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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/5/24)

Happy New Year’s Revolution!




The first SmackDown of 2024 sees Randy Orton, LA Knight and AJ Styles compete in a Triple Threat, and the winner will challenge Roman Reigns for the WWE Universal Championship! And best of all, Roman is actually here!


  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament Finals: Santos Escobar VS Kevin Owens; Kevin wins and will challenge Logan Paul for the title at the Royal Rumble.
  • WWE Women’s Championship: Iyo Sky w/ Damage CTRL VS Mia Yim; Iyo wins and retains the title.
  • Pete Dunne & ??? VS Pretty Deadly; Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate win.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Randy Orton VS LA Knight VS AJ Styles; No Contest, ALL THREE will challenge Roman Reigns for the title at the Royal Rumble.


A car pulls up backstage.

And the driver opens the door so that The Tribal Chief can step out. Kayla Braxton is there to ask Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman their response to what The Rock had to say on Raw Day One. Roman laughs, moves on, and Heyman just smiles. Will they choose to speak on things on their own time?


WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament Finals: Santos Escobar w/ Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo VS Kevin Owens!

The Emperor of Lucha helped Logan Paul even win the title off Rey Mysterio in the first place, and now Santos wants his shot as a receipt. However, the Prizefighter has already punched Austin Theory and Grayson Waller, so he wants to punch the most punchable face of them all! Who will earn their ticket to the Royal Rumble and a fight with the Maverick?

Wait! Logan Paul is here! The United States Champion makes his way to the ring so he can make this even more about him. Logan joins commentary while both contenders glare at him. The bell rings, and then the LWO jump Garza & Carrillo! Cruz & Wilde get revenge by taking the fight to Santos’ new amigos! The fans fire up, and now things are truly 1v1! Logan loves this hot start! And Kevin SUPERKICKS Santos! Then CANNONBALL! Santos is in the drop zone, Kevin goes up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Santos survives and Kevin snarls, Logan’s just about to talk trash on Kevin, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Kevin whips Santos to then ELBOW him down, and SENTON on top! Fans fire up and Kevin stares Logan down. Logan does applaud that string of moves, and then Kevin goes up the corner again. But Santos gets up to ROCK him first! Santos throws hands but so does Kevin! Santos CLUBS the bad hand, then HOTSHOTS that arm! Kevin falls to the floor but Santos goes out to SMACK that bad hand off the post! Santos puts Kevin back in, CLUBS the arm on the apron, then storms in. Santos tells Logan he’s the next champ, but Logan says Santos ain’t nothing. Santos covers, ONE, but Santos HEADBUTTS the bad hand!

Santos drops a leg on the bad hand, grins, and clamps onto a top wristlock. The fans rally up for Kevin, Kevin fights up, and Kevin throws body shots with the good hand. Kevin runs, into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Santos drops an elbow on Kevin’s bad hand, then clamps on a wristlock! Santos says he’ll break it even worse! He traps the arm, stomps it, but Kevin fights up. The fans rally up, Santos wrenches and KICKS the bad arm! Kevin goes to a corner, Santos throws hands, then runs side to side to SHINING WIZARD! Kevin staggers, Santos keeps moving, and RANAS! Kevin bails out, Santos builds speed, and Santos DIVES! Direct hit into barriers!

Logan says that barrier must be thick to keep up after that. Santos stomps Kevin, stands on the bad hand, then drags Kevin up. Santos wrenches, SLAMS the bad hand off the apron but Kevin throws kicks! Kevin slides into the ring, Santos storms in, and fans chant “LOGAN SUCKS!” Kevin HEADBUTTS Santos, HEADBUTTS again, and Logan soaks up the heat. Kevin drags Santos up, but Santos hits back! Kevin ROCKS Santos, climbs back up, and he brings Santos up. Santos fights with body shots! Santos HEADBUTTS Kevin, HEADBUTTS him again, then ROCKS Kevin! Kevin drops back, Santos adjusts, and leaps, into an atomic drop! And DDT!

