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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/9/24)

Get a dream, hold onto it, and shoot for the sky!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic returns!

On the same night Tony D & Stacks defend the NXT Tag Team Championships, other teams enter the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic! Who will head towards the cup and their own place in history?


  • Nikkita Lyons VS Blair Davenport; Blair wins.
  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Gallus; Bron & Corbin win and advance to the next round.
  • Josh Briggs VS Oro Mensah w/ Meta Four; Briggs wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo VS Out The Mud w/ SCRYPTS; win(s) and
  • Gigi Dolin VS Cora Jade; Cora wins.
  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Nathan Frazer & Axiom VS Hank Walker & Tank Ledger; Frazer & Axiom win and advance to the next round.
  • NXT North American Championship: Dragon Lee VS Lexis King; Dragon wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Men’s Breakout Contract Cash-in, North American Championship: Dragon Lee VS Oba Femi; Oba wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.


Blair Davenport attacks Nikkita Lyons in the parking lot! AGAIN!

They brawl it out and refs rush up! And now they’re brawling their way to ringside! Lyons sends Blair into the barriers! Blair hits back but so does Lyons! Lyons SMACKS Blair off the apron, puts her in the ring, and the match begins!

Nikkita Lyons VS Blair Davenport!

Lyons dodges a lariat to ROUNDHOUSE! Then she scoops to SLAM Blair! Lyons suplexes Blair high and hard! Lyons runs at a corner to forearm SMASH! Then she spins Blair around but Blair throws elbows. Blair goes up, jumps, but Lyons gets under to HEEL KICK Blair down! Cover, TWO! Blair is still in this but Lyons drags her up. Lyons whips Blair to a corner, storms up again and suplexes. Blair slips free, throws hands and then POSTS Lyons! Lyons tumbles to the floor, and then Blair goes out to the apron. Blair runs up to DIVING STOMP Lyons down! Fans boo but Blair puts Lyons in fast.

Blair climbs up a corner, and she DIVING STOMPS again! Lyons clutches her bad leg, and Blair hurries to get her back up! Blair CLUBS away, Lyons throws body shots, but Blair CLUBS Lyons again. Blair pushes Lyons around, facelocks, but Lyons fights up. Blair turns things to a DDT, then a GUILLOTINE! Lyons endures, fights around, and up to her feet. The fans rally, Lyons lifts, but Blair fights it! Blair has body scissors now! But Lyons powers out to a BIG suplex! Fans fire up again as Lyons grits her teeth. Lyons crawls towards Blair, fires a forearm, but Blair hits back! Lyons ROCKS Blair, Blair kicks low!

Blair runs, but Lyons KICKS Blair down! And KICKS her again! Lyons fires body shots, haymakers, and then shoves Blair to a corner. Blair fights the suplex but Lyons powers through! A rough landing for Blair, but Lyons gets her back up. GERMAN SUPLEX! Blair goes to a corner, but Lyons runs in to jump and HIP DROP! Then she hits a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Blair survives being thrown around but Lyons won’t let her get away. Lyons kicks, Blair ducks, and Blair SHOTGUNS in return! Blair sits Lyons up, but Lyons fights the Kami-Goye to kick and BOOT Blair down! Lyons hurries to scoop, but Blair slips free!

Blair shoves, Lyons ducks and clotheslines Blair up and out! Fans fire up as Lyons pursues Blair. Lyons BOOTS Blair again, runs up, but Blair dodges! The heel kick hits post! Blair grabs at Lyons, Lyons still shoves her away and hobbles over. Lyons puts Blair in the ring, steps back in, but Blair CHOP BLOCKS the bad leg! Fans boo but Blair sits Lyons up, KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, BLAIR WINS!

Winner: Blair Davenport, by pinfall

Blair started the fight, and she finished it! Is Davenport just too dangerous for the women’s roster?


Cody Rhodes speaks.

“NXT: the Ellis Island of sports entertainment. Where fresh new talent grows into superstars. Where familiar faces go for a shot in the arm. Tonight, this cutting-edge brand turns the page to a familiar chapter. A tag team tournament rich in tradition, prestige and honor: The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. The art of tag team wrestling is about to take center stage, culminating in Clarksville, Tennessee at Vengeance Day. Eight teams are about to embark on a journey, but only one will survive, earn a future tag team title match, and the privilege of having their names engraved on the Dusty Cup forever.

“This tournament represents the man it’s named after. The hunger, the drive, the dream, to be remembered forever in the annals of time. For these eight teams, it’s not about finishing the story, it’s about creating their own.” The American Nightmare has set the tone, but who will set the pace? The opening round begins tonight, after the break!


Trick Melo Gang meets up backstage.

Melo finishes up a phone call and says he has good news. Trick isn’t sure he wants to hear it. Because Melo might tell him one thing and do something totally different, just like he did last week. Melo knows he said he’d stay in the back, but when HBK put out that tweet about a former NXT Champion coming here, he just worried who it was gonna be. Melo takes titles, not chances. So thankfully, Trick beat Waller all by himself like he said. But Melo wants Trick to understand, that since Trick asked for his help, it is Melo’s responsibility to make sure Trick succeeds. So Melo wants to holler at Trick about something real quick.

Trick says he understands where Melo’s coming from, and Trick did get the W. What’s Melo got? Well, we don’t know how long Ilja Dragunov’s gonna be out recovering, right? Right, no idea. But Trick will be ready. Of course! But Melo figured that while they wait, he’d pull some strings, and uh… They got the eighth spot in the Dusty Cup, baby! Let’s talk about it! Trick isn’t sure, though. He wants to stay locked in for his match with Dragunov. Okay, okay, but Melo feels this will keep him locked in and focused. Trick still isn’t sure. But Melo says good news: he DOES know! They’ll take this whole thing, win the cup AND the tag titles, and then we get Triple Crown Melo and Two Title Trick!

Cuz that’s all it is, and that’s all it’s gonna be! They shake hands and Trick Melo Gang is ready! Will this detour on the road to the top be good for these two? Or just for… HIM?


The bracket is set!

With Trick Melo Gang getting that eighth and final spot in the opening round, we have: Trick Melo Gang VS Edris Enofe & Malik Blade; Chase U VS The LWO; Nathan Frazer & Axiom VS Hank ‘n’ Tank Ledger; and this match up next…

2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Gallus!

