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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Live Report! (5/29/18)



SmackDown brings an amazing match free on TV!

SmackDown has one spot left in the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and it comes down to two modern greats! Daniel Bryan always gives it his all, especially when it comes to second chances, but can he keep Samoa Joe from putting him to sleep? Plus, Shinsuke Nakamura looks to tune up for MITB using Tye Dillinger!


All images courtsey of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Shinsuke Nakamura VS Tye Dillinger; Nakamura wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The New Day VS The Miz & The Bar; The New Day wins.
  • Asuka VS Mandy Rose; Asuka wins.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Triple Threat: Daniel Bryan VS Big Cass VS Samoa Joe; Joe wins and joins the Men’s MITB Ladder Match.


Samoa Joe heads to the ring!

His match with Daniel Bryan is meant to be the main vent, but the Destroyer does what he wants when he wants. And right now, he takes out a ladder to set it up in the ring!

Joe climbs up to preview what could happen in the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder match. Joe holds the briefcase and a microphone as Raleigh duels between cheers and jeers. “It is said in biblical text that the ladder represents the connection between the Earth and the Heavens.” Jacob would look to his ladder and see angels offering salvation. However, Joe will give us a different version. “There is NO salvation! There are no smiling angels”, but Joe promises to be smiling like he is right now. Joe vows he will have secured a title opportunity, and will unleash a campaign of fear upon SmackDown!

As for tonight, Joe will prove to Daniel Bryan that “there are things far worse than forced retirement!” Joe warns Bryan that if his sensibilities will allow it, call home to Brie and tell baby Birdie a story that “Daddy will be home for Money in the Bank, but he won’t be the same man.” No, Bryan will be a man “with the eyes of someone who is drenched in regret and failure”. When baby Birdie asks why, it’ll be because a very bad man did it to him, and that man is Samoa Joe. But Bryan appears and responds!

There are lines you do not cross. Bryan has a vision and it goes like this: “You mention my wife and my daughter one more time, and I will break your leg.” Everyone knows where this is going, so why wait? Let’s fight right now! Joe moves the ladder aside while Bryan hits the ring, but Big Cass appears?

The Human Skyscraper walks out in suit and tie with a crutch under his arm. Cass’ leg is hurt again, but his mouth works fine as he tells the “Gentleman, what’re we doing here?” Are they children on a playground? It’s so juvenile, but what else to expect from a shrimp and a whale? Cass says this should be his opportunity, not Bryan’s. This “Second Chance crap” must stop! And it will, because Cass spoke to SmackDown GM Paige, and she said this match will not happen. But why? Because instead, it’ll be Samoa Joe VS Big Cass for that final spot, as originally planned. That is, when Cass is cleared. But when will he be cleared? He already is. ANd he swings on Bryan! Bryan dodges and JOe takes the hit, but Bryan goes after Cass!

Fans chant “YES! YES!” with every kick, but Cass whips Bryan into the ladder! Cass holds up the case and SMACKS Joe with it! Then he SMACKS Bryan with it! Fans boo and jeer but Cass is all smiles as he holds up the briefcase, as if he’s already Mr. MITB. Cass is smiling now, but will he regret getting on the bad sides of the Goat and the Destroyer?


Shinsuke Nakamura counts it out.

The King of Strong Style chose a Last Man Standing Match, and so he’s practicing counting to 10. But of course, he also hates 10 because Tye Dillinger called him out. Will the Rockstar drop Tye from 10 to 0 with a #Knee2Face?


SmackDown GM Paige springs into action.

After what just happened, she’s got her hands full. That’s when Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come in. Is the pressure getting to her? Is that why she’s giving people opportunities they don’t deserve? Like Asuka and the SmackDown Women’s Championship. Oh really, Asuka, who was undefeated for two and a half years? Yeah, but what has she done lately? Losing to Charlotte, for starters. There are way more deserving women. Like these two? Yes, they’re deserving, of a first-hand experience against Asuka. The duo formerly known as Absolution is confident, but probably not for the right reasons.

Renee comes by and asks about the main event situation. Is Cass right about the main event changing? Paige is upset that Samoa Joe “hijacked” the show and then Cass speaking for her. No one speaks for Paige, though she liked the passion in all three men. The winner of the MITB contract will change their careers forever. Cass is cleared, that’s true. But Bryan did earn another chance. Therefore, the only fair way to do this is… a TRIPLE THREAT! And with that, the show rolls on.


