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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Report! (7/4/18)



NXT on Independence Day!

NXT brings fireworks for the 4th of July as The Top One Percent and Johnny Wrestling go 1v1 for the first time ever! Gargano may not be getting revenge on the Psycho Killer, but can he get back on track towards a title? Or will EC3 get yet another #VictoryAfterVictoryAfterVictory? Plus, Heavy Machinery VS The Mighty!


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Dakota Kai VS Santana Garrett; Dakota wins.
  • Heavy Machinery 2v1 Handicap: Otis Dozovic VS The Mighty; The Mighty win.
  • Velveteen Dream VS Chris Dijak; Dream wins.
  • Johnny Gargano VS EC3; Gargano wins.


Dakota Kai VS Santana Garrett!

The real-life Wonder Woman returns to Full Sail and is welcomed back by the Captain of Team Kick in this opening match. Both women competed in the inaugural Mae Young Classic but never met in the ring. Who will take the win tonight and make their way towards the NXT Women’s Championship?

The bell rings and the two circle. They shake hands to show respect, then tie up. Dakota gets a headlock, but Santana reverses to an arm wrench. Dakota reverses back, but Santana reverses again with a flip at the ropes. Santana wrenches the wrist but Dakota rolls and flips to reverse it back once more. She gets the reversal to a headlock, but Dakota powers out. Santana comes back with a shoulder and runs Dakota over. Things speed up and both women show their agility. Dakota changes direction to dropkick Santana down. Dakota whips but Santana reverses. Santana arm-drags Dakota a couple times, then wrenches the arm for a modified octopus stretch. Fans rally as Dakota endures. Dakota pops out but Santana gets the Russian leg sweep. Cover, TWO.

Santana keeps moving, and rolls into the Last Chancery! She pulls back on Dakota but Dakota crawls towards ropes. Fans rally, and Dakota gets the ropebreak! Santana lets go at 3, but she aims at Dakota as she gets to a corner. Dakota elbows Santana away, then blocks a kick to swing a kick. Santana ducks, but Dakota denies DaFeet to enziguri Santana! Santana gets to a corner, and runs into kicks from Dakota. Dakota boots, and runs Around the World!

Then the low boot wash! Dakota keeps going, bringing Santana out for the scorpion kick, and rolling backstabber! Cover, Dakota wins!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

The kick happy kiwi conquers Santana just like she conquered her fear. Can Dakota keep kicking her way to the top of the NXT Women’s Division?


Heavy Machinery finishes a workout session.

Tucker Knight and Otis Dozovic are ready, they did the weights, so it’s time for steaks. Otis loves juicy, thick steaks, but something happens to Tucker! Someone attacked him, and the Mighty are seen fleeing the scene! Is this how Thorne & Miller get out of a rematch with the pair of bulldozers tonight?


Shayna Baszler is here!

The Queen of Spades took on the crazy Nikki Cross in Chicago, and the sensational Toni Storm in London, both in challenging NXT Women’s Championship matches. However, the results were clearly the same both times: Shayna is still the champion. She returns to Full Sail tonight to say “Everyone kept asking me, ‘Shayna, how do you handle someone crazy like Nikki Cross?’ Well when a dog goes rabid, you put it to sleep.” The fans asked, and Shayna answered. She’s been the most dominant force this division has ever seen. The answer will always be the same. Go ahead, ask. She reads Twitter. Bianca Belair? Kairi Sane? Candice LeRae? That little woman should stay home and take care of her husband.

But in the end, the answer will always be the same. Shayna’s the reason there’s a second Mae Young Classic. They have to scour the globe just to find a challenger for Shayna. But it won’t matter who they are or where they’re from, the answer will always be the same. Shayna will put them to sleep, and we will hear “And still your NXT Women’s Champion.” The Reign of Terror continues, and the confidence is endless. Will anyone anywhere in the world of women’s wrestling step up to Shayna? Will that woman even win?


Danny Burch updates us on Oney Lorcan’s eye injury.

The British half of the One Two Combination knows he and the Boston brawler were just seconds from becoming new NXT Tag Team Champions. Lorcan is sidelined with the injury suffered at TakeOver: Chicago II, but their combined 24 years of wrestling experience got them that close. That’s just how it goes, but Lorcan’s had surgery and in recovery, so it should be about three months until we see him again.

