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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/13/23)

Gold and grudges galore!



Who brings the Undisputed Tag Team Championships to Survivor Series?

Before going 4v4 in WARGAMES, Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso get their rematch with Finn Balor & Damian Priest for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships!


  • Seth Rollins & Sami Zayn VS Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh; Rollins & Sami win, by disqualification.
  • Otis w/ The Alpha Academy VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Nakamura wins.
  • Tegan Nox w/ Natalya VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green; Nox wins.
  • Tommaso Ciampa w/ Johnny Gargano VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Giovanni Vinci; Ludwig wins.
  • Xia Li VS Indi Hartwell w/ Candice LeRae; Xia wins.
  • The Miz VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan; The Miz wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day VS Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso; Finn & Priest win and retain the titles.


Cody Rhodes is here!

Washington DC fires up for the American Nightmare as he goes to the ring, dressed in a suit but still with the pyro,
“WHOA~ OH~!” Cody then gets the mic to say, “So, Washington, DC… What do you guys wanna talk about?” Cody has an idea. He has a lot of wonderful memories in this arena, and he wants to give us a memory tonight. He will do so when he and his tag partner, Jey Uso, saying it here and now, they are going to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships tonight! Fans cheer that, and chant for Cody, before he continues. That’s the immediate future, but there is “The Match Beyond,” WarGames.

So without further ado, Cody introduces his team! Jey makes his way out now and the fans fire up again! Then Sami Zayn makes his entrance, and of course, Seth Rollins makes his entrance! Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out. Rollins joins the team in the ring, though he doesn’t seem to pay Cody any mind. Fans continue to sing and Rollins smiles. Rollins has a mic to say, “You’re too kind, DC.” Cody says they are all here in the ring for one reason: The Judgment Day.

Whether Cody has gotten along with them their whole careers (Sami), just recently become friends (Jey), or… Rollins takes the sunglasses off to stare Cody down. Before Cody can continue, The Judgment Day makes their entrance! Finn Balor tells the boys, “Take a look at these four clowns! They can’t even look each other in the eye. How on earth do ya think you’re gonna beat The Judgment Day at WarGames.” Damian Priest says to get real. Cody’s team are a bunch of randos thrown together. This is a family they’re up against! They don’t realize what they’re getting themselves into. Priest promises, when the cage closes, Judgment Day will finally be done with each and every one of ’em!

Finn chuckles and asks “Seth Freakin’ Rollins, how does it feel to be World Heavyweight Champion? But standing next to Cody Rhodes, the one man that you could never beat?” Speaking of, Priest asks Cody that he could beat these guys in any match he wants, but the one thing he can’t do is be champion! And Finn tells Sami that he may call himself a World Heavyweight Championship level superstar, but after that performance last week, everyone knows that Sami’s nothing but a loser! And Priest says not to forget Main Event Jey Uso. The fans chant “YEET! YEET!” but Priest asks the group a question.

“Can you really trust this guy knowing that he screwed each and every one of you in the name of his Bloodline?” Fans boo but Dom says, “The truth is-” The boos drown him out! JD McDonagh keeps Dom calm, but the booing doesn’t let up. Then the chants of “YOU SUCK!” join in. Sami says the truth is, no one wants to hear Dom talk! Fans cheer that! Sami says they see what’s going on here. Judgment Day is stirring up trouble. They can put the issues aside because this match is about power. All Judgment Day is about is power. And yeah, they managed to get a lot of power when they can cheat and play the numbers game

But at Survivor Series, it is WARGAMES!! And the Judgment Day doesn’t know what they’re in for! Two rings, one cage, and the most BRUTAL match of your lives!! And you find out the hard way that the power here on Raw lies with the four guys you’re looking at right now! Cody says speaking of, he is shocked Judgment Day figured out how to get down here without Mami Rhea. She is their leader, right? No, she’ snot the leader! Oh, so you’re gonna say the Judgment Day has no leader? Well when Rhea isn’t here, the orders must go to Dom. Is Dom the leader? NO! Oh, okay, so then if it’s not Dom, Finn or Priest, then is it McDonagh?

Priest shouts that HE’S the leader! Jey says Cody has Priest all hot. YEET. Priest says at WarGames- Rollins tells him to shut up and tells everyone to shut up! He’s sick of all the talking! Rollins is dressed in the fight! Four have fights, four don’t. Rollins and Sami are dressed for a fight, so maybe they can slap the taste out of McDonagh & Dom! Let’s go! Priest says they ACCEPT! Dom & McDonagh are shocked but Rollins says just get Pearce to make this official! Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” while the Judgment Day backs away, but is the Punisher overstepping? Or is he about to cost Judgment Day momentum going into Survivor Series?


Seth Rollins & Sami Zayn VS Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh!

Raw returns and the match is made! Rollins and McDonagh tie up, McDonagh wrenches but Rollins headlocks. McDonagh powers out but Rollins runs him over. Things speed up, McDonagh hurdles but Rollins turns hip toss into hip toss! Rollins storms up in the corner, whips McDonagh to ropes, then back drops him! Fans fire up and Rollins kicks McDonagh low. But Dom gets McDonagh outta there before a Pedigree can hit. Fans boo but Rollins goes out to get at Dom! McDonagh CLUBS Rollins in the back! And then RAMS him into the apron! McDonagh puts Rollins in the ring, CLUBS him again, and Rollins ends up in a corner.

McDonagh corners Rollins, tags Dom, and fans boo as hard as they can. Dom is annoyed but he stomps away on Rollins. The ref counts, Dom lets off to taunt Sami, then he goes back to Rollins. Dom whips, Rollins reverses and CLOBBERS Dom! Rollins wrenches, tags Sami, and Sami goes up to AX HANDLE Dom down! Sami bumps Dom off buckles, rains down fists in the corner, and fans count all the way to TEN! Sami then bumps Dom off buckles, goes up and AX HANDLES again! Sami brings Dom over, tag to Rollins, and they mug Dom more. Rollins facelocks but Dom powers Rollins to the corner, tag to McDonagh!

