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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (12/21/23)




ROH Wrestling 2023

This is STILL Athena’s show!

The Fallen Goddess still reigns as ROH Women’s World Champion, but then, what is next? Who will step up to Athena going into the New Year?


  • The Von Erichs VS The Workhorsemen; The Von Erichs win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Maya World; Athena wins and denies Maya a title match.
  • Dante Martin VS Lee Johnson; Dante wins.
  • The Gates Of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS Blake Christian & Willie Mack; The Gates win.
  • Six Man Tag: The Righteous & Lance Archer VS The Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson; The Righteous & Archer win.
  • Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Vertvixen; Taya wins.
  • Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Charlette Renegade w/ Robyn Renegade; Rachael wins.
  • Triple Threat Tag: Action Andretti & Darius Martin VS The Infantry VS The Outrunners; Action & Darius win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Gravity, Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Spanish Announce Project & The Kingdom’s Knights w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett; Gravity, Castle & The Boys win.
  • El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander VS Gringo Loco & Jack Cartwheel; Vikingo & Komander win.


Athena speaks.

With Lexi Nair standing at attention, The Fallen Goddess says “Hello~ Minions! It’s your Forever ROH Women’s World Champ and bestie here, and I am so happy to announce this MEM. Because you thought I was gonna lose. You thought that not only was I gonna make history, you thought I was gonna leave ROH forever. But guess what? You’re wrong. 100% wrong. Speaking of Final Battle, what was with that hesitation in bringing me my title?” Lexi laughs that off and says it was crazy. It was this thing that she… Athena brings Lexi in close and says it doesn’t matter, because the MIT Family is back together.

And later on tonight, Athena’s special little Minion, “Billie Goat,” has a special message for everyone. But until then, Athena’s gonna take her frustrations that Lexi caused out on “Maya World from down the block” or whatever. Doesn’t matter, because Athena will show again what Must-See Violence is, what dominance is, so welcome to HER show! Welcome to the family! Athena ushers Lexi along, will the Minion Overlord continue to reign with an iron fist?


The Von Erichs VS The Workhorsemen!

Ross & Marshall Von Erich have been on a roll ever since showing up in AEW & ROH. Will they make it a 3-0 start here? Or will Anthony Henry & JD Drake outwork them and prove they’re the best tag team in ROH?

Before the match, JD grabs a mic and has the music cut. Fans boo but JD says, “Listen, listen, listen. Everybody knows that Dallas, Garland, the Metroplex, whatever this is, is the armpit of not just Texas, but America in general!” The fans boo more but JD says as a matter of fact, you’d have a better chance of nailing Jell-O to a tree than ever finding decent wrestling to come out of this area. That’s why the Workhorsemen are here! They’ll prove to all the morons that that other place that produced so many “legends,” that the Workhorsemen are for real and that place was just trash. But wait, here come the Von Erichs!

The fans fire up as Kevin accompanies his sons to the ring. The Code of Honor is upheld, and the teams sort out. JD starts with Ross and the fans rally for the Von Erichs. Ross and JD circle, tie up, and JD shoves Ross down. Ross gets up while JD flexes. Fans boo but Ross and JD reset. They tie up again, Ross wrenches to a hammerlock then he facelocks. JD powers up and wrenches out, to then headlock Ross. Ross endures the grind, wrenches out to headlock back but JD powers out. JD runs Ross over! Fans boo but JD runs, steps over, but Ross gets up! Ross hurdles, JD blocks hip toss to hip toss back!

JD goes for legs but Ross kicks him away! Then DROPKICKS him down! JD flounders to tag in Henry but Ross arm-drags him down! Fans cheer as Ross has the armlock. Henry fights up, Ross tags in Marshall, and the brothers double whip, then Marshall DROPKICKS! Fans fire up and Marshall throws hands on Henry. Then a ROLLING ELBOW! Henry flounders, fans fire up and Marshall headlocks. Tag to Ross, the brothers whip again, and DOUBLE DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Ross brings Henry around. Henry RAMS into Ross, whips him to the corner, but Ross ROCKS JD! And ROCKS Henry!