However, in come the Undisputed Era. They dismiss Cathy Kelly to talk with “Danny Boy”. Settle down, Burchy, even if Oney Lor-Can’t recovers, they’re at the back of the line. The team that’s at the front is, of course, the Undisputed Era. In fact, they’re using their rematch clause to challenge Mustache Mountain. And to be real, Burch is a loser, so he should just go. Burch reminds the Undisputed Era that they lost those belts anyway. And even before that, Burch pinned O’Reilly. So hush. Where’s this big head coming from? Cole says it’s from giving Lorcan that one NXT North American Championship shot. Burch wants Cole to put his money where his mouth is, they go 1v1 next week. Cole and Burch, in a match? Challenge accepted! The Undisputed Era head out, will they regret taking “Burchy” lightly? Because yes, it’s happening, per William Regal’s orders!


The match is set!

Aleister Black managed to defeat his strongest challenger yet in Lars Sullivan, but what about his most dangerous? Tommaso Ciampa vows to end the reign of the Embodiment of the End, but will he and his black heart be what is made to #FadeToBlack?


2v1 Handicap: Otis Dozovic VS The Mighty!

“Tucky” went down thanks to a sneak attack from Thorne & Miller, but the Dozer will not let them go unpunished. Can Otis handle both Aussie bad boys in one match? Or will The Mighty find another way to cheat a win?

Fans chant “Steaks and Weights!” while Thorne starts against Otis. Thorne gets a strategy talk from Miller, then throws a towel at Otis. It does nothing, and Otis bulldozes them both. He throws Miller in, then barrels through them both! He clotheslines Thorne out then tosses Miller out on top of him. Fans fire up with Dozer, who shouts “No one messes with my brother!” The Mighty flank Otis, and Thorne gets the cheap shot in. That doesn’t bother Otis much, he just clubs Thorne with one arm. Otis runs at Thorne in the Mighty’s corner, but Miller saves Thorne while also tagging in. Otis hits buckles, and Miller bumps Otis off them. Again, Otis isn’t bothered, he just makes Miller eat buckle. Miller staggers back, faking an eye injury, and that allows Thorne to yank Otis out of the ring.

Thorne tags back in, and he stomps away on Otis. He bumps Otis off the apron, then puts him in the ring. Thorne covers, TWO, so Thorne flounders to a tag. Miller clubs and punches Otis on the mat, then storms off in frustration. Fans boo and jeer while Miller brings Otis up and tags Thorne back in. The Mighty double whip Otis, but their back elbows only stagger Otis. Together, they double back suplex Otis, and cover, TWO. Thorne keeps on Otis with a neck wrench, but fans rally up again. Otis gets up but Thorne knees low. Thorne tags in Miller, and they stomp away on Otis in their corner. Miller chops, then haymakers, then tags Thorne. The Mighty work to double suplex Otis, but Otis is too big. Otis double suplexes them in return!

All three men are down, but Otis stands first. Fans chant “Steaks and Weights,” and Otis rallies on The Mighty. He runs them over on an endless rampage of lariats! Otis lifts and throws Miller overhead, then sandwiches the Mighty in the corner! The Mighty flop down, and Otis powers up. Thorne leaps, but is caught, then dumped down beside Miller. Otis fires up, and does the Caterpillar! He elbows each man in turn, and has Thorne in the drop zone. Otis climbs up, but Miller saves Thorne from the Vader Bomb!

Thorne gets moving, running knee! Tag to Miller, and The Mighty bring Otis up. They give him the lariat to the back, cover, The Mighty win!

Winners: The Mighty, Nick Miller pinning

The Mighty took out Tucker Knight before ever having this match, yet they still had their hands full with Otis. Will they find shortcuts and advantages that will take them all the way to the NXT Tag Team Championships?


Bianca Belair speaks.

Even on her honeymoon, The EST of NXT has time to speak on what is going on in NXT. She sees these comments about other women thinking they’re the #1 contender. How? One runs around like a lunatic, the other is a pirate, the other is a captain of some team that doesn’t even exist, “and don’t even get me started” on the girl who can’t even focus on herself because she’s more worried about her husband. But then there’s Bianca, the undefeated EST, who hasn’t been pinned by even one of these… girls. For now, she’ll just get back to relaxing, and then maybe the other women will catch up. “But I doubt it.”


Kairi Sane speaks.

The Pirate Princess and inaugural Mae Young Classic winner heard what Vanessa Borne had to say about her the other week. And Kairi thinks Vanessa needs to focus more on fighting than talking. But it’s fine, they can have a match. Kairi vows to beat Vanessa, make her walk the plank, and then have her watch as Kairi takes the title from Shayna. Kairi’s eyes are set on the treasure, and the match is set for next week. Will Kairi keelhaul Vanessa on the way to challenging the Queen of Spades?


