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Mitchell’s NXT Stand & Deliver Results & Report! (4/6/24)

Philly’s ’bout it ’bout it!



Can Trick Williams whoop… HIM?

Their friendship torn apart by jealousy and pride, Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes battle one-on-one! Who proves they were the better man all along?


  • Countdown Show – Joe Gacy VS Shawn Spears; Gacy wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Axiom & Nathan Frazer; Bron & Corbin win and retain the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship Triple Threat: Oba Femi VS Josh Briggs VS DIJAK; Oba wins and retains the title.
  • Six Woman Tag: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan VS Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame; Thea, Fallon & Kelani win.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Roxanne Perez; Roxie wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.
  • NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Tony D’Angelo; Dragunov wins and retains the title.
  • Trick Williams VS Carmelo Hayes; Trick wins.


It’s the Stand & Deliver “Countdown” Show!

Join Megan Morant, Sam Roberts and… “Miss Stand & Deliver,” Arianna Grace in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action tonight. Though not surprisingly, Arianna thinks this excitement is all about her…


The Wolf Dogs chowed down in Philly.

Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin compared the two best Philly Cheesesteaks, Pat’s VS Geno’s. And of course, they disagreed. Bron said Pat’s, Corbin said Geno’s, and that upset Corbin because this close to their tag title match, they need to be on the same page! Bron said Pat’s cheesesteak is the Wolf Dogs of cheesesteaks. Corbin stormed off, leaving his sandwiches behind, so more for Bron! But will these two still be hungry enough to hold onto their titles through Stand & Deliver?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

The streets of Philly are tough, gritty and no-nonsense. Just like home. He faces Ilja Dragunov for the title, but a wise man once said that you may have to go through Hell, but you’ll be a better man for it. Is Tony ready for this? Tony says, “See you, Champ.” We pan over, and he’s looking up at the Rocky Balboa statue. Will Tony bring out his inner Italian Stallion as he faces the Mad Dragon?


Ridge Holland joins the panel.

Megan welcomes him to the show, and he thanks Ava Raine for giving him chance. Megan asks if being here has him feeling emotional, and he says of course. As much as he wants to be in that ring, he made the decision to step away for the sake of himself and his family. And speaking of Family, Dragunov may be taking on more than even he can handle with the D’Angelo Family. Interacting with the D’Angelo Family has Dragunov looking out of sorts for the first time in a long time. Ridge knows Tony will have to dig even deeper than he ever has before to defeat Dragunov, match the physicality, and Dragunov will surely bring that out of Tony.

Then once the bell rings, are the games over? Well, you can’t just call yourself The Don and expect people to come along. The fans have accepted it, but for those who don’t accept it, there are consequences. Sam wonders if Dragunov doesn’t realize that Tony is the first person to not play Dragunov’s game but is forcing Dragunov to play his. Moving on, the Six Woman Tag of Thea, Fallon & Kelani VS Kiana, Jacy & Izzi is full of grudges, a battle of cliques, but we all know Kliqs run WWE. Certainly joining likeminded people help you get ahead, and a lot of this was Thea realizing who really were her friends.

Megan says it is so good to see Thea back to her true self. Jacy may never have been Thea’s real friend, but she did help awaken something in Thea. Jacy may have made a big mistake doing that, fiery Thea is going to be a lot to handle. Ridge knows the ups and downs of figuring out who you are and then embracing it. And speaking of, Joe Gacy has surely embraced his true self, even if it is rather manic. Gacy and Shawn Spears are set to throw down in the countdown, who will truly Stand & Deliver?


Countdown Show – Joe Gacy VS Shawn Spears!

After surviving #HardJustice, the madman of NXT now faces The Chair Man and the “painful truth.” Will Gacy turn everything Upside-Down on Spears? Or will Spears-

Wait, RIDGE HOLLAND attacks Gacy with a chair?! The fans boo, Ridge said he was taking a step away from things! Spears smiles, though, he feels this is the “truth” he brought out of Ridge! Gacy snarls, hobbles his way into the ring, and he still wants to fight! The bell rings, Spears runs up, but Gacy TOSSES him up and out! Gacy’s suffered more than a chair shot, so he runs and DIVES to take Spears down! The fans fire up, Gacy puts Spears in, and then Gacy goes up the corner. But Spears runs up to spring right up, and SUPER ARM-DRAG Gacy away! Gacy writhes, goes to the apron, and Spears storms up to throw haymakers.

The fans rally for Gacy but Spears whips him into a POST! Gacy writhes, the ref checks, but Gacy refuses to quit. So Spears throws forearms into that lower back! Spears then scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Spears mockingly asks if Gacy hurts, then he CHOPS Gacy! The fans “WOO~” as Gacy CHOPS back! Spears CHOPS, Gacy CHOPS, then Gacy CHOPS and runs, into a CHOP! Spears runs, but Gacy CHOPS back! Gacy runs, but Spears CHOPS again! Spears runs, but he fakes Gacy out to trip him! BOSTON CRAB! Gacy endures as Spears sits deep on the hold! Gacy fights up, moves around, and the fans rally for him.

Gacy claws his way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Spears lets off at 4, and Spears scowls as the fans duel. Spears stands Gacy up, puts him on the top rope, and then climbs up. Spears again asks if it hurts, but Gacy throws elbows! Spears falls, Gacy adjusts, but Spears comes back! Gacy DECKS him, then adjusts to CROSSBODY! But Spears rolls it through, TWO! Gacy gets up, and gets Spears for a SAIDO! The fans fire up while both men are down! Spears goes to ropes and drags himself up. Gacy throws body shots, Spears throws haymakers, then Gacy throws haymakers. Gacy whips, Spears reverses but Gacy CLOBBERS him!

Gacy rallies, BOOTS, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! The fans fire up with Gacy while Spears flounders to a corner. Gacy runs in to ELBOW Spears, clothesline, and short arm LARIAT! The fans fire up as Gacy LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Spears survives and bails out but the fans rally up. Gacy builds speed and DIVES, but into a forearm! Spears drags Gacy out, suplexes, but Gacy headstands on the apron! So Spears BOOTS him! Spears brings Gacy around to APRON BACK SUPLEX! The ring count climbs but Spears rolls in at 4 of 10. Gacy flounders, Spears dares him to get in, and Gacy stands at 8 of 10. Spears slingshots Gacy to the top rope! SUPER DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Gacy survives and Spears grows frustrated. Spears vows to end this, reels Gacy into a fireman’s carry, but Gacy slips free! Clinch but Spears throws elbows! Gacy gets Spears again, but Spears arm-drags free! Spears fireman’s carries, Gacy sunset flips but Spears sits on it! Cover, TWO! Gacy gets Spears now, URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Spears survives and Gacy grits his teeth while clutching his back. The fans rally back up, Spears goes to the apron, but Gacy goes up the corner. Gacy aims and Spears freaks out! Gacy hops down to BOOT Spears, then goes to the apron to SENTON! The fans fire up and Gacy goes back up top! SWANTON FLOP as Spears moves!