Ross swings again, Henry ducks and KNEES Ross out of the ring. Henry has the ref check his leg but that’s just so JD can CLOBBER Ross! Fans boo but JD Pushes Ross in for Henry. Kevin storms over but JD gets back. Henry stomps Ross, cocky cover, ONE! Henry stomps Ross more, drags him up, and bumps him off buckles. Henry runs to forearm smash! Tag to JD, JD clotheslines Ross, Henry NECK TWISTS, and JD slingshot SENTONS! Fans boo, and JD mocks the Iron Claw pose! Fans boo even more, but Marshall gets the fans fired up. JD stands Ross up to CHOP him down, then drags him around to a drop zone.

JD goes up the corner, fans boo more, but JD DIVING HEADBUTT FLOPS as Ross moves! Hot tag to Henry, he drags Ross from Marshall! Ross BOOTS Henry away, and hot tag to Marshall! Marshall fires haymakers, then ROLLING ELBOW! Henry staggers, Marshall runs up to clothesline! Marshall whips corner to corner, runs in and hits a hard clothesline! Marshall brings Henry out, Henry ENZIGURIS! Henry runs, into a SKY HIGH SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up, Marshall covers, TWO! Henry survives but Marshall brings him up again. Marshall suplexes, but Henry slips free, tag to JD!

Henry BOOTS Marshall, JD clinches and BELLY2BELLY! JD drags Marshall to a drop zone, goes up the corner, VADER FLOP as Marshall moves! IRON CLAW!! The fans fire up but JD manages to tag Henry! Henry DIVING STOMPS the arm! Henry drags Marshall up, feed to JD, THE NINE TO FIVE!! Cover off the enziguri flatliner, but Ross breaks it! JD storms up on Ross, tosses him out, and Henry runs corner to corner to METEORA on Marshall! JD adds the CANNONBALL! They put Marshall in the drop zone again, tag to JD, and JD climbs while Henry rushes out after Ross. Ross is ready to SLINGBLADE!

JD SCRAP METAL MOONSAULTS but flops!! That’s three times now! Marshall goes up, and he MOONSAULTS!! Cover, The Von Erichs win!

Winners: The Von Erichs, by pinfall

Kevin celebrates with his sons, Marshall reached incredible heights with that leap! But then Henry is a sore loser and he CLUBS Ross from behind! So Kevin gets him with the IRON CLAW!! The Saint of Augusta prays for mercy, but he instead gets a DOUBLE DROPKICK! Will the Von Erichs rise up and prove they’re still wrestling royalty?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Maya World!

After battling their hearts out at Final Battle, the Fallen Goddess stayed on top of the Women’s Division, but she showed some respect to Billie by accepting her as a true Minion, not just a trainee. But now, with a New Year ahead of her, will Athena keep her win streak going? Or will this be Maya’s world soon enough?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally for Athena. Athena waves hi to her minions, and the two tie up. Maya waistlocks, Athena pries it open to wrench, and then she RAMS Maya with a shoulder! Maya falls, kips up, and she wrenches again. Athena flips through, arm-drags free and kips up! Fans cheer and then Athena cheers herself. Maya runs up, Athena dodges but Maya ELBOWS her down! Maya taunts Athena, runs, but Athena hurdles. Maya leaps over, the two stare down, and fans cheer. Things keep going, Maya springboard arm-drags and kips up! Fans fire up again and Maya runs up to ROCK Athena!

Maya HEEL KICK, but Athena blocks, pop-up POWERBOMB! Maya flounders and Billie cheers on Athena. Maya sits up in a daze, Athena KICKS her in the side! Athena drags Maya up to ROCK her, then goes to the apron. Athena has Maya in the ropes to CLUB away on! Then she KNEES Maya back down! Maya flounders more while the fans fire up. Athena kicks Maya around, drags her up, but Maya throws body shots. Athena DECKS Maya, then drags her back up. Athena whips Maya to a corner to ELBOW, then she goes side to side to FOREARM! Athena whips and BOOTS Maya down, then covers, TWO!

Fans rally up while Athena is seething. Maya slowly rises, Athena brings her up to SLAP her! Athena taunts Maya that she’s not ready for this. Athena snapmares, but Maya avoids the senton! Fans rally, Athena seethes and storms up again, but only gets buckles! Maya gets around Athena, schoolgirl bridge, TWO!! Athena gets free but Maya SLINGBLADES her down! The fans fire up while both women crawl around. Maya runs up, ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Athena flounders to a corner now, and Maya runs in to handspring and FOREARM! Snapmare and facelock, Maya suplexes, TWISTING FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!!

