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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/3/24)

The LWO fights back!



Is tonight The King of Lucha’s Judgment Day?

Last week on Raw, Damian Priest demolished The LWO. But now, Rey Mysterio will retaliate against the World Heavyweight Champion!


  • Sheamus VS Ludwig Kaiser; Kaiser wins.
  • Finn Balor w/ JD McDonagh VS Dragon Lee; Finn wins.
  • Ricochet VS Bron Breakker; Bron wins.
  • Kiana James VS Natalya; Kiana wins.
  • Carlito VS Braun Strowman; Braun wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark; Bianca & Jade win, by disqualification, and retain the titles.
  • The New Day VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament; The AOP win.
  • Damian Priest VS Rey Mysterio; Priest wins.


Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill enter the building!

The StrongEST Duo is here, ready to “meet” their next challengers, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark. But we can see Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn lurking in the background… Will there be some wicked witches up to no good?


Liv Morgan is here!

The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour continues thanks to Dominik Mysterio messing things up again! But the real shocker last week was when Liv thanked Dirty Dom with a kiss on the lips! Liv is all smiles as she gets the mic and says, “Welcome to THE LIV MORGAN REVENGE TOUR~!” The fans are torn but Liv says the saying is, “Revenge is never as sweet as you think it’s gonna be when you finally get it.” But not for Liv~! First, she did what no other woman could do and that was take out Rhea Ripley! Then, she became the NEW Women’s World Champion! but that’s not all, because then she put Becky Lynch into early retirement!

The fans boo more and more but Liv asks if they wanna know what the cherry on top is. Kissing Dominik Mysterio~! You all know what she means. The fans saw the video, right? Over 40 MILLION views in less than 24 hours! But speaking of Dom, here he comes! The fans boo Dom even more than they were Liv, but what else is new? Dom tells Liv that he doesn’t know what kind of game she’s playing. The fans keep booing and Dom tells them to let him say his business! Dom tries again to say he doesn’t get what game she’s playing, but now the fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Dom tells Liv that Mami isn’t playing games.

And when Rhea Ripley returns, she is gonna kill Liv! Liv says maybe. But she probably kills Dom, too. Liv promises to make it all worth it. The fans are intrigued. But Liv asks Dom how long he’s gonna keep on lying to himself. Dom didn’t come out last week to help Becky. He came out so he could be closer to Liv. Liv steps closer to Dom but Dom steps back. Liv says it’s okay. She meant what she said about taking everything from Rhea. That includes Dom, too. Liv has Dom cornered then puts her hand on his face. Liv smooths hand down to his chest, but then Finn Balor jumps in! Finn gets Dom’s mic to tell Liv to back off!

Liv is surprised but Finn says enough is enough! Dom wants nothing to do with Liv! NONE of the Judgment Day does! Well, what if Liv doesn’t wanna go? And what if… Dom doesn’t want Liv to go? But okay, okay, Liv will go. For now. Liv drops her mic, smiles and exits the ring, making sure Dom gets an eyeful as she does. Liv even teases his hair. Dom is flustered and frustrated, what will Mami have to say about her Latino Heat being Liv’s plaything?


Backstage interview with Sheamus.

Jackie Redmond is with The Fella at gorilla, and asks that after last week’s brawl, how pumped is he to get his hands on Ludwig Kaiser? Sheamus is very pumped up! We all saw what happened. Kaiser came outta nowhere, dropping some real bombs. And here Sheamus was, thinking this whole time that Ludwig was just Gunther’s announcer holding the General’s coat. Yes, he looks like a Ken doll, is annoying and arrogant, but maybe Gunther’s been holding Kaiser back. Maybe there’s more bite to the bark. Tonight, Kaiser sees if he can go toe to toe with the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus can hear the fans firing up already!

Sheamus says he’s on the cusp of 15 YEARS in the WWE, has been in the ring with the best of the best. And it’s always been about, “Can the fella across the ring from me gain my respect?” Only one way to do that: put on banger after banger, after banger! The fans echo that for Sheamus as he walks through the curtain and out on stage! Monday Night Raw is now Fight Night, will Sheamus and Kaiser melt it down in Hershey, Pennsylvania?

Sheamus VS Ludwig Kaiser!

OH NO, Kaiser attacks from behind with a CHOP BLOCK! He hammers down hands on the bad leg! Refs and producers rush out to stop Kaiser but he isa shark with blood in the water! Kaiser does back off, the fans boo, is this match still going to happen? We’ll find out after the break!

Raw returns and the match is happening! Sheamus CLUBS away on Kaiser, bumps him off buckles, then fires off hands and UPPERCUTS! Kaiser CHPOS, Sheamus CHOPS, repeat! The fans fire up as Sheamus UPPERCUTS Kaiser, then ROCKS him. Sheamus suplexes high and hard, and Kaiser scrambles away. Kaiser wants mercy, but goes for the bad leg! Kaiser YANKS the leg, KICKS Sheamus around, then fires CHOPS again and again and again! Sheamus just gets mad! Sheamus ROCKS Kaiser, ROCKS him again, then DECKS him! Sheamus digs his boots in on Kaiser but the ref counts.

Sheamus lets off at 4, gets mad with the ref given how Kaiser was going after him before the match. But then Kaiser goes and kicks the bad leg! And then DROPKICKS it! Kaiser KICKS away in the corner, stomps away, then lets off to SPIT on Sheamus! The fans boo but Sheamus is actually amused! Kaiser fires off on Sheamus again, but Sheamus short arm LARIATS! The fans fire up with Sheamus as he SPITS back on Kaiser! Sheamus kicks Kaiser around, gets him up and UPPERCUTS! Kaiser staggers, Sheamus GRINDS Kaiser into ropes, but lets off at 4. Sheamus kicks Kaiser, Kaiser goes for a leg, but Sheamus drags Kaiser up.

Sheamus knees Kaiser, then swings again. Kaiser dodges to CHOP the leg! Kaiser KICKS away on the leg, lets off as Sheamus goes to ropes, and then Sheamus goes to the apron. The fans boo but Kaiser soaks up the heat. Kaiser digs his boots in, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Kaiser runs up to KICK, but Sheamus blocks! Sheamus trips Kaiser to KICK and KICK and KICK a leg! Kaiser scrambles away, Sheamus storms up and UPPERCUTS! Sheamus then clotheslines Kaiser up and out! The fans fire up for Sheamus as a ring count starts. Sheamus wants after Kaiser again but kaiser trips him up! Kaiser SLAMS the bad leg on the apron!

