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CMLL Results & Review (1/28/19)



CMLL Coverage

Joe Dinan brings you all the excitement of CMLL in his latest Results & Review!

Arena Puebla Monday

Centella Roja and Meyer vs Espiritu Maligno and Police Man

Roja and Police Man start out and they start to grapple and exchange holds. Maligno and Meyer come in next and they trade holds as well. Meyer disposes of Maligno to the outside and Roja catches Police Man in a stretch submission and Meyer hits a face buster on Maligno for the pin. First Fall: Meyer pins Maligno with a face buster.

We start the round with Meyer hitting a hurricanrana on Maligno then avoiding a double team attack, then taking Police Man out with a hurricanrana and then a back breaker on Maligno. He poses. Maligno attacks Roja on the outside to briefly take him out so they can team on Meyer. Police Man gets Roja when he gets back in the ring and hits a death valley driver then a senton for the pin. Maligno gets Meyer in a neck crank for the submission. Second Fall: Espiritu Maligno submits Meyer with a neck crank.

Meyer gets teamed on to start this final round. The attack moves to Centella Roja. Meyer and Roja try to do a double team attack but end up hitting each other. Police Man gets Meyer in a pinning combination for the pin and Maligno submits Roja with a stretch. Third Fall: Espiritu Maligno submits Roja with a stretch submission.

Winners: Espiritu Maligno and Police Man

Halcon Suriano Jr and Tigre Rojo Jr vs El Malayo and Toro Bill Jr

Halcon Suriano has so much body grease on and I’m not sure why. He’s not big or muscular. Malayo and Rojo start the match off and they trade holds and submissions on the ground. Halcon and Toro come in and Bill tries to use his size to his advantage but Halcon uses his quickness to counter. Rojo and Halcon team up and get the advantage on the other two. Rojo hits a moonsault on Malayo and Halcon hits a 450 on Bill for the fall. First Fall: Halcon Suriano pins Toro Bill with a 450.

Suriano hits a hurricanrana on Bill then tosses him to the outside then poses. Malayo and Bill team on Rojo. Bill hits a back drop on Halcon to take him out briefly. They continue to work on Rojo and Halcon, until Bill hits a swinging slam into a leg lock on Halcon. Malayo gets Rojo in a neck crank for the fall. Second Fall: El Malayo submits Tigre Rojo with a neck crank.

Bill hits knees to the corner on Rojo to start the round. Malayo takes out Halcon with a basement drop kick. Rojo ducks a double team attack and launches Halcon into Bill for a hurricanrana. Rojo then catches Malayo in a leg lock and Halcon gets Bill in a surfboard stretch for the win. Third Fall: Halcon Suriano submits Toro Bill Jr with a surfboard stretch.

Winners: Halcon Suriano Jr and Tigre Rojo Jr

Marcela and Princesa Sugehit vs Amapola and La Comandante

Marcela starts with Comandante and they tie up a few times with Comandante using her strength to her advantage. They do some grappling on the ground but not much. Comandante throws her by her hair a few times. Sugehit comes in with Amapola and hits multiple arm drags. They start to grapple but when they get up Sugehit gets the advantage on Amapola. Comandante again gets in with Marcela and she tries to use her size again but to no avail. Marcela hits a middle rope knees to the gut on Comandante for the pin. Sugehit submits Amapola with a head shake submission. First Fall: Sugehit submits Amapola with a head shake submission.

Sugehit and Comandante stare each other down and bump chests. Comandante then runs over Sugehit a few times. Sugehit finally drags Comandante to the outside by her hair then poses. Amapola gets Marcela into her corner and they start to double team her. Comandante hits a…stink face on Sugehit for the pin. Amapola hits a face buster on Marcela for the fall. Second Fall: Amapola pins Marcela with a face buster.

Amapola and Comandante team up on Sugehit to start this round. Marcela tries to take them on but she ends up being teamed on as well. Sugehit pushes Amapola into Comandante then Marcela hits a cross body on them. Sugehit and Marcela then hit drop kicks on both of them. Sugehit hits a tornado DDT on Amapola then Marcela hits a michinoku driver on Amapola for the pin. They both hit sentons on Comandante then Sugehit hits 3 more for the pin. Third Fall: Princesa Sugehit pins Comandante after 5 senton splashes.

Winners: Marcela and Princesa Sugehit

Stuka Jr, Guerrero Maya, and Stigma vs Shocker, Rey Bucanero, and Tyson La Bestia

Shocker starts the match with Stuka but quickly Bucanero and Stigma come in. They’re not in for long and Maya and Bestia come in. They exchange strikes but Maya gets the better of him. Shocker comes in and hits a clothesline on Maya. Bucanero and Shocker team up on Maya. Tyson hits a spear on Stigma then Shocker pins him with an elbow drop. Tyson hits a top rope splash on Maya for the fall. First Fall: Tyson La Bestia pins Guerrero Maya with a top rope splash.

There’s some brawling to start this match. Bucanero is going for Stigma’s mask. They continue to team up on everyone one by one starting with Stigma then going to Stuka. Maya makes a come back hitting back breakers on the opposition. Stuka catches Shocker in a victory roll for the pin. Second Fall: Stuka pins Shocker with a victory roll.

Stuka and Bucanero brawl on the outside to start this round off. Maya and Shocker brawl in the crowd area. When everyone’s back in the ring the rudos gain the advantage and team up on Maya. Maya hits a hurricanrana arm drag combo to make a come back. Stigma dodges a double team attack from Tyson that hits Bucanero. Bucanero and Shocker hit each other by accident and feign like they’re gonna fight but then they hug. The rudos find themselves on the outside and Stuka, Maya, and Stigma all hit middle rope dives. They get back in the ring and fight for a little then Bucanero gets Stuka in a school boy for the pin and Tyson hits a tiger bomb on Stigma for the win. Third Fall: Tyson La Bestia pins Stigma with a tiger bomb.

Winners: Shocker, Rey Bucanero, and Tyson La Bestia

(Match Relampago) Niebla Roja vs Luciferno

They lock up and start grappling on the ground to start. They break and Roja drop kicks Luciferno outside of the ring and then he chases him but gets struck. Luciferno puts Roja on the top rope and goes for his mask. Luciferno continues to work him over. Roja finally hits a drop kick to make a come back making Luciferno fall to the outside. Roja then hits a middle rope dive to change the tide. Back in the ring Roja hits a hurricanrana for a close two count. Luciferno pins Roja but has his foot on the ropes so the count gets stopped. Roja hits a drop kick then a knee strikes and removes his shirt to the women’s delight. Luciferno hits a top rope suplex for a close two count. Roja gets Luciferno in a boston crab stretch but he gets out. Finally Luciferno hits a styles clash on Roja for the win. Luciferno pins Roja with the Styles Clash.

Winner: Luciferno

Rush, Villano IV, and Vangellys vs Kraneo, Euforia, and El Valiente

They promote the Champion of the Universe tournament taking place on the 1st, 8th, and 15th. I assume some new japan guys will be featured. Rush is the last one out and Euforia runs up the ramp to meet him but gets laid out. Kraneo runs into Vangellys and Villano IV knocking them down. Rush and Vangellys get up and hit Euforia with a double drop kick. Villano hits an elbow drop for the three count. First Fall: Villano IV pins Euforia with an elbow drop.

Rush is messing with the midget Mije now. Rush and pals start to gang up on Euforia in the ring now after taking out Valiente and Kraneo. Rush brings Euforia out on the ramp way and beats on him. Valiente gets teamed on and Kraneo tries to help but with no success as he gets beat up in the corner. Rush runs at Kraneo but Kraneo dodges and hits Villano. Kraneo hits a running hip attack on Vangellys in the corner for the pin. Valiente gets Villano in a stretch submission for the second fall. Second Fall: Valiente submits Villano IV with a stretch submission.

Rush and Euforia brawl in the stands in between rounds. There’s some posturing to start the round and then Valiente and Villano strike each other. Valiente then arm drags him to the outside. Valiente hits a hurricanrana on Vangellys. Kraneo hits a leg drop on Villano. Vangellys tries a sunset flip on Kraneo but Kraneo sits on it. Euforia meets Rush in the center of the ring Euforia kicks Rush out of the ring and then gets intercepted by Villano and Vangellys. Kraneo counters by splashing them at the same time. Kraneo goes for another splash but Rush drop kicks him. Vangellys hits a fisherman’s suplex on Valiente and Villano hits a top rope senton on Kraneo for the win. Third Round: Villano IV pins Kraneo with a top rope senton.

Winners: Rush, Villano IV, and Vangellys

Arena Mexico Tuesday

Aereo and Acero vs Pequeno Olimpico and Pequeno Violencia

Olimpico starts out with Aereo and they do some grappling. They engage a few times until Violencia and Acero come in. They do some acrobatic grappling exchanges. Aereo comes in and goes for an attack but Violencia stops it. Violencia hits a slam on Aereo then submits him with a standing cloverleaf. Olimpico gets Acero in a single leg crab for the fall. First Fall: Olimpico submits Acero with a single leg crab.

Violencia beats on Aereo to start the round off. They take out Acero whenever he tries to get involved. Aereo and Acero hit a come back but botch a move. Regardless, Aereo hits a splash off the top on Violencia for the fall. Second Fall: Aereo pins Violencia with a top rope splash.

Aereo gets Violencia out of the ring quickly then feigns a dive and hits a pose. Acero hits a hurricanrana on Olimpico but he botches it. He moves on with his pose afterwards like it’s okay. Acero gets Violencia in a submission but Olimpico breaks it up. Acero holds Olimpico up and Aereo hits a top rope drop kick for the pin. Aereo slams Violencia and Acero hits a lionsault for the win. Third Fall: Acero pins Violencia with a lionsault.

Winners: Aereo and Acero

Magnus, Retro, and Arkalis vs Raziel, Cancerbero, and Espiritu Negro

There’s some posturing to start in this match but Retro and Raziel start and lock up. They start to grapple and fight for position. Raziel and Magnus are in next and they start to grapple as well. Cancerbero gets Magnus out of there and Arkalis comes in and does a hurricanrana that gets reversed into a pinning combination. Arkalis hits a head scissors on Cancerbero to the outside. Cancerbero hits an elbow drop on Retro, then slams Raziel on him then submits Retro with a stretch. Negro hits a spring board swanton on Magnus for the fall. First Fall: Espiritu Negro pins Magnus with a springboard swanton bomb.

They all brawl to start this round out. Raziel starts to work over Retro in the ring. When he gets taken out Magnus comes in and gets teamed up on. Arkalis comes in and runs up Magnus’ back and hits a hurricanrana on Raziel. Magnus back breakers Cancerbero. Arkalis then hits a blue thunderbomb on Negro for the pin. Retro then gets Cancerbero in an arm stretch for the fall. Second Fall: Retro submits Cancerbero with an arm stretch.

Magnus back breakers Raziel to start this round off. He hits two monkey flips on him as well. Retro gets in with Cancerbero and gets the advantage on him. Arkalis gets Negro in a victory roll but the pin gets broken up. All three hit drop kicks on Arkalis but the pins broken up. A double suplex is hit on Negro then Arkalis hits a splash but the pin is broken up. Magnus hits a back stabber on Raziel for the pin. Third Fall: Magnus pins Raziel with a back stabber.

Winners: Magnus, Retro, and Arkalis

Robin, Star Jr, and Super Astro Jr vs Virus, Kawato San, and Disturbio

Super Astro and Disturbio start out in this match and they do some grappling to start. Astro gets Disturbio to the outside then feigns a dive. In comes Star Jr and Virus. Virus tries to work him over but Star is too quick for him. Robin comes in with Disturbio and really uses his acrobatic ability to out match him. Super Astro hits a diving head butt on Virus, then Star hits a frog splash followed by a victory roll by Robin for the pin. First Fall: Robin pins Virus after a flurry of moves and a victory roll.

Star starts with Kawato and Star gets the advantage on him hitting a drop kick and arm drag to the outside followed by a pose. Super Astro hits a rolling head butt on Disturbio and then feigns a dive. The tide changes and the Rudos take out the technicos are start to team up on them. Robin gets taken out then they move their attack to Star Jr. Distrubio hit knees to the corner on Super Astro and then hits an elbow drop on him for the pin. Kawato hits a double foot stomp off the top on Robin for the pin. Second Fall: Kawato pins Robin with a double foot stomp. 

This round starts with Star Jr being teamed up on. They move their attack to Robin but he pulls Kawato by the hair to drop him then hits a hurricanrana on Disturbio. Star then launches Super Astro for a dive on Disturbio. Kawato drop kicks Robin to the outside and hits an over the top rope dive himself. In the ring Virus hits a sidewalk slam on Star Jr and then gets an indian death lock for the win. Third Fall: Virus submits Star Jr with an indian death lock.

Winners: Virus, Kawato San, and Disturbio

Drone, Pegasso, and Guerrero Maya vs Dragon Rojo Jr, Polvora, and Hechicero

Hechicero had a really cool entrance. Rojo and Maya start out in the ring and start fighting for position. Drone comes in next with Hechicero and Hechicero immediately starts to do his pose. Drone just stares at him like a geek. They engage a few times and grapple but then they start to trade offense back and forth. Pegasso gets in with Polvora and Pegasso gets a school boy and the ref counts 1 2 and gets up. Looked confused then counted 3. I wonder if Pegasso intentionally held him down. Rojo then submitted Pegasso with a neck crank. Drone drop kicks Rojo to the outside then slides under the ref to the outside for a sliding splash. Hechicero hit a back breaker on Maya for the fall. They made that complicated. First Fall: Hechicero pins Maya with a back breaker.

Rojo works over Pegasso to start the round. Pegasso and Drone get taken out on the outside leaving Hechicero to work over Maya. Hechicero unties Maya’s mask till it’s almost off and stops. Polvora performs a drop kick to the inner thigh on Drone. Maya makes a come back hitting back breakers on everyone. They all go for the pin but they kick out. Drone and Maya hit a double team flapjack on Polvora and Pegasso goes for the pin but Rojo breaks it up. Hechicero throws him in the air and Rojo kicks him. Pegasso gets Rojo in the corner and Drone hits knees in the corner. Then Maya hits a top rope splash on him but Hechicero breaks up the pin. Pegasso avoids a double team attack then Maya launches him into Hechicero for a hurricanrana. Pegasso and Maya then hit middle rope dives. Drone hits a springboard moonsault on Polvora for a two count. Polvora then hits a face buster off the top for the win on Drone. Second Fall: Polvora pins Drone with a face buster off of the top.

Winners: Dragon Rojo Jr, Polvora, and Hechicero

Shocker, Euforia, and Rey Bucanero vs Kraneo, Volcano, and Rey Cometa

Volcano and Bucanero start the match out with some grappling. Bucanero tries to body slam Volcano but can’t. Euforia is in next with Cometa and this is interesting cause Euforia has been working baby face the last two weeks and now he’s on the heel team again. Maybe it was just for the Fantastica Mania tour cause they lacked stars. But alas they do some grappling of their own. Kraneo comes in with Shocker after Kraneo slaps his chest a few times then body slams him. Bucanero comes in and gets hit with a standing splash. Bucanero and Shocker clothesline Kraneo and then Cometa flies in and hits a sunset flip pinning combination on Euforia for the fall. First Fall: Rey Cometa pins Euforia with a pinning combination.

