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Andrew’s TNA Rebellion Results & Match Ratings: 4.20.2024

Moose takes on Nic Nemeth fka Dolph Ziggler in the main event for the World Championship!!



We get Josh Alexander vs Alexander Hammerstone 3, Moose versus Nic Nemeth for the World Championship and Steph De Lander challenging Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts World Title! This should be a solid card, so lets get to predictions.


  1. The Rascalz (Myron Reed, Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs Leon Slater & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) – Hard for me to see the actual team losing here, so I’m going with The Rascalz, but it could go either way.
  2. Knockouts Tag Titles: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs Decay (Havok & Rosemary) – I don’t need to see Decay with the belts again, especially if Da-MALISH is next up. So my playlist has Spitfire retaining.
  3. Digital Media Championship: Crazzy Steve (c) vs Laredo Kid – I mean, Laredo Kid rarely ever wins. Does the story lead us to believe he’ll get revenge? Sure. Do I believe in him? Not at all. So Steve retains.
  4. X Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs Jake Something – Mustafa should find a way to win. Even though him losing and starting some kind of “Recount the 3 Count” campaign would be hilarious, I don’t see Mustafa losing just yet.
  5. Full Metal Mayhem: Franke Kazarian vs Eric Young – I just like Kaz better here. I don’t have a ton of logic beyond, I’d like to see Kaz win.
  6. Joe Hendry vs Rich Swann w/AJ Francis: Rich Swann wins because Hendry’s real beef is with Flop Dollah.
  7. Last Man Standing: Josh Alexander vs Hammerstone: I am growing tired of Josh winning every feud or small angle. He’s getting as redundant as Kento Miyahara in All Japan. So I’m on team Hammer.
  8. Tag Team Titles: The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) (c) vs Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven vs Mike Bailey) – Too early to beat the System.
  9. Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Steph De Lander – I think Steph has more tricks up her sleeve than Jordynne is anticipating.
  10. TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth vs Moose (c) – It is too early to beat The System, didn’t you hear me the first time?



  • X Division Championship: Jake Something vs Mustafa Ali (c): Ali retains via Dirty Pin – *** 1/4
  • Joe Hendry vs Rich Swann w/AJ Francis: Rich wins via 450 Splash – **
  • Full Metal Mayhem: Frankie Kazarian vs Eric Young: Kaz wins via Flux Capacitor – *** 1/4
  • Steve Maclin vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 3/4
  • TNA Tag Team Championship: The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) (c) w/ Alisha Edwards vs Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven & Mike Bailey): The System retain via Roster Cut + Boston Knee Party – *** 1/4
  • Last Man Standing: Josh Alexander vs Hammerstone: Josh wins via C4 Spike – *** 3/4
  • Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Steph De Lander w/The Good Hands: Jordynne wins via Juggernaut Driver – ** 1/2
  • TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs Nic Nemeth: Moose retains via Lights Out – *** 3/4




As we know, I don’t cover the Countdowns, but Rascalz lost, Spitfire won and Laredo Kid actually won! So my predictions are 1-2 coming out of the Countdown. 

X Division Championship: Jake Something vs Mustafa Ali (c)

Early goings are a lot of Jake using his size and power to his advantage, literally throwing Ali around and treating him like a dog treats a chew toy. Ali catches Jake with a few Shotgun Dropkicks but, it just stuns Jake as he levels Ali with a Lariat. Chops to the throat from Ali again, only a small respite and he tosses him to the outside. Ali runs from the big man, slides through the turnbuckles, Jake follows head first to go for a Spear, but Ali turns it into a DDT.

Jakes shoves away from Ali and tries to retreat back to the ring, Rolling Neckbreaker from Ali sends Jake powdering to the ramp and Ali follows him with another Rolling Neckbreaker. Ali lets the referee count, Jake gets his head in by 9 and Ali connects with another Neckbreaker. Ali tries a Flying Tornado DDT, but Jake puts the brakes on, shoves Ali into the ropes and Ali hits a Satellite DDT for 2. Standing Moonsault just pisses off Jake, he sits up and starts absorbing Ali’s offense. Flying Headscissors is floated through by Jake and turned into a Sitout Powerbomb and then Jake deadlifts Ali and hits Shock Therapy!!

