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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/26/24)

Now, where were we?



A Block Round 8, but B Block Round 7!

After a few days off, Best of the Super Juniors kicks it back into gear! But will El Desperado and Hiromu Takahashi both stay on track back to the top?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: KUSHIDA VS Ninja Mack; Mack wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kosei Fujita VS HAYATA; Hayata wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Dragon Dia VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS Blake Christian; Blake wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Taiji Ishimori VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Taiji wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Kanemaru wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS Clark Connors; Knight wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Robbie Eagles; Hiromu wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS TJP; TJP wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Titan: 5-2, 10 points
El Desperado: 5-2, 10 points
HAYATA: 4-3, 8 points
Blake Christian: 4-3, 8 points
Clark Connors: 4-3, 8 points
Kevin Knight: 3-4, 6 points
BUSHI: 3-4, 6 points
TJP: 3-4, 6 points
Kosei Fujita: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the current B Block standings!

Robbie Eagles: 5-2, 10 points
“Drilla” Moloney: 4-2, 8 points
KUSHIDA: 4-2, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 4-2, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-2, 8 points
SHO: 4-3, 8 points
DOUKI: 4-3, 8 points
Ninja Mack: 2-4, 4 points
Francesco Akira: 2-3, 4 points [FORFEIT]
Dragon Dia: 0-6, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: KUSHIDA VS Ninja Mack!

There’s still time for The Timesplitter to make it to the top, but the American Shinobi no longer has an outside shot. Will the Mack attack bring Kushida’s countdown to zero? Or will Kushida head back to the future?

The bell rings and the fans rally up for “NINJA! NINJA!” Mack and Kushida circle, feel things out, and Mack avoids the leg takedown. They clinch, go around, and Kushida waistlocks. Mack drops to his knees as he pries at the hold, but Kushida floats to a facelock. Mack slips around to waistlock, Kushida switches, Mack switches back, and the two stand. The fans cheer, Kushida tries to use his leg guard, but Mack blocks that. Mack gives a kick, but Kushida rolls to snatch the other leg! Mack falls but he gets the ROPEBREAK, and Kushida lets off. The fans applaud as the two reset, and they are both in fighting stances.

Mack and Kushida circle, then they start firing KICK after KICK! They each duck a kick, then Kushida kicks low. Kushida whips, Mack reverses then hurdles, and then back handsprings over Kushida’s slide! The fans cheer as the two stand off again! Kushida runs up, RANAS, but Mack flips through! The fans fire up and Kushida hits the crane stance. Mack runs up, but into a hip toss! Kushida cartwheels, Mack kips up, Kushida crane stance but he avoids Mack’s dropkick to cartwheel and DROPKICK! The fans cheer as Mack goes to ropes. Kushida KICKS him in the arm, runs, but Mack puts him on the apron!

Mack body shots, CLUBS, and runs to handspring and NINJA SUNSET FLIP! Kushida holds the ropes, throws down fists, and Mack lets go. Kushida goes up and in, builds speed and slides as Mack ducks, to SUNSET FLIP BOMB only for Mack to handspring through! And he handsprings all the way down the aisle through the crowd! The fans are thunderous as Mack strikes another fight stance! Mack runs all the way back in, is put on the apron, and he mule kicks, to then ASAI TORNILLO! Direct hit and the fans are thunderous again! They cheer on Mack as he puts Kushida in and goes up a corner!

Mack aims, leaps, and DIVING HEADBUTTS! Both it was a bit double-edged for Mack! Mack manages the cover, TWO! Kushida is still in this, but Mack clamps on the KIMURA! Kushida endures his favorite hold as the fans rally up! Kushida rises, but then Mack jumps on for the HOVERBOARD! Now Kushida is really annoyed, and he powers his way out of the hold! And then he turns the HOVERBOARD onto Mack! The fans cheer, Mack fights around, wrenches out, and ROCKS Kushida! Kushida KICKS the leg! And KICKS again! Kushida whips, Mack reveres, Kushida handsprings, but into an ARMBAR!

The fans fire up, Kushida fights around, and he rolls back to get free, Oklahoma Roll! TWO but Kushida keeps on Mack, cradle! TWO, and Kushida drags Mack around for another cradle, TWO!! Mack escapes, rolls Kushida up now, schoolboy KICK! The fans rally up as Mack takes aim, LION’S BARRAGE into a HOVERBOARD!! Kushida has Mack caught, but Mack stacks Kushida! TWO, Kushida lets go and runs up but Mack sends him to ropes. Mack hurdles the slide, comes back, but Kushida RANAS! Cover, ONE as Mack sunset flips! Kushida rolls through, goes to stack but Mack tucks Kushida! MACK WINS!!

Winner: Ninja Mack, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kushida earns 0)

It wasn’t Back to the Future but the Return of the Mack! Did the American Shinobi just slam the door shut on Kushida going to the semifinals?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kosei Fujita VS HAYATA!

The Japanese Young Punk is out of the running, but the GHC National Champion has an outside shot, so long as he keeps winning. But will Hayata see The Mighty Don’t Kneel? Or will he leave Fujita lost in the Silence of Darkness?

Fujita gets in Hayata’s face but the ref has him back down. Fujita doesn’t like Hayata being so dismissive of him, so he fires a forearm! The bell rings and the brawl is on! The fans rally up, Fujita knees low and whips, but Hayata holds ropes. Hayata bails out, Fujita pursues and CLUBS him on the back! Fujita puts Hayata in, brings him up, but Hayata CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands, Hayata headlocks, but Fujita powers out. Hayata runs Fujita over, things speed up and Fujita sidesteps to arm-drag! And arm-drag again! But Hayata avoids the third! The fans cheer, Hayata brings Fujita up, but Fujita gets that arm-drag after all!

Hayata gets up but Fujita DROPKICKS him down! Fujita drags Hayata up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then whips corner to corner. Fujita runs in but Hayata TOSSES him up and out! Fujita hits apron on the way down, and checks his teeth as he is on the floor. Hayata goes out after Fujita, and POSTS him! The ref reprimands but Hayata smirks as he looms over Fujita. Hayata drags Fujita up, puts him in, and the fans applaud. Cocky cover, ONE! Hayata paces around Fujita, brings him up, and reels him in. Hayata suplexes, but Fujita slips free! Hayata elbows free, avoid the dropkick, then things speed up.

