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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (3/7/24)




ROH is ready to Stir It Up!

The ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament continues as Leyla Hirsch and Red Velvet battle in a LEGIT quarterfinal match!


  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinal: Leyla Hirsch VS Red Velvet; Velvet wins and advances.
  • Abadon VS Judy Azule; Abadon wins.
  • Lee Johnson VS Jon Cruz; Johnson wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS Airica Demia; Nyla wins.
  • Four Corner Survival Tag: Jack Cartwheel & Gringo Loco VS Spanish Announce Project VS The Workhorsemen VS The Infantry; The Infantry wins.


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinal: Leyla Hirsch VS Red Velvet!

The opening round was LEGIT as Leyla battled it out with her good friend, Rachael Ellering, while The Chef served Sandra Moone a nice L. Will Velvet serve up an even tastier L here tonight? Or will Leyla simply be tasting sweet victory?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They feel things out, and Velvet throws a testing strike that gets Leyla on the arm. Leyla says okay, and they start throwing hands back and forth! The fans rally, Leyla gets Velvet in a corner, but then lets off with pats on the shoulder. The fans cheer and the two reset. Velvet gets around to waistlock then headlock then wrench. Velvet wristlocks but Leyla powers her through to a headlock takeover, then ARMBAR! Velvet clasps hands fast, uses a leg to hook Leyla’s legs, and fans cheer this technical exchange as they end up in the ropes.

Velvet backs off and Leyla cools off. The two reset, tie up, and Leyla waistlocks, but throws Velvet by her hair! Fans boo but Leyla shrugs. Things speed up, Velvet drops then leaps, but into Leyla’s arms! SAIDO! Fans fire up as Velvet goes to a corner, and Leyla storms up. Leyla clotheslines Velvet again and again, then whips corner to corner. Velvet reverses but Leyla goes up and over to O’Conner Roll, TWO! Leyla hurries to waistlock again, but Velvet throws Leyla away. Velvet then BODY SHOTS! Velvet fires hands, talks some trash, but Leyla shoves Velvet, then SLAPS her! Velvet gets in Leyla’s face, then shoves her back.

Leyla turns things around and has Velvet in the corner to fire forearms! Leyla sits Velvet down, digs her boots, and mocks the Stir It Up! The fans are torn but the ref counts. Leyla lets off and drags Velvet up but Velvet puts her in the corner to DOUBLE CHOP and BODY SHOT! Velvet keeps Leyla cornered and RAMS into her again and again! The ref counts, Velvet lets off, then fakes the right! Velvet waits for Leyla to let her guard down, then Velvet SLAPS her in return! Velvet then does the splits to dig her boot in! The fans cheer but the ref counts. Velvet lets off at 4, then “apologizes.” But Leyla gets up to SHOTGUN Velvet down!

Leyla drags Velvet from the ropes to cover, TWO! Leyla stomps Velvet, puts her in the drop zone and says this is it! Leyla goes up but Velvet CLUBS her! Velvet CLUBS Leyla again, goes up, but Leyla CLAWS eyes! Leyla BOOTS Velvet, then reels her in for the HANGING SLEEPER! The ref counts, but Velvet pries at the hold! Velvet bends the fingers, then ICONOCLASM! Cover, TWO! Leyla survives but Velvet stays on her! Velvet isolates an arm to STOMP it! Leyla shouts in pain, but Velvet drops a leg onto the arm! Leyla gets away before the short arm scissor but Velvet drags her back in! Velvet gets the short arm scissor after all!

Leyla endures, the fans rally, and Leyla moves around. Leyla bridges up to alleviate pressure, then she CLUBS Velvet’s legs. Leyla rolls to stack Velvet but they’re in the ropes, so Leyla drags Velvet back, Cover, ONE!! Velvet SUPERKICKS Leyla right down! The fans fire up and Velvet scuffs Leyla. Velvet puts Leyla in the drop zone, stomps her then goes up. The fans fire up as Velvet reaches the top, but Leyla rises to UPPERCUT! And HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT! Velvet CLUBS Leyla back, Leyla ROCKS Velvet, then climbs to CLUB her! Leyla brings Velvet to the very top, for a SUPER DUPER PLEX! Cover, TWO!!

Velvet survives and the fans fire up! Leyla is frustrated and clutching her arm from the hard landing. A standing count starts, the fans rally and duel. The count passes 5 of 10, but both women rise at 7. Velvet gets in Leyla’s face, but Leyla fires a forearm! Velvet throws a haymaker, Leyla forearms back, and the two go back and forth! The fans rally as Leyla stands and CLUBS away on Velvet! Velvet fires off hands in return! Leyla knees low, whips Velvet to ropes, but Velvet ducks ‘n’ dodges to CALF KICK! Velvet brings Leyla up, whips her now, but Leyla gets up and over to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Velvet survives again but Leyla clamps right back on with the waistlock. Leyla drags Velvet up, but Velvet switches to GERMAN SUPLEX in return! Leyla and Velvet both stagger to their feet as the fans fire up. Leyla LARIATS Velvet right down! Cover, TWO! Leyla is frustrated with Velvet, and she reels her back in. Back suplex, but Velvet lands out! Velvet then baits Leyla into a drop toehold onto ropes! Velvet runs to DOUBLE KNEE Leyla in the back! Velvet YANKS Leyla from ropes but Leyla uses that to roll Velvet up! Velvet rolls through but into a LEGIT KNEE! Leyla then drags Velvet around, runs and goes up, up and LEGIT SAULTS!! Cover, ROPEBREAK?!?

