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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (2/16/24)




FINALLY… The Rock has come back to SmackDown!

SmackDown is truly must-see, and not just because The Miz faces Logan Paul, but because Roman Reigns AND The Rock will both be here!


  • Men’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Kevin Owens VS Dominik Mysterio; Kevin wins and advances to Elimination Chamber: Perth.
  • Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Tiffany Stratton VS Zelina Vega; Tiffany wins and advances to Elimination Chamber: Perth.
  • The Authors of Pain w/ Paul Ellering VS Javier Bernal & Beau Morris; The AOP win.
  • Men’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Logan Paul VS The Miz; Logan wins and advances to Elimination Chamber: Perth.
  • Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Naomi VS Alba Fyre; Naomi wins and advances to Elimination Chamber: Perth.


The Rock arrives backstage!

Dwayne Johnson pulls up in his own truck and finishes an energy drink as he heads inside. Will Salt Lake City smell what The Rock is cooking up for WrestleMania?


Men’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Kevin Owens VS Dominik Mysterio!

The Prizefighter may not be United States Champion, but he’s looking to go for something bigger and better! Will KO #JustKeepFighting until he’s facing World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Freakin’ Rollins? Or will Dirty Dom get to be more than just Mami’s plus one in Perth?

Dom has a mic as he makes his entrance but fans boo. Dom says “Judgment Day has a huge…” The boos are so loud, he starts again. “The Judgment Day is gonna dominate! Finn & Damian are gonna…!” Kevin acts like he can’t hear Dom over the crowd. Dom says Finn & Priest are gonna retain their Undisputed WWE Tag Team titles, and Mami Rhea is gonna stay Women’s World Champion! And then he, Dirty Dom, will win Elimination Chamber to complete the sweep! The fans get louder, Dom throws the mic away, and he gets in the ring. The bell rings, he and Kevin circle. They tie up, and Kevin headlocks.

Fans cheer, Dom pries at the hold, and he wrenches to a headlock back. The fans boo but Kevin powers his way up and out. Kevin RAMS Dom, neither falls, so Kevin dares Dom to do something. Dom runs, Kevin dodges and runs Dom over! Dom flounders out of the ring while the fans fire up! Dom shakes out his arms while Kevin eggs him on. The count starts but Dom slides in at 3 of 10. Dom kicks, Kevin blocks, and Kevin spins Dom around to kick and headlock. Dom powers up and out but Kevin runs him over again! Things keep moving, Dom hurdles but Kevin is ready to arm-drag! Dom flounders to a corner and fans boo.

Kevin frowns while Dom paces around on the outside. Dom slides back in, kicks Kevin low then headlocks. Kevin powers up and out, then drops, but Dom ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Dom gets Kevin with an arm-drag then DROPKICKS him! Dom flexes but fans boo, and then Kevin CLOBBERS Dom! The fans fire up again and Kevin clotheslines Dom up and out! Kevin builds speed and he… has to stop as Dom moves out of the way. Kevin grabs at Dom but Dom drags Kevin out to SMACK him off the apron! And again! Dom whips, Kevin reverses but Dom stops from hitting steps! So Kevin DECKS him!

Kevin puts Dom in the ring, but wait! R-Truth appears from under the ring!? Truth argues with Kevin about something, and Dom WRECKS Kevin with a dropkick! Dom SMACKS Kevin off the desk, then RAMS him into the steel steps! Dom puts Kevin in, Truth shouts at Dom about how he was talking to Kevin! Dom hits a slingshot SENTON! Cover, TWO! Kevin is still in this and Truth asks where Miz was on Monday! Truth’s confusion aside, Dom stands tall and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Truth is in “Miz’s” corner as Dom has a chinlock on. Kevin endures and the fans rally up. Dom leans on Kevin, Truth coaches Kevin up, and Kevin fights up to his feet. Kevin throws body shots, then forearms! Kevin reels Dom in to back suplex, but Dom lands out of it to hit an EDGE O’MATIC! Cover, TWO! Kevin toughs it out as Dom goes Rated R there. Dom stalks Kevin, throws his shirt at Truth and tells him to leave, then he drags Kevinn up. Dom throws hands, but Kevin hits back! The fans rally as the forearms keep going, then Kevin BOOTS Dom! Kevin counter punches Dom and backs him down!

