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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/23/24)

Prepare for Vengeance Day!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The Prodigy gets her shot at the title she never lost!

Roxanne Perez is the NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship, so she and Lyra Valkyria will sign on the dotted line for Vengeance Day!


  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Semifinals: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Nathan Frazer & Axiom;  Bron & Corbin win and advance to the finals.
  • Wren Sinclair VS Lash Legend w/ The Meta Four; Lash wins.
  • DIJAK VS Joe Gacy; No Contest.
  • Lexis King VS Trey Bearhill; King wins.
  • Dragon Lee VS SCRYPTS w/ OTM; Dragon wins.
  • Blair Davenport VS Karmen Petrovic; Blair wins.
  • Trick Williams VS Josh Briggs; Trick wins.


2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Semifinals: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Nathan Frazer & Axiom!

The Wolf Dogs, or whatever name they eventually settle on, may not be a true pack yet, but they’re running wild in the Dusty Cup so far. Will they take a bite out of the high-flyers to head for the finals? Or will the Jersey Island Rocket and Undeniable Truth be the ones heading for Vengeance Day?

The teams sort out and then Frazer & Axiom DOUBLE DROPKICK! Corbin & Bron stay up, so Frazer gives Axiom a boost to ENZIGIRI Corbin! Bron runs up, Axiom & Frazer dodge to then ROCK, whip and ROCK again! Corbin returns, Frazer & Axiom fire off on him, too! KICK for DROPKICK, then Axiom CHOPS Bron! Axiom knuckle locks, goes up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAG RANA COMBOS! The fans fire up as Axiom & Frazer DOUBLE DROPKICK the big dogs out! Axiom DIVES to hit Bron, Frazer DIVES to hit Corbin! The fans fire up but this isn’t even a match yet! Bron ROCKS Axiom, whips him, but Axiom dodges the steps!

Frazer sends Bron into the steps, then Axiom leaps off the steps to RANA Corbin! Frazer SHOTGUNS Bron into barriers, but Corbin runs up! Frazer mule kicks, then Axiom SHOTGUNS Corbin! Fans fire up as Axiom & Frazer shove Corbin in, and Axiom GAMANGIRIS! Now the bell rings and Axiom goes up! Axiom leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Axiom is frustrated, and the fans are oddly behind Corbin. Axiom wrenches an arm, tags Frazer, and Frazer CLUBS Corbin. Frazer wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, then he CLUBS the arm. Tag back to Axiom and he goes up to AX HANDLE the arm!

Axiom wrenches, tags Frazer, and Frazer FLYING AX HANDLES the arm! Frazer CLUBS and wrenches and hits another ELBOW BREAKER on that arm! Corbin pulls Frazer’s hair to put him in the corner. Corbin swings, misses, and Frazer CHOPS! And CHOPS! Frazer wrenches to clamp onto the arm, but Corbin endures. The fans rally as Corbin stands, and he pulls hair to whip Frazer away. Frazer dodges the splash to fire off hands! Corbin shoves Frazer to then BOOT him down! Corbin snarls, he stomps Frazer, then he throws down hands. Fans bark and howl for Wolf Dogs as Corbin drags Frazer up.

Corbin ROCKS Frazer, tags Bron, and then runs up on Frazer. Frazer ducks, sending Corbin into Axiom’s GAMANGIRI! Frazer BOOTS and ENZIGIRIS Bron! Fans rally, Axiom RANAS but Corbin blocks! Corbin POWERBOMBS Axiom on the desk! Fans fire up, Frazer freaks out, but he still BOOTS Bron away! Frazer goes up and leaps, but into a POWERSLAM!! Bron fires up and the fans are with him! Bron rains down fists on Frazer, Corbin rains down fists on Axiom, and the fans are thunderous as NXT goes picture in picture!

Bron storms around, then drags Frazer up. Bron whips Frazer to a corner, fires off hands, then tags Corbin. The dogs stomp away on Frazer, let off as the ref counts, and then Corbin digs his knee into Frazer. The ref counts more, Bron tries to reason with the ref, but then Corbin CLUBS Frazer down. Tag to Bron and the Wolf Dogs mug Frazer. Frazer sputters, Bron hauls him up and suplexes hard! Cover, TWO, but Bron does push-ups to show off. Bron smiles while fans applaud and even Corbin says not bad. Frazer kicks and punches in return, though! Bron knees Frazer low, then whips him back to the corner.

Bron RAMS into Frazer, tags Corbin, and Corbin taunts Axiom before he runs in to SPLASH Frazer! Frazer flounders along ropes but Corbin stays on him. Corbin YANKS Frazer up but Frazer lands on his feet! Frazer slides under, Corbin gest a leg, but Frazer ENZIGIRIS! Tag to Axiom and he fires off fast hands! Axiom whips, and DROPKICKS Corbin down! Then he BLASTS Bron for good measure! Axiom hurries to DIVE but into an UPPERCUT! Corbin grins as he intercepts Axiom’s flight, then slides in to tag Bron. Bron RAMS into Axiom again and again, then DECKS Axiom! Bron brings Axiom around to headlock.

Axiom powers out, but Bron runs and blows past him, to then CLOBBER him! The straps come down and the fans fire up with Bron! Bron hauls Axiom up, but Axiom CHOPS! Axiom fires forearms, but Bron scoops to SLAM! NXT returns to single picture as Bron covers, TWO! Bron stays on Axiom and brings him over to the corner. Tag to Corbin and Corbin stomps Axiom. Corbin DECKS Axiom, brings him up, but Axiom CHPOS! Corbin DECKS Axiom again! Fans rally while Corbin taunts Frazer, but Axiom ROCKS and CHOPS! But Corbin hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Tag to Bron, and Bron hits the back suplex CUTTER! Cover, TWO!

Axiom hangs tough but Bron keeps him down. Bron grinds the arm and the neck, then whips Axiom to the corner. Axiom GAMANGIRIS Corbin down! Axiom then goes up and over as Bron runs in, hot tag to Frazer! Frazer FLYING AX HANDLES then whips! Bron reverses but Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds speed to CLOBBER Bron! Frazer runs to CHOP in the corner, then whips corner to corner. Bron reverses but Frazer goes up and over and handsprings away! Fans fire up as Bron runs in, but Frazer hurdles and Bron POSTS himself! Corbin slides in but Frazer ELBOWS him first! Frazer then DUMPS Corbin back out!