Shinsuke Nakamura VS Tye Dillinger!

The Perfect 10 wants to prove himself worthy, but the King of Strong Style only cares about himself and the WWE Championship. Will Nakamura remain on track towards another rematch with AJ Styles?

The bell rings and Nakamura taunts Tye. Tye shoves Nakamura, so Nakamura fires off knees. Nakamura whips Tye but Tye dodges to chop Nakamura back. Tye puts Nakamura in a corner and gives a chop back. Tye climbs up to begin Perfect 10 corner punches. Nakamura slips out before Tye can get all ten, but Tye pursues. Nakamura mule kicks Tye, then kicks and knees him again. They go back into the ring, but Nakamura takes him time, allowing Tye to dropkick him out! Tye builds speed but is intercepted by a knee! Nakamura catches his breath while we go picture in picture.

Nakamura toys with Tye while he crawls around. Tye gets to the announce desk but Nakamura keeps toying with the Perfect 10. Tye mule kicks back, but Nakmaura puts him into barriers. They go back in the ring again, and Nakamura keeps on Tye with a scoop slam. Cover, TWO, again, TWO. Nakamura grows annoyed with Tye, and stalks him back to a corner. He grinds a shoe in Tye’s face, but Tye stands up. Nakamura enziguris him back down, then gives him BAD Vibrations! Nakamura stalks Tye again, before dropping a knee on his face. He toys with Tye more, snapmare to seated cobra clutch. Tye endures and stands up, but Nakamura brings him back down. Tye reaches, then feeds off the fans’ Ten chants. He stands up, fights back, then chops Nakamura again. Tye whips but Nakamura reverses hard, and Tye falls to the mat.

Tye writhes but Nakamura is on him again. Nakamura drags Tye up into the cobra clutch again while we go single picture. Fans duel, but Tye uses a jawbreaker to break free. Nakamura staggers away, and Tye runs, but into the knee! Nakamura wants the referee to count. When the referee doesn’t get it, Nakamura counts instead. He’s treating this like the last man standing match, but Tye gets up at 3. Tye chops Nakamura agani, but Nakamuar throws knees and an ax kick! Nakamura counts again, and gets past 5. Tye stands up at 7, which annoys Nakamura. Nakamura unloads more strikes in the corner, then hoists Tye up to the top rope. Nakamura backs off, to hit the Top Shelf knee! Tye goes down again, and a new count begins. Nakamura reaches 9, but Tye still stands. Tye says “TEN!” for him!

Then Tye dodges Nakamura, and copies the “C’MON!!” Tye dodgse again, then throws haymakers and chops. He whips Nakamura but Nakamura reverses into knees, but Tye hits a lariat! Fans rally as Tye fires up. Tye gives Nakamura a knee of his own, and Nakamura rolls to the apron. Tye pursues, but Nakamura kicks him away. Nakamura climbs up, and hits a FLYING knee! Then Nakamura returns to a corner, and hits KINSHASA!! Cover, Nakamura wins!

Winner: Nakamura, by pinfall

The King of Strong Style didn’t get to count to 10, but he has delivered more than a message here. In fact, he gives Tye a second KINSAHSA to the back! Nakamura counts all over again, and this time he reaches 10. He wants to take both the title and Styles’ honor, but will he get to count Styles out like he did Tye?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

The Phenomenal One knows what Nakamura just did. Nakamura has confidence in the last man standing match. Styles remembers the #Knee2Face and the mocking 10 count. Somewhere down the line, Nakamura snapped, and there’s probably a reason for it. It makes Nakamura more dangerous than ever, and yes, the match type favors him. But it’s the story of Styles’ life. His opponents underestimate him, but he comes out on top. Styles fights smarter and harder than even the bigger and stronger men. Styles is the last man to leave, and the last man to back down, so when Nakamura comes for everything Styles has built, Styles will be the Last Man Standing.


Aiden English gives an introduction.

MC Artiste declares that MITB will have both Rusev Daaaay~, and Lana is the Best~, Lana Number One!

Dance Off: Lana w/ Rusev Day VS Naomi w/ The Usos!