There’ve been many an “odd couple” in tag team wrestling history, but the Big Bad Booty Nephew and Mr. No More BS is definitely one that sounds good on paper, but might not work in practice. Will Corbin regret not staying a Lone Wolf? Or will he prove to be #MeanerThanEvil running with a pack?

The teams sort out and Bron starts against Mark Coffey. They tie up, Mark arm-drags, but Bron stands right up. They tie up again, Mark headlocks but Bron powers out. Bron runs Mark over, fans bark with him, and Bron headlocks. Mark powers up but Bron holds on. Mark headlocks, Wolfgang tags in before Bron powers out, and now Wolfgang headlocks. Bron powers out, bypasses Wolfgang, then catches Wolfgang for a SPINEBUSTER! The fans fire up, Bron goes after Wolfgang but Wolfgang shoves him away. Tag to Corbin, and Bron sets Wolfgang up for Corbin’s SPLASH! Corbin throws hands, whips, but Wolfgang reverses to HEADBUTT!

Wolfgang wrenches Corbin’s arm, tags in Mark, and then Wolfgang RAMS Corbin before Mark FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Cover, ONE!! Mark fires off on Corbin with forearm sand uppercuts but Corbin swings. Mark ducks, waistlocks, but Corbin bucks the O’Conner, only for Mark to EURO UPPERCUT him down! Mark drags Corbin up, Corbin ROCKS Mark, and he headlocks. Wolfgang tags in as Mark powers out, and then Mark drops down so Wolfgang can FLAPJACK HOTSHOT Corbin! Corbin flops out of the ring, Bron runs in but Wolfgang dodges! Kitchen sink knee and a SENTON takes Bron down!

Fans are torn as it’s Gallus Boys On Top going into picture in picture.

Corbin and Bron argue as they regroup, but they keep it cool. The fans rally, Bron & Corbin go back to their corner and Corbin storms in. Wolfgang knees low, CLUBS Corbin down, and clamps on a chinlock. Corbin stands up, Wolfgang UPPERCUTS him! Corbin goes to a corner, Wolfgang storms over, but Corbin ELBOWS him first! Corbin ROCKS Wolfgang with a haymaker, but Wolfgang hits back! And CHOPS back! Wolfgang CLUBS Corbin, UPPERCUTS him, then HEADBUTTS him! But Corbin gets around to hit a BIG back suplex! Bron tags in and he storms up on Wolfgang. But Wolfgang wrenches out and ROCKS Bron!

Tag to Mark and Mark CLUBS Bron. Mark stays between Bron and Corbin, DECKS Bron, then storms up on him at the ropes. Mark wrenches Bron, tags Wolfgang back in, and Gallus mugs Bron with body shots. Wolfgang stands between Bron and Corbin, then knocks Bron down. Wolfgang clamps onto a neck wrench, then brings Bron around to scoop and SLAM! Wolfgang poses with arms crossed, then tags in Mark. Gallus mugs Bron some more, the ref counts, and Wolfgang lets off. Mark snapmares and covers, TWO! Mark KNEES Bron in the back, stomps Bron around, then throws haymakers.

Bron sits up to throw body shots in return, and he backs Mark down. But Mark KNEES Bron down! Mark fires forearms, but Bron JUMP KNEES in return! Hot tag to Corbin! Corbin CLOBBERS Mark, puts him in a corner and stomps a mudhole in. The ref counts, Corbin lets off, and he taunts the fans. Corbin stands Mark up for more forearm sand body shots, but Mark hits back! They brawl as NXT returns to single picture. The fans rally as Corbin gets the edge! Corbin whips, Mark dodges and returns, but into a BOOT! Corbin goes up to FLYING LARIAT! Cover, Wolfgang breaks it! But Bron runs in, only for Wolfgang to fireman’s carry!

Wolfgang WASTELAND SLAMS, but Corbin SPINEBUSTERS Wolfgang! Mark ROCKS Corbin, runs, and LARIATS! Mark keeps moving, but he runs into DEEP SIX! Fans fire up as all four men are down! Joe Coffey coaches his brother, helps Wolfgang back into the ring, and the fans rally. The teams regroup, Corbin and Bron egg each other on to fire up! They fire off forearms with Gallus and the fans love it! Bron clotheslines Wolfgang up and out! Corbin ROCKS and ELBOWS Mark into a corner! Corbin digs his boots in, the ref counts and Corbin lets off. Corbin drags Mark up, fireman’s carries and DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS!

Corbin aims, mocks the Bron “break it” pose, but Wolfgang drags Mark out to safety. Fans boo, but then Corbin storms up on the outside. Corbin choke grips Wolfgang, pushes him, but then Wolfgang dodges! Corbin punches post! Mark WRECKS Corbin with a dropkick! Gallus mugs Corbin against the desk, and SMACKS Corbin’s bad hand off the hood! And then off the apron! The ring count is climbing, Gallus gets in the ring and Mark drags Corbin in after them. Mark stomps Corbin, takes the bad hand and uses it in a straitjacket stretch! Fans chant “SHUT UP JOE!” at the Iron King as Corbin fights up.

Mark ROCKS Corbin, tags Wolfgang, and Wolfgang whips Corbin to a corner hard! Corbin stays up but Wolfgang SPLASHES him, snapmares, and tags back to Mark. Wolfgang stands Corbin up in the Gallus corner, then sends Mark in. Corbin dodges Mark, but Wolfgang whips! Corbin KICKS Wolfgang away, hot tag to Bron! Bron rallies on Gallus, fireman’s carries Wolfgang and hits a GUTBUSTER DROP! Then a BACK SUPELX CUTTER?! Bron keeps moving, and he CLOBBERS Wolfgang! The fans are thunderous and Joe Coffey is freaking out! Bron makes Wolfgang hold Mark up, then gets around, GERMAN SUPELX FALL AWAY COMBO!!!

Bron kips up, the straps come down, and even Corbin is into this! Bron says it’s over now! And then Corbin tags in? Corbin is a glory hound, he and Bron argue, and fans want “Spear of Days!” But Wolfgang storms in! SPEAR for Wolfgang!! END OF DAYS for Mark!! Cover, Bron & Corbin win!