McDonagh stomps away on Rollins, the ref counts, but McDonagh lets off to argue with the ref. Fans boo but McDonagh drops a knee on Rollins. Tag to Dom, Dom ROCKS Rollins, reels him in, and snap suplexes! Uno Amigo! Fans boo but Dom hits Dos Amigos! Dom drags Rollins up again, gives some Latino Heat, but Rollins suplexes for a FALCON ARROW! Hot tag to Sami! Sami runs, dodges Dom, and BLASTS McDonagh! Sami fires off on Dom, whips him to ropes but Dom reverses. Sami goes up and over to LARIAT! Fans fire up, but Dom resists the lift. McDonagh helps get Dom out and fans boo again.

Sami and Rollins protest but Dom & McDonagh decide they’re done. They’re leaving, but Sami & Rollins pursue! They attack at the ramp! Fans fire up, Sami RAMS Dom into barriers! Rollins gives McDonagh SNAKE EYES off barriers! Sami CORNER EXPLODERS! Dom flounders up and fans are thunderous for the HELLUVA- NO, Dom ducks and runs away. Sami is annoyed, but McDonagh runs in, Sami dodges, Rollins clotheslines McDonagh up and out. Sami & Rollins coordinate now, and they DOUBLE TOPE! Direct hit and DC is all fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and McDonagh whips Sami. Sami catches the dropkick to make it a CATAPULT into buckles! McDonagh wobbles, Sami crawls, both men go to their corners, hot tags to Dom and ROllisn! ROllisn BOOTS Dom, clinches and URENAGES! Then a SLINGBLADE! McDonagh runs up, inot am ule kick, front kick and DISCUS LARIAT! Rollins TOSSES McDonagh, then goes after Dom. Fireman’s carry and GUTBUSTER! Then a RUNNING KNEE! Fans fire up for Rollins as he brings Dom in. POWER- NO, Dom fights with fists and McDonagh reels Rollins into the corner. But Sami goes after McDonagh!

Dom has Rollins down while Sami POSTS McDonagh! Rollins kicks back, underhooks, but Dom drops under and gets around, drop toehold! Rollins is on ropes, Dom dials it up, into a SUPERKICK! And then the lift and BUCKLE BOM! Rollins has Dom down and the fans sing, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” But wait, Finn & Priest return from the crowd to attack! And Rhea is here, too!

Winners: Seth Rollins & Sami Zayn, by disqualification

The Judgment Day mugs Rollins, Sami goes out but gets added to that! So Jey & Cody return! They CLOBBER Dom & McDonagh and it is a fierce brawl, just like last week! As such, Adam Pearce and more refs rush out here, but this isn’t settling down! Security rushes out, Jey has Priest in the ring to SUPERKICK! And SPEAR MCDONAGH as he takes the shot for Priest! The producers get involved, and Pearce shouts “ENOUGH! ENOUGH! I told you I’m sick of the games! Another night, another ruined match! Well the championship match tonight is so, and THEY (the fans) deserve better!!” The fans cheer that!

So here’s what we’re gonna do so this doesn’t happen again. Everyone involved in WarGames is BANNED from ringside! And more than that, they need to be out of the building! They’re BANNED from the arena! Rhea shouts at Pearce but Pearce tells her that there’s nothing she can do about it! Will tonight’s main event truly be a fair fight now?


Raw returns as Rhea is shouting!

Mami says, “This is absolute crap, Pearce!” Monday Night Raw NEEDS the Judgment Day, you can’t just ban them! So she’s saying she doesn’t like it? Of course not! “Well frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!” Rhea doesn’t run Raw, Judgment Day doesn’t run Raw, PEARCE runs Raw! And Rhea may not like it, but she better not sure her pretty little face during tonight’s main event or else- Wait, here comes Zoey Stark! Rhea has no idea what this is about. Zoey says Rhea isn’t as dumb as she looks, but we all know why Zoey’s out here. Pearce says there’s been enough turmoil, but Rhea says shush, she’s had enough out of him. Rhea wants to hear what Zoey has to say!

Zoey gets in the ring with Rhea, and she says we all know that Zoey is inside Rhea’s head. Rhea’s spread too thin, worried about too many things. WarGames, the tag titles, and little Dom-Dom. And now she is worried about her title. Zoey made it through all the women on Raw to earn this match. And if Rhea thinks for one little second that she’s gonna overlook her- Rhea stops Zoey there. Rhea does not overlook anyone. She has been watching Zoey since NXT, and knew that it was just a matter of time before they were standing in this ring. Zoey accomplished a lot her rookie year. She sent Trish Stratus packing!

Zoey even beat The Man, Becky Lynch. And she’s cemented herself as one of the top women here in the WWE. It’s funny, though, because now Rhea thinks about it, Zoey reminds her of herself! Zoey is a future champion. But the only way she’ll win a championship in the WEW is if she’s on the other brand! Because Mami is Always on Top! Zoey chuckles but Rhea says no, she’s not overlooking Zoey or spreading herself thin. Rhea can handle the Judgment Day, the tag titles, WarGames, Dom, politics and this title because she’s RHEA BLOODY RIPLEY! So now that Zoey’s come in here and said her piece, time to get out of Rhea’s ring and let her continue handling business!

Rhea argues with Pearce again but Zoey says she’ll say this. She nearly took that title at crown Jewel, and she WILL become champion at Survivor Series. Rhea rushes Zoey, Zoey DUMPS her out! And then goes up and up, but hops down as Rhea runs away. Zoey says it only takes three seconds! Will the Hunter take down her prey and then take that Women’s World Championship?


Shinsuke Nakamura speaks.

“I’m frustrated. You are blessed with so much privilege. So, I am taking away your choice. The opportunity is mine now. These distractions have not taken my focus off you. Win or lose your next battle, you will only be less than. Not my problem. I will wait, for now. Because SI know it all ends by my hands.” The King of Strong Style has sent his ultimatum, but to who? And is he overlooking the tree trunk that stands in his way? We find out, after the break!


