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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (4/16/24)

Rage in the cage!



Nothing is over until Carmelo Hayes says it’s over!

Not able to accept his loss at Stand & Deliver, Carmelo Hayes drags Trick Williams into the cage! Will Trick ever be able to get past… HIM?


  • Noam Dar w/ The Meta Four VS DIJAK; Dar wins.
  • Sol Ruca VS Lola Vice; Lola wins.
  • Ridge Holland VS Joaquin Wilde; Ridge wins.
  • Open Challenge: Ilja Dragunov VS Je’Von Evans; Dragunov wins.
  • Thea Hail w/ Chase U VS Tatum Paxley; Tatum wins.
  • Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament; AOP wins.
  • Josh Briggs VS Ivar; Ivar wins.
  • Steel Cage Match: Carmelo Hayes VS Trick Williams; Trick wins.


Noam Dar w/ The Meta Four VS DIJAK!

The Meta Four’s idea to parody #HardJustice obviously didn’t make Dijak laugh, but it’s the Scottish Supernova who will take the heat for it. Will Dar teach Dijak to have a sense of humor? Or will “Mr. PLE” prove he’s no joke?

The bell rings and the two circle. They approach, Dar gets around to headlock, but Dijak powers out. Dar RAMS shoulders but Dijak doesn’t budge! Dar kicks, kicks, bobs ‘n’ weaves and he kicks Dijak’s leg out! Dijak ducks the buzzsaw to choke grip! Dar choke grips, but that’s not as effective. Dijak SHOVES Dar into a corner, but Dar avoids the haymaker to KICK, KICK and KICK! Dijak blocks,. Dar SLAPS! Dar grabs an arm to wrap around ropes, but Dijak shoves him away. Dijak storms up on Dar, brings him up, reels him in, but Dar wrenches to KICK the arm! BACKHAND! Dijak wobbles, Dar runs up to CLOBBER him! Cover, ONE!!

Dar clamps onto Dijak’s arm and he pulls it back. The fans rally as Dijak fights up and rolls through. Dijak avoids the sweep, whips Dar to ropes, but Dar holds ropes to bail out. The Meta Four coaches Dar and fans him off, but Dijak storms out! Dar slips back inside, but Dijak BOOTS him! Dijak then springboards to FLYING LARIAT! The fans fire up, Dijak covers, TWO! Dar stays in this and the fans rally up. Dijak drags Dar up, whips him to ropes, then scoops Dar, but Dar tilt-o-whirls into a GUILLOTINE! Dijak endures, powers up, and he RAMS Dar into the corner! Dar holds on! Dijak powers up again, but Dar throws headbutts!

Dijak pries the body scissors to KNEE Dar, and FLING him out of the ring!! The fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” while NXT goes picture in picture.

Dijak snarls while Meta Four checks Dar. They fan him but Dijak storms out after him. Dijak drags Dar up, stands him up against barriers, and CHOPS! Dijak talks trash, Dar shoves him back, but Dijak storms up. Dar fires forearms, but Dijak knees low! Dijak CHOPS Dar and Dar spasms from the pain! Dijak brings Dar around, puts him in the ring, but Dar bails out the side. The Meta Four get in Dijak’s way but he just pushes through. Dijak drags Dar up to then scoop, only for Meta Four to get in the way again! Dar slips free, and he POSTS Dijak! Meta Four taunts Dijak, then Dar KICKS Dijak against the apron!

Dijak gets in the ring, Dar pursues, and Dar stomps Dijak around. Dar KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Dijak wobbles, Dar reels him in, but Dijak’s too big for a fisherman suplex! Dijak throws body shots and then suplexes Dar away! Both men are down while Dijak catches his breath. Dijak rises, and he takes aim as Dar stirs. Dar stands, into the choke grip! But Dar ROCKS Dijak with a left hand! Then roll into CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR! Dijak endures, even as Dar twists the ankle! Dijak fights around, sits up, and the two start throwing hands! NXT returns to single picture as Dar and Dijak go back and forth!

Dijak ROCKS Dar again and again, but Dar fires a flurry in return! The fans rally for Dijak as he roars, and he ROCKS Dar again and again and again! Dijak is free, and he KICKS Dar in the face! Meta Four panics, Dijak watches Dar rise. Dijak hobbles up to ELBOW Dar down! And ELBOW again! Dijak runs, breaks through the lariat and FLYING FOREARMS! The fans fire up while Dar flounders to a corner. Dijak storms up and puts Dar in the corner to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP, repeat! Meta Four freaks out as it’s TIME TO FLY! The fans are thunderous behind Dijak while Dar flounders around.

Dijak aims, spins, but Dar jumps on! GUILLOTINE, but Dijak pries the hold open fast! Dijak choke grips, and he brings Dar up for HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, TWO?!? Dar survives and Meta Four is very relieved. Dar sputters while the fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Dijak drags Dar back up, reels him in, but Dar fights with elbows! The fans rally, Dar reels Dijak in and still wants the fisherman! Dijak throws body shots, so Dar wrenches to KICK the leg! Dar reels Dijak in again, but Dijak throws more body shots. Dijak shoves Dar, Dar stops himself then dodges the boot! Dijak gets hung up, Dar goes up to FLYING LARIAT!

Dar hurries to get Dijak in, FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Dijak survives, but Dar ARMBARS!! Dijak flails, reaches out, but Dar keeps changing his grip! Dijak stacks Dar, TWO! SUPERKICK! The fans fire up as Dar flounders. Dijak runs up, but Dar dodges, so Dijak hits buckles and tumbles up and out of the ring! Dar runs up to CLOBBER Dijak into the steel steps! The fans boo but Dar runs up to DROPKICK! Dar puts Dijak in, Dijak staggers to his feet, into the BACK ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Dijak survives and the fans fire up! Dar is beside himself, fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this is just the opener!

