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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (12/14/23)

On the eve of Final Battle…!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Who will feel the Fallen Goddess’ wrath?

Just 24 hours before landing in Garland, Texas, the ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena, prepares for her Final Battle with Billie Starkz!


  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Eddie Kingston VS Evil Uno w/ The Dark Order; Kingston wins and denies Evil Uno a title match.
  • Leyla Hirsch w/ Rachael Ellering & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Katrina Creed; Leyla wins.
  • ROH Pure Championship Pure Rules Proving Ground: Wheeler Yuta VS Jason Geiger; Yuta wins and retains the title.
  • Six Man Tag: Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Jacked Jameson & The Iron Savages; Castle & The Boys win.
  • Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV; Taya wins.
  • Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Bobby Sharp & Shawn Moore; Griff & Karter win.
  • Shane Taylor w/ Lee Moriarty VS Channing Decker; Shane wins.
  • The Righteous VS Australian Takeover; The Righteous win.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Gravity; Cage wins.
  • Four Corner Survival Tag: The Workhorsemen VS The Outrunners VS The Infantry VS The Butcher & The Blade; Butcher & Blade win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Roxanne; Athena wins and denies Roxanne a title match.


ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Eddie Kingston VS Evil Uno w/ The Dark Order!

The Mad King is holding on in the AEW Continental Classic, but he has to stay sharp or someone could pop the bubble! Will Eddie sharpen that edge here tonight? Or will Montreal’s own score one for Quebec?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans fire up as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Eddie powers Uno back. Uno turns things around on Eddie but Eddie turns them back. The fans rally for “EVIL UNO!” as Eddie lets off and the two reset. They tie up again, Eddie headlocks but Uno powers out. They RAM shoulders but neither falls. Eddie dares Uno to try again, so Uno runs. Uno ducks the chop, RAMS Eddie, then runs again to RANA! Eddie bails out while fans fire up and Uno pursues Eddie. Uno CHOPS, fans “WOO~!” and then Uno has Eddie against a post. Uno swings, but Eddie moves and Uno CHOPS the post!!

The fans feel that pain, and Eddie storms up to SLAM that hand on the apron! Reynolds & Silver check on Uno but Eddie bends the fingers back. Fans boo, Uno CHOPS, but that hurts the hand! Eddie pushes Uno into the ring, then stalks Uno to a corner. Eddie snapmares, grabs the bad hand and he bends it into the top wristlock. The fans boo but Eddie grins. Uno fights up, breaks free and CHOPS, but again that’s the bad hand! Eddie CHOPS Uno down, no problems with his hands! Eddie stalks Uno, Uno gets mad but Eddie kicks him around. Uno eggs Eddie on, so Eddie BOOTS him! Uno stands up and fans fire up!

Eddie runs, but Uno blocks the kick, gives it to the ref and hits the NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up again and Uno feeds off the energy. Eddie rises, Uno storms up and brings Eddie up. Uno CHOPS but again, bad hand! Eddie CHOPS, but Uno eggs him on! Eddie CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Uno takes off his vest to throw it at Eddie! Eddie CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Uno swivels them hips! So Eddie CHOPS! Eddie whips Uno to a corner, but Uno comes back to CLOBBER him! Uno then has Eddie in the corner, and he powers through the pain to MACHINE GUN CHOP! But Eddie turns it around to MACHINE GUN CHOP!

Fans boo but Eddie whips corner to corner. Uno dodges Eddie, runs back in and ELBOWS him! Then short arm LARIATS! Fans fire up with Uno and he slashes his throat. Uno knuckle locks Eddie, drags him into a facelock, but Eddie fights out. Uno ducks the Uraken to ROCK Eddie with a right! Uno suplexes, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Eddie is still in this and Uno is shocked! The fans rally and Uno drags Eddie up. Uno reels Eddie in, but Eddie fights the lift! Eddie back drops free! Uno staggers to his feet, Eddie runs in but into a BOOT! Uno runs and BOOTS again! Uno vows to end this and he hauls Eddie up! PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!

Uno is fuming but he aims from a corner. Eddie rises, Uno runs in and BOOTS again! Then Uno goes to the apron and up the corner! Montreal is all fired up for their guy, SWANTON BOMB onto knees!! Eddie saves himself, and then URAKENS! Uno flounders around but he’s still up! Uno roars, but Eddie URAKENS again!! Cover, Eddie wins!

