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Mitchell’s Lucha Underground Report! (7/4/18)



Lucha Underground Season 4

Lucha Underground Season 4, “Pain, Love and Sacrifice to the Gods.”

After the first ever Three Way to the Grave, only Mil Muertes is left alive! What is the fate of the immortal Fenix? Plus, the Worldwide Underground’s leader and first lady, Johnny Mundo & Taya, challenge the Reptile Tribe’s own Queen & King, Kobra Moon & Daga! Will the slithering duo be taken to Slam Town?


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  • Big Bad Steve w/ The Beautiful Brenda VS Jake Strong; Strong wins.
  • Johnny Mundo & Taya Valkyrie VS Kobra Moon & Daga; Mundo & Taya win.
  • Mr. Pectacular VS Matanza Cueto: Matanza wins, Mr. Pectacular is sacrificed.
  • Ancient Aztec Medallion match: King Cuerno VS Chavo Guerrero; Cuerno wins.


Catrina has Fenix’s body.

“Your life is gone, my love.” She kisses Fenix one last time, as her life begins again. She is transformed into a lady in red. Is Catrina truly freed from the spirit realm? And what of Fenix’s own body?

Melissa sits alone backstage.

She mourns the loss of her love, as she looks back at pictures taken with him. But Catrina walks in. Don’t cry, Melissa. He’s never coming back. Fenix gave his life for the woman that truly loved him: Catrina. But she has a gift for him. Her half of the amulet that kept her from dying. But now, she’s never felt more alive. Catrina leaves, leaving Melissa alone with the mystical amulet. Has the curse been passed on?


Big Bad Steve w/ The Beautiful Brenda VS Jake Strong!

In their Lucha Underground debuts under Infamous Incorporated, these two men failed to win the Trios Championships for Famous B. Though, it was Famous B’s fault. But even so, the “Savage” Strong brutally beat down BBS, Sammy Guevara and Famous B himself. Steve is back for revenge, but will he just end up with a broken ankle like Famous B?

The bell rings and they tie up. Strong puts BBS in a corner, then fires off body shots. Strong reels BBS in for a waistlock, but BBS blocks the lift. BBS elbows and haymakers Strong, but Strong barely staggers. Strong gives back a big lariat that knocks BBS over. Strong bumps BBS off a buckle, then fires off forearms into the kidneys. Fans are strongly behind Strong as he goes to the outside to throw hammering fists right to the head. BBS staggers out of the corner and falls to the mat, but Strong isn’t done with him. Strong runs corner to corner for an All American Vader Bomb! He isn’t covering, though, he’s firing himself up. BBS slowly stirs, but Strong runs to run him over with a clothesline. Strong still doesn’t cover, because he wants the leg! Savage Ankle Lock! BBS taps, Strong wins!

Winner: Jake Strong, by submission

Strong isn’t letting go, he wants BBS to suffer. And there’s the snap! BBS has a broken ankle! Strong truly is savage and shows no mercy. Who else in Lucha Underground will end up with broken ankles before Strong is stopped?

But he’s not done there! Strong goes out and picks up the crawling BBS for a gutwrench powerbomb to the floor! Strong has no mercy for anyone. Will it only be a matter of time before he challenges for championship gold?


Antonio Cueto has a drink in his office.

But he isn’t alone. “I believe you have something that doesn’t belong to you.” King Cuerno admits to having the Gauntlet of the Gods. “It was… stolen from me.” And he doesn’t know where it is now. Antonio is sure Cuerno has heard the stories from his ancestors. The Gauntlet is dangerous in the wrong hands, because it can make the user “into a god.” Why do you think Antonio stole it from Muertes? But then someone stole it from him. Maybe it was Muertes? Only the gods know the truth.

But Antonio offers something on their behalf, that will perhaps convince Cuerno to return the Gauntlet. It is not only an ancient Aztec Medallion, but the one specifically from Cuerno’s tribe of hunters! Win this and Cuerno will have a chance at the Gift of the Gods, and from there a chance to be Lucha Underground Champion. And since Antonio is feeling generous, he’ll give Cuerno that chance on top of a chance for revenge against the man who eliminated him in Aztec Warfare: Chavo Guerrero.