The fans are thunderous as Velvet survives by fingertips! Leyla is about to lose her mind, but she KICKS that arm! And SLAMS it on the mat! And then stomps away on the elbow! Leyla snarls, she drags Velvet for a ripcord, but Velvet sunset slips! TWO and Leyla sits on it! TWO and Velvet sunset flips with a deep hook, VELVET WINS!!

Winner: Red Velvet, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

That was a legit shocker! Leyla gets caught and she is out! Velvet shows Leyla respect by offering the Code of Honor. Leyla accepts and the fans cheer as the two hug it out. Velvet is now headed on and will face Queen Aminata, will there be another L on the menu?


The Infantry speaks.

They’re admiring their new merchandise, and Carlie Bravo starts by saying, “ROH, have no fear! The Infantry is always here! Yes, yes, fresh to death and back in full effect. With a brand new logo, brand new merch, and guess what? Brand new money, which is why we walking down the aisle looking like puddles when we be drippin’.” But speaking of fresh, Carlie is liking Captain Shawn Dean’s new glasses. Looking fly! Hit a pose! Dean flexes, then hits the Hogan, then spins around. Oh, oh, last one. Do the biceps and tongue out or something. Yeah, good, good. But how do you feel? Like an idiot! A doofus!

Yeah, that’s how you should feel doing things that are unoriginal, unauthentic, and just too uncool for school. But if you wanna be like The Infantry, steal their drip and their swag, where should they go, Trish? To Boot Camp! They told y’all before, have no fear, the Almighty Infantry is here! Copy that. Will Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum get the message?


Spanish Announce Project talks backstage.

They’ve found Maria Kanellis and are confronting her. Hands to yourselves, she is married. Yeah, okay, but they want her to understand that Angelico is back to 100%, so she can go get her little boys so SAP can fight them right here and now! She tells them easy, she’s the only one here. Griff & Karter were given the night off. Oh, of course. And she adds that even if they were here, they don’t face losers. SAP hasn’t won anything in a long time, so maybe if they win tonight, then she’ll consider the challenge. Until then, she still has Serpentico’s other mask! SAP is motivated, will they prove themselves worthy of the rematch?


Four Corner Survival Tag: Jack Cartwheel & Gringo Loco VS Spanish Announce Project VS The Workhorsemen VS The Infantry!

The Undisputed Kingdom still holds the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but with Supercard of Honor just a month away, someone’s gonna get their shot at the titles! This is quite the assortment, but who comes out in pole position for this race to Philadelphia?

In this form of Fatal 4 Way, only two teams are legal at a time. Anthony Henry starts against Angelico, and he barely keeps the Code of Honor, then the bell rings. They circle, feel things out, and the fans rally up. They knuckle lock, Henry wrenches and wristlocks, but Angelico slips through to spin free and headlock. Henry powers his way around to a facelock, then wrenches and wrangles Angelico. Angelico rolls back, spins and slips through to cording hold, and he brings Henry over. Tag to Serpentico and he goes up, to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Serpentico wrenches, Henry CLUBS free and UPPERCUTS!

Tag to JD Drake, Serpentico CHOPS! Drake doesn’t budge, and he CHOPS back! Serpentico sputters, and he tags out to Jack Cartwheel. The fans cheer as Jack cartwheels three times in a row! Drake mocks Jack, then takes a swing! Jack dodges to CHOP, but Drake doesn’t budge! Drake swings, Jack ducks ‘n’ dodges and dodges again, to roll back and headscissor, to then hold on so he can SPLASH! But then Drake gets up to CHOP Jack down! Drake suplexes, Jack slips free, tag to Gringo Loco! The fans fire up as Jack BOOTS Drake and Gringo Loco RANAS Drake! Serpentico runs in but Gringo Loco runs him over!

Things speed up, Loco leaps over then handsprings to duck under! Loco shoves Serpentico to a corner, runs up, but Serpentico BOOTS him away! Loco comes back, but Serpentico RANAS him now! And SUPERKICKS! Loco scrambles away and Carlie Bravo tags in! Serpentico dodges Bravo, trips him, and things speed up. Serpentico rolls, sidesteps, but Bravo arm-drags! Bravo rolls, gets a leg, slips around and hits a NECKBREAKER! Bravo wrenches Serpentico, tags in Dean, and they double whip. They trip, basement dropkick, and Dean covers, TWO! Dean drags Serpentico up and whips him to ropes.

