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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Report! (2/13/18)



All images courtesy of the WWE Network streaming service.



  • Fifth Cruiserweight Championship Tournament First Round match: Akira Tozawa VS Mark Andrews; Andrews wins and advances to the second round.
  • Sixth Cruiserweight Championship Tournament First Round match: Tony Nese VS Drew Gulak; Gulak wins and advances to the second round.


The Cruiserweight Championship tournament’s opening round hits the halfway point.

Cedric Alexander, TJP, Kalisto and the shocking entry of Roderick Strong have all advanced to the second round. Now we begin the second half to see which other four superstars will join them. Another former Cruiserweight Champion will battle a member of the WWE’s United Kingdom Division, and PowerPoint pals will be forced to put their friendship aside. But in the end, they all want one thing: to win the vacated Cruiserweight Championship as a Wrestlemania Moment!


Fifth Cruiserweight Championship Tournament First Round match: Akira Tozawa VS Mark Andrews!

The Stamina Monster once dethroned the King of the Cruiserweights to become champion, while the High-Fiving, Stage-Diving Welshman would like his first taste of WWE gold period. Will Tozawa keep out the crossover competitor on this Road to Wrestlemania?

Quick backstage interview with Mark Andrews.

What does it mean to him to come all the way from the UK to compete for this opportunity tonight? He’s really excited because everyone from around the world, from the UK to Japan, have been talking about 205 Live. Andrews is psyched to be part of it now, to high-five and stage-dive all the way to the Grandest Stage of Them All: Wrestlemania! Especially if it means he can become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Andrews makes his entrance and we have our match.

The two circle with the bell, and Tozawa starts up the “HAH! HAH!” battle cry. He and Andrews tie up, Tozawa gets the waistlock. They circle around, Andrews gets the headlock takeover but Tozawa gets the headscissors. Andrews holds onto the headlock and the two stand up, but then Tozawa rolls and floats over to a cover, TWO. The two stand off, and the fans applaud. Tozawa and Andrews circle again, Andrews getting the single leg takedown into a knee wrench toehold. Andrews deepens the bend and twist with a toe ‘n’ ankle while keeping the other leg down. 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick watches backstage as Tozawa works to free that trapped leg.

Andrews keeps twisting and Tozawa keeps enduring. Tozawa crawls for ropes but Andrews drags him away to add on another twist. Andrews keeps Tozawa grounded, but Tozawa gets free, so Andrews stands up to wrench the arm and wrist. Tozawa rolls and reverses the hold, starting up the “HAH! HAH!” at the same time. Tozawa spins Andrews to a waistlock, but Andrews spins out to reverse the armlock. Andrews grounds Tozawa again, and then wraps Tozawa up in an Octopus Stretch!

He bends the free arm back and back, looking up at the Wrestlemania sign for motivation. Tozawa starts working his way out, but Andrews easily shifts into a sunset flip, TWO! They get up, Andrews arm-drags Tozawa a couple times, but Tozawa blocks the third with pure strength. Tozawa brings Andrews back up, Andrews slips around him and gets that arm-drag hat trick! They both get back up, Tozawa kicks in low. He runs, Andrews ducks and Tozawa jumps over for the sunset flip, but Andrews back-flips out of it into a low dropkick! Cover, ONE, but Andrews keeps his cool. He stomps Tozawa, then drags him back up. Tozawa frees himself and chops Andrews stiff in the chest. Andrews chops back, and we have a chop fight. They go back and forth, Tozawa fakes a chop to get the jab!

