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Mitchell’s NXT Deadline Results & Report! (12/9/23)

And we’re on the clock!



Time keeps on slipping into the future!

Everyone’s on the clock as the Iron Survivor Challenge returns! Who will win big and stand tall over everyone to be primed for a title opportunity in 2024?


  • Kickoff Show – Nathan Frazer VS Axiom; Axiom wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio VS Dragon Lee w/ Rey Mysterio; Dragon wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.
  • Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Tiffany Stratton VS Lash Legend VS Blair Davenport VS Kelani Jordan VS Fallon Henley; Blair wins and is the 2023 Miss Iron Survivor.
  • Carmelo Hayes VS Lexis King; Melo wins.
  • Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Trick Williams VS DIJAK VS Josh Briggs VS Bron Breakker VS Tyler Bate; Trick wins and is the 2023 Mr. Iron Survivor.
  • Steel Cage Match: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James; Kiana wins.
  • NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Baron Corbin; Dragunov wins and retains the title.


It’s the NXT Deadline Kickoff Show!

Join Megan Morant, Matt Camp & Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all of the action on the last 2023 Premium Live Event!


NXT Media catches up with Bron Breakker.

They ask him how he is feeling going into the Iron Survivor Challenge. Bron is totally ready. You ask that question to anyone else… Trick would be shaking, Tyler Bate knows he’s already lost to Bron once and is just happy to still be here. Josh Briggs, it’s a big night for him. But the cowboy needs to saddle up, this ain’t no rodeo. And Dijak… Well, that’s who everyone wants to see, right? But all four men are in trouble, they’re up against the true Badass of WWE. Will the Big Bad Booty Nephew prove himself right for the entire 25 minutes? Or will someone else prove they’re badder than the badass?


Backstage interview with Dijak.

Kelly Kincaid says he will become # 1 contender, IF he can outlast four other superstars. Dijak says he is again on the big stage of a WWE PLE, and once again the world we see what he can do. Tonight, he WILL be the Iron Survivor. And that means he’ll beat the dog crap out of Bron, smoke Tyler Bate, slap the country outta Briggs, and yes, whoop dat Trick. One by one, he will hurt them, just like he did Eddy Thorpe. Eddy’s never been the same man since, and neither will the others. Will #HardJustice be served for an entire 25 minutes?


Backstage interview with Josh Briggs, Fallon Henley & Brooks Jensen.

Kelly knows Fallon and Briggs are each in their own Iron Survivor matches, who are the nerves? At all time highs. But opportunities like this don’t grow on trees. Tonight, they each can become #1 contenders to the top titles. And they’ve been talking about strategy all day, Jensen is proud of them both. And they’ll celebrate big time when, after the 25 minutes are up, they hear “AND NEW~ Iron Survivor… Josh Briggs!” “And Fallon Henley!” Will the Country Strong stable grab up both of those golden tickets to New Year’s Evil?


Kickoff Show – Nathan Frazer VS Axiom!

This friendly rematch was meant to happen on Tuesday, but was interrupted by the fury of the Women’s Iron Survivor field. Now the Jersey Island Rocket and Undeniable Truth get to raise the intensity to premium levels! Who will stand tall after this round? And will things stay friendly between them when it’s all said and done?

The bell rings and fans fire up as the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Axiom rolls to trip Frazer and headlock. Frazer headscissors but Axiom shrugs that off. Axiom rolls to wrench Frazer to a wristlock. Frazer rolls, handsprings and wrenches back but Axiom rolls away. Frazer headlocks for a takeover and fans cheer the exchange. Axiom fights up, powers out, and Frazer goes up and over in the corner! Things keep moving, Axiom runs Frazer over! They keep going, Axiom catches the flapjack to a leg lock! Bow ‘n’ Arrow but Frazer pops out to cover, TWO!

Frazer whips, Axiom reverses to a backslide, TWO! Frazer snapmares, RANAS, but Axiom handsprings through! But then Frazer handsprings up! Fans fire up as the two stare down. The fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as the two reset. They tie up, Frazer headlocks, but axiom powers out again. Axiom drops, sidesteps, but Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and DROPKICKS! Then arm-drag to an armlock! Axiom endures and fans rally up. Axiom fights up, arm-drags free, and then avoids a boot to snapmare and run. Frazer ducks the kick, kips up and DECKS Axiom!

Axiom goes to a corner, Frazer smirks and storms up on him. but Axiom ELBOWS him away! Axiom FLYING ARM-DRAGS, then kips up to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Axiom drags Frazer up, whips him to a corner, but Frazer goes up and over again, then handsprings away. Axiom charges in, but into a BUCKLE SHOT! Frazer smirks again as he stands and the fans rally. Frazer drags Axiom up, CHOPS, then hears the fans ask for “One More Time!” Axiom takes a swing but Frazer dodges to CHOP again! Fans fire up and want it “One More Time!” Frazer CHOPS again!

Frazer reels Axiom in, snap suplexes, and then covers, TWO! Frazer stays focused as he drags Axiom up at the ropes. Frazer whips but Axiom reverses to wrench and IRON OCTOPUS! Frazer endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Axiom lets go to KICK Frazer! Frazer slips around to COBRA CLUTCH! Axiom flails, fights up, and fans rally as he pries at the hold. Frazer drops back into body scissors! Axiom fights to roll back, TWO!! Frazer lets go in time, then dodges Axiom, QUEBRADA DDT! Cover, TWO!! Frazer is frustrated now, but the fans rally again. Frazer scuffs Axiom, CLUBS him, then CLUBS him again.

Axiom CHOPS back! Axiom whips and DROPKICKS Frazer, then waistlocks. Frazer bucks the O’Conner but runs into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Axiom is annoyed but he drags Frazer up. Frazer CHOPS, Axiom CHOPS! But Frazer cradles! TWO!! Axiom escapes, clinches, SLEEPER! Frazer pries the hold to an ELBOW BREAKER! Axiom shoves to LARIAT at the ropes! Then he sits Frazer up top! Fans fire up as Axiom climbs the corner, to FLYING FOREARM! Frazer falls to the floor and fans fire up! Axiom runs to the corner, goes up and up and GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT!

Direct hit just like on Tuesday, and the fans are thunderous! Axiom puts Frazer back in, then he shakes out a leg. Axiom goes back up the corner, but Frazer springs right up to get him! SUPERPLEX and roll through to the ANARCHY!! Cover, TWO!!! Axiom survives and Frazer can’t believe it! Fans rally again as both men stir. Frazer gets Axiom up, shoots the half then just CLUBS Axiom! Frazer goes to a corner, goes up, and PHOENIX- NO, Frazer has to roll through as Axiom moves! Axiom blocks the superkick, ducks the dragon whip, but Frazer bucks the O’Conner to SUPERKICK the handspring down!!

Frazer grits his teeth, “This is Awesome!” as Frazer gets moving. QUEBRADA- SUPERKICK!! Axiom hurries to the corner and takes aim! GOLDEN- SUPERKICK from Frazer!! Cover, TWO!! Frazer is shocked and furious, but he hurries to the corner again. Frazer climbs, but Axiom is up to GAMANGIRI! Axiom climbs, brings Frazer up, SUPER SPANISH FLY!! The fans are thunderous again, for the GOLDEN RATIO!! Cover, Axiom wins!!

Winner: Axiom, by pinfall

An instant classic from these two, and this is only the Kickoff show! Did Axiom prove himself worthy of far more than just the opener? Axiom goes to shake Frazer’s hand per their “gentleman’s agreement,” and Frazer accepts. What will it take for Frazer to get himself up and over the hump towards title opportunities?


Shawn Michaels is here!