Spears gets Gacy up, underhooks, PEDIGREE!! Cover, TWO?!? Gacy survives and shocks Spears! The fans fire up and Spears drags Gacy up. Spears winds up to SUPERKICK! Gacy rebounds to ROLLING ELBOW! Then UPPERCUTS! Gacy handsprings but into a BOOT! Spears fireman’s carries but Gacy slips free! Gacy whips, Spears reverses, but Gacy handsprings, UPSIDE-DOWN!! Cover, Gacy wins!

Winner: Joe Gacy, by pinfall

Gacy overcomes the odds, and the “truth” makes him the winner! But will there be consequences of Ridge’s actions? And will it come from Ava Raine or from Gacy himself?


The Meta Four are here!

Noam Dar, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & Oro Mensah are the hosts of Stand & Deliver, and they parody the D’Angelo Family by eating up at an Italian restaurant. Must be nice to be The Don, right? Jakara can’t imagine walking around whacking o- Jakara, phrasing. But Lash would rather be the NXT Champion. The Dragon and the Don collide, but only one can be champion. Then they parody Chase U as they talk about how friendship brought Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne together. Dar has questions. STFU when Professor Lash speaks! But then the friendship soured, the battlelines have been drawn, and that is a teachable moment.

Another parody of needing the ambulance, just as Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria have needed. Roxie lost a title and hasn’t been able to reclaim it, but Lyra will do whatever she must to hold onto it. Vindication versus validation, but only one leaves champion. CLEAR~! Then they mock Dijak’s Matrix meets Judge Dredd. Now “justice” for Dijak is smash mouth, but The Ruler won’t put up with it. And don’t forget Josh Briggs, he will throw fire and fury in those fists! Three big men, can the Wells Fargo Center contain it? And lastly, in the barbershop, that is the main event. Carmelo Hayes VS Trick Williams, in the City of Brother Love.

Two men fighting for the same thing: the number one spot. There can only be one at the top. Will it be #WhoopDatTrick? Or will Melo prove he’s still HIM? In a city full of history, it is time to make some! Welcome to Stand & Deliver!


NXT Tag Team Championships: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin VS Axiom & Nathan Frazer!

The Wolf Dogs may have had those cheesesteaks, but their appetites for competition are never satisfied. Will they feast on the hopes and dreams of their opponents here? Or will the Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truth be that speed kills?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who the alpha dogs truly are!

Wait! Frazer & Axiom DIVE! And DIVE! And DIVE again! They aren’t letting the Wolf Dogs get their bearings, Axiom goes up to GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT! The fans fire up as Axiom puts Bron in, the bell rings, and Axiom CROSSBODIES! Cover, ONE!! Bron snarls, the fans bark, and Axiom runs. Bron blocks a kick, but Frazer tags in to DROPKICK! Axiom DROPKCIKS but Corbin tags in! To get an ASSISTED DROPKICK! Frazer runs, tilt-o-whirls and DDTS! Cover, TWO! Frazer headlocks, Corbin powers up and out, but Frazer redirects, redirects, and then dropkicks! Frazer keeps going, but Corbin blocks a boot!

Corbin FLIPS Frazer, LARIATS him, and the fans fire up! Corbin drags Frazer up, DECKS him, then YANKS him back up. But Frazer lands out to PELE! Tag to Axiom, he fires forearms, Fraezr adds forearms, then they LARIAT and DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Axiom runs up, but Corbin puts him on the apron. Axiom RAMS Corbin, GAMANGIRIS Bron, then slingshots at Corbin. Corbin catches Axiom to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, then deadlift BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Corbin tags Bron, the fans bark, and Bron brings Axiom up. Bron CLUBS Axiom, digs his knees in at the corner, but lets off as the ref counts.

The fans fire up with Bron and he headlocks. Axiom powers up and out, Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds speed to LARIAT Axiom inside-out! The fans fire up and even Corbin liked that one! Bron brings Axiom over, tags Corbin, and the Wolf Dogs mug Axiom. Corbin throws hands, Axiom flounders, but Corbin keeps Axiom from Frazer. Corbin DECKS Axiom, digs his boots in, but lets off as the ref counts. Bron tags in, drags Axiom up but Axiom fires hands! Bron knees low, whips, and ELBOWS Axiom down! Cover, TWO! Bron does push-ups! The fans bark again and Bron clamps onto Axiom with a chinlock.

Bron grinds Axiom down, the fans rally up, and Axiom fights up. Axiom pries the hold open, CHOPS and CHOPS, but Bron knees low! Bron runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! The fans fire up while both men are down! Bron and Axiom stir, they crawl for their corners, and the fans rally as they hot tag Frazer and Corbin! Frazer springboards ot MISSILE DROPKICK! Frazer dodges Bron to TOSS him, then dodges Corbin to WRECK Bron! Then Frazer slips through a lariat, springboards, QUEBRADA! He powers Corbin into a REVERSE DDT! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO! Corbin survives the onslaught but Frazer tags Axiom.

Axiom goes to one corner while Frazer climbs this one, PHOENIX- NO, Corbin moves! Corbin DECKS Axiom, then gives Frazer a DEEP SIX! Tag back to Bron, POWERBOMB for Axiom, then a flip over into- GOLDEN RATIO!! SUPERKICK for Corbin!! Cover, TWO?!?! The fans are thunderous as all four men are down! Axiom goes to a corner, climbs up and the fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” Bron trips Axiom up on the top rope! Bron throws hands, but Axiom fires back! Bron JUMP KNEES! Tag to Corbin, and he runs up, but into a BOOT! Axiom adjusts, Bron is right up! SUPER STEINER into Corbin! Corbin covers, Frazer breaks it!!

The fans are fired up again, “This is Awesome!” Axiom fires forearms on Bron but Bron gives them back. They go back and forth, Axiom gets the edge but Bron UPPERCUTS! Bron runs, Axiom dodges, SNAP GERMAN! Corbin is up, he catches Axiom to UREANGE into a corner! Frazer is up, kicks, but Corbin blocks! But the DRAGON WHIP hits! Bron fireman’s carries Frazer to GUTBUSTER DROP! Bron has the fans barking, and he goes up a corner, only for Axiom to GAMANGIRI! Axiom tags Frazer then climbs. Frazer goes to the other corner while Axiom gives Bron a SUPER SPANISH FLY! Frazer SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO!!!

Bron survives again and the challengers are shocked! They coordinate, Frazer goes back up, but Bron anchors him! Bron body shots from underneath! Corbin ROCKS Axiom, gets Frazer, but Frazer throws elbows! Bron comes back, Corbin gives Axiom a SCRAPBUSTER! Bron has Frazer up, SUPER BACK SUPLEX CUTTER!! Bron roars, he tags Corbin, and Corbin goes up!? The Wolf doesn’t usually do this, but he FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO!! Corbin is furious, as is Bron, but the fans fire up again! Bron brings down the straps as he goes around to aim at Axiom & Frazer on the outside. Bron runs in, Axiom moves Frazer, Bron hits steel steps!!

