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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (2/22/24)




ROH Wrestling 2023

What a way to celebrate ROH’s anniversary!

ROH TV makes it a full year, and Athena defends the Women’s World Championship in a Best 2 Outta 3 Falls TABLES MATCH, against Nyla Rose!


  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Taya Valkyrie VS Sussy Love;  Taya wins and advances.
  • Lee Johnson VS Sonico; Johnson wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Red Velvet VS Sandra Moone; Velvet wins and advances.
  • Danhausen VS Brandon Cutler w/ Colt Cabana; Danhausen wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Abadon VS Viva Van; Abadon wins and advances.
  • Ethan Page VS Anthony Henry; Ethan wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Billie Starkz VS Robyn Renegade; Billie wins and advances.
  • Four Corner Survival: AR Fox VS Komander VS Matt Sydal VS Exodus Prime; Komander wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Best 2 Outta 3 Falls Tables Match: Athena VS Nyla Rose; Athena wins and retains the title.


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Sussy Love!

La Wera Loca feels she’s made to be Women’s TV Champion, but she still has to prove she’s worthy of it. Will Taya truly be TV Ready? Or will this tournament get a little Sussy?

The fans already rally for Taya while the Code of Honor is upheld. The bell rings, the two tie up, then they break. They circle, tie up, and Taya waistlocks to SLAM Sussy down. Taya stomps Sussy, soaks up the cheers and flips Sussy over. Sussy kips up to arm-drag and then runs up on Taya. Taya sidesteps but Sussy uses the ropes to flip up and around to arm-drag again! The fans fire up, and Taya CLOBBERS Sussy! Taya says that’s why she’s La Wera Loca and the fans fire up more. Taya stomps Sussy, bumps her off buckles, then CHOPS! The fans “WOO~” and Taya whips corner to corner. Taya runs up, blocks a boot but not the knee!

Sussy runs, slides to dodge, and then returns to tilt-o-whirl and OCTOPUS STRETCH! Taya endures, the fans rally, and Taya powers free. Sussy ROCKS Taya first, then whips her to ropes. Taya reverses but Sussy holds ropes. Taya doesn’t realize, then she runs up only for Sussy to do the splits! Taya tumbles out, Sussy builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Taya! The fans rally while Johnny talks some trash on Sussy. Sussy puts Taya in, tells Johnny to shut up, then jumps over Taya’s baseball slide! Sussy jumps a sweep but not the CHOP BLOCK! Taya drags Sussy off the apron, for an APRON POWERBOMB!

The fans fire up while Mr. & Mrs. TV high-five. Taya stomps Sussy, drags her up, then RAMS her into steel steps! The ring count climbs and Taya counts along in Spanish. Taya puts Sussy in, drags her up, and puts her on ropes to CHOKE! The ref counts, Taya lets off at 4, and she puts Sussy in a corner. Taya winds up to CHOP again! “WOO~!” and Taya says time to roll. Taya fires an elbow then a clothesline, and Sussy sits down. Taya runs up to METEORA! Taya drags Sussy to the cover, TWO! Sussy survives but Taya has a wild look in her eyes. Taya drags Sussy around into a chinlock and leans on her.

Sussy endures, reaches out, throws some elbows, then fights up. Taya cranks on the hold to keep Sussy down but Sussy still fights. Sussy fires more forearms but Taya throws her down by her hair! The ref reprimands while also checking on Sussy, and Taya dusts her hands off. Taya then drags Sussy up to TOSS her around, also by her hair! The ref reprimands more but Taya covers, TWO! Taya has another crazy grin as she pushes Sussy around. The fans rally behind Taya even as Sussy fights back. Taya whips Sussy to a corner, runs up but into a BOOT! Sussy goes up, leaps, CROSSBODY! Then she runs up to ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO!

Sussy is frustrated but she hurries to get Taya up. Sussy whips but Taya reverses, then Taya runs in but Sussy dodges. Sussy GAMANGIRIS, SHINING WIZARDS, then puts Taya in the ropes. Sussy KNEES Taya in the back, then goes to the apron to throw hands! Sussy then climbs, the fans rally, and Sussy headstands into the DOUBLE KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO!! Taya survives and fans fire up while Sussy hurries! “This is Awesome!” as Sussy stands Taya up but Taya kicks low. Taya wrenches, reels Sussy in, underhooks and lift, BUTTERFLY BUSTER! Cover, TWO?! Sussy survives and shocks Taya!