Fans fire up and Frazer says you already know how this goes. Frazer goes up a corner, and he SUPER CROSSBODIES Bron & Corbin!! The fans fire up as Frazer puts Bron back in. Frazer aims, SUPERKICKS Bron down, then tags Axiom. Frazer goes up to FROG SPLASH, followed by Axiom’s FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives but Axiom has the ARMBAR! Bron endures, Frazer intercepts Corbin with a SLEEPER! Bron rolls around, stacks Axiom, and deadlifts him, to POWERBOMB him onto Frazer! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

Frazer and Bron crawl to the corners, hot tags to Axiom and Corbin! Corbin runs in at Axiom but Axiom BOOTS him! Frazer runs up, but into a DEEEEEP SIX!! Axiom CROSSBODIES but Corbin catches him, to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Corbin gets Axiom right back up, suplex and BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Axiom survives and Corbin is furious! The fans are thunderous again while Corbin tags Bron. Wolf Dogs work together, POP-UP POWERSLAM!! Cover, TWO!!! Axiom survives again and no one can believe it! Bron seethes, but “This is Awesome!” as Bron puts Axiom in a corner, then puts him up top.

Bron climbs but Axiom fights back! Axiom ROCKS Bron and he staggers away. Corbin runs up but Axiom KICKS him away! Axiom leaps over Bron, comes back, but Bron LARIATS Axiom inside-out! Then Bron BLASTS Frazer! Bron says this is it, and he goes up top! Bron takes aim, but Axiom GAMANGIRIS first! Frazer tags and Axiom goes up top! Frazer watches as Axiom brings Bron up, for the SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Frazer then PHOENIX SPLASHES!!! Cover, CORBIN BREAKS IT!! Axiom is stunned, but he SUPERKICKS Corbin! Axiom tilt-o-whirls, but into END OF DAYS! Corbin then grabs Frazer, but Frazer slips out and around to SUPERKICK!

Bron SPEARS Frazer down!!! Cover, Wolf Dogs win!!

Winners: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin, by pinfall (advance to the finals)

The fans give this one a standing ovation, what a way to open a show! But the other semifinal isn’t until next week, who will join these alpha males in the Dusty Cup Finals?


Ilja Dragunov is backstage.

He’s talking with a stage hand about some things, but then Josh Briggs asks for a moment. Dragunov says good evening, Josh. Surely, he didn’t mean to interrupt Dragunov’s conversation, did he? Oh no, Briggs did. Briggs was told by JBL himself that Briggs needs to figure out who Briggs really is. And since Dragunov is the NXT Champion, that makes him the measuring stick of NXT. Briggs needs to know where he stands, he needs to know how he measures up to the Mad Dragon. Dragunov stops Briggs there and says, with respect, he likes the bravery. But Briggs needs to question himself. Is this really what he wants?

Briggs wants Dragunov to look him in the eyes. There ain’t no fear. But Briggs isn’t so sure about Dragunov now. Making Trick Williams pull double duty at Vengeance Day, that’s real smart. That’s how Dragunov ensures he keeps the title around his waist a little bit longer. Oh, is that how Briggs sees it? Tell him what you really wanna say! Trick steps in and says that he knows Briggs wants to prove himself, but Trick’s got to make sure Dragunov is good to go for Vengeance Day. Briggs will just have to prove himself another time. Briggs says honestly, Trick can’t tell him what to do.

Let’s be real: After Vengeance Day, Trick hops back into Melo’s back pocket anyway. So let Briggs talk with the man who is still gonna be champ after that match. Back pocket? Is Briggs crazy? Hard of hearing maybe? Do you know who is next in line for the title shot? Don’t answer, that was a Trick question. Dragunov tries not to laugh, and then Trick says if Briggs wants his opportunity, Trick IS your opportunity. Briggs says that after tonight, Trick will be the one pushing back this match. Briggs heads out, Trick says, “Yeehaw.” Trick tells Dragunov that he just wants Dragunov to be there for Vengeance Day.

Oh, Dragunov will be there. The question now is, will Trick? Dragunov will be watching. The Mad Dragon heads out, will he and Trick still be the match on the card in two weeks?


Wren Sinclair pep talks herself up.

“Okay, Wren, this is your first match on NXT. You eliminated Lash Legend from the Battle Royale. You have a chance to beat her tonight, you have a huge opporutnity. You… might throw up.” Fallon Henley walks in to check on her and it spooks Wren. Wren introduces herself and Fallon says yeah, she knows, they met. Oh, right. Wren admits to being so nervous for tonight. This is her first singles match on NXT, and just a few weeks ago, it was a pipe dream. Now she’s here, and she’s trying to fit in, trying to make friends and trying not to make enemies. Fallon has Wren slow down and take a breath. It is never easy being the new girl.

But Wren did really well in the battle royale, even eliminated Lash, and that’s big. So just keep being yourself and it’ll fall into place. Wren thanks Fallon but self-high-fives before heading out. Will Wren be able to repeat that huge upset? Or will she be the victim of Lash lashing out?


Ava Raine exits Shawn Michaels’ office.

“What a meeting.” Because surprise, WILLIAM REGAL is back!! Ava thanks Regal for getting her that meeting and he says it was quite a productive one. And congrats to Ava, she is the NEW General Manager of NXT, and youngest  GM ever in WWE history! Ava says it feels unreal, but Regal says believe it. But also, he wants her to look after this brand for him. He was here day one, this brand means the world to him. It is a thankless job with long hours, egos to juggle, and lots of split-second, very tough decisions to make. But he knows she can do it. She thanks him, and knows she has big shoes to fill, but she’s sure she can do it.

Regal says if she ever needs advice, his phone is always on. They shake hands, and now Ava holds the power in her hands. Will she be able to keep NXT rolling and in one piece?


Wren Sinclair VS Lash Legend w/ The Meta Four!

NXT returns and Wren makes her entrance. The bell rings and Lash runs right up to push Wren to a corner! Meta Four barks at Wren while Lash keeps her cornered. Wren tries to get away, Lash throws her back to the corner, but then Wren dodges the haymaker! Lash blocks the arm-drag, then the other arm-drag, so Wren gets around to SLEEPER! Lash moves around, rebounds off ropes, but Wren holds tight! Fans rally for Wren but Lash runs to HOTSHOT her! Wren sputters and flounders, Lash CLUBS her down! Lash rains down fists, dribbles Wren off the mat, then lets off to talk trash.

