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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Report! (5/29/18)



Who will leave tonight as Cruiserweight Champion?

The Cruiserweight Championship is on the line in the home state of Cedric Alexander! With family and friends there to support him, can the Souls of 205 Live defeat the Aussie Juggernaut, Buddy Murphy? Or will the bigger, stronger and faster #BestKeptSecret finally become a singles champion in WWE?


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  • Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick VS Lucha House Party w/ Gran Metalik; Kendrick & Gallagher win.
  • WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Cedric Alexander VS Buddy Murphy; Alexander wins and retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.


WWE and 205 Live review what led to tonight’s Cruiserweight Championship match.

The 205 Live GM, Drake Maverick, gave us a tournament to crown a new champion at Wrestlemania, and that new champion would be Cedric Alexander. However, Buddy Murphy wasn’t content to wait for Maverick to name him #1 Contender. While Alexander celebrated his victory the first 205 Live after ‘Mania, Murphy would strike in an ambush! Murphy has been in the WWE for five years via NXT, but his only accomplishment was being an NXT Tag Team Champion. Murphy’s patience has run out and his hunger has only grown. He claims no one else has gone through what he’s gone through to be where he is now. Murphy has put in so much work to cut weight to be a Cruiserweight.

There was a misstep where he didn’t make the cut and his title opportunity was delayed. But now Murphy is back, and Alexander welcomes the challenge. Alexander showed Murphy that he doesn’t fear the Best Kept Secret by brawling with him upon his return. Alexander himself has been where Murphy is, working hard to cut weight while thirsting after a championship. But because Alexander already has experience in maintaining his Cruiserweight qualifications, he is confident that the bigger and stronger Murphy won’t be able to last as long. Will the Age of Alexander survive a collision course with the Aussie Juggernaut?


Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick VS Lucha House Party w/ Gran Metalik!

The Ungentle Men go up against the Golden Lynx and Lucha Dragon while Drew Gulak joins commentary. The Philly Fury looks forward to tonight’s title match, of course favoring the more grounded competitor. The same goes for this match, but will Lince Dorado & Kalisto defy his #NoFlyZone and win tonight?

Gulak even has pamphlets on why LHS will lose, and hands them out while the teams sort out. Lince and Kendrick start, and circle with the bell. They tie up, Kendrick fireman carries but Lince headscissors. Kendrick moves around and slips out, to then grab a wristlock. He wrenches Lince’s arm into a hammerlock, but Lince snapmares out. Kendrick runs Lince over, cover, TWO. Kendrick keeps Lince down with stomps, then runs but Lince speeds things up and dropkicks Kendrick. Lince runs and headscissors Kendrick down then dropkicks him again. Tag to Kalisto, and the luchadors combine for an elevated splash. Cover, TWO, and Kendrick gets to ropes. Kalisto starts up the “Lucha! Lucha!” chants while tagging to Lince. Lince climbs while Kalisto holds on to Kendrick, and drops the ax handles.

Lince puts Kendrick in a headlock, but Kendrick fights back. Kendrick suplexes but Lince slips out, to then dodge Kendrick. Gallagher tags in and hits Lince with a forearm. Kendrick puts Lince on the apron for Gallagher to slam into the edge. Cover, ONE, but Gallagher keeps on Lince with a neck wrench. The fans rally with “Lucha! Lucha!” but Gallagher scoops Lince. Lince turns the slam into an inside cradle, TWO! Gallagher whips Lince but Lince rolls off Gallagher’s back to tag Kalisto! Kalisto springboards for the seated senton, then kicks away at Gallagher. Kalisto whips but Gallagher reverses, so Kalisto hits Gallagher with a headscissors. Fans rally again, and Kalisto runs in for a shoulder tackle. Kalisto climbs up, but Gallagher powers out of the tornado DDT. Gallagher tags to Kendrick, and Kendrick slips in to clobber Kalisto from behind!