Heading to the corner, Jake is looking for an Avalanche move but Ali slips up, Up Kicks rock Jake, and then a rough looking German Suplex drills Jake into the apron and then the Secret Service show up, throw Jake into the ring, hold him down while one distracts the referee and Ali hits the 450! 1-2-…NO Jake kicks out! Jake Warrior fires up, Ali retreats to the arms of the Secret Service and then Jake jumps and takes them all out. Ali goes for a desperation School Boy but Jake kicks out, Ali goes for a Crossbody but Jake punches his lights out. Into the Void! 1-2-FOOT ON THE ROPES!

Powerbomb set up, but Ali gouges the eyes, Jake misses the Spear and posts himself, Head and Arm Cradle from Ali with rope leverage! Ali retains!

Joe Hendry vs Rich Swann w/AJ Francis

Hendry deepfake AI edited his entire tron to have Rich and AJ Francis. It’s genius.

Swann plays around early, dodge rolls and ducking Hendry’s offense. Just being a smarmy asshat. Hendry gets his hands on him briefly, before Rich powders and then tosses Hendry into the steps and then grinds his face on the corner. Some referee distraction and cheapshots from both AJ and Rich lead to Rich’s little Kick Back move. Swann keeps control and tries to keep Hendry grounded, but he eventually powers out. AJ tries to get involved but Hendry clocks him, throws Rich and then AJ low bridges Hendry out.

AJ grabs a weapon from his friend but Shawn Merriman stops him. They jaw, and Merriman gets in the ring to challenge Francis. The referee is trying to figure out what’s going on, AJ backs down but Shawn Merriman lays out Joe Hendry! A former Charger would be a heel in Las Vegas, so its all beautiful. Rich hits the 450 Splash and wins.

It was overbooked and Francis’ female influencer friend does a split on Hendry and twerks on him or something. Like it feels like the ratchet version Hit Row. But, Shawn Merriman looked good and as we learned with DeAngelo Williams…some football players just get it. 

Full Metal Mayhem: Frankie Kazarian vs Eric Young

EY cracks the Casey Jones mask off Kaz’s face and then the bell rings. EY stays on Kaz, tries the Piledriver but Kaz powders, EY connects on the Baseball Slide and drives Kaz’s face into the barricade and then starts working him over with the ladder. Kaz starts to work his way back, rocks EY with a few punches and then hits the Slingshot DDT. Kaz goes to get the big ladder and just hucks it at EY. Scoop Slam onto the ladder, Kaz goes for the Guillotine Leg Drop and MISSES! EY moves the ladder to the corner and flings Kaz into it causing him to flip upside down. EY looks for more weapons, Kaz tries to crawl after him and EY bounces a cookie sheet and trash can lid off of his face.

Rethinking heading back into the ring, EY goes back under the ring and finds JANICE (Abyss’ 2×4 with the nails in it). EY swings and misses as it gets stuck in the buckle. Kaz tries to take advantage but he misses too and then Whips EY into the far corner, EY Flair Flops through it, walks the apron and Kaz hits a Spear through the ropes and then goes through a table! They both crawl into the ring, Kaz goes for the cover and EY kicks out. Then they start throwing punches as they slowly stand up. Brawl happens and they start fighting over a metal chain, EY gets the best of the chain fight, chokes Kaz with it, throws him off the top rope, crowns the king with a trash can and starts laying into him. Kaz is dropped with the trash can on him, EY hits the Macho Elbow! It takes a few seconds to get the can off of Kaz, so its only a 2 count.

EY tries to set up a ladder, Kaz finds a lid, smacks EY with it and hits the Killswitch on the ladder of 2! Kaz decides we need more tables, so he starts setting it up and the crown chants “we want fire”. Kaz drapes EY on the table, grabs a trash can, but EY pops up and crotches Kaz! EY looks for an Avalanche Piledriver but Kaz stops it with a Low Blow! Kaz hits the Flux Capacitor and only gets the corner of the table! EY split the hard way but he rolls on EY and wins the match!

