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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/16/24)

Step onto the Proving Grounds!



Is the landscape about to shift?

The champions of ROH are in action to defend their spots! Will Athena, Kyle Fletcher & The Undisputed Kingdom all make it through the Proving Grounds?


  • ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Kyle Fletcher VS Mentallo; Fletcher wins and denies Mentallo a title match.
  • Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh w/ Sonjay Dutt VS Evil Uno & John Silver w/ Alex Reynolds; Lethal & Singh win.
  • Anna Jay VS Tara Zep; Anna wins.
  • Rachael Ellering VS Skye Blue; Skye wins.
  • Darius Martin & Action Andretti VS Jon Cruz & Levi Night; Darius & Action win.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Jason Geiger & London Lightning; The Kingdom wins and denies Geiger & London a title match.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Nicole Matthews; Athena wins and denies Nicole a title match.


ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Kyle Fletcher VS Mentallo!

The Protostar may have failed to tear down the Blackpool Combat Club for the Don Callis Family, but now he must focus on his own success. Will the Aussie Arrow be able to shoot down The Zombie Killer? Or will Mentallo look to add this title to the three he already has?

Kyle skips the Code of Honor and the fans boo. The bell rings and Kyle GAMANGIRIS Mentallo in the corner! The fans boo but Kyle soaks up the heat. Mentallo rises, Kyle stalks him, and then Kyle bumps Mentallo off buckles. Kyle CHOPS, then fires off forearms and CHOPS in the corner! The ref counts, Kyle fires a flurry, but then lets off at 4. Kyle dusts himself off while the fans boo. Kyle drags Mentallo up, brings him around and whips to ropes. Kyle ELBOWS Mentallo down, then pushes him to a cocky cover. TWO, and Kyle mockingly applauds. The fans rally but Kyle taunts them. Kyle stomps Mentallo down, but Mentallo sits up.

Kyle stomps him again, but Mentallo rises! Kyle reels Mentallo in, suplexes, and he holds Mentallo up, even with one arm! The fans are torn seeing that feat of strength but Kyle says deuces, and then he SLAMS Mentallo down! Cover, TWO! Mentallo is still in this so Kyle again mockingly applauds. Kyle stalks Mentallo, drags him up, and half nelsons. Kyle full nelsons, but Mentallo fights free! The fans fire up, Mentallo runs, but Kyle ROCKS him! Kyle whips, Mentallo ducks ‘n’ dodges and dropkicks the legs out! Mentallo keeps going, for a basement dropkick! Kyle goes to the apron, Mentallo BOOTS him down!

Mentallo goes to the apron, climbs the corner, and ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up! Mentallo rises, the fans rally behind him, and he puts Kyle in. Mentallo goes to another corner, climbs up top, and Kyle sits up, for the FLYING LEG DROP! Mentallo clutches the tailbone but he manages to cover, TWO! The fans rally for Mentallo as he rises up again. Mentallo drags Kyle up, underhooks, but Kyle fights the lift! Kyle wrenches out, swings, but Mentallo ducks to ROLLING ELBOW! Kyle goes to a corner, Mentallo powers up and runs in, SHOTEI! The fans fire up and Mentallo feels it!

Mentallo goes corner to corner, but Kyle CYCLONE BOOTS! Kyle seethes while the fans boo, but Kyle half nelsons, SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! Mentallo is in the corner, Kyle GAMANGIRIS again! And then suplex for SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO?!? Kyle is shocked and the fans fire up! Kyle shouts, “WHAT!?” Kyle seethes and looms over Mentallo. Mentallo slowly rises, Kyle brings him up and in, but Mentallo fights the lift! Mentallo wrenches, somersault clutch! TWO!! Kyle escapes, but Mentallo BUZZSAWS! The fans fire up, Mentallo runs, but Kyle BOOTS him at the ropes!

Kyle roars, aims, BANG and CALF KICK!! Mentallo wobbles, Kyle reels him in! PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (denies Mentallo a title opportunity)

The ROH World Television Champion outdoes the joint Cloud 9 Heavyweight Champion, WRSA Interprovincial Heavyweight Champion and CWE Champion, and he sarcastically keeps the Code of Honor. Kyle says if you don’t like it, he doesn’t care, because he’s still going to become history’s greatest Television Champion! Will nothing stop The Protostar from becoming THE star of wrestling today?


The Iron Savages speak.

Jacked Jameson says, “When you’re flexin’, it’s hard to be humble. Well, I’m always flexin’ so we can forget about humble. The Iron Savages are stepping out of line, we’re gonna start taking spots from everybody else. I’m too jacked and they’re too massive to keep walking around here like we ain’t three of the biggest, baddest athletes in ROH. So no more Stepping Stone Savages. Nah, we’re gonna be the roadblocks of ROH, cuz we’re done getting passed by.” Boulder says in case you were too Low T to understand last time, which cracks Bronson up. Boulder almost chokes on his ground beef, but he says he’ll make it clear as day, and as clear as that beef in his throat.