Winners: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

Somehow, someway, these two alpha males made it work as a duo! Will they keep this going until they’re added to the history books?


Tiffany Stratton goes to work on the Henley farm.

Per the deal made in last week’s match, Fallon Henley won and now Daddy’s Little Rich Girl has to work. No sign of her yet, though. As expected. That’s why Fallon got here early. Little Tiff Tiff is finally getting dirty under those pretty fingernails. Oh, here she is now. Tiffany arrives like cowgirl Barbie, and almost trips in her little high heel boots. She also almost throws up from the smells. Fallon tells Tiff she’s late. Tiff knows. She had to make sure she had the perfect outfit. She’s not seriously wearing that to work on a farm, is she? Fallon had stuff ready for her. EW, she’s not wearing flannel!

Just because Tiff got stuck in this “disgusting situation,” does NOT mean she can’t look good doing it. She’s good. Well, fine by Fallon. Let’s get to work. Tiff breathes through her mouth but that doesn’t do any better. And her heels are still having a hard time on the barn floor. How is she struggling already? The real work hasn’t even begun. Oh, Tiff? No, she’s perfectly fine. Right… Anyway, they’re gonna muck the stalls, feed the horses, and- Uh, sorry, she doesn’t speak “ranch.” What does “mucking the stalls” even mean? It means cleaning them. Then they’ll clean the saddles, the bridles, wash the horses, and if Tiff sees any dumpings-

Dumpings?! Yes. As in droppings. Poopy. Yeah, horse s*it. If you see it, pick it up and throw it away, okay? Tiff is freaking out already. We’ll check in on them later to see if Tiff survives even the first hour.


Lyra Valkyria is here!

The fans cheer the NXT Women’s Champion as she stands in the ring, and she says we all saw the start of the show, right? The opening recap package showed that she and Blair kicked the crap outta each other at New Year’s Evil. But despite being in the deepest Women’s Division the WWE has to offer, Lyra is confident she’ll finish 2024 as she started it: as your NXT Women’s Champion! Fans cheer that. Lyra continues to say that the thing about Blair is, she’s not going anywhere. Wherever this title goes, Blair will follow. So the question really is, “Who am I gonna face in four week’s time at Vengeance Day?”

Well, we’ll all find out next week, because Lyra spoke with Ava Raine. Ava said they’ll hold a 20 WOMAN BATTLE ROYAL! Fans like the sound of that! Lyra says there’s a twist, though. Because when it gets down to the final four, the match turns into a Fatal 4 Way! The winner of that Fatal 4 will face Lyra at- Lola Vice interrupts. She tells Lyra, “You’re only standing in this ring because your weird little friend, Tatum Paxley, saved your ass last week. Unfortunately for you, I still have my contract. Which means I could cash this baby in whenever I want.” Lyra says yeah, yeah, anytime, anywhere. Lyra gets it.

But what happened? Lyra thought when Lola came in here with her MMA background and all the hype, that Lola would be the one to turn this place upside-down. All we ever see Lola do is talk and talk and talk and talk about what she’s going to do. So what is it, Lola? Maybe she’s confused. Maybe Lola doesn’t know what Lyra’s here to do, but it sure ain’t watching Lola shake her arse on Instagram! Lyra is here to FIGHT Lola, the cage fighter! And see these people? Some of them don’t like Lola. A lot of them do, though. But one thing we can all agree on is that everyone wants to see the match happen!

The fans cheer that, but Lola says, “Callete, la boca.” Everyone LOVES Lola, she can’t help it! They’re like sheep! They follow Lola’s every move. Pero, she can’t blame them, they love the Latina Heat. Oh, really? Where’s the Latina Heat? Cuz the only place Lyra sees it coming from is Elektra Lopez. La Madrina, the one who held Legado Del Fantasma together. Lyra is wondering, when is Lola gonna break it to Lopez that she has no interest in using that contract to get a Women’s Tag Title match? Lyra says she’ll make it easy! Just have the match here and now! Get a ref out here! A ref hurries, Lola squares up, but Lopez SUCKER PUNCHES Lyra!

Fans boo as the lethal Latinas beat down Lyra! Lyra gets up, fights back, and she TACKLES Lopez! Lola CLUBS Lyra, drags her by her hair, but TATUM appears! Tatum ROCKS Lola, Lyra fires off on Lopez, and it’s a lot like last week! Lola & Lopez retreat, Lopez says it will be the two of them against Lyra and Tatum, anytime, anywhere! Tatum says she’s up for it! She and Lyra will never be separated! They belong together! Uh, since when did Lyra agree to that? But will a tag match be what it takes to settle this?


Meta Four watches the Country Strong break-up.

They sarcastically act like it’s so sad. Jakara Jackson says, “They break up, we get stronger!” They all cheer that, but Josh Briggs walks in. Real cute that Meta Four’s adopted the bear claw fist bump. Noam Dar says hey, Josh. Lash Legend “apologizes” that Briggs had to see that, seeing as how Meta Four is the group that caused the break-up. Briggs says, “You think we broke up cuz of you guys?” Well, duh! This is a safe space, let it out! Briggs tells Dar to get his head out of his ass. The trio all had different goals, it was mutual. And if not for Captain Sidekick, Oro Mensah, we all know Briggs had Dar’s number.

In fact, Briggs wants a rematch. Dar laughs at that, because Briggs lost by disqualification! And Oro is upset that he’s being called a sidekick. Well if Oro has a problem, then they can handle it in the ring! Briggs storms off, is he going to show he’s Country Strong all by himself? Or will the numbers still win things for Meta Four?


Ava Raine meets with Luca Crusifino.

The Legal Eagle is using photo evidence that he had a ropebreak, and he should not have lost. Ava says she’s not a ref, she can’t do anything about a bad call. And she’s waiting for another meeting, but promises to pass the concerns along. Luca says fair enough, and he heads out. Dragon Lee arrives and apologizes for not making it last week. Ava says that’s okay. But Dragon likes that the LWO handled things, and assures Ava that his work visa issues are out of the way. He’s back, ready to go. That’s great! Because in steps Lexis King. And the Drama King of NXT says that’s great. If there’s no mas visa issues, then the open challenges are back on the table. Or is he wrong?

