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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 3.7.2024

Ali with a nice showcase match, Dango vs Alexander is a clash of styles and Dani Luna vs Masha Slamovich is a big momentum match.



Time for the Go Home to Sacrifice! If it feels like we just had a big event, it’s because we did. No Surrender stories fast tracked into Sacrifice, but honestly, the set ups seem fine so far. Enough straight lines in logic to not just introduce something random to mix things up.

Could tonight make me eat my words? It could, so let’s find out!


  • Kevin Knight vs Mustafa Ali: Ali wins via X Division Title Cheap Shot – ***
  • Ash by Elegance vs Angel Blue: Ash wins via Rarefied Air – ** 1/2
  • The Time Splitters (Kushida & Alex Shelley) vs The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler):
  • Masha Slamovich w/Killer Kelly vs Dani Luna w/Jody Threat: Dani wins via Luna Landing – ** 3/4
  • Alan Angels vs PCO: PCO wins via PCO-Sault – SQUASH
  • Josh Alexander vs Dirty Dango w/Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius: Josh wins via Ankle Lock – ****



Kevin Knight vs Mustafa Ali

So a little bit of a tune up match in a way for Mustafa Ali. Its his first match on iMPACT!, Knight has been impressive last few weeks and this will undoubtedly give someone momentum going into their six man match tomorrow.

Nothing crazy to start, a few counters with Knight getting the best of things after a Shoulder Tackle and then a Forward Dropkick timed when Ali tries the Leap Frog, so Ali just eats feet to his sternum. Ali is on the receiving end early and Knight gets a few extra fun spots with extra flourish. A little Power Rangers pose from Knight before a Standing Frog Splash, but Ali kicks out of the pinfall attempt and then trips Knight into the ropes and slowly starts coming back. Rolling Thunder from Ali into a Front Neck Crank. Suplex attempt from Ali, Knight flips out of it but Ali turns around and catches him with a timely DDT.

Ali goes to the top rope, does his little “In Ali We Trust” pose to the crowd, which allows Knight to pick him off the top with the Frankensteiner and start a comeback. Knight jumps over Ali’s Lariat into the No Look Crossbody for 2. Stinger Splash, Boots to the Mid-Section and then Knight perches Ali. A small struggle, Knight almost powers through it, but Ali manages to pull off an Avalanche Backstabber to turn things around. A slow cover attempt allows Knight to kick out, but Ali is mouthing off with his campaign angles, hits the ropes and Knight fires to Lariat Ali into powdering. Security checks on Ali, so of course we have to get a dumb dive spot. Does it look okay? Sure. But piles of idiots waiting for moves is getting very tired.

Good Hands come out to distract, Kushida and Sabin intercept the Good Hands. Time Machine fight Good Hands through the ring to the other side which slows down Knight’s offense. Ali counters a Splash with the Boot, attempts the 450 but misses! Sky High from Knight but only a 2! Knight charges Ali amongst a lot of chaos, Knight posts himself, Ali grabs the X Division title, the referee is distracted by everything, Ali cracks Knight with the belt and wins the match.

Aftermath has the Good Hands restrain Knight, puts his arm on the apron and 450 is hit on the extended arm. MCMG theme song hits, and Alex Shelley comes out to chase them off. So my assumption is the Alex Shelley will fill in for Kevin Knight and then Sabin and Shelley will turn on Kushida because he threw in the towel. 

Ash by Elegance vs Angel Blue

Ash tells Angel to kiss her boot, Angel says no, so Ash snaps. Thrust Kick, Knee Lift, Windmill Elbows in the corner and then just Stomping a Mudhole from Ash. Ash puts her foot on the bottom rope, tells her to kiss the boot again and then smashes her face into the boot. Ash then calls Iceman over to wipe her boot off. Full Mount raining down strikes into her little Handstand Side Splash, Handspring Back Elbow to the corner, and then…Rarefied Air for 3.

I’m a little mad that I’m liking this gimmick, but damn do they make it look easy.

The Time Splitters (Kushida & Alex Shelley) vs The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler)

Shelley doesn’t do the Time Splitter pose with Kushida, he just walks by and basically says “Let’s get it going”. They do fist bump after Kushida basically asks what’s up, so the rifts are obviously there on Shelley’s side; but so far Sabin and Kushida aren’t on board with the personality shift.

Body Scissors from Kushida into a few Arm Drag takedowns and some joint locks. Shelley takes the blind tag, some classic tandem offense, so even if they’re a little salty, things are moving good out the gates. Shelley has Hotch’s arm positioned, the crowd chants “Break it off” so Shelley stomps it, then Kushida snaps it over the top rope and the crowd is active in their support for Time Splitters. But Hotch kicks Kushida into his corner and he catches Shelley in the face. Shelley takes umbrage with it, then Good Hands gang up on Kushida while Shelley just turns around and starts questioning how he makes life decisions.