This is category of most massive and highest T go to The Iron Savages. Bronson says the feedback they’ve gotten online is, “D-Does this mean y-you guys aren’t gonna be f-fun anymore?” Oh like you suddenly all care now?! Bronson tells us right now that this right here is peak male performance! That is nothing to joke about! Your opinions mean absolutely NOTHING to them anymore. They are the Iron Savages, and they are gonna start working for themselves. Because they’re sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and taken EVERYONE to #TiddyCity! Will there be no stopping these three juggernauts from finally having everything they want?


Rachael Ellering VS Skye Blue!

The Queen of Strong Smile almost lost her smile after the awful things Maria Kanellis said about Women’s Wrestling, and about Rachael specifically. Will Rachael prove Maria around on all counts? Or will the Chicago Skye just rain on her parade?

The Code of Honor is not upheld but Rachael brushes that off. The bell rings, Rachael blocks a boot, then spins Skye to headlock. Rachael grinds Skye with the hold, and even holds on tight as Skye tries to power out. Skye fights up, throws body shots, and she gets free to headlock back. Rachael powers up to lift Skye, carry her around, and she throws Skye away! Skye comes back but Rachael runs her over! The fans fire up, Rachael headlocks, but Skey pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Skye puts Rachael on ropes, and now the ref calls for the break. Skye throws a body shot as she lets off, but Rachael blocks the whip.

Skye still tries but Rachael still blocks. So Skye ROCKS Rachael, whips, but Rachael reverses and runs Skye over again! The fans fire up, and Rachael gut wrenches Skye up! Rachael carries Skye around to show off, then she GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Rachael then runs up to SENTON onto knees! Skye saves herself and she stomps away on Rachael! Skye kicks Rachael to a corner, digs her boot in, but the ref counts. Skye lets off at 4, then she stands Rachael up. Skye CHOPS, fans “WOO~” and Skye rolls her eyes. Skye bumps Rachael off buckles, then CHOPS again! Skye shakes out her hand, then she goes back to Rachael.

Skye throws Rachael out hard, then dusts herself off. Skye goes out to SMACK Rachael off the apron, BOOTS her, then CLUBS Rachael down! Skye puts Rachael back in, Rachael goes to a corner, and Skye runs corner to corner. Skye handsprings but Rachael LARIATS first! The fans fire up while both women are down! A standing count starts, Skye and Rachael slowly rise up. We hit 5 of 10 as they go to corners and stand up. Skye runs up, Rachael BOOTS her! Rachael runs to UPPERCUT! And then NECKBREAKER DROP! Rachael hooks a leg, suplexes Skye, and GOODBYE METRODOME! Cover, TWO!!

The fans rally as Skye survives that cradle buster, but Rachael CHOPS her at the ropes! Rachael says one more time, and she CHOPS again! Skye sputters and snarls but Rachael is on her again to whip. Skye slips out of the scoop, but Rachael stops the superkick! Rachael UPPERCUTS, then SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Skye ghost pins, TWO! Rachael high stacks, TWO! Skye prawn holds, TWO! Rachael sunset flips, TWO! Skye swings, misses, and Rachael shoves to pop-up SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Skye survives again but Rachael keeps her cool. Rachael checks her teeth, gets Skye to her feet, and fireman’s carries.

Skye flails and sunset flips, but Rachael sits on her! TWO!! Skye gets up, ducks a lariat and SUPERKICKS! Then she runs to hop on, CODE BLUE!! Cover, Skye wins!

Winner: Skye Blue, by pinfall

Rachael put up a fight, but her bright smile wasn’t enough to cut through the darkening Skye! Will Skye soon find her way towards an ROH Women’s title opportunity? Can Rachael rebound and prove she’s got what it takes?


Spanish Announce Project speaks.

Angelico asks, “Can you imagine what it’s like to have a nightmare, but to never wake up? Cuz that’s been our lives the last few months. We’ve been beat up, attacked from behind, low blow’d. They even tried to reinjure my bad knee. Not only that, they tried to humiliate my snakeman by stealing his mask, and then they took it a step too far by trying to break his freakin’ neck!” Serpentico tells Angelico, tranquilo, calm down. He can’t calm down! They hurt Serpentico and that hurts Angelico! Yes, but let’s just take the aggression down and put up the good vibes. Angelico gets into the groove and says he gets.

But Griff, Cole, Maria, this is to let them know that it isn’t over. And now, it’s about to get ugly! Will SAP make Maria’s baby boys RIP and finally get back on track towards the top?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Jason Geiger & London Lightning!

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett have been making it through still holding onto these belts, but it feels like they’ve only just been getting by. Can they turn it up and truly be as good as they say they are? Or will Geiger & Lightning get lucky and strike down the Kingdom?

