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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.8.2024

Trinity’s final match! Does she eat the pin or leave on top?



Well we all probably heard the news about Scott D’Amore getting fired, so let’s enjoy these last few tapings before No Surrender and the anticipatory pile of garbage we have to look forward to in the future. Most of us should remember the last time “business execs” tried to take over a wrestling company because they thought they knew better.

So to try and not bury the show lead, tonight is Trinity’s last match with TNA. Does she eat the pin or go out on top as she heads back to WWE?


  • Chris Sabin vs John Skyler w/Jason Hotch: Sabin wins via Cradle Shock – ** 1/2
  • Tasha Steelz vs Xia Brookside: Tasha wins via Cradle w/ Tights – *
  • Zachary Wentz w/TreyMiguel vs Speedball Mike Bailey: Wentz wins via UFO Cutter – *** 1/4
  • Jordynne Grace & Trinity vs Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans w/Jai Vidal: Trinity wins via Starstuck – ** 3/4
  • Kon vs Richard Adonis & Ori Gold: Kon wins via Claw Hold Slam – SQUASH
  • Alan Angels vs Josh Alexander: Josh wins via Ankle Lock – SQUASH
  • Eddie Edwards w/Alisha vs Alex Shelley: Shelley wins via Cradle Counter – *** 1/4


Chris Sabin vs John Skyler w/Jason Hotch

Unlike Hotch’s match against Rich Swann on Xplosion, there’s no real chance that Skyler wins this match. He’s a jobber, this is all just meant to further the Mustafa Ali storyline. I wrote all of that, because the match isn’t worth talking about for these opening minutes. A couple takedowns, spots from both guys for positioning, but nothing gets notable until Skyler throws Sabin to the outside, Hotch distracts Sabin and Skyler shoves him into the stairs.

Skyler tries for an Avalanche Knuckle like Jerry Lawler, but Sabin gets the foot up. Skyler staggers, Sabin charges and Skyler hits the Release German into the corner buckles. Skyler pulls Sabin to the center and tries to stretch him with a few submissions and short shots. The referee gets distracted by Skyler once her tosses Sabin out again and Hotch works him over with the help of the apron. Sabin finally hits a Sunset Flip, but Skyler blocks, tries to punch down but misses, so Sabin opens up a quick flurry with a DDT for near fall. Jumping Kick from Sabin for another near fall, as he sets up Cradle Shock, but Skyler slips it, shoves Sabin and Hotch grabs the foot. The distraction doesn’t seem great since Sabin dodges Skyler, tosses him to the apron, charges, but eats a Slingshot Spear.

Sabin counters an Elbow with the foot, into a quick hit, Yakuza Kick and Cradle Shock. So the finish was awfully fast, but the match was more competitive than expected.

Tasha Steelz vs Xia Brookside

Tasha comes out in some kind of like Queen Nefertari gimmick, which looks cool…but this is not a match I anticipate much from. 

Steelz tries to start quick but Xia turns it around with a quick pinfall attempt off a Crossbody. Xia tries to continue, but Tasha catches herself on the ropes, flips the script on Xia by hanging her off the middle rope and hits the Green Killer for a near fall. After some mediocre wrestling, Xia tries to lock in the Octopus for a submission, but Steelz gets out, hits a Spinebuster for 2, and then they move action into a corner.

Brooksie Bomb attempt, Steelz counters, turns it into a Sunset Flip and a very awkward attempt at grabbing tights, looks terrible. So the match kinda sucked like I expected.

Zachary Wentz w/Trey Miguel vs Speedball Mike Bailey

Chain wrestling start, Bailey tries to the forward rolls to get out, but Wentz grabs his hair and throws him down. Gets a quick admonish, but nothing ever happens when people do that. Rope Run spot, dodges, ducks, but Wentz eats a Round Kick to the chest and then Bailey lights him up with his Flurry of Kicks. Wentz powders into the ropes, Miguel gets Bailey and the refs attention for a second and Wentz drops Bailey with a big Right Hand Punch.

