herself the leader of this rather than Rachael’s friend and Maria’s follower?


Billie Starkz VS Marina Shafir!

As The Fallen Goddess said, when she and her Minion In Training teamed up against the MMA Horsewomen, they couldn’t pull off the win. But with Billie going it alone, will she be able to solve The Problem?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but Marina doesn’t let go. Billie says it was nothing personal, but then she SLAPS Marina! Billie gets away, the ref keeps Marina back, and Billie says she has 20. Billie takes her time pacing around and thinking on a plan. Billie slides in at 7 but Marina storms up on her. Billie bails out and says that’s not fair! She needs to warm up. Billie does jumping jacks, the new ring count is 5 of 20 but Billie gets her ten in. Fans rally up as Billie storms up the steps, then climbs the corner to get in. Marina runs in, Billie dodges and rolls her up, ONE! Billie headlocks, Marina powers out, but Billie holds ropes.

Marina fakes Billie out on the run up, so Billie kicks at nothing. Marina then kicks low, and she rams hips into Billie! Then a SAYANAGI! Marina has a leg, Billie kicks her but Marina cartwheels through, to come back and kick Billie down. Marina drags Billie up, puts her on ropes and KICKS her in the back! Marina then goes to the apron, but Billie avoids the knee to shove Marina down! Billie DIVES, but Marina catches her! And THROWS her into railing! Marina runs up but Billie avoids the boot! Marina gets stuck on railing and Billie claws the eyes! Fans rally, the ref reprimands, but Billie brings Marina around to RAM into more railing!

Fans fire up while Billie snarls and stalks Marina. Marina staggers up, but Billie reels her in to snap suplex to the floor! Billie then throws Marina by her hair! The ref reprimands, Billie tells her to shut up, and Billie puts Marina in. Billie climbs up, fans cheer, but Marina trips her up! Marina climbs up after Billie but Billie throws body shots. Billie shoves Marina away, adjusts, and BOOTS Marina! But then Marina blocks, so Billie REBOUND ENZIGURIS! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Billie grows frustrated, shouts at the ref, but the ref tells her to cool off. Billie storms up on Marina, wrenches an arm, and gives her scuffing kicks.

Billie eggs Marina on, but Marina throws body shots. Billie throws more kicks, but Marina catches the foot! Then she drags Billie around, facelocks, but Billie trips her! Billie has a leg, Marina gets free and CHOPS! Billie swings and DECKS Marina! Athena’s training is paying off! Billie throws more scuffing kicks, but Marina throws her down! BOOT! KICK! KICK! KICK! Billie drops to her knees, Marina runs to SLIDING BOOT! Cover, TWO! Billie is still in this and the fans rally up. Marina stalks Billie, drags her up and KICKS, but Billie blocks! Billie HEEL KICKS! Marina LARIATS! Both women are down and fans rally up again.

Billie crawls to ropes, then goes back for Marina. Fans rally up, Billie throws a forearm! Marina throws a forearm back! They stand, the forearms keep going, and fans fire up! Marina CHOPS and ROCKS and CHOPS Billie on repeat! Marina then sweeps the legs! Marina slaps herself to fire up, and she KICKS Billie! And KICKS her again! Billie writhes, Millie grabs a leg, and Marina steps through and laces Billie up, MALDOVA LOCK! Billie endures, Marina tips it to a cover, ONE!! Billie is still caught, Marina tips things over again, ONE!! Billie shifts but Marina has the leg! Billie kicks and kicks and sends Marina out!

Billie builds speed, and DIVES! A rough hit but Marina goes down all the same! Billie hobbles, she puts Marina in and then climbs up the corner. Fans fire up as Billie aims, SWANTON ONTO KNEES! Billie tries to kick but Marina gets under her to STRETCH MUFFLER, and POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! The Muffler Bomb fails to finish Billie off and Marina is shocked! Marina cradles Billie to deadlift her, but Billie fights the rest of it! Marina tries again, Billie slips around and Gory Especial! GORY BOMB! Billie hurries back up and the fans are all fired up! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Marina survives, Charismatic Enigma Billie is not!