Kevin whips, Dom reverses but Kevin kicks back! Kevin reels Dom in, short arm LARIAT! Truth fires up for Kevin/Miz and the fans are with him! Kevin rises, storms up on Dom, and counter punches more! Kevin HEADBUTTS away on Dom, stomps him at the ropes, then stomps a mudhole in, but lets off as the ref counts. Dom flops out of the ring, Kevin goes out to LARIAT! Kevin asks if the fans got a good shot of that. Then SENTON! The fans fire up as Kevin drags Dom up and into the ring. Kevin sees Dom go to a corner, and Kevin says “SUCK IT!” CANNONBALL! The fans fire up as Kevin goes up the corner!

Kevin aims, and he FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives and shocks Salt Lake City! Truth says Miz is bringing business, and Kevin storms up on Dom. Kevin whips, POP-UP, but Dom slips free! Dom kicks and hits a X-FACTOR! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up for Kevin but Dom hauls him back up. Dom suplexes, Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom hits Dos Amigos! The fans boo more and Truth gives thumbs down, but Kevin stops Three Amigos! Kevin suplexes up and over, for HIS Uno Amigo! Then Dos Amigos! And then Dom stops Three Amigos, to hit a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives but Dom hurries up a corner!

Dom aims, leaps, FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Kevin moves! The fans fire up as Kevin climbs again! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!? Dom survives again and even Truth can’t believe it! Truth coaches “Miz” up, “This is Awesome!” as both men rise. Dom stops Stunner to SUPERKICK! Kevin ends up on ropes and Dom dials it up! Fans boo but the 619 hits! Cover, TWO!!! Kevin survives and Dom is furious! Dom tells Truth to get him a chair! Truth wants to be Judgment Day, right? Truth says he’s not in Judgment Day! Dom says yes he is! Truth goes over to get a chair, but the fans say don’t do it!

Truth walks back over, and just takes a seat! The fans cheer as Truth remembers reality this time! Dom runs up on Kevin, but into a SUPERKICK! And then a whip, POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, Kevin wins!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by pinfall (advances to the Elimination Chamber)

The fans cheer as Dirty Dom doesn’t get what he wants, he gets what he deserves! The Prizefighter is in, will he get a massive win on the Road to WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

Kayla Braxton is with the Scottish Terminator, noting Kevin qualifying for the Elimination Chamber, but McIntyre says he doesn’t care who else gets in. It’ll be a lot of top superstars who all want to win, but there is only one superstar that needs to win. Not just for himself, but for Raw, the people, the World Heavyweight Championship itself. The Savior of WrestleMania is Drew McIntyre! Four years ago, his moment was stolen away, and for what? But then in walks LA Knight! “I need this, I need that, whatever! LEMME TALK TO YA!” Knight says McIntyre’s going on because of this and that, his moment being stolen, whatever.

LA Knight says McIntyre’s moment will be stolen one more time at Elimination Chamber, courtesy of the man they call The Mega Star, with everybody saying L A KNIGHT, YEAH! McIntyre says Knight’s good. But all this bravado and personality, McIntyre sees through him. It comes from a place of insecurity, and Knight should be insecure. As much as the fans are behind him now, as entertaining as he is now, when that bell rings, that is when Knight loses them. He needs to produce results, titles, or else the fans will turn on you. Just look at McIntyre’s resume! It’s stacked! Knight says good thing he brought that up, and thanks for the advice, old timer.

Here’s how Knight sees it. When he sees that resume, McIntyre talks about being champion, but he hasn’t been a champion of anything since Knight’s shown up! Matter of fact, losing the people? That’s what McIntyre has done the last two years! But tell ya what, Knight thinks this is a cute little shirt, but there’s room on that tombstone for one more name. CM Punk, and DM Hunk! McIntyre’s aspirations will be buried all the same! And there he goes, right to the jokes. No, this is him being serious. Refs get in to keep this from escalating, but Knight says they’re just talking. These two will do more than just talk inside the Chamber, will either survive inside the structure?


Roman Reigns arrives backstage.

The Tribal Chief is welcomed by Paul Heyman and Jimmy Uso. Roman gives Jimmy a hug, which is surprising to everyone. Roman says they’re gonna go fix everything that Jey messed up. Jimmy is feeling good about it now! Jimmy & Solo follow Roman & Heyman inside, will The Bloodline look to write their story over Cody Rhodes’?


Logan Paul also arrives backstage.

The Maverick has his entourage and the US Championship, but he’s clearly wanting more. Will Logan get another win off The Miz as he heads for WrestleMania? Or will SmackDown actually be awesome?


Backstage interview with British Strong Style.