Dragon says he was gonna issue one, but yeah, he’s always ready. And so is King, amigo. So much so, he had a contract drafted up so they don’t have to waste time waiting. Just sign on the dotted line. Dragon says bet, and he signs. Dragon promises his reign will continue to set records, starting tonight. Then it’s official. See you later, cabron. What did he call King? Don’t worry about it. But now that there’s more gold on the line, will King get his crown one way or another? Or will this truly be the Year of the Dragon?


Josh Briggs VS Oro Mensah w/ Meta Four!

A battle of former NXT UK Tag Team Champions comes to the forefront as both men want to prove they’re their own man. Well, at least one of them is. But will Oro being a sidekick actually come in handy for him? Or will not even having backup stop a Clothesline From Hell?

The bell rings and Oro fires off, but Briggs fires in return! Oro kicks a leg, ROCKS and CHPOS, but Briggs scoops and SLAMS! Then ELBOW DROPS! Cover, ONE!! Oro gets loose but Briggs brings him up. Briggs CLUBS Oro, scoops him again, but Oro fights free with elbows. Oro shoves but Briggs runs Oro over! Fans fire up, Briggs whips Oro corner to corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Briggs whips, wrenches, but Oro fishhooks! Then JUMP KNEES! Oro runs, but Briggs scoops for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Oro bails out, Briggs pursues, and Lash distracts the ref so Dar can get in the way. Briggs storms in after Oro, but Dar anchors a leg! Oro SUPERKICKS Briggs!

Fans boo as Meta Four gest away with that one. Oro CLUBS away on Briggs, puts him in a corner, but Briggs fights the snapmare. Oro CHOPS, CLUBS and BLINDSIDE FOREARMS! Cover, TWO! Oro storms up but Briggs throws body shots. Oro UPPERCUTS, clinches, but Briggs powers out. Oro dodges a boot, sweeps the legs, then BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Briggs is still in this but Oro throw down fists, then CHOKES Briggs! Briggs pushes Oro away but Oro drives in a knee! Cover, TWO! Briggs sits up but Oro CHOPS him! Briggs CHOPS back! Oro fires a forearm, but so does Briggs!

Briggs whips, Oro dodges and Briggs hits buckles! Oro clotheslines, clotheslines, and stomps a mudhole! Briggs puts Oro on the apron, only for Oro to claw the eyes! Oro dribbles Briggs off buckles, the ref counts, and Oro lets go at 4. Oro springboards, and RIDER KICKS! Cover, TWO!! Briggs is still in this and Oro argues the count. Fans rally for Briggs as Oro drags him up. Oro KICKS Briggs, KICKS and KICKS, but Briggs just scowls. Oro runs up, but Briggs blocks, to CHOKE SLAM!! Briggs aims from a corner, roars, but Jakara distracts the ref! Dar grabs at Briggs, but Briggs gets free as Oro runs in! Oro hits buckles, Briggs hits the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!!! Cover, Briggs win!!

Winner: Josh Briggs, by pinfall

For once, one is greater than four! Briggs glares Dar down, Dar says okay then. Will Supernova 11 end up giving Briggs that rematch one way or another?


NXT checks back in at the Henley farm.

Tiff pushes a wheelbarrow of hay, struggles to unload it, struggles to walk in those heels with a bucket of water, struggles to hose down a stable, and, well, just struggles in general. And Fallon smiles. Tiff says she’s done. Can they sit down? Her feet are killing her! Nope, that was just the start. But then a horse did “the thing” again, time to wash her. Fallon says that’s all you, Buttercup. Don’t call Tiff “Buttercup.” She didn’t. She was saying the horse’s name. Tiff does not wanna, but she is gonna. Tiff, meet Buttercup. And here’s a bucket and sponge. Have fun. Tiff asks Buttercup be nice to her.

Tiff puts her hat on a hook, and gets her hands in the water. She carefully dabs and wipes Buttercup, and is almost in tears by the end. She pouts her way back to Fallon and says no she’s done. She needs a shower, new clothes, and to be disinfected. She hopes Fallon enjoyed the show. Yeah, it has been a long day, hasn’t it? But Tiff can’t put a clean horse in a dirty stall. Why not? They’re filthy animals to begin with, and sleep on the hay, right? Yeah, no. Time to muck some stalls. Tiff says muck this. But here, look! A pink rake, just for her. Get to mucking. Tiff sees the absolute mess. To be continued!


NXT Tag Team Championships: Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo w/ Adriana Rizzo VS Out The Mud w/ SCRYPTS!

The Don & Underboss ended up owing Lucien Price & Bronco Nima this match because Andre Chase put their money where his mouth was, and then lost. Will Tony & Stacks be able to make it through all the same? Or are Price & Nima about to take these titles home to their streets?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who really runs the tag division!

The teams sort out, Nima and Stacks start. They tie up, Nima shoves Stacks, so Stacks shoves Nima. They go again, Stacks wants a leg but Nima shoves him away. Nima eggs Stacks on, so Stacks comes back to headlock. Nima powers out, runs Stacks over, and talks trash. Nima storms up but Stacks fires haymakers in return! Nima kicks, Stacks dodges, but Stacks runs right into a scoop! Stacks slips free, baits Nima into the D’Angelo corner, and Tony tags in as Stacks dodges again. DOUBLE HAYMAKER! Tony fires off, whips, but Nima reverses. Tony rams shoulders but he’s the one who staggers back!

Fans fire up, Tony runs and Stacks tags in. Tony body shots, Stacks knee lifts, and Tony SHOUDLER TACKLES! Stacks & Tony egg Nima on but Price tags in. OTM stands against the D’Angelos, and then Price RAMS Stacks! Price RAMS Stacks again, carries him, but Stacks sunset flips! Price stays up, drags Stacks up, but Stacks DROPKICKS! Then a SPLASH in the corner! Tag to Tony, they mug Price but Price fights free. Tony clotheslines Price in the corner, then uses Stacks for the HIP TOSS CANNONBALL! Tony drags Price to a cover, TWO! Tony throws hands down on Price, tags in Stacks, and then Stacks climbs.

