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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/10/24)




The Alpha Academy will do whatever it takes!

Before Chad Gable faces Sami Zayn for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, his number one guy, Otis, looks to flatten the champion tonight! Will Sami survive to make it to Scotland?


  • Lyra Valkyria VS Iyo Sky w/ Damage CTRL; Iyo wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS Carlito, Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh; Braun, Rey & Dragon win.
  • Sami Zayn VS Otis w/ The Alpha Academy; Sami wins.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn; Shayna & Zoey win.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Bron Breakker; Bron wins.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament; The Awesome Truth wins and retains the titles.
  • Clash at the Castle Stakes: Drew McIntyre VS Finn Balor; McIntyre wins and bans The Judgment Day from ringside at Clash at the Castle.


Drew McIntyre is here!

Toledo, Ohio fires up as The Scottish Terminator swaggers his way out to the ring and gets his pyro. McIntyre himself is in a fiery mood after how Raw ended last week, and he gets a mic to say that we are just five days away. Fans chant “CM PUNK! CM PUNK!” but McIntyre says he’s focused on one thing only. Clash at the Castle is in five days, who’s ready for a NEW World Heavyweight Champion? The fans are a bit torn, but McIntyre says he’d be looking forward to going 1v1 with Damian Priest. However, wherever Priest goes, Judgment Day is scurrying right behind him every bloody time.

McIntyre tells Priest that he doesn’t give a damn, but then wait! Here comes Priest! And just like McIntyre said, Finn Balor & JD McDonagh are with El Campeon as he makes his way out here. Judgment Day gets into the ring, Priest gets himself a mic, and Priest tells Drew, “You got your shot at Clash, yet you’re still out here making excuses.” Last week, McIntyre said Priest made this personal. Why? Priest was just playing McIntyre’s game. But McIntyre made this personal right here. McIntyre is telling the people that Priest needs Judgment Day to be champion. But this title isn’t Judgment Day’s title. This title McIntyre is so obsessed with, he’s forgetting about the man who holds it.

This Saturday, Priest heads into McIntyre’s territory, in front of McIntyre’s people, and Priest puts McIntyre down. As much as Priest loves the crew, he doesn’t need Judgment Day or anyone else to be champion. Priest is champion because he’s Priest! The fans are torn again but McIntyre says that’s a fine speech. But at this point, McIntyre doesn’t give a damn what Priest says. Priest better enjoy his time as champion because Saturday, the only chance Priest has in the bloody world is with these idiots right here! Priest says just stop, give it a rest! McIntyre is still passing blame! But Priest will give McIntyre an out.

How about tonight, McIntyre goes 1v1 with Finn Balor. The fans like that idea! Priest says if McIntyre beats Finn, then Judgment Day is barred from ringside at Clash. But when Finn beats McIntyre, not because Priest needs them, but he wants his boys there to have the honor and privilege of watching Priest beat McIntyre in McIntyre’s home. McIntyre thinks about it, then says, “You gotta respect a man who’s willing to dig his own grave. I’m gonna beat Finn Balor, and I hope next Monday, you’re man enough to shake my hand. Because on Saturday, I’m gonna embarrass you, humiliate, and I’ll be standing here next week World Heavyweight Champion!”

Toledo is fired up for these high stakes! Will the Scottish Terminator wipe out Priest’s backup with one Claymore tonight? Or will The Prince make sure El Campeon has all his boys by his side?


Dominik Mysterio is in the Judgment Day clubhouse.

And he is flipping out because Liv Morgan is right there! He says she can’t be here! Liv says she knows he’s sick of her, but she’d really like to see him later. And she thinks he’d really like to see her, too. She offers a room key, but Dom says he wants nothing to do with that, and nothing to do with her! Liv says she gets that, but she doesn’t think “a gorgeous man” like Dom should be with a woman who makes him call her Mami. He should be with a girl who will call him Daddy. If he changes his mind, she’ll be in her hotel room waiting. She leaves the key card, and Dom is in a panic. Will Dom still be Mami’s boy? Or is he gonna give into temptation?


Zelina Vega & Damian Priest were part of the 67th National Puerto Rican Day parade.

It was a celebration of culture in New York City, and El Campeon was so honored to be part of a tradition he always looked forward to every year. However, while he and Zelina are amigos through Puerto Rico, they’re on opposite sides as Priest’s boys, and Carlito, take on Zelina Vega’s amigos in the LWO! Will Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee and Braun Strowman bulldoze Judgment Day & Caribbean Cool tonight?


Lyra Valkyria VS Iyo Sky w/ Damage CTRL!

The Morrigan defeated the Evil Genius in the Queen of the Ring tournament, which really upset the former WWE Women’s Champion. But then Lyra losing to Nia Jax in the finals might’ve upset Iyo even more! Will Iyo make Lyra pay for failing to bring the crown to Raw? Or will Lyra just beat Iyo again and head for new heights?

Raw returns as Lyra makes her entrance. The bell rings, Iyo runs up but Lyra dodges to stomp away! The fans fire up, the ref counts, and Lyra lets off at 4. But then Iyo kicks low and throws Lyra by her hair! Iyo fires down fists, stomps Lyra, then stands on the ponytail! The ref reprimands while Iyo talks a lot of trash, but Lyra SLAPS Iyo from below! That just pisses Iyo off more! Iyo HAMMERS away, KICKS Lyra in the side, then drags her back up. Iyo whips Lyra to a corner, runs in, but Lyra goes up and over. Lyra then sweeps the legs, runs, and SHOTGUNS Iyo down! Lyra gets Iyo up, to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Lyra stays on Iyo. Lyra talks some smack back, but Iyo SLAPS back! Lyra knees low, fires off hammering fists, then knees low! Lyra knees, whips, but Iyo ducks ‘n’ dodges then handsprings! Lyra avoids contact, blocks the kick, and then trips Iyo into a reverse wheelbarrow! From there, Lyra gets Iyo in the PENDULUM SURFBOARD! Iyo endures, DMG CTRL coaches her, but Lyra swings Iyo around! Lyra then drops Iyo, moves around, O’Conner Bridge! TWO, but Lyra ENZIGIRIS Iyo down! Iyo bails out, the fans fire up and Lyra builds speed, but Iyo avoids the dropkick! Iyo YANKS Lyra down!