Lash puts Wren in the ropes to CLUB away on her! Fans boo but Lash lets off as the ref counts. Lash puts Wren in another corner, RAMS into her again and again, but lets off as the ref counts. Lash torture racks Wren, thrashes her in the rack, then bends her! Wren flails and sunset flips, but Lash stays up! Lash leans back but then drags Wren up, to TOSS her to a corner! Lash runs up but Wren dodges, Lash POSTS herself! Fans rally as Wren gets up, dodges a boot, but Lash blocks a kick. Wren ENZUGIRIS Lash down! Lash flounders to ropes, Wren runs in to sunset flip, but Jakara helps keep Lash up!

The ref reprimands Jakara and counts, so Jakara lets go. Wren finishes the sunset flip, TWO!! Lash gets up, and she swings, but Wren dodges! Lash almost runs into Jakara! Then Wren shoves Lash into Jakara! Roll-up, TWO!! Lash escapes, choke grips, and she POP-UP SPINEBUSTERS! Cover, Lash wins!

Winner: Lash Legend, by pinfall

It was a slam dunk in the end, and Lash gets her lick back. But she isn’t done with Wren as she storms up on her. Wait! Here comes Fallon! The Cowgirl CLOBBERS Jakara, then dodges Lash to CHOP! Wren CHOPS! Fallon DECKS Lash! Lash gets up, Wren & Fallon DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE Lash up and out! Wren wanted to make a friend, and now she’s got one! Will Fallon & Wren bring Meta Four down a notch?


Something goes down at Tintoretto.

There’s been a brawl, and Jaida Parker stands over Adriana Rizzo! Jaida tells Adriana that it is simple: OTM makes the rules now. Stop playing with them! Scrypts, Bronco Nima & Lucien Price intimidate the manager to tell Tony D that it ain’t over until OTM says. And clean this place up. OTM heads out, will they regret messing with the Family? Will Riz have to handle biz?


Elektra Lopez storms in backstage.

She asks around for “that pendeja,” Lola Vice! If you see her, tell Lopez! La Madrina is mad, but will the MMA Mamacita find her first?


DIJAK VS Joe Gacy!

Hard Justice wasn’t respectful of Trey Bearhill’s culture, and he wasn’t respectful of Mr. Inclusion just wanting to be on commentary for a change. Gacy took the fight to Dijak then, will he take the fight to Dijak now?

Well, wouldn’t you know? Gacy does take the fight to Dijak by going after him during his entrance! They brawl, the fans fire up, and Gacy ROCKS Dijak! Dijak knees low, but Gacy throws m ore hands! Gacy POSTS Dijak and Dijak tumbles over the steel steps! Fans fire up as Gacy stands Dijak up, but then Dijak RAMS Gacy into steps! Gacy flounders, Dijak ROCKS him with haymaker after haymaker! Dijak TOSSES Gacy into the gap! The ref reprimands but this isn’t a match yet, so Dijak goes looking for plunder! Dijak gets a chair! More refs hurry out to tell Dijak to stop, but Gacy gets up to FLYING FOREARM!

Fans fire up as Gacy CLUBS away on Dijak! Dijak hits back, Gacy CLUBS him some more! Gacy grabs a chair for himself, JAMS Dijak low, and then SMACKS him on the back! Gacy swings again, Dijak dodges and Gacy hits a table! Dijak then CYCLONE BOOTS Gacy through a wall! The fans lose their minds, and that’s the what? Third time the wall below the perch has been busted? But then Gacy gets himself out of the wreckage!! How?! Dijak is just as stunned! Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” and Gacy eggs Dijak on! Dijak runs up, but Gacy POSTS him again! And UPPERCUTS! And fires off haymakers!

Dijak choke grips, to HIGH JUSTICE through the desk!! Fans lose their minds, but Dijak sits Gacy up to say this isn’t done! Security rushes out to stop this but fans boo and chant “LET THEM FIGHT!” Dijak fights free of the security, but Gacy’s back up!? Gacy clamps on a SLEEPER!! Security and refs pry Gacy off of Dijak, but Gacy says if Dijak wants this fight, he’ll bring it! What will happen should NXT actually let these two fight it out?!


Arianna Grace rehearses an acceptance speech.

“Thank you all for your love and support. I leave you now with what my mother would say to be before bed as a child. ‘Darling, if you have a vision, you will be where you want, see where you’re headed, and that is de-lightful!’ I love you all!” Elektra Lopez then barges into the locker room and says, “Alright, fun’s over. Where is she?” Arianna’s right here! Lopez wasn’t talking about you, princess. Lopez sighs and barges back out. Arianna says some ladies have no social grace.


Lexis King speaks.

“Ladies and gentlemen, don’t freak out, but the main event is coming on a little bit early tonight, courtesy of the Face of Tuesday Nights, Lexis King. And ol’ Trey Bearhill better be grateful for the spotlight that I’m about to put on him, because there’s only one man in this match worthy of center stage, and you’re looking right at him.” The Drama King thinks he’s the leading man of NXT, but will he find out he’s more the antagonist than protagonist?


Von Wagner & Robert Stone visit The University of Central Florida.

Von asks Stone why he brought Von back to UCF. Because, doesn’t this place bring back memories? Well of course, these are his old stomping grounds. He was Number 87 for the UCF Knights, but what does this have to do with the NXT Heritage Cup? Because here, they will work on speed, stamina and agility, with the two best coaches to help them: Stone’s sons! Von’s fired up to see “The Bash Brothers,” and they ask Von if he’s ready. Ready to roll! But are you ready!? HELL YEAH!! Training montage as Von runs drills as fast as he can, does crunches as long as he can, and is quizzed on how the Heritage Cup Division works!

How many rounds? SIX! How many falls? Best two outta three! Get those knees up! Catch the ball! Run up the stairs! Hit Oro! Oh, well, he bopped Stone with the ball, good enough. Now for a tackling dummy with Dar’s face on it! Von sets up, and TACKLES Dummy Dar! Hit harder than that! You wanna take the cup or not!? Von hears Dar mocking him, and goes full Water Boy! YEAH!! The brothers help Von up, and Stone is sure Von is ready. Von shouts, “NOAAAM~!” Will Von be ready to knock Dar out and win the whole damn thing?


