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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/30/19)

Who faces the monstrous WALTER in his NXT UK in-ring debut?



NXT UK Coverage

NXT UK, prepare to be amazed by The Ring General, WALTER! Who faces this Austrian Anomaly in his in-ring debut? Plus, the Grizzled Young Veterans speak!



  • Dave Mastiff VS Jay Melrose; Mastiff wins.
  • Walter VS Jack Starz; Walter wins.
  • Jinny VS Kasey Owens; Jinny wins.
  • Mustache Mountain VS Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner; Mustache Mountain wins.


Everyone reacts to Walter.

From the moment he showed up at NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool, The Ring General was an imposing figure. And tonight, the NXT UK roster bares witness to his might.


Dave Mastiff VS Jay Melrose!

The Bomber continues on as the undefeated monster of NXT UK, but the Primate looks to change that! Will Melrose manage to move Mastiff aside? Or will he simply be another man steamrolled on Mastiff’s way to the top?

The bell rings and Primate goes right at Mastiff. Mastiff pushes him away, then the two tie up. Mastiff pushes Melrose again and Melrose roars. Both men tie up again and Mastiff shoves Primate. They both roar and collide but neither man backs down. Mastiff eggs Melrose on but follows to flatten him with a crossbody! Mastiff keeps on Melrose with elbow after elbow to the shoulders. Cover, TWO! Mastiff keeps on Melrose with a whip to the corner. Melrose elbows back, then runs for forearms. Melrose throws forearms and stomps in the corner, but stops at 4. He comes back with headbutts and then grabs Mastiff by the beard. Melrose clubs Mastiff down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Mastiff as Melrose is after an arm.

Mastiff endures the wrench, and powers his way up. Mastiff gets free of the armbar but Melrose knees low. Melrose walks into Mastiff’s kick, and Mastiff rocks Melrose with European Uppercuts. But Melrose hits back and we have a brawl! Mastiff hits, Melrose hits, repeat. Mastiff goes to suplex but Melrose blocks. Melrose goes to suplex but Mastiff is too heavy. Melrose rocks Mastiff with forearms and headbutts, then more clubbing forearms. Fans rally up for Mastiff as he again endures the standing armbar. Mastiff fights his way up, and fireman’s carry! Melrose slips out to rock Mastiff again. Melrose tries but cannot manage the fireman’s carry on Mastiff! Mastiff makes it a cover, TWO! Back senton squashes Melrose! Mastiff adds another!

Fans fire up as Mastiff stalks Melrose. Fans say “This is Massive!” as Mastiff deadlift German Suplexes Melrose to a corner! Then Mastiff dives INTO THE VOID! Cover, Mastiff wins!

Winner: Dave Mastiff, by pinfall

The Bomber continues to be undefeated, even after a gritty fight with the Primate! Will Mastiff be undefeated all the way to his first shot at the WWE United Kingdom Championship?


NXT UK takes a closer look at Xia Brookside!

The second-generation superstar wants to be the “bubbly firecracker” that flies high in the sky. Will she make a big showing in her in-ring return next week?


The Grizzled Young Veterans head to the ring!

Zack Gibson and James Drake are far from fan favorites, but they are the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team Champions after defeating Mustache Mountain. Fans boo and sing “If you hate Gibson, shoes off!” as Gibson grabs a mic. Drake keeps Gibson calm as he points out they have the belts. Gibson introduces himself as Liverpool’s Number One, and he has been saying that he and Drake were “SOON”. Everyone else was brain storming catchy names, but they were focused on one goal. Mustache Mountain was too busy looking for shiny new pants while they stayed focused. And then in the Empress Ballroom, they stole the show at TakeOver: Blackpool, and that is why they are THE NXT UK Tag Team Champions! Fans boo and jeer, “You Still Suck!”

Gibson says “Nah, you are not gonna take this away from us!” Wave your shoes like a doofs, but you will call them “exactly what we are!” You will call them what they’ve always been: the Grizzled Young Veterans! Fans don’t care, they keep booing. But Gibson continues to sing his and Drake’s praises, and proclaiming that the NXT UK Tag Team Championships are “SOON to be recognized as the most important titles in the WWE!” But wait, here comes NXT UK Assistant GM, Sid Scala!