Andrews staggers to a corner and Tozawa comes over to stomp a “HAH! HAH!” mudhole into him. The fans join in, even as Tozawa backs off at the ref’s count. He brings Andrews up and out for a snapmare, then runs for the Penalty Kick and back senton! Cover, TWO, but Tozawa keeps his cool. He goes after Andrews in a seated abdominal stretch, giving Andrews a taste of his own medicine. Andrews slips out but is brought back down, and Tozawa stomps on Andrews. They go to a corner and Tozawa brings Andrews up for more chops. Tozawa ax handles Andrews a couple times, then snapmares him into another form of the seated abdominal stretch. Fans slowly build to a rally and Andrews pries himself free again. Andrews fights back with forearms, one after another, and Tozawa sits down. Andrews brings him back up for a European Uppercut, but Tozawa knees low. Tozawa throws Andrews, but Andrews responds with a surprise 619!

Andrews takes aim while Tozawa staggers away, and springboards for a big flying crossbody!

Cover, TWO, and now Andrews feels some frustration. He kicks Tozawa while he’s down, then puts Tozawa’s leg back in the spinning toehold. Andrews now puts Tozawa in the Indian Deathlock to go right after the knees.

Tozawa endures, then chops Andrews in the chest. Andrews chops back while maintaining the hold. When Tozawa refuses to tap, Andrews stands up and pulls him out of the hold to go back after the arms. Andrews moves back into the Octopus Stretch but Tozawa resists stronger this time, letting out the “HAH! HAH!” Tozawa gets free, fights back with back elbows, but Andrews backs him down with kicks to the leg. Andrews whips but Tozawa reverses, Tozawa gets Andrews in the huricanrana! Then he hits Andrews with a screaming Shining Wizard!

Tozawa doesn’t stop there, he puts Andrews in position and with fans echoing “HAH! HAH!”, Tozawa climbs up up top. He takes aim, but Andrews slips out of the ring. Tozawa doesn’t complain, he just hops down and builds speed to DIVE!

The Tozawa Torpedo downs Andrews and the fans fire up. Tozawa puts Andrews back in the ring, covers, TWO! Frustration won’t stop Tozawa, he gets up and drags Andrews back over to a corner. The fans “HAH! HAH!” again as Tozawa climbs back up top. Tozawa takes aim again but Andrews stands up. Andrews runs over, Tozawa jumps over, and they both go corner to corner for Andrews to hit double knees in a corner! Then he brings Tozawa out for the Northern Lights suplex, and Andrews rolls through for a standing corkscrew moonsault!

TWO, and Andrews feels frustration growing. He catches his breath and cools off before bringing Tozawa back up. Andrews grabs Tozawa in a full nelson, but Tozawa arm-drags out of it. Tozawa back kicks, swings, slips under, blocks and hits the saido suplex! He crawls to a cover, TWO! Tozawa gets up again and brings Andrews up for big forearms. He “HAH! HAH!” with each one as he drops Andrews to a knee, then roars before running into Andrews’ mule kick. Andrews kicks Tozawa again, then runs only to run into Tozawa’s boot! Tozawa runs, Andrews slips past him, comes back to tilt-o-whirl into Stun Dog Millionaire! Cover, TWO! Both men are down from exhaustion, but Tozawa rolls himself away slowly. Andrews sits up and sees Tozawa in the corner. He walks over to hoist Tozawa up, keeping him there with a chop. Andrews climbs up, goes for the Super Steiner, but Tozawa blocks with more of that strength! Tozawa lifts Andrews up powerbomb style, but Andrews hits SUPER STEINER after all!

He crawls to the cover, TWO!! The frustration boils over, Andrews can’t believe that didn’t work. But he sees Tozawa in position, and hurries to the corner again. Andrews climbs up and takes aim at Tozawa. Shooting Star, but he has to bail out as Tozawa evades! Tozawa hits the spinning roundhouse! Tozawa goes for La Mahistrol, but Andrews counters with his own cover! ANDREWS WINS!!

And Tozawa’s face says it all, this is a major surprise!

It was fast and it was fair, there’s no way around it. Andrews points to Tozawa to give props and respect, but he also points to the Wrestlemania sign. Can Andrews make it all the way to the end and become a crossover Cruiserweight Champion?


Backstage interview with Jack Gallagher.