Winner: Eddie Kingston, by pinfall (denies Uno a title opportunity)

The Backfist to the Future and its sequel took care of Player One, but Eddie wants to show him respect. Fans cheer as Eddie offers the handshake, and then cheer more as Uno accepts it! What will it take for the Dark Order to reach that next level?


Leyla Hirsch w/ Rachael Ellering & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Katrina Creed!

The LEGIT One is hoping to count on her two friends, and hoping that her two friends can get along. Will Leyla be able to focus on her match tonight? Or will have two friends be one too many distractions at ringside?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the fans cheer as the two circle. Leyla gets a leg, trips Katrina then eggs her on. Katrina reaches up, Leyla gets that arm and wrenches. Katrina wrenches back, but Leyla slips around to fireman’s carry takeover. Leyla has the arm for a cording hold, Maria cheers but Katrina fights up. Katrina wrenches, headlocks, but Leyla powers out the back to waistlock and SLAM! Leyla flexes, fans are torn, and Maria is disappointed in Canada. Leyla runs in but Katrina gets around to roll her up! TWO, but Katrina arm-drags! Katrina runs, but Leyla avoids the dropkick to GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!

Leyla looms over Katrina, drags her up and suplexes for a FALCON ARROW! Then Leyla puts Katrina on ropes to CHOKE! The ref counts, Maria talks trash, and fans boo even as Leyla lets off. Maria gets a shot in and Rachael is upset with her! Maria plays innocent, Leyla CLUBS Katrina down. Leyla snap suplexes Katrina, covers, TWO! Leyla rains down forearms on Katrina and Maria likes it! Fans rally, Leyla “kicks dirt” at Katrina, then drags Katrina up. Leyla suplexes but Katrina cradle counters! TWO, and Leyla LARIATS! Leyla then drags Katrina up, for a back suplex SLAM! Cover, TWO! Leyla and Maria argue with the ref but the fans rally up.

Rachael says shrug it off, keep on Katrina. Leyla fireman’s carries, but Katrina slips free to fire forearms! Leyla swings, Katrina dodges and DROPKICKS! Leyla ends up in a corner, the fans fire up but Maria coaches Leyla up. Katrina runs in, and she A-LIST LARIATS! Katrina shoves Leyla away, slingshots, but into a KNEE!! Cover, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by pinfall

That was almost a LEGIT knockout! Maria raises Leyla’s hand in victory, and Rachael congratulates her friend. Will this dysfunctional trio find a way to make it big here in ROH together?


Backstage interview with The Outrunners.

Lexi Nair is with Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum, noting the big Fatal 4 Way Tag between four of ROH’s best tag teams, The Infantry VS The Workhorsemen VS Butcher & Blade VS The Outrunners. Truth says, “Listen up, chump stains. There’s only two men tan enough, vascular enough, and most importantly, young enough to be at the top of the ROH Tag Team Division, and you’re looking at ’em, Lexi! Tell ’em, Turb!” Turbo says he’s glad Lexi mentioned their vascularity! Cuz there’s only one team in this entire match that’s young, tan and vascular, and that’s The Outrunners.

Most people would find this opportunity too much for them, but not The Outrunners! This is the chance for Turbo & Truth to “spread their worth in girth across the Earth and all of ROH! Because if you haven’t seen The Outrunners…” “You haven’t seen nothing yet!” A great amount of confidence right here, but will it see Turbo & Truth through to victory?


ROH Pure Championship Pure Rules Proving Ground: Wheeler Yuta VS Jason Geiger!

With Madison Rayne, Jimmy Jacobs & Jerry Lynn as our judges tonight, this unique fusion of Pure Rules and Proving Ground Rules puts both men to the test. But will The Decoder still make quick work of his opponent tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and we’re on the clock. The two circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. Yuta rolls, wrangles and wristlocks Geiger but Geiger counters with a grapevine on Yuta’s leg. Yuta stays up as Geiger moves around and tries to bring him down. Yuta sits for a cover, ONE and Yuta pries Geiger off his leg to go for Geiger’s leg. Geiger rolls, Yuta makes it a press, ONE! Yuta facelocks, then brings Geiger up and puts him on the ropes! The ref does count that for Geiger’s first ropebreak, and Geiger says that was all Yuta. But Yuta headlocks, so Geiger powers out, only for Yuta to run Geiger over.