The Ravishing Russian and Mrs. #GlowTime are both in the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, but before going toe to toe with six other women, they’ll go move for move in Raleigh. The whole family is present, which crew will shine brighter before going for the big money contract?

Lana takes the first turn, showing her pop-lock skills to a techno pop ballad. She even finishes with a Spinarooni. Naomi takes her turn, with a more up-tempo song for her to spin and twerk it out. Naomi tops it off with the splits, then dabs on ’em. Lana asks for a head-to-head duet, and we have round three. They work together for the Kid ‘n’ Play and they go back to back, but Lana hits a neckbreaker!

Rusev pries his wife away, but then Lana SLAPS Jimmy! Naomi smacks Lana back, and now it’s a brawl! Double SUPERKICKS from the Usos to Engilsh & Rusev, then a Rear View for Lana. Naomi & the Usos run off Team Rusev Day, and the fun is over. Will Naomi take the contract? Or will Lana & Rusev become the first ever Mr. & Mrs. MITB?


Six Man Tag: The New Day VS The Miz & The Bar!

Awwwww Raleigh~! Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods still need to choose a member to put into the Men’s MITB Ladder Match, but for now, they’ll work together to take on the reunited A-Lister, Celtic Galdiator & Swiss Cyborg. Can the Power of Positivity win to keep all three men strong for the golden opportunity down the road?

The bell rings and Big E starts against The Miz in a rematch from last week. Big E swivels while fans are thunderous for the pancakes. Miz tags out to Cesaro, and Cesaro kicks at Big E. E blocks and then throws Cesaro overhead! Cover, ONE, but Big E tags in Woods. Kofi tags in, Woods slides for the lariat, then Kofi kicks. Woods drops a leg, Kofi rebounds to splash. Cover, TWO, but Kofi keeps on Cesaro with an arm wrench. Cesaro punches back but Kofi fights out of the enemy corner. Sheamus distracts, Miz dumps Kofi out! The New Day protests while we go to break.

SmackDown returns to Miz covering Kofi, TWO. Miz drags Kofi over and tags Sheamus, then holds him for Sheamus’ kick. Sheamus puts Kofi in a seated keylock, going after that arm. Fans rally for Kofi as he endures. Kofi fights his way out with haymakers, but SHeamus lfits him back itno his corner. Tag to Cesaro and Cesaro gives a running European Uppercut. Cover, TWO, tag back to Sheamus. Sheamus hits Woods just because, then tags Cesaro again. The Bar hit the backbreaker elbow drop! Cover, TWO, and both they and The Miz are upset. Cesaro taunts Kofi and the fans as Kofi crawls, then drags him up into a facelock. Cesaro whips Kofi to a corner but Kofi dodges and sends Cesaro tumbling out!

Fans are thunderous as Kofi dodges Miz now. Kofi crawls but Miz distracts Big E. Big E backs him down, but Sheamus takes the haymaker. Cesaro wrecks Big E, then Sheamus and Miz throw him into barriers! Kofi rolls Cesoar, TWO! Cesaro chokes Kofi, and Sheamus gets a cheap shot knee. Cover, TWO! Tag to The Miz, and he stalks Kofi. Kofi stands, Miz goes for the Finale, but Kofi swings out into SOS! Both men are down but Woods is back! Hot tags to Sheamus and Woods! Woods rallies, unleashing on Sheamus. SHeamus whips but WOods dodges to tilt-o-whirl headscissors. Woods catches Miz with an enziguri, then slips out of a suplex to dodge Sheamus. Sheamus goes into buckles, and Woods uses him as a stepping stool to FLY onto Cesaro!

Fans are thunderous again, Woods hits the Get Over Here DDT! Cover, TWO! Woods keeps moving as fans rally. He climbs up high but Miz distracts. Sheamus trips up Woods, and Woods tumbles down while Kofi LEAPS onto Miz! Cesaro runs KOfi over and coordinates with Sheamus. Tag, and they bring Woods up, for the ax handle back suplex! Cover, TWO! The Bar is furious but they keep focus. Cesaro brings Woods up, but Woods body drops. Tag to Big E! Cesaro runs into an elbow, then the Yurinagi Back Stabber! Cover, TWO!! Now Big E is stunned. He targets Cesaro while fans declare “This is Awesome!” Big E starts up the “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” and scoops, but Cesaro slips out. Miz tags, Cesaro goes out, Big E runs into a knee! Then the DDT! Cover, Kofi breaks it!