Kayla is with Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne and says Pete’s really turned around since reuniting with Tyler. With all their recent success, how do they plan on continuing that against Finn & Priest at Elimination Chamber? Pete says y’know what? Things are going great. Last week was living proof. All that’s left is for Bruiserweight & Big Strong Boi to do is walk into Perth, slap Judgment Day about, and then walk out with the tag titles. “Oh, Peter, my chum,” Tyler says, “that’s music to my ears, mate.” And they have been doing so well recently that he feels a new team name! So what’s about this? New Catch Republic!

Bate is sure Dunne loves it, he can see it in the eyes! Because these two are about to revolutionize this tag team division, but first up is unbelievable- Dom storms in and tells them to shut up! Bate & Dunne can’t beat any two members of the Judgment Day, let alone Finn & Priest! Bate says then let’s test that. Next week: Bate & Dunne VS Dom & R-Truth. Truth isn’t part of Judgment Day! You should know that! Dunne says jog on, muppet. Then it’ll be Dom & JD. Will #NewCatchRepublic have a win over one half of Judgment Day before getting the other?


Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Tiffany Stratton VS Zelina Vega!

The Spoiled Rich Girl wants to still be the Center of the Universe, even here on SmackDown. However, La Muneca isn’t just some stepping stone. Will the former Queen of the Ring put the brat in her place? Or will Wrestling Barbie be headed to Australia?

SmackDown returns and Tiff makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two tie up. Tiff waistlocks then shoves Vega away. Tiff mocks Vega, Vega runs up and waistlocks. Tiff powers Vega to a corner, elbows free, but Vega elbows back! Vega goes up to RANA Tiff away! Fans fire up but Tiff stands to knee low. Tiff scoops Vega to SLAM her, then gloats. Tiff runs but Vega avoids the stomps to sweep the legs! Vega then baits Tiff to put her on the apron, and she KNEES Tiff down! Vega goes out to get Tiff, but Tiff whips. Vega reverses to send Tiff into the apron! Vega goes up the apron to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up with Vega as she goes back up.

Vega goes to the corner and climbs, to then ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit on Tiff and the fans are even more fired up! Vega waits in the ring, but she spots Legado Del Fantasma watching in the crowd. They wave hi and that frustrates Vega, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Vega fights up out of a chinlock. The fans rally, and the LWO walks out here to counter Legado being ringside. Vega fires body shots and forearms and the fans fire up! Tiff knees low, but she sees the scene being made. She suplexes, but Vega hits STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Tiff staggers, swings, Vega dodges to CLOBBER Tiff! Vega drop toeholds Tiff to ropes, then dials it up, but Tiff swings! Vega dodges, comes back, and tilt-o-whirl DDTS! The fans fire up as Vega covers, TWO! Tiff survives and Santos likes that. Vega hurries to CLUB Tiff, go up a corner, and then leaps, but Tiff dodges!

Tiff kicks low, runs, and cartwheels into the Alabama SLAM! High stack, TWO!! Vega survives and the LWO is relieved. Tiff scowls, then drags Vega to a drop zone. Tiff goes up and- NO, Vega anchors her! Tiff kicks Vega away but then Vega 619s the legs out! Tiff hits off buckles, Vega goes up, METEORA! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up and Tiff flops out of the ring. Vega hurries out after Tiff, but Tiff knee slow! Tiff whips Vega hard into barriers! But Vega hits back! Lopez stands up to taunt Vega, La Muneca DRAGS La Madrina into ringside! Vega ROCKS Lopez, hurries back, but Tiff KICKS Vega in the ropes!

Tiff reels Vega in, SKY HIGH! And then PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER! Cover, Tiff wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall (advances to the Elimination Chamber)

Vega let her grudge get the better of her, Legado ends up with the moral victory here! Will the LWO get payback on Legado soon enough? Meanwhile, Tiff is moving on to Perth, will she then continue down the road to Philadelphia?


The OC meets backstage.

AJ Styles sulks and the others just want to talk with him. Karl Anderson doesn’t get why the others care so much. Clearly Styles has forgotten where he came from. Styles storms up into Karl’s face and pushes him! Karl pushes back, so Styles SLAPS him! Styles says HE didn’t forget nothing! Karl says if Styles was anyone else… Oh, is that what’s holding him back? Gallows has Karl cool off and Styles storms off. What is happening to the Phenomenal One that he’s treating his Good Brothers so badly?


The Final Testament talks strategy backstage.

Paul Ellering is getting his Authors of Pain on the same page, Akam & Rezar have their return to in-ring action here tonight! Who will suffer their wrath in the Street Profits’ place?


Damage Control speaks.