Billie is furious as she drags Marina up, and she reels Marina in. Tuck the arms, but Marina fights the lift! So Billie HEEL KICKS! And then the hooks, STAR TEN!!! Cover, BILLIE WINS!!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall

Athena is again proven right that Billie is a prodigy in singles matches! But then just like her mentor, Billie skips the Code of Honor to BOOT Marina! Billie fires off forearms on Marina and fans are torn! The ref reprimands, but Billie stomps away on Marina! Billie has a sinister smile a la Athena, and she kicks Marina out of the ring. The Fallen Goddess makes her way out with Lexi, who is now wearing graduation robes? They’re carrying items down to the ring, and Billie isn’t sure what this means. Lexi and Athena join Billie in the ring and Athena has a mic. Billie gets to put on a graduation robe of her own!

Fans cheer, “You Deserve It!” and Athena says, “Hello, future minions~! I know this is a bit of a surprise, but it is now time for our 2023 MIT graduation ceremony!” MIT is a very prestigious academy that Athena took a lot of time developing. It is for Minion empowerment! For the must-see violence! But most of all, it’s for Athena. So without further ado, here is our 2023 MIT valedictorian. This person, when Athena first met them, was very rough around the edges, and to be honest, sucked. But through Athena’s guidance, they worked so hard, and may have even changed Athena’s life for the better.

Fans cheer as the three smile, and Athena says hopefully, she has changed their life for the better. The fans cheer, “Mustard Ketchup!” because of the colors of the robes. Without further ado, the valedictorian is… LEXI NAIR! Lexi bumps Billie aside and fans boo. They thought this was for Billie! Athena says Lexi will be receiving an “Athena’s Minion” shirt, and she will be known as Minion Number Bestie! How does that make sense? Fans chant “We Want Mustard!” but Athena says they’re ruining Lexi’s moment. This is KETCHUP SEASON! Lexi, please say a few words for these Chicago… a-holes.

Fans boo more, Lexi gets the mic to thank her mom, and… The fans boo even louder but Athena calms Lexi down. Lexi thanks Athena for getting her here. She also wouldn’t have made it through without her Minion Buddy. Lexi and Athena hug, Billie tries not to cry but fans chant for “MUSTARD! MUSTARD!” Athena says this concludes the 2023 MIT graduation! Give our participants a round of applause. We wish Lexi well in her future endeavors. Time to go, Chicago is being rude. But Billie asks Athena what about her. What about Billie? This isn’t about Billie, this is about Lexi. This not Billie’s time, it is Lexi’s time.

Billie says she’s ready, though! Athena says no and turns to leave, but Billie turns her back around! Fans fire up for “MUSTARD! MUSTARD!” Athena tells Billie to stand down. They are going to the back to celebrate Lexi. Go! Billie frowns, gets out of the ring, takes off her hat and robe, and follows Athena and Lexi. But then she THROWS Athena into railing!! Chicago goes wild and Lexi is in disbelief! But Billie RAMS Athena into the railing, grabs the belt, and says she has given Athena EVERYTHING! Now Billie takes the one thing Athena really cares about, in the ROH Women’s World Championship! And yet Athena laughs and smiles!?

Billie storms off, is this what Athena wanted all along from her Minion In Training? Is the monster going to destroy the creator at Final Battle?


ROH World TV Championship Survival of the Fittest Qualifier: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Evil Uno!

The Peacock didn’t get to fight Samoa Joe for the TV title again, but perhaps he can be the one to pick it back up after Joe let it go. Will Castle once again be the star of ROH Television? Or will The Dark Order’s number one take the first golden ticket to Final Battle?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Castle is all fired up. The fans are with him as he and Uno circle. They tie up, Castle powers Uno to the corner and pulls on an arm! Uno holds ropes, the ref pulls Castle away, but then Castle jukes and runs in! Uno dodges, Castle hits buckles, but then Castle dodges Uno. Uno dodges Castle, Castle dodges Uno, repeat! And again, and again, and again! Fans fire up as they keep dodging each other, but then Uno pulls Castle’s hair! The ref reprimands, fans boo, but Uno CHOPS! Castle falls and gets out of the ring for The Boys to fan him off. Castle then composes himself and gets fans to fan him off.

