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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/8/24)

Will the Cup be tranquilo?



The Rampaging Dragon battles the Heat Storm!

Tetsuya Naito wants an LIJ Sakura Genesis, but that means someone from LIJ has to win the New Japan Cup! Will Shingo Takagi start down that road?


  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Tomohiro Ishii, YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto VS Bullet Club; Taguchi, Ishii, Hashi & Goto win.
  • El Phantasmo & Tomoaki Honma VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Mikey Nicholls; ZSJ & Mikey win.
  • Six Man Tag: Shota Umino, El Desperado & YOH VS The House of Torture; Shota, Desperado & Yoh win.
  • Six Man Tag: Just5Guys VS The House of Torture; Just5Guys win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • 2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Boltin Oleg VS Hikuleo; Leo wins and advances.
  • 2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Gabe Kidd VS Callum Newman; Kidd wins and advances.
  • 2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Shingo Takagi VS Yuya Uemura; Takagi wins and advances.


2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Boltin Oleg VS Hikuleo w/ Jado!

Boltin is a big Young Lion, but the Young Guerrilla is BIG! Will Boltin “graduate” by taking down a NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champion? Or will it be a Godsend that Leo joins Loa in the next round?

Before the match, Boltin is honored by being presented a bouquet of flowers by a fellow Kazakhstan wrestler who has come here to Yamanashi University, as well as the school’s coach. A great moment already for Boltin, will he make his home country even prouder with a win? The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, and are in a deadlock. Leo uses his height, but Boltin uses his bulk! They go back and forth, then Leo shifts to a headlock. Leo grinds the hold but Boltin powers up, only for Leo to hold on tight. Boltin brings Leo to a knee and pops out the back to headlock in return.

Leo fights up, even as Boltin thrashes the hold! Leo powers up and out, they RAM shoulders, and then RAM again! They RAM and RAM and the fans rally up! Boltin kicks low then headlocks again, but Leo powers out. Boltin ducks ‘n’ dodges and runs Leo over! The fans fire up and Boltin keeps moving, to SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! But Boltin doesn’t hesitate, he gets the legs and works to turn Leo over! Leo resists, CHOPS, then kicks free. Boltin stomps Leo to a corner, the ref counts and Jado protests. Boltin lets off at 4, then paces to cool off. The fans rally as Leo rises, and Boltin storms back up to CLUB Leo.

Leo stands to ROCK Boltin! And he ROCKS Boltin again! Boltin ROCKS Leo, Leo UPPERCUTS Boltin! Leo whips, Boltin ducks ‘n’ dodges but runs into a BOOT! The fans fire up as Leo stands tall. Leo stomps Boltin, drags him up, but Boltin fires a forearm! Leo hits back, then whips Boltin to a corner. Leo runs in to SPLASH! Leo scoops Boltin and carries him around! WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Boltin survives, but Leo keeps his cool. Leo drags Boltlin up but Boltin fires more forearms! Leo fires shots right back! They brawl, and Boltlin goes to scoop! But Leo’s so tall!

The fans rally as Boltin keeps trying, but Leo fires forearms! Leo then scoops and SLAMS Boltin, runs and ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally as Boltin stays in this, but Leo drags him up. Leo clamps on a headlock and grinds Boltin down. Boltiln endures, reaches out, but Leo drags him from the ropes! Leo smothers Boltin into the mat but Boltin still fights. The fans rally up as Boltin kicks his way around, and has the ROPEBREAK! Leo lets off and fans cheer, then Leo drags Boltin back up. Boltin CHOPS! And CHOPS! Leo shakes his head so Boltin CHOPS again! Leo CHOPS, then reels Boltin in to CHOP again!