Lexis King VS Trey Bearhill!

NXT returns as King makes his entrance. Trey is already waiting, chomping at the bit. King steps in the ring, the bell rings, and then King dodges Trey to CHOP! Trey just shouts back! King shoves Trey, but Trey SHOVES King down! Trey runs up, King BOOTS him! King CHOPS, eggs Trey on, so Trey DECKS King! Fans fire up with Trey as he stalks King and brings him up on the apron. Trey TOSSES King back in and fires up! King flounders to a corner, Trey runs in to SPLASH! Trey storms around, scoops King and SLAMS him! Fans fire up as Trey ELBOW- NO, King avoids the drop! King throws down ax handles and stomps!

King eggs Trey on, then lines up a shot. King KICKS, but Trey snarls. King KICKS Trey again, eggs him on, and Trey shouts! King KICKS and KICKS, but Trey blocks! Trey swings, King ducks and runs, but into a DOUBLE CHOP! And another DOUBLE CHOP! Fans fire up as Trey CHOPS, CHOPS and CLAWS King on the back! King goes to a corner, Trey fires up and GRIZZLY MAGNUMS! Trey wants King to get up, since this is the fight he wanted! King stands, Trey clamps right on, but King fights the choke slam! King SUPERKICKS< then mule kicks, then runs and runs to BLINDSIDE LARIAT!

King drags Trey up to cross the arms, and CORONATION NECKBREAKER! Cover, King wins!

Winner: Lexis King, by pinfall

King brings down Trey fair and square, and his ego is only inflating from here. But how long will King have to wait for his crowning achievement?


Trick Melo Gang meets up backstage.

Trick asks where Melo has been but he said he was locked in, watching some LWO matches. Trick checked any of these yet? No, but he will. Melo says okay, eyes on the prize. But also, what’s Trick doing fighting Dragunov’s battles, man? What? Trick ain’t fighting no battles for Dragunov, what’s he talking about? Melo is just saying, Dragunov’s playing Trick like 2K, bro. No, man, Dragunov wouldn’t do that. Trick just wants Dragunov to be 100 for Vengeance Day. Melo says forget all that! This has been going on since October, when Dragunov attacked Trick. Trick won the Iron Survivor, and suddenly Dragunov gets hurt?

Dragunov knows Trick Melo Gang is a lock for the Dusty Cup! But then he wants to give Trick his match, knowing full well Trick’s gonna have to wrestle twice on the same night now! But yeah, go ahead, handle the issues with Briggs tonight to save Dragunov. Melo wants Trick to understand something: Dragunov sees Trick as a threat, so he will do anything and everything to make sure Trick Melo Gang doesn’t win the Dusty Cup, and that Trick doesn’t win the NXT Championship. The sooner Trick sees that, the better. Trick says he knows Melo knows the game, and appreciates Melo giving Trick the game.

But Trick knows the game, too. He already thought this through. Next week is LWO, but tonight, Trick faces Briggs, and Melo faces Austin Theory on SmackDown. They’re locked in, but like always, Trick wants to do this by himself. Melo knows, and says go ahead. They shake hands, will Trick show Melo he’s ready to be double champion?


It’s an all new Supernova Sessions!

Noam Dar welcomes us to the show, “live from the moon,” and says sadly, Lash & Jakara can’t be here because they have to handle that new girl, Wren, and Fallon “I Love Horses Way Too Much” Henley. Oro mocks the yeehaw, and says did you see Von training with all his friends? Yeah, turns out Stone’s kids and Von all go to the same grade school. They even share crayons! It doesn’t matter how hard Von trains, he can’t beat Dar! That’s why Dar is more than happy to give Von his Heritage Cup match. But Von and those stupid stinking Stone kids will never touch Dar’s cup! Oro says, “Tell ’em, brother, tell ’em!”

Now, tonight’s guest brings a whole new level of heat. She was in a battle royale she didn’t even need to be in, just so she could screw over her best friend. Talk about petty. Introducing the Women’s Breakout Star, Lola Vice! Fans fire up as Lola makes her entrance and joins Dar & Oro in the ring. They take their seats and Lola actually gets a good chair compared to other guests. Dar says it is a pleasure to have her here, and says last week, Lopez’s reaction to Lola’s betrayal was fantastic! Meta Four liked it, and they loved it! But was it planned?

Lola says that the moment she and Lopez teamed up, there was an expiration date to the friendship. Lopez is La Madrina, right? All credit to her, she saw a rising star bust into NXT, jumped on the bandwagon, and tried to ride it as long as she could. But Lopez is a LEECH. Dar likes the trash talk already! Lola says Lopez was trying to use her popularity to make herself relevant again. But Lola doesn’t carry deadweight. She dumped Lopez out like the baggage she is. Good stuff. But does Lola have any regrets? Nope! She regrets NADA! Dar knows that means “nothing.”

Lola doesn’t regret all the people watching her every move. She doesn’t regret all the women in the locker room being super jealous. And she doesn’t regret getting this breakout contract on her own. But wait! Here comes Lopez! She’s heard enough! Looking at Lola now, Lopez isn’t questioning why Lola did what she did. She’s just questioning who the hell Lola really is. Because half the time, Lola is holding back tears while retweeting even the littlest positive comment about her, while pretending to be all sweet and innocent, saying it is such an honor to be here in the WWE, having worked harder and sacrificed more than anyone else~!

“B*TCH!! I sacrificed way damn more! My hard work every single day is what got me here! And it’s what grabbed the attention of Santos Escobar & Legado Del Fantasma!” Dar is sweating and Oro is trying not to have Lola get mad at him while Lopez continues. “La Madrina is real! You got here by shaking your ass on Instagram!” Fans fire up hearing that one! Lopez says Lola is auditioning for a Lifetime movie one moment, and then is a wannabe MMA fighter shadowboxing in a bikini! Real talk? What Lopez is looking at is the biggest phony of all the WWE! Fans chant and duel “You’re a Phony!” “No She’s Not!”