The fans fire up as HBK makes his way to the ring! HBK gets the mic and says, “Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to NXT Deadline! Now, this is WWE’s final Premium Live Event of the year, so I just had one question for ya. Are you ready?” Fans cheer that! No, no, ARE, YOU, READY!? Because CM PUNK is here!! The fans go wild seeing the Best in the World here, hitting the HBK pose. Hard to do in jeans… Punk high-fives fans, joins HBK in the ring, and gets himself a mic while fans chant his name. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to step all over your gimmick. Do you wanna tell people to suck it? Is that not what you do anymore?”

And who would’ve thought? HBK and CM Punk. HBK says nice hoodie. Oh, right, Bret Hart. Forgot his HBK merch. Well that hurts. No, c’mon! HBK made up with Bret, Punk made up with HHH, this is all about healing. Anything is possible. So good news and bad news. The fans chanting “CM PUNK! CM PUNK!” again and he says the brilliant thing HBK and Punk forgetting stuff, they get to do this. Punk has a phone and brings up how people backstage took selfies with him. They grew up watching Punk, Punk grew up watching HBK. Punk decided to come here in person to talk with HBK about what brand he’ll be on: SmackDown, Raw, or NXT.

The fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” The music plays, guess that’s all the time they have! Punk and HBK hug it out, but just where will the Best Free Agent in the World go?


NXT is where iron sharpens iron.

Where making the most of limited time has always been essential. Where superstars sharpen their skills to become indestructible. Tonight, two new Iron Survivors will emerge from ten of NXT’s career prodigies. As the clock ticks away, a single misstep could cost you. And with championship gold on the horizon, the winners will forge their destinies with their own hands. Tonight, the survivors are fated for an iron clad future. Time’s almost up, it’s NXT Deadline!


Rey Mysterio is here!

And though he is on crutches, he proudly leads the way for who he has deemed the future of lucha libre, Dragon Lee!

NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio VS Dragon Lee w/ Rey Mysterio!

It is unfortunate, tragic even, that Wes Lee cannot compete and must have back surgery. But Dirty Dom wasn’t gonna be let off the hook like that, as now the Boy Wonder comes back to NXT for one more shot! Will Dragon finally burn down Mami’s Latino Heat? Or will the Judgment Day find another way to lie, cheat and steal a victory?

Surprisingly, no Rhea Ripley. Or is she lurking in the shadows for the right time to strike? The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if time runs out on Dom’s reign of terror!

The bell rings, the two circle, and the fans rally up for Mami. Dom talks trash on Dragon, gets in his face, but then Dragon dodges the haymaker to fire haymakers! Dragon whips, Dom reverses but Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Fans fire up as Dom bails out and Dragon FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and Rey likes it! Dragon puts Dom in, then runs in. Dom puts Dragon on the apron but Dragon KICKS in return! Dragon slingshots to RANA Dom into the corner! Dragon then runs in to JUMP KICK, leg sweep, and SWINGING DROPKICK! Combinacion Dragon is complete! Cover, TWO!

Dragon keeps on Dom in a corner, and CHOPS! Fans “WOO~” while Dragon keeps on Dom in another corner. Dom BOOTS back, then runs up, but Dragon wrangles him to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Dom flails, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Dragon lets off, and Dom goes to the corner. Dragon runs up to fire forearms and haymakers, then he whips corner to corner. Dragon runs up but Dom puts him on the top rope! Dragon falls to the apron, Dom goes out after him and APRON DDTS! They go right to the floor, even! Dragon’s got some blood in his mouth but Dom soaks up the heat.

Dom drags Dragon up, UPPERCUTS and puts Dragon in the ring. Dom soaks up the heat again, then stomps Dragon around. Dom whips Dragon corner to corner hard and Dragon bounces off buckles! Dragon writhes, Dom goes up the corner, and Dom flexes to soak up more heat. He blows mocking kisses to Rey, then covers Dragon. TWO, but Dom wraps on a chinlock. The fans rally as Dragon fights up, throws body shots, and gets free. But Dom knees low and throws Dragon down by the mask! The ref reprimands but Dom just soaks up the heat. Dom scuffs Dragon, stomps him, then pulls on the mask.

The ref reprimands, Dom lets go, but then he CLUBS Dragon down! Dom kicks Dragon to ropes, stomps him more, then springboard stomps like Finn! Dom goes out to the apron, gives some Latino Heat right to Rey, then slingshot sentons! Cover, TWO! Dragon is still in this and Dom is frustrated. Dom clamps onto Dragon for crossface forearms, then a headlock. Dragon endures, fights up, pries at the hold, but Dom knees him low! Fans rally for Dragon but Dom hits a suplex! Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom hits Dos Amigos! Then Dom brings Dragon up, to give more Latino Heat, only for Dragon to suplex!

Dom fights it, and hits THREE AMIGOS! Cover, but Dom lets off? Now Dom is just toying around, saying he’ll end this on his time! Rey is disappointed but Dom goes out to the apron. Dom tells the fans they suck, then he CLUBS Dragon. Dom goes up the corner, gives more Latino Heat, and he brings Dragon up. But Dragon fights back, ROCKS Dom with forearms, and Dom falls back into a Tree of Woe! Dragon climbs up to WOE STOMP Dom to the apron!! Both men fall to the floor, Dragon clutching his leg! The fans lose their minds and even Rey is impressed, but that could’ve been double-edged for Dragon.

The ring count climbs, Dragon and Dom stir at 4 of 10. They crawl, Champion’s Advantage coming into play! Dom slides in, as does Dragon, at 9.9!! And then they start throwing hands! Dragon gets the edge, whips, but Dom reverses! Dragon CLOBBERS Dom! And again! And then fireman’s carries, but Dom slips free! Dom shoves, runs in, but Dragon pops him up to SUPERKICK upside-down! Dragon sits Dom down, runs corner to corner, BULL’S HORNS! Shoutout to his brother, and Dragon drags Dom back up! Dragon puts Dom up top, GAMANGIRIS him into the Tree again, and he wants it again!

WOE STOMPS again!!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Dom survives and Rey has to admit, that’s good ring awareness. Dragon fires himself back up, runs in again, but into a DROPKICK from Dom! Cover, TWO!! Dragon survives but Dom storms around. Dom runs up, Dragon sidesteps to SNAP GERMAN! Dom is back up to SUPERKICK! Dragon V-TRIGGERS! Dragon reels Dom in, gets him up, but Dom fights the bomb to reel Dragon in! POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Dragon survives and even Rey is stressing out. Dom hurries to get Dragon around, he has the legs and he CATAPULTS Dragon into ropes!

Fans boo but Dom taunts Rey by dialing it up. But Dragon ducks the 619, slips through the lariat, and gets Dom up! LIGER BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!!! Dom just barely gets up from that, but Dragon takes aim again! Dragon runs in, tilt-o-whirl, DESTINOOOO~!! Cover, DRAGON WINS!!!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)

Dragon snatches that outta nowhere, and Rey points out this is what happens when Judgment Day is nowhere to help Dom! Will this prove Dragon Lee IS the future of lucha libre?


Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Tiffany Stratton VS Lash Legend VS Blair Davenport VS Kelani Jordan VS Fallon Henley!

Our first Iron Survivor Challenge of the night and it’s ladies first! The Center of the Universe, The Bougie Bully, the Ichiban Gaijin, the Gym Princess and the Cowgirl are all going to fight for a shot at the title at New Year’s Evil, but only the one who can last will pass!

First out is Fallon, who was the last to qualify for this match per the Last Chance match. And joining her is the dangerous Davenport! The bell rings, the clock is ticking, and they circle. They tie up, Fallon headlocks for a takeover, makes it a cover, ONE! Blair sweeps to cover, ONE! They tie up again, Fallon headlocks for another takeover but Blair moves around. Blair rolls Fallon to a cover, TWO! Fallon holds onto the headlock, fans rally as Blair fights up and powers out. Fallon sunset flips, TWO! Blair sits on Fallon, TWO! Fallon sunsets again, TWO! Blair has it, ONE, and Blair steps over to sunset flip! TWO!