Leo eggs Boltin on so Boltin CHOPS again! Leo CHOPS again, and Boltin goes to a corner. Boltin comes back to DOUBLE CHOP! Leo CHOPS and eggs Boltin on. Boltin DOUBLE CHOPS, and DOUBLE CHOPS, and then DOUBLE CHOPS again! Leo choke grips to SLAP Boltin! Leo whips Boltin corner to corner, runs in, but Boltin dodges the splash! Boltin waistlocks and lifts, but Leo elbows free! Boltin CLUBS Leo, CLUBS him again, and then waistlocks! Leo fights the lift, throws more elbows, and is free. But Boltin ROCKS Leo again and again and again! Leo roars, swings, but into a BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO!

Boltin is frustrated but he fires back up. Boltin gets a leg, then the other, and the fans fire up as Boltin works to turn Leo over! Leo resists but Boltin gets the BOSTON CRAB! Leo endures, fights around, reaches out, but Boltin drags him away from ropes! Boltin sits deep and the fans fire up! Jado coaches Leo, pushes up, but Boltin just sits back down! Leo still fights, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Boltin lets go and brings Leo back up. Boltin tries to fireman’s carry but Leo’s so tall! Leo CLUBS away on Boltin, shoves him away, then runs up to LARIAT! Leo says that’s it, and he reaches down, only for Boltin to drag him down into a cover! TWO!!

The fans fire up as Leo and Boltin stand. Leo kicks low, suplexes, but Boltin fights it! Boltin suplexes Leo up and over! The fans fire up again and Boltin storms up on Leo! Boltin waistlocks and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!! Leo escapes and Boltin can’t believe it! Boltin hurries to get Leo back up, fireman’s carries Leo after all, and runs, but Leo slips free! Leo shoves, Boltin ducks ‘n’ dodges but runs into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Leo hauls Boltin right up, for GODSEND!! Cover, Leo wins!

Winner: Hikuleo, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Hikuleo is standing tall, but Boltin put up a fight he can be proud of! Leo shows Boltin respect and helps him stand up. Will it only be a matter of time before Boltin does reach the top of NJPW? Will Leo be there waiting for him when he does?


2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Gabe Kidd VS Callum Newman!

As we saw last night with David Finlay bringing down TJP, the War Dogs and the United Empire continue to battle! Will the #WarReady Madman bring down Newman? Or will “The Prince of Pace” prove he’s not just some kid?

The bell rings and the two rush in! Callum rolls Kidd up, TWO! Kidd swings, misses, but then dodges Callum to kick low. Kidd headlocks, Callum powers out, but Kidd runs him over! Only for Callum to kip up! Kidd ROCKS Callum, whips, but Callum reverses then dodges to springboard! Kidd blocks Callum’s Oscutter, backslides him, but Callum rolls through. Kidd reels Callum in to suplex but Callum slips free! Callum waistlocks, Kidd elbows free, and they fires forearms! Kidd blocks a kick, Callum blocks a haymaker, but Kidd blocks another kick to CHOP! Callum goes to a corner, Kidd says he runs this, then runs up, into a BOOT!

Callum goes up and out, RAMS into Kidd, then slingshots up and over to keep moving. Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges to BOOT Kidd down! The fans fire up and Callum finally slows down. Kidd bails out, so Callum builds speed! Callum stops when Kidd moves aside, and Callum slides out to storm after Kidd. Kidd kicks low and CLUBS Callum, to then whip. But Callum reverses and Kidd hits railing! Kidd staggers into Callum’s SHOTGUN! The fans cheer again while Callum finally takes a moment and catches his breath. Callum kicks Kidd around, drags him up, and ROCKS him with a forearm. Kidd staggers away but Callum DECKS him!

Callum taunts Kidd, drags him up, but Kidd shoves him into the railing! Kidd whips but Callum goes up the apron! Callum cartwheels over the lariat to PENALTY KICK! The fans fire up as Callum aims, and Callum goes up and up and ASAI MOONSAULTS into a haymaker! Kidd snarls while Callum tumbles away. The ref checks Callum as he’s against the railing. Callum rises up, but Kidd whips him hard into railing! Callum falls over but Kidd brings him up and into the crowd! Kidd BOWLS Callum into the open chairs! Kidd glares at the fans, storms around, and then he leaves Callum behind to grab a piece of railing!