Sheamus throws Kofi out, but Woods rocks Sheamus. Woods slingshots but The Bar catches him to long dart him at the barriers. Kofi returns, and FLIES onto The Bar! Big E and Miz are left in the ring while Miz freaks out. Scoop, BIG ENDING!! Cover, The New Day wins!

Winners: The New Day, Big E pinning

The New Day wins to even the score from last week. The historic tag trio rolls on towards the MITB Ladder Match, but they still need to choose one of them to enter. Who will it be? Who who who?


Backstage interview with The Club.

Gallows & Anderson are the #1 contenders to The Bludgeon Brothers’ SmackDown Tag Team Championships. How are they preparing? Just look at them. Karl Anderson puts the abs in Absolutely Shredded. BAM. Anderson’s hot Asian wife loves them. But these two are hungry and will do what it takes to be the champions. They’ve buried the hatchet with The Usos, and asks about their battles with Harper & Rowan. Those two are beastly, but the Good Brothers are going to beat them like a couple of… But wait, a message from Harper & Rowan: “The depraved will infect the decent. Minds obliterated. Souls corrupted. Bodies liquefied. Prepare yourselves for… THE BLUDGEON BROTHERS!” Doom awaits us at MITB, will The Club be able to survive?


Carmella heads to commentary.

The SmackDown Women’s Champion wants to watch this match up close and personal, since it relates to her title defense at the coming MITB.

Asuka VS Mandy Rose!

The Empress of Tomorrow challenges the FABULOUS Princess, but the duo formerly known as Absolution feels Asuka is unworthy. Will God’s Greatest Creation become only the second woman ever to defeat Asuka in singles competition? Or will she be a golden brick in the foundation of Asuka’s second streak? But Sonya attacks Asuka from behind!

The Gladiator Gal puts things in Mandy’s favor now that Asuka is hobbling. However, Asuka is also furious, and she wants this match to happen. The bell rings, Mandy goes right at Asuka in a corner! Mandy throws forearms but backs off at 4, to then mudhole stomp. Mandy backs off again but Asuka fires up. Asuka misses but then comes back with kicks. Mandy blocks a kick for the gutwrench throw! Cover, TWO, but she tries again. TWO, but Mandy keeps her cool. She drags Asuka up and brings her around into a straitjacket hold. Carmella calls Corey out for being a bandwagon fan while Mandy whips Asuka to a corner. Mandy dropkicks Asuka then hits her with the knee! Cover, TWO! Mandy has control while we go picture in picture.

Asuka crawls while Mandy soaks it all in. Mandy toys with Asuka but Asuka fights back. Mandy clubs Asuka back down, then drags Asuka up for a standing chinbar. Asuka endures, and fights her way out. Asuka blocks to grab Mandy in a backslide, TWO. She tries a wheelbarrow but Mandy turns it into a facebuster. Cover, TOW, and Mandy is frustrated. Mandy drags Asuka up and over, with double underhook, but Asuka resists. Asuka slips out, dodges the knee and roundhouses Mandy down! Both women are down from all the damage done while we go single picture. Fans duel while the women brawl. Asuka gets the edge and fires off roundhouses into Mandy’s chest. She pops Mandy up for a knee and a big haymakers. Asuka runs, for the sliding kick!

Mandy flounders to a corner, but Asuka hits the hip attack. Asuka pushes Mandy out then climbs up, for the missile dropkick. She hurries to a cover, TWO. Mandy gets to ropes while Asuka gets to her feet. Asuka runs into a back elbow, then misses her hip attack. Mandy whips and reels Asuka into a lariat. Mandy deadlifts but Asuka victory rolls, TWO! Into the chicken wing! Mandy pushes back, TWO, so Asuka rolls Mandy into the ASUKA LOCK! Mandy taps, Asuka wins!

Winner: Asuka, by submission

The Empress wins, but the Princess is not impressed. Carmella walks up and into the ring, and she’s apparently not afraid, either. She raises her belt up while Asuka grins. Will Carmella still be this brave when she actually has to fight Asuka?


Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair see this backstage.

They both agree Asuka is going to be the new SmackDown Women’s Champion. However, Charlotte assumes she becomes Ms. MITB to set up a ‘Mania Rematch. Becky only sees a wall. Because off to the side there, that’s where Becky is, being the actual Ms. MITB. They are both friends, but they need to remember it’s every woman for herself. Becky won’t let anything stop her from winning, not even Charlotte. Charlotte agrees, but Charlotte needs that contract. Charlotte’s in the match, Charlotte’s going to win. Paige likes what she sees. This is the spirit they need to keep the contract on SmackDown. Like the old PCB days. Oh, that gives Paige an idea! Tea Time. Well, nostalgia aside, will Paige’s hopes come true that the MITB winner is from her brand? Or will their competing only open the way for Raw?


Andrade Almas meets Sin Cara backstage.

El Idolo and the man with no face used to be friends, but Zelina Vega isn’t about Almas’ past. Almas is the future of SmackDown, but Sin Cara is a nobody. Seriously? Almas explains to Sin Cara that yes, that is how it is. Has success changed Almas far more than even his friends expected?


Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Triple Threat: Daniel Bryan VS Big Cass VS Samoa Joe!

What was to be the Skyscraper VS the Destroyer changed to another amazing Dream (Re)Match, but then Cass returned to throw a 7 foot tall monkey wrench into everyone’s plans. Now that the odds are one-in-three, who will make it into the 8 Man ladder match?

The bell rings, and Bryan goes right at Cass again! Joe moves him aside to go after Cass himself, so now they work together on the bigger man. They stomp and stomp and stomp, then grind Cass into the corner with hands and feet. Bryan and Joe double whip Cass for double elbows, then Joe turns on Bryan with a swift chop! Joe snapmares and kicks Bryan, then jabs away on him. Joe jabs and jabs Bryan into a corner, then drags Bryan up for a headbutt. the referee reprimands Joe, but Joe just chops Bryan again. And again, and again. Joe whips Bryan but Bryan goes up and over. Joe hits buckles, Bryan wrecks Cass, but Joe wrecks Bryan. Then Joe runs and DIVES on Cass! The Destroyer glares at the tumbling Skyscraper, but Bryan climbs up to JUMP! Bryan wipes them all out while we go to break.

SmackDown returns once again, and Joe brawls with Cass. Cass throws haymakers on Joe then whips, but Joe dodgse and Cass hits buckles. Joe runs in to back elbow and Pele! Cass tumbles, Joe drags him up into the sleeper! Bryan runs in, but Joe sees him and gets the atomic drop and boot. Joe adds the back senton, cover, Cass breaks it just in time. Cass tumbles out of the ring but he and Bryan are stirring. Joe stands and sees Cass, so he gives Cass headbutts and strikes. Joe puts Cass in a corner for more jabs, but Cass turns it around to give uppercuts. Fans boo but Bryan fires off on Cass, which gets fans to cheer. Fans chant “YES! YES!” with every kick but Cass clubs Bryan right down.

Bryan is dazed but he gets up, only for Cass to toss him out. Cass pursues, to THROW Bryan over the announce desk! Fans jeer while Cass keeps his eyes on Joe while he throws hands on Bryan. Cass returns to the ring and throws hands on Joe. He whips Joe corner to corner, but Joe boots him away. Joe climbs up, but Bryan dropkicks outta nowhere! Cass runs in, drop toehold into buckles. Bryan kicks the ropes and it hurts them both. Bryan then fires off on Joe, and wrecks Cass with a dropkick. He goes back to Joe, climbs up, and throws punches before throwing Joe with a SUPER Steiner!

Fans fire up with Bryan as he targets Joe. Bryan runs in for another dropkick, then another, then… Cass clobbers Bryan! Cover, TWO! Cass is furious, but he takes it out on Bryan with a rain of rights. He towers over Bryan, then drops an elbow. Cass throws more right hands, then grinds a foot into Bryan’s chin. He backs off at the ref’s count, but brings Bryan up. Fans duel between Bryan and Joe, but Bryan fires off strikes on Cass, only to run into Cass’ knee. Cass has control while we take one more break.