Fallon sits on Blair, TWO! Blair has it, TWO! Fallon has it, TWO! Blair, TWO! They separate, fans fire up, Fallon ducks a kick to roll-up, TWO! Fallon body scissor cradles, TWO! Blair wants a timeout and fans cheer. Fallon grins as she eggs Blair on, and the two reset again. They tie up, Fallon waistlocks, but Blair bucks the O’Conner to BOOT Fallon down! Blair runs, and she SLIDING KICKS! Cover, TWO! Blair stalks Fallon, whips her to a corner, and Fallon bounces off buckles. Blair ROCKS Fallon, whips her in again, and Fallon falls! Fans rally up and Blair soaks it all in.

Blair storms up on Fallon, CLUBS her to the corner, then whips Fallon hard into the corner! LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Blair CLUBS Fallon again, then clamps on with a chinlock. Fallon pries the hold but Blair CLUBS her! Blair pulls on the arms, has the motorcycle stretch, but Fallon endures. Fans rally, Fallon fights up, and she turns it around on Blair, only for Blair to turn it back around! We’re under a minute until the next superstar is added, and Fallon rolls back to BOOT Blair away! Fallon storms up, sits Blair down, and CALF KICKS! Fallon says yeehaw, and she slides out to ROCK Blair!

Fans fire up as Fallon hurries to cover, TWO! Blair scrambles to a corner but Fallon storms up on her. Fallon bumps Blair off buckles, and again, and fans count down the last 10 seconds! Fallon bumps Blair off more buckles, and here comes Tiffany! Fallon dares the Wrestling Barbie to get in here already but Tiffy dares her to come on out. Fallon goes out, but Blair CLOBBERS her! Tiff mocks Fallon for falling for it, then whips her into barriers! Tiff & Blair work together, but Fallon sends Blair into barriers! Tiff ROCKS Fallon, then bumps her off the apron! And again! Tiff puts Fallon in then calls to Blair.

Blair returns while Tiff stomps Fallon. They mug Fallon in the corner, but Fallon fires back! Tiff ROCKS Fallon again, stomps her, and Blair adds on. Tiff & Blair drag Fallon up, double whip, but Fallon crisscrosses them into each other! Fallon ROCKS and CHOPS each of them, then dodges Tiff to come back. Blair trips Fallon up and Tiff LARIATS Fallon down! Tiff eggs Fallon on, wrenches and wrangles her, then has a FUJIWARA! Blair gets the other arm, also for a FUJIWARA! Fallon endures both holds, but who would even get points in this situation? Blair and Tiff pull on fingers, but then give up when Fallon won’t quit.

Blair and Tiff WRING both arms, stomp Fallon, then bring her up. They double whip Fallon to a corner, then Tiff sends Blair in to ELBOW! Tiff runs in to ROCK Fallon, and fans rally up as Blair runs in, but Tiff BOOTS her! Tiff taunts Blair, then she ROCKS Fallon! Tiff whips Blair into Fallon, then handsprings in to BACK ELBOW! Blair falls out of the ring, Tiff brings Fallon around to snapmare and KICK! Cover, TWO! Tiff stomps Fallon, kicks Blair back out, but Fallon ROCKS Tiff! Tiff kicks low, then storms up on Fallon at ropes. Tiff whips Fallon to a corner, runs in and clotheslines!

Tiff snapmares Fallon, then runs to cartwheel and Alabama Lift, ALABAMA SLAM! High stack, Blair drags Tiff up to TOSS her! Cover on Fallon, Blair scores!

Blair: 1; Fallon: 0; Tiff: 0

The countdown is back while Tiff and Blair brawl, and now here comes Kelani! Fans fire up as Kelani slides right in and CLOBBERS Tiff! And CLOBBERS Blair! HANDSPRING DOUBLE ELBOW! Fans fire up with Kelani and she kicks Blair. Blair slips free, whips but Kelani sends her into Tiff! Klean handsprings, gets caught, but she lands out of the back suplex to DOUBLE SHOTGUN! OVERDRIVE on Tiff! Cover, Blair drags her off to TOSS her! Blair swings, Kelani counter punches! Kelani slingshots to DROPKICK Blair down! And then SPLIT-LEG MOONSAULT! Cover, Tiff drags her off!

Tiff stomps Kelani, CLUBS her, then ROCKS her! Kelani ROCKS Tiff back! Tiff kicks again, whips, but Kelani ducks ‘n’ dodges and CROSSBODIES, but into Tiff’s arms! Tiff says tootles and TOSSES Kelani onto Blair! But Fallon is out of the Penalty Box and she rallies on Tiff! Fans fire up, Tiff stands to SLAP Fallon! Fallon CHOPS back! Tiff staggers around, Fallon goes up and up and BLOCKBUSTERS! Fans fire up with Fallon, she DECKS Blair! FACEBUSTER on Tiff! SHINING WIZARD! Cover, Fallon scores!

Blair: 1; Fallon: 1; Tiffany: 0; Kelani: 0

Tiff takes a turn in the box, Kelani O’Conner Rolls Fallon! TWO, Fallon body scissor cradles, TWO! Fallon trips and jackknifes, TWO as Kelani bridges up! Kelani spins Fallon around, backslides back, TWO! Fallon SLAPS Kelani, Kelani ROCKS Fallon! Blair returns but Kelani BOOTS her down! Fallon arm-drags Kelani to an armlock and she grinds Kelani down. Kelani endures and fans rally as she fights up. Fallon whips, Kelani ducks ‘n’ dodges but into another arm-drag! Fallon grinds the arm again, Kenali fights up, and Tiff is released from the box! And she’s right after Fallon!

Tiff stomps Fallon, Blair drags Kelani up the corner. Tiff snapmares and KICKS Fallon, then covers, ROPEBREAK! Tiff DECKS Blair out of frustration, then she stomps Fallon. Fallon CHOPS back! Kelani drags Blair up, they keep brawling, and Fallon CHOPS Tiff again! Tiff ROCKS Fallon in return, storms back over to Blair and Kelani and CLUBS Kelani! The countdown is back, Fallon joins Blair, and last but not least, here’s Lash Legend! She storms right in, happy to get all four! DOUBLE POWERBOMBS on Tiff & Fallon! Then she SLAPS Kelani, CHOPS Blair, and goes up after them both!

Fans fire up as Lash DOUBLE SUPERPLEXES!! Lash kips up and fans fire up! Lash then choke grips Tiff, for a SLAM DUNK CHOKE SLAM!! And then she grabs Fallon, POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Lash drags Fallon over to DOUBLE COVER!! Lash scores TWICE!

Blair: 1; Fallon: 1; Tiffany: 0; Kelani: 0; Lash: 2

Lash brags but Blair hops on for a SLEEPER! Kelani jumps on to SLEEPER Blair! Lash spins around and around, starts to fade, but she powers back up to RAM them both into buckles! Lash CLUBS Blair, throws her aside, then storms up on Kelani. Kelani BOOTS back, goes up, and FLYING RANAS! Fans fire up as Lash bails out. Kelani aims, slingshots, but Lash falls fo rhte fakeout! ASAI MOONSAULT!! Direct hit, fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” but then Blair CLOBBERS Kelani! Blair brawls with Lash and DECKS her! Blair stomps Lash, and clears off the desk! Fans fire up, and Meta Four is here?!