Kidd brings the railing over to TOSS into Callum! Callum writhes from getting hit in the leg! Kidd hauls Callum up to ROCK him with a right! The ref reprimands and wants this in the ring, but Kidd brings Callum up to UPPERCUT! Kidd brings Callum around, lines up the shot, and he POSTS Callum! Callum flops back and Kidd stands on him while he soaks up the heat. The ring count finally starts, Kidd rolls into the ring, and Callum flounders around. Callum is still down at 10 of 20 while Kidd talks trash on the other competitors in this tournament. Callum gets in at 13 of 20, but Kidd is on him with a CHOP!

Callum goes to a corner but Kidd kicks him around. Kidd fires a forearm but Callum seethes. Kidd throws another and Callum fires up! Callum fires a flurry of forearms and the fans fire up! Callum has Kidd on the ropes and just keeps throwing shots! The ref counts, Callum lets off and runs up, but Kidd puts him on the ropes to SHOVE him down! Callum tumbles to apron then floor, and Kidd wants the ring count. The count begins, Callum stirs at 5 of 20 but is still down at 10. Callum uses railing to drag himself up at 13, but he flops over at 14! Callum crawls around at 15, finds his way back up at 17, and he springs in at 19.5!

The fans cheer but Kidd mockingly applauds. Kidd then CHOPS Callum off his feet! Kidd talks trash on Callum, kicks him around, and stands him up. Kidd CHOPS Callum, and taunts him more. Callum stands, Kidd CHOPS him, and then Kidd eggs him on more. This is the New Japan Cup so step up! Callum flips Kidd off and SPITS at him! So Kidd CHOPS him! And CHOPS him again! Callum growls as he rises but Kidd CHOPS more! Kidd CHOPS Callum off his feet, stands him up, and CHOPS him down again! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up but Kidd clamps onto Callum with a chinlock. Callum endures, fights up, and the fans rally again.

Callum wrenches out, rolls Kidd up, TWO! Callum rolls and BOOTS from below! Kidd stays up, drags Callum up and CLUBS him! But then Callum suplexes first! The fans fire up while both men are down! Kidd bails out but Callum takes aim. Callum builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit but Kidd staggers back up! Callum DIVES again! Kidd falls, the fans are with Callum as he puts Kidd back in! Callum goes up a corner, then BLINDSIDE PIP PIP CHEERIOS! The fans fire up again as Callum runs to PENALTY KICK! Callum sits Kidd up for another KICK! Callum runs again but Kidd falls over. Callum says nope, and sits Kidd up for a KICK!

Callum keeps moving to PENALTY KICK again! Cover, TWO! Kidd toughs it out but Callum keeps his cool. The fans rally up, Callum feeds off that energy, and he aims at Kidd. Callum spins but Kidd blocks the kick! Kidd back suplexes, Callum lands out, then ducks ‘n’ dodges. Kidd bypasses to dropkick a leg out! Then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Callum stays in this and the fans fire up again! Kidd snarls and tells the fans to shut up. Kidd drags Callum up, reels him in, but Callum fights the lift. Kidd CLUBS Callum, Callum still resists, so Kidd DOUBLE CHOPS! Callum forearms, Kidd CHOPS, but Callum CHOPS!

Kidd UPPERCUTS, Callum BOOTS, Kidd UPPERCUTS again! Both men run, both men dodge, and Callum SPANISH FLIES! The fans fire up again while both men are down! Callum sits up, the fans rally, and Callum goes to the apron. Callum shakes out the stars, goes to a corner and climbs up. The fans rally more but Kidd rushes in. Callum leaps over, turns around, and Kidd SPITS at him! Callum dodges the haymaker to SUPERKICK! Callum runs corner to corner to DROPKICK Kidd down! Callum calls it, OSCU- NO, Kidd blocks again! Callum shifts and suplexes but  Kidd slips free! Kidd shoves Callum, he springboards to FLYING CHUCK!