The fans fire up as Iyo goes up, to ASAI MOONSAULT! Down goes Lyra and Toledo fires up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Iyo RAMS Lyra into a corner. Iyo then snapmares but Lyra rolls through! Lyra runs, springboards, and CROSSBODIES! The fans fire up with Lyra and she runs up on Iyo to LARIAT! And LARIAT! And SOBAT! KICK! RAM! KICK! Iyo staggers, into the HEEL KICK! Lyra hurries up and the fans fire up! Lyra aims, MISSILE DROPKICK! Lyra hurries to get Iyo up again, fisherman for the BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Iyo stays in this but Lyra stays calm. The fans rally up and Lyra brings Iyo to a fireman’s carry. But Iyo CLUBS away on Lyra! Iyo goes to a corner, Lyra blocks a boot! Lyra reels Iyo in but Iyo wheelbarrows Lyra into buckles!

Iyo hurries to underhooks Lyra, for the TIGER BACKBREAKER! Iyo says that’s it, and she steps on Lyra. Iyo goes up and up and OVER THE MOON- NO, Lyra moves! Iyo lands out, Lyra fireman’s carries! Iyo sunset flips but Lyra sits on it! TWO!! Iyo escapes and wheelbarrows to victory roll, STOMP 182! Cover, TWO! Lyra is still in this and Iyo is frustrated. Iyo drags Lyra up with a waistlock, but Lyra pries the hold! Lyra switches, Iyo elbows and goes to ropes, HOTSHOT! Lyra sputters and staggers, Iyo hurries up to the apron! But Lyra stops the springoboard to fireman’s carry! NIGHTWING DRIVER! Cover, Dakota PUSHES Lyra!!

The fans boo as the ref misses that! Dakota shrugs, playing innocent, but Lyra runs to WERCK Dakota and Kairi! Lyra then goes up a corner, aims at Iyo, but Iyo trips her up! Lyra falls into the corner, Iyo runs to SHINKANSEN! Iyo drags Lyra to a drop zone, goes back up top, and OVER THE MOONSAULT, onto knees!! Lyra roars, hauls Iyo up and TORNADO DDTS! Then the fireman’s carry, for the NIGHT- NO, Iyo pulls hair! Crucifix takedown into the cover, Iyo wins!!

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall

Iyo grins as she gets away with one! And then Dakota & Kairi attack Lyra from behind! They beat Lyra down while fans boo, but DMG CTRL regroups. Only for Iyo to go back in to fire off fists! Iyo’s rage even shocks Dakota & Kairi, but they figure might as well go back for more. But wait! Here come Kayden Carter & Katana Chance! The party girls get DMG CTRL to back off, now that it’s 3v3. Will DMG CTRL have to reconsider their strategy if they want to take over Raw?


Dom is still stewing.

Dirty Dom sits by a picture of Rhea while the others walk in. JD says there’s no need to sweat Drew McIntyre, Finn’s got him. Finn also makes sure they’re ready for LWO & Braun. Carlito says yeah, they’ve got it. Then they ask if Dom’s okay. Has he figured out this Liv stuff? To be honest, no. She was in here earlier, he told her to leave him alone, but then… she left her room key. Carlito says that’s cool. Finn says no it’s not. Carlito agrees with Finn now, it’s not cool. But with all cards on the table, what is Judgment Day to do with their many, many problems?


The Miz is looking for R-Truth.

But the Hollywood A-Lister first finds Sami Zayn. Miz asks Sami if he’s seen Truth, and Sami says no he hasn’t. Is Miz alright? He seems a little tense. Miz asks if Sami knows what happens when Truth is left on his own. Not good things. Miz hurries off to find Truth, and Sami moves on in his own direction, only to come across Tozawa & Maxxine. He was hoping he’d find them. Are they okay? Is Maxxine’s leg okay? Maxxine says she’s been better. But she’ll be okay. Sami wants to say that he’s sorry they got caught in the middle of this. Did they see back what really happened? Yes. Okay. Then Sami doesn’t wanna be a broken record, but they don’t have to take this abuse.

But then Otis walks over. Sami says there’s not much left to say then. See you in the ring, Otis. Otis says hold on. He did lose his temper. He just wants to explain. Sami says no, there’s no need. Sami gets what Otis is going through. Sami went through this with The Bloodline. Sami understood his reasons, but he can’t understand why The Academy puts up with Gable after all he’s put them through. Otis says at one time, he had it all. And then he lost it all. MITB briefcase, his Peach, his big brother Tucky. It was all gone. And then Chad Gable was there. The Academy is his family now, with sister Maxxine, brother Tozawa.

Without Chad Gable, Otis is nothing. No, Otis, that’s the problem! That’s not true! It’s what Gable wants you to think! Those are Gable’s words, not yours! Do you know how special you are, Otis? How great you could be?! Sami just hopes that one day, Otis sees it for himself. Sami leaves, the Academy comforts Otis, will Otis do the right thing tonight? Or just what “Master Gable” wants?


The Judgment Day continue to talk this out.

Finn says Priest’s hands are full with McIntyre, they’re gonna lighten the load. Priest walks in and asks what’s up with Dom. He wasn’t out there at the start, and uh… what’s this about a hotel card? Finn tells Priest not to worry about that. It’s Liv planting seeds of distraction. The key card is right here, no one has touched it. Right where? The card’s gone!? Carlito says they gotta go for the Six Man Tag. Carlito, Dom & JD head out, and Finn says he didn’t touch the card. Oh so it magically disappeared? There’s a mystery afoot, who is looking to live it up in Toledo tonight?