Iyo Sky tells Bayley, “You like to pretend like our success is all because of you. But you’re wrong. Damage Control may have started with your vision, but we made it what it was. We became champions because we are strong. Bayley, I’m not the same superstar your brought to SummerSlam a few years ago. You think you can choose to face me at WrestleMania and win? It’s Iyo’s Era! And it’ll stay that way when I embarrass you on the Grandest Stage of Them All.” Asuka calls out Dakota Kai, saying, “If you think you can turn on us with no consequences, then you’re just a stupid as Bayley!”

Kairi warns them to sleep with one eye open, because they’re coming for you! “No one is ready for Damage Control.” The Evil Genius, the Empress of Tomorrow and the Pirate Princess hold all the gold, but will they keep it all under control?


The Authors of Pain w/ Paul Ellering VS Javier Bernal & Beau Morris!

Akam & Rezar are ready to destroy on behalf of the Final Testament. Will they do just that on the Road to WrestleMania? Or will #BigBodyJavi and his buddy find a way to survive the apocalypse?

The teams sort out, Akam starts against Javi and then just CLOBBERS him! Akam hauls Javi up, clinches, and hits an EXPLODER! Javi ends up in the corner, tag to Rezar. Javi BLASTS Beau, Rezar helps drag the big man up and over for a SLAM! Rezar CLUBS away on Beau, then storms back over to tag Akam. The AOP get Javi & Beau up, for the SUPER COLLIDER!! That’s not it?! Suplex for Javi into DRAG THE LAKE!! Cover, AOP wins!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, by pinfall

Well, back to NXT for Javi & Beau, with a stop by the medic’s for good measure. The AOP is continuing where they left off, will they and Karrion Kross destroy all that stand in their way?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron Saxton is with “THE WWE United States Champion,” and notes this is his first match on SmackDown. Yes, absolutely right, first-ever live television match. So you’re welcome. To Byron, to the fans, you’re all welcome. Get on your phones, your computers, log on to X or whatever “peons” do, and get #ThankYouLogan trending, because tonight, you get to see him knock out Miz live on SmackDown! The only champion in the qualifying matches, he will qualify, go on to Australia, then win the Chamber. Then mark his words, he will rematch Rollins at WrestleMania to become World Heavyweight Champion.

And y’know what that’ll make Logan? WWE’s newest Double Champion. Logan Paul: Double Champ. He likes how that sounds. But will he make that one step closer to a reality? We find out, after the break.


Catering is brought to the Bloodline suite.

Seems The Tribal Chief is in a really good mood to be sitting down for a meal. Is this just another sign of the Bloodline preparing something big for tonight?


Men’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Logan Paul VS  The Miz!

The Maverick wants a rematch with The Visionary, but he’s got a rematch with the Hollywood A-Lister first. Will Logan do Miz like he did him the last time they met? Or will Miz win the sequel like he’s Rocky Balboa?

The bell rings and the fans rally as Miz and Logan circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and Logan powers Miz to a corner. Logan lets off, pokes Miz in the forehead, but Miz kicks low! Miz headlocks. Logan powers up and out but Miz runs him over! Miz checks a point on the board, then things speed up. Logan hurdles, but Miz catches him for an atomic drop! Miz CHOPS Logan off his feet, and the fans fire up as he storms around. Miz drags Logan up, bumps him off buckles, then whips corner to corner. Logan reverses, runs up, but is put on the apron. Logan ROCKS Miz, goes up a corner, and leaps to CROSSBODY!

Logan then stands up to STANDING MOONSAULT! #CrossMoonCombo, but Miz gets his knees up! Miz and Logan scrap on the mat, Miz gets a cover, TWO! Logan flounders to ropes, Miz runs up, but he blocks the boot! Miz puts the leg in the ropes, KICKS it, then runs side to side to DROPKICK the leg! Logan hobbles, Miz KICKS the other leg out! The fans fire up, Miz BASEMENT BOOTS! Cover, TWO! The fans chant “LOGAN SUCKS!” and Miz nods. We see Nick Aldis has some VIP guests in the skybox: Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair, who have already qualified; Bron Breakker, who may or may not sign with SmackDown; and Jade Cargill, who is also a hot free agent still!

Miz drags Logan up, whips him to ropes, but Logan KICKS back! Miz runs up, but into a fireman’s carry! Logan grins, ROLLING SENTONS, then he hobbles. The bad leg is holding him back but he snarls as he storms back up on Miz. Logan UPPERCUTS Miz, UPPERCUTS again, then UPPERCUTS again! Logan fires off more shots, then UPPERCUTS Miz off his feet! Logan grins but fans boo as he runs, SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Logan is annoyed as Miz goes to a corner, and he storms over. Logan CHOPS, then CHOPS again! Logan talks trash, CHOPS again, then swings, but Miz dodges!