Dar aims from the corner, Dijak rises, and Dar runs in, into a SUPERKICK! Dar QUESTION MARK KICKS! Dijak roars, spins, into the HAYMAKER! Dar runs, into the CYCLONE BOOT!! The fans are thunderous and Dijak storms around! Dijak calls his shot, but Oro gets on the apron! Dijak swings on Oro, Oro ducks it, but then Dijak SUPERKICKS! NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, Dar wins!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall

The numbers game wins again as Main Man Mensah bites the bullet! Will Dar use this momentum to make his way towards a title opportunity?


Ilja Dragunov meets with Ava Raine.

The Czar visits the NXT General Manager in her office as she brings up that next week is the start of the two-week Spring Breakkin’. Yes, and he adds that it’ll be the last week of Trick Williams in NXT as Dragunov will defend this title. Yes, well, we’ll see. But tonight’s main event is Trick VS Melo in a Steel Cage, and yet Dragunov doesn’t have a match. That doesn’t seem fair given the title match. Well, she’s the GM, she can do what she must. Then that means Dragunov will be in action! But… he does get to pick his opponent. He welcomes that challenge.

But then he wants her to send a message to the entire NXT locker room that whoever stands eye to eye with him first will be the one to have that match with the Mad Dragon. Dragunov heads out while Ava sends the message, who will take this Open Challenge as their opportunity to reach the top?


Tatum Paxley speaks.

“I always wanted to be good. That’s every little girl’s dream: fitting in, playing with dolls, living the life just like the ones in the fairytales. But then I realized… no matter how good I am, nobody wants to play with girls like Tatum Paxley. The cool girls didn’t wanna be my friend. But I didn’t need them. I found the one thing that would be good to me as long as I was good back. It didn’t matter who held it, because I will always be there for it. Charlotte, Bayley, Asuka, Shayna, Kairi, Rhea, Iyo, Raquel, Roxanne, Indi, Tiffany, Becky, Lyra…

“Oh, Lyra. I loved you. I wanted to be you, because you were the closest thing to good as there was! And I was a good girl because I fought hard to keep that championship with you! You were the only one that really let me in, and that title made us real best friends. We were so close! But then, you lost the one thing that I love most, the NXT Women’s Championship. Lyra, you broke my heart. So what is Lyra to me now? Nothing. And I see now that Roxanne is the coolest girl in class. But I can’t have that anymore. It needs to be me. Lyra, my sweet dove, you’re in my way.” Twisted Tatum’s come to play, but will she be the one that’s good enough to challenge the champion?


Sol Ruca VS Lola Vice!

The Sol Surfer was just telling it like it is, and that upset the Mayor of Vice City. Will Lola cause Sol to wipe out before Spring Breakkin’? Or will Sol continue to ride a wave of momentum towards title opportunities?

NXT returns as Sol makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Lola wrenches and clamps onto the arm, but Sol cartwheels and lifts Lola! Sol slams Lola down then has the cording hold. Lola headscissors, Sol kips free then trips Lola to flip over her! Lola sits up into the mule kick! Cover, TWO! Sol clamps onto an arm, wrenches, then wristlocks. Lola wrenches back, kicks then mule kicks! Sol goes to a corner, Lola storms up and whips, but Sol goes up and up and over! Sol keeps moving, Lola drops down but Sol handsprings through the hip toss to FACEBUSTER! Then DROPKICK!

Lola goes to a corner, Sol runs in but Lola dodges to BACKHAND! The fans rally while Sol sits up in a daze. Sol stands, Lola fires off lightning kicks! Lola puts Sol in a corner, goes to the far corner and reminds us, “I’M A LATINA~!” She shakes her hips then HIP ATTACKS! Cover, TWO! Lola gets in Sol’s face, saying she’s the next champ, then she AX KICKS Sol down! And KICKS her in the side! Lola storms up on Sol, brings her around to KICK and KICK, then she brings Solo up. Solo ROCKS Lola, ROCKS her again, but Lola BODY BLOWS! Lola clamps on with a SLEEPER! Sol endures, fights up and has Lola as a backpack!

The fans rally as Sol RAMS Lola into buckles! Lola jumps back on for the SLEEPER! Lola’s still a backpack, so Sol swings and SIDEWALK SLAMS! Sol flounders to the corner, Lola runs up, but Sol dodges! Sol CLOBBERS Lola, CLOBBERS her again, then springboards to CROSSBODY! Sol scoops Lola and POWERSLAMS! Then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Solo keeps cool and the fans rally. Sol goes to the apron to springboard, but she has to roll through as Lola moves! Lola runs up, Sol dodges and goes up! Lola anchors legs, Sol kicks her away and FLYING SUNSET FLIPS! TWO, and Lola stands! Sol ducks a kick to SUPERKICK!

Solo goes up and up and then CARTWHEEL- BLAIR HITS THE ROPES! The ref reprimands, but Lola HEEL KICKS Sol down! Cover, Lola wins!

Winner: Lola Vice, by pinfall

Blair with the assist there as Lola scores major points. It’s buenas noches for now, but then Natalya tells Lola hey! Natty’s on the tron and says Lola kept Natty from winning a title she never held before. Well now, Natty will fight Lola on her turf, in her match, to test her. So now is Lola’s chance to show us what she’s got. Time for Lola to show us her heart. In two weeks, Spring Breakin Night 2, Natty VS Lola… in NXT UNDERGROUND!! The fans fire up as the BOAT is looking to sink Vice City, but who will move on to be a step closer to title opportunity?