Bow and Arrow stretch for a quick moment from Wentz before Speedball fights up, but then Wentz trips him into the middle rope, throttles him and then Trey clocks him when the ref is turned away. Half Nelson slam attempt but Bailey counters, push to the apron, Pump Kick reels Wentz a little, Wentz gets up quickly so Bailey hits a Triangle Kick and then finally lands the Triangle Moonsault. Bailey tries to roll Wentz back in, but Wentz rolls right back out, Bailey chases, tries to kick Wentz’s head off but misses. So Wentz goes on the offensive, rolls Mike back in, but Bailey keeps rolling to bait Wentz back out. Round Kick to the chest, rolls Wentz back in, goes to the top but Wentz crotches Bailey. A few quick shots, Superplex attempt is blocked with punches by Bailey. Leap Frog, Wentz powders, Bailey chases but gets caught in a Snap Suplex to the floor.

Wentz keeps peppering in some offense but Speedball hits a desperation counter Snap Suplex. Bailey waits for him on the top turnbuckle as a dazed Wentz gets back in the ring, eats a Missile Dropkick, combination kicks but misses the Shooting Star Press. Bailey tries to keep moving but Wentz grabs the foot, slams him down, rocks him, hits a PK, Wentz goes for the running Shooting Star but he misses, then the clock each other with simultaneous High kicks. Fighting Spirit spot, turns into a great spot of strikes, missed kicks, near misses, Back Handspring Kneelift from Wentz rocks Bailey, Half Nelson Spin Out Slam from Wentz for 2. Wentz charges but Bailey counters with a Spanish Fly. Tornado Kick from Bailey but Wentz grabs the official before Ultima Weapon, Trey trips Bailey, UFO Cutter from Wentz for the win!

Trent Seven makes the save as the Rascalz attack Bailey afterwards. Trent goes to Bailey for a hug, but then Maclin hits the ring and lays them both out. So Nemeth runs out, and we have the expected set up for a 6 man, Maclin & Rascalz vs Nemeth & Speedball Mountain. 

Jordynne Grace & Trinity vs Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans w/Jai Vidal

Jordynne and Savannah start off, and they go for the power opening. Both struggle in different spots to try and get over who’s stronger. A Tornado DDT gives Grace the advantage so she tags in Trinity, but Savannah blocks the tandem move, they shove her into the ropes, Jordynne trip, Trinity Slip Cover for 2. But Savannah starts fighting back, Uppercut, Headbutt, whips Trinity into the ropes, but a Body Scissors gives Trin the advantage to tag Jordynne back in. Vidal grabs Jordynne’s foot, Shaw grabs a handful of hair and slams Jordynne onto the apron. Evans hits a DDT for a near fall and then finally tags Gisele in.

Gisele mocks Trinity while having Jordynne in a Camel Clutch, clocks Trinity to piss her off and distract the ref, so there’s some underhanded tactics. Grace finally lands a boot to stagger Gisele and try to crawl to her corner, but Gisele does manage to cut off Jordynne. Gisele with a Sattelite, but Jordynne stops the finish, big Back Elbow rocks Gisele, simultaneous tags, Trinity takes the hot tag and lights up Savannah like the dummy from 3 Ninjas. Crossbody off the top from Trinity, but only for 1. Trin slides under the Lariat, twerks, Mule Kicks Savannah and hits Rear View, but Gisele breaks up the pin. Jordynne takes out Gisele, Spinning Backfist from Grace, Superkick from Trin, Trin then hits a Code Red, into Starstruck for the win!

Ahh I guess we will be seeing an end to the SHAWntourage soon. Trinity wins in her final match, and Gisele’s lackeys continue to suck 

Kon vs Richard Adonis & Ori Gold

This match ended faster than I could type the jobbers names. Poor dead enhancement talent. But look, PCO and hits morgue attendants appear!

As soon as PCO sits up, Kon attacks PCO and the attendants. If you ever wanted to see a Living Dead Man versus a Living Dead Career…here you go. Security separation but the big men throw the security away and they go back to clubbing each other. SECURITY JUMPS ON KON’S BACK! That’s actually hilarious.

PCO Laraits Kon out of the ring, Kon lands on his feet and then PCO hits the dive into security. Kon tries to go for the Claw Hold suffocation, Kon manages to drop PCO momentarily until he sits back up. Hamhocks up the ramp and into the back. Security is dead, and we lose the visual of them fighting into the back.