Athena is down, Maya goes up! The fans fire up as Maya aims, MAYA-SAULT FLOPS as Athena moves! Maya tried to be one of a kind, but Athena looms over her. But Maya trips Athena up! Maya climbs up to CLUB Athena but Athena CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS Maya! Athena SUPER GOURD BUSTERS! Then she takes aim, for the O-FACE!! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Maya World a title opportunity)

And that makes Athena 45-0! But now, she shows her trainee respect by helping Maya stand. Athena raises Maya’s hand, then DECKS her! Athena laughs, she shows mercy to no one! Billie does her best to cheer along, and she high-fives with Athena. But will there come a time when the Overlord truly pushes things too far?


Tony Khan is here!

Garland cheers the President, CEO & General Manager of AEW & ROH as he walks out on stage, mic and something else in hand. “There’s been so much great wrestling in ROH. In particular, we really have a great women’s division going. The division is growing, getting so much better, and I think it’s time for this new era of ROH, to put our stamp on it, to introduce something new. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the ROH Women’s World Television Championship!” The fans cheer as TK says this is another new chapter in the new era. Who will then be crowned the inaugural ROH Women’s World TV Champion?


ROH shares footage from after Final Battle.

Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page were backstage, and Scorpio says that was a big win. That was huge! Ethan did the damn thing. Ethan says yeah, he can talk. He has to get this out of his head, off his chest. “That felt amazing. That felt… Dammit. I have said verbally to anyone that would listen, my closest friends, my enemies, any camera, any interview, I have said I am great. I have said I believe in myself. I have said I will accomplish amazing things in my career! I have never believed a single word that has come out of my mouth, until recently. I have faked it ’til I made it, but something changed. Because everything that I say NOW, I mean!

“I know! I can smell it! I can literally smell the insecurity in this freakin’ locker room now when I walk around.” Ethan smells it to the top, the champions! He walks by and he SMELLS fear. Because they know Ethan’s leveled up, manned up, and that every word that comes out of his mouth now is the TRUTH. From now on, Ethan has back-up. He doesn’t have to do this alone, so he can back his words up by having one of the best, most decorated champions back in his corner! And Scorpio says that speaking of backing each other up, Ethan’s had Scorpio’s back for a long time. Scorpio’s entire TNT Championship run, Ethan was there.

Scorpio also saw Ethan lose to MJF in his hometown. He saw Ethan promise his daughter that he’d bring home gold. This isn’t just a one-off Men of the Year reunion. Scorpio is back to back Ethan up until he fulfills that promise, and Scorpio knows he will. They fist bump, and Ethan says good freakin’ luck to everybody and anybody in their way. That’s a wrap. Shaboingboing! Will All Ego & The Closer become a Two Man Power Trip in ROH?


ROH also shares what Tony Nese & Mark Sterling had to say.

The Premier Athlete tells the medic to leave him alone already. “You know what it took to make me say I quit? It took Mark Henry, it took Scorpio Sky, it took throwing powder in my eyes, it took crushing my fingers with a 45 pound plate, it took smashing my head with a steel chair! That’s what it took to make me say I quit!” Sterling says the thing is, the deck was already stacked when they walked to the ring. But it is about time they start stacking the deck on ROH. Sterling has a plan. They can dish it out but they can’t take it, what will Nese & Smart Mark do to have the “justice” they desire?


Shane Taylor Promotions speak.

Shane says Final Battle didn’t go to plan for them. And Lee Moriarty feels disappointed. He never felt like the night was more his than at Final Battle. he eliminated Lee Johnson and Dalton Castle yet still came up short. He feels he’s hit a plateau, that he can’t make it over the hump, that he can’t take the next step. But all that’s doing is motivating him. All that’s doing ins energizing him! He is not stopping, this is not the end, he will get to the top because he is TAIGA STYLE, one of the best young wrestlers in the world! Shane says that’s all that needs to be said. Everybody from here on out is on notice. Your hands can’t hit what your eyes can’t see. Get put down by STP. Rumble, bad man, rumble!


Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Charlette Renegade w/ Robyn Renegade!

The Queen of Strong Smile & LEGIT Leyla have been working on becoming a legit tag team here in ROH, but they’ve had their run ins with a legit duo in the Renegade Sisters. Will Leyla get Maria to also have Rachael’s back here? Or will this brand belong to the Renegades of Honor?