Fujita jumps, but into a Manhattan Drop! Hayata runs to SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO! Fujita stays in this and the fans rally up, but Hayata looms over him. Hayata taunts Fujita and steps on his face! The ref reprimands, Hayata brings Fujita up, but Fujita fires a forearm! And another! Fujita eggs Hayata on, ROCKS him again, but Hayata knees low. Hayata puts Fujita in a corner, stomps a mudhole in, then digs his boots in! The ref counts, Hayata steps away, then stands Fujita up to CLUB him down! The fans rally for Fujita but Hayata stands him back up. Hayata knees low, whips, but Fujita reverses and GAMANGIRIS!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Fujita grits his teeth and sits up first. Fujita goes to a corner, Hayata goes to the other. Fujita storms up and fires forearms. Fujita whips but Hayata blocks, so Fujita CHOPS Fujita whips corner to corner, runs up, but is put on the apron this time. Fujita ducks a haymaker to ROCK Hayata! Then he springboard MISSILE DROPKICKS! Direct hit and Fujita covers, TWO! The fans rally as we pass five minutes. Fujita waistlocks and deadlifts Hayata, but Hayata fights free! Fujita ducks the elbow to CHOP! Fujita whips, Hayata PELES! Both men are down and the fans rally up again.

Both men stand, Hayata goes to a corner, then runs out to SHOTGUN! Hayata drags Fujita to the drop zone then goes up, SECOND ROPE SAULT onto knees! Fujita saves himself and the fans rally up again. Fujita rises, stalks Hayata, and brings him up. Hayata fires a forearm first, but Fujita gives it back! They go forearm for forearm, then Fujita CHOPS! Fujita waistlocks but Hayata wrenches right out to STRAITJACKET DDT! Cover, TWO! Fujita survives and the fans fire up! Hayata vows to end this, and he gets Fujita up for 403- NO, Fujita fights free, wrenches, drop toeholds, and ties up the legs! CAMEL DEATHLOCK!

Hayata endures, crawls forward, reaches out, but Fujita gets the arms! QUEEN ANGELITO! But Hayata fights and still gets the ROPEBREAK! Fujita lets Hayata go, waistlocks and deadlifts again! Hayata reaches out for ropes, Fujita brings him from ropes, but Hayata spins around! 403- NO, Fujita slips free! Hayata ducks the heel kick, runs, but into a POP-UP GERMAN SUPLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Hayata escapes and the fans are thunderous as Fujita roars! Fujita slashes his throat, drags Hayata up and in, suplex, but Hayata knees free! Fujita fights Hayata’s lift and the fans rally! Hayata gets a leg, FISHERMAN SCREW!

Hayata drags Fujita back up, 403 IMPACT!!! Cover, Hayata wins!

Winner: Hayata, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Fujita earns 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but they can get dropped on their heads! Hayata rolls on, will the GHC National Champion soon become the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Dragon Dia VS SHO!

The Infinity Carat Diamond sure doesn’t feel like it after going 0-6. And when it comes to the House of Torture, the deck is always stacked. Will Dia get lucky in round 7 and finally score? Or will the Murder Machine not take any chances, even this deep into tournament?

Wait, Sho runs up behind Dia! He snatches Dia’s skateboard away! The fans boo but Sho gets a mic to say, “Oi, Dragon Dia’s won every one of his matches, right? Then there’s no point in me wrestling him! So just give me the points now and I’ll give you your skateboard back.” Dia gives chase instead! They go around the outside, then Yujiro appears for Sho to hand off the board! Dia goes after Tokyo Pimp but he gets mugged by them both! The fans boo more but Sho puts Dia in the ring. The bell rings, Sho stomps Dia, and fans boo more. Sho digs his heel into Dia’s ribs, then he steps off, talking trash the whole time.

Sho drags Dia up, whips, but Dia holds ropes and bails out. Sho wants Dia to come back but Dia wants his board! Dia goes after Yujiro but Yujiro rolls the board into the ring. Sho has it now, Dia slides in, only for Sho to roll the board back out to Yujiro! Dia goes for Yujiro but Sho CLUBS him on the back! Sho whips and kitchen sink knees! The fans boo as Sho stretches Dia’s arm and leg, heels digging into Dia’s ribs! Dia endures, crawls his way over and bringing Sho along, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Sho pulls more, but lets off at 4. Dia bails out, and he rushes Yujiro! Yujiro slides the board in, but Dia catches up to it!

Dia and Sho tug-o-war over the board and the ref gets involved. Sho shoves the ref away, then fakes a low blow with the board! The fans boo the farce and Dia defends his innocence! Sho shoves Dia at the ref, takes aim, but Dia blocks the legit low blow! Dia kicks and whips Sho, Sho reverses, but Dia RANAS back! The fans fire up and Dia storms after Sho. Dia whips, Sho reverses but Dia WRECKS Yujiro with a dropkick! The fans fire up, Sho storms out after Dia and CLUBS him! Sho gets the board back, holds it up, but then Dia BASEMENT 619s Sho’s legs out! Sho falls, the board bonking him on the head as he goes down!

The fans fire up as Dia takes aim, and he ASAI MOONSAULTS the House! Dia slides in, gets his board, and the fans cheer as he holds it up! Dia hands the board to Milano Collection AT-san, then storms after Sho. Dia puts Sho in, fires off forearms in the corner, and the ref reprimands. Dia lets off, drags Sho up and whips, but Sho reverses. Sho runs up but Dia dodges, slips around, and then trips Sho to TORNILLO SPLASH! The fans fire up and Sho is on ropes, Dia dials it up, 619! Then STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Sho survives but Dia fires up! The fans rally as he climbs, aims, D D D D- NO, Sho blocks the 4DT!

Sho RAMS Dia into the corner, puts him on the top rope, then runs in, TOP SHELF KNEE! Dia flops down and Sho goes to his corner. Sho grabs his Torture Tool! The fans boo, the ref stops Sho, but Yujiro slips in with the pimp cane! But Dia dodges Yujiro to DROPKICK the pimp! Then he DROPKICKS Sho! Dia has the wrench, hands it to the ref, then runs, but then the ref is used as a shield! SPEAR! Sho’s usual tricks have worked so far, and he vows to put this one away. Sho drags Dia up, gut wrenches, but Dia arm-drags free! Dia jackknife bridges, TWO! Ghost pin, TWO!! Sho escapes but Dia runs up to wheelbarrow, somersault clutch, TWO!!!