Even if the finish was a little missed, it looks more vicious and its a damn hardcore match…so as long as EY is fine, the finish is better being ugly.

Steve Maclin vs Mike Santana

Maclin walks out with his new contract talking about how he re-signed but he wants a match. Santino Marella says he just signed another guy, and out comes Santana!

Maclin and Santana go at each other quick! Big strikes, working outside, then back in, a few fast strikes and back breakers. Early intensity is exactly what you expect from a fairly hype return and a nice re-signing of Maclin. Maclin with a Rope Run Lariat for two, a rope hung Leg Lariat follows that up and Maclin is on top of Santana not relenting.

Maclin Tree of WOE, Caught in the…NO! Santana sits up, Maclin slides through, runs back in the ring and eats a Rolling Cutter! Hip Attack into an Enzuigiri, catches Maclin on his shoulders for a quick Death Valley Driver! Santana calls for his Rolling Lariat, but a Busaiku Knee blind sides Santana! Jar-HEAD Butt for 2! Santana reverses the whip to the corner and hits a Yakuza Kick into Rolling Senton for 2! Rolling Lariat call number 2, but Maclin ducks it and hits a Michinoku Driver for 2! Back and forth for a while, KIA gets countered, rope run turns into SPIN THE BLOCK! Santana wins with his Spinning Lariat!

TNA Tag Team Championship: The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) (c) w/ Alisha Edwards vs Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven & Mike Bailey)

Eddie gets worked over early, Bailey and Trent show some good tandem work. The way The System counters that is with Lish distracting the referee and Myers with a cheap shot Thrust Kick on Trent. Eddie doesn’t need a big opening to start working someone over and drops Trent knee first into the steps, we see the beginning of isolating Trent and focusing the leg. Eddie and Myers use some quick tags to keep Trent cornered, but Eddie falls for that stupid Bop and Bang spot. Simultaneous tags, Bailey comes in hot and lays out both System members, then lights up the legal Myers with multiple kicks into a Running Shooting Star. Tope from Bailey is stopped with Eddie popping up on the other side, causing Bailey to just hit him with a Yakuza Kick. Bailey takes Myers to the top turnbuckle, Myers fights off Bailey, but Trent flies in for a Superplex! Bailey is set up on a different corner, SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Only a 2 count, but that’s a nice Power & Glory style of move.

Eddie pulls out Bailey by the foot, Myers Chop Blocks Trent and tags back in Eddie. Eddie takes the taunting big brother angle since Trent is hobbled, Trent fires, a bunch of Chops but Eddie kicks out the bad knee, Tiger Driver transitions into a Half Crab on the bad leg! Speedball tries to make the save and Myers cuts him off with a Crossface but Bailey fights out and Superkicks Myers. A series of Round Kicks into Eddie’s chest, but Eddie refuses to release the submission until Bailey hits the Flurry of Kicks into a Triangle Moonsault on Myers. Tornado Super Kick into a Dragon Suplex, but only for 2!

Trent tries to get Eddie up for a Birminghammer, but the knee gives out, clocks Bailey, Backpack Stunner + Myers Elbow for another near fall! Bailey hits the ring, the Seven Star Lariat and Ripcord Superkick! Birminghammer into Ultima Weapon, 1-2-Myers shoves Bailey onto the pinfall to break it! Myers misses a Shoulder Block in the corner, but when Bailey goes to follow up, Myers Spears him out of the air! Trent and Eddie are in the ring both exhausted, Eddie tries a chop but Trent grabs the fingers and Finger Snap! Trent goes for the Bitter End Fowsion but Myers gets involved, Roster Cut into Boston Knee Party! The System retain!

Last Man Standing: Josh Alexander vs Hammerstone

Josh goes right at Hammer at the bell, flurry of punches, Hammer turns it around and gives back a little  before Josh gets the best of things for a second, and then Hammer hits the Single Arm Spinebuster. Just haymakers for days, Josh with a German Suplex, Hammer no sells, hits a Belly to Belly Suplex, Josh no sells, a little more back and forth; one more German Suplex from Josh! Back Elbow and a strike from Hammer, he tries to charge but Josh stops him, pulls him to the apron and bounces him off the apron! Hammer is out until 7, Josh keeps control, heads up to the turnbuckle for something big but Hammer pops up and shoves Josh, sending HIM bouncing off the apron.