NXT Anonymous is watching…

This was yesterday as Ridge Holland talked with Ava about his in-ring return. Only for Joaquin Wilde to storm up and tell Ridge to just admit who he really is. Ridge put hands on Wilde to RAM him into the wall and shout “You don’t KNOW who I really am!” Ava reprimanded Ridge for his outburst and Ridge stormed off. Ridge is clearly still working on his inner rage, but will he let all of it out on Wilde tonight?


Arianna Grace meets with Gigi Dolin.

The self-appointed Miss NXT says there is still so much to work on with “Giorgina” before Spring Breakin’. Surely she’ll be late. But no, Gigi is actually early, to Grace’s surprise. Yeah, because the sooner they start, the sooner they get this over with. Arianna isn’t gonna make her bow and curtsey or whatever, is she? They’ll get to etiquette later. The first essential is the dress. Time to go show shopping! Think of your body as a canvas. The way Gigi dresses now… Makes people think she’ll kick their head in if they get too close? Yes. And what a horrifying vision that is! They need to strive for peace, not the opposite.

That prize is within their grasp, they just need to change Gigi’s attire and soften that rather… harsh exterior. Gigi sighs and says fine, but at least make it black. It goes with everything, she already has shoes that match. Black? No, no, no! Why not? Arianna says she’ll take the lead. Gigi just needs to open her mind and allow elegance to come right in. They’ll have Gigi looking like Arianna in no time! Gigi sighs, but just how bad can this get?


Ridge Holland VS Joaquin Wilde!

Yorkshire Grit is starting to loose his grip on his emotions. His bad mood made him sloppy and that’s how he accidentally hurt Cruz Del Toro. But will there be no accidents with what Wilde’s gonna do to get payback? Or will he push Ridge one step too far?

The bell rings, Ridge asks what Wilde wants from him about Cruz’s hand. Wilde fires off forearms! Ridge SHOVES Wilde, CLOBBERS him, and says what happened with Cruz was an accident! Ridge grabs at Wilde, Wilde slips under, and Wilde kicks low to UPPERCUT! Wilde runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then goes up and up to TORNILLO CROSSBODY! Cover, ONE, but Wilde DROPKICKS Ridge out! The fans fire up with Wilde, he PLANCHAS but Ridge moves! Ridge pushes Wilde, Wilde stops from hitting post, so Ridge UPPERCUTS! Ridge fires forearms, but then Wilde ducks! Ridge hits post, then Wilde SUPERKICKS!

Ridge gets in the ring, Wilde runs in, but Ridge puts him on the apron! Wilde ducks one lariat but not the RIGHT! Wilde falls off the apron but fans boo Ridge as he huffs and puffs. Ridge keeps insisting Cruz’s hand was an accident. Wilde gets in, Ridge traps him in ropes to UPPERCUT again and again! Ridge BOOTS Wilde down, covers, TWO! Ridge clamps onto Wilde with the armlock and he grinds the shoulder. Wilde fights up, throws body shots, but Ridge traps the arms! Ridge HEADBUTTS and Wilde ends up in a corner. Ridge runs in to SPLASH, then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Wilde flounders, Ridge runs up, but Wilde dodges!

Wilde runs back in, ELBOWS, then runs to come back, but Ridge POUNCES! Ridge drags Wilde up, throws knees, then reels him in. Ridge hoists Wilde up, but Wilde DDTS! The fans rally, and Shawn Spears appears on stage. The Chair Man insists that the truth is painful, and Ridge storms up. Wilde ELBOWS Ridge, fires off haymakers then whips, but Ridge reverses. Wilde springboards to FLYING CHUCK! Then JAWBREAKER! Then POP-UP BOOT! Ridge staggers, Wilde spells it out, “L! W! O!” But Ridge runs back up! Wilde goes Matrix to then NECKBREAKER! Ridge bails out and the fans fire up with Wilde!

Wilde builds speed, and DIVES, into a POWERSLAM!! Ridge drags Wilde up and into the ring, hauls him up into a PACKAGE DDT! Cover, Ridge wins!

Winner: Ridge Holland, by pinfall

Wilde may have let his emotions get the better of him, but Ridge is still conflicted. Spears smiles, is Ridge’s “truth” about to come to light?


Josh Briggs visits the medical center.

He’s getting his ribs checked and he says he feels much better now. Though, it’s still a bit painful to breathe and move around, is that normal? Yes, especially given those ribs were broken. Briggs needs to be careful until he’s truly 100%, but he’s “cleared as tolerated.” Briggs thanks the doc, but then Ivar checks in. Ivar asks if Briggs is good and Briggs says yeah, he’s cleared and ready to go after Oba Femi again. Ivar says he likes the grit, but he’s been in this room so many times before. Take it from Ivar, give it a couple more weeks so he can fully heal up. In that time, Ivar can have his match with Oba, and then when Ivar wins the title, Briggs is first up. How’s that sound?

Briggs says absolutely not. Ivar can go back to Raw and get his ass kicked by Sheamus again. Okay, okay, Ivar sees how this is gonna go. Then tonight, Ivar VS Briggs, winner fights Oba. Briggs says then go put on the war paint and he’ll see Ivar tonight. The Viking Raider and the Blue Collar Brawler are ready to throw hands, but who will get their hand raised at the end of the night?


Brinley Reece posts to TikTok.

She wants everyone to know she, Malik Blade & Edris Enofe are all going to work out at the Performance Center and wants them to join in. #BrinActive! They pump up to take on “Ohp.” Who? Y’know, A O P. Oh, Authors of Pain… But Edris says knowing their luck, by the time AOP is done with them, they’ll be SOL. Brin puts it together she’s been saying it wrong, but yeah they are scary. But who cares! She’ll be in their corner! Edris says no she’s not! Malik smooths it over by saying they can’t let their bad juju rub off on Brin. Edris says they need any kind of luck right now. They have been losing and losing!