Corbin storms out, grabs each m an by the neck, and he SHOVES them over the desk! But they land on their feet to come back and DOUBLE LARIAT! Axiom & Frazer mug Corbin, put him in, then ROCK Corbin! Axiom tags Frazer, GOLDEN RATIO! Frazer goes up to PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, BRON BREAKS IT!! The fans are thunderous again as the Big Booty Nephew saves the match! Axiom BUZZSAWS and SUPERKICKS him for it! Axiom runs at Corbin, tilt-o-whirl, END OF DAYS! Frazer runs up, END OF- NO, Frazer slips free! Bron SPEARS!!! Cover, Wolf Dogs win!!

Winners: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

This was truly fast and furious, but the Wolf Dogs find a way to win! Will nothing stop this dysfunctional yet dominant duo?


The Meta Four is backstage.

Wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys… Noam Dar says they need to do interviews. And when it comes to Oba Femi, there’s only one man for the job. They all cheer Dar on but Dar says no, it’s Oro. But Oro says you never know if Oba’s in a good mood. Too late, do it. They give him a mic and Oro says we are outside the locker room of The Ruler! They want to know, will it be Dijak, Josh Briggs, or- OH! Oba pushes the door open and knocks Oro over! Well, that match is up next, will Oba prove his confidence with actions rather than words?

NXT North American Championship Triple Threat: Oba Femi VS Josh Briggs VS DIJAK!

It may not be WrestleMania, but this is definitely MEAT Mania! Will Oba be able to survive the odds when he’s up against two men who are on par with his size and strength? Or will we see someone finally defy Oba’s destiny?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the biggest and the baddest!

The bell rings and the three stare down. The challengers rush in but Oba catches them both by the neck! Oba shoves Dijak away, then he shoves Briggs up and out! Dijak runs up, CLUBS Oba, and then Briggs ROCKS Oba from the apron! Dijak ROCKS Oba again, Briggs and Dijak both kick, but Oba blocks! Oba FLIPS them both! The fans are fired up as Oba then UPPERCUTS Briggs and UPPERCUTS Dijak, then repeat! Oba runs side to side, but Briggs ELBOWS him! Briggs and Dijak BOOT SANDWICH! Dijak runs to RAM Oba, then Briggs RAMS Oba, repeat! Oba is the world’s biggest pinball as Dijak and Briggs continue to RAM him!

The fans rally with “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Briggs and Dijak RAM Oba, Oba leans against ropes, and Dijak shoves Oba out of the ring. They both go to the apron, and Dijak ROCKS Briggs! So much for teaming up. Dijak LEAPS, but Oba catches him! But Briggs LEAPS, so Oba SMACKS him using Dijak! Then Oba pops Dijak up to DROP him on Briggs! The fans fire up with Oba’s insane strength! Oba storms up on Dijak, and TOSSES him over the Spanish announce desk! Oba then picks up an armchair, and he CHUCKS it at Briggs! The fans fire up and Oba picks the chair back up. Oba drags Dijak up but Dijak throws hands!

Dijak ROCKS Oba, ROCKS him again and again, then makes him take a seat. Oba UPPERCUTS but Dijak SUPERKICKS! Oba sits in the chair, Dijak goes up top! But Briggs grabs Dijak first! Briggs SUPER CHOKE SLAMS Dijak onto Oba and the chair!! They almost wipe out Spanish commentary entirely! The fans lose their minds while the ref checks on Dijak and Oba. Briggs drags Oba up and into the ring, then runs to BOOT in the corner! Briggs keeps going, he BOOTS again! Briggs then shoves Oba out, goes up the corner, and leaps, into a CHOP! Oba snarls as he storms up on Briggs.

Briggs fights the lift with elbows, then choke grips! The fans rally as Oba pries free of the grip! Dijak joins in, and now he and Briggs DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM! Double cover, TWO!! Oba survives, but Briggs and Dijak shove each other. Oba flounders but they mug him with hammering forearms! Briggs and Dijak run, into DOUBLE SPINEBUSTERS!! The fans are thunderous again as Oba shows off his superhuman strength! Oba goes to the apron, he stands Briggs up, but Briggs clamps on! Oba fights with fists, throws more shots, but Briggs ELBOWS him back! And hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX!

Briggs hurries in but Dijak springboards, into a BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Briggs hobbles, this battle is taking a lot out of all three men. Briggs considers his options, and he goes up a corner?! Fans want tables but then Oba body shots Briggs first! Oba goes up to CLUB Briggs but Briggs hits back! Briggs SHOKES Oba, Dijak SUPERKICKS Oba down! Dijak then ROCKS Briggs, ROCKS him again, and climbs up to CLUB him. Dijak goes to the very top to join Briggs, but Briggs fights back! Briggs winds up to SUPER LARIAT!! Both men fall but Briggs hurries to cover, ROPEBREAK!! Dijak survives by that very big foot!

Oba is back and he shoves Briggs. Briggs CHOPS, Oba fires a forearm! Oba ROCKS Briggs, but Briggs ROCKS Oba! They go back and forth, then Briggs fires body shots. Oba hits back, the fans continue to rally with “MEAT! MEAT!” Dijak CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, giving Oba and Briggs shot after shot! But then they hit him back! Briggs fires forearms and elbows, but then Oba CHOPS them both! Oba runs, Briggs ROCKS him! Dijak SUPERKICKS Briggs! Dijak spins, Briggs BOOTS him! Dijak fires up, but Briggs dodges so the BOOT hits Oba! Briggs DECKS Dijak! Briggs fires up, runs and clotheslines Oba up and out!

But then the CYCLONE KICK hits Briggs!! Cover, TWO!!! Briggs survives but Dijak CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS him while he’s down! But Briggs clamps onto Dijak’s neck! Dijak CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS again! Briggs BOOTS from below! And LARIATS! Dijak stays up so Briggs LARIATS again! Dijak goes to a corner, Briggs CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Dijak choke grips to HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Briggs might be superhuman himself! Dijak runs up to SUPERKICK! Then he runs, into Briggs’ BOOT!! Briggs choke grips, for the CHOKE- DESTROYER?!? Dijak brings that outta nowhere! Cover, TWO?!?!?

The fans are thunderous as somehow, someway, Briggs survives! Dijak drags Briggs up, “This is Awesome!” as Dijak fireman’s carries. Dijak then goes up a corner!? The fans are freaking out already, and then Oba adds on! Oba Electric Chair Lifts Dijak and thereby lifts Briggs, ELECTRIC CHAIR SAMOAN DROP COMBO!! Cover, DIJAK BREAKS IT!!! The fans are electric, standing ovation, and Briggs manages to get away. Oba drags Dijak up, ROCKS him with hands, then POP-UP POWER- NO, Dijak fights it with fists! Dijak pops out the back, BOOTS Oba then runs, to BOOT again! Oba rebounds, so Dijak runs again to CYCLONE KICK!

Oba wobbles and Dijak says this is it! Torture rack, and FEAST YOUR EYES!! Cover, BRIGGS MOONSAULTS!! Dijak avoids it, then SUPERKICKS Briggs! Oba manages to stand but into another torture rack! FEAST YOUR EYES AGAIN!!! Cover, BRIGGS YANKS THE REF OUT!! The fans boo as Briggs bends the rules! Briggs grins but Dijak is furious! Dijak FLIES over the ref to take out Briggs! The fans fire up again and Dijak hurries back up. Dijak finds Oba and POSTS him! “This is Awesome!” as Oba staggers around. Dijak takes aim, runs in, but Oba sends him into barriers! Briggs RAMS Oba through barriers!!