Cuerno accepts, but in comes Cage. He knows everyone saw what he did to Pentagon. He wants to finish the job. Cage is a very impatient man. Cuerno laughs. Cuerno is a man, Cage is a machine. Antonio admits what he did to Pentagon Dark was impressive. But that doesn’t mean Cage gets a title match. Instead, he’ll have to earn it with an Aztec Medallion. Cage’s opponent will be the man whose tribe this medallion represents. And from what Cuerno has told Antonio, that man has possession of the Gauntlet. next week, Cage will have a chance at revenge, against Mil Muertes. Two big matches for big opportunities at both championships and revenge! But who will come out of them the victors?


Johnny Mundo & Taya Valkyrie VS Kobra Moon & Daga!

A clash of clans has come to The Temple, and it was started by the Queen of Serpents sending #Luchasaurus, Vibora, after the Guru of Greatness in Aztec Warfare. Mundo and the “Crazy Blonde” struck back, but now things are going to be fair and square in the ring. Which devious duo will prove themselves Lucha Underground’s true power couple?

Lucha Underground returns as the teams sort out. Daga wants Mundo, but Mundo opts out as Taya starts. Taya and Daga circle and tie up. Daga gets the waistlock, throws Taya down then flips her over. Taya arm-drags Daga from the mat, but he cartwheels through. Taya speeds things up, tilt-o-whirl but again Daga cartwheels through. They rush each other, Taya sweeps the legs, cover but no count as Daga immediately gets up and wrings Taya out. Daga rolls through to crucifix, TWO and the fans applaud the stand-off. They go again, and Taya gives a stiff pair of back elbows. She runs but baits Daga into a boot. Daga staggers, she mule kicks him, and shouts “Viva la Wera Loca!” Fans like the swagger as she gives Daga a stiff knee. Taya runs, but into Daga’s sharp dropkick! Daga lets Taya crawl to her corner and tag in Mundo.

Mundo shoves Daga, so Daga gives a European Uppercut and haymakers. Daga wants Mundo to stay down, but Mundo speeds things up, only for Daga to come down on him with double stomps. Cover, TWO, and Mundo crawls away, clutching his back. Daga keeps on that back but Mundo bucks him off for a shining wizard and standing shooting star! Cover, TWO, but now Mundo has control as he kicks Daga around. Daga hits back but Mundo keeps him down with a knee. Fans rally as Mundo whips Daga. Daga holds ropes to kick and SUPERKICK Mundo away. Mundo ducks a punch to dropkick Daga, and Kobra tags in. Kobra climbs up and hits a flying huricanrana! She dropkicks Mundo down, covers, TWO.

Kobra drags Mundo up and over, Daga tags in. The snakes double team Mundo, then whip him again. Daga whips Kobra in for a big dropkick, and then Daga adds his own! Daga drags Mundo out for Kobra’s assisted splash! Cover, TWO! Daga grows upset with the referee, but fans rally. Mundo crawls but Daga clubs him down. Daga has Mundo in a corner and chops! Daga whips corner to corner but Mundo dodges and slides under. Mundo goes back out to swing kick Daga. Mundo springboards for a corkscrew crossbody! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Mundo drags Daga over. Tag to Taya, and WWU work together for a Mexican Surfboard and leg drop! Cover, TWO!

Mundo comes back and they chop Daga before double whipping. Daga ducks but Taya standing switches. Mundo aims, but Daga dodges, that SUPERKICK goes into Taya’s face! Taya is down, and Daga fires off on Mundo! Daga crawls, hot tag to Kobra! Kobra stalks Mundo, but he begs for a time-out. There are no time-outs in Lucha, she gives cobra kicks and knees to both Mundo and Taya. Kobra fires up but Mundo gets away. Taya dares Kobra to bring it, and now the luchadoras have at it. Kobra runs, tilt-o-whirl to Russian leg sweep! But wait, PJ Black is here! He kicks Kobra down while Mundo distracts the ref. Taya picks the bones with her surfboard stomp! Cover, Taya & Mundo win!