Miz CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Logan shoves Miz away but Miz dodges to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! The “It Kicks” keep coming as Miz fires off on Logan in the corner! Miz lets off, the fans fire up, and Miz runs back in, A-LIST LARIAT! Miz shoves Logan down, the fans fire up more, and Miz RAMS into Logan. Miz brings Logan around but Logan stops the buckle bump. Logan elbows Miz, POSTS him, then triangle jump LARIATS! Miz falls and Logan goes to the apron! Logan goes up a corner to APRON FROG SPLASH!! Logan grins, fans are torn, but Miz flops down as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Miz gets Logan with the BACKBREAKER to NECKBREAKER! The A-List Combination leaves both men down, but the fans rally up. Miz goes to ropes, Logan stands, and Logan swings! Miz blocks to counter punch! And again! And again! And again! Miz fires off but Logan kicks low. Logan runs, but into a LARIAT! Miz rallies with more LARIATS, then he whips Logan to a corner! Logan staggers back, Miz runs up, LEAPING LARIAT! The fans are thunderous for Miz, he hauls Logan up and wrenches. Hammerlock and FLATLINER! That’s a new one for Miz! Cover, TWO!

Logan stays in this but Miz powers up to say, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” Full nelson, but Logan RAMS Miz into buckles! Logan hobbles again, runs back up, but Miz dodges the splash! Miz runs up, Logan BOOTS him, then hops up. But Miz kicks out the legs! DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Logan survives but is dazed, and Miz is beside himself. The fans rally, Logan sits up, and Miz aims. Miz KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! The “It Kicks” keep going, then Miz winds up, only for Logan to duck the buzzsaw! Roll-up, TWO! Miz BOOTS Logan to a corner, but Logan kicks back. Miz blocks, puts the leg in ropes, and drops a knee on the knee!

Miz snarls, and he KICKS Logan’s leg out again! And again! Logan flounders, Miz grabs him and drags him back, but Logan grabs the apron skirt! The ref has to fix the skirt, Logan pokes Miz in the eyes! And he steals SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Miz survives his own move and Logan is shocked! The fans are thunderous but Logan slaps his bad leg into working. Logan goes to a corner, he powers up the hand, and runs up, but into a half nelson! Logan arm-drags free, sunset flips, but Miz rolls through! Miz steps through, FIGURE FOUR!! Logan flails, crawls, reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

Fans boo but Miz holds until 4. Logan gets out of the ring, Miz pursues! Logan RAMS Miz into the apron! Logan tosses Miz back in, then looks for his guys. His entourage gets him the brass knuckles, but Miz CLOBBERS Logan from behind! Miz grabs the knuckles, glares at the entourage, but the ref says no knuckles! Miz tosses the knuckles, puts Logan in, and then he aims, but he has to bail out of the springboard as Logan uses the ref as a shield! Logan runs up, Miz ROCKS him first! But Logan grabs Miz’s leg to YANK him into roes! ONE LUCKY PUNCH!! Logan keeps Miz up, for an STO!! Cover, Logan wins!

Winner: Logan Paul, by pinfall (advances to the Elimination Chamber)

Logan said he was gonna go to Australia, and here it is. But will the ImPAULsive prophecy be further fulfilled inside such a star-studded Chamber match?


Nick Aldis meets with Bron Breakker and Jade Cargill backstage.

The SmackDown General Manager has them both looking at their potential contracts, and both of them are hesitant to make it final tonight. But then Tiffany struts in, says hi to Bianca and Liv, and knows they also saw Tiff win her qualification match. So y’know, Tiff is a little new around here and doesn’t know how the Chamber works. Does she pin Liv first? Or does she pin Bianca first? Girl, uh-uh. Bianca has actually won a Chamber match, so Tiff ain’t talking to her like that. And Tiff must be confused from getting slammed real hard. Jade tells them that she knows this ain’t happening during her big business meeting.

Bianca says yeah, Tiff, this is on you. Aldis calms everyone down, and tells Tiff that it is not the time nor the place. Tiff says she’ll see Liv & Bianca at the Chamber match. Tootles. Tiff leaves, Bianca and Liv can’t believe her. But will they settle things with Tiff soon enough? As for Aldis, he decides he, Bron and Jade should relocate. They leave the skybox, will Aldis convince one or both hot free agents to sign with SmackDown before the night is over?