Sid congratulates the Grizzled Young Veterans. But as the inaugural champions, they won’t be short of challengers. NXT UK will go to Phoenix, Arizona to show everyone, but especially NXT USA, which brand is truly the hottest in the WWE today. Sid knows GYV want to prove themselves as great champions, so Johnny Saint has found the perfect team to be their first challengers. Who who who? Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch! The One Two Combination gets a shot at the UK tag titles and afns love it! That very match is “Soon”, on NXT UK. NXT USA VS NXT UK, “lads, don’t let us down.” Sid puts pressure on the Grizzled Young Veterans, will they rise to the challenge?


Walter VS Jack Starz!

The Ring General finally gets some action in NXT UK, and it would seem Johnny Saint has found a lamb for the slaughter. Will Starz be able to stand after facing the almighty Austrian?

Fans sing along with Walter’s theme, the New World Symphony, and then chant his name at the bell. They also let Starz know, “Walter’s gonna kill~ you~!” Starz hits first and fast, but it does nothing to Walter. Starz chops Walter, but then Walter CHOPS Starz! Fans love that! Walter stalks Starz on the outside to then club him down hard! Walter gives Starz a back suplex on the apron! Starz writhes as fans sing again.

Walter puts Starz back in and dares Starz to put up a fight. Walter toys with Starz, who already has a red chest. Starz flails and staggers, but he does throw hands. His forearm is loud but Watler doesn’t flinch. Walter knees Starz hard, then whips him to ropes. Starz slides but gets caught and put in a corner. Starz elbows and dropkicks Walter, but Walter dropkicks Starz! Walter drags Starz up as fans fire up. Walter Bomb! Cover, Walter wins!

Winner: Walter, by pinfall

The Ring General has his first victory in NXT UK, and he made it look easy. Perhaps it was too easy. Will Walter dominate all the way to the throne of the Bruiserweight?


Backstage footage of Walter after his match.

Mark Coffey of Gallus wants after Walter for the boot to Joe Coffey. Referees keep Mark back, but clearly Walter has made enemies already. But the European Alliance greets Walter in a friendly manner. Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner let him know that if he ever needs back-up, they’ve got his back. Walter leaves without a word, and Barthel keeps Aichner calm. Will the EuroAlliance make Walter regret the snub? Or will there come a time when Walter does need friends?


Jinny VS Kasey Owens!

The Fierce Fashionista broke the spell of Isla Dawn in their match a few weeks ago, but she still wants at the NXT UK Women’s Championship. How long will the Spoiled Princess have to wait for her chance?

The bell rings and fans like Kasey more than Jinny. They tie up and Jinny brings Kasey down with a chinbar. Jinny goes after the arm but Kasey kicks back. Jinny claws Kasey’s arm then twists the elbow. Kasey gets up and reverses to snapmare and wrap Jinny up. Jinny slips out to a headlock and the takeover. Fans rally for Kasey as she works her way back up. Kasey powers out but Jinny runs her over. Jinny runs but sees Kasey drop down, so she stomps Kasey out. Jinny hits a big ax kick, then drags Kasey into the chicken wing cradle. ONE, and Kasey has body scissors. Jinny elbows Kasey and rolls her into double toehold! Jinny stomps Kasey down but Kasey keeps reaching. Kasey gets the ropebreak, and Jinny lets go at 3.

Jinny clubs Kasey down with hammering hands but stops at 4. She drags Kasey up but gets an uppercut! She rocks Kasey back with a forearm, then whips. Kasey reverses and runs in, double knees to a springboard crossbody! Cover, TWO! Kasey keeps going with fans firing up. She fireman’s carries but Jinny slips out. Jinny huricanranas back! Jinny fires up and runs at Kasey corner to corner. Kasey dodges but runs into a complete shot into buckles! Kasey tumbles out but Jinny brings her around to throw her into barriers! Jinny calls Kasey “scum like these!” before putting Kasey back in the ring. She drags Kasey up into an abdominal stretch and claws at the ribs and abs. Kasey fights her way out, fireman’s carry takedown, into double arm stretch! It’s a cover, ONE!