Taya drags Sussy around, but Sussy CHOPS! Taya CHOPS, Sussy CHOPS, repeat! The fans fire up and “WOO~!” then Taya mule kicks! And front kicks! But Sussy gets around to waistlock, but Taya fights the lift! Taya elbows free, runs, and SPEARS! Then Taya flips Sussy over, ties up the legs, SHANIA PAIN!! Cover, Taya wins!

Winner: Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

That curb stomp has just put Taya one step closer to having the title with her initials on it! But will she really be THE TV Champion? Or will Queen Aminata have something to say about that in the quarterfinals?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Red Velvet VS Sandra Moone!

The Chef has been cooking, and she’s ready to finally #StirItUp as a champion! Will she be serving an L tonight? Or will the Subspace Sweetheart make Velvet very sour?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. Then Moone brings Velvet in! Fans are a little torn but Velvet’s game. They circle, tie up, and they’re in a deadlock. Velvet headlocks, then hits the takeover. Moone keeps her shoulders up, headscissors back, and squeezes tight. The fans rally, Velvet kips free but Moone headlocks now. Moone hits a takeover, makes it a cover, ONE as Velvet headscissors. Moone kips free, the two stand off and the fans cheer. Moone rushes in, Velvet boots the lariat, but Moone avoids a haymaker to back suplex! Fans rally, Moone hurries to cover, TWO!

Velvet crawls but Moone powers up and runs, but Velvet ducks the sliding lariat! LA MAGISTROL, TWO! Velvet arm-drags Moone around and Moone goes to a corner. Velvet storms up, fires body shots from all sides, then ROCKS Moone with a right. Velvet stomps a mudhole, then she digs her boot in while doing the splits! Fans cheer, the ref counts, but Velvet lets off at 4. Velvet drags Moone up, runs corner to corner, but Moone BOOTS her down! Then Moone SLIDING LARIATS! Moone fires up and the fans rally behind her. Moone goes to a corner, climbs up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO!

Velvet is still in this and Moone is a bit unsure what to do. Moone kicks Velvet around, but Velvet CHOPS! Moone CLUBS Velvet, kicks her around while holding the wristlock, then says this is done! Moone runs, but Velvet sweeps the legs! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Moone escapes but Velvet knows she’s close. Velvet grabs an arm and wrenches and wrenches to WRING Moone out! Velvet isolates that arm, then says bye as she STOMPS it! Moone writhes, Velvet gets the arm again, and Velvet drops a leg right into the short arm scissor! Moone endures, Velvet cranks on the arm, and fans rally up.

Moone fights up, Velvet pushes her back down, but Moone keeps fighting! Moone punches Velvet’s leg, rolls her back to a cover, TWO! Velvet swings, Moone ducks and lifts, but Velvet fights the atomic drop! Moone tries again, Velvet slips out of the back suplex! Velvet ducks the lariat, BODY BLOWS and then ROCKS Moone! Velvet runs, wheelbarrows, and BULL- NO, Moone makes it a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Velvet survives but Moone runs up, LARIAT! Both women are down and the fans fire up again! Moone crawls and covers, TWO! Velvet survives again and goes to a corner.

Moone grows frustrated but the fans rally up. Moone storms up and fires off forearms in the corner! Velvet fires up, eggs Moone on, so Moone fires off from all sides! Moone whips corner to corner, runs in, but Velvet BOOTS back! Velvet runs up but Moone blocks and ELBOWS, then ROLLING ELBOWS! Then wrenches to CLUB away on Velvet’s neck! Moone steps over the arm, and HOOK KICKS Velvet from below! Cover, TWO!! Velvet survives and then eggs Moone on more! Moone wrenches, knees low, then fisherman’s for the- NO, cradle counter! TWO!! Moone escapes, Velvet dodges, and Velvet CALF KICKS!