Paul Heyman talks with Grayson Waller.

We can’t hear what The Wise Man is saying, but given the Grayson Waller Effect will have a special edition in Australia next week, is this some kind of special advice on how to… handle Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins?


Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Naomi VS Alba Fyre w/ Isla Dawn!

The return at the Royal Rumble brought the glow back to the WWE, and now it’s time for the SmackDown return! Will everyone from here to Australia #FeelTheGlow? Or will Alba blaze a trail of her own on this Road to WrestleMania?

SmackDown returns and Alba makes her entrance, The Wicked Witch by her side. The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally, Naomi and Alba tie up, and Alba gets around to throw Naomi by her hair! The ref reprimands but Alba smacks Naomi off the mat. Alba bumps Naomi off buckles, digs her boots in, then lets off as the ref counts. Alba CHOKES Naomi on ropes, lets off, but then Isla CHOKES Naomi! Isla gets away with it, Alba storms up but she blocks Naomi’s boot. Naomi’s rebound ENZIGIRI hits instead! Naomi runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, slides and BOOTS Alba low! Naomi runs, slides to fake Fyre’s guard out, then SMACKS her down!

Fans fire up with Naomi and she gets moving, to then SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Alba bails out, Isla coaches her, but Naomi runs up! Alba blocks the kick, drags Naomi out but Naomi BOOTS her away. Isla distracts Naomi and Alba CLOBBERS Naomi! Alba whips, Naomi stops herself and ELBOWS back! Naomi storms up to BULLDOG Alba on the steel steps! The fans fire up with Naomi again and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Alba has a chinlock. Naomi fights up, arm-drags free, and fans fire up. Naomi ELBOWS Alba, goes to a corner, then BOOTS! Alba storms back up but Naomi puts her in the corner. Naomi rallies with big clotheslines, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Fans fire up, Naomi runs up again to SHOTGUN Alba down! Naomi kips up as Alba goes to ropes, and Naomi runs to swing and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Alba survives but Naomi keeps her cool. Naomi brings Alba up as the fans rally, and Naomi ROCKS Alba with forearm after forearm! But Alba whips! Naomi reverses to CORNER BULLDOG!

Naomi pushes Alba away, goes up a corner, and Alba stands up into the CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Alba survives, Isla is relieved, but Naomi keeps her focus. Naomi drags Alba up, full nelsons, but Alba RAMS Naomi into buckles! Alba snapmares Naomi, Naomi gets up and comes back, wheelbarrow but Alba gives her a STUN GUN to FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Naomi survives that deep cradle, and Alba is losing her cool! The fans rally up, Alba fireman’s carries, but Naomi slips free! Naomi O’Conner Rolls, TWO!! Isla SUCKER PUNCHES Naomi!! Alba rolls her up, with tights! TWO!!!

Naomi survives and the fans fire up again! The Unholy Union is furious, but Alba Gory Especials. But Naomi kicks off buckles to get free! JUMP KNEE! Isla gets on the apron but Naomi ENZIGIRIS her down! Naomi tells Isla to “SUCK IT!” then she goes back for Alba. SPIKE-RANA!! Then she rolls Alba into the BUTTERFLY STRETCH! Alba TAPS, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by submission

Naomi fixes her hair so she looks good for her hand being raised. There’s only one spot left, to be determined by a Last Chance Battle Royal this Monday, but will Naomi be ready for all her opponents inside the Chamber?


Bayley walks around backstage.

Dakota Kai finds her and says she needs Bayley’s help. Did Bayley hear what Iyo and the others said? They’re going to come after Dakota, too! She doesn’t know what to do! Bayley’s the only person Dakota can trust now! Oh, really? Bayley says that yeah, she saw what DMG CTRL had to say. And she does appreciate what Dakota did for her last week, but this has been going on for months now. Bayley isn’t sure who she can trust now. Dakota says okay, yeah, she knows. She is sorry. She just thought everything would be okay after they all achieved their goals. Bayley tells Dakota that she has to understand where Bayley’s coming from. Bayley cannot do this right now.

Bayley leaves Dakota behind, but will they find they have to stand together against Iyo, Asuka & Kairi? Or will they both fall alone?


Nick Aldis is on stage.