Fans fire up as Kevin rises up! Kevin glares at Logan one more time while clutching the bad hand. Kevin goes up the corner, but Santos ROCKS him first! Santos climbs up, but Kevin throws body shots! Santos CLUBS Kevin, HEADBUTTS the bad hand, then brings Kevin up. But Kevin turns it around to a SUPER FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Logan seems rather surprised and maybe a bit worried by that move, and SmackDown goes back to break.

SmackDown returns again and Kevin is up top again. He fireman’s carries Santos! But Santos fights free and goes to the apron! Santos throws hands but Kevin HEADBUTTS! Kevin hops down, but Santos HOTSHOTS him! Santos soaks up the heat, goes corner to corner, but Kevin pops him up to the apron! Santos GAMAN- NO, Kevin blocks! And SUPERKICKS! Santos falls to the floor and Kevin goes to the apron! SWANTON BOMB to the floor! The fans fire up, Kevin puts Santos in, and he climbs up. Logan shrugs all this off because he has his multi-million dollar deals on his mind. But then Kevin SWANTON BOMBS but onto Santos’ knees!!

Santos saves himself and Logan does wince at that. Santos runs corner to corner again, and he DOUBLE KNEES! Santos puts Kevin up top one more time, climbs right up, SUPER STEINER! Santos isn’t done, though, he goes right back up! Fans boo, and he FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives and the fans in Vancouver fire up! Logan is still not impressed, so the fans chant “LOGAN SUCKS!” Logan soaks the heat up, he likes that more than anything. Logan does admit, he respects Kevin moving his big frame around like that. Kevin goes to a corner, Santos storms up and kicks him. Santos fires forearms, hoists Kevin up, and climbs up.

Kevin fires body shots in return, then HEADBUTTS! Santos falls, Kevin adjusts, but Santos gets up to GAMANGIRI! Santos goes up but Kevin has the fireman’s carry! SUPER ROLLING SENTON!! Cover, TWO!! And Logan just laughs. Kevin rises and the fans fire up again. Kevin kicks Santos, but Santos rolls Kevin up! TWO, and Kevin blocks the superkick! To SUPERKICK back! Then whip and POP-UP- RANA!! Santos runs, but Kevin is ready for a POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Fans are thunderous as Kevin roars, kicks, and STUNNERS!! Cover, Kevin wins!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE United States Championship)

Logan says okay, here we go. He gets the mic, though, to tell Kevin congrats. Kevin won and gets to face “the greatest United States Champ in history.” Look at Kevin, though! Sweating, out of breath. Logan hasn’t even broken a sweat while retaining his title for 62 days. And let’s be honest, y’all thought a Canadian could ever be US Champion? The United States Championship? Kevin being Logan would be like the Canucks winning a Stanley Cup. The fans boo Logan as hard as they can, but Logan says it won’t ever happen. And y’know why it’ll never happen? Because he is Logan- KEVIN DECKS LOGAN!!

Logan flounders around and checks his face! The fans are thunderous, will we get to see KO KO Logan?


BREAKING NEWS for Money in the Bank!

The weekend of July 5th, 6th and 7th is a HUGE weekend for Toronto, Canada! SmackDown, Money in the Bank, and even NXT Heatwave! Get ready for one hot Summer up North!


Logan Paul is accompanied backstage.

He has an icepack where Kevin got him, and Cathy Kelley walks over. She says it is official, it will be Logan VS Kevin for the US Championship in three weeks at the Royal Rumble. And broken hand nor not, Kevin got a punch in, what is Logan’s response? But Theory & Waller walk over. Can’t they see what Kevin did to Logan? Logan can’t do an interview, he has to go to the trainer’s room. Waller & Theory accompany Logan now, but Cameron Grimes walks over and laughs. Seems Logan met Kevin. Waller shoves Grimes, producers stop this from escalating, but will the Aussie Icon and Carolina Caveman go a round themselves?


Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits are here!

Vancouver cheers as The All Mighty has Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins with him, all dressed to impress. What will they have to say about their 2024 plans? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Lashley welcomes us to New Year’s Revolution! Now, to get a little personal, 2023 was perhaps the toughest year of Lashley’s WWE career. Not because he didn’t put in the work, but because the work he put in didn’t translate to the results he wanted. But in 2023, the highlight was linking up with two of the greatest superstars, and THE greatest tag team in the WWE, his boys, the Street Profits! The fans cheer that! So their resolution for 2024 is simple: They will fight for and they will take everything that they deserve! The fans cheer that, too!

Montez Ford says just listen to Bobby! Bobby, Dawkins & Ford are gonna hop on a train. The fans chant for “BOBBY! BOBBY!” and Ford says even the fans see it. Fast-forward to the part where they think the grass is much greener on the other side. But what will happen is that they will take full advantage of every opportunity when it comes to championship gold. Dawkins says yessir. And it’s been awhile since he and Ford have had those Tag Team Championships, so Judgment Day, keep your heads on a swivel. Not only that, “Big Money Bob” is headed to the top. And Lashley says his personal goal is to get back to being The All Mighty!

Fans cheer that, and Lashley says he starts by officially declaring for the 2024 Royal Rumble match! Fans cheer even more, but then something happens to the lights. There’s a countdown on the tron, and it’s Scarlett! “Do you see the vision?” Karrion Kross says, “You will.” The lights then go down, Kross & Scarlett walk out from the shadows, with PAUL ELLERING!? And then THE AUTHORS OF PAIN attack from behind!! They beat up on Ford & Dawkins, then Kross storms up to get Lashley! He sends Lashley into steel steps! Akam & Razar stand tall, Kross says rack ’em up! They get Ford & Dawkins up, SUPER COLLIDER!!

Kross then drags Lashley into the ring, to pump handle, scoop and DDT!! As the shirt says, #TheFinalPrayer! Will Mr. Doomsday and his Authors destroy everything The All Mighty and his Profits wish to build?


WWE Women’s Championship: Iyo Sky w/ Damage CTRL VS Mia Yim!

The Evil Genius and her cohorts want to take over all of the WWE Women’s Division, but Michin stands in their way! Will Mia make 2024 Just Too Sweet on behalf of the OC? Or will Iyo have a plan for how to handle her?

SmackDown returns as DMG CTRL makes their entrance, and they see Iyo off before surprisingly dropping back. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who starts 2024 on top!

The bell rings and the two tie up. Mia powers Iyo back but Iyo pulls hair to put Mia in a corner. Iyo lets off, runs back in, but Mia throws Iyo back. Iyo bobs ‘n’ weaves but Mia mule kicks. Iyo avoids the stomp, kicks Mia from below, but Mia blocks a shot to BOOT back! Mia runs up but Iyo BOOTS her away! Iyo runs in, Mia dodges, and things speed up. Iyo handsprings but Mia gets clear. Iyo returns o RANA, but Mia handsprings through! The fans fire up as these two go again. They each block a shot, then Mia backslides! TWO, and Mia schoolgirls, TWO! Mia DROPKICKS Iyo down, then storms up on her.

Mia ROCKS Iyo with a forearm, KICKS then runs. But Iyo follows to wheelbarrow, victory roll, STOMP 182! Fans fire up, Iyo brings Mia up and whips. Mia goes Spider-Woman in the ropes, but Iyo runs in. Mia drops and Iyo falls out of the ring! Mia builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp! The fans fire up with Michin while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and fans rally up. Iyo scuffs Mia with toying kicks, then eggs her on. But Mia grabs the foot, ROCKS and CHOPS Iyo on repeat, and the fans fire up! Mia SOBATS, reels Iyo in, and gets her up, but Iyo fights off the bomb! Mia tries again, Iyo shoves free and then dodges, only for a KNEE to knock her down! Fans rally, Mia hauls Iyo up in a gut wrench, and Mia gut wrench SUPLEXES Iyo away! Iyo ends up in a corner, Mia puts her hair up and goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL! Mia drags Iyo to then high stack, TWO! Iyo is still in this so Mia lets her hair down again. Mia drags Iyo up, wrenches, but Iyo fights off Da Feet!