Dijak torture racks Briggs! FEAST YOUR EYES!! Briggs is dazed, Dijak puts him in, and the fans are thunderous! Dijak says it for himself, and then torture racks! FEAST YOUR EYES again!! Cover, OBA RETURNS?! Oba drags Dijak off Briggs and POP-UP POWERBOMBS him onto Briggs!! Then Oba covers Briggs, and wins!!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Big meaty men slapped meat from bell to bell, and in the end, Oba is still The Ruler! Not only does he sit upon the throne, but he is also the measuring stick of what is means to be a giant! Will no one be able to move this mountain of a man?


The Meta Four is still backstage.

As the hosts, they need a successful interview, so they will get some thoughts from Thea, Fallon & Kelani. Duke Hudson says no, not a good idea right now. They’re in the zone. Hey, listen up, Dar is the host so take notes. Thea, Thea! Did you really think Jacy was your friend? Thea gets him in a KIMURA!! The Meta Four gets Dar away from Thea and Thea’s ready to break arms! Will she do just that when she gets her hands on that toxic Jacy Jayne?

Six Woman Tag: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan VS Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame!

There is no shortage of animosity in this one. Chase U, The Cowgirl and The Gym Princess are all united in how much they can’t stand Jacy, Kiana and Izzi, and the “mean girls” are united by how they can’t stand Thea, Fallon and Kelani! Which side learns their lesson about respect as all six Stand & Deliver?

Wait, the moment the good girls are ringside, the mean girls attack! Kiana of course TOSSES Fallon and Jacy RAMS Thea into the apron, leaving Izzi to CLOBBER Kelani! The fans boo as this toxic take on the Powerpuff Girls, with their red, blue, and green gear, put Fallon in the ring. The bell rings as Izzi fires hands on Fallon, then bumps her off buckles! Izzi whips Fallon into the corner again and again and again, then scoops to BACKBREAKER! Tag to Kiana and she runs up to KICK Fallon! Kiana stomps her, throws hands, then runs to BOOT Fallon down! Tag to Jacy and she joins Kiana. But Kelani saves Fallon from the double suplex!

Fallon tags Thea, then she and Kelani DOUBLE DROPKICK Kiana and Jacy! Izzi tags in, runs up, but into a CROSSBODY from Thea! The fans fire up with Thea’s team, and Fallon WRECKS Kiana while Kelani TORNILLOS Izzi! But Jacy DECKS Thea! Jacy whips, Thea reverses and sends Jacy out! Thean then shakes the ropes before the TRUST FALLS but onto Riley! Jacy used Riley against Thea, and then DECKS Thea! Jacy rains down fists on Thea, then tells off Chase U! Jacy puts Thea in, drags her up and bumps her off buckles. Jacy stomps a mudhole, then she tags Kiana in. Kiana stomps and RAMS into Thea, then tags Izzi.

Izzi & Kiana whip Theta HARD into the buckles, then Izzi runs up. Thea BOOTS Izzi, DECKS Kiana, theN swipes at Jacy! Thea dodges Izzi, but Izzi reels her in to back supelx. Thea lands out, and she SMASHES Izzi! Thea then dodges, tags to Kelani and Jacy! Kelani rallies on Jacy, the fans fire up, and Kelani UPPERCUTS! Kelani blocks a boot to JUMP SOBAT! Kelani kips up, the fans fire up, but Izzi runs in! Kelani DROPKICKS her out then handsprings, clinches, and COMPLETE SHOTS Jacy! Kelani hurries up top, but Kiana is there! Kelani BOOTS Kiana, but Izzi SHOVES Kelani down! It Iz what it Iz!

Tag to Izzi, she clamps onto Kelani and dribbles her off the mat! The fans boo as Izzi talks trash on Fallon. Izzi fires off on Kelani in a corner, then fires more forearms! Kelani hits back and the fans fire up! Izzi TOSSES Kelani away, then drops a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Izzi is annoyed, but she clamps onto the legs and CATAPULTS Kelani into buckles! Tag to Kiana, she stomps a mudhole in, then RAMS into Kelani. The ref counts, Kiana handsprings and taunts Thea, to then RAM into Kelani! Tag to Jacy, she says up yours and then CANNONBALLS Kelani! Cover, TWO! Jacy is frustrated but she mocks Thea.

Jacy whips Kelani to the corner, runs up and back body blocks! Tag to Kiana, she taunts Fallon, and she knees Kelani low! Kiana whips, catches Kelani to a COBRA TWIST! Kelani endures, even as Kiana thrashes her around! The fans rally, Kelani fights free, but Kiana CLUBS her down! Kiana whips, but Kelani rolls her up! TWO! Kiana keeps Kelani from her corner, then CLOBBERS her! Kiana stomps Kelani, tags Izzi, and Kiana feeds Kelani to Izzi’s boot! Cover, TWO! Izzi slaps Kelani around, gets the legs again, and she CATAPULTS Kelani, but Kelani springs up the corner! CROSSBODY, but Izzi catches Kelani! BACKBREAKER!

Izzi then BLASTS Thea & Fallon! But Kelani avoids Izzi’s elbow drop! Kiana tags in, but Kelani tags Fallon! Fallon rallies on her bitter enemy, then goes up the ropes! Izzi runs in, but into the WHEELBARROW SHOTGUN COMBO! Fallon fires off shots on Izzi, then SMASHES her! Izzi runs in, but is sent into Kiana! Jacy runs in, but gets a FACEBUSTER! Fallon trips Izzi to CALF KICK her down! Fallon runs up on Kiana but Kiana puts her up top! Fallon SLAPS Kiana first, then TORNADO SNAP SUPLEXES! Cover, Jacy breaks it! Thea gets in but Izzi BOOTS her! Fallon DECKS Izzi! Fallon storms up on Kiana and shoves her down.

Fallon goes up, but Kiana THROAT CHOPS! Kiana goes up, brings Fallon up, and SUPER SPANISH FLIES! Cover, TWO!! Fallon survives and Kiana can’t believe it! Tag to Izzi, then tag to Jacy. They whip and FLAPJACK Fallon, to then 401K! Then TOXIC KNEE!! Cover, Thea breaks it!! The fans fire up and Thea fires off on Jacy! But Kiana whips Thea, only for Thea to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Thea roars, runs and SENTONS onto Kiana! But Izzi gets in to catch the trust fall, and she TOSSES Thea, but Duke catches her! The fans cheer on the Chase U MVP, and Kelani runs up to slingshot and STUNNER! Izzi flops out of the ring!

Kelani goes up top and takes aim! SUPER MOONSAULT onto Kiana & Izzi! And then she even kips up! But Jazmyn CLOBBERS Kelani with her good arm!! The fans boo but the ref missed it watching Jacy. But Thea tags in! And she tells Jacy to “SUCK IT!” Jacy freaks out, but she has no one to tag! Thea grins and the fans cheer her on. Jacy has to face the music now! Jacy and Thea fire off fast hands and the fans love it! Jacy shoves Thea, ROCKS her, but Thea ROCKS Jacy back! Jacy ROCKS Thea, Thea ROCKS Jacy, repeat! Jacy shoves Thea, BOOTS her down, then mocks Chase U. But Thea ducks the discus to THESZ PRESS and fast hands!