Lopez says the one real thing in Lola’s life is gonna be their match next week, 1v1! Lola asks Lopez if she knows what she’s getting herself into. Oh, right, right, Lopez doesn’t wanna wait until next week. She wants to burn “Vice City” down tot he ground right now! Lopez TACKLES Lola over the couch!! The fans are all fired up but refs hurry to stop this! Fans boo and chant “LET THEM FIGHT!” but this only has to wait one more week! Who will really bring that Latina Heat to the last NXT before Vengeance Day?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

Via video on Twitter/X, The Don captions the video, “OTM YOU JUST MADE A BIG MISTAKE,” while Tony tells them to listen up and listen good. They wanna come into his restaurant and tear the place up? They made a big mistake. Stacks says to have eyes on the back of your heads! Tony warns Bronco, Lucien, Scrypts, and Rizzo adds Jaida to that! “Things’re about to get real interesting for you. We’ll see you soon.” The D’Angelo Family is coming, will they make OTM regret every getting out the mud?


NXT checks in with Chase U.

It seems things are only getting worse, as the school now has to sell off much of their supplies to make ends meet. The sporting equipment, school shirts and posters, and even Mr. Chase’s favorite whiteboard, all gone! Riley Osborne walks up to Mr. Chase and apologizes. He wanted to be at this school so bad, and- No, not the banner! Aww… As he was saying, Riley feels bad for failing them in the Breakout Tournament and Dusty Cup. Chase says no, he was the one that failed the school. Wait, even the desks!? With nowhere to sit now, most of the students leave.

Duke hangs back to tell Chase that this is all just stuff. It can be replaced. Wait, his MVP trophy!? HEY!! You can’t just…! They took the trophy…? Without the trophy, without Chase U… Duke knows he’ll spiral quick. Chase says he never thought he’d see the day. Everything he worked so hard to build is going to be gone so fast. He has nothing left. Wait, the podium?! GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF HIS PODIUM!! Duke calms Mr. Chase down, and the podium is taken away. Well, guess that’s it. They had a good run. But next week, Chase U officially says goodbye. They look around at the empty classroom. Class dismissed, but is it for the last time?


Dragon Lee VS SCRYPTS w/ OTM!

But speaking of, it would seem the Boy Wonder also has Reggie on his case. Will Dragon flip the Scrypts and show he is worthy of going back for the North American Championship? Or will OTM’s Pro of Prose write a different ending?

NXT returns as Scrypts makes his entrance, OTM by his side. The bell rings and fans rally up for Dragon as he circles with Scrypts. They tie up, Dragon wrenches and wristlocks, but Scrypts rolls, rolls back, kips up, only for Dragon  to wrench again. Scrypts goes to ropes, Dragon lets go, and the fans applaud. Scrypts runs up, Dragon dodges, and we see Oba Femi watching from the perch! Dragon headlocks for a takeover, and he spots Oba for himself now. Scrypts fights up, powers out, but Dragon runs him over! Things speed up, Scrypts hurdles but Dragon leaps over. They keep going, and Scrypts handsprings to dodge the lariat!

Fans fire up, Dragon DROPKICKS Scrypts down! Scrypts bails out, Dragon FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up again! Dragon drags Scrypts up and into the ring, then runs in at the corner to JUMP KICK! Leg sweep, SWINGING DROPKICK! Fans fire up for Combinacion Dragon, and then Dragon runs in to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Scrypts is still in this but Dragon drags him back up. Dragon whips, Scrypts holds ropes then bails out. Fans boo but Dragon figures he’ll just handspring up and out! Even Scrypts is stunned! Scrypts takes a swing but Dragon counter punches!

Dragon puts Scrypts in, RAMS into him, and then goes up and up, only for Scrypts to GAMANGIRI! Dragon falls, Scrypts builds speed and he FLYING SOMERSAULT SEATED SENTONS! Fans fire up, Scrypts puts Dragon in, and Scrypts hurries up top. Scrypts leaps to FROG-CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Dragon stays in this but Scrypts stays on him with CLUBBING shots over and over! Scrypts says OTM’s eating good, and then he brings Dragon up. Dragon throws body shots, runs, but into a SOBAT! Front kick! Snapmare, and Scrypts basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Scrypts taunts Dragon, pushes him around, then has him on ropes.

Scrypts talks more trash, and SLAPS Dragon! Dragon glares, ROCKS Scrypts over and over, then whips him to ropes. Scrypts reverses but Dragon CLOBBERS him! Dragon keeps moving to CLOBBER Scrypts again! ENZUGIRI! Then TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up while Scrypts is down! OTM freaks out, Bronco distracts, and Scrypts BOOTS! But Dragon BOOTS! Dragon GERMAN SUPLEXES but Scrypts lands out of it! Scrypts swings, Dragon slips through it, and Dragon reels Scrypts in! Scrypts slips free of the powerbomb, but Dragon V-TRIGGERS! Dragon runs, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Both men are down and the fans fire up!

And then here comes The D’Angelo Family! Fans fire up as Tony & Stacks brawl with Price & Nima, leaving Rizzo to go right for Jaida! It is chaos at ringside all over again, and Rizzo DIVES to take Jaida out!! Fans fire up, Dragon gives Scrypts OPERACION DRAGON!! Cover, Dragon wins!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall

Oba gets a mic to call out Dragon. Oba has made his decision! “I’ll see you… at VENGEANCE DAY!” Dragon nods, and now we will get a true match out of these two. Will the Boy Wonder be golden once again? Or will Oba continue to be The Ruler of North America?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe sit backstage.

Malik has his head in his hands while Edris says he spent hours making them their Dusty Rhodes polka dot gear, and for what? For them to lose? Malik doesn’t get it. What else do they need to do? Brinley Reece then jumps in and asks what’s up! She is feeling the most grateful ever today! How they feeling? Brin, what’re you so happy about? She got thrown out of the battle royal super early. No, no, they only lose when they don’t learn. There is a lesson in every opportunity, and when you stay #BrinActive, you dig the positives out of every opportunity you get. She wrote in her wellness journal, reflected on it, and worked out a ton! Now, she’s excited for her next opporutnity!

Uh, okay… Good for her, but these two can’t catch a break. They don’t need any journals, they don’t need any reflecting, and at this point, they need luck. No, no, no, she has seen this before, and it doesn’t turn out well. So they’re gonna write down five things they liked about their match, five things they didn’t like about it, and then reflect. YES! Brin CHOPS Edris then cartwheels away! Five…? Malik figures they might as well try. Will Brin’s positive attitude (not) be able to revitalize even Malik & Edris?