Jakara, Dar & Oro trap Tiff & Fallon in the box! They then fight each other! Fallon gets up and out through the roof, as does Tiff! But Tiff SHOVES Fallon and she crashes down through the table! Fans lose their minds and then Tiff aims, to SUPER SWANTON Dar, Oro and Blair!! Fans lose their minds even harder now! Jakara calls to Lash, Lash storms her way over, and drags Tiff into the ring! Lash puts Blair in, too, and she hurries to get the SPLASH on Blair! Cover, TWO!! SPLASH on Tiff! cover, TWO!! Kelani is climbing and Lash turns around, FLYING RAN- NO! Lash stops that, and uses Kelani as a weapon against the others!

Lash pops Kelani back up, but Kelani sunset flips! Lash stays standing, goes Matrix, but Tiff DOUBLE STMOPS her! Then she DOUBLE STOMPS Kelani!! Cover, FALLON BREAKS IT!! Tiff is furious, she and Fallon DOUBLE LARIAT each other! Blair DOUBLE STOMPS Kelani! Cover, Blair scores!!

Blair: 2; Fallon: 1; Tiffany: 0; Kelani: 0; Lash: 0

We have less than five minutes left in the whole match, ‘This is Awesome!” Blair, Fallon and Tiff go forearm for forearm for forearm in rotation! Tiff drags them both up to talk trash, but they DOUBLE FOREARM her down! Lash is back, Fallon gets around to the crucifix, and then Blair jumps on! Lash stays up to DRIBBLE them both in the ropes! Tiff returns to SHOTGUN Lash down! Fallon covers, Tiff breaks it! That’s payback! But then Lash pushes Tiff off her cover! The fans rally, Lash CHOPS Tiff, then ROCKS her! Lash throws Tiff down, ELBOW DROPS, then covers. Fallon breaks it!

Kelani is back, she blocks a kick to WHEEL KICK Tiff! Lash runs up to kick Kelani! Lash suplexes, Kelani STUN DO GMILLIONAIRES! Fallon wheelbarrows, SHOTGUN on Tiff and BULLDOG on Lash! Blair DOUBLE STOMPS Lash! Fallon clotheslines Blair out! Kelani DROPKICKS Fallon! Kelani goes up a corner, and CROSSBODIES Lash! Cover, Tiff drags her off to fireman’s carry! ROLLING SENTON on Lash! Then PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER on Lash! Tiff scores!!

Blair: 2; Fallon: 1; Tiffany: 1; Kelani: 0; Lash: 2

But Kelani BOOTS Tiff and fireman’s carries Blair! Kelani SLAMS Blair down next to Tiff, goes up, 450 SPLASH on them both!! Cover, Fallon breaks it!! Fallon covers Blair, TWO!! Cover on Tiff, TWO!! Time is running out, last minute on the clock! BOSTON CRAB on Tiff, SLEEPER on Fallon, DRAGON SLEEPER on Blair!! They all break free, Kelani BOOTS Blair and goes up, but Blair CLUBS her first! Blair goes up after Kelani, to SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX!! Blair KNEES Fallon, covers, BLAIR SCORES!

Blair: 3; Fallon: 1; Tiffany: 1; Kelani: 0; Lash: 2

And ten seconds left!! Lash runs after Blair but Blair stays away!! Time is UP!! BLAIR WINS!!!

Winner: Blair Davenport with 3 points (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship)

Blair started this match and she finished this match, truly a performance worthy of the title, Miss Iron Survivor! Blair then gets the mic to say that she IS the Iron Survivor! Lyra Valkyria, the clock is ticking! See you at New Year’s Evil! Or wait, here’s Lyra now! The Morrigan holds up the title, but then in comes CORA JADE!? Cora CLOBBERS Lyra from behind and fans boo as she picks up the title. The Generation of Jade says she’s not done yet! Between Cora, Blair, and Lola Vice with the Breakout Star contract, are Lyra’s days numbered?


Trick Melo Gang gets ready.

They’re both locked in. The Iron Survivor Challenge is no joke. Melo is hyped for Trick, he’s got this in the bag. Yep. Melo better make sure to handle business with Lexis King. You best believe he will. King tried to come between them, framing Melo for that attack. King’s gonna get his.

Carmelo Hayes VS Lexis King!

Melo Don’t Miss, and he don’t mess around! The Uncrowned King has been playing games, but will he regret ever crossing HIM?

King shows off how he has corn rows like Melo, showing that they’re friends. King wants a handshake but Melo shoves King! The bell rings and the two tie up. Melo shoves King again, and tells King off for messing with him and Trick. They tie up, Melo headlocks, and he hits a takeover. King pulls hair but the ref reprimands. King fights up, powers out, and RAMS shoulders with Melo! King then ROCKS Melo! Melo fi res off on King in return! Fans fire up but King bails out. The fans boo, Melo dares King to get back in. Melo backs off, King rushes up, but Melo catches him with a slingshot!

Melo fires hands on King, whips, but King reverses. King blocks boots and YANKS Melo from the corner but Melo RANAS! Melo rallies on King, arm-drags and DROPKICKS! King bails out again, but Melo builds speed to slide. King dodges, Melo ducks the chop to ROCK! And CHOP! King kicks low, CHOPS again, but then Melo ducks and the chop hits post! Melo SLAMS the hand off the apron, then Melo stands on it against the steel steps! Melo STOMPS the hand! King gets in, still CHOPS, but Melo BOOTS the arm! And CHOPS again! And again! Melo knees low then CLUBS Melo!

King whips, Melo slips up and over to ENZIGURI! Melo whips, King reverses and he TOSSES Melo! Melo lands on his feet but King WRECKS him with a dropkick! King RAMS Melo into steel steps, and then lines up a shot. King BOOTS Melo back down! Fans boo, King soaks it up, and King drags Melo around into the ring. Cover, TWO! King drags Melo up, bumps him off buckles and digs his boot into Melo’s back! The ref counts, fans rally, and King lets off. King whips corner to corner to clothesline! Then CHOP, snapmare, and KICK! Cover, TWO! King is annoyed but he scuffs Melo around.

Fans rally, King scuffs Melo, then stands on Melo’s hand. But Melo gets free to stomp King’s hand! Melo runs in, King dodges but Melo ELBOWS him! Melo goes up but King SUPERKICKS the legs out! And he JUMP STOMPS Melo down! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally for Melo but King stomps him around. King brings Melo up, Melo throws hands but King knees low. King whips to kitchen sink knee, then he KICKS and BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Cover, TWO! King drags Melo around, has a leg, but Melo kicks King away! Melo stands, kicks, but King blocks and ducks the enziguri to have the legs again!

King has the HALF CRAB! Melo endures, CLUBS King’s legs, but King steps around to pull on the leg. Melo kicks the bad hand again! King staggers away, Melo runs up, but King gets under, lift and BACKBREAKER! King eggs on the fans, wrenches Melo and back suplexes for another BACKBREAKER! Fans boo more but King just soaks it up. King drags Melo up, CLUBS him on the back, and back suplexes again, but Melo CROSSBODIES! Cover, ONE!! King LARIATS Melo down! King huffs and puffs and offers the handshake again. King wants Melo to show the people “the snake that you are!”

Melo reaches out, and he takes King’s hand? But then flips him off, and HEADBUTTS! And fires off haymakers and CHOPS! King RAMS Melo into the corner, puts him up top, and CHOPS! King climbs up, Melo CLUBS him in return! King throws body shots, then forearms! Melo fires back, King CLOBBERS Melo and they both fall to the floor!! The ring count climbs while Melo clutches a leg. Both men rise at 7 of 10 and slide in! King ROCKS Melo with a forearm but Melo ROCKS King in return! King CHOPS, Melo CHOPS! King CHOPS, but Melo blocks to kick and CHOP back!