Malik calms Edris down and says they just have to believe. Brin says exactly! Believe in the lift! Let’s go! Well, Brin’s always positive, will Edris ever see things her way? Or will Akam & Rezar write them off completely?


Andre Chase finds Thea Hail backstage.

She thanks him for coming to talk. He appreciates her wanting to meet, even with her match against Tatum tonight. After last week, they need to talk this out. They sit, and Thea says Jacy wasn’t lying about that bet. Nope. Last July, Chase was already knee deep into his gambling. At the time, he had things under control. Which is why he felt right betting on Thea against Tiffany Stratton. He knew deep down, Thea could do this. Thea could become the youngest NXT champion in history, so when asked if he was for or against, he went all in on Thea. But then seeing her suffer, her refusing to tap out, tears flowing down her cheeks, Chase had to throw in the towel.

In that moment, he didn’t care what it cost him, he just wanted Thea to be okay. Then why didn’t he tell her? She treated him so badly after that! Why didn’t he say something? Because she didn’t sign up for that, she just wanted to win a title. Then what about the towel? Honestly, he just hoped she would understand where his heart is, both that night and every night. He’s always in Thea’s corner. Then she is sorry! She hugs him and he says it’s okay. Chase U looks stronger than ever, but will there be another chance at a title for Thea in the future?


The D’Angelo Family is here!

The fans cheer as The Don leads Stacks, Rizzo & The Legal Eagle out to the ring, having finally returned to NXT after his loss at Stand & Deliver. Tony feels a little better showing off the new suit, then he gets the mic. Tony says after he and Stacks lost the tag titles, he talked about rapid growth in the family. He never said it was gonna be easy, but he knew it was worth it. And if you ask him how, when he’s not NXT Champion, Tony thinks about where they were a year ago. They made Pretty Deadly disappear, but they faced serious allegations. Now he looks at Stacks and the Consigliere, Luca Crusifino, both ready to crack skulls and add gold to the family.

Tony looks to Adrianna, the future of the NXT Women’s Division! And at Stand & Deliver, he went toe-to-toe with one of the toughest men in NXT history! Tony and Dragunov had a fight, one of the hardest fights Tony has ever gone through, and Tony lost. But this is about going one more round when you can’t. Toughness comes from longevity, and he’s here to tell you- Well, No Quarter Catch Crew interrupts first. Charlie Dempsey has the mic to tell Tony he doesn’t appreciate their dealings from last week were made public. What kinda business is he running here? Is Dempsey talking to Tony? Oh yeah, he sure is!

NQCC get in the ring but Tony tells them they came to the Family to take care of one of their own, all because they didn’t have the cajones to do something themselves! No problem, they’re the experts. Yeah, well, when it comes to taking someone out- Oh oh oh, stunad! No specifics, okay? There’s people watching. Yeah but Tony said- Hey, Charlie, didn’t Tony just say no specifics? Tony says they’re No Quarter, right? Well, Tony hasn’t gotten his full quarter, so when’re they gonna pay up? What? Payment? Wasn’t this for the good of the business? There was trash that needed to be taken care of, and they did that. It did the industry some good while they were at it.

Luca tells Mr. Dempsey that they’re still on the hook for services rendered. But the Don has a suggestion: They can either settle the debt, or it gets handled the way the D’Angelo Family always does it. Damon Kemp says no way, this was supposed to be done for the- Whoa, whoa, Damon, no one was even talking to you. Tony says he’ll say this to all three. Tony doesn’t do this for charity, or about feelings. This is about business, and in his business there is a code that you don’t betray. So listen up. It doesn’t matter who NQCC think they are, but they wanna come out here and interrupt him? Don’t think so.

Charlie tells Tony, “Is there anything else you wanna say to me? Is that it?” Tony says that Heritage Cup looks pretty nice. Oh does he? Well, don’t look at the cup, look at Charlie. That cup represents the competition and skill that takes place in this ring. It doesn’t need to be held by some two-bit gangster in wrestling boots! Charlie didn’t have a problem with that when Tony took care of this situation. So is Charlie gonna pay up? Over his dead body that some lowlife scumbag disgraces that cup! Scumbag? Well… Tony takes off the suit jacket, and says how bout this? They brawl! The fans fire up as The Family clears the ring of the NQCC!

The battlelines have been drawn, is The Family about to test that Catch Clause?


Open Challenge: Ilja Dragunov VS ???

The NXT Champion is just fine with facing anyone in the back ahead of facing Trick Williams one last time next week! But then who will step up to be the “tune up?” Lexis King, Joe Gacy, and a lot of others rush out here! They all brawl, but in from the crowd side, it’s JeVon Evans! Ya boi bouncy~, and he quite literally jumps to the front of the line! Dragunov likes the Young OG’s guts, but will he beat those guts right outta him here tonight?

The bell rings and Evans fires forearms with Dragunov! The fans fire up as they go back and forth over and over! Dragunov fires boxing elbows but Evans BOOTS! Dragunov BOOTS, Evans rebounds to spin but Dragunov ducks the kick! GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on, he drags Evans up, and GERMAN SUPLEXES again! The fans chant “DAT BOI!” “BOUNCY~!” but Dragunov drags him up again. Evans pries free, elbows, but Dragunov rebounds to PELE! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Evans flounders to a corner, Dragunov runs in, but blocks a boot! Dragunov blocks another try, puts that leg in the ropes, and then CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS!