Lyra Valkyria watches film on her tablet.

The video finishes, she stands up with the belt, and Tatum Paxley barges in, startling her! Tatum says last week, being Lyra’s tag partner was the highlight of her whole career! Lyra says yeah, they need to talk. Tatum knows, she lost the battle royal! She’s so sorry that Lyra has to have a match now. No, not that. The thing is, Tatum’s a really… “special” kind of girl. And last week was a one time thing, okay? This isn’t gonna work out. Roxanne is coming after the title, there’s a lot going on, Lyra just doesn’t have time to respond to all of the texts, emails and voicemails Tatum leaves her.

Tatum says if anyone understands Lyra, it’s her. She totally gets it, it isn’t Lyra, it’s Roxanne. All of Lyra’s focus is on Roxanne, so Tatum gets it. Great! Amazing! Thanks! Okay, glad they’re on the same page. Lyra heads out and Tatum says of course they’re on the same page. Um, are we sure Tatum is even in the same library? Or is she going to misread this whole situation?


Blair Davenport VS Karmen Petrovic!

Speaking of that battle royal, the Ichiban Gaijin did not appreciate one of the new kids eliminating her early, and made sure that new kid would lose early, too. Now it’s all about payback, will Karmen make this into #KillBlair? Or will she instead learn to beware of the heir?

NXT returns and Karmen makes her entrance. The bell rings and Blair rushes in! Karmen dodges, KICKS Blair’s leg, and eggs her on. Blair swings again, Karmen dodges to KCIK! Blair avoids another shot, then they tie up. Blair KNEES low, ROCKS Karmen, then whips. Karmen ducks ‘n’ dodges to slide and trip Blair up! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Karmen KICKS Blair in the stomach! Blair sputters, but she ELBOWS Karmen away. Blair goes up to DOUBLE STOMP Karmen down! Fans fire up and Blair brings Karmen up to whip her to a corner. Then back into the corner! Then a third time into the corner!

Blair scoops Karmen to hit a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Blair keeps on Karmen with a chinbar, and she shifts to bend Karmen back! Fans rally, Karmen endures, and Karmen fights up. Blair knees low, whips her to a corner, then scoops her, but Karmen slips free! Karmen O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Blair stands but Karmen KCIKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Karmen fires up, runs and CLOBBERS Blair! And again! Karmen spins to LARIAT! The fans fire up as Karmen wants Blair to get up again. Blair goes to a corner, Karmen runs in to ROUNDHOUSE! Karmen pushes Blair down, but Blair avoids the rolling kick!

Blair hauls Karmen up but Karmen slips free again! Karmen kicks, Blair blocks, but Karmen SPIN BACK KICKS! Cover, TWO! Blair survives Karmen literally turning things around on her, and goes to another corner. Karmen runs in but Blair dodges! Karmen gets caught up in the ropes, and Blair SHOTGUNS her down! Blair hauls Karmen up, suplexes, FALCON ARROW! Then the wristlocks and KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, Blair wins!

Winner: Blair Davenport, by pinfall

Another singles win for dangerous Davenport, and she’s looking to keep going. Will she be waiting for the champion on the other side of Vengeance Day?


Backstage interview with Ridge Holland.

Kelly Kincaid is with Ridge and notes his big win over Joe Coffey. But then after, Gallus jumped him and had some rather choice words for him. Ridge says yeah, they rubbed in that he has no friends, that he has no one to save him. They used the numbers game and he got his arse handed to him. Then why doesn’t Ridge ask for help? And what? Prove Joe Coffey right? Listen, he stepped away from the Brawling Brutes to prove himself and stand on his own two feet. All Gallus has done is galvanized Ridge. He simply has another hurdle in front of him on his journey of redemption. Thank you for the chat, Kelly.

Wait, Ridge, hold on. Does that mean he is going to take on Gallus by himself? Well, yeah. That’s exactly what he’s saying. Ridge Da Fridge heads out, but will Northern Grit be able to win the numbers game when it’s 3v1? Or will it ALWAYS be Gallus Boys On Top?


Ilja Dragunov heads to ringside!

The NXT Champion wants to see Trick Williams and Josh Briggs have it out, so he’s going to join commentary for tonight’s main event. Will we see the #1 contender build momentum towards the title match? Or will Briggs be the one to #WhoopDatTrick?

Trick Williams VS Josh Briggs!

NXT returns and Briggs makes his entrance, followed by Trick’s. The bell rings and the two tie up. Briggs powers Trick to ropes, then swings, but Trick dodges. Trick and Briggs egg each other on, tie up again, and Trick headlocks. Briggs powers up and out to ELBOW Trick! Briggs scoops and SLAMS Trick, then drops the ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Dragunov says that since he has the opportunity, he has to say it clearly: he is the Mad Dragon, he fights upfront, face to face. He does not attack anyone out of nowhere, random and cowardly. Briggs puts Trick in a corner and tells Ilja to watch this! Briggs throws heavy elbows into Trick!

Briggs then whips Trick corner to corner, but Trick BOOTS back! Trick fires hands, but Briggs knees low. Briggs whips, Trick reverses and DROPKICKS! Briggs staggers, into a scoop and SLAM! Trick fires up, he scoops and SLAMS again! Fans fire up with Trick and he storms up on Briggs in a corner. But Briggs ROCKS Trick first! Trick wobbles, Briggs runs, and Briggs BOOTS Trick down! Briggs then CHOKE URENAGES!! Cover, TWO!! Trick survives and flops out of the ring, Dragunov wants him to get up. Dragunov says if Trick’s struggling here, he has no chance against Dragunov for the title.

Trick sits up while NXT goes picture in picture. Dragunov keeps coaching Trick up but Briggs storms out to ROCK Trick! Briggs SMACKS Trick off the apron, then paces around. Trick sits up again but Briggs brings him around to put him in the ring. Briggs storms up and BOOTS Trick down! Briggs CLUBS Trick, eggs him on, and stands on Trick’s hand! The ref reprimands, Briggs lets off to bring Trick up for a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Briggs looms over Trick, then clamps on a chinlock. Trick endures, fights around, and the fans rally up. Briggs leans on the hold but Trick still fights up. Trick throws body shots but Briggs CLUBS him!