Gentleman Jack will face the Pakistani Prince, Mustafa Ali, next week as part of the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament’s opening round. And he’s absolutely delighted to hear it. However, before he can continue, 205 Live GM Drake Maverick enters.

Spud says hello to Dasha then compliments Gallagher’s suit. “John Phillips, London. I have two myself.” That aside, Spud questions Gallagher thinking that’s “appropriate attire in a WWE ring.” Because Maverick doesn’t. As he told others before, this is a new 205 Live. Next week, Gallagher better be here in proper wrestling attire. Spud does say Gallagher is one of the best in the Cruiserweight Division today, and perhaps even in the entire WWE. “So sort yourself out, mate.” Spud says bye to Dasha before taking his leave, leaving Gallagher with much to consider. Will Gallagher be seen back in his old trunks again starting next week?


205 Live announces next week Cruiserweight Championship Tournament matches.

The Privileged Persian Lion will take on “NXT’s Best Kept Secret”, Buddy Murphy!

A former NXT Tag Team Champion as well as fiance to the Goddess of Raw, Murphy does admit that losing the tag titles brought him crashing down in the ranks. However, he pulled himself up and looked himself in the mirror to say, “That’s who I was. Now it’s time to create who I’m going to be.” Spud gave him the call and that sparked a fire in Murphy to get back in championship shape. Training to get under 205 has been “the hardest thing I’ve possibly ever done in my life”, especially since he’s normally competed over that weight. Spud even went to the Performance Center to hold Murphy’s official 205 Live Cruiserweight Division weigh-in. Murphy stepped up to the scale, and his official weight…

At 204.4 lbs, Murphy narrowly makes it in! But that was just step one. Murphy vows that in step two, the Cruiserweight Championship tournament itself, he will step over everyone else to “walk down the ramp at Wrestlemania.” Can the Best Kept Secret break out into the best spotlight of them all?


Sixth Cruiserweight Championship Tournament First Round match: Tony Nese VS Drew Gulak!

Though friends under “Team PowerPoint” and a certain certified train, the Philly Fury and the Premier Athlete were each cut to the heart with comments from the 205 Live GM. Tonight they battle to not only see who is the better, but who is more deserving of the Cruiserweight Championship. Will their friendship become stronger, or crumble apart, with gold on the line?

The bell rings and the two circle with intensity in their eyes. Gulak offers a handshake of respect, but Nese kicks it away. Nese is too focused on the title for there to be friendship and respect, so Gulak just comes at him to grapple. Nese powers Gulak down to the mat, then flexes to show off the peaks. Gulak gets up and they circle again. Nese lunges but Gulak catches him with a shoulder to the abs, then a takedown. Gulak floats over to an armlock, then a chinlock that grinds and thrashes Nese to the mat. Nese rolls and covers, Gulak bridges at ONE. Gulak brings Nese back up to a deep neck wrench then a forearm grinding on the face. Nese gets up, takes Gulak down and goes for a toehold but Gulak quickly counters and shifts to an armbar, which Nese quickly blocks by clasping hands. The referee gets down low to check shoulders while Nese tries to power Gulak to a cover. Gulak counteracts with a palm on Nese’s face. Nese gets to his feet and grabs a leg but Gulak uses the other leg to sweep and then get the mount. He pushes Nese back to a cover, ONE, and Nese stands up to go after Gulak’s leg again. Nese drags Gulak and goes for a half-crab, but Gulak kicks him away with his free leg.

Nese staggers to a corner while Gulak gets up. Gulak runs in for a big running haymaker, then he whips Nese corner to corner. Nese stops himself short and back elbows Gulak away, to then jump up and jump back! Gulak gets under the corner moonsault, but Nese lands on his feet. Gulak runs at Nese but Nese Matrix handsprings to evade. Nese mule kicks Gulak then kene lifts, roundhouses and sweeps, cover, TWO! The fans applaud this exchange even as Nese stomps and kicks Gualk while he’s down. Gulak stares up at him defiantly so Nese keeps kicking. Nese brings Gulak up and goes for a suplex but Gulak body shots back. Gulak goes to hip toss, but Nese blocks and rolls Gulak to the mat. Nese puts Gulak’s legs in a sort of Figure Four while also trapping an arm in a unique combination of holds.