Velveteen Dream VS Chris Dijak!

The Patrick Clark Experience lost to the One and Only back in Chicago, then abandoned the Top One Percent in London. But that won’t stop his quest to be the best, can he rebound against one of the tallest talents in NXT?

The bell rings and the two circle. Dream swipes at Dijak, then they tie up. Dijak puts Dream in a corner, then backs off to say “Feast Your–“, but Dream interrupts with a finger to the lips. Dream poses but Dijak shoves him back with a grin on his face. Dijak toys with Dream but Dream puts Dijak in the corner. Fans are on Dream’s side, and Dream shoves Dijak to then pose. Dijak chops, then clubs Dream in the back. He boots Dream, but Dream fires off body shots. Dijak shoves Dream but Dream comes back with a kick. Dream runs into a kick from Dijak, then Dijak says it’s “Time to fly!” as he throws Dream with a suplex!

Dijak takes a page out of Dream’s book by shouting “What’s my name?!” as he pie-faces and clubs away on Dream. Dream hits back, then hops up, but Dijak SUPERKICKS Dream!

Dijak lifts Dream in a fireman’s carry, then shifts to standing backbreaker and “Go for a ride!” swinging slam! Fans applaud Dijak’s impressive power, and even chant “Feast Your Eyes!” Dijak grabs at Dream but Dream trips him up! Dream climbs, comes back in, and fires off furious arms and kicks on Dijak! Fans duel while Dream drags Dijak up for a lariat. Dream turns Dijak but Dijak resists. Dream still hits the Rude Awakening neckbreaker! He then stalks Dijak, and drops a leg! Cover, TWO, so Dream puts Dijak in a chinlock.

Dijak resists but Dream holds on. Fans rally, and Dijak stands up. Dijak fights back but Dream clubs him. They brawl with heavy hands, but Dijak gets the edge with elbows and a clubbing haymaker! Dijak roars then kicks Dream to give a forearm smash! He runs, discus boot! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud while Dream crawls to a corner and the apron. Dijak pursues, and decides to go up top. But Dream anchors his feet, to then yank him down! Dijak hits steel steps face first! Dream gets back in the ring while Dijak is dazed. Dijak manages to get back in, but Dream is on him with the Sidewinder! Cover, Dream wins!

Winner: Velveteen Dream, by pinfall

It was hard fought, but the Patrick Clark Experience conquers the top prospect that is Chris Dijak. Now that he’s back on the winning track, can Dream find his way to a championship?

However, Dream doesn’t get to keep the spotlight all to himself, because the Top One Percent appears.

The Best Here, the Best There and the Best Everywhere makes an early entrance, because he’s in the main event. But at the same time, that red hot glare he’s aiming at Dream lets everyone know he’s not over what happened in London. Can EC3 stay focused enough to win against an equally angry Johnny Wrestling?


Mustache Mountain speaks.

Trent Seven & Tyler Bate heard of the Undisputed Era wanting that rematch for the NXT Tag Team Championships. They also heard how the Undisputed Era thinks they’re “a joke”. What’s going to be really funny is when these two teams meet again, and Mustache Mountain spins the UE’s jaws. Seven & Bate did it in their home turf, it’s only fair they do it again in Full Sail. Challenge accepted, and GM William Regal makes it official! Will Mustache Mountain win in the United States like they did in the United Kingdom? Or will O’Reilly & Strong make those titles undisputed again?


Johnny Gargano VS EC3!

Johnny Freakin’ Wrestling went #JohnnyBadass against the Psycho Killer in Chicago, but somehow it backfired and Gargano lost. GM Regal has made the order that Gargano must move on from Ciampa, but the problem is that Ciampa is going after Aleister Black’s NXT Championship. Can Gargano keep his cool and get a win over the founding father of #NX3?

The bell rings and apparently he can’t! Gargano fires off left hands on EC3 right away, then pursues EC3 for more outside the ring! They go back into the ring and EC3 stomps Gargano. EC3 shouts for Gargano to settle down, but he won’t. Gargano powers out but EC3 runs him over with a shoulder. EC3 runs but Gargano dodges to then Thesz Press and rain down fast hands. Gargano then fires off more shots and backs EC3 into a corner. He chops EC3 again and again, then whips. EC3 reverses into the facelock STO, and grimaces as he bumps Gargano off buckles. Fans duel while EC3 gives back those chops around the ring. Gargano hits back with big forearms, but EC3 knees low.