Things speed up, and Geiger ELBOWS Yuta down! Geiger then suplexes Yuta high and hard! Geiger waistlocks, Yuta fights and wrenches free to arm-drag! Then Yuta DROPKICKS Geiger down! Fans rally up, Yuta brings Geiger around and CHOPS him down! Yuta eggs Geiger on, then smirks as he talks him. Geiger throws body shots but Yuta CHOPS! Cover, TWO! Yuta drags Geiger up to scoop and SLAM! Yuta covers, and then he again makes Geiger end up on ropes! That ends up being Geiger’s second ropebreak, and the second time it was all Yuta! But Yuta ROCKS Geiger with a forearm, then drags him back up.

Yuta ROCKS Geiger with another forearm, but Geiger drops down, ARMBAR! Yuta fights to stay up, and he pops free to get a leg! DEATHLOCK! Yuta taunts Geiger while he stands over him. Yuta dares Geiger to use that last ropebreak! Then he BRIDGES! Geiger grabs the ROPEBREAK, and now Geiger has none! Yuta cheers himself on, he made Geiger exhaust his breaks in just three minutes. Yuta drags Geiger up, suplexes, and he holds Geiger up! But Geiger slips free, waistlocks, but Yuta throws elbows. Geiger CLUBS Yuta, whips, and Geiger CLOBBERS him! Geiger CLUBS Yuta, then waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Yuta flounders up, Geiger leg scissors, HEEL HOOK! Yuta scrambles, ROPEBREAK! Yuta uses one finally, but Geiger waistlocks. Yuta switches, then tosses Geiger out! Geiger is on the apron, Yuta has him in a ROPE GUILLOTINE!! No ropebreaks means no mercy for Geiger, Geiger is OUT! Yuta wins!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by submission (denies Geiger a title opportunity)

The Decoder shakes Geiger’s hand sarcastically as he finished toying with him. But will Yuta be able to bend the rules when there are no rules in Final Battle’s No Disqualification Six Man Tag? For that matter, what about his coming FTW Rules match with Hook?


Six Man Tag: Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Jacked Jameson & The Iron Savages!

The Peacock is preparing for Survival of the Fittest, and he’s up against the beefy and bulky, jacked and juicy trio, who are here to flex, fight and take everyone to #TiddyCity! Will Castle & The Tate Twins end up sipping the Savage Sauce? Or will the Savages not be ready for the lean, mean poultry cuisine that is the former ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions?

The fans rally for Castle & The Boys already as the Code of Honor is upheld. Castle and Dirty Bulk Bronson start. They circle, the fans rally as Castle has a very low stance. Bronson squats to join him, and Castle lunges! They tie up, go around, and Castle waistlocks. Castle puts Bronson in the corner, lets off slowly, then ROCKS him! Tag to Brandon, then tag to Brent. Castle sends Bronson to a corner, The Boys whip Castle in to SPLASH! Castle then feeds Bronson to DOUBLE ELBOWS! And DOUBLE LARIATS! Double cover, TWO!! Bronson is big and strong, but The Boys feed him DOUBLE SOLE FOOD!

Bronson wobbles, The Boys double whip, only for Bronson to crisscross them into each other! Hot tag to Beefcake Boulder, but The Boys double kick him! The Boys reel Boulder in but Boulder is TOO big! The Boys switch it up, the fans rally behind them, but Boulder DOUBLE SUPLEXES The Boys! Boulder stands on Brent’s leg, tag to Jameson! Time to sip the sauce! Jameson sips, then he strait arm levels Brent! Tag to Bronson, and Bronson takes some big sips! Bronson CLUBS Brent, gorilla presses, and he carries Brent around! Fans cheer the “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” and Bronson SLAMS Brent down! Cover, TWO!

Brent survives but Bronson drags him up to tag in Boulder. Boulder takes big chugs, then he presses Brent with ONE HAND! Fans fire up, and then Boulder DROPS Brent! Tag back to Bronson and he says it is time for TIDDY CITY! Castle says no, but too late! Boulder smothers Brent with Boulder’s beef! Bronson gets the bottle, but Castle snatches it! No sauce for you! Fans cheer as The Boys pull off some Twin Magic! That’s actually Brandon in there, playing like he’s in pain. Fans chant for Castle to “DRINK IT! DRINK IT!” and Castle opens the cap! Castle CHUGS Savage Sauce!! As if Castle wasn’t all kinds of wild and wooly before, he’s shaking like a madman!!