Jinny pops up but into the body scissors. She still rolls through to the seated surfboard! Jinny pulls and stomps Kasey as she goes into the double heel hooks. Kasey gets another ropebreak, so Jinny SLAPS her! Jinny drags Kasey up to the top rope then climbs, but Kasey fights back. Kasey gets Jinny in a hanging armbar! Kasey lets go at 4 then sits back up. But Jinny rocks her with a roundhouse, and tells her “Not this time, little girl!” Draping facebuster, aka the Makeover! Cover, Jinny wins!

Winner: Jinny, by pinfall

The Fierce Fashionista fights through the pain and gets another win! Will Jinny keep climbing and give Toni Storm a Makeover of her own?


Rhea Ripley barges into the NXT GM ‘s office.

She heard the talk. The best of NXT USA VS NXT UK better have her! She made history by being their first NXT UK Women’s Champion, but also made a major showing in the Mae Young Classic. She IS the best of both worlds, so Rhea wants a rematch for that women’s title. Johnny Saint asks she give him and Sid Scala a moment to discuss. And the decision has been made: In three weeks on NXT UK Phoenix, it will be Storm VS Ripley 3 for the title! Who will return from the states THE NXT UK Women’s Champion?


Mustache Mountain VS Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner!

Trent Seven & Tyler Bate may not be the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team Champions, but the #BigStrongBoys are still going to fight their way up to those titles. However, the European Alliance also wishes to be next in line for those titles. The Grizzled Young Veterans have the One Two Combo up first, but who will win here to be waiting for the champions after?

Teams sort out and Bate starts against Barthel. Blackpool chants for the “Big Strong Boys!” but also chant “NEIN! NEIN!” as the two tie up. Bate wrenches to a wristlock but Barthel spins and breaks free to snapmare. Barthel gets the chinlock but Bate slips through to get the wristlock back. Barthel reverses to a headlock takeover but fans sing for Bate. Bate endures and moves around to handstand walk out the back! Barthel is surprised, but he and Bate tie up again. Barthel gets the takedown and a toehold. Bate endures and pushes Barthel away. Barthel comes back and gets the leg again. Bate twists and throws Barthel away! But Barthel’s right back on the leg. Bate spins and pries free to get the headlock and takeover of his own. But Barthel says “NEIN!” and gets the leg again as he rolls through.

Bate works on a new solution, handsprings and then whips Barthel to a dropkick! Bate arm-drags Barthel into a wristlock! Fans sing as Bate wrenches and tags in Seven! Now fans sing “Oh~ Trent Seven Army~” as he wrenches Barthel. Barthel kicks free and tags Aichner, but Aichner runs into the arm-drag! Aichner fights back with body shots and whips Seven to a big shoulder! Seven crawls to a corner but Aichner is on him with EuroUppers. Aichner whips corner to corner but misses, Seven gets a hip toss! Seven has Aichner’s arm and tags in Bate. Seven wasteland slams Aichner, knee-board senton from Bate onto Aichner! Cover, TWO! Bate stays on the arm but Aichner pries free to reverse. Bate rolls and then handsprings but Aichner CHOPS him! Aichner brings Bate over and tags in Barthel.

Barthel gets the hand-off but Bate reverses to a headlock. Barthel powers out and hurdles over and Aichner tags in as things speed up. Aichner gets Bate in a pop-up powerslam! Aichner brings Bate back over and throws heavy hands and stomps! Fans boo but Barthel gets a cheap shot in as the ref backs Aichner off. Aichner drags Bate back up and tags Barthel. He holds Bate still for Barthel to dropkick him out! Barthel poses while Aichner puts Bate back in the ring. Fans rally for Bate while Barthel toys with him. Barthel drags Bate up for a shove, but Bate fights out of the Euro corner! Bate uppercuts Barthel but Barthel keeps him from Seven! Bate sunset flips but Barthel rolls through, “NEIN!” EuroUpper! Cover, TWO! Barthel keeps on Bate with a chinlock but fans rally up again.

Bate fights up but Barthel tags Aichner. Aichner elbows Bate down then toys and taunts the “Big Strong Boy.” Bate CHOPS Aichner back, but Aichner kicks and back suplexes Bate down! Cover, TWO! Aichner has Bate in body scissors and a chinlock right away. Fans rally again as Bate endures the squeeze. Bate moves around and turns inside the scissors to deadlift Aicher! Bate makes it a scoop slam! Both men are down again, hot tag to Barthel and he stops Bate. Barthel whips but Bate goes up, over and under, hot tag to Seven! Seven rallies with CHOPS! Seven fakes Barthel out, DDT! He hits Aichner, too, then runs in for a CHOP on Barthel. Seven dodges and Aichner’s boot gets Barthel! Seven bombs Aichner then snap dragons suplexes Barthel! Fisherman Suplex Slam! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up for Seven as he signals to Bate.