Volcano gets doubled by Euforia and Rey to start but he’s able to fight off the double team hitting a drop kick on both of them at once to the outside. Shocker comes in and Volcano continues his momentum hitting a few arm drags. Cometa tricks Euforia to the outside and then jumps off the apron hitting a hurricanrana. Bucanero starts to beat up on Mije the midget who accompanies Kraneo. Rey spanks him. Rey body slams Kraneo and then pins him. Second Fall: Rey Bucanero body slams Kraneo for the pin.

Shocker beats on Cometa on the outside. In the ring Rey and Euforia beat on Kraneo. Cometa comes back in the ring and hits a hurricanrana on Euforia to change the momentum. Volcano comes back in and hits a big splash on Bucanero. Shocker breaks up the pin and then Euforia hits a power bomb on Cometa then Shocker and Rey slam Volcano on Cometa. Euforia pins Cometa for the win. Third Fall: Volcano gets slammed on Cometa and Euforia goes for the pin.

Winners: Shocker, Euforia, and Rey Bucanero

Niebla Roja vs Mephisto

Well yesterday Roja lost to Luciferno in a lightning round match so naturally tonight he faces Mephisto in a full length singles match. Mephisto works him over to start the match. After beating on him for a few minutes Mephisto hits a face buster for the first fall. First Fall: Mephisto pins Roja with a face buster.

Gotta get those first two falls away fast. A formula in these big singles matches. Mephisto throws Roja into the crowd in between rounds and then postures in the ring. Mephisto is still working on Roja when they get back into the ring. Mephisto rips his shirt off. Finally Roja moves out of the way of an attack and hits an axe handle and gets Mephisto in a boston crab stretch for the fall. Second Fall: Roja submits Mephisto with a boston crab stretch.

Mephisto postures on the outside of the ring to start the round. They both pose to the crowd when they get into the ring. Roja hits a hurricanrana to the outside, then follows him and goes to whip Mephisto into the barricade but gets reversed. Roja jumps on the barricade then hits a hurricanrana on the floor to Mephisto. Back in the ring Roja hits a hurricanrana pinning combo for a two count. Roja hits a victory roll for another two count. He does another pinning combo for a two count. Roja tries a head scissors but Mephisto drops him on his face for a two count. Mephisto hits another face buster but this time Roja kicks out. Mephisto places Roja on the top rope and hits a muscle buster for a two count. Roja fires up for a come back and drop kicks Mephisto off the apron, then he hits an over the top flip dive. Back in the ring Roja goes for a springboard attack but Mephisto hits a drop kick for a two count. Mephisto throws Roja in the air and kicks him in the gut. Close to the groin. Roja gets up and hits a sunset flip power bomb for a two count. Mephisto does a school boy for a close two count. Roja gets Mephisto on the ropes and attempts a hurricanrana but Mephisto blocks. But mid power bomb Roja counters with his hurricanrana. Just a two count though. Roja gets spoiled and goes to the well again, this time Mephisto hits a face buster off the top rope for a very close two count. While Mephisto sits up baffled, Roja rolls him up but for you guessed it, a two count. Mephisto crotches Roja on the turnbuckle, then tries to go for a power bomb I think, the camera was awkward, but Roja picks him up and hits a front face buster off the top for the win. Third Fall: Niebla Roja pins Mephisto with a front face buster off the top for the win.

Winner: Niebla Roja

Arena Mexico Friday

Oro Jr and Electrico vs Grako and El Coyote

I have a weird affinity for this Grako and Coyote team, I don’t know why, I like them. Electrico and Coyote start grappling to begin the match. Oro and Grako come in next and they tie up and eventually go to the ground to grapple. They start trading moves and pinning combinations. Electrico comes back in to face Coyote but Grako kicks him on the apron then drop kicks him out. Oro comes back in and misses a moonsualt. Grako then hits a top rope elbow drop on him for the pin. Coyote hits a frog splash on Electrico for the fall and the crowds hot tonight so far. First Fall: Coyote pins Electrico with a frog splash.

They beat up on Oro and Electrico on the outside to start the round. In the ring they double team Electrico till he falls out of the ring. Oro runs to make the save but gets stomped out. Coyote stands on Electrico’s back during a double team move. Oro leaps up and hits a brutal frankensteiner on him for the pin. Electrico then hits a basement drop kick then a springboard elbow to pin Grako. Second Fall: Electrico pins Grako with a springboard elbow drop.

Grako and Oro exchange strikes to start the final round. Grako finds himself on the apron and Oro hits a hurricanrana off the top rope to the outside on him. Coyote catches Electrico for a power bomb then a senton but Oro breaks up the pin. Grako and Coyote hit a double suplex on Oro and while they land Electrico hits a top rope splash. Afterwards Coyote and Grako whip the two into each other and then Grako gets Electrico in a neck crank submission and Coyote submits Oro with a body stretch. Third Fall: Coyote submits Oro Jr with a body stretch.

Winners: Grako and El Coyote

Blue Panther Jr, Rey Cometa, and Black Panther vs Misterioso, El Sagrado, and Universo 2000 Jr

Misterioso and Black Panther start with some standing grappling which evolves into them fighting for position and trading counters. Blue Panther Jr comes in with Universo 2000 next and they continue grappling as well. Panther Jr hits a sunset flip that Universo rolls out of. Panther inexplicably scoots back to be hit with a drop kick. Cometa is in next with Sagrado and Cometa tricks Sagrado into falling to the outside then hits a hurricanrana off of the apron. Misterioso enters the ring and poses for some reason, then Blue Panther comes form behind and school boys him for the fall. First Fall: Blue Panther Jr pins Misterioso with a school boy.

This round starts with Blue Panther getting teamed up on. Black Panther tries to make the save but to no avail. They get Cometa and Misterioso gets him in the Gory Special, then hits the Gory neck breaker and holds him there for the other two to hit drop kicks on him for the fall. Second Fall: Misterioso pins Rey Cometa after a gory neck breaker and a double drop kick.

This round starts with Black Panther getting taken out. He tags Blue Panther in but he continues to get beat on too. Panther Jr dodges an attack and proceeds to hit back breakers on everyone. Panther, Cometa, and Panther get ready to do dives but get pulled to the outside. Back in the ring Universo squares off with Black Panther and Panther hits a lionsault which Misterioso breaks up the pin. Now everybody is in the ring doing spots. The technicos all get pinning combinations but they’re kicked out of. Sagrado hits a sling blade on Cometa but in the corner Cometa dodges his attacks. He hits a hurricanrana then slams him near the corner and hits a 450 for the pin. Black Panther gets Universo down and hits a drop kick off the middle rope for the win. Third Fall: Black Panther pins Universo with a drop kick off the middle rope.

Winners: Blue Panther Jr, Rey Cometa, and Black Panther

Titan, Flyer, and El Audaz vs Shocker, El Felino, and Vangellys

Vangellys and Audaz start this match off. Vangellys tries to use his size to his advantage. Everybody comes in the ring to confront each other and the ref tells them to go back to their corners. Vangellys and Audaz go back to grappling. Titan and Felino are in next and Felino postures to the crowd as he usually does. The midget that accompanies him distracted Titan enough for Felino to hit him with an elbow smash. Titan eventually drop kicks him to the outside but before he can dive Shocker hits him. Flyer comes in to relieve him and exchanges strikes with Shocker. Flyer hits a hurricanrana on Shocker then hits an over the top dive. Titan then rolls up Vangellys with a neck bridge for the pin. First Fall: Titan pins Vangellys with a neck bridge pin.

Shocker and Felino come in at the start of the round to take out the other team so they can team up on them one at a time. The plan back fires as they fight back, however Vangellys still has the advantage in ring with Titan. Titan hits a head scissors to the outside but gets hit by Shocker when going for his dive. Titan and Shocker then go to the outside to fight. Audaz runs wild on Felino. Shocker comes in but Audaz is too quick for him. Vangellys catches him however. Flyer comes in and postures with Shocker but he gets teamed on. Shocker blatantly kicks Flyer in the groin and pins him. Ref ignores it. Vangellys then drop kicks Titan in the balls and the ref ignores. Second Fall: Vangellys pin Titan with a drop kick to the groin.

Vangellys beats on Titan to start the round. Titan gets teamed on, so they’re continuing the trend from the previous match. Audaz hits a few super kicks to make a come back. He goes for a middle rope dive. Flyer hits an asai moonsault. Felino gets Titan in an arm wrench in the ring but Audaz breaks it up. Shocker gets Flyer in a cross face for the submission. Vangellys hits a swinging slam on Audaz for the pin. Third Fall: Vangellys pins Audaz with a swinging slam. 

Winners: Shocker, El Felino, and Vangellys

(Lightning Round) Soberano vs Templario

They tie up to start this match and battle for position. Soberano slides to the outside to avoid an attack and Templario hits a handspring back flip to the outside. They get back in the ring and Soberano hits a torando dive off the top. Soberano goes for an attack but it’s reversed into a german suplex. Templario tries a canadian destroyer but Soberano rolls with it then kicks him. Soberano gets him to the outside and hits a back flip dive over the top rope. The doctor checks on Soberano but he continues the match. I love how CMLL and AAA doctors have big lab coats on. Soberano hits a sunset flip power bomb back in the ring for a two count. Templario flips Soberano in the air and hits a power bomb. On the top rope Templario goes for a gut wrench suplex but Soberano reverses it into a hurricanrana for a two count. They trade strikes until Templario hits a canadian destroyer. Soberano kicks out. Soberano flips him when Templario comes off the ropes and hits a sit out pile driver for the win. Soberano pins Templario with a sit out pile driver.

Winner: Soberano 

Caristico, Atlantis, and Volador Jr vs Ultimo Guerrero, Cavernario, and Gran Guerrero

Caristico and Ultimo start the match with a handshake then they tie up and grapple. Ultimo gets him in a surfboard stretch. Caristico gets out of it. Ultimo gets him in an octopus but Caristico gets out. Volador taunts Ultimo on the apron. Volador and Cavernario come in and grapple at a hectic pace. Gran gets in with Atlantis now. Poor Atlantis had to work every show of the Fantastica Mania show. The rudos come in and stomp out the baby face team. The Los Guerrero’s triple team spot is done on Atlantis. Cavernario hits a canadian destroyer on Volador for the pin. Gran tries to power bomb Caristico but he slips so he just submits him with a leg stretch. First Fall: Gran Guerrero submits Caristico with a leg stretch.

Ultimo puts Atlantis on the turnbuckle and starts working on his mask. The rest of them brawl on the outside. Caristico gets laid on the apron and Ultimo drop kicks him off. Volador and Caristico come in and hit hurricanrana’s to change the tide. Then Atlantis hits a middle rope dive on Ultimo. Volador hits Cavernario with a canadian destroyer and Caristico submits Gran with a Fujiwara arm bar. Second Fall: Caristico submits Gran Guerrero with a Fujiwara arm bar.

Atlantis starts with Cavernario in this match and Atlantis monkey flips him. Ultimo and Gran come in but Atlantis pushes them out of the way and flips Ultimo to the outside. Cavernario launches Volador in the air and he hits a hurricanrana on Gran. Caristico and Volador then hit over the top dives on Cavernario and Gran. In the ring it’s Atlantis and Ultimo and Ultimo runs at Atlantis and gets put in a torture rack for the win. Third Fall: Atlantis submits Ultimo Guerrero with a torture rack.

Winners: Caristico, Atlantis, and Volador Jr 

Fenix, Pentagon Jr, and Diamante Azul vs Rush, El Terrible, and La Bestia del Ring

They’re all posturing and throwing strikes to start. The ref is trying to get control but is failing. In the ring Diamante and Terrible stare down. Fenix drop kicks Bestia to the outside but Terrible strikes him from behind. Azul takes out Terrible and then Rush takes him out. Rush stares down with Penta and they exchange strikes. They trade strikes in the corner, then Penta hits a sling blade. Penta then hits an over the top rope dive on Rush. Azul hits a german suplex on Bestia for the pin. Fenix jumps on the ropes and does a stomp to Terrible’s gut for the fall. First Fall: Fenix pins Terrible with a double stomp.

Fenix and Bestia exchange chops to start this round. Besita tries to throw Fenix out but Fenix comes back and kicks him. Rush and Terrible then jump him. They try to team on Fenix but he dodges attacks and hits a double rolling cutter on Terrible and Rush. Azul and Bestia hit each other in the ring afterwards. Azul then monkey flips Bestia. Rush is in again with Penta. There’s some posturing but Bestia and Terrible jump them. Azul and Fenix get taken out on the outside. Penta then gets crotched on the steel post. Azul then gets triple basement drop kicked. Rush gets on the announce table and poses to the crowd. Back in the ring they stomp out Fenix. Azul comes in from the ramp and jumps over for a double clothesline. Finally Rush has had enough, when Penta is in the air he kicks him in the groin then takes his mask for the DQ. Second Fall: Pentagon wins after Rush kicks him in the groin and steals his mask.

After the match Rush and pals steal Fenix’s mask too. Azul tries to protect them but they stomp him out and steal his mask too.

Winners: Pentagon Jr, Fenix, and Diamante Azul

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Grand Slam: Australia Results & Report! (2/15/25)

AEW goes down under!



Will AEW once again be Timeless?

In the long awaited sequel to All In: London 2024, Mariah May and Toni Storm battle for the AEW Women’s World Championship in Brisbane, Australia!


  • Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher; Omega & Ospreay win.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Harley Cameron; Mone wins and retains the title.
  • Brisbane Brawl: Adam Copeland & Jay White VS Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli; Moxley & Claudio win.
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Buddy Matthews; Okada wins and retains the title.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Toni Storm; Toni wins and becomes the new AEW Women’s World Champion.


Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher w/ The Don Callis Family!

Once enemies because of the Don Callis Family, The Cleaner and the Aerial Assassin are now united against the Don Callis Family! Will the Best Bout Bruvs get even with the Alpha and the Aussie Arrow? Or will the DCF be the future of AEW?

How fitting that alongside Callis is Mark Davis. Aussie Open not only returns home together, but Davis continues to stand by Kyle against Ospreay. The fans are much more fired up for Ospreay and Omega during their entrances. “This is Awesome!” and it’s only just beginning! The fans sing for “Ospreay~, Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~!” while Kyle barks at him. These two start, the bell rings, and they RAM shoulders! The forearms fly and the fans fire up even more! The shots keep going, Ospreay kicks low then headlocks. Kyle powers up and out, Ospreay RAMS Kyle, but Kyle rebounds to RAM Ospreay!

Ospreay RAMS Kyle again, then ROCKS Kyle on the rebound! Ospreay runs, but Kyle CLOBBERS him! The fans boo but Kyle just soaks it up! Kyle stomps Ospreay, tags Konosuke, and Konosuke BOOTS Omega down! Kyle & Konosuke double whip Ospreay to then CLOBBER him! The fans boo while Kyle & Konosuke flex, and Konosuke wrenches Ospreay to a wristlock. Tag to Kyle, they mug Ospreay, but the fans continue to sing for Ospreay. Kyle throws a body shot, then brings Ospreay around. Ospreay body shots then CHOPS, but Kyle kicks low. Kyle whips Ospreay to the corner, but Ospreay BOOTS Konosuke!