Fans fire up with Velvet, she runs and wheelbarrows again, BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!! Moone survives and Velvet is beside herself! The fans rally again as Velvet stands Moone up. Moone ROCKS Velvet, so Velvet ROCKS Moone! Moone fires more shots, scoops Velvet, but Velvet slips free to shove! Moone comes bakc, but Velvet drop toeholds her into ropes! Velvet runs to DOUBLE KNEE Moone! Velvet yanks the ropes to get Moone off, but Moone avoids the Mixer! Moone FISHERMAN BUSTERS!! Cover, TWO!!! Velvet survives and Moone cannot believe it! Moone gets the fans going, goes to a corner and hops up, but Velvet ROCKS her first!

Velvet climbs up after Moone, and puts some stank on the CHOP! Velvet then climbs to the very top, for a SUPER VICTORY ROLL!! The fans are thunderous as Moone flounders, into the MIXER!! Cover, Velvet wins!

Winner: Red Velvet, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Moone brought the heat, but that helped the dough rise, and now Velvet is moving on to the quarterfinals! She’s got a LEGIT opponent in Leyla Hirsch up next, will things only get hotter from here?


Johnny & Taya speak.

La Wera Loca says “Sussy Love, bien venida a ROH, y adios! Okay, that was easy. Seriously! You wanna give her to me, one of the most decorated luchadoras in all of luche libre history? A multi-time world champion, against Sussy Love? C’mon, please! Put some respect on my name and give me someone I can sink my teeth into, because that TV Championship is coming home with me. Cuz this is the TV Era, and clearly she wasn’t TV Ready. Gimme some competition, I’m ready!” Well, the One & Only Queen Aminata awaits, will she be more than enough for Taya?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Abadon VS Viva Van!

The Living Dead Girl has hunted down gold in the past, but now she hunts down history! Will the inaugural champion have a real reign of terror? Or will nothing scare off the Hellbent Vixen?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Abadon throws Viva down, and then drops down just to tease her with a playful wave. The two slowly rise as they stare down, and then Viva shows off with a handspring and pose! Only for Abadon to HEADBUTT her down! Viva flounders to a corner while Abadon says she’s so stupid. Abadon runs in, METEORA! Abadon shoves Viva out to then BASEMENT CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Abadon argues the count, then stalks Viva to ropes. Abadon storms up to stand on Viva and CHOKE her! The ref counts, Abadon “apologizes” as she lets off.

Then Abadon stands on Viva again! Abadon laughs as she sits on Viva, then lets off to “apologize” again. Viva goes to the apron, Abadon runs up but Viva KNEES her! Viva slingshots up and over, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then WHEEL KICKS! Fans fire up as Viva shoves Abadon to a cover, TWO! Viva grows frustrated, she drags Abadon up and reels her in to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Viva keeps her cool and she stalks Abadon now. The fans rally, Viva kicks Abadon at the ropes, then gives back that CHOKE! And even the sitting! Viva adds fishhooks to make Abadon smile! Viva lets off, then wipes her hands off on the ref.

Viva runs in, but Abadon dodges to send her into buckles! Abadon runs back in, but Viva goes up to catch her into a TARANTULA! The fans fire up as Viva thrashes Abadon! The ref counts, Viva lets Abadon go at 4. The fans rally up and Viva stomps Abadon around. Viva drags Abadon into a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Abadon endures, the fans rally, and Abadon fights to pop free! Cover, ONE, and Viva kicks low! Viva reels Abadon in, Abadon wrenches and whips but Viva reverses, only for Abadon to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Viva staggers up but LARIATS Abadon down! The fans fire up, Viva covers, TWO! Viva grows frustrated, and Abadon just sits up!

Viva scowls as Abadon shakes her head and wags her finger. Viva fires forearms, but Abadon SHRIEKS! Abadon fires forearms in return, then LARIATS! And LARIATS again! Abadon cravats but Viva powers out. Abadon dodges to CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Viva survives and Abadon is annoyed. Abadon drags Viva up, runs, but Viva avoids the lariat to kick low! Underhooks in the ropes, DRAPING BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Abadon escapes and Viva is beside herself! The fans rally up, Viva stalks Abadon and CLUBS her! Viva says time to end this, and she Electric Chair Lifts! But Abadon fights with fists!