Uno gets annoyed but Castle gets 360 degree fanning. Castle then starts to fire up again and uses the 20 count to his advantage. Castle steps up to a fan, takes the man’s head in his hands, and stares into the man’s eyes. The man stare back and that gives Castle the energy to get back in the ring. Uno shows off his hip swivel and dares Castle to hit him. Castle puts some stank on it, and he gets a leg takedown! Uno kicks Castle away quickly, but Castle comes back. Uno dodges, kicks low and throws Castle out. But The Boys get Castle back in! And Castle LARIATS Uno down! Fans fire up and Castle runs to SLIDING KNEE!

Fans rally as Uno runs to SPLASH! Castle hits another SPLASH, and fans rally up more. Castle builds up the energy, but Uno rolls out of the ring. Fans boo but Castle hurries outside. Uno RAMS Castle into the apron! And then into steel steps! Uno chases off The Boys but the fans fan Castle off. Uno throws the hand fans away! Uno puts Castle in the ring, soaks up the heat from Chicago, then he glares at The Boys. Uno slides back in after Castle, and CHOPS him down! Fans boo but Uno takes a bow. But Castle waistlocks! Uno elbows Castle away, then hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Uno drags Castle up to his feet.

Castle gets away, kicks but Uno blocks. Uno wants to hand the foot off to Aubrey but Aubrey refuses! Uno gets upset, but Castle CHOPS! Castle CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, then whips corner to corner. Uno reverses, runs in, but Castle pops him up! Uno holds onto ropes to deny the Alabama Lift, then he lets go so he can snap suplex! Fans rally up, Uno aims as Castle rises, and Uno runs in to clothesline! And then short arm LARIAT! Uno fires up but fans boo. Castle flops out of the ring, the Boys fan him off and the fans rally up. Uno storms out after Castle, tells the Boys to get back, and he puts Castle in.

Uno storms up onto the apron, but then he SHOVES Brent into Brandon! Fans boo but Uno just cheers himself on. Uno slides in and soaks up the heat. Castle clinches Uno for an EXPLODER! Uno staggers up, into another EXPLODER! And then a waistlock, but Uno elbows free. Castle waistlocks again, Uno still throws elbows! Uno runs in, but Castle blocks the kick to hit a SAIDO! Fans fire up with Castle and he runs corner to corner, to clothesline and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Fans boo but Castle waistlocks Uno again. Castle then spins Uno, scoops, but Uno slips free. Uno CLUBS Castle on the back!

Uno SLAPS Castle, fans boo, but Castle blocks lariat to BACK ELBOW! Uno wobbles, Castle shoves and Alabama Lifts! Castle spins and spins and spins, for BANGARANG!! Cover, Castle wins!

Winner: Dalton Castle, by pinfall (advances to ROH Final Battle)

The Peacock just booked himself a flight to Garland, Texas! Castle says he’s having a hard time focusing, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less dangerous! Who else will join Castle in the Final Battle to crown a new World Television Champion?


Backstage interview with Tony Khan.

Lexi is with the owner and CEO of AEW and ROH, and says we are just weeks away from Final Battle. That’s right, December 15th, Friday night, right here on Honor Club, exclusively on! Coming up in Garland, Texas, it’s gonna be a great show, and Final Battle has such a great tradition. There’s a lot of great things planned, and speaking of exciting, congratulations on graduating MIT, Lexi. Oh, thank you. She never thought it’d even happen. But then Billie walks in. She bumps Lexi aside, and says hi to Tony Khan. So uh, she didn’t graduate, but she had a 4.6 GPA. She has won over and over and over again but it is never good enough for Athena.

So she wants her shot. Billie is ready, has been ready. Give her her shout. Tony nods, and says while he doesn’t control who graduates from MIT, he does know she’s won nine straight, is one of the hottest wrestlers going right now, and absolutely deserves a title match. She gets one at FINAL BATTLE! For the ROH Women’s World Championship, Billie will challenge her mentor, Athena, in Garland, Texas! Billie thanks Tony and heads out. Tony again congratulates Lexi, and she says this is the best day of her life… But will December 15th be the best day in Billie’s life when she dethrones the Forever Champion?


ROH World TV Championship Survival of the Fittest Qualifier: Gringo Loco VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes!