Kyle kicks Ospreay, whips again, but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER KICK! The fans fire up while Kyle sputters, and Ospreay tags in Omega! The fans are thunderous as Omega goes up top, for a CROSSBODY! Omega rallies with Polish Hammer ax handles! The fans fire up as Omega spins, but Kyle dodges to kick low! Kyle whips, Omega reverses and fireman’s carries! The fans say along with Omega, “YOU! CAN’T! ESCAPE!” But Kyle slips free, kicks low, and says he just did escape. Kyle runs, but into a RANA from Omega! Kyle tumbles out while the fans fire up, and Omega feeds off that energy.

Omega kneels, the Terminator Drums start up, but Konosuke CLUBS Omega down! Don Callis approves as Konosuke brings Omega up, runs, but Ospreay jumps in! TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Omega adds the KOTARO CRUSHER! Tag to Ospreay, he does the Terminator kneel, and Omega joins in! More Terminator Drums, and then both men build speed! They both FLY! Down go Konosuke and Kyle on opposite ends of the ring! The fans are thunderous again and Ospreay is loving this! Omega puts Kyle in for Ospreay and Ospreay snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Tag to Omega, they mug Kyle, and Kyle sputters.

Omega wrenches Kyle, tags Ospreay back in, and fans tell off Callis while Ospreay CHOPS Kyle! Ospreay throws hands on Kyle, tags Omega back in, then they double whip. Kyle KICKS Omega away, kicks Ospreay, then sends Ospreay into Omega! Ospreay TOSSES Ospreay out, BOOTS Omega down, then tags in Konosuke. Konosuke goes up while Kyle holds Omega down, SUPER SENTON! Cover, TWO! Omega stays in this but Konosuke clamps onto him with a rear bearhug. Omega reaches out, ROPEBREAK with a leg! Konosuke lets off in frustration to argue with the ref but ropebreaks are non-negotiable.

Konosuke drags Omega up, but Omega ROCKS him first! Omega fires haymakers, then a CHOP! And another CHOP! Omega whips, Konosuke reverses, and kitchen sink knee! Cover, TWO! Omega stays in this, but the gut is clearly the target. Konosuke puts Omega in a corner, fires body shots, then whips corner to corner. Konosuke runs up to forearm SMASH, then he whisp Omega corner to corner. Omega BOOTS back, and he SLAM DUNKS Konosuke! The fans fire up while Omega crawls, but so does Konosuke. Hot tags to Ospreay and Kyle! Ospreay ROCKS Kyle first, then springboards, but Kyle moves so the PIP PIP CHEERIO hits Konosuke!

Kyle SUPERKICKS Ospreay, Omega runs up but Kyle dodges! Omega blocks a superkick, to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Kyle tumbles out, but Konosuke gets Omega with an EXPLODER! Konosuke runs up on Ospreay, but Ospreay puts him up top! Ospreay tucks Konosuke in and gives him CHEEKY NANDOS! Kyle storms back in, but Ospreay blocks a superkick! But Kyle ducks the elbow to ROCK Ospreay! Kyle runs, but into a STANDING SPANISH FLY! All four men are down and Brisbane is thunderous while AEW goes picture in picture!

A standing count begins on Ospreay and Kyle, and they slowly stir at 5 of 10. They rise up at 6, stand at 7, and Ospreay waits on Kyle at the ropes. Kyle turns around, Ospreay glares at him, and they go forehead to forehead. Ospreay CHOPS first! Ospreay eggs Kyle on, so Kyle comes back to CHOP! Ospreay staggers a couple steps but stays up, only firing the fans up more. Ospreay winds up to CHOP and Kyle sits down! Ospreay keeps the fans fired up, and he puts his hands back. Kyle chuckles, of course Ospreay wants more. Ospreay is doing a jig for the fans, but Kyle wants everyone to hush so they can hear this.

The crowd just gets rowdier so Kyle goes outside to hush them. Omega storms up to chase Kyle down! Kyle RAMS Omega through railing! Kyle mocks the cheering, but Omega is back to CHOP Kyle! Kyle staggers away, but now Konosuke brawls with Omega! Omega CHOPS Konosuke, Ospreay has Kyle for Kawada Kicks, and Grand Slam: Australia returns to single picture. Ospreay CHOPS, then he catches Kyle. Kyle elbows free, Ospreay HOOK KICKS! Ospreay runs, Kyle dodges, but Ospreay swings through the lariat! Ospreay reels Kyle in, but Kyle slips free and lifts Ospreay! RAN- NO! Kyle brings Ospreay back up, but Ospreay SATELLITE DDTS!!

The fans are thunderous again as Ospreay stands tall! Ospreay calls his shot, springboards, but Kyle stops the cutter! Inverted suplex, but then Ospreay TORNADO DDTS free! Konosuke is up, Ospreay BOOTS him down! Kyle grabs at the ref and Callis jumps off commentary! Callis grabs Ospreay’s leg! The fans boo, Ospreay kicks free, but Kyle gets him for a SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! The fans tell Callis off even more now, but Ospreay and Kyle crawl. They head for corners, hot tags to Omega and Konosuke! Omega and Konosuke DOUBLE LARIAT! And DOUBLE LARIAT! Konosuke SWATS a lariat, then feints the elbow for an ALPHA BODY BLOW!!

The fans boo and Omega coughs while leaning against the ropes. Konosuke whips, Omega reverses, but Konsouke ducks ‘n’ dodges, TAKESHITA LINE! Callis cheers Konosuke but Ospreay BOOTS Konosuke! Konosuke just comes back, so Ospreay gives him Kawada Kicks! ALPHA ELBOW!! Konosuke wags his finger at Ospreay, but Omega has the full nelson! Konosuke breaks free, standing switches, but Omega fights the lift! Victory roll, but Konosuke stifles that to wheelbarrow! Omega grabs Ospreay in desperation! Ospreay grabs the ropes in desperation, but Kyle is there! Kyle laughs and SLAPS Ospreay’s hands away! DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX!!

The fans fire up, there’s no denying Konosuke’s incredible strength! Kyle coordinates with Konosuke, and Konosuke goes up. Kyle suplexes Omega up to Konosuke, but then Omega SUPER STEINERS Konosuke away! Ospreay drags Kyle out of the ring, goes up the corner, and SKY TWISTERS!! Direct hit on Kyle, and Omega POWERBOMBS Konosuke! Flip over and V-TRIGGER!! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives, Callis breathes easier, and “This is Awesome!” Omega says BANG, then V- NO! Konosuke dodges, then gets Omega with a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO! Omega survives and the fans rally again.

Konosuke slashes his throat, vowing to end this. Konosuke scoops, Omega slips free and shoves, BLINDSIDE V-TRIGGER! Then a POISON-RANA! A rough landing for both men, Omega may have miscalculated on that one. Konosuke goes to a corner, the fans rally for Omega, and Omega runs corner to corner! BLINDSIDE V-TRIGGER! But Omega wants more! Omega hoists Konosuke up with the Electric Chair, and he goes up a corner?! The fans are already going nuts as Omega goes to tuck Konosuke! Konosuke fights that, but Ospreay is back! SUPER DUPER OSCUTTER!! Omega says he still wants more!

Omega says BANG, but Kyle slips in! SUPERKICK for Omega! The fans boo but Kyle runs in, HIDDEN BLADE from Ospreay!! Ospreay helps Omega stand, and tells him to do it! V-TRIGGER for Konosuke! Ospreay underhooks Kyle, Omega Electric Chair Lifts Konosuke! STEREO- WAIT, Kyle & Konosuke manage to flip both of these around into double gut wrenches! STEREO PILEDRIVERS!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Omega & Ospreay both survive and Callis is furious! The fans are thunderous as they hope these teams “Fight Forever!” But this is just the opening match of the night, it has to end somehow!

Kyle & Konosuke step to Ospreay & Omega. Kyle & Konosuke fire forearms, but Ospreay & Omega give those back! The forearms go back and forth, the fans cheering Ospreay & Omega and booing the Callis Family! The shots go fast ‘n’ furious, Omega and Konosuke flop over but Ospreay fires a flurry on Kyle! But Kyle CLAWS Ospreay’s eyes! Kyle TOSSES Ospreay out, but Omega DECKS Kyle! ALPHA ELBOW for Omega! But Omega BOOTS Konosuke! Omega runs, but Konosuke blocks a boot! ALPHA ELBOW SUPERKICK COMBO!! Ospreay springboards in, into an ALPHA ELBOW SUPERKICK COMBO!!

Konosuke powers up, POWER DRIVE KNEE on Omega! Cover, TWO?!!? NOW Callis is pissed! But Kyle & Konosuke haul Omega up, ASSISTED BRAINBUSTER! Cover, OSPREAY BREAKS IT! Ospreay shields Omega but Kyle mockingly applauds. Kyle stomps away on Ospreay, drags him from Omega, but Omega holds onto Ospreay’s hand! But then Omega lets go so Ospreay can ROCK Kyle with forearm after forearm! ALPHA ELBOW! Kyle & Konosuke suplex Ospreay, but he STUN DOG MILLIONAIRES free! Konosuke swings, misses, HOOK KICK! Ospreay takes aim, HIDDEN- LARIAT from Konosuke!

Konosuke pulls down the kneepads, and he aims at Omega. POWER DRIVE- NO! Omega blocks the knee, ROCKS Konosuke, then ROCKS him again! ALPHA ELBOW! Konosuke roars, runs, but Omega V-TRIGGERS!! The fans are thunderous again and Omega catches his breath. Omega says this is it! Electric Chair, but Konosuke slips free! Konosuke waistlocks, Omega switches, but Konosuke backs him into a corner! Kyle urns up, GAMANGIRI for Omega! Kyle puts Omega up, then climbs. The fans boo but Omega SHOVES Kyle down! Konosuke BOOTS Omega, then climbs up! Konosuke is on the very top, but Omega trips him!

Konosuke hits the turnbuckle’s crossbar, he slumps over in the corner, and then Osprey FLIES over the corner to take out Kyle!! The fans are losing their minds, but hold on! Omega Electric Chair Lifts Konosuke, Ospreay climbs up! HIDDEN BLADE WINGED ANGEL!!! Cover, Best Bout Bruvs win!!!

Winners: Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay, by pinfall

Callis is beside himself! The men he chose over Omega & Ospreay just lost to Omega & Ospreay! Will these two continue to humble Callis as they head for the top of AEW?


AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Harley Cameron!

The CEO is the Four Belt Boss, but the one that started her collection is now on the line! Mercedes didn’t take this wild Aussie seriously, and she still doesn’t want to, but she’ll have to if she wants to stay Four Belts Mone. Will Mercedes still be the Face of TBS? Or will she #FeelTheWrath of Harley Cameron?

An interesting note: Momo Watanabe of Stardom, who also won the inaugural International Women’s Cup back at WrestleDynasty, is watching from the front row. She is allowed to call whatever women’s championship match she wants, and Mone has plenty of titles, could one of them be on Momo’s radar?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is golden on the Gold Coast!

The bell rings and the fans are all behind Harley. Mone eggs Harley on, but then dodges her to lounge on the top rope. The fans boo but Harley tells Mone to feel the wrath! Mone says alright! They tie up, go around, and Mone headlocks. Mone thrashes Harley, but Harley fights up, only for Mone to throw her down by her hair! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Mone scoops and SLAMS Harley! Mone tells Harley to just get out while she can. Harley storms up instead, but Mone waistlocks, Harley switches, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Harley rebounds, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirls, to clinch and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

The fans fire up as Harley keeps moving, SLIDING FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Harley stays cool while the fans rally up. Harley brings Mone up, fireman’s carries, but Mone fights with elbows! Mone hooks the arms, Gory Especial, but Harley arm-drags free! Harley then headlocks, BULLDOG HOTSHOT! And an AX KICK while Mone is in the ropes! Harley holds Mone up and says, “Feel my wrath now!” And she smothers Mone with the melons!? That’s the wrath?! Harley goes and grabs PUPPET MONE! The fans cheer as Harley brings the puppet along, then goes up the corner. The fans cheer as Harley rains down fists!

The fans count along, and Harley goes all the way to nine, then Puppet- NO, Mone trips Harley up! Money then DOUBLE KNEES Harley, and she stomps away on #MiniMone! Mone PUNTS the puppet, then she CHOKES Harley! The ref reprimands, Mone stops, and Mone bumps Harley off buckles! Mone chokes Harley again, sits her down, then runs corner to corner, METEORA! Cover, TWO! Harley stays in this and the fans rally up. Mone stalks Harley, talks trash, then CHOKES Harley on ropes! The ref counts, Mone stops, then snapmares Harley, to then METEORA again! Cover, TWO! The fans rally for Harley while AEW goes picture in picture.

Mone drags Harley up, picks her up, and rebounds her off the ropes for a BACKBREAKER! Mone bends Harley against her knee, but Harley endures. Harley fires knees to get free! Mone comes back with a basment ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Mone grows frustrated but she lets Harley crawl away to a corner. Mone storms up, talks trash, and then CHOPS Harley! Harley goes to a corner, Mone brings her around to snapmare, and Mone wraps Harley up in a seated Cobra Twist! Harley endures, even as Mone CLUBS away on her chest! Mone mockingly “puppets” Harley’s mouth, then pushes her down to throw KNEE after KNEE! Cover, TWO!

Harley toughs it out but Mone is still in control, and Grand Slam: Australia goes to break.

Grand Slam: Australia returns, and Mone soaks up the heat. The fans chant “C E NO!” as Mone lifts again, but Harley makes it a BULLDOG! Just a little bit of Stratusfaction here and the fans rally up. Mone staggers around, Harley fires forearms! Mone hits back, but Harley fires a flurry! Then a DOUBLE CHOP! Harley whips, LARIATS, and LARIATS again! Harley runs up, but Mone catches her, spins her, and snap suplexes her! The fans boo Una Amiga, and they boo Dos Amigas! They even boo THREE AMIGAS! Mone gives some Latina Heat but the fans still boo. Mone steps on Harley, then goes up the corner, and FROG SPLASHES onto knees!!

The fans cheer as Harley saves herself, then rolls Mone! TWO! Harley staggers to a corner, Mone runs up, but Harley BOOTS her! Mone comes back again, but Harley slips around to waistlock. Mone fights it, but Harley pump handles for the SAIDO! The fans fire up, Harley covers, TWO! Mone survives but the fans continue to rally behind Harley. Harley feels that energy, and she drags Mone up. Fireman’s carry, but Mone fights free! BACKSTABBER! Harley flounders and Mone basement DROPKICKS her out! Mone soaks up the heat, but wait! Harley has found Mini-Mone! And they’re both angry! Mone runs up, but Harley dodges!

Harley ROCKS Mone using the puppet! Then she DRIBBLES Mone off the apron! Harley puts Mone in the ring, shouts, “FEEL THE WRATH!” and the fans cheer her on! Harley climbs, bringing Mini-Mone with her. CROSSBODY! Harley bounces off the cover, but she reel Mone in, AUSTRALIAN DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!!! Mone survives and Harley is shocked! Both women rise, and Harley brings Mone up. Harley runs, but Mone slips under to then Gory Especial! MONEY- NO, Harley trips her! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Mone reels Harley in, gets her up, and POWERBOMBS her down!