Kendrick mocks the lucha chants, and the matracas, then stands on Kalisto’s head. He pulls Kalisto back to throw crossface forearms, then stands on Kalisto’s hand. Kalisto slips away but Kendrick whips him back to the corner for more forearms. Gallagher tags in and gives Kalisto a headbutt. Gallagher whips and runs Kalisto over with a back elbow. Cover, TWO, so Gallagher goes after Kalisto’s arm. Fans rally but Gulak complains about “Lince Dorito” and Gran Metalik making noise. Gallagher throws Kalisto down, then covers, TWO. Tag to Kendrick, and Gallagher lifts Kalisto to hotshot him to the ropes. Kendrick boots Kalisto down, cover, TWO. Kendrick wraps Kalisto up in a chinlock, then gives crossface punches before putting Kalisto in an armlock.

Fans rally while Kendrick grinds an elbow into Kalisto’s face. Kalisto powers up but Kendrick knees low. Kendrick whips Kalisto but Kalisto fights out of the corner. Kalisto dumps Kendrick up and out, then heads for his corner. Kendrick drags him away, but Kalisto shoves him back. Hot tag to Lince! Lince flies with a big crossbody, then dropkicks Gallagher away. He dodges Kendrick, then chops him down. Lince chops and chops, then runs corner to corner. Kendrick dodges but Lince hops up and flies for headscissors! Lince covers, TWO, but he keeps his cool. He whips Kendrick but Kendrick reverses. Lince handsprings, and hits the Golden Rewind!

But Kendrick ends up under the ropes, so Lince can’t cover. Lince doesn’t mind, he just builds speed, dodges Gallagher, and DIVES on Kendrick!

Down goes Kendrick and Metalik rallies with the matraca. Lince puts Kendrick back in but Gallagher is arguing with the referee. This allows Gulak to trip Lince up on the top rope! Kendrick grabs Lince for the Captain’s Hook, and Lince taps! Kendrick & Gallagher win!

Winners: Kendrick & Gallagher, Kendrick by submission

Give Gulak the assist for this one, because he was the only reason Lince Dorado fell to the mat. Gulak even joins them on the ramp side to shake their hands in congratulations. Does this make their alliance official? Is Gulak now one of the Ungentle Men?


Hideo Itami demands respect.

In fact, he feels he deserves it after defeating a former Cruiserweight Champion in Akira Tozawa. They’re no longer tag team partners, and nowhere near being friends. Respect aside, does Itami deserve a Cruiserweight Championship match in the future?


Cruiserweight superstars speak.

The Heart of 205 knows firsthand that “Buddy Murphy is the strongest, hardest hitting contender” in the Cruiserweight Division. But if Murphy thinks he’s going to be the one to dethrone Cedric Alexander, “he’s got another thing coming.” Mustafa Ali let Alexander know that, friend or not, he wants to be the one to do it.

However, Tony Nese disagrees.

“Let’s think about it: Buddy Murphy has been unstoppable.” Murphy wants it more, has worked hard, and he’s the better athlete. The Premier Athlete believes the Aussie Antagonist will win.


Backstage interview with Drake Maverick.

The 205 Live GM has seen superstars from both the Cruiserweight Division and SmackDown voice their opinions on who they think wins tonight. What is his take? Maverick is excited, and knows the roster is, too. We’ll all be on the edge of our seats. However, TJP had a negative and almost dismissive take. Maverick doesn’t play favorites, and if anyone has a problem with his management style, they can just knock on his door. But one thing you do have to do in the Cruiserweight Division is prove yourself in the ring, not on social media.

Alexander and Murphy are great examples of this, as they’ve both overcome obstacles to be here. Maverick feels that here, in North Carolina, Alexander’s home state, in front of family and friends, Alexander will put his all into it. Maverick knows Murphy himself is like a train barreling through the division, and wants to prove he’s more than just a secret. It doesn’t matter who wins, Maverick will be behind them 100%. #BigFightFeel, let’s all enjoy it.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Cedric Alexander VS Buddy Murphy!

The Aussie Juggernaut...

The time for talk is over! It’s time for these two top Cruiserweight superstars to prove who is worthy of the title. Will Alexander continue his dream that he worked so hard to achieve? Or will Murphy achieve his own by ending Alexander’s?

...and the Carolina Kid Arachnid... ...battle for this title!