Getting up at 6, Hammer stays right back on him, Guerrilla Press right into the barricade! Josh gets up just to get dropped again! Match isn’t over yet, so Hammer peppers the strikes and smack talk. Josh tries to fight back but eats a Back Elbow. Hammer goes for a few more Back Elbows, but Josh grabs him into a Halfhatch Suplex and bounces Hammer off the apron again! Back up by 8, Josh just hammers right on Hammer’s legs. Hyperextension, wrapping it around a post. Setting up the Ankle Lock and taking away some of the power base is a smart attack. A few more Legs against the steel post, and then the Figure Four around the post!

Hammer retreats to a corner, grabs the head gear and busts Josh open with gear! Josh seems dizzy and Hammerstone clobbers him with forearms and the referee starts counting. Barely up at 9, wobbly legged slaps, Hammer squats him and then Sack of Shit! Hammer stops the officials count, drapes Josh on the apron and drops big Forearm Clubs right across the chest. Pins his head against the ring post and then Pump Kicks his head into the steel post! Hammer calls for the Rack, Racks Josh and Josh Alexander seems to go limp. Hammer discards him and the count starts. Josh gets up and he’s laughing. Pump Kick levels Josh while he laughs and Hammerstone is just confused. So he delays just long enough for Josh to grab the ankle and immediately go for the Ankle Lock, into a few stomps and Falling Knees. Hammer is in the Tree of Woe, Josh clubs him over and over, makes some space, and Josh goes for the Low Crossbody while Hammer is still in the Tree. Josh sells all the previous damage and Hammer is back up by 5.

Josh goes for the C4 Spike, multiple short Knee Lifts drops Hammer and before the referee can count again, Josh attacks Hammer. Josh goes to beneath the ring and pulls out the thumbtacks. Josh rocks Hammer, Hammer is draped on the top corner, Superplex attempt, blocked once, Hammer with some jabs, but back and forth as Josh leans towards the tacks. Hammerstone lifts him up… AVALANCHE NIGHTMARE PENDULUM INTO THE TACKS!! Hammer is selling falling in tacks, as the referee counts, Josh is gonna roll out the ring to take the shortcut to roll to his feet and break the count!

Hammer grabs the headgear and beats Josh with it, looks for a Nightmare Pendulum on the ramp but Josh fights through, Forearm Strike into another Halfhatch Suplex on the ramp. C4 Spike on the stage! Hammer almost gets up by 10, but not quite and loses.

While the match was good and it makes sense for Josh to win, I don’t need him in the main event. 

Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Steph De Lander w/The Good Hands

Steph literally picks up Jordynne, drives her into the corner and talks some shit. Jordynne tries to fire through things, but its a lot of cardio. Rope Runs, Corner Charges, quick counters and just go go go. Grace hitting a Suicida is the first real move of the match. Grace tries for an apron drop, Steph blocks and then hits a TKO Stun Gunning Jordynne off the ropes. Near fall into Snake Eyes and then a Big Boot. Steph trying for a power move but Jordynne slips behint her for a Rear Naked Choke. Steph gets worn down a little, but Steph drops Grace, props her in a corner, Big Boot into a Backpack Stunner.

Jordynne grabs the ropes for dear life, uses the ropes to lift her up, fights back, tries to use the ropes to her advantage for the Slingshot Pedigree type move, but Steph throws her off and both go crashing into each other. Small power exchange that Steph gets the best of and decides to bask in the boos. Jordynne with a big knee strike and then latches the Rear Naked Choke on again! Steph slams into her a few times but Jordynne won’t get go. Steph goes out but then the Good Hands make their presence known. It gets a little sloppy at the ref bump distraction spot in the match, but Jason Hotch just puts on the referee shirt and makes a count. 1-2-LIGHTS OUT! PCO appears out of the darkness! He levels The Good Hands, as an awkwardly sexually charged interaction with SDL (but its funny), then… FUCK NO – NO GOD! Kon interferes and takes out PCO. Then Kon shoves Jordynne, Jordynne sells it to bait him int, Low Blow and then she deadlifts Kon! The Good Hands hit the ring again, go for the neck snap on Jordynne, LIGHTS OUT AGAIN!