Tony slingshot ELBOW DROPS, then he lifts Stacks off the corner, GORILLA PRESS ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Price stays in this but Stacks stays on him. Price throws body shots, Stacks JABS, fires hands, and headlocks. Price powers out, Nima tags in. Stacks ducks a clothesline but Nima gets a cheap shot in! Stacks DECKS Nima, but Price runs in! Stacks dumps Price out, then goes up and out. Stacks blocks a kick, but Nima Electric Chair Lifts! Price runs up from behind, BLINDSIDE KNEE ELECTRIC CHAIR SLAM COMBO, to the floor! Tony protests, fans boo, and OTM talks trash on Stacks as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Nima CLUBS Stacks, DECKS him, then sucker punches Tony! Fans boo but Nima storms up on Stacks. Nima drags Stacks up, and clamps on a mounted crossface hold. Tony storms in and goes after Nima! The ref backs Tony down but that still helps Stacks fight up and throw body shots. Stacks reaches out but Nima keeps him from Tony. Nima kicks and whips, Stacks uses that to BLAST Price! Stacks BOOTS Nima, ELBOWS Price, then fires off hands on Nima! Nima still keeps Stacks back, tag to Price. Whip into the SLEEPER, then a BODY SHOT from Nima! Fans boo as Price brings Stacks around.

Price slides Stacks to Nima’s fireman’s carry! They did this during the break, so Stacks slips free this time! Stacks POSTS Nima, ROCKS Price, and hurries for the corner! Price grabs a leg, Stacks BOOTS him away! Tag to Tony and he rallies on Nima! Fans fire up and Tony BELLy2BELLY SUPLEXES! Then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Price flounders, Nima runs in but Tony ducks ‘n’ dodges, slip up and over to hockey scrum and JACKHAMER! Fans fire up, Tony SPINEBUSTERS Price! Cover, TWO!! Tony keeps his cool, and he hauls Price back up. Tony reels Price in, says it’s time, and fans fire up.

Tony hooks a leg but Price wrenches free. Stacks tags in before the O’Conner, and then Tony switches, UPPERCUT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Then Stacks feeds Price to Tony. But Nima runs up to STMOP Stacks down! Price fights free to SUPERKICK Tony down! Tag to Nima, OTM mugs Tony and hauls him up. Double Torture Rack, DOUBLE RACK BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!? Tony survives and the fans fire up! Nima is furious, he kicks Stacks and TOSSES him back out. Tag to Price, they whip Tony and lift, FLAPJACK POWERSLAM COMBO! Cover, TWO!! The Don is showing real tenacity in this match!

Price tags Nima, and OTM gets Tony up again. But Tony fights free, throws hands, and Stacks returns! Stacks clotheslines Nima and himself out of the ring! Tony rolls Price up, TWO! Price stands, but Tony TOSSES him out! Tony calls to Stacks, then Stacks builds speed. Tony give shim the boost, FLYING HIP TOSS CANNONBALL!! Direct hit on OTM and Stacks puts Price in. Tony hauls Price up, whips, Bada Bing, BADA BOOM!! Cover, NIMA BREAKS IT!! Fans fire up again as all four men are down! Scrypts and Rizzo are each freaking out over this one but the fans are loving it! The four brawl, Nima DECKS Stacks!

Price ROCKS Tony, the ref backs Nima down. Price drags Tony & Stacks up as Scrypts climbs the corner! But Rizzo runs up and she SHOVES Scrypts onto Price! Fans fire up as Stacks then runs to TRIANGLE PLANCHA Nima!! Tony gets Price up, FOGEDABOUTIT!! Bridging cover, The D’Angelos win!

Winners: Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

The glue of the family keeps the titles with the family! Rizzo celebrates with her guys, will the D’Angelos be unstoppable in 2024?


NXT Anonymous is watching.

The students of Chase U are talking, all very worried about the status of the school. Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail are there to explain Jacy’s plan. “We all know Chase U is in crisis mode right now. Attendance is down and this place is going under fast. And I get you guys and the entire student body have been trying to come up with the money, but it’s just not good enough. But I have an idea that is going to save the university from debt. I just need you guys to do exactly what I say, and we’ll be up and running and back on our feet in no time, okay?” Jacy shows the rest of her plan from her phone, instructing everyone on their part, but just what is this plan?


Backstage interview with Oba Femi.

Kelly Kincaid is with the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament winner, and congratulates him on the win. It has only been a week, but does he have an idea when he wants to use his title match contract? Oba says this contract means that he can become NXT Champion whenever he wants. And just like the tournament, every superstar will crumble under his feet. And because he is “backed by destiny,” he could wait to cash-in at Stand & Deliver, or he could- be interrupted by Lexis King. King sarcastically congratulates Oba on the win, and says we all know if it wasn’t for Trey Bearhill, it would’ve been King VS Oba in the finals. And well, who knows what would’ve happened then.

But in the end, Oba earned his title contract from the tournament, while King earned his title shot with Dragon Lee with his own contract, and he’s getting that title tonight! So just keep plugging away, Oba. Because King is looking at the future NXT Champion in Oba Femi, while we see the next North American Champion in Lexis King, “The Face of Tuesday Nights.” After King wins, drinks on him, Kelly. King heads out, and Oba says if that match is in tonight’s main event, he might just have to watch. Is Oba going to change plans upon seeing King take on the Lucha Dragon?


Gallus throws a fit backstage.

Wolfgang is shoving stuff and Joe says to dust off. The game is done, they couldn’t have prepared for Bron & Corbin actually working together as a team. Joe then spots “family man” Ridge Holland walking by. Joe says that interview last week was “very touching.” Ridge really poured his heart out. Ridge says not to worry about him, worry more about Gallus. Oh, sorry, does Ridge not know how to act when someone isn’t scared of him? Joe has no fear. In fact, Ridge should be afraid of what Joe is capable of doing to him. Ridge knows how tough Joe is, okay? But look at him. There’s no fear in his eyes, either.

Joe says Ridge should’ve just stuck to being a Brawling Brute. Because now that Ridge is back in NXT, who knows how long Ridge will last! In fact, Gallus can take care of that. Gallus heads out, will Ridge show them a thing or two about Northern Grit?


Gigi Dolin VS Cora Jade!

The Toxic Avenger and the #GenerationOfJade have battled before, but the tables have turned since then! Now Cora is the obnoxious, self-centered, and toxic entity in the locker room, will she make NXT all about her? Or will Gigi put Cora in her place once and for all?