The fans fire up while Evans slumps down, and Dragunov scrubs him with his boot! Dragunov runs side to side, but into a SUPERKICK! The fans fire up again as Evans has Dragunov dazed! Dragunov stands, he ROCKS Evans, but Evans ROCKS Dragunov! Evans blocks a chop to CHOP, then repeat! Evans CHOPS, CHOSP and CHOPS, the fans “WOO~” again and again. But Dragunov block sone, to HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT! And HEADBUTT! Then GERMAN SUPLEX, but Evans lands out of it! Evans runs to SCREW HIGH KICK! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Evans and Dragunov rise again.

Evans winds up to KICK! Dragunov wobbles, so Evans KICKS again! Evans goes up and rebounds, but Dragunov turns Rana into POWERBOMB! Evans grits his teeth as he sits up, but Dragunov runs and runs and runs to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Evans survives being turned inside-out but Dragunov nods. The fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as Dragunov brings Evans up. Dragunov fireman’s carries, but Evans fights free! Dragunov hits buckles, Evans reels him in but Dragunov fights with elbows and knees! CONSTANTINE- SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives that sudden turn around and the fans are loving it!

Evans aims from a corner as he goes up and up, but Dragunov CHOPS first! And SLAPS Evans right to the apron! Evans BOOTS back, springboards, but into a CHOP!! Dragunov sits Evans up so he can run and KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Evans survives and the fans are thunderous! Dragunov reels him in, “This is Awesome!” as Evans fights the bomb, and DDTS! Dragunov flounders out of the ring, Evans goes to the far side. Evans snarls as he gets to his feet, and he builds speed to FLY!! Direct hit at the ramp! Evans puts Dragunov in, hurries up again, and FROG SPLASHES onto knees! Roll through and deadlift, Dragunov powers Evans up to a fireman’s carry!

Dragunov then hits a CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Dragunov goes to the corner, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

The Young OG showed guts and ability beyond his years, but he’s still a little early if he wants to be champion. Dragunov does show Evans respect, will we see this showdown again one day?


Backstage interview with Karmen Petrovic.

Kelly Kincaid is with Karmen to speak on Natty facing Lola in the first-ever Women’s NXT Underground match. Will Karmen help her train? 1000% yes! Karmen will get Natty training, but her schedule is so crazy right now. She’s on the WWE Europe tour, but then in walks Lola. Lola says Karmen can help Natty all she wants, but Natty is entering Lola’s world, and will be playing by Lola’s rules. Sure, Natty has guts, but she can’t handle the Latina Heat. Karmen can be in her corner, teach Natty all she knows, but it won’t mean a thing. Just wait until you see who Lola has in her corner. See you at next week’s contract signing. Adios~!


Sol talks with Ava backstage.

Blair cost Sol nine months of her career, a year of Wendy Chu’s, so much of Nikkita Lyons’, and Sol’s match tonight! Sol NEEDS to end this. Ava hears that, but Sol already had her match with Blair. No, not just another match. Sol wants Blair in NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! Is that what she wants? Sol says she will not stop until Blair has to be carried outta here. Sol storms off, is she going to wash Blair away with the tide? Or is this all playing right into Blair’s hands?


Thea Hail w/ Chase U VS Tatum Paxley!

The fire is back inside the top prospect, and she’s ready to blaze a trail back to title contention! But will we all hail Thea? Or will the twisted outcast not stop until she’s the one on top of NXT?

NXT returns and Tatum makes her entrance. The bell rings and Thea rushes up. Tatum slips around, waistlocks and SLAMS, then floats around to smile right in Thea’s face. Thea is creeped out and backs up, but Tatum slithers up. Thea rushes in again, but into another waistlock. Thea arm-drags free, runs up, but into a scoop! Thea arm-drags Tatum, runs up to back body block, then runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Tatum goes Matrix! Thea leaps over, the two stare down, and the fans fire up. Tatum reaches out but Thea grabs that arm! Thea SPLASHES down on it, and Tatum flounders to a corner. Thea runs in but only gets buckles!

Tatum scoops Thea to BACKBREAKER! Thea writhes, Tatum has Thea on ropes and bends her against them! The ref counts, Tatum lets off, but she KNEES Thea down. Thea goes to the corner, Tatum runs up, and she BODY CHECKS Thea into the buckles! Tatum digs Thea into the buckles but lets off as the ref counts. The fans rally for Thea and she fires forearms! Thea whips, Tatum reverses to knee low! Tatum grins as she GUT WRENCH PLEXES! Cover, TWO! Tatum top mounts Thea to say she’s the next champion, but Thea hits with body shots. Tatum hooks Thea’s legs and turns over, SPLADLE CHINLOCK! Thea endures as gravity does all the work!

Thea fights her way out, then fires forearms! Tatum hits back, and says the title is hers! Thea HEADBUTTS Tatum down! Tatum goes to ropes, comes back, but Thea wrenches for the ARMBAR CODE BREAKER! Thea whips and CLOBBERS Tatum! And CLOBBERS her again! Thea mule kicks a leg out, runs and ROLLNG NECKBREAKERS! But wait, is that Jazmyn Nyx? Jazmyn is mocking the “nerd” but Thea tells her “SUCK IT!” Thea scoops Tatum, POWERSLAM! SENTON! Thea shakes the ropes, but Jacy trips her up! The fans boo and Tatum ghost pins, Tatum wins!

Winner: Tatum Paxley, by pinfall

It seems no one can leave well enough alone, can they? Thea makes Jacy pay with a TOPE SUICIDA!! The fans fire up as Thea rains down fists on Jacy, but Chase and Riley get in there! Jacy hits Thea back but refs rush out to stop this! And then IN the ring, Lyra goes after Tatum! They brawl, refs have to divide and conquer, but the Morrigan is enraged! Will Thea humble the toxic Jacy once and for all? Will Lyra have vengeance on the two-faced Tatum?


Backstage interview with Roxanne Perez.