Kaiser CHOPS Sheamus but Sheamus kicks back with the good leg! Sheamus looms over Kaiser but Kaiser CHOPS the leg! The ref starts the ring count but Sheamus RAMS Kaiser into barriers! Sheamus puts Kaiser back into the ring, but then brings him up against the ropes! The fans cheer but Kaiser fights the Bodhrain! HOTSHOT, and GAMANGIRI! Sheamus wobbles, Kaiser POSTS him! Sheamus sits on the steel steps, the ref backs Kaiser up, but Kaiser goes out the side! Kaiser runs and DROPKICKS the bad leg against the steps! The fans boo while Kaiser stands tall, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Sheamus is on the apron, clutching his knee. Kaiser drags Sheamus up, hooks him in the ring, and Kaiser grins as he steals BEATS- NO!! Sheamus stops that at one! And he ELBOWS Kaiser away! Kaiser runs up but into a HOTSHOT! Sheamus stands, and he LARIATS Kaiser down! Kaiser reaches out in a daze while the fans rally up. Sheamus drags himself up, shakes out the bad leg, and he CLOBBERS Kaiser! And CLOBBERS him again! Sheamus scoops, but Kaiser CLAWS eyes! Kaiser kicks the leg, ROCKS Sheamus again and again, then pie faces him. Kaiser runs, into a scoop and POWERSLAM!

The fans fire up and Sheamus rises again. Sheamus drags Kaiser back up, reels him in, and Canadian Racks, but Kaiser slips free! Kaiser dodges again and Sheamus’ knee hits buckles! Kaiser puts the leg on ropes to DOUBLE STOMP it! Kaiser pulls the kneepad away but the ref backs him up. The ref checks Sheamus and asks about the leg. The fans boo and chant at Kaiser, “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Kaiser says Sheamus is done, but Sheamus tells the ref NOT to call this off! Sheamus grits his teeth, eggs Kaiser on, saying he wants Kaiser to end this himself! “Is that all ya got?!” Kaiser storms up to SLAP Sheamus!

Sheamus tells Kaiser to bring it! Kaiser SLAPS and CHOPS over and over! The ref has to back Kaiser off, but then Sheamus CHOPS back! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! The fans fire up with every CHOP, then Sheamus whips! Kaiser hits buckles but BOOTS back! Kaiser runs up to put Sheamus back in the corner, and puts some stank on it. But Sheamus counter punches first! Sheamus fires hands, brings Kaiser out, and short arm- NO, Kaiser dodges the lariat to KICK the leg out! Kaiser CLUBS Sheamus’ neck, CLUBS him again, then runs up, into the KNEE CAP!! That’s Kaiser’s fault for taking the kneepad!

The fans fire up again and Sheamus rises! Sheamus beats his chest, aims, but the leg gives up! Kaiser rolls Sheamus up, TWO!! Sheamus stands, UPPERCUTS, and then whips Kaiser out to the apron! Sheamus drags Kaiser back up, and finally some BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!! Sheamus goes past TEN, to THIRTEEN! Kaiser flops back in, Sheamus hauls him back up! Sheamus fireman’s carries, then goes up a corner! Even with the bad leg, Sheamus is up there for the SUPER WHITE- NO, Kaiser slips free and KICKS the legs out!! Cover, Kaiser wins!!

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser, by pinfall

The Impeccable German had the advantage from the start, but he knew what he was doing all along! We get some more QR code, but will Kaiser prove himself worthy of bigger and better opportunities?


The Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Finn & JD McDonagh talk with Dom about this Liv thing, and Dom says he can’t help it that ladies are into him. He didn’t do anything. That’s the thing! Dom didn’t do anything! Dom is playing with fire, don’t get burned. Priest steps in and asks for an explanation about earlier. Finn says none needed, situation handled. Well, is that true? Dom says yeah, it’s like Finn says. Okay, nice. How about Rhea? Does she know? Dom says he’s giving her space, but everything’s fine. Really. Priest says okay, then he hopes it works out and that Dom makes things right.

But now, to business. They have enough trouble as it is, with Priest taking on Dom’s dad and Finn taking on Dragon Lee. How about they settle some scores and remind everyone why Judgment Day runs Raw? They all fist bump and the boys head out. Will The Prince be able to take down the Boy Wonder before El Campeon handles The King of Lucha? Or is this where The LWO starts to take over?


Ricochet gets taped up by the trainer.

The King of Flight thanks the doc, but then Ilja Dragunov walks in. The Czar wants to talk and Ricochet says he appreciates it, but he’s good, he’s locked in. No he’s not! But Dragunov isn’t here to stop Ricochet. Dragunov understands that people like them live close to the limit. Ricochet says he’s right, and that’s why last week, when Ricochet almost beat Dragunov, if he can walk, then he can fight. Dragunov wants Ricochet to listen. If there’s anyone who understands Ricochet, it is Dragunov. But Dragunov still wants Ricochet to be careful. Bron Breakker is just wired differently.

Ricochet says HE is wired differently! Dragunov is wired differently! They’re here because of that, Bron just forgot it. Bron has been inserting himself into their business for too long, so if Dragunov wants to settle this with Ricochet, it has to be after he smacks the fake tan off Bron. Then best of luck, friend. Ricochet heads out, but will he need to come back here for even more tape after tonight?


Finn Balor w/ JD McDonagh VS Dragon Lee!

Raw returns as The Prince makes his entrance, The Irish Ace by his side. The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Finn CLUBS away on Dragon’s back! Finn wrangles Dragon by his arm, grinds the shoulder, but Dragon moves around. Dragon rolls, Finn has the wristlock, but Dragon cartwheels through to knee low! Dragon wrenches Finn to a wristlock, then CHOPS! Dragon knuckle locks, goes up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Then arm-drags again! Dragon has the armlock and grinds Finn down. Finn endures, fights up, but Finn puts Dragon in the corner.

The ref counts, Finn lets off and pats Dragon. Then Finn throws body shots then CLUBS and stomps Dragon down! Finn bumps Dragon off buckles, CHOPS him, then follows Dragon to another corner. Finn RAMS Dragon again and again, but lets off as the ref counts. Finn brings Dragon around to CLUB him again. Finn brings Dragon up to whip, but Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Finn tumbles out, the fans fire up, and Dragon builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up again! Dragon stares JD down while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Finn has a chinlock on Dragon. The fans rally as Dragon endures and fights up. Finn throws Dragon down by his head, then looms over him. JD says Dragon’s got nothing, and Finn kicks Dragon around. Dragon gets mad and stands up, but Finn CHOPS! Dragon fires up and he fires haymakers on Finn! The fans fire up, Dragon whips, but Finn reverses. Dragon holds ropes, then sidesteps Finn to SNAP GERMAN! The fans fire up with Dragon and he watches Finn go to a corner. Dragon runs up to JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! Swinging DROPKICK for Combinacion Dragon! The fans fire up again but JD gets on the apron!

