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Mitchell’s NJPW New Beginning Sapporo Results & Report! (2/23/24)

Night one!



It’s a golden New Beginning in Sapporo!

NJPW returns to Sapporo, with FIVE different championships on the line, from the IWPG Women’s title to the new IWGP Global Championship! Will NJPW’s landscape change drastically tonight?


  • Frontier Zone: Toru Yano & Tomoya VS Tomoaki Honma VS Shoma Kato; Yano & Tomoya win.
  • Yuji Nagata VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Togi Makabe & Boltin Oleg VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Chaos VS The United Empire; Chaos wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Just5Guys; LIJ wins.
  • IWGP Women’s Championship: Mayu Iwatani VS Mina Shirakawa; Mayu wins and retains the title.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: El Desperado VS SHO; Sho wins and becomes the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: EVIL VS Shota Umino; Evil wins and retains the title.
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Matt Riddle; Riddle wins and becomes the new NJPW World Television Champion.
  • IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay VS Nic Nemeth; Nemeth wins and becomes the new IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion.


IWGP Women’s Championship: Mayu Iwatani VS Mina Shirakawa!

The Sky Blue Hyper Technician continues her reign as the third-ever champion, but she’s running into quite the challenger. The “Fighting H-Cup Gravure Wrestler” wants to add gold to the Glamorous Collection Mina, will she do it? Or will there be no new beginning for this title just yet?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the Icon of Stardom!

The bell rings and the two rush in! Mina ducks the booth, gets around to headlock, but Mayu powers out. Mina jumps the dropdown, then redirects! She slides under another boot but Mayu ELBOWS her down! The fans fire up and Mayu bumps Mina off buckles. Mayu whips corner to corner, runs in, but Mina dropkicks the legs out! The fans rally up as Mina kicks Mayu around. Mina grabs a leg, SMASHES the knee, and then stalks Mayu to ropes. Mina kicks Mayu around, drags her up, and then carries her. Mina ties up the legs and the fans rally, before the DOUBLE KNEE BUSTER! Mayu writhes more but Mina grabs the legs again.

Mina steps through, ties the legs up, and then DROPS into the Trailer Hitch! Mina lets Mayu go to kick her around, but Mayu CHOPS! Mina just smiles and KICKS the bad leg. Mina bumps Mayu off buckles, puts the bad leg in ropes and pulls! Mayu pulls hair in return, the ref reprimands and counts. Mina lets go to dropkick the leg! Fans rally up again as Mayu gets free of the ropes. Mina goes corner to corner, but Mayu slips around rolls, Mina up, and basement dropkicks her down! The fans fire up with Mayu, then she gest going, DROPKICK against ropes! Mayu drags Mina up, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!

The fans rally up again as Mayu brings Mina around. Mina’s in the drop zone as Mayu goes up, but Mina rises! Mina SLAPS Mayu, then SUPER DRAGON SCREWS the leg! Mina steps through again, and has the FIGURE FOUR! Mayu scrambles and flails, and reaches for the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Mina lets go in frustration. Mina stalks Mayu, gets a leg, but Mayu holds ropes. Mina KICKS Mayu’s arms, suplexes her, and hits MAGIC SCREW! Cover, TWO! Mayu is still in this and the fans rally up again. Mina shouts and eggs Mayu on. Mina stands Mayu up, Electric Chair Lifts, but Mayu POISON-RANAS free!

The fans rally while both women are down! Mina stirs while Mayu crawls her way over. Mina fires a forearm first! Mayu gives it back! Mina throws another forearm, but so does Mayu! They stand as the shots keep going, faster and faster! The fans rally up as Mayu gest the edge! But Mina blocks to UPPERCUT! Mina eggs Mayu on, Mayu SLAPS her back! Mina roars and fires palm strike after palm strike! Mina ROCKS Mayu, runs, but Mayu follows to ELBOW her! Mayu snapmares and KICKS her in the back! The fans fire up and Mayu drags Mina back up. But Mina breaks free, only to swing into a SNAP DRAGON!

Mayu aims, SUPERKICK! Mina flounders around while the fans rally behind Mayu. Mayu puts Mina back in the drop zone, steps over her and goes up the corner. The bad leg worries her but she makes it to the top. Mayu aims, and FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Mina survives and the fans fire up again! Mayu steps on Mina this time, and she goes back up top! Mayu takes aim, to MOONSAULT FLOP as Mina moves! Mina aims from the corner now, and she runs in to GLAMOROUS SWORD ENZIGIRI! Mina roars as she drags Mayu back up. Mina Electric Chair Lifts again! GLAMOROUS DRAGON SCREW!!