Chicago’s very own Crazy White Boy is about to take on the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion, only one of them heading to the Final Battle! Will things get loco tonight? Or will the Commander of Lucha look to go for another belt already?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but Gringo whips Komander to a corner! Komander goes up, backflips and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Komander then SOBATS Gringo, Gringo goes to a corner, but Komander CLUBS him. Komander whips corner to corner, Gringo goes up and over, handsprings away and fans fire up. Komander runs in, Gringo dodges but then Komander hops on! Gringo stops the Code Red but Komander uses that to reverse course and arm-drag! Things speed up, Komander tilt-o-whirls to RANA, but Gringo handsprings through! Gringo ducks a roundhouse, ducks a heel kick, but Komander avoids that haymaker!

Fans fire up for the standoff and both Gringo and Komander are feeling it. Komander kicks, Gringo blocks but then Komander avoids the lariat. Komander hurdles and MONEKY FLIPS Gringo, and Gringo bails out! Komander builds speed and handsprings at the ropes, but Gringo trips Komander! Gringo drags Komander onto the apron, spins him around, and YANKS him to the floor! Komander sits up, Gringo KICKS him back down! Fans rally up and Gringo drags Komander up, to CHOP! Komander hobbles away, Gringo POSTS him, and Komander hobbles away again. Gringo pursues, and he gets the fans fired up.

Gringo puts Komander in, covers, TWO! Fans rally for “Lucha Libre!” as Gringo looms over Komander. Gringo brings Komander up but Komander fires body shots. Komander ROCKS Gringo, runs, but Gringo scoops him, pops him around, SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this and Chicago rallies up. Gringo drags Komander back up, puts him against ropes, and CHOPS! Fans “WOO~!” and then Gringo wrenches to whip. Gringo trophy lifts, Komander slips free to shove, but Gringo ELBOWS Komander from the corner. And BOOTS! Gringo goes up, but Komander springboards to ARM-DRAG! ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Abrahantes coaches Komander. Komander refocuses, stands Gringo up, and fans duel as Komander CLUBS Gringo. Gringo CHOPS in return! Gringo whips, FLAPJACKS and then stares Komander down. Gringo runs, Komander follows, but then Komander stomps himself to avoid Gringo’s dropkick! Komander grabs the legs, and he CATAPULTS Gringo up and out! Gringo hits off the apron, gets to his feet, but Komander builds speed and goes up the corner, SUPER FLYING RANA! Fans fire up as Komander says the champ is here! Komander drags Gringo up and puts him in the ring.

Fans fire up as Komander aims, springboards, and 450 SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Gringo survives and the fans fire up. Komander grits his teeth, drags Gringo up, and Komander fires forearm after forearm. Komander runs, Gringo scoops, but Komander RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Gringo gets out of that but Abrahantes says Komander is getting closer. Komander hauls Gringo up, whips him to a corner, but Gringo pops Komander to the apron. Gringo ROCKS Komander, then goes out to the other side of the corner. Gringo goes up, he drags Komander up to join him, but Komander throws body shots! And he SUPERKICKS the legs out!

Gringo falls back to the apron, Komander goes up the corner, and Komander tightrope walks and hops on! But Gringo turns that around to an APRON POWERBOMB!! Chicago loses its mind over that one! Komander writhes into the ring, Gringo hobbles up and climbs again! Fans rally, Gringo aims, and then jumps up, SUPER GRINGO CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Komander survives and fans are thunderous! Gringo grits his teeth, the fans are dueling between the two, and Gringo drags Komander to a drop zone. Gringo climbs up again, but Komander ENZIGURIS! Gringo is stuck up top, Komander climbs up after him!

Komander CHOPS Gringo, throws HEADBUTTS, then Komander goes to the very top. He brings Gringo up to join him, throws some body shots, and then SPRINGBOARD SUPER STEINERS!!! Cover, TWO!!! Gringo survives and shocks Komander now! The fans are thunderous again as Komander hurries to put Gringo in the drop zone. Komander climbs as fans hope they “LUCHA LIBRE! FIGHT FOREVER!” Komander is up top but Gringo trips him! Gringo then says he’s gonna kill this fool, and he goes up the corner. But Komander throws elbows! Gringo CHOPS, Komander elbows, repeat! They stand up again, and Gringo lines it up…

SUPER INVERTED SPANISH FLY!!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Gringo crawls to a cover, TWO!?!? Komander survives and no one can believe it! “This is Awesome!” and Gringo resets up top. Gringo salutes to mock Komander, then BEST MOONSAULT FLOPS as Komander moves! Gringo ducks a roundhouse but not the HEEL KICK! Torture rack, FLIPPING GUT BUSTER!! And the fans fire up as Komander climbs one more time! CIELITO LINDO!!! Cover, KOMANDER WINS!!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall (advances to ROH Final Battle)

The hometown hero put on one hell of a show, but it is the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion who moves on to the ROH World Television Championship match! Gringo shows Komander respect with the Code of Honor, will these two get to go another round after Final Battle?


