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Ja’Von’s Impact Wrestling Live Report (6/14/18)



Quick Results:

  • Rebel vs Taya Valykire: Taya Valykire via pinfall 
  • The Cult of Lee vs KM & Fallah Bahh: Cult of Lee via pinfall 
  • Moose vs Eli Drake (#1 Contender’s Match): Moose via pinfall 
  • Tessa Blanchard vs Kiera Hogan (No Disqualification): Tessa Blanchard via pinfall 
  • Jake Christ vs Fantasma: Fantasma via pinfall
  • Matt Sydal (c) vs Brain Cage (X-Division Championship): Matt Sydal retains via countout

Play by Play:

Impact opens with Moose walking into the arena in Philadelphia for his #1 Contender’s match against Eli Drake. Also they run a video package hyping the double main event for tonight’s show.

Grado kicks off Impact along with his girlfriend Katerina Lee making their way to the ring for a match. Grado and Katerina go to the corner to do their signature entrance but Eddie Edwards comes out of nowhere with a kendostick. He yanks Grado off the ropes and hits him with the kendostick to the back then tells Katerina to get out of the ring.

Eddie then says he had Callihan dead to rights last week in the woods and blames Tommy Dreamer for allowing Sami to escape and calls him out to the ring. Tommy tries to calm Eddie down and says they have a show to run but Eddie doesn’t care. Eddie calls Tommy shellfish for not allowing him to end Sami. Dreamer says you already beat him and tells him to move on. Eddie says he hasn’t spoken to his wife since Eddie was arrested. Dreamer says he has been talking to his wife which upsets Eddie and he backs Dreamer up into the corner. Dreamer is forced to push Eddie down to the mat which enrages Eddie some more and he hits Tommy with the kendostick and says Dreamer made him do it.

Back from break and Dreamer is backstage and is pissed with management. He says he is tired of being disrespected and is done with Impact.

Rebel vs Taya Valykire:

Rebel makes her way to the ring for her match.

“Lucha Royalty” herself Taya Valykire makes her way to the ring for the match.

Collar and elbow tie up with Taya getting the advantage with a wristlock but Rebel gets free with a cartwheel. Some back and forth ending with Rebel rolling Taya eitha crucifix for a one count. Rebel tries again with a roll up but Taya counters and sits down for a two count. Taya pushed Rebel in the corner and begins to go to work on her with a splash and couple of elbows. Taya throws Rebel into another corner and attempts a splash but Rebel counters with an elbow strike. Taya stunned for a moment but regains control of the match with shoulderblocks in the corner and wearing her down. Taya goes to show off a bit mocking Rebel and gets caught but immediately regains control of the match hanging Rebel on the ropes and begins choking her then choke her in the corner. Rebel fights back and gains control of the match. She hits Taya witha forearm strike then a running kneestrike off the ropes and gets a two count. Rebel then looks to be go for a split legged moonsault but Taya gets back up and quickly hits The Road to Valhalla and tells her welcome back b**** and gets the pinfall victory.

Winner: Taya Valykire via pinfall

After the match Taya grabs the mic and tells the fans to clap for Madison Rayne since she is back in the Impact Zone. Taya says things have change since Madison was here last. She says this is her kingdom and next week she will show Madison why she is not only Lucha Royalty but also Knockouts Royalty.

GWN Moment of the Week:

AJ Styles defeated Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels for the X-Division Championship

McKenzie Mitchell interviews Matt Sydal backstage and asks him how he will beat the undefeated Brain Cage. Sydal says yes he does look like a big dude but he says he sees something different inside of Cage. He says that last week he asked him to forgo his championship match and join him but he refused. He goes on to say he see things from a higher prescriptive and will win tonight.

Back from break and we get oVe with oVe cam. Sami says that last week was a win for them cause Eddie is now losing his mind and EVERYTHING. He also announced Jake Christ vs Fantasma for tonight.