And then Mina goes right into the FIGURE FOUR!! Mayu endures as she’s right on the NJPW lion logo! Mayu flails, reaches out, but Mina pulls on the leg! Mina thrashes around but Mayu drags her along! They turn over, and over, and Mayu has lost ground! Mayu shouts and powers her way around, only for Mina to power her back! Mina thrashes more, but Mayu fights one more time! They roll and roll, but Mina stops Mayu short! Mayu fights, claws at the mat, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans fire up again while Mina lets go in frustration! Mina storms around, drags Mayu back to center, and wants it again! But Mayu BOOTS her!

Mayu gets up, into a ROLLING ELBOW! URAKEN! IMPALER DDT! Cover, TWO!! Mina is stunned and the fans fire up again! Mina snarls, drags Mayu back up and dragon sleepers, and even figure-fours the legs! GLAMOROUS- NO, Mayu fights off the driver! Mayu gut wrenches, and TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVERS!! The fans fire up again as Mayu BUZZSAWS Mina down! Mina flounders to a corner, Mayu’s leg keeping her from making a cover. Mina stands up, Mayu runs in to DROPKICK! Mina staggers around and Mayu fires up! Mina falls into the drop zone as Mayu climbs! Mina stands up for the MISSILE DROPKICK!

Mayu says “MADA MADA! <NOT YET!>” Mayu goes back up, to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!! And yet that’s still not it?! Mayu goes back up, she wants the MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Mina survives the onslaught and the fans are thunderous! Mayu drags Mina up and reels her into a full nelson. SNAP- NO, Mina slips free to reel Mayu in! GLAMOROUS COLLECTION MINA! TWO!!! Mayu escapes, Mina runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Mina rebounds but Mayu gets around, SNAP DRAGON! Bridging cover, TWO!?!? Mina escapes and Mayu is raging! Mayu BUZZSAWS, SUPERKICKS, and BUZZSAWS again!

Mina flops over and the ref checks. She’s somehow still in this so Mayu drags her up. Mayu waistlocks, and HIGH ANGLE DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Mayu wins!

Winner: Mayu Iwatani, by pinfall (still IWGP Women’s Champion)

Mina put on a truly glamorous fight, but it was just not enough to stop Mayu’s reign! Will Mayu continue to be the Icon of both Stardom and NJPW?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: El Desperado VS SHO!

Despite not wanting to be “the face of a division,” the Rogue Luchador has proven himself to be the Best of the Super Juniors. He dethroned Hiromu Takahashi and thwarted Yoshinobu Kanemaru, but now the Murder Machine wants his turn as Player One! Will Sho have the deck stacked in his favor? Or will Desperado make it 2-0 against The House of Torture?

Whoa, hold on now! Desperado has already turned the tables, he’s dragging Sho out here! Desperado laughs as he has the belt on his shoulder and Sho in a headlock, but then Sho fights free as they reach the ramp. Sho throws chops but Desperado SLAPS Sho down! Desperado eggs Sho on, stomps him down, then stands on him. Desperado drags Sho along again, pulling his hair. Sho calls for the ref to stop this but it doesn’t matter since this isn’t a match yet. Desperado SMACKS Sho off the apron again and again! Desperado makes Show look at the belt. The name plate doesn’t show Sho, so it ain’t his yet!

Desperado shoves Sho into the ring, then steps in to explain to the ref that it’s all okay. The fans cheer, the bell rings, and now it’s a match! Desperado hauls Sho up for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Desperado gets a leg and has the STRETCH MUFFLER! Sho flails and scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Desperado holds until the ref counts 4! Desperado knees on the leg, but lets off as the ref counts. Desperado stomps the leg, stalks him, then scuffs Sho. Desperado whips but Sho blocks by holding ropes. Desperado still tries, but Sho still blocks. Desperado kicks low, whips, but Sho bails out!

Desperado pursues but Sho goes under the ring! Desperado drags Sho back out and ROCKS him! Sho flounders against railing and Desperado stalks him. Sho grabs the hammer for the bell! The ref stops Sho but sho shoves the ref away! Sho then uses the belt to CLOBBER Desperado! Fans boo and Sho hurries into the ring. The ref checks Desperado, having missed the shenanigans. Sho laughs at Desperado as the ring count starts. Desperado is down even at 10 of 20. Desperado rises slowly, checking his face and his mask. He stands at 14 and hobbles over to crawl in at 16. Fans cheer but Sho storms up on Desperado.

Sho stands Desperado up to then run and LARIAT! Desperado falls and Sho hobbles back over. SNAKE BITE! Desperado flails and fights but Sho squeezes tight! Desperado reaches out with his legs, then CLAWS at Sho’s face! The ref reprimands Desperado and Sho still keeps the hold! Desperado is fading! The ref checks, but Desperado revives! Desperado fights around, kicks his legs, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer but the ref counts, Sho lets go at 4. Sho hobbles and drags Desperado up. Sho reels Desperado in, for POWER BREAKER! The knee bothers Sho but he manages the cover, TWO!!