Sho escapes by the seat of his pants, but Dia dodges him to ENZIGIRI! Dia runs, rolls, but Sho BOMBS him into the ref! And LOW BLOW for good measure! Yujiro snatches the board away from Milano! SKATEBOARD SHOT!! Dia sputters, Sho runs up, LOADED PUNT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Dia survives and the fans are thunderous! Sho shakes his head, reels Dia back in, gut wrench for the STRONG BLOCK!! Cover, Sho wins!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Dia earns 0)

The Murder Machine holds up Dia’s board then throws it down to stomp on it! Sho needing to cheat even now is just insult to injury, but will he continue to insult this entire division until he’s holding the trophy?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS Blake Christian!

The Black Mask is on the hot seat, and now All Heat is looking to burn him! Will Bushi find a way to keep things tranquilo? Or will the now former GCW Champion get everyone all riled up?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Blake puts Bushi on ropes, but Bushi turns things around. The ref counts, Bushi feints a chop then rolls back to taunt Blake. Blake runs up, Bushi avoids the kick to kick back. Bushi whips, Blake reverses but Bushi dropkicks the leg out! Bushi stomps Blake to a corner, CHOPS him, and Blake staggers away. Bushi DOUBLE CHOPS Blake, then stomps a leg. Bushi wraps the leg around ropes, then dropkicks the leg! Blake tumbles away and the fans rally up. Bushi drags Blake around, steps through, and has the TRAILER HITCH! Blake endures, reaches out, and the fans rally as he has the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Bushi undoes the hold at 4, and he stomps Blake. Bushi reels Blake in, but Blake fights the lift with elbows. Bushi scuffs Blake, but Blake fires a flurry! Blake SOBATS then PELES! Bushi falls, the fans rally, and Bushi bails out. Blake builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! A direct hit but a bit double-edged as Blake hobbles away. Blake stalks Bushi, drags him up and puts him in. The fans applaud and rally, then Blake goes up, but Bushi avoids the double stomps! Bushi runs in, Blake dodges and BOOTS! Bushi falls, Blake rises, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMP to the back! Cover, TWO! Bushi stays in this but Blake smirks.

Blake aims from a corner while the fans rally up. STEP-UP- NO, Bushi sunset flips Blake! TWO, and Blake runs in, but Bushi ROCKS him! Blake PELES again, but then he blocks a kick, ducks the enzigiri, only for the REWIND HEEL to hit! Blake staggers back to a corner, Bushi runs up, but Blake boots him away! Blake somersaults to BASEMENT ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Bushi stays in this and the fans rally up. Blake huffs and puffs as the fans rally up, and Blake drags Bushi up. Blake half nelsons, but Bushi fights the lift! Bushi throws elbows, Blake hobbles, Blake kicks but Bushi blocks! Bushi dropkicks the bad leg out!

The fans fire up, Bushi ties up the legs but Blake reels him into a cradle, TWO! Bushi hurries up but Blake ROCKS him! Blake runs, but Bushi DROPKICKS! Bushi reels Blake in for the SHIN BREAKER! And then the trip, tie up, and FABLE!! Blake endures, crawls around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Bushi lets off at 4. The fans continue to rally, and Bushi drags Blake up for the FISHERMAN- NO, Blake slips free to JUMP KNEE! Blake goes back to the apron, the fans rally up, and Bushi runs up. Blake ROCKS Bushi, shakes out his bad leg, then springboards, but Bushi gets under! Blake handsprings to LETHAL INJECTION!!

The fans are thunderous as Blake goes to the apron! HEAT 450!! BLAKE WINS!

Winner: Blake Christian, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi earns 0)

Blake was able to reignite that spark and he gets to double digits in this tournament! Will All Heat show GCW they were wrong to doubt him when he becomes the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Taiji Ishimori VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

Bullet Club VS Bullet Club happens a lot in these tournaments, and we’ve seen how Too Sweet can turn sour. And at this point in the tournament, it is all about survival! Will Bone Soldier make sure #ItsReborn? Or will he be outdrawn by the 44 Caliber Abunai Gaijin?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, tie up, and Taiji wrenches, but Drilla goes to ropes. The ref counts, Taiji YANKS the arm, and Drilla shakes it out as he paces. Taiji and Drilla circle again, feel things out, and Taiji kicks. Drilla avoids it, they circle again, and then Taiji kicks low. Taiji CLAWS Drilla’s face, puts him in a corner, and whips. Drilla reverses, runs in, but Taiji slips out, slips under, and RAMS Drilla. Taiji goes up and SEATED SENTONS! The fans fire up and Taiji grins. Drilla snarls as he sits back up, but Taiji clamps on with a cravat. Drilla endures the neck wrench, Taiji snapmares, and sets up.

But Drilla reaches up to headscissor Taiji down, and he NECK TWISTS Taiji first! Taiji writhes, the fans cheer, and Drilla grins now. Drilla drags Taiji up, turns him, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Drilla digs his boot into Taiji’s neck, but the ref reprimands as it’s almost a choke. Drilla lets off, drags Taiji back up, and he CLUBS Taiji on the neck. Drilla stands Taiji up to UPPERCUT the back of his neck! Then he cravats and CHOKES Taiji on ropes! The ref counts, Drilla lets off at 4, and Taiji sputters. Taiji goes to a corner but Drilla stomps him. Drilla drags Taiji up, hammerlocks, then chinbars to crank the neck!

Taiji endures, reaches out, but Drilla pulls harder! The fans rally up, Taiji fights around, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Drilla lets off and CLUBS Taiji! Taiji throws a body shot, then another! Taiji backs Drilla down but Drilla snapmares. Taiji BOOTS from below to stop the neck twist! The fans rally and Taiji goes to a corner. The fans rally up, Drilla runs in, but Taiji BOOTS him! Taiji reaches up but Drilla stops the rana, so Taiji AX KICKS him! Taiji somersaults and jumps, ZIGZAG! The fans rally up while both men are down, and Taiji rises first. Taiji scoops Drilla, but Drilla turns that around, pops Taiji around, but Taiji fights free!