Iyo SHOTEIS and Mia staggers to a corner. Iyo runs up, but Mia dodges and GAMANGIRIS! Then Mia waistlocks, but Iyo fights free! Iyo kicks, Mia blocks and she ROCKS Iyo! Mia puts Iyo in the ropes to DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives and Mia is frustrated. Mia drags Iyo around, has the legs, HALF CRAB! Iyo endures, even as Mia sits deep! Iyo reaches out, claws her way forward, ROPEBREAK! Mia lets go in frustration, but she storms back up on Iyo. Iyo throws a body shot, then has Mia in the ropes, HOTSHOT for the leg! Iyo goes up but Mia DECKS her! Mia goes out to the apron to join Sky!

Mia says it’s done but Iyo slips around! Waistlock, APRON GERMAN!! The fans fire up again while Mia flounders into the ring. Iyo rises up, springboards and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Mia falls into a drop zone and Iyo goes up top! OVER THE MOONSAULT into BOOTS! Mia hurries to get Iyo for a DRAGON SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives and Mia can’t believe it! Mia hurries to drag Iyo up, reels her in, and she hoists Iyo up. Iyo fights, back drops, but Mia sunset flips! Iyo rolls through, POINT BLANK METEORA! Cover, TWO! Mia survives but Iyo puts her back in a drop zone! Iyo climbs, but Mia springs up to CLUB Iyo!

Mia ROCKS Iyo with forearms and Iyo falls! Mia goes up now, but Iyo returns, SHOTEI!! Iyo hurries up top after Mia, and SUPER- NO, Mia stops the Steiner, and she hooks Iyo up!! Shoutout to Styles, SUPER STYLES CLASH!!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Iyo survives by fingertips and Mia is beside herself!! Vancouver is loving this as Iyo bails out, but Mia builds speed! Mia DIVES but FLOPS as Iyo moves!! Mia sputters, and Iyo METEORAS into the barriers! Iyo puts Mia in, resets, SHINKANSEN in the corner! And then Iyo steps on Mia to go up top, to go OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, Iyo wins!

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Champion)

Mia gave it everything she had, but it just wasn’t enough against the Evil Genius! Iyo stays golden, will the rest of DMG CTRL join her in the New Year?


Commentary interviews Paul Heyman via video chat.

Kevin Patrick says before bringing up tonight’s main event, does The Wise Man have any response to The Rock’s comments from Monday? Heyman sighs, and says, “The Rock namedrops Roman Reigns because The Rock wants to sit at the head of the table. To sit at the head of the table, one must be invited to a Dinner of Relevancy. The Rock has not been invited, nor will he be. Because The Rock is just like everybody else: he’s looking for a shortcut to the headlines. There’s only two ways in this world to guarantee going viral. One: date Taylor Swift. Two: call out Roman Reigns.

“Roman Reigns wins a match, out comes John Cena. Roman reigns wins a match, out comes Brock Lesnar. Roman Reigns beats Cody Rhodes, Cody Rhodes still talking about finishing his damn story. C M PUNK comes back to WWE, after ten YEARS. Welcome back. CM Punk says he’s the OG Paul Heyman Guy, which he is, until I upgraded from best friend to Advocate, and upgraded from Advocate to Wise Man. Tonight, Randy Orton, AJ Styles and LA Knight all fight for the privilege of getting smashed by Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble.