The SmackDown GM says as many of us know, he has been negotiating with multiple free agents within the WWE for the SmackDown roster, and for us, the WWE Universe. And he is pleased to announce that one such individual is no longer a free agent. Welcome the newest member of SmackDown… BRON BREAKKER! The NXT Tag Team Champion has chosen to go Team Blue! Bron and Aldis shake hands, then Bron makes it official by signing on the dotted line. The fans cheer as the photo ops begin. Will the Big Bad Booty Nephew have quite the impact on SmackDown from here on out? And what does this mean about Bron’s tag team partner, Baron Corbin?


The Bloodline heads to the ring!

Salt Lake City is torn as The Tribal Chief leads the way for Jimmy Uso, Solo Siko & The Wise Man, Paul Heyman. Roman raises the Universal Championship high for the pyro, then smirks as he hands it back to Heyman. Heyman holds the belt up as a banner as the group continues down the ramp. This marks day 1,265 of Roman’s reign, with just over 50 days until WrestleMania 40 and the title match with Cody Rhodes. The Bloodline stands in the ring, the belt is raised again and there’s more pyro. The fans are torn, but there’s booing and perhaps chants of “CODY! CODY!” as Heyman hands Roman a mic.

Roman says “Salt Lake City…! ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” Again fans are torn, but the boos seem pretty strong here. Roman says, “Can I be honest with all of you? I wanna be honest with you. The people of Utah… Well, you’re idiots.” Fans boo that, but Roman says, “I did not say individually. I meant when we get you all together like this, you’re pretty dumb.” Fans still boo but Roman says tonight’s a big night! He doesn’t want the Utes to ruin this. Because when his cousin comes out here… “Y’all might go dumb and just, ‘Catchphrase this, oh he’s so funny!’ But this is the thing. Everything we say has meaning, it has purpose, it is information that you need to understand.

“Tonight’s history. Tonight is the greatest night ever in the WWE.” The fans chant for Cody, though. Roman smirks and shrugs that off as “The Guy Who Ruined Everything.” But tonight, The Bloodline fixes it! Tonight is about history! Tonight… is the first night that they can say The Rock is a member of The Bloodline. Fans boo but Roman grins. The mic goes back to Heyman as “IF YA SMELLLL~!” The Rock makes his entrance, taking his time walking out in an outfit reminiscent of the old days. The Rock shows off the goosebumps, the vest, and then swaggers his way down the ramp. And we will hear from the Great One, after the break.

SmackDown returns once more, and The Rock has joined The Bloodline in the ring. The Rock has a mic but the fans are even more torn than with Roman. The Rock says, “Now before The Rock drops some gospel on ya, The Rock has got some good news to share. Something that’s gonna make you happy, something that you can own. Tonight, it is official. You all, right now, right on Fox, have broken an all-time indoor attendance record.” Fans cheer that! The Rock says “Not only for the city of Salt Lake, but for the entire state of Utah, congratulations.” Fans cheer again, and The Rock says here’s the record they broke: The all-time record for a gathering of trailer park trash he has ever seen!

Fans boo but The Bloodline chuckles over how The Rock suckered the fans in. Well if they didn’t like that, they’ll love this. “Finally…! Oh, you wanna boo that? Are you sure you wanna boo The Rock? Finally, your life has meaning! Finally, you and your 51 wives will have a story to tell. And y’know what I’m talking about, you’ll have a story to tell your 600 inbred grandchildren one day. And that is what it’s like to look at greatness in the flesh, because finally, The Rock has come back to Salt Lake City!” Fans still cheer, happy to be mentioned. They even chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” which takes The Rock by surprise.

The Rock says they have all brought out a side of him we haven’t seen in years. This side of The Rock has always been here, “you shut your mouth, fatty, or The Rock will come out there and slap the herpes off your lips.” Wow, this really IS old school Rock. But do you wanna know why you’re getting this side of The Rock? “Because it’s The Rock & Roman Reigns, the biggest WrestleMania main event in the history of WrestleMania. You had it in your hands, and you let it go. You flushed it down the toilet. The same toilet you sat your fat asses on and sat there and tweeted, ‘We WaNt CoDy~! We WaNt CoDy~! CoDy GoTtA fInIsH hIs StOrY~!'”

The fans are laughing now and booing because they know it’s true. So let him ask you a question. “What is Cody’s story? What is his story? Let The Rock make it clear. My cousin, Roman Reigns, the Universal Champion, beat Cody’s ass last year at WrestleMania. He beat him, Cody lost the match, and now all of a sudden, Cody wants a rematch? That’s his story? That’s not how it works.” Think about how stupid that logic is! Can you apply that to other sports? Okay, he knows they all wanna chant “what” but just sit there and shut up already. This is important. The Rock is gonna educate the ignorant.