Backstage interview with Tony Nese, Mark Sterling, and Jerry Lynn.

Lexi is with The Premier Athlete, his lawyer, and a member of the ROH Board of Directors. From her understanding, Sterling has some things to say. Yes, he wanted cameras to be here as proof. If Tony Nese is going to have another match with Ethan Page, then Sterling wants to be allowed ringside. Last time, Jerry’s refs were throwing Sterling out even though Sterling has a manager’s license. He deserves to be ringside, he needs to be ringside, for his clients. But then Ethan Page walks in, clapping sarcastically and saying here it is! Sterling is upset, Ethan does this every time now! But Ethan says Sterling’s the one who does this all the time!

Ethan says Sterling likes to be one step ahead so his client can snake his way to another win. Ethan already heard Sterling, Sterling wants to make sure he knows every letter of the match contract. Ethan doesn’t care what’s in it, he doesn’t care what the rules are, he just wants the rematch! Jerry has them all stop now. He promises Ethan and Nese get the rubber match. And Sterling does make a good point, he does have a manager’s license so he will get to be ringside. Happy? Yes! Okay. But because of all the crap Sterling’s pulled in the past, he’s gonna be handcuffed to a corner post! Sterling is furious hearing that but Ethan grins.

Jerry says like it or not, that’s happening. Nese gets in Ethan’s face, they start shoving, Jerry and refs get in there to break this up. Jerry tells them next week, they sign the contract! All Ego gets his shot at the Premier Athlete, but will he have his revenge?


Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Action Andretti!

So The Machine couldn’t help Don Callis’ family win the Like a Dragon Street Fight, big whoop. The Mogul Embassy still have the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships and Swerve Strickland is going strong in the AEW Continental Classic. Will Cage prove nobody’s betta? Or will this main event be a Sight to See?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, and Cage stays put as Action tries to push him. Cage puts Action in a corner, lets off and asks, “Who betta than Cage?” Action runs up, gets around then headlocks. Cage powers out, runs Action over, but Action kips up! So Cage knees him low! And short arm LARIATS! Nana likes that, and says it is time to wake up and smell the coffee. Cage ROCKS Action, whips him to ropes, but Action slides under to DROPKICK! And DROPKICK! Cage stays up, Action runs and tilt-o-whirls, but Cage blocks it! To then suplex! Action slips free but Cage elbows him!

Cage whips, Action RANAS and covers, TWO! Cage and Action stand, Action BOOTS Cage! Fans rally, Action builds speed, but Nana trips him up! Fans boo, but Cage runs in. Action dodges to put Cage on the apron, and then he HOTSHOTS! Action handspring kicks and sends Cage down! Fans rally up, Action builds speed and DIVES, but Cage catches him! Trophy lift, and then Cage POSTS Action! Nana says Action’s a stupid idiot and Cage literally flexes on him. Cage stands on Action, says check this action, and then he drags Action up. Cage whips Action into railing, then CHOPS him! Action hobbles away, but Cage SMACKS him off the apron.

Nana taunts Action for thinking this was gonna be easy. Cage puts Action in, storms up on him, but Action throws body shots and forearms! Action CHOPS and CHOPS and runs, into a BOOT! Fans rally up, Nana says that’s Foot Stew, eat up. Cover, TWO! Action is still in this but Cage clamps on with a chinlock. Cage thrashes Action around, but Action fights up. Action throws body shots but Cage knees low and HEADBUTTS Action down. Cage swaggers and flexes, and Nana does his dance! The fans fire up for that! Cage then whips Action to a corner, runs corner to corner, and UPPERCUTS! And GAMANGIRIS!

Cage then reels Action in to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Action is still in this and Cage grows frustrated. Cage drags Action up, Action throws body shots and a CHOP! Cage CHOPS! Cage ROCKS Action, whips him to ropes, but Action ducks ‘n’ dodges and handsprings, into a waistock! Action throws elbow after elbow, but Cage back suplexes! Action lands on his feet, BOOTS him away, then slips out to the apron. Cage hits buckles, Action GAMANGIRIS! Action springboards to FLYING LARIAT! Fans fire up, Action runs in and rolls, but Cage catches him! Action RANAS Cage out, to then ARABIAN PRESS!