Good Hands do classic old school offense with isolating Kushida while commentary make political references because of the Ali affiliation. Everything about this match is solid, great commentary, solid heel tag work and the babyface rift building. Sometimes, I think we all have to admit, simple is best.

Kushida finally starts to hit a flourish of kicks, into a Back Handspring Double Elbow and Shelley is ready for the tag after about 3 minutes of fuming. Knife Edge chops for everyone, Hotch tries to Up and Over on the Irish Whip but Shelley slides and pops up with another chop. Skyler blind tag finally catches Shelley, and now Shelley is stuck in their corner eating some Foot Chokes and strikes. Nice Pump Kick into Middle Rope Slingshot Spear for 2 from the Good Hands. Enzuigiri from Hotch into the Rolling Neckbreaker for another near fall. Skyler tries another blind tag but Shelley outsmarts them and sends them careening into one another. Tags in Kushida and a Top Rope Brain Chop, Pele Kick into Tanaka Punch make life easy. Rope run, bridging neck crank into the Cartwheel Dropkick from Kushida. Corner combo incoming, but Skyler moves and Shelley kicks Kushida. Good Hands try a few things including Hotch hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb but nope!

Rolling Forearm, Shelley trips Skyler, PK on the arm, Baseball slide keeps Hotch out, Shelley plays defense as Kushida sinks in the Hoverboard Lock and Skyler submits.

Kushida and Shelley are arguing after the win while we transition into the next segment.

These vignettes are gorgeous. I love every second of it, sign me up for the DDIWAPASA.

Also after The Good Hands lose their match, Ali decides to replace them with The Grizzled Young Vets for the Sacrifice match. Hotch seems to be seeing through the political smokescreens but Skyler is enamored still. So fun little wrinkle with the six man match.

Masha Slamovich w/Killer Kelly vs Dani Luna w/Jody Threat

Both start off with mat wrestling, Masha tries to shoot the half, but Dani counters, then tries her own shoot but Masha intercepts and then hits a Knee Lift. Dani staggers but bounces right back, slams down Masha and then a Sliding Lariat gives Dani some momentum. Vertical Suplex into a second, but the Stalling variety for a 2 count. Masha retreats to the ropes for Kelly’s help and Kelly kisses the top of her head before Masha baits in Dani, trips her into the ropes, distracts the ref and Kelly starts to choke Dani.

Masha kicks the rope to send Dani back and then starts kicking her face off before locking in a Camel Clutch. Dani catches Masha with a Sliding Kick to the leg to trip up Masha but Masha lands a bit of a Capoeira style kick to take the advantage back, Head and Arm choke from Masha. Dani tries to get to the ropes but Masha pulls her back and starts laying in a few Short Arm Lariats. Dani finally starts to block and fire back, a few Overhand Rights and Lefts into a Shotgun kick and then an Exploder Suplex out of the corner.

Selling to the opposite corner, Masha tries to get some space, fights off Dani but Dani catches her and uses the top rope to assist in a Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Luna Landing attempt, but Masha slips it and lands a variation of a Russian Leg Sweep. Dani goes for the surprise Small Package for two, Superkick, Luna Landing and Dani wins!

I’m a little surprised that Jody and Dani both won in singles action over the champions. But I like Dani, so I’m glad she got a bit of a rub. 

Alan Angels vs PCO

So…Angels is going to die. Sure, maybe Kon could do something to surprise us…but Angels is just the job guy right now. Props to him for a steady paycheck, since the gimmick…or lack thereof, is just trash.

Alan tries to start fast, but we all know its going nowhere. Frog Splash comes up dry, Big Boot from PCO, Lariat turns Angels inside out, Chokeslam lays him out, and PCO-Sault makes all the ladies go crazy (even if he overshoots it).

Kon shows up with a chair, swings at PCO, misses and then stalls too long waiting for PCO to punch the chair into his face. Kon slams PCO on the chair on the ramp, then takes out Angels, the two big boys have a chair duel that just devolves into a brawl to the back. I have no interest in this match because Kon is trash. PCO has a gimmick people love, its fine, but Kon is as worthless as tits on a boar. 

Eric Young comes out before the main event, to make a small statement before his title match tomorrow at Sacrifice. He puts over Moose and punctuates things with “The dead don’t get deader, and this time I play for keeps” Almost sounds like a Megadeth lyric. But Moose’s music hits and he runs down the crowd, and puts over EY a bit when he says they’re both men who love a good fight. Moose says lets not wait til tomorrow, slowly heads to the rings but, he stops before entering the ring and says “that’s not how the system works” right before Myers and Edwards hit the sneak attack. All 3 System Members are in suits, Lights Out is hit on EY after the beat down, and this just goes to further the Four Horseman style of faction they are. Alisha comes down with the steel chain in a very nice outfit herself, Chain Spear on EY and Moose calls for another one as the crowd starts an “Eff the System” chant before ABC finally hit the ring to chase off the heels. 

