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Andrew’s TNA No Surrender Results & Match Ratings: 2.23.2024

lex Shelley gets his contractual rematch against Moose for the World Title, Gisele Shaw cashed in her Ultimate X for the Knockout’s title shot and the best of 3 comes down to a decisive match between The ABC and Grizzled Young Vets!



We’ve got ourselves an exclusive TNA+ App Event tonight! Alex Shelley gets his contractual rematch against Moose for the World Title, Gisele Shaw cashed in her Ultimate X for the Knockout’s title shot and the best of 3 comes down to a decisive match between The ABC and Grizzled Young Vets.

There are a few other matches worth some note, but let’s just get to predictions and then the show:

  1. Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) : I see Speedball Mountain winning here purely because its their first official tag match on TNA programming since the Hard to Kill PPV got shifted because of travel issues.
  2. The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) vs Intergalactic Jet Setters (Kushida & Kevin Knight) : I see The System continuing to establish the faction as a solid force; a little too early for glitches in The System.
  3. X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs Mustafa Ali : Mustafa winning makes a lot of sense here to me with the fact that he hasn’t been in a TNA ring yet and Sabin holding the title doesn’t really do as much as Mustafa winning. I expect The Good Hands to play a part.
  4. Knockouts Tag Championship: Decay (Rosemary & Havok) (c) vs MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) : The Knockouts Tags are so irrelevant I don’t really care. I would like MK Ultra to win just because they seem like a more reasonable target for potential tag team threats as opposed to the magical netherworld bullshit of Decay.
  5. Frankie Kazarian vs Eric Young : EY makes the most sense for me here. Kaz is a heel, he can absorb the loss and turn it into maybe joining the system or finding other ways to screw EY down the line to continue the feud.
  6. PCO vs Kon : Another match I don’t care about. I’m gonna say PCO wins only because Kon doesn’t have nearly as much value to me. He’s not imposing, has no real momentum and putting him over PCO lines him up for…what? Ya…nothing, exactly.
  7. Tag Team Title Match: ABC vs GYV : I’ve got the Grizzled Young Vets going over because I feel like pushing an eventual GYV vs Speedball Mountain match is in the tea leaves for 3/4 nostalgia.
  8. Josh Alexander vs Simon Gotch : I think Gotch wins here. Josh needs some time away from the main event scene to build up his hunger. So potential shenanigans happen, but I don’t really know what Josh winning would do for anything aside from vaulting him to a main event scene that people would be more excited to see Nemeth in.
  9. Knockouts Title Match: Gisele Shaw vs Jordynne Grace (c) : I think Jordynne retains because the SHAWntorague is an unresolved albatros that will cost Gisele the match and be a fun way to keep the fire burning for a potential Gail Kim match.
  10. No Surrender Match, TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs Alex Shelley : Like I said before, I expect The System to continue establishing themselves with this show and no glitches just yet.

So let’s see how many I get right!


  • Eric Young vs Frankie Kazarian: EY wins via Crucifix Pinfall – ***
  • Tag Team Title Match: ABC (c) vs GYV : ABC retains via 1-2-Sweet – *** 1/2
  • Kon vs PCO: PCO wins via DQ – * 1/2
  • Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Decay (Havok & Rosemary) (c) vs MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly): MK Ultra wins via Russian Death Device – ** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!
  • Josh Alexander vs Simon Gotch: Josh wins via C4 Spike – *** 3/4
  • No Surrender Match: TNA World Championship: Moose w/Eddie & Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers (c) vs Alex Shelley w/Kushida & Kevin Knight: Moose retains – ** 3/4
  • Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Gisele Shaw: Jordynne retains via Juggernaut Driver – ****
  • X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs Mustafa Ali: Ali wins via 450 Splash – **** 1/4



I don’t usually cover pre-show stuff so I’ll say here, Speedball Mountain lost, because Maclin made his presence felt to help get the Rascalz the win. The System is working though, so I got that match right at least. So I’m 1-1 out of the pre-show. 

Eric Young vs Frankie Kazarian

The tie ups are close, aggressive for positioning but nothing crazy, EY with a Jaw Jacker, but Kaz cuts off a rope run with a big Body Block. After a slap in the face, EY returns the favor and returns the slap. So Kaz Kitchen Sinks EY, talks crap, EY Kitch Sinks Kaz. This is very simply an “anything you can I do I can do better” style of open. EY tries to toss Kaz to the corner and pull him out, but Kaz pops to his feet and Back Body Drops EY, transitions into the Side Russian Leg sweep and its a near fall.