Kidd rises!? But into Callum’s DRAGON SUPLEX! SCREW HIGH KICK!! Cover, TWO!! Kidd survives and the fans fire up again! Callum goes to a corner, climbs up, and SHOOTING STAR FLOPS as Kidd moves! Kidd runs up to LARIAT! Cover, ONE?! Kidd suplexes to BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Callum survives and the fans fire up again! Kidd is furious, he hauls Callum up and has the LEG TRAP PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kidd wins!

Winner: Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Callum tried to make Ospreay and the Empire proud, but he couldn’t stop this Madman! Kidd mockingly wishes Shingo Takagi and Yuya Uemura the best of luck, because he’ll kill the winner in the next round. Will the War Dogs run the New Japan Cup on their way to taking over NJPW?


2024 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Shingo Takagi VS Yuya Uemura!

Tetsuya Naito put it on Los Ingobernables de Japon to win the Cup and face him at Sakura Genesis. The Rampaging Dragon would gladly face Naito for THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, but will he make it all the way to the end of this tournament? Or will the Heat Storm avenge his loss to Yota Tsuji that also lost him his hair?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. The fans cheer on “TA-KA-GI!” as he circles with Yuya, and the two feel things out. Takagi avoids Yuya’s attempt at the leg takedown, then they tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. Takagi powers Yuya back to the ropes, but Yuya turns things around. Red Shoes calls the break, and Yuya gives a hard slap on the chest as he lets off. The fans cheer as Takagi and Yuya reset. They feel things out again, then knuckle lock. They go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength, but Yuya then wrenches to a wristlock. Yuya keeps Takagi from ropes, but Takagi wrenches in return.

Takagi has the wristlock now, then hammerlocks. Yuya sits down, slips around, and wristlocks to then headlock, hammerlock, half nelson, snapmare and armlock! The fans cheer that fast string of moves but Takagi fights around. Yuya grins the shoulder, Takagi fights up, but Yuya arm-drags Takagi down! The fans cheer, Takagi fights back up, and he arm-drags Yuya! But Yuya drags Takagi right back down! Yuya grinds the arm and keeps Takagi down with a chinbar. Takagi fights up as the fans rally, and Takagi puts Yuya on ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, but Takagi whips Yuya. Yuya RAMS Takagi, but Takagi runs Yuya over!

Things speed up, Yuya runs the ropes crisscross with Takagi! Then Yuya hurdles and hip tosses! Takagi staggers up, into an arm-drag! And back to the armlock! Yuya grinds the cording hold, but Takagi fights to his feet. Takagi throws hands, but swings into another armlock! Takagi rolls, but Yuya steps over to then trap the arm, and he SNAP LOCKS it! Takagi clutches the elbow while the fans rally up. Yuya waits on Takagi, then brings him up. Yuya wrenches, wrenches, and ELBOW BREAKERS! Yuya holds on to ELBOW BREAKER again! And ELBOW BREAKER- NO, Takagi blocks to get a SLEEPER!

Yuya slips out to put the SLEEPER on Takagi! Takagi flails, reaches out, and the fans rally as he endures the squeeze. Takagi starts fading, but then he picks Yuya up for a BACKPACK SENTON! The fans cheer as Takagi is free, but he and Yuya are both down. Yuya goes to a corner, Takagi rises, and Takagi shakes out his bad arm. Takagi storms up on Yuya, stands him up, but Yuya goes for the arm! Takagi fights free, then ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON LARIAT! The fans fire up and Takagi shakes out that left arm that he uses in the Yukon Lariat. Yuya tumbles out of the ring but Takagi pursues and brings him up.

Takagi whips Yuya hard into railing! Yuya leans against the rails, and Takagi storms up after him. The fans rally as Takagi brings Yuya up to whip into more railing! Yuya tumbles up and over into No Man’s Land and the fans cheer Takagi on. Takagi steps through the gateway, brings Yuya up, and SMACKS him off the apron. Takagi SMACKS Yuya off the apron again, and then fireman’s carries so he can SNAKE EYES Yuya off the apron! Yuya staggers back, Takagi dusts himself off in front of Taichi on commentary, and the ring count climbs. Takagi drags Yuya up as we pass 10 of 20, and Takagi pushes Yuya in at 14.