Kelly Kincaid says it looked like there was going to be a Stand & Deliver rematch between her and Lyra, but after- Oh, yeah, that freak finally turned on little her “girlfriend.” But it doesn’t matter how obsessed Tatum is with the title, or if Lyra has a chip on her shoulder, they can destroy each other for all Roxie cares. Beat each other to a pulp! Roxie will sit back, be entertained, and whoever makes it out of that fight in one piece maybe, just maybe, gets a title match. Wow, that was super easy. Like, what’s Ava even complaining about? Roxie sees it: Spring Breakin’, Roxie defends her title 1v1 against-

Ava walks in and says Roxie is so right. She made Ava’s job even easier! Why choose? Triple Threat! Roxie VS Lyra VS Tatum! NO! Of course Ava does this! Everyone is against Roxie, so why not Ava? Ava wants Roxie to lose her title without actually losing! Well, Roxie said Ava’s job is easy, but surely Roxie will do great. Ava leaves, Roxie is fuming, but will Roxie have no choice but to eat her words?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

It’s getting harder and harder to find the silver lining for Malik & Edris, and this time, platitudes like “there’s always next time” might not apply. That’s because Akam & Rezar, backed by Paul Ellerin, Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux, might just write their Final Chapter! Will Malik & Edris survive to fight another day? Or is there no upside to facing AOP?

NXT returns as Malik & Edris make their entrance, minus Brin like Edris said. The teams sort out, Akam starts against Edris. They tie up, Akam RAMS Edris into the corner and fires off hands! Akam swings, Edris dodges and fires off hands! Akam shoves Edris, Edris tags Malik and then Edris DROPKICKS Akam! Malik goes up to AX HANDLE! Akam stays up, Malik fires more hands! Tag back to Edris and he goes up, so he can AX HANDLE! Akam is still up, he headlocks, and Rezar tags in as Edris powers out. Akam whips, pop-up to Rezar for the CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Cover, TWO!

Edris survives and Rezar is already furious! Rezar HAMMERS away on Edris, then paces around. Edris drags himself to ropes, but Rezar is right on him. Tag to Akam, the AOP stand Edris up and Akam runs to KNEE Edris low! Rezar CLUBS Edris down, Akam clamps on and makes Edris look to Malik. Akam dribbles Edris’ face off the mat! Malik reaches out, the fans rally, but Rezar tags in. AOP gets Edris up, pops up and KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Edris survives and the fans rally again. Rezar seethes as he drags Edris away. Rezar reels Edris in, TOSSES him to a corner, then runs in, only to get buckles! Hot tag to Malik!

Malik dodges Rezar, BLASTS Akam and fires off on Rezar! Rezar stays up, swings, but Malik dodges to DROPKICK! Rezar tumbles out, Akam storms in but Malik SUPERKICKS! Malik builds speed, Edris tags in, Malik FLIES! AOP catches Malik!! But Edris FLIES but Malik’s thrown at him!! The fans go nuts as AOP are still monsters, and then AOP get a man each. SUPER COLLIDER!! Cover, AOP wins!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, by pinfall

The Final Testament makes up for their loss at WrestleMania, if only in part. But will they not stop until they’re once again wearing NXT gold? Speaking of, Nathan Frazer & Axiom are here! AOP attacked the champs last week so the dynamic duo want to return the favor, except the refs stand in the way. Will the Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truth be able to take the fight to the Final Testament?


Arianna & Gigi visit Lauren Nicole.

The shopping begins, and Gigi can’t believe Arianna thinks Gigi would actually wear anything from here. Like, what is this frilly halter top? Arianna wants “Giorgina” to understand that to become a princess, she must act, think and believe that she truly IS a princess. And Arianna for one thinks Gigi has all the makings to be one. OMG look at that dress! Arianna rushes over to grab the big green one. What does Gigi say? She hates it already. Like, so much. Nonsense! She’d look breathtaking in it! Well, Gigi could make it her own. Yes, Giorgina! Such a fast learner! Then Gigi has some ideas. She’ll try it on.

Arianna is ecstatic that Gigi is taking this seriously! Gigi slips into a dressing room, and there is definitely sounds of tearing. When Gigi comes out, she’s given the outfit a makeover! Yeah, Gigi does look good. She just had to “Gigi” the dress up a bit. She’ll wear it out, thanks. Spring Breakin’, here she comes! Arianna’s paying. Do they take credit?


Josh Briggs VS Ivar!

JBL’s seal of approval means a lot to Briggs, and he wants to finally prove JBL was right to give him the nod. He may have failed to take the North American title at Stand & Deliver, but will he fight his way to another shot here tonight? Or will the raid crash the party at Spring Breakin’?

NXT returns and Briggs makes his entrance, taped up quite a bit around the ribs. The bell rings, the two run up and Ivar BOOTS! Ivar whips, Briggs reverses but Ivar rolls off Briggs’ back! Ivar then cartwheels to dodge and he LARIATS Briggs down! The fans fire up, Briggs goes to a corner and Oba is watching as Ivar fires ELBOW after ELBOW! The fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” and Ivar whips Briggs to ropes. Briggs blows through the lariat to BOOT Ivar down! The fans fire up as Briggs storms up and whips back. Briggs scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Briggs clutches the ribs, this is perhaps all double-edged right now.

Briggs powers through the pain, but runs up into a SEATED SENTON! The fans fire up while Briggs sputters. Ivar storms up on Briggs, drags him up and CLUBS him, but Briggs throws body shots. Ivar CLUBS Briggs again, has him on ropes, and then HEADBUTTS! Ivar runs, into an ELBOW! Briggs choke grips, but Ivar breaks free to BODY SHOT! Briggs sputters, Ivar reels him in, underhooks for the Canadian Rack! Briggs slips free, ELBOWS, and runs, into a SPINNING POWERSLAM! Briggs coughs and sputters, Ivar underhooks for the TIGER DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Briggs survives and stuns Ivar!