This could be a decent undercard match if they keep up this energy.

Alan Angels vs Josh Alexander

Angels attacks Josh before the bell rings, the head gear wasn’t strapped so it falls off, posts Josh and then the ref gets control asking if Josh wants to go. The bell rings and Angels swoops in, but Josh walks out of the corner pissed off. Release Belly to Back, Corner Lariat, Half Hatch Suplex, Corner Lariat got slowed but Josh just stops Angels, and throws him with a quick Release Vertical. Now Josh starts big brothering Angels, by face washing him, saying come on, Angels slaps him and Josh reacts like the older brother that actually got stung by the little brother’s strike.

The referee tries to get between them when Angels retreats to the corner, allows for a Eye Poke, throw to the outside, Dive from Angels gives him a moment where Josh rolls back in and eats a Frog Splash. Angels continues to get a few shots in, but everything seems to just piss off Josh. Straight Right Hand sends Angels to sleep, Power Breaker into C4 Spike…but no, Josh really wants to break his ankle so he drops the underhook and torques the ankle. Angels of course taps out.

Josh celebrates with the front row people, and then gets blasted! Simon Gotch reveals himself and lays out Josh Alexander.

Eddie Edwards w/Alisha vs Alex Shelley

Some hard back and forth early, from both men, Chops, strikes, counter wrestling, just solid stuff we’ve come to expect from these two; until Alisha makes her presence felt and grabs Shelley’s foot. Eddie’s Kobashi taught NOAH flavored chops send Shelley selling into corners, ropes, they end up going to the outside, and the chops are still the difference makers. Shelley starts selling to the crowd like he’s Ricky Morton.

Shelley manages to counter a Gamengiri so Eddie hits Post, then Alex takes control and starts going for some joint manipulation after firing up with some of his cockier showboat flavor. Shelley has Eddie’s hand bend under his foot, Lish screams to the referee to break it, but Alex stares at her and tries to goad her about her choice of words. She quickly tries to wave off what she said, and Shelley stomps down, then rests in a straight jacket submission. Eddie fights out of it eventually, then Lish chokes Shelley against the ropes when the ref is distracted, so Eddie is getting some momentum back.

Big chops start leaving a mark again, but Shelley fires through it, Dragon Screw ends up giving Shelley a second to breathe and start the comeback. Short Arm Enzuigiri rocks Eddie, and Shelley is firing like old heel Shelley. Figure Four Dragon Screw, into an actual Figure Four. Lish gets onto the apron to distract Shelley before he can lock in another submission and Eddie kicks him off. Backpack Stunner, but Eddie sells the knee, Shelley slips it and sees the opening and Chop Blocks right into the bad leg.

Back Elbow, blocked the Gamengiri, Knee on the elbow but desperation Release Belly to Belly from Eddie gives a small reprieve. A few knees from Eddie, including one off the rope run, but Shelley kicks out at 1. A quick back and forth, Lish distracts again, Eddie tries the Boston Knee Party, but Shelley dodges and hooks the leg for a tight cradle and Shelley wins.

Post Match donnybrook as Myers hits the ring and then Knight and Kushida back up Shelley. 


Overall Score: 6/10

So it’s weird, there was some solid wrestling but the whole D’Amore thing puts a dark aura around things; and not the cool kind of dark like Decay. Wentz and Speedball was a good match, the main event was solid; sure they both had similar levels of interference, but they were totally different matches. Getting Deaner involved in the Hendry and AJ Francis angle seems awkward, so I don’t know how to feel about that. Kon could be a fun hoss fight with PCO, but not really sure where that goes.

I think my biggest question mark from today’s episode is Kaz versus Jake Something. It feels like they’re finally giving Jake…well…something, but potentially beating Kaz out the blocks of his heel turn seems odd. And if Kaz beats Jake, it stifles what little momentum he has. So I’m really not sure what the end game here is.

All in all, thanks to Trinity for picking TNA to reignite her glow, and Naomi should be heading back onto the WWE shows any day now.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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