Serpentico stops himself, SUPERKICKS, but Bravo SUPERKICKS Serpentico! Angelico BOOTS Bravo but Dean ROLLING ELBOWS Angelico! SAP brawls with The Infantry, so the other teams get involved! The fans fire up for the chaotic brawl, the Workhorsemen and the high-flyers dump SAP and Infantry out. Drake drags Dean over to tag in off him, and then DECKS him! Jack tags in off Serpentico, but Henry DROPKICKS Loco! The Workhorsemen mug Jack, then DDT! Jack is down, Drake covers, TWO! Jack survives but Drake bumps him off buckles. Drake stands Jack up to CHOP, then he tags Henry.

Henry brings Jack around to KICK him down! Henry then drags Jack right back up, tags Drake back in, snap suplex and slingshot SENTON! The Workhorsemen mock Angelico’s Bernie Lean, then Drake says stuff it! The Workhorsemen double whip but Jack rebounds to cartwheel! Henry pops Jack up and Drake catches him, but Jack RANAS Drake into Henry! Jack hot tags Loco but Serpentico BOOTS Jack! Loco kicks and whips Serpentico, trophy lifts him, and then DROPS him! To then STANDING MOONSAULT! The fans fire up with Loco and he brings Serpentico to the drop zone. Loco goes up but Drake ROCKS him first!

Drake climbs up to the very top, for a SUPER SIZED STEINER! Henry DOUBLE STOMPS! Drake covers but Dean FROG SPLASHES it apart! Dean TOSSES Henry, tags Bravo, and Bravo drags Loco up. Perhaps some lucha rules are at play here as they SUPERKICK and SIDEWINDER Loco! Bravo covers, Angelico breaks it! Angelico ELBOWS Dean, TOSSES him, and Serpentico feeds Bravo to the BACKBREAKER! Angelico stands Bravo up and Serpentico runs in, NECKBREAKER BACKBREAKER COMBO! The fans fire up with SAP but Loco & Jack get in! Loco CLUBS Angelico, Jack kicks Serpentico!

Loco whips, Angelico reverses but Loco holds ropes. Angelico runs up but is put on the apron. Jack HANDSPRING KICKS Angelico! Serpentico SUPERKICKS Loco, Jack BOOTS Serpentico! Jack whips Serpentico corner tot corner but Serpentico BOOTS back! DESTROYER but Jack cartwheels through! PENALTY KICK and STANDING MARIPOSA! Jack sets Serpentico up for Loco for the SWITCHFOOT SAULT! But then the Workhorsemen TOSS Loco, and JD THROWS Jack! Henry METEORAS in a corner, JD CANNONBALLS! The Workhorsemen high-five, but The Infantry DOUBLE SUPERKICK them!

The Infantry says “OORAH~!” But SAP trips up The Infantry up! SAP TOSSES them out, then regroup. Serpentico builds speed and Angelico holds ropes open, Serpentico DIVES onto the Workhorsemen! The fans fire up but Bravo BOOTS Angelico onto the rest! Jack DROPKICKS Bravo out, then builds speed. Loco gives him the boost on the SASUKE SPECIAL! Down goes the pile, but Dean LARIATS Loco! Dean goes up and CROSSBODIES! Dean rolls off but keeps moving, and he FLIES out onto everyone else! Bravo SCISSOR KICKS Loco! Dean joins in, they call their shot! They get Loco up and send him to BOOT CAMP!! Cover, Infantry wins!

Winners: The Infantry, by pinfall

Dean & Bravo take down three hot teams because they might just be the hottest team! They still have issues with The Outrunners, but will they also have their shot at the ROH Tag Team Champions soon enough? And hey, Maria walks out on stage just to taunt Serpentico with his mask! Will SAP ever get their revenge on Griff & Karter at this rate?

My Thoughts:

ROH needs to fix their livestream’s runtime indicator. I thought this was gonna be one hour and 47 minutes, but turns out it was just 49 minutes. Granted, I clearly skipped the huge chunk in the middle, but those were all clearly gonna be filler squash matches. Though, it was rather interesting that Abadon would need a squash match win before facing Mercedes Martinez in the next round. Is this to create go-home math that then favors Mercedes in the tournament? Or is Mercedes going to have her own filler match to do the same back?

Speaking of the tournament, great match from Leyla and Velvet, and I really am surprised Velvet won out. I suppose Leyla and Rachael can move on to their own story that leads them to facing each other, which is still good stuff. Good promos from a couple of the teams that were in tonight’s really good main event. Infantry are calling out The Outrunners, and them winning tonight gives them momentum into facing Turbo & Truth down the line. SAP want their match with Griff & Karter but lost so Maria gets to taunt them about it.

I feel like SAP is gonna keep losing until they lose their cool and attack Griff & Karter the moment they’re back on ROH TV. And I would think the match they have is for Serpentico’s mask, maybe a ladder match where the mask is hanging above the ring and they gotta bring the mask down. A No Disqualification style match is very fitting of where this feud has gone, so why not make it so climbing the ladder is the win, not a pin or submission?

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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