Abadon wrenches and BITES Viva’s arm! The ref counts, Abadon lets off to run and KNEE! Abadon then sits Viva up, BLACK DAHLIA!! Cover, Abadon wins!

Winner: Abadon, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Mercedes Martinez needs to watch out, because something wicked her way comes! Will the OG Badass be able to survive the Living Dead Girl?


Queen Aminata speaks.

“The Queen has arrived, and The Queen has advanced to the next round of the ROH TV Tournament to face Taya Valkyrie. Taya, I gotta say, I used to watch my matches when I first started. I used to love the way you presented yourself. The way you move in the ring, all the good fight you used to put in that ring. But to be honest, somebody has to tell you, Taya. You’re not that old Taya anymore. No, you’re just this flamboyant Taya. This sleazy mirror Taya. This Taya that comes in the ring with her husband. What’re you doing? Who are you?

“The Queen doesn’t want this new Taya, I want the old one. The one that used to put up that great fight. The one that used to come feeling confident. I want this very Loca Taya. I wanna put on a great match. And after that, I want you, Taya, to move outta my way so The Queen, The One, The Only African Woman Wrestler, can finally be… the first-ever ROH TV Champion.” The Queen of Guinea is ready to be crowned, but will Taya deny her the throne?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Billie Starkz VS Robyn Renegade!

The opening round finally comes to a close, and it wraps up with Athena’s Number One Minion ready to take it all! Will she do the Fallen Goddess proud? Or will Billie fail to stop the Renegade?

The Code of Honor is upheld and Robyn says Billie got what she wanted. The bell rings, the two tie up, and they go around. Robyn headlocks but Billie powers out the back. Billie grinds the arm but Robyn rolls, wrenches and wristlocks. Robyn talks trash but Billie spins through to get free. Robyn chuckles and the fans rally up. Billie and Robyn tie up, and Billie powers Robyn back, only for Robyn to turn that around and put Billie in the corner. The ref counts, Robyn lets off slowly, then she pats Billie on the head. Billie shoves back! The fans fire up as the two talk smack. Billie calls for the test of strength and Robyn obliges.

The two knuckle lock, but then Billie spins and wrenches to whip. Robyn ducks ‘n’ dodges but Billie runs, sunset flips, TWO! EDDY GORDO KICK! The fans fire up and Billie grins. Billie drags Robyn up, suplexes, but Robyn fights that to a cradle! TWO, and the two stand up. Robyn blocks to ROCK Billie with a forearm! Billie goes to a corner, Robyn runs up to clothesline! Robyn says want some, get some! And she CHOPS! Fans fire up and Robyn stands Billie back up. Robyn says here’s one more, and she CHOPS again! Robyn mocks Billie stinging from that, and then she stands Billie up again. Fans rally for one more, Robyn puts some stank on it, but Billie dodges!

Billie ROCKS, CHOPS and repeat, over and over, and the fans fire up! Billie even adds some clotheslines! Billie snapmares, but Robyn is right up to DROPKICK! Billie ends up in the corner, Robyn stomps a mudhole then digs it in! The ref counts, Robyn lets off to soak up the heat, then she stands Billie back up. Robyn ROCKS Billie, whips her to ropes, but Billie ducks ‘n’ holds the ropes! Robyn ducks the heel kick to body shot! Robyn snap suplexes and bridges, TWO! Billie escapes but Robyn keeps cool. Billie crawls her way to a corner, Robyn mocks Billie and the fans about the clapping, but Billie hits back!

Robyn CLUBS Billie down, brings her around and sends her to a corner. Billie stops from hitting buckles, dodges Robyn, but then Robyn dodges Billie! Robyn bumps Billie off buckles, slips around and BACKSTABBERS! Cover, TWO! Billie stays in this but Robyn stays on her. Robyn drags Billie up to snapmare and chinlock. Billie endures as Robyn thrashes her around and taunts her. “Smile for ’em!” The fans rally as Billie fights up, but Robyn wrangles her right back down. Billie still fights, the fans still rally, and Billie throws body shots. Robyn knees low, then whips Billie to a corner. Billie elbows back, then BOOTS!