Dragon swipes, JD drops away, and Finn rolls Dragon up! TWO, JD is mad, but Dragon slips through Finn’s lariat to get Finn up for a SITOUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives and Dragon is surprised! Dragon rises, he gets Finn up, and he fireman’s carries, only for JD to get on the apron! So Dragon ROLLING SENTONS Finn then DECKS JD! Dragon goes up the corner, JD distracts the ref, and CARLITO appears! Carlito trips up Dragon! The fans boo but Finn goes up after Dragon to get the SUPER- NO, Dragon fires body shots! Dragon HEADBUTTS Finn down! Dragon adjusts to CROSSBODY CARLITO!!

The fans are thunderous as Dragon fires off on Caribbean Cool! But then JD runs up, only for Dragon to SUPERKICK him! Dragon gets back in but Finn SHOTGUNS Dragon down! Finn hurries up top, for the COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Finn wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

Big assist from Carlito to mess Dragon over, and now he and Finn mug Dragon! But here comes BRAUN!! The Monster Among Men storms out here with Rey, and they’re both after Finn & Carlito! Braun breaks through the double lariats to DOUBLE LARIAT back! Rey drags Carlito out, JD runs in but Braun BOOTS him down! The Judgment Day get away and regroup at the ramp, but Braun says time to get on the tracks! Braun runs up, but Judgment Day runs away! Braun says he’ll get them soon enough! Will the Strowman Express derail the Judgment Day’s plans for Raw?


Sami Zayn is backstage.

The Intercontinental Champion is on his way to gorilla, passing by Natalya as she’s talking with… Sonya Deville? Sonya was trying to get Zoey Stark & Shayna Baszler to listen to her before, will she convince The Queen of Harts to listen? As for Sami, what will he say about The Alpha Academy’s deterioration from within?


Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Priest says not for nothing, but he thought by now, the Strowman situation would’ve been dealt with. JD apologizes but Priest says don’t sweat it. And Carlito! He wants to play prospect, wants to run with the crew? Here’s an idea: go to Adam Pearce and make a match. Ask Pearce for a match of Carlito VS Strowman. Then Carlito can handle the situation. Oh, and do it tonight. Priest and the boys head out, and Carlito says that’s not cool. And R-Truth says that’s not what’s up! He feels Carlito’s pain. Being in Judgment Day is like riding a roller coaster. When you’re down, they kick you. And when you’re up, they still kick you. But those were the best days of Truth’s life.

The Miz walks in and says those were the best? They’re the World Tag Team Champions now! THESE should be the best days of his life! They stole Truth’s TV! Miz, let go of The Judgment Day stuff! Miz is obsessed! It’s starting to get weird. Truth leaves and Miz is even more confused! But will Carlito be able to stop Braun and earn his way into the Judgment Day? Or will he just #GetTheseHands?


Sami Zayn goes to the ring!

The fans fire up for the Intercontinental Champion and chant his name while he gets the mic. Sami then says, “Welcome to Pennsylvania, huh?” Good to be back, because last time he was here was WrestleMania, and we all know how that went! The fans cheer as Sami holds up the belt. But truth is, Sami hasn’t really had time to enjoy it, because the whole time there’s been this thorn in his side, Chad Gable. Chad’s tried to make this about everyone and everything else: Gunther, family, the Alpha Academy, but the truth is, this is about Chad and Sami! And after the past couple weeks, it has gone on long enough!

Here is what Sami is proposing: Chad, come out here now, leave the Academy behind, and face Sami man to man so they can put an end to all of this right here and right now! Gable doesn’t make his entrance, he sends The Academy out instead! Maxxine Dupri leads the way with a note in hand. She apologizes to Sami, but Gable says Sami doesn’t deserve his time. Gable also said The Academy needs to redeem themselves, and that starts with delivering this message. The Academy goes to the ring, Sami tells them they don’t have to do this. They don’t have to! But Maxxine reads, “From Master Gable…

“Sami, you really think you can turn my students against me? Ha ha. Sami, you are living proof that my teachings can take a pathetic excuse of a human being and make them a champion. Without my help, this ring would be filled with: a failure hanging around backstage, pretending to be a ninja; a child who couldn’t even hang onto his own Money in the Bank briefcase; a knockoff Barbie no one wanted; and a whiny, disheveled mess that Gunther would’ve squashed. I already wiped the mat with you the last time we met one-on-one, Sami, so the only way this ends is you giving me my Intercontinental Championship match.”

The fans cheer for Otis and Sami tells them to tell Gable that if that is what it’ll take, he’s got it! Sami will defend this title against Gable at Clash at the Castle! But y’know what? It isn’t about this right now, and this isn’t about talking to Gable. Sami wants to talk to the three of them right now. Haven’t they had enough? Being paraded out here, humiliated by Gable? They’re all better than that! Sami knows it and the people know it! Chad Gable does NOT get to decide what they are worth! Nnow, Sami understands, he’s been in their shoes. So take it from him, they need to set thesmelves free from Gable once and for all.

But Gable attacks from the other side!! The fans boo as Gable tricks Sami and gets him down! Gable then gives crossface forearms over and over! The fans want Otis to stand up to Gable, but Gable GERMAN SUPLEXES Sami down! Gable then tells Otis to help him finish this. Gable drags Sami up, tells Otis to do it, and Otis looks at his arm. Otis paces as he’s conflicted, but Gable gets mad! Gable shoves Otis around! Gable SLAPS Otis! Gable tells Otis to listen to him! Tozawa pulls Gable back!! The fans fire up for Tozawa, but then Gable pushes him around! The fans boo as Tozawa cowers in the corner.

Maxxine pulls Gable away from Tozawa! She pleads with Gable, but Gable mocks her begging. If she’s gonna beg, she needs to beg on her knees! Maxxine does beg on her knees! The fans boo and Otis is even angrier now! But Gable tells Maxxine and Tozawa to GET OUT! Maxxine and Tozawa listen, but then OTIS stands in Gable’s way! The fans fire up and Gable tries to reason with Otis. Otis doesn’t budge, but then Sami gets up! Sami fires off hands on Gable! Otis comforts Tozawa & Maxxine, but then Gable shoves Sami into Otis, and he knocks Tozawa & Maxxine over!! Gable blames Sami for it all when everyone else knows the truth!