Seth Rollins & Sami Zayn regroup backstage.

Banned from the arena? Dom is one thing, but them, too? Cody finds them and asks Sami if he could have a minute with Rollins. Sami asks if they’re good, and Cody says they are. Sami heads out and Cody asks Rollins if they can talk. Rollins asks Cody what he’s doing. Doesn’t he have to prepare for the tag title match? Yeah, and winning those tag titles is step one to tearing down The Judgment Day. Rollins tells Cody to cut it out, that’s not what this is about. Just ask! Cody says okay, he just needs Rollins for one night. 364 other days in the year, they can hate each other. But for WarGames, Cody and the team needs Rollins. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

Rollins sighs, and says he doesn’t like Cody. He doesn’t know if he ever will. But he respects Cody. If Cody needs them to get along for one night, then at WarGames, Rollins promises Cody, they’re good. Now go win those damn titles. Rollins leaves, and Cody nods. Will this all work out for The American Nightmare and Visionary?


Otis w/ The Alpha Academy VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

Raw returns and Nakamura makes his entrance. The bell rings and fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Otis doesn’t budge so Nakamura lets off in frustration. They circle again, Nakamura calls for knuckle locks and Otis accepts. But then Nakamura kicks low, fires off body shots, but Otis doesn’t budge! Otis backs Nakamura down, HEADBUTTS him, then whips! Nakamura reverses to KICK and KICK, but Otis blocks! So Nakamura ENZIGURIS! Nakamura wrenches but Otis holds off the wristlock to scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up and Otis sees Nakamura is in the corner. Otis runs in, HIP ATTACK!

Otis gives Nakamura some GOOD VIBRATIONS! Fans fire up but Nakamura is annoyed. Otis runs back in to SPLASH! Fans fire up as Otis storms around, and then he CLUBS away on Nakamura! Nakamura falls, and the Alpha Academy fires up! CATERPILLAR- NO, Nakamura gets out of the ring! Otis goes out to CLOBBER Nakamura! Fans fire up with The Dozer, Tozawa does his shuffle, and Gable says “SHOOOSH~!” as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Nakamura kicks Otis around, then kicks him some more. Nakamura taunts Otis, runs up, but Otis blocks a kick! And he pops Nakamura up to POWERBOMB! Both men are down and the fans fire up! The Academy coaches Otis but Nakamura rises first. Otis runs in, breaks the clothesline and RAMS Nakamura! Then he ducks the roundhouse to run Nakamura over! The fans cheer, Otis hits the WRECKER ELBOW! And another! Otis whips Nakamura to a corner, then ELBOWS him in the corner! And then a LARIAT! Off comes the shirt and Otis will try this again! CATERPILLAR ELBOW! Cover, TWO!!

Nakamura survives and shocks Otis! The Academy coaches Otis again, he stands Nakamura up in a corner. Otis puts Nakamura up top, climbs up, but Nakamura manages to slip under and YANK Otis down! Otis hits buckles, ducks a roundhouse but not the WHEEL KICK! Nakamura fires up and he aims from the corner. “YAO~!” But Otis scoops to WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura survives but Otis drags him to a drop zone. Otis goes up, to VADER BOMB, into boots! Nakamura goes up, FLYING KNEE! Otis stays up, roars and runs, but into a kick! Nakamura kicks the legs out, to BLINDSIDE KINSHASA!!

Otis is still awake!? Nakamura runs up to KINSHASA from the front!! Cover, Nakamura wins!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

It took three times what it’d normally take to knock Otis down, but Otis still fell! Will Nakamura reveal who he’s after? He pie faces Gable and says, “Shoosh!” The Academy has to keep Gable back, will he look to take Nakamura on now? Will the King of Strong Style sweep the Academy?


Rollins heads for the exit.

But Drew McIntyre finds him first. McIntyre brings up how Rollins said if McIntyre lost, he’d have no one to blame but himself. And also, that it may be the best thing that ever happens to him. Maybe Rollins is right. But here’s something McIntyre has been wanting to give Rollins since Saturday: a handshake. Rollins is a bit surprised, but he accepts it. McIntyre says Rollins represents the title the way a world champion should. And McIntyre will just do what he always does: work his arse off, fight his way back up, and earn another opportunity. Rollins says McIntyre will, that’s for sure. Rollins then heads out. When and where will the Architect and Scottish Warrior face off again?


Tegan Nox w/ Natalya VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green!

The Welsh Firecracker is back, and she’s been meaning to give the Scottish Viper some payback! Will Nox knock Piper down a peg? Or will she and the Queen of Harts go 1-1 with the Women’s Tag Team Champions?

Raw returns and Nox makes her entrance, Natty by her side. Chelsea is talking a lot of smack even though she’s not in the match and lost to Natty last time. The bell rings and Nox runs up to SHOTGUN Piper! Piper stays up so Nox UPPERCUTS then GAMANGIRIS! Nox keeps moving, and she CANNONBALLS in the corner! Cover, ONE!! Nox hurries up to fire off on Piper, and she backs Piper down to a corner. Piper shoves Nox away, but Nox returns. Piper puts Nox on the apron, HEADBUTTS her, and then steadies herself. Piper drags Nox up, and suplexes hard! Nox writhes, Piper runs up, SENTON! Cover, TWO!!

Nox shows her toughness but Chelsea argues the count. Piper drags Nox around, SLAMS an arm on the mat, then SLAMS it again. Piper stands on the arm, digs her heel into it, then drops knees on the elbow! Piper clamps onto Nox for a COBRA CLUTCH! Nox endures, the fans rally, but Piper leans on the hold. Natty gets the fans fired up more and Nox fires body shots. Piper ripcords and short arm LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Piper is frustrated but Chelsea says she still has this. Piper stomps Nox, Chelsea talks some smack again, and Piper HEADBUTTS! Nox still throws body shots! Nox fires off, then runs, but Piper catches her!