The Code of Honor is upheld, then the bell rings. Robyn coaches her sister but the fans rally for Rachael. Rachael and Charlette tie up, go around, and Rachael wrenches an arm to a wristlock then armlock. Flip to a cover, ONE! But Rachael keeps Charlette down with the armlock. Snapmare and ghost pin, TWO! Rachael facelocks now, but Charlette wants a leg. Rachael wrenches, trips and flips Charlette over to have the legs, Charlette pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but Rachael keeps a hold of the leg. Charlette kicks but Rachael clinches. Charlette slips free to a waistlock but Rachael switches, shoves, then trips Charlette!

Fans cheer and Rachael drags Charlette up. Rachael wrenches then WRINGS Charlette, then SLIDING BOOTS! Charlette flounders out of the ring, Robyn hurries to her side, and Rachael gives the sisters space. Rachael then goes out the side, the Renegades ask fans if Charlette’s nose is okay, and the kids nod yes. Rachael runs up to CHOP Charlette! Robyn complains but Rachael CHOPS Charlette again! Rachael ROCKS Charlette, stares Robyn down, then storms into the ring. But Charlette pokes her in the eyes! Charlette trips Rachael, rains down forearms, then argues with the ref. Charlette puts Rachael on ropes to CHOKE!

The ref counts, Charlette lets off and has Rachael in a corner. Charlette CHOPS, then follows Rachael to another corner. Charlette CHOPS again and Robyn cheers. Leyla coaches Rachael, Maria half heartedly does, but Charlette hits a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! That was almost perfect, but Charlette keeps Rachael down. Charlette noogies Rachael but Maria rallies the fans. Rachael fights up but Charlette throws her by her hair! Fans boo but Charlette drags Rachael around into a CAMEL CLUTCH! And she fishhooks the nose! The ref reprimands, Charlette shoves Rachael down, then runs to LAST CHANCERY!

Rachael endures as Charlette bridges high to pull her back. Maria & Leyla rally the fans, Rachael fights up and powers out! Rachael then dodges to ROCK Charlette! And again! And again! Rachael runs to UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT! And then a whip, but Charlette reverses, only for a SLINGBLADE to hit! Fans fire up and Rachael runs, SENTON! Fans fire up more and Robyn panics. Rachael hoists Charlette up, AOI SHODOU! Cover, TWO! Charlette survives but Rachael keeps her cool. Rachael rises, brings Charlette up and fireman’s carries. Charlette fights free, shoves Rachael but Rachael dodges, only to run into a SPINEBUSTER! Highs tack, TWO!!

Charlette & Robyn are furious, and Rachael goes to a corner. Charlette runs up, into an ELBOW! Robyn distracts, Maria anchors Rachael!? Not this again! Leyla is busy with Robyn, but then she looks over and catches Maria red-handed! Maria lets off, but Charlette fireman’s carries Rachael! Rachael slips free, shoves, and scoops, BOSS WOMAN SLAM!! Cover, Rachael wins!

Winner: Rachael Ellering, by pinfall

And now Maria acts like this is what she wanted all along. Maria claims she was helping Rachael tie her boot, but the facade is starting to wear thin. Will the First Lady of Wrestling be left behind? Or will she find a way to weasel herself between Rachael and Leyla after all?


Backstage interview with Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie.

Lexi Nair is with Mr. & Mrs. TV, and Johnny sings the praises of Taya winning back to back. They’re very lovey-dovey right now, but Lexi tries to get a word. She congratulates Taya but does have a question for Johnny. He cost Dalton Castle in Survival of the Fittest, but why? Well, let’s see… Right here are the Ratings Queen & Ratings King of ROH, while Dalton Castle is not a king, a castle, a prince or a peacock. He’s a pigeon! And where Johnny & Taya come from, pigeons are full of you-know-what, and it’s gross. They’re gonna get an umbrella-ella-ella. They leave, and Lexi doesn’t know what to make of that.


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Well, speaking of The Peacock, he looks disheveled as he joins Lexi. From her understanding, it has been a rough week since Final Battle, where Johnny TV cost Castle in the Survival of the Fittest. Castle says he hasn’t slept. He’s juts been lying awake, devastated for the ROH viewers. That TV Championship was Castle’s ticket onto every screen in the world. Castle was gonna buy the respect that he deserves. Trucks! He was gonna be on the side of production trucks! His face on the side of a truck full of Castle action figures that kids could take home with them. Lexi’s not sure that’s how it works. It is!