The fans boo Mone showing off some strength, but then Mone goes up the corner. Harley sits up, into a METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives and the fans are thunderous! Mone is beside herself, but Harley ghost pins her! TWO!! Harley hurries to Oklahoma Roll! TWO! Harley whips, Mone reverses, but Harley goes up and over, to sunset flip! TWO! Mone scrambles to her feet, but Harley drop toeholds her into buckles! Harley runs side to side, for a 619!! If Mone is Eddie, Harley is ready to be Rey Mysterio! She climbs up, to SWANTON FLOP as Mone moves! Mone hooks Harley up again, MONEY MAKER!! Cover, Mone wins!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

The CEO grins as she holds onto all of her gold, much to the chagrin of Brisbane. But if Harley did this well on her first try, will we see them run this one back soon enough? Meanwhile, Momo is there to sarcastically applaud Mone. Mone pie faces Momo with the TBS Championship, then swaggers away. Did the CEO just make Momo’s choice of championships that much easier?


Omega & Ospreay regroup backstage.

The Cleaner says, “As happy as I should be teaming with my good buddy, Will Ospreay, I’m still kinda pissed a little bit. Because for an entire year, I had to listen to people like you, Takeshita, people like Don Callis, talk about how you beat me twice in one week. How the International title is the pinnacle of this title because you’re defending it all over the world. Well listen here, Takeshita. You really wanna prove that you’re the best? You really wanna prove that you’re the rightful champion? I’ve got the time and I’ve got the place: Revolution, Los Angeles. Put that International title on the line and see if you can say you beat Kenny Omega three times.”

Omega says Ospreay has something in store for Kyle now, right? Ospreay says yes, mate! He never could’ve imagined he and Omega would be on the same team, but y’know what he never imagined either? Stepping into his own country, Kyle Fletcher’s own country of Australia, isn’t cheering him! They’re cheering Ospreay! But every time Kyle got an advantage on Ospreay, it wasn’t because of Kyle’s own talent! And as talented as Kyle is, he’s not good enough, because he has to get the Family in on this! Well let Ospreay tell you this, lad: They won’t be by Kyle’s side! They’re gonna be locked away while Ospreay and Kyle are locked in!

That’s right: Ospreay VS Fletcher, Revolution, STEEL CAGE MATCH! Let’s lock in! It’s time to see if Kyle really is that good! Time to see if Kyle really is the Protostar! Because this is Will Ospreay, and he is on another level! The Best Bout Bruvs head out, having thrown down huge challenges! Will the Callis Family put up or shut up?


Brisbane Brawl: Adam Copeland & Jay White VS Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli!

Speaking of common enemies, The Rated R Superstar and the Switchblade have put aside their differences to deal with The Death Riders, who have been holding the AEW World Championship hostage ever since they demolished Bryan Danielson. Will the WWE Grand Slam Champion and the NJPW Grand Slam Champion combine to hit THE Grand Slam in Australia? Or will The Maniac, the Swiss Cyborg, and possibly the rest of the Death Riders, make them regret ever picking this fight?

The fans sing along with Metalingus for Cope and he loves it! White then makes his entrance, no lyrics to sing in his song. The Death Riders make their entrance last, coming in from the crowd as always. But as soon as they’re ringside, Cope JUMPS onto Moxley, and White knocks Claudio down! The fans fire up, the bell rings, but the Brisbane Brawl is already going as Cope and White send Moxley and Claudio into railing! They get both men in the ring, then in corners! Cope & White climb up, and they rain down fists! The fans count along, and we go all the way to TEN! Then they trade, LARIATS for Claudio & Moxley!

Cope & White DOUBLE LARIAT Moxley up and out, but Claudio runs in! Cope & White TOSS Claudio up and out, then the brawl returns to the outside! White goes after Moxley, Cope RIPS Claudio’s shirt off to beat him with it! Claudio hits Cope back, sends him through railing and into the crowd! White and Moxley fight up the ramp! Moxley CHOKES White, Claudio JAMS Cope up, but then White sends Moxley into railing! Cope and Claudio fight up the bleachers, and Claudio SMACKS Cope off guardrails! White sends Moxley into railing, and now they go into the crowd! Claudio soaks up the heat, and he HEADBUTTS Cope!

White brings a table out, but Marina stands in his way! Moxley CLUBS White down and the fans boo. Marina continues to be a Problem, but Moxley puts White in the ring. Moxley aims from a corner, runs up, but into a DDT! Cope is meanwhile trying to navigate his way to the upper deck, but Moxley gets out of the ring. Moxley goes under, and he brings out something. White PLANCHAS into a trash can lid! White falls in a heap, but Cope is up in the “vomitorium!” Cope stands on the ledge, the fans fire up, and Cope runs to LEAP! Direct hit on Claudio and the fans go nuts! Moxley ignores all that to grab some other stuff.

Cope catches his breath, but Moxley CHOKES White with a chair! White sputters, so Moxley CLAWS his face! Moxley tells Marina to help with the table, but the fans chant, “Moxley is a Wanker!” Cope makes his way back to ringside while Moxley just taunts the fans back. Moxley finishes setting the table up, and then he drags White over. Moxley pushes White onto the table, then he rains down fists! White can barely guard, but Moxley CHOKES him! Moxley goes up the corner, but Cope ROCKS him first! The fans cheer as Cope fires hands! Moxley wobbles, Cope goes up there, and Cope brings Moxley up!

Moxley fights the superplex, and Marina SMACKS Cope with a kendo stick! And SMACKS him again! White snatches the stick from Marina! But Claudio YANKS White down to UPPERCUT him down! Claudio gets under Cope, to POWERBOMB him through the table!! The fans boo as the Death Riders stand tall, and AEW goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Cope and he’s somehow still int his. But The Death Riders mug White, Marina again using the kendo stick! Moxley puts White in the ring, grabs up the chair and the trash can lid, then goes looking for some more things. Moxley found the trash can, but White uses the lid to SMACK Claudio! Moxley hurries in, but White SMACKS him! Claudio comes back to GUT WRENCH PLEX White! Moxley tells Claudio to do the thing! GIANT SWING! White goes around again and again, and again, and then at TEN, TRASH CAN CRASH!! Moxley shows off the dented can while Claudio wedges the chair into a corner.

Moxley drags White up, puts him on ropes, and makes sure fans watch as he fires crossface forearms! Moxley stops and White sputters, but Marina gets a cheap shot in! Moxley & Claudio storm up, White fights back with forearms and CHOPS! But Claudio DECKS him! Claudio drags White up, Grand Slam returns to single picture, and the Death Riders dig their boots into White. The fans rally for White, but the Death Riders let off to stand him up. They double whip White, but White slides to a stop! Whtie dodges the Death Riders, Cope is back up! FLYING DOUBLE LARIATS! Cope rallies on Moxley now and teh afns fire up!

Cope reels Moxley in, but Mxley wernches out ot PARADIGM SHIFT! Moxley calls to Claudio, and then he POSTS Cope! Cope falls out, back to the wreckage of the table! Wait, Claudio brings in a new table! The Death Riders set that up in a corner, but White is back! White fires off with the kendo stick! He even breaks it apart on Claudio’s body!! The fans fire up as White just SMACKS away! But then Moxley grabs it! Claudio RAMS White into the chair! Claudio drags White up, Electric Chair, and Moxley goes up! But White slips free and shoves Claudio into Moxley! Claudio runs up on White, but White sends him into a CHAIR! BLADERUNNER!!

The fans are thunderous, White crawls to a cover, but WHEELER YUTA appears! The Decoder LASHES White with a belt! The fans boo as Yuta keeps hitting White, but White just gets pissed! White takes those shots, the fans fire up as he does, and then he clinches Yuta! BLADERUNNER!!! But Moxley CURB STOMPS White! But Cope trips Moxley, and YANKS him into the post! Moxley’s Little Jon just got crushed! Cope fires up, the fans are with him, and Cope aims at Claudio! But Claudio UPPERCUTS first! Claudio reels Cope in, but Cope BACKDROPS free! SPEAR through the table!!! Moxley gets back up, Cope SPEARS him, too!!

Cope goes outside, the fans cheer on “A E DUB! A E DUB!” while Cope searches. Cope brings out a chair wrapped in barbed wire! The fans tell Cope he’s sick, but he SMACKS Moxley with the barbed-wire chair again and again! Moxley writhes, but Cope isn’t done! He presses Moxley’s head onto the chair, and then grabs the barbed-wire chair! But Yuta storms in to snatch that away! And Marina CLOBBERS Cope with the briefcase! Claudio hauls Cope up, to NEUTRALIZER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Cope survives, but Moxley clamps on a BULLY CHOKE!!! Cope claws at the mat, but Moxley vows to break Cope’s neck!

White fights against Yuta and Claudio but ends up in a SLEEPER!! The fans rally for Cope, and Cope grits his teeth as he knuckles under! Cope’s face is red like his ring gear, but then Moxley smothers that second wind! The ref calls it, Death Riders win!!

Winners: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli, by submission

But Moxley won’t stop squeezing the air out of Cope! The fans boo and call BS, especially when it ended up 4v2! Moxley lets Cope go when he’s satisfied, but even then he’s still angry. Moxley and Copeland are still going to have their title match for Revolution, who will in that battle in Los Angeles?


AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Buddy Matthews!

The Rainmaker likes to throw around “the B word” a lot, acting as if everyone is beneath him. But the Aussie Juggernaut thinks Okada’s the biggest B of them all! What happens now that there’s no running and hiding from this fight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and let’s see who is not b*tch!

The bell rings, the fans rally, and the two step up. Buddy offers a handshake, but Okada just gives him a middle finger. The fans boo but Buddy smirks. The two circle, tie up, and Buddy headlocks to hit a takeover. Okada headscissors, Buddy kips free. Okada hits the takeover, Buddy headscissors, Okada kips free. Buddy headlocks, Okada powers out, and they RAM shoulders! Both men stay up and the fans cheer. The two tie up again, Buddy puts Okada on the ropes, but then Buddy copies Okada’s famous fake out! Okada turns things around on Buddy, gives his own fake out, and then pie faces Buddy!

The fans rally, Buddy waistlocks, but Okada switches. They switch, and switch, then Okada shoves. Buddy ducks ‘n’ dodges, then avoids the dropkick! Buddy flips Okada to his feet, but Okada avoids the stomp! And the knee! Ripcord, but Buddy avoids the lariat! Buddy shoves, follows, and RANAS! Okada tumbles out, the fans fire up, and Buddy builds speed, only for Okada to slide in! But Buddy slides and stares Okada down! The fans bark behind this Hound of Hell, and Buddy flips Okada off. Okada bails out and says he wants his belt. Okada wants to just leave? The fans boo but Buddy grabs a mic.

“Okada-san! Okada-san! I know I’ve been calling you a b*tch. But over here, you’re just being an absolute wanker!” Okada gets mad and he storms back in! The two tie up, Okada puts Buddy on the ropes, and then Okada lets off slowly. Okada fakes Buddy out again, but then ROCKS him with a forearm! The fans still chant at Okada, “You’re a Wanker!” Buddy comes back to ROCK Okada! Okada ROCKS Buddy! The forearms go back and forth, Buddy CHOPS, and then whips. Okada reverses and ROCKS Buddy, then runs to CLUB him! Okada fires more shots, then runs again, but Buddy kitchen sink knees! And PENALTY KCISK! And KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO!

Buddy is annoyed but he stalks Okada outside. APRON BACK SUPLEX! The fans cheer while Buddy stalks Okada back into the ring. Buddy stands Okada up to UPPERCUT, but Okada bails out again. Buddy storms out, puts Okada back in, and Buddy goes up the corner. METE- NO, Okada avoids the meteora, but not a BOOT! Buddy runs, but into a FLAPJACK! Okada runs in, but into an ELBOW! Buddy goes up, but Okada DROPKICKS him down! Buddy goes to apron then floor, clutches a leg, and AEW goes picture in picture.

Okada takes his time rolling out of the ring. Okada stalks Buddy, stands him up, and RAMS him into railing! Buddy staggers, Okada goes back to the ring, and the ring count climbs. Buddy hobbles up at 7 to slide in at 8! But Okada’s on him with a DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada is a bit annoyed, but he stalks Buddy to ropes. Okada stands Buddy up, whips him to the corner, then runs in for a BACK ELBOW! Buddy falls and Okada just waits on him, but Grand Slam goes to break.

Grand Slam returns and Buddy pushes Okada into the ring. Buddy hurries up the corner as Okada stands. Buddy METEORAS! But again, Buddy clutches his leg! Buddy crawls to the cover, TWO! Okada stays in this, but Buddy pump handles. Okada victory rolls through, TWO! Buddy runs up, Okada pops him up, REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada grins, then drags Buddy up, scoop and SLAM! Okada goes up the corner, then MACHO ELBOWS! The fans boo but Okada winds up, Rainmaker MIDDLE FINGER! Okada flip soff Buddy, but Buddy grabs the finger! Buddy bends the finger, but Okada BOOTS Buddy again and again!

Buddy still bends the finger, then he blocks the boot. Okada ROCKS Buddy, ripcords, but Buddy reels him in! GO TO SLEEP!! Okada drops to his knees, CURB- NO, Okada dodges and ripcords, RAINMAKER! Cover, TWO?!? Buddy survives and Brisbane is thunderous! Okada is shocked, but then he smirks. Okada grabs the belt again, brings it to the ring, but the ref stops Okada. The ref takes the belt from Okada, and Buddy rolls Okada up! TWO!! CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!?!? Okada survives, but Buddy hurries to pump handle, MURPHY’S LAW!! Cover, ROPEBREAK?!? Okada survives by a literal foot!

Buddy is in disbelief, as are the fans! Okada bails out, Buddy hurries after him, but Okada kicks low! DDT to the floor! The fans boo more but Okada drags Buddy back up. Okada puts Buddy in the ring, then climbs up the corner. Buddy KNEES Okada first! Buddy climbs, brings Okada up, and he SUPERPLEX! Then roll through for the JACKHAMMER!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Okada survives, but Buddy shouts out Mami with THE PRISM TRAP!!! Okada endures being bent, but he powers up to fight forward! Buddy drags him away!! Okada rolls, Buddy almost runs into the ref! Okada runs up, he’s sent at the ref!

Buddy grabs Okada, Okada grabs the ref, and then Okada MULE KICK LOW BLOWS!! RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (still AEW Continental Champion)

Buddy got cheated and everyone but the ref knows it! The Rainmaker defies logic by being a winner and a wanker, but will anyone be able to stop the reign?


BREAKING NEWS for the Road to Revolution!

Tony Khan is upping the ante on things, we’re getting an International Championship Series! This Wednesday, Dynamite in Phoenix, will see former champions face off! Orange Cassidy VS Roderick Strong, the winner getting a title shot on Wednesday, February 26th! And then, whether it is Cassidy, Roddy or Konosuke, the International Champion will defend their championship against Kenny Omega in Los Angeles! Who makes it out of this revolutionary series with the gold around their waist?


AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Toni Storm!