The fans applaud as Takagi keeps this going, and he brings Yuya up. Takagi puts Yuya on ropes to KNEE low! Yuya sputters, but Takagi KNEES him low again! Yuya staggers away, Takagi brings him up to whip and KNEE! Takagi keeps moving and he CLOBBERS Yuya with a shoulder! Takagi drags Yuya back up, suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Yuya toughs it out but Takagi wags a finger. Takagi lines up a shot and drops a BIG elbow! And then drops another elbow! And then SENTONS! Takagi then high stacks, TWO! STF! Yuya endures and the fans rally up, then Takagi shifts to just the CROSSFACE!

Yuya fights around, reaches out, so Takagi shifts to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Takagi bends the fingers, too, but Yuya still endures! Yuya fights around and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Takagi lets off cleanly. Takagi hears the fans rally up and he brings Yuya around. Yuya fights the back suplex with a headlock! Yuya CLUBS away on Takagi, but Takagi CLUBS Yuya to the corner. Takagi whips corner to corner, but Yuya goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Both men are down and the fans rally up! Takagi rises first and shakes out the bad arm. Yuya grits his teeth as he rises, but Takagi runs in!

Yuya dodges Takagi to arm-drag! And arm-drag! And DROPKICK! The fans rally up as both men are down again! Takagi crawls to a corner but Yuya kips up! Yuya fires up, runs corner to corner, and CHOPS! Yuya reels Takagi in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer again while Yuya grits his teeth. Yuya stands Takagi up for a clinch, but Takagi fights it! Takagi throws elbows and knees, then CLUBS Yuya. Takagi whips, Yuya reverses to SAYANAGI, and ARM SCREW! Then Yuya basement dropkicks the arm! Cover, TWO! Yuya goes right for the double wristlock! Takagi clasps hands to fight that off!

The fans rally, Yuya breaks the grip and he cranks on the double wristlock! Takagi endures, fights around, but Yuya pushes towards that Kimura! ROPEBREAK by a literal foot! Yuya lets off and the fans applaud. Takagi shakes out the bad arm while he goes to the corner. Yuya storms back up and eggs Takagi on. Yuya CHOPS, whips, but Takagi blocks! Yuya CHOPS again, but Takagi still blocks the whip. Yuya bumps Takagi off buckles, but that only upsets Takagi. Yuya bumps him off buckles again, but Takagi headbutts the buckle to fire up! The fans fire up with Takagi, but Yuya ROCKS him with a forearm!

Yuya wrenches the bad arm, wrenches it again, but Takagi rolls and arm-drags! Then ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint to the DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Takagi waits on Yuya, then he runs in. Takagi blocks a boot and LARIATS through! The fans fire up with Takagi and he brings Yuya up. Takagi hoists Yuya to the top rope, then climbs up after him! But Yuya grabs the bad arm! KIMURA! Takagi throws body shots, then HEADBUTTS again and again! Takagi goes to the very top and brings Yuya up, for the SUPER DUPER PLEX! The fans fire up while both men are down again!

The fans rally as Takagi sits up, and he finds the camera. “TOKI GA KITA!” The time has come and the fans fire up with “OI! OI! OI!” Takagi brings Yuya up, deadweight as he is, and pump handles. Yuya fights the lift, slips around to full nelson, but Takagi powers free! Takagi throws elbows, but Yuya ducks to ROKC Takagi! Takagi roars, Yuya roars back! They go forehead to forehead, then Takagi CHOPS! Yuya grits his teeth to CHOP back! Takagi CHOPS again, but Yuya comes back to CHOP! Takagi fires a forearm, Yuya CHOPS, repeat! Takagi fires boxing elbows, and goes all the way to TEN! But Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS!