Frankie goes for a simple Vertical Suplex and then a cover, which is a little silly. Kaz keeps lording over EY, deliberate strikes, slow building offense, and EY tries to get something going with a Knee Lift, but Kaz Scoop Slams him after and goes for his Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop…but misses! EY fires back with a few lariats! They fight to the top, Kaz wants the Flux Capacitor, but EY clocks him, drops him and goes for the Macho Man Elbow…for 2. Corner charge leads to Kaz countering EY as he slips to the apron, EY tries to duck his head through and catches the Leg Drop for a near fall. EY gets whipped to the corner, does the Flair Flop over the buckle, Kaz quickly Slingshots EY in and lands the Cutter for another 2!

After a few moments to collect himself Kaz goes for Fade to Black, EY counters with a Piledriver attempt, but a little countering and slipping but Kaz manages to get him in another Fade to Black…and connects! 1-2-kickout?!? Kaz argues with the ref, EY takes advantage of the distracted Kaz, and Crucifix Pin for the win!

Tag Team Championships: The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson)

ABC doesn’t come out to the classic Bullet Club music. So I guess Anthem didn’t feel like paying for the rights anymore? So they deserve to lose, music sucks now, GYV forever.

Ace and Zack start and Ace is just angry, stomping away on Gibson in the corner. Ace almost doesn’t listen to the referee, but eventually does, Drake makes a blind tag, Baseball Slide trip to Ace, Sliding Kick to the Face and then Poetry in Motion from the GYV connects flush with Bey and he flies off the corner apron. The two on one continues for a minute, before Ace can flip out of a tandem move, fall back into his corner and get some of their own tandem offense going. Assisted Russian Leg Sweep into the Click Click Boom for 2.

Shortcuts allow the GYV to stifle the onslaught, and Gibson does the ole Launcher into the bottom rope followed by stepping on his neck. Classic heel tactics, Outside In Vertical Suplex, Drake tags in, Gibson hangs Bey on the ropes and Drake brings down the Polish Hammer from the corner. Drake sits on Bey with the Front Neck Lock applied, Bey gets to the ropes, tries to get around things with a Sunset Flip but Drake counters that with a simple punch to the throat. Drake traps him in their corner and tags in Gibson. The verbal assault is more effective than the simple offense, but it also seems to fire Bey a little. Quick strikes, and then a reach to Ace, but Gibson pulls him close and lays into the Sleeper Hold.

Bey does the reach spot again, but this time when Gibson pulls him close, Bey slips behind him and hits the School Boy for a 2 and then snaps off a Neckbreaker. Gibson makes a quicker tag so Drake tries to keep Bey isolated, but Bey slips it, dives towards Ace and Hot Tag from Ace. Slingshot Double Dropkick evens the situation, Fosbury Flop onto Gibson on the outside, runs back in and lands a nice kick combination on Drake into his own solo version of Click Click Boom, but Gibson saves the pinfall. Gibson gets dispatched Twisting Moonsault combo for only 2! 1-2-SW-NO Drake grabs Bey with the Body Scissors and Sleeper Hold while Gibson slides in and Shankly Gates gets applied to Ace. GYV try to fire, Ace tries to do his one handed counter to turn things back for them, but Gibson just grabs him and DOOMSDAY DEVICE on the outside!

GYV point at Bey, Bey fires and meets them head on. Bey throws Gibson into Drake and clocks Gibson but Drake tries to grab him and Bey counters it into a Suplex of his own. Springboard FameAsser levels Gibson. Art of Finesse attempt but Gibson counters, Bey goes to the top, Lung Blower from Gibson and he holds him there while Drake hits a Coast to Coast Dropkick…but BEY kicks out! GYV look for something to put away Bey, but Ace is stirring, drops Drake, and they use the GYV scarf as pay back while the referee is focused on Drake. 1-2-SWEET and ABC retain.

Their new music still sucks. 