Ivar storms around, goes to a corner and climbs up. The fans rally as Ivar aims for the VIKING- NO, Ivar rolls through the splash as Briggs dodge! BOSS MAN SLAM! TWO! Briggs’ bad ribs probably held that move back, but Briggs isn’t gonna stop! Briggs gets Ivar up, wrenches, and GUT BUSTERS! Briggs huffs, puffs, runs, and RAMS Ivar! Ivar tumbles out of the ring, and Briggs roars as he fights through the pain! Briggs goes to the apron, and FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Down goes Ivar and Briggs rises! The fans are torn as Briggs reels Ivar in. Ivar fights the lift to RAM Briggs into steel steps!

Briggs hobbles up, into the HEEL KICK! Ivar puts Briggs in, goes up the corner again, for the DOOMSAULT!! Cover, Ivar wins!

Winner: Ivar, by pinfall

Perhaps Briggs should’ve listened to Ivar earlier, he was nowhere near 100% and therefore had no chance of stopping the War Beard. Will Ivar raid right through The Ruler and take his throne?

Kelly Kincaid asks Oba his opinion on this win, and Oba just says, “Interesting.” Oba leaves, and he apparently clobbers Oro without a second thought! Main Man Mensah is upset that this keeps happening, when will he get his shot at The Ruler?


Steel Cage Match: Carmelo Hayes VS Trick Williams!

After he failed to Stand & Deliver, Melo could not stand the fact that Trick was going back for THE NXT Championship. Trick’s getting his shot at Dragunov one way or another, but will Melo make sure Trick doesn’t have a leg to stand on? Or will this be Trick finally saying goodbye and good riddance to HIM?

Before the match, Kelly Kincaid is with Melo at gorilla. He cuts her off to tell Trick that this ain’t over until Melo says it is. Trick thinks he’s gonna be a champion, that he’s gonna make it out of the cage in one piece, but Melo will make sure that doesn’t happen. Melo gave Trick everything he has here, and now he’s taking it all away from his ungrateful ass! Melo heads out, his personal security following behind. Then Trick makes his entrance and the fans go wild! NXT is ready to see Trick whoop Melo one more time because there’s no escape. The bell rings, the two storm up, and Melo shoves Trick. They circle, Trick runs up but Melo dodges!

Melo goes to bump off the cage but Trick blocks. Melo then blocks Trick trying that, then Melo gets space. Melo  rushes up, Trick headlocks but Melo powers out. Things speed up, melo jumps but into a scoop and SLAM! Trick then scoops to SLAM again! Trick scoops again, but Melo slips free to shove. Melo runs up, Trick dodges and Melo jumps up, but Trick brings him off the cage. The two circle again, Melo kicks low then runs, but he rolls off Trick’s back and Trick DROPKICKS! Trick scoops to SLAM again, then covers, TWO! The fans chant “Melo Got Whooped!” Trick whips, Melo holds ropes to stop himself, but Trick runs up to ROCK him!

Trick whips, Melo holds ropes again, then he sidesteps to SMACK Trick off steel! Melo runs, springboard, FLYING LARIAT! Melo then gets a baton from a security guard! Melo SMACKS Trick with the stick! Then SMACKS him again! And AGAIN! Trick writhes, the fans boo, but Melo SMACKS Trick down again! Melo mockingly conducts the booing while NXT goes picture in picture.

Melo taunts the fans, then he CHOKES Trick with the stick! Trick fights up, pulls the stick away, but Melo knees low! Melo JAMS Trick, SMACKS him on the back, then swaggers around. Trick slowly rises, Melo talks more trash as he winds up, but Trick blocks the stick! Melo kicks low, winds up again and SMACKS Trick low! Melo tosses the stick away to whip Trick, but Trick reverses and back drops! Melo flounders to ropes and Trick stands. Trick runs up, but into a drop toehold! Melo KICKS Trick, CLUBS away, then has the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Trick rolls through to a cover, TWO! Melo CLOBBERS Trick!

Melo drags Trick up, wraps his arm around ropes and pulls! Trick can only suffer until Melo lets go. Melo puts the other arm around ropes to pull on that, then he has a SLEEPER! Trick endures, the ref reprimands, but Melo lets go when Melo wants. Melo SMACKS Trick off the steel! Cover, TWO! Melo seethes, he drags Trick around, and he ROCKS Trick. Trick ROCKS Melo back! Melo ROUNDHOUSES Trick, CLUBS him, and stomps away! Melo fires off wild shots while NXT returns to single picture. Melo has Trick in a corner, climbs up to stand on Trick’s head, and then stomps the arms against the ropes!

The fans boo, Melo SLAMS Trick’s arm against the steel, then SLAMS the arm again! The fans boo but Trick hits back! Melo stomps Trick, YANKS the arm against ropes, then stalks Trick. Melo whips, Trick blocks, then Trick whips. Melo reverses to ARMBAR CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Melo is frustrated but he clamps onto Trick’s bad arm. The fans rally as Trick endures, and Trick powers his way around. Melo brings Trick down to an ARMBAR! Trick powers his way to a cover, TWO! Melo lets Trick go to kick, whip, but Trick blocks! Trick reverses, but Melo reverses back to send Trick into steel!

Trick falls back, but Melo gets him up. Trick stops from hitting steel, but Melo kicks him through ropes to stomp him against steel! The fans boo but Melo soaks it up. Melo drags Trick back up, runs side to side, and he SPLASHES Trick against steel! And then SPLASHES him against steel again! Melo goes again, but Trick drops and Melo splashes into steel himself! The fans fire up while Trick rises! Melo kicks Trick, Trick blocks the whip to ROCK Melo. Trick whips Melo, Melo goes up but Trick follows! Trick clinches, SUPER BOOKEND!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Trick rises, the fans rally, and Trick pounds the mat.