Ludwig Kaiser speaks.

“I’m fully aware of the things that have been said about me by simpletons. That I’m just a sidekick. That I’m nothing more than Gunther’s mouthpiece. Well, last week, I did not beat Sheamus by talking. I did not beat Sheamus with anyone’s help. I beat Sheamus with A+ talent and A+ ruthlessness. Go ask Sheamus. Ask him how it was possible for a talking Ken doll to absolutely destroy his knee. Ludwig Kaiser is not gonna be taken lightly. I am the sight of greatness, I belong at the top! And anyone who dares step in my way will be eliminated. A loud mouth clown: eliminated. A weak tag team partner: eliminated. A WWE legend: eliminated.

“The Rise of The Kaiser has begun! And soon, you will call me… Mr. Money in the Bank.” The Impeccable German is aiming for it all, will he be the one that makes this mat sacred?


Six Man Tag: Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS Carlito, Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh!

QR Code stuff appears right as The Monster of All Monsters, The King of Lucha and The Boy Wonder are preparing to take the fight to their common enemies! Will Braun, Rey & Dragon steamroll Caribbean Cool, Dirty Dom & The Irish Ace? Or will Judgment Day finally show that they run Raw?

Raw returns and #OneBigSOB makes his entrance. Braun stands with The LWO, then The Judgment Day makes their entrance. The teams sort out, JD starts against Braun, but JD bails out as Braun runs up! Carlito gets in, CLUBS Braun, but Braun TOSSES Carlito away! Carlito tags Dom, the fans rally up for Rey, so Braun tags him in! The fans fire up as Rey stares down with his son, but then Dom tags to JD. JD runs up, Rey fires off forearms, then whips. JD reverses, Rey goes up but JD catches him! Rey slips free, knuckle locks and kicks low. Rey fires hands, then goes up and up and FLYING RANAS!

The fans fire up as Rey then SHOTGUNS JD down! Rey brings JD up, whips him to the corner hard, then runs up to tag Dragon. Dragon sits JD down to swinging DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Dragon gets JD up to snap suplex! Cover, ONE!! JD stays in this, the fans chant “DOM, YOU SUCK!” Dragon fires hands on JD, whips him to ropes, but JD reverses. Dragon stops himself, BOOTS JD, but JD distracts the ref and Dom throws Dragon down by his mask! The fans boo but then JD ax handles Dragon down. Tag to Dom and Dom stomps away on Dragon! The fans boo, Dom drags Dragon up and whips.

Dragon holds ropes, BOOTS Dom, and Rey tags in! Dragon sidesteps Dom to SNAP GERMAN! Rey goes up to SEATED SENTON! Dragon gives Rey some help, wheelbarrow RANA and Dom is sent tumbling! JD runs up, into a mule kick! Rey gives Dragon help now, RANA for JD! The fans fire up as Dragon whisp Rey, and REY 619s! JD & Dom get under it, but Rey PLANCHAS! Dom & JD catch Rey, Dragon runs up and slides! Dom & JD lift Rey up and over Dragon, then use Rey to CLOBBER Dragon! Then JD & Dom hit a GUTBUSTER on Rey! The fans boo as Judgment Day and Carlito soak up the heat, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Rey fights up out of a chinlock. Rey fires hands on Carlito but Carlito whips him to a corner. Carlito runs up but Rey drop toeholds Carlito into buckles! The fans fire up as Rey and Carlito both crawl, and Carlito anchors Rey’s legs with a leg scissor! Carlito crawls over, reaches out to tag JD, and JD drops an ax handle on Rey! JD throws down elbows, then he wrenches Rey into a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! JD argues the count but the count was fair. JD storms over to Rey at the ropes, the fans rally up, but JD CHOKES Rey on the ropes. The ref counts, JD tags to Carlito, and Carlito soaks up the heat.

Carlito brings Rey around but Rey fires haymakers! The fans fire up, Rey whips, but Carlito reverses. Carlito CLOBBERS Rey, then talks some trash. Carlito drags Rey up, puts him in a corner, then fires hands. Carlito whips corner to corner hard and Rey falls back! Carlito sucker punches Dragon! The fans boo but Carlito drags Rey up. Carlito whips Rey to the corner, runs in, but Rey BOOTS him! Rey DECKS Dom, DECKS JD, then slides under to WHEEL KICK Carlito! The fans fire up as Rey crawls for his corner, but then JD & Dom run in! JD blocks a kick, ducks, and the ENZIGIRI hits Dom!

Rey TOSSES JD out, but he still has to crawl for his corner! The fans rally up, but Dom & JD YANK Braun down! They even send Braun into barriers! Carlito has Rey, whips him to the corner, then runs in, but Rey drops! Carlito POSTS himself! JD & Dom check Carlito but that lets Rey crawl for his corner! But there’s no one there anyway! Carlito hurries back in, he anchors Rey again, and he tags JD back in. JD storms up to drop an elbow! JD soaks up the heat while flexing, then he gets Rey up. JD whips, Rey KICKS back! JD runs in but into an ELBOW! Rey QUEBRADAS into a TORNADO DDT!

The fans fire up, Rey and JD are both down! Rey crawls, he reaches out, hot tag to Dragon! Carlito tags in but Dragon fires off haymakers! Dragon whips, Carlito reverses, but Dragon RANAS Carlito down! Carlito goes to a corner, Dragon runs in, but Carlito puts Dragon on the apron. Dragon bumps Carlito off buckles, ROUNDHOUSES him, then goes up. But Carlito ROCKS Dragon first! Carlito climbs up, brings Dragon tot he very top, but Dragon trips Carlito! Dragon ROCKS Carlito into the Tree of Woe! Dragon adjusts, for some WOE STOMPS! Cover, JD breaks it! The fans boo but Rey runs up! Rey jumps up, and he RANAS JD right outta the ring!