Desperado survives and the fans rally up again! Sho aims his bow and he drags Desperado up. Sho reels Desperado back in, tucks the arms, SHOCK- NO, Desperado fights the lift! Sho still tries, but the knee stops him! Desperado falls over, both men are in bad shape. Desperado sits up, Sho goes after him, and Desperado dropkicks the bad leg! Fans cheer as Sho hobbles away. Desperado slowly rises, still looking worse for wear, but he stares Sho down. Sho kicks Desperado, but Desperado growls. Desperado blocks a boot but Sho HEADBUTTS free of the back suplex! Sho goes for it again, SHOCK- NO, Desperado slips free to SPINEBUSTER!

Both men are down again and the fans rally back up! Desperado drags himself up with the ropes, hobbles his way over to Sho, and he brings Sho up to have the leg. But Sho CLAWS the eyes! Desperado still hits the KNEE BREAKER! GROUND DRAGON SCREW! STRETCH MUFFLER!! Sho flails, reaches out, but Desperado rolls Sho away! NUMERO DOS PLUS! But the lights go out! Of course! What’s the House of Torture gonna do now? We hear someone attacking Desperado, and the lights come up to show it’s Kanemaru! Fans boo but Kanemaru just blows snot at them! The ref is nowhere to be seen as Kanemaru TOSSES Desperado out!

The fans tell the Heel Master to go away but Kanemaru POSTS Desperado instead! Fans boo as Kanemaru stomps Desperado, and Sho slides out to join them. Sho has his “Torture Tool” wrench and Kanemaru sets Desperado up. Sho winds up, but here comes Ryusuke Taguchi! Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Kanemaru down, then he HIP ATTACKS Sho! Desperado has friends in the “main unit” watching his back! Taguchi stomps away on Kanemaru, then takes the wrench to CHOKE Kanemaru with it! Taguchi brings Kanemaru away, digging that wrench into Kanemaru’s nose! Fans cheer as now this is back to 1v1!

Desperado nods and hobbles his way over to Sho. Desperado drags Sho up, POSTS him, then hobbles around again. Desperado hauls Sho up to POST the knee! Sho writhes, Desperado eggs him on, and then Desperado puts Sho in the ring. Desperado calls for the ref and finds him by the timekeeper. Desperado helps the ref up into the ring, then he YANKS Sho’s bad leg, GROUND DRAGON SCREW, and NUMERO DOS! Sho flails, but Desperado rolls away from ropes! NUMERO DOS PLUS!! Sho endures, fights up with his core strength, and pops into the lift! But the bad leg stops the driver! Desperado Alabama Lifts, but Sho fights!

Desperado tucks Sho in, for a BASTARD DRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!? Sho survives and Desperado is surprised! Desperado roars, the fans fire up with him, and Desperado hauls Sho up. Desperado reels Sho in, tucks the arms, PINCHE- NO, Sho fights it, and RAMS Desperado into the ref! LOW BLOW!! And then another shove into the ref!! The fans boo as Sho pulls out more nasty tricks! Sho goes outside, again takes the belt, and hobbles back into the ring. The fans boo as Sho aims, BELT- LOCO MONO!! Desperado stops Sho with that big right hand! Sho tumbles out of the ring, and he gets a chair!

Desperado roars, runs, and DIVES into a chairshot!!! The seat cushion goes flying while Desperado tumbles down! The fans boo again as Sho flounders his way past Desperado. Sho laughs as he then finds more chairs. Sho sets one up nearby, and he makes Desperado take a seat. Sho gets the other chair, aims again, HEADSHOT! Fans boo as hard as they can while Desperado slumps over in the seat. Sho has an even nastier idea! The cushion is gone, so he wants to go the skinny way! The ref sees this now and stops Sho, but Sho shoves him down! Sho aims, but Desperado LOW BLOWS Sho!! The fans cheer the poetic justice!

Desperado flips Sho off and SMACKS him off the chair! Desperado then grabs that frame, to HOME RUN! Sho flounders all the way to the railing! The ref is shocked to see the aftermath but the fans rally up. Both Desperado and Sho are down at ringside, so the ref starts a ring count. Both men stir at 5 of 20, drag themselves up with railing, and Desperado stands at 9. Desperado staggers over, and he drags himself in at 13. Sho still flops around a bit, but wait! Someone else is coming out from under the ring!? REN NARITA drags Desperado out and into a SLEEPER!! The ref doesn’t see, he’s busy watching Sho!

Sho staggers up and in at 19!! Desperado is outside at 20, Sho wins!!!

Winner: Sho, by count-out (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion)

The fans boo as the House of Torture finds a new way to screw someone over! Because unlike other promotions, NJPW says even count-outs can win you a belt! Sho couldn’t beat Desperado alone, but will nothing stop the House of Torture from taking more gold?