Melo CHOPS, whips, but King reverses. But Melo rolls him up, TWO! Melo LARIATS King! And LARIATS again! And springboard LARIATS! Fans fire up and Melo takes aim! Melo runs in to ROCK King, snapmare, and run again. Tilt-o-whirl, LA MYSTICA! Cover, TWO! King survives and Melo grows frustrated. Melo drags King up, reels him in, but King hooks a leg! King suplexes to JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Melo is still in this and King grows frustrated. King kicks Melo, rains down forearms and fists, then drags Melo back up. Fans rally for Melo as King suplexes, but Melo slips fere!

Melo throws King by his hair! King BOOTS from below! Melo ROUNDHOUSES! FADE AWAY into a HAYMAKER! King then hoists Melo up, a third BACKBREAKER! But Melo gets up to ROCK King! Melo goes up, takes aim, NOTHING BUT NET!!! Cover, Melo wins!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall

The former NXT Champion shots that three and gets that win! He has handled business, but then King shouts at him! “MELOOO~! That was one hell of a match. But I’m gonna make things a lot easier on you. It wasn’t ME who attacked Trick Williams, but thank you for that PLE spotlight, my friend.” What? Melo is even more confused and upset than he was before. King has been playing games this whole time, but who is the real mastermind behind the Whodunnit?


Backstage interview with Cora Jade.

Cora knows what Kelly’s gonna say: welcome back, good to see her. She knows. And she knows the locker room didn’t want her back. But she gave them four months off and has returned to the deepest division in WWE. Now she’ll take this place to a whole new level. And she’s made her intentions clear, of course. You probably wanna hear all about it, right? Then see you Tuesday.

Trick Melo Gang regroups.

Trick apologies for letting King get between them. So now they good? Yeah, they good. Good, cuz Melo whooped King’s ass! And now Trick is gonna make it his night tonight! Then you know what to do? What’s that? Whoop Dat Trick! They shake hands and Trick heads out. Will this be the best night for Trick Melo Gang yet?

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Trick Williams VS DIJAK VS Josh Briggs VS Bron Breakker VS Tyler Bate!

Another 25 minutes is on the clock, and we see who out of Trick, Hard Justice, Country Strong, #MeanerThanEvil and the Big Strong Boi is the toughest of them all! Who earns their ticket to New Year’s Evil and THE NXT Championship?

First out is Dijak, who certainly feels he is the favorite to win this. And starting with him is Briggs, ready to show Country Boys Can Survive! The bell rings and the clock is ticking. These two circle, they tie up, and Briggs rolls Dijak up! TWO, and Briggs lets Dijak know that was close. Dijak shoves, Briggs shoves, and they tie up again. They go around and into a corner. Dijak powers Briggs back, headlocks, but Briggs powers out. Briggs drops, hurdles, and hip tosses, but Dijak handsprings through! Briggs headlocks again, Dijak powers out to hurdle, hip toss, but Briggs handsprings through!

Briggs headlocks, Dijak powers out, and they RAM shoulders! And RAM again! Briggs ducks ‘n’ dodges, and they RAM again! Fans fire up and Briggs blocks a kick to FLIP Dijak! Dijak lands on his feet! Briggs ducks ‘n’ dodges again, breaks through lariats, and then RANAS?! Fans fire up as these giants move like Frazer and Axiom earlier tonight! Dijak goes to a corner, Briggs stands him up and ROCKS him! Briggs whips, runs in and ELBOWS! Briggs keeps moving, and he BOOTS Dijak! Briggs wrenches to a back suplex GUT BUSTER! Briggs then runs to POUNCE! Cover, TWO!

Dijak is hanging in there and we’re only two minutes in! Briggs storms up, Dijak throws body shots but Briggs BOOTS him! Briggs stands Dijak up, ROCKS him, then stalks him, Briggs shoves Dijak to a cover, ONE! Briggs keeps cool, there’s still time. Briggs reels Dijak in but Dijak fights the suplex! Briggs still tries, Dijak throws body shots, and then Dijak suplexes high and hard! Fans rally up as both men are down. Briggs goes to a corner, Dijak runs in and ELBOWS, ELBOWS and CLUBS Briggs! Dijak reels Briggs in, “TIME TO FLY!” SUPLEX TOSS for Briggs! Fans rally up, Dijak aims as Briggs rises.

Dijak choke grips, and he lifts for HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, TWO!! Briggs survives and Dijak is seething! We’re under a minute before someone comes in. Dijak aims, spins, but Briggs BOOTS first! Cover, TWO!! Dijak survives and Briggs isn’t sure what he has to do! Briggs pumps up the arm, waits on Dijak to stand, and now Briggs choke grips! But Dijak throws elbows! Briggs waitslocks, Dijak switches, but Briggs bucks the O’Conner! Briggs ELBOWS Dijak, goes up, but Dijak SUPERKICKS and torture racks! FEAST YOUR EYES! cover, Dijak scores RIGHT as time is up!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 0

Tyler Bate is next, and he runs right in. Bate dodges to UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT! And UPPER- NO, Dijak catches him! But Bate fires body shots! Dijak sends Bate to a corner, but Bate boots to then KNEE Dijak away! Bate goes up, FLYING UPPERCUTS, and then aims again. Dijak rises, Bate runs in to UPPERCUT again! Bate clinches, but Dijak CLUBS him down! Dijak fireman’s carries Bate, but Bate fights free and shoves. Bate baits Dijak into the clinch, CORNER EXPLODER! Fans fire up as Bate drags Dijak to the cover, TWO! Dijak stays in this and fans rally up.

Bate drags Dijak up, facelocks, then fireman’s carries. Bate AIRPLANE SPINS but Briggs is free! Briggs BOOTS Dijak then TOSSES Bate! Briggs runs to CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!! Cover, Briggs scores!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 0

And then Briggs THROWS Bate into the walls of the box! Briggs SMACKS Bate off the apron, then whips him into- NO, Bate leaps the steps! Then he comes back to UPPERCUT Briggs! Bate puts Briggs in, ducks the boot and Briggs gets stuck on ropes! Bate goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT Briggs down! Cover, TWO! Bate keeps cool, he brings Briggs around and KNEES low! Bate underhooks, but Briggs is too big! He back drops free! Bate lands on his feet! But Briggs scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Bate hangs tough, but Briggs sees the clock.

Briggs waits as Dijak is freed, but Briggs gets Bate up. Bate slips free to underhook! TYLER DRIVER 97!! Cover, Dijak breaks it! Torture rack, but Bate slips free to roll Dijak up! Bate SCORES!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 1

Dijak DECKS Bate and Bate falls onto Briggs! The ref is too busy reprimanding Dijak! The fans shout at the ref, he sees and counts for Bate, TWO!! Briggs revives in time as Dijak goes back to the box. Bate and Briggs rise up, and Bate fires uppercut after uppercut! Briggs DECKS Bate, whips him and scoops him, but Bate slips around to a SLEEPER! Fans fire up but Briggs RAMS Bate into buckles! The fans count it down as Bate has a SLEEPER! But Briggs BACKPACK STUNNERS! And here comes TRICK! Fans fire up with “Whoop Dat Trick!” and he is all fired up! But Bate FLIES in! Trick DECKS him!

Trick gets in to LEG LARIAT Briggs! And LEG LARIAT for Bate! And repeat! Trick fires hands on Briggs, the fans are thunderous as he UPPERCUTS! Trick whips Briggs but Briggs reverses. Briggs ducks Trick and Trick CLOBBERS Bate! Dijak is freed again, Trick blocks a boot and gives it to Dijak! Trick trips Briggs, Dijak ROCKS Trick, but Trick LARAITS Dijak into CATAPULTING Briggs into Bate! DOUBLE NECKBREAKER on the big men! Double cover, TWO!! Bate runs in, Trick dodges to POP-UP UPPERCUT! The fans fire up, Trick fires hands on Briggs! Briggs ROCKS Trick!