The Glamour buttered up her role model so she could share the spotlight. However, it would seem Mariah was really just waiting for her chance to take everything away from Toni. All In: London was an instant classic, but it would seem Toni was taking her time to craft its sequel. Will the Woman From Hell make it another dramatic tragedy? Or will the AEW Women’s Division once again be Timeless?

Well, speaking of cinema, Luther is dressed like a movie usher, and he hushes the crowd before pointing to the stage. Toni’s old theme plays, and then the film flies off the reel. The lights go down, and back in black ‘n’ white, it’s Timeless Toni! The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it’s time for another box office smash!

The bell rings and the fans fire up already. Mariah and Toni stare down, or perhaps have a scowl off? The two storm up, tie up, then just fire hands! The fans cheer as Toni gets the edge! Toni whips Mariah, Mariah reverses, but Toni goes up and over! Toni comes back to THESZ PRESS! Toni rains down fast hands and the fans cheer! Toni lets Mariah go to a corner, just so she can stomp a mudhole into her! The fans cheer but the ref counts. Toni backs off, the fans sing “F her up Toni, F her up!” Mariah runs up, SLINGBLADE! Mariah then runs to SHOTGUN Toni back down! Mariah stomps Toni now, but stops as the ref counts.

The fans sing for “Toni! Toni Storm~! Toni, Toni Storm~!” Mariah is annoyed by that, and she talks some trash. Mariah fireman’s carries, Toni slips free, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah flounders, Toni drags her back, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah sputters again but fans want that “One More Time!” Toni obliges, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah tumbles, rises, but then flops back over! Toni drags Mariah up, and GERMAN SUPLEXES again! That’s four, Brisbane is now Suplex City! Toni stalks Mariah, the fans chant, “RIP HER T*TS OFF!” GERMAN SUPLEX! That’s a fifth, Toni stalks Mariah to ropes, but is Mariah smiling?

Mariah slowly rises, Toni GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Mariah goes to the apron, Toni storms out after her, and waistlocks out there?! The fans fire up but Mariah holds on for her life! Mariah HOTSHOTS Toni, then YANKS her down! Mariah has a sinister smile now, and she runs at Toni to SHOTGUN her into railing! Toni slumps down, Mariah crawls away, and Luther is displeased while AEW goes picture in picture.

Fans help Toni up, but then she flops right back over. Mariah stands, and then she storms up to Luther. Luther rallies the fans, but Mariah brings Toni around to SMACK her off the apron! Mariah then whips Toni hard into railing! Mariah snatches a fan’s sign that praises Toni, and RIPS it up! Mariah makes fun of the closeup, then taunts the fans. Mariah stalks Toni, but again tells Luther to back off. Mariah puts Toni in the ring, stalks her to a corner, then digs her boot in. The ref counts, Mariah steps off at 4, and Toni sputters along the ropes. Mariah kicks her down, but Luther coaches Toni up.

Mariah scoops Toni, for the SPINOUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Mariah put some extra rotations on that one! Cover, TWO! Toni stays in this, but Mariah taunts the fans. Mariah mockingly applauds Toni, SLAPS her, then bumps her off buckles. Mariah whips Toni corner to corner, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Mariah keeps Toni standing in the corner, to whip the other way! Grand Slam returns to single picture and Mariah UPPERCUTS again! The fans boo, but Mariah whips corner to corner. Toni comes back to LARIAT! And LARIAT! And SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Mariah survives but Toni steps on her!

Toni has the legs, ties those up, and the fans cheer for the DEATHLOCK STF COMBO! The fans rally, Mariah endures, but Toni grinds her down with the STF! But then Mariah BITES Toni’s arm!! Toni DRIBBLES Mariah’s face off the mat, then it’s back to the STF!! The fans cheer as Mariah suffers! Mariah reaches out, crawls her way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! Toni lets Mariah go in frustration, but she stalks Mariah to the apron. Toni drags Mariah up, but Mariah pushes free! Toni HEADBUTTS her, and Mariah sits down! Toni runs up, but Mariah dodges! Toni POSTS herself, and then Mariah fireman’s carries! MAYDAY to the floor!!

The fans rally while both women are down on the outside. Toni stirs, as does Mariah, and the ref starts a ring count. Luther rallies Brisbane, but Mariah is on Toni first. Mariah puts Toni in, then climbs. The fans continue to rally behind Toni, but Mariah is up top! MISSILE DROPKICK! Toni ends up in the other corner, and the fans boo as Mariah backs up. Mariah grins as she takes aim, mocks the closeup again, and HIP ATTACKS! Mariah then brings Toni up, but Toni fireman’s carries! She steals MAYDAY!! Cover, TWO!! Mariah survives her own move, but Toni rises again. Toni skips the closeup, HIP ATTACK!!

Toni snarls and keeps moving, HIP ATTACK!! Toni roars and the fans are thunderous, as we get a third HIP ATTACK!! Toni then hits STORM ZERO!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Mariah survives and Toni cannot believe it! The fans rally as hard as they can behind Toni as she drags Mariah back up. Mariah is a ragdoll, but Toni still brings her around. Toni fireman’s carries, but Mariah slips free! SAIDO!! Mariah was playing possum, learning how to act from Toni herself! MAYDAY AGAIN!! But Mariah isn’t done! Fireman’s carry for another MAYDAY!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Toni survives and Brisbane is erupting!

Mariah is furious with the ref, but referee Aubrey Edwards pushes her down! Aubrey tells Mariah to respect her authority! Mariah goes back to Toni, brings her back up, and she SLAPS Toni! And SLAPS her! And SLAPS, SLAPS, SLAPS! The fans boo, Mariah tells Toni to just go away! Mariah then hoists Toni up top, but Toni says no to the Stratusphere! Mariah DOUBLE CHOPS Toni for that, then climbs up! Mariah gives Toni a kiss goodbye, but Toni slips under! RUNNING POWERBOMB!! And then STORM ZERO!! Mariah flounders out of the ring! Toni has Mariah’s wrist, and she refuses to let Mariah get away!

Toni drags Mariah back in, but Mariah YANKS Toni into buckles! Mariah runs up to HEADBUTT! Mariah reels Toni in, and steals STORM ZERO!!! Mariah drags Toni up for another fireman’s carry, but Toni fights free! Cradle, TONI WINS!!!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall (NEW AEW Women’s World Champion)

A sudden turnaround, and Toni is triumphant! The hero has prevailed, and is now the historic FOUR-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion! Australia cheers for their leading lady, but this makes Toni and Mariah 1-1. Everyone loves a good trilogy, when and where will we get this story’s final act?

My Thoughts:


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Mitchell’s WWE Vengeance Day Results & Report! (2/15/25)

No love lost here!



Everyone loves to win!

The NXT landscape could all change tonight as Oba Femi defends his title in a Triple Threat, and Giulia defends her title in a Fatal 4 Way! Can the champions defy the odds and stay on top?


  • NXT Women’s North American Championship: Fallon Henley w/ The Fatal Influence VS Stephanie Vaquer; Vaquer wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s North American Champion.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom VS Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura; Frazer & Axiom win and retain the titles.
  • Strap Match: Eddy Thorpe VS Trick Williams; Eddy wins.
  • Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page; Ethan wins.
  • NXT Championship Triple Threat: Oba Femi VS Grayson Waller VS Austin Theory; Oba wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way: Giulia VS Bayley VS Roxanne Perez VS Cora Jade; Giulia wins and retains the title.


It’s the Vengeance Day Countdown Show!

Join Megan Morant and Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action set in the Nation’s Capital!


Nathan Frazer and Axiom talk backstage.

It’s been a hell of a ride. Two years ago, they were literally facing each other, no aspirations for tag titles. But then the Dusty Cup came up, and the rest is history. But how do they fare against the main roster? Motor City Machine Guns, Street Profits, DIY. But the more they run, the farther and higher Frazer can see this going. Axiom says they could become some of the best! Edge & Christian, The Usos, The Hardy Boys! But they can’t overlook Briggs & Inamura. Big, strong, world class athletes. But Fraxiom is at their best when they’re backed against the wall. They always overcome. Stand & Deliver 2024 to here and now, completely different animals.

If they keep going like this, they will be undeniably the best tag team in the world! And who knows? Maybe they could be the greatest team of all time! Fraxiom fist bump, could this be the moment they solidify their legacies forever? Or does the team that never slows down finally hit a brick wall?


Exclusive interview with Je’Von Evans.

Vic Joseph appreciates Je’Von taking this time, but he asks how Je’Von is. Je’Von says he’s finally been able to eat solid foods, so he’ll be ready for the match. Then what has it taken to get to this spot? Je’Von says it all kinda takes you to a place where you learn your limits. Throughout this break, Je’Von found his. And Ethan finds out how far he’ll go. Vic sees there’s still some swelling, and Ethan is a man who has gone so far as to break bones. Is Je’Von scared to get back in the ring? Je’Von says he’d be lying if he acted like he wasn’t. Two months, Je’Von has been worried about being able to eat, smell, let alone wrestle,

Je’Von went through some dark spots, but then he saw how Ethan was enjoying what he was doing to other people. That motivated Je’Von to come back. Then how confident is he in his trademark smile coming back. Je’Von isn’t sure he can smile. He took that for granted, he isn’t sure where he is with that. But he’ll go through Hell on Vengeance Day if he has to. Then Vic brings up the liability waiver. WWE will not be responsible for what happens to Je’Von in this match. Has Je’Von honestly asked himself, “Is this worth risking it all?” Je’Von has been thinking about that a lot. Ethan said he took Je’Von’s smile to get his back.

And at Vengeance Day, Je’Von says yes, it is worth taking this risk. He is going up against someone no one likes, who put Je’Von on the shelf, who will do anything to get what he wants. Je’Von’s jaw was busted, and he’s expected to stay back as the new kid? No! Ethan will see a side of Je’Von no one has seen before. Je’Von isn’t here to smile, he’s here to whoop Ethan’s ass. Vic wishes Je’Von luck and hopes he’ll be safe. Will the pain and the fear not be enough to keep the Young OG down?


Stephanie Vaquer speaks.

“I have survived things that should have broke me. Things that forced me to live in Hell for a long time. But that Hell became my home. Now, I am one with the fire. And I burn through everything in my path. Fallon, you crossed the wrong one. I will become NXT Women’s North American Champion and make history. In Hell, I will show you why I am La Primera.” This GOAT in the making has put the Cowgirl on notice, will Vaquer have her vengeance?


Backstage interview with A-Town Down Under.

Sarah Schreiber thanks Grayson Waller & Austin Theory for taking this time. They have some history in NXT, and then found success on SmackDown and Raw. What’re the highlights of their NXT careers? Waller says NXT was very important. He was a no name indie wrestler from Australia. He wasn’t “the guy” but he made a name, went viral, had main roster talent begging to face him, and then Waller wins the inaugural Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge. Oh, also, he beat Johnny Gargano! Best night of his life! Theory remembers he was in The Way with Gargano. Yeah, but that was in the past, long gone.

Theory says sure, but when he was in NXT, he was in there with a lot of sharks. He did his best to swim, but went to main roster quickly to become United States Champion. Waller sarcastically adds that Theory beat Cena, in case no one’s said that before. Sarah says they also had success as a team, winning the WWE Tag Team Championships at last year’s WrestleMania. But then, why would they come back to challenge for THE NXT Championship? Theory says “Oba Rated” needed a star presence. He needs two superstars to show him that way. The Grayson Waller Rub, if you would. Ava Raine asked ATDU to be here, and Oba has no idea what’s waiting on the main roster.

There are sharks up there, they smell blood in the water. ATDU came down here to see what Oba’s about, and now he’s gonna lose that title cuz he’s too arrogant. A shame. Yes, they did both drop Oba together, A-Town Down to the Down Under Stunner. But then they both grabbed the belt. Waller sees what this is. They’re all so desperate to break this up! Why? Because they’re the best team? Cuz they’re so entertaining? Cuz no one can touch them in the ring or on the mic? They ain’t playing that game. There WILL be a new champion, no matter what. But it isn’t a Handicap Match, it’s a Triple Threat. If it was up to them, who’d walk out of there as champion?

Waller and Theory each say “Me,” but then they say “Us.” Waller wishes they had Vic, he’s much better at this. But all that attitude aside, will either Waller or Theory win that title? Or are they the ones too arrogant about their chances?


There’s no love lost here tonight.

Unforgettable matches, historic debuts, Vengeance Day has become the showcase of WWE’s future. It is a proving ground for NXT’s best, and a stage upon which vengeance leads to superstardom. The champions have earned their place at the top, but as familiar faces return and fresh challengers emerge, the balance of power may shift once again. Tonight, live from Washington, DC, we write the next chapter! For this is Vengeance Day!


NXT Women’s North American Championship: Fallon Henley w/ The Fatal Influence VS Stephanie Vaquer!

The Cowgirl’s toxic team helped her take this title from Kelani Jordan, and then helped her keep it from Shotzi Blackheart, but Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx were made to look like fools just days ago. Will La Primera be able to win this title on her first try? Or will it be #YEEHAWB*TCH in the Nation’s Capital?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really the best!

We of course see Jaida Parker, Kelani Jordan & Karmen Petrovic The bell rings and the fans are all fired up for “STEHPANEI! STEPHAHNIE!” Vaquer and Fallon tie up, go around, and are in a deadlock. Vaquer wrenches an arm, throws Fallon down, then wristlocks. Fallon headscissors, the fans rally, and Vaquer kips free. The fans cheer as the two reset and stare down. They circle, tie up, and Vaquer waistlocks to SLAM Fallon! Vaquer facelocks, Fallon rolls to wrench free, but Vaquer rolls, handsprings, and wrenches back. Fallon rolls, then trips Vaquer to turn her over for a headlock. Vaquer rolls to a cover, TWO!

Fallon covers, ONE! Fallon SLAPS Vaquer, talks smack, but Vaquer just scowls at her. Fallon runs up to body scissor roll, TWO! Vaquer is up, she returns the favor but with an inside roll, and then a KNEEBAR! Fallon kicks around but Vaquer powers her through to a toehold, and then STF! The fans fire up while Fallon endures! Jacy & Jazmyn coach Fallon, she reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Vaquer lets go, glaring at Jacy. Vaquer drags Fallon back, and she KICKS Fallon in the side! The fans rally and Vaquer wraps on the headscissors! But Fallon scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The fans boo, they all wanted that driver!

The ref counts, Vaquer lets go, and she backs off. Fallon SLAPS her again! The fans boo but Vaquer just glares at Fallon. Fallon swings, into an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN, then a straitjacket stretch! Fallon stands up, moves around, but Vaquer brings her back to STRETCH! Fallon rolls back, but Vaquer victory rolls her, TWO! Vaquer says it was that close. Fallon storms up, waistlocks, but Vaquer switches. Vaquer drags Fallon down, body scissors, O’Conner! TWO, and Fallon scrambles to her feet, Vaquer wheelbarrows, but Fallon turns arm-drag into ARMBAR! Vaquer fights, the fans rally, and Vaquer fights around to a stack cover! TWO!