“And the one man that wins tonight will be smashed at the Royal Rumble the same way whoever opposes Roman Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania will be smashed by Your Tribal Chief, smashed by the Head of the Table, SMASHED by The Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World. Because there is not one man on the face of this planet that can beat Roman… Reigns!” Will Heyman’s words be truth all through WrestleMania season and beyond? Or will someone spoil his spoiler?


Iyo regroups with DMG CTRL backstage.

They all cheer and celebrate, and Bayley says that was amazing! What’d she say, huh? 2024 is the Year of DMG CTRL! Her vision is becoming reality, she saw greatness in everyone here. But greatness needs gold, and that’s what their champ did! Bayley knew Iyo would beat Mia! Iyo says her era will never end! And neither will Bayley’s plan! Next up is Kabuki Warriors getting the Women’s Tag Team Championships! Dakota says not only that, but Bayley will win the Rumble match and take the Women’s World Championship off Rhea! Yeah, that sounds so beautiful.

But in walks Bianca Belair. She’s not here for a fight. She’s here to congratulate the champ, great win out there. But Bayley, you are getting a little ahead of yourself. That little plan has a flaw. Bayley ain’t winning the Rumble, because Bianca’s entering it. And she can’t wait to KOD Bayley right over the top rope. See, Bianca will win the Rumble a second time, and she will take back her title, and then the Iyo Era ends. Oh, and uh, Happy New Year. Bianca heads out, but Iyo tells Dakota something. Dakota translates by saying Bayley being team leader, she should handle Bianca ASAP. They can’t have Bianca jeopardizing the plan, right?

Bayley nods and DMG CTRL heads out. How will the Role Model beat Bianca when Bianca’s had her number for an entire year?


Pete Dunne & ??? VS Pretty Deadly!

The Bruiserweight is without Sheamus and Ridge Holland, but he still picked a fight with Kit Wilson & Elton Prince. Who, if anyone, did Dunne find to be his tag team partner? And will they be able to bring down the “two tastiest dishes” on SmackDown?

SmackDown returns and Dunne makes his entrance. His tag team partner? TYLER BATE! The Big Strong Boi is reuniting with Dunne, will British Strong Style get a big win in 2024? The teams sort out, Bate starts against Kit. Bate and Kit tie up, Bate top wristlocks and arm-drags Kit. Kit headscissors, Bate moves around, and Bate headstands to then pop free! Bate headlocks, Kit fights up, and Kit throws body shots. Bate SMACKS Kit with his foot! Kit powers out, Bate goes up and under, then baits Kit into knuckle locks. Bate breaks one, wrenches the other, baits Kit again then leapfrogs to slip under and bait again.

Kit falls for the step over and roll-up, TWO! Bate DROPKICKS Kit down, then kips up! Fans fire up as Bate poses, and Kit scrambles back to tag Elton. Elton runs in but into a BOOT! Dunne tags in, and Bate goes up, KNEE-BOARD SENTON! Dunne then adds a basement dropkick! Dunne wrenches Elton but Elton kicks low. Elton forearms, headlocks, but Dunne powers out. Things speed up, Dunne hurdles, drops and then DECKS Elton! Kit runs in, but Dunne gets his hand! Dunne bends the fingers, isolates the arm and STOMPS it! Kit bails out, Bate jumps in, and BSS coordinate! Bate FLIES while Dunne ASAI MOONSAULTS!

Fans fire up while Pretty Deadly both go down at the ramp! Bate & Dunne shake hands, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Elton now has Dunne down in a chinlock. Fans rally, Dunne fights up, and Dunne ROCKS Elton! Dunne BLASTS Kit, BOOTS Elton, then GAMANGIRIS Kit! But Elton BOOTS Dunne! Elton stays between Dunne and Bate, drags Dunne up and reels him in, but Dune X-PLEXES first! Fans fire up while both men are down. Hot tags to Kit and Bate! The fans fire up as Bate rallies on Pretty Deadly with big forearms and elbows! Kick and whip for Kit, but Kit reverses. Bate tilt-o-whirl RANAS Kit away! UPPERCUT for Elton, but Kit runs back in, Kit blocks a boot but gets a KNEE! Bate goes up, FLYING UPPERCUT!