Gulak endures this unique submission, and fans actually rally for him! Nese rolls him to a cover, TWO, but Nese keeps on him by throwing him out of the ring. Nese takes aim, slingshots over, but Gulak moves so Nese lands on the apron. Gulak rushes Nese to sweep the legs but Nese cartwheels over to land on the ground and rock Gulak with a left forearm!

Gulak falls down and Nese leaves him out there, but then Gulak gets right back up to drag Nese right back out. Nese ducks the clothesline to throw in a kick, but Gulak blocks to put the leg on the apron to back suplex Nese to the ground!

Nese hits with a thud as the ref starts a ring count. Gulak gets in but Nese only writhes as the count gets to 5. The count climbs and Gulak seems satisfied to accept this, but then he sees Nese get up. Nese beats that count but Gulak is right on him, covers, ONE. Gulak clubs Nese then springboard stomps on him from both sides. Gulak grabs Nese’s leg and DDT’s the foot into the mat to jam the ankle. Cover, TWO, but Gulak shifts right into an armlock on Nese’s dominant left arm. Nese endures, and wills his way back up. He fights back with body shots, but Gulak rams a knee into his head. Gulak runs, but Nese blasts him with a running back elbow! Both men are down, but Nese drags himself to ropes. Gulak walks over but Nese blocks the punches to counter punches. Gulak keeps trying, but now Nese hits him with a cravat knee strike, then runs for a boot to the mouth! Nese keeps going, getting the staggered Gulak with the windmill kick! Gulak goes down but fans fire up with Nese. Nese runs into the corner and hits Gulak with a spinning back elbow! He keeps going, and brings Gulak down with a leaping lariat!

Cover, TWO! The frustration builds but Nese brings Gulak up and around. He wants a pumphandle but Gulak elbows out. Gulak whips but Nese slips under to pumphandle after all! But Gulak slips out and shoves Nese to ropes, then jumps but Nese shoves him down! Cover, TWO! The two men are exhausted but still stirring. Fans build to a rally for both men, Gulak hits Nese with a body shot but then Nese lifts Gulak in a fireman’s carry, for a gutbuster drop!

Cover, TWO, and the frustration grows. Nese glares down at Gulak, then drags him up again. Gulak fights back with body shots and a shove, but Nese rocks him with another left forearm. Nese runs but Gulak follows and responds with a dropkick! Gulak grabs Nese for a wicked single-leg suplex!

Cover, TWO! Gulak is surprised, but he actually grins. He dares Nese to get up for more, but Nese fights back with lefts and rights. Nese staggers Gulak again, then kicks him while he’s down. Now Nese dares Gulak get up as he keeps kicking and kicking. Nese roars, but Gulak grabs him by the beard! Gulak slaps Nese across the face again and again! Then Gulak shovels Nese up onto his shoulders, for the Electric Chair Drop!

Bridging cover, TWO!! Nese crawls to the ropes, but Gulak stalks him from behind. Gulak grabs Nese into the guillotine, with body scissors!

Nese endures the squeeze, tries to power out and reach ropes, but Gulak grabs that reaching hand to bring it back in. However, Nese turns that wristlock around into his own, so that he can suplex Gulak up. Gulak resists and brings himself down to land on the apron. The ref calls for a ropebreak, but instead, Gulak tries to suplex Nese to the outside! Nese lands, and breaks free. He swings a kick but Gulak blocks, so Nese sweeps the legs, falling Gulak to the apron! Gulak tumbles down, Nese builds speed, to FLY!