NEVER Openweight Championship: EVIL w/ Dick Togo VS Shota Umino!

We just saw the House of Torture cheat like hell, and now the King of Darkness might just do the same. Will Darkness Fall on Sapporo? Or will the Roughneck come through for Tama Tonga and deal out some justice?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Evil adds more black spray paint to it! Shota attacks and the fans fire up! Shota ROCKS Evil, makes sure the belt is secured, and the bell rings. Evil claws Shota’s eyes! Evil whips, Shota reverses and scoops to DROP Evil, then DROPKICK him! The fans fire up with Shota while Evil bails out. Evil claims his shoulder hurts so the ref checks him. That allows Dick to sneak attack Shota! Shota doesn’t fall over, so Dick runs away! Shota chases Dick into the ring, and Evil LARIATS Shota down! Fans boo but Evil brings Shota up. Evil throws Shota back out and RAMS him into the timekeeper!

Fans boo as Abe-san suffers at Evil’s hands again! Evil sits Shota up to SMASH a water bottle into him! Evil grabs the mic and the belt to tell Shota, “You want this belt? It’ll NEVER be yours, it’s mine!” The ref takes the belt back and Evil leaves Shota behind to go into the ring. Evil wants a count out, but Abe has to get up. The ref is counting for himself so Shota crawls in at 5 of 20. Evil soaks up the heat and storms back up on Shota. Evil CHOPS Shota in a corner, then brings him around to bump off buckles. Evil CHOPS again but Shota eggs him on! So Evil winds up and fakes a chop to CLAW Shota’s eyes!

The ref reprimands and counts, Evil lets off at 4. Evil whips Shota corner to corner hard and surprise, the buckle pad is gone! Dick snuck the Bullet Club Special into this one, and Evil covers Shota. TWO, and Evil covers again. TWO, and Evil covers again, TWO!! Evil pushes Shota’s shoulders down, TWO!! A leg cradle, TWO!!! Shota escapes again and Evil is frustrated. Evil drags Shota back up, throws him out, and distracts the ref so Dick can beat up on Shota! Fans boo but Dick puts Shota in for Evil to cover, TWO! Evil is frustrated again but he kicks Shota around. Evil slaps Shota around, talks trash on the fans, but Shota snarls.

Shota stands to ROCK Evil! And ROCK him again! And again! But Evil CLAWS Shota’s eyes again! Evil whips, but Shota uses that to WRECK Dick with a dropkick! Evil kicks and whips but Shota DROPKICKS Evil down! The fans fire up with Shota and they rally behind him. Shota rises, drags Evil up, and whips him to a corner. Shota runs up to UPPERCUT, then he FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Shota doesn’t let that slow him down. Shota drags Evil up, clinches, but Evil pulls hair! Shota breaks free to ROCK Evil! This is why Shota got the haircut, it seems.

Shota runs up but Evil BOOTS him away! Evil calls to the ramp but no one’s there, he got Shota with that one! And he CLOBBERS Shota for it, too! Fans boo but Evil smirks. Evil takes a moment to stretch before he drags Shota up. Evil hits a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Shota grits his teeth and Evil frowns. Evil drags Shota up again, but Shota fights the fireman’s carry! Evil body shots and whips, but Shota holds ropes! Shota BOOTS Evil, then he calls for someone! He gets Evil back in return and drop toeholds him to ropes! Then SLINGSHOT APRON DDT! The fans fire up while Evil flops to the floor!

Shota paces, and the ref has to keep Dick back. Shota stands on Evil’s face and eggs him on. Shota puts Evil in, and he chases Dick off before going up a corner. Shota MISSILE DROPKICKS Evil, then brings him up! Full nelson, spin around, and pop-up KNEE! Then IGNITION! Cover, TWO! Evil survives but Shota hurries to get the legs! STF! Evil endures, reaches out, but wait, now someone from the House rushes out here! Yujiro Takahashi rings the bell to fool everyone!! Evil CLUBS Shota, then RAMS him into the ref! Fans boo as the House pulls out even more tricks! Yujiro gets in the ring with Dick and they stomp away on Shota!

The House “puts one out” on Shota and drags him up. Dick bumps Shota off buckles, then he and Yujiro double whip. Dick runs in to ELBOW! Yujiro runs in to BOOT! They snapmare Shota then set him up, and Dick climbs up, for the DICK CHOP! Evil calls for a ref, the back-up ref hurries out here to count the cover, TWO! Shota survives but now Evil gets in this ref’s face! They argue, and that allows Yujiro to slip back in! Yujiro drags Shota up, for the PIMP JUICE! Evil covers, TWO!!! Shota survives and the fans fire up! Evil slashes his throat, vowing to end this! Evil drags Shota up, spins him around, but Shota fights off the STO!