Dijak BOOTS Briggs, goes up the corner, and Trick leaps off Briggs to CLOBBER Dijak outta the air!! Cover, Bate breaks it!! Fans are thunderous again as Briggs and Dijak flop out of the ring. Bate fireman’s carries Trick, for the AIRPLANE SPIN! They go around ten times, but Trick slips free to AIRPLANE SPIN Bate! Bate fights free, and torture racks for the UFO SPIN! Fans fire up as Bate spins and spins and spins, NO HANDS!! Cover, Briggs AND Dijak break it! The fans are thunderous, “This is Awesome!” Bate puts Dijak on the apron, Briggs BLASTS him! Trick BOOTS Briggs out!

Trick and Bate coordinate, but Dijak anchors Trick! Bate DIVES onto Briggs, Dijak HOTSHOTS Trick! Bate drop toeholds Dijak into steel steps! Bate gets in, REBOUNDER on Trick!! Bate hauls Trick up, underhooks, and TYLER DRIVER 97!! Cover, Bate scores!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 2; Trick: 0

Another one for the Big Strong Boi and Trick has to cool off now. But Briggs is back, he ELBOW DROPS Bate! Cover, TWO! Briggs is annoyed but he drags Bate up. Briggs ROCKS Bate, Bate ROCKS Briggs! Briggs DECKS Bate! Bate staggers up to SLAP Briggs! And CHOP! And ROCK! And again! Briggs ROCKS Bate again, whips him to a corner hard and Bate falls! Fans chant “FREE DAT TRICK!” but we’re also at the 15 minute mark! That means Bron is here! And he rushes right in at Briggs! Bron dodges to then SPEAR! Cover, Bron scores!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 2; Trick: 0; Bron: 1

Bate runs in, Bron dodges him, SPEAR! Cover, Bron scores again!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 2; Trick: 0; Bron: 2

Bron has tied things with Bate and now Bate has to cool off! Dijak leaps in, Bron SPEARS him outta the sky!! Cover, Bron scores AGAIN!!!

Dijak: 1; Briggs: 1; Bate: 2; Trick: 0; Bron: 3

Bron takes the lead now and fans boo! Trick is back, though, and fans fire up behind him! Trick needs points bad, so he and Bron throw hands! Trick throws faster hands, then he DROPKICKS! Trick runs up in the corner and fires more shots! Trick whips, Bon ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Trick! The straps come down, fans boo and bark. STEINER RECLINER!! Trick endures, but then wait, there’s a fight in the box! Dijak, Briggs and Bate are raging! Trick crawls, to the ROPEBREAK! Briggs is freed officially but he and the others are all brawling! Bron trophy lifts, Trick slips free, BOOKEND!!

Bron tumbles out of the ring, joins the brawl, and Trick goes up! Fans fire up as Trick SUPER CROSSBODIES everyone down!! Trick roars, the fans are behind him, and Trick puts Dijak in! But Bron anchors Trick! Briggs CLUBS Bron, Dijak BOOTS Trick! Cover, Dijak scores!

Dijak: 2; Briggs: 1; Bate: 2; Trick: 0; Bron: 3

Trick’s fire is out for now, but Bate runs in. Dijak TOSSES him to the corner, goes up, and fans boo. But Bron goes up to SUPER STEINER Dijak into a TYLER DRIVER!! BATE SCORES!!!

Dijak: 2; Briggs: 1; Bate: 3; Trick: 0; Bron: 3

Fans are thunderous as Bate and Bron meet again, Worlds Collide revisited. Bron runs in, Bate kicks, but Bron scoops to a GUTBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives but Bron drags him up. Bron throws hands, hoists Bate up top, and then climbs up. Bate throws hands, Bron hits back, but Trick is free! And he brawls with the others while Bron SUPER FALL AWAY SLAMS Bate!! cover, Briggs breaks it! Cover on Bate, TWO! Trick has Briggs to throw hands! Briggs hits back! We’re at 20 minutes, Briggs RAMS Trick into buckles! Briggs does the same to Bron, but Dijak is back!

Briggs choke grips Bate, but Bate flips through! Bop up, BASNG for Briggs! Dijak grabs Bate, but then Briggs joins in! The big men have Bate, DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!! Then Trick runs up, but Briggs feeds him to Dijak’s LARIAT! Bron runs up, Dijak feeds him to Briggs’ LARIAT! The big men then both go up!? DOUBLE KAIJU MOONSAULTS!! Cover, they BOTH score!!

Dijak: 3; Briggs: 2; Bate: 3; Trick: 0; Bron: 3

The only one with no score is Trick! But Bate CLOBBERS both giants! Bate then springboards, FLYING TORNADO DDT on Dijak! But Dijak gets out! Bate builds speed to FLY!! Direct hit on Dijak, but Briggs pops Bate up to CLOBBER him! Briggs puts Bate in, goes up again, but Dijak BOOTS Bate first! Briggs leaps, into a SUPERKICK! Dijak aims from the corner, Bate rises up, Bate falls back down, DOUBLE BOOTS hit Briggs and Dijak!! The fans are thunderous as everyone is down! Trick and Bron are chomping at the bit, then they start fighting each other to get out!

Bron gets Trick first and POSTS him! We have two minutes left, but Bron SPEARS Trick through the barriers!! But Dijak choke grips to HIGH JUSTICE through the desk!!! Fans are losing their minds and Bate brawls with Briggs on the top rope! Briggs reels Bate in but Bate fights with body shots! Dijak returns to torture rack Briggs! FEAST- NO, Briggs slips free to shove him into Bate! Trick rolls Briggs! TRICK SCORES!

Dijak: 3; Briggs: 2; Bate: 3; Trick: 1; Bron: 3

Diajk SUPERKICKS Trick! SUPERKICK to Bate! Torture rack on Trick, FEAST YOUR EYES!! Cover, but EDDY THORPE pulls out the ref?!? The Alpha Wolf makes sure Dijak doesn’t get anything more! Trick then ROCKS Dijak, GAMANGIRIS, and Trick rolls him! TRICK SCORES!

Dijak: 3; Briggs: 2; Bate: 3; Trick: 2; Bron: 3

Bate SKY TWISTERS Trick! Underhooks, but Trick jackknifes and SCORES!!!

Dijak: 3; Briggs: 2; Bate: 3; Trick: 3; Bron: 3

Trick has THREE points, and he KNEES Bron!! Cover, TRICK GETS THE POINT! AND HE WINS!!!!

Winner: Trick Williams, with 4 points (NEW #1 Contender to NXT Championship)

The fans are electric! Trick scored the most points in the smallest amount of time!! And now HE is going to face whoever is NXT Champion after tonight! Is it only a matter of time until we crown dat Trick?


Briggs regroups with Fallon & Jensen.

The others feel bad, they get how he feels, but Briggs asks if Jensen does. Jensen says no, they both did great. They should feel proud for doing so well! But then Dar and Meta Four walk in and he says the loser cowpokes should be feeling shame. They’re 0-2. Uh, didn’t we miss when Lash won? Uh, Lash didn’t lose, she ran out of time. Sounds like an excuse to Fallon. Hey, Lash had 2 points, Fallon had 1, so that makes Meta Four twice as good as them. But then they start throwing hands! Refs rush in, but it seems Meta Four can’t help but pissing people off. Will this fight have to resolve on Tuesday?


Kiana James leaves WWE HQ.

She has VIP limo service drive her to the arena, and she looks determined to finish things with Roxanne Perez once and for all.

Steel Cage Match: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James!

The Prodigy got screwed out of the Iron Survivor Challenge, but then she returned the favor to the Calculator! Their grudge has been building, and there’s NO ESCAPE allowed, who survives the steel with iron will?