SmackDown returns one more time, and Joe chops away on Cass. Cass clubs back on Joe, then gives body shots. He clubs Joe more, but Joe only powers up to chop and jab Cass again. Joe runs, but into a spinebuster! Cass backs up, drops the elbow, cover, but Bryan breaks it. Fans rally for Bryan as he kicks away on Cass again. Cass whips but Bryan ducks to jump, but Cass catches him for the East River Crossing! Joe breaks the cover! All three men are sore and tired, and Cass slips out of the ring for a breather. Cass returns and throws hands on Joe. Bryan comes in and gives a EuroUpper, then goes after the leg with a dragon screw! Bryan does the same to Joe! Fans fire up again as Bryan gives YES Kicks back and forth!

YES for Cass, YES for Joe, then the buzzsaws! Cover on Cass, TWO. Bryan brings Cass up for more strikes, then another dragon screw. Bryan wants the heel hook but Joe grabs Bryan in the sleeper! He brings Bryan down but Bryan makes it a cover, TWO. Bryan dumps Joe out, but Cass takes aim. Cass swings that boot but Bryan ducks it. Bryan goes to wrangle Cass down by that arm, and manages the YES Lock! Joe grabs Bryan and drags him away. Bryan shoves Joe and hits him with a flying knee! Everyone is down again, but Bryan gets to his feet first. He climbs up the corner, aiming for Cass. Cass stands, and Bryan drops him with the missile dropkick! Bryan fires up again, and kips up while Cass crawls to a corner.

Bryan and fans “YES! YES!” together, KNEE PLUS!! Cover, but Joe drags Bryan off into the Coquina Clutch!! Bryan is trapped, flailing, clawing, but also fading. Joe has put him to sleep, Joe wins!

Winner: Joe, by submission; joins the Men’s MITB Ladder Match

The Destroyer wins the final spot and keeps his threatening promise to Bryan. Joe will go to MITB while Bryan will go home, but will Joe follow through? Will Joe take the contract and use it to aim at the WWE Champion?

Meanwhile, Cass targets Bryan again. Bryan slowly stands, and Cass BOOTS Bryan down. Fans boo and jeer, but Cass doesn’t care, he just wants to ruin Bryan’s life. Will the Skyscraper pay for adding insult to injury?



My Thoughts:

SmackDown did much better than Raw with this week’s episode. Everything had something to do with the coming PPV, even the Dance Off between Lana and Naomi. Naomi and Lana are both skilled dancers, so maybe going with this rather than a match was a way around Lana still needing to catch up in wrestling. We are getting a mixed tag next week, and I’m both surprised and worried by the fact it’ll be Aiden English teaming with Lana and not Rusev. I hope the rumors of the Rusev Day break-up are false, because this might mean some kind of love triangle being the reason why. Rusev Day makes for a strong and very popular trio so hopefully they stay together. In fact, this could even lead to an Usos VS Rusev Day feud across both tag and women’s divisions.

Tye Dillinger’s return to TV is actually better than I expected, since he was up against Nakamura. He didn’t job to Nakamura, but gave a decent showing. Of course, Tye also made the perfect person to use for the Last Man Standing 10-count concept, and it really fed into the story. Tye just needs more chances. Same for Sin Cara, who makes a smaller return to WWE TV with Almas & Vega. I hope this becomes Almas’ first true feud so that both men get a good showing on SmackDown. Paige also keeps her old teammates in check by feeding Mandy to Asuka. Clever of Mandy to have Sonya attack Asuka for her, but it also makes Asuka that much stronger when she still wins. Then Paige adds on to things with her older teammates, Charlotte VS Becky is going to be a great sampler match next week.

The Six Man Tag was great, which is natural considering who was in it. New Day keeps on rolling, and the decision of who goes into MITB is definitely one we all want to know. At the same time, ladder matches are No Disqualification, so what would stop them from having all three men present anyway? Then the main event story has been great. Cass is the True Heel, getting all that heat from the fans as he “ruins” things with Joe and Bryan. The triple threat was great, even if there were more commercials than I’d like. Logically Joe wins, because now Cass and Bryan can focus on their story in a great rematch from Backlash. I’d expect Bryan to win the rematch, but in an even more decisive fashion so that this doesn’t extend all the way to Extreme Rules.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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