Bronson hauls Brandon up, Brandon escapes the back suplex and slides! Bronson gets a leg, Brandon ENZIGURIS free! Hot tag to Castle! Boulder tags in but Castle RAMS him! And LARIATS! And LARIATS! Boulder stays up but Castle DECKS Jameson! Castle fires a forearm, then runs, but Boulder smothers him and scoops him! Castle slips free, waistlocks, and GERMAN SUPLEXES!! Boulder flounders out but Bronson is back! Castle catches him for an EXPLODER! Jameson runs in, into an EXPLODER! Castle fires up and the fans are with him! But Boulder bearhugs Castle! Castle CLUBS the waistlock, switches, but Boulder RAMS him into buckles!

The Boys run in, but Boulder puts Brandon on the apron and fireman’s carries Brent! Then Boulder adds Brandon to the pile! Castle runs, but Boulder catches him! DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP FALL AWAY SLAM COMBO!! The fans fire up as Boulder brings down the straps and storms around! Boulder drags Castle up, tags in Jameson, but Castle escapes! Castle dumps Boulder out, “This is Awesome!” Jameson leaps, Castle dodges! Jameson comes back, Castle blocks the lariat then ELBOWS him away! All the Savages are outside, and Castle shouts, “BRING ME A BOY!!” The Boys pump it up with push-ups, and then Castle THROWS THEM BOTH!

Brandon & Brent take out Bronson & Boulder, but Jameson rolls Castle up! TWO! Alabama Lift and BANGAAAAAA~RANG!! Cover, Castle wins!

Winner: Dalton Castle & The Boys, by pinfall

Castle says the ROH viewers are so lucky, because this Peacock is gonna fly to the Moon! But wait, Johnny TV is here! Castle says he doesn’t care about that stupid fool unless he wants to get down here and go another round! Johnny DOES storm down the ramp, but then reconsiders. Will Castle survive Survival of the Fittest to once again be ROH World Television Champion?


The Butcher & The Blade speak.

Butcher says, “You crumbs! And by ‘crumbs,’ I mean you tag teams. One thing you guys haven’t had the privilege of is seeing a motivated Butcher & Blade. Yeah, money was the thing we were going for. Now, we’re going for gold!” Blade says, “Hey tag teams! Newsflash, slick! The Butcher & The Blade are ready to rip, and we’re looking for gold! So watch your backs, because we are the Master Killers! We are the Midnight Riders! We are The Butcher & The Blade, and we WILL kick! Your! Ass!!” Will ROH have to Drag the Lake when Butcher & Blade are through with their opponents tonight?


Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV!

The Queen of Strong Smile has the LEGIT promise from Leyla that she’s got her back. As for Maria, that’s unclear. But will Rachael be able to grow her small win streak? Or will La Wera Loca soon be running ROH?

The Code of Honor is upheld but barely by Taya, and the bell rings. Taya and Rachael circle, feel things out, and tie up. They go around, Taya wrenches and wristlocks, but Rachael spins, slips through and wrenches back. Rachael wrangles Taya down, but Taya fights up and wrenches through. Taya hammerlocks, headlocks, and fans rally. Rachael powers her way through to trip Taya! Taya bails out and Johnny is there to check her. He coaches his wife through, the ring count starts, and Taya gets up. But Rachael BOOTS her! Rachael CHOPS, then storms up to CHOP again! Taya staggers to another corner but Rachael CHOPS again!

Taya staggers around, Maria applauds as Rachael storms up, but Taya elbows her back. Rachael CHOPS again, and fans “WOO~!” Rachael reels Taya in to WRING the arm, and SLIDING BOOT! Rachael runs to SENTON! Taya sputters and bails out again while fans cheer. Johnny calms Taya down, has her breathe, and the ref wants Taya back in the ring. Rachael storms over but Johnny gets in the way! Johnny says watch those choppy chops! Rachael shoves Johnny aside! But Taya POSTS Rachael! Rachael tumbles and Taya struts around as fans cheer. Taya gives Johnny a kiss, then fetches Rachael.