Shota slips around, TONGAN TWIST!! A shoutout to the Good Bad Guy and both men are down! The fans rally up as Shota crawls to a corner. Shota drags himself up with ropes, Evil runs in, but Shota ELBOWS him away! Then SHOTGUNS him down! Shota fires up but Evil grabs at the ref. Evil sends the ref into Shota, then CLOBBERS them both! Fans boo again as Dick gets back in, with the SPOILER CHOKER! Shota flails, fights up, but Dick keeps him on his knees! Fans boo even harder but Dick then sets Shota up for Evil and MAGIC- NO, Shota kicks free! Then he uses Dick to TORNADO DDT Evil!

Yujiro’s in, but Shota avoids the pimp cane to ENZIGIRI! POP-UP UPPERCUT for Evil! HALF ‘N’ HALF for Yujiro! The fans fire up as Shota has new life! And now he really does call reinforcements! Shota fires off forearms on Evil, then HALF NELSON SUPLEXES! Another ref appears to count the bridging cover, TWO!! Evil escapes but Shota fires up to another gear! The fans rally as Shota aims from a corner. Shota runs up, BLAZE- NO, Evil ducks the blade! Fireman’s carry, but Shota slips free! Shota underhooks but Evil wrenches out! EVERY- NO, Shota slips free and steals EVERY- NO, Evil avoids his own finisher!

Evil swings, misses, Shota GUN STUNS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Shota is raging and the fans are fired up again! Shota reloads in the corner and aims again! BLAZE BLADE!! Shota then hauls Evil up but Evil sends him into bare buckles! Shota just roars! But into a LARIAT!! Shota roars as he rises up, but into a fireman’s carry! DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!!! Shota is not done yet but Evil says he’ll finish this! Evil stands Shota up, spins him, EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, Evil wins!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Champion)

Shota put up a fight worthy of a champion, but he got cheated just like Desperado! Evil spray paints the belt to make it even darker, and he puts an X on Shota’s chest. Will no one be able to stop the House of Torture with them always stacking the deck?


NJPW World Television Championship: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Matt Riddle!

The Ace of the Universe may or may not know who The Original Bro is, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be looking down on him. Riddle’s resume is a strong one, will he add another title to it tonight? Or will his 15 minutes of fame run out already?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the “Super King” trumps The Ace!

The fans cheer Tanahashi’s abs as always. The bell rings and we’re on the clock. The fans rally for Tanahashi as he and Riddle circle. They feel things out, Riddle shoots in and around but Tanahashi switches. Riddle switches, Tanahashi switches but Riddle rolls free and the fans cheer the technical exchange. The fans start to duel a bit as the two reset. They knuckle lock, but Tanahashi wrenches and hammerlocks to then headlock. Riddle powers up to put Tanahashi in a corner. Red Shoes calls the break and Riddle lets off with a push. Tanahashi keeps cool and resets with Riddle. They tie up, go around, and Riddle waistlocks. Tanahashi wrenches free but Riddle goes to a corner.

Red Shoes calls for another break, but Tanahashi pulls hair! So Riddle pulls hair! They shout at each other, Red Shoes counts on them both, and they both let go at 4. But then they both grab hold of hair again! Tanahashi puts Riddle in a corner and fires off body shots! Tanahashi whips corner to corner, but Riddle reverses. Riddle runs up but into an elbow! Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY, but Riddle rolls through to an ARMBAR! Tanahashi rolls to the ROPEBREAK! Riddle lets go and eggs Tanahashi on while Tanahashi goes out to railing. The fans rally for “BRO! BRO! BRO!” Tanahashi eggs Riddle on, but then slides in as Riddle slides out! They each tell the other, “C’mon!”

Riddle slides back in but Tanahashi slides back out! Tanahashi air guitars and fans cheer, but then Riddle rushes out. Tanahashi dodges Riddle to RAM him into the apron! Tanahashi then slides in to PLANCHA onto Riddle! The fans fire up while Riddle goes down! Tanahashi storms up on Riddle, puts him in the ring and Tanahashi scoops to SLAM! Riddle is in the drop zone and Tanahashi goes up, for a SUNSET SENTON FLOP as Riddle moves! Riddle runs to KNEE Tanahashi down! Cover, TWO! Riddle stays cool but time is still on Tanahashi’s side. Riddle paces around while the fans rally, and he stomps and kicks Tanahashi around.

Riddle stands Tanahashi up to ROCK him, and CHOP him, and he nods. Riddle says how’s this, Mr. President? Riddle CHOPS, so Tanahashi fires off fast hands! Tanahashi runs, but into a RANA out to the apron! Riddle aims and PENALTY KICKS from above! Tanahashi wobbles and Riddle SPRINGBOARD BROTONS! Direct hit and now we hit the five minute limit! Riddle hurries to get Tanahashi in the ring, and he BROTONS again! Tanahashi is in a drop zone, so Riddle goes up the corner. FLOATING BRO onto knees! Riddle flounders around, Tanahashi runs and SLING- NO, Riddle gets aroudn to waistlock!