Piper pops Nox around, SHOUDLER BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Nox is still in this and she kicks at Piper. Piper wobbles and falls back, and the fans rally with Natty again. Nox kicks Piper more, but Piper drags her up. Piper chicken wings the arms, GLAM- NO, Nox victory rolls it, TWO! Nox keeps moving to KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! That wasn’t the Shiniest Wizard so that didn’t finish this. Chelsea talks trash right on the apron, and Piper CLOBBERS Nox! So Natty storms up on Chelsea! Natty DECKS Chelsea, Piper BLASTS Natty! Piper turns around, runs at Nox, but Nox avoids the splash! SHINIEST WIZARD!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Piper survives and Nox can’t believe she didn’t see that! Nox drags Piper up, reels her in and says she’ll end this! But Piper back drops! Nox sunset flips, but Piper stays up! HIP DROP FLOPS as Nox moves! Ghost pin, NOX WINS!

Winner: Tegan Nox, by pinfall

And now the tag team champions have lost twice! Will Nox & Natty get their shot at those titles to then shut Chelsea up & shut Piper down?


Backstage interview with The Miz

Jackie Redmond is with the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship, and says that with the chance to become NINE-TIME IC Champion, what is driving him to dethrone Gunther? Miz says a bus. He’s worked so hard to earn himself a bus. But he knows she means the match, so he says it is about respect. He wants to restore respect to his legacy for holding that title, a legacy Gunther is trying to diminish with name calling. That Miz is a “sports entertainer, a clown, a joke, get to the choppah!” But Ivar says Miz IS a clown. The Viking Raider says Miz IS a joke, thinking he can make it past Ivar. Ivar promises, Miz won’t even make it to Survivor Series.

Miz says everyone is just pouring on Miz, but- Bronson Reed walks in to say hey, hey, hey. Um, hi, Bronson. You’re kinda interrupting something. Yes, because Bronson has to let them both know that they’re lucky to even be standing. The only one luckier is Gunther for escaping him last time. Escaping him? Ivar poitns out Bronson had his match, and he doesn’t have the title on his shoulders. Oh stand down, big man, before you get sent back a failure to your Norse gods. Valhalla, smarten your boy up. Ivar dares Bronson to do it for them. Oh he so could. Miz slips away as Ivar pie faces Bronson, and then Sarah Logan steps in.

The situation settles down, for now. Will Miz be able to survive the raid? Will the War Beard prove he should be facing Gunther? Or will they all have to worry about a Tsunami coming back around?


Tommaso Ciampa w/ Johnny Gargano VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Giovanni Vinci!

The Sicilian Psycho is definitely angry that the Impeccable German had to stick his nose in the match between DIY and Creed Brothers. Will Ciampa make Ludwig pay? Or will the Pride of Italy pull his weight and make sure that doesn’t happen?

Raw returns and Imperium makes their entrance. Both teams want at each other but the ref tells them all to back off! Vinci and Gargano stand down, the bell rings, and Ciampa rushes in! Ludwig bails out, Ciampa pursues, but they get back in the ring. Ludwig clinches but Ciampa fires hands and CHOPS! Ludwig kicks low, CLUBS Ciampa, then whips, only for Ciampa to reverse and throw Ludwig out! Ludwig holds onto ropes, Ciampa KNEES him down! Ciampa goes out to SMACK Ludwig off the commentary desk! Ciampa puts Ludwig in, goes after him in a corner and CHOPS! Ciampa then hoists Ludwig up top, but Ludwig pulls ears!

The ref reprimands, Ludwig smothers Ciampa but Ciampa pushes back. Ludwig blocks a kick to shout “NEIN!” and he DECKS Ciampa! Ludwig drags Ciampa up, bumps him off buckles, and then fires hands. Ludwig kicks away on Ciampa at the ropes, but the ref backs him down. Ludwig drags Ciampa up, whips, but Ciampa slides under to CHOP! And JAWBREAKER! Ciampa runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Ludwig hangs tough and clamps on with a chinlock. Ludwig fishhooks free and he CLUBS Ciampa down. Ludwig runs to PENALTY KICK! Ludwig says this is HIS ring, but the fans boo.

Ludwig stalks Ciampa to ropes, whips him but Ciampa KICKS back! Ciampa runs but Ludwig distracts the ref and Vinci hooks a leg! Ciampa is furious but Ludwig DISCUS LARIATS! Gargano points out what happened so the ref EJECTS Vinci! Ludwig is furious with Gargano but now he’s all alone as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Ludwig has a top wristlock. He leans on the hold but Ciampa fights up. The fans rally, Ciampa moves around, but Ludwig knees low. Ludwig whips, runs in at the corner but Ciampa BOOTS! Ciampa runs up but into a fireman’s carry. Ciampa slips off, shoves and hits a THESZ PRESS! And fast hands! Fans fire up, Ludwig gets loose but Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Ludwig! Ciampa catches Ludwig to a REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up behind Ciampa as he aims from a corner. He brings the kneepad down, runs in, but into a HAYMAKER! DISCUS LARIAT! Fireman’s carry, but Ciampa fights free!

Ludwig whips, fireman’s carries, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives and Ludwig can’t believe it! Ludwig seethes, he drags Ciampa up and clinches, but Ciampa slips around! Ludwig fights the saido with elbows, then forearms,. Ciampa hits back, the fans rally as they go back and forth, faster and faster! Ludwig has the edge, but Ciampa ducks the enziguri to STMOP! Ludwig flounders away, Ciampa runs up to ROCK him in the corner! Ciampa puts Ludwig up top to CHOP! Ciampa then climbs, fires more hands, then CHOPS! Ludwig CHOPS back! Ciampa fireman’s carries?! But Ludwig sunsets!

Ciampa holds the ropes to fight the bomb! Ciampa rains down fists, Ludwig YANKS Ciampa down! Short arm- NO, Ciampa ducks to ripcord HAYMAKER! Ludwig UPPERCUTs, goes up, and leaps, into a JUMP KNEE! Ciampa hauls Ludwig up, but Vinci returns to BOOT Gargano! Fans boo, Ciampa is distracted, Ludwig rolls Ciampa up, with tights! Ludwig wins!!