Winners: Johnny Mundo & Taya, Taya pinning

WWU used numbers to outsmart the Reptiles in #SlamTown. But this war is far from over, as Vibora appears! Taya runs in, but he grabs her around the throat. Mundo tries, but he fails. The Darewolf dropkicks Vibora but runs into a knee. Taya and Mundo try again, but Vibora shows off his agility! SUPERKICK takes Taya out again, then a headbutt does the same to Mundo. PJ gets a bicycle boot, and now Vibora runs in at Mr. & Mrs. WWU. Mundo gets out of the way of that Luchasaurus Cannonball!

Mundo crawls away but Vibora has him in his sights. Choke grip, choke slam! And standing moonsault! What can’t Vibora do!? Kobra orders Vibora to keep going, and with Daga’s help, they gather up the WWU. Mundo gets away again, but PJ and Taya are not so lucky. PJ and Taya are choked with each other’s arms! Kobra tells Mundo, “Soon, you will bow down to me, and call me your Queen~!” Will the Reptile Tribe conquer Lucha Underground with cold-blooded cruelty?


Antonio opens the door to the Monster’s lair.

Matanza is beating a man as if he were a punching bag. Antonio says “it’s time for your first sacrifice. Come with me.” The father leads his unholy son out of the darkness. Who is about to be a lamb for their slaughter?


Mr. Pectacular VS Matanza Cueto!

Jessie Godderz is back in the Temple, having debuted in Aztec Warfare 4. But Antonio Cueto comes out to see “Mr. Petacle” in his Lucha Underground. This is Jessie’s first singles match here, but sad to say, this might also be his last. Fans seem to like that. Because this isn’t just any singles match. It is another first-time-ever moment for Lucha Underground. It is a #SacrificetotheGods! And guess what, Pectacular? You’re the sacrifice! And of course, the god is The Monster, Matanza! Jessie doesn’t get what that means, but here comes Matanza!

Jessie dropkicks at the bell, but it does nothing. He flexes, and Matanza grabs him for a big German Suplex. Jessie gets to a corner but Matanza stomps a mudhole into him. Fans like this, but Matanza won’t let up. He yanks Jessie up from the mat for the sidewinder suplex! What strength! Matanza keeps going, as he whips and hits Wrath of the Gods!

Cover, Matanza wins!

Winner: Matanza Cueto, by pinfall

But The Monster God won’t stop to celebrate. The Believers chant “Sacrifice! Sacrifice!” And with lightning, Jessie is gone! This was just the first, so many more sacrifices will be made. Is anyone in Lucha Underground safe?!


Ancient Aztec Medallion match: King Cuerno VS Chavo Guerrero!

There is much more on the line than just one of the seven Aztec Medallions to qualify for the Gift of the Gods Championship. Chavo eliminated the King of Hunters in Aztec Warfare 4, just as Cuerno was zeroing in on the Lucha Underground Champion. Now Cuerno seeks revenge on top of his ancestral tribe’s symbol. Can Cuerno kill two birds with one arrow?

But as Guerreros love to #LieCheatAndSteal, Chavo starts early by attacking Cuerno before the bell with a DIVE! Chavo then clears fans out to bowl for chairs! Chavo digs Cuerno out from the wreckage to then suplex Cuerno against the post. Fans fire up for the devious lucha legend as he clubs away on Cuerno. Fans rally up for Cuerno while Chavo refreshes the count. Chavo bounces Cuerno off the timekeeper’s table, then off the announce desk. Chavo hits a EuroUpper, then stalks Cuerno to the stairs. He puts Cuerno back in the ring, but fans are on Cuerno’s side. Chavo climbs up, but Cuerno dropkicks him out of the sky! Cover, ONE.

Cuerno stalks Chavo now, and has him in a corner. He grinds his head into Chavo, then sharply chops him! Cuerno runs, but misses in the corner. Chavo clobbers Cuerno back, then throws body shots. Chavo runs, but into a clotheline. Cuerno covers, TWO. Cuerno keeps his cool while fans rally up. Chavo and Cuerno brawl on their knees, back and forth with haymakers. Chavo puts Cuerno in a corner and throws hands. He runs, but Cuerno dumps him out of the ring hard. Cuerno builds speed, but slides out as Chavo swings a chair! Cuerno then kicks the chair into Chavo’s face! Down goes Chavo, but Cuerno has the chair. Cuerno tosses it aside, he fights with honor. He throws Chavo into railing, then boots him back into them. Fans fire up as Cuerno runs in. Chavo flapjacks Cuerno up to the railing!