And “John TV” had to ruin it! He ruined it for the viewers, for Lexi, and for Castle. And he ruined it for Castle’s Boys! Castle tells “John” through tears and a runny nose that Johnny TV and “that poopy faced wife of his” are gonna pay! They’re gonna pay for what they did! The RUINED ROH! But Castle will RUIN them! He’ll RUIN them! When and where will The Peacock have his revenge?


Backstage interview with Mara Kanellis-Bennett.

Lexi is with the First Lady of Wrestling and says that as we all found out tonight, a NEW title is in ROH, the Women’s World TV Championship. What does this mean for the Women’s Division? Uh, what do you think it means? This is what Maria has been talking about! More opportunities for the ROH Women’s Division, and Tony Khan finally listened. Leyla then storms in and asks what the hell. What’s Leyla talking about? Uh, Maria grabbed Rachael’s foot! Maria again insists she was tying Rachael’s shoe! But Rachael still won, so what does it matter?

Leyla says maybe a week ago, she would’ve bought that. But no, because this time, Leyla saw it for herself. Maria is not trying to help. Rachael says in the end, Tony Khan has given the Women’s Division a TV Championship. Yes, it is a good day. So whatever this whole thing is, that won’t help any of them get to that title. Leyla feels so stupid because Rachael was saying it for weeks and weeks and Leyla didn’t believe it. Maria, if this is how you help, then Leyla doesn’t want it. Maria says okay, fine. See what it’s like without her. See how well you do. Because it won’t be very good. Maria’s spotlight will outshine them both every day.

Maria storms off but Rachael says this TV title will be a great opportunity for Leyla. Leyla says she feels the same for Rachael. This title will be great for both of them. Then let’s just do our best. They fist bump, and both are ready for their chance. Will either the Queen of Strong Smile or LEGIT Leyla be the inaugural ROH Women’s World TV Champion? Or will another snipe that honor from them?


El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander VS Gringo Loco & Jack Cartwheel!

The AAA Mega Champion made it through Final Battle, and he reunites with the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion to take on a couple crazy White boys! Will the champions of lucha keep the momentum up going into the holidays? Or will they end up owing some golden tickets in the New Year?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out and fans rally up as Gringo starts against Vikingo. The two rush in, Gringo leaps over and waistlocks to then throw Vikingo down. Gringo flips Viking over but Vikingo arm-drags! Vikingo runs to tilt-o-whirl arm-drag! Vikingo rushes in, Gringo trips him and covers, ONE! Vikingo trips Gringo but he reaches back to RANA, but Vikingo handsprings through! Fans fire up, things speed up, and Vikingo dodges to SUPERKICK! Vikingo runs up, but Gringo pops him up, only for Vikingo to stand on Gringo’s shoulders! Vikingo RANAS, but Gringo handsprings through!

The fans are thunderous as the two stare down! Vikingo and Gringo both grin, and they back up to tag to Komander and Jack! Komander springboards in to show off, but Jack cartwheels to prove his name is real! They tie up, Komander headlocks but Jack powers out, cartwheels, only to get run over! Fans fire up, Komander runs, but Jack drops, hurdles, but Komander hops up to RANA! Jack staggers, Komander springboards to arm-drag, but Jack cartwheels through! Jack runs in, RANAS, but Komander cartwheels through! Komander ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS Jack out of the ring!

Fans fire up, Komander builds speed and handsprings up and out while Jack cartwheels away! Jack runs up, Komander dodges, but both men ROUNDHOUSE the other! Vikingo and Gringo take advantage of Lucha Rules and they both run in! Vikingo dodges Gringo, slides out, but Gringo FLIES to take out the champions! Fans fire up, Gringo CHOPS Vikingo, and Jack slides back in. Gringo puts Komander in for him, and Jack flagpole leg sweeps! Then slingshot SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Jack clamps on with a chinlock to grind Komander down. The fans rally for “Lucha Libre!” and Komander fights up, but Jack bumps him off buckles.