Bate catches Elton to an EXPLODER! Bate kips up and fans fire up for the STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Kit runs up, Bate catches him! AIRPLANE SPIN! The fans fire up as Bate goes around and around and around, and keeps on going! Then the SLAM! Bate is dizzy but he tags Dunne. Dunne & Bate coordinate, TOP BIN double kick combo! Then Dunne waistlocks Kit, Bate runs, REBOUNDER LARIAT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO!! Cover, Elton breaks it! Fans boo but Bate BACKHANDS Elton! Elton flops out of the ring, Dunne goes up and out and so does Bate. Bate leaps but Elton BOOTS him down!

Kit runs up but Dunne HEDABUTTS him! Kit distracts the ref, Elton SHOVES Dunne down! Kit rolls Dunne up, TWO! Kit wants a Twist but Dunne spins through! And he BENDS those fingers! Bate tags in before the SNAP!! Elton returns, Bop up, BANG!! Dunne & Bate coordinate again, DOUBLE TYLER DRIVER!!! Cover, British Strong Style wins!

Winners: Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate, by pinfall

The fans cheer this reunion’s victorious end! But is this only a new beginning for both Bruiserweight & Big Strong Boi?


Nick Aldis meets with Ashante THEE Adonis.

They shake hands and take a seat, and Aldis asks what is on Adonis’ mind. Adonis wants to keep it on the level. He’s been struggling lately, isn’t sure what his place is here on SmackDown, and feels lost. But he doesn’t want any sympathy. He is a starving dog, ribs showing, hungry, and he’s been ready. Honestly, he just needs an opportunity. Aldis doesn’t feel sorry for Adonis, because he’s believed in him from the beginning. As far as opportunities, he has some ideas that Adonis might be interested in hearing. Adonis says okay, and the real meeting begins. What does 2024 hold for Ashante THEE Adonis?


Undisputed WWE Universal Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Randy Orton VS LA Knight VS AJ Styles!

The Viper, the Mega Star and the Phenomenal One all have a reason to go after Roman Reigns, though some more personal than others. Will that venom help in one man overcoming the odds and heading for the Royal Rumble?

SmackDown returns again, and the match is already going as Knight fires off on Orton in a corner! But then Styles goes after Knight in another corner! Knight turns that around to CHOP and ROCK Styles! Orton returns to CHOP and kick Knight! Orton bumps Knight off buckles, Knight CHOPS back, Orton CHOPS, and then Styles CHOPS Knight! Orton stomps Knight, Styles ROCKS Orton and stomps away in another corner. Fans boo but Knight CLUBS Styles! Aldis is ringside to watch this as Knight CHOPS Styles! Knight whips corner to corner hard and Styles falls back! Fans “YEAH!” with Knight as he storms up on Styles.

Knight stands Styles up, dodges a haymaker and clotheslines! Styles stays in the ring, he fires hands and CHOPS in return. Styles whips, Knight reverses, and this time he clotheslines Styles up and out! Orton TOSSES Knight out! Fans fire up as Orton goes out after Knight. Fans rally for Randy but Knight elbows him back! Knight smiles, fans are a bit mixed, but he SMACKS Orton off the desk again and again! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Styles storms up but Knight gets him to dribble off the desk! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight lets off Styles, but Orton hits a DESK BACK SUPLEX! Knight flounders away while fans lose their minds!

Orton sees Styles crawling around, hauls him up, and DESK BACK SUPLEXES him, too! The fans want that one more time, so Orton goes with Knight, for another DESK BACK SUPLEX! Knight flops down, Orton looms over both opponents, and he drags Styles up. But Styles slips free of the suplex, to DESK BACK SUPLEX Orton!! All three men are down and Aldis sure is stunned. Styles whips Knight into steel steps, then goes back for Orton. “This is Awesome!” as Styles puts Orton in the ring. Styles climbs up, takes aim, springboard and- NO, Orton trips Styles up! Styles flops back to the apron and fans fire up again!