Taya CLUBS Rachael, uses French to say hello to the fans, then stomps Rachael in the ring. Maria says this is disappointing as Taya CHOKES Rachael on the ropes! The ref counts, Leyla protests, but Taya lets off to snapmare Rachael down. Taya clamps on a chinlock, the fans rally, and Rachael fights up. Rachael throws forearms but Taya gives them back. Taya whips Rachael to a corner, runs in, but into an ELBOW! Rachael boots but Taya blocks to put her in ropes! ROUNDHOUSE, and then a SLIDING GERMAN! Rachael writhes and Taya struts around as Johnny cheers her on. They kiss again and Taya goes back for Rachael. Cover, TWO!

Taya drags Rachael up, bumps her off buckles, then throws an elbow! And a clothesline! Taya shouts, Johnny cheers and Taya gives a little swivel and shake. Taya runs, but into a BOOT! Rachael runs and UPPERCUTS Taya down! And then a NECKBREAKER DROP! And then a LARIAT! Fans fire up with Rachael and she wrenches to fireman’s carry. T K O! Cover, TWO! Taya is still in this and Johnny cheers while Maria is frustrated. Rachael CHOPS Taya, ROCKS her, and then whips corner to corner. Taya BOOTS Rachael, bumps her off buckles, and METEORA! Taya drags Rachael to a cover, TWO!!

Rachael survives and Leyla cheers her on. Taya drags Rachael up, reels her in to a fireman’s carry, but Rachael fights free and shoves. Taya SPEARS on the return! But no cover, Taya ties up the legs and grabs the arms, to SURFBOARD STOMP! Cover, Taya wins!

Winner: Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall

Johnny and Taya kiss again as Taya has a successful ROH debut! Leyla tells Maria she can’t write Rachael off yet, that was a tough fight. Will this trio not fair so well after all?


Ethan Page speaks.

AEW shares footage from backstage at Collision on Saturday, and media asked All Ego about losing to Kenny Omega. Ethan has mentioned wanting to win gold for his daughter this year. Has he gotten closer to that goal, even in defeat? “I dunno, dude. I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what to do next. I gave everything that I had. I didn’t expect to go into the match with bruised ribs, I didn’t expect to get the wind knocked out of me on a Powerbomb in the middle of the ring. I also didn’t expect to get V-Triggered, what? Five, six times in the face. I just know I gave my best, man. I tried my absolute best. And that’s all I can do.

“I had an opporutnity tonight, just like I had an opportunity Tony Nese took away from me to go after the ROH World TV title. So yeah, I definitely could’ve won a title for my daughter if Tony Nese didn’t take it away from me. And that brings me to tonight. I can’t focus on the loss, because six days from now, I have an I Quit match. Six days from now, I have an I Quit match at Final Battle, and I just got my ass kicked in my home country by one of the best wrestlers in the world! And I can’t focus on that, I can’t put my energy into this loss. I got Tony Nese at Final Battle.

“Tonight, I lost because my shoulders were pinned to the mat. Not because I gave up, not because I didn’t have enough in the tank, not because I didn’t have enough willpower, not because I’m not good enough. It’s three seconds. Three seconds, over and over, have changed the course of my career. But not on December 15th, not at Final Battle. No, it’s not three seconds. It’s not me tapping out. It’s not count-outs, it’s not disqualifications. The decision to lose is in my hands. The ONLY person that has to quit is ME! I HAVE TO SAY, ‘I QUIT,’ and I WON’T! I REFUSE! I WILL NOT! Those words will not come out of my mouth, because I have to fight-”

Then Tony Nese busts in! He tells Ethan they should just go right now! Ethan wants Nese to bring it but refs get in the way! Ethan says he doesn’t give a damn, they can go right now! The refs tell Nese to get out of here, so Nese says at Final Battle, it’s happening! Both men are as enraged as they can be, who breaks the other’s spirit to take the win?


Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Bobby Sharp & Shawn Moore!

While Maria is trying to come between Leyla & Rachael, she’s finally managed to unite the Ivy League MVP and Diamond in the Rough. Will Griff & Karter prove they’re on the same page here tonight?