NXT returns as Gigi makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Cora wrenches to wring Gig, but Gigi rolls through. They tie up again, Gigi wrenches and WRINGS Cora! Cora staggers up, Gigi storms up and clinches. Cora powers out to ROCK Gigi, then facelock. Gigi fights the underhooks, snapmares and CHOPS Cora on the back! Then KICKS Cora in the chest! Cover, TWO! Gigi gives Kawada Kicks to Cora and fast! Cora scrambles to ropes, Gigi runs up, but Cora avoids the basement dropkick! Cora springboards to IMPLODER STOMP! Then Cora RAMS Gigi into a corner!

The ref counts, Cora lets off at 4, and then stalks Gigi to another corner. Cora stomps a mudhole in, digs her boots in, but lets off as the ref counts. Cora dusts herself off, storms back up on Gigi, and she stands Gigi up. Gigi throws body shots but Cora CLUBS Gigi down. Cora brings Gigi up, whips, and LARIATS! Fans boo as Cora looms over Gigi. Cora pushes Gigi around, talks trash, and says she runs NXT. But Gigi ROCKS her! And ROCKS her again! And again! But Cora YANKS Gigi into ropes! Fans boo again as Cora runs, and she ELBOWS Gigi in the back! Gigi goes to a corner, Cora runs in to SHINING WIZARD!

Cora snapmares Gigi down, covers, TWO! Cora clamps onto Gigi with a chinlock and she thrashes her around. Gigi endures, fans rally up, and Gigi fights to her feet. But Cora wrangles her back down and throws elbows! Cora squeezes tight, Gigi still fights up, but Cora knees low! Fans duel, Cora whips, but Gigi dodge! Cora hits buckles, hurries after Gigi, but Gigi ROCKS her, UPPERCUTS her, and fires off a strike fest! Fans fire up as Gigi roars and CLOBBERS Cora! And CLOBBERS her again! And then wrenches to an STO! Fans fire up as Cora goes to ropes, and Gigi runs to basement dropkick!

Gigi stalks Cora, drags her up, but Cora holds onto the ref to slip free of the move! Then she underhooks, FUTURE SHOCK! Cover, Cora wins!

Winner: Cora Jade, by pinfall

Cora sneers and fans boo, but Gigi ends up jaded. Will Cora make all of NXT feel the same way as the year rolls on?


OTM regroups in the parking lot.

Nima says they got played! They shouldn’t be leaving without the tag titles. Price says they really need to do something about that. But then they spot Jaida Parker. She says OTM needs to realize, this is The D’Angelo’s environment, open your minds up. So what’s she getting at? Jaida says where she’s from, they see that stuff coming a mile away, and yet OTM fell for it? They’re better than that. She’s right. She knows she’s right! So first thing’s first, who got that rizz? No one speaks up, and that’s what she thought. She’s just saying, she’s the missing piece. So what’s up? OTM is in agreement, let’s talk business.


2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Opening Round: Nathan Frazer & Axiom VS Hank Walker & Tank Ledger!

The Jersey Island Rocket keeps putting his foot in his mouth backstage, riling up pretty much anyone and everyone he talks about. But the Undeniable Truth is still willing to be Frazer’s friend, and they’re looking to take the Dusty Cup in a flash! Will these two prove to be a truly dynamic duo? Or will Hank ‘n’ Tank have that breakout moment they’ve been waiting for?

The teams sort out and Hank starts against Axiom. They tie up, Hank throws Axiom down, but axiom gets up to throw hands. Hank whips Axiom away to a corner, runs up, but Axiom goes up and over. Axiom keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirls, but Hank throws him away to then BOOT him down! Fans fire up, Hank hauls Axiom up, and back suplexes. Axiom lands out on his feet, dodges Hank again and DROPKICKS him! Hank staggers, Axiom runs up but Hank whips him away. Frazer tags in, Axiom dodges Hank to dropkick legs out, then Frazer headlocks. Hank powers out, and he SPLASHES Frazer in the corner!

Tank tags in, he and Hank SANDWICH Frazer! Fans fire up for the working men as Tank goes for Frazer’s legs. Frazer kicks Tank away, goes to ropes, but Tank YANKS him up! Frazer lands on his feet to PELE! Hot tag to Axiom, he runs to ROCK Tank! Frazer ROCKS Tank! Axiom LARIATS and Frazer DDTS! Axiom covers, TWO! Axiom keeps an eye on Hank but goes back for Tank. Axiom KICKS Tank in the ribs! Tank sputters, Hank coaches him up, and Axiom aims again. Tank blocks the kick! Axiom SLAPS free! Tank runs up, blocks the roundhouse, and then runs. Hank tags in., gets Axiom up, and TOSSES him into buckles!

Hank scoops to SLAM Axiom down! Fans fire up with Hank again, he hauls Axiom up to CHOP, then he tags Tank. Hank swings, Axiom counter punches, but Hank still scoops and SLAMS! Tank slingshots to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Axiom hangs in there but Tank drags Axiom up. Axiom CHOPS, Tank gut wrenches to the Canadian Rack! Axiom fights free, dodges Tank and he GAMANGIRIS Hank! Axiom goes up and over Tank, tags in Frazer! Frazer fires off on Tank with forearms, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and then CLOBBERS Tank! Fans fire up and Frazer CHOPS Tank in a corner! Frazer whips, Tank reverses but Frazer dodges again!

Tank hits buckles, Frazer springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, Hank breaks it! Axiom runs in but Hank DECKS him! Frazer SUPERKICKS Hank! Tank catches Frazer to a BUBBA BOMB! Tag to Hank and the shirts come off! Feed to the POP-UP BACK SUPLEX!! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives but Hank hauls Frazer up. Frazer fights free of the scoop, then dumps Hank out. Axiom tags in and builds speed, GAMANGIRI for Tank! Then Axiom DIVES to hit Hank at the ramp! Hank stays up, Axiom slides in while Frazer DIVES to hit Tank into the desk! Axiom DIVES again but Hank still stands! So Frazer DIVES to hit Tank again for good measure!

Axiom puts Hank in, goes up, but Hank gets under the jump, to KING KONG LARIAT! Hank hauls Axiom up, but Axiom cradle counters! TWO!! Axiom KNEES Hank, tags Frazer, then DROPKICKS Hank! Axiom WRECKS Tank, too, then Frazer PHOENIX SPLASHES Hank!! Cover, Frazer & Axiom win!