Jacy shoves Thea away, gets up, but Thea CLOBBERS her! Thea clinches to EXPLODER! Thea runs in but she’s sent into buckles! Jacy stacks, TWO! Thea stands, dodges and then comes back, body scissors and KIMURA!! Jacy DUMPS Thea out but Thea stands on the apron! HOTSHOT to the bad arm! But Kiana YANKS Thea down! Kiana puts Thea in, Jacy tags Izzi! Izzi grins as she runs up, but Thea ducks the boot! Thea runs, tilt-o-whirls, KIMURA!! Izzi falls to her knees, she TAPS! Thea’s team wins!!

Winner: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan, by submission

Nice guys might finish last, but good girls are always better! Thea celebrates with Fallon, Kelani and Chase U as they all get vindication! Will this momentum be just what they all need to get back on track towards title opportunities?


Ava Raine speaks.

The NXT General Manager says if that tag match doesn’t show how NXT has the best women’s division anywhere in the world, then she doesn’t know what will. But she truly believes that the women are the backbone of NXT. That is why she’s excited and honored to announce that soon, we will be crowning the first-ever NXT Women’s North American Champion! NXT gets a midcard title for the ladies, and everyone loves it! But then who will be ready to win that brand new piece of gold?


Giulia is in the crowd!

Former NJPW Strong Women’s Champion, and pretty much the star of Stardom, is here in Philadelphia to get a feel of NXT. Could she soon become the new star of this already star-studded Women’s Division?


NXT Women’s Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Roxanne Perez!

The Morrigan and The Prodigy have similar origins of just young girls dreaming big dreams and making them come true. However, the major difference between them is how they handled failure and adversity. While Lyra simply kept fighting to come back from injury, then flew across the Atlantic to start again, Roxie came up with excuses, blamed other people, and gave in to her anger. But will Roxie prove that edge is razor sharp? Or will she fail to take this title back again?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is ready to do whatever it takes to be a champion!

The bell rings and the two tie right up. They go around, Roxie pulls hair to put Lyra in a corner, then climbs up to pull on the bad arm! Lyra gets free but Roxie is right after her. Lyra shoves Roxie down, Roxie gets back up, but Lyra waistlocks to SLAM! Roxie tries again, but Lyra again waistlocks and SLAMS! Lyra facelocks but Roxie wrenches out. Lyra turns that around to wrangle Roxie to a cover, TWO! Lyra headlocks, Roxie powers up and out, then drops to hurdle, but into a fireman’s carry! But Roxie slips free to go for the arm! Lyra gets free, but Roxie avoids the heel kick! The fans fire up as the two reset.

Roxie and Lyra circle, Lyra waistlocks, but Roxie pries free and wrenches the bad arm. The fans duel, Roxie pushes on the shoulder, but Lyra spins through. Roxie stays clamped onto the arm, then puts on more pressure. Lyra pulls hair, chinbars, and she puts Roxie on ropes to then whip her away. Roxie runs Lyra over, “kicks dirt” at her, then runs. Lyra hurdles, drops, but Roxie rolls. Roxie comes back to RANA, but Lyra handsprings through! Roxie runs up but into a hip toss! Lyra runs up to ELBOW Roxie down, then whips her again. Roxie blocks the hip toss, spins around and hammerlocks! Lyra endures, moves around, and around, and she throws Roxie out!

Lyra shakes out the bad arm, but she builds speed to WRECK Roxie with a dropkick! Lyra gets Roxie up and back in the ring, but has to shake out the bad arm. Lyra runs up to SHOTGUN Roxie down! Roxie gets up in a corner, Lyra runs in, but Roxie BOOTS the bad arm! Roxie goes up to DOUBLE STOMP the bad arm! Roxie CLUBS the arm again and again, then wrenches to ARMBAR DDT! Lyra clutches the elbow but Roxie runs up in the corner to UPPERCUT! Roxie wrenches, reels Lyra in and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! Cover, TWO! Roxie stays on Lyra’s arm, SLAMS it off the mat, then clamps on again.

Roxie steps over to drop a knee on the elbow! Lyra hurries away but Roxie runs up to throw body shots. Roxie then wraps the bad arm around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Roxie lets off at 4, and the fans rally up. Roxie grabs at the arm but Lyra uses the ropes as defense. Roxie stomps Lyra, CLUBS the arm, then pushes on the shoulder. Lyra fights up, throws body shots, but Roxie throws her by her hair! Roxie steps on Lyra’s arm and soaks up the cheers and jeers. But Lyra rolls Roxie up! TWO, and Roxie drop toeholds Lyra to CLUB her down! Roxie steps over, traps the good arm, then CLUBS the bad arm!

Roxie pulls on the arm, and fans freak out for the DARK ARMBAR!! Lyra writhes but Roxie hauls her up! Roxie hammerlocks into the NORTHERN LIGHTS! Cover, TWO!! So Roxie YANKS the bad arm! Roxie pulls on the arm but Lyra endures! Lyra clasps hands but Roxie pulls the grip apart! Lyra fights around, kicks her way up, and stacks Roxie! TWO, and Roxie still has the arm! Roxie kicks into Lyra’s shoulder and ribs! Lyra still endures, the fans rally up, and Lyra moves around. Lyra kicks her way back up, Roxie avoids the stack, so Lyra stomps her again and again! And again and again and again!

Roxie finally lets Lyra go, but then she wrenches and CLUBS the arm! Hammerlock, and Roxie POSTS Lyra! Lyra slumps in the corner but Roxie brings her up to hammerlock and whip. Lyra reverses to send Roxie into buckles! Roxie ELBOWS back, goes up, but Lyra avoids the knees to O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Lyra goes up, up, but the arm throws her off! Lyra still CROSSBODIES! Roxie rolls through, steps over, but Lyra avoids the knee drop! Roxie hobbles, brings Lyra up, but Lyra fights the DDT! Lyra back drops Roxie away! The fans rally up as Roxie stands, and she swings, only for Lyra to dodge! Roxie dodges, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide!

The fans fire up while both women are down! Lyra and Roxie rise, and Roxie throws a forearm, only for Lyra to block! Lyra windmills, BOOTS, KICKS, KICKS and fires palm strikes! Lyra fires off more KICKS to the leg, then LARIATS! And LARIATS! And SOBATS, KICKS, RAMS, KICKS and reels Roxie in, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO, so Lyra NORTHERN LIGHTS again! Bridge, TWO, and Lyra gets Roxie for a FISHERMAN- NO, the bad arm gives up! Roxie is free, she YANKS the bad arm, and hooks Lyra again! Lyra SMASHES Roxie off a knee and tries again! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Roxie survives and Lyra is frustrated. Lyra goes up a corner, but Roxie ROCKS her first! Roxie climbs to join Lyra, and she SLAPS her! Lyra SLAPS back! Roxie SLAPS, Lyra SLAPS, it’s a SLAP fight up top! Lyra gets the better of Roxie, CLUBS away on her and then goes up to SUPER SUNSET FLIP- NO, Roxie holds ropes to fight the bomb! Lyra still tries, she pries Roxie away, RUNNING POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Roxie survives again and flops to the outside! Lyra grows frustrated, but she builds speed to DIVE into a forearm! Roxie hurries in, she builds speed, and Roxie DIVES to TORNADO DDT to the floor!