The cage door closes, but Kiana rushes Roxie! Roxie dodges the bag, they brawl, and the bell rings. Kiana ROCKS Roxie, bumps her off buckles, and then stalks her. Kiana brings Roxie up, aims for steel, but Roxie fights back! Roxie aims for steel, Kiana blocks that, and she SMACKS Roxie off the steel! Kiana gets the legs to CATA- NO, Roxie slips right around, and CATAPULTS Kiana into steel! Kiana wobbles, tries to climb, but Roxie grabs a leg! Kiana kicks her away but Roxie dropkicks the wall to make Kiana fall! Then Roxie dropkicks Kiana into the steel! Cover, TWO!

Roxie ROCKS Kiana, whips her to a corner, then she runs in, only for Kiana to dodge! Roxie hits buckles, Kiana scoops, but Roxie slips free. Kiana storms up, Roxie kicks low, then she climbs up. Roxie uses that to CROSSBODY, but Kiana catches her! Kiana RAMS Roxie into the steel! Kiana snarls, drags Roxie up, and puts Roxie’s hand in the gaps to STOMP! And STOMP! And STMOP! Roxie gets her hand free but Kiana stomps her against the cage! Roxie endures, Kiana lets off, and she SMACKS Roxie off the steel again. Fans boo but Kiana soaks up the heat. Kiana paces, then drags Roxie up to throw her around.

Kiana stomps Roxie to ropes, stands her up, and RAMS into her! And then handsprings back, returns and RAMS Roxie right into steel! Cover, TWO! Kiana snarls again, and clamps on a chinlock. Kiana stretches Roxie back, but the fans rally as Roxie endures. Roxie fights up, throws body shots, and she fires forearms! Roxie whips, Kiana reverses and SPINEBUSTERS! High stack, TWO! Kiana shoves Roxie down, stands on one hand and stomps the ribs. Kiana then stomps the hand! Roxie goes to ropes, Kiana pushes her around, but Roxie throws body shots! Kiana knees low!

Kiana stalks Roxie to ropes, drags her up, and stands her against ropes. Kiana runs up but Roxie moves, so Kiana runs right into steel! The fans rally, Roxie goes to a corner, and Roxie drags herself up. Roxie goes up the corner, shouts at Kiana to get up, and then FLYING THESZ PRESS! Roxie fires fast hands, she ROCKS Kiana and SHOTGUNS her down! Fans fire up with Roxie and she drags Kiana up. Roxie THROWS Kiana into steel! And then into more steel! And then even more steel! Fans fire up and Roxie grins as she drags Kiana up, to throw her into the fourth wall!

Kiana flounders, Roxie runs in and she UPPERCUTS Kiana! And ROCKS her! And then reels her in, wrench and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Roxie keeps moving, and she UPPERCUTS Kiana int he back! Cover, TWO! Kiana is still in this but Roxie goes to a corner. Roxie climbs up, and then decides to go even higher! The fans fire up as Roxie reaches the top! But Kiana hurries up after her! Kiana reaches the top, Roxie fires forearms! Kiana hits back! They brawl, the fans rally behind Roxie, and Roxie gets the edge! Roxie SMACKS Kiana off the chains! Kiana falls back, but she drags Roxie down to join her!

Roxie kicks Kiana away, then returns to the top rope! But Kiana SHOVES her into steel! Kiana then gets up on the corner, gets under Roxie, and she SUPER POWERBOMBS her! Roxie flounders, Kiana falls to the cover, TWO!! Roxie survives and shocks Kiana! Kiana pulls hair hair in anger and the fans rally up. Kiana drags Roxie up, reels her in, and POWERBOMBS Roxie into steel! Kiana runs side to side to BOMB Roxie into more steel! But Roxie still hits POP ROX!!! Fans fire up while both women are down! Roxie crawls over to Kiana for the cover, TWO!! Kiana is still in this and Roxie is beside herself!

Roxie shrieks, the fans rally up, and she brings Kiana up. POP- NO, Kiana pops free! Roxie hits buckles, Kiana wants out! She won’t win by escape, but Roxie hurries to get Kiana all the same! Kiana has a chair! She kicks Roxie away, then takes aim, but Roxie dodges! Roxie sobats, then she gets the chair! Kiana freaks out, asks for mercy, but Roxie says okay. Roxie goes to put the chair outside, but wait, Izzi Dame?! She SLAMS the door shut on Roxie! And Kiana SMACKS Roxie with the chair! Then FULL METAL DEAL BREAKER!! Cover, Kiana wins!

Winner: Kiana James, by pinfall

Izzi says it is what it Izz, but clearly she’s on Team Kiana. Will Kiana get back on her hostile takeover of NXT now that she has a new assistant?


NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Baron Corbin!

These two couldn’t be any more different. From how they live to how they carry themselves, to how they fight to why they fight. But they’re both similar in that they’re hard hitting, fast moving, and downright dangerous! But will the Mad Dragon burn down those ships? Or will Corbin finally complete his collection by taking hold of this title?

Corbin rides in on a motorcycle! He shows off his mix of wealth and toughness as he cruises around the ring. Dragunov simply walks his way out, the same level of energy as always. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just who slays the dragon!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Corbin uses his height to power Dragunov to ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Corbin headlocks, hits a takeover, and he grinds Dragunov down. Dragunov fights up, but Corbin keeps the headlock. Dragunov powers Corbin to ropes, the ref counts, and Dragunov lets off, but then CHOPS! Corbin headlocks and hits a takeover! Fans rally and duel, seems some in Bridgeport like Corbin. Dragunov powers up but can’t power out as Corbin holds on tight. Dragunov tries again, gets free, but Corbin runs him over! Fans are torn but then things speed up.

Dragunov sidesteps, runs, but into another headlock takeover! Corbin traps an arm, he grinds the headlock, but Dragunov fights up. Dragunov slips around, pries free and wrenches to RAM Corbin! And CHOP him! And then knee him! Dragunov runs but Corbin follows to clothesline Dragunov up and out! Dragunov returns to UPPERCUT! And then Dragunov clotheslines Corbin and himself out of the ring! Fans fire up and Dragunov CLUBS Corbin! Corbin ROCKS Dragunov! Dragunov ROCKS Corbin, then waistlocks! Corbin fights the lift, thrwos elbows, but Dragunov still GERMAN SUPLEXES to the floor!

Fans fire up and Dragunov CLUBS Corbin right on that new tattoo! Dragunov refreshes the ring count, but Corbin fights the waistlock. Corbin SMACKS Dragunov off the desk! Corbin then brings Dragunov up to suplex, but Dragunov fights it! Dragunov throws body shots, but Corbin fights the suplex to GOURD BUSTER Dragunov on the desk!! Fans fire up while Corbin refreshes the count again. Corbin puts Dragunov in, drags Dragunov up and then hangs him out to dry! Dragunov flops off ropes, Corbin covers, ONE!! Dragunov is still in this but Corbin says he can stop it by just giving up.

Corbin drags Dragunov up, CLUBS him, and Dragunov grits his teeth as he leans against ropes. Fans rally, Corbin brings Dragunov around and KNEES him into the corner! Corbin stands on Dragunov’s ribs while soaking up the heat. The ref counts, Corbin lets off, and he brings Dragunvo up. Dragunov throws hands, but so does Corbin! Corbin ROCKS Dragunov but Dragunov UPPERCUTS Corbin! Dragunov sputters, though, and Corbin ROCKS him! Dragunov rebounds but Corbin avoids the Pele to SLAM Dragunov into buckles! Corbin looms over Dragunov but Dragunov BOOST him away!