Winners: Nathan Frazer & Axiom, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

It was fast and furious, but the high-flyers make it through to the next round! They’re going to face Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin in the next round, will the super friends make it through the two alpha males?


NXT returns to the Henley farm.

Tiff pep talks herself, and promises she will erase every smell from this horrible day from memory. Fallon and her family all have a laugh. Does Tiff not realize she will now have to move that wheelbarrow with it that full? It’s what she gets for talking bad on Fallon. And look how dirty she got. Though, she is lasting longer than Fallon expected. She wouldn’t be a bad addition. Tiff encourages herself, but the more she talks, the more she smells and she almost throws up. And then she gets a bunch of it flung onto her. Fallon says Tiff is all done. How did it feel to do real work and eat her words?

Tiff says this is NOT real work. This was hell! The worst day of her life! Because for one day, she felt what it was like to be Fallon, smelling like disgusting horses and living her repulsive life. Tiff pities Fallon because Fallon enjoys this literal crap. Something is seriously wrong with Fallon if she thinks this is any way to live. But Tiff finished, did everything Fallon asked of her, and did it despite every fiber of her being. Fallon speaks up but Tiff says no, she is leaving! Then she steps into a big pile of poop, falls over and lands right in a water trough. Fallon says she was just gonna say Tiff missed a spot. But yeah, Tiff’s free to go.

Fallon and the family leave Tiff to throw a tantrum in the water. Will Tiff ever live this down?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe talk backstage.

They’re feeling like it’s Christmas all over again, because next week can’t get here fast enough. Their roll in the Dusty Classic is just getting started! They’ll get their names on that Cup! They’ve had their starts and stops, but this year, there ain’t no stopping them now! What’s crazy is, everyone talks about their opponents, Trick Melo Gang. That’s cool and all, because those two have been the talk of NXT all 2023. But Malik & Edris will put an end to that! Everybody knows Trick Melo Gang ain’t on the same page, but Malik & Edris are reading the same book. They’ve been friends just as long as Trick Melo Gang!

But Edris knows exactly what they need to turn their careers around, and it’s this tournament! Hey, hey, guys! Who’s ready to change their lives? Uh, hey, Brandy Reece, right? #BrandActive. What’s up? Brandy asks if they want to, but is sure they do. She isn’t getting any vibes from them, but let’s get started with stretches! Because when you stay active, you’ll have six packs just like that. Um, okay, Brandy, but they’re covered on that. WOW! Okay, impressive. But if they need a program, hit her up. Okay, bye. Brandy heads out, will the only program Malik & Edris need be winning in the Dusty Classic?


NXT North American Championship: Dragon Lee VS Lexis King!

The Boy Wonder, the Future of Lucha Libre, is back and getting right back on his open challenge series. Will he put the Drama King in his place at the same time? Or will the self-proclaimed Face of Tuesday Nights actually slay the Dragon?

NXT returns and King makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who truly sits on the throne!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, King powers Dragon to ropes but Dragon turns it around. The ref counts, Dragon lets off with a pat on the shoulders, and the two reset. They tie up again, King powers Dragon to a corner, the ref counts again, and King lets off. The fans chant “LEXIS SUCKS!” Dragon catches King to a headlock takeover, but King pulls on the mask! King headscissors, Dragon kips free, but King grabs an arm. King wrenches, hits an ELBOW BREAKER, then wristlocks. Fans rally, Dragon rolls, and he hooks a leg. King fights that off, but Dragon trips King up. Dragon has a toehold but King body scissor clutches! TWO!

King headlocks, Dragon powers up but King hits a takeover. The fans rally for Dragon and he fights up. Dragon powers up and out, King runs him over, and King soaks up the heat. Things speed up, King rolls over Dragon’s dropdown but Dragon runs. King drops, hurdles, Dragon leaps over, and then Dragon dodges to DROPKICK! King ends up in a corner, the fans fire up and Dragon runs in. But King puts Dragon up top, to DROPKICK Dragon to the floor! Fans boo but King builds speed, but Dragon avoids the wrecking ball dropkick! King gets tangled up a bit, gets himself free, and TREY BEARHILL is here!

Refs are holding big bad Bearhill back, King tells him to go away, but Dragon FLIES and takes King out! Fans fire up and NXT goes picture in picture.

Dragon looms over King as Bearhill is escorted away. Dragon CLUBS King, but King RAMS him into steel steps! Then BOOTS him down! King refreshes the count, storms up on Dragon, and whips him into barriers! King looms over Dragon, sits him up to KICK him in the back, then puts him in the ring. King covers, TWO! King looms over Dragon, drags him up and bumps him off buckles. King stomps Dragon, stands him up to CHOP, then digs his boots in, using ropes for leverage! The ref counts, King lets off, and King soaks up the heat. King storms back up on Dragon, pulls on the mask, but Dragon throws body shots!

Dragon swings, King gets under and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Dragon is hanging in there but King is frustrated. King throws down fists, covers, TWO! King clamps onto Dragon with a chinlock, but Dragon fights up as the fans rally. Dragon throws body shots, gets free, and runs, into a kitchen sink knee! King BLINDSIDE KNEES Dragon down! Cover, TWO! Dragon is still in this but King gets a leg. NXT returns to single picture as King has the HALF CRAB! Dragon endures, the fans rally, and Dragon reaches out. But King drags him from ropes! Dragon rolls to a sunset flip, TWO! King runs up to LARIAT!

King huffs and puffs, but he soaks up the heat from the fans. King aims from a corner, Dragon rises up, and King runs in, but fakes the dropkick to SLAP Dragon! King pie faces Dragon, talks trash, but Dragon stands up. Dragon ROCKS King, ROCKS him again, and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And then SLAPS King in return! Dragon whips, King reverses and sidesteps, but Dragon CLOBBERS King! And LARIATS! Fans fire up, Dragon aims from a corner, and he runs in, only for King to put him on the apron. Dragon blocks a punch to ROUNDHOUSE, then SLINGSHOT RANA! King hits buckles, Dragon runs in, JUMP KCIK!