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser, by pinfall

Vinci helps Ludwig out after all, and Imperium stands tall. Will this take the pressure off? Or will DIY make sure to break them personally?


Judgment Day talks backstage.

Dom is upset that Zoey Stark confronted Rhea like that. Who does she thinks he is? Rhea says it’s fine, though. Rhea will handle Zoey. But since Dom & JD are now banned from both ringside and the arena, they need to focus on the tag titles tonight. So maybe… they should see what the fearless leader’s thoughts are. Yeah, didn’t Priest say they don’t make matches for each other? Priest says take it easy. he got hot, said what he said, but he didn’t mean it. Yeah, sure… But Rhea does admit, it does sound good for WarGames. If everyone’s okay, Priest is the man for the job. Finn and Dom are cool. So that’s the plan. Priest is in charge in WarGames.

And what about that other thing they need to take care of? Oh, Finn means JD? Priest asks if they’re really doing this. Rhea says yeah, because JD McDonagh took the shot for Priest. Priest could be in medical and then what becomes of the tag titles? Finn brings up how JD’s proven himself time and time again. Even Dom agrees, time to make him a full fledged member. Fine. Rhea says they’ll go give JD the good news. Priest says hold on. He’ll handle this. JD earned that much. Priest heads out, will the Irish Ace being officially Judgment Day help them take over at Survivor Series?


Xia Li VS Indi Hartwell w/ Candice LeRae!

First, she knocked out The Poison Pixie, Candice LeRae. Then she knocked out The Man, Becky Lynch! Will The Exterminator make it three for three by knocking out #IndiWrestling? Or will Indi be even more Impressive against such a formidable foe?

Raw returns and Indi makes her entrance, Candice by her side. The bell rings and Indi BOOTS Xia down! Cover, ONE! Xia goes to the apron, Indi has her in the ropes to UPPERCUT and BOOT! Xia falls to the floor, Indi goes out and fireman’s carries. But Xia slips free to SHOVE Indi into steel steps! Xia fires up, the ring count climbs, and Xia puts Indi back in the ring. Xia runs up in the corner, stomps away, but the ref counts. Xia JUMP STMOPS, then she lets off. Xia seethes, then stomps away on Indi again. The ref counts, Xia lets off at 4, and then she runs back in. JUMP KNEE, and ELBOW JAB! Xia then snap suplexes Indi, covers, ONE!

Indi hangs tough but Xia just gets angrier. Xia storms up on Indi again, whips her corner to corner hard, then runs in to KNEE Indi again! Another whip, but Indi dodges and the knee hits buckles! Xia staggers, Indi elbows her! And kicks, to CLUB and JAB! Xia staggers, into the LARIAT! Fans rally behind Indi as she rallies up on Xia, SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Xia hangs tough but Indi drags her up. Xia breaks free, throat chops, then HEEL KICKS! Indi wobbles, staggers, but Xia isn’t done with her! But Indi looks done with the match! The ref backs Xia up, checks Indi, and calls it! Xia wins!

Winner: Xia Li, by referee stoppage

Fans boo but Xia has made another former NXT Women’s Champion into another victim! Will Xia look to do this to the current NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria? Wait, speaking of a former champion, HERE COMES BECKY! The Man has a mic tells Xia, “Thank you for hitting me in the head last week. Because now, we’re not gonna wait to do it on your time. We’re gonna do it on MY time! And well, the Man has come around to Washington, DC… And I came here looking for a fight!” Becky runs in, dodges Xia and clinches, but Xia slips free! Xia shoves and runs for it! Fans boo but it seems the Exterminator still does things on her time. But will Xia be ready for The Big Time?

Becky says if that’s how Xia wants to be, then she’s only got seven more days! Because it’s already official! Next week on Raw, Becky VS Xia! Welcome to the Big Time! Will Becky have her revenge on Xia just days before Survivor Series?


The Miz prepares backstage.

And then in walks Gunther. Gunther congratulates “Mike,” because to the surprise of everyone, Miz won. And even though it wasn’t the most decisive victory, face facts: fun and games are over. Miz is now the rightful challenger to what is rightfully Gunther’s. Miz shouts for Gunther to watch the match tonight. Because Gunther doesn’t understand who he is dealing with. Miz does whatever it takes to win, and he does what no one else will to capitalize on moment after moment, for 20 YEARS! There’s a reason Miz has held the Intercontinental Championship EIGHT times. And so at Survivor Series, Gunther learns the difference between “longest reigning” and “greatest of all time.”

Gunther knows exactly who he is dealing with. So good luck tonight. Because whatever happens out there tonight will not compare to the beating of a lifetime Miz receives at Survivor Series. Gunther heads out, will the Hollywood A-Lister make him change his opinions after tonight?


Zoey Stark talks with Shayna Baszler backstage.

Zoey says Rhea has no idea what’s coming for her at Survivor Series. After that battle royal, she feels unstoppable! Unstoppable? C’mon! First off, Shayna should be champion after Crown Jewel, and Zoey knows she had that finish. And second, Shayna almost had Zoey last week in the battle royal. But to admit it, Zoey has been on a roll. So Shayna is looking forward to seeing Zoey beat Rhea. Aw thanks, dude! Zoey knew that was hard for her to say. Raquel walks in and says she still feels some kinda way about the two of them teaming up to eliminate her. But at the same time, Zoey has been showing out, and Rhea will have her hands full.

Zoey thanks Raquel, but then in walks Nia. “Wow…! Oh my gosh. You all are so pathetic.” She mocks their compliments, and says she’s already squashed Zoey. Everyone already knows Nia should’ve been the one facing Zoey, if not for the cowards ganging up on her in the battle royal. And we all know none could beat her 1v1. Then why isn’t she champion? Oh, because no one’s really tested her. No one’s pushed her. But Raquel isn’t afraid. And when they fight, Raquel will beat Nia. Nia says that’s cute, then leaves. Will Big Mami Cool prove Nia isn’t the Irresistible Force as she thinks?