Corbin CLUBS Dragunov down, then puts him in the corner. Corbin whips corner to corner hard and Dragunov falls back. Corbin mockingly applauds but fans boo. Dragunov clutches his side but Corbin drags him up. Corbin puts Dragunov up top, but Dragunov fires forearms and CLUBS away! Fans duel, Corbin ROCKS Dragunov, then goes up top. Dragunov fires HEADBUTTS! Corbin falls back, Dragunov adjusts, and fans fire up again! Dragunov aims to SUPER SENTON but Corbin moves! Corbin then FLYING LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and Corbin is shocked!

Corbin drags Dragunov up again, brings him around, and fireman’s carries. But Dragunov throws elbows to get free! Dragunov CHOPS Corbin on the back! Dragunov waistlocks, but Corbin fights the lift! Corbin switches, Dragunov switches, but Corbin spins around to DDT! Dragunov flops to the ropes, and Corbin storms up on him. Corbin drags Dragunov back up, hugs him and pats him on the back, just like Tuesday. And then URENAGE! Corbin then clamps on a DRAGON SLEEPER! The fans rally and duel as Dragunov endures! Corbin then turns this into an INVERTED SUPLEX into a BACKBREAKER!

And it’s back to the DRAGON SLEEPER! But Dragunov throws knees to get free! Fans rlaly up again, and Dragunov storms up on Corbin. Corbin throws a body shot! Corbin reels Dragunov in but Dragunov ROCKS him with forearm sfirst! Corbin throat chops! Corbin reels Dragunov into a choke grip, for the CHOKE SLAM- ENZIGURI! Dragunov strikes back and fans fire up! Dragunov aims from a corner, runs in, and KNEES Corbin down! But Dragunov ends up in the other corner! Dragunov drags himself up the corner as fans rally again. SUPER SENTON hits this time!! But it is double-edged given the damage to his ribs!!

Dragunov and nCorbin rise, they fire off forearms and haymakers and the fans fire up! Both men wobble, but then Corbin CLOBBERS Dragunov! Dragunov springs up to DECK Corbin!! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! The fans cheer “NXT! NXT!” for giving us this main event! Corbin CHOPS, Dragunov CLUBS! Corbin ROCKS, Dragunov CHOPS! Corbin CHOPS, Dragunov SLAPS! Both men wobble again, Corbin ROCKS Dragunov again! Dragunov eggs him on!? Corbin ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov LARIATS! Corbin ends up in a corner, Dragunov storms up to CHOP! CHOP! MACHINE GUN CHOP!!

The fans fire up, Dragunov CHOPS even as Corbin sits down! Fans roar with Dragunov and he scrapes his boot off Corbin’s face! And again! And then Dragunov runs to BOOT WASH! Dragunov growls and he drags Corbin up, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Corbin flounders around, Dragunov drags him up, and Dragunov reels Corbin in. Corbin fights the lift and Dragunov’s ribs hold him back! Dragunov falls back, Corbin goes to the apron. Dragunov runs in to BOOT Corbin! Dragunov climbs up, brings Corbin up to join him, and he throws body shots! Corbin throws shots back!

Dragunov wobbles, but he HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS! Corbin hits another body shot! Corbin choke grips, to SUPER CHOKE SLAM!! Dragunov flounders while Corbin gets down from the corner. Cover, TWO!! Dragunov is still in this and Corbin is frustrated. Corbin clamps on, DRAGON SLEEPER!! And body scissors! Dragunov flails, fights the scissors, gets his legs free and moves around! Dragunov cravats Corbin while inside the sleeper! Corbin inverted suplexes but Dragunov slips free! Corbin ELBOWS him away! Corbin runs in, into a fireman’s carry! CORNER DEATH VALLEY!!

Fans fire up again while both men are down! Dragunov says “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” TORPED- DEEP SIX!! Cover, TWO!! Corbin hurries to get Dragunov up and fireman’s carry, to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! And then deadlift suplex, BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Dragunov survives again and Corbin is furious! Corbin shakes his head, drags Dragunov up, and reels him in, END OF- NO, Dragunov slips free, kicks low, and reels Corbin in! Dragunov gets Corbin up, but his body isn’t letting him lift! Dragunov refuses to let that stop him, and he gets Corbin up to POWERBOMB!!!

The fans are thunderous again as both men are down! Corbin goes to one corner, Dragunov goes to the adjacent. Dragunov climbs, and he blows a kiss to go COAST2COAST!!! But again, double-edged because of the bad ribs! Dragunov still drags himself to the far side, takes aim again, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO- END OF- NO!! Another escape, and SATELLITE DDT!! Dragunov will not be denied, H BOMB FOREARM!! And another!! Dragunov powers up, for a THIRD H BOMB FOREARM!! But he doesn’t cover? Dragunov hugs Corbin?

Dragunov goes back to the corner, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” And then TORPEDO MOSCOW!!!! Cover, Dragunov wins!!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Perhaps Dragunov was telling Corbin thank you and good night, because he just put Corbin to bed! If the Mad Dragon cannot be slain, then who- Wait! here comes Trick to remind Dragunov of who is next. And wait, Melo is coming out, too? We fade out, is Melo simply standing with his guy to show support?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Deadline event, though that Steel Cage ended up being the weakest of the bunch. Even with them adding “No Escape” last minute, it just seemed so obvious there was going to be interference on behalf of Kiana. And it also was obvious it was gonna be Izzi after her having such an obvious part to play in this story. Kiana and Roxie are now 1-1, that Devil’s Playground stipulation was probably a lot too start the rivalry, but maybe they’ll have something really wild for the blowoff at New Year’s Evil.

Frazer VS Axiom was an awesome match for being just the Kickoff Show. Frazer is showing some good character stuff that might suggest a Heel turn, but Axiom getting the win is great. Opening with the North American title was a bit of a surprise, as was no Rhea anywhere, but we got a really good match, and a great result in Dragon Lee winning. Though, makes it feel like a weird curse is on the belt. Mustafa Ali was meant to win, he was let go, Trick won instead. Wes Lee was meant to win, got hurt, Dragon won instead. Let’s hope they don’t put this belt back on Dom to break the curse.

Great appearance by HBK & Punk, fun little interaction, but a rather silly tease that Punk’s gonna be in NXT. Punk didn’t bother going to ROH the whole time he was in AEW, he ain’t “signing” with NXT over Raw. Good match out of Melo VS King, but it was glaringly obvious King forgot to sell the bad hand. It hit the post, it got stomped on the steps, but he still used that hand to chop Melo like 20 more times after, as well as like body shots and stuff. But of course Melo wins, and of course the twists and turns aren’t over as King reveals he never actually attacked Trick. Maybe the reveal will be New Year’s Evil as we have the title match.

Awesome Iron Survivor matches, and I’m rather surprised it was Blair getting the win when Nikkita Lyons attacked her just last Tuesday. Maybe that was just Nikkita getting her shot in even though she’s not medically cleared yet. Also, Cora Jade just showing up, an interesting move but I guess she doesn’t want to be left out on the Road to Stand & Deliver. Lyra VS Blair at NYE, Cora wanting her shot, Lola going for a cash-in with her contract, the odds might be stacked against Lyra.

The men’s Iron Survivor took a little longer to get revved up, the fans didn’t seem to really care about Briggs and Dijak just slugging it out. But Bate helped get things going, and fans got to hate on Bron as he racked up points very quickly. And what a wild finish to help Trick get that comeback win! Fans love Trick, Trick is the right choice with the added drama of his story with Melo developing. And awesome main event for the NXT Championship, but of course Dragunov won.

Dragunov and Trick are going to have great stuff given their previous matches, but I can’t believe they faded out as Melo walked up behind Trick. Guess there wasn’t gonna be an “after the copyright box” moment like NXT/HHH is famous for doing. And I haven’t seen anything on social media, so maybe it was a tease of a turn, but then they should’ve kept filming so we could see nothing happened. It was a minor thing but still, WWE’s always been really sharp about this stuff.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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