Taiji waistlocks, Drilla switches and ripcords but Taiji gets around to LA MYSTICA! BONE LOCK!! Drilla endures as that bad arm is being bent back! Drilla fights with the good arm, but Taiji rolls him away from ropes! Drilla endures, claws at the mat, fights around, ROPEBREAK! Taiji lets go in frustration and he shakes out his own bad arm. Taiji says BANG, gets Drilla up, BLOODY- NO, Drilla powers out! Drilla whips, Taiji handsprings, but into a STYLES CLASH!! Cover, TWO?!? Drilla isn’t phenomenal and that’s why Taiji survives! Drilla snarls, aims from a corner, and Taiji rises, GORE!!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans fire up as Taiji survives those sudden impact moves, but Taiji is in bad shape all the same. Drilla gets Taiji up, says Too Sweet and lifts, but Taiji flips through to BLOODY CROSS!! Cover, Taiji wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Drilla earns 0)

It was a shootout to be sure, but Taiji proves he’s number one with a bullet! Will Taiji make it to the top of the block now? Is Drilla gonna run out of ammo before the end here?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

El Inmortal is riding high at the top of the block, but the Heel Master is at the bottom. Will Kanemaru step all over Titan’s hopes of making it back to the finals? Or will Titan keep the faith until the end?

Oh but of course Kanemaru attacks Titan during his introductions! The fans boo as Kanemaru dumps Titan off the corner, and then to the floor. Kanemaru stomps away on Titan, drags him up, and POSTS him! Titan flounders, Kanemaru stalks him, then Kanemaru stomps some more. Kanemaru puts Titan in the ring, but Titan comes back to WRECK Kanemaru! Titan then DIVES and down goes Kanemaru! The bell rings to get this on record and the fans fire up! Titan stomps Kanemaru, puts him in the ring, then goes up the apron. Titan springboards but Kanemaru uses the ref as a shield! Titan lands on his feet, only for Kanemaru to dropkick the legs out!

Kanemaru grabs that leg, turns Titan over, and SMASHES the knee! Kanemaru then stomps Titan, drags him up, and puts him up top backwards. Kanemaru climbs up, and he goes after the mask! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Kanemaru has the laces loose! Titan fights with elbows, Kanemaru falls back, but Titan is still stuck in the Tree of Woe. Kanemaru stomps Titan down, drags him back, and drops an elbow on the knee! Kanemaru has the toehold but Titan endures. Titan claws at Kanemaru, crawls backwards for ropes, but Kanemaru drags him away, for a HALF CRAB! Titan scrambles forward, ROPEBREAK!

The fans cheer and the ref counts, Kanemaru lets go at 4. Kanemaru stalks Titan, kicks him around, stomps the bad leg, then stomps it again. Kanemaru drags Titan up, whips him to ropes, and dropkicks the leg out! Titan writhes, Kanemaru covers, TWO! The fans applaud but Kanemaru drags Titan up. SHIN BREAKER! Titan writhes again, and Kanemaru smirks as he stalks Titan. Kanemaru drops a knee on the knee! Kanemaru then stomps Titan more, drags him back up, and he TOSSES Titan out. Kanemaru goes out after Titan to get the leg, and he SMASHES it on the floor! Titan writhes, the ref reprimands, and Kanemaru leaves Titan behind.

The fans rally for Titan but the ring count begins. Titan stands at 2 of 20, hobbles over at 5 and rolls in at 6. Kanemaru storms up on Titan, brings him up and kicks the leg. Titan fires a forearm! And another! Kanemaru kicks the leg again! Kanemaru whips, Titan holds ropes! Titan BOOTS Kanemaru, runs up, but into a mule kick! Kanemaru whips, Titan reverses and TORNADO DDTS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Titan goes to the apron and roars! Titan aims, springboards and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Kanemaru tumbles out, the fans fire up, and Titan builds speed! Titan FLIES and takes down Kanemaru!

The fans fire up with Titan as he rises again! Titan roars, hobbles over to Kanemaru and puts him in to cover, TWO! Kanemaru stays in this but Titan stays focused. Titan stomps Kanemaru and brings him up. Titan fireman’s carries, but Kanemaru fights and flails! Kanemaru is free but Titan fires off the strike fest! Titan runs, but Kanemaru dropkicks the leg out! But Titan kips up!? And PELES! Kanemaru falls and the fans fire up again! Titan rises again, watches Kanemaru go to the corner, and off comes the armband! Titan runs corner to corner but Kanemaru uses the ref as a weapon! ENZIGIRI! The fans boo but Kanemaru goes for his whiskey!

Kanemaru reaches over the ref to grab the bottle, and he just takes aim at Titan! Titan rises, but he goes Matrix to dodge! CALF KICK and down goes Kanemaru! Titan roars, the fans fire up, and Titan says how’s this?! Leg lock and JAVE INMORTAL!! Kanemaru endures, the ref hurries over, but Kanemaru CLAWS at Titan’s eyes!! Titan lets go of Kanemaru while the fans boo, but Kanemaru goes to a corner. Titan goes to the other, then runs in. Kanemaru BOOTS Titan, goes up, but Tian gets under the leap! Titan kicks, kicks, palm strikes and WHEEL KICKS! The fans fire up with Titan as he rises again!

Titan goes to the corner, skins the cat, and even with one good leg, he DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS into Kanemaru’s boots! Kanemaru rolls Titan up with a high stack, TWO!! Titan flounders, Kanemaru drags him up and whips, but Titan reverses! But Kanemaru says no tornados, and he THROWS Titan into the ref! Titan sees the ref is down, and Kanemaru YANKS the mask! Titan keeps hold, but Kanemaru LOW BLOWS! Shove and somersault clutch, KANEMARU WINS!

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titan earns 0)

The Heel Master had a game plan and he played it to perfection! Kanemaru is no longer the bottom of this block, but will Titan be able to stay on top?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS Clark Connors!

After what Kanemaru just did to Titan, the window is opening! Will The Jet fly past this War Dog to still have a chance? Or is there going to be No Chaser to follow Kanemaru’s whiskey?

The bell rings and the two run up! Knight leaps over Connors, but Connors comes back to run him over! The fans applaud, and Connors stomps Knight, then CLUBS him. Knight gets up, throws body shots, but Connors CHOPS! Connors CHOPS Knight again in the corner, and Knight growls as he goes along ropes. Connors whips to ELBOW Knight down, and the fans rally up. Connors runs to JUMP ELBOW DROP! He gets Knight right on the bad shoulder, then covers, TWO! Connors keeps cool while Knight clutches the bad arm. Connors brings Knight up but Knight fires body shots. Connors CLUBS Knight and barks at him.