Dragon sweeps the legs, then swings in for the DROPKICK, Combinacion Dragon! Fans fire up as Dragon keeps moving, and he HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS! Fans fire up as Dragon covers, TWO! King survives but Dragon clamps on with a chinlock. King endures so Dragon lets off to KICK him in the back! Dragon eggs King on, and King eggs Dragon on. So Dragon SLAPS him! King CHOPS back! Dragon CHOPS! King CHOPS! They CHOP and CHOP and fans fire up! The CHOPS get louder, Dragon BOOTS King then slips through the lariat! But King trips Dragon! Dragon BOOTS King, King SUPERKICKS back!

Dragon V-TRIGGERS in return, then hops on! King slips out the back to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! And then the scoop, FISHERMAN DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! King is beside himself, but he holds onto a leg! HALF CRAB! The fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as Dragon endures and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! King lets go in frustration, runs up, but into a SUPERKICK! Dragon runs up, tilt-o-whirl, OPERACION DRAGON!! Cover, Dragon wins!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

King tired to take Dragon’s crown but he ended up slayed! But wait!! Oba Femi is storming out here?! With a referee and his contract?! He wants to cash that in NOW?! Well, it’s happening, so- WAIT! DRAGON DIVES ONTO OBA! Fans fire up as Dragon fires off on Oba first, then puts him in the ring! Dragon still wants this match, is he gonna win twice in one night?!

NXT Men’s Breakout Contract Cash-in, North American Championship: Dragon Lee VS Oba Femi!

The bell rings, Dragon fires off on Oba and the fans fire up! Oba shoves Dragon, catches Dragon, but Dragon ENZIGURIS! Dragon whips, Oba blocks! Oba whips and CLOBBERS Dragon! Then SHOT PUT BOMB!! Fans are thunderous as Oba aims, runs corner to corner, but Dragon SUPERKICKS!! Dragon hurries after Oba, TORNADO DDT! Dragon crawls to the cover, TWO! Oba is tougher than that, and the fans fire up as he rises to his feet! Dragon runs in again, OPERACION- NO!! Oba blocks that to pop Dragon up, into the POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, OBA WINS!!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)

From Breakout Tournament winner to champion in just ONE WEEK, The Ruler now reigns!! The Year of the Dragon ends, is this now the Year of Oba?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT, with a wild ending that I didn’t think we were gonna get. Lexis King calling out Dragon Lee with his own stupid title contract as a sad approximation to the Breakout Tournament contract was actually a very clever in-character move. And then of course he doesn’t win, he’s got his own feud with Trey Bearhill still to do, and just isn’t ready character wise for a title. Oba cashing in for the fastest turnaround on a Breakout contract AND winning were both incredible surprises. But at the same time, perfect spot for Oba, this helps Dragon go back to SmackDown full-time, and it really freshens up that midcard picture for the New Year.

Great farm work vignettes from Tiffany and Fallon throughout the night, and it all went about as expected: Tiffany couldn’t hack it but she brushed it off like it doesn’t matter anyway, and then karma bites her as she ends up covered in poo and water. She and Fallon will surely go after each other in that 20 Woman Battle Royal, costing each other the title shot in the end. Speaking of, I like that idea of 20 Woman Battle Royal that turns into a Fatal 4. Great promo from Lyra and Lola and Lopez, and another brawl that Tatum gets involved in. The resulting tag match could go either way, but don’t expect a cash-in. I’m thinking Lyra upsets Tatum by rejecting her and then that ends up the Vengeance Day title match since it’s also kinda Valentine’s Day themed.

Great opening stuff with Blair and Lyons going from brawling to having the match. I guess there was supposed to be a part in there where they actually stopped fighting long enough to change into ring gear, but that seems silly to me. Blair winning out was fine, and if they’re in the 20 Woman Battle Royal, they probably also cost each other the title shot. Gigi VS Cora was also really good, and I should’ve figured Cora would win this one. Gigi probably costs Cora in the battle royal, and they have a rematch. At least one of these grudge matches is gonna happen at Vengeance Day, and perhaps under special stipulations.

Good promo from Briggs with Meta Four to set up Briggs VS Oro, and great win for Briggs. Briggs is still aiming for that Heritage Cup, and as much as I’d love for Briggs to win it with like a knockout clothesline, I can’t be sure the chances of Dar losing the Cup. And speaking of cups, great start to the Dusty Rhodes Classic. Great win for Bron & Corbin over Gallus, and I think fans were chanting “A-holes! A-holes!” in odd support of Bron & Corbin. Frazer & Axiom also have a great match and great win over Hank ‘n’ Tank, but it seems a shame Bron & Corbin VS Axiom & Frazer is already happening next round.

Good promo from Gallus with Ridge Holland, guess Gallus is moving on from Gacy. NXT Anonymous watching Jacy meet with members of Chase U’s “student body” is interesting, not sure why they couldn’t just introduce that as a camera in the room, but I guess if it’s framed by NXT Anon, it is meant to be like a secret is revealed. Now everyone knows, or is at least led to believe, Jacy has a shady plan to fix things. Great tag title match, though maybe one false finish too many. I forget what OTM’s finisher is, but there’s half a chance Tony buried it tonight. But in OTM’s defeat, they are adding Jaida Parker as a female member, that’s good for all parties involved.

And then there’s a nice new wrinkle in the Trick Melo Gang story. Melo of course wants to keep Trick close by having them go for the tag titles together, which I always felt like they should’ve tried for before. But now it’s because Melo is being two-faced. Malik & Edris had a good promo responding to that news that was confusingly sidetracked by the debut of Brandy Reece (at least I think that’s the name), who also confusingly has the newest fitness guru gimmick. HBK is doing a great job, don’t get me wrong, but this is a bit too old school of a move from him, unless Brandy really does wanna be like the modern day Simon Dean or whatever.

But back to the tag tournament, I feel like Trick Melo Gang is going to make it through the first round, only to implode against the winners of Chase U VS LWO. Which is a shame for Malik & Edris, they really do deserve something finally. Maybe they’ll surprise us with Malik & Edris getting the win and that adds tension to Trick Melo Gang’s already damaged friendship, getting us that much closer to Melo snapping and revealing he did attack Trick. But at this point, if we’re waiting until Dragunov VS Trick for Vengeance Day, is Trick VS Melo gonna be like the go-home or something? Or maybe Melo forces things into that Triple Threat he wanted a couple weeks ago after all.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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