Billie goes up, Robyn blocks a kick but Billie REBOUND ENZIGIRIS! Fans fire up as Billie LARIATS Robyn down! Billie grits her teeth, rises back up, and she ROCKS Robyn! Robyn ROCKS Billie! The forearms go back and forth, then Robyn CHOPS! Billie CHOPS, so Robyn DOUBLE CHOPS! Billie fires a flurry of forearms! The fans fire up more, Billie powers up but Robyn ENZIGIRIS! Billie flops against ropes but Robyn is on her. Robyn whips, Billie reverses and then HEEL KICKS! Cover, TWO!! Robyn survives that shot but Billie keeps cool. Robyn bails out so Billie builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp!

Billie fires up, goes back into the ring, and she runs again! Another DIVE and down goes Robyn! Billie ain’t done, she slides in and runs again! The fans fire up for the DIVE into a clinch! Robyn RAMS Billie into the apron! The hattrick did not go Billie’s way and she flounders into the ring. Robyn pushes her from ropes, storms back up, but blocks boots! Billie still kicks Robyn away, goes up the corner, and leaps, but Robyn dodges! Billie comes back, but Robyn puts her on the apron! Billie ducks the haymakers, but Robyn catches the shoulder! Billie fights free of that, but Robyn manages to SUNSET FLIP through! POWERBOMB to the floor!!

The fans are thunderous while the ref checks Billie. Billie is somehow still in this but Robyn wants a count-out! The count begins while Billie stirs. Robyn wants it faster but this is still a 20 count! The count only reaches 7 while Robyn talks trash. Robyn says Billie will never amount to anything, but Billie stands and leaps in at 10 of 20! Robyn CLUBS away on Billie for that, then covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Robyn is frustrated and she drags Billie up to pump handle. But Billie slips free of the scoop, to HALF ‘N’ HALF! Billie holds on, traps an arm and has a half nelson with chinbar! Billie digs in her knee, Robyn taps! Billie wins!!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by submission (advances to the next round)

A big win off the Hammerlock Vice, and Billie has her spot in the quarterfinals! But will she continue on through the Elite Eight? Or will she fail to break the Cuban Diamond?


Backstage interview with Ethan Page.

Lexi Nair is with All Ego after his win over Anthony Henry tonight. Ethan is now 12-2 overall, and Ethan wants to stick with the positives. What does this mean for Ethan moving forward? Well, the obvious answer is an ROH World TV Championship match against Kyle Fletcher. Automatic shoe-in given Ethan’s win streak, but for some reason, the TV Champ doesn’t wanna show up for work. Maybe because he’s worried about losing it. But really, a fantastic strategy for Kyle, and if Ethan were Kyle, he’d keep doing it. But while he’s away, Ethan can hang out with the fans more and continue to have this feeling that keeps happening.

Ethan can’t explain the feeling, can’t put a word to it but he’s sure the fans feel it, too. There’s just something in the air. You can even smell it, and you feel it, and Ethan feels it in his heart. And after every win, he feels that feeling grow. That momentum grows. That fire inside of him and with the people watching, it grows! So Kyle, stay away, because by the time he comes back, that momentum will be astronomical! And when Kyle walks in, he’ll feel the electricity in the air and the hair on the back of his neck will stand up! Because everything in ROH since Kyle’s been gone has changed, because of Ethan!

“So please, bring that title back when you’re ready. Because I don’t think you’re gonna like this place anymore. I promise.” All Ego has called out the Protostar, how will the Don Callis Family let Kyle respond?


Billie Starkz speaks.

“I had one heck of a fight tonight. I’ll give it to you, Robyn, you brought more than I thought you would. But this tournament’s for me. That’s my title, and I don’t know how many times I have to say this. I’m going through every single round of this tournament. I’m the youngest and the dumbest, I’m gonna fight all I can. I want this more than anything else. I lost at Final Battle, I’m not losing again. Y’all’re not better than Athena, I’m better than all of you. Get it through your heads. That title is mine.” The Fallen Goddess’ Number One Minion is ready to stand beside her with gold, will she succeed?


ROH Women’s World Championship Best 2 Outta 3 Falls Tables Match: Athena VS Nyla Rose!