The fans tell Otis to listen to Sami, but Otis doesn’t know what to do with himself! He scoops Sami for a WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!! The fans boo but Otis had the wool pulled over his eyes by that snake! Otis still helps Tozawa and Maxxine to the back, carrying them both. Gable holds up the Intercontinental Championship, that’s all he cares about! But will Sami make sure Gable only gets what he deserves when they meet in Glasgow?

Adam Pearce is watching this.

And then Bron Breakker walks in. “Wow. That’s your champion, huh? I would break him in half.” Pearce asks Bron what he wants. Bron says slow down, he is here, believe it or not, to congratulate him. Bron is finally in a match with some real competition. Oh, congratulate him, huh? Bron doesn’t deserve tonight’s match, only the second fine he’s incurred. And the only reason this is happening is because Ricochet wanted it. Ricochet’s someone who understands the meaning of the word, “Respect.” Oh, does he? Okay. Bron will teach Pearce and Ricochet something about respect. Pearce didn’t put Bron in the King of the Ring tournament, so now no one is holding him back.

Bron heads out, the chip on his shoulder still very large. But will that chip weigh him down against The King of Flight? Or will Braon break the WWE Speed Champion?


The Alpha Academy regroups backstage.

Gable is all excited now! They did it! Genius how Maxxine faked getting hurt so Sami would feel bad! No, she really got hurt! She can barely stand on her foot. Still in character! He loves it! And Tozawa, good night, too. But he’s also hurting. Nah, he’ll be fine. And Otis… He’s so proud! Number one guy, always was! And as a team, they will finally accomplish their goal and win Gable that Intercontinental Championship! Keep it up, everyone! Gable heads out, but will Otis see what Sami is saying soon enough?


Ricochet VS Bron Breakker!

Raw returns and the Big Bad Booty Nephew makes his entrance. The bell rings and the fans bark. But then Ricochet SLAPS Bron! Bron swings, Ricochet dodges and fires fast hands! Bron scoops, Ricochet slips free and fires off kicks, fists, and a CHOP! Ricochet whips, Bron reverses, but Ricochet goes up and over. The ribs bother Ricochet, but he still mule kicks and UPPERCUTS! Ricochet fires more hands, but Bron shoves, Ricochet rolls off the back, ducks under then handsprings back to RANA! Bron goes to a corner, Ricochet DROPKICKS him back down! The fans rally up, Ricochet runs up, but Bron puts him on the aprno.

Ricochet GAMANGIRIS, grimaces through the pain, then springboards. Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds speed to LARIAT!! Bron is all fired up and Hershey is barking it up! Bron stalks Ricochet even out of the ring, then drags him up for a fireman’s carry. Bron brings Ricochet up the steel steps, to then TOSS him to the barriers! Ricochet sputters and falls back, the fans bark some more, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Bron KNEES Ricochet at the ropes! And KNEES him again! Bron whips Ricochet, Ricochet springboards, but into Bron’s arms! Bron pops Ricochet up to the fireman’s carry, but Ricochet spins to a DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Ricochet grits his teeth, pounds the mat, and he rises back up! The fans rally as Ricochet runs corner to corner, RAMS into Bron, then goes to the apron. Ricochet springboards, FLYING LARIAT! The fans fire up as Ricochet runs to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bron survives but Ricochet drags him to a drop zone. Ricochet goes up, takes a deep breath, and 450- NO, he has to bail out!

Bron runs up but into a SUPERKICK!! Ricochet uses Bron’s speed against him, then runs up to RECOIL!! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives and Ricochet is shocked! Ricochet hurries to a corner and climbs up. The fans rally but Bron stands and anchors Ricochet’s foot! Ricochet kicks with the other, Bron staggers away, but then Bron comes right back! Up and up and SUPER STEINER! The fans fire up as the straps come down, SPEAR!! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

Ricochet put up a hell of a fight for having bad ribs, but Bron still ran through him. Bron then grins as he kicks Ricochet out of the ring, to throw into steel steps!! The fans boo but Bron pushes Ricochet down. The ref reprimands and producers hurry out here, but Bron pulls the steps apart! Bron aims at Ricochet bur refs and security stand on his way! Dragunov runs out here! Bron TOSSES the steps at him, but Dragunov dodges to CLOBBER Bron! The fans fire up but Bron gets away. Bron says he’s not done with Dragunov, but will Dragunov make sure Bron is the one that breaks?


LWO regroups backstage.

Rey tells Dragon to tranquilo, he looked great out there, and would’ve won tonight if not for Carlito. That fool has taken too much away from Dragon, and Dragon will get his payback soon. But first, they gotta take away his protection. Tonight, Rey is aiming straight for the head, Damian Priest. Priest thinks Judgment Day runs things, but that doesn’t included La Raza or The LWO. Zelina says that’s right! So tonight, Rey personally delivers this message man to man, face to face. Ariba La Raza! Rey is all fired up, but will he be able to take down the World Heavyweight Champion?


Kiana James VS Natalya!

The Calculator finally has her Raw in-ring debut after being brought up in the WWE Draft, and the Queen of Hart makes her return after helping Karmen Petrovic in NXT. Jackie is with Kiana at gorilla, and says in moments, she has her first Raw match. How excited is she to finally have this moment? Kiana says as we all know, Natty is one of the most accomplished superstars in WWE history. Kiana took her time to get acclimated to Raw learning from Pearce. Pearce is fabulous at his job despite the circumstances, and she specifically asked for this match.

Kiana has huge aspirations here, and to beat The BOAT would not only validate that Kiana is “The One Percent,” but it would be a huge first step to the top. The music hits, will Kiana herself be a hit after tonight? Or will Natty show Kiana just why Natty is still one of the best today?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Natty hits a headlock and takeover fast, but Kiana rolls. Natty lets go to get up, they tie up, and Natty wrenches to a wristlock. Kiana rolls, handsprings, and wrenches to wristlock. Natty rolls, handsprings, and wrenches through to back drop! Cover, ONE, but Natty hurries to waistlock. Kiana pries at the hold, switches, but Natty switches right back. Natty headlocks, Kiana powers out, but Natty goes up and over in the corner. Natty waistlocks again, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Natty hurries up, rolls over the dropdown, but Kiana whips. Natty ducks the hurdle, leaps the monkey flip, but Kiana waistlocks.