The teams sort out, Griff starts against Sharp, and Griff keeps the Code of Honor. Only to reel Sharp in for a kick! Griff whips, Sharp reverses and things speed up. Sharp arm-drags then DROPKICKS! But Griff stays up, and he returns to CLOBBER Sharp! Griff rains down fists, then he lets off so he can BLAST Moore! Maria applauds and Griff storms up on Sharp. Tag to Karter, they whip and DROPKICK Sharp down! Karter soaks up the heat, blows a kiss, then blows kisses to #HotMom Maria. Karter knees low, bumps Sharp off Griff’s boot, then tags. They both dig their boots in, let off as the ref counts, and Griff taunts Moore.

Griff drags Sharp up, suplexes, then soaks up the heat a little himself as he lets his hair down. Griff drags Sharp into a chinlock, grinds him down, and leans on the hold. Sharp fights up, throws body shots and JAWBREAKERS! Sharp throws heavy hands, then runs. Griff BOOTS right back! Griff smirks, drags Sharp up and feeds him to Karter’s haymaker! Tag to Karter, and he hoists Sharp up. Sharp slips free of the back suplex, hot tag to Moore! Moore CHOPS and ROCKS Karter on repeat! Moore ROCKS, whips, but Griff sneaks a tag! Karter dodges to CALF KICK, ROLLING ELBOW from Griff! Cover, Maria’s boys win!

Winners: Griff Garrison & Cole Karter, by pinfall

Maria raises their hands in victory, and then they both hold the ropes open for Maria. Is this the beginning of a new era for The Kingdom here in ROH?


Backstage interview with The Workhorsemen.

Lexi is with JD Drake & Anthony Henry and says they will be going against three of the top teams in ROH. What will their strategy be? Henry says it’s to keep doing what they’ve been doing. They are on a roll! In fact, not too long ago, they won a Fatal 4 Way! So they’ll do what they’ve been doing, and that is kick ass! JD agrees, and says what the other teams are gonna do is they’re gonna step foot in the ring with two men that are “possessed and obsessed with success. Failure is not an option where the Workhorsemen come from. So tonight, it’s time for us to punch in…” “And knock out!” as the best tag team on the planet!


ROH takes as a closer look at the World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest.

Sparked by Samoa Joe vacating the title so as to pursue the AEW World Championship, this Six Way Elimination match has been built by holding qualifier matches, and six hungry athletes have risen to the challenge. Dalton Castle says Final Battle is where it all changes as “Dalton ‘Drama King’ Castle” takes control! Big Shotty Lee Johnson says he is what he always knew he was: a champion! Lee Moriarty says no one is better fit to survive that #TAIGASTYLE! Komander says he is going to survive to be the NEW ROH World TV Champion on top of the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion! But Kyle Fletcher says he will bring this title home to the Don Callis Family.

And for the first time in the history of this match type, they will directly crown a new champion! But that is only five men, and there needs to be six. Who will be the mysterious sixth and final entry? Will that wild card be the one that takes the prize?


Backstage interview with The Infantry.

Lexi is with Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo and wonders what happens later tonight in that big Fatal 4. “Cap” says he was checking the weather, and it looks real “oppy” outside. Real cloudy with a chance of ops. And their biggest op is out there ducking them, that makes it real bad news for the rest of the division. Oh, and speaking of bad news, one brother with a lot of tattoos has something to let you know. Check it. Don’t think Bad News ‘n’ Tattoos and The Captain haven’t figured out that the ROH Tag Division’s looking real fishy, know what he means? New teams poppin’ up here, old teams poppin’ up there, some teams ain’t anywhere!

But what Carlie can guarantee is that when The Infantry’s in town, there’s a war goin’ down, so best believe they’ll do what they always do when there’s a couple ops standing across from them, and that’s win the war. So Lexi and ROH, have no fear, The Infantry is here! Oh, nice synch! Now, do you copy that? And congratulates on the meme, Lexi. It’s kinda cool. But no saluting, Lexi, stop. Will The Infantry march right through their opponents to go after the ROH World Tag Team Champion(s)?


Leyla finds Rachael sulking backstage.

Leyla tells her to get up and cheer up. It was a tough one, yeah, but don’t be so down. Rachael almost had Taya. But then Maria walks in to praise Leyla for her great win. It was awesome! Such tough competition tonight. No idea what happened with you, Rachael, it was a local and she still lost. Who even was that? But Leyla did great! Congrats! Leyla says yeah, but Rachael did great, too. Rachael faced someone who has been in the business 18 years. Rachael did great. Okay, okay. Ready to go? Maria wants Leyla to follow, Leyla encourages Rachael not to be too down. Leyla heads out, but is the Queen of Strong Smile in danger of losing her smile?