Apply that stupid logic to other sports. The 49ers just lost to the Kansas City Chiefs at the Super Bowl. What’d they do? Did the 49ers go, “What about our story? We gotta finish our story!” No, they took the lumps like men, dusted themselves off, and moved on like men! That’s what they do. But now everyone in this arena, in this city, and in this state, should understand this. It’s personal. Think about it: Michael Jordan came in here and crushed the dreams of the Utah Jazz. You boo because it’s true! Jordan did that to the Jazz, but what did the Jazz do? They took their beating like men and moved on, then worked their asses to get back to the top.

See, that’s not how the world works. You don’t get another shot at “your story” just because you want it. That’s not how it works. And the fans don’t seem to understand. They don’t because they’re “spoiled, entitled, little crybaby b*tches.” Fans boo but Jimmy grins and nods. The Rock tells Cody that The Rock is going to do everything in his power to make sure that Cody walks out of WrestleMania what he is: a loser! Everything in The Rock’s power will make sure that happens. Cody’s story is ending, The Bloodline’s story is just beginning. The most powerful duo in sports, in entertainment, and in the WWE.

“IF YA SMELLLLLL~” NO. Salt Lake City’s singalong privileges are over! They lost that. Sit there, shut up and enjoy the ride! “IF YA SMELLLLL~… What The Bloodline is cooking!” The music hits and the ones go up. Will there be no stopping The Rock & The Tribal Chief from screwing over The American Nightmare?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, all great stuff heading towards Elimination Chamber. Really good stuff from The Bloodline tonight. I like that Jimmy was a little unsettled at first by Roman wanting a hug, and there were great details signaling how The Bloodline all felt it was an important night. I’ll admit, I wasn’t there for much of the Attitude Era, but that closing promo from The Rock felt about as close as to those days as we’re gonna get. He responded to fans while keeping on track with what he wanted to say, and The Rock pretty much stated he’s going to become the new Heel Authority Figure in WWE over this issue with Cody.

And given Heyman talking with Waller, that definitely feeds into Elimination Chamber’s segment of Cody & Rollins on the Grayson Waller Effect. I totally expect that segment to go from talk show to tag match, Cody & Rollins VS Waller & Theory, teasing the possible Cody & Rollins VS Rock & Roman for Mania. If Rock’s gonna throw everything he can at Cody to stop him from making it to Mania, then a “surprise” tag match would be a great way to do it. It technically will and it technically won’t help Waller & Theory. They’ll be involved tangentially in the biggest story WWE’s got going, but they’re definitely taking the loss so Cody (and Rollins by association) will have momentum towards Mania.

Of course AOP wins a squash match. Thank you, Javi & Beau, for being the noble sacrifices. But the important thing will be when AOP meets Street Profits, and that could go either way. Great little promo from The OC with Karl and Styles getting at each other. It feels like Styles and Karl are going to have a match at some point, who knows where that sends the story. This would be like, the third time the WWE’s Bullet Club/Not Bullet Club falls apart, unless the OC turns Heel to stay with Styles’ new attitude. And great promo from McIntyre and LA Knight to hype up their part in the Elimination Chamber. Seems like they’ll have a go-home match as well, feels like McIntyre wins but then what does that mean for Chamber and WrestleMania? Will McIntyre defy go-home math? That’d be cool.

Really good promos from DMG CTRL and former DMG CTRL. Seems Iyo’s side is keeping the name, seeing as they took the group away from Bayley. Good interaction of Dakota and Bayley, and I would think Dakota really is being honest with Bayley. As such, DMG CTRL probably finds Dakota first, and then Bayley has to save Dakota from them in return for before. And great stuff out of the qualifying matches tonight. Of course Kevin beat Dom and Logan beat Miz, but both matches were great, and I loved that Truth continues to confuse Kevin with Miz. Dom also had a good interaction with “New Catch Republic” to set up a go-home match, that will probably be the win for Bate & Dunne before they lose to Finn & Priest.

And I really liked the VIP Skybox moment. Aldis is wheeling and dealing, but he got Bron rather than Jade. It’s as I expected right after Royal Rumble: SmackDown gets the NXT Call-Ups, Raw gets the returns and debuts. There was word Jade was no longer part of the Chamber plans, but it’d be a great Raw in-ring debut if she was in the Last Chance Battle Royal anyway. Maybe she wins it, maybe she gets in the chamber, but it’s still gotta be Becky Lynch who wins the chamber match. Even so, all that does a lot to build Jade up in the eyes of the fans that never watched her career in AEW, which is the point.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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