Roxie puts Lyra in fast, runs up, ducks the heel kick to SOBAT! Roxie hops on, POP ROX!! Cover, TWO?!? Lyra survives and shocks Roxie! Roxie snarls, she grabs the bad arm and kicks and YANKS and hammerlocks! Roxie POSTS Lyra again! Roxie drags Lyra out, hammerlocks and POSTS her again! Roxie says this is HER title, and she hammers away on Lyra! The ref counts, Roxie lets off at 4, and she has to remember there are disqualifications. Wait, she exposes a crossbar! Roxie HAMMERS away on Lyra, but then Tatum Paxley slips in? She helps Lyra up, but Roxie DECKS Tatum!

Roxie gets Lyra’s bad arm along the bar! Fans freak out as Roxie- NO, Lyra avoids the stomp! Then she POSTS Roxie in return! Lyra then BOOTS Roxie, CLUBS away on her, then runs up, but is sent into Tatum! The superfan might’ve just cost her idol as Roxie POSTS Lyra again! Roxie SLAMS Lyra’s arm into the post! Other refs come out to help Tatum away, and Roxie puts Lyra in. Roxie runs up to tilt-o-whirl, LA MYSTICA! CROSSFACE! Lyra rolls to a cover, TWO! HEEL KICK!! Cover, TWO!! Roxie survives but Lyra goes up top! The fans duel as Lyra aims, DIVING SPLASH into the CROSSFACE!!! Roxie pulls way back on the hold!

Lyra rolls to a cover, TWO! Roxie ghost pins, TWO!! Lyra escapes, but Roxie SOBATS! Roxie hops on but Lyra dumps her! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Roxie has the prawn hold, TWO!! Both women stand, Lyra blocks the sobat and traps that leg, to GERMAN SUPLEX! Lyra hurries after Roxie, hauls her up to a fireman’s carry, NIGHT- NO, Roxie pops up to POISON-RANA! Then POP ROX!!! Then the CROSSFACE!!!! Roxie wants to hurt Lyra! Lyra flails, reaches out, claws her way, but Roxie kicks the ropes to turn this away!! Lyra is caught, fading, clawing at the hold, BUT SHE TAPS! ROXIE WINS!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by submission (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

The Prodigy clipped The Morrigan’s wings and now she snatches away the Shiny Shiny! Roxie has come through on her own golden prophecy, will she make sure this title never leaves her side again?


NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Tony D’Angelo w/ The D’Angelo Family!

The Czar has proven through furious physicality and undaunting determination that he is a powerful fighter. But The Don of NXT has proven through cunning intellect and sly strategy that he is a powerful leader. When you pit power against power, only the one with something truly intangible comes out on top. Who will be the man with all the power here in NXT?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the unbreakable is truly unbreakable!

The bell rings and the two rush up! Tony blocks a kick, but Dragunov blocks a haymaker, and Dragunov BACKHANDS, except that’s the bad hand! Tony fires off hands, then hockey scrums! Dragunov wrenches out, and he gives it back, even with the bad hand! Tony RAMS Dragunov into ropes, but Dragunov suplexes Tony up and out, going right along with him! The fans fire up as both men hit the floor! The Family coaches Tony but Dragunov SMACKS Tony off the apron. Dragunov puts Tony in, runs up, but Tony ducks the elbow to scoop and run to the ropes! Both men tumble back out but this time Tony gets up first.

Tony SMACKS Dragunov off the apron, puts him in the ring, then runs up. Dragunov dodges, Tony dodges, and DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men fall and the fans fire up! They both stand, Dragunov fires first but Tony fires back, and they go forearm for forearm! Dragunov gets the edge with boxing elbows, but Tony ROCKS him with a haymaker! Dragunov BOOTS, Tony rebounds, but Dragunov ducks the super punch to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on despite the bad hand, and he drags Tony back up. GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov keeps the grip, holding his own wrist rather than fingers.

Tony still pries the hold open and bends those bad fingers! Dragunov fires forearms from the left, Tony ROCKS him, and Dragunov braces himself, only for the bad hand to give up! Tony stomps the bad hand, then SUPER PUNCHES Dragunov down! Cover, TWO! Tony waistlocks now, brings Dragunov up, but Dragunov throws punches. Dragunov goes for Tony’s arm but Tony shoves him away, CONSTANTINE- NO, Dragunov can’t stay up in the ropes with the bad hand! Tony deadlift GUT WRENCH PLEXES! Cover, ONE!! Dragunov still toughs it out but Tony drags him up. Dragunov HEADBUTTS, but Tony pushes him to the corner.

Tony RAMS into Dragunov, hoists him up top, then climbs. Dragunov fires elbows, Tony still climbs, so Dragunov fires headbutts! Tony headbutts, then they DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Both men fall from the corner to the apron and then the floor! The Family check son The Don while Dragunov flounders away. Tony runs up but Dragunov ELBOWS him first! Then CHOPS, but that’s the bad hand! Dragunov CHOPS again! Tony ducks and Dragunov chops POST! Then Tony scoops Dragunov to POST him back first! Dragunov writhes, Tony refreshes the ring count and drags Dragunov up. But Dragunov fireman’s carries!

Tony pulls at the bad arm but Dragunov DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS into barriers! The fans fire up while both men are down on the outside! Dragunov drags Tony up and puts him in, then clamps on with a waistlock. GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up as Philly is again Suplex City! Dragunov GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Dragunov hauls Tony up again but Tony pries the waistlock open. Tony switches, Dragunov throws elbows, but Tony ROCKS Dragunov! Dragunov powers through the pain to rebound and PELE! Dragunov runs up to KNEE Tony, runs and KNEES him again! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Dragunov drags Tony up. Dragunov runs, runs, and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Tony stays in this and The Family coaches him up. Dragunov rises, the fans duel, and Dragunov storms up. Tony RAMS Dragunov into a corner! Tony puts Dragunov up top again and they brawl as Tony climbs. Dragunov fires boxing elbows, then he goes up to SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB! The fans fire up while Tony sputters! Stacks coaches Tony but Dragunov takes aim! H BOMB- BOOT!! Tony stops Dragunov from hitting the knockout, and Stacks has the brass knuckles! Tony takes the knuckles, but then says no, he does this the right way!

But Dragunov CLOBBERS Tony! Dragunov tells Stacks this is what he gets, and he STOMPS Stacks’ fingers! Tony fires hands on Dragunov, but Dragunov fires back! Dragunov CHOPS, CHOPS with the left hand, then MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Dragunov digs his boots into Tony, scrapes him, then runs side to side, but into Tony’s lift! Only for Dragunov to DDT counter! Cover, TWO! Tony stays in this but Dragunov stays on him. Dragunov brings Tony to a corner, digs him into the mat, and tells the D’Angelo Family, “You are not in control!” Dragunov HAMMERS away on Tony, then throws crossface forearms!