The Premier Athlete brings Gulak down in clear defiance of #Drewtopia rules. Not only that, but Nese puts Gulak in the ring to climb to the top rope! Nese jumps for the 450, but flops when Gulak rolls away! Gulak hurries up to his feet, goes for the dragon sleeper, but Nese slips out and under, pumphandle into the Michinoku Driver!

TWO!! Somehow Gulak survives, and Nese’s frustration builds again. Both men slowly stir as the fans build to a rally. Nese stands up but Gulak hits first with headbutts to the ribs. Gulak rushes in but into Nese’s knee. Nese brings Gulak over to a corner, and gives him a reverse powerbomb into the top buckle. Gulak is dazed as Nese waits down below. Nese rolls Gulak, but Gulak has that arm, so Nese deadlifts Gulak to powerbomb him all the way into the adjacent corner’s buckles!

Gulak is down, but Nese gets himself up. He wills himself to stand up while Gulak is still dazed. The knee pad comes down, Nese runs to the other corner and back, but Gulak avoids the Premier Kneese by rolling out of the ring. Nese goes out to fetch Gulak, but Gulak springs to life to resist. Nese still slaps Gulak across the face, then puts him into the ring. Gulak grits his teeth and his eyes fill with fire as he blasts Nese off the apron and to the announce desk! Now Nese is dazed as he falls to the floor. The referee has to check on Nese, which gives Gulak time to recover in the ring. Gulak won’t let Nese get off easy, shouting at him, “We finish what we start!” He throws Nese into the side of the announce desk! The referee reprimands Gulak but Gulak keeps going, throwing Nese even harder into the announce desk!

He puts Nese into the ring, then glares up at the Wrestlemania sign before reentering the ring. Gulak runs, to flip Nese upside-down with a lariat! The referee tells Gulak to stay back as he checks on Nese, but Gulak refuses! He picks Nese right up to throw him right back down with a powerbomb!

And then deadlifts him for another! The referee checks on Nese again as Gulak roars. Gulak drags Nese up, for the Gu-Lock Dragon Sleeper, complete with body scissors!

The referee calls it, Nese is out cold! Gulak wins, but he’s still burning with rage aimed at the Premier Athlete.

Perhaps Nese regrets not accepting the handshake at the start now, because it might have gained him so mercy here tonight. With this new fire lit inside him, can Gulak rip his way through the tournament and become the new Cruiserweight Champion at Wrestlemania?


My Thoughts:

A damn good episode right here. The opening package was great and the quick interview with Andrews just before going out was also great. The best thing about the tournament these last couple weeks has been the surprise factor, where the win goes to the unexpected choice. I was pleasantly surprised last week when still-NXT-superstar Roderick Strong won, and I am again pleasantly surprised when WWE UK superstar Mark Andrews won tonight. The Cruiserweight Division has been needing a bit of crossover with other Divisions, so starting small like this is actually a very big thing. The best Andrews could do, in my estimation, is get to the semi-finals, but depending on how the bracket works out (still haven’t seen one from WWE) he might be used to help bolster one of the other favorites. He might even face the winner of the other match from tonight, in the incredible rough and tumble main event. Before that, I also enjoyed Spud now getting on Gallagher’s case in terms of his misuse of character. If it means Gallagher returns to his rainbow-striped trunks, I’m actually kinda for this continued reprimanding of the Heel Cruiserweights. Then, that main event, WOW. Great in-ring stuff with even greater character development. Commentary did a great job reminding us of the back story here without mentioning Enzo. I loved it when Gulak slapped Nese again and again, very much like what Oney Lorcan in NXT would do. There was a great visual aesthetic with Nese and Gulak, too, with the red vs blue, a classic trope of opposites that still parallel and rival each other (just look at Raw and SmackDown). I imagine this might’ve been what their blow-off would’ve been like had the ‘Zo Train finished the way it was meant to. Either way, Gulak himself might not make it to the semifinals but he and whoever he’s up against will put on great matches in the coming rounds.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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