Kon vs PCO

Kon attacks PCO on the ramp during his entrance and PCO is amenable to the brawl. PCO does go into the ring, so the match officially starts, and its just Heymakers, Clotheslines and slamming faces into the corners. They trade dropping each other and standing back up. PCO throws Kon out, PCO went for the Dive and Kon side steps and connects with a clubbing blow on PCO’s way down. Chokeslam onto the apron, but PC-NO Sell, and attacks Kon. PCO bounces Kon’s face off the apron, they both head back in just to have PCO Lariat them both back to the outside.

PCO posts Kon, drapes him and looks for the Deanimator…and he…MISSES! Kon slides back in and PCO clips the apron. Kon grabs a chair, and hits PCO causing a DQ?

The DQ finish is stupid, I guess it’s gonna lead to another match at Sacrifice. Kon buries PCO under chairs, throws the ring bell guy around, but PCO bursts out of the chairs and attacks. PCO finally gets the best of the Goozle Face off, pushes Kon over the ropes, dives onto him and then lays into him with a chair.

All the extra attacks are just stupid, Kon even Zip Ties PCO to the Entrance Tunnel and goes for the neck snap spot with a chair wrapped around which makes no real sense. This was a bad finish and then just got progressively more stupid. 

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Decay (Havok & Rosemary) (c) vs MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly)

Donnybrook to kick things off, just an all out brawl, Havok pulls Masha into the ring and I guess that makes them legal. Masha gets sandwiched in the corner, Exploder Suplex from Rosemary. Masha manages to take advantage of a small opening, Kelly gets involved and we get some quick and sadistic offense with Kelly doing some…fun…pin covers. Kelly slaps the taste out of Rosemary’s mouth, but Rosemary just slowly stands up, kinda likes it and ducks the last one to hit a Rainmaker.

Rosemary mounts Kelly, Kelly sits up to get on top of Rosemary, Rosemary returns the favor and they start throwing fists. Masha runs in, talks sense into Kelly and a High/Low style tandem move gives MK Ultra the advantage again. Strike exchange, into a Spinning Back Fist, a few Sambo kicks and Masha looks for the Russian Death Device, but Rosemary slips it into an X-Factor. Simultaneous tags as Masha is resting in the corner, Havok uses her size advantage, throws Kelly into Masha and then a corner Senton kills them both. Assisted Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Masha breaks it up! Masha takes out Havok, catches Rosemary mid Spear and hits the Russian Death Device! Our BDSM Feme Fatal Fever Dream wins!

Josh Alexander vs Simon Gotch

Classic chain wrestling style of opening. Josh has a Headlock cinched in, Gotch counters with the Headscissors and tries to find a wrist lock, and they trade similar style counters and mat based maneuvers. Josh gets a near scare of going from the Armbar to an attempt for the early Ankle Lock, but Gotch immediately finds the ropes.

After taking a beat, an old school test of strength into a Headbutt from Gotch and a response from Josh, then they trade Uppercuts. So we get another match that opens with that “anything you can do I can do better” concept. Josh drops Gotch, plays to the crowd a little and then eats a few kicks to the face. Gotch looks for a few Armbars, and when Josh protects the one side, Gotch tries the other. But Josh manages to fight out of that, and hits the Kurt Angle locomotion German Suplexes. After 3 he holds for a 4th, but Gotch grabs the ropes to force a break and then connects with a big front kick to take control again. A few down strikes, Senton, and Gotch takes a beat to collect himself so Josh tries to roll him up, and Gotch kicks out.

Gotch’s offense is consistent but deliberate. Knee Strikes, Front Kicks, Bootwashes, Uppercuts with Chops after…just really calculated attacked. Josh does fire out of the corner with a Dropkick, but he charges and Gotch tosses him over, Slap and Enzuigiri have Josh crumple on the apron. Gotch looks for a Brainbuster, Josh blocks, strike exchange on the apron, kick drops Gotch, Gotch kicks Josh’s foot out from under him. Gotch tries a Senton on the apron but misses! Gotch sells slowly on the apron so Josh gets his spot for the Low Crossbody through the ropes. Both are wiped out on the floor, but get in at 9. Crawl to the middle and Subury blueberry bulldogs hockey fight time! Okay no of course not, we have to do the played out Fighting Spirit spot, how silly of me. Does it look good? Sure, but its becoming stupid that every match has to have one of these.