Kiana rolls Natty up but Natty gets free to go for the arm! Kiana fights that, stacks Natty, TWO! Kiana claims her arm is bothering her so the ref has Natty hold on. Kiana goes to a corner, Natty storms back up, but Kiana YANKS her into buckles! Kiana stomps away, having gotten the better of Natty there. Kiana lets off to RAM in, handspring back, and RAM in again! Kiana then reels Natty in to whip, but Natty reverses. Kiana reverses back, but Natty comes back to DISCUS! The fans rally as Natty ROCKS Kiana again and again! Kiana shoves Natty, Natty ducks ‘n ‘dodges! Natty blocks a kick to throw Kiana down!

Natty runs to step on Kiana and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Kiana stays in this but Natty wont’ let up. Natty lifts Kiana to back suplex but Kiana lands out! Kiana waistlocks, Natty elbows free and waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Natty fires up the fans, steps through the legs, but Kiana scrambles! Kiana grabs the skirt, Natty drags her in, but Kiana BOOTS Natty away! Kiana runs to hit the 401K! Cover, Kiana wins!

Winner: Kiana James, by pinfall

Kiana made Natty look like light work and has a big first win on Raw! Will Kiana continue to excel until she’s going after gold?


Backstage interview with The New Day.

Cathy Kelley is with Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston and says tonight, they face The Authors of Pain, who are led by Karrion Kross now. In recent weeks, Kross seems intent on dismantling The New Day, does that add any pressure to tonight? Woods says they’ve been here so many times, there have been people trying to do this over the years, it isn’t gonna work. Kofi says it won’t work, and the fact is, they’ve been doing this for so long, and there’s a reason why: Because they’re the best to ever do it! A lot of people have tried to come between The New Day and they have all failed. And The Authors of Pain, The Final Testament, that’s just the next team in a long line and they will fail, too.

Do you know why~? BECAAAAAAAUSE~! NEW! DAY ROCKS! Kross walks in and says he loves that chant so much! Just at shame it doesn’t hit the same anymore. And do they want to know why? Because the Power of Positivity is dead. Oh…! So Kross thinks it doesn’t hit the same? Doesn’t hit as hard? Well, The New Day does! And the AOP finds out tonight, the hard way. The New Day heads out, but Kross tells Woods that after tonight, Woods won’t have to follow Kofi around anymore. Trust him. Kross is clearly trying to get in Woods’ head, but is it working?


Natalya returns backstage.

And there’s Sonya. Ready to talk? Yes, she is. Enough is enough, time for a change! Sonya says good, but then she spots Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark. She says it is their lucky night because Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair did show up. And also, she’s been talking with Natty, and Sonya- Okay, okay, stop. They don’t care what Sonya has to say! And of course they know Bianca & Jade showed up, Zoey & Shayna invited them here! Duh! And three, these two will show Jade & Bianca who the real top team is around here. Okay, just don’t be brash. The more respect you demand, the less you actually get. Does that make sense?

Shayna is starting to think Sonya is the only one who doesn’t respect them. So just leave them alone! Zoey & Shayna head out, and again se see Alba & Isla lurking. Will Deville ditch the Queen of Spades & Hunter for some more sinister prospects?


Carlito VS Braun Strowman!

Well, it seems Caribbean Cool did just as Priest said to do, because here we are! Will Carlito even survive “handling” this situation? Or is there no stopping the Strowman Express now that he’s got a head of steam?

Raw returns and Carlito makes his entrance. He reluctantly gets on the apron, and then Braun runs up to get hiM! Carlito HOTSHOTS Braun away, the bell rings, and Carlito fires off hands! Brauns hoves Carlito, swings but Carilto dodges ot kick, run and knee lift! Carlito keeps moving, but Braun TOSSES Carlito to a corner! Braun runs in, Carlito dodges and DROPKICKS! Carlito fires himself up, but Braun CLOBBERS him! The fans fire up with Braun, then he stands Carlito up to CLUB him down! Braun soaks up the cheers, then he stalks Carlito to a corner. Braun CLUBS Carlito, then TOSSES him across the way!

The fans fire up but here comes JD & Finn! Braun DECKS JD, then grabs Finn by the neck! Carlito CLUBS Braun, and BACK- NO, Braun shrugs Carlito off! INVERTED CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, Braun wins!

Winner: Braun Strowman

But the Judgment Day attack! The fans boo as Finn & JD stomp and CLUB away on Braun, but then he grabs each of them by the neck! Braun shoves them both back, to then DOUBLE LARIAT! The fans fire up but here comes Dom! CHOP BLOCK to a leg! But Braun SHOVES Dom down! Braun still hobbles, but Dom gets a chair! Braun SWATS the chair away!! Dom freaks out, runs away, but Braun pursues! Braun stalks Dom up the ramp as Dom begs for mercy! Also seems that arm is better than he lets on. But then LIV stands in the way? Liv won’t let Braun hurt her Latino Heat, and then JD DIVES onto Braun!

JD & Finn mug Braun, Carlito joins in, but Braun still fights them off! Braun TOSSES JD into the ring! JD gets that chair, JAMS Braun up, then SMACKS him on the back! Braun stands up, so JD SMACKS Braun in the chest! And the leg, and the leg, and the other leg! Finn & Carlito join in to stomp away on Braun, then holds him down for JD to fire off on those legs! Dom gets up, Liv smiles as she looks him over. Dom backs away but Liv steps forward. Finn steps outside and tells her no means no. Liv says she’s just having fun. Liv waves bye as she backs away, is Dom really gonna have to make this up to Mami?


Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill head to the ring!

The fans fire up as the storm is coming, and the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions make their way out. They get mics as the fans cheer, and Bianca says Monday Night Raw, it has been a minute since The EST has been her. But now that she is one-half of the Women’s Tag Team Champions, they gonna show up, show out, and defend the belts, no matter the brand. The fans like that! Jade says that they got a special invite here, so they’ve come to collect. Shayna, Zoey, since you wanna be so loud and run your mouths, come out and say it to their faces! Shayna & Zoey oblige as they make their entrances now.

Zoey says, “Well, well, well. Shayna, look who it finally is! Bianca and Jade!” Zoey’s shocked that these two were here., When was the last time those titles were even on Raw? In fact, Zoey & Shayna thought the champs were trying to duck ‘n’ dodge. Duck ‘n’ dodge? Jade & Bianca ain’t afraid of them! Zoey & Shayna can’t whoop them! Now, if Zoey & Shayna had the titles, then maybe the belts would be on Raw. Oh, hahaha. Bianca & Jade should be scared! Cuz once they get the title match, Shayna & Zoey will take those titles and send Bianca & Jade back to SmackDown where they’ll continue to duck the real baddest team in WWE.