Fallon hurries to whip, but Vaquer reverses. Vaquer runs up, but Fallon puts her up top! Vaquer blocks the slap into a HANGING ARMBAR! The fans cheer but the ref counts, Vaquer lets go at 4. Vaquer then goes up, but Fallon BOOTS her down! The fans boo, but Jazmyn distracts the ref so Jacy can BOOT Vaquer down! The fans boo while Jacy talks trash, then Jacy puts Vaquer in! Fallon hurries to BOOT Vaquer against the post! The fans chants, “REF, YOU SUCK!” Fallon drags Vaquer up to stomp away on Vaquer. Fallon digs her boots in, but lets off as the ref counts. Fallon drags Vaquer up to whip her to ropes, then LARIATS!

Fallon rains down fists on Vaquer, then covers, TWO! The fans cheer but Fallon seethes as she drags Vaquer up. Fallon puts Vaquer on ropes to CHOKE her! The ref counts, Fallon steps off at 4, then runs to saunter and STRADDLE ATTACK! The fans boo, Fallon steps off again, and Fallon puts Vaquer in a corner. Fallon brings Vaquer up, but Vaquer fires shots in return! The fans cheer as Vaquer whips. Fallon whips Vaquer, then ROCKS her! Fallon cravats but Vaquer powers out, only for Fallon to ROCK her again!

Fallon wrangles Vaquer to a snapmare, then SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Fallon is frustrated. Fallon drags Vaquer up by her hair, the fans rally for Vaquer, but Fallon fires forearms! Fallon bumps Vaquer off buckles, then lines up a shot. Fallon runs in, goes up, up, and BLOCKBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Vaquer survives and Fallon is frustrated again. Fallon clamps on a chinlock and grinds Vaquer into the mat. The fans rally, Vaquer fights up, but Fallon knees low! Vaquer fires a forearm! Fallon fires back! Fallon storms up to bring Vaquer around, whips her to a corner, but Vaquer dodges!

Vaquer fireman’s carries Fallon, Fallon slips free and THRWOS her by her hair! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Fallon storms back up on Vaquer. Fallon whips, Vaquer reverses and she THROWS Fallon by her hair! Vaquer runs up, Fallon dodges, but then Vaquer dodges to SUPERKICK! Fallon is on the ropes. Vaquer dials it up, 619!! The fans are thunderous and Vaquer springboards, CROSSBODY! Then a clinch and BIG back suplex! Vaquer is feeling it now, and she wraps on those headscissors! Vaquer DRIVES Fallon into the mat! The fans count along, and Vaquer goes all the way to TEN! Cover, TWO!!

Fallon survives those Primera Drivers but Vaquer isn’t done with her. Fallon BOOTS her away, but Vaquer comes back to CLOBBER her int he corner! Vaquer runs, but Fallon follows to ELBOW her in a corner! Fallon runs, Vaquer follows, kitchen sink knee! Vaquer CHOPS, ELBOWS, then runs, but Fallon again follows! Leg sweep, and then a basement- NO, Vaquer ducks the enzigiri to arm-drag and leg capture for a cover, TWO! SLINGBLADE from Fallon! Both women are down and the fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Fallon sits up first but Vaquer follows. Fallon stands, she has Vaquer but Vaquer wrenches out, SOLE FOOD!

Vaquer runs up, blocks boots, and she DRAPING DRAGON SCREWS Fallon! Vaquer smiles as she runs corner to corner, METEORA! The fans cheer as Vaquer snapmares Fallon for a cover, TWO! Fallon shows her toughness, but Vaquer underhooks the arms. Fallon fights out, knees low, and she pump handles for a PUMP HANDLE SUPLEX! The fans boo but Fatal Influence coaches Fallon on. Fallon runs, but Vaqure avoids the Famouser to O’Conner Roll! TWO, Vaquer ends up on ropes, and Jacy SUCKER PUNCHES her!! Cover, TWO!!! Vaquer is tougher than that, and Jacy is furious! The fans rally as hard as they can while Fallon drags Vaquer up.

Fallon tells Vaquer she is NOTHING! Vaquer HEADBUTTS her for it! And then she tucks Fallon in, has the arms, but Fallon BACKDROPS free! Fallon has power to spare, and she drags Vaquer up to bump her off buckles. Fallon soaks up heat, runs to the corner, goes up, up, but Vaquer BLASTS her to the outside! Fallon falls to the floor and the fans fire up! Vaquer fetches Fallon, POSTS her, then dodges Jacy to LARIAT Jazmyn! Vaquer DECKS Jacy, SUPERKICKS Jazmyn, then dodges Jacy again to SUPERKICK again! The fans are thunderous, and Vaqur even ducks Fallon’s swing kick! CHOP BLOCK!

Vaquer has Fallon on the apron! Underhooks and… APRON TIGER DRIVER!! Fallon flops onto Jacy & Jazmyn, but Vaquer just goes up, up and CROSSBODY to the outside!! The fans are thunderous as Vaquer topples the Influence! Vaaquer puts Fallon in, storms up on her, and she tucks the arms! S V B!! But she’s not done?! Vaquer puts Fallon in the drop zone, then she goes up, up, and SPIRAL TAP MOONSAULT!! Cover, Vaquer wins!!

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s North American Champion)

NXT is no longer under the Influence, as La Primera is now a champion! The first-ever South American born women’s champion in the WWE is leading the way into the new chapter, will Vaquer also look to Stand and Deliver?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom VS Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura!

As #Fraxiom said during the countdown show, they’re looking to become the greatest tag team of all time, but that might be looking too far ahead into the future. In the present, they’re running into the Bullhead City Brawler and the Great Rush! Will Frazer & Axiom #NeverSlowDown even now? Or will they be brought to a screeching halt by the hoss duo standing before them?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who survives this first-time faceoff!

The teams sort out, Axiom starts against Inamura. The bell rings as they circle and tie up. Axiom wrenches around to a wristlock, but Inamura does the same. Inamura scoops, Axiom slips out to headlock. Inamura powers up and out, Frazer tags in, and the speed blitz begins! DOUBLE BASMENT DROPKICSK hit! Briggs runs up but into more kicks! BOOSTED DROPKICK and Briggs tumbles out! Briggs throws a fit but Inamura fires hands on Frazer. Inamura suplexes, Frazer slips free, but Inamura stops the superkick. The DRAGON WHIP hits, Axiom tags in! Another speed blitz knocks Inamura down, then Frazer hits a DDT! Axiom covers, TWO!

Inamura stays in this and the fans rally up. Axiom stands Inamura up, Inamura CHOPS him down! Tag to Briggs, he runs to BOOT Frazer! Axiom CHOPS and fires palm strikes! He hooks Briggs, waistlocks, but Briggs bucks the O’Conner! Axiom kips back up but Briggs BOOTS him back down! Briggs CLBOBERS Frazer again, then he tags Inamura. Briggs choke grips Axiom, but Axiom flips through the lift! Axiom DROPKCISK Inamura, but Briggs gets Axiom again! CHOKE SLAM BACKBREAKER combo!! Inamura covers, TWO! Axiom survives that, but Inamura stomps him. Inamura puts Axiom in the corner to CHOP!

Inamura tags Briggs, Briggs stalks Axiom and stands him up. Briggs CLOBBERS Axiom with a crossface forearm, then covers, TWO! Briggs keeps Axiom down and tells Frazer he can’t do anything about it! The fans rally as Axiom endures, and Axiom fights up to fire body shots. Briggs CLUBS Axiom, then shoves him to the corner. Tag to Inamura, he strikes a sumo stance, and then he fires up! Axiom stands into a SUMO PALM STRIKE FLURRY! And then another CHOP! The fans fire up as Inamura whips Axiom to the corner. Axiom hits buckles hard then falls back. Inamura CHOPS Axiom down, Briggs talks some smack, and the fans duel.

Inamura stands Axiom up to CLUB him, and CHOP him! And CHOP! And CHOP, JAB, CHOP on repeat! DC fires up for Inamura bringing that Strong Style to NXT! Axiom CHOPS, but it doesn’t even hurt Inamura. Inamura winds up, and he CHOPS Axiom back down! Inamura eggs Axiom on, and Axiom stands to CHOP! Inamura nods, he likes that fighting spirit! Inamura CHOPS Axiom down again! Inamura puts his hands back and dares Axiom to hit him again. Axiom POINT BLANK GOLDEN RATIOS! The fans fire up as both men are down! Axiom and Inamura crawl, hot tags to Briggs and Frazer! Frazer springboards to hit Briggs!

Frazesr runs, ROCKS Briggs, runs again, but he slips through as coop! Frazer BOOTS Briggs, runs, slips through again and DDTS! The fans fire up, Frazer BOOTS Inamura and STANDING SHOOTING STARS Briggs! Cover, TWO!! Briggs stays in this but Axiom tags back in. Axiom climbs, Frazer tags back in, FROG SPLASH! 450 LEG DROP on the face! Cover, TWO!! Briggs clutches his face, Frazer tags Axiom! Axiom goes up, Briggs SHOVES Frazer at him! Fraxiom avoids disaster, Axiom leaps, but into a BACKBREAKER! Briggs choke grips Frazer, POP-UP POWERBOMB!! SPLASH for Axiom, tag to Inamura!

Inamura bumps Axiom off buckles for Briggs to BOOT! Briggs whips Axiom, BACKDROP BOMB!!? Cover, FRAZER BREAKS IT!! The fans are thunderous while Briggs & Inamura are furious! “This is Awesome!” Inamura climbs, Briggs hoists Frazer up! Frazer RANAS Briggs out! Axiom stops Inamura with a GAMANGIRI! Axiom climbs up and has Inamura for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Frazer hurries to his corner to go up top! But Briggs grabs him first! Briggs goes up, and he SUPER CHOKE SLAMS Frazer onto Axiom!!! All four men are down and DC is electric! Briggs crawls over to Frazer, has the legs, but Frazer PELES!

Axiom GAMANGIRIS Briggs in a corner, then tags Frazer! But Briggs LARIATS Axiom! Inamura catches Frazer, FALL AWAY SLAM! Axiom slips under Briggs, then gets up to POISON-RANA!! Inamura POUNXCES Axiom!! And then scoops, SWINGING- NO, Frazer jumps on for a SLEEPER!! Inamura fades, drops to a knee, but the fans fire up as he rises again! AND SPINS WITH THEM BOTH!! POWERSLAM for Axiom, then a fireman’s carry for Frazer! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER onto Axiom!! Inamura covers, TWO! Frazer survives but Inamura just roars! Inamura drags Axiom onto Frazer, then he goes up top!

Inamura fires up and pumps up, SUMO SPLASH FLOPS!! Frazer & Axiom hurry up, Frazer DIVES at Briggs! Briggs catches him, but Axiom ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!! Fraxiom hurries in and they get Inamura up! Tag tog Axiom, MISSILE DROPKICK HIGH-LOW!! Cover, FRAXIOM WINS!!

Winners: Nathan Frazer & Axiom, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

Briggs & Inamura pushed Fraxiom to their limit, but Fraxiom still found a way to win! Briggs & Inamura regroup, and they show Fraxiom respect with handshakes. But wait! Who are these four!? Are these those four?! They all attack Inamura, Briggs & Fraxiom! Wait, Dion Lennox is part of this group! Then who are the others? The fans even chant “WHO ARE YOU?! WHO ARE YOU!?” Their names don’t matter, they just destroyed the top teams in NXT! Will this be a hostile takeover of NXT?


Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo speaks.

He says they should’ve seen this coming. The Don retains the title, but then Spears and his squad get the jump on them!? And that… Stacks won’t say what’s in his head because he promises his mom he’d cuss less this year. But IZZI EFFIN’ DAME…! Tony’s back is bad, he hasn’t talked to them yet, but Stacks vows Spears pays for his sins. The Underboss is doing this on his own. If Spears wants Family VS Family, then that’s fine by Stacks. This Tuesday, he takes the head off that snake! The D’Angelo Family is the ONLY Family in NXT! And payback ain’t gonna be pretty.


Strap Match: Eddy Thorpe VS Trick Williams!

The Alpha Wolf feels insulted from being overlooked and pushed aside, but he’s the one that pushed things too far. Eddy vows to leave his mark on NXT one way or another, but will he really be the one to Whoop Dat Trick? Or will Trick make sure Eddy’s the one with the battle scars to look back on?

The introductions are made, and the ref has the strap, but Eddy attacks first! Trick fights back, the fans fire up, and Trick ROCKS Eddy. Trick whips, Eddy grabs the ropes, but Trick LARIATS him up and out! Trick goes out to CHOP Eddy, then CHOPS him again! Trick stalks Eddy towards commentary, pushes him to the railing, and he CHOPS again! Eddy sputters, Trick puts him in the ring, and then Trick dodges a lariat to BACKDROP Eddy! The fans fire up as Trick grabs his end of the strap and, well, straps in. Trick tells Eddy to take his end already. Eddy hesitates, but Trick stomps him for it! The fans fire up and Trick makes Eddy strap in!

The bell rings and this is finally on record! Trick drags Eddy up to LARIAT him back down! Trick uses the strap to stand Eddy up again, for another LARIAT! Trick covers, TWO! Trick drags Eddy up again, but Eddy bails out! The fans rally behind Trick as he goes out the opposite side. Trick YANKS Eddy into the POST! Eddy sputters, Trick drags him into the ring, and then Trick whips to POP-UP UPPERCUT! Eddy flops over and the fans fire up with Trick. Trick again uses the strap to stand Eddy up, but Eddy TOSSES Trick out! Trick uses the strap to YANK Eddy into the HOTSHOT! Eddy falls back, Trick climbs up!

But Eddy YANKS on the strap to bring Trick down! Both men are on the mat and the fans boo Eddy. Trick takes a swing, Eddy dodges, and he uses the strap to trip Trick! Eddy wraps Trick’s legs up with the strap, then he stomps a mudhole into Trick! Cover, TWO! Eddy kicks Trick around, then soaks up the heat. Eddy goes up the corner, but Trick YANKS him down now! The fans cheer as Trick gets even with Eddy there, then gathers up some slack. Eddy avoids the lashing, but Trick runs up! Eddy ducks the boot, has the slack, and he SMACKS Trick on the back! Eddy DUMPS Trick out, goes to the apron, and he LASHES Trick again!

The fans boo but Eddy just soaks it up as he stalks Trick. Eddy CLUBS Trick, ROCKS him, then LASHES him in the ribs! The fans tell Eddy off, but Eddy pushes Trick to then soak up more heat. Eddy gets a taste of the leather before he LASHES Trick again! The fans boo, but Trick SMACKS Eddy off the desk again and again! Trick fires haymakers, then CHOPS! Trick gathers up the slack, but Eddy POSTS Trick! Eddy uses the strap to wrap Trick up at the post! Eddy KICKS Trick again and again, then LASHES him! And LASHES him! And LASHES him again and again! The fans boo but Eddy just soaks it all up.