Briggs whips, Trick sunset flips, TWO! Trick and Briggs stand, Briggs CLOBBERS Trick back down! Cover, TWO! Briggs pushes Trick around, talks more trash, then drags Trick up to CLUB him back down! Trick throws body shots but Briggs clamps on the chinlock. NXT returns to single picture and Briggs thrashes Trick around. Fans fire up as Trick fights up, and he throws body shots! Trick ROCKS Briggs, runs, but into a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Briggs snarls and he sits Trick up to basement dropkick! Fans rally, even Dragunov is shaking watching this, and Briggs stands Trick up. Trick throws hands!

Trick ROCKS Briggs but Briggs knees low! Briggs whips, runs up but Trick dodges! Briggs hits buckles, Trick bobs ‘n’ weaves to ROCK Briggs, but Briggs hits back. They brawl with fast hands, Trick gets the edge and the UPPERCUT! Trick whips, Briggs reverses but Trick LEAPING LARIATS! Fans fire up again as Trick LEG LARIATS! And LEG LARIATS again! Fans fire up and Trick FLAPJACKS Briggs! Trick lets the hair down, he takes aim from the corner, SPIN- NO, Briggs blocks the kick to scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! SPLASH! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up, Briggs clamps onto Trick and whips him to a corner.

Trick hits buckles, Briggs runs in, heads collide! Both men fall, Dragunov tells Trick to fight for this! If Trick wants to be champion, then he has to fight! Briggs runs in, Trick dodges, the BOOT blasts Dragunov over the desk!! Trick’s CYCLONE KICK takes Briggs out!! Fans fire up and Trick puts Briggs in! The fans are all fired up as Trick climbs! But Dragunov wants in now, pissed off at Briggs! But MELO stops Dragunov!! Trick LEAPS, but into Briggs’ hand! Trick victory rolls it, Trick wins!!

Winner: Trick Williams, by pinfall

But Briggs CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!?! Fans boo as Briggs is a sore loser! Melo is stunned, he didn’t think he’d have to save Trick from Briggs! As for Dragunov, he rises, his rage now aimed at Melo! Refs hurry to stop Dragunov, and Trick is just as upset with Melo for once again not honoring his request! Dragunov is taken away by refs, will he get his hands on Melo one way or another? Is Trick Melo Gang about to fall apart at the seams, so close to having everything?


Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne meet backstage.

Thea is stressing out, because Chase U is her life. It gave her everything, taught her everything, and now it’s gone… Jacy says no, it’s not. She is still workshopping her solution. But then Lexis walks over and says if the ladies need a shoulder to cry on, lean on the shoulders of a winner. Uh, no, Thea’s good. Well, maybe she’d feel better if she told Lexis what he could do to cheer her up. But Riley storms over and tells Lexis to back off. Riley, you’re such a buzzkill. Yeah, well, these ladies don’t want anything to do with the likes of you. Well, talk about going from hero to zero. Says the zero! Riley is Thea’s hero! Er, uh, Chase U’s hero!

Thea thanks Riley for that, and he says no problem. He’s just sorry they had to deal with Lexis. It’s okay. Well, no, it’s not, but it is okay now that Riley’s here. Yeah, it has been a rough day, huh? But hey, can Riley and Thea get a second alone later? Just to chat. Oh, yeah, Thea’s okay with that. Okay, see you later. Riley leaves and Thea has a small freak out. Jacy says she knows Thea is new to this, but she’s gotta keep it cool. Be a grown ass woman, remember? Right, grown ass woman. Thea takes a few breaths, will she be able to find something good in all this Chase U drama?


No Quarter Catch Crew speaks.

Drew Gulak says, “There is no great success without great sacrifice. The No Quarter Catch Crew consists of four strangers bound by the sacrifices we’ve made in the name of this great sport.” Charlie Dempsey says, “In this squared circle, it isn’t about friendships, it’s about four men uniting as one by athletic purity and against entertainment.” Damon Kemp says, “The art of what we do, what we train our bodies to endure, goes unappreciated by the masses. But we are not in it for the fleeting acknowledgement. We rejoice in our unrelenting devotion to this sport. Because your breaking point is our starting line.”

Myles Borne says, “This constant defines us.” Gulak says every time they compete in NXT, they invoke “The Catch Clause.” That clause says they determine who wrestlers the match for NQCC. And in NXT, they will show no pity, no mercy, no remorse, and no quarter.


Trick Melo Gang regroups backstage.

Trick is mad with Melo but Melo says Dragunov was coming after Trick! Trick says no he wasn’t, but Melo’s convinced he was! Trick doesn’t believe Dragunov is playing him?! No, Dragunov’s straight up! Melo doesn’t believe that. What about with Corbin, huh? Dragunov was messing with Corbin, now he’s messing with Trick! When’s Trick gonna see it? Trick is the hottest thing out there and Dragunov knows he can’t beat Trick, so that’s why he’s doing all this! Wake up! Melo storms off, and Trick wonders if he’s got a point. Can Trick Melo Gang pull together and beat the LWO to go to the Dusty Cup Finals?


BREAKING NEWS for Vengeance Day!

After the attack at the restaurant and the brawl here tonight, The D’Angelo Family and OTM are going 3v3 in a MIXED SIX TAG! Will The Don, Stacks & Rizz handle biz against Bronco, Lucien & Jaida? Or will there be a new crew running the streets?


Ava Raine is already in the ring.

The new NXT GM is here, and she says with the Royal Rumble this Saturday, January 27th, and NXT Vengeance Day on Sunday, February 4th, “all eyes are on NXT right now.” That said, she would like to introduce two superstars who will be competing for the NXT Women’s Championship. Firstly, the challenger, Roxanne Perez! Fans cheer as The Prodigy makes her way out and joins Ava in the ring. And now, the NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria! Fans cheer as The Morrigan makes her entrance to join everyone in the ring. They all take their seats at the table, and Ava says there are some big expectations for this match. All that’s left is to sign and make it official.

Roxie says they should get all the respect stuff out of the way, since we know they both respect each other. More importantly, Roxie thinks this is a Stand & Deliver main event a couple months early. Lyra agrees, this match is what everyone wants to see. Lyra almost feels they’ve been on parallel paths these last 12 months. The day Roxie won this title was the same day Lyra made her debut here. Then this must be a match a year in the making. And Roxie’s been wanting to say this to Lyra’s face: Lyra has had an incredible run. Lyra is THE NXT Women’s Champion, the best woman in the best division in ALL of WWE!