After the Fallen Goddess was violently ambushed at her own training school, an equally violent return led to a brutal back and forth between her and the Native Beast. Now it will all come to a devastating end as only one can reign! Who’s body will be broken along with the tables?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and Nyla is already setting up the furniture! It’s the main event of the ROH TV anniversary, but who celebrates the biggest of all?

The bell rings and Athena DROPKICKS! Nyla stays up to CLOBBER Athena! Nyla brings Athena up but Athena throws hands! But then Nyla HEADBUTTS Athena down! The fans rally for Athena as she comes right back, but into a SAMOAN DROP! Fans boo but Nyla tells them to shut up. Nyla goes out to fetch a table and set that up at ringside. Nyla drags Athena to the apron to SMACK her off the edge, then she finishes setting the table. Only for Athena to DROPKICK Nyla! Athena RANAS, but Nyla blocks! APRON POWERBOMB, and then the BEAST BOMB through the table!!

Athena: 0; Nyla: 1

And the all-important first “fall” goes to Nyla! She tells us not to “change the channel” because she’s 1-0, and says we’ll see if she can finish this fast. Nyla puts Athena in the ring, goes looking under but there’s no tables there. Nyla goes around the corner, there’s a table! Nyla puts that table in the ring, but Athena stops her! Athena uses the table to RAM Nyla into barriers! The fans rally, and Athena SUPERKICKS Nyla down! Athena hauls that table up into the ring for herself, and the fans rally up. Athena runs up to KICK Nyla in the side! Athena gets in the ring, brings the table to a corner, but then sees Nyla stand.

Athena runs and DIVES, but into Nyla’s hands! APRON CHOKE SLAM! The fans are stunned while Athena writhes. The ref checks Athena, she is somehow still in this, so Nyla hobbles over. Nyla THROWS Athena into steel steps! Athena writhes again while Nyla soaks up the heat. Nyla even plays with a fan’s very long beard. Nyla drags Athena up but Athena throws body shots. Nyla SMACKS Athena off the apron, pushes her in, then stomps away! The fans rally for Athena as hard as they can but Nyla CLUBS her down. Nyla claims they are all HER Minions now, but Athena fires off CHOP after CHOP!

Nyla CHOPS back, DECKS Athena, then hauls her back up. Nyla scoops and SLAMS Athena, then soaks up more heat. Nyla throws off the gloves and drags Athena up again. Nyla whips her hard into a corner, then SPLASHES! Athena sits down and Nyla calls her shot, CANNONBALL! Athena flops over and Nyla grabs that table. Nyla sets it up in a corner, and Nyla says, “Careful what you wish for.” But Athena runs up to SMACK Nyla off the table! And again! The table stays standing, Nyla shoves Athena away, but Athena tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Nyla hits off buckles, Athena goes to fireman’s carry! Nyla CLUBS away to knock Athena down!

Nyla hobbles, she stands Athena up, and HIP TOSS but Athena handsprings through! Athena ROCKS Nyla, but Nyla PELES Athena! Nyla runs, to CROSSBODY! Athena flounders her way to the apron, back to the wreckage of the first table, and even to the steel steps. Nyla pushes the second table over before she pursues Athena. Nyla digs her boots in at the railing but the ref reprimands. Nyla lets off, sits Athena up, and KNEES her against railing! Fans boo but Nyla backs up. Nyla runs back in, but Athena moves, CANNONBALL hits railing! Nyla writhes now and the fans rally for Athena! Athena runs up to SHOTGUN Nyla down!

The fans fire up while Athena growls and glares at Nyla. Athena rises as the fans are thunderously behind her. Athena catches her breath, goes looking under the ring, and finds herself a new table! The fans cheer as she sets that up ringside. Athena DROPKICKS Nyla back down and HAMMERS away on her in fury! Athena shoves Nyla and tells the ref to leave her alone! Athena goes back to her table, finishes setting that up, and then positions it just right. Athena storms up on Nyla, brings her around, and hauls her up to the apron. Fans fire up as Athena lines up the shot, but Nyla fires hands!

Athena and Nyla brawl on the edge, and then Nyla HEADBUTTS! Athena fires shots again and again, then clinches! Nyla fights free of that, and choke grips! Fans freak out, CHOKE- NO, Athena slips up and over the ropes! Athena ROCKS Nyla, Nyla holds onto ropes as she wobbles! Athena goes up a corner, takes aim, for the O FACE!! Nyla falls through the table!!