Tag to Gringo, he and Jack mug Komander to an open corner. They double whip corner to corner, Jack cartwheels in to back elbow! Feed to Gringo’s mule kick! Feed back to Jack’s double underhooks, and the lift helps get Gringo up. Jack runs to basement dropkick Komander into a FACEBUSTER! Gringo covers, TWO! Fans rally and Gringo brings Komander around to snapmare. Gringo goes after the mask! The fans boo, the ref reprimands and even Jack disapproves. Gringo CLUBS Komander down, stomps him, then drags him up. Tag to Jack, and they mug Komander in the corner. Jack then snapmares Komander to cartwheel and KICK!

Jack sets up, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Komander hangs tough but Jack cartwheels to stay between him and Vikingo. Jack brings Komander up, has him on ropes, and CHOPS! Jack bumps Komander off buckles, tags Gringo, and they mug Komander more. Komander fights back but they CLUB him down! Gringo soaks up the heat from the fans and he drags Komander back up. Gringo & Jack double whip, Komander handsprings and flips over the crazy White boys! Komander then dodges their back elbows to hot tag Vikingo! Vikingo springboards to RANA Gringo, then he SUPERKICKS Jack!

Fans fire up as Jack and Gringo bail out. Vikingo and Komander coordinate, and Komander holds ropes open so Vikingo can DIVE! Direct hit on Jack, then Komander ASAI MOONSAULTS Gringo! The fans fire up with the champions and Komander puts Jack in. Vikingo goes up and gives some Latino Heat! Vikingo then FROG SPLASHES but FLOPS as Jack moves! Cover, Komander breaks it! Jack waistlocks, ripcords, but Komander cartwheels through! Only for Jack to cartwheel, for a POWERBOMB!! Fans fire up, Vikingo SOBATS Jack! Jack swings, but into a clinch! Vikingo puts Jack in ropes, and ENZIGURIS!

Vikingo has Jack dangling, then runs and goes up, up and GUILLOTINE LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Jack survives and “This is Awesome!” Vikingo stands Jack up to wind up and CHOP! Jack sputters, Vikingo whips, but Jack SHOTGUNS Vikingo away! Tag to Gringo, he sidesteps and catches Vikingo to a torture rack FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Gringo drags Vikingo to a drop zone, goes up, but Komander gets Vikingo out. Jack builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! Fans fire up with Jack and he puts Vikingo back in. Gringo BEST MOONSAULT FLOP as Vikingo moves! Tag to Komander, he uses Vikingo as a step to POISON-RANA Jack!!

METEORA in a corner for Gringo! Komander goes up, he takes aim, CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, Komander & Vikingo win!!

Winners: El Hijo Del Vikingo & Komander, by pinfall

You gotta see it to believe it, but this was a fast and furious finish to the night! The AAA Mega & AAA World Cruiserweight Champions are celebrating even before Christmas, but will it be a Happy New Year for them both?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for ROH, but as you can see, I skipped quite a bit. Honor Club was having technical difficulties, and even then, the episode was over two hours. Great action from the filler matches I skipped, Top Flight sweeps the night with Dante winning 1v1 and Action & Darius winning the Triple Threat Tag. Great promos tonight, though, with Ethan & Scorpio establishing the Men of the Year are back and probably ready to go for all the titles, outside of the trios. And in classic Heel fashion, Nese & Sterling act like THEY were the ones cheated in the match. Whatever plan is next for them, it has to fail, doesn’t it? To finally shut them up?

Good promo from Johnny & Taya after Taya’s win, and how Johnny still wants to take down Castle. Castle has a great promo in response, and a great win in that 8 Man Tag to rebound from losing at Final Battle. Castle VS Johnny is going to be great, and with Kiera Hogan going after Taya when Taya tried to help Johnny, maybe we get a Mixed Tag along the way. And good matches for what I did cover. JD & Henry of course lost to the Von Erichs, they went and talked trash on Texas wrestling. And good stuff building in the story of Leyla, Rachael and Maria, especially as Tony Khan announces the new ROH Women’s TV Championship. That is a great move that should’ve happened for ROH even before Tony acquired it.

Athena won another Proving Ground, no surprise there. But with the new title being introduced, there’s a chance Athena gets greedy and wants that belt, too. But I would think Billie gets in on that title scene instead, I just wish it was as her being her own person, not being Athena’s Minion. This title has to be getting in the way of some duo, since it is a single’s title. And we got an awesome main event, but nothing less from Vikingo, Komander, Gringo & Cartwheel. Vikingo is gonna defend his AAA Mega Championship against Black Taurus again on Rampage, that one is gonna be a killer match.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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