Yuya runs, but Takagi clotheslines at the ropes! Takagi runs, but Yuya gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Takagi’s right up, but Yuya gets around again! DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Takagi escapes and the fans fire up again! Yuya slaps some sense into himself as he rises back up. Yuya aims from a corner as Takagi rises, and Yuya runs in to DROPKICK! Takagi staggers, Yuya reels him in, URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Takagi is still in this and the fans fire up again! Yuya shouts in frustration, and he drags Takagi back up. Yuya has one arm, then the other. But Takagi fights the lift!

Yuya still tries, but Takagi powers him to ropes, and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! PUMPING BOMBER!! But Takagi isn’t done, he gets Yuya right up for MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives and the fans fire up more! Takagi is surprised, but the fans still rally behind him. Takagi fires up and he drags Yuya to his feet. Takagi pump handles but Yuya fights the lift. Yuya CLUBS Takagi and gets free, but Takagi LARIATS! Yuya stays up, but Takagi LARIATS again! Yuya drops to a knee, but then ENZIGIRIS! Takagi rebounds, into a RANA! ARMBAR!! Takagi clasps hands, Yuya breaks the grip, ARMBAR!!!

Takagi flails, reaches out, moves around, stacks Yuya but Yuya keeps a shoulder off the mat! Yuya wrangles Takagi to the ARMBAR!!! Takagi flails, reaches out, kicks around, but Yuya pulls on that arm! Takagi kicks for the ROPEBREAK!! Yuya lets go in frustration, he was so close and yet still so far from taking this one! The fans rally as both men rise, and Yuya wrenches the bad arm. Takagi holds ropes with the good arm to block! Yuya KICKS that arm, then swings Takagi around and around to wrench and- No, Takagi ROCKS Yuya with a forearm! Yuya HEADBUTTS back!

Yuya traps the one arm, traps the other, and- NO, Takagi still fights that Deadbolt Plex! Takagi HEADBUTTS again and again and again! Then JABS! And HEADBUTTS! Yuya PELES! Takagi rebounds to BLINDSIDE PUMPING BOMBER!! Both men are down and the fans stay hot! Takagi roars as he rises up, and he wants Yuya to rise, too! Yuya stirs then stands, and Takagi runs, but into a RAN- POWERBOMB!! Takagi counters the counter, then hauls Yuya up! Takagi runs to PUMPING BOMBER!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Yuya survives being turned inside-out and flipped upside-down, but the fans are thunderous with Takagi!

Takagi hauls Yuya up, pump handles and torture racks, LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Takagi withstood the Heat Storm and put out those flames! Taichi gets in the ring to check on Yuya, is it still too soon for the youngest of Just5Guys to reach the top?

As for Takagi, he gets the mic to say that “Toki ga kita,” his time has come! And he tells Yamanashi, thanks for hanging in until the end. He continues to say that it’s been awhile since he’s had the mic here in Yamanashi. If he remembers right, it’s been about two YEARS. And since he won the main event, he figures it’s fine if he gets carried away! The fans cheer that! Takagi says that there’s word there’ll be another tournament taking place in Yamanashi before the year’s over. And while he hasn’t heard exactly what it’ll be, he believes it’ll be near the end of summer… Fans like what he’s hinting at.

Takagi says speaking of the end of summer, the beginning of autumn, wasn’t it 20 years ago that he made his pro-wrestling debut over in Dragon Gate. In that case, he’ll let Yamanashi decide what he does about that tournament. Wouldn’t it be fitting to hold a tournament celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Shingo Takagi’s debut? The fans cheer that. Takagi says he hasn’t talked with “the boss,” Hiroshi Tanahashi, it’s really up to him if Takagi gets to have that tournament. Fans sure hope it happens.