SAMI CALLIHAN! FINALLY GOOD NEWS IN THIS MATCH! So the assumption of Lights Out being Sami, looks like it was correct. Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Cactus Driver ’97. Sami grabs SDL, rolls her in, eats a big strike from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver and still overbooked to high hell! I mean Jordynne wins.

TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs Nic Nemeth

Moose palms his face real quick and then Nemeth snaps. A few double leg take downs, full mount strikes and continuing to smack him before Moose head out. Nemeth tries to chase with a dive, but Moose catches him and Snake Eyes on the apron! Nic is getting rocks by big Chops and Boots from Moose. Nemeth ducks through the ropes and rocks Moose on the ramp. Goes for a Fame-Asser but Moose catches Nic. Nic slips the catch and then drops Moose on the ramp! They head back into the ring, Nic is setting up a Sweet Chin Music, but Lish gets involved and then Brian Myers, so the referee kicks them all out. A good 30 seconds are spent on kicking out Eddie, Lish and Myers. Nemeth catches Moose with a Superkick but only a 2 count!

Rear Naked Choke from Nemeth, Moose tries to slam into Nic a few times but he won’t let go! He’s tenacious like Minoru Suzuki. Moose keeps trying to slam him to the corners and Nic won’t let go still! Moose climbs a corner, with some slips to sell the locked in Rear Naked Choke, then an Avalanche Trust Fall finally breaks the submission! Moose sets up the stairs a certain way, takes Nic into the crowd, goes for some kind of Jacknife but Nic counters! Doubles over Moose, Fame Asser off the ramp! They barely make the 10 count, Moose retreats into a corner slowly, Nemeth stalks, Stinger Splash! Now the 10 Count Flashing Elbows! One more Kairi Sane style Elbow for only 2!

Nemeth tries a Superkick, Moose catches, Headbutt, Nemeth connects with a boot, Moose charges, Nemeth kicks off, tries a Dive, but Moose hits GO TO HELL for 2! Moose goes for Lights Out, and there’s a hell of a nice sequence with both men countering finsihes and signatures, but through all the float overs Moose catches Nic and lands a Jacknife Powerbomb. Moose goes for another Jacknife on the ramp, Nic blocks and tries to pull off the Frankensteiner but Moose stops it. Jacknife on the ramp and knocks the lens out of a camera! 10 Count happens, Nemeth gets in at 9.5 and Moose tries to quickly catch him, but the sequence doesn’t work. Moose went for the Moonsault/Superkick Spot, but he was short so Nemeth had to audible. Fighting Spirit spot, Moose gets a head of steam, eats a Superkick, Nemeth eats a Pump Kick, big haymakers, Nemeth turns Moose inside out with a Lariat, Fame ASSer from Nemeth for a 2.5. Moose looks glassy eyed and rocked, a few kicks into a Spear from Nic but only 2 again! Nemeth tunes up the band, Moose falls to a knee before the kick lands, Nemeth tries to readjust but Moose ducks and hits the ropes, as Nic turns he eats the Lights Out. Moose retains!

OKAY speaking of Lights Out it may not have been Sami because BROKEN MATT HARDY appears and attacks Moose! Twist of Fate leaves him laying. 


Overall Score: 6.5/10

The match quality was fairly mediocre given the fact it was a PPV that’s been promoted for a while, on a very easy to remember unofficial holiday. Now I liked all the debuts/returns we got. Mike Santana, Broken Matt, Sami Callihan, all generally good stuff. The whole show does lose points though just because they’re still trying with Kon. Also I got like 4 matches wrong?

I suppose the storyline implications have some meat left on them since Under Siege is fairly soon. The returns are great news for a roster that was starting to feel small and I’m really curious where we go with Jordynne as Knockouts Champion now. So pretty decent show all things considered if work rate isn’t your main determining factor.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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