Jade says why wait? These two are so confident, let’s give the people what they want! Shayna says bet! But Pearce hurries out here to have everyone hold on. He wants to make sure we’re on the same page, because normally he wouldn’t just put titles on the line on the fly. But it sounds like they all want the match here and now. Hershey, do you want this? “YES!!” Then hell, who is he to stand int he way? Let’s get a ref! They’ll have this match right now, and the women’s tag titles ARE on the line! The fans cheer for that! But will Shayna & Zoey prove they truly are the baddest team today? Or will they regret cashing in the golden tickets so quickly?

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark!

Bianca and Shayna start and the bell rings. The fans fire up and the two tie up. Shayna waistlocks, headlocks, then wrenches. Shayna twists the wrist, but Bianca scoops to SLAM! The fans fire up, Shayna gets to her feet, but Bianca runs her over! Bianca runs in at the corner but Shayna dodges! Shayna stomps a mudhole in, lets off to soak up some heat, then goes back for Bianca. Shayna whips corner to corner, Bianca goes up and over then handsprings away. Bianca comes back to RAM Shayna! The fans fire up as Bianca RAMS Shayna again and again, then she brings Shayna to the corner. Tag to Jade and the fans fire up!

Bianca whips Jade in to SPLASH Shayna! Jade scoops Shayna, SLAMS herm, then tags Bianca. Bianca runs up, handspring and Canadian Rack, DOMINATOR SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Shayna stays in this, crawls for her corner, but Bianca keeps her from Zoey. Bianca whips, Shayna ducks ‘n’ dodges and Zoey sneaks a tag. Shayna gets around Bianca, sets her up, and Zoey MISSILE DROPKICKS! Zoey soaks up heat but Jade tags in! Jade spins Zoey around, reels her in, and GOURD BUSTERS, to then get Zoey back up! Jade UPPERCUTS, BOOTS, then reels Zoey in for a POWER- NO, ooey slips out! Jade SUPERKICKS her down!

The fans fire up for Jade and she aims. STINGER- NO, Zoey dodges! Zoey comes back, is put on the apron but she GAMANGIRIS Jade! Zoey goes up, but Jade ROCKS Zoey! Jade suplexes Zoey off the corner and holds her up! The fans fire up as Jade walks around with Zoey even! Shayna gets in, saves Zoey, but Bianca gets in! Shayna & Zoey each dodge, but then Jade & Bianca each ELBOW them back! Jade & Bianca reel Zoey & Shayna in, for DOUBLE STALLING SUPLEXES! The fans fire up for the DOUBLE SLAM! And double kip up! Wakanda Forever, Black Girl Magic! The fans are all fired up while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Shayna drags Jade up, only for Jade to scoop and FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans fire up while both women are down! Jade and Shayna crawl for their corners, hot tags to Zoey and Bianca! The fans fire up as The EEST rallies on Zoey with big shoulders, then a DROPKICK! Shayna returns but Bianca gets her for a BIG back suplex! Zoey runs up, swings, but Bianca wrenches and suplexes! Bianca kips up and the fans fire up again as she runs in at the corner. Bianca RAMS into Zoey, then goes up to rain down fists! The fans count along, Bianca gets TEN, then goes to TWELVE! Shayna runs up, Bianca flips up and over!

Bianca gets Shayna for a BACKBREAKER, and she gets Zoey for a SPINEBUSTER! Handspring MOONSAULT! Cover, Shayna breaks it! Shayna drags Bianca up, whips, but Bianca reverses to TOSS Shayna! Zoey SUPERKICKS Bianca, calls for Shayna, and Shayna rises to tag in. Shayna KNEES Bianca down, covers, TWO! Shayna tags Zoey back in and Zoey gets Bianca up. The fans rally as Zoey reels Bianca in, but Bianca fights the bomb! Bianca backdrops free, Jade drags Shayna out! Jade sends Shayna into steel steps! Then runs up, only to get sent into those steps! Bianca sees that, but Zoey rolls her up! TWO!!

Zoey hurries to BACK ELBOW, ROLLING ELBOW, then HEEL- NO, Bianca ducks the kick to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!! BUT ALBA & ISLA ATTACK!!

Winners: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill, by disqualification (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Jade returns to throw Isla off Bianca and then fire off on Alba, but that only gets her attacked by Isla! Shayna joins in, not even caring that the match is over! Bianca throws Shayna aside to then throw Isla. But now it’s a 4v2 mugging! The fans boo, but Alba SUPERKICKS Jade down! Shayna & Zoey stand over Bianca, Alba & Isla stand over Jade. Is the StrongEST Duo in for a wicked showdown at Clash at the Castle?


Backstage interview with Damian Priest.

Cathy Kelley is now with El Campeon, and says The Judgment Day has had quite a bit of success tonight. How is he planning on capitalizing in the main event against Rey Mysterio? Priest says yes, it has been a good night. It feels right. As far as Rey goes, that guy has been a thorn in their side. So tonight, as much as Priest respects Rey’s fight and willingness to not quit, Priest must close the door on this issue. So tonight, Priest is done with Dom’s dad. Then speaking of, she’d be a bad journalist if she didn’t ask about Dom and Liv- Hey, cool it with the Liv stuff. But then in steps Drew McIntyre.

The Scottish Terminator says Priest’s in a good mood. Yeah, he’s world champ. Every day is a happy day. How’s McIntyre’s life? Oh, it’ll be good in a couple weeks. Sure it will. McIntyre tells Priest to enjoy this now. He is in his prime, this is as high as Priest goes. So live it up! McIntyre really does believe in Priest. But Priest wants to make it personal, so now it’s personal. See you soon. McIntyre leaves, Priest says that guy has issues. But will Priest settle his issues with The King of Lucha so he can focus on Clash at the Castle?


Jey Uso is here!

The fans fire up as Main Event Jey makes his way down from the bleachers! The fireflies come out and they bounce with Jey, and he stays up there as he gets the mic. Jey asks if they’re ready for the summertime~, let him hear ya say, “YEET!” “YEET!” Jey says hey to lil’ man here, he likes the shirt. But ya boi still has big plans for himself, right? “YEET!” Last summer was Money in the Bank, Bloodline: Civil War. That was tough on Jey. He lost his brothers, his cousin, his family. Real talk, he stayed in the fight because he knew one day he could fight on his own. “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey is serious, though. He wasn’t just a Right Hand Man. “YEET!”