Connors runs, but Knight DROPKICKS him down! The fans fire up and Knight runs corner to corner to clothesline! Knight stomps, UPPERCUTS, repeat! The ref counts as Knight stomps a mudhole in! Knight lets off, puts Connors up, and DROPKICKS him down to the floor! The fans cheer Knight hitting a rather Okada like move, but then Knight PLANCHAS onto Connors! The fans fire up with “KEVIN! KEVIN!” and he goes back for Connors. But Connors kicks Knight’s leg! Knight hobbles away, and Connors brings out a chair! The ref says no, but Knight SUPERKICKS the chair into Connors! Knight says not today, Connors!

Knight picks up the chair, but also stands Connors up. Knight sits the chair up, sits Connors in the chair, then fires off forearms on Connors. Knight gets space, and a lot of it, to run in, go up the apron, and FLYING DROPKICK! The fans are thunderous as Knight shouts, “TSUYOI~!” Knight storms back up on Connors, CLUBS him, then puts Connors in. Knight aims from the apron, but Connors hurries away. Knight hops back down, goes around the way, and storms up to stomp Connors on the ramp. Knight stands Connors up to UPPERCUT, then whips him, only for Connors to reverse! Knight goes up the apron, LEAPS, but Connors dodges!

Knight turns around and runs at Connors, but into a SNAP POWERSLAM to the floor! Knight writhes, Connors rises, and the ring count climbs. Connors storms around the way to get that chair! Connors brings it back as the count is 10 of 20, and he just JAMS Knight with it! Connors pushes the chair onto Knight, grabs a Young Lion, and scoops him onto Knight to sandwich the chair! The count is 15 of 20 as Knight crawls away! But then Connors tries to block Knight’s path! Knight jukes and slides into the ring, Connors hurries in at 19! Knight then goes to the apron, springboards in, but he fakes Connors out! Somersault and JET SPLASH!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Knight grits his teeth as he goes to a corner and rises up. Connors sits up, and he fires the first forearm! Knight gives it back! Connors fires another! Knight gives it back! They stand and keep throwing shots back and forth! The fans rally up as they go faster and faster! Connors winds up, Knight blocks to ROCK him! And again! And again and again and again! Knight whips, Connors reverses, but Knight goes up and over! Knight comes back, is put on the apron, but he springboards back in to FLYING LARIAT! The fans are thunderous and Knight hurries to cover, TWO!

Knight keeps cool, brings Connors up and vows to end this. Fireman’s carry, but Connors fights free. Connors spins Knight, Knight shoves Connors, but Connors dodges the dropkick to JEEP FLIPPER! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Connors and Knight slowly rise, and Connors aims from a corner. Connors runs in, but Knight hurdles up and over! Connors comes back, into a SHOTGUN! Knight fires up, runs the ropes, but into a SPEAR!! Connors has to crawl to the cover, TWO!! Knight survives from the delay and Connors is stunned! The fans are thunderous as Connors rises again.

Connors brings Knight up, reels him in, and serves it up, but Knight says no to No Chaser! Knight cradles, TWO!! SUPERKICK! Connors stays up, runs in, but Knight pops him up, only for Connors to fight! So no Sky2High, Knight puts Connors up top! Knight ROCKS Connors, climbs up after him, but Connors fights back with body shots! Knight gives those back and drags Connors up, but Connors still fights the superplex! Connors shoves Knight, but Knight returns for the UPPER ROOM! The fans are thunderous again as The Jet gets those engines roaring! SATELLITE- NO, Connors fights out of the DDT, for NO CHASE- DDT!!! Cover, KNIGHT WINS!!!

Winner: Kevin Knight, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

Connors is in a daze from that stunning upset! Knight is 4-4, Connors is 4-4, but will this win lead the Intergalactic Jet Setters back to the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships in the near future?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Hiromu Takahashi VS Robbie Eagles!

The Ticking Timebomb is just a step behind the Sniper of the Skies in this tournament, but he could blow it all up here tonight. Will Hiromu be within reach of another BOSJ semifinal? Or will Eagles fly high at the top of the block?

As before, Hiromu offers a framed and signed headshot to Milano Collection AT-san, and Milano Collection AT-san gladly accepts. The fans rally and duel, and it sounds pretty even to Eagles. The bell rings and the “HI-RO-MU!” comes out a bit stronger. The “ROBBIE! ROBBIE!” counters, but then Eagles has everyone quiet down. Eagles starts a “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI! ” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” The fans cheer, but Hiromu tries now. “HIRO HIRO HIRO!” “OI OI OI!” “HIRO HIRO HIRO!” “OI OI OI!” “HIRO!” “OI!” “HIRO!” “OI!” “HIRO HIRO HIRO!” “OI OI OI!”

The fans cheer again and Eagles shrugs at the fans. Eagles and Hiromu circle, tie up, and Eagles wrenches to a wristlock. Hiromu spins, slips through, hammerlocks then headlocks. Hiromu hits the takeover, Eagles the headscissors, and Eagles holds on tight. Hiromu fights around, traps Eagles’ legs and pops out, to then get the headlock back. Eagles fights around, stands up, but Hiromu wrenches to wristlock. Eagles spins, drop toeholds, and then ties up the legs in the RON MILLER SPECIAL! Hiromu scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go and the fans applaud as Hiromu bails out.

Eagles taunts Hiromu, Hiromu returns and CHOPS! Hiromu chest bumps Eagles, so Eagles CHOPS back! Hiromu CHOPS, Eagles CHOPS, repeat! The fans “WOO~” with each CHOP, and then Eagles storms out of the ring. Eagles wants Hiromu to join him so Hiromu obliges. The CHOPS continue back and forth, harder and harder, then they both go into the ring! The CHOPS just keep going, and then Eagles bails back out! The fans fire up with Eagles, and we get more CHOPS back and forth! The ring count starts as the CHOPS keep going! Both men egg the other on, CHOP more, and we’re past 10 of 20!