Seven brings Barthel over, tags Bate in, and they set their combo up. Barthel fights out, uppercuts Bate and tags in Aichner. Aichner walks into a CHOP, and then the full nelson! Bate runs but into a kick from Barthel! Aichner standing switches and gives Seven a German Suplex! Aichner feeds Bate to another kick from Barthel and then rolls Bate up, TWO!! Bate survives and fans rally up while Aichner refocuses. Aichner drags Bate up and supelxes, but Bate slips out. Barthel runs in but is tossed out. Bate sends Aichner into Barthel! Bop up, BANG! Tag to Seven! Bate FLIES onto Barthel! Seven has Aichner with CHOPS, then the Seven Star Lariat!! Cover, TWO!? Aichner lives and Seven is shocked! Barthel and Bate return to their corners but Seven fires right up.

Seven drags Aichner to a torture rack but Barthel tags in! Aichner escapes the Burning Hammer while Barthel rocks Bate. The EuroAlliance goes after Seven with a double whip. Seven ducks but gets a SPINEBUSTER and Penalty Kick! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives and now Barthel is shocked. Barthel drags Seven back up and wants the Landungsbrücken, but Seven counters with a stunner! Tag to Aichner, tag to Bate! Bate runs but lands on his feet out of the back drop. Aichner hits Seven but Barthel runs into a knee. Bate hops up but Barthel rocks him, then feeds him to the brain buster! Seven dumps Barthel out and breaks the cover! Everyone is down and fans are fired up!

Teams regroup, tag to Barthel. Barthel goes after Bate’s legs but Bate fights him off. Aichner leaps in but misses his frog splash! Barthel suplexes but Bate silps out! Bate hits them both with the rolling kick! Tag to Seven, and Mushtache Mountain hit the rebound lariat dragon suplex!! Cover, Mustache Mountain wins!!

Winners: Mustache Mountain, Trent Seven pinning

It was another tag team war, but Seven and Bate win it out! Will this lead them back to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships? Who will even have those champions after NXT UK’s trip to the states?



My Thoughts:

A really great episode for NXT UK! And to think Walter’s first match here wasn’t even the main event, or even the best match. Firstly, I was really surprised but impressed that they let Jay “Primate” Melrose look that good against Dave Mastiff. Getting to last that long but also get in some meaningful offense against a monster like Mastiff means a lot, so perhaps Primate can find a place to belong on the roster. As for Mastiff, I’m wondering if he’ll ever lose before his shot at the title. Granted, I don’t think Mastiff will win the title if it’s still Pete Dunne, or if it ends up being Walter. But Mastiff can still be a threat to any superstar not on that same level.

And speaking of Walter, he obviously gets to have a lot of fun squashing Starz. I like that in one backstage scene, they plant two seeds: Walter VS Mark Coffey (which we’re getting next week), and Walter possibly teaming with old friend Barthel and now Aichner. NXT UK is quickly becoming a brand of trios, with British Strong Style representing the home crowd and Gallus being one “Away” team. Walter doesn’t need to be Face or Heel in joining Aichner & Barthel, but joining them would definitely add to the landscape of NXT UK. Part of that could also be spun into the amazing tag team main event. The three trios could even find their way to an eventual NXT UK WarGames, if Triple H so chose, and I’d love to see it.

Jinny has a much tougher match against Kasey Owens than I expected. It was a bit rough at the start but that’s probably because Kasey had butterflies, but it sorted itself out. Jinny still wins because they need to build a new contender up, and she’s doing a good job of it. Rhea does great Heel work in demanding a rematch, too, and we’re getting that as part of the (tape-delayed) Phoenix trip. Worlds Collide is this Saturday, and that itself is delayed a week. There’s gonna be a lot going on for NXT UK while in Phoenix, and the third time around for Rhea and Toni is going to be great. I’m still pretty sure Toni retains to then move on to familiar foe Jinny, and they can have their showdown at the next UK TakeOver for their own great match.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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