Four Corner Survival Tag: The Workhorsemen VS The Outrunners VS The Infantry VS The Butcher & The Blade!

We’ve heard from every team in this match tonight, but now it is time to put up or shut up! Will JD Drake & Anthony Henry kick everyone’s asses? Will Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd show everyone their true power? Will Capt. Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo take everyone to Boot Camp? Or will Andy Williams & Braxton Sutter carve everyone up like Christmas ham this close to holidays?

In this Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at a time, so Capt. Dean starts against Truth. They uphold the Code of Honor, the bell rings and the two tie up. They go around, Truth headlocks, but Dean powers out. Truth runs Dean over, flexes, and then things speed up. Dean hurdles, arm-drags, and he DROP- NO, Truth punch-drunkenly dodges and then tags in Turbo. Turbo swings, Dean dodges, but Truth trips him! Turbo stomps Dean, drags him up, and brings him around to scoop. Dean slips free, Carlie tags in, and Dean dodges. Turbo sees he’s in trouble, still tries to fight, but Dean blocks a kick and hands it to Carlie.

Dean moves around and ENZIGURIS Turbo, then Carlie slips under and around, NECKBREAKER! Turbo flounders, Henry tags in. The Saint of Augusta runs in, but into a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Then DOUBLE FIST DROP! Carlie covers, TWO! Fans rally, Carlie storms up on Henry but Henry CHOPS! Henry baits Carlie in, goes to ropes, and the ref has to back Carlie off. Carlie kicks low, whips, but Henry holds ropes. Henry says up yours and bails out! Carlie pursues, Henry slides back in and JD tags. Henry mule kicks, and JD SWINGING NECKBREAKERS! But Carlie flounders and Butcher tags in!

Butcher and JD RAM! The big boys CHOP back and forth and fans fire up! JD runs, Butcher CHOPS! Butcher runs, gets under the chop and he spins JD to shove and LARIAT! Butcher kicks, CHOPS and whips, to ELBOW JD down! Butcher storms up on JD, headlocks, and Blade tags in. JD powers out but Butcher whips to RAM him! Blade SHOTGUNS JD down! Truth tags in but Blade scoops! Butcher runs in, SIDEWALK SLAM LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, Turbo breaks it! The Outrunners mug Blade, double whip and DOUBLE ELBOW! Then they both spin around and flex. Fans cheer and Truth bumps Blade off buckles.

Tag to Turbo, he throws hands then scoops to SLAM Blade! Turbo flexes, Truth fires up for the vascularity, but then Henry tags in during the preening. Henry taunts Turbo with the spin and flex, then stomps Blade. Henry whips Blade to the corner, tags JD, LARIAT and NECK TWIST to the SLINGSHOT SENTON! JD mocks the spinning, makes himself a bit dizzy, but flexes. JD ROCKS Blade, tags Henry, and the Workhorsemen mug Blade. Henry ROCKS Blade, but Turbo tags in off Henry! Turbo CLUBS Blade, tells Henry to back off, and then he swings on Butcher. Butcher gets away, so Turbo swings on The Infantry. The Infantry also gets away.

Turbo goes back for Blade, fires himself up, and he flexes! Turbo suplexes but Blade slips free to DDT! Both men are down, Blade hot tags Butcher! Butcher dodges Turbo, CLOBBERS Truth, but Turbo ROCKS Butcher! Turbo whips, Butcher reverses and shoots around to HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up with Butcher, but Carlie tags in! The Infantry dumps Butcher out, Dean mule kicks Butcher away while Carlie dodges Turbo. Carlie JABS, JABS, JABS and kicks! Tag to Dean before the SCISSOR KICK! Dean is up top, FLYING SPLASH! Cover, Henry DOUBLE STOMPS it apart! Carlie runs in, but JD gets him for a BELLY2BELLY!

Fans fire up, Turbo scoops Henry and with Truth, POWERSLAM NECKBREAKER COMBO! JD runs in but The Outrunners toss him out! Fans fire up as Dean runs in, but into double kicks! The Outrunners double whip, Butcher tags in, and Dean FLIES to take out the Workhorsemen! Butcher & Blade storm in but The Outrunners hit them first! Turbo TOSSES Butcher, Truth and Turbo coordinate, but Butcher returns! Butcher DECKS Truth, Blade turns things around on Turbo, time to DRAG THE LAKE!! Cover, Butcher & Blade win!