Takagi notes that it still feels rather lonely in Yamanashi. He remembers back to before COVID that they’d have 1500+ in here, but this is about half. But for his 20th anniversary in the Fall, it’ll be like a festival! No cheating the fans on that one, he’s gonna make that flower path even more luxurious! He’ll invite friends, family, former classmates, and pretty much everyone to come see! He hopes everyone here will return for that, too. Takagi asks, “Nani?” as he hears the fans chanting. Takagi says yes, he’ll be bringing a special souvenir with him for the Fall.

But that’s only if he wins the New Japan Cup first. Then he’ll get to face Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. He promises to do it! He was champion three years ago, he’ll do it again! Takagi wants them to practice cheering him on! “Oi, Yamanashi!” The fans cheer more and more as Takagi continues to shout for “Yamanashi!” Takagi is fired up, and vows that from this New Japan Cup to his debut anniversary, he will be soaring like a dragon! The fans cheer and Takagi drops the mic, but then he’s joined by Naito and Yota! The three stand together, and they LIJ fist bump!

Fans cheer, and Naito makes sure Takagi gets a good look at the prize they’re all after. The pressure is on for LIJ, will some combination of these three meet at Sakura Genesis?

My Thoughts:

Another great night for NJPW, but rather logical and expected outcomes for these New Japan Cup tournament matches. Boltin got to have a great moment for himself before giving Leo a great match, but it was still too soon for Boltin to get ahead of someone holding a championship. Callum also had a great showing in his loss to Kidd, and Kidd is still being primed as a big singles guy within the Bullet Club War Dogs subdivision. And a great main event from Takagi and Yuya. They had Yuya come really close with how he worked over Takagi’s arms and almost had him with that armbar, but Takagi winning feeds into the overall story of LIJ wanting to face itself for the world title.

And while Takagi’s promo was perhaps hinting at the G1 Climax being partly in Yamanashi, it also does sound like he wants a separate 20th career anniversary show. And that’s crazy to think that he’s been around 20 years already yet still looks great, still moves great, and still seems like he has another decade ahead of him. Whether the G1 passes through Yamanashi or not, it would be cool of NJPW to give Takagi something special for his anniversary. Though it also probably depends on how his New Japan Cup run is going to turn out.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!

AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Jay White is on a Rampage!



Will Angel Dorado breathe with the Switchblade?

After battling in the Casino Gauntlet, and then over the Unified AEW & ROH Trios Championships, Jay White and Dante Martin are on a Rampage to go 1v1!


  • Jay White VS Dante Martin; wins.


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Kenny Omega returns!



What will The Cleaner have to say to The Elite?

Finally, Kenny Omega returns to AEW! But given how his friends, The Young Bucks, gave Tony Khan a piledriver, will his homecoming be a dour one?


  • Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy; wins.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage; wins.
  • Serena Deeb VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther; wins.
  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata; wins and
  • AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS ??? w/ The House of Black; wins and


Tony Khan speaks.

“Welcome to AEW Dynamite. I’m here live in Jacksonville, Florida, and I’ll be producing tonight’s show here in the offices of the Jaguars. I wish I could be live there in Winnipeg for Kenny Omega’s return in his hometown tonight at a perfect time. Unfortunately I’m not cleared to leave Jacksonville, Florida, due to the actions of AEW’s Executive Vice Presidents, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, and the reinstated Jack Perry.” Something’s going wonky with Tony’s video as he explains the head and neck injuries suffered… And then The Bucks cut in to say they’re “losing” Tony. Technical difficulties. Sorry, TK, they lost connection.

But hey, Tony may not be here, but the Bucks are. And some of you may be asking, how is that cool after what they did last week? How are they not fired? Well, see, iron clad contracts, with a founder’s clause. They won’t get into the details, but let’s just say that they and their colleagues are not going anywhere. And in those same details, it says that if Tony Khan cannot physically be at an event, the EVPs would succeed him. In other words, The Bucks are in charge now! With that said, they’re going to run the new show open! It’s all Elite, as in all Bucks, all Jack and all Okada! They said they wanted to change the world, is that change just more of themselves?


Swerve Strickland is here!