Orton drags Styles up, and has him through the ropes! Fans fire up for the DRAPING DDT! Styles is down and Orton is all fired up! The fans are with Orton as he kicks Styles around. Orton hears those voices in his head! Orton watches Styles rise, but Knight drags Orton out and sends him into steel steps now! Fans are torn again, but Styles DIVES out to take down Knight! Fans are thunderous as all three men are down, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns once more and Styles hits a BACKBREAKER on Knight! Knight writhes, Styles drags him up and snapmares, then runs to SLIDING FOREARM! Fans rally as Orton rises on the outside but Styles tells him to stay out. Orton doesn’t listen and he goes up the apron. Styles throws hands on Orton, he DECKS Orton and then goes back for Knight. Knight fires haymakers! Knight whips, but Styles reverses and kitchen sink knees! Styles scowls as he stands over Knight. The fans rally but Styles drags Knight up, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Knight hangs in there but Styles intercepts Orton in the ropes.

Styles kicks Orton, kicks him down, then goes out to fire hands. Styles CHOPS Orton, smacks him off barriers, and then brings him around to send into more barriers. Styles then SMACKS Orton off the steel steps! Styles leaves Orton behind, stands on the apron and he RAMS into Knight! Then slingshot sunset flips, but Knight sits on the cover! TWO!! Styles drags Knight up but Knight JAWBREAKERS free! Orton HOTSHOTS Styles, and then Knight JABS! JABS! And JABS! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight shifts to a mudhole stomp in the corner! Orton runs up but Knight JABS and JABS and JABS!

Knight whips, Orton reverses but Knight gets around, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up with Knight and spell it out! “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” BOOT in the corner for Styles! Knight whips to then back drop Styles high and hard! Orton is back up, he LARIATS Knight down! And again! Then he dodges Knight to SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Orton, and he catches Styles for a SNAP POWERSLAM! Orton stalks Knight, but Knight turns RKO into BFT!! Cover, Styles stops the ref!! Fans are stunned and Knight glares at Styles! Knight ROCKS Styles, Styles ROCKS Knight, repeat! Fans rally and duel as Knight and Styles go back and forth!

Knight ROCKS Styles again but Styles still ROCKS Knight! Then Styles blocks to fire the Phenomenal- NO, Knight ducks the backhand to kick low and KNEE Styles hard! But styles ducks the lariat to PELE! Those two are down and fans fire up again. Styles crawls after Knight, “This is Awesome!” as Styles scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Styles hobbles his way to ropes, goes to the apron, and then takes aim. Springboard and 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives and the fans fire up again! Knight is busted open, though, and Styles is a shark. Styles drags Knight up, punches that bloody wound, and fans rally up.

Knight flounders as Styles lets off, and fans boo as Styles brings Knight back around. Styles reels Knight in, calls for it, but Knight fights the Clash! So Styles TOSSES Knight! Orton runs in, RAMS Styles to a corner, then runs back in. Styles BOOTS Orton and goes out to the apron. Styles ROCKS Orton, then reloads and springboards, PHENOMENAL- R K O!!!! Cover, KNIGHT YANKS THE REF OUT!!! Knight turns things around and keeps this going for his own sake! And Aldis can only shrug, this is a Triple Threat after all. The fans are losing their minds either way, and then HERE COMES ROMAN!!

The Tribal Chief and his Bloodline are storming down to the ring! Jimmy Uso smiles, Solo Sikoa is stoic as ever, and Roman sends the troops! Solo CLOBBERS Knight, then Jimmy gets in! Solo TOSSES Knight, Jimmy & Roman stomp away on Orton, then they stomp on Styles! Fans boo but Roman soaks it all up! Solo & Jimmy pull the steel steps apart! And they set Orton up to RAM him down! Roman dares Aldis to do something about this! Fans boo as hard as they can but Roman drags Styles up. The fans chant for Cody Rhodes but Roman raises his finger. Roman is the one that is here, and he reels Styles in, to POWERBOMB!!