Eddy goes back to Trick, but Trick BOOTS him! Trick unwraps himself, but Eddy YANKS him into the POST! And BOOTS him down! The fans boo but Eddy goes to the apron. Eddy drags Trick up with the strap, pulling him into the crossbar! Eddy CHOKES Trick like that, but the fans rally for Trick more. “WHOOP DAT TRICK! WHOOP DAT TRICK!” Eddy pushes Trick into the ring, then wraps his fist in leather, before he rains down fists! The fans boo but Eddy just revels in it. But Trick rolls Eddy up! TWO, but Trick scoops! Eddy slips free, CLUBS Trick, then BACK2BACK BREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Eddy is frustrated but Trick is still in this. Eddy stomps Trick, drags him around using the strap, but the fans rally up. Eddy whips Trick hard into buckles! Trick hits face first, then falls back. Eddy gives Trick a junkyard dog headbutt while talking trash. Eddy uses the strap to whip Trick into more buckles! Eddy grins while the fans boo, but Trick is rising! The fans rally, Eddy looks scared now! Trick TACKLES Eddy into a corner! Trick fires LARIAT after LARIAT, but then Eddy ducks! Eddy trips Trick, CLUBS him, then wraps the strap around him before he BOOTS him into buckle! Eddy drags Trick to center for the TOMAHAWK ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Trick stays in this and the fans rally up. Eddy seethes as he stands over Trick, then he kicks Trick around. Eddy gathers up more slack, but Trick fires body shots! Trick then clinches, for a BOOKEND! Trick then hooks Eddy up, STF, with the STRAP helping!! The fans fire up as Eddy has a gag in his mouth! Eddy flails, reaches out, but there are no ropebreaks here! Eddy fights, thinks about it, but stops himself from tapping out! Eddy again grabs the rope, but he isn’t giving up! Trick lets go in frustration, and he uses the strap to drag Eddy up. LARIAT! Trick has the slack now, and the fans fire up for it! Trick says Eddy asked for this!

Eddy wants mercy but Trick says no, no mercy! Trick LASHES away on Eddy, and again, and again, and again! Trick unloads all of his anger on Eddy, even anger that’s not Eddy’s fault! The fans are thunderous for Trick as he again drags Eddy back up. SIDEKICK! Trick whips and FLAPJACKS Eddy, then FLAPJACKS again! Trick kips up, almost ends up stomping Eddy, and he drags Eddy up again. Trick TRICK SHOTS, but Eddy falls out of the ring! Trick reels Eddy in like a fish but Eddy is a ragdoll! Trick goes out to shove Eddy in, then hurries, but Eddy BOOTS him! Trick BOOTS Eddy! Eddy dodges the next one, and LEATHER STRAP LOW BLOW!!

The fans boo but Eddy doesn’t care about what’s fair! BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, EDDY WINS!!

Winner: Eddy Thorpe, by pinfall

DC cannot believe it, but the Alpha Wolf just took down some Grade A prey! Is this only the beginning of Eddy taking over as NXT’s alpha male?


Ricky Starks speaks.

The hottest free agent shocked the world last week when I appeared on NXT. And tonight, it’s Vengeance Day, and I’m gonna be watching on Peacock. And I know you’re probably wondering what’s next. I’ve got the answer for you. This Tuesday, live on NXT, in the middle of that ring, I am gonna be signing my official NXT contract. And then you’re gonna have the absolute truth from the man himself.” The revolution will be televised, but will it take over all of NXT?


Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page!

The Young OG was cleared for this match, but was also heavily advised he shouldn’t take it, given one more good shot to the jaw could injure him forever. But as Je’Von told us earlier tonight, it will all be worth it for this shot at vengeance. But will Je’Von be able to bring down All Ego? Or will Ethan just go all psycho on Je’Von all over again?

The bell rings and Ethan takes ahyamker swings! Je’von bobs ‘n’ weaves, then Etahn avoids getting hit in return! The chase is on, going outside then inside the ring, but Etahn again avoids Je’Von’s haymakers. So JEvon DIVES onto Ethan and the desk! The fans are losing their minds, but Je’Von rises up! Je’VOn keeps Ethan from running away, throws more hands, then has Ethan on the desk! Je’Von gets on the desk to rain down that fury! The fans fire up as Je’VOn DECKS Ethan, HAMMERS him, and fires up himself! Ethan crawls away, but Je’Von just LEAPS, FLYING LARIAT! Down goes Ethan and the fans are thunderous!

Je’Von drags Ethan up, puts him in the ring, then hurries after him. Je’Von dodges a lariat to RANA! Ethan stagger sup, into an atomic drop! Je’Von CHOPS Ethan, waistlocks, but Ethan swings an elbow. Je’von ducks it, knees low, and suplexes! Je’Von kips up, the fans fire up, and Ethan staggers into a BLUE THUDNER BOMB! Cover, ref double checks, TWO! The fans chant, “REF YOU SUCK!” Je’Von is annoyed but he gets Ethan up, then whips him to a corner. Je’Von runs up to CHOP Ethan! The fans want that “One More Time!” but Je’Von fires hands and stmops! The ref counts, warns JE’Von, but then Ethan kicks low!

Ethan TOSSES Je’Von out, storms back up, but Je’Von ROCKS Ethan! Je’Von springboards to FLYING LARIAT! That was borderline phenomenal, and Je’Von hurries to cover! TWO! Ethan stays in this but Je’Von stays on him. DC cheers on the Young OG, and Je’Von sits Ethan up. Je’Von springboards, but Ethan stops the cutter! Ethan shoves Je’Von, Je’Von stops himself, and Je’Von DUMPS Ethan out! Je’Von then SUPERKICKS Ethan down! Ethan sputters on the apron, but Je’Von lines up a shot. Je’Von goes up, out, up again, APRON CUTTER!! Jaw aside, Je’Von risks his spine on that one, and the fans lose their minds again!

Je’Von rises up, snarling as he looks down at Ethan. Je’Von drags Ethan to the steel steps, and he pushes Ethan against the edge! The fans fire up as Je’Von says Ethan messed up! Je’Von stands on Ethan’s head, then JUMP STOMPS but Ethan dodges! Ethan CHOP BLOCKS Je’Von, puts the leg int he steps, and he DROPKICKS the steps!! Je’Von writhes and scrambles away as Ethan gets him like he did Dante Chen! Je’Von clutches the ankle but Ethan storms in to STOMP it! Ethan gives up on the jaw to go after the ankle! KNEE DROP, and then KNEE DROP! Ethan slaps Je’Von’s hands away so he can STMOP the foot!

The fans boo while Je’Von hobbles around. Ethan drags Je’Von to put that foot on the ropes! Je’Von kicks at Ethan so Ethan changes plans, FOOT DDT! And then he turns Je’Von over for a HALF CRAB! Je’Von endures, the fans rally, and Je’Von fights around! Je’Von fires fists from below! Ethan lets go of the leg, the fans rally, but Ethan CHOP BLOCKS Je’Von again! Ethan stalks Je’Von and has an ANKLE LOCK! Je’Von flails, reaches out, but he has to kick at Ethan! ROPEBREAK, Ethan won’t let go, so Je’Von BOOTS him away! Je’Von stands, and he ROCKS Ethan with a haymaker! The fans fire up as Je’Von hobbles up.

Ethan scoops Je’Von, scoop SLAM into ropes! The legs get bent up, then Ethan RIPCORD POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! But Ethan is right back on the ANKLE LOCK! Je’Von flails, reaches out, turns over, and he kicks at Ethan! Ethan holds on, the fans rally for Je’Von, and Je’Von fights his way forward! ROPEBREAK! But Ethan YANKS Je’Von back to put on a grapevine! Je’Von endures, he crawls again, and the fans rally even harder as he drags Ethan back! ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Ethan lets go at 4, and the fans boo. Je’Von clutches the ankle again, the fans tell Ethan off, but Ethan focuses on Je’Von.

Ethan grabs the bad leg, he drags Je’Von back, but Je’Von rolls to send him into buckles! And then SUPERMAN PUNCH!! The fans fire up as Je’Von has Ethan in a daze! Je’Von goes up, but Ethan trips him! Canadian Rack, EGO’S EDGE!! Cover, TWO?!? Je’Von survives and Ethan is furious! The ref defends his count, so Ethan goes to the corner. Ethan runs up, Je’Von avoids the boot, blocks the stomp, and he has Ethan’s foot! Ethan wants Je’Von to hold on, but Je’Von spins Ethan to ROCK him with haymaker after haymaker! Je’Von avoids a shot and he DECKS Ethan! And DECKS him! And DECKS him again!

Je’Von ducks ‘n’ dodges, rebound and NEURALIZER KICK! That one was for Uncle Ceddy! The fans fire up as Je’Von waits on Ethan. Je’Von stands on Ethan’s jaw! STOMP!! Ethan writhes and clutches his face! Ethan bails out, Je’Von manages to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! The fans fire up as Je’Von gets Ethan in the ring. Je’Von springboards, into a HAYMAKER!! Ethan got Je’Von in the jaw! TWISTED GRIN! Cover, Ethan wins!!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

Ethan just needed the one opening, and that’s all it took to hit Je’Von on the bull’s eye. Je’Von is again spitting blood, and again Ethan smiles. Did All Ego just end Je’Von’s bright future?


Backstage interview with Stephanie Vaquer.

Sarah congratulates La Primera on winning her first title in WWE, and how does she feel? Vaquer says she makes history by becoming the new NXT Women’s North American Champion. But her night isn’t over, as she will stay to watch the main event. Vaquer heads out to find a spot to watch the Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way, will her amiga be the one coming out on top?


NXT Championship Triple Threat: Oba Femi VS Grayson Waller VS Austin Theory!

The Ruler finds himself in yet another Triple Threat, a scenario in which he is undefeated. However, he has never been in such a Triple Threat where his enemies were allies. At the same time, the Aussie Icon and Mr. ATL have been a little at odds over who’s getting the W. Will A-Town Down Under find a way to dethrone The Ruler? Or will Oba be immune to the Grayson Waller Effect all day?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the numbers finally spell disaster for Oba!

The bell rings and the fans are all behind Oba. But then Waller SUPERKICKS him! ATDU mugs Oba, the fans boo, but then Waller sends Theory in for a LARAIT! Theory wends Waller in for a SPALSH! Then they DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOW! Oba wobbles, ATDU mugs him more, then they double whip. But Oba blocks! Oba double whips them, to DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM! Oba TOSSES Waller to a corner, ROCKS him again and again, but Theory jumps on for a SLEEPER! Oba RAMS him into buckles, but Waller mule kicks Oba! Waller ROCKS Oba, brings him around, and Theory helps, only for Oba to DOUBLE SUPLEX first!

DC is thunderous as Oba rises! Oba storms up on Theory to stomp away. Oba CLUBS Theory, but Waller jumps on for a SLEEPER! Oba RAMS Waller into buckles, BOOTS Theory, then THROWS Waller away. Theory somersaults, but into Oba’s military press! Oba THROWS Theory at Waller! ATDU is down, the fans fire up, and Oba chooses Waller. But Waller JUMP KNEES! Theory ROCKS Oba! ATDU DOUBLE LARIATS Oba up and out! The fans boo but now ATDU watches each other closely. They decide to settle this 1v1 right now! Waller shoves Theory, Theory shoves back! Theory tells Waller to bring it then!

The fans rally as these two circle, but then Oba drags Waller to the apron! Waller BOOTS Oba away, but Oba CHOPS Waller! Theory runs up but Oba CHOPS him! Oba roars and DC is with him! Oba clears the desk! The fans are thunderous as Oba then DOUBLE CHOPS ATDU! Oba lets Waller sputters away and brings Theory in. But Waller slides out to ROCK Oba! Waller SMACKS Oba off the apron, but Oba sends him into steel steps! Theory ROCKS Oba, SMACKS him off the apron, then Theory pulls those steps apart. But Oba ROCKS him in return! Oba has the steps now, and he CHUCKS them at Theory!

Theory tumbles away from that impact, but Oba picks the steps back up. Oba aims at Waller now, but Waller trips Oba up! Oba SMACKS off the steps! Waller hurries to DDT Oba on the steps! Waller takes a little bit of damage himself, but he puts Oba in the ring. The fans rally for Oba but Waller brings in a chair. Waller cravats Oba to fire knee after knee. Fans chant for tables but Waller gives Oba some HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS, mocking the “HOOT! HOOT!” But Oba rises up to DECK Waller! Waller grabs the chair, and he JAMS Oba up! And SMACKS Oba on the back! The fans boo but Waller JAMS Oba again!

Waller stands over Oba as he JAMS Oba again, then he CHOKES Oba! The ref stops Waller, there’s a limit to what’s allowed. Waller makes Oba take a seat in the chair, JABS him, then goes up the corner. MISSILIE- NO, Oba catches Waller! Waller fires elbows to get free, then runs, but into a FULL METAL SIDEWALK SLAM! The chair is crushed and Waller writhes! Oba covers, Theory breaks it! Theory helps Waller up, then brings Oba around. Oba ROCKS Theory! Theory goes to a corner, Oba runs up, but Theory drop toeholds him into buckles! Theory then goes to the apron, slingshots and SHOTGUNS! But Theory can’t make the cover from the bad arm!

Theory and Waller call to each, and Waller hurries up top. Theory stands Oba up, but Oba fights fere! UPPERCUT for Waller! Oba climbs up but Theory CLUBS him on the back! Theory gets under Oba, Waller has Oba up top, but Oba grabs Waller now! Oba reels Waller in, TOWER OF DOOM!! The fans fire up for the Electric Chair Superplex! Theory covers Oba, TWO!! Oba survives and “This is Awesome!” Theory stalks Oba to the apron, but Oba trips him up! Oba looks under the ring, and he brings out a TABLE! DC is all fired up for this! Oba sets that up, but Theory ROCKS him from behind! ATDU stomps away on Oba and the fans boo!

Theory takes ownership of the table, Waller helps him set it up, and they put Oba on the table! Waller goes up the corner, for a SUPER BALLER ELBOW DROP through the table!! Oba is down in the wreckage, as is Waller, and the fans lose their minds again! Theory checks on his teammate, but then realizes he has an opening! Theory puts Oba in the ring, covers, TWO!!! Oba survives, and Waller realizes Theory tried to snake him on that! Theory says Waller would’ve done the same! They argue, but Oba rises! Oba runs up, Theory dodges, Waller gets BLASTED! Theory fireman’s carries, Oba fights free! SPINEBUSTER!

The fans fire up and Oba rises again! Oba aims at Theory, runs corner to corner, UPPERCUT! Oba keeps going, UPPERCUT for Theory! Waller runs in, Oba dodges, Waller UPPERCUTS Theory! Oba UPPERCUTS them both!! Then Oba TOSSES Theory across the way! Waller is outside, Oba goes out after him, but Oba BOOTS the chair down! Waller takes another swing, but Oba makes him a SHOTPUT through the announce desk! But Theory SMACKS Oba with a chair!! Theory puts Oba in, takes aim again, but Oba PUNCHES the chair?!? Then he pops Theory up, but Theory SATELLITE DDTS!!

Theory fireman’s carries, A-TOWN DOWN!! Cover, WALLER YANKS THE REF OUT!! The fans fire up as Waller screws over his friend! Theory can’t believe it, but Waller says Theory would’ve done the same. The fans rally as Oba rises, Waller warns Theory, but Oba SHOTPUTS Theory! And then Oba reels Theory in, but Waller slingshots! Oba dodges, DOWN UNDER STUNNER hits Theory!! FALL FROM GRACE for Waller!! Cover, Oba wins!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Still champion, still undefeated, still The Ruler of NXT! Wait, the lights go out? And when the lights come back up, those four men from earlier are back! Dion and his new squad have all eyes on Oba, then the lights go out again. Now strobe lights hit, and the four men rush the ring! They beat Oba down 4v1, and then they haul Oba up! POP-UP DOUBLE BOMB?!? Dion and his new squad are dangerous, what will NXT do to survive?