Winnipeg cheers as Prince Nana leads the way for the AEW World Champion! Swerve takes the mic to say, “What’s going on, everybody? Three matches, three shows, in one week. That is the type of champion that All Elite Wrestling deserves, and that is the type of champion that Swerve said he was always gonna be.” The fans cheer that! Swerve says what AEW does not deserve are selfish, greedy, childish, power hungry EVPs that think they can just throw their weight around without any kind of consequences. Swerve stands on his words: What the Bucks did was a b*tch move. Now that’ll be handled at some point, but Swerve will get to business.

Who is going to be Swerve’s opponent for Double or Nothing? The fans ask “WHO? WHO? WHO?” and Swerve says he doesn’t know. Winnipeg doesn’t know. But whoever it is, come, present yourself. But wipe your feet before you step into whose house? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” But then The Bucks interrupt on the tron. They tell the champ congrats. But guess who else are champs: The Bucks! And uh, they also wanted to stop by because something else has been bothering them. It seems that success has gone to Swerve’s head. The first time he talks after winning the big one, and he badmouths his bosses, the EVPs, on national television, and using curse words?

The network hated that, that is a fine. And maybe Swerve just needs a dose of humility. How do you do that? Well, how about The Bucks arrange the very best, the perfect opponent, for Swerve at Double or Nothing? This man happens to be one of the best Canadian pro-wrestlers of all time. He’s a former champion, and hasn’t been around. But he’s waiting at the go position, ready to meet Swerve! Hit the music in three, two, one. GO! It’s… Christian Cage?! The fans are a bit torn as they were hoping for a different Canadian star, but The Patriarch leads Mother Shayna, Nick Wayne & Killswitch/Luchasaurus to the ring.

Christian gets a mic as he goes up onto the apron. He steps inside, Shayna Wayne by his side, but Nick and Killswitchasaurus lurking outside. There are fans who cheer on Christian, and then he sucker punches Swerve with the mic!! Christian fires off hands and knocks Swerve down, and Nana can only cower in a corner! But Swerve gets up to fire back! And he DECKS Nick! And he BOOTS Killswitch! But then Shayna gets in Swerve’s face. Killswitchasaurus turns Swerve around to HEADBUTT him! And he CLOBBERS Nana! Christian snatches the world title, drags Swerve up, KILLSWITCH on the belt!!

The fans are again torn, but Christian then drags Nana up! He holds Nana in place so Nick can hit WAYNE’S WORLD! Christian then goes back to the mic, and he looms over Swerve to tell him, “There’s something you should know about me. I never forget. I haven’t forgotten that some months ago, you broke into my son, Nick Wayne’s gym and left him in a pool of his own blood. I haven’t forgotten- Keep it down while I’m conducting my business!” The fans boo but Christian says he didn’t forget that at one time, they were a tag team at the biggest show in the history of this business, and Swerve lost! Swerve embarrassed Christian!

Christian’s been waiting for the right moment to make him answer for those mistakes, and Swerve went and won the world championship. It seems like there’s no better time than right now to make Swerve pay for those mistakes. Christian will embarrass Swerve the same way Swerve embarrassed him. Christian will end Swerve’s reign before it even begins, and make him a footnote in the history of AEW! The fans boo more but Christian says he heard that speech last week, Swerve talking about his path to this title, how grueling it was and how he put every ounce of himself into it, to where his own daughter doesn’t even know him.

Christian tells Swerve that when he’s done with Swerve, Swerve’s daughter won’t want to know him! But Christian will promise Swerve this: Swerve’s daughter will have a father she can be proud of for the rest of her life! Christian tells Winnipeg that the same way the Colorado Avalanche walked into their house and took their championship dreams away, Christian will walk into Swerve’s House at Double or Nothing and rip this AEW World Championship from his hands. But Swerve, know this: “The pain has just begun.” And with that, Luchasaurus PULLS Swerve’s hair out of his head! Luchasaurus shows off the braid, will that only be the first trophy The Patriarchy takes?



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