The CHOPS keep flying back and forth, even as we hit 15! 16! 17! 18! 19!! Both men slide in, but then Eagles slides right out! Eagles gets Hiromu’s legs tied up, for a DOUBLE KNEE BUSTER to the floor! Hiromu writhes, the fans rally, and Eagles stalks Hiromu around the way. Eagles gets the bad leg to DDT it to the floor! Hiromu writhes and flounders, Eagles refreshes the count, but the ref reprimands Eagles. Eagles waits as the ref checks Hiromu, then he eggs Hiromu on. Hiromu rises but Eagles KICKS the leg! And KICKS it again! Hiromu gets in the ring, Eagles pursues, but the Hiromu bails out the side again.

Eagles goes back out after Hiromu, drags him around, and then UPPERCUTS the leg! Hiromu writhes, Eagles stands on the knee, and the fans are torn. Eagles mocks the fans booing him, and he brings Hiromu up. Eagles puts Hiromu in at 8 of 20, then drops an elbow on the leg! The fans rally, Hiromu endures, and Hiromu drags Eagles along for the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Eagles lets off at 4. The fans rally for Hiromu while Eagles mockingly says tranquilo. Hiromu drags himself up with the ropes, and he storms up on Eagles to CHOP! Not as much edge as before, but Hiromu CHOPS again! And again! Eagles kicks the bad leg!

Eagles runs, Hiromu follows, and Hiromu RAN- NO, Hiromu’s legs can’t hold on for him! Eagles then lines up a shot to PENALTY KICK the leg! Hiromu hobbles around and Eagles pushes him to a cover, ROPEBREAK! Hiromu’s good leg saves him, but Eagles kicks Hiromu around. Eagles steps through to have the SNAP LOCK! Then the FIGURE FOUR! Hiromu endures, drags Eagles along with him, ROPEBREAK! Eagles holds until the ref counts, then lets go at 4. Hiromu clutches his knees and Eagles mockingly encourages the fans to cheer. Eagles ROCKS Hiromu, lets out a “WOO~!” then steps through. But Hiromu kicks and kicks, so Eagles KICKS the leg!

Eagles rolls Hiromu to his feet, hooks him up, TURBO- NO, Hiromu CLUBS free of the backpack! Eagles CHOPS and Hiromu staggers away! Eagles runs up but into a BOOT! Hiromu then gets Eagles for a HANGING HEADSCISSORS, but Eagles fights free to have a HANGING CRAB!! The ref counts, Eagles lets go and Hiromu falls to the floor. Eagles runs up to DIVE! Direct hit and the fans fire up for Eagles! Eagles then drags Hiromu up, puts him in the ring, and the fans rally again. Eagles aims, springboards, MISSILE DROPKICK to the legs! The fans fire up, Eagles grabs the leg, but Hiromu BOOTS him into buckles!

The fans rally as Hiromu crawls away to the far side. Eagles runs up, DOUBLE KNEES! Eagles returns, BASEMENT 619! He sweeps the legs out, runs back in, METEORA! But Hiromu blocks?! Hiromu lifts Eagles up from there, and BACK DROPS Eagles away! The fans fire up as Hiromu turns things around on Eagles! Hiromu grits his teeth, rises up, and Eagles is in the corner. Hiromu runs in to clothesline! Snapmare, and basement dropkick! The fans fire up as Hiromu rises again. Hiromu hobbles over, brings Eagles up but Eagles swings! Hiromu spins Eagles for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Eagles is still in this and the fans continue to rally.

Hiromu rises, hobbles back to Eagles, and drags him up. Hiromu fireman’s carries, but Eagles fights free! Hiromu hobbles and falls into the corner he was aiming for, and the fans rally again. Eagles and Hiromu both slowly rise, and Hiromu hobbles after Eagles. Eagles fireman’s carries, slips Hiromu into the backpack, but Hiromu fights free! Hiromu swings but into a clinch! SPINEBUSTER! Turnover and Eagles has the legs, DEATHLOCK STOMP! Hiromu writhes and the fans rally again. Eagles stands, storms over to Hiromu, and KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Eagles runs, but into a fireman’s carry! But he slips free!

Eagles dodges the elbow, Hiromu dodges the boot, and Hiromu waistlocks. Eagles switches, half nelsons and spins Hiromu, has the leg, SLAP and CLUB, TURBO- NO, Hiromu flips through to VICTORY ROYALE but Eagles braces himself! RON MILLER SPECIAL!!! Hiromu flails, claws, crawls, but Eagles pulls on the bad leg! Hiromu fights, reaches out, scrambles forward, ROPEBREAK!! Eagles lets go in frustration, but floats right to the cravat! ASAI DDT!! The fans are thunderous as Eagles goes up the corner! Eagles takes aim, but Hiromu crawls to the corner. Hiromu stands, Eagles ROCKS him with a forearm!

Hiromu shakes that off, tries to climb, but Eagles ROCKS him again! Hiromu still tries, Eagles ROCKS him again and again! And SLAPS him! And CHOPS him! And fires more forearms! Hiromu holds onto ropes to stay on the corner! Eagles kicks at Hiromu again and again, ROCKS Hiromu, but Hiromu SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS again! Eagles wobbles up top and the fans rally! Hiromu climbs up after Eagles, brings him onto a shoulder, then into a gut wrench position! Hiromu tucks Eagles in, but Eagles fights free! TURBO BACK- NO, Hiromu slips free for TRIANGLE D!! Eagles flails as Hiromu squeezes tight!

Eagles fights around, reaches out, but he’s starting to fade! The ref checks, the arm drops once! The arm drops twice! But Eagles comes back to life! Eagles deadlifts Hiromu to BUCKLE BOMB him!! The fans are thunderous as both men are down! The fans rally up, Hiromu rises, but Eagles runs in! Hiromu ELBOWS, KICKS, and then KICKS again! But Eagles ducks the superkick to ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! Hiromu ROLLING ELBOWS! Eagles PELES! Hiromu SUPER- NO, Eagles catches the foot! But Hiromu pushes free to SUPERKICK after all! Hiromu roars, runs, HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER!! But Eagles stays up!?!

Both men stagger, Eagles runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but HIROMU-CHAN BOMBER finds him again!! Hiromu roars, the fans are with him, and he gets Eagles for TIMEBOMB MK- NO!! Eagles kicks and throws knees! Hiromu just tries again, but Eagles slips it around! TURBO BACKPACK!! Both men are down and the fans are electric! Eagles crawls to a cover, TWO?!?! But Eagles just goes into the RON MILLER SPECIAL!!! Hiromu endures, flails, pushes back, but Eagles CLUBS the bad leg! Hiromu fights forward then, reaches out, but Eagles drags him back to center!! Hiromu flails, grits his teeth, and Eagles pushes on the legs!