The bell rings and we begin! Fans are on Alexander’s side, but Murphy taunts him with a flick of sweat at him. Alexander grins and ties up with Murphy. Murphy gets the arm and wristlock, but Alexander rolls through. Alexander reverses the wristlock, but Murphy spins to get the waistlock. Murphy spins Alexander and gets the arm again, but Alexander spins again, only for Murphy to power him to the mat. Alexander kips up, Murphy powers him back down, and repeat. Murphy keeps Alexander down on the third time, but Alexander headscissors. Murphy pops out but Alexander sweeps the legs for a cover, ONE, and roles reverse. Alexander handsprings and stares Murphy down while fans applaud. Murphy stands up, Alexander says this is “My House!”

They circle again while fans cheer for the home state hero. Murphy gets the waistlock, Alexander the standing switch but Murphy switches back. Alexander slips out of the back suplex, then rolls to handspring back. Murphy cartwheels through the headscissors, wagging his finger “no no no.” Alexander whips but Murphy headscissors, and now Alexander handsprings through! The two stare down, but fans are still rallying for Alexander. Murphy shoves him down then speeds things up, but Alexander rolls off his back. Alexander handsprings and headscissors Murphy out now. He builds speed, but fakes Murphy out, and they stare down again as Alexander handsprings back while Murphy slides in. Fans are loving this, and even Murphy has to grin.

Alexander says this is still his house, but Murphy starts swinging. Alexander bobs ‘n’ weaves to avoid Murphy’s punches, then dropkicks Murphy down! Cover, ONE, but Alexander keeps his cool. Murphy powers Alexander to a corner, and keeps Alexander from escaping, to then stomp and forearm away. Murphy runs in but Alexander puts him on the apron. Alexander rocks Murphy with a back elbow, then sends him down with the swing kick. Alexander builds speed again, to hit Murphy with a wrecking ball dropkick. Murphy hits the announce desk, but Alexander isn’t done. Alexander builds speed and DIVES!

The tope suicida sends Murphy over the announce desk now! Alexander climbs up to embrace the cheers from the fans. He then taunts Murphy before dragging him up. Murphy trips Alexander and Alexander lands on a monitor! Then Murphy back suplexes Alexander onto the apron edge! And then throws him into barriers! Murphy goes back into the ring only to refresh the count. He drags Alexander up and in, then kicks Alexander in the back. Alexander writhes in pain, but Murphy kicks and kicks him again. Cover, TWO, but Murphy still grins. Murphy wants the fans to cheer Alexander on as he toys with the champ. He whips Alexander corner to corner hard, then kicks him again. Fans still rally but Murphy keeps on Alexander with another hard corner to corner whip.

Alexander shouts in pain after the impact, but fans still chant. Murphy snapmares and kicks Alexander again, then scrapes the soles before giving another kick. Cover, TWO, so Murphy drives a knee in for the chinlock. Murphy bends Alexander back, but Alexander endures. Fans rally and Alexander fights his way up and out. Murphy clubs him then pushes him to the ropes for forearms on the rebound. He does it twice, then a third time, but Alexander retaliates with his own forearm! Alexander gives a strong European Uppercut, but that back slows him down. Murphy kicks low and suplexes Alexander, but Alexander slips out. Alexander mule kicks Murphy, then runs in for a shoulder tackle at the corner. Alexander swing kicks Murphy, then springboards, but Murphy calf kicks him out of the air!

Cover, TWO! Murphy keeps his cool while Alexander crawls to a corner. Murphy takes aim at Alexander, and runs in, double knees to the back of the head! He runs and slides to try again, but runs into Alexander’s SUPERKICK instead! Both men are down but the fans are firing up. Fans rally for Alexander as he and Murphy stir. Murphy stands first, and hits the first punch. Alexander gives a forearm back, and now we have a forearm fight. Murphy rocks Alexander, then goes for a knee, but Alexander blocks it! Alexander retaliates with the elbow! Murphy staggers while Alexander fires up, but Murphy holds the waistband. Alexander pries himself free to then roundhouse Murphy! Murphy rolls out, so Alexander FLIES!