The Code of Honor is upheld, then the teams sort out. Bennett starts against Geiger and we’re on the clock. Bennett swipes at London, then kicks Geiger low. Bennett ROCKS Geiger, ROCKS him again, then brings him around to CHOP! Geiger falls back, Bennett soaks up the heat and he reels Geiger in> Geiger slips out of the suplex and sits Bennett down for a REAR NAKED CHOKE! Bennett flails so Geiger goes for the ARMBAR! Bennett moves, ends up in a triangle hold, but he deadlifts! Geiger lets go, Bennett ROCKS him, but Geiger still hits a leg scissor takedown, into a HEEL HOOK! Bennett endures and the fans fire up!

Bennett pries at the hold but Taven stomps away on Geiger! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Bennett hobbles over. Tag to Taven and The Kingdom double whip. Geiger KICKS Bennett, dodges Taven, hot tag to London! London rallies on The Kingdom, fires hands on Taven then stomps away. Bennett whips London but London reverses! Bennett hits buckles, Taven back suplexes! London lands out, to atomic drop! Taven hobbles into Bennett, London DROPKICK them both! SPINEBUSTER for Taven! Cover, Bennett dropkicks it apart! Bennett drags London up but London JAWBREAKERS! London runs, but into a POP-UP BOSTON BAYONET! Cover, TWO!!

The fans rally as London survives, but Bennett sucker punches Geiger! The ref has to keep Geiger back but Bennett CHOPS London! Bennett ROCKS London, the fans taunt The Kingdom, but Bennett stomps and CHOPS London! Tag to Taven, and he digs his boot in! The ref counts, Taven lets off, and he soaks up the heat. Taven CHOPS London, brings him around and tags in Bennett. The Kingdom mugs London, then Bennett hits a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Bennett drags London up, tags Taven, and The Kingdom mug London more. They double whip, Taven sends Bennett in, FOREARM! Taven SPLASHES, then feeds London to Bennett’s DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Taven runs to hit London with JUST THE TIP of the knee! Cover, TWO!! London survives and Taven is furious! Taven hauls London up but London wrenches, dodges, rolls, and hot tags Geiger! Geiger runs up to rally on The Kingdom! Kick and snap suplex for Taven! Bennett runs up, he gets a kick and BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Taven swings, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Geiger covers Taven, Bennett breaks it! London fires off on Bennett, but Bennett TOSSES London! ROLLING ELBOW! London falls, but Geiger fires off CHOPS and forearms on Bennett! Taven CLOBBES Geiger from behind!

The Kingdom get Geiger up for the ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies Geiger & London a title opportunity)

Bennett & Taven finish this within the time limit, and Taven taunts the fans. The lady up front backhand slaps him! Taven is upset but the refs get The Kingdom out of there. That’s what Taven gets for insulting Canadians in Canada. But will they take down the Canadians known as Matthew Menard & Angelo Parker when it comes time for them to face off?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Nicole Matthews!

The Fallen Goddess, The Minion Overlord, the gatekeeper of ROH, is a historic FIFTY and zero! And if you’d ask her, she’ll never stop adding to that streak. Will Athena prove she is the Forever Champion? Or will there be a Riot in Edmonton?

The fans welcome Nikki and cheer her on. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans fire up as the two circle. Athena is annoyed by how much Nikki is being praised, but the two tie up. Athena headlocks, Nikki wrenches out and headlocks back, then hits a takeover. Athena headscissors, Nikki bridges back and rolls to pop free. Nikki headlocks and the fans cheer. Athena fights up, powers Nikki to a corner, but Nikki wrenches to wristlock. Athena flips through, wrenches back, but Nikki wrenches again. Nikki slips around, hammerlocks, but Athena reaches back. Nikki cranks the arm, and fans rally for “NICOLE~! NICOLE~!”

Athena reaches out with a leg, but Nikki hooks a half nelson to then cravat. Athena endures the neck wrench, but Nikki thrashes her. Nikki brings Athena to her knees, but Athena bridges and pops free! Athena cheers herself, the fans boo, but Nikki trips her! The fans fire up, Nikki facelocks, but Athena wrenches to switch the facelock onto Nikki. Athena gator rolls Nikki around, but Nikki slips out the back, switch to OKLAHOMA ROLL! TWO and Athena bails out in frustration. The fans cheer for Nikki and Athena gets upset. Athena cools off, steps back inside, and offers a handshake. But Nikki dodges the sucker punch!