But Dom DROPKICKS Rey off the apron! But then here comes Liv~! Dom tells her to go away, she can’t be here! Liv asks why not. Zelina BLASTS Liv off the apron and right onto Dom! Liv smiles as she had a nice landing. Zelina then drags Liv off Dom to throw hands! JD and Rey separate the ladies, and Braun rises up! Dragon reaches out, hot tag to The Monster! The fans fire up as The Strowman Express gets going! He CLOBBERS Dom, CLOBBERS JD, then CLOBBERS Carlito!! Braun throws his shirt to the fans, then gets Carlito into the ring! BIG SPLASH in the corner, then a scoop! MONSTER SLAM!!

Braun says time to go up! Tag to Dragon, and Dragon climbs onto Braun’s shoulders! MONSTER FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Braun & The LWO win!

Winners: Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee, by pinfall

Carlito finally gets what was coming to him for betraying LWO! Will this win help The LWO not just get past Judgment Day, but head to the top of Raw?


Ricochet finds Ilja Dragunov backstage.

The One and Only asks The Czar what’s good, and he knows exactly what Dragunov is capable of. He’s gonna show Bron Breakker just what The Mad Dragon is all about. Dragunov thanks Ricochet for that, but he knows there are levels to Raw. There are dangerous people, then there’s Bron. But Dragunov will go out, slay the monster, because that monster cannot slay The Dragon. And when Dragunov is done, maybe he and Ricochet have that rematch. Ricochet says Dragunov read his mind, and promises he has Dragunov’s back. But will Bron prove he is truly #MeanerThanEvil?


Damage CTRL regroups backstage.

Dakota tries to get Iyo’s attention but she’s in her own head. Dakota asks what was going on out there, but Iyo says she took care of it. Iyo has a bit of a headache, through, and she’s just angry! Iyo says DMG CTRL has to change! Iyo runs off somewhere, what “change” could she be talking about?


Sami Zayn VS Otis w/ The Alpha Academy!

The Great Liberator knows Chad Gable is a dangerous man in the ring, but we’re all learning Chad Gable is a dangerous man when it comes to mind games and manipulation. While Otis apologized for last week, and while Sami has told Otis he can break free from Gable, will Gable’s “number one guy” still do what he’s told?

Before the match, Sami gets the mic while the fans cheer him on. Sami says the fans are very nice to him, thank you for that. And not gonna lie, Sami could use that right now. It’s been a messed up couple of weeks, and we’re just five days away from Sami’s Intercontinental Championship match against Gable. Sami isn’t even sure what to call this rivalry. It started extremely personal, and now, Sami’s not even sure what the word is for this. But Sami won’t run down the list of every dirty move and sucker punch, every manipulation and what he’s done to The Alpha Academy. Sami will just put this bluntly: Saturday, Clash at the Castle, Sami will defeat Chad Gable, and put an end to all of this!

The fans cheer Sami more, and Sami says no more dealing with a manipulative, abusive psychopath. Sami’s going back to work, and that means being THE Intercontinental Champion! The fans cheer that! Sami says after Gable- Well, here comes The Academy. The fans chant “YOU SUCK!” but Gable says this is typical Sami Zayn. Sami is trying to make himself the sympathetic hero in someone else’s story. It’s pathetic! The only manipulator here is Sami! Sami’s always interjecting into everyone else’s business. Don’t worry about The Academy, they’re good. They trust their master and his methods.

In fact, they’re quite happy! And wait until you see how happy they are when their hero, Gable, takes Sami’s title on Saturday. Is Gable… out of his damn mind?! Does Gable really think they’re happy!? He thinks they’re happy!? Look at them! Do they look happy?! Tozawa, are you happy? Maxxine, you’re limping around right now, are you happy? And what about Otis? Is Otis happy? The fans cheer for Otis, and Sami says the truth is, Gable doesn’t give a damn about the Academy. But you know who does? The fans do! Every single one of them! And the truth is, The Academy won’t be happy until they leave Gable’s sorry ass once and for all!

Gable says shut up, Sami! No one is leaving anyone! Here’s what Sami doesn’t understand. The Academy is a family. And families stick together, no matter what. And they will be with Gable on Saturday. Tonight, Gable unleashes his version of Otis on Sami. The version of Otis who does not feel bad about anything. The Otis that does what Gable says, that OBEYS! The most brutal version of Otis you’ve ever seen! And Gable is unleashing him, right now! Otis goes to the ring, but will he really be Chad Gable’s Otis? Or will he be The People’s Otis? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and the bell rings. The two tie up, Otis puts Sami in a corner, then lets off. Gable is upset already because he said for Otis to keep after Sami! Otis goes after Sami again, CLUBS him in the corner again and again, but lets off as the ref counts. Gable says more, and harder! Otis CLUBS Sami again and again, then CLUBS Sami down! Gable says that’s the Otis he wants! Otis runs to SPLASH! Gable says again, so Otis runs and SPLASHES again! Gable says yes, now do it again! Otis frowns, but Gable says they’ve talked about this. Stick with the plan, idiot! But then HELLUVA KICK!!! Cover, SAMI WINS!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Gable is furious and he goes after Sami! It was Gable’s fault he didn’t let Otis do this his way, but then he’s upset that Maxxine & Tozawa are checking on Otis! Gable gets them out of the ring, then he tells Otis to get up. Gable drags Sami up, and he wants Otis to finish this! The fans tell Otis not to, and Otis backs down! The fans cheer but Gable is upset again. Did they not talk about this? Gable gives the orders, Otis does them! Gable SLAPS Otis!! Otis gets upset, Gable SLAPS him again! The fans boo as Otis paces. Then those legs start shaking! Otis runs, Gable dodges, and Otis CLOBBERS Sami! Otis scoops Sami for the WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!!