Alexander wipes Murphy out and fans are loving it. The champ puts the challenger back in the ring while fans declare “This is Awesome!” Alexander hits the springboard clothesline! Cover, TWO, and Alexander is surprised. Alexander and Murphy stir, but Murphy yanks Alexander to the apron. Alexander rocks Murphy with a right, then springboards in, but into Murphy’s boot! Out goes Alexander, Murphy builds speed and now Murphy FLIES!

Both men wipe out, just missing the announce desk. Fans applaud while Murphy gets up. Murphy puts Alexander back in, then climbs up top. He leaps, but Alexander gets under. Murphy runs back, but into a scoop Michinoku driver! Cover, TWO! Alexander is shocked but he refocuses. He stands up and the fans are rallying strong as ever. Alexander hauls Murphy up off the ground, but his back won’t let him lift Murphy. He tries again, but Murphy slips out. Murphy boots Alexander from a corner. Murphy puts his boot up again, but Alexander blocks it, only for Murphy to bring him down for a knee strike! And then a deadlift into the running suplex! Cover, TWO, and now Murphy is shocked. Fans have not stopped cheering for Alexander as he crawls to ropes.

Murphy grins as he stalks Alexander to the apron. Murphy brings Alexander up, and has a bad idea. Alexander resists, Murphy clubs, but Alexander gets back in the ring. Alexander swing kicks again, then springboards back out for a #GetOverHere complete shot, to the apron!!

Murphy hits the edge, but both men are down from the fall. The referee checks on both men, but they seem okay to continue. The referee starts the ring count, and Alexander stirs. Murphy stirs at 4, but they’re both still crawling by 7. They both leap in at 9.5! Both Alexander and Murphy glare at each other. There is no quit in either man, and fans hope they “Fight Forever!” Alexander stands and dares Murphy to bring it. Murphy gives a forearm, so Alexander gives one back. Alexander runs, handsprings, but Murphy catches Alexander into inverted chicken wings. Murphy manages to power Alexander up onto his shoulder, for the AK DDT!

Cover, TWO!? Fans can’t believe it! They rally for Alexander as both men crawl to corners. Both men glare at each other from across the way, then run back in to throw fast and furious hands! Murphy blocks to unleash his strike fest, but Alexander dodges the knee to enziguri Murphy! Murphy still hits Alexander with a strong right, but Alexander comes back with an even stronger EuroUpper! Alexander kicks, Murphy blocks and pushes it away, to then rock Alexander with a knee! Cover, TWO!! Again, Murphy is shocked, but fans still love it. The fans again declare “This is Awesome!” while Murphy crawls over to Alexander. Murphy prepares the pumphandle, but Alexander victory rolls it, TWO. Alexander goes to kick, but Murphy turns it into a powerbomb! High stack cover, TWO, so Murphy gives Alexander a kamigoye! Cover, TWO!!

Murphy still can’t comprehend how Alexander is still going. Fans clap for “Go, Cedric! Go, Cedric!” Murphy brings Alexander up, then tells him he’s the true champ. Murphy throws Alexander to the ropes, but Alexander handsprings for the Neuralizer! Alexander runs, and hits another! Then, LUMBAR CHECK!

Cover, Alexander wins!!

Winner: Alexander, by pinfall; still WWE Cruiserweight Champion

Alexander does it! Though he was against a bigger and stronger opponent, Alexander proves he is the tougher and hungrier superstar. Raleigh is proud of their home state hero and give a standing ovation for the #AgeofAlexander. With the Aussie Juggernaut being turned away, who will be the next to challenge the Soul of 205 Live?



My Thoughts:

This was an incredible night for 205 Live. The growing story between Lucha House Party VS Gulak, Gallagher & Kendrick is taking shape, and it would seem my guess was right, Gulak is joining forces with Gallagher & Kendrick to make this a trios feud. I still think it’d be best to keep the titles as a Cruiserweight Singles and then a traditional two-man tag titles. Gulak can be the singles man while Kendrick & Gallagher go for the tag titles. Of course, WWE still needs to build up the Cruiserweight Tag Team Division, since they broke Itami & Tozawa up already. Maverick being informed about TJP’s tweet is a good touch to that story, I’m curious as to where it will go. The main event was incredible, almost 25 minutes and I dare say Match of the Week material.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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