Tanahashi fights the lift, switches, spins Riddle around, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi runs and SLINGBLADES Riddle back down! Cover, TWO! Riddle is still in this but the fans rally as Tanahashi goes to a corner. Tanahashi climbs but Riddle ROCKS him! Riddle CHOPS Tanahashi, then has him on the apron to drag him up the ropes! Tanahashi fights the Super German Suplex with elbows! Tanahashi grabs Riddle’s leg, DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Riddle falls back and Tanahashi hurries back up! Riddle stands, into the HIGH FLY ATTACK into a FLASH KNEE! Both men are down and the fans fire back up!

Riddle sits up and watches Tanahashi writhe. Riddle stands Tanahashi up, gut wrenches and tucks, but Tanahashi rolls through to victory roll! TWO and Riddle has it, TWO! Tanahashi has it back, TWO!! Riddle gets up, runs up and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Riddle fires off palm strikes, and KICKS! Tanahashi fires up and blocks a kick to CLUB the leg and SHOTEI! Tanahashi runs but into a FLASH KNEE! And then a scoop for the BRO STONE!! Cover, RIDDLE WINS!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall (NEW NJPW World Television Champion)

In 8 minutes and 53 seconds, a new champion has been crowned! Riddle stands tall and shouts, “What’d you think was gonna happen? I come to Japan and lose? Wrong, bro!” There is truly a New Beginning in Sapporo, will Riddle make “season three” the biggest and the best one yet?


IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Nic Nemeth!

The Rebel and his War Dogs battled tooth and nail with the United Empire and came out on top. However, this fight is to show the Showoff that he’s biting off more than he can chew. Will Finlay hold on to the title made just for him? Or will Nemeth bring it into the Danger Zone?

Wait, Gedo is making his way out here with the shillelagh, but where’s Finlay? He comes in from the crowd side to ambush Nemeth! Fans boo as Finlay tosses Nemeth out and stomps away at the railing! Bullet Club gonna Bullet Club, it seems. Finlay then whips Nemeth hard into railing, then hauls him up to whip him hard into MORE railing! Gedo cheers but Red Shoes reprimands, so Finlay puts Nemeth in the ring. Finlay kisses his belt before handing it over, and the bell finally rings. Finlay runs up, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives and bails out, so Nemeth pursues! Nemeth SMACKS Finlay off railing in return!

Nemeth brings Finlay around to SMACK him off more railing! Gedo protests but Nemeth drags Finlay up. Finlay pulls hair but Nemeth pulls hair in return. Nemeth SMACKS Finlay off more railing, right in front of commentary! Nemeth POSTS Finlay, brings him around, and whips, only for Finlay to reverse! Nemeth stops from hitting railing, but Finlay TACKLES him through the gate! Red Shoes checks Nemeth but Finlay drags him back to ringside. Finlay POSTS Nemeth, drags him up again, and puts him in the ring. Finlay pushes Nemeth to a cover, TWO! The fans rally up but Finlay snarls as he kicks Nemeth around.

Finlay rains down fists from all sides, then lets off because of closed fists. Nemeth flounders against ropes but Finlay drags him up and whips him hard into buckles! Nemeth falls back and Finlay says this is too easy. Cover, ONE!! Nemeth shows he’s tougher than that so Finlay throws down headbutts! Finlay digs his elbow into Nemeth’s face, Red Shoes reprimands, and Finlay lets off. Finlay puts Nemeth on ropes to CHOKE him! Finlay makes Nemeth smile with fishhooks! Red Shoes counts, Finlay lets off at 4, and then Finlay drags Nemeth up. Finlay throws up the Too Sweet as fans boo, and he snap suplexes Nemeth down! Cover, ONE!!

The fans rally while Gedo protests the “bad count.” Finlay clamps on a headlock and pushes up to grind the hold. Nemeth endures, even though he’s turning red. The fans rally, Nemeth kicks around and reaches out, but Finlay pulls on the headlock harder! Nemeth fights to his feet, throws body shots, and they end up on ropes. Nemeth runs, but Finlay catches him to a SLEEPER! Nemeth gets around to hit a BIG back suplex! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Finlay flounders to a corner, then staggers out, into a LARIAT from Nemeth! Nemeth SPLASHES in a corner, turns Finlay and hits a NECKBREAKER!