And yes, I still don’t like the new ABC music.

Josh Alexander vs Dirty Dango w/Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius

Bravo comes out with a Mr. Thursday Night sign…this gimmick is so great. 

For hating Pro Wrestling, Dango starts with some decent early chain wrestling, Rope Run, Leap Frog, Dango hits the deck, but Josh hit the brakes, Gator Roll into attempted Suplex, but Dango stops that. So a few quick strikes from Josh and Dango, Josh throws Dango into the corner, looks for a Splash but Dango hits a Boot, then to the middle rope and jump from Dango but Josh counters it into a Flapjack and then tries the early Ankle Lock before Dango grabs the ropes and then powders.

Dango attempts some misdirection with his lackeys, tries to slide in but Josh is smart to it, knocks Dango down and locks in an Achilles Lock. Dango actually manages to counter and float into a Cross Armbreaker from Dango as Josh quickly finds the ropes. Two chops into an Arm Wringer takedown with an attempted Key Lock but Josh is blocking for a good bit. Surprisingly Dango is actually doing really well, as he focuses all his offense on the left arm/left bicep. Josh starts to fire back a little, Back Elbows, into an Ankle Lock attempt, Dango kicks him off and Bravo tries to do something but gets shaken off and then Josh eats a forearm to go flying off the apron.

Josh seems to injure his left knee on the fall, Dango goes out to step on it, Dragon Screw, resets the count and another Dragon Screw. He resets the count again, Knee Breaker on the apron, throws Josh back in and locks in a nice Indian Deathlock. Is it bad that I want to see more of this Dango on occasion? Josh fires up out of the Deathlock, tries a Fireman’s Carry but Dango slips it, powders, grabs Josh’s foot, drags him into the post and then starts wrapping his knee against the post. Dango gets too arrogant and gets pulled into the post from Josh, Josh is selling the knee as Dango gets rolled back in. Josh tries to charge, Dango side steps and Chop Block on the bad leg. Josh pushes Dango away from the corner and hits the John Woo Dropkick from the middle rope.

Fighting Spirit strikes spot, Josh blocks, Rolling Forearm, C4 Spike attempt but Dango slips, kicks out the leg, charges but Josh catches him on his shoulders for the Rolling Senton into a King Kong Knee only for 2. Josh wants the German Suplexes, Dango says no, crotches him in the corner, Outside In Guillotine Legdrop into a Falcon Arrow for 2! Dango goes to the top, but Josh rolls to the other side of the ring. Dango gets off the ropes, follows up and gets suckered into the Triplicate Germans, last one with a bridge but the knee gives out. Josh tries to climb to the top, Dango cuts him off, Superplex attempt from Dirty Dango, Josh fights him off and throws him backwards to the outside and Dango crashes into Bravo. Josh turns around and Senton into Prudius, Dango and Bravo.

Prudius distracts Josh a little, Tornado DDT from Dango, run to the top, DOWN AND DIRTY….MISSES! Josh slides to the side, grabs an ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock as Dango taps shortly after.


Overall Score: 8/10

Well hot damn, Sacrifice card got bigger with Alex Shelley filling in for Kevin Knight and Grizzled Young Vets replacing The Good Hands. Plus we get some heat with Nic Nemeth getting in some early offense on Maclin, Josh should be selling a knee the entire match with Hammerstone; so if Hammerstone doesn’t win, I’m gonna be a little mad. Hammerstone beating an “injured” Josh Alexander doesn’t hurt Josh and helps Hammerstone in his first OFFICIAL match as a TNA roster member. Which makes the rubber match mean more when they are both healthy.

Dani getting the win over Masha helps to validate the underdogs, but MK Ultra shouldn’t lose the titles. Dango looked fantastic and that makes me love his gimmick more. Ash’s whole deal is awesome, I still really get those Adrian Adonis vibes and she’s soo damn great at what she’s done so far and helped by Iceman. Lastly, The System establishing themselves as a new Horseman/Evolution/Fortune is great. Kaz could definitely slot in nicely and would round out the four well. Edwards and Myers as the tag, Moose as the main and Kaz as the mid card dude is a nice balance. And then has a built in break up story for when Moose drops the belt and Kaz wants a title run, or even if Moose doesn’t drop it and Kaz pulls an option C if he gets the X Division title or Feast or Fired.

Sacrifice should be fun tomorrow!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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