The Cult of Lee vs KM & Fallah Bahh:

The Cult of Lee make their way to the ring for their tag team match. KM and Fallah Bahh make their way to the ring for the match.

Trevor Lee and Fallah Bahh kickoff the match. Collar and elbow tie up but Fallah gets the advantage and tosses Lee into the ropes. Lee then tags in Caleb but Fallah stands in the ring rubbing his belly and laughing . Collar and elbow tie up again this time Lee tries to help but to no avail. KM then gets involved and they take down The Cult of Lee which sets up for a double sandwich move. Fallah Bahh and KM then roll on top of both Lee and Konley TWICE each. Fallah goes to lift up Caleb but he rakes the eyes of Bahh and slides out the back. Fallah accidentally hits a samoan drop on KM which leads to Trevor taking him out then Caleb slides in to get the pinfall victory.

Winners: The Cult of Lee via pinfall

After the match KM is mad about what had just happen. KM calls Fallah a loser and he will always be one then pushes him down and leaves the ring.

Impact plays a video package of what happend last week on The Fact of Life and how we got to Drake vs Moose for tonight in a #1 Contender’s match.

Back from break we see LAX in the clubhouse celebrating their win from last week. King sees that next week they will be challenging for the tag titles. Diamante is still not trusting King but they all share a shot together and leave. King is left alone in the clubhouse and sits in Konan’s chair.

Moose vs Eli Drake(#1 Contender’s Match):

Moose was coming in the ring finishing his entrance but Eli Drake gets the jump on Moose with a shot to the back. Moose is then brought to the corner and Drake begins to put the stomp to him. Moose then fights back and sends Drake to the outside. Moose follows him to the floor and looks to slingshot Drake into the guardrail which he does. He then attempts a running splash but Eli counters and Moose crashes and burns. Moose then fights back and runs around the ring setting up for something big but gets caught by Eli who hits him with a death valley driver on the apron. Back in the ring Moose gets Drake in the corner and begins to light up his chest with rapid fire chops. Drake gains control of the match again and looks to hit blunt force trauma but Moose stops him with a headbutt that sends him into the corner. Moose then hits a couple of running delayed dropkicks then hits the go to hell for a nearfall. Drake comes back with a huge move of his own for a nearfall. Back and forth we go then Drake finally connects with Blunt force Trauma. Drake goes for another move but Moose counters with a big clothesline and both guys are down. Drake gets to his feet first and looks to hit a springboard moonsault but comes up empty. Drake fights back and looks to set up for the torture rack but instead hits a neckbreaker.

Drake then sets up for a superplex which he hits and only gets a two count. Moose is now favoring his neck as Drake looks to set up for the Gravey Train but Moose slips out and pushes Drake into the corner. Moose then rolls up Drake but the ref doesn’t see the shoulders on the mat so the pin isn’t counted. Drake escapes but ends up getting speared for his troubles which leads to Moose picking up the pinfall victory and becomes #1 contender to the World Championship.

Winner and #1 contender to the Impact World Championship: Moose via pinfall 

Tessa Blanchard vs Kiera Hogan(No Disqualification Match):

Tessa makes her way to the ring for the match.

Keirs makes her way to the ring and gets the jump on Tessa. She drags Tessa to the floor and begins to repeatedly slam her head into the apron. Back in the ring Tessa crawls to the corner and Keira hits her with a splash bottom first into the corner. The match spills back out to the floor where Tessa gains control of the match slamming Kiera face first onto the ramp. Tessa brings her back in the ring and hits her with a Sido suplex for a two count. Tessa then locks in an abdominal stretch which Kirea turns into a crossbody for a one count. Kirea looks to be in control but Tessa turns the match around and puts Hogan in the corner and begins tolay in the rights. Kirea hung up in the corner which allows for Tessa to bring in a chair but Hogan fights back for just a bit. Tessa regains control and hits the hammerlock DDT for a two count. Tessa then jawjacks the ref for counting too slow. Tessa then puts Kirea back in the corner and begins to lay into her some more but the ref admonishes her and pulls her off Hogan. Tessa then is mad again and jawjacks the ref again. Tessa turns around and gets a chair to the face for her troubles. Tessa tries to fight back and grabs the chair but Hogan stomps her hand to stop her. Kirea then hits a bulldog on Tessa on top of the chair but Tessa kicks out. Down the stretch the chair comes into play again as Tessa hits Kiera face first off the chair to pickup the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard via pinfall