Otis has again given in to Gable’s abuse! Gable is proud of Otis, but then Otis gets in Gable’s face! Otis rips off the Academy shirt, corners Gable, and Gable begs for mercy! The fans fire up for Otis as he raises that fist, but then he spares Gable. Otis leaves, and Gable grins. But is Gable’s grip over Otis’ mind starting to loosen? Or is there still enough control there so that The Academy can win him the title?


The Miz continues searching for Truth.

Miz asks Sonya Deville & Natalya if they’ve seen Truth, and Sonya says Truth went that way a little while ago. Okay good, thanks. Miz shouts for Truth, and Truth walks out of a room. Truth thanks whoever was in there, and Miz asks what Truth is doing. Truth just had his fortune told. Looks like they’ve got a tag team title match tonight. TONIGHT!? But a fortuneteller told him this? Yes. Good, it’s not official then. Oh it’s official, dawg. Written in the stars. Forces bigger than themselves! Tonight, it’s against APA! Farooq & Bradshaw! Miz says it can’t be APA. Truth says don’t be scared, he had a vision of unicorns!

What? APA? Unicorns? And when did WWE spring for a fortuneteller? Hate to break it to you, Truth, but fortunetelling isn’t real. Santa Claus isn’t real? Tooth Fairy isn’t real? Chupacabra isn’t real? The “fortuneteller” turns out to be Scarlett Bordeaux! She says it was an honor reading Truth’s fortune. Oh, pleasure was all his. And Scarlett has a reading for Miz. The AOP is looking forward to seeing them in the ring tonight. The Death card… Yeah, same as Truth! Written in the stars. They gon’ die tonight. Miz sighs, will he and Truth find a way to survive The Final Testament?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair are here!

Toledo fires up as The StrongEST Duo heads to the ring! The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are ready for their Triple Threat this Saturday, but they’re gonna watch their challengers have it out here tonight!

Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn!

Raw returns as The Queen of Spades & The Hunter make their entrance. Cathy Kelley is at gorilla with the wicked witches, and says they have successfully inserted themselves into the tag title picture. They have the opportunity at Clash at the Castle, in their home country of Scotland, what does that mean to them? It’s as Cathy said, they compete in front of their friends and family in what is possibly the biggest match of their careers. On Saturday, Alba & Isla show why they should’ve been in the match from the start. But tonight, they take care of Zoey & Shayna, who if not for Alba & Isla, would’ve been beaten and embarrassed. So, you’re welcome, girls.

And tonight is just an appetizer. Whether it is pinning Zoey & Shayna, or the champs themselves, the wicked witches walk out of Clash at the Castle the NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions! Will Alba & Isla cast a spell on the Women’s Tag Division and come away with the gold?

The teams sort out, and while Isla starts against Zoey, Isla dropkicks Shayna in the leg! Isla must’ve been watching NXT Battleground last night! Zoey goes after Isla, bumps her off buckles, but Alba barks at Zoey. That distracts her and Isla bumps Zoey off buckles! Isla stomps Zoey down, HIP ATTACKS, then tags Alba. Alba drags Zoey up to fire forearms, then she tags Isla. GOURD BUSTER and METEORA! Cover, TWO! Isla drags Zoey up but Zoey rolls her up, TWO! Zoey runs up to LARIAT! Shayna is still down from the shot to the bad leg and Isla fires off on Zoey! SAIDO! Tag to Alba, and she goes up!

Isla hits the HBACKSTABBER, Alba hits the SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Shayna drags Alba out! Shayna tags in, then drags Alba up to send into steel steps! Shayna storms up the steps to STOMP Alba’s arm! Shayna may have a bad leg but she has aggression to spare, and she gets Alba in a HANGING KEYLOCK! Isla grabs Shayna’s hair, Shayna lets Alba go to HOTSHOT the arm! Isla falls away, Shayna storms up on Alba, but Alba rolls her up! TWO, and Alba hurries back up. Shayna stops the superkick to hit a BACKBREAKER! Then she isolates the bad arm, to STOMP it! Shayna fires up, Toledo is with her, and she brings down her kneepad!

Shayna aims, but Alba kicks the bad leg! Shayna still KNEES Alba down! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Alba flails, sputters, but she’s OUT! Shayna & Zoey win!

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, by submission

Stark has Shayna let off, she got her. Shayna lets Alba go, but she hasn’t stopped staring down the champs. Will nothing stop The Queen of Spades tearing into everyone in the Triple Threat until she and The Hunter have the gold?


Ilja Dragunov VS Bron Breakker!

This rivalry of intense individuals goes back to just last year in NXT, and now it gets Raw! Both men move fast, hit hard and embrace the pain, but who withstands it all to stand tall?

Raw returns as The Czar makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two stare down. Then they fire off haymakers! Bron DECKS Dragunov, eggs him on, then drags Dragunov up to suplex. Dragunov throws knees to get free, but Bron ROCKS him! Dragunov PELES back! Bron goes to a corner, Dragunov CHOPS! Bron goes to another corner, Dragunov CHOPS him again! Bron snarls, TACKLES Dragunov and he rains down fists! Bron talks trash on Dragunov, the fans bark it up, and Bron scoops Dragunov to a fireman’s carry. Dragunov slips free, then URAKENS! Then he CHOPS the leg, and CHPOS Bron’s chest!

Dragunov has Bron in a corner for MACHINE GUN CHOPS! The ref counts, so Dragunov BOOTS Bron! Dragunov CHOPS Bron again, scrubs Bron’s face, then runs side to side, to BOOT WASH! The fans fire up while Bron sputters. Dragunov drags Bron up, bumps him off buckles, then scrubs him again! Dragunov runs side to side, but Bron gets up to THROW Dragunov into ropes! Dragunov sputters and flops out of the ring while Bron seethes, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Bron grinds Dragunov down with a chinlock. The fans rally as Dragunov endures, and Dragunov pries at the hold. Dragunov fights up to his feet, SLAPS Bron, but Bron ROCKS Dragunov! The shots go back and forth, Bron UPPERCUTS then shoves. Bron scoops to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Dragunov is still in this and Bron scowls. Bron clamps back on to then throw down forearms! Bron fires off on the back of Dragunov’s head! Bron then lets off to talk some trash, and he clamps on a chinlock. Bron’s knee digs into Dragunov’s back and the fans rally up again. Dragunov fights up, pries free, and arm-drags!