The Miz VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan!

Raw returns and Miz makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, the two approach and Miz dodges to ROCK Ivar with a haymaker. Ivar shrugs that off, rushes in, but Miz gets around to throw more hands! They go again, tie up, and Ivar TOSSES Miz to a corner to clothesline! Ivar fires off back elbow after back elbow, but lets off as the ref counts. Fans boo but Ivar scowls as he goes back to Miz. Ivar whips, Miz goes up and he BOOTS Ivar away! Miz then FLYING RANAS! Miz clotheslines Ivar against ropes, then runs to clothesline again! Ivar is still up but fans fire up as Miz runs in again.

Ivar BOOTS Miz, runs, but Miz dodges, and he clotheslines Ivar up and out! DC fires up as Miz WRECKS Ivar with a dropkick! Sarah seethes but Ivar RAMS Miz into the apron! Miz sits down, Sarah shouts and Ivar SPLASHES Miz against the apron! Sarah laughs but the fans boo as Ivar stands over Miz. Ivar puts Miz in the ring, storms up on him, and stomps him down. Ivar CLUBS Miz down, but the fans rally up. Ivar scowls as he has Miz on the ropes, but Miz throws elbows and body shots! Miz swings, Ivar gest under to back suplex. Miz lands on his feet, BOOTS back, and runs up, to mule kick! And front kick! And BOOT!

Miz runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirls and DDTS! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Miz busts out agility moves. Miz shouts “MASSIVE! BALLS!” But Ivar fights the full nelson to RAM Miz into buckles! Miz runs back in, into a SPIN-OUT POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! But wait, here comes Bronson Reed! The Colossal Aussie is talking trash on the Viking, and Miz hits Ivar with a TORNADO BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Miz keeps his cool, but then he also sees Bronson. Miz focuses back on Ivar with the fans rallying behind him. Ivar SEATED SENTONS! Miz flops out of the ring, and Bronson grabs a chair!?

Fans boo, Ivar storms out, but Bronson just uses the chair to take a seat. Bronson says Ivar may continue, but Raw is going to break.

Raw returns again and Miz hits the A-LIST LARIAT- Or not! Ivar catches Miz for a BACKBREAKER! And then underhooks, for a TIGER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Bronson is entertained as Miz survives. Ivar goes to a corner while Miz goes to the other. Ivar runs but Miz avoids the Bronco Buster! BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO! Ivar survives but Miz stays focused. The fans rally as Miz huffs and puffs and storms up on Ivar. Miz fires off IT KICKS! Fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” Miz fires kick after kick after kick! Then he runs up to BUZZSAW! Ivar stays up so Miz mule kicks! Miz runs, but into a throat chop!

Ivar distracts the ref, Sarah UPPERCUTS! Ivar BOOTS Miz down! Cover, TWO!! Miz survives the trickery, Loki Sarah is not! Fans rally up but Ivar climbs. Miz goes up to GAMANGIRI! And GAMANGIRI again! Miz then hops up to join Ivar, and he hooks Ivar up! Ivar throws elbows to fight the Finale, and he scoops Miz! SUPER POWERSLAM!! Cover, TWO!!! Miz lives and everyone is shocked! Even Bronson seems a bit surprised. Sarah shouts to finish this and Ivar goes to the other corner. Ivar climbs, but Bronson’s presence distracts him again. Miz gets under Ivar to POWERBOMB! High stack, feet on ropes! MIZ WINS!

Winner: The Miz, by pinfall

He did say he’d do anything he had to in order to win! Miz wins big before Survivor Series, will he win even bigger at Survivor Series? But speaking of big and bigger, Bronson CLOBBERS Ivar! Bronson goes up a corner, for the TSUNAMI!! That’s insult on top of injury, or perhaps the other way around. Will Bronson and Ivar have one colossal war of their own?


Damian Priest finds JD McDonagh backstage.

The Irish Ace is still physically sore, but Priest tells him, “Look, man. I’ve been debating this with the crew for awhile now. A part of me doesn’t think you’re ready yet, a bigger part of me still gets really annoyed by you, but tonight… You took one for the team. You took one for me. And that’s somebody I can stand with. Someone I can go to war with.” Priest presents McDonagh his own Judgment Day vest and welcomes him to the team. McDonagh smiles and shakes Priest’s hand. And then in walks Finn to see it is official. Finally! And congrats, JD. But the celebration will have to wait. Finn has JD go find Dom so they can get outta here before Pearce goes nuts.

As for Finn & Priest, they’re gonna show everyone why they are the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships. They clink belts and head out. Will Judgment Day prove they don’t need to stack the deck to win? Or will this all blow up in their faces?


Imperium regroups backstage.

Gunther says in German and then English, “Well done tonight.” Ludwig says thank you, he appreciates it. For him, it was just another Monday night. It was another night where he shows the WWE Universe what Ludwig Kaiser is all about. Gunther says he wasn’t talking to Ludwig. Giovanni, that was beautiful! Great thinking! Get yourself ejected so that those two doofs wouldn’t think he’d come back. Vinci won that for Imperium. Vinci smiles and Ludwig is confused. Gunther frowns at his lieutenant then leaves. Ludwig tells Vinci not to even but Vinci just smiles and shrugs. Vinci leaves, and Ludwig turns around to see Indus Sher!

Ludwig asks what’s their problem, and Jinder Mahal says no problems. Just wanted to see Adam Pearce. But Jinder suggests Ludwig chooses his next move wisely. Ludwig sees Veer & Sanga behind Jinder, then heads out. Are the Modern Day Maharaja and his tigers planning big moves very, very soon?


The Alpha Academy regroups.