Fans fire up again as Action puts Cage back in. Action hurries to springboard and FLYING CHUCK! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Action grits his teeth. Action storms up, and tries to torture rack?! Cage is too big for that, and he waistlocks Action, GERMAN SUPLEX! Action lands on his feet! And he KNEES Cage, to torture rack! But he falls over, Cage landing on him! Cage then hoists Action up, inverted suplex to a SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Action survives and Cage frowns. Cage starts Terminator Drums as Action goes to a corner. Cage climbs up, drags Action up, and deadlift SUPERPLEXES! Cover, TWO!! Action survives again!

Cage looms over Action, drags him up and reels him in, then puts one out. POWER- NO, Action slips free! Cage blocks a kick to KNEE and pump handle, but Action flips through the Bitter End! Cage ducks the Penalty Kick to roll Action up, but Action rolls through and ducks the discus! Tilt-o-whirl, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Cage survives and Action seethes. Fans rally up, Action goes to a corner and goes up, SPLIT-LEG- NO, Action lands out as Cage moves! Cage then blocks a kick, Gory Especial, but Action arm-drags free! BOOT! SUPERKICK! ROLLING ELBOW! Action torture racks again! NECKBREAKER!

Action hurries to the apron and springboards, 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Cage survives again and Action is seething! Fans fire up, Action goes back to a corner, but Nana gets on the apron. The ref reprimands, Action swings on Nana, but Nana throws his jacket at Action! The ref reprimands Nana, Action chases Nana around! They get in the ring, Cage POP-UP POWERBOMBS! Deadlift and Gory Especial! Clinch, WEAPON X!!! Cover, Cage wins!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall

Nana pays dividends as the insurance policy, Mogul Embassy is in the money! But will Cage find himself fighting for even more gold than what he has?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode of ROH, though they really shoved this one full to get it to two hours and 13 minutes. I skipped the filler, though ironically I could’ve skipped the main event. Cage VS Action was good stuff, but a little sad Nana had to help Cage cheat that win. I would’ve instead made one of the ROH World Television Championship qualifiers the main event, because that’s your story stuff and that’s what should be getting the attention as the main event. Castle VS Uno was really good, and Gringo VS Komander was awesome stuff, those should’ve been the end of the broadcast for a big finish, not the middle so that the last half hour feels empty.

I will say, great to see Cutler & Cabana back in action, not just as a tag team but like, at all. Fun combo from them against GPA & Outlaw for a good first win back. Good stuff from the other filler matches, too, like Nyla having something to do while AEW essentially moves on from her in both title scenes. A bit surprised Emi Sakura won here, thought The Infantry was gonna get all the wins. And great showing for SAP against LFI but of course LFI wins, they’re on the comeback after the series of vignettes said they were finally gonna get stuff done.

Really good promo from Ethan and the Sterling stable to set up the rematch. If next week is the contract signing, is Ethan VS Nese with Sterling handcuffed gonna be for Final Battle? If so, that is a big upgrade for this feud, great stuff for Ethan and Nese, those guys might actually get to give it their all now. Good promo from Rachael, Maria and Leyla to feed that story, with Leyla of course getting that win on Heather Reckless. Depending on how this goes, I wouldn’t be surprised if Maria swerves Leyla by wanting the Renegades as her recruits to The Kingdom’s Army for the women’s division, claiming it doubles the chances of taking the women’s title.

And speaking of that women’s title, Billie VS Marina was great stuff, and Billie gets a great win. What I’m happiest about is that this has gotten us to Athena VS Billie after all. Billie has had enough of being underappreciated, and the fans loved seeing her standing up to Athena. The title match at Final Battle could still go either way, as Athena has been great as champion this entire time, but Billie could get the fans to really go nuts at the PPV. Also I was surprised Athena had a promo calling out Eddie Kingston. Eddie calling out the other champions of ROH, clearly he was talking about the ROH World Tag Team and ROH World TV Champions, or at least former TV champ in Samoa Joe. But Eddie probably could give a great response to that, would love to see that.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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