Bron staggers up, into a BOOT! Bron wobbles, comes back and he ROCKS Dragunov! Dragunov ROCKS Bron! Bron knees low, runs, but into a LARIAT! Bron stays up, Dragunov runs to LARIAT again! Bron is still standing, but Dragunov LARIATS again! Dragunov roars, runs, but into a JUMP KNEE! Bron whips, Dragunov tiger feints, CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Down goes Bron and the fans fire up! Bron crawls away to ropes, then goes to a corner. Dragunov runs corner to corner to KNEE Bron! Scoop and SLAM! Dragunov goes up the corner, for the KING KONG KNEE DROP! The fans fire up with Dragunov as he rises!

Dragunov conducts his symphony, then waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on , drags Bron up again, but Bron throws elbows. Bron headlocks, Dragunov still GERMAN SUPLEXES! The fans fire up as Dragunov holds on and brings Bron up again. Bron fights the grip, so Dragunov shifts to a crotch lift! SINGLE LEG PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Bron survives but Dragunov brings him back up. Dragunov reels Bron in, but Bron fights the lift! Bron back drops Dragunov away! Bron storms back up to choke grip! Trophy lift! But Dragunov slips free, shoves Bron and JUMP KICKS! Then Dragunov fireman’s carries!

The fans fire up as Dragunov powers through to CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Dragunov drags himself to the apron, then all the way to the far side. The fans fire up as Dragunov climbs and takes aim! Dragunov goes COAST2COAST!! The fans are thunderous while Bron is still down! Dragunov goes up top again, for the SUPER SENTON!! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives and Dragunov is a bit stunned! Dragunov bring Bron up but Bron resists the lift, so Dragunov HAMMERS away with elbows. Dragunov runs to build speed, but Bron LARIATS! A Steiner Line if you will! Bron aims from a corner, says this is it, but runs into a KNEE!!

Dragunov aims, runs up, H-BOMB FOREARM!! Bron flops around as Toledo declares, “This is Awesome!” Bron goes to the floor, Dragunov goes out after him. Dragunov aims, runs up, and he BOOTS Bron over the desk!! The fans fire up as Dragunov now clears the desk! Pat & Cole move aside, Dragunov refreshes the count, then goes back for Bron. Dragunov brings Bron up, reels him in, but Bron stops the suplex! Bron suplexes Dragunov to GOURD BUSTER on the edge of the desk!! The fans bark is up as Bron refreshes the ring count. Bron drags Dragunov up, scoops him, and then SNAKE EYES off the barriers!

Bron hauls Dragunov up again, and POSTS him!! Dragunov writhes from taking that hit to the spine, but Bron isn’t done with Dragunov yet! Bron puts Dragunov in, storms around, but Dragunov fires back with palm strikes!? Bron rebounds to SPEAR!! But Dragunov tumbles out of the ring before Bron can cover! Bron is frustrated, and he goes out to run in around the way. SPEAR!!! Bron leaves Dragunov behind for the ring count to end this. The count passes 5 of 10, Dragunov sits up at 6. Toledo barks, Dragunov rises at 8, and he slides in at 9! The fans fire up but Bron is building speed! SPEAR!!!! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

Dragunov may be #UNBESIEGBAR, but Bron is vicious! But wait, as Dragunov drags himself out of the ring, Bron gets a wild look in his eyes. Bron goes outside, runs in around the way, but RICOCHET FLIES IN!! Ricochet takes Bron out with a flying lariat! Ricochet then runs up to DROPKICK Bron over barriers! The King of Flight said he’d have The Czar’s back, and we see that here! Ricochet goes to Dragunov, will the two of them have to work together to stop the Big Bad Booty Nephew?


Judgment Day regroups.

Priest tells the boys, whatever that was tonight, that ain’t “it.” They gotta fix this. There’s Liv, missing key cards, and- Wait, Dom had it all along? He doesn’t know how it got there! Liv must’ve planted one on him! Impossible. JD takes this card, it is evil! Finn says yeah, this is just Liv driving them apart. They’re Judgment Day, they run this! Priest says Dom is his boy, he trusts Dom, but Dom’s gotta put his foot down. Now, back to business. JD says yeah, Finn’s gonna smash McIntyre tonight, and Priest does it again at Clash. They all fist bump, and even Carlito gets to join in. Finn promises to take care of Drew, but will The Prince come through?


Sheamus finds McIntyre backstage.

The Celtic Warrior knows the two of them haven’t seen eye to eye since Sheamus came back, but this is a reminder that McIntyre is on the cusp of greatness. Homefield advantage, boisterous Glasgow crowd there for him, “Take it home, fella.” McIntyre says Sheamus is right. He’s seen what has been going on with Sheamus and Ludwig recently, so McIntyre hopes Sheamus reminds everyone who Sheamus is. And McIntyre wants Sheamus to be there for him on Saturday so they can smash back pints all night. Now McIntyre’s talking Sheamus’ language!

And don’t worry about that beady eyed Ken doll Muppet, Kaiser. Sheamus has that guy sleeping with one eye open, because he has the mother and father of all receipts coming for him. Kaiser wants to win MITB? Well Sheamus will win that, smash Kaiser’s face in, that’s a two-fer! Yes, good stuff, but keep in mind when Sheamus becomes Mr. MITB and McIntyre is world champion, be a real man and give him a heads up. Sheamus says if he were to cash in, it’ll be like old times. Banger after banger after banger! Sheamus has McIntyre all fired up, will The Scottish Terminator win tonight to ensure a fair fight at Clash?


WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

The Miz did have a point, nothing good happens when R-Truth is left alone for too long. As such, the champs must defend their titles on very short notice against some very dangerous opponents. Will Miz & Truth prove their story is far from over? Or will Akam & Rezar write the Final Chapter on this Hollywood blockbuster?

Raw returns and Cathy Kelley has The Final Testament at gorilla. She asks Karrion Kross that this is the biggest chance for The Final Testament. Is this a major step in their ultimate vision? Of course it is. They have everything you need to take over any brand in WWE. Tonight, AOP brings the tag titles home. And maybe, just maybe, Xavier Woods will see he belongs with them and not Kofi Kingston. Scarlett then tells Woods that they would never abandon him like how Kofi did last week. Woods can’t trust Kofi. That smile on her face might say otherwise… But The Final Testament makes their entrance, will The Awesome Truth have to #FallAndPray?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Scarlett’s predictions become reality!

The teams sort out and Rezar starts against Miz. Miz dodges Rezar’s lariat to mule kick, front kick, then stomp a foot! Miz knee lifts, but Rezar stays up! Ellering coaches Rezar, and Rezar runs hup again,. Miz gest around, headlocks, but Akam tags in. Rezar powers out, Miz ducks but then Akam CLOBBERS Miz! The Final Testament soaks up all the heat, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Rezar whips Miz to a corner. Rezar runs in but Miz POSTS him! Miz falls back, REzar staggers over, Akam tags in. Akam drags Miz back, but Miz fights up to ENZIGIRI! Hot tag to Truth! The fans fire up as Truth dodges Akam, DROPKCISK Rezar, then dodges Akam again! Truth unleahes the shoulder tackles! Then he hits the SPIN OUT BOMB! The fans fire up as Truth raises his hand. But Rezar runs in! Truth DUMPS Rezar out, tags Miz, and they get Akam for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Miz and Truth both raise their hands, but then Scarlett gets on the apron! They tell her, “You Can’t See Me~!”

Awesome Truth runs but the ref is distracted, Kross trips Awesome Truth up! The fans boo and Kross mocks the five knuckle shuffle. But then wait! THE NEW DAY is here! Woods & Kofi beat up on Kross, Rezar runs up so The New Day backs off. Truth gets in and CLOCKS Akam with a title belt! Akam doesn’t budge!? Truth says my bad, and gives the belt to Akam! Miz rolls Akam up, AWESOME TRUTH WIN!

Winners: The Awesome Truth, by pinfall (still WWE World Tag Team Champions)

Wait, that vision about unicorns! Truth knew The New Day would show up to help them! Will Kofi & Woods not only stick together but tear down The Final Testament with their won two hands?


Ricochet helps Dragunov to the back.

They’re almost to medical, just a little further. But then Bron SPEARS Dragunov! Ricochet fires hands on Bron, they brawl to the parking lot! Ricochet BOOTS Bron, but Bron THROWS Ricochet into the side of a production truck! Bron beats down on Ricochet against a car! Ricochet sputters, Bron snarls, and Bron drags Ricochet up. Bron scoops Ricochet, aims, and LAWN DARTS him into the side of another production truck! Ricochet writhes, Bron snarls again, and Bron stalks Ricochet as he crawls away. Ricochet manages to stand, but Bron drags him up the steps! Bron scoops Ricochet again, and aims for a car!! POWERSELAM down through the front windshield!!!!

Ricochet sputters and writhes, refs and producers rush in! They shout for medical, did Bron just ground The King of Flight for good?


Raw returns and…

Samantha Irvin is there as Ricochet is being loaded into the ambulance. Ricochet assures his fiancée that he’ll be okay, and she rides with him to the hospital. Will The One and Only be able to return to the ring? Or even walk again?


Clash at the Castle Stakes: Drew McIntyre VS Finn Balor!

As said earlier tonight, this match is all about making sure Judgment Day doesn’t have anything to do with the World Heavyweight Championship match in Scotland. Will the Scottish Terminator eliminate the possibility of Priest having backup? Or will The Prince earn the boys a front row seat to El Campeon conquering McIntyre in McIntyre’s home country?

Raw returns and Finn makes his entrance. The bell rings, McIntyre corners Finn but Finn slips away. They feel things out, McIntyre puts Finn in another corner, but Finn dodges the haymaker. Finn kicks low, headlocks, but McIntyre powers up. Finn holds on tight, but McIntyre fights off the takeover! McIntyre picks Finn up but Finn uses that to hit a flying takeover! McIntyre fights up, powers out, and he runs Finn over! The fans are torn as McIntyre flexes. McIntyre runs up, Finn dodges and kicks low! Finn headlocks, goes for a tornado, but McIntyre puts him on the apron! The ref calls for the ropebreak, Finn lets go, but McIntyre CLOBBERS Finn!

McIntyre storms out after Finn, CHOPS him against barriers, and the fans “WOO~!” McIntyre brings Finn around the way, scoops, but Finn slips free to POST McIntyre! Finn SLAMS McIntyre’s arm against the post again and again, then CHOPS him! Finn fires body shots, puts McIntyre in the ring, then storms in after McIntyre. Finn wrenches, UPPERCUTS the arm, UPPERCUTS the other arm, then YANKS the arm. McIntyre kicks low, TOSSES Finn out, then goes out after him. But Finn SWEEPS the legs! Finn stomps away on McIntyre, then lines up the shot. But McIntyre blocks the Penalty Kick to THROW Finn down!