They and Diamond Mine are in the gym, and Otis apologizes for letting Coach Gable down. Gable says there’s no reason to apologize, Otis is still the number one guy! Gable is proud of him. As for Nakamura, Gable gets him next week. Julius Creed suggests they just need some new training partners. Maybe they’re like the rest of the Raw Tag Division: they need more Creed. Gable says he is not abandoning the Gable method, a thank yew. Brutus points out that the Creeds are undefeated! And after another win, he and Julius could go for those Undisputed Tag Team Titles! But in rush New Day, and Xavier Woods says, “WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA!”

Do NOT talk about the tag team titles unless you talk about ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~! Didn’t they lose, though? Kofi says that was a 1v1! They’re ELEVEN TIME Tag Team Champions! They all argue, and we pan over to Maxxine and Ivy. Ivy says it always has to be a competition with the boys. Maxxine agrees. And yet, they’re not the only ones who can be champions. Maxxine points out Ivy almost won that Battle Royal last week. And Ivy says Maxxine didn’t do so bad herself, taking out Piper Niven. Right? That basically makes her a champion! Yeah, #GirlMath.

Oh, she knows Girl Math? Maxxine says she and Ivy got off on the wrong foot. Has Ivy ever considered modeling? Like, fitness modeling? Perhaps, but also… But then Akira Tozawa says “SHOOOOOOSH~!” He has the Washington Commanders Legacy Championship on his shoulder, and says he wants to be W! W! E! TAG! TEAM! CHAMPION~! And then the shuffle. That’s naaaaaasty~! Where’d he even get the belt? But will the Stamina Monster help the Academy get to the gold?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day VS Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso!

These teams go one more time around before the final battle that is WarGames! But will the Prince & Punisher prove Judgment Day runs Raw? Or will the American Nightmare & Main Event Jey YEET those titles right back in a repeat of Payback?

Raw returns and the champs make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who brings this gold to Chicago!

The teams sort out and Finn starts against Jey. They tie up, Finn headlocks but Jey powers up and out. Finn runs Jey over, things keep moving, and Jey CLOBBERS Finn! Finn sits up in a daze, and fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Finn gets up, Jey talks some trash, then he SLAPS Finn! Finn SLAPS back, they haymakers start flying, and then Priest and Cody get in! They all brawl, Cody bumps Priest off buckles and stomps him out! Finn rains down fists on Jey, then drags him up to whip. Finn ELBOWS Jey down, drags him up and bumps off buckles. Finn throws hands, whips corner to corner but Jey reverses hard!

Fans fire up while Finn falls, and Jey storms up on him. Jey wrenches, tags Cody, and Cody goes up to AX HANDLE! Finn clutches that arm but Cody wrenches it to then suplex. Cody holds Finn up in a stalling suplex, and Priest shouts for Finn to get out of it. Cody GOURD BUSTERS, then pushes Finn to a cover. TWO, but Cody drags Finn back up. Cody wrenches, tags in Jey, and they mug Finn. Finn goes to an open corner, Jey stares Priest down while fans chant “YEET! YEET!” Finn kicks Jey first! Finn bumps Jey off buckles, tags in Priest, and Priest ROCKS Jey with a right! Jey wobbles and falls over!

Priest talks trash to Cody, drags Jey up and bumps him off buckles, to then ROCK and stomp away! The ref counts, Priest lets off at 4, and Judgment Day soaks up the heat. Priest drags Jey up, tags in Finn, and they whip Jey to mule kick, front kick, middle kick and SCISSOR KICK! Finn covers, TWO! Jey survives but Finn clamps on a chinlock. Jey endures, fans rally up, but Cody grinds Jey down. Jey fights up, and JAWBREAKERS free! Finn comes back but Jey trips him to rain down fists! Finn turns it around to throw hands on Jey! Finn stomps Jey, Cody storms in but so does Priest! We’re brawling again!

Jey TOSSES Finn, Cody TOSSES Priest, and fans fire up as the challengers have control! Cody even SMACKS Priest off the desk! Cody regroups with Jey to hold the ring, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn has jey in a corner. Finn swings but Jey counter punches! And again! And again! Jey backs Finn down, Jey RAMS him into the corner, and he tags in Cody! Cody fires off on Finn now, and he whips Finn to ropes. Cody kitchen sink knees, then he dares Finn to get up. Finn says no, then he wrenches an arm. Cody cartwheels, wrenches and headlocks but Finn powers out. Finn drops, hurdles, but Cody catches him! Priest distracts, and Finn claws the eyes! Finn RAMS Cody into the corner! Priest tags in, then the Judgment Day mugs Cody. Priest knocks Cody down but fans boo.

Priest JABS Cody, JABS again, then ROCKS him with a right! Priest digs his foot in, the ref counts, and Priest lets off at 4. Priest revels in fans chanting for Cody as he kicks him and ROCKS him! Cody throws body shots and forearms! Cody backs Priest down but Priest knees low. Priest TOSSES Cody out, then tags Finn. Finn goes out to CHOP Cody, and then Finn puts Cody in the ring. Finn drags Cody up, to CHOP him in the corner! Finn ROCKS Cody, whips him corner to corner, then runs in, into a BOOT! Cody runs up, but Finn gets around to COBRA TWIST! Cody endures, even as Finn digs his elbow into the ribs.

The fans rally as Cody fights the hold and hip tosses free! Cody runs but Finn avoids the elbow drop! Tag to Priest, and he runs up to stomp Cody down! Priest drags Cody up, but Cody UPPRECUTS! And again, and again! Priest kicks low, then whips Cody to ropes. Cody KICKS back, but Priest scoops him! TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!! Cody survives but Priest looms over him. Priest kicks Cody around, drags him up and ROCKS him in the back. Priest then back suplexes, but Cody lands out of it! Cody DECKS Finn, dodges Priest, hot tag to Jey! Fan sfire up as Jey fires off haymakers on Priest! Then he dodges a boot to mule kick!