T-Bone Suplex from Josh for 2! Straps down, C4- nope, Front Kick counter, Gotch Style Piledriver, nope, both roll through and Bulldog Choke with Josh’s headgear! Because of the headgear, Gotch’s grip slips so Josh turns it into the Ankle Lock, roll off it, strikes, Powerbreaker from Josh into the C4 Spike for the win.

No Surrender Match: TNA World Championship: Moose w/Eddie & Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers (c) vs Alex Shelley w/Kushida & Kevin Knight

Shelley starts off aggressive, jamming Moose into the turnbuckles twice, focusing on the left shoulder, which is the side he’s focused on the last month or so. Announce team also points out the announcement that the two teams have different color towels. So that just lines up for the heels to cheat by throwing in the babyface towel since color is all that matters.

While I’m being annoyed at how brain damaged the gimmicks in the match has become, Moose gets tossed out “tweaks” his knee, but manages to power through to Powerbomb Shelley into the apron and then Bow and Arrow him around the post. Shelley goes for the Chop Block on the tweaked knee, then pulls out a chair and plays a little La Parka. Shelley and Moose trade torture spots. Shelley traps Moose’s hand in the buckle chains and uses pliers to squeeze. Moose gets out of it, traps Shelley’s hand twice and cracks him with a chair. Shelley sells the pain into the ring, Moose follows but Shelley hits the Dragon Screw on the tweaked left knee. Shelley then ties up Moose in corner, Dragon Screws, Hamstring kicks, and then Shelley gets a Kendo Stick.

Left knee is the target, and Shelley gets a little sadistic. Cracks the stick into the knee, Kendo Stick assisted Half Crab on the bad leg. Myers distracts Shelley and Eddie grabs the Kendo Stick away. Because it wasn’t direct contact it’s legal, Moose catches Shelley with the Uranage and demands Eddie give him a trash can. Upside Down Trash Can, Moose wants the Superplex, Shelley fights off, bites Moose and slips between the legs and Avalanche Powerbomb into the point of the trash can. Shelley gives a few moments to see if the towel will get thrown, but then goes for the Figure Four. Moose turns it around, but Shelley turns that over. Moose gets handed the Kendo Stick and Moose uses it to break the Figure Four. Moose demands the System get the table and they do so.

Moose tries to Spear Shelley into the table, Shelley dodges and Moose stops himself. Low Blow, Border City Stretch and Moose sells towards the ropes, Myers sees Moose’s extended fingers and slips on Brass Knuckles so Moose can break the hold. Moose ditches the knucks, goes for the Spear into the table again and MISSES! Shelley calls for a chain, Shelley uses the chain for the Border City Stretch, but then all the seconds get involved. Lish tries to take the white towel from Kushida, Shelley grabs it back and hands it to Kushida. Back to Back Lights Out, then Moose wraps the chain around himself and connects with a third Lights Out. Kushida is torn watching, and decides to throw in the towel as Moose lines up the fourth Lights Out.

Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Gisele Shaw

Ash by Elegance comes down to ringside to watch. So will Ash be the one to screw Gisele since their gimmicks are a touch similar?

Gisele tries to powder early and force Jordynne to chase, but she gets caught, bullied a little early and Gisele’s striking gives her a brief moment of offense. Jordynne returns the striking and mobility with some rope maneuvers and a nice tilt-a-whirl side slam for an early pinfall attempt. Jordynne tries to keep the offense going, but Gisele gets a sneaky kick in the way, a Headscissors Driver, and a Corkscrew Splash for 2. The fight out to the apron, Shaw slips Jordynne’s move, tries the Powerbomb, but Jordynne blocks, clocks her, Senton’s Gisele’s face into the apron and starts riding the momentum.

Jordynne looks for the Juggernaut Driver on the apron, Shaw counters with elbows, Spanish Fly from the apron to the floor! Gisele goes for three straight pinfall attempts but Jordynne keeps kicking out. Gisele looks for the Denouement, Jordynne catches it, Spinebuster for 2! Juggernaut Driver attempt 2, Shaw finds the ropes, Shaw Trigger into a Pinfall but Grace grabs the bottom rope. Gisele is slowly snapping as Jordynne is resilient. Quick strikes, both fire and clock the other with Spinning Backfists and Kicks, Gisele goes for a Springboard Cutter, but Jordynne lands on her hands to block. Quick back and forth continues, but the third attempt at the Juggernaut Driver lands! Jordynne retains!