Roman says, “Who’s next?!” Roman TOSSES Styles aside, and Jimmy shoves Knight into the ring. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, Knight stands up, into a SUPERMAN PUNCH!! Roman says this is what happens! Knight should’ve stayed in his lane! SPEAR!!! Then Jimmy drags Orton up to put in the ring. Solo looms over Orton, Roman glares at Aldis, and fans boo as Solo drags Orton up. He and Roman coordinate, SAMOAN SPIKE SPEAR COMBO!!! Jimmy joins in the celebration and Aldis is beside himself. Aldis gets Heyman’s attention but Heyman says to leave him alone. But Aldis still brings Heyman in close so they can talk.

Aldis tells Heyman to tell Roman after this little celebration, “Congratulations.” Why? Because Roman just earned himself a Fatal 4 Way at the Royal Rumble!! Heyman is stunned, and fears what Roman will say… The Tribal Chief raises up the title now, but did he just number the days he has left with it?

My Thoughts:

A great New Year’s Revolution edition of SmackDown, but why didn’t I see that finish to the main event coming? A Triple Threat being No Disqualification is one thing, but then Roman & The Bloodline has to “ruin” things by attacking and making it a No Contest. And just as I was hoping Aldis was gonna stand up for his brand and tell Roman to back off, he instead comes up with the clever Fatal 4 Way idea. I kinda wish Aldis had formally announced it with a mic, but I guess that’s just his way of sticking it to Roman while also making a clean getaway. Now, the only flaw is that as a Fatal 4 Way, even if Jimmy & Solo don’t interfere, it allows Roman to be opportunistic and strike at just the right moment to retain and move on to WrestleMania.

Speaking of Mania, another great promo from Heyman as always, and I appreciate him tying in Cody and Punk. But it feels like this is just steering things closer and closer to Roman VS Rock, which is okay for Punk since he has Rollins to face. As for Cody, not sure. Moving on, great match from Santos and Kevin, especially with Cruz & Wilde getting Garza & Carrillo outta there. Logan was good on commentary and soaking up heat from the fans, and of course Kevin is the one facing him now. Good moment to have Kevin punch Logan out, and good moment backstage to get Grimes back in on the story. Wallers VS Grimes will be good, hopefully we get Grimes & Kevin VS A-Town Down Under, and then sadly, pretty sure Kevin loses to Logan.

Great women’s championship match, Mia got a great showing, but I wish the fans were a bit more active during that because it was good stuff. Iyo retained, of course, but we also got a good promo backstage with Bianca calling DMG CTRL out. Bianca VS Bayley 1v1 could go either way, and there’s a good chance Bianca and Bayley cost each other in the Women’s Rumble match. It also depends on other plans, as Elimination Chamber is in Perth and you best believe Rhea Ripley will be on that card somewhere. Plus, Chamber is always used as a #1 contender match event for whatever titles the Rumble doesn’t designate. For example, if Becky wins the Rumble, Bianca, Bayley and whoever else can battle through the Chamber to go after Iyo’s title.

Great tag match, I just knew Tyler Bate would be Pete Dunne’s partner. I hope this helps Dunne move on from the Brawling Brutes presentation on some level, and British Strong Style goes for the tag titles. And speaking of, great promo from The All Mighty Profits that then gets interrupted by Kross and the returning AOP. The moment sadly wasn’t as shocking as it could’ve been as I heard the talks of AOP returning going on, and then we get Kross saying the word “authors” in his most recent promo, and two big silhouettes with him. Who else was it gonna be? The actual surprise is Paul Ellering returning, which is great because his absence felt like a big reason why AOP didn’t do so well pre-Pandemic. This is going to be a great feud that helps both sides, really.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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