EC3 puts Gargano back in a corner, then whips him out and in for the clothesline. He rolls Gargano out, takes aim, then hits the somersault neckbreaker! Cover, TWO, but EC3 keeps his focus. EC3 puts on a nerve hold, but fans rally up. Gargano endures the pain in his neck, but EC3 keeps him grounded. Gargano gets up as the fans keep going, and he fights EC3 back with more forearms. He whips but EC3 reverses to run him over with a big back elbow. Gargano gets to a corner while EC3 catches his breath. EC3 runs in corner to corner, for a big forearm smash. EC3 keeps on Gargano with a snapmare and then another nerve hold. He won’t let Gargano punk him like that, “I’m not Ciampa.”

Fans duel more, and Gargano gets up again. Gargano pries his way out but EC3 scoop slams him right away. EC3 shouts “Say my name!” E C 3 elbow drop! Fans keep dueling, but Gargano crawls to ropes. EC3 brings him up, but Gargano hits back with haymakers. Gargano runs back in, but is put on the apron. He kicks EC3 away, then slingshot spear! Gargano fires up and builds speed to DIVE onto EC3! The tope connects, but Gargano isn’t done. He puts EC3 in then takes aim, but misses in the corner to hit buckles. EC3 picks up speed and clobbers Gargano with a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Everyone knows Gargano has a lot of heart, but EC3 is surprised to see it in person.

EC3 drags Gargano up, but Gargano resists. EC3 clubs Gargano’s back, but Gargano hits back. They brawl back and forth with jabs and haymakers. EC3 kicks low but Gargano blocks the piledriver into an enziguri! Gargano gets to a corner while EC3 is dazed. EC3 runs in but into boots. Gargano hops up, and leaps, but is caught. EC3 pops him up but Gargano rolls him, into the GargaNO Escape! EC3 resists and rolls Gargano around, deadlift sit-out powerbomb! TWO!! Fans are loving this as both men are down. EC3 crawls away to sit up. But then Gargano sits up, and fans rally. EC3 realizes Gargano is up, but too late! Gargano is on him with furious fists! SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK! Then from the corner, full of fury and a bared knee, Gargano wants to use Ciampa’s attack!

But Gargano runs into an fireman’s carry! He manages to slip out, and he wrangles EC3 down into GargaNO Escape! It’s in, and EC3 endures as he crawls for ropes. Ropebreak! Gargano holds onto 4, then lets go. The referee reprimands the raging Gargano, but Gargano just goes back to his GargaNo Escape. EC3 grabs ropes again, but Gargano again holds on until 4. Gargano runs, and uses the Psycho Knee! EC3 ends up on the apron, but Gargano is beside himself with rage. EC3 stands, but Gargano is upon him, with a draping DDT! The same move Ciampa used to win. Cover, Gargano wins!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

Johnny Wrestling has become something far more dangerous than ever before. His obsession will the dark-hearted Ciampa is not dead, who else will Gargano make suffer on Ciampa’s behalf?



My Thoughts:

A pretty solid night for NXT to set up for the rest of the Summer. Without a TakeOver to build to while the main roster prepares for a lesser PPV, it’s really up to them when to schedule big matches. Shayna does great Heel work saying she has no one left and daring anyone to step up. She also plugs the second ever MYC so her promo could spur on some stories for that already. Dakota does great in beating Santana Garrett, which makes total sense given how Dakota went further in the first MYC than Santana. And Kairi Sane will surely win against Vanessa Borne next week since Kairi is the winner of the first MYC. In fact, I’d expect Kairi VS Shayna to then have the winner face the second MYC winner to establish which MYC class is better.

Getting the an NXT Tag Team Championship match for NXT TV is big, but with Adam Cole also busy with Danny Burch, I don’t think there will be much cheating going on. Cole likely beats Burch but Mustache Mountain likely retains. For that matter, Mustache Mountain likely retains until the NXT UK Division has their Tag Titles established. The Mighty really up the Heel as they beat down Tucker in the weight room, then find a way to use numbers against Otis. A lot of teams will be in limbo waiting for their chance at the tag titles, but I still say War Raiders are up before The Mighty.

Dream VS Dijak was really incredible, I did not expect that level of competition out of it. But at the same time, Dijak is no slouch in the ring, so it’s great he got to look that good against Dream. Dijak should definitely have a chance at the NXT North American Championship down the line. And with EC3 coming out early, I bet EC3 VS Dream will be a thing not too far from now. I do appreciate that we’re getting Aleister VS Ciampa already, and how it seems to feed Gargano’s story. Gargano definitely turned a corner tonight, and it’s only a matter of time before he goes after Ciampa against Regal’s orders.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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