Athena: 1; Nyla: 1

And we’re all tied up! It all comes down to this final fall, “This is Awesome!” as Athena already has that second table ready to go! Nyla flounders out of the wreckage, drags herself into the ring, and Athena stalks her. Athena stomps Nyla, drags her up, SLAPS her, then fireman’s carries! Fans fire up as Athena manages the lift! But then she falls right over, Nyla right on top of her! Nyla laughs as she sits back up and then brings Athena around. Nyla scoops, but Athena slips free! Nyla BOOTS Athena down then hurries to get her back up! Nyla puts Athena on the table, punches away on her face, then goes up the corner!

Nyla aims but Athena slips off the table! Athena CHOPS Nyla, then climbs up! Fans fire up as Athena climbs, CLUBS away on Nyla, but Nyla fights the superplex! Nyla CLUBS away on Athena now, then dumps Athena to the apron! Nyla repositions herself, kicks at Athena from above, but Athena SLAPS Nyla! Nyla kicks, Athena SLAPS! They go back and forth, each wobbling after the other’s shot! Nyla realizes there’s a table at ringside! Nyla CLAWS Athena’s eyes to stop her! Nyla then sees another table at ringside and aims for it! But Athena has Nyla’s foot to stay on the apron! Athena ROCKS Nyla again!

Athena UPPERCUTS, then she uses the corner to Electric Chair Lift Nyla!! ELECTRIC CHAIR FACEBUSTER through the table!!! Athena wins!!!

Winner: Athena, by 2-1 falls (still ROH Women’s World Champion)

The Fallen Goddess, the Minion Overlord, the woman carrying this promotion, just slayed the Native Beast! If not even this could stop Athena, will she truly be our Forever Champion? But at the same time, Nyla sits up and manages to laugh…? Is Nyla’s hunt for gold in ROH not over yet?

My Thoughts:

A great ROH right here, but apologies to the fellas on this episode, I didn’t have time for anything other than the women’s title stories. Though, I did skim, so I know Lee Johnson had another great showing, Danhausen VS Brandon Cutler w/ Colt Cabana was a lot of goofy fun, and Exodus Prime had a great showing in a Fatal 4 Way that he of course wasn’t winning. And really good promo from Ethan after his newest win, though I wish there didn’t have to be as many worked shoot promos of “You need to show up on ROH so I can face you already!” type stuff going on. Tony Khan needs to get people who hold ROH titles onto ROH TV!

Great matches in the Women’s TV Championship Tournament, of course. Taya VS Sussy was good, Sussy really getting a good showing in the loss. Taya talked trash on Sussy as like she’s just a jobber in the promo after, and Queen Aminata had a very good response promo, so their match is going to be awesome next round. Equally great showings from Viva Van against Abadon and Sandra Moone against Red Velvet, but naturally Abadon and Velvet won out. Abadon is very likely to get past Mercedes Martinez, Velvet VS Leyla could go either way depending on how Leyla’s story with Rachael Ellering is going to go.

But also a great match of Billie VS Robyn, and of course Billie won there. Billie had a great promo, she is still highly favored to win in my opinion, more than likely facing Aminata in the finals. Both are so talented, and while Billie has gotten the overt push with her joining Athena, facing Athena, and having Athena’s support, Aminata stuck it out, proved herself, and has been recognized by management to finally get some wins. That’s a real toss-up there, and either result would make for a huge moment at what I’m assuming is Supercard of Honor on April 5th, aka them piggybacking WrestleMania Weekend.

The tables match was really good stuff, but much like any tables match, and much like any 2 Outta 3 Falls match, the flow was pretty standard. We end up with a tie and the final fall finishes it, which made for a great comeback by Athena to win it all. A part of me is surprised Athena won out, but Athena has done such phenomenal work since becoming ROH Women’s World Champion that in a way, she’s kinda stuck. If this women’s tournament arc is any indication, ROH knows how to use the women’s division better per episode than AEW, but viewership and live audience attendance are still lacking. To me, Athena is the big fish in the small pond, but is deserving of being the biggest of them all.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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