The fans fire up as Nemeth then drops an ELBOW! And another! And another! Nemeth just rains down elbow after elbow, the fans counting along! Nemeth goes all the way to nine, then swivels those hips for the TENTH! Cover, TWO!! Finlay sputters from surviving all those “heartstoppers” but Nemeth brings him up. Nemeth ROCKS Finlay, runs up at the ropes and clotheslines Finlay and himself up and out! Red Shoes has Gedo stay back, but Gedo still coaches Finlay. Nemeth rises using railing, Gedo helps Finlay. Nemeth aims but Finlay moves, the SUPERKICK hits Gedo! Finlay ROCKS Nemeth and puts him in the ring!

Finlay checks on Gedo, is frustrated, and he storms up to the apron, but into a SUPERKICK! Finlay falls onto Gedo! Gedo holds his shillelagh, and we don’t mean the wood club! Nemeth goes out to get Finlay, puts him in, but now Gedo distracts Red Shoes with his pain. Finlay has the wood club! SHILLELAGH SHOT to the leg! Nemeth goes down in a heap, Finlay covers, TWO!! Nemeth survives and Finlay is furious! The fans rally but Finlay YANKS and stomps the bad leg over and over. Finlay DDTS the foot! Nemeth writhes and goes to the apron but Finlay talks trash. Finlay drags Nemeth around, puts the leg on ropes, and HIP DROPS!

Nemeth writhes, the fans boo, but Finlay soaks it all up. Finlay stalks Nemeth, taunts him, and drags him up. Finlay scoops Nemeth to SLAM him into the ropes! Nemeth clutches the knee but Finlay pretends he can’t hear the fans. The fans boo harder but Finlay stalks Nemeth. Finlay brings Nemeth around, hauls him up, and has the leg for the SHIN- NO, Nemeth sunset flips! TWO, but Nemeth has the ghost pin! TWO!! Finlay kicks, Nemeth blocks and spins him, OLYMPIC- NO, Finlay slips free! Finlay back suplexes but Nemeth lands out! And he reels Finlay in for the OLYMPIC SLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Nemeth and Finlay writhe while the fans rally. Finlay goes to a corner but Nemeth crawls after him. Finlay stands in the corner, Nemeth runs up to SPLASH! Nemeth hobbles around, goes corner to corner again, but Finlay moves and pulls the pad! Nemeth hits the steel!! Finlay then POSTS Nemeth! Fans boo but Finlay storms back up. Finlay drags Nemeth out, clinches, and IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO!! Nemeth survives but Finlay says fine, he just wants more. The fans rally for Nemeth and that annoys Finlay. Finlay hauls Nemeth up but Nemeth back drops free! Finlay stands, into the SATELLITE- NO, Finlay TOSSES Nemeth out of the ring!!

Nemeth writhes and clutches the knee while Finlay talks a lot of trash! Red Shoes checks, Finlay wants this to be called! Nemeth says no, he’s still in this, so a ring count starts instead. Nemeth grabs at the railing, drags himself up, but we’re already at 10 of 20! Nemeth hobbles on one good leg, claws at the ring at 15, but he’s still down at 18! Nemeth springs up and in at 19! But into a SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!! Finlay gets Nemeth up to DOMINATOR!! Cover, TWO!!! Nemeth survives again but Finlay goes right into a FIGURE FOUR!! Finlay even positions himself between Nemeth and ropes! Nemeth endures and the fans rally up!

Nemeth’s shoulders are down, that’s a cover! TWO as Nemeth sits up! Finlay puts more pressure on the hold  but Nemeth continues to endure! Nemeth reaches out, tries to turn things, but Finlay blocks! The fans rally as hard as they can as Nemeth turns the pressure onto Finlay!! But Finlay turns it right back around! Finlay thrashes the hold, pulls on the bad leg, but Nemeth still reaches out! Nemeth grits his teeth, claws at the mat, and he drags Finlay along as he moves forward! Nemeth fights to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, but Finlay lets go at 4. Nemeth clutches his leg and Finlay says he should’ve just quit.

Finlay vows to end Nemeth’s whole career if he doesn’t give up. Finlay says he’ll make Nemeth respect him and tell him he’s the man. If he does, Finlay will show mercy! Nemeth sits up, and SPITS at Finlay! The fans fire up but Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS! Finlay drags Nemeth back to center, steps through, but Nemeth cradle counters! TWO!! Finlay comes back, Nemeth UPPERCUTS! Finlay rebounds to LARIAT! Finlay says it’s still just that easy! Finlay drags Nemeth up, reels him in, but Nemeth resists! Finlay CLUBS away on Nemeth, reels him back in, and lifts, but Nemeth fires fists! Nemeth lands out of the bomb and UPPERCUTS!

Nemeth BOOTS with the good leg, then BOOTS him again! Finlay staggers, Nemeth aims, but the plant leg won’t let him! Finlay POWERBOMBS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Not even Gedo understands how Nemeth survived! Finlay looms over Nemeth while Sapporo rallies for the Wanted Man. Finlay says Nemeth had his chance, this is what he gets. Finlay throws crossface forearms on Nemeth again and again, Gedo cheering each shot! Finlay drags Nemeth up again for even more crossface forearms, showing him exactly the lack of mercy he just promised. Nemeth still reaches out for ropes but Finlay stands on him as he brings the kneepad down.