Backstage interview with Ava Raine.

Sarah is now with the NXT General Manager and brings up the shocking attacks we’ve seen perpetrated tonight. What is her reaction? Ava is at a loss for words. Dion’s group are certainly trying to make an impact, but she will address them accordingly this Tuesday. Sarah also brings up NXT going to Cincinnati for February 25th, and Ava says there are a lot of people wanting to be part of that show. Lexis King has texted her 23 times. Did you know that it was his hometown? But yeah, he made sure she knew. And beyond NXT in Cincy, there will also be the final NXT special edition episode before Stand & Deliver, as Roadblock returns.

Ava says that will be live from The Theater in Madison Square Garden, a massive night! Wait, Arianna Grace returns? She is so happy to see Ava, hugs it out, and says she’s been gone for so long. She wants to thank Ava for letting her be the NXT liaison to TNA. And trust her when she says, it has been amazing. Ava is so glad- Wait, Arianna says there is someone Ava has to meet. Tada! It’s Arianna’s father, Santino Marella! WWE superstar turned TNA Director of Authority, Santino is back and is honored to meet Ava. But wait, they met before when she was little. She’s all grown up, and in a position of authority. Just like Santino!

Ava says yes, very nice to see them. But Arianna mentioned Santino had ideas, as does Ava, so let’s discuss this. Santino says indeed! The bosses head off, what could be brewing for NXTNA in the near future?


NXT Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way: Giulia VS Bayley VS Roxanne Perez VS Cora Jade!

The best Women’s Division in pro-wrestling puts up their best to prove who is the best of the best! It is a generational showdown to be sure, but all that matters is who leads the way into the future! Will everyone succumb to the Beautiful Madness? Or will there be a new champion one way or another?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who becomes NXT’s best ever!

The bell rings and the fans fire up for Bayley and Giulia, and Bayley says this is still her house! The fans fire up more, but then Giulia says go head, Bayley. Bayley puts ROxie in a corner, fights off Cora, but then Roxie dodges so Bayley CLOBBERS Cora! Bayley and Roxie brawl, then Giulia MISSILE DROPKICKS them! Giulia HEADBUTTS Cora, then dodges Bayley. Giulia tilt-o-whirls to RANA Bayley away, and the fans fire up for the champ. Giulia runs corner to corner at Bayley, but Roxie intercepts! Cora CLUBS Giulia, she and Roxie DOUBLE-  NO, Giulia fighst the suplex to fire forearms! Giulia whips Roxie, she and Cora drop down!

Roxie ducks an elbow to send Cora at Giuila! Giulia dodges, Roxie comes back, Cora CLOBBERS Roxie! Cora blocks a kick, sedns it at Bayley, but Bayley ducks it! Bayley and Cora go to ax handle Giulia but she dodges to shove Bayley into Cora! Giulia rolls Bayley, Cora rolls Giulia, Roxie rolls CoraTWO! Cora hooks Roxie, Giulia trips them both, DOUBLE STACK! TWO as Bayley susnet flips Giouli, TWO! All four women back off and the fans fire up! The fans cher “NXT!” as the four women brawl! Bayley ash Cora, Giulia has Roxie. Bayley TOSSES Cora, Roxie TOSSES Giuila, and then Roxie runs. Bayley does, too, they both DIVE onto Giuila and Cora!

The fans fire up and Bayley pie faces Roxie. Roxie pie faces Bayley! They both go to the ring, Roxie dodges to wheelbarrow, but Bayley shoves her away. Roxie handsprings and SLAPS Bayley! Roxie takes a bow, but Bayley KNEES her in the face! Bayley SLAPS Roxie, sits her down, then sliding ELBOWS! Bayley keeps moving but Cora drags her out! Cora DECKS Bayley, then she steps to her frenemy. Roxie dares her to bring it, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and the fans rally. Cora gut wrenches, Roxie wrenches out, and Roxie hops on! No Pop Rox yet, and COra wrenches to uonderhook! No Futuer Shock yet!

Roxie wrenches, clinches, but Cora fights the sweep! Giulia SHOTGUNS them both down! Giulia puts Roxie in one corner, then runs at Cora in the other! Forearm SMASH! Then forearm SMASH for Roxie! BOOT WASH for Cora! BOOT WASH for Roxie! The fans fire up with Giulia as she drags Roxie to a cover, TWO! Roxie bails out, Bayley steps back in, and the fans fire up as Bayley and Giulia are face to face. They talk a little smack, the fans cheer on “NXT! NXT!” and the two circle. They tie up, Bayley trips Giulia and turns her over, but Giulia slips out the back to hammerlock. Bayley rolls to headlock.

Giulia powers up and out, but Bayley stops herself to body scissor, GEDO CLUTCH! TWO, and Giulia hits a headlock takeover. Giulia rolls Bayley into a ghost pin, TWO! Both women stand, Bayley blocks a kick to spin Giulia. Giulia slips out of the Rose Plant, then she wrangles Bayley, cravat and a TOSS! The fans duel, Giulia runs, but Cora & Roxie both trip her up! They drag Giulia out, mug her, but Bayley WRECKS them all with a dropkick! Bayley makes sure her boots are on tight, then she goes after Cora. Giulia has Roxie, and they send the two into each other! Bayley holds Cora up so Giulia can CHOP!

Giulia returns the favor, holding Roxie up for Bayley to CHOP! Bayley flexes, the fans cheer her and Giulia, and Bayley mocks Roxie’s little bow. Giulia puts Cora in, Bayley is right on her. Bayley and Giulia DOUBLE SUPLEX Cora up and over! The fans cheer, Roxie returns, but Bayley kicks her! Bayley & Giulia DOUBLE SUPLEX, but Cora makes the save! They DOUBLE SUPERKICK Bayley and Giulia! They both show punch, but then they stop because they’re frenemies. They rain down fists on Giulia and Bayley, then they whip Giulia to a corner. Cora sends Roxie in, UPPERCUT! Roxie sends Cora in, SHINING WIZARD!

Bayley rolls Roxie up, Cora breaks it! Cora hammers Bayley, Roxie adds stomps, and they put Bayley on ropes to CHOKE her! Cora runs, and she ELBOWS Bayley down! Roxie goes up the corner to LIONSAULT! Bayley bails out, so Cora and Roxie just focus on Giulia. They stomp away on Giulia, then they double whip her corner to corner. Cora sends Roxie in and she UPPERCUTS! Roxie sends Cora in, Cora reverses so she can DOUBLE SHINING WIZARD! Once a snake, always a snake! Cora kicks Roxie out, hauls Giulia up, GUT WRENCH PLEX! Giulia crawls, Cora soaks up the heat, then she runs up to IMPLODER STOMP!

Cora goes out to the apron then climbs up the corner! Cora aims to SUPER CANNONBALL onto Bayley & Giulia! The fans are torn but Cora puts Bayley in the ring. Cora climbs, “This is Awesome!” as Cora is up top again. But Roxie is in her way! Cora says hold on, she was just goofing! Roxie TOSSES Cora, then hits a THESZ PRESS! Roxie rains down fast hands, then she fires more in the corner! Cora shoves Roxie away, Roxie comes back to UPPERCUT! But then Bayley KNEES Roxie down! Bayley fires shots on Cora now, but Cora shoves her at Roxie! So Bayley fires a flurry of forearm son Roxie! Bayley gets TEN, but then Cora BOOTS her!

Roxie dodges Cora, wheelbarrows, Bayley adds on to hit a CUTTER! Bayley bumps Cora off buckles, ROCKS her, then puts her in the ropes! STOCK DROP! The fans fire up as Bayley shots out the Boss! Bayley then goes out and runs up to LARIAT Roxie! Bayley puts Roxie in the ring, DAREDEVIL DROPKICKS Giulia, then she goes back for Cora. But Roxie storms up, so Bayley adds her to this! DOUBLE HOTSHOTS in the ropes! But Giulia BOOT WASHES Bayley! Giulia clinches Bayley, brings her up, NORTHERN LIGHTS! The fans fire up with Giulia and she ROCKS Cora! And ROCKS Roxie! And then ROCKS Bayley!

Giulia spins around Cora to HALF NELSON SLAM! Bayley returns, Giulia dodges, and then crucifix, but Bayley slips free! Giulia resets, goes for it again, but it’s for an IRON OCTOPUS! Bayley endures being pulled and twisted while the fans rally up! Bayley fights  up, but Giulia makes it a CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, Roxie breaks it! Roxie ROCKIS Giulia, wrenches and clinches, but Giulia fights it! Giulia spins things around and trips Roxie, S T F!! Roxie endures, even as Giulia twists her! Roxie pushes through to get the CROSSFACE!! Roxie shrieks while Giulia endures! Giulia rolls through, brings Roxie around, scoop and NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB! Cover, CORA & BAYLEY BREAK IT!

Cora puts Giulia in a corner, ROCKS Bayley, and she underhooks. Bayley wrenches out, fireman’s carries, and swings for the SIDE SLAM! Cover, Giulia breaks it! Giulia hauls Bayley up, hammerlock and scoop, but Bayley slips free! Bayley shoves Giulia into buckles, then runs up, SUNSET BUCKLE BOMB! But Roxie attacks! Bayley whips Roxie away, Roxie goes up, but no one to go over! Roxie BOOTS her and hops on, but Cora SHINING WIZARDS Roxie down! Cora KNEES Bayley, reels her in, underhooks for FUTURE SHOCK!! Cover, ROXIE BREAKS IT!! Cora is beside herself, and she shrieks, “Are you kidding me?!”

Cora drags Roxie up by her hair, but Giulia storms up to SAIDO Cora! Then she SAIDOS Roxie! The fans fire up as Giulia runs up on Roxie, but Roxie BOOTS her! Roxie goes up, but Giulia SHOTEIS! Giulia climbs up, the fans fire up, but Roxie resists the underhooks! Bayley CLUBS Giulia, climbs up to clinch, but Cora joins in! TOWER OF DOOM PLUS!!! The fans go nuts for the Butterfly Saido Superplex Powerbomb something or other!! “This is Awesome!” as all four women stir on the mat. Cora fires hands on Giulia, but Bayley hits Cora! Cora hits Bayley, Roxie hits Giulia, and the forearms get passed around!

Cora fires off a flurry, as does Roxie! Bayley fires off and DUMPS Roxie! Giulia and Cora go out the other end, and then Bayley stomps away on Roxie. Cora SMACKS Giulia off the apron, then reels her in. Cora snap suplexes Giluia to the floor! Bayley has Roxie, but Roxie CLAWS Bayley’s eyes! POP ROX to the floor! Roxie drags Bayley into the ring, runs, POP ROX again!! Cover, Cora ghost pins Roxie! TWO!! FUTURE SHOCK!! Cover, Giulia KNEES her int he face! Giulia drags Roxie up, for a ARRIVEDERCI!! And then NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB!! Cover, Giulia wins!!

Winner: Giulia, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

A fast ‘n’ furious finish in this Fatal 4 Way, but the title stays with Giulia! The Beautiful Madness reigns, but here comes Vaquer! La Primera also reigns, and she did tell her amiga that this night would only be the beginning. They fist bump and hold up their gold together! WAIT! The sirens are going, and that’s because JORDYNNE GRACE is here! The Juggernaut returns to NXT, and she steps to the ring to look at both champions. The fans are losing their minds as the best women’s division in the world has only gotten greater! What more is in store for this next chapter of NXT?

My Thoughts:

An awesome night for NXT, even with this event now “WWE Vengeance Day.” I am sure I said this before, but it feels like the branding changing from “NXT [event]” to “WWE [event]” is a roundabout way for them to think of NXT as the third brand on par with Raw and SmackDown. After all, WWE Evolve is coming, acting as the developmental show feeding NXT, so NXT can focus on story and bringing in free agents from other companies, more akin to the latter days of “Black ‘n’ Gold” NXT. For example, Ricky Starks, even though even he isn’t giving his name yet. I personally hope he stays “Ricky Starks” but we’ll know on Tuesday.

Another example is Jordynne Grace showing up as a big surprise to end the night. The night being bookended by the women’s division and punctuated by Grace returning was a great move, and I dare say the right move. Vaquer VS Fallon was very good, and while we of course had Kelani, Karmen and Jaida watching, and while we of course got Fatal Influence getting involved, Vaquer winning was again the right move. And then just an incredible Fatal 4 Way for the main event, with the result as I figured. Bayley and Roxie still have beef to settle, and there’s even Roxie VS Cora to be done, one of those combinations being a Stand & Deliver match.

That is to say, Roadblock will be big for NXT, with perhaps a card akin to this one. Next Tuesday is Karmen VS Kelani VS Jaida, winner challenging Vaquer, and that can be done at Roadblock. Giulia VS Grace can also be done at Roadblock, because there is just something telling me Giulia VS Vaquer, Winner Takes All, is in NXT’s back pocket. The only time we got a Champion VS Champion like that was Adam Cole VS Keith Lee, so now it’s about time for the women to have their own showdown. And honestly, either choice between Vaquer and Giulia is a great choice for NXT’s first Women’s Double Champion.

Great grudge matches tonight, and maybe only a little surprising that the Heels won both. In terms of Ethan VS Je’Von, Je’Von got to bring out his aggression and looked great, even though he ends up losing. Maybe this is how we get to an Unsanctioned Match for Je’Von, because if his jaw is kayfabe busted up again, he can’t get a real match with Ethan. Then with Eddy VS Trick, it was only a little surprising that Eddy won. Trick is more or less headed to main roster, and Eddy needed this because he’s been slapped around and made a fool of. They could probably still bring this story to Stand & Deliver, unless they want to plug Trick right into a midcard title story for WrestleMania.

Great stuff seeing Arianna Grace back and her bringing Santino Marella with her. I really hope this means NXTNA gives us a proper crossover event, like Worlds Collide or something similar. There are many possibilities with this new working relationship, the fans will definitely eat it up. What fans might not eat up is Dion Lennox leading a would-be Shield sequel. It was intriguing for them to hype a Vengeance Day debut, but it’s a touch confusing for them to attack twice in one night. The tag title match was awesome, and after Fraxiom were talking themselves up in the countdown show, I thought that was foreshadowing a loss. Fraxiom finds another way to win, and then they and Briggs & Inamura get attacked, naturally implying a tag title story.

But then because there’s four guys in this faction, it also made sense they’d go after THE NXT Champion. That Triple Threat was also awesome stuff, but of course Oba won out. Dion and his guys (I’ve found confirmation on Saquon Shugars and Osiris Griffin but not on the fourth man) got to make an impact, sure, but this doesn’t even work as well as Shield or Nexus did because at least there was somewhere WWE fans knew all the members for, aka they were all from NXT. Dion is the only guy who was on NXT TV before this, the others are just now making their NXT debut, so naturally DC had to ask, “Who Are You?” Yes, Tuesday will give us those answers, but I would’ve thought WWE had learned how to take a step back and see how this could flop, because it kinda did.

My Score: 9.2/10

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