Hiromu looks around, grits his teeth and makes his way forward! But Eagles drags him back! AKNLE LOCK, and Eagles KICKS and KICKS and KICKS the legs!! RON! MILLER!! SPECIAL!!! Hiromu pleads with the ref, grabs at him, but the ref gets free! Hiromu claws at the mat and the fans are thunderously rallying! Eagles tries to drag Hiromu back but Hiromu still fights forward, to the ROPEBREAK!! KNEE DROPS ON THE KNEES!! Eagles roars and the fans are going nuts! Eagles aims, BANG and- NO, Hiromu ducks Hyperion to HIROMU-CHAN ROLL!! HIROMU WINS!!!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

Eagles is absolutely flummoxed as to how he got caught! He had Hiromu dead to rights and yet couldn’t finish him off! Is the Soul of PWA going to miss out on the semifinals? Does the Timebomb still have time on the clock for his own shot?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS TJP!

The Rogue Luchador could stand alone as the ONLY 6-2 in this entire tournament, all but guaranteed a spot in the semifinals. But the Public Enemy wants to prove he’s still a worthy successor to Will Ospreay. Will TJP conquer Desperado for the United Empire? Or is Desperado going to make good on his promise to himself and the world?

The fans already rally for “T J P! T J P!” Despe nods, the bell rings, and the fans rally up again. The two circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. They go shoulder to shoulder, fight for the advantage, and Despe hooks TJP’s leg to push him back. TJP bridges, fights up, but Despe puts the arms back down. TJP breaks one knuckle lock to focus on the other, and he powers Despe down with a top wristlock. Despe rolls back, stands up, wrenches to a wristlock, but TJP endures. TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels, and drops to TWIST RANA! The fans cheer as TJP has Despe down in the headscissors! Despe bridges up, but TJP pushes him down.

TJP floats to a top wristlock but Despe bridges to avoid a pin. TJP brings Despe up, wrenches, hammerlocks, then spins Despe to trip him for a standing toehold. Despe turns over, reels TJP in but TJP flips Despe back over. Despe wants an armbar but TJP rolls! Despe still wants the arm but TJP slips through and ties up Despe’s legs, and brings him into the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Despe endures, pops free, covers, ONE! TJP stands, sweeps, covers, ONE! TJP handsprings up and the fans cheer! Despe also applauds, and he resets with TJP. The two circle, feel things out, and tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. Despe puts TJP on ropes, lets off, but then wraps an arm around ropes!

Red Shoes reprimands as Despe pulls on the arm. Despe lets off, but then CLUBS the arm! Despe stalks TJP along ropes, whips him, but TJP reverses. Despe sunset flips, TJP rolls through to high stack with knuckle locks! TWO as Despe gets one arm up! TJP puts that arm back down, TWO as the other arm comes up! TJP steps through on the legs, ties Despe up, SHARPSHOOTER SURFBOARD HYBRID!! Despe endures, TJP drops him into the deathlock, then goes back to the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Despe endures, TJP drops him into a cover, TWO! Despe escapes and TJP paces while the fans fire up.

Despe shakes out his arms but TJP gets him up. TJP whips, hip tosses, and FIST DROPS! TJP then runs up to NECK SNAPPER! Cover, ONE, but TJP clamps onto the bad arm. Despe endures as TJP digs his elbows in, but Despe reaches out to ROPEBREAK! TJP lets go and Despe goes to a corner. Red Shoes has TJP stay back while Despe checks his arm. Despe stands, TJP drags him out and trips him, to then trap the good arm, and make the bad arm a DARK SACRIFICE! Despe writhes and flounders out of the ring! TJP waits as Red Shoes checks Despe, and Despe seems okay to continue. The ring count starts, and Despe sits up at 6 of 20.

Despe stands at 9, shakes out the bad arm, then heads inside. Despe rolls in at 15, but TJP’s right on him! TJP puts Despe in a corner, BOOTS the arm, YANKS it, then whips corner to corner hard! Despe slumps down, the fans rally, and TJP storms up. Despe throws body shots but TJP UPPERCUTS! TJP whips, Despe wrenches, hammerlocks and RAMS TJP into buckles! Despe then WRINGS the arm out! TJP writhes, the fans rally, and Despe hammerlocks TJP’s arm, for a SNAP LOCK! Despe is evening the score with TJP, and now TJP shakes out the bad elbow. Despe storms up to get the arm, and YANKS it! And YANKS it!

Despe wrenches, clamps onto the arm, then CLUBS it! TJP writhes, shakes out the arm, but so does Despe. Despe storms up on TJP again, steps over and HIP DROPS the bad arm! Cover, ONE! The fans applaud as TJP grits it out. Despe clamps back onto TJP for a motorcycle stretch, and he steps over TJP’s head! Despe then steps around to hammerlock one arm, and cording hold the other, then HALF CRAB! TJP uses his one free limb for the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Despe lets go, but “Oops!” SNAP LOCK! Despe grins and taunts TJP while the fans rally. The two go forehead to forehead, and TJP pie faces Despe.

Despe gets in TJP’s face, then CHOPS! TJP CHOPS but that was his bad arm! Despe whips just to YANK the arm, then CLUB it! Despe whips, TJP Spider-Mans to the apron, and Despe runs up. TJP swings but Despe blocks the counter punch, only for TJP to avoid the shoulder! TJP DROPKICKS Despe and Despe flops to the floor! The fans fire up, TJP builds speed to go up and TRIANGLE JUMP WRECKING BALL DROPKICK! TJP puts Despe in, goes up top, and he FLYING FOREARMS! Despe flounders away and the fans rally up more. TJP aims from the corner, runs in, and BACK ELBOWS! Despe sits down, so TJP says it’s time for scrubbing!

The fans rally up as TJP scrubs Despe’s face again and again, then runs side to side, BOOT WASH! The fans want that again, so TJP obliges! TJP scrubs Despe again and again, then goes side to side, but Despe is up! Depse swings, TJP blocks and spins him, to JUMP SOBAT! Despe ends up in another corner, and TJP runs in to BOOT WASH! The fans are thunderous as Despe staggers up. TJP kicks low, Half Hatch for “ICHI!” Then again for “NII!” And then “SAN!” The hattrick is complete and the fans fire up again. TJP climbs, aims, MAMBA- NO, TJP has to bail out as Despe moves! TJP keeps moving, but Despe SPEARS!

Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Despe grits his teeth and smacks some sense into himself as he sits up. TJP sits up now, both men go to corners. Despe runs in to UPPERCUT! Despe reels TJP in, and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives and Despe is a little surprised. The fans rally more, and Despe drags TJP up again. Despe gut wrenches for GUITARRA- NO, TJP slips free to hook arms! Despe fights the backslide, flips up and over, then GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO! TJP survives but Despe stands. The fans rally harder as Despe drags TJP up and underhooks. But TJP drops to a knee to fight the lift!

Despe tries again but TJP still fights. Despe KNEES TJP, but TJP RAMS Despe into buckles! TJP staggers away, comes back, but is put on the apron. TJP swings, Despe blocks and HOTSHOTS the bad arm! TJP sits on the apron, Despe goes up the corner. Despe deadlifts TJP to the top rope! TJP fights with body shots! Despe CLUBS TJP, underhooks, but TJP fights again! SUPER GOURD BUSTER! TJP has Depse down, aims, MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! And Despe has a KIMURA!! TJP scrambles over, reaches out, but Despe rolls him away from ropes! But TJP stands, wrenches, LA MYSTICA into IRON OCTOPUS!

But Despe powers out! STRETCH MUFFLER!! TJP endures, reaches out, but ends up in NUMERO DOS!! But TJP drags Despe down to a cradle, TWO!! Despe blocks a kick, but TJP hits an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN, into a PACKAGE! TWO!! Despe is free and he ROCKS TJP with a forearm! Despe aims another but TJP blocks it to spin him! ROLLING LARIAT from TJP!! The fans are thunderous as both men are down! TJP and Despe stir and crawl. TJP goes to a corner, Despe rises up and glares. Despe runs in but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up and “T! J P! T! J P!” aims from the corner!

TJP says crowns up, ONE BY- OLYMPIC SLAM!?! TJP staggers up, into GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives again and the fans are thunderous! TJP sputters, Despe roars, and Despe drags TJP up. Despe underhooks, but TJP wrenches out! IRON OCTOPUS! Despe pops out, underhooks, PINCHE- NO, TJP fights that to BACK DROP! Bridging cover, TWO as Despe bridges!! TIGER DRIVER- RANA!! SUNSET FLIP!! TWO!!!! TJP escapes, the fans are thunderous, and TJP SUPERKICKS! But Despe SPINEBUSTERS!! Both men are down again and the fans are electric!

TJP and Despe stir, and both men crawl to ropes. TJP is on the apron, Despe makes his way over. Despe stalks up behind TJP, drags him up, and underhooks! The fans are going nuts as Despe lifts! But TJP slips to the inside! Despe ROCKS TJP, brings him up, but TJP goes to suplex! Despe fires body shots, but TJP still tries! TJP hangs Despe out to dry! TJP goes up, GUILLOTINE MAMBA!! Then TJP sets up in the corner! Despe rises, into ONE BY ONE!!! Cover, TWO!!! TJP is shocked, but he hurries to reload! TJP’s doing this one for Akira! NOVA FIREBALL!! And MAMBA SPLASH!!! Cover, TJP WINS!!!

Winner: TJP, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Desperado earns 0)

Once again, back is the incredible, the graps animal, the uncannable, TJP! Public Enemy Number One brings Desperado down! Will the Rogue Luchador have to fight harder for his dream of being the Best of the Super Juniors?

As for TJP, the fans cheer him on as he gets the mic. “Tanoshi, desu ka? <That was fun, wasn’t it?>” The fans cheer that! TJP again asks if they had fun, and the fans cheer again. TJP apologizes, he’s just tired. TJP says that Best of the Super Juniors 31, “It’s not easy. I’m tired… Everything hurts… But TJP is still alive!” The fans cheer that! So again he asks, are they having fun? The fans cheer again! “Arigato gozaimasu. <Thank you very much.>” A female fan offers a very nice sign, and TJP accepts it. And gives it a kiss! The fans cheer that, too! TJP says he sees many of these signs in every section. Please, hold them up.

The fans cheer and oblige, and TJP points out each one. TJP holds up the one he has and thanks everyone again. “This isn’t too difficult for me. Next, I meet Titan, and Titan, this is for you.” In Spanish, TJP says, “Two years ago in BOSJ, it was Titan VS TJP. Titan won that one. Also, two years ago, it was LIJ VS Catch 2/2 in Super Junior Tag League. Titan won that one. Last year in BOSJ, it was again Titan VS TJP. Titan won that one, as well. And last year’s Super Junior Tag League, Catch 2/2 were champions, but Titan won that one. Simply put, TJP needs to make a change. TJP needs to change.”

TJP again thanks the fans again, and says “United Empire! Crowns up!” The fans cheer and the Public Enemy is gearing up for one final round! Will he bring out the side of him that can defeat even El Inmortal?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Titan: 5-3, 10 points
El Desperado: 5-3, 10 points
HAYATA: 5-3, 10 points
Blake Christian: 5-3, 10 points
Kevin Knight: 4-4, 8 points
Clark Connors: 4-4, 8 points
TJP: 4-4, 8 points
BUSHI: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Kosei Fujita: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Taiji Ishimori: 5-2, 10 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 5-2, 10 points
Robbie Eagles: 5-3, 10 points
SHO: 5-3, 10 points
“Drilla” Moloney: 4-3, 8 points
KUSHIDA: 4-3, 8 points
DOUKI: 4-3, 8 points
Ninja Mack: 3-4, 6 points
Francesco Akira: 2-3, 4 points [FORFEIT]
Dragon Dia: 0-7, 0 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another great round for BOSJ as we approach the end of the round robin phase. Some great shockers in this round, too, like Taiji turning things around on Drilla, Knight turning things around on Connors, and Hiromu snatching Eagles all in those final moments. Sho cheating Dia and Kanemaru cheating Titan should’ve been expected, though. Certainly more the former than the latter, I thought Titan was gonna get up to six wins. But then TJP has an awesome match with Desperado and takes the win, keeping Desperado even with Titan. And as such, if TJP wins against Titan in A Block’s final round, he could very well pull of that historic comeback to get a spot in the semifinals.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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