Trick ROCKS Melo, Melo fires back! They go back and forth, Trick gets the edge, then whips Melo for the LEG LARIAT! LEG LARIAT! FLAPJACK! The fans fire up, Melo staggers and Trick aims! Trick spins but Melo rushes up to LA MYSTI- NO, Trick stops that to INVERTED SUPLEX! Trick kips up, the fans fire up with him, and he whips Melo into steel! And more steel! And more steel! And then the fourth wall! NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives but Trick lets the hair down! Trick drags Melo around, cartwheel and ripcord, but Melo arm-drags! Melo runs, but he’s sent into steel again!

Trick storms up, but Melo HOTSHOTS the bad arm! Melo climbs, aims, but Trick catches the three pointer for the BOOKEND! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives but Trick isn’t done with him! Trick fireman’s carries, but Melo DDTS! Cover, TWO! Trick is still in this but Melo stays on him. FIRST 48! Trick rebounds to LEAPING LARIAT! Melo comes back to V-TRIGGER! “This is Awesome!” as both men are down! Melo goes to the corner, Trick rises at center, and Trick runs up after Melo! SMACK off the steel! But Melo gives it back! Trick SMACKS Melo, Melo SMACKS Trick! They dribble each other off the steel again and again!

Trick and Melo wobble, but then Trick CHOPS! Melo CHOPS! Melo SMACKS Trick off steel, headlocks, SUPER BULLDOG but Trick superhero lands out of it! Trick shakes his head, Melo is furious, and Melo runs up! Trick dodges to SPIN KICK! But the personal guards climb the cage! Trick BLASTS a couple off the side, but there’s still another! Trick hurries to get that guy, but the fourth gets in with a chair!! Trick kicks that guy first then TOSSES Him around! And this is a BIG guy! Trick sees the guy stagger to the door, and BOOTS him out! Trick closes the cage, but Melo has the chair!! Trick dodges, runs up, FULL METAL TRICK SHOT!! Cover, Trick wins!!

Winner: Trick Williams, by pinfall

Melo tried to stack the deck but Trick’s shot don’t miss! And now, Trick climbs the cage to be level with the perch, where Dragunov is watching! Spring Breakin’, NXT Championship, and if Trick loses, he must LEAVE NXT. Will Trick’s final chance be the one chance he needs to finally be on top of the world?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT here as the go-home to Spring Breakin’ 2024. Great opening match from Dar and Dijak, and while the fans were super behind Dijak, of course Dar wins thanks to help from Meta Four. Dar is definitely being primed for some kind of title opportunity past Spring Breakin’, but Oro kinda got the karma for cheating when Oba Femi again clobbers him while simply exiting a room. Good promo from Briggs and Ivar to set up Briggs VS Ivar, which was a great match. The promo helped us understand how beat up Briggs is, so logically, Ivar would win. Oba VS Ivar is going to be great stuff, and I would think Oba wins.

Good NXT Anonymous promo to add heat to Ridge VS Wilde, and of course Shawn Spears shows up during that match. Ridge wins, though it’s hard to say he was that more brutal with Wilde than any other match, but maybe Ridge is going to end up more and more unhinged. Really good #gymtok promo from Brin, Malik & Edris, but of course AOP demolishes Malik & Edris in the match. Axiom & Frazer wanted after AOP but that’s rather reckless when AOP are both physically bigger than Bron and Corbin. I’m sure Axiom & Frazer find a way to win, but this is gonna be pretty brutal for the champs.

Great stuff in the Women’s Division building towards both the top title and the coming Women’s North American Championship. Great match from Sol VS Lola but we should’ve known Blair would mess Sol up. Then Natty calls out Lola, so we’re going to get awesome stuff out of both the “Beach Brawl” No Disqualification match and the NXT Underground match. And then really good promo where Mr. Chase and Thea finally make amends for last year, and good promo from Tatum putting the twist on how her character’s been this entire time. Kinda some long term storytelling with how Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn always sensed that darkness in Tatum.

Tatum VS Thea of course got Jacy & Jazmyn interfering, there has to be one final blowoff of Jacy VS Thea for Spring Breakin. And Lyra going after Tatum was great stuff, and Roxie was good in her promo. The Triple Threat was a wild move but Roxie might have a point, she could lose that title without being pinned, and then she gets drafted away. We saw Roxie be part of the Raw After Mania, maybe that’s where she’s headed. After all, we know Melo’s gonna end up on SmackDown. Great Steel Cage main event, and again I like that it was a use of the No Escape stipulation. Trick of course won, he’s got momentum going into what is surely his win next week.

As such, Dragunov might end up drafted away after he loses, and if so, his match tonight was even more awesome for him giving Je’Von Evans some shine in the Open Challenge tonight. Evans is definitely ahead of the curve, he’s going to be a big name very soon. The only real rough spot from tonight would probably be the D’Angelo Family interacting with NQCC. They made good points but the flow needed to be ironed out for it being live in front of the fans. For one, we’re getting a big Six Man Tag, and that will then give Tony D’Angelo momentum going into a Heritage Cup match with more than likely Dempsey.

But I think part of the awkwardness in the promo was them having to work-shoot away the Gulak issue. From how things were worded, NXT is siding with Ronda, as Gulak wasn’t even directly named in this whole thing, but they made it sound like he was the problem. Gulak wasn’t part of events during Mania Weekend or anything since, though there’s nothing on him being fired or suspended. we’ll just have to wait and see how this goes.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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