Nikki whips, Athena reverses, then Athena slides to trip Nikki! Athena spins Nikki around on the apron to ROCK her! The fans boo but Athena goes up to slingshot and CORKSCREW SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Nikki goes to a corner, Athena stomps a mudhole in, then digs her boot in. The ref counts, Athena lets off, and fans boo. Athena CLUBS Nikki at the ropes, CLUBS her again, then drags her up. But Nikki throws body shots in return! Athena knees low, whips, and UPPERCUTS! Athena goes side to side to ROCK Nikki! Athena grins but fans boo, and Athena shoves Nikki down. Athena looms over Nikki, then pulls her hair!

The ref reprimands, Athena KICKS Nikki in the back! Athena soaks up the heat, hooks an arm, then clamps onto a chinbar! Nikki endures, the fans rally, and Athena is annoyed again. Nikki powers out the back, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Athena clamps on with another neck wrench, Nikki shrugs her off, but Athena goes for a SLEEPER! Nikki rolls back, pops free, grabs Athena’s arms, and pulls on those arms! Athena’s shoulders are down so it’s a cover, TWO! Athena fights, rolls back, but Nikki catches her for a EURO CLUTCH! TWO!! Athena escapes and SLIDING FOREARMS! Nikki is dazed and Athena scowls while fans boo.

Athena licks her chops and smirks, then soaks up the heat. Athena drags Nikki up, but Nikki cradles! TWO!! Nikki goes to a corner, dodges Athena, then wrenches to turn, NECKBREAKER into short arm LARIAT! And then LARIAT! And then a wrench and clinch, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Nikki can’t believe it but the ref defends his count. The fans rally behind Nikki and she fires herself back up. Nikki stalks Athena to ropes, and Athena flounders up. Nikki grabs the legs, to YANK Athena up! Athena lands on her feet to ROCK Nikki! Athena whips, Nikki reverses, but Athena goes up and up to FLYING CODE BREAKER!

Nikki goes to the apron but Athena runs, and WRECKS her with that baseball slide! Athena drags Nikki up, puts her in, and then goes up a corner! Athena aims, leaps, O-FACE!! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Nikki Matthews a title opportunity)

And with that, Athena crosses over the 50 win threshold. But she’s not done, she clamps onto Nikki for a CROSSFACE!! Nikki taps but it doesn’t do anything! The fans boo as Athena shows no respect for her Shimmer senpai! But wait, Queen Aminata slides in and SUPERKICKS Athena!! Aminata helps Nikki to safety, Athena is furious! Athena runs up, but Aminata BOOTS the lariat, then “Mare Whip” HEADBUTTS Athena right outta the ring! The fans cheer, and Aminata eyes the ROH Women’s World Championship. She doesn’t touch it, though, she’ll wait until she owns it. When and where will Aminata fight Athena for the throne here in ROH?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of ROH with it coming it at just 62 minutes. I did speed through the matches I skipped, and when it comes to those tag matches, there was quite a bit of comedy involved. Dark Order have returned to being jobbers despite the great rework of their characters last year, shame on Tony Khan for letting that all fizzle out. But Jon Cruz & Levi Night were very silly, not sure why their match with Top Flight’s Darius & Action lasted as long as it did. Much more serious and sinister match from Anna Jay bullying Tara Zep, and a good win for Anna here on ROH. Good promo from Iron Savages, I do feel they need to get on a dominant win streak.

Good match from Rachael VS Skye, though I was expecting Maria to show up to insult Rachael more. Instead, Skye gets a straight up win, so Rachael will perhaps start to doubt her skills. Speaking of Maria, really good promo from SAP, and they are of course calling for one last match with Griff & Karter. And this really needs to be the last one, with Serpentico getting the stolen mask back so that he and Angelico can move on victorious. At the same time, if Griff & Karter are to go after The Kingdom for the tag titles, maybe they win the match but SAP get the moral victory of taking the mask from Maria and actually keeping it from her.

And great stuff in all the Proving Ground matches. Kyle VS Mentallo was a great opener, but Mentallo is clearly better than AEW & ROH have shown him to be if he’s got championships in three different Canadian wrestling promotions. Commentary did a good job talking Mentallo up, though, given his history with Kenny Omega and other Canadian wrestlers that have since gone international. The tag team Proving Ground match was good, Kingdom of course won, but the best part was Taven getting that slap from the lady in the front row. Hopefully they get to Kingdom VS Menard & Parker sooner rather than later, though.

And great main event from Athena and Nicole, commentary helping keep in mind that Nicole’s been around, been in the same indie promotions as big names running around today, such as Athena but also Becky Lynch. Plus, even though she didn’t bring the belt, Nicole is the Femme Fatales Champion and has been for almost a year now. But of course Athena wins here, tries to do her bullying after, and then Aminata makes the save. Now, the next ROH PPV, Death Before Dishonor, is surely on the horizon, and there’s a very good chance they’re going to stretch things out so that Athena VS Aminata doesn’t happen until then. But should that be the case, then Aminata has to be the one that finally dethrones Athena, seeing as how Aminata didn’t win the ROH Women’s TV Championship.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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