Jey knew that one day, Uce, he could finally be THE Main Event Jey Uso. “YEET!” So with that said, y’all… Jey wants to take this time to thank everyone for yeetin’ with him on this journey. The fans cheer that! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey gives his sunglasses over to the fans, and says they all been rockin’ with him, time for him to deliver. He has a plan, you wanna hear it? “YEET!” He gonna climb that ladder, “YEET!” get to the top, snatch that briefcase, and become MR. MONEY IN THE BANK! “YEET!!” Jey has already declared for that match, will he make this the Summer of YEET?


Backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria.

Cathy Kelley is with The Morrigan, and says she is arguably the closest woman to Becky Lynch. How is The Man coping with everything? Lyra says Becky is disappointed, but Lyra knows Becky is at her best when people think she’s beat. Becky will take that loss to Liv, come back around, and use it to make herself even better. That is how winning is done. Real winning! Something Liv knows nothing about. So if you ask Lyra, we won’t have to “watch her” for every long at all. Becky has been an invaluable mentor for Lyra, helping her beat three members of Damage Control, make it to the finals of Queen of the Ring, so how is Lyra moving forward without Becky?

Lyra is sure she’s shown she can stand on her own two feet. And that’s the plan! Her next goal, after hearing Jey say he wants MITB, is that she’ll go for MITB! She will do anything to- IYO SKY ATTACKS! The Evil Genius fires off on Lyra, still furious over that loss to her in the tournament! She throws Lyra into the garage door, then throws rope on her! Iyo still rages on through the backstage area, will these two have to settle their score before either one moves on?


The New Day VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods have stuck together through thick and thin, and they’re not about to change that. But will Akam & Rezar give them no choice when they write The Final Chapter on #KofiMania?

Raw returns as The Final Testament makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Woods runs up to SHOTUGN Rezar! Woods fires off hands on Rezar, climbs up in a corner and rains down fists! Rezar shoves Woods away but Woods mule kicks a leg! Woods headlocks, Rezar powers out but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Rezar to CLOBBER him! Rezar rains down fists, but Woods kicks back. Rezar ELBOW DROPS, and he talks a lot of trash. Kross and the rest are pleased as Rezar drags Woods up. Tag to Akam, he runs and CLOBBERS Woods! Cover, TWO! Akam HAMMERS away on Woods, then drags him away.

Tag to Rezar, and Rezar stomps Woods down. Rezar drags Woods up, clamps on a neck wrench, but the fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Woods fights up, fires hands, but Rezar ROCKS Woods. Rezar scoops but Woods fights free! Woods ENZIGIRIS and Rezar staggers! Akam tags i n, he keeps Woods from Kofi and back suplexes. Woods lands out to SUPERKICK! Scarlett distracts the ref, Kross gets in Kofi’s face! Woods dodges Akam but no tag! Kross grins, Akam CLOBBERS Woods then DECKS Kofi! Akam hits Woods in the corner with a clothesline, then he tags in Rezar! They get Woods up, for WHAT A RUSH! Cover, AOP wins!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, by pinfall

Kofi hurries in to check on Woods, but the numbers game got the better of The New Day. Will The Final Testament put an end to The New Day one way or another?


Backstage interview with Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn.

Jackie catches up with the wicked witches and asks them what just happened. They just attacked the tag team champions, but why? Alba says the tag champs just wanna show up and hand out title shots, meanwhile these two don’t get the opportunities! Shayna & Zoey, #1 contenders because they beat “everybody,” except Alba & Isla. Isla points out that Clash at the Castle is in Scotland, yet no sign of these two on the card. That does not sit right with them. So they won’t wait around for chances, they’re gonna take ’em! And oh~, don’t Jade & Bianca look so pretty with those title belts? But those good looks are about to fade.

Isla blows a kiss goodbye and she leaves with Alba into the night. Will these two cast a spell that ends the StrongEST Duo’s reign? Or are they just running into the worst storm they’ve ever weathered?


Damian Priest VS Rey Mysterio!

There’s no love lost between The Punisher and the King of Lucha, but there might be some respect lost. Will Priest demolish Dirty Dom’s dad once and for all? Or will Rey rise to the occasion and get a win over El Campeon del Mundo?

Raw returns and Priest makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally as Rey gets cornered, but he dodges to KICK a leg! Rey runs, gets around Priest, then slides under him, but Priest BOOTS him down! Priest looms over Rey, smirks, and he watches Rey go to a corner. Priest runs up to BACK ELBOW, then he hits the BROKEN ARROW! Cover, ONE!! Rey is tougher than that, but Priest stalks Rey around the ring. Priest stands Rey up, but Rey fires body shots! Priest shoves Rey, Rey kicks back! Rey runs up to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Priest tumbles out of the ring, so Rey goes to the apron!

Rey ASAI MOONSAULTS and down goes Priest! The fans fire up and Rey gets Priest back in the ring. Rey RAMS into Priest, then ROCKS him. Rey slingshots, but into Priest’s arms! Priest snarls as he hits the FLATLINER! Rey sputters and Priest looms over him. Priest stalks Rey, drags him up, and ROCKS him with a right! Rey staggers to the corner, the fans rally up, but Priest storms over. Priest stomps a mudhole in, lets off as the ref counts 4, then soaks up the cheers and jeers. Rey stands, Priest stalks him again, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Rey fights out of a chinlock! Priest CLUBS Rey, then has him in a corner. Priest whips corner to corner hard, and Rey staggers into a scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Priest is annoyed and he tells Rey he doesn’t wanna have to do it like this. But if Rey keeps getting up, Priest will put him down for good. Priest DECKS Rey, Rey flops out of the ring, and Priest tells him to stay down or else. The ring count climbs, Rey drags himself up with the apron skirt, and he gets back in at 8 of 10. Priest sighs, brings Rey up, and whips him to the corner hard! Another scoop, but Rey slips free!

Rey WHEEL KICKS Priest and Priest staggers! Priest blocks a kick but the ENZIGIRI hits! Rey KICKS and ROCKS Priest, whips, but Priest blocks! Priest snarls, whips hard, and Rey is in the corner. Priest runs in, but Rey ducks the splash! Priest hits post, Rey goes up and wheelbarrows, to victory roll Priest into buckles! The fans fire up as Priest staggers to his feet. Rey runs in, Priest puts him on the apron, then SUPERKICKS him down! The ref checks Rey while Priest steadies himself. Priest drags Rey up on the apron, says he’ll get Rey inside, and has a choke grip! But Rey fights the lift with a turn!