Dragunov makes Tony look at Stacks and Dragunov taunts Stacks to do something about this! Stacks gets on the apron, but Tony tells him to stand down. This is Tony’s fight, no one else’s. Dragunov nods, and he brings Tony up. Dragunov kisses Tony on the cheek, and says Tony said it himself, this is just business. Tony HEADBUTTS Dragunov, and then fires off hands! Dragunov kicks back but Tony hits a THESZ PRESS! Tony rains down fists, Dragunov gets away and BOOTS! Then JUMP KICKS! But Tony BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES! Dragunov goes to a corner, Tony runs up but into CHOPS!

Dragunov CHOPS more, but Tony clinches again! BELLY2BELLY! The fans rally up as both men stand, and Tony clinches. Dragunov fires off hands to fight that, then ROUNDHOUSES! Tony drops to his knee, Dragunov runs and runs and runs, but Tony LARIATS first!! Tony seethes and the fans fire up as he waistlocks and deadlifts Dragunov! Dragunov fights but Tony still GERMAN SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! The Family coaches Tony to keep on him, and Tony drags Dragunov up to put him in a corner. Tony fires hands, puts Dragunov up top, but Dragunov again fights back. Dragunov fires forearms, but Tony clinches! SUPER BELLY2BELLY!!

Dragunov tumbles right out of the ring! The fans fire up as Tony hurries outside after Dragunov. Tony has to hobble his way over, and they both look around. They both decide to clear off the Spanish announce desk!? They’re oddly working together towards each other’s demise! They fire off fast hands and the fans are thunderous again! Tony gets the edge, he CLUBS Dragunov and hoists him up, but Dragunov fights with elbows! Tony falls, Dragunov H-BOMBS!! Dragunov says it’s not over! Dragunov hauls Tony up, puts him on the desk, and then goes up the barriers! The fans fire up as Dragunov takes aim, to H-BOMB through the desk!!

The fans cheer on “NXT! NXT!” as both Czar and Don are down in the wreckage! Dragunov puts Tony in the ring, then goes up the corner! “This is Awesome!” as Dragunov again takes aim! SUPER SENTON!! Cover, TWO!! Tony survives and shocks even Dragunov! Dragunov hurries back to the corner, he climbs back up, but Tony stands. Dragunov still leaps, but into a SITOUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and Tony is losing his cool! But the fans fire up with Tony as he stomps Dragunov’s hands! Tony makes Dragunov bite ropes, then STOMPS him! Then PUNTS him! Then URENAGES!! Cover, TWO!!

Tony is pulling at his hair as Dragunov refuses to stay down! Tony hauls Dragunov up, but Dragunov fires headbutts and slapping hands! Tony HEADBUTTS back! Then fisherman, but Dragunov cradle counters! TWO, and Dragunov HEADBUTTS again! Both men wobble, stagger, and Dragunov runs up to BLINDSIDE TORPEDO MOSCOW!! But that’s not enough for Dragunov as he climbs up again! SUPER H-BOMB!!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Blood in the mouth, bandages around the fingers, but gold around his waist, that is just how The Mad Dragon does business! His power is undeniable, but will Dragunov continue to be unbreakable? As for The Don, Dragunov helps him stand, an doffers a handshake. Tony accepts it and the fans cheer the sportsmanship. What will it take for Tony to make it to that championship level?


Tatum finds Lyra backstage.

Tatum apologizes but Lyra doesn’t want to hear it. Is this really the time? Because it’s not! Lyra storms off, has Tatum just ruined her friendship with her idol?


Je’von Evans speaks.

“I got my own hype video? This is sick! Let’s do it.” Evans says he is ready to grind, having been through Level Up. NXT ’bout to find out that your boi is BOUNCY~! The Young OG is coming, see you Tuesday! Evans had fun doing that, will he have even more fun now that he’s reached the next level?


The Meta Four is in the ring.

Dar says, “Hello, hello, hello!” This afternoon has broken THE NXT all-time attendance record! Thank you to all 16,545 of you in the crowd! The fans cheer, “We are! N! X! T!” Is NXT only gonna get bigger from here?


Trick Williams VS Carmelo Hayes!

Trick Melo Gang said they’d always be here. They were a dynamic duo, closer than brothers, except for one little thing: who was better? Melo won the NXT Breakout Tournament, won the North American Championship, unified it with the NXT Cruiserweight Championship, then eventually won THE NXT Championship, but he just expected Trick to accept his role as sidekick and never live his own dreams. Will Trick make Melo miss him with that ego trip? Or will Melo once again prove he is… HIM?

Melo of course puts Trick’s jersey in the rafters already, but the fans boo as he and his Killmonger vest strut to the ring. However, Trick has a boxer’s robe with the words, “Anointed One,” and the fans are all fired up for “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” The bell rings and the fans fire up again. They cheer on “NXT! NXT!” for making this the main event. Melo taunts Trick, they tie up, and Melo waistlocks then headlocks then hammerlocks then trips Trick to step all over him. The fans boo but Melo says he could do this all day, it’s that easy. The tie up again, Trick waistlocks but Melo arm-drags free. Melo runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, rolls off Trick’s back then SLAPS him!

The fans boo as Melo laughs at Trick, but Trick keeps his cool. So Melo SLAPS him again! Trick DECKS Melo! And ROCKS him, and whips him, but Melo holds ropes. Trick runs up, Melo sends him out, but Trick trips Melo up! Trick drags Melo out to ROCK him, scoop him, and SMACK him off the apron! Trick scoops Melo for SNAKE EYES off the barriers! Trick has the fans on his side as he CLOBBERS Melo up and over the barriers! This turns into a street fight as Trick fires off in the crowd! The fans fire up, Trick ROCKS Melo but Melo hits back! The brawling continues, Trick CLUBS Melo but Melo kicks low.

Melo brings Trick around but Trick bumps Melo off barriers! Melo wants to go up the bleacher but Trick grabs a leg. Melo kicks free, then sends Trick into trash cans! Melo goes up onto the barriers, flexes, but fans boo as he leaps. AX HANDLES take Trick down, and Melo keeps on him. Melo throws forearms, then brings Trick around to Uncle James! Melo slaps the hat off Uncle, but Trick fires off hands! The fans fire up as Trick whips Melo, Melo reverses, Trick stops himself, and Trick back drops Melo into ringside! The wrecked Spanish desk is there, but Trick brings Melo around to pop him up. Melo is on the apron, kicks, but Trick blocks!

Melo kicks free, gets into the ring, and he dares Trick to bring it. Trick says oaky, but Melo ducks ‘n’ dodges to springboard FLYING LARIAT! The fans boo but Melo snarls as he CLUBS Trick in the back! Melo talks trash, goes to a corner, and he exposes a crossbar! Did Melo get this idea from Roxie? Trick STINGER SPLASHES first! Trick says he ain’t stupid! Trick brings Melo up top, right where the exposed bar is… Melo holds onto the bar to resist the suplex! Melo throws body shots, then kicks Trick’s legs out! Trick hits the bar on the way down! The fans boo but Melo gets away with this one.