X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs Mustafa Ali

Simple collar and elbow tie up that runs into the corner break. Nothing fancy, very deliberate. We go into Arm Wringer trade offs chain wrestling before Ali hits a back Elbow to the eye and a headlock to the ground to slow things down. Rope run misses and that stupid Stereo Dropkick spot. At least its out of the way early and I haven’t seen it in a hot minute. Still hate it, but its less annoying I suppose.

Sabin with a Headlock Takeover and then some ground wrestling, a Trailer Hitch, leg pick, pinfall attempt but Ali slides up and dusts his boots off in an arrogant play. Sabin clocks him with a Lariat, but Ali keeps powdering and using classic heel psychology to piss off Sabin. A Headscissors Takedown on the apron is a touch scuffed, but it does enough and everyone is safe. Throws Ali back in, Crossbody from Sabin connects and we see a 2 count. Fighting the corner, the battle up the buckles, Ali gets the best of things and then 450 Splash on the left arm of Sabin as he’s reaching to get back up. Ali STF into a Crippler Crossface and then a Border City Stretch. Ali talks some smack, pins the left arm and then stomps right on the left shoulder. Sabin with a quick fire, both men trade desperation kicks and are laid out.

Getting to his feet first, Sabin fires and connects with a few short Elbows and Lariats, Sole Butt, Ali tries to counter a few things, Sabin shakes off the counters and lands a Tornado DDT from the Middle Rope. Two Roll Up attempts from Sabin, Ali kicks but Sabin floats over into a Crossface. Sabin with a bunch of punches, then tries to climb the buckles and Ali catches him with an Upkick. They fight for the top rope, Sabin shoves Ali off and Ali Backflips and lands on his feet, Dropkick on the flying Sabin connects beautifully. Back in the ring, 450 Splash attempt misses, Ali charges at Sabin but he just does the old ole and Ali’s face bounces off the turnbuckle like he things he’s Bret Hart.

A few strikes exchanged from both, but Ali chops into the throat of Sabin, Sabin keep fighting, Ali tries an Enzuigiri from the outside but Sabin connects with a Rope Assist Gamengiri. Sabin dives, takes out the security, Good Hands show up to give Ali a small opening but it doesn’t lead to anything. Skyler hits the apron to distract and is leveled, Hotch is clocked, Ali School Boy for 2! Clothesline From Hell, Michigan into the Cradle Shock- BUT ALI KICKS OUT! Sabin connects a few stomps, kick to Ali’s face and then crotches him on the top rope. Sabin looking for an Avalanche Cradle Shock…but elbows counter! Sabin eats a Sunset Bomb! Ali pulls himself up and 450 Splash for the win!


Overall Score: 7.25/10

Well 7-3 in predictions isn’t too bad if I do say so myself. If it’s good enough for Tom Brady, it’s good enough for me. But honestly, this show was a little weird. Having the World Heavyweight title so low…feels insanely disrespectful; the match was so convoluted even Jade had trouble explaining the rules, and using different color towels is just dumb and sets up very easy shenanigans (even though they weren’t used). Hell the fact that it was right there for someone like Myers forcing Kushida to throw in the towel, or bringing a backup white towel and being super heels would’ve at least made the finish fall less flat. But stupid match concept, worse execution, too many cooks in the kitchen. It could’ve been decent if there were so many caveats to idiocy in the match. The Knockouts and X Division were great matches though. Knockouts reminded me of a combination of Stardom High Speed and old 90s AJW wrestling. Fast, dirty, hard hitting, very brutal. X Division was fun, nice to see some new blood in the title scene and while the look of the security guards was a bit laughable, enough of the match hit the right notes to make me happy.

Kon and PCO shouldn’t be lengthened, especially with that moronic ending…but I suppose they need some undercard stupidity for Sacrifice. Really not sure how Kushida will validate his actions, Ash potentially teaming with or facing Gisele could be interesting. So while most of the matches were pretty good, the awkward pot holes were deep and irritating. Kon’s match being a waste of time and the No Surrender being convoluted beyond reason and then not even using the convolution in the finish of the match. The whole set up was like reading a story that was started by one writer, and then finished by another, in a different genre, translated into a different language.

High points were still worth the watch, but some stories need weird explanations and the bad matches are definitely awful beyond true description.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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