Back from break se see a recap of everything that has happened since the mystery attacks has begun. Josh Mathews accuses Petey Williams as the attacker but they still don’t officially know who it is yet.

Jake Christ vs Fantasma: 

Jake Christ with his brother Dave Christ makes his way to the ring for his match. Fantasma makes his way to the ring for the match.

Back from break and we see Jake Christ get the jump on Fantasma by hitting him with a big running boot sending him into the corner. Jake tries to tear at the mask a bit before hitting multiple shoulderblocks. The ref backs Jake off Fantasma which allows for Dave Christ to get a cheap shot in. Jake Christ begins to wear down Fantasma with a headlock then transitions into a dragon sleeper but Fantasma gets to the ropes to break it up. Jake throws Fantasma into the corner and begins to whitewash his face then irishwhips him into the opposite corner but Fantasma counters. Dave Christ tries to distract Fantasma allowing for Jake to roll him up but Fantasma counters for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Fantasma via pinfall

After the match oVe and Sami Callhian attack Fantasma and look to take his mask until Pentagon Jr. shows up to make the save. Pentagon takes out oVe then goes face to face with Sami Callihan until Callhian decides to retreat.

Matt Sydal (c) vs Brian Cage(X-Division Championship):

Brain Cagemakes his way to the ring to challenge for the X-Division Championship. Matt Sydal makes his way to the ring to defend his championship. The bell rings and Matt begins to jawjack Cage and uses his speed to side step Cage multiple times. Cage finally catches him and hits a suplex but Sydal lands on his feet. Cage then drops Sydal which sends him to the outside of the ring. Cage tries to grab Matt by his hair but to no avail. Sydal slides between Cage’s legs to get back in the ring. Cage catches Sydal and tosses him into the corner and begins to lay in the rights. Jimmy Jacobs and Kongo Kong come out to the ringside area which causes a distraction for Cage.

Matt Sydal uses it as an opening to gain control of the match. Sydal wears him down with submissions but Cage fights out and gains control of the match. Cage hits an overhead suplex which sends Sydal to the outside. Sydal then tries to come into the ring from another side of the ring but gets caught and suplexed back into the ring. Down the stretch Cage still in control of the match goes to the outside to get Sydal and throws him back in the ring. The ref’s back is turned which allows for Kongo Kong to send Cage into the steel steps. The ref then calls for the bell as Cage has been counted out and Sydal retains the X-Division Championship.

Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: Matt Sydal via countout

After the match we cut to backstage and Fallah Bahh has been attacked and Petey Williams is holding the calling card of the mysterious attacker. Sonjay along with officials and a cop catch him with the calling card and assume that he is the attacker. Sonjay then tells the cop to arrest Petey and take him out of the Impact Zone. On the way out the cop attacks Petey and shows his face. He then says that Petey should be accountable for the attacks then stands over him with the calling card to end the show.

Ja’ Von’s Take: The show was pretty good overall. We got to see more storyline progression and found out the main event for Slammiversary: Austin Aries (c) vs Moose(Impact World Championship). Tonight was also huge because we finally saw who the mystery attacker is but no name was announced. We also saw Brain Cage taste defeat for the first time since coming to Impact. I predict that Impact will see another bump in viewership this especially since the NBA Finals are over

Next Week: Z & E vs LAX(Impact Tag Team Championships)

Taya Valykire vs Madison Rayne

My Score: 7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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