Finlay roars as he drags Nemeth up, suplexes, but Nemeth slips free! Nemeth staggers back, Finlay runs up, but Nemeth sends him into bare buckles! Finlay falls back and fans fire up! Nemeth drags Finlay up, and SMACKS him off the bare buckles! And again! And again! Red Shoes reprimands, Gedo protests, and Nemeth tells Finlay, “You listen to me, you POS!” Nemeth POSTS Finlay, then hits the SATELLITE DDT! And then FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives but Nemeth is too tired to be upset! Gedo is very upset, though, and he shouts for Finlay to get up. We hit 20 minutes, time might be on Finlay’s side here.

Finlay and Nemeth slowly stir, and Nemeth slaps some life back into himself. Nemeth drags Finlay around in a facelock, reels him in, but Finlay flops down. Nemeth slaps himself again, the fans rally for him, but Finlay wrenches! Nemeth CLUBS Finlay, fires off at the ropes, then lines up the shot! But Finlay denies the move formerly known as Zigzag! Nemeth swings, Finlay gets around and suplexes, INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Finlay is furious and the fans are thunderous that Nemeth survives again! Finlay seethes as he makes his way back over to Nemeth. Nemeth shakes his head and throws a haymaker!

Finlay throws a forearm in return, so Nemeth throws another haymaker! They go back and forth with shots, and they rise up to their feet. Nemeth eggs Finlay on so Finlay throws a forearm! Nemeth throws another haymaker! Finlay snarls, ROCKS Nemeth, but Nemeth ROCKS Finlay! The shots keep going, faster and faster, and the fans love how it’s just a scrum! Finlay kicks a leg out, then gator rolls Nemeth for OVER- NO, Nemeth blocks the leg! HEADBUTT!! But Finlay HEADBUTTS back! Finlay blocks the superkick but Nemeth HEADBUTTS again! And SUPERKICKS!! DANGER ZONE!! Cover, NEMETH WINS?!?!

Winner: Nic Nemeth, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion)

The fans are stunned but they’re also loving this! It’s another New Beginning in Sapporo as Nemeth now adds to his WWE Grand Slam Champion resume by taking this title away from Finlay, the man who created it! What is The Rebel going to do now that he lost his prized possession?

As for Nemeth, he gets the belt and the mic to say, “Sapporo, Japan, I want you to know one thing: You may not know me, but you are going to. This championship right here, this championship right here…! I will defend anywhere, anytime! You name the place, you name the fighter, and I will leave it all in the ring every damn night! NJPW, all over the world, I am your Global Champion, and I will prove it every day until the day I die! Thank you so much! Arigato, Sapporo. NJPW, LET’S EFFING GO~!!” The confetti flies and the music rocks, is this truly the New Beginning of NJPW’s biggest chapter yet?

Wait, wait, Nemeth has one more thing to say. He goes back to the mic to say, “I have one more request before I leave. I’m a big fan of Tanahashi. He’s a hero of mine. And I would be honored, I would be honored, if Tanahashi would be my tag team partner tomorrow night, right here! What do you say?!” The fans like that idea! Nemeth wants to make it happen, will the President of NJPW agree to change things up outta nowhere?

My Thoughts:

An awesome event for NJPW to start a big weekend in Sapporo. All the title matches were great stuff, but that main event was the most shocking to me. I did NOT think Nemeth was going to win and take the title off Finlay. For one, Finlay just won that title at WrestleKingdom only 50 days ago. But I suppose if what Nemeth is saying is right, he’s going to visit other promotions to defend this title as a parallel to the AEW International Championship. That’s good strategy to strengthen the bonds of NJPW with its American partners. But him wanting to team with Tanahashi is a surprise. There was already a change to plans for Sapporo with Henare out of action, but is Nemeth thinking of swapping Taguchi out for Tanahashi against Finlay & Gedo tomorrow night?

Speaking of Tanahashi, a bit surprised Riddle won the NJPW World TV title. Though as Riddle said himself, he wasn’t gonna show up here just to lose his first match, and Riddle can have a lot of fun with this belt and its 15 minute time limit. Tanahashi is also now free of belts, he can do whatever he wants. Great match from Mayu VS Mina, great defense for Mayu, but I’m not as familiar with Stardom so I don’t know who there is who will take this title next. And then of course House of Torture cheats to not just keep Evil’s title but to steal Desperado’s. If nothing else, I feel like Tanahashi needs to get involved as President of NJPW to be a Face Authority Figure to stop House of Torture’s antics since no faction seems able.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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