McIntyre drags Finn off the apron, clinches, and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES Finn onto and over the desk!! The fans fire up as Cole & Pat narrowly avoid being collateral, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once more and Finn has McIntyre in a chinlock. McIntyre fights up and JAWBREAKERS free! Finn staggers around, McIntyre storms up and he CHOPS! Finn staggers, McIntyre stalks him then whips him to ropes. McIntyre scoops Finn, but Finn slips through to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Finn headscissors McIntyre into a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! McIntyre endures, the fans rally up, and McIntyre clasps hands. McIntyre fires elbows into Finn, and Finn lets go of the hold. Both men slowly rise, McIntyre goes to a corner. Finn runs up to CHOP! Finn fires body shots, then he pulls McIntyre’s arm around ropes!

The ref counts, Finn fires body shots and CHOPS! McIntyre snarls and Finn regrets it. McIntyre storms up, but Finn kicks low! Finn whips, McIntyre blocks! McIntyre whips Finn, Finn ducks ‘n’ dodges but McIntyre scoops! Finn slips through to EYE OF THE HURRICANE! Cover, TWO, but back to the arm! ARMBAR! McIntyre endures, fights up, stacks Finn, and deadlifts him for a POWERBOMB! Both men are down and the fans rally up! McIntyre sits up while Finn stirs, and McIntyre LARIATS Finn down! Then LARIATS again! McIntyre clinches to OVERHEAD SUPLEX again! Finn tumbles to a corner, McIntyre storms up, to OVERHEAD SUPLEX again!

Finn staggers, swings, but into the NECKBREAKER! Both men are down, but McIntyre kips up! The fans fire up and McIntyre shakes the ropes! Finn flounders, McIntyre aims from a corner. The countdown begins, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAY- SLINGBLADE! Finn has McIntyre rolling out of the ring, and so he builds speed! Finn FLIES and down goes McIntyre! Finn hurries to get McIntyre up and into the ring, then aims from a corner. SHOTGUN! McIntyre hits buckles but he stays up! So Finn SHOTGUNS again! Now McIntyre drops to the mat! Finn hurries up top, but McIntyre rises! GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT!

McIntyre is fuming as he goes up after Finn. McIntyre brings Finn to the very top, for a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives and the fans fire up! McIntyre huffs and puffs, “This is Awesome!” McIntyre hauls Finn up, FUTURE SHOCK DDT! And another kip up! McIntyre aims from the corner, but here comes Priest! So El Campeon doesn’t need Finn but feels Finn needs him? McIntyre is still distracted, and Carlito sneaks in! McIntyre HEABUTTS Carlito! JD is here, McIntyer THROWS him in to CLAYMORE! McIntyre TOSSES JD right out, but FInn rolls McIntyre up! TWO!! SLINGBLADE! Finn runs, to SHOTGUN!

McIntyre is down again so Finn hurries back up! COUP DE- NO, McIntyre dodges! CLAYMORE!!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (Judgment Day is barred from ringside at Clash at the Castle)

Pat McAfee makes the official announcement, and McIntyre grins at Priest. Priest holds up the world title and tells McIntyre he doesn’t need his guys backing him up. Will Priest prove that’s true when we arrive in Glasgow? Or will The Scottish Terminator take the title back to truly have his moment?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw as the go-home to Clash at the Castle. Great stuff with Judgment Day and Drew McIntyre to bookend the night, but also great stuff from Judgment Day throughout the night. Liv and her room key was some good stuff, and she really is getting better at promos. How else could she have stayed serious when telling Dom he’s a gorgeous man? And Liv of course got involved in the Six Man Tag. Great new gear from Rey & Dragon, and it tripped Michael Cole up because it was matching. Great win for Braun & LWO, that really added to the tension of everything else. Great main event match of McIntyre VS Finn, and given the stakes, it was the right move for McIntyre to win. McIntyre and Priest will have a great match, and I would hope McIntyre wins, Glasgow isn’t getting much else.

To that point, Alba & Isla losing to Shayna & Zoey isn’t a good sign for them at Clash at the Castle, but it doesn’t feel like Shayna & Zoey are winning either. Bianca & Jade surely retain, with the Triple Threat making them look even more powerful than before. It might be a minute before Bianca & Jade lose the tag titles, there need to be more teams built up. To that point, it feels like DMG CTRL could be rebuilding. Iyo VS Lyra was a great match, but then KC Squared makes the save to upset Iyo. Iyo saying DMG CTRL needs to change definitely makes me think new members are being added again, what with Asuka also hurt right now.

Really good stuff in the men’s tag division tonight, with fun promos as always from Awesome Truth. Good tag title match tonight with New Day of course retaliating against The Final Testament. Not sure how this sorts out, unless there’s a Triple Threat Tag in the works here, too. There can’t be a tag team breakup here, that’s what SmackDown is doing with A-Town Down Under, so I’m curious as to how they’re going to handle New Day VS Final Testament going forward. Also nice cameo of Sonya and Natty, they’re clearly still talking out their deal to help Natty make a change on her Raw momentum.

Great stuff in the Intercontinental Championship story, with a good backstage promo from Sami and The Academy before an equally good promo in the ring. But with all this promo time, and with Gable being overbearing like always, of course Otis lost fast. Good win for Sami but then it’s Otis that stands tall, this is some interesting go-home math. I would think Sami still finds a way to win because Otis finally breaks free of Gable’s control. There’s a lot of intrigue here because Gable has seemingly renewed his WWE contract and is getting one more shot at this title.

Similarly, there’s a lot of talk about Ricochet’s WWE status. Word was that Ricochet’s not renewing his contract, so he’ll be a free agent starting this Summer. It’s hard to confirm or deny that given Ricochet’s part in the Bron Breakker story tonight. We got an awesome, title level match out of Bron and Dragunov tonight, and that was a great win for Bron. Ricochet making the save for Dragunov only to take the worst of Bron’s wrath could very well be the last we see of Ricochet in WWE for the foreseeable future. Ricochet and Samantha Irvin are engaged, maybe this is just a way for them to have their honeymoon? Or maybe they both go to another company, aka AEW since that’s where everyone’s minds go. Either way, it’s up to Ricochet, here’s hoping the best for him and Samantha.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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