Chavo dumps Cuerno over, then goes after him from the other side. He grabs Cuerno’s arm but Cuerno yanks Chavo into railing. Cuerno sends Chavo down with a kick, then gets help from Believers. He stands up on the railing, and with fans all fired up, he FLIES onto Chavo! Both men crash down, but they’re okay to continue. Fans chant “Lucha! Lucha!” as the two stir. Cuerno gets up first, and puts Chavo in the ring. Cuerno points to the corner, and climbs up again. Fans rally, and Cuerno takes aim. Chavo gets up and trips Cuerno up! Chavo throws hands, then climbs up to join Cuerno. He prepares and hits the SUPERPLEX! Both men are down, too sore and tired to make a quick cover. Chavo crawls around, covers, TWO!

Fans rally up for Cuerno but Chavo stalks him at the ropes. Chavo stomps away, then brings Cuerno up for a hard buckle bump. Chavo puts Cuerno on the apron to grind his boot into his throat. Then Chavo grabs the legs to catapult guillotine Cuerno on the bottom rope. Cover, TWO! Chavo takes aim from across the way, but then decides to undo a buckle pad. The top rope is exposed, but the referee reprimands Chavo for it. Chavo sees Cuerno stirring as fans rally up again. Chavo goes to throw Cuerno, but Cuerno blocks! Cuerno back elbows, then throws hands on Chavo. Chavo throws hands back and they go back and forth. Cuerno gets an edge, but Chavo trips him up for another catapult! Cuerno manages to go up and over to avoid the buckle. And he kicks Chavo back!

Chavo staggers away, and Cuerno climbs up. Cuerno leaps for a sunset flip but Chavo rolls through. Cuerno hits a knee strike and Chavo ends up on the outside. Fans fire up as Cuerno draws his bow. Cuerno runs, builds speed, and DIVES for the Hunter’s Arrow!!

Fans are thunderous as Cuerno puts Chavo back in the ring. They’re dueling as Cuerno stalks Chavo. Chavo stands, and Cuerno runs in, but into a small package! TWO, and Cuerno enziguris Chavo down. Cuerno vows to finish this. He lifts Chavo in a fireamn’s carry but Chavo grabs the ref. Chavo gets away to then kick low and snap suplex. That’s one amigo, and Chavo holds on for a second amigo! Chavo gets another, but Cuerno blocks the third with a knee. Fireman’s carry into the Thrill of the Hunt! Cover, Cuerno wins!

Winner: King Cuerno, by pinfall; earns the Aztec Medallion

The Hunter takes down his wily prey, and now he has the symbol of his tribe. He adorns it with the sweat of the living legend. Cuerno is on his way to the Gift of the Gods, will he soon be hunting the Lucha Underground Champion?



My Thoughts:

A solid night for Lucha Underground for July 4th. Catrina’s ritual wasn’t as lengthy as I expected, but it does keep Fenix’s body intact, so maybe he’ll rise from the dead like Muertes has in the past. Jake Strong makes quick work of Big Bad Steve, and is wracking up a bone count much like Pentagon Dark. With plenty of Aztec Medallions left to win, I wonder if Strong will end up in the Gift of the Gods championship. It’d be a bit soon for him to win it, but he would enhance the level of talent in that match. And with Cage going up against Muertes next week, we’re getting at least one massive monster in that match as it is, so Strong standing up to Cage or Muertes would be a great moment in itself.

Mundo & Taya work pretty well as a couple, in that Mundo uses her as the shield or decoy. Taya really took some damage between Mundo’s Superkick to Vibora’s cannonball. I have a feeling between Ricky’s creepy doll and the Reptiles coming for blood, Worldwide Underground might not survive this season. Mr. Pectacular didn’t last long at all, but I figured he was only in Lucha Underground as a jobber. Of course, this takes that to a new level, he might never return. Though, disappearing in special effects is better for him than I expected. I thought Matanza was going to bust him open and scare the fans. Cuerno VS Chavo was great, and naturally with Cuerno’s tribe medallion on the line, Cuerno wins. I like that he got away with a lie, as we know he told Catrina the Gauntlet is with Aerostar. I wonder if he’ll be found out.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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