Melo goes around to kick away on Trick’s stomach and ribs! The fans boo and the ref reprimands but Melo lets off. Melo SMACKS Trick off the apron, puts him in the ring, and Melo slingshots to STOMP down! Melo digs his heel in, talks trash on Trick and Philly, but the fans boo. Melo kicks Trick down, kicks him around again and again, then puts him in a corner. Melo fires body shots over and over, then stomps away! The ref counts, Melo lets off at 4, and the fans boo more. Trick swings but Melo avoids the shots. Melo runs to SHOTGUN Trick down! Melo runs to kick but Trick makes him miss! Trick blocks a punch to ROCK Melo!

Trick whips, Melo holds ropes, but he runs into the pop-up! Melo blocks that, Trick avoids the backslide, Melo springboards, into an UPPERCUT! Melo mule kicks, front kicks, but Trick dodges to ELBOW! Both men go to ropes, they both run in, DOUBLE SHOTGUNS collide! The fans fire up while both men are down! The fans rally up behind Trick as they both rise, and Trick shoves Melo. Melo eggs Trick on, fires a forearm, but Trick gives it back! The forearms go back and forth, harder and harder, and then Trick eggs Melo on! Trick is all fired up, the fans are with him, and both men put up their dukes! Trick blocks the low blow!

Trick ROCKS Melo again and again, then whips to LEG LARIAT! LEG LARIAT! FLAPJACK! Trick roars and the fans fire up again! Trick spins, but Melo tilt-o-whirls through! LA MYSTICA! The fans boo but Melo goes up, to shoot the- NO, Trick blocks the three pointer to wheelbarrow, and NECKBREAKER! Then the TRICK KICK! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives and the fans fire up. Both men go to apron then the floor. Melo staggers around the way, but Trick is there! Melo ducks the leg lariat to ROUNDHOUSE, and THROAT CHOP! Melo hurries up the apron to FADE AWAY!! The jumper hits right onto the wreckage of the Spanish announce desk!

“This is Awesome!” as both men get up. Melo puts Trick in, goes up, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Trick survives again and Melo says okay, if that’s how it is… Trick goes to a corner, Melo stomps a mudhole! The fans still chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” but Melo runs, into a LARIAT! Trick rises, the fans fire up and Trick aims, but runs into the FIRST 48! Cover off the code breaker, TWO! Melo is frustrated now, he’s been throwing his best stuff at Trick and nothing’s scoring! The fans rally but Melo undoes his wrist tape. Melo uses the slack to CHOKE Trick!! The fans boo but Trick fights it and throws Melo away!

Trick runs in, Melo dodges, Trick SPLASHES the ref! Then Melo CHOP BLOCKS Trick’s leg! The fans boo but Melo goes around the way to look under the ring. Philly wants tables but Melo grabs a chair. Melo used a chair to brutalize Trick before, now he’s going to do it again! But Trick grabs the chair, too! They tug-o-war, Trick wins that and JAMS Melo! Then Trick SMACKS Melo! The fans fire up as Trick gets even with Melo with every shot! Melo wants mercy but then the ref sees this! The ref takes the chair, Melo LOW BLOWS!!! Cover, TWO!!! Trick survives and the fans fire up! Melo is at a loss for words!

Melo drags Trick up, tells him this is what he gets, but Trick SLAPS Melo! Melo runs up, but Trick moves, Melo KNEES the ref down! Not again! Melo hurries to go up top, aims, NOTHING BUT NET!! Cover and a spare ref is here! TWO!!! Trick survives and Melo is furious! Melo argues with the ref but the count is the count! So Melo goes back for the chair! The ref says no, stop this! The ref takes the chair, Trick runs up, but Melo ducks! Both men keep going, TRICK KNEE!! Cover, TRICK WINS!

Winner: Trick Williams, by pinfall

Vindication! All of Philly cheers on Trick Williams as he finally whoops HIM! The biggest Stand & Deliver has the biggest moment in Trick’s career! Will Trick take this momentum and make himself the biggest star in NXT history?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Stand & Deliver, and Meta Four even did a great job being the hosts, mostly in that they didn’t overdo it and get in on every possible segment. A great opening video and hilarious failed attempts at backstage interviews was just the right mix for Meta Four. Also, fun stuff in the “Countdown Show,” with Arianna Grace and Ridge Holland being guest panelists. A little disappointed Ridge’s “stepping away” promo really was just his Mark Henry in a salmon pink blazer, just with a slow burn. But great win for Gacy against Spears, and perhaps Gacy faces Ridge next. Maybe the winner of that gets in on the North American Championship scene.

Speaking of, great news on a Women’s North American Championship, I’m pleasantly surprised NXT is getting a women’s midcard title before Raw & SmackDown. Great Six Woman Tag, and great move for the Face team to win. Thea gets back at Jacy, same for Fallon & Kelani getting back at Kiana & Izzi, but it was an interesting note that Fallon looked mostly left out of the celebration after. Is Fallon starting to sour on helping others when she doesn’t get anything out of it? Now, you can bet most if not all six of these ladies are getting in on the Women’s NAC tournament, and certainly many more names like Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic, even Lash and Jakara. At this point, anyone could win that title and it’d be a good choice.

Great tag title match, but great tag title matches are pretty much an NXT TakeOver tradition. I was very surprised Wolf Dogs retained given how Bron Breakker is “signed” to SmackDown and needs to be full-time over there at some point. Is there supposed to be something about Bron burning the candle at both ends? They need to give him more things to do on SmackDown if that’s the case. Great Triple Threat for the Men’s North American title, though maybe it was one beat too long. All three guys were superhuman, but fans really wanted Dijak to get the title by the end. Oba of course retained, letting Dijak demolish Briggs for him, but it is gonna be hard to get that title off him now.

Another surprising result was Roxie actually winning the title. Tatum showing up made me think she was going to help Lyra have Champion’s Advantage disqualification type stuff, but in the end, that bad arm was the real reason Lyra lost. Seeing Giulia in the crowd, she’s clearly primed to jump right into the top title scene, or might even get in on the North American title scene. Personally, big name internationally, was featured leading into Roxie VS Lyra, give Giulia the top title and let someone who has been in NXT a long time get that NA title. Dragunov VS Tony was great stuff, both in action and the story it told of Tony wanting to do things himself, only to lose in the end. Maybe Tony moves to the Men’s NA title, but Oba isn’t any easier to fight than Dragunov…

And of course, great main event for Melo and Trick. Stronger in story than action but after seeing Dragunov and Tony break a desk, hard to really go harder than that, even in “relaxed” rules. I did appreciate the ref bumps being part of this, that helped Trick get vindication even before winning with those chair shots. And of course Trick was the right call. He’s from Philly, he’s the Face, the fans love him, and Melo is also “signed” to SmackDown, this can be Melo’s sendoff while Trick gets back to the NXT Championship. There’s a lot of space between now and NXT Heatwave in Toronto, but I don’t think they’d just give away Trick’s crowning moment on a TV special like Spring Breakin’. Guess we’ll see as soon as the NXT After Mania this week.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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