Winners: The Butcher & The Blade, by pinfall

Newsflash, slick! The brutal boys from Buffalo just beat three top teams all at once! But will they get to put MJF and his tag title reign on the chopping block?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Roxanne!

Before being in the Final Battle main event, The Fallen Goddess is in tonight’s main event to sharpen her claws! Well, it’s also meant to be a chance for a young and hungry wrestler to earn an opportunity, but Athena’s been on an undefeated streak rarely seen these days. Will nothing change as Athena prepares to face her rebellious minion? Or will that fight be a distraction for her tonight?

The Code of Honor is offered but Roxanne knows what Athena does with that. Athena says Roxanne is just scared. The bell rings, Athena and Roxanne circle, and they tie up. Athena waistlocks, ripcords and DECKS Roxanne!! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Roxanne a title opportunity)

That might be the fastest Proving Grounds match ever! But then BILLIE STARKZ BLINDSIDES HER! Minion no more, Billie beats down on Athena! Athena hits back but Billie fires off even more! Billie stomps a mudhole into Athena, then stomps a mudhole into the mudhole! Fans fire up, Billie drags Athena to her feet, but Athena ROCKS her! And then TOSSES her out! But Billie is right up to trip Athena! This is starting to look like last week! Billie THROWS Athena into railing, then whips her hard into more railing! The fans fire up as Billie then hauls Athena up and POSTS her! And SMACKS her off a chair!

Athena writhes, clutching her face, and refs hurry to stop Billie! Billie storms back into the ring while Athena is finally the one crying in pain! Billie eggs on the champ, and we see Athena’s nose is bleeding! Did her nose break hitting off that chair?! Billie shows no remorse, she only holds up the title! Has Athena created a monster even she can’t stop now? Will tomorrow night truly be Athena’s final battle as champion?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH for the go-home, and clocking in at an hour and 42 minutes is actually surprisingly slim to me. I still did skip most filler things. Though I probably could’ve skipped Griff & Karter squashing their opponents to keep Cage VS Gravity because for being a match just thrown on here, both guys are capable of great things and that match was definitely proof. But I figured Shane Taylor would win his and Righteous would win theirs. I also could’ve skipped the Proving Ground matches, of course Eddie and Yuta were winning, but great stuff from Eddie and Uno, and rather clever stuff from Yuta basically tricking the ref with those Geiger ropebreaks.

Good stuff in the ongoing story of Maria, Leyla and Rachael. Leyla squashes her opponent, Rachael faces someone established, and of course Maria is biased towards Leyla. Almost feels like Rachael is gonna force Maria to get back in the ring and wrestle if she wants to prove Rachael’s not good enough to team with Leyla. Or perhaps Leyla is the one who wrestles Rachael, where if Rachael wins, she and Leyla stay a team but if Leyla wins, the team is done. And really good promo from Ethan Page to react to his loss against Kenny Omega but also pivot to his match with Nese. Nese storming in was also a logical move, their I Quit match is going to be wild.

Great and hilarious stuff from Castle & The Boys VS The Iron Savages, especially with Castle “sipping the Savage Sauce” himself. Great win for Castle to have momentum going into Final Battle. But it is interesting that Survival of the Fittest is a Six Way Elimination, but only five men have “qualified.” As I wrote, the sixth spot is probably a mystery entrant, and could even be a surprise favorite for winning the whole thing. I just can’t be sure who it is that they put in with Mark Briscoe in the Six Man Tag alongside FTR and Blackpool Combat Club, Shane VS Keith and Ethan VS Nese already happening on Final Battle, and most other singles competitors just not at the level of the TV title yet.

And closing with a Proving Grounds match was fine, because it worked in story with Athena winning fast only to get attacked by Billie. Not sure how intentional it was for Athena’s nose to be just pouring blood after hitting off the chair, but that is quite the image to hype Billie up with. Sadly, Billie standing tall probably means Athena retains her title, because this feels about as good a moment as any to have a new champion stand up given the great story they’ve been telling this whole time. Billie could win, be the new champion, and Athena can essentially have a call-up to AEW so she can go after one of the titles there.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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