But… It feels a little familiar to Roxie, because she was exactly where Lyra was just one year ago. This past year, everyone has witnessed the rise of Lyra while Roxie has had to pick herself back up, jump over every hurdle, dig deeper, and chase down the title she never truly lost in the first place. Fans cheer that! Roxie vows that at Vengeance Day, no more Triple Threats, Fatal 4 Ways, battle royals, or other stipulations. She finally gets a 1v1 title match. And when she wins, that will mean every single thing she went through was worth it. And Lyra… Well, she’ll travel down the road Roxie just walked on to get back to her and her title.

Fans cheer, but Lyra says Roxie shouldn’t act like Lyra hasn’t been watching her. Lyra watched Roxie grow from this little girl just happy to be here into this confident woman that isn’t afraid to snap when her buttons are pushed. And Lyra isn’t trying to push any buttons, but she’ll tell Roxie the truth. Roxie had a great run, but Lyra’s replaced her. Lyra replaced Roxie at the top of this division. And Lyra knows Roxie’s gonna bring this new, edgy Roxie to Vengeance Day. The edgy Roxie that walked on glass to get here. Good. Lyra needs that Roxie. Because the last person Lyra needs to prove this is HER division to… is Roxie.

And at Vengeance Day, that is exactly what will happen. Then, the last 12 months for Roxie will mean nothing. Oh, so confident, Lyra. Trust Roxie, she sounded exactly the same. Just another show, just another challenger. But Roxie will give Lyra some advice, because this is what’s gonna happen: Lyra’s gonna lose, and then that is when the real questions start to begin. “Is Lyra overrated? Was it too fast, too soon?” Because some days, the people won’t be with her. And some days, they’re even gonna BOO her! Fans boo that, and Roxie asks if Lyra can handle that. Because it is so easy to handle it when everything is going right!

It’s fine now while Lyra is on the posters, the trucks, the billboards, but when Roxie becomes champion again, and she will, will Lyra be able to rebuild like Roxie did? Or will she crumble? Lyra knows what Roxie is getting at, and she is wrong! Lyra has always been mentally and physically table than Roxie. Where Roxie crumbles, that is where Lyra triumphs! Lyra may have been following behind Roxie, but after Vengeance Day, Roxie will stay behind Lyra! Ava keeps these two from getting physical, they are going to save it for Vengeance Day. Right now, they’re gonna sign the contract. Fans cheer Ava showing her authority!

Roxie and Lyra put the mics down and then Lyra takes the pen. She signs her part, pushes the contract at Roxie, and Roxie signs her part. That makes it official! At Vengeance Day, we get Lyra VS Roxie for the NXT Women’s Championship, “good luck to you both.” Ava steps aside while these two stare down. They shake hands, but then Lyra raises the belt. Will the Morrigan stay on top of the mountain? Or will Roxie knock her down from her perch? Wait! Tatum is slithering out from under the table!! She sneaks up on Roxie, to then pick her up and SPINEBUSTER through the table!! Lyra freaks out, as do the fans, but Tatum hugs Lyra like this was their plan!

Lyra asks what the hell! Tatum thought this is what Lyra was talking about earlier! Lyra tells Tatum to stay away!! What has Tatum’s obsession just done to the Vengeance Day title match?!

My Thoughts:

A great NXT that felt like half a go-home for Vengeance Day. And the theme for tonight seemed to be utter chaos at ringside. Gacy VS Dijak never actually happening was great stuff, those two busting up the desk and the wall and still not staying down. I would think these two need a Street Fight or Last Man Standing match to settle things. Really good stuff in the D’Angelos VS OTM story, especially with their own brawl to set up the Mixed Six while helping Dragon Lee win and compel Oba Femi into giving him a title rematch. As great as Dragon is, I feel like this is gonna be another win for Oba to establish how powerful he is, because he is.

Lexis King beating Trey Bearhill was a bit of a surprise, but it feeds his ego and helps him segue to a feud with Riley Osborne. Really good stuff out of Chase U tonight, being both hilarious but also a little sad. Jacy’s super secret idea still needs to be revealed, maybe that happens at Vengeance Day or something like that. Good promo from Malik & Edris with Brinley Reece, but I’m not sure where this is going. Either they drag her down into being pessimistic, or  more likely the team splits up when Malik sees things Brin’s way and Edris doesn’t. And good match from Blair VS Karmen, but of course Blair wins that one.

Good promo from Wren with Fallon, really good match of Wren VS Lash, but it made sense Lash won there. Fallon seems to have found herself a new tag partner, and they’ll have a good match against Lash & Jakara. Really good stuff from Lopez and Lola tonight, and it is a bit surprising how well and how quickly they flipped the Face-Heel dynamics. Lola still has plenty of fans in NXT, but going by her betrayal and Lopez burning her tonight, Lola easily comes off the Heel now as they are set to have a match next week. There’s a good chance Lopez wins to hurt Lola’s momentum and put into question whether Lola will try and cash in.

And speaking of the women’s title, great stuff from Lyra and Roxie, and even Tatum. Very outside the box thinking of Tatum hiding under that table the entire contract signing segment, and then her being the one putting Roxie through the table. Not sure how this affects the go-home math, but I would think Roxie at least wants a match with Tatum for the go-home to add to things. Also, interesting move having Roxie go from Assistant (to the) GM to THE GM of NXT. I wonder if this means HBK is becoming HHH’s right hand man on RawDown, if in kayfabe at least. And great to see William Regal on screen again. He’s been back in WWE for a little while, so it’s good to see him make the return official.

Awesome opening match from Bron & Corbin VS Axiom & Frazer. I figured the Wolf Dogs would win, but the fans loved all four guys in that match. And at this point, it is practically a given Bron & Corbin win the Dusty Cup. With how Trick Melo Gang was going tonight, they might not even beat LWO next week in the go-home, and I definitely don’t see LWO winning the Cup. Great stuff out of Trick VS Briggs, with Melo really deflecting hard onto Dragunov. Everything Melo said about Dragunov being afraid of Trick’s success and wanting to stop it can apply to Melo for the moment Melo pulls his “It was ME, Austin!” promo on Trick. Vengeance Day is going to be some really strong stuff for NXT not just for going into WrestleMania season but for 2024 overall.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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