Rey GAMANGIRIS Priest away! The fans rally, the ring count starts again, but Rey hurries up the steel steps. Rey climbs the corner, and he SEATED SENTONS! Rey keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges and springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Rey won’t let that bother him, he RAMS Priest in a corner! Rey climbs up to rain down fists! The fans count along, and Rey gets TEN! Rey hops down, but then says he’ll do it again! Rey climbs, throws down more fists, but Priest stops him at four to run him corner to corner HARD! Rey gets stuck up in the ropes, but he ELBOWS Priest back! And tilt-o-whirls to DDT! Cover, TWO!

Priest is still in this but both men are down. The fans rally up, Rey rises and he dropkicks Priest onto ropes! Rey dials it up, but he has to duck ‘n’ dodge counter attacks! Rey springboards to QUEBRADA, but Priest catches Rey! Priest pops Rey around for a SNAKE EYES off buckles, and a LARIAT on the run! Cover, TWO!! Rey lives and even Priest has to smile. Priest said he respects Rey’s reputation and now he’s seeing it for himself. Priest gets Rey up, hoists him to the top rope, then CLUBS him on the back. Priest climbs up behind Rey, but Rey fires hands! The fans fire up as Priest steps back. But Priest BELL CLAPS Rey!

Priest then goes back up, and he turns around so he can bring Rey up into the crucifix! The fans freak out, but Rey fights free! Rey throws elbows, CLUBS Priest, then adjusts his own position. Rey leaps up and over to SUPER RANA!! Rey DROPKICKS Priest to ropes, and he dials it up! 619!! Priest falls, Rey DROPS THE DIME! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives and Rey is shocked! The fans can’t believe it, either, but then here comes Carlito! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but then Dragon Lee YANKS Carlito down! Carlito kicks back, whips, but Dragon goes up and up and FLYING FOREARMS Carlito down!

Dragon gets his hands on Carlito, but then Finn & JD make the save! They mug Dragon, Rey is furious so he FLIES out onto them all! The fans fire up as Rey hurries back to the ring! Rey goes up, but Priest catches him first! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

The Judgment Day still had to get involved, but a win is a win for El Campeon! But then MCINTYRE CLOBBERS PRIEST! The fans are torn as The Scottish Terminator drags Priest back up. McIntyre underhooks, for the FUTURE SHOCK!! And a kip up, too! McIntyre picks up the World Heavyweight Championship, the belt he only held for 5 minutes and 45 seconds at WrestleMania. McIntyre puts it aside, gives us the countdown, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” But Finn gets in so McIntyre LARIATS him down! Carlito runs in, to get a GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT! JD leaps in, but into McIntyre’s arms! OVERHEAD SUPLEX!

McIntyre storms up on Priest and has him on the apron. McIntyre then clears off the desk! The fans fire up for that! Michael Cole & Pat McAfee move aside, but then Priest gets McIntyre! SOUTH OF HEAVEN through the table!! McIntyre again takes his eye off the ball and now he’s down in the wreckage! Priest stands over McIntyre, will The Punisher prove he’s far more than a paper champion?

My Thoughts:

Another great Raw, lots of fun with all the stories that blend together within The Judgment Day’s story. Liv made it official that she wants Dom, only to stick it to Rhea. Judgment Day stepping in to stop that is interesting because we’ve seen those Easter Egg moments of Finn and JD each talking with Liv. Judgment Day of course gets help from Carlito and then helps Carlito in return in their matches with LWO. I really hope Dragon Lee finally gets going on Raw, maybe this feud with Judgment Day helps with that. Great stuff with Braun helping out, but of course being pretty much 4v1 and Liv, too, it made sense they’d take Strowman down.

Really good stuff with McIntyre, too,  but I really thought he was gonna stand tall to end the night. But then we got one more turnaround and Judgment Day stood tall. This isn’t the go-home yet, but I’m kinda hoping McIntyre finds a way to win when Liv causes The Judgment Day to split between Team Liv and Team Rhea. If any title changes hands at all at Clash at the Castle, it really needs to be the world title and McIntyre standing tall in the main event so Scotland can celebrate.

I did not think they’d give us the Women’s Tag Team title match tonight, but it was a great match, and it sure became clear why it happened tonight after Alba & Isla attacked. We’re getting Alba & Isla challenging for the tag titles in Scotland, same as Piper Niven challenging Bayley for the WWE Women’s Championship. This might be a rough night for the Scottish lasses, I don’t see Alba & Isla dethroning Jade & Bianca. As good as Alba & Isla are, they should’ve really gotten their chance at these tag titles before a team as strong as Bianca & Jade got them. Also very good win for Kiana here, but the real development is that Natty might end up Team Deville. Feels a little inconsistent with how Natty just got a win with Karmen on NXT but hey, Natty’s gotta do something for herself.

Great promo from Sheamus and a great match from Sheamus and Kaiser. Great win for Kaiser, with maybe a touch of controversy as maybe Sheamus’ hand was under ropes or something. But either way, this can extend things between Sheamus and Kaiser for more great matches like this. Good promo from Jey to declare for MITB, and good promo turned attack for Lyra and Iyo. I would think Lyra and Iyo could both get in on the ladder match, but especially Iyo since she was last year’s Miss MITB and can certainly do even more great stuff. And Jey would make a great Mr. MITB, especially if he can customize his briefcase to be blue and white with “YEET” all over.

Great promo from Ricochet and Dragunov, and great promo from Bron and Pearce, to build up the great match from Ricochet and Bron. Great win for Bron, but of course he wanted to add on after. And Dragunov going after Bron was of course the logical move, that is going to be an awesome match. And it feels like the winner of that will end up a contender to the Intercontinental Championship. Speaking of which, great promo stuff from Sami and the Alpha Academy. We are of course getting Sami VS Gable one more time at Clash at the Castle, and we got so close to Otis turning on Gable here. Maybe it finally happens at Clash and that ends Gable’s hopes of being Intercontinental Champion while Sami is still champ.

And honestly, some really good stuff with Final Testament and New Day. Good promo backstage before the match, and while I thought Kofi was taking the loss by getting beat down, they turned things around and made it Woods. I guess Kross is trying to make Kofi out to be selfish and unreliable so that Woods will willingly want to break away. If Final Testament just brutalized Kofi into being injured, Woods would resent and resist Kross’ argument. I don’t want New Day to call it quits after all this time, but at the same time, what more is there for them to do? Another tag title reign seems less likely with so many newer teams available, and Woods hasn’t had the singles accomplishments Kofi & Big E have, so this could be the way we get to Woods finally being Intercontinental Champion.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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