Off comes the shirt, Jey pops, locks and UPPERCUTS! Jey DECKS Priest, DECKS Finn again, then runs up on Priest. Priest puts Jey on the apron but Jey GAMANGIRIS! Jey goes up, but Priset catches him! Jey breaks free, Priest ROCKS Jey! Jey ENZIGURIS! Finn sneaks a tag, Jey whips Priest but Priest reverses. Jey ducks but Finn trips Jey up! Priest CLOBBERS Jey out of the ring, and Finn CLOBBERS Jey to the floor! The fans boo but Judgment Day soaks it all up. Finn SMACKS Jey off the apron, throws body shots, and looms over Jey before he TOSSES Jey over the desk! DC boos but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Priest ROCKS Jey! Jey ROCKS Priest! Priest kicks, Jey blocks, but then Priset blocks, only for the DRAGON WHIP to hit! Jey and Priest are down, they both crawl, hot tags to Finn and Cody! Cody fires off haymakers, whips, but Finn reverses. Cody CLOBBERS Finn anyway! Cody then baits Finn into buckles, and hits a POWERSLAM! Cody runs to springboard, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Priest runs in but into JAB! JAB! JAB! Flip, flop and fly, BIONIC ELBOW! But Finn rolls Cody up, TWO! Cody SUPERKICKS and runs, CODY- NO, Finn catches Cody for a dragon sleeper! Only for Cody to turn it around!

But Finn drops out to PELE from below! Tag back to Priest and Finn whips. Finn runs in but into a BOOT! Jey sneaks a tag, Cody dodges the splash and Priest hits buckles! Jey ENZIGURIS Finn, then goes up to CORSSBODY Priest! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Priest goes to a corner. DC wants tables but that’s not this type of match. Jey aims from a corner, the fans join in on “UCE! OH!” Jey runs in but Finn intercepts! Jey dodges to SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK for Priest! Priest stays up so Jey SUPERKICKS again! Priest falls, Jey goes up! USO SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!? Priest survives and Jey is beside himself!

The fans rally and chant “This is Awesome!” as Jey and Priest stir. Priest goes to an open corner, staggers up, Jey runs in! Priest KICKS the Spear away, then CLUBS Jey down! Fans rally again, Priest and Finn coordinate. Priest tags Finn, grabs Jey, SOUTH OF- NO, Jey slips free and UPPERCUTS Finn! SUPERKICK for Priest! Cody gets Priest in the CROSS RHODES!! Jey then dodges Finn to SPEAR Finn!! DC is thunderous as Jey hoists Finn up and Cody springboards, CODE D!! Cover, PRIEST BREAKS IT!! Cody TOSSES Priest out, then builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Priest at the ramp!

Fans fire up as Cody whips Priest, but Priest reverses to POST Cody! The outer shell even busts apart! APRON SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Priest calls to Finn, they regroup, but Jey builds speed. Jey FLIES, down goes Priest & Finn! Jey puts Finn in, but wait, Drew McIntyre is here?!? McIntyre showed respect to Rollins earlier, but this is a different story! CLAYMORE!!! The Scottish Warrior hauls Jey up and into the ring, then takes his leave. Finn covers, Judgment Day wins!!

Winners: Finn Balor & Damian Priest, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

McIntyre’s grudge just screwed Jey AND Cody! And as McIntyre goes to the ramp, here comes Rhea! McIntyre shakes hands with Mami! Cody and Jey are furious but they can’t do anything about it, because next week is the WarGames Advantage match! Can Cody, Jey, Sami & Rollins at least stick it to Judgment Day by having that in their back pocket?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Raw here, with great build in all the stories, not just the Survivor Series ones. Great stuff from Nakamura VS Otis, with Otis looking great even in defeat. Nakamura’s promo was great, and the mystery of who he’s after is also great. Gable stepping up to face Nakamura next is also great, it just feels logical for the leader of the Academy to face him. Really good promo from Academy, Creeds and New Day, and I like that there seems to be a new women’s tag team forming with Ivy & Maxxine. And good match from Nox VS Piper, not that all the fans were into it. Nox wins, of course, so that we get Nox & Natty as the Raw contenders to the Women’s Tag titles.

Great match from Ciampa VS Ludwig, and Vinci showing back up even after being ejected was good Heel stuff. I like that Gunther felt it was the plan, cuz it sure didn’t look like a plan. But now the dynamic might be changing, with Ludwig as low man on the ladder and Vinci being Gunther’s favorite. Great promos from Gunther, Miz, Ivar and Bronson, and I like that we’re pivoting to Bronson VS Ivar. That is going to be a great match that could go either way. As for Miz and Gunther, Miz is going to have a great showing, but I would think Gunther still wins. And I figured Xia would win with another knockout, and then Becky returns to set up a match between her and Xia. The surprise here is that it is on TV, but at the same time, HHH loves slimmer PPVs so this makes sense.

And then just awesome stuff for the Judgment Day story tonight. Great opening promo from everyone involved in WarGames, it set up that great opening tag of Rollins & Sami VS Dom & McDonagh, and we got a great brawl that “ruined” said match. Pearce’s arena ban on those four was great for a lot of reasons, and it mostly upset Rhea. Rhea and Zoey had a good promo, and then that led to a great promo from Zoey, Shayna, Raquel and Nia. Raquel VS Nia is going to be great, could go either way, but as I don’t see Rhea losing to Zoey, another Face will step up and that’d be Raquel. And that is great, Rhea VS Raquel to revive their NXT rivalry going into the Royal Rumble is great.

McDonagh finally being fully accepted to Judgment Day is great, because there’s been the connection of “JD” as his name but also the faction initials this whole time. Good promo from Cody and Rollins backstage to say truce on this, and good promo from McIntyre and Rollins to say respect. But then that with the ringside ban was all to give us that great shocker where McIntyre costs Jey & Cody! Heel McIntyre is here, hard to say if he’s Judgment Day or just helping them because he hates Jey. I’m leaning towards the latter, McIntyre doesn’t really fit Judgment Day aesthetic. Either way, Jey VS McIntyre will be the next phase, and that’ll be great, too.

And advantage is on the line next week, that’ll go a long way to determining who wins. I’d still lean towards the Faces. If